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Sustainable Energy Technology:

A Project of the University of Applied Sciences Aargau, Switzerland

with Bolivian Partners (2000-2003)

Design of a Wind Turbine

for Pumping Ground Water
Christoph Holliger1 and Fritz Gassmann2

July 2004

Prof. Dr. Christoph Holliger, University of Applied Sciences, Aargau, Klosterzelgstrasse 2,
CH-5210 Windisch, Switzerland.
Dr. Fritz Gassmann, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland.

Table of Contents

1. Basic ideas of the project 3

2. Important phases of the project 3

3. Meteorological situation in Bolivia 4

3.1 General 4
3.2 Altiplano 6
3.3 Cochabamba 7

4. Wind turbine 9
4.1 Basic considerations for layout 9
4.2 Wind tunnel measurements 10
4.3 Construction 11
4.4 Wing tests 14
4.4.1 Turbulence considerations 14
4.4.2 Mechanical test 15
4.5 Test in Lauffohr location 15
4.5.1 Test site and period 15
4.5.2 Results of measurements 17
4.6 Demo system in Cochabamba (Bolivia) 19
4.6.1 Transport and Preparations of TAUNUS 19
4.6.2 Construction site in Cochabamba 19
4.6.3 Construction of Demo system 19

5. Conclusions and recommendations 21

5.1 General conclusions 21
5.2 Technical conclusions 21
5.3 Recommendations 21

Appendix: Construction Plans 22

A1 Support Unit for Blades 22
A2 Piston Rod - Support Unit 24
A3 Support for Ball Bearings 26
A4 Turning Table 27
A5 Wind Responsive Tail and Storm Plate 29
A6 Turning Table with Axle 31

Literature 39

1. Basic ideas of the project

The project "Collaboration between the University of Applied Sciences Aargau

(UAS) and Bolivia in sustainable energy technology" was started in July 2000 with
the following guiding principles in mind:
• The project should last several years to allow for the building up of a
collaboration between UAS and a Bolivian partner.
• The aim to develop sustainable energy technology based on solar energy
(e.g. solar collectors, water power, wind power) suitable for remote areas
in Bolivia.
• Solar-based energy technology is considered to have a successful future in
Bolivia: especially on the Altiplano (4000 m ASL), solar irradiation is
very intensive and the frequency of cloudiness is low. Furthermore, winds
are regular and predictable in their annual and daily cycles.
• The resulting system should be suitable to be produced and marketed in
Bolivia and should help to create work places in small and medium sized
enterprises in Bolivia.
• The resulting system should be robust, low-cost and a low-technology
product needing no maintainance during about ten years.
• The students of UAS should get a possibility to apply their knowledge in
an interdisciplinary and international project.
• The project should induce a response in the media in Switzerland and
document the large spectrum of UAS engagements.
It is important to point out that UAS is not able and not entitled to sponsor a
series of systems for Bolivia. Even the first prototype system to be operated in Bolivia
was to be produced at least partly by a Bolivian partner on its own cost. Further,
marketing and series production was to be under the full responsibility of the Bolivian
partner. It is even more important to point out that the project was only made possible
through the generous funding and support of DEZA and SWISSCONTACT (Swiss
Development Agencies).

2. Important phases of the project

The project began with a feasibility study. The project leaders visited La Paz and
Cochabamba from August 8 to 25, 2000 to find a project partner and to define the
system to be developed. Many contacts were realised with universities, administrative
national or international organisations and local companies. Among others, several
institutes of the Universidad Mayor de San Andres (U.M.S.A.) and the Escuela
Industrial Superior "Pedro Domingo Murillo" in La Paz and the Universidad Privada
Boliviana (UPB) in Cochabamba were visited. Realising that collaboration between
Bolivian universities and the industry is weak, several small and medium private
firms were contacted in La Paz as well as in Cochabamba. The most promising
potential partner was found in Taunus Electromecánica situated in La Paz and El
Alto. This company with over 100 workers produces small series or even single

pieces of special metal parts for very different customers in the mining and food
As interest in solar technology was found with Taunus, two students of UAS
visited the company in February/March 2001 and designed several types of low-cost
solar warm water collectors1 suitable for production in Taunus.
Realising that the interest for solar water heating systems (though being still an
important issue) was smaller than expected, the director of Taunus (Norman Saunero)
was invited to UAS in October 2001 for detailed discussions concerning the project
and the collaboration with the outcome of a strong common interest in wind energy
for pumping ground water for irrigation or domestic use.
Based on this result, a wind turbine was designed at UAS during the year 2002.
Several groups of students designed the following parts and their integration:
• blades on the basis of resin technology2
• blade support unit
• axis and turning mechanism
• storm security system
• tower
• calculation of general layout
During the first semester of 2003, the plans were finished and a prototype
constructed and built in UAS, partly supported by private firms which sponsored the
On July 30, 2003, the system was assembled on a test site in Lauffohr near Brugg
(Switzerland) on a field where an existing hole for pumping ground water was
available (with a ground water table 3.7 m below ground level). It was tested during
one month on this site. The installed pump itself was not part of the project and quite
too small but well suited for demonstration purposes. It was sponsored by SKAT
Foundation (a resource centre promoting exchange of knowledge and experience in
development cooperation, St. Gallen, Switzerland). After disassembling, some parts
(including all 24 blades and the turning mechanism together with the axis) were
transported to La Paz by air-cargo to save time. Most metal parts were produced by
Taunus according to the students' designs.
Between September 17 and 25, 2003, the system was prepared at Taunus
laboratories, transported and then assembled near Cochabamba, Bolivia, on a
agricultural area with a groundwater-table about 5 m below ground level.

3. Meteorological situation in Bolivia

3.1 General
The climate of the Altiplano (cf. Fig. 1) is the result of synoptic pressure systems
over the Pacific and over the Amazon basin3: To the west, the Southeast Pacific
Anticyclone (High) produces dry and stable conditions by subsiding air masses; in the
east, in the interior of the continent, a thermal heat Low (Chaco Low) develops during
the summer leading to humid conditions. In addition, the Altiplano is orographically
influenced by its high elevated position (3500-4000 m ASL) between the western and
eastern Andean Cordilleres of Bolivia and finally, the El-Niño-Southern-Oscillation

System leads to modifications of the "normal" climate outside El-Niño events. The
investigated period 1999-2001 was about neutral with a tendency towards La-Niña.
The sum of all these influences results in a distinct seasonal pattern with the following
main characteristics:
• In austral summer (December-March), more than 80% of the annual
precipitation of 350-400 mm is delivered due to east winds bringing moist air
from the Chaco Low and due to strong convection over the high and intensively
irradiated (due to its elevation) plain.
• In austral winter (July-August), conditions are dry associated with strong
westerly flow over the entire region.
It is important to realize that over the Altiplano both, wind and precipitation regimes,
are linked to a continental scale and therefore show a seasonal cycle dominating over
local effects. This means especially for winds, that they will show roughly the same
characteristics over large portions of the Altiplano. However, winds have to be
expected being modified by local orographical details (channeling effects, effect of
shallow basins).

Fig.1: Orography of the Altiplano and the eastern Andean Cordillera of Bolivia
(horizontal: Western Longitude in deg., vertical: Southern Latitude in deg.,
gray-scale: Altitude ASL in m). The meteo station indicated as La Paz lies on
the Altiplano above the city. The orography is smoothed due to the 1km x 1km
grid and so, heights of mountain peaks are underestimated. Data from NOAA-
GLOBE (Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation), May 1999.

3.2 Altiplano
The wind data for La Paz and Oruro could be purchased from NOAA4. All data
are hourly averages, i.e. gusts clearly exceed the given values for wind speeds.
La Paz: The meteo station lies in a flat region near the north-east border of the
Altiplano, where it opens towards the valley in which La Paz is situated. The
dominating orography is the eastern Andean Cordillera of Bolivia parallel to about
135 degrees. During only 15% of the time, the wind speed is below 1.5 m/s and the
overall average is 3.5 m/s. The recorded maximum was 23 m/s (average over 1 hour!).
The most frequent wind speed is around 2 m/s (during 27% of the time). During the
remaining 58% of the time, wind speeds are over 2.5 m/s and therefore suitable for
wind generators. The wind speeds are regularly distributed over the whole year:
Monthly averages are all between 3.1 and 3.8 m/s.
The wind regime in El Alto is produced by a continental scale process and
therefore can be assumed as being typical for large portions of the Altiplano. Winds
blow regularly the whole year over and wind directions are channeled by the
orography. This leads to two clearly defined main wind directions separated by 180
degrees. These characteristics make wind generators a successful means of producing
energy on the Altiplano.

Oruro: The meteo station Oruro is situated 10 km south-east of the town near the
lake Uru Uru (approx. 150 km2) at the foot of Cordillera Azanques, where the
direction of the eastern Andean Cordillera of Bolivia changes from about 135 to 180
degrees. Several nearby ridges can produce channeling effects and in the shallow
basin, "cold air lakes" can develop leading to stagnant situations (cf. Fig. 1). An
important characteristic of the wind regime in Oruro is the extremely high percentage
of time without wind: 57% of all measured values were recorded as wind speed 0.
However, as soon as there is wind, the speed is relatively high: After discarding all
hours with wind zero, the average wind speed of the remaining 43% of time is 5.4 m/s
and the component of wind speed into the direction 300 deg. is still 3.7 m/s. The
maximum wind speed recorded is nearly 31 m/s (average over 1 hour!) occurring
during one afternoon. The best winds are found in the afternoon (2-8 pm): During
67% of time, average is 5.8 m/s and 300 deg.-component is 4 m/s (i.e. only 33% zero
Oruro shows disadvantages for wind energy because of the high percentage of
time with zero winds (57%). In addition, prevalent wind directions are not separated
by 180 deg. and clear directions can be found only in summer. The advantage is, that
winds, if present, are frequently rather strong (> 4 m/s). Wind-driven pumps would
work especially in summer afternoons during more than 50% of the time (analysis
excludes 8 pm - 7 am because of lack of data!).
For a detailed description of wind regimes in La Paz and Oruro, see a special

3.3 Cochabamba
To estimate wind climatology, data from a meteo-station at the periphery south-
east of the centre of the town Cochabamba (CBBA) were analyzed6 (cf. Fig. 2). The
climate of CBBA results from its exceptional orographical location characterized by
surrounding high mountain chains. It is influenced by the same synoptic pressure
systems as mentioned above. They cause a distinct seasonal pattern with the following
main characteristics:
• In austral summer (November-March), about 80% of the annual precipitation of
500 mm is delivered due to east winds bringing moist air from the Chaco Low.
• In austral winter (May-August), conditions are dry associated with prevailing
westerly flow over the entire region.

Fig.2: Orography of the region around

Cocha-bamba situated between the
Cordillera Central (west) and Cordillera
Oriental (east) on 2557 m ASL. The
Cordillera Cochabamba (part of Cord.
Oriental) north of the town rises up to
5035 m, the peak of the Nev. Tunari
situated in the north-west of Cochabam-
ba (E. Imhof, Schweizerischer Mittel-
schulatlas, 1962, p. 120)

The meteo station of Cochabamba lies in a deep basin surrounded by high

mountain ridges in all directions. The dominating orography is the Cordillera
Cochabamba (a part of the Cordillera Occidental) parallel to about 90 or 270 degrees.
During 72.9% of the time, wind speeds are below the anemometer threshold of 0.3
m/s, clearly the result of the orographical situation of CBBA (cf. Fig. 2). The recorded
maximum was 31 m/s (average over 1 hour!). The most frequent wind speed is around
2.5 m/s (during 25% of time with wind). During 66% of time with wind, i.e. only
during 18% of total time, wind speeds are over 3 m/s and therefore suitable for wind
generators. The wind speeds are more or less regularly distributed over the whole
year. The average over the 27.1% of hours with wind is 4.5 m/s.
Winds show a very clear daily cycle: 74% of the phases with wind are between
14 h and 23 h. Fig. 3 shows the daily cycle of wind probability for each hour. This
extremely well developed and persistent daily cycle is caused by the interplay of
supraregional air flows over the continent (air exchange between the Andes, the
Amazon Basin and the Pacific) and the local orographical situation (closed and deep
basin): A ground inversion building up during the evening and the night prevents
strong winds by decoupling the valley air from the above supraregional flow. The
rising ground temperature (cf. Fig. 4) leads to a destruction of the inversion during the
morning and vertical momentum exchange due to convection sets in around 12 am

providing a coupling of the valley air to the supraregional flow, causing maximum
wind speeds around sunset.

Fig. 3: Average daily cycle of

wind occurrence in CBBA: The
bars give the probability to
observe a measurable wind (>0.3
m/s) for every hour of the day.
In the early morning, chances to
find wind are around 5% only,
whereas in the late afternoon, it
climbs to about 65%.

Fig. 4: Average daily cycle of

temperature in CBBA taken over
the whole data set covering 10

Conclusions: The wind regime in Cochabamba is produced by a continental

scale process and therefore can be assumed as being typical for the whole
Cochabamba-basin. Winds show the same distinctive daily cycle the whole year over
and wind directions are channeled by the orography. This leads to two clearly defined
main wind directions of 140 and 270 degrees. Wind speeds are over 3 m/s only during
18% of time in the afternoon and evening between about 3 and 8 pm. These
characteristics make wind generators a rather questionable means of producing
energy in Cochabamba. However, for energy needed especially between 3 and 8 pm,
the regularity and strength of winds occurring in this time interval are exceptional:
average for the 65% of situations with wind is 5.3 m/s between 5 and 6 pm.
In spite of the disadvantages of the region around Cochabamba for wind energy,
the following reasons lead to the decision to install the prototype system for testing
purposes outside this town:
• Taunus has access to a land owner permitting the installation of the
system over a longer time interval and guaranteing safety for the system.
• There is a well available for testing performance of different types of
• There are nearby observers to watch the prototype in action and to report
• There are nearby universities with interest in the system.

4. Wind turbine
4.1 Basic considerations for layout
Many wind turbines with different characteristics were developed for a variety of
purposes. The first step in the layout process for a new wind turbine consists therefore
of ensuring an optimal match between the physical properties of a turbine system to
be chosen and its application7. According to the aim being e.g. to produce electricity
or to drive a piston water pump, the choice of the wind turbine will be radically
different. With this choice, limits are set for the efficiency of the resulting system,
which can be quantified by the power coefficient normally symbolized by Cp, defined
as the maximum available power PM divided by the "ideal power" PB according to
Bernoulli's law:
PB = 12 r A u 3
Cp =
where r is the air density, A the area swept over by the blades and u the undisturbed
windspeed measured far away from the wind turbine. Fig. 5 shows power coefficients
† for different types of wind turbines.

Fig. 5: Cp is the power coefficient as defined above and tsr is the tip velocity to
windspeed ratio defined as the speed of the blade-tips divided by the wind
speed (measured far from the wind turbine). The indicated Betz limit is the
result of a experimentally validated engineering approximation (see: The result is equivalent to a
transfer of 2/3 of the wind power to the wind turbine. A high speed propeller
has 1 to 3 blades and reaches efficiencies up to 45%. The chosen system
resembles most the American multiblade with a maximum efficiency of 30%.

To drive a water pump, a continuous flow of water even during periods with low wind
speeds is more important than high efficiency. As the turbine should be directly
mechanically coupled to a piston pump, a high torque at zero rotations per minute
(RPM) is essential to start the system as soon as enough wind is present. Because this
torque at 0 RPM is approximately proportional to the number of blades, a wind
turbine with 24 blades has been chosen, mostly resembling the American multiblade
type in Fig. 5. A start at about 2 m/s even with low air density as in El Alto (0.82
kg/m3) is possible with this design. As soon as the turbine begins to rotate, the torque
increases and the turbine is further accelerated until it finds its steady state frequency
(see also 4.7).

4.2 Wind tunnel measurements

The characteristics of the wind turbine have been measured with a 1:6 model in a
wind tunnel for a wind speed of 4 m/s. The model wind turbine was coupled with a
generator to measure torque. Unfortunately, this generator had a considerable friction
which made measurements of the frequency with zero torque impossible. Instead, the
value 18.6 RPM for the free turning turbine was estimated from measurements at the
real turbine during the test phase (see 4.5, below). Between 0 and 4.67 RPM, torque is
increasing with increasing frequency and therefore, this part of the curve cannot be
measured due to the lack of stable stationary states. All values were rescaled for the
1:1 wind turbine.
Fig. 6: Torque versus
Torque measured
RPM scaled for the 1:1
70 wind turbine: Torque at
60 0 and 4.67....14 RPM
was measured in the
Torque (Nm)

wind tunnel at UAS

Brugg. Torque at 18.6
RPM was deduced
20 from the test measure-
10 ments in Lauffohr with
the 1:1 wind turbine.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1....4.67 RPM is the
Rotations per Minute
unstable part of the
curve and cannot be
v (m/s) =
Power measured PBernoulli =
Fig. 7: Power versus
RPM scaled for the 1:1
wind turbine: The same
comments apply as for
Fig. 6.




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Rotations per Minute

v (m/s) =
Power measured PBernoulli =
45 Eta=

The maximum power according to Bernoulli's law for a wind turbine with a diameter
of 0.5 m for a wind speed of 4 m/s would be 7.54 W. As power scales with the square
of the length scale, ideal max. power for the 1:1 turbine would be 271 W, leading to a
power coefficient of 14% (calculated with 38 W, see maximum at 8 RPM in Fig. 6) at
a tip velocity to windspeed ratio (tsr) of 0.31. This result is in good agreement with
the American Multiblade characteristics given in Fig. 5.

4.3 Construction
This subchapter illustrates some characteristic data of the system and documents
components with photos and short explanations.

a) Blades and supporting unit

Fig. 8 shows the 24-blade turbine from the back hand side. The blades were hand
made using resin transfer molding (RTM) technology. To ensure good stability,
several layers of glass-fibres oriented into different directions were used. The
connection to the end-plate with 3 bolts was stabilized by inserting a perforated metal
plate. The threedimensional shape of the blades has been calculated by optimizing the
torque of the turning turbine for low frequencies. The cylindrical support unit has a
diameter of 1 m and the blades are 1 m long and weigh 8 kg each.

Fig. 8: The 24-blade turbine seen from the back hand side.

b) Turning table with supported axle

Fig. 9 shows the turning table with its 683 mm diameter (height of cylinder is 340
mm) supporting the pleuel-axle with the excenter to drive the piston pump. The holes
to fix the counterweights balancing the weight of the pumping rod to facilitate the
starting of the pump at low wind speeds are clearly visible. At the left hand side
(foreground), the wind-responsive tail is fixed so that it can be turned 90 degrees

towards the foreground side. This is part of the safety system turning the turbine out
of the wind at high wind speeds. On the right hand side, perpendicular to the axis, the
0.8 m2 storm plate will be attached (see Fig. 10 for details of the safety system). On
the other side, a rod will be fixed to support the 20 kg weight which drives the system
into the operational position during normal wind speeds.

Fig. 9: Details of the turning table.

Fig. 10: Details of the safety system. During strong winds, the 0.8 m2 plate at
the left hand side (partly covered by the tree) turns the turbine by 90 degrees
(the storm plate then touches the rod supporting the main tail which remains
in wind direction all the time) lifting up the 20 kg weight seen in the
foreground. This weight opens the system back into the operational state as
soon as winds recede (see also Fig. 13).

c) Turning mechanism
Fig. 11 shows some of the 12 plastic rolls which enable the rotation into the wind
direction. This solution was chosen to avoid expensive bearings. A disadvantage is
the considerable torque (caused by friction) needed to turn the turntable, which with
axle, turbine and windvane weighs approx. 350 kg.

Fig. 11: Turntable seen

from below. Two rings of 6
rolls, each tilted 45 deg.,
allow rotating of the turbine
around a vertical axis.

d) Tower

Fig. 12: The 6 m high tower

consists of a main pilon
tilted from the vertical by
20 deg. and three supporting
rods. In this way, the
fundament of the main pilon
does not collide with the
borehole. To save weight
and costs, the supporting
rods might be replaced by
cables. The structure must
be designed to support 350
kg and withstand a hori-
zontal force of about 12 kN
during storm gusts (see
4.4.1). The foundations (1m
x 1m x 0.8m of concrete)
are only slightly put into the
ground for ease of removing
them after the test phase.

4.4 Wing tests

4.4.1 Turbulence considerations

The average macroscale wind is caused by horizontal pressure gradients of some
kPa per 1000 km and flows parallel to the isobars above the planetary boundary layer
(PBL). Within the PBL (i.e. below 100-1000 m above ground), wind direction is
influenced by vertical momentum transfer due to buoyancy-induced and shear-
induced friction forces. Especially during strong wind and near to the surface, shear-
induced turbulence is an important factor influencing design and layout of technical
structures. Nearby buildings, trees or hills tend to increase turbulence intensity.
Based on very general assumptions, A. N. Kolmogorov showed that the spectrum
of specific turbulent energy density F (i.e. turbulent energy per mass of air and per
wave number k, where k = 2p/l, l = wavelength; this gives for F the units of Jm/kg =
m3 s-2) is proportional to k–5/3:
-5 / 3
F(k ) = F0 (k0 ) ⋅ Á ˜ Kolmogorov-Law
Ë k0 ¯
Measurements show good agreement with this so-called Kolmogorov-law for the
inertial subrange, e.g. for wavelengths smaller than the turbulence-producing length
scales (i.e. wave numbers larger than k0) and at the same time larger than the
dissipation scale. The first boundary normally is of the order of 100 m and the second
is in the mm-range. From this follows that the width of the inertial subrange (far from
production and dissipation range) covers about 4-5 decades.
Based on this theoretical background, a turbulence spectrum was simulated with
MathCad for the following two situations:
a) Plain, free of obstacles: According to field measurements with 10 m masts, the
following approximation holds:
F0 ª 1.4 ⋅ u
b) Wake turbulence downwind of an obstacle of dimension D. For this case we find,
using some approximations:
F0 ª 0.013⋅ u 2 D

For strong average winds of 140 km/h (the max. 1 hour average of wind speed
found in the Oruro data record is 110 km/h), the turbulence spectrum was simulated
for both cases (using D = 100 m for the case with an obstacle). It follows from the
above relations that wake turbulence (b) is much stronger for high wind situations and
so is the important condition for layout leading to transient forces of 12'400 N on the
wind turbine5. This value was used for the layout of the tower.

4.4.2 Mechanical test

The above mentioned value of 12'400 N as a transient force on 24 blades leads to
roughly 500 N distributed over the surface of each blade. In a durability test, 1 million
cycles 0 to 500 N and back were applied at the tip of a blade with a frequency of 0.5
Hertz (the whole test lasting about 3 weeks). This test surpassed by far the largest
transient forces to be expected. Dislocation of the blade tip with a force of 500 N was
measured several times:
beginning of test 52 mm
after 500'000 cycles 52 mm
after 820'000 cycles 52 mm
after 1'033'800 cycles 57 mm
The last dislocation value seems to suggest that the structure weakend somewhat
during the test. An attempt to break the blade at the end of the test series failed,
because even with max. possible dislocation allowed by the testing system (about 200
mm) the blade could not be broken.

4.5 Test in Lauffohr location

4.5.1 Test site and period

On July 30, 2003, the system was assembled on a test site in Lauffohr near Brugg
(Switzerland) on a field where an existing hole for pumping ground water was
available (the ground water level being 3.7 m below ground). It was tested during
August 2003 on this site. The pump delivered only 0.33 liters per cycle and was much
too small compared with the possible power output of the wind turbine. It must be
pointed out that the pump was not part of the student's project and was used for
demonstration purposes only.
As the wind turbine was tested near a busy road, considerable public attention
was directed to the rather unusual system and the regional newspaper devoted two
articles to the project8,9. Some results from measurements of wind speed and
frequency of the turbine are explained below.

Fig. 13: Wind turbine on the test site in Lauffohr in August 2003. The metal plate at
the right hand side is part of the storm safety system. During winds above
20!m/s, the drag excerted on this plate exceeds the weight of the cylinder
seen at the left hand side and the turbine is turned out of the wind. The
pumping rod transmitting force to the pump situated below ground water
level is clearly visible. The anemometer at about half the height of the tower
and the electronics box below it was used to measure performance of the
turbine (the farmer's pumping equipment at the lower right hand corner is not
part of the test).

4.5.2 Results of measurements

Wind speed was measured with an anemometer and frequency of the turbine was
deduced from a microswitch closing at the bottom position of the pump. Both signals
were low-pass filtered with a time constant of 100 s. Data were stored every 6 s with a
LabPro data logger. The respective software was able to transform and represent data
in different ways and to perform regression analysis.

Measure- Date Time Length

ment No 8. 2003 begin (min)
1 5. 15:50 120
2 16. 17:15 300
3 17. 21:55 180
4 23. 14:50 240
5 24. 10:30 182
6 25. 11:25 288
7 27. 12:45 360

Table 1: Overwiev over measurements (total time is 1670 min = 27.8 h)

The measurements lead to the following results and conclusions:

• Without load (pump not in water), frequency f (RPM) is proportional to
measured wind speed um (m/s): f ~ um. Due to the low height of the
anemometer, to its proximity to the nearby cherry tree and to the blades of the
wind turbine, um is lower than the undisturbed wind speed at the height of the
turbine. According to theoretical considerations, um is greater than 67% and
probably near to 80% of u and therefore, a good approximation is f ≈ 4.7 u.
From this, a tip velocity to wind speed ratio without load tsr ≈ 0.74 can be
deduced (radius is 1.5 m).
• With partial load (pump in water), frequency was only about 15% lower, i.e.
f ≈ 4u. As the load was very small and the winds fluctuating, calculation of
torque as a function of load was not possible.
• Due to considerable friction in the turning mechanism, a wind speed of about
3 m/s is needed to turn the turbine into the wind direction (see Fig. 14).
• During intervals with very strong winds, the functioning of the safety system
could be verified. Even though the wind speed reached at least 80 to 100
km/h, the turbine rotated only acceptably slowly. After the phases with strong
winds, the system automatically unfolded to its operating mode.

Fig. 14: Pump frequency in rotations per minute (RPM) and wind speed (m/s) for
measurement 4 from August 23, 2003 14:50-18:50. During the first 7
minutes, the turbine was directed perpendicular to wind direction and
therefore did not rotate. As soon as wind speed exceeded 3 m/s, the system
turned into the wind and began to work. At the end of the record, the turbine
is turning with about 4 RPM during an average wind speed slightly below 1
m/s, demonstrating the very low friction losses.

4.6 Demo system in Cochabamba (Bolivia)

4.6.1 Transport and Preparations of TAUNUS

At the end of August, some parts (including all 24 blades and the turning
mechanism together with the pleuel-axle) were transported to La Paz by air-cargo.
The metal parts not shipped to Bolivia were produced by Taunus, based on plans
transmitted by E-mail. Especially the tower and the turning table were produced by
the Bolivian partners.
Between September 17 and 25, 2003, the system was prepared at Taunus, and
after transportation assembled near Cochabamba, Bolivia, on a agricultural area with
a groundwater-table about 5 m below ground.

4.6.2 Construction site in Cochabamba

The construction site is outside the village Suticollo near the national road
connecting Cochabamba with Oruro and La Paz. The altidude is roughly 2600 m


Road to
Oruro-La Paz

Fig. 15: Construction site of the wind turbine in Suticollo, 12 km south-west of

Cochabamba, 2600 m ASL.

4.6.3 Construction of Demo system

The turbine had to be erected above an existing groundwater borehole,
unfortunately being positioned in the vicinity of some larger trees (see Fig. 16 and
17). In addition, there is a small hill about 100 m from the location of the borehole
(Fig. 17 was photographed from the top of this hill). During strong winds which
normally blow in the later afternoon hours (see Fig. 3), the wind turbine is positioned
in the wake of this hill, and strong turbulence leads to fluctuating wind directions: The
wind turns 90 deg. even at wind speeds of 10-15 m/s leading to unnecessary shutdown
of the system.

Fig. 16: Wind turbine in Suticollo, 12 km from Cochabamba (Bolivia).

Fig. 17: Cochabamba is situated in a large basin surrounded by high montains. Due to
this geographical pecularity, inversion layers formed through the night
prevent winds until the afternoon. Rather strong winds are regularly observed
between 3 and 10 pm (see Fig. 3).

5. Conclusions and recommendations

5.1 General conclusions
The aim to put up a functional and convincing demonstration system of a wind
turbine coupled to a piston pump in Bolivia has been successfully met by this student
project. The process also triggered a considerable media coverage: several articles
appeared in Swiss newspapers and a documentary film in the scientific program nano
of 3sat was broadcasted on January 9, 2004. The documentary created a broad interest
especially from Swiss and German engineers who asked for detailed information
about the prototype.
It may be asserted that the project was a very ambitious one because it went far
beyond the usual university projects due to its cultural challenge and the shared co-
operation with Taunus in La Paz. There were not only technical problems to be solved
but also the real and often complicated communication in English and Spanish has
been successfully managed.
The satisfaction of Taunus, its director Norman Saunero, and the local people, as
well as the interest of two Bolivian universities to follow up with continuative
projects is a sign that the project has an impact on the local population and on the
academic environment in Latin America. And, the project has definitely and
bilaterally enlarged the cultural understanding and the horizon of all the partners

5.2 Technical conclusions

The prototype system now operating in Cochabamba is a good technical solution
with respect to robustness, durability, materials used, friendliness for repair, low
qualifications of labour needed for maintenance, etc. – and the entire system could be
produced by our Bolivian partner Taunus in La Paz.
At the time being, an optimization process as well as a marketing analysis are
being done and planned. Important open questions are:
• Is there an optimum size of the turbine for a given region (e.g. Altiplano
vs. Cochabamba)?
• What is the layout with minimum production costs (geometrical
dimensions, type of resin, type of tower, safety mechanism)?
The pros and cons of the chosen mechanical system need to be compared to a
three-blade propeller driving an electromotor which would then be connected to an
electric pump (higher efficiency versus more complicated design which is possibly
more susceptible to failure).

5.3 Recommendations
With the aim to produce and successfully sell such wind-driven pumping systems
in Bolivia, a rigorous cost estimate for a somewhat reduced system (e.g. cables
instead of balancing profiles for the tower, blade thickness reduced to 70%) is of
central importance. Furthermore, a three-blade system should be purchased and
installed on the same test site. A cost-efficiency comparison between the two systems
should answer the question related to the general type of the turbine. Finally, a market
analysis must answer the question of the size of the production run and which system
of what size could be marketed in which region in Bolivia and/or country in Latin


Construction Plans
A1) Support Unit for Blades

A1.0) Overview

A1.1) Central Cylinder


A1.2) Mantle of Outer Cylinder

here to be
bent upwards


A1.3) U-Profiles

A2) Piston Rod - Support Unit

A2.1) Piston Rod - Support Unit-1


A2.2) Piston Rod - Support Unit-2

A2.3) Piston Rod - Support Unit-3


A3) Support for Ball Bearings

A3.0) Support for Ball Bearings: Overview

A3.1) Support for Ball Bearings


A4) Turning Table

A4.0) Turning Table: Overview

A4.1) Turning Table: Cylinder


A4.2) Holder for Upper Roles: Overview

A4.3) Holder for Lower Roles: Overview


A4.4) Role Holder: Basic Element

A5) Wind Responsive Tail and Storm Plate

A5.1) Storm- and Tail Plate


A5.2) Tail Supporting Unit


A6) Turning Table with Axle

A6.0) Overview of Axle with Supporting Units

A6.1) Overview Axle with Eccentric


A6.2) Plate for Eccentric

A6.3) Axle of Eccentric


A6.4) Axle Front End View

A6.5) Axle Rear End View


A6.6) Front Side Support Unit for Bearing - 1

A6.7) Front Side Support Unit for Bearing - 2


A6.8) Front Side Support Unit for Bearing - 3

A6.9) Front Side of Bearing


A6.10) Support Unit for Ball Bearing / Back Side -1

A6.11) Support Unit for Ball Bearing / Back Side -2


A6.12) Ball Bearing Back Side

A6.13) Lower Tail Support Unit


A6.14) Lower Bearing Tail Support

A6.15) Upper Bearing Tail Support


P. Willi & P.P. de Tommaso, Nachhaltige Energietechnologie-Entwicklung in
Bolivien, Thermische Solarenergie zur Warmwasserbereitung, Schlussbericht,
D. Kohli et al., Projekt Windradflügel für Bolivien, FHA, 30.10.2002.
M. Vuille: Atmospheric circulation over the Bolivian Altiplano during dry and wet
periods and extreme phases of the Southern Oscillation, Int. J. Climatol. 19,
1999, 1579-1600.
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC, Asheville, USA). The list of all available
stations and years can be found at:
F. Gassmann & K. Schöllhorn, F&E-Projekt nachhaltige Energietechnologie,
Zusammenarbeit FHA - Bolivien, Technical Report: Meteorological Situation
on the Bolivian Altiplano, Wind and Turbulence, FHA, 25.10.2002.
F. Gassmann, F&E-Projekt nachhaltige Energietechnologie, Zusammenarbeit FHA -
Bolivien, Technical Report: Meteorological Situation in Cochabamba (Bolivia),
Wind frequency, FHA, 12.11.2002.
P. Fraenkel et al., Windpumps – A guide for developing workers, Intermediate
Technology Publications, Stockholm Environment Institute, 1993.
C. Bopp, Der Wind weht, das Wasser fliesst, Aargauer Zeitung, Dienstag, 5. 8.
2003, S. 11.
K. Ruch, Windrad hat den Test bestanden, Aargauer Zeitung, Freitag, 29. 8. 2003,
Regionalteil Brugg-Windisch.

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