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Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2017), 30(3): 898–906

Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics

& Beihang University
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

A high-order model of rotating stall in axial

compressors with inlet distortion
Peng LIN a, Cong WANG a,*, Yong WANG b

School of Automation Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Received 13 April 2016; revised 9 October 2016; accepted 12 January 2017

Available online 8 May 2017

KEYWORDS Abstract In this paper, a high-order distortion model is proposed for analyzing the rotating stall
Axial compressors; inception process induced by inlet distortion in axial compressors. A distortion-generating screen in
Dynamic modeling; the compressor inlet is considered. By assuming a quadratic function for the local flow total
Flow instability; pressure-drop, the existing Mansoux model is extended to include the effects of static inlet distor-
Inlet distortion; tion, and a new high-order distortion model is derived. To illustrate the effectiveness of the distor-
Rotating stall; tion model, numerical simulations are performed on an eighteenth-order model. It is demonstrated
Stall inception that long length-scale disturbances emerge out of the distorted background flow, and further induce
the onset of rotating stall in advance. In addition, the circumferential non-uniform distribution and
time evolution of the axial flow are also shown to be consistent with the existing features. It is thus
shown that the high-order distortion model is capable of describing the transient behavior of stall
inception and will contribute further to stall detection under inlet distortion.
Ó 2017 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction behavior under inlet distortion is necessary to avoid the occur-

rence of instability.
Inlet distortion often happens in aeroengines and has a signif- There has been a substantial effort to describe the effects on
icant impact on aeroengine compressor performance. Nor- stability margin of axial compressors due to inlet flow nonuni-
mally resulting from separation of the lip or inlet, side gusts, formity, and further to develop prediction methods for assess-
hot gas ingestion, etc., inlet distortion can trigger an entire ing the effects associated with inlet distortion.1–6 Based on the
compression system’s instability known as surge and rotating celebrated Moore-Greitzer model,7 Hynes and Greitzer3 devel-
stall. Therefore, accurate prediction of a system’s dynamic oped a nonlinear method to assess circumferential inlet distor-
tion’s effects on the stability of incompressible flow
compressors, and the method was also shown to work well
* Corresponding author.
for a low-speed compressor with rotating inlet distortion.5
E-mail address: (C. WANG).
The Hynes-Greitzer model predicted that small-amplitude
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA.
waves would travel around the annulus, and the waves were
not purely sinusoidal but changed shape as they propagated
around the annulus. Longley8 preformed distortion flow exper-
Production and hosting by Elsevier iments and observed the predicted circumferential variation in
1000-9361 Ó 2017 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A high-order model of rotating stall 899

a magnitude of the propagation disturbances. A heightened ential total pressure distortion. The circumferential total pres-
interest in stall inception was aroused with the attempts to sure distortion generated by a static screen can be viewed as a
understand the physical mechanisms of rotating stall, and fur- part of the compressor. A new steady compressor characteris-
ther to extend the compressor operating range.9–13 Lin and tic under inlet distortion is constructed to describe the coupling
Chen14 presented a model for static circumferential total pres- between the compressor and the distortion screen, and then
sure distortion and investigated the stall triggering mechanism dominates the compression system dynamics. The high-order
of distortion-induced instability of axial compression systems. distortion model in a real-valued state-space form is derived
Furthermore, Lin et al.15 made an experimental study of rotat- based on a generalized 2N + 1 harmonics expansion of the
ing stall on a three-stage low-speed axial compressor under perturbation flow and a spatial discretization in the circumfer-
inlet distortion. They concluded a long-to-short length-scale ential angle h. Considering the high-order stall modes, the
disturbance evolution before fully developed stall. Salunkhe wave propagating around the compressor annulus has a rich
and Pradeep16 extended the Moore-Greitzer model to incorpo- harmonic structure for a compression system with inlet distor-
rate the effects of static inlet distortion and tip injection on tion, and then the high-order distortion model can more accu-
axial compressor performance. Theoretical results showed that rately depict the dynamics of rotating stall, especially the
the compressor performance deteriorated under the influence transient behavior of stall inception.
of static inflow distortion. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
It is noticed that these works mentioned above were mainly we present basic assumptions and concepts about compression
based on the Moore-Greitzer model which cannot describe the system modeling for low-speed axial compressors. The main
occurrence of high-order stall modes. In a unified framework, results are given in Section 3, including derivation of the
rotating stall and surge can be viewed as eigenmodes of com- high-order distortion model with circumferential total pressure
pression systems, with surge constituting the zeroth-order distortion. Section 4 demonstrates the simulation results. In
mode and rotating stall representing the higher-order modes.17 Section 5, we give the conclusions of this paper.
Numerical analyses have exhibited that the severity of stall
hysteresis increases with the order of modes.18 Therefore, the 2. Preliminaries
truncation of high-order harmonics in the disturbance flow
can be a feasible way to improve the modeling accuracy. In this section, a brief review of two generally recognized stall
e.g., Mansoux et al.19 derived a high-order discrete model inception types is presented, and relevant fundamental model-
(Mansoux model) through transforming the Moore-Greitzer ing assumptions are given. Detailed discussions on these two
model into an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model of aspects can be obtained in Refs. 23,24.
order 2N + 1, where N is the number of pairs of stall modes.
The Mansoux model could describe the transient behavior of 2.1. Stall inception
stall inception and coincide well with experimental results
within a certain precision. Based on the Mansoux model,
Wang et al.20,21 proposed a deterministic learning algorithm The objective of the high-order distortion model is to describe
for modeling and rapid detection of system dynamics corre- the transient process of rotating stall, especially stall inception.
sponding to stall inception, and carried out on a low-speed Thus, it is useful to summarize the stall inception phenomena
axial flow compressor test rig at Beihang University for online that occur in low-speed axial compressors.
experimental verification. They concluded that the proposed The time history in Fig. 1, which results from simulation in
approach could detect the stall inception signal of a compres- the case of uniform inflow, serves to illustrate the terminology
sor 0.3–1.0 s in advance to the onset of rotating stall at differ- for different time periods in a typical transient into rotating
ent speeds. stall or surge. The process is consistent with the description
Motivated by these studies, we attempt to provide a high- in Ref. 24. Stall inception is of interest because two important
order distortion model for analyzing the rotating stall incep- criteria are fulfilled during this transition process19: (1) rela-
tion process induced by circumferential total pressure distor- tively small axial flow perturbations, and (2) strong influence
tion in low-speed axial compressors. A difficult problem in
modeling of inlet distortion is how to describe a distortion
quantitatively.22 The distortion intensity varies over the flow
as the inlet dynamic pressure varies. Although square-wave
functions are used to describe pressure rise across a distor-
tion screen, the selection of a unified expression is not given
since it depends on the geometric characteristics of axial
compressors. Another important problem is how to describe
the fluid dynamic interaction between a compressor and a
distortion screen.17 In the presence of circumferential non-
uniform inlet flow, the steady compressor characteristic is a
function of the circumferential variable h, and the coupling
between the compressor and inlet distortion plays a role in
the linearized behavior of the flow field perturbations.3 It is
necessary to provide a quantitative function to describe the
In this paper, we present a high-order distortion model for
rotating stall in a low-speed axial compressor with circumfer- Fig. 1 Phenomenology of rotating stall and surge.
900 P. LIN et al.

of nonlinearities. It was found that there were two routes of compressor annulus; and n is the non-dimensional time vari-
stall inception, namely, modal waves and spikes.9 The former able (in rotor revolutions).
are long length-scale disturbances with circumferential extents
that are an order of magnitude or higher than a blade passage. 3. High-order distortion model
On the contrary, the latter are short length-scale disturbances
with extents of one to several blade passages. Some compres- Modeling of inlet distortion is usually based on the models for
sors have been found to exhibit both types of unsteady distur- rotating stall. Mansoux et al.19 and Paduano et al.24,25 pro-
bances. Even in these circumstances, in any particular vided finite-dimensional state-space models for rotating stall,
configuration, one can still point to one or the other (modal which will be used as a basic framework for the analysis of
waves or spikes) as being the dominant phenomenon in the inlet distortion in this section. For the research of inlet distor-
process of transition to rotating stall. tion, Hynes and Greitzer3 discussed two circumferential non-
uniform flow distribution cases and provided a function to
2.2. Compression system under inlet distortion describe the pressure rise across the distortion screen. Padu-
ano24 further derived a distortion model based on the pro-
posed state-space model. The distortion model was applied
In experiments, a compressor test with inlet distortion is carried
to study the effect of distortion on the compressor stability
out using screens which block part of the annulus. Two cases of and represented in a complex-valued state-space form.
distortion screen distribution have been discussed,3,14,15,24 one In this section, based on existing models, an external force
of which is at far upstream from the compressor and the other from the distortion screen is introduced and the upstream duct
one is at the compressor inlet. In either case, the unsteady per- flow field model is reconstructed firstly. Then, a distortion
turbations upstream from the compressor will be a potential model for rotating stall is presented by using the general
type. That is, analyzing one of the two cases is suitable for Galerkin projection and a spatial discretization method. In
potential perturbations. Therefore, the main considered total addition, the distortion model is in the form of real-valued
pressure distortion is created by a screen placed at the compres- state-space, which can also be used for control and simulation
sor inlet. Specifically, a lumped parameter compression system research.
representation is given in Fig. 2, which consists of an upstream
annular duct, a sector distortion screen, a compressor, a down-
3.1. Model of distortion screen
stream annular duct, a plenum (representing the combustor
volume in an engine), and a throttle. The compressor is mod-
eled as a high solidity semi-actuator disk with a high enough A quadratic function of the local flow is selected for a quanti-
hub tip radius ratio so that the flow field can be counted as tative description of the pressure loss when the flow passes
two-dimensional; the flow in the upstream duct is considered across a distortion screen. The model of the distortion screen
non-rotational, and the flow in the downstream duct is rota- is determined by a screen loss function ptscreen :
tional but linearized; distortion is created by a screen placed 1
at the compressor inlet; a plenum exists downstream from the ptscreen ¼  KS ðhÞ/2 ð1Þ
compressor; the throttle duct is assumed to be very short. pt1
where ptscreen ¼ pt2qU2 is the non-dimensional total pressure-
The general approach of modeling compressor flow field
dynamics is to take the steady-state axisymmetric performance drop pt2  pt1 across the distortion screen, q is the den-
characteristics of individual components and to include addi- sity of the atmosphere, KS ðhÞ is a specified local screen loss
tional terms to represent the nonaxisymmetric and unsteady parameter. Commonly, KS ðhÞ is a square-wave with a finite
flow effects.7 The state of the high-order distortion model value over part of the annulus and zero over the rest.
under unsteady, possible nonaxisymmetric conditions is char- / ¼ Cg =U, in which Cg is the axial velocity and U is the mean
acterized by two terms: the non-dimensional plenum pressure rotor speed. The pressures in the following analysis are non-
pp and the spatially distributed flow coefficient, denoted as dimensionalized by qU2 .
A similar form of Eq. (1) is specified when a distortion is
/ : /ðg; h; nÞ generated by a screen placed at the compressor inlet.3,14,16
The unsteady correction to the total pressure-drop across the
where g is the non-dimensional axial position in the compres- distortion screen is neglected because the length from the
sor, non-dimensionalized by the mean rotor radius R (g ¼ 0 at screen to the first rotor is short when compared to other char-
the compressor face); h is the circumferential angle around the acteristic lengths in the system. The use of a nonlinear screen
loss function has two main purposes: one is for a quantitative
description of the circumferential total pressure distortion and
the other is for an introduction of the non-uniform flow in a
nonlinear manner. Different forms have also been proposed,24
in which the pressure rise is a quadratic function of the circum-
ferential average flow which is a constant but nonlinear.

3.2. Model of upstream duct

In the upstream region, the flow field is treated as linear, even

when the flow in the compressor itself exhibits large
Fig. 2 Lumped parameter compression system. perturbations.24 The incompressible and non-rotational
A high-order model of rotating stall 901

assumption on the flow field implies the existence of a potential previously derived25 and suitable for the problem of inlet
flow H satisfying Laplace’s equation r2 H ¼ 0, and the solu- distortion. Combining Eq. (5) and the other component
tion is given as: models of the compression system, a set of ordinary differ-
X ential equations for all spatial modes is integrated in terms
H¼ an ðnÞ cosðnhÞ þ b~n ðnÞ sinðnhÞÞejnjg þ a~0 ðnÞg
ð~ of the real-value Fourier coefficients of the flow variable
as follows:
þ b~0 ðnÞ ð2Þ 8
> p_ p ¼ 1 2 ð/  UT ðpp ÞÞ
where H is the non-dimensional potential flow, whose axial >
> 4lc B
and circumferential partials are axial and circumferential flow > _
< lc / ¼ pcnew  pp
coefficients, such as / ¼ @H=@g. a~n ðnÞ and b~n ðnÞ are the real   ð6Þ
> 2 þ l /_ ¼ nk/ þ 1 R 2p p
and imaginary parts of complex Fourier coefficients of the >
> jnj rn p cosðnhÞdh
rn 0 cnew
potential flow, respectively. The final two terms of Eq. (2) rep- >
>   R 2p
resent the 0th harmonic (spatial mean part of the flow : 2
þ l /_ in ¼ nk/in þ p 0 pcnew sinðnhÞdh
As / ¼ @H=@g, the flow coefficient has a similar form: where pcnew ¼ pc þ ptscreen is the screen inlet total pressure to
X compressor exit static pressure rise which is viewed as a com-
/¼/þ ~ rn ðnÞ cosðnhÞ þ /
ð/ ~ in ðnÞ sinðnhÞÞejnjg ð3Þ pressor characteristic function under inlet distortion at a local
value of /; k is the non-dimensional inertia parameter for the
where / ~ in correspond to the real and imaginary parts
~ rn and / fluid in the rotating blade passages; l represents the overall
of complex Fourier coefficients of the disturbance flow, respec- inertia of the rotor plus stator blade passages; lc is the non-
~ rn ¼ jnj~
tively. In addition, / ¼ a~0 , / ~ in ¼ jnjb~n .
an , and / dimensional overall effective length of compressor ducting;
The flow variable is represented as a Fourier series with UT ðpp Þ ¼ 2pp =KT is the throttle characteristic; KT is the
respect to the circumferential variable h. A slightly non- exhaust characteristic parameter which depends on the degree
standard transform, which is equivalent to the standard for- of throttle closure and B is Greitzer’s stability parameter. The
mula as long as the complex Fourier coefficients are real, is other component models and integration procedures for all
adopted.25 spatial modes were described in detail in the Ref. 23.
Then, by superimposing the distortion on the upstream The new non-dimensional pressure rise pcnew includes the
flow field, the axial momentum equation is written as an pressure difference associated with the distortion screen com-
unsteady Bernoulli-type equation24: ponent. That is, the integrative result shows that the distortion
@H screen can be combined with the compressor as a whole. The
 ptscreen þ pt ¼ c ð4Þ
@n interaction between the compressor and the distortion screen
can be described by the new non-dimensional pressure rise
where c represents a constant and is evaluated far upstream pcnew in our model. Greitzer’s stability ‘B’ plays an important
from the compressor to obtain zero. The initial conditions of role in determining the system stability.17 For small values of
Eq. (4) are that the non-dimensional total pressure pt and the parameter, e.g., B ¼ 0:1, the general trend of the compres-
ptscreen are approximately zero at g ¼ lu (lu is the length of sion system will operate in the characteristic of pure rotating
ducting upstream from the compressor). stall.
The total pressure at the compressor face is obtained by Then, Eq. (6) is transformed into a finite-dimensional state-
putting Eqs. (2) and (3) into Eq. (4), yielding space form. The high-order distortion model can be obtained
X 1 _
pt jg¼0 ¼  ~_ in sinðnhÞÞ þ p
~ rn cosðnhÞ þ /
ð/ _ ð5Þ by performing the following steps:
tscreen  lu /
(1) A high-order harmonic Galerkin expansion of the dis-
where / is the annulus-averaged axial flow coefficient. Pertur- turbance flow, which is used to provide high-order stall
bations that grow far upstream (elu jnj term) are not consid- modes and reduce the infinite dimensional system to a
ered, because the distance between the compressor and the finite dimensional system of ODEs.
upstream location is sufficiently long in experiments. (2) A spatial discretization in the circumferential variable h
Compared with the case of uniform inlet flow, there is an is adopted accordingly. That is, hk ¼ 2N2kp
additional term ptscreen in Eq. (4), which can be considered as þ 1,
ðk ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; 2N þ 1Þ, in which 2N + 1 points are
an external force if the local flow remains unchanged. How-
equally spaced around the annulus to describe the flow
ever, the view of distortion as an external force is not strictly
coefficient /.
1 R 2p p
correct during large oscillations of the local flow in an experi-
mental scenario. In this paper, the coupling relationship (3) The integral term p 0 cnew sinðnhÞdh can be repre-
between the distortion and system dynamics is used as well sented by the Riemann sum approximation
as verified in the following derivation. X
2 2Nþ1
p sinðnhk Þ:
3.3. System model 2N þ 1 k¼1 cnew

In Sections 3.1 and 3.2, the dynamic models for the distor- Then, the final form of the flow at the compressor face is
tion screen and the upstream duct are restructured. The obtained as:
other component models of the compression system were
902 P. LIN et al.

N and
/ðhk Þ ¼ / þ ~ rn ðnÞ cosðnhk Þ þ /
ð/ ~ in ðnÞ sinðnhk ÞÞejnjg ð7Þ 2 pffiffiffi 3
n¼1 2
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi6 7
where N is the number of pairs of stall modes, and the value of 2N þ 16 6
1 7
G0 ¼ 6 .. 7
N is a power of 2 which can replace the Fourier transforms in 2 4 5
Eq. (7) with Fourier coefficient matrices.
Eq. (6) yields an overall system of 2N + 2 equations, that 1
is, then, G ¼ GT G0 , DB ¼ G10 G, and T ¼ G1 G0 T ¼
< DE /_ ¼ DA / þ DB pcnew  Tpp
½ 1; 1; . . . ; 1  .
  ð8Þ Thus, Eq. (8) can be rewritten as:
: p_ p ¼ 1 2 /  UT ðpp Þ 8
4lc B < E/_ ¼ A/ þ pcnew ð/Þ  Tpp
where ð9Þ
: p_ p ¼ 1 2 ðS/  UT ðpp ÞÞ
2 3 4lc B
6 0 k 7 where / ¼ ½/1 ; /2 ; . . . ; /M T ; M ¼ 2N þ 1 is the flow coeffi-
6 7
6 k 0 7 cient spaced around the annulus, in which /i ¼ /hi and
6 7
DA ¼ 6
6 ..
6 7 hi ¼ 2N2pi þ 1; pp is the non-dimensional plenum pressure; the
6 .  7
4 0 Nk 5 specific forms of matrices E ¼ G1 DE G and A ¼ G1 DA G;
Nk 0 the vectors S ¼ ½ 1=M; 1=M; . . . ; 1=M . For simplicity,
2 3 Eq. (9) is called high-order distortion model.
6 7 Lin et al.14,15 presented a distortion model in the form of par-
6 2=1 þ l 7 tial differential equation (PDE) and the equations were solved
6 7
6 2=1 þ l 7 numerically by using a pseudo-spectral method. Different from
6 7
DE ¼ 6 .. 7; their distortion model14,15, the distortion model given in our
6 . 7
6 7 paper is in a high-order state-space form in which the rotating
6 7
4 2=N þ l 5 stall dynamics with N pairs of stall modes corresponding to N
2=N þ l harmonics of spatial Fourier series for the local flow are taken
into account. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the
2 3
1=2 1=2 ... 1=2 1=2 first high-order distortion model for describing the stall incep-
6 cos h cos h2  cos h2N cos h2Nþ1 7 tion process in axial compressors with inlet distortion.Com-
6 1 7
6 7
2 6 sin h1 sin h2 ... sin h2N sin h2Nþ1 7 pared with models presented in previous works,3,14 the model
6 7
DB ¼ 6 .. .. .. .. 7; given in this paper possesses the following three features:
2N þ 1 6 . . . . 7
6 7 (1) The state space representation form of the distortion
6 7
4 cosðNh1 Þ cosðNh2 Þ ... cosðNh2N Þ cosðNh2Nþ1 Þ 5 model makes it convenient for active control design as
sinðNh1 Þ sinðNh2 Þ ... sinðNh2N Þ sinðNh2Nþ1 Þ well as the solving of Eq. (9) without using a pseudo-

T spectral method.
/ ¼ /; /r1 ; /i1 ;    ; /rn ; /in , and T ¼ ½ 1; 0; 0; (2) High-order harmonics are included in the disturbance
   ; 0; 0T . flow, making the nonlinear stall inception behavior
Simplifying Eq. (8) by a state transition G : / ! /, the being adequately described.
same independent variable equations are obtained. The state (3) Eq. (6) is accurately represented so that the situation
transition matrix is shown as follows: when N approaching infinity is recovered.
2 3
1 1 ... 1 1
6 cos h1 cos h2 ... cos h2N cos h2Nþ1 7 4. Simulation
6 7
6 7
6 sin h1 sin h2 ... sin h2N sin h2Nþ1 7
6 7
G ¼6
.. .. .. .. 7 To illustrate the effectiveness of our distortion model, simula-
6 . . . . 7
6 7 tions are performed on an eighteenth-order model, which in
6 7
4 cosðNh1 Þ cosðNh2 Þ . . . cosðNh2N Þ cosðNh2Nþ1 Þ 5 experiments would correspond to seventeen probes evenly
sinðNh1 Þ sinðNh2 Þ ... sinðNh2N Þ sinðNh2Nþ1 Þ placed around the circumference in front of a compressor as
shown in Fig. 3, with seventeen probes distributed around
If the circumference in front of a compressor. As is approximate
2 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi 3 to 21.18° in each portion, we take N ¼ 8; M ¼ 17 as a case of
1= 2 1= 2  1= 2 1= 2 Eq. (9).
6 cos h cos h2  cos h2N cos h2Nþ1 7
6 1 7 Two distortion scenarios are given: one with a 42.35° dis-
6 7
2 6 6 sin h sin h2  sin h2N sin h2Nþ1 7 tortion screen placed at the region starting from Probe 5 and
1 7
G¼ 6 . .. .. .. 7 ending at Probe 7, and the other with two 21.18° distortion
2N þ 1 6 .. . . . 7
6 7
6 7 screens placed at Probes 1 and 11 respectively. To simplify,
4 cosðNh1 Þ cosðNh2 Þ . . . cosðNh2N Þ cosðNh2Nþ1 Þ 5 the two cases of distortion scenarios are named as Case 1
sinðNh1 Þ sinðNh2 Þ    sinðNh2N Þ sinðNh2Nþ1 Þ and Case 2, respectively. The process of rotating stall is simu-
lated through continuous adjustment of the exhaust character-
A high-order model of rotating stall 903

Fig. 3 Diagrammatic sketch of probe layout.

Fig. 4 Clean and distorted flow compressor characteristics.

istic parameter KT from 7 to 9.41. Details on the two cases are
discussed in the following sections.
4.2. Stall characteristics induced by distortion inflow
4.1. Distortion model parameters
The circumferential non-uniform distributions of the axial flow
The input parameters required are the basic geometry of the in a steady inlet distortion condition are shown in Fig. 5. The
compression system and the compressor’s performance charac- results demonstrate that the important feature about the total
teristic under inlet distortion. The parameters in the model are pressure non-uniformity is caught indirectly. The total pres-
chosen on the basis of the Mansoux-C2 compressor geome- sure distortion produces a corresponding distortion inflow in
try.19 Table 1 lists the dimensionless geometrical parameters front of the compressor. In Fig. 5(a), the flow coefficient grad-
of the Mansoux-C2 compressor. Greitzer’s stability parameter ually decreases from the distorted Probe 5 until the undistorted
‘B’ is set to be 0.1 in our simulations. Ideally, the inertia Probe 8 due to the nonlinear distortion loss function ptscreen .
parameter k, which is purely a geometrical quantity, should The decrease at the undistorted Probe 8 demonstrates that
be modified by a multiplicative constant to allow for the fluid the distorted sectors are wider than the angles covered by the
in the inter blade row gaps and for unsteady viscous effects.7,8 distortion screen due to the effect of the rotor. Similar results
Herein, a geometrical quantity is chosen for the sake of have been obtained by theoretical and experimental meth-
simplicity. ods.14,15 In Fig. 5(b), the flow coefficient gradually decrease
The axisymmetric characteristic without inlet distortion is from the distorted Probes 1 and 11 until the undistorted
given as follows: Probes 3 and 13. The result also indicates that the distorted
8 sectors are wider than the angles covered by the distortion
< 12:117/  2:423/ þ 0:221
/ 6 0:1 screens.
pc ð/Þ ¼ 49:642/3 þ 39:509/2  6:413/ þ 0:395 0:1 < / 6 0:4 Fig. 6 shows the partial state trajectories in the time
10:0695/2 þ 9:430/  1:184 / > 0:4 domain. The developments of stall inception are obviously dif-
ferent between distorted (such as Probe 5) and undistorted sec-
Since the function /ðhÞ is unknown, the steady compressor tors (such as Probe 9). Compared with the initial disturbances
characteristic pcnew ð/Þ is an unknown function of the circum- at undistorted sectors, the initial disturbances at distorted sec-
ferential variable h. In simulations, the loss coefficient KS ðhÞ tors are much smaller. From the trajectory of the flow coeffi-
for the distortion screen is specified with a square sector and cient, it can be concluded that the stall inception process
fixed at 1.6. A particular value of pcnew ð/Þ can be determined initiates with long length-scale disturbances. For instance,
by numerical calculation in Case 1. Fig. 4 shows the curves the initial disturbance from the signal of Probe 5 stretches
of the axisymmetric compressor characteristic pc ð/Þ and a par- from 198.6 to 206.5 rotor revolution which is approximately
ticular pcnew ð/ðh5 ÞÞ (abbreviated as pcnew ð5Þ). It is noticed that 7.9 times to that of the annulus. Moreover, as the occurrence
the compressor pressure rise has an apparent decline due to of rotating stall, the plenum pressure significantly drops. This
inlet distortion at the same flow. The result shows that inlet result demonstrates that the performance of the compression
distortion has a remarkable effect on the compressor system decreases significantly due to inlet distortion and also
performance. verifies the accuracy of the distortion model. The onset of stall
in Case 2 is estimated at about 577 rotor revolution while at
about 200 rotor revolution in Case 1. Compared with Case 2
Table 1 Values of dimensionless parameters. (keeping the total distorted sector angle constant), Case 1
Input parameter Value (splitting the total distorted sector angle into two segments)
induces the stall in advance, that is, splitting the total distorted
m 1.29
sector angle into two segments has a smaller effect on the com-
lc 0.66
U(m/s) 36
pressor stability than keeping the total distorted sector angle
R(m) 0.686 constant. This result agrees well with Reid’s experiment
k 0.68 results.1
B 0.1 To further explain the influence of inlet distortion, signals
from all probes are placed side-by-side in both cases, as shown
904 P. LIN et al.

Fig. 5 Flow coefficient versus circumferential position at compressor inlet.

Fig. 6 Time evolution of three of states.

in Fig. 7. The flow coefficient from Probe 1 is placed at both tions of stall inception are significantly different in shape and
the bottom and top to represent the cyclic placement of the length-scale. As the time evolution of stall inception under
probes. In Fig. 7(a),symbol # denotes virtual probe, the initial inlet distortion is short, there will be an increase of difficulty
disturbances take place in the region starting from Probe 5 and in stall detection.
ending at Probe 8, and then the disturbances become a mature Compared with existing simulation results,3,14 our simula-
form at Probe 9. In Fig. 7(b), the initial disturbances take place tion results can clearly reveal the size, shape, and structure
in the region starting from Probe 1 and ending at Probe 5 with of the stall inception process. The flow disturbance which
disturbances in a mature form at Probe 6. These results show grows into the stall cell appears from the distorted background
that the initial disturbances emerge out of the distorted back- flow, and further induces the onset of rotating stall in advance.
ground flow and travel around the compressor annulus in the In addition, the performance of the compression system
direction of rotor rotation. Intuitively, from the flow physics decreases significantly due to inlet distortion.
point of view, the distorted sectors represent higher aerody-
namic loads to the rotor blade, so these sectors with higher 5. Conclusions
loads naturally become the sources of disturbances.15 More-
over, the results also provide guidance for stall detection. In this paper, we have made a theoretical study to demonstrate
For instance, the first probe able to detect significant stall dis- the effect of circumferential inflow distortion on the dynamic
turbances should be Probe 9, but not Probe 5 as in Case 1. of rotating stall in low-speed axial compressors. The derived
By contrasting, Fig. 7(c) shows time evolution of simulated high-order distortion model not only captures the essential
stall inception for the compressor with a clean inflow condi- fluid dynamic features of rotating stall, but also depicts the
tion. It can be found that the onset of rotating stall with inlet developments of initial disturbances induced by inlet distor-
distortion is earlier than the case relative to the clean flow con- tion. The following conclusions can be drawn from the simula-
dition. It is demonstrated that the distortion screen can trigger tions: (1) the distorted sectors are wider than the angles
initial disturbances that lead to the development of rotating covered by distortion screens; (2) long length-scale initial dis-
stall. Although the initial disturbances under distorted and turbances emerge out of the distorted background flow and
clean inflows conditions are long length-scale, the time evolu- propagate in the direction of rotor rotation; (3) the total
A high-order model of rotating stall 905


This study was co-supported by the National Major Scientific

Instruments Development Project of China (No. 61527811),
the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
of China (No. 61225014), the Guangdong Inovative Project
(No. 2013KJCX0009), the Guangdong Provice Natural
Science Foundation (No. 2014A030312005), the Guangdong
Provice Key Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering, and the
Space Intelligent Control Key Laboratory of Science and
Technology for National Defense.


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