Ocampo vs. Enriquez, GR 225973, Nov. 8, 2016-20

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9/8/22, 2:41 AM E-Library - Information At Your Fingertips: Printer Friendly

On October 27, 1954, President Magsaysay issued Proclamation No. 86, which changed
the name of Republic Memorial Cemetery to Libingan Ng Mga Bayani to symbolize "the
cause for which our soldiers have died" and to "truly express the nations esteem and
reverence for her war dead."[130]

On July 12, 1957, President Carlos P. Garcia issued Proclamation No. 423, which
reserved for military purposes, under the administration of the AFP Chief of Staff, the
land where LNMB is located. The LNMB was part of a military reservation site then
known as Fort Wm McKinley (now known as Fort Andres Bonifacio).

On May 28, 1967, Marcos issued Proclamation No. 208, which excluded the LNMB from
the Fort Bonifacio military reservation and reserved the LNMB for national shrine
purposes under the administration of the National Shrines Commission (NSC) under the

On September 24, 1972, Marcos, in the exercise of his powers as the AFP Commander-
in-Chief, and pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081 dated September 21, 1972, and
General Order No. 1 dated September 22, 1972, as amended, issued Presidential
Decree (P.D.) No. 1 which reorganized the Executive Branch of the National
Government through the adoption of the Integrated Reorganization Plan (IRP). Section
7, Article XV, Chapter I, Part XII thereof abolished the NSC and its functions together
with applicable appropriations, records, equipment, property and such personnel as
may be necessary were transferred to the NHI under the Department of Education
(DEC). The NHI was responsible for promoting and preserving the Philippine cultural
heritage by undertaking, inter alia, studies on Philippine history and national heroes
and maintaining national shrines and monuments.[131]

Pending the organization of the DEC, the functions relative to the administration,
maintenance and development of national shrines tentatively integrated into the PVAO
in July 1973.

On January 26, 1977, President Marcos issued P.D. No. 1076. Section 7, Article XV,
Chapter I, Part XII of the IRP was repealed on the grounds that "the administration,
maintenance and development of national shrines consisting of military memorials or
battle monuments can be more effectively accomplished if they are removed from the
[DEC] and transferred to the [DND] by reason of the latter s greater capabilities and
resources" and that "the functions of the [DND] are more closely related and relevant
to the charter or significance of said national shrines." Henceforth, the PVAO through
the Military Shrines Service (MSS), which was created to perform the functions of the
abolished NSC - would administer, maintain and develop military memorials and battle
monuments proclaimed as national shrines.

On July 25, 1987, President Corazon C. Aquino issued the Administrative Code. The
Code retains PVAO under the supervision and control of the Secretary of National
Defense.[132] Among others, PVAO shall administer, develop and maintain military
shrines.[133] With the approval of PVAO Rationalization Plan on June 29, 2010,
pursuant to E.O. No. 366 dated October 4, 2004, MSS was renamed to Veterans
Memorial and Historical Division, under the supervision and control of PVAO, which is
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