100 Ways To Cure by GARLIC - How - Reid, Kimberly J

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In recent decades, when the incidence of cardiovascular disease increased dramatically in developed countries, garlic has been considered a leading functional
food for antioxidant protection, cell membrane protection, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Garlic is a common spice of every family. Since ancient times in Egypt, garlic has been used as an antiseptic for asthma, pneumonia, intestinal infections.
Experiences have also showed that garlic was used to disinfect the skin, cure scorpion bites, snake bites, warts on the skin. In the recent decades, along with the
development of the two diseases are cardiovascular and cancer, some scientists were especially interested in antioxidant effects, anti-mutant cells, lowering blood
fats and reducing the risk of blood clots in garlic.

Garlic has 3 main active ingredients: allicin, liallyl sulfide and ajoene. Allicin is the most powerful and important substance of garlic. Allicin is not presented in
garlic. However, when you cut or grind garlic, they will be impacted on anilaza, and then alliin in garlic become allicin. Therefore, the more chopped or pounded you
did, the higher the activity was. One kilogram of garlic can produce 1-2 g of allicin. Allicin is easy to deform after processing. Cooking will accelerate the loss of this
substance. Microwaving will completely destroy allicin. Allicin is a very strong natural antibiotic that is stronger than penicillin. It also inhibits the growth of many
viruses such as poliomyelitis, influenza, etc.

The magic effect of garlic is incorporated in the book “garlic - the panacea for life”.
The book will help you better utilize the wonderful effects of garlic on health, prevention and treatment of diseases. I hope that the book will bring you health and joy!

Contents Page



1. Increasing body resistance 6

2. Sterilizing directly 6
3. Disease- resistant effect 6
4. Preventing and treating high blood pressure 7
5. Diabetes prevention 7
6. Prevention and treatment of cancer 7
7. For beauty purpose 8


1. Treatment of nosebleeds 9
2. Treatment of rhinitis, pharyngitis 9
3. Toothache treatment 11
4. Treatment of otitis media 12
5. Insect flies into the ear treatment 13
6. Treatment of dizziness 13
7. Treatment of corneal inflammation 13
8. Treatment of cọnunctivitis 13
9. Tooth diseases 14
10. Treament of sore throat 14


1. Acne treatment 16
2. Treatment of smelly armpit 17
3. Treatment of corn on sole of foot 17
4. Treatment of itchy head 17
5. Treatment of itch hands 18
6. Treatment of itchy mails (hand, foot) 19
7. Treatment of prickly heat 19
8. Itch treatment 20
9. Wart treatment 22
10. Insect bites treatment 22
11. Snake bite treatment 22
12. Scorpion bite treatment 23
13. Ulcerative treatment 23
14. Hair loss treatment 23
15. Treatment of urtucaria 24
16. Treatment of dermatitis 24
17. Cracks skin treatment 25
18. Measles treatment 25
19. Foul of foot, sweaty feet treatment 25
20. Treatment of injuries caused by knives 26
21. Gangrenous wound treatment 26
22. Treatment of fungal skin 26


1. Indigestion treatment 28
2. Diarrhea treatment 28
3. Treatment of vomiting 29
4. Treatment of abdominal pain 30
5. Treatment of stomachache 31
6. Food poisoning treatment 31
7. Dysentery treatment 32
8. Hiccups treatment 33
9. Constipation treatment 33
10. Treatment of rectal inflammation 33
11. Choking treatment 34
12. Treatment of acute intestinal obstruction 34

1. Difficulty in excreting treatment 35

2. Urinating frequently treatment 35
3. Diabetes treatment 35
4. Treatment of kidney inflammation 36


1. Asthma treatment 37
2. Treatment of bronchitis 38
3. Obstructive pulmonary therapy treatment 39
4. Coughing blood treatment 39
5. Lung cancer treatment 39
6. Pulmonary edema treatment 40
7. Chest pain treatment 40
8. Cough treatment 40
9. Tuberculosis treatment 41


1. Treatment of varicose veins 42

2. High blood pressure treatment 42
3. Fatty blood treatment 42
4. Heart attack treatment 43
5. Meningitis treatment 43
6. Neurasthenia treatment 44
7. Treatment of warm- blooded 44
8. Hemorrhage treatment 44


1. Treatment of hemorrhoids 45
2. Treatment of gonorrhea 45
3. Treatment of impotence 45


1. Irregular menstruation treatment 46

2. Loss of menstruation treatment 46
3. Treatment of vicinities 47
4. Treatment of mastitis 47
5. Infertility treatment 47
6. Inflammation of the milk glands treatment 48
7. Prenatal care 48
8. Postnatal treatment 48
9. Diarrhea during pregnancy treatment 49
10. Treatment of breast cancer 49
11. Treatment of edema therapy during pregnancy 49


1. Treatment of pinworms 50
2. Treatment of roundworms 50
3. Treatment of pneumonia 51
4. Treatment of abdominal pain 51
5. Ulcerative treatment 51
6. Treatment of bronchitis 52
7. Treatment of acute pharyngytis 52
8. Treatment of inflammation of the salivary glands 52
9. Dysentery treatment 52
10. Cough treatment 53
11. Treatment of nosebleeds 53


1. Increasing body resistance:

Garlic is the antioxidant that nature offers to humans. The stimulation and odor of garlic has the effect of preventing and killing bactericidal bacteria such as grape
cluster, colon, typhoid, diphtheria, bacteria ... For many bacterial or infectious diseases, garlic has a preventive effect is very effective.

Experiments show that, within 10-15 minutes, garlic can completely control the yellow grape bacillus and spherical growth, so garlic can prevent and treat
infectious diseases such as colds, cough, tracheotomy, asthma, pneumonia, gastritis, fo4od poisoning, dysentery. Extracted garlic water can also control the bacterial,
which has a clear bactericidal effect.
In addition, garlic can also treat the disease causing bacteria, such as dry disease, to control the growth of silk filament. Garlic also has the effect of controlling and
destroying plant parasites such as aphids.

2. Sterilizing directly:

Experimentally, garlic can directly eradicate bacteria such as amoeba, which can cure virginities, gynecological diseases and amoeba. The experiment showed
that, using 5- 15% extracted garlic water mixed with the liquid can directly kill amoeba bacteria, use 5% water extracted from garlic 3-4 times in 5 to 10 days, can treat
amoeba; using 5% water extracted from garlic within 5 minutes can kill bacteria in the vagina.

3. Disease-resistant effect:

Garlic is effective in preventing illnesses like influenza due to its powerful killing action, which forms a strong defense against a number of diseases. Normally just
crush the garlic and then small garlic juice into the nose is able to prevent colds. Bacteria, viruses that infect communicable diseases are often found in such organs
as the nose, mouth, easily spread, and highly contagious, if not promptly selected prevention methods that can lead to outbreaks fast.

Frequently intake of appropriate garlic can help keep you from getting sick, especially for respiratory infections. Putting a piece of chili and garlic in the mouth can
eradicate the entire fungus in the oral cavity; crush garlic and put into a bucket of bacteria-filled water, within 1 minute all the bacteria in the barrel are destroyed.

4. Preventing and treating high blood pressure:

Garlic contains sugar, the effect of lowering blood nicotine in patients with high blood pressure.

The main effect of garlic on the vascular system is to increase muscle contraction, expand and circulate blood vessels, and diuretics, which can lower blood
pressure and prevent hardening of the vessels. Before going to bed using a little garlic will have a therapeutic effect of hypertension extremely effective.

The effect of reducing the fat in the blood of garlic is very clear. Based on experiments, garlic can prevent high cholesterol levels in the serum, maintaining normal
levels of fat. Experimentally, garlic also works against the high density of fat in the blood. This is extremely beneficial for arterial circulation and contraction.

In addition, garlic also helps increase blood circulation, which is effective in preventing cardiovascular disease and increases the ability of the muscles to contract
blood circulation.

5. Diabetes prevention:

Diabetes is a common disease of the endocrine glands, when insufficient insulin levels, excessive sugar levels that lead to abnormal sugar replacement, resulting
in frequent urination, heavy eating, heavy drinking, gas shortage, This leads to blockage of blood vessels, blood vessels. Experts recommend that, in order to prevent
and treat diabetes, you should eat some garlic daily.

Research shows that garlic can reduce blood glucose levels, lower blood sugar levels, protect liver function, increase blood insulin levels, and fight diabetes. Along
with improving the body's immunity, garlic helps the white blood cells thrive, promotes cell metabolism, has a pronounced effect on reducing blood cholesterol, helps
prevent disease diabetes.

Garlic is a preventive, therapeutic, and physiologically healthy, and if it is cured at the same time, it is also beneficial for the whole body.

6. Prevention and treatment of cancer

Garlic has an antioxidant effect, protecting the entire structure of the organism's membrane, preventing the cancer from changing and the organization of the cells.
In addition, garlic also acts to prevent the formation of bacteria, reducing the risk of cancer. Therefore, for cancer such as breast cancer, colon, bladder, have very
good preventive effect, has the therapeutic effect on diseases such as: cancer of the stomach, bronchi, nasal gland...

Anti- cancer effect of garlic can prevent and destroy cancer-causing cancer cells, causing them to lose their vitality and lose their ability to function.

Garlic can control the growth of bacteria in the stomach; stimulate the body's immune system to produce cancer cells. Garlic also controls the mutation of cancer
cells, while also eliminates cancer cells.

7. For beauty purposes:

Every 100g fresh garlic contains 69.8g of water; Protein 4.4 g; Fat 0.2g; 23.6g sugar; Heat 473,11jun (J); supplement 0.7g; Amount of ash 1,3g; Calcium 5.0mg;
Phosphorus 4.4 g; Iron 0.4mg.

In addition, garlic contains 17 kinds of amino acids, each one 100g garlic contains 0.2% of oil, can stimulate blood vessels on the facial parts, promote blood
circulation, reducing black pigment in the cell, freckles lost, makes the skin becomes whiter. Moreover, the ingredients in the garlic also make the layers are soft,
wrinkles also disappear.

So how do the people use garlic for beauty purposes?

Specifically: + Mix 50ml cleanser with water to smooth,

+ Mix the above mixture with 0.5g garlic extracted water.

+ Then apply over face for a few minutes and then clear with clean water.

As such, the aging skin will be restored, the black skin and wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes soft smooth. For people with garlic-sensitive skin can
reduce the amount of garlic appropriate, after a period of use can increase the amount of garlic.


1. Treatment of nosebleeds:
Grinding garlic
- Ingredients: garlic in appropriate amount
- How to make: to grind garlic into liquid.
- How to use: If the nose is bleeding, rub the garlic into the right foot liver, if the nose has to bleed, rub the garlic into the left foot liver.

Garlic mixed onions

- Ingredients: 3 bulbs of garlic, 2 branches of onion.

- How to make: to clean garlic and onion; then grind them.
- How to use: to rub garlic on the foot liver in order to stop bleed.

Salt, garlic

- Ingredients: 2 bulbs of garlic, salt.

- How to make: to grind garlic into liquid and then mix with salt.
- How to use: to rub garlic the acupuncture of foot. You should rub from 30 minutes to 60 minutes.

Garlic, pepper:
- Ingredients: 1- 2 bulbs of garlic, pepper 10g.
- How to make: + to grind the garlic
+ to sauté garlic and pepper

+ to pack in 3 times by paper.

+ to compress into squares

- How to use: to paste daily on the foot live within 3- 4 hours.

2. Treatment of rhinitis, pharyngitis:

Garlic, bamboo leaf, licorice
- Ingredients: 2 bulbs of garlic, bamboo leaf 10g, licorice 6g, lotus leaf 30g.
- How to make: to boil all of ingredients to take water.
- How to use: 2 times per day.

Extracted water form garlic:

- Ingredients: 40% extracted water form garlic.

- How to make: home - made or buy from supermarket.
- How to use: + to drop in nasal cavity.
+ to use medical cotton to apply.
+ to use medical cotton to seal the nose within 30 minutes.
+ to make 3 processes, each process 6- 12 times.
+ 3 times per day.

Garlic, white radish:

- Ingredients: garlic, white radish

- How to make: to make extracted water from garlic and white radish.
- How to use: + to drop in nasal cavity in 1ml. Use 2 times per day.
+ Each process last 7 days. Should use 2- 3 processes.
- Note: Suitable for the treatment of chronic rhinitis.

Garlic, natri clorid:

- Ingredients: garlic, natri clorid.

- How to make: to mix 40% extracted garlic water with natri clorid.
- How to use: to use medical cotton apply it on nasal cavity about 3 times per day.
- Appropriate for treating spasm of rhinitis, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, dry nose, runny nose.

Grinding garlic:

- Ingredient: Grinding garlic.

- How to use: + to apply grinding garlic on nasal cavity.
+ to use medical cotton to keep grinding garlic in nasal cavity in 24 hours.
+to use daily.

Garlic, Ginger:

- Ingredients: Extracted garlic water, extracted ginger water, ice.

- How to make: to mix extracted garlic water, extracted ginger water, and ice.
- How to use: to gargle every day.

Grinding garlic:

- Ingredient: garlic.
- How to make: to grind garlic.
- How to use: to rub the garlic into the right foot liver in order to treat respiratory difficulty, acute pharyngitis.

Garlic, vinegar:

- Ingredients: garlic 30g, vinegar 50ml.

- How to make: to grind garlic and vinegar.
- How to use: to apply it on wound, 1- 2 times a day.
- Use for pharyngitis, pneumoconiosis, heat.

Extracted garlic water:

- Ingredient: extracted garlic water.

- How to use: to rub into the acupuncture of foot.

Garlic, wormwood leaves:

- Ingredients: garlic 6 bulbs, fresh ginger 3g, wormwood leaves 20g, egg 1.
- How to make: to grind garlic, ginger and wormwood; then mix it with egg.
- How to use: to apply it on acupuncture on the back of the neck, and foot liver to treat loss of voice.
3. Toothache treatment:

Garlic, white radish:

- Ingredients: garlic 3 bulbs, white radish 9g.

- How to make: to grind garlic and white radish.
- How to use: to apply it on acupuncture point near the ear about 2 hours.

Garlic, pollen.

- Ingredients: garlic, pollen.

- How to make: to mix grinding garlic with ½ spoon of pollen.
- How to use: + to apply it on toothache point till it appears a vesicular on face.
+ to break vesicular.

Garlic, apple, ricinus communis.

- Ingredients: Garlic, apple, ricinus communis 5 seed.

- How to make: to fry garlic and then grind with apple, ricinus communis.
- How to use: to stuffed in the ear 1 times a day.

Sliced garlic

- Ingredient: garlic 1 bulb

- How to make: to cut garlic into slices.
- How to use: The pain on the left rubs the garlic to the left, the pain on the right rubs the garlic to the right.
Use garlic and tea to gargle.

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, cotton leaves 30g, tea leaves 3g.

- How to make: to boil all of ingredients to take water.
- How to use: to gargle 2- 3 times per day.

Garlic tablet:

- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs.

- How to make: to grind garlic, put it in tablet.
- How to use: + to wrap garlic tablet medical cotton.
+ The pain on the left rubs the garlic to the left ear, the pain on the right rubs the garlic to the right ear.

4. Treatment of otitis media

Extracted garlic water

- Ingredient: 20% extracted garlic water
- How to use: to drop it in ear 3 times a day. Each time drips 1- 2 drops.

Grinding garlic

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic.
- How to use: to put grinding garlic in nasal in several times a day.

Extracted garlic water:

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic, add some water, then refine it.
- How to use: to drip garlic water into ear 2- 3 times a day.

Garlic, loopah

- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, fresh loopah 1

- How to make: to grind all ingredients, and then refine it.
- How to use: to drip it into ear 2- 3 times a day. Each times drips 3- 4 drops.

Garlic, distilled water:

- Ingredients: Grinding garlic, refine to get water, and then mix with distilled water.
- How to use: to drip several drop in several times.

5. Insect flies into the ear treatment:

Garlic water:
- Ingredient: Garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic, and then refine to get garlic water.
- How to use: to drip garlic into ears.

Garlic alcohol

- Ingredients: garlic, white alcohol

- How to make: to soak garlic with alcohol for 10 days.
- How to use: to drink 1- 2 small cup garlic alcohol about 7- 10 days before going to bed.

Garlic, griselinia

- Ingredients: garlic, griselinia

- How to make: to roast griselinia, and then grind with garlic.
- How to use: to apply it on on acupuncture on foot liver about 2- 3 days.

6. Treatment of dizziness

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to use: to eat garlic.

7. Treatment of corneal inflammation:

Garlic, wormwood
- Ingredients: garlic, wormwood
- How to make: to grind garlic, make it in tablet form.
- How to use: + If the pain on the left apply on the acupuncture in the wrist to the left, the pain on the right apply on the acupuncture in the wrist
to the right.

+ Use hot wormwood to apply 7 times a day in about 3- 5 days.

8. Treatment of conjunctivitis
Hot garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic, put it in small bottle
- How to use: to put your eyes on the bottle of garlic several times a day.
9. Tooth disease

Extracted garlic water

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted garlic water.
- How to use: to apply daily extracted garlic on acupuncture, which is between thumb and forefinger.


- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted garlic water.
- How to use: to apply daily extracted garlic on tooth.


- Ingredient: garlic
- How to use: apply garlic on tooth.

Garlic alcohol

- Ingredients: garlic 70g, alcohol 100ml

- How to make: to slice garlic, soak garlic with alcohol in 1 week.
- How to use: Use medical cotton with garlic alcohol to apply on tooth.

Garlic, fresh ginger, coptis chinenis

- Ingredients: extracted garlic, fresh ginger, and coptis chinenis water.

- How to make: to mix all extracted water
- How to use: to gargle daily.

10. Treatment of sore throat:

Garlic, white sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, white garlic
- How to make: to slice garlic.
- How to use: to put sliced garlic into nasal cavity, and then swallow 1 spoon of sugar.

Garlic, almond

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, almond 1

- How to make: + to grind garlic. Divide almond in 2 part, and then remove nut.
+ to put grind garlic into almond.
- How to use: to put it on acupuncture of wrist in 1- 2 hours.


1. Acne treatment

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic 3- 4 bulbs
- How to make: to grind garlic with sesame oil.
- How to use: to apply on the wound.

Garlic glue

- Ingredients: garlic juice 20ml, vinegar 20ml

- How to make: to mix garlic juice and vinegar. Boil into glue.
- How to use: to apply on wound

Garlic, wormwood

- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, wormwood.

- How to make: + to slice garlic.
+ to put wormwood on sliced garlic, then fried it.
- How to use: to apply fried sliced garlic on wound.

Sliced garlic

- Ingredient: sliced garlic

- How to use: to apply daily sliced garlic on acne.

Garlic, sugar

- Ingredients: garlic, brown sugar, honey.

- How to make: to grind garlic. Soak grind garlic with brown sugar and honey.
- How to use: to apply on acne about 3- 4 times a day.

Garlic, honey

- Ingredients: garlic, honey

- How to make: to soak garlic with honey in 15- 30 days till color of garlic becomes black.
- How to use: to drink 2 times a day with 10ml.

Fresh garlic

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to use: to eat 1- 2 bulbs of fresh garlic 2- 3 times a day.

Fresh garlic water:

- Ingredient: 80- 100ml garlic juice.

- How to make: to mix garlic juice with monosaccarit
- How to use: + At the first day, drink 10- 30ml.
+ Next day, add 10- 20ml till you can drink 80- 100ml.
+ drink daily.

Garlic water
- Ingredient: 10- 20ml garlic water
- How to use: to drink 3 times a day after eating.

2. Treatment of smelly armpit

Garlic, honey
- Ingredients: garlic, honey
- How to make: to mix grinding garlic with honey
- How to use: to put 5g in handkerchief, and then put it in the armpit. Use in 7 days.

Extracted garlic water, ginger

- Ingredients: garlic, ginger

- How to make: to refine grinding garlic and ginger to get water.
- How to use: to use medical cotton to apply this water on armpit.

3. Treatment of corn on sole of foot

Garlic, milk
- Ingredients: garlic, milk
- How to make: to mix grinding garlic with milk.
- How to use: to apply it on the corn twice a day.

4. Treatment of itchy head

Garlic, alcohol
- Ingredients: garlic, white alcohol
- How to make: to mix grinding garlic with alcohol.
- How to use: to apply it on wound, and then use a handkerchief binds it in 24 hours.

Garlic powder, pepper

- Ingredients: garlic powder, pepper

- How to make: to mix garlic powder and pepper.
- How to use: to apply on wound 1 time a day.

Garlic, waky pumpkin

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulbs, waky pumpkin 20g.

- How to make: to steam garlic and waky pumpkin several minutes.
- How to use: to apply it on wound.

Garlic, alum

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, alum.

- How to make: to slice garlic.
- How to use: + To rub sliced garlic on wound in 5- 10 minutes.
+ Then, apply alum.
+ Use 2- 3 times a day.
5. Treatment of itch hands

Garlic, peach leaves

- Ingredients: garlic 30g, peach leaves 30g.
- How to make: to grind garlic and peach leaves.
- How to use: to apply it on wound 1 times a day.

Garlic, onion, lettuce

- Ingredients: Garlic, onion, lettuce

- How to make: To grind garlic, onion, lettuce and put it in tablet form.
- How to use: to apply it on hand 2-3 times a day.

Garlic, flour

- Ingredients: garlic 4 bulbs, flour 200g.

- How to make: to mix grinding garlic with flour.
- How to use: to apply it on hand 2- 3 times a day.

6. Treatment of itchy nails( hand, foot)

Garlic, sticky rice

- Ingredients: garlic, sticky rice
- How to make: To grind garlic and sticky rice.
- How to use: to apply it on nail in 24 hours. And use every day.

Extracted garlic vinegar.

- Ingredients: garlic 10 bulbs, vinegar 30- 60ml.

- How to make: to soak grinding garlic in vinegar in 2 hours.
- How to use: to soak nail in extracted garlic vinegar in 10- 15 minutes and 3- 5 times a day.

7. Treatment of prickly heat

Garlic soup, radish, horse hooves

- Ingredients: garlic, radish, horse hooves.
- How to make: to use all ingredients to make soup.
- How to use: to drink several times a day.

Extracted garlic and banana water

- Ingredients: garlic, banana

- How to make: to refine grinding garlic and banana to get extracted water.
- How to use: to apply daily on prickly heat point.

Garlic and waky pumpkin soup

- Ingredients: garlic 100g, waky pumpkin 500g

- How to make: to use all ingredients and 150ml water to make soup.
- How to use: to drink 3 times a day.

Garlic and watermelon peel soup

- Ingredients: garlic, watermelon peel, white sugar.

- How to make: to use all ingredients to make soup
- How to use: to drink several times a day.

Garlic and bean soup

- Ingredients: garlic, green bean, black bean, red bean.

- How to make: to use all ingredients to make soup
- How to use: to drink several times a day.

8. Itch treatment

Loach, garlic, apple soup

- Ingredients: garlic 20g, loach 30g, apple 15g. salt
- How to make: to use all ingredients to make soup.
- How to use: to drink several times a day in 10 days.

Garlic, ginger, cinnamon

- Ingredients: garlic 10g, ginger 9g, cinnamon 6g, apple 10g.

- How to make: to use all ingredients to make soup.
- How to use: to drink several times a day in 7 days.

Garlic, pepper, alum

- Ingredients: garlic 20g, pepper 30g, alum 15g.

- How to make: to use all ingredients to make soup.
- How to use: to use this water to clean itch point 1- 2 times a day.

Garlic, onion

- Ingredients: garlic, onion

- How to make: + to refine grinding garlic and onion to get extracted water.
+ to cook to get glue form
- How to use: to apply daily this glue on wound.

Fresh garlic

- Ingredients: fresh garlic

- How to make: To slice garlic
- How to use: to apply sliced garlic on wound in 10- 20 minutes. Use 2- 3 times a day.

Garlic, green bean

- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, green bean 15g

- How to make: To grind garlic and green bean
- How to use: to apply daily it on wound.

Honey, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic 12g, honey 6ml

- How to make: to mix grinding garlic and honey.
- How to use: to apply on wound.

Garlic water

- Ingredients: garlic
- How to make: to refine grinding garlic to get water.
- How to use: to use garlic water to clean the wound.

Garlic ash

- Ingredient: stem and roots of garlic.

- How to make: to fire all ingredients to get ash
- How to use: to apply ash on wound.

Vinegar, garlic

- Ingredients: vinegar, garlic.

- How to make: to cook vinegar with extracted garlic water to get glue.
- How to use: to apply daily on wound in 3- 7 dáy.

Garlic, pepper, onion

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, pepper, onion 3 bulbs.

- How to make: To grind all ingredients.
- How to use: to apply on wound.

Garlic, sesame oil

- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, sesame oil.

- How to make: to mix grinding garlic with sesame oil
- How to use: to apply on wound.

Garlic, onion, brown sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 5 bulbs, onion 6- 7cm, brown sugar 6g.

- How to make: to grind all ingredients.
- How to use: to apply on wound. Keep it in 2 days.

Garlic, vinegar

- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar

- How to make: to mix vinegar and grinding garlic.
- How to use: to apply daily on wound.

9. Wart treatment:

Garlic water
- Ingredients: extracted grinding garlic to get garlic water.
- How to use: to apply on wound 2- 3 times a day.

Garlic, rain water

- Ingredients: garlic 1- 2 bulbs, rain water

- How to make: to mix rain water and garlic water.
- How to use: to apply on wound 3 times a day.

Garlic, alcohol

- Ingredients: garlic, alcohol

- How to make: to soak grinding garlic in alcohol in 1 week.
- How to use: to apply on wound 2 times a day.

10. Insect bites treatment:

Extracted grinding garlic water

- Ingredients: extracted grinding garlic water.
- How to use: to apply on wound several times a day.

11. Snake bite treatment

Extracted grinding garlic water

- Ingredients: extracted grinding garlic water.
- How to use: to apply on wound 1 time a day.
Garlic, vinegar
- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar
- How to make: to mix vinegar and grinding garlic.
- How to use: To apply daily on wound.

Garlic, pickles.

- Ingredients: garlic, pickles

- How to make: to grind garlic and pickles
- How to use: to apply on wound.

12. Scorpion bite treatment

Extracted grinding garlic water

- Ingredients: extracted grinding garlic water.
- How to use: to apply on wound 1 time a day.

13. Ulcerative treatment

Garlic, loopah
- Ingredients: garlic 30g, loopah
- How to make: to make soup by using garlic, loopah and 500ml.
- How to use: to drink daily.

Garlic, green bean, bamboo leaves

- Ingredients: green bean 50g, garlic 20g, bamboo leaves 20g.

- How to make: to make soup by all ingredients.
- How to use: to drink 2 times a day.

Garlic, alum

- Ingredients: garlic 50g, fresh peach leaves, fresh loopah leaves, alum.
- How to make: to grind all ingredients and extract to get water.
- How to use: to apply on wound 2 times a day.

Garlic, chili.

- Ingredients: garlic 10g, chili 3g, oil 3ml.

- How to make: to use oil to fried grinding garlic and chili.
- How to use: to apply on wound 2- 3 times a day.

14. Hair loss treatment:

Honey, garlic
- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, honey 30ml.
- How to make: to mix honey with grinding garlic.
- How to use: to apply on wound 1- 2 times a day.

Garlic water

- Ingredients: garlic
- How to make: to grind 5g garlic and 300ml to get garlic water.
- How to use: to apply on wound several times.

Sliced garlic

- Ingredients: garlic.
- How to make: to slice garlic
- How to use: to apply sliced garlic on wound

Garlic, alcohol

- Ingredients: garlic, alcohol.

- How to make: to soak grinding garlic in alcohol.
- How to use: to apply on wound, 1 time a week.

15. Treatment of urticaria

Garlic, alum, salt

- Ingredients: garlic 15g, alum 12g, salt 15g.
- How to make: to boil all ingredients.
- How to use: to use this water to clean the wound.

16. Treatment of dermatitis

Fresh garlic
- Ingredients: fresh garlic.
- How to make: to grind fresh garlic.
- How to use: to use handkerchief to wrap grinding garlic and apply on wound. Use daily.

Garlic, vinegar

- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar 50ml.

- How to make: to use handkerchief to wrap grinding garlic and soak in vinegar in 2 – 3 hours.
- How to use: to use handkerchief to wrap grinding garlic and apply on wound 2 times a day. Each time 10- 20ms, and use in 7 days.

17. Cracks skin treatment

Grinding garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic.
- How to use: to apply grinding garlic on skin 1- 2 times a day, and in several days.

Garlic, honey

- Ingredients: garlic 30g, honey 10ml.

- How to make: to grind garlic, honey with 200ml of water.
- How to use: to apply on skin 2- 3 times a day.

18. Measles treatment:

- Ingredients: garlic, garlic peel, garlic root.
- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to use this water to clean measles point in 10ms, and 1 time a day.

Garlic, licorice, sugar cane

- Ingredients: Garlic, licorice, sugar cane

- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to use this water to clean measles point 2 times a day.

19. Foul of the foot, sweaty feet treatment

Garlic powder, vinegar

- Ingredients: garlic powder 50g, vinegar 20ml.
- How to make: to soak garlic powder in vinegar.
- How to use: to soak your feet in this vinegar in 10- 15ms; or use this vinegar to clean your feet 2 times a day in 7- 10 days.

Garlic, pepper, lard

- Ingredients: garlic 15g, pepper 15g, lard 70g.

- How to make: to mix lard with grinding garlic and pepper.
- How to use: to apply on feet 1 time a day.

Garlic water

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic.
- How to use: to apply grinding on feet.

Garlic, pepper

- Ingredients: garlic 100g, pepper 20g.

- How to make: to grind garlic and pepper to extract water.
- How to use: to mix garlic and pepper water with 40 Celsius water, and then soak feet on this water in 10ms before going to bed.

Garlic, peanuts:

- Ingredients: garlic 50- 100g, peanuts 100- 150g.

- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat 2 -4 times.

20. Treatment of injuries caused by knives:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extract water.
- How to use: to use extracted water to apply on wound.

21. Gangrenous wound treatment:

Garlic, fig leaves

- Ingredients: garlic, fig leaves
- How to make: to make soup by all ingredients.
- How to use: to use this water to soak and clean the wound 2 times a day.

22. Treatment of fungal skin:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic.
- How to make: to slice garlic.
- How to use: to apply sliced garlic on wound.

Garlic, vinegar

- Ingredients: Garlic 20- 25g, vinegar 150- 200ml.

- How to make: to soak grinding garlic in vinegar in 2- 3 days.
- How to use: to soak feet on warm water in 3-5ms, and then soak 15- 20ms in vinegar 3 times a day.
1. Indigestion treatment:

Garlic, peanuts:
- Ingredients: garlic 50- 100g, peanuts 100- 150g.
- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat 2 -4 times.

Garlic, sugar
- Ingredients: garlic 12g, white sugar.
- How to make: + to make soup by using grinding garlic and sugar.
+ to get extracted water.
+ to let it freeze.
- How to use: to use medical cotton to apply on umbilical 1 time a day.

Garlic, peanut oil:

- Ingredients: peanut oil, garlic.
- How to make: to use peanut oil to fry garlic.
- How to use: to eat with rice in 2- 3 months.

Garlic alcohol:
- Ingredients: garlic 850g, alcohol.
- How to make: to soak garlic in alcohol.
- How to use: to apply garlic alcohol on stomach daily.

Garlic, bitter melon

- Ingredients: garlic, bitter melon 2 fruits, vinegar
- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat the soup.

2. Diarrhea treatment

Grinding garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic
- How to use: to apply grinding garlic on feet or umbilical 1 times a day.

Garlic, vinegar
- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar
- How to make: to soak garlic in vinegar.
- How to use: to eat 6 bulbs of garlic a time and 3 times a day.

Hot garlic
- Ingredient: garlic 1-2 bulbs
- How to make: to make garlic hot and grind it.
- How to use: to apply hot grinding garlic on umbilical.

Fresh garlic
- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs
- How to use: to eat 2 bulbs of garlic 2 times a day.

Garlic, chicken egg:

- Ingredients: garlic 120g, chicken egg 2p.
- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients
- How to use: to eat with rice.( note: no add salt in soup).

Garlic, pepper:
- Ingredients: garlic, pepper
- How to make: to grind garlic and pepper
- How to use: to apply it on umbilical daily.

Garlic, vinegar
- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar
- How to make: to soak garlic in vinegar
- How to use: to eat 6 bulbs of garlic 3 times a day.

3. Treatment of vomiting

Honey, garlic
- Ingredients: garlic, honey
- How to make:+to make soup by using garlic
+ to mix garlic soup with honey.
- How to use: to drink several times a day.

Garlic alcohol
- Ingredients: garlic, alcohol
- How to make: to grind garlic
- How to use: to mix grinding garlic with alcohol to drink.

Garlic, salt
- Ingredients: garlic 100g, salt 100g
- How to make: to mix grinding garlic, salt and 500ml water.
- How to use: to drink 5- 8ml/ time, 4 times a day.

Garlic, alum
- Ingredients: garlic 12- 14g, alum 3- 6g
- How to make: to mix grinding garlic, grinding alum and water.
- How to use: to drink it.

4. Treatment of abdominal pain:

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic
- How to use: to put grinding garlic in handkerchief, and then apply it on wound.

Garlic vinegar alcohol

- Ingredients: garlic 10 bulbs, alcohol, and vinegar.
- How to make: to soak garlic in alcohol and vinegar from 2- 3 years.
- How to use: to eat 1- 2 bulbs of garlic a time.
Extracted garlic water
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted garlic water.
- How to use: add more fresh water in extracted garlic water to drink daily.

Garlic, ginger, vinegar

- Ingredients: garlic 100g, ginger 100g, vinegar 500ml.
- How to make: to slice garlic and ginger, and then soak it in vinegar in 1 month.
- How to use: to eat garlic and ginger.

5. Treatment of stomachache

Salt water, vinegar, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic 7 bulbs, salt, vinegar
- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to drink it when stomach pains.

Garlic alcohol
- Ingredients: garlic 250g, alcohol 1250ml.
- How to make: to clean garlic and soak in alcohol in 1 year or more.
- How to use: to apply on stomach.

Vinegar, ginger, garlic

- Ingredients: ginger 100g, garlic 100g, vinegar 500ml.
- How to make: to slice garlic and ginger, and then soak it in vinegar in 1 month.
- How to use: to eat garlic and ginger. Drink vinegar.

Garlic water
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted garlic water.
- How to use: to drink daily 50ml.

Garlic, root of chives:

- Ingredients: garlic, root of chives 60g
- How to make: to grind garlic and root of chives.
- How to use: to mix with fresh water and drink 2 times a day.

6. Food poisoning treatment:

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to boil garlic to get extracted garlic water.
- How to use: to drink this water.

Garlic, spinach
- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, spinach 250g.
- How to make: to grind garlic and spinach
- How to use: to mix with fresh water and drink.

Vinegar, sugar, ginger, garlic

- Ingredients: Vinegar 15g, sugar, ginger 9g, garlic 6g.
- How to make: to grind ginger and garlic to get extracted water.
- How to use: to add more sugar and vinegar in extracted water to drink daily.

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic 24g
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted water.
- How to use: to mix extracted garlic water and fresh water to drink.

7. Dysentery treatment:

Garlic water, sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, sugar
- How to make: to grind garlic
- How to use: to soak grinding garlic in fresh water in 12 hours, and then mix with sugar to drink.

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to clean garlic.
- How to use: to eat daily 6g of garlic in 5- 10 days.

Garlic, ginger
- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, ginger 3 slices.
- How to make: To boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink daily 2 times, 5- 10ml.

Grinding garlic
- Ingredient: garlic 1 bulb.
- How to make: to grind garlic
- How to use: to apply grinding garlic on liver of foot in 1 hour. Then, clean the foot.

Grilled garlic
- Ingredient: garlic 1 bulb.
- How to make: to grill garlic
- How to use: to eat grilled garlic 2 times a day.

8. Hiccups treatment:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to chew carefully garlic.

9. Constipation treatment:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: fresh garlic
- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat fresh garlic daily.

Sweet potato, garlic

- Ingredients: sweet potatoes 400g, garlic 20g, ginger 10g, brown sugar.
- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat daily.

10. Treatment of rectal inflammation:

Garlic water
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic to get 5% extracted garlic water
- How to use: to mix 5% extracted garlic water with 100ml fresh water to drink a time a day.

11. Choking treatment:

Ginger, garlic, sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 3 bulbs, fresh ginger 500g, brown sugar 500g.
- How to make: + to grind grilled garlic, ginger and brown sugar.
+ to put it in a bottom.
+ to burry to the ground in several days.
- How to use: to drink 50ml before meal.

Vinegar, garlic
- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar
- How to make: to soak garlic in vinegar in long time
- How to use: to drink garlic vinegar and eat garlic.

12. Treatment of acute intestinal obstruction:

Fresh garlic water

- Ingredient: garlic 9- 12g.
- How to make: to grind garlic
- How to use: to boil grinding garlic to drink.


1. Difficulty in excreting treatment:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic 1 bulb
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted garlic water
- How to use: to drop extracted garlic water into anus.

2. Urinating frequently treatment:

Hot garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to make garlic hot
- How to use: to eat before meal.

Garlic, alcohol

- Ingredients: garlic 5 bulbs, alcohol 500ml

- How to make: to soak grinding garlic in alcohol
- How to use: to drink a half of alcohol cup 3 times a day.

3. Diabetes treatment:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat 10g of garlic every day.

Tea leaves, salt, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic 6g, tea leaves 10g, salt 3g.

- How to make: + to grind garlic.
+ to roast grinding garlic, tea leaves and salt.
+ to add more water and boil it.
- How to use: to drink every day as tea water.

4. Treatment of kidney inflammation:

Squash, red bean, garlic

- Ingredients: squash 1 fruit, garlic 120g, red bean 60g.
- How to make: + to cut a small hole in squash.
+ to put red bean and garlic into squash.
+ to steam squash.
- How to use: to drink 2 times a day.

Garlic, alum

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, onion 2 bulbs, alum 25g, salt .

- How to make: to grind all ingredients.
- How to use: to apply it on umbilical.


1. Asthma treatment:

Garlic, ginger, white sugar

- Ingredients: garlic, ginger, white sugar
- How to make: to boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink several times a day.

Garlic, white sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 60g, white sugar
- How to make: + to soak grinding garlic in 500ml of fresh water
+ to refine it to get water.
- How to make: + for adult: drink 15ml a day.
+ for children under 5 years old: drink 7,5ml a day.

Garlic milk
- Ingredients: extracted garlic water 3ml, milk 100ml.
- How to make: + to steam milk.
+ to add extracted garlic water.
- How to use: to drink garlic milk in 1 or 2 times.

Pear, garlic
- Ingredients: garlic 3 bulbs, pear 1 fruit, sugar
- How to make: to cook all ingredients.
- How to use: to drink it.

Vinegar, garlic, sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 120g, vinegar 120ml, white sugar 60g.
- How to make: to soak grinding garlic in vinegar and sugar in 7 days.
- How to use: to drink 6ml with warm water. Use 3 times a day.

Garlic, honey
- Ingredients: garlic 20g, honey 15g.
- How to make: to soak garlic in honey in 1 hour.
- How to use: to drink daily.

Sugar, ginger, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic 500ml, a cup of extracted ginger water, sugar
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted garlic water and add sugar.
- How to use: to mix extracted garlic water and extracted ginger water. Drink 2 punch of this water. Use 2 times a day.

Garlic soup
- Ingredient: garlic 60g.
- How to make: to boil garlic and water to make soup.
- How to use: to drink every day.

Licorice, garlic
- Ingredients: garlic 6g, licorice 6g.
- How to make: to boil all ingredients.
- How to use: to drink daily.

Sugar, vinegar, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic, brown sugar, vinegar
- How to make: to soak garlic and sugar in vinegar in 1 week.
- How to make: to eat 1 -2 bulbs of garlic in the morning and drink a little of vinegar. Use it in 5- 10 days.

2. Treatment of bronchitis:

Meat, garlic
- Ingredients: garlic 20 bulbs, meat 100g.
- How to make: to fry garlic, meat and salt.
- How to use: to eat a time a day.

Vinegar, sugar, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic 250g, vinegar 250ml, brown sugar 90g.
- How to make: to soak grinding garlic in vinegar and sugar in 7 days.
- How to use: to drink 10ml each time. Use 3 times a day.
Garlic, white sugar
- Ingredients: garlic 12 bulbs, white sugar
- How to make: to steam garlic and sugar.
- How to use: to drink garlic sugar after breakfast and dinner in 1 -3 months.

3. Obstructive pulmonary therapy treatment:

Grinding garlic
- Ingredient: garlic 2 bulbs
- How to make: to grind garlic and put in a bottom.
- How to use: to inhale garlic in a bout 1 hour. Do it 3 times a day.

Garlic, vinegar
- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar
- How to make: to soak garlic in vinegar in 7 days.
- How to use: to eat 2 bulbs of garlic. Use 2 times a day.

4. Coughing blood treatment:

Garlic, peanut
- Ingredients: garlic, peanut
- How to make: to boil all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat 1 -2 times a day in 10 days.

5. Lung cancer treatment:

Garlic water
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted garlic water
- How to use: to drink 10- 30ml each time. Use 2 times a day.

Garlic, pig lung

- Ingredients: garlic, pig lung
- How to make: to fry garlic and pig lung
- How to use: to eat as vegetables.

6. Pulmonary edema treatment:

Garlic vinegar
- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar
- How to make: to soak garlic in vinegar
- How to use: to eat daily in morning or evening.

Garlic, vinegar
- Ingredients: garlic 50g, vinegar 100ml.
- How to make: to steam grinding garlic by using vinegar.
- How to use: to eat after meal 2 times a day.

7. Chest pain treatment:

Garlic, grape sugar

- Ingredients: garlic, grape sugar
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted garlic water. Add more fresh water and grape sugar.
- How to use: to drink every day.

Garlic porridge
- Ingredients: garlic 20 slices, sticky rice 20g.
- How to make: to cook porridge by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat 1 time a day.

Extracted garlic water

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic.
- How to use: to apply on wound 1 time a day.

8. Cough treatment:

Sugar, garlic, vinegar

- Ingredients: garlic 3 bulbs, vinegar 15ml, white sugar
- How to make: + to slice garlic and soak in fresh water in 15 minutes.
+ to add vinegar and sugar to garlic.
- How to use: to eat all garlic in a day.

Garlic water, white sugar

- Ingredients: garlic, white sugar
- How to make: to soak grinding garlic in fresh water, and then add more sugar.
- How to use: to drink 1 punch of water, 2 times day.

Garlic, ginger, sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 15g, brown sugar 6g, ginger
- How to make: to boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink 3- 5 times a day.

Garlic water
- Ingredients: garlic 100g.
- How to make: to soak grinding garlic with 200ml warm water in 4 hours, and then refine to get water.
- How to use: to drink 10ml each 4 hours in 2 – 3 days.

Garlic, vinegar, sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 10bulbs, vinegar 20ml, brown sugar 10g.
- How to make: to soak grinding garlic and sugar in vinegar in 3 days.
- How to use: to mix 1 punch of vinegar with warm water. Drink 3 times a day.

9. Tuberculosis treatment:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat 3-4 bulbs of fresh garlic. Use 5- 6 times a day.

Vinegar, garlic
- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar
- How to make: to soak garlic in vinegar in 7 days.
- How to use: to eat 3 bulbs of garlic each time. Use 2 times a day.


1. Treatment of varicose veins:

- Ingredients: garlic 5g, deer antler 5g, centipede 4, scorpion 3g, alcohol 100ml.
- How to make: soak all ingredients in alcohol in 2 weeks.
- How to use: drink a cup of alcohol.

2. High blood pressure treatment:

Garlic, beef
- Ingredients: garlic, beef
- How to make: to fry garlic and beef
- How to use: to eat 3 times a day.

Vinegar, sugar, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic, sugar, vinegar

- How to make: to soak garlic in vinegar and sugar in several days.
- How to use: to eat 1 -2 bulbs of garlic in the morning and drink some vinegar in 10- 15 days.

Green bean, Garlic

- Ingredients: garlic 50 bulbs, green bean 100g, sugar.

- How to make: to boil all ingredients with 500ml fresh water.
- How to use: to eat soup in a day.

Garlic, tofu

- Ingredients: garlic, tofu

- How to make: to mix grinding garlic with tofu.
- How to use: to eat as vegetable.

3. Fatty blood treatment:

Garlic, cucumber:
- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulbs, cucumber 2 fruits.
- How to make: to mix sliced cucumber with grinding garlic.
- How to use: to eat 1-2 times a day.

Fresh garlic:

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat about 6g a day.

4. Heart attack treatment:

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to slice garlic
- How to use: to steam garlic to get garlic water to drink. Use 2- 3 times a day.

Garlic, tangerine peel

- Ingredients: garlic 20g, Tangerine peel 50g, ginger 10g.

- How to make: to boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink daily.

5. Meningitis treatment:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat about 5g of fresh garlic a day.

Garlic, sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 15g, sugar.

- How to make: to soak grinding garlic in 40ml of fresh water, and then refine to get water. Add more sugar.
- How to use: to drink 2 times a day, in 2 days.

Vinegar, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic 100g, ginger 100g, vinegar

- How to make: to soak sliced ginger and garlic in vinegar in 1 month.
- How to use: to eat garlic and drink vinegar.

6. Neurasthenia treatment:

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to boil 2- 4g of garlic in 240ml of water to get 160ml.
- How to use: to drink it in 3 times.

7. Treatment of warm-blooded:

- Ingredients: garlic
- How to make: to grill garlic and then grind it to get flour.
- How to use: to mix garlic flour with water to drink.

8. Hemorrhage treatment:

Garlic, salt
- Ingredients: garlic, salt
- How to make: to grind garlic and salt
- How to use: to apply on foot.
1. Treatment of hemorrhoids:

Garlic, onion
- Ingredients: garlic 4- 5 bulbs, onion 60g
- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to drink it 2 -3 times a day.

Hot garlic

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind grilled garlic, and then use a handkerchief to wrap it.
- How to use: to apply on wound.

2. Treatment of gonorrhea:

Garlic, apple, pork skin

- Ingredients: garlic 20g, apple 15g, pork skin 60g.
- How to make: to steam all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat 1 time a day.

3. Treatment of impotence:

Garlic, chives leaves, shrimp

- Ingredients: garlic 15g, chives leaves 250g, shrimp 400g, onion, ginger, salt, oil.
- How to make: + to slice chives leaves, onion, ginger.
+ to fry onion, and then add garlic, shrimp, chives leaves, ginger, alcohol.
- How to use: to eat 1 time a day, in 10 days.

Garlic, chives leaves

- Ingredients: garlic 20g, chives leaves 60g, sticky rice 100g, salt.
- How to make: to cook porridge by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat daily.


1. Irregular menstruation treatment:

Kumquat fruits, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulbs, 40 of kumquat fruits peels, brown sugar.
- How to make: to boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink daily.

2. Loss of menstruation treatment:

Garlic, Tangerine peel

- Ingredients: garlic, tangerine peel, brown sugar.
- How to make: to boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink daily.

Ginger, garlic, sugar

- Ingredients: Garlic 15g, ginger 15g, sugar 30g.

- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to drink 2 times a day.

Garlic, ginger, apple

- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, ginger 6g, apple 12 fruits, sugar 60g.

- How to make: to boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink daily before menstruation period from 4- 5 days, and in 3- 5 days.

Garlic, ginger, salt

- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, ginger 120g, onion 1 bulb, salt 50g.

- How to make: to fry grinding garlic, ginger and onion with salt.
- How to use: to apply on abdomen 1 time a day.

Garlic, onion, ginger.

- Ingredients: garlic, onion, ginger

- How to make: to grind all ingredients
- How to use: to apply on abdomen before menstruation period.
3. Treatment of vicinities:

Garlic water
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to boil garlic to get garlic water.
- How to use: to use garlic water to clean vagina 1- 2 times a day.

Extracted water
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic.
- How to use: to use a handkerchief to wrap garlic, and then put it on vagina in 15 minutes.
Do it frequently in 7 days.

4. Treatment of mastitis:

Garlic alcohol
- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, onion 1 bulb, alcohol 120ml.
- How to make: to grind garlic and onion to get extracted water.
- How to use: to boil alcohol and add extracted garlic and onion water. Drink in 2 times.

Garlic, wormwood roof.

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, wormwood roof.

- How to make: to slice garlic, clean wormwood roof.
- How to use: to apply sliced garlic and wormwood roof on wound 2 times a day in 3 days.

Garlic, malt

- Ingredients: garlic 50g, onion 150g, malt 60g.

- How to make: to boil all ingredients with 500ml water in 20 minutes. Then, wrap it in a handkerchief.
- How to use: to apply on wound several times a day.

5. Infertility treatment:

Garlic, green shrimp, chive leaves

- Ingredients: garlic 20g, chive leaves 100g, green shrimp 250g, cooking oil.
- How to make: to fry shrimp with chive leaves.
- How to use: to eat daily.

6. Inflammation of the milk glands treatment:

Garlic, wormwood leaves.

- Ingredients: Garlic, wormwood leaves.

- How to make: to slice garlic, clean wormwood leaves.
- How to use: to apply sliced garlic and hot wormwood leaves on breast in several days.

7. Prenatal care:

Garlic, perilla
- Ingredients: garlic 10g, apple 10g, perilla 9g, ginger 6g, tangerine peel 6g, brown sugar 15g.
- How to make: to boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink 3 times a day.

Garlic, black bean

- Ingredients: garlic 30g, brown sugar 30g, black bean 100g.

- How to make: to slice garlic and then fry it. Add more 500ml of water to boil with all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat in several days.

Garlic, spinach

- Ingredients: garlic, spinach, red bean 30g, brown sugar 100g.

- How to make: to cook all ingredients with grinding garlic.
- How to use: to eat 2- 3 times a day, in 7 days.

8. Postnatal treatment:

- Ingredient: garlic 30 bulbs
- How to make: to boil 3 cups of water with garlic to get 1 cup.
- How to use: to drink daily.

9. Diarrhea during pregnancy treatment:

Grilled garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grill garlic
- How to use: to eat daily.

Fresh garlic

- Ingredient: fresh garlic

- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat fresh garlic daily.

10. Treatment of breast cancer:

Fresh garlic

- Ingredient: fresh garlic

- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat fresh garlic daily.

11. Treatment of edema therapy during pregnancy:

Garlic soup
- Ingredients: garlic 30g, red bean 30g, brown sugar 100g, red spinach 30g.
- How to make: to make soup by using all ingredients.
- How to use: to eat 2- 3 times a day, in a week.
1. Treatment of pinworms:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb
- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat 1-2 bulbs of garlic each time, and 3 times a day.

Garlic water

- Ingredients: garlic 50g, fresh water

- How to make: to boil garlic with 150ml fresh water.
- How to use: to drink daily in 7 days.

Milk, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic 25g, milk 250ml.

- How to make: to cook garlic and milk
- How to use: to drink daily in several days.

Garlic, sugar

- Ingredients: garlic 3-5 bulbs, sugar 15g.

- How to make: + to grind garlic and sugar
+ to boil it.
- How to use: to drink daily in 5 -7 days.

2. Treatment of roundworm:

Extracted garlic water

- Ingredients: garlic 90g.
- How to make: to grind garlic to get extracted garlic water.
- How to use: to drink daily in several days.

Garlic, onion

- Ingredients: garlic 2 bulbs, onion 30g.

- How to make: to fry sliced garlic and onion.
- How to use: to eat daily.

Fresh garlic

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat fresh garlic before meal.

3. Treatment of pneumonia:

Garlic, honey
- Ingredients: garlic 20g, honey 15ml.
- How to make: to soak grind garlic in warm water. Then, mix with honey.
- How to use: to drink 1- 2 times a day.

Garlic, ginger, carrot

- Ingredients: extracted garlic, ginger, carrot water.

- How to make: to mix all extracted water.
- How to use: to drink 1 -2 times a day.

Garlic, ginger, honey

- Ingredients: extracted garlic, ginger water, honey

- How to make: to mix all extracted water and honey.
- How to use: to drink 3 times a day.

4. Treatment of abdominal pain

- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to boil garlic to get garlic water.
- How to use: to drink 3 times 1 day, each time about 2- 4ml.

Garlic, onion, ginger

- Ingredients: garlic 5g, onion 45g, ginger 2 slices.

- How to make: to grind grilled garlic, ginger and onion.
- How to use: to apply on abdomen.

5. Ulcerative treatment:

Garlic, green bean, and black bean.

- Ingredients: Garlic, green bean, and black bean.

- How to make: to boil all ingredients.
- How to use: to use extracted water to clean wound 1 time a day, in a week.

Ginger, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic, ginger.

- How to make: to grind garlic and ginger.
- How to use: to apply on wound 1 time a day.

6. Treatment of bronchitis:

Garlic, honey
- Ingredients: garlic, onion, honey.
- How to make: to boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink 3 times a day.

7. Treatment of acute pharyngitis:

Garlic water
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic
- How to use: to apply on liver of foot 1 -2 times a day.

8. Treatment of inflammation of the salivary glands:

Garlic vinegar
- Ingredients: garlic, vinegar
- How to make: to mix grinding garlic and vinegar
- How to use: to apply on neck 2- 4 times a day.

9. Dysentery treatment:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to clean garlic
- How to use: to eat 6- 8 bulbs of garlic a day.

Garlic, ginger

- Ingredients: garlic 1 bulb, ginger 3 slices.

- How to make: to boil all ingredients to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink daily.

Sugar, garlic

- Ingredients: garlic, sugar

- How to make: to soak sliced garlic in warm water in 1- 2 minutes. Then, mix with sugar.
- How to use: to drink daily.

10. Cough treatment:

Garlic, white sugar

- Ingredients: garlic, sugar, water
- How to make: to mix grinding garlic, water and sugar.
- How to use: to drink 5- 10ml each time. Drink 2- 3 times a day.

Garlic, brown sugar, vinegar

- Ingredients: garlic 100g, brown sugar 100g, vinegar 200ml.

- How to make: to soak grinding garlic and sugar in vinegar in 10 days. Then, refine to get extracted water.
- How to use: to drink 2- 3 times a day. Each time drinks 10ml.

11. Treatment of nosebleeds:

Fresh garlic
- Ingredient: garlic
- How to make: to grind garlic.
- How to use: to apply on liver of foot.

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