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Group B

1. Cahya Fuadi Muchlis (F041201023)

2. Andi Muhammad Ryamizard Patempoi (F041201025)
3. Nurul Aini (F041201026)
4. Erick Evangelista Savala (F041201031)
5. Videlya (F041201035)

Obesity in Children
Obesity is the accumulation of excess fat in a person's body due to an imbalance
between energy intake and energy expenditure. In almost all parts of the world, except in
sub-Saharan Africa, there are many people who are obese. The World Health Organization
(WHO) said "overweight and obesity are now increasing dramatically in low- and middle-
income countries, especially in urban areas". Obesity has become a common problem in the
world, Indonesia is no exception. Indonesia even entered the top 10 countries with the
highest obese population in the world. Children in particular certainly play a role in this
attainment. Based on data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018,
children aged 5-12 years were 10.8% obese and 18.8% overweight. Physical activity, diet and
genetics are the main causes of obesity and if it continues it will lead to serious diseases.
Physical activity can be the cause of obesity in children. today's children eat too
many high-calorie foods but move too little. They rarely spend time on activities that require
extra energy such as sports and instead do things that require not much energy such as
spending time with computers, smartphones, video games, tablets. The energy value of
food is measured in units called calories. The average physical need for an active child aged
7-9 years is about 1,580 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight, and children aged 10
years and over will need different amounts of calories based on their gender. By consuming
more than they need and they are not physically active, the calories consumed are
eventually stored in their bodies as fat.
Another cause of obesity is a poor diet that makes it very cheap and easy to access
unhealthy foods, as well as exploitative marketing and packaging practices. Intake of ultra-
processed foods is strongly associated with being overweight, with snack consumption
primarily linked to obesity among children. Instant noodles and sugary drinks also play a role
in childhood obesity.
The third cause of obesity in children is none other than genetics. Obesity can be
passed down from the previous generation to the next generation in a family. That is why
we often find obese parents tend to have fat children as well. In this case, it seems that
genetic factors have interfered in determining the number of elements of fat cells in the
body. This is possible because when an obese mother is pregnant, the fat cell elements that
are large and exceed the normal size will automatically be passed on to the baby while in
the womb. So do not be surprised if the baby who is born has an element of body fat that is
relatively the same.
Children who are obese are at higher effect than children of their age who are of
normal weight. The most serious effects are diabetes and heart disease. Children who are
obese, more likely to develop diabetes in type 2. High cholesterol and blood pressure levels
increase the effect of heart disease in obese children in the future. Foods that are too
present with fat and salt can cause cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Heart attack and
stroke are two potential complications of heart disease. In addition, the consequences of
obesity children are sleep disorders, joint pain, asthma, and even depression. Some obese
children are depressed, because they are often teased and bullied by their friends resulting
in them losing their self-esteem which ends up at risk of depression.
Obesity in children is a health disorder caused by various causes of their daily habits
and has been proven as a risk factor for various serious diseases. Parents certainly don’t
want their children who are still growing to experience something like this. Therefore, to
prevent or cure obesity this can be done by changing the diet and lifestyle of children who
are at risk of obesity. Socialization is also needed both from inside and outside the home,
such as in schools in Indonesia. Parents, government, and schools have a role in efforts to
treat childhood obesity.

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