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Skenario 2

The Effectiveness of Binahong Leaves for Lowering Blood Glucose Levels and IL-1
A study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of 70% ethanolic extract Binahong leaves
(Anredera cordifolia (Ten) Steenis.) to decrease blood glucose levels and IL-1 (cytokine levels of
pro-inflammation) in mice of diabetes mellitus models. The research design is an experimental
laboratory with a pretest and post-test with a control group design. Based on a large sample
formula for the Anova test, the number of mice used as subjects in this study was 40 samples
with the criteria of inclusion are male rats, wistar strain, weighing 200-250 g, 1,5-2 months. The
exclusion criteria are stressed or sick rats, and dead rats during the study. Furthermore, the rats
are divided into 5 groups randomly: negative control group (aquaeous), positive control group
(insulin), and extracts group at dosage of 25;50;100mg/kgbw respectively. This is an example of
true experimental research. All rats are induced by aloksan at the dose of 125/kgbw peritoneally.
For the extract group, the extract is given for 14 days orally. Blood glucose levels and IL-1 levels
are measured on days 4 and 14. Blood sugar levels are measured by enzymatic reaction lab
techniques and IL-1 levels are measured by the ELISA technique. The normality of data is
analyzed by the Saphiro-Wilk test, meanwhile homogeneity of data is tested by Levene test. The
differences between the treatment group and control group are analyzed by parametric or non
parametric tests depending on normality and homogeneity of data.

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