02 Unit 1 RW E31 Vocab and Word Recognition

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Reading Word Focus

Unit 1
Tutor Guidelines, Suggested Activities and Resources
Vocabulary and Word Recognition

Unit 1
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Guidelines Resource Sheets

Learning objectives:- “Learners should be taught to recognise and understand

relevant specialist key words.”

This Resource Sheet is designed to be used as a teaching aid for use in group or individual
activities. It may be prudent to laminate it for repeated use.

Suggested activities

1a Understand that some words are more important than others

 Organise the learners into pairs and play ‘20 questions’ using their personal key words.
 Using texts on learners’ interests, ask them to highlight key words.
 Using words listed in personal glossaries, ask learners to construct sentences.

1b Know what key specialist words are relevant

 Using objects related to their interests, ask the learners to make suitable labels e.g.
make labels to correspond with woodwork tools.
 Resource Sheet 1 can be used as a glossary for personal key words. Encourage
learners to record key words along with definitions.
 Using Resource Sheet 1, ask learners to type their glossaries. The key words can then
be cut into matching cards and be used for either individual or pair activities
including matching, definition snap and The Memory Game.

1c Understand that the knowledge of word origins, shared roots and word structure
can help with the reading of some specialist words

 Discuss the origins of shared root words of the learners’ interests.

 Use a dictionary to investigate key words with common roots and encourage learners
to make a list of the words together with definitions. Explain how, if you know the
meaning of the root, you can often work out the meaning of words which derive
from it. e.g. cycle – going round and round,
 As a group, pair or individual activity, investigate how many words can be made from a
common root e.g. mechanic, mechanical etc.

The Resource Sheet available in this section is:

1. Glossary

Entry Level 3 1
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Resource Sheet 1 Glossary


Entry Level 3 2

Reading Word Focus

Unit 1
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Tutor Guidelines Worksheets

Learning objectives:- “Learners should be taught to recognise and understand

relevant specialist key words and know what key specialist words are relevant at work,
specific to the job etc.”

These worksheets are meant to be photocopied for individual use by the learners. At this
stage it is hoped that learners will work as independently as possible although in some
circumstances additional assistance may still be required.

Learners with dyslexia or a visual impairment may require additional assistance with
some exercises. Copying on buff coloured paper can also help.

Worksheets available in this section are:

1. Computer words – matching

2. Computer words – definitions
3. Gardening tools
4. Gardening crossword
5. Catering word fit – shared roots
6. Catering knife match
7. Hairdressing words
8. Hairdressing word search
9. Health and safety word chop
10. Shop words – definitions

Please note that these worksheets have been designed to cover a range of subjects.
The specialist key words may not necessary directly relate to each learner’s interests.
In this case the worksheets can be used to broaden learner vocabulary. The
worksheets can be modified to include more relevant key words.

Entry Level 3 1
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 1 Computer Words - Matching

Look at the words below. They all relate to computers.

Can you match the word to the picture?

CD Rom

tower unit





Entry Level 3 2
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 2 Computer Words – Definitions

Read the definitions below and match them to the words they are describing by
placing the corresponding number in the box.

1. This is a system of communication which allows computers all around the world to
interconnect. It is a good source of information. It is connected by a telephone line.

2. This piece of equipment uses a beam of light to sense an image. You can put a
photograph into this machine and the image will appear on your screen.

3. You have to do this in order to access computer systems. You will usually use a name
and a password to do this.

4. You use this piece of equipment in order to type. It is made up of lettered tiles and

5. You do this when transferring information from one computer to another, for example,
from the Internet to your own computer.

6. This piece of equipment is used in addition to a keyboard. It is a hand-held device that

appears as an arrow on your computer screen.

7. This is the computer screen. It displays your work and allows you to see the
information that you have input or the website that you have accessed.

8. This is a disc used to store information. You save your work on to this and access the
information by putting this item into the computer.

download Internet mouse CD Rom

scanner log on monitor keyboard

Entry Level 3 3
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 3 Gardening Tools

Read the questions below. Use the words at the bottom of the page to help you to
answer them.

1. Which tool would you use to trim the grass?

ANSWER ………………………………………………………………………………..…………

2. In order to water the garden, which tool would you attach to a tap?

ANSWER ………………………………………………………………………………..…………

3. Which tool would help you to transport tools from one place to another?

ANSWER ………………………………………………………………………………..…………

4. This tool consists of a row of teeth attached to a long pole. It is used for gathering
leaves and hay from the ground. What is it?

ANSWER ………………………………………………………………………………..…………

5. Which sharp instrument is used to trim hedges and bushes?

ANSWER ………………………………………………………………………………..…………

6. Which tool, consisting of a light blade, is used to till the soil?

ANSWER ………………………………………………………………………………..…………

wheel barrow hoe hose lawn mower shears rake

Entry Level 3 4
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 4 Gardening Crossword


1. A tool consisting of several prongs, it is used for lifting and can also be found on a
kitchen table

4. A green organic living thing that grows in soil and needs light to survive

5. A small hard item that is planted and watered

6. To plant seeds and crops into the ground so that they may grow


1. To supply soil with minerals and nutrients to improve the condition of the soil in order
to produce healthy plants

2. To cut or harvest a crop

3. A tool used for digging

Entry Level 3 5
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 5 Catering Word Fit – Shared Roots

Read the sentences below and fit the appropriate word in the gap.

1. The male ……………….. took the orders from the diners.

2. The Greasy Spoon was a successful ………………..company.

3. The ………………..was busy baking in the kitchen.

4. Josie enjoyed her job ……………….. on the tables.

5. Various dishes from the menu were ……………….. in the kitchen.

6. The tables were all set with shiny silver ………………..

7. Wendy worked as a …………………… in the local café.

8. The restaurant ………………….. for a wide range of tastes.

9. Theo always got in trouble for accidentally smashing the ………………..

10. The ………………..had been on all day and was making the kitchen steamy.

catered cook

catering cooking

crockery waitress

cutlery waiter

cooker waiting

Entry Level 3 6
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 6 Catering Knife Match

Match the names of the knives with the picture of the things they would be used to cut.

bread knife

cheese knife

steak knife

fish knife

table knife

carving knife

butter knife

Entry Level 3 7
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 7 Hairdressing Words

Look at all of the words below and circle those that are related to hairdressing.

All of the circled words can then be found in the word search on the next page.

picture design computer

stylist dictionary scissors

bass dye guitar

perm chef clips

bookmark hose conditioner

shaver spade rollers

dryer electrician bleach

Hint - You should have circled 10 words altogether.

Entry Level 3 8
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 8 Hairdressing Word Search

Find the words that you circled on the previous page.

All 10 hairdressing words are hidden in the square below.

r o l l e r s a s d

e d f g h s j d g m

n g h j p k r e y r

o t s i l y t s q e

i q l w e r t i b p

t c z r x c v g l c

i c v b n m p n e v

d l k j h g f d a a

n q s r o s s i c s

o f g h r e v a h s

c u y t r e w q z x

Entry Level 3 9
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 9 Health and Safety Word Chop

Join together two halves of the same word to make words related to health and safety.

ket ala ill buc

or guisher be rm

extin ket ex it

dr ll do blan

Write the completed words below.

Entry Level 3 10
Vocabulary and Word Recognition
Unit 1

Worksheet 10 Shop Words – Definitions

All of the words below are related to shops.

Read the definitions and try to work out what they are describing.

The words are written at the bottom to help.

1. You go to this area of a shop if you have an enquiry or want a refund.

ANSWER ……………………………………………………………………..

2. Shop workers do this so they can monitor the goods in the shop.

ANSWER ……………………………………………………………………..

3. What do you call the person who is buying something from the shop?

ANSWER ……………………………………………………………………..

4. What is the name of the machine that has a drawer that holds money?

ANSWER ……………………………………………………………………..

5. The act of advertising and displaying goods is known as ……

ANSWER ……………………………………………………………………..

6. The money gained from a transaction is known as ……

ANSWER ……………………………………………………………………..

marketing cash register stock take

customer customer service point profit

Entry Level 3 11

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