Week 1 Ethnic Studies

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A) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, how did Asian groups’ experiences differ during the four

stages of immigration as detailed in the “immimgration” reading?

The fastest-growing, highest-earning, and most educated racial group in the US is Asian
Americans. They value marriage, parenthood, hard work, and career success more than
the average American because they are happier than the broader public with their lives,
money, and the direction of the nation. A century ago, the majority of Asian Americans
were confined to ethnic enclaves, low-wage employees with poor skill levels, and
targets of official discrimination. Of any significant racial or ethnic group in America, they
are now most likely to live in mixed-race communities and get married to people of
different races. These achievements in social identification and economic prosperity
have come for a community that is still predominantly immigrant. Approximately half of
Asian American adults (or 74%) who were born abroad say they speak very good
English and the other half say they don't.

B) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, give two examples of how the study of immigration has
changed over time.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act, passed by Congress in 1986, gave legal
status to millions of undocumented immigrants who met specific requirements, most of
whom were from Latin America. Additionally, the law imposed sanctions on employers
who hired undocumented workers. In response to worries about terrorism and
undocumented immigration, laws were passed in 1996, 2002, and 2006, respectively.
These actions focused on tightening admission procedures, enforcing immigration laws
first, and controlling borders. The exception to this trend is the most recent changes to
immigration law. President Obama took executive action in 2012 to make it possible for
young adults who had entered the country illegally to apply for work permits and
deportation assistance. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, was expanded
in 2014, and a new program was launched to give comparable advantages to some
undocumented immigrant parents of children born in the US. 26 states have stopped
the DACA expansion and new Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful
Permanent Residents (DAPA) program due to a legal challenge.
C) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what does immigration as a prism mean?
Moving to a new area with the purpose of settling down there permanently is known as
immigration. For a variety of reasons, including career possibilities, the need to flee a
dangerous situation, environmental concerns, educational chances, or the desire to be
with family, people may decide to emigrate. In the United States, the immigration
process can be complicated and is frequently governed by a few basic concepts, such
as preserving family unity, fostering diversity, and assisting refugees. The phrase
"Securing the Immigration Regime" refers to these regulations as a whole. It is a
method by which Western political elites, including governments, significant political
parties and networked affiliates, the general public, and the media, view immigration as
a security.
D) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, why is it important to refuse a simple definition of
Additionally, immigrants significantly boost the US economy. More specifically, by
expanding the labor force, immigration boosts potential economic output. An increase in
production is also influenced by immigration. While the majority of immigrants in the
country are able to do so lawfully, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) projects
that there will be 11.4 million unauthorized immigrants in the country in 2018. Although
all of these groups are legally entitled to reside and work in the United States
temporarily, this estimate and those used by researchers include people who have been
granted Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, and Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals, or DACA. Other people who either entered the country illegally or legitimately
on a temporary basis before their visas expired are also a part of this heterogeneous
group. Most of these people do not have legal employment, do not get security benefits,
or do so with significant restrictions.

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