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Connecting the Goals

Sinan Küfeoğlu

Value Creation for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Goals Series
The Sustainable Development Goals Series is Springer Nature’s inaugural
cross-imprint book series that addresses and supports the United Nations’
seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. The series fosters comprehensive
research focused on these global targets and endeavours to address some of
society’s greatest grand challenges. The SDGs are inherently multidisciplinary,
and they bring people working across different fields together and working
towards a common goal. In this spirit, the Sustainable Development Goals
series is the first at Springer Nature to publish books under both the Springer
and Palgrave Macmillan imprints, bringing the strengths of our imprints
The Sustainable Development Goals Series is organized into eighteen
subseries: one subseries based around each of the seventeen respective
Sustainable Development Goals, and an eighteenth subseries, “Connecting
the Goals,” which serves as a home for volumes addressing multiple goals or
studying the SDGs as a whole. Each subseries is guided by an expert Subseries
Advisor with years or decades of experience studying and addressing core
components of their respective Goal.
The SDG Series has a remit as broad as the SDGs themselves, and
contributions are welcome from scientists, academics, policymakers, and
researchers working in fields related to any of the seventeen goals. If you are
interested in contributing a monograph or curated volume to the series, please
contact the Publishers: Zachary Romano [Springer; zachary.romano@] and Rachael Ballard [Palgrave Macmillan; rachael.ballard@].
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Emerging Technologies
Value Creation for Sustainable
Sinan Küfeoğlu
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK

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This book is an open access publication.

ISSN 2523-3084     ISSN 2523-3092 (electronic)
Sustainable Development Goals Series
ISBN 978-3-031-07126-3    ISBN 978-3-031-07127-0 (eBook)

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Foreword by Li Wan

Technological innovation has been instrumental in the evolution of human

societies. For example, the advent of motor vehicles and container ships has
enabled the movement of physical goods and people at ever-increasing speed
and ever-decreasing cost. It has been transforming not only the spatial struc-
ture of cities but also the political and economic geography across regions,
countries and continents. It has been argued that the rate of technological
changes has accelerated in the twenty-first century, epitomised by the preva-
lence of artificial intelligence (AI), which results in existential concerns over
the survival of humanism against dataism. Narratives on the role and impact
of digital technology seem much polarised, where technology (perhaps more
specifically, AI) has been either celebrated as the saviour for sustainability or
condemned as a looming tyranny. Perhaps we need more than narratives, but
evidence-based investigations and deliberations to find ways forward.
Dr Sinan Küfeoğlu’s book represents a formidable endeavour to investi-
gate the nexus of value-based innovation, entrepreneurial ecosystems and
sustainable development. It starts by introducing a theoretical framework for
understanding the value creation of/through innovation, supporting mecha-
nisms and impact. An overview of 34 emerging technologies of varying levels
of maturity is then presented, including several widely perceived megatrends.
He would impress the readers by then presenting an admirable series of case
studies, covering 650 innovative companies selected from 51 countries
worldwide and examining their specific technological expertise and value-­
based business model in relation to the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals.
I worked with Dr Küfeoğlu in the ‘Digital Cities for Change’ programme
at the Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction, University
of Cambridge. His extensive research experience on innovation and entrepre-
neurial ecosystems has contributed greatly to the project. His expertise on
business models and finance for technological innovation largely enhanced
our understanding of digitalisations in cities as complex socio-technical tran-
sition processes.

vi Foreword by Li Wan

We would need technological innovation to address the unprecedented

challenges of our time such as global warming and widening disparities
incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic and geo-political conflicts. To this end,
bridging the silos between technology innovators, financiers, regulators and
consumers has never been more urgent. This book of pragmatism is an excel-
lent start.

Assistant Professor, Department of Land Economy Li Wan

University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Foreword by Yu Wang

I met Sinan Küfeoğlu when I was at Cambridge University as a visiting

scholar in 2018. At the time, we were working together at the Energy Policy
Research Group (EPRG). Sinan impressed me with his diligence, quick
thinking and decisive action. After two years of the epidemic, I was delighted
and encouraged to receive Sinan’s masterpiece during the Chinese Spring
As a legally binding international treaty on climate change, the Paris
Agreement’s goal is to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to
1.5 °C, compared to pre-industrial levels. Although countries submit nation-
ally determined contributions and plans for climate action, the knowledge of
available technologies to support the carbon neutrality achievement is still
badly needed. Sinan’s book perfectly combines the macro sustainable devel-
opment goals with micro concrete technologies very well and smoothly.
First of all, the author clearly explains the definition of technological inno-
vation and analyses the mechanism of technology innovation, from idea to
application, the financing and funding and the specific commercialization
model needed in the process of technology commercialization.
At the micro-level, 34 emerging technologies are sorted out and evaluated
comprehensively. Listed in this book, some of them are directly related to
low-carbon energy transformation and sustainable development, while others
are identified with great significance to the global carbon neutrality and sus-
tainable development from the system point of view.
Based on the above emerging technologies assessment, the author com-
bines each available technology with specific Sustainable Development Goals
and attaches success cases to illustrate how the promotion and application of
these technologies contribute to the realization of the Sustainable Development
Goals at the macro level.
I think this is a valuable guideline and reference to policymakers, manag-
ers and researchers. Which helps policymakers draw blueprints and specific
roadmap, helps enterprise decision-makers determine the future direction of
technology development and action planning and helps researchers solve
problems from a more systematic perspective.

Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy Yu Wang

Tsinghua University
Beijing, China

Foreword by John Seed

Constrained government budgets resulting from the impacts of Covid-19

threaten the transition to the green and sustainable infrastructure needed to
achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, as identified
during the recent COP26, we are at a critical juncture in the global decarboni-
sation transition – this decade must mark the turning point during which the
transition takes hold and accelerates. For multilateral development banks
(MDBs) like the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD), it is, therefore, all the more important to ensure that sustainability is
at the heart of every investment we make. EBRD identified in 2020 the role
that technological innovation played in improving sustainable development
and included this as a core pillar in the Banks Strategic Capital Framework.
The identification of emerging innovative technologies that genuinely
improve sustainability is, therefore, an essential first step in improving green
and sustainable investment outcomes.
The SDGs now represent a global common ‘language’ to express sustain-
ability impacts and contributions. There is increasing demand from stake-
holders, including global investors, to identify how investments supporting
transition align with and contribute to SDGs and the broad development
impact spectrum. MDBs have been working to coordinate a common
approach on SDG achievements from investments, and their board invest-
ment approval processes now increasing require SDG contribution justifica-
tions. Understanding the economic, environmental and social value that
innovative technologies can bring to investments in the SDG contribution
language helps greatly in achieving this.
Cities are not only at the centre of the Covid-19 crisis but also play a criti-
cal role in the transition to low-carbon economies. Cities are where an ever-­
growing majority of people in the world live at close quarters and are where
most traffic, industry and commerce are located. Hence, most of the green-
house gas emissions in the world come from cities – making them at the same
time the biggest contributor to the climate crisis and the biggest opportunity
to solve it.
Now Covid-19 has cast into a still sharper focus the need for urban infra-
structure everywhere to be underpinned by smart technology that intelligently
supports cities’ needs while keeping communities safe. This is the reason that
the G20 group of leading nations’ Infrastructure Working Group responded to
the onset of the Covid-19 by prioritising their ‘InfraTech’ workstream in
2020 that looks at incorporating smart technology into infrastructure. This

x Foreword by John Seed

follows evidence that more digitally enhanced, smarter, more innovative cit-
ies have been able to mitigate Covid-19 impacts quicker and more efficiently
than those that aren’t.
Emerging technologies also have big green benefits, as integrating innova-
tive solutions into urban infrastructure can result in 10–15% of greenhouse
gas emissions savings. This is the reason for the EBRD’s recent decision to
integrate smartly into its flagship Green Cities urban sustainability pro-
gramme. Since 2016, this EBRD €2 billion flagship programme has brought
together 52 cities that want to upgrade their infrastructure for the twenty-first
century – the aim is to have 100 cities on board by 2024. The EBRD helps
each one with both municipal investments and technical support to develop
tailor-made programmes for green infrastructure projects.
The EBRD’s experience has been that cities start to think about building
innovative technology solutions into urban infrastructure in one of two ways.
Either they are led towards smart integration by public-sector champions with
experience or visions of city and community benefit, or, more commonly,
they gain direct experience of how such solutions make life more efficient
simply via private-sector ‘leapfrogging’ through the introduction of new digi-
tal applications.
Hence, for EBRD, emerging technology integration will not only include
recommendations on how investments will benefit from such innovations but
also include an evaluation of the maturity of the city municipal government
to adopt these technologies. This will ensure that any technology applications
that are specified for new infrastructure projects will be of true benefit for the
city and their communities, and value for money will be achieved. The knowl-
edge and data contained within this ‘Emerging Technologies: Value Creation
for Sustainable Development’ will greatly assist EBRD not only in identify-
ing viable established innovations that deliver sustainable outcomes but also
in justifying their inclusion in each investment through the identification and
quantification of SDG contributions.

Head of Project Preparation and Implementation, John Seed

Sustainable Infrastructure Group
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
London, UK
Foreword by Aaron Praktiknjo

As societies, we have the responsibility to allow our future generations a

chance for a good livelihood on our planet. While important, this responsibil-
ity for sustainability encompasses not only ecological but also extends to
economic and social aspects. The 193 member states of the United Nations
(UN) have committed themselves to this responsibility by agreeing on 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030.
Germany has formulated a Sustainable Development Strategy in line with
the 17 SDGs. Innovative sustainable technologies play a crucial role in
Germany’s strategy to reach these goals. The future technologies package,
with a funding volume of EUR 50 billion, aims at fostering these sustainable
innovations in five domains: (1) mobility, (2) energy and climate, (3) digitali-
sation, (4) education and research and (5) healthcare.
In this book, Sinan Küfeoğlu analyses the potential of 34 emerging tech-
nologies for the 17 SDGs. However, this book does not limit itself to sustain-
able technologies but also includes an in-depth review of business models of
650 innovative companies. The lessons learnt in this book will be a guiding
source for entrepreneurs, policymakers and regulators, and all those who
want to learn about modern business development with emerging technolo-
gies to help contribute to a sustainable future.

School of Business and Economics Aaron Praktiknjo

RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany

Foreword by Alex O’Cinneide

I had the great pleasure of working with Sinan for a while in Cambridge,
where his different approach and background to our shared research agenda
in the area of energy transition allowed me to think about the field in a very
new way. When combined with aspects of social science and policy, his hard
science and engineering knowledge led to many great conversations on topics
where his depth of expertise (and sense of humour) allowed those chats to
develop in many interesting ways. Our many conversations have improved
my background as an investor in renewables and clean technologies. He is
regarded by both his peers and his students as a radical thinker on the most
important of topics. It is clear that we now need to embark upon a radical
departure from the present socio-technical paths throughout the world’s
energy structures if we are to achieve sustainability and low-carbon goals.
The quest for a bold energy system transformation has underscored the sig-
nificant realisation gap between sustainability goals and current untenable
paths. This transition creates a systemic task that our societies must meet, and
Sinan’s career is focused on helping that task, and this book is an important
tool within that work.
Renewable energy policies have been created and implemented worldwide
for much of the last 30 years, and the role of emerging technologies has been
key to the development of those policies. Those policies and the work the UN
has undertaken with their Sustainable Development Goals have been key in
helping guide those policies and, therefore, the actual on the ground develop-
ment. Although those goals are often treated as dry legal documents, they are
critical support for how actors should use and develop technologies for our
fight against climate change and the transformation of the energy system. The
investigation of the innovation journey highlights the challenges facing soci-
ety due to climate change. This book – addressing innovation as a concept, a
detailed review of various emerging technologies and then a compression
with the goals themselves – should provide a valuable tool for researchers,
policymakers and the critical industry in pushing forward our transition to a
low-carbon society.
Alex O’Cinneide
Gore Street Capital
London, UK

Foreword by Seungwan Kim

It has been my pleasure to know Sinan Küfeoğlu since 2018 as a colleague

and friend. We met as post-doctoral researchers at Judge Business School,
University of Cambridge. I was thrilled when Sinan told me about his aca-
demic interests and achievements because they were almost the same as mine
unbelievably. Our daily discussions in the office mainly were about climate
change, sustainability development, the future of zero-carbon energy sys-
tems, energy transactions and all kinds of related emerging technologies.
After not that long academic visit, we continued our research inspired by our
discussions back in 2018 on our own paths.
In the November of the last year, South Korea claimed a goal of 2050
Carbon Neutrality and enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions
(NDCs) with a strong will of mitigating climate change. Since then, diverse
opinions have been expressed from the political world, academia, media and
industry professionals. The most important one of the several issues is finding
a new way of sustainable development that can simultaneously reduce carbon
emission and economic development.
Many policymakers and researchers in South Korea think that emerging
technologies introduced in this book are keys to a new future of the Korean
economy with a high-tech manufacturing base. In addition, creating new jobs
for the young and transitioning to a start-up economy from family-owned
conglomerates, called Chaebols, are also important matters for the sustain-
able development of the South Korean economy ecosystem.
This book will be a guiding source for those who want to learn a compre-
hensive foundation of innovative economics and their business practices, to
overview up-to-date emerging technologies and their relationship with 17
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to search a variety of
real cases of innovative companies for each SDG.
I am delighted to endorse Emerging Technologies: Value Creation for
Sustainable Development as an inspiring book quenching readers’ thirst with
a big picture of a sustainable future.

Assistant Professor, Department of Seungwan Kim

Electrical Engineering
Chungnam National University
Daejeon, South Korea

Foreword by Soysal Değirmenci

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field aimed to devise systems with ‘human-­

like’ intelligence. These systems can range from playing board games such as
Go or predicting whether there is a cat in a given image or not. Machine
learning (ML), a sub-field of AI, uses data to build such systems that can learn
and improve in tasks of interest.
Thanks to digital transformation, a tremendous amount of data has been
available for academia and industry to research and improve systems’ capa-
bilities. This, along with advances in computing and AI research, enabled
companies and researchers to build more capable AI models than ever before.
AI algorithms can rapidly build and improve systems that can perform tasks
that would otherwise require human intelligence. Now, we are at an important
junction where some of such systems can perform at a human level or even
better than a human level in some cases.
AI is already a part of our everyday lives. The apps we use on our smart-
phones, ads we see on the internet, TV shows we are recommended on
streaming platforms and credit scores we receive all use a form of AI. Amazon
leverages AI and ML in many domains to delight its customers. These include
but are not limited to search, recommendations, logistics, stopping fraud and
abuse and conversational voice assistants.
This book presents a comprehensive overview of how emerging technolo-
gies, including AI, can generate value for sustainable development. I highly
recommend this book to readers interested in understanding the emerging
technology landscape and how they relate to the UN sustainable development

Machine Learning Scientist Soysal Değirmenci

San Diego, CA, USA


1 Innovation,
 Value Creation and Impact Assessment��������������������   1
1.1 Innovation ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������   2
1.1.1 Mechanisms for Supporting Innovation������������������������   4
1.2 How to Finance and Fund Innovation��������������������������������������   5
1.2.1 Loans as a Means of Financing Innovation������������������   7
1.2.2 Grants as an Incentive to Fuel Innovation��������������������   7
1.2.3 Role of Venture Capitals and Business Angels
in Innovation Financing������������������������������������������������   8
1.2.4 Venture Capitals������������������������������������������������������������   8
1.2.5 Crowdfunding as a Modern Alternative to Financing
Innovation ��������������������������������������������������������������������   9
1.2.6 Public-Private Partnerships ������������������������������������������   9
1.3 The Business Model Theory ����������������������������������������������������   9
1.3.1 What Is a Business Model?������������������������������������������   9
1.3.2 How to Create a Business Model?��������������������������������  11
1.3.3 Value Proposition (What Are They Offering?) ������������  11
1.3.4 Targeted Customers (Who Are They Targeting?) ��������  13
1.3.5 Value Creation/Value Delivery (How Are They
Planning to Create and Deliver Their Service?) ����������  13
1.3.6 Value Capture/Revenue Model (What Are
the Sources of Their Expected Revenue,
and How Are They Planning to Create This?)��������������  15
1.4 What Is Value?��������������������������������������������������������������������������  15
1.4.1 What Do We Mean When We Say “Value”?����������������  15
1.4.2 Economic Value, Monetary Value
and Business Value��������������������������������������������������������  15
1.4.3 Environmental Value ����������������������������������������������������  16
1.4.4 Social Value������������������������������������������������������������������  19
1.4.5 Triple Bottom Line�������������������������������������������������������  22
1.4.6 Conclusion of Value Discussion ����������������������������������  24
1.5 Impact Assessment��������������������������������������������������������������������  24
1.5.1 Definition����������������������������������������������������������������������  24
1.5.2 Reasons for Conducting IA������������������������������������������  25
1.5.3 Who Is Involved in IA?������������������������������������������������  25
1.5.4 How to Conduct IA������������������������������������������������������  25

xx Contents

1.5.5 Examples of IA Methods����������������������������������������������  28

1.5.6 Summary of IA Discussion������������������������������������������  35
1.6 The Innovation Journey������������������������������������������������������������  35
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  37
2 Emerging Technologies��������������������������������������������������������������������  41
2.1 3D Printing��������������������������������������������������������������������������������  41
2.2 5G����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  44
2.3 Advanced Materials������������������������������������������������������������������  48
2.4 Artificial Intelligence����������������������������������������������������������������  52
2.5 Autonomous Vehicles���������������������������������������������������������������  56
2.6 Big Data������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  60
2.7 Biometrics ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������  65
2.8 Bioplastics��������������������������������������������������������������������������������  68
2.9 Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing��������������������������������������  71
2.10 Blockchain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������  75
2.11 Carbon Capture and Storage ����������������������������������������������������  78
2.12 Cellular Agriculture������������������������������������������������������������������  82
2.13 Cloud Computing����������������������������������������������������������������������  85
2.14 Crowdfunding ��������������������������������������������������������������������������  88
2.15 Cybersecurity����������������������������������������������������������������������������  92
2.16 Data Hubs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������  97
2.17 Digital Twins���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 101
2.18 Distributed Computing�������������������������������������������������������������� 104
2.19 Drones �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 108
2.20 Edge Computing ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 113
2.21 Energy Storage�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
2.22 Flexible Electronics and Wearables������������������������������������������ 123
2.23 Healthcare Analytics ���������������������������������������������������������������� 127
2.24 Hydrogen���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 131
2.25 Internet of Behaviours�������������������������������������������������������������� 135
2.26 Internet of Things���������������������������������������������������������������������� 138
2.27 Natural Language Processing �������������������������������������������������� 141
2.28 Quantum Computing���������������������������������������������������������������� 145
2.29 Recycling���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147
2.30 Robotic Process Automation���������������������������������������������������� 152
2.31 Robotics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 156
2.32 Soilless Farming������������������������������������������������������������������������ 160
2.33 Spatial Computing�������������������������������������������������������������������� 164
2.34 Wireless Power Transfer ���������������������������������������������������������� 168
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 172
3 SDG-1 No Poverty���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 191
3.1 Companies and Use Cases�������������������������������������������������������� 195
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 208
4 SDG-2 Zero Hunger������������������������������������������������������������������������ 209
4.1 Companies and Use Cases�������������������������������������������������������� 214
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 227
Contents xxi

5 SDG-3
 Good Health and Well-Being���������������������������������������������� 229
5.1 Companies and Use Cases�������������������������������������������������������� 233
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 252
6 SDG-4 Quality Education��������������������������������������������������������������� 255
6.1 Companies and Use Cases�������������������������������������������������������� 259
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 274
7 SDG-5 Gender Equality������������������������������������������������������������������ 277
7.1 Companies and Use Cases�������������������������������������������������������� 282
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 287
8 SDG-6
 Clean Water and Sanitation ���������������������������������������������� 289
8.1 Companies and Use Cases�������������������������������������������������������� 293
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 303
9 SDG-7
 Affordable and Clean Energy�������������������������������������������� 305
9.1 Companies and Use Cases�������������������������������������������������������� 310
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 329
10 SDG-8:
 Decent Work and Economic Growth�������������������������������� 331
10.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 335
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 347
11 SDG-9:
 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure ������������������������ 349
11.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 353
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 368
12 SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities�������������������������������������������������������� 371
12.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 377
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 383
13 SDG-11:
 Sustainable Cities and Communities������������������������������ 385
13.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 390
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 406
14 SDG-12:
 Responsible Consumption and Production�������������������� 409
14.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 414
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 428
15 SDG-13: Climate Action������������������������������������������������������������������ 429
15.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 434
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 450
16 SDG-14: Life Below Water�������������������������������������������������������������� 453
16.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 458
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 467
17 SDG-15:
 Life on Land �������������������������������������������������������������������� 469
17.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 472
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 485
xxii Contents

18 SDG-16:
 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions���������������������������� 487
18.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 492
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 495
19 SDG-17:
 Partnerships for the Goals���������������������������������������������� 497
19.1 Companies and Use Cases������������������������������������������������������ 502
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 504
20 Conclusions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 505

Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 511
About the Author

Sinan  Küfeoğlu  is working as the International Outstanding Research

Fellow at the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey on his
project ‘Digitalisation in Energy Sector: Digital Solutions and New Business
Models’. He is a senior research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy
Studies. He also works as a research associate at the Cambridge Centre for
Smart Infrastructure and Construction, Department of Engineering, University
of Cambridge. Furthermore, he is leading the collaboration with the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in preparing recommen-
dations for boosting the digital resilience of critical infrastructure. This work
is a part of the EBRD’s Digital Pathways agenda. He was an adviser at the
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), CIFAL
Istanbul, for integrating United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into
university education and provided consultancy to the World Bank in the field
of application of Machine Learning in electric power system.

Dr Küfeoğlu completed his DSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering

at Aalto University, Finland in 2015 and 2011, respectively. He got his BSc
degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department from Middle
East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2009. His research interests
include energy futures, sustainable development, energy economics and tech-
nology policy.

Innovation, Value Creation
and Impact Assessment 1

Abstract Climate change and sustainability are alarming

subjects in the world. On the other hand, mitigat-
Emerging technologies can be defined as a set ing the adverse effects of climate change, protect-
of technologies whose development and appli- ing the economies and supporting green business
cation areas are still expanding rapidly, and growth are other concerns as well. “Emerging
their technical and value potential is still Technologies: Value Creation for Sustainable
largely unrealised. Naturally, this leads to a Development” compiles 34 emerging technolo-
vivid innovation environment for these tech- gies and investigates their use cases in 17 United
nologies. In this book, tech-savvy people can Nations Sustainable Development Goals fields.
easily read and understand the working prin- After reviewing thousands of companies world-
ciples of 34 different emerging technologies. wide, we explore the business models of 650
And then, they can see in what areas these noteworthy and innovative companies from 51
technologies are used and how they can create countries. These models demonstrate how tech-
value. Moreover, the book starts with an nologies are converted to value to support sus-
“Innovation Journey” chapter. This chapter tainable development. The technologies are the
focuses on innovation and how ideas are con- ones with market diffusion. Thus, we deliberately
verted into value and business. By value, we omitted the research and development stage ones
mean monetary, environmental and social that are not commercially available. The book
value. In addition, for entrepreneurs and start-­ focuses on the use of emerging technologies to
ups, we also show the funding and financing support sustainable development. Authorities and
mechanisms for innovative ideas. policymakers will investigate how technology is
utilised to foster any of the 17 goals by seeing the
Keywords novel and innovative business models all around
the world.
Value creation · Impact assessment · Business One purpose is to attract the attention of the
model · Innovation technological world. Emerging technologies can
be defined as a set of technologies whose devel-
opment and application areas are still expanding
rapidly, and their technical and value potential is
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- still largely unrealised. Naturally, this leads to a
butions of Emre Çağatay Gümüş, Abdullah Talip Akgün,
Ali Kağan Önver, Nisa Erdem, Mert Yavaşca and Mehmet vivid innovation environment for these technolo-
Akif Ekrekli in completing this chapter. gies. In this book, tech-savvy people can easily

© The Author(s) 2022 1

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
2 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

read and understand the working principles of 34 worldwide. The 17 SDGs with their respected
different emerging technologies. And then, they UN SDG numbers are: (1) No Poverty; (2) Zero
can see in what areas these technologies are used Hunger; (3) Good Health and Well-being; (4)
and how they can create value. Moreover, the Quality Education; (5) Gender Equality; (6)
book starts with an “Innovation Journey” chapter. Clean Water and Sanitation; (7) Affordable and
This chapter focuses on innovation and how ideas Clean Energy; (8) Decent Work and Economic
are converted into value and business. By value, Growth; (9) Industry, Innovation and
we mean monetary, environmental and social Infrastructure; (10) Reduced Inequality; (11)
value. In addition, for entrepreneurs and start-­ Sustainable Cities and Communities; (12)
ups, we also show the funding and financing Responsible Consumption and Production; (13)
mechanisms for innovative ideas. On the other Climate Action; (14) Life Below Water; (15) Life
hand, the companies and investors will be able to On Land; (16) Peace, Justice and Strong
see what sort of skills and competencies are used Institutions; and (17) Partnerships for the Goals.
in various fields. They can follow bright and suc- Finally, we conclude the book with a conclusion
cessful use cases and see how they can expand and a brief discussion.
their businesses in other sectors. The 650 compa-
nies include international corporations as well as
numerous bright and promising start-ups. This 1.1 Innovation
will give corporations an opportunity for acquisi-
tion and investment opportunities. Innovation means creative destruction or a pro-
This book aims to present that emerging tech- cess of industrial evolution (Schumpeter 1942).
nologies can create economic, environmental and Innovation can be achieved by new products or
social value to achieve United Nations Sustainable processes, manufacturing methods, markets and
Development Goals. The book is organised as supply chains and new organisational structures
follows: Chap. 1 investigates the innovation jour- and more (Joseph Schumpeter 1934). From the
ney by focusing on the innovation process, sup- built environment perspective, social innovation
porting mechanisms for innovation, funding and has come forth as a tool to address challenges
financing mechanisms, business model theory faced by the environment and societies and foster
and value creation and, finally, impact assess- sustainable development (Horgan and
ment. Chapter 2 presents 34 emerging technolo- Dimitrijević 2018). Moreover, social innovation
gies, including 3D Printing, 5G, Advanced is necessary to respond to “an unmet social need”
Materials, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous (Murray et al. 2010). Procurement of innovation
Vehicles, Big Data, Biometrics, Bioplastics, can be done by purchasing the process of innova-
Biotech and Biomanufacturing, Blockchain, tion or its outcomes. On the other hand, public
Carbon Capture and Storage, Cellular Agriculture, procurement is a term used to represent the pur-
Cloud Computing, Crowdfunding, Cybersecurity, chase of goods, services and works by govern-
Datahubs, Digital Twins, Distributed Computing, ment units and state-owned institutions (Crisan
Drones, Edge Computing, Energy Storage, 2020). The public acquisition enables public
Flexible Electronics and Wearables, Healthcare institutions to perform their functions. The pro-
Analytics, Hydrogen, Internet of Behaviours, curement of innovation can be used to achieve
Internet of Things, Natural Language Processing, social outcomes (Crisan 2020). As a result of
Quantum Computing, Recycling, Robotic those benefits, public institutions are in favour of
Process Automation, Robotics, Soilless Farming, innovation and public procurement. To take
Spatial Computing and Wireless Power Transfer. advantage of those benefits, fostering innovation
The following chapters briefly provide informa- is a reasonable strategy for public management.
tion about 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Demand-side policies to trigger innovation,
Development Goals (SDGs) and present the busi- including public procurement, can be applied
ness models of 650 use cases from 51 countries through the whole life cycle of innovation.
1.1 Innovation 3

Innovation life cycle follows the pattern of iden- crucial in terms of sustainable innovation. A suc-
tifying problems, generating ideas, developing cessful local start-up with an innovative solution
proposals, implementing projects, evaluating should extend its products and/or services over-
projects and finally diffusing lessons (OECD and seas for growth.
Statistical Office of the European Communities A broader definition of PPI refers to a policy
2005). Public procurement can be used as an instrument that supports innovation and includes
innovation fostering tool in two ways: public pro- small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in
curement of innovation (PPI) and pre-­commercial the public procurement process (Radoslav Delina
procurement (PCP). PPI refers to buying an inno- 2021). Public procurement of innovation is a
vation that is new to the market or is not commer- powerful tool for regional authorities since it
cialised, whereas PCP means buying an encourages innovation in small firms, which is
innovation that does not exist in the market and is easier than PPI at large firms and is helpful for
looking for help in its R&D (Rolfstam 2012). PPI economic growth in those firms (Crisan 2020).
is realised when products are ready to enter the Based on earlier research, several conditions to
market or already in the market in small sizes achieve an effective public procurement are iden-
(European Commission 2020). The innovation tified as (1) expertise in PPI laws and procedures,
process of goods or services does not end. (2) strategic management of PPI, (3) market
Publicly procured goods or services may have a interaction, (4) risk management, (5) coordina-
chance to gain scale in time, such as production tion and communication and (6) capacity build-
in high volumes, acquisition of new customers ing (Radoslav Delina 2021).
and procurement overseas. Corporate growth can On the other hand, as catalysers of the innova-
be determined by the market’s available resources tion ecosystem, cities can serve as testbeds to
and consumption rates (Bettencourt et al. 2007). trial innovative and novel ideas, services and
When the solution posed by the project has other solutions. As we will see in section Innovation
buyers both from public and private institutions, Districts, various innovative solutions need city
production and consumption will increase by infrastructure to test their ideas, services or prod-
nature. The next question that should be exam- ucts. Therefore, cities often step forth as an ideal
ined is why growth in PPI projects is beneficial place to provide this support and see the innova-
for governments? The answer is that the scaling tion’s performance in the whole phases of the
of PPI projects leads to a more stable and stron- innovation journey.
ger market (European Commission 2020). Public When it comes to the efficient use of resources,
procurement of innovation will endorse innova- we must underline technology diffusion. By dif-
tion through (Lember et al. 2011): fusion, we mean one technological solution to a
problem that might answer fully or partially other
(i) Creating new markets for products and problems as well. This tells us that one particular
services technological application may diffuse to other
(ii) Creating demand and providing use cases areas where it was not intended at the beginning
(iii) Providing a testbed for innovative ideas of the design phase. We reviewed numerous

(iv) Encouraging innovation by leading the approaches and wished to highlight the outcome-­
market based approach which is adopted by the London
Office for Technology & Innovation (LOTI).
In addition to the increase in production and Figure  1.1 shows the LOTI outcome-based
innovation, companies with public sector support approach ideology.
for innovative solutions can become more suc- The LOTI approach starts with looking for
cessful in exportation. It means that growth from real-life outcomes that the local authorities wish
globalisation in those small- and medium-sized to achieve. Then they go back to discovering the
enterprises (SMEs) is more likely to happen problems preventing these outcomes. After defin-
(Love and Roper 2015). Scaling and growth are ing and developing phases, the process is
4 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

Fig. 1.1  The outcome-based approach of the London Office for Technology & Innovation. (LOTI 2021)

achieved by delivering a prototype that performs Living Labs

the best. We reviewed widely adopted mecha- With the collaboration and co-creation of custom-
nisms globally and briefed some of the promi- ers, collaborators and other parties, living labs
nent ones in the following section. bring innovation from the R&D teams of busi-
nesses to real-life environments. Utiliser-­driven,
enabler-driven, provider-driven and user-­ driven
1.1.1 Mechanisms for Supporting living labs are four different types of networks
Innovation characterised by open innovation. The typology is
based on interviews with participants in Finland, Innovation Districts Sweden, Spain and South Africa from 26 living
These districts are characterised as places where laboratories. Companies will benefit from learning
cutting-edge anchor organisations and companies the features of each type of living laboratory; this
cluster and interact with start-ups, business incu- information can help them recognise which actor
bators and accelerators. They are also function- drives creativity, predict future consequences and
ally compact, usable for transport and technically determine what kind of function they can play in a
wired and offer lodging, office and retail for “living laboratory”. Living labs are networks that
mixed use (Brookings 2014). Figure  1.2 illus- can help us build technologies that are superior to
trates the components of an innovation district. consumer requirements that can be easily upgraded
to the global market. Table  1.2 represents the Regulatory Sandboxes details of these living labs (Leminen et al. 2012).
Regulatory sandboxes allow a targeted testing In some countries or in different contexts, the
atmosphere under a particular testing strategy for concept of living labs and innovation districts
new products, facilities or business models, might be used in similar fashions. For example,
which typically entail a degree of regulatory leni- in Finland, Forum Virium Helsinki is a typical
ency along with some protections (PARENTI living lab and innovation ecosystem usually held
2020). Table 1.1 summarises the potential bene- for the innovation districts. One of the prominent
fits of regulatory sandboxes. characteristic differences between living labs and
1.2  How to Finance and Fund Innovation 5

Fig. 1.2  Components of an innovation district. (Brookings 2014)

Table 1.1  Potential benefits of regulatory sandboxes 1.2 How to Finance and Fund
(PARENTI 2020)
Regulator Innovator Consumers
Knowledge and Streamline the Encourage The approval of an innovative idea in the eyes of
experimentation authorisation the launch
guide long-term process to of new, the public is somewhat reflected in the market’s
decision-making minimise time to probably reaction to the idea. For this reason, a test almost
market safer goods all entrepreneurs face when formulating an inno-
Signal dedication Reduce legal Increasing vation is the task of finding essential funding.
to imagination and confusion, such access to
Depending on the business model, an innovation
education as the banning of financial
emerging goods and may require and take advantage of different fund-
technology and services ing options, each with its advantages and disad-
business models vantages. An innovation with a focus on
Foster contact and Gather feedback improving a problem the public faces, despite a
interaction with on regulatory
investors in the criteria and lower profitability prediction, might be more eli-
business hazards gible in obtaining grants provided by govern-
Improve laws that Increase capital ments, intergovernmental organisations,
preclude beneficial access universities, non-governmental organisations and
invention by many
entities or a hybrid of these mentioned bodies.
Yet, a new business with a clearer high-growth
business plan that would potentially provide a
innovation districts is that the former is more high return to investors on their investment could
product-focused, while the latter is more focused attract different kinds of funds, such as those
on market creation. Innovation districts step forth made by venture capitalists or angel investors.
in transforming products that come out of the liv- Alternatively, a small company formed with
ing lab into marketable, feasible and useful assets smaller short-term goals or ones that require
for the residents of the cities (Cosgrave et  al. smaller amounts of initial investment might ben-
2013). efit by taking out a small bank loan or asking

Table 1.2  Characteristics of different types of living labs (Leminen et al. 2012)
Utiliser-driven Enabler-driven Provider-driven User-driven
Purpose Strategic R&D activity with Strategy development through Operations development through Problem-solving by collaborative
preset objectives action increased knowledge accomplishments
Organisation Network forms around a utiliser, Network forms around a Network forms around a provider Network initiated by users lacks
who organises action for rapid region (regional development) organisation(s) formal coordination mechanisms
knowledge results or a funded project (e.g. public
Action Utiliser guides information Information is collected and Information is collected for Information is not collected formally
collected from the users and used together, and knowledge immediate or postponed use; new and builds upon users’ interests;
promotes knowledge creation is co-created in the network knowledge is based on the knowledge is utilised in the network
that supports the achievement of information that the provider gets to help the user community
pre-set goals from the others
Outcomes New knowledge for product and Guided strategy changes into a New knowledge supporting Solutions to users’ everyday-life
business development preferred direction operations development problems
Lifespan Short Short/medium/long Short/medium/long Long
1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment
1.2  How to Finance and Fund Innovation 7

family and friends for funds. All the mentioned ects that will be awarded will be selected on the
funding options each have their advantages and following criteria: “effectiveness of greenhouse
disadvantages, and we will try to mention some gas emissions avoidance, degree of innovation,
of them independently. project maturity, scalability, and cost-efficiency”
(European Commission 2021). Similarly, the
European Investment Bank InnovFin Energy
1.2.1 Loans as a Means of Financing Demonstration Projects (EDP), which is a prod-
Innovation uct produced by the European Investment Bank
that supports innovations, points out several dif-
One of the main tools of financing used through- ferent eligibility criteria (European Investment
out many sectors of the business world is loans. A Bank 2021). InnovFin EDP’s funding eligibility
loan is described as “an amount of money that is requirements, among others, include the innova-
borrowed… and has to be paid back” (Cambridge tiveness of the project, readiness for demonstra-
Dictionary 2021). Most scenarios under these tion at scale and prospects of bankability.
loans take place either by obtaining a loan from a
personal relative or getting credit from a bank. Example Case Study
With smaller amounts required to finance innova- for Eligibility and Procedures
tion, this method would be highly effective, as it for Grant Approval
does not have any implication on the business In November 2018, the Government of Canada
itself, and there is a definite method of paying launched the Sustainable Development Goals
back. Furthermore, different forms of financing Funding Program to further the world’s goal of
have been present in the start-up ecosystem. The achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
National Endowment for Science, Technology (SDGs) by 2030, advancement of research and
and the Arts (Nesta) is an organisation that pro- increasing partnerships (Government of Canada
motes innovation. Out of several different financ- 2020). All members of the United Nations had
ing options Nesta provides, project-specific loans committed to the same goals and had mobilised
and convertible loans to equity options are two similar financial incentives for the advancement
we find important to mention. Although details of the 17 SDGs. This specific Canadian funding
vary with each project and each agreement, a program was open for application to nonprofit
“repayable grant” option used with project-­ organisations, networks or committees, research
specific loans states that a loan is only required to organisations and institutes, for-profit organisa-
be paid back if the innovation is successful. Some tions and many more. If you could describe how
agreements also include a zero-interest loan your project proposal would advance 2 of the 17
structure (Nesta 2018). SDGs, require less than $100,000 and last no lon-
ger than 12 months, you would be eligible to
apply for this funding program.
1.2.2 Grants as an Incentive to Fuel While the contents of the project are of utmost
Innovation importance, similar to the eligibility require-
ments, the application assessments are clear.
A widely used form of financing that is generally Firstly, the fund requires your project to explic-
beneficial to new innovative ideas is the obtain- itly identify what problem your project will solve
ing of grants. The State of Queensland states that and procure reasoning for your methodology.
“…grants have specific application requirements Secondly, the project application should provide
and usually relate to… certain stages of the busi- clear and specific timelines and descriptions for
ness cycle…” (Queensland Government 2021). every aspect of activities. Later on, the applica-
This is the case with many models of grant fund- tion then requires expected and desired outcomes
ing systems. For example, the European of the project that link to the SDGs. Furthermore,
Commission’s Innovation Fund states that proj- and more importantly, the application requires
8 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

you to include result measurement indicators. ture capital led to the requirement of a higher
Lastly, a detailed report indicating required funds overall return by venture capital companies
and how they correspond to different costs is (Manigart et al. 2002). From the perspective of an
required. innovative business idea leader, the pressure
Grants from such financiers have many simi- caused by the expectation of a lucrative exit
lar properties to this case. While it is extremely option may be a disadvantage. Along with giving
important to straighten out bureaucratic and pro- up some equity and voting power to the venture
cedural details, many funds intend to incentivise capitalist, independence in setting a course for
innovations without deterring bright and entre- your company may be curtailed. Furthermore,
preneurial minds. reports indicate that the agency problem associ-
ated with venture capital firms means that each
venture capital professional may only spend less
1.2.3 Role of Venture Capitals than 2 hours per week on a specified investment
and Business Angels (Zider 1998). On the other hand, business angels
in Innovation Financing provide extensive mentoring services as they
invest their own money into the business; they
Startup Genome’s Global Startup Ecosystem see a potential of profit. “Business angels are
Report from 2019 indicates that 11  in 12 new individuals who offer risk capital to unlisted
businesses fail (Startup Genome 2019). These firms…” (Politis 2008). A comparison with ven-
new businesses with high risks might not be able ture capital is that business angels give more
to take out huge amounts of loans from banks importance to the entrepreneur and “investor fit”
without any collateral. In such cases, taking out issue (Mason and Stark 2004).
loans would not be a feasible and sensible option
to finance your innovation. Venture capital meets
the needs that not many institutions can, “…as 1.2.4 Venture Capitals
traditional financing such as bank loans became
more complex to attract, the development of Venture capital (VC) is an important source of
alternative investments, like seed and start-up capital for small businesses that has steadily
capital investments, crowdfunding, venture capi- grown into a major part of funders’ portfolios
tal, and business angels, became a bold topic” (Javed et al. 2019). Fresh and creative businesses
(Dibrova 2015). Although, for VCs to fill in this that cannot obtain conventional financing (such
void of high-risk investments, VCs expect a high as bank loans) can find VC investments a valu-
enough return to “…attract private equity funds, able option (Bellucci et al. 2021). VCs can invest
attractive returns for its participants, and suffi- in innovation and firms at several stages of the
cient upside potential to entrepreneurs to attract innovation journey. VC investment certainly
high-quality ideas that will generate high returns” helps in scaling and growth of the innovative
(Zider 1998). Robinson’s (1987) study indicates ideas as they come into the picture in these late
that personal motivation, organisation skills and phases. Lerner and Nanda (2020) list three con-
executive experience were the most critical crite- cerning matters regarding the role of VCs in the
ria of VC’s choice of investment in an investee financing of innovation:
company/person. Moreover, in a growth industry,
substantial growth objectives by a complete man- 1. The very narrow band of technological inno-
agement team with enough expertise had a very vations that fit the requirements of institu-
important role in the decision. Albeit these crite- tional venture capital investors
ria, it is accepted that VC investments tend to be 2. The relatively small number of venture capital
risky investments (Schilit 1993). Thus, informa- investors who hold and shape the direction of
tional asymmetries, a high amount of required a substantial fraction of capital that is deployed
capital and very important business risk in ven- into financing radical technological change
1.3  The Business Model Theory 9

3. The relaxation in recent years of the intense 1.2.6 Public-Private Partnerships

emphasis on corporate governance by venture
capital firms Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are a collabo-
ration between a governmental agency and a pri-
The European VC funds, with an average of vate sector corporation that can be used to fund,
€56 million, are much smaller than the US VC develop and run projects such as public transit
funds, which are €156 million on average networks, parks and conference centres.
(VentureEU 2020). Furthermore, venture capi- Financing a project in a public-private collabora-
talists invested about €6.5 billion in the EU tion will help it get done faster or even get it
compared to €39.4 billion in the USA in 2016 started in the first place. Tax or other operating
(VentureEU 2020). We may conclude that income compromises, liability insurance and par-
Europe needs bigger VC funds to support R&D tial ownership interests to nominally public ser-
and innovation. vices and land are all standard features of
public-private partnerships (Brock 2021). The
smart city is a holistic concept for dealing with
1.2.5 Crowdfunding as a Modern urbanisation problems in modern cities. Public-­
Alternative to Financing private partnerships (PPPs) are a blueprint for the
Innovation public and private sectors to cooperate on design-
ing and implementing smart city infrastructure
Crowdfunding had emerged and developed projects (Liu et al. 2020).
within the Internet community, mostly within Apart from the mechanisms we list here, there
the creative industries such as the arts and might be other useful approaches in the procure-
media; thus, it was mostly unnoticed by the ment and support of innovation. Further tools and
outside world (Hemer 2011). Accordingly, data mechanisms for the funding and financing of
shows that the interest revolving around the innovation will be explained in the following
concept of crowdfunding has emerged largely sections.
post-2010 and peaked around 2015, as can be
seen in Fig.  1.3 (Google Trends 2021).
Consequently, today, crowdfunding has 1.3 The Business Model Theory
become a prevalent mode of financing and has
a very wide usage across several sectors. 1.3.1 What Is a Business Model?
Today, crowdfunding is a method for funding
new ventures that allows founders to request A business model has no universally accepted
funding from many people in exchange for definition. The origin of the business model defi-
future products or equity (Mollick 2014). nition goes back to Drucker’s (1994) definition of
There are two major forms of crowdfunding: this model with four fundamental questions:
entrepreneurs soliciting individuals either to
pre-­order the product or an advancement of a • Who is the customer?
fixed amount of money in exchange for equity • What do customers value?
(Belleflamme et al. 2014). While some innova- • What are our revenue streams?
tors use crowdfunding platforms such as • What economic reasoning explains how we
Kickstarter and GoFundMe to utilise early can provide value to customers at a reasonable
adopter financing for their needs, some tend to price?
rely on this method as a continuous financing
tool similar to a subscription model. In this Figure 1.4 summarises the business model
regard, the dynamic nature of this form of core components.
financing creates new uses constantly. These components are developed to solve
these core concerns for every company.
10 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

Fig. 1.3  Global search interest over time – “crowdfunding”. (Google Trends 2021)

Fig. 1.4  Components of a business model. (Hamel 2000)

Companies use business models to describe how by digitisation to adapt business models to new
they create income by referring to the value chain market scenarios or build new business models
structure and its relationship with the industry when the old ones become outdated due to tech-
value system (Fisken and Rutherford 2002). nological progress (2019). To take advantage of
Rambow et  al. state that businesses striving for new technology and develop an innovation (as in
long-term commercial success are being pushed Apple’s case), a new model is frequently required.
1.3  The Business Model Theory 11

Apple revolutionised portable entertainment, cre- erate value for connected consumers by develop-
ated a new industry and transformed the firm ing new business models that function in the
when it debuted the iPod and the iTunes store in digital environment (Zott and Amit 2017).
2003. In just 3 years, the iPod/iTunes combo The business model is a system of interrelated
became a roughly $10 billion product, account- and interdependent activities that governs how a
ing for over half of Apple’s sales. Apple’s market firm interacts with its stakeholders. How can a
value soared from less than a billion dollars in corporation improve its chances of establishing
early 2003 to more than $150 billion by late 2007 the best business model for its circumstances
(Johnson et al. 2008). (Zott and Amit 2017)? Answers to questions seen
Companies sometimes find themselves in a in Fig.  1.5 and their repercussions make up a
predicament that appears insurmountable. The business strategy.
core reason for all of these catastrophes is not A business model consists of four interrelated
that things are not done well. The seeming para- components that work together to create and pro-
dox arises from the fact that the assumptions vide value. Every component of the model should
upon which the organisation was founded and is be compatible with the rest of the model:
still operating no longer hold. These are market-­
related assumptions. It’s all about figuring out • Value proposition
who your consumers and rivals are, as well as • Targeted customer
their beliefs and behaviours (Drucker 1994). All • Value creation and value delivery
of these crisis processes may be managed by cre- • Value capture and revenue model
ating a proper business strategy. According to
Masanell and Ricart, the success or failure of a
company’s business model, on the other hand, is 1.3.3 Value Proposition (What Are
mostly defined by how it interacts with the mod- They Offering?)
els of other industry participants (2011). For
instance, one firm model may appear to be supe- Developing a business model entails more than
rior to others when analysed in isolation, but just finishing your business strategy and deciding
when interactions are taken into consideration, it which goods to pursue. It is also about figuring
provides less value than the others. Isolating out how you’ll provide your clients with continu-
models lead to inaccurate assessments of their ous value. At the start of their business, every
strengths and faults, as well as bad firm seeks to figure out if their business model
­decision-­making. This is a big reason why so will meet demand and be accepted by the market.
many innovative business concepts fail. It is not enough to know how to produce, create
or supply anything; the product or service offered
also has to be valuable to potential clients. It is a
1.3.2 How to Create a Business misconception to believe that “They will come”
Model? if you build it. Figure 1.6 depicts a value proposi-
tion canvas, which is useful for determining a
The notion of a business model has grown signifi- new product or service’s business model. The
cantly more popular as a result of digital value proposition that will be built with the com-
­developments. New applications, services, plat- ponents on the canvas will aid in determining the
forms, data and gadgets have created a crowded point of junction of the firms’ products and the
playground for all types of businesses looking to customer. Offering value propositions and mar-
capitalise on new opportunities. New businesses keting approaches feed customer awareness of
have sprung on the scene, with varying degrees of firms (Myler 2013). ​​ Customers must find an
success and exponential expansion. Both experi- advantage at least as much as the extra value they
enced and new players have the need to overcome receive from the product they are now using to
similar obstacles in common. They need to gen- move from another to yours (Golub et al. 2000).
12 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

Fig. 1.5  Business model creation diagram. (HBS 2019)

Fig. 1.6 Value
proposition. (Thomson

The purpose of the value proposition is to pro- Firms make strategic decisions about how to
vide answers to the following questions: position their innovations to disrupt rival firms.
Disruptive innovations should be assessed in the
• Why should customers buy your product? context of a company’s business strategy
• What is the benefit to them? (Christensen et al. 2018, p. 1050). Accordingly,
1.3  The Business Model Theory 13

enterprises must propose and regularly renew information about customers. In industrial mar-
new value propositions as part of their innovation keting contexts, digital technologies enable com-
operations and business strategy for a business munication between firms and their consumers in
model to disrupt other companies. In this way, B2C environments and allow for the use of vari-
companies can attract mainstream customers ous channels to identify and target customers
from their competitors (Schmidt and Scaringella (Spieth et al. 2019).
2020). Companies may appeal to various customer
Companies create completely new consumer groups while retaining their current financial
value propositions by solving a challenge that has ratios by using a new value network. Nestlé, for
never been solved before. One of these new prop- example, created Nespresso, a coffee shop that
ositions may be Apple’s iPod and iTunes elec- has been compared to an upscale Starbucks, to
tronic entertainment distribution system (Johnson appeal to young urban professionals. Nestlé’s
et  al. 2008). As another example, when GE coffee company, which had historically offered
Aircraft Engines changed from selling airlines jet instant coffee to the mass market through depart-
engines to selling them flying hours, they created ment and grocery shops, gained a new value net-
a unique value proposition. This transferred the work and a different customer base with
risk of downtime from the airline to GE, allowing Nespresso (Koen et al. 2011).
the company to build a very successful service
operation (Chesbrough 2007).
1.3.5 Value Creation/Value Delivery
(How Are They Planning
1.3.4 Targeted Customers (Who Are to Create and Deliver Their
They Targeting?) Service?)

It is all about establishing your target market for After firms have decided on a value proposition,
marketing your company. A conceptual model you need to ensure that it “echoes” across the
for measuring the impact of marketing tactics on business system, ensuring that every corporate
both targeted and untargeted clients is shown in activity reinforces the chosen value. A relevant
Fig. 1.7. ​​The individual you believe is most likely framework for examining this echoing process is
to buy your items is your targeted customer. The the value delivery system (Golub et  al. 2000).
target customer base includes a certain age rather Golub et al. state that customers base their pur-
than a variety of ages, a specific income level chase decisions on two factors: the advantages
rather than a wide range of income kinds and the and pricing of a product or service. Generally,
possibility that these people will buy your items customers choose the item or service that pro-
(Belcher 2019). This phase in the business model vides the highest value among competing options.
development process aids in the development of There is a significant point that the winning
marketing strategies as well as the estimation of approach is usually the one that best executes the
income and costs, taking into consideration the value proposition, not the one with the most
various types of business models and clients. appealing value. Figure 1.8 depicts the purchase
Recent techniques to engage with your con- decisions of customers and its relation to value
sumer base faster and more accurately for target- creation and delivery.
ing are available in the digital world. By utilising In more conventional elections, managers split
digital technologies to broaden conventional firms’ systems of production into three segments:
marketing channels, a wide range of channels create value, develop a product and sell it. This
may be supplied, going beyond the usual usage of method could be more useful for production-side
established tools such as newsletters or email issues like cost reduction. However, when devel-
marketing (Schrock et al. 2016). In addition, dig- oping a complex value offer, it is more beneficial
ital technologies enable companies to collect new to make the business system customer-centric:
14 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

Fig. 1.7  Differential perceptions of marketing tactic. (Belcher 2019)

Fig. 1.8  Purchase decisions of customers. (Golub et al. 2000)

choosing the value, delivering the value and com- this manner. According to Daeyoup and Jaeyoung
municating the value to the customer. A value dis- (2015), businesses plan how to distribute their
tribution system is a business system created in value proposition to the value network and deliver
1.4  What Is Value? 15

to value users to have an effective business. The tion models and sales tactics, to name a few. As
process of creating and delivering value has some an example of a revenue model, Spotify intro-
advantages for businesses. Firms aim to enhance duced its product to US audiences in 2011.
their methods for boosting customer satisfaction, Spotify’s revenue model was noticeably different
understanding consumer preferences, lowering from other music streaming services. Unlike
inventory, increasing inventory turnover, reducing Pandora, which relied on advertising revenue,
stock-out situations and improving time to market and Apple Music, which went with a premium
as part of this process, which might lead to finan- approach, Spotify went with a freemium strategy.
cial gains. Furthermore, the creation and delivery That is, it provided a free basic service and a paid
planning process provides insight into which val- premium service with additional material, func-
ues are more widely accepted by consumers, mar- tionality and a superior user experience (Tidhar
ket participants and suppliers (2015). and Eisenhardt 2020).

1.3.6 Value Capture/Revenue Model 1.4 What Is Value?

(What Are the Sources of Their
Expected Revenue, and How 1.4.1 What Do We Mean When
Are They Planning to Create We Say “Value”?
The word “value” is used in a variety of ways in
The main goal of a business model is to produce today’s commercial and economic environment.
money by extracting value from what it creates. It often refers to the monetary worth that a per-
According to Richardson (2008), it does not fol- son, company or the market assigns to a com-
low that a company that develops a compelling modity, goods or service. In truth, in today’s
value proposition and effectively generates and economy, most goods and services such as com-
distributes that value would earn higher returns modities, tangible properties, intangible proper-
or even be sustainable. It must also have a ties, services and labour, lands and businesses are
revenue-­ generating mechanism with a profit priced according to their monetary value.
­margin over its costs. The revenue model is made However, the term value has gained a different
up of this part of the business model. It’s impor- dimension in economy and business, especially
tant to distinguish between the income model and with the emergence of the “triple bottom line”
the economic model. The income model identi- approach, first coined by John Elkington in 1994
fies the many sources of income or income that as mentioned in “Enter the Triple Bottom Line”
the company gets. On the other hand, the eco- (Elkington 2004). In the following section, we
nomic model is concerned with the firm’s will first analyse economic, monetary and busi-
expenses, margins and different financial ness value, discuss the distinctions between them,
elements. examine the concepts of environmental and
The business model should have well-defined social value for businesses and analyse the triple
strategies for monetising corporate value through bottom line.
value generation and capture (Daeyoup and
Jaeyoung 2015). The revenue model consists of all
strategy research to achieve this profit potential. 1.4.2 Economic Value, Monetary
Pricing the offer, service delivery and infrastruc- Value and Business Value
ture improvements should all offer attractive profit
potential for growth and innovation under a viable Economic Value
revenue model (Advantage 2021). A product or service’s economic value is a metric
Different methods can be used when creating used in economics to assess its benefit to a par-
a revenue model – advertising models, subscrip- ticular economic agent. It is often calculated
16 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

using the people’s willingness to pay for the are used in so many contexts and so many ways.
product, which is usually expressed in monetary Human and ecological values may be quantified
units. A person’s preferences influence the eco- as assistance to decision-making in certain cases.
nomic value of an item or service, as well as the Some people are against environmental value
trade-offs they are prepared to make to get it. because they believe it equates to “putting a price
Suppose a person owns an apple, for example. In label on nature” or “lowering ethics to statistics
that case, the economic value of that fruit is the and numbers”. Yet environmental value remains a
advantage that they obtain from using it. If they hot topic today that every company, organisation
plan to eat the apple, the economic value is the or community strives to integrate into their oper-
pleasure they expect to gain from doing so. ations, plans and activities.
Economic value cannot be directly assessed since Economists who study the relationship
it is subjective and reliant on a person’s prefer- between the economy and the environment con-
ences. However, several approaches for quantify- front an ever-increasing need for environmental
ing or estimating economic worth have been values to be calculated now. There are several
created, such as “willingness to pay (WTP)” or instances of how people profit from the use of
“hedonic pricing”. natural resources, such as forests, rivers and other
ecosystem services, which may be used as exam- Monetary Value ples of how essential nature is to the economy.
The monetary worth of an item or service is the Because of this, environmental concerns are
price that would be paid for it if it were trans- becoming a more prominent part of our daily
ferred to a foreign party. The monetary worth of lives and, as a direct result of this, in political and
physical, intangible, labour and commodity policymaking circles. Cost-benefit analyses
assets, for example, is used to determine their (CBAs) commonly include environmental values
prices. The financial effect of risk is estimated as a consideration. This kind of research is used
using the expected monetary value. to examine and evaluate current and prospective
programs and policies and to evaluate their Business Value impact on society.
In management, the phrase “business value” The use of economic values to influence
refers to all types of value that have a long-term environmental decision-making has been
impact on the health and viability of a company. embraced and implemented by many institu-
The idea of a company’s “business value” extends tions and organisations that have developed
beyond its “economic worth” to encompass a environmental processes and standards for
variety of other types of value, such as the value public sector projects that emphasise the need
of its employees, customers, suppliers, channel for environmental valuation and cost-benefit
partners, alliance partners, managers and society analysis. Environmental value is becoming
at large. In many cases, various types of value more significant in policymaking, considering
can’t be explicitly monetised. There is no agreed-­ the stronger ties between natural capital and
upon definition of business value, yet there are economies in emerging nations. Multilateral
some economists who argue that focusing just on institutions, such as the World Bank, have
financial metrics, such as profit and shareholder begun incorporating environmental valuation
value, is not enough to help businesses make methodologies and norms into their planning
decisions. processes in response to the UN Sustainable
Development Goals inception and adoption.
As stated above, there are many views and
1.4.3 Environmental Value debates on environmental values, whether it can
be evaluated through monetary evaluation tech-
Environmental values and valuation of nature are niques or whether it is ethical to value the envi-
difficult to understand in part because these terms ronment within economic terms. As an expected
1.4  What Is Value? 17

result of these discussions, there are many views D. Revealed Preference Method (RPM)
or criteria on valuation techniques of the environ-
ment. In this subsection, five basic categories for RPM indirectly infers market participants’
environmental valuation that are proposed by values of environmental products and services.
Harris and Roach (2017) are discussed (Harris For instance, individuals’ value on clean drinking
and Roach 2017). water may be deduced from their expenditure on
bottled water. This way, the environmental value
A. Market Valuation of clean water can be estimated (Harris and
Roach 2017).
Harris and Roach suggest that forests, fish
populations, minerals and groundwater are just a E. Stated Preference Method
few examples of environmental assets that are
already being traded on the open market. They Surveys are used to understand market agents’
say that economists can assess the direct-use preferences on environmental values. The main
value of these resources by calculating the con- advantage of this method is that people can be
sumer and producer surplus (Harris and Roach surveyed on every type of environmental value
2017). such as carbon storage, nuclear energy, forest
area for future generations, etc. But as a disad-
B. Cost of Illness Method vantage, the validity of the results can be dubious
(Harris and Roach 2017).
The cost-of-illness analysis is a method for
estimating the financial toll that a particular sick- Planning and Creating
ness or condition has on a person. Harris and Environmental Value
Roach define the cost-of-illness method as pollu- The key to effective planning is turning it from an
tion’s negative effects may be valued using the intellectual exercise that culminates in another
cost-of-illness method, which estimates the costs report on the shelf into a dynamic business inte-
of treating illnesses caused by the pollutant gration process. Environmental specialists must
(Harris and Roach 2017). Environmental impacts enter the business, get a grasp of the larger organ-
and operations of businesses often affect human isation, listen to the requirements and objectives
life directly or indirectly. of other departments and find strategic options
for resolving corporate difficulties. It entails tran-
C. Replacement Cost Methods scending typical job descriptions to assume roles
as strategists, entrepreneurs, sales agents and
The cost of restoring or replacing a resource, instructors. Therefore, successful planning may
such as fertilising the soil to restore fertility, is uncover value-creating possibilities while also
estimated using the replacement cost method. providing essential insight into the most effective
Harris and Roach state that these techniques con- communication methods with important persons
sider the costs of acts that offer human-made and groups.
replacements for lost ecological services. For A well-thought-out strategy has four key com-
instance, if a forest ecosystem were to disappear, ponents: (1) knowing your business, (2) taking
a town may build a water treatment facility to inventory of potential environmental impacts, (3)
compensate for the loss of water purifying advan- identifying value-creating opportunities and (4)
tages. To some degree, the pollination of plants prioritising activities (Global Environmental
by bees might be done manually or mechanically Management Initiative 2014).
by some automatic system. They say that we can
approximate society’s willingness to pay for A. Know Your Business
these environmental services by estimating the
construction and labour costs of these alternative Evaluate the environmental actions’ business
activities (Harris and Roach 2017). perspective. Corporate environmental specialists
18 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

are often uninformed of other divisions and Finding creative methods to achieve more
employees’ unique aims, priorities and require- with fewer resources should be the objective of
ments. Three things are required to provide operations. Focusing on resources is essential.
value-added solutions. To begin, determine who The costs of manufacturing, compliance and
the present and prospective environmental ser- waste disposal and management may be reduced
vices clients are. Second, understand the business by lowering overall resource inputs, hazardous
problems that your clients are attempting to inputs or unwanted by-products. In addition, low-
address. Finally, be familiar with your company’s ering environmental risk may avert major envi-
long-term business strategies (Environment: ronmental damage as well. Among other things,
Value to Business, Global Environmental ARCO recently obtained a new hazardous waste
Management Initiative 2014). authorisation. In the future, an oil tank might be
built on land once used to dispose of hazardous
B. Evaluate Inventory Potential garbage. The tank’s permit and construction were
expedited. The approach was supported by long-­
Check the environmental impacts of the busi- term environmental data and a sturdy working
ness. An environmental impact may be caused by connection with the local authorities. One mil-
the use of resources and production of wastes, the lion dollars in monitoring expenses were saved
production and use of goods and the disposal or because of the company’s innovations. In addi-
recycling of items. To begin compiling an inven- tion, they were able to recover the refinery-related
tory of environmental effects, identify the organ- landscape. Long-term monitoring costs have
isation’s principal business operations and been reduced because of this project’s successful
activities, including production and operational repurposing of unused land and the subsequent
procedures. Finally, inquire about the environ- savings (Environment: Value to Business, Global
mental implications of each department’s activi- Environmental Management Initiative 2014).
ties and products. How are the company’s actions Long-term costs connected with capital invest-
controlled in terms of their environmental ment and design decisions cost businesses mil-
impact? Whose earnings, development and pub- lions of dollars. Purchase of land, construction of
lic image are in danger due to environmental facilities, start-up or redesign of manufacturing
impacts (Environment: Value to Business, Global lines and new products may have significant
Environmental Management Initiative 2014)? financial repercussions. Environmental managers
may provide value when it comes to capital bud-
C. Identify Value-Creating Opportunities geting and decision-making. For example, it is
crucial for Duracell to have a supplier develop-
Identifying value-creating possibilities at vari- ment program. To improve performance, Duracell
ous levels of firm operations may be done after an engages with its providers continuously. There
inventory study on environmental effects has have been environmental measures included in
been completed. It is possible to cut expenses and supplier rankings for some time. A decrease in
increase profits by implementing environmental Duracell’s greenhouse gas emissions and consid-
efforts beyond the minimum compliance stan- erable cost reductions prompted the business to
dards. Search your organisation for areas and incorporate its energy management approach into
branches where value might be produced. its global supplier development program. During
According to corporate and government require- a meeting of major suppliers, Duracell invited
ments, various environmental criteria and actions them to join a cooperation agreement. Each busi-
must be met. Even while these actions may be ness agreed to establish energy efficiency objec-
seen as a corporate expense, they have a basic tives, initiate actions to achieve those goals and
environmental benefit. These may include things adopt best practices throughout the group.
like obtaining a permit, avoiding environmental Duracell vendors, in the majority, have agreed to
damage fines and so forth. participate in the project. Recognition will be
1.4  What Is Value? 19

given to the best performers. New cost-cutting It is possible to utilise impact assessment and
initiatives for Duracell, new supplier contacts and value measurement to check the results of envi-
assistance for suppliers in their cost-cutting ronmental initiatives, giving useful input for
efforts are some of the benefits of this arrange- future program adjustments as well as results that
ment (Environment: Value to Business, Global can be communicated to key stakeholders to keep
Environmental Management Initiative 2014). their support. In addition to planning and priori-
tising environmental initiatives, impact assess-
D. Prioritising ment and value measurement are also really
important. According to P&G’s cost ratio analy-
There isn’t enough time, personnel or money sis, health, safety and environmental (HSE) ini-
for corporate environmental professionals to tiatives pay more than twice for themselves in
explore all of the possible value-creating possi- terms of cost savings. Salary, employment,
bilities in the business. Environmental managers healthcare and facility activities such as dumping
must prioritise environmental tasks and concen- waste are included in the ratio as costs. Pollution
trate their efforts to efficiently use limited prevention and eliminating the materials thrown
resources. Typical decision-making factors away during manufacturing are included as utili-
include the relevance of the project to the com- ties of the HSE initiative.
pany’s objectives, the project’s magnitude in
terms of money and resources needed and the
project’s level of complexity. Just because a job 1.4.4 Social Value
is simple and inexpensive, it is not implied that it
should be done first. There is always a plan that What Is It?
considers the benefits that might be gained while A rising number of organisations look at their
also considering the financial and political operations from a holistic perspective, including
resources needed (Environment: Value to their activities’ broader social, economic and
Business, Global Environmental Management environmental consequences. It’s hard to define
Initiative 2014). what exactly constitutes “social value”, but
­companies that make a determined effort to guar- Assessment and Measurement antee that their outcomes are good might be con-
of Value Added sidered to be benefiting the long-term well-being
An essential yet difficult duty for environmental and resilience of individuals, organisations and
experts is determining the worth of environmen- humanity as a whole. The United Nations’
tal projects. The preceding Impact Assessment Sustainable Development Goals are, in essence, a
section presents an in-depth analysis of the envi- global social, moral charter. Including social
ronmental value discussion. Let us provide a value in the policy and spending decisions may
quick overview of how to calculate the environ- help public sector organisations better serve their
mental value added. In this case, the right tools communities. Both what a company does and
and methods are dependent on the questions how it does it may positively impact society. By
being answered: reporting on social value, corporations may
externalise their programs by connecting them
• Which of the following are you measuring: the with precise, quantifiable results and doing so in
effect of a single project, the value of environ- an easy-to-understand manner for the benefit of
mental activity or the total value of all environ- consumers and other stakeholders.
ment-related operations in the organisation? Numerous entrepreneurs’ principal objective
• What are you doing? Do you evaluate the is to establish a profitable firm. Apart from serv-
value that a proposed plan may generate, or ing as a means of earning money, a business can
are you looking to see whether an existing also help to promote social ideas that benefit oth-
project has already created a value? ers. Social values can be incorporated into daily
20 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

company plans or serve as the impetus for begin- too. The main strategy for generating this type of
ning a new firm. social value is to balance the desire to operate a
Environmental stewardship is a value that can profitable business and the desire to manage it
simply be included in your company procedures. ethically and bring benefits to society.
Try to purchase recycled items, such as paper and
printer ink cartridges, and correctly dispose of How Social Value Is Measured
hazardous waste materials. Conserve energy by and Reported?
shutting off computers and lights when not in use Although there are many ideas about what social
and maintain proper operation of business vehi- value is, it is difficult to define and draw the
cles to minimise hazardous emissions. boundaries of the concept of social value. For this
Additionally, businesses may utilise the com- reason, reconciling on a measurement criterion
pany to assist humanitarian issues relevant to the for social value is another complicated task.
corresponding industry. For instance, a food-­ Geoff Mulgan (2010) argues that social value
related company, such as a restaurant or bakery, measurement was a hot topic among funders,
might consider donating a percentage of their NGO leaders and lawmakers. Unfortunately, they
profits to help feed the poor. Figure  1.9 sum- could not even agree on what it was, much less
marises the benefits of social value. how to evaluate it. Geoff Mulgan suggests that
Businesses may also express social ideals via the corresponding main problem was thinking
their operations. Charging a fair price for prod- that social value was absolute, set and stable. Yet
ucts and services while putting a high emphasis it’s easier to measure social worth when it’s seen
on customer service is one possibility. Provide an as a subjective, changeable and variable concept.
equitable work environment and recruit workers Despite this, the assessment of social value is
that share the same values as the company or already becoming increasingly standardised. The
business. As can be seen from Fig. 1.9, there are National Social Value Measurement Framework,
so many easy ways to create social value, and the abbreviated National TOMs (TOMs stands for
benefits of this approach are not limited to soci- “Themes, Outcomes and Measures”), was cre-
ety. It comes back to the businesses themselves ated and released in 2017 by the Social Value

Fig. 1.9  Creating social value and its benefits. (UKGBC 2018)
1.4  What Is Value? 21

Portal. It is a strategy for documenting and quan- that enables stakeholders to make reasonable
tifying social value using a consistent metric. It judgments about the effect.
serves as the “golden thread” connecting an 5. Do Not Over-claim: Claim only the value that
organisation’s broad strategy and vision to its corresponding actions produce.
execution. The TOMs serve as a “golden thread” 6. Be Transparent: Provide evidence of the foun-
connecting strategy and delivery of social impact dation on which the analysis could be deemed
in the following ways (Social Value Portal 2017): reliable and honest and evidence of the fact
that it will be presented to and discussed with
• Themes: the elements that comprise an organ- key stakeholders.
isation’s “vision” of social value. 7. Verify the Result: Ascertain that suitable inde-
• Outcomes: the intended positive consequences pendent assurance is in place to provide
for the organisation. evidence.
• Measures: What types of measures will be uti-
lised to determine whether these results are Finally, Social Value UK states that the imple-
positive? mentation of these principles will assist organisa-
tions in being more responsible for the outcomes
In addition to these three “golden threads”, of their work, which includes being accountable
TOM provides more themes that can be counted for more than whether the organisation met its
as goals to accomplish social value. To achieve goals (Social Value UK 2021b).
these goals, we need to encourage the develop-
ment of responsible regional businesses and the Creating Social Value: Business
creation of healthier, safer and more resilient Approach
communities (Social Value Portal 2017). To grasp the idea of “social impact”, it is a must
to grasp the meaning of the term “social value”. Seven Principles of Social Value For example, efforts made by businesses and
Social Value UK proposes seven principles for individuals to address social issues are referred to
accountability and maximising the social value as “positive social effects”. Business leaders
created by businesses. These principles serve as must first establish the fundamental principles
the foundation for anybody seeking to make deci- that drive their actions to effect social change.
sions with a broader social impact (Social Value These values are often centred on critical social
UK 2021b): and environmental concerns affecting society,
such as global warming, poverty, unemployment
1. Involve Stakeholders: By incorporating stake- and other serious social and environmental diffi-
holders, influencing what is assessed and how culties. Purpose-driven executives might gain
it is quantified and assessed in a social value confidence to make a significant difference when
account. their beliefs guide their decision-making and
Understand What Changes: Distinguish strategy. Matt Gavin (2019) from Harvard
between good and bad changes and between Business School Online suggests four business
those that are planned and those that aren’t, strategies to guide business leaders for their
using data and facts. attempt at social change.
3. Value the Things That Matter: Stakeholders’
values must be taken into consideration when A. Conduct Business in an Ethical Manner and
deciding how to allocate resources since an Encourage Ethical Business Operations
outcome’s significance is determined by its
value. Gavin (2019) suggests that it is essential that
4. Only Include What Material Is: Identify which firms examine their own practices to make sure
data and information should be included in the that social responsibility is an integral part of
reports to provide an accurate and fair picture what they do. It can be understood that businesses
22 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

wishing to have social impact and create social ing your behaviour increases the likelihood of
value should explore how their procurement and having the greatest influence possible. To make
production procedures may be more ethical and these decisions, businesses have to address sev-
how they may be able to use social responsibility eral questions. “Social Value UK” proposes ten
to modify their business practices. impact questions that are fundamental to maxi-
mising impact. These questions can function as a
B. Establish Strategic Alliances with Charity
guide for businesses to evaluate and maximise
Organisations their impact on social concerns and social value
(Social Value UK 2021a):
Being a pioneer for systemic transformation is
not an easy process. It demands a thorough aware- • What issues are being attempted to resolve?
ness of society’s issues and the tenacity necessary • What is the proposed solution to the corre-
to overcome them. For this, Gavin (2019) thinks sponding issue?
that increasing a company’s social impact may be • Whose lives are altered because of actions
as simple as forming strategic alliances with non- taken?
profits that focus on the world’s most critical • Which outcomes or results are expected to be
issues. An example he gives is the partnership seen?
between Peet’s Coffee and TechnoServe. Thanks • What is the amount of change done by
to this partnership, farmers from Ethiopia, outcomes?
Guatemala and Rwanda have been educated about • How long should outcomes be measured for?
farming, business skills, s­ustainability practices • How can the relative importance of the differ-
and improving their quality of living. ent changes be measured?
• How important is this distinction?
C. Encourage Employees to Participate in
• How much of the change is done by the pro-
Volunteer Activities posed solutions and actions?
• What are the most important changes?
Being a purpose-driven organisation takes a
commitment that transcends the corporate level.
Employees must be convinced of the importance 1.4.5 Triple Bottom Line
of their work and the organisation’s transforma-
tional goals. Creating a work environment that Companies need to assess their social and envi-
encourages employees to give back may help ronmental impact and financial performance as
companies solve important issues and foster a part of the “triple bottom line” concept. Financial,
sense of belonging. social and environmental accounting are all
included in the three-part accounting paradigm of
D. Motivate Action with Corporate Platforms the triple bottom line. As Lim Mei said, using the
term “triple bottom line” refers to reporting on
Gavin (2019) also believes that, in addition to the degree to which a company has helped soci-
creating programs and activities to address global ety accomplish the three interrelated objectives
issues, corporations may use platforms like blogs of economic success, environmental preservation
and other online channels as activism tools. and social equality (Lim 2004).
Both governmental and commercial organisa- Ten Impact Questions tions are increasingly disclosing the environmen-
to Maximise Social Impact tal and social impacts of their actions, and
Considering effect entails making choices, such environmental performance monitoring is
as between two strategies, one product or two becoming more and more commonplace around
attempts to enhance one product. Choices are the globe. E. S. Woolard said in 1994 that indus-
made to have a greater influence than before. trial businesses are the only ones who can imple-
Constantly investigating new choices and alter- ment the green economy and culture of the
1.4  What Is Value? 23

Fig. 1.10  Triple bottom

line. (Lim 2004)

twenty-first century. Next-century environmental Economic Bottom Line

performance is the goal of the industry. A lot of The economic bottom line encompasses profit
companies are attempting to get there, but not and the ideas that underpin a company’s strategy
everyone has yet. Because they won’t be there in or behaviour and the business’ long-term sustain-
the long run, those who aren’t trying aren’t a ability. The following measures should be
long-term concern (Woolard and Global included while conducting an economic bottom
Environmental Management Initiative 1994). line report (Lim 2004):
Companies are required to report environmental
and social performance information, although • Income and expenditures
there is a general lack of oversight. As a result of • Taxes
this lack of measurement, a business assessment • Annual operating performances
method known as the triple bottom line (TBL) • Cash management and investor returns
has grown in prominence, which incorporates • Job growth
economic, environmental and social factors. • Credit rating
Figure 1.10 provides an overview of the TBL.
Three critical elements in triple bottom line, The economic bottom line part of TBL pro-
as can be seen in Fig. 1.10, are used as criteria to vides a guide to organisations or businesses to
measure organisational performance. These are make more with what they have. Suppose an
economic value (prosperity), social value (social organisation wants to develop and grow within
justice) and environmental value (Lim 2004). As TBL. In that case, they need to determine the eco-
“what gets measured, gets managed”, accurate nomic activity they want and examine how well
measurement is critical for demonstrating how other organisations are performing concerning
sustainable business practices may be utilised to sustainability criteria.
improve a company’s performance and analyse
the organisation’s progress. What can be derived Environmental Bottom Line
from the triple bottom line is that for an organisa- The environmental value refers to the environ-
tion to be sustainable, it must be financially mental effect of a company’s goods or activities
secure (i), behave in a way that minimises the and the type of its emissions and waste and how
negative environmental effect (ii) and act in har- the environment manages them. The following
mony and convenience with societal expectations measures should be included to determine how
(iii) (Lim 2004). much negative impact an organisation’s pro-
24 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

cesses and products have on the environment United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals,
(Lim 2004): the success criteria of companies have started to
change in the business world along with the rest
• Fossil fuel consumption of the world. Nowadays, importance is given to
• Solid waste various definitions and metrics to measure the
• Sulphur dioxide concentration success of companies, and their contribution to
• Wastewater quality social life and the environment is increasing. For
• Change in land cover this reason, it is imperative to establish and set a
• Hazardous gas-waste management basis for the environmental value and social value
concepts after installing the definitions of eco-
It is vital to comply with the environmental nomic value and monetary value. This section
bottom line criteria because organisations build explained how environmental and social value
demand by specifying ecologically sustainable could be planned, measured and applied briefly
processes and goods. The need for environmen- for companies and businesses. Finally, the role of
tally friendly processes and goods will motivate the triple bottom line concept in this process of
and reward businesses, encouraging them to paradigm shift has been introduced.
engage in research and development to enhance In the following section, we explain in detail
their processes and production that is less harm- how the impact of companies and organisations
ful to the environment. Furthermore, sharehold- on the environment and social life can be mea-
ers, investors and clients also get benefits from sured over the definitions made in this section.
these new ecology-friendly processes and prod-
ucts (Lim 2004).
1.5 Impact Assessment Social Bottom Line
The term “social bottom line” relates to an organisa- When enterprises and institutions desire to evalu-
tion’s attitude towards gender and cultural diversity, ate their effects on the stakeholders and the sys-
work hours and compensation, employee safety and tem, they eventually need techniques for impact
participation and social assistance or facilities. There assessment (IA onwards). In scholarly discus-
is no consensus on whether an organisation meets its sions, the measurement and evaluation of the
social responsibilities. However, these are some actors’ impact are becoming increasingly influen-
measures that could be used while analysing an tial (Simsa et al. 2014). This section will provide
organisation (Lim 2004): findings from academic literature and the business
environment on IA to guide involved actors such
• Employee safety as businesses and institutions. First, IA will be
• Workplace stability defined regarding different points of view. Second,
• Engagement with community and community the question of why actors desire to conduct IA
support will be investigated. Third, there will be a brief
examination of the actors involved in IA. Fourth,
we will inspect several methodologies for con-
1.4.6 Conclusion of Value ducting IA. Then, we will share examples of IA
Discussion use from both institution and business sides.

In today’s world, especially in the business world,

people think of the monetary value of a product 1.5.1 Definition
or goods when we say value. In a world where the
success of companies and businesses is measured To assess impact accurately, a distinction between
in terms of realised profit, this is normal. impact and outcome must be made. However,
However, especially with the emergence of the there is no unanimity on this subject (Simsa et al.
1.5  Impact Assessment 25

2014). Definitions differ significantly since dis- 1.5.3 Who Is Involved in IA?
tinct sectors and stakeholders require diverse
viewpoints to assess the unique dynamics of their As indicated earlier, monetary, environmental and
activities. To provide a general perspective, Stern social values are assessed while managing a busi-
examines the literature and divides IA definitions ness. When we link the process with the outcome,
into two categories: content and methodological we see that these values should also be looked at
definitions. Content definitions seek to explore any during the IA.  First, the monetary value of the
effect, acknowledge that there can be constructive impact is mainly regarded for financing reasons.
or adverse effects and address the long term (Stern So, we can say that the actors in the funding
2015). OECD, for example, describes the impact mechanism, such as institutions, venture capital-
as “the positive and negative, primary and second- ists, banks, etc., play a significant role in the IA
ary, long-term effects produced by a development process. Second, businesses disclose their envi-
intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or ronmental value, to exemplify, showing their
unintended” (2010, p.  24). On the other hand, environmental dignity to the actors in the ­ecology,
methodological definitions are more tightly con- such as environmental non-governmental organ-
centrated and employ experimental data, resulting isations, besides animals and plants. Lastly, there
in a shorter-term focal point (Stern 2015). For is a necessity to demonstrate social value. Social
instance, according to Roche, the impact is the actors such as individuals and states can be said to
methodical investigation of a major change in peo- be affected by the actions of the companies or
ple’s lives that is caused by an activity or series of institutions. Therefore, IA should be designed to
activities (1999, as cited by Stern 2015). cover those monetary, environmental and social
stakeholders as well as the businesses and institu-
tions as the main actors of the process.
1.5.2 Reasons for Conducting IA

Although definitions vary substantially, reasons 1.5.4 How to Conduct IA

for desiring to conduct IA share commonalities.
The first common reason is that actors put such a IA is studied in various contexts as an interdisci-
remarkable effort into receiving funds that they plinary topic. However, empirical and method-
cannot risk losing credibility and being elimi- ological literature is scarce on quantifying the
nated from further funding. IA is an immense impact at the macro-level (Simsa et al. 2014). The
way to demonstrate success and be accountable. key, argued by Stern, is that evaluators should
Second, when they receive further funding, the begin by imagining what they want to know about
need for improvements emerges, again, to show programs rather than focusing on a certain toolkit.
their accomplishments. To attain advancements, Designing IAs necessitates making informed
involved actors can also utilise the findings from decisions on various issues, including the objec-
IA to comprehend the effects of their efforts. tive, required resources and skills, ethical require-
Third, since public voice is an important part of ments, data collection and analysis and methods
the business process, actors should find advo- for encouraging assessment adoption (Stern
cates to continue their journey. They can build 2015). We will investigate some of the existing
this support by exhibiting the results from IA. In techniques for conducting IA in this subsection.
a nutshell, O’Flynn lists the motivations for
assessing impact as follows: (1) demonstrating Approaches to IA
success both to explain received funds and to Simsa et  al. emphasise the importance of the
obtain additional funding, (2) learning to under- fields of evaluation research, social accounting,
stand the implications of initiatives to enhance ecological and social IA, nonprofit organisation
effectiveness, (3) being accountable and (4) using (NPO) research, social entrepreneurship, profit-­
IA results to advocate for changes (2010). oriented entrepreneurship, business ethics or cor-
26 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

porate social responsibility (CSR) (2014). First, in In terms of technique, according to O’Flynn,
evaluation research, three categories of appraisals there are three general approaches for impact
can be recognised: (1) analysing program theory, assessment: (1) retrospective, (2) process-driven
(2) assessing program process and (3) computing and (3) ex-post studies as described in Fig. 1.11
program impacts (Schober et al. 2013, as cited by (2010).
Simsa et al.). Second, in the realm of accounting
and accountability, IA incorporates non-monetary Methodologies
impacts in accounting, balancing and profit calcu- IAs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. It is vital
lation. Third, in ecological IA, the natural envi- to understand and build the underlying assessment
ronment was the focus initially, where social architecture to measure the impact of a project, an
components were included later. Fourth, in NPO organisation or a sector (Simsa et al. 2014). The
research, it is important to note that impact is not impact value chain or logic model is shown by
always synonymous with success. Countable and Simsa et  al. (2014). Arising from evaluation
measurable outputs can be used as success crite- research, the logic model is a representation of the
ria. Fifth, in entrepreneurship, social impact theoretical functioning of a program, an organisa-
investors consider not only the financial but also tion or a sector that is used to appraise the intended
the societal implications of their investments. As a goals. The model recognises and differentiates the
result, indicator systems comparable to those used input, activity, output, outcome and impact com-
by traditional for-profit businesses are established. ponents. Let us define what those listed indicators
Lastly, the impact has been taken up by firms pri- mean. First, all resources invested in an organisa-
marily in the context of CSR within the issue of tion’s activities are called input. Second, activities
business ethics. Initially, the emphasis was mostly refer to specific acts, tasks and the organisation’s
on environmental sustainability; later, the social achievements to fulfil its goals. Third, the term
dimension gained prominence as in the case of output refers to physical items and services that
ecological and social IA (Simsa et al. 2014). can be quantified directly as a result of an organ-

Fig. 1.11  Approaches to IA. (O’Flynn 2010)

1.5  Impact Assessment 27

isation’s activity. Fourth, particular alterations in interrelationships and life cycle of programs.
attitudes, behaviours, knowledge, abilities, etc. Then, it is not surprising that these attributes
that occur due to an organisation’s operations are affect IA design. Determining the unit of ­analysis,
hinted at as outcomes. Fifth, deadweight is the creating theories of change and accounting for
amount to which the outcomes would have hap- unpredictability are all the possible requirements
pened anyhow and must be deducted from the out- of program features (Stern 2015).
come to spot the impact. Sixth, above and beyond Alternatively, according to Hailey and
the outcome that would have happened anyhow is Sorgenfrei, the key is not the framework itself but
named impact. Here, assessors should differentiate how it is utilised – making the process as vital as
between performance measurement and IA. When the output is critical. It is also crucial to build
it comes to performance evaluation, the activities breathing frameworks that demonstrate what
or outcomes are the focus of attention. However, in actors attempt to assess the dynamic and multidi-
the case of IA, identifying, measuring and valuing mensional nature. Moreover, concerns such as
outcomes, including deadweight, is pivotal. The power and authority, culture and context, as well
associated indicators, items and scales build the as complexity and change, must be considered
basis to measure impact empirically (Simsa et al. (Hailey and Sorgenfrei 2004).
Furthermore, Stern provides focal points to Possible Failures and Solutions
consider before starting to create an IA model. Like all techniques, IA techniques also might
While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to come up with failures. According to O’Flynn
making these decisions, some logical stages to (2010), eight possible reasons behind these fail-
follow might help guide decision-making. These ures are listed in Fig. 1.12.
steps are depicted as (1) evaluation questions, (2) O’Flynn (2010) also provides solutions to
program attributes and (3) available designs beat those challenges. Actors can overcome the
(2015). Various assessment commissioners will first obstacle by devoting more time to figuring
ask different types of impact questions, or even a out how various processes are linked and com-
different combination of such questions, such as plementing one another. To surpass the second
how much of an effect can be attributed to the one, it is suggested that assessors comprehend
interference. When considering the program and explain the organisational zone of influ-
attributes, evaluators must generate a control ence. The third challenge can be overcome by
group or comparator. There are designs and pro- comprehending that measuring, evaluating and
cedures such as instrumental variables that can correlating facts have their own validity. Also,
help evaluators to discover specific impacts when measurements should be done within their
an investigation is not possible. Furthermore, sphere of influence. To beat the fourth one,
insisting on a precise measurement under all situ- organisations should establish assessments for
ations in many complicated program contexts is their purposes and then alter them regarding the
futile. Assessment commissioners frequently demands of other stakeholders. To surmount
regard the advantages of combining approaches. the fifth one, evaluators can build rolling base-
Therefore, combined methods research that lines and employ more quantitative data. The
incorporates quantitative and qualitative tech- sixth possible reason for failure can be beaten
niques will increase the confidence of the results through employing a small number of user-
as they are formed on numerous different sources friendly tools. For the seventh one, assessors
of information acquired in various ways. Few should devote effort to assuring that partners
evaluations focus on a single subject; instead, and stakeholders understand the assessment’s
they aim to measure impacts and explain what purpose. For the last challenge, findings can be
works where and when (Stern 2015). utilised to facilitate consensus and planning
Briefly, Stern argues that there are colossal workshops, generate case studies and so on
differences in the shape, form, location, purpose, (O’Flynn 2010).
28 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

Fig. 1.12  Possible reasons behind failures. (O’Flynn 2010)

1.5.5 Examples of IA Methods two dimensions of this system. Project dimension
looks into the influence in three different effect
Now, it would be convenient to illustrate IA sys- categories: (1) stakeholder effects, (2) economy-­
tems and principles through examples. First, the wide effects and (3) environmental effects.
Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring Second, the market outcomes dimension evalu-
(AIMM) system of International Finance ates how well an intervention enhances market
Corporation (IFC) will be investigated. Second, structure and function by encouraging competi-
we will review the principles of EBRD for its tiveness, resilience, integration, inclusivity and
IAs. The third example coming from the World sustainability goals. IFC has created sector
Bank presents possible IA techniques and their frameworks to evaluate projects in each of the
comparison. Fourth, we will share our findings IFC businesses. Sector frameworks assign ratings
on IA by a business by examining Intel’s corpo- in four areas, as described in Fig. 1.13, to assist in
rate responsibility report. IA (IFC 2021).
In the project outcomes dimension, the gap International Finance analysis evaluates the respective scale of the
Corporation (IFC) development problem that each intended effect is
IFC developed its own IA method, named the addressing. The intensity analysis assesses a
AIMM, to measure project-level and systemic project’s contribution to reducing divergence in
outcomes of its actions. It is also an emerging development. Evaluating intensity is based on
model for impact investors and a tool to incentiv- normalised sector-specific criteria. When a gap
ise impact. Project and market outcomes are the evaluation and an intensity assessment are com-
1.5  Impact Assessment 29

Fig. 1.13  Areas to be rated. (IFC 2021)

bined, as shown in Fig. 1.14, an overall potential The AIMM approach incorporates the uncer-
impact rating is appointed. The potential for an tainty of realising and maintaining the desired
effect to have an influence is determined by both impacts over time for both the project- and
the size of the problem (the size of the gap) and market-­level dimensions. As shown in Fig. 1.16,
the effectiveness of the intervention (its inten- the likelihood assessment is used to distinguish
sity). This method prioritises projects that address the potential results that a project could produce
larger development gaps and/or unique or con- and the risks that could prevent them from being
structed programs to generate results quickly realised (IFC 2021).
(IFC 2021). The IFC uses AIMM evaluations to choose
The market creation dimension appoints mar- and compose interventions with the most signifi-
ket stages to market development for each of the cant impact possible. IFC administers its pipeline
five market features. On the other hand, market of interferences and develops plans to remedy
movement is used to analyse a project’s efforts to inadequacies by aggregating AIMM ratings for
change markets’ structure and functioning. As different business areas. Portfolio ratings will
shown in Fig.  1.15, an overall potential impact also assist IFC in balancing strategic goals to pur-
rating is authorised after the market stage is com- sue the portfolio strategy. They aim to maximise
bined with the market movement. The market’s the development effect while making sustainable
capacity for systemic change is determined by and risk-adjusted financial returns. Furthermore,
the market stage of development and the catalytic IFC monitors and reports on ex-ante expecta-
change that IFC anticipates its project to engen- tions, develops information feedback loops and
der (IFC 2021). compiles a lesson inventory (IFC 2021).
30 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

Fig. 1.14  Assessing project outcome. (IFC 2021) European Bank might differ between individual investments. The

for Reconstruction manager shall also acknowledge connecting staff
and Development (EBRD) incentive schemes with impact achievement
The EBRD has published a brochure to share its besides financial performance (EBRD 2021).
principles while assessing the impacts of its proj- For the third principle, the manager must
ects. There are nine principles, as listed in attempt to build and record a believable story on
Fig. 1.17 (EBRD 2021). its input to each investment’s impact.
Following the first principle, the manager Contributions can be made in various ways,
must develop strategic impact goals for the port- including financial and non-financial. The story
folio or fund to create positive and measurable should be told and backed up by proof whenever
social or environmental impacts consistent with available (EBRD 2021).
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of The fourth principle requires that the manager
the UN or other broadly accepted objectives. The examine and measure the concrete, constructive
manager shall also ensure that the investment effect potential resulting from each investment
strategy has a plausible foundation for reaching beforehand. The evaluation should be conducted
the impact goals (EBRD 2021). using a proper results framework that strives to
For the second principle, the manager must address the following key questions: (1) What is
have a procedure in place to administrate IA on a the destined effect? (2) Who is influenced by this
portfolio basis. The principle’s goal is to con- effect? (3) What is the magnitude of this effect’s
struct and track impact performance throughout significance? The manager should also try to
the entire portfolio while considering that impact assess how likely the investment will have the
1.5  Impact Assessment 31

Fig. 1.15  Assessing market outcome. (IFC 2021)

desired effect. Moreover, substantial risk factors should engage with them, if needed, to avoid
that could cause the impact to differ from ex-ante gaps and unforeseen events (EBRD 2021).
estimates should be identified. Furthermore, the The sixth principle necessitates that the man-
evidence should be gathered to estimate the rela- ager utilises the results framework in principle
tive size of the difficulty addressed within the four to track the process to achieve positive
chosen geographical context. The manager must impacts for each investment. A predetermined
also discover ways to boost the investment’s method to communicate performance data with
effect. Lastly, indicators must be adjusted with the investee should be used to track progress.
industry standards and best practices (EBRD This should specify how frequently data will be
2021). gathered, the design for gathering data, data
Within the fifth principle, the manager shall sources, data collection duties and how the data
recognise and prevent. If avoidance is not practi- will be reported. Besides, the manager must
cable, alleviate and administer environmental, strive to take necessary steps if monitoring
social and governance (ESG) risks for each reveals that the investment is no longer believed
investment as part of a systematic and docu- to reach its desired effects (EBRD 2021).
mented approach. The manager must engage To comply with the seventh principle, when
with the investor to obtain its promise to address undertaking an exit, the manager must examine
gaps in current systems, procedures and stan- the effect of timing, design and exit procedure on
dards, utilising best international industry prac- the sustainability of influence (EBRD 2021).
tices. In addition, investees’ ESG risk and For the eighth principle, the manager is
performance should be audited. The manager responsible for revising and recording each
32 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

Fig. 1.16  Likelihood assessment. (IFC 2021)

investment’s impact achievement and comparing to quantify distributional impacts and ex-ante
the projected and actual impact as well as other approaches for predicting program consequences
consequences. Moreover, these conclusions and methods (Khandker et al. 2010).
should be used to enhance operational and strate- To assure that IA is functional, various mea-
gic investment decisions and administrative pro- sures should be followed, as stated by the guide-
cedures (EBRD 2021). book. The importance and objectives of the
In the last principle, the manager must pub- evaluation, for example, must be explicitly stated
licly report the consistency of its IA methods throughout project identification and preparation.
with the principles annually and arrange for sepa- The nature and timeliness of evaluations are also
rate proof of this alignment regularly. a source of concern. To isolate the influence of
Furthermore, the findings of this verification the program on consequences, IAs should be
report should be made public (EBRD 2021). planned ahead of time to assist program adminis-
trators in assessing and updating targeting The World Bank throughout the intervention. The availability and
The World Bank desires to discover by using IA quality of data are also valuable factors in dictat-
whether the changes in consumption and health ing the capability of a program. Hiring and train-
could be linked to the program itself rather than ing fieldwork staff and establishing a consistent
to some separate aspect. It has issued a guide- data management and access strategy are critical.
book that explains the most common quantitative From an administrative standpoint, the evaluation
approaches used in ex-post IAs of programs and team should be carefully constituted during proj-
policies. The guidebook also goes through ways ect implementation to include enough technical
1.5  Impact Assessment 33

Fig. 1.17  Principles of EBRD for IA. (EBRD 2021)

and managerial knowledge to assure precise data nonparticipants’ observed changes over time
and result reporting and transparency in execu- yield the counterfactuals for participants
tion to interpret the data properly (Khandker (Khandker et al. 2010).
et al. 2010). In addition, adding a third variable that affects
As the first approach in the book, randomised just the treatment but not unobserved factors, an
evaluations attempt to determine the effective- instrumental variable method reveals exogenous
ness of a program by finding a group of partici- variation in treatment. These methods can be
pants with similar observed features and used with cross section or panel data. Instruments
randomly assigning the treatment to a subset of can be created via program design as well as
this group. This strategy overcomes the problem other exogenous shocks that are unrelated to the
of unobserved characteristics causing selection desired consequences. Furthermore, regression
bias (Khandker et al. 2010). discontinuity and pipeline techniques are the
The double-difference method is another extensions of instrumental variable and experi-
method that allows the World Bank to see if con- mental methods that use exogenous program
sequences are traced for both participants and rules to compare participants and nonparticipants
nonparticipants over a long enough period to cap- in a narrow area (Khandker et al. 2010).
ture any intervention effects. This strategy indi- Although experimental methods are ideal for
cates that tracking results for both participants IA in theory, nonexperimental methods are com-
and nonparticipants over time will offer a solid monly used practically, either because program
foundation for determining the program’s influ- managers are hesitant to exclude certain segments
ence by utilising the double-difference method; of the population from an intervention randomly
34 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

or because a randomised approach is inappropriate as it asserts, is also at the forefront of industry-

for a rapid-action project with little time to experi- wide initiatives to enhance ethical mineral sourc-
ment. The quality of IA, even with an experimen- ing and responsible mobility (Intel 2021).
tal design, is determined by how the development As we can see above, Intel seeks to demon-
and implementation are done. Compliance issues, strate its respect for people, the environment and,
spillovers and unobserved sample bias frequently generally, the future well-being of all living spe-
obstruct the clean recognition of program impacts cies. But how does Intel evaluate the real-world
from randomisation. However, nonexperimental impacts of their actions? IA commissioners pres-
procedures, such as propensity score matching, ent their beliefs and how they have progressed
double difference and the use of instrumental vari- over the past year in their corporate responsibility
ables, have their own strengths and shortcomings. reports. They track a comparable approach in all
Thus, they are susceptible to bias for several rea- of their values while doing so. Let us look at the
sons, including inaccurate evaluation framework employee safety and well-being value as an
design (Khandker et al. 2010). example. They begin by describing in their report
According to the World Bank, no single in 2021 that they want to ensure that more than
assignment or evaluation method is flawless. 90% of their employees believe Intel has a solid
Thus it is a good idea to double-check the results safety culture and that 50% of their employees
using other approaches. Ex-ante and ex-post participate in their worldwide corporate wellness
evaluation methodologies, as well as quantitative program. They continue with establishing a base-
and qualitative approaches, can all be integrated. line. First, 37% of Intel employees engaged in
It is important to utilise specific approaches. Intel’s EHS Safety Culture Survey, with a base-
Understanding the planning and execution of an line average of 79% on “safety is a value” met-
intervention, the aims and processes by which rics; and second, 22% of Intel employees
program goals can be met and the precise fea- participated in Intel wellness initiatives at the
tures of targeted and nontargeted areas are all key start of 2020. Following that, Intel summarises its
components in IA. One may also decide whether progress for the previous year. During 2020, their
certain components of the program can be health and wellness teams worked to enhance
changed to make it better by directing pleasant employee knowledge and engagement in Intel’s
IAs throughout the program and beginning early programs, emphasising preventative and early
in the plan and execution stages of the project intervention programs and participation in the
(Khandker et al. 2010). newly expanded virtual offerings of the Intel
Vitality Program. They finish the assessment by Intel Corp. looking ahead. Intel’s safety culture aim will be
To take a look at IA examples from the business to boost employee and management engagement
side, let us investigate Intel’s corporate responsi- in their safety programs, increase company-wide
bility report of 2020. Intel claims in this report participation in their safety culture survey and
that incorporating and expanding ethical business expand the poll to 50% of employees by the end
practices into their worldwide operations and sup- of 2021 (Intel 2021).
ply chain reduces risks and promotes human As a result, Intel, as a technology giant, uses
rights respect. Intel’s 2030 goals include taking these corporate responsibility reports to demon-
steps to preserve and enhance their focus on main- strate its social and environmental dignity to the
taining and establishing a strong safety culture as public. It uses several IA principles while doing so.
their business evolves and grows, as well as First, it identifies the desired impact as ensuring
expanding the global reach of their wellness pro- more than 90% of their employees believe that
grams. The goals also include a large increase in Intel has a solid safety culture and that 50% of their
the number of suppliers covered by their engage- employees participate in their worldwide corporate
ment initiatives to increase human rights account- wellness program. Second, it creates baselines
ability throughout their global supply chain. Intel, such as the Safety Culture Survey, with a baseline
1.6  The Innovation Journey 35

average of 79% on “safety is a value” metrics, etc., Before we explain the journey, we should
to compare improvements. Third, as we can see, it stress that this is not a linear process; instead, it is
displays the progress using experimental data. a combination of interrelated complex processes.
Lastly, it learns lessons from its evaluation to set As the outcome-based approach or the LOTI
further goals, such as expanding the poll to 50% of approach suggests, Phase 0, envisaging, begins
employees by the end of 2021 (Intel 2021). with looking for real-world outcomes and setting
a vision. Then we proceed to the discover phase.
This phase discovers and defines problems pre-
1.5.6 Summary of IA Discussion venting the desired outcomes. After completing
this, one should enable the necessary skills and
In this section, we have provided our findings on competencies to solve the listed problems. The
IA from the academic literature and business company can proceed to the develop phase when
environment. Since the definition of impact dif- the skills are sufficient. In this phase, a product or
fers among businesses and institutions, distinc- service prototype is developed and tested. If the
tions are also present across existing IA results are successful, we continue with the
techniques. It is crucial to start conducting IA by appraise phase. Assessing the impact and value
remembering this fact. To sum up the IA debate, it of the innovation is essential in deciding whether
is vital to comprehend the design and implemen- the product/service will be scaled up for a more
tation, the aims and processes by which action extensive commercial use or will stay as a proto-
goals can be reached and the precise attributes of type. If market conditions suggest scaling up, the
targeted and nontargeted areas of a business or innovation will penetrate into the market and
institution’s action. While forming the IA, evalua- reach a broader range of consumers and custom-
tors should (1) decide on what is being assessed, ers. Supporting mechanisms are vital to foster
(2) ensure the implementation of programs with product/service development during this whole
impact in mind, (3) address the normative and process.
ethical issues that activities raise and (4) differen- Innovation districts and living labs are ideal
tiate between actors’ “program theory” and the testbeds for innovation development and trials.
“theories of change” of how the program works in Regulatory sandboxes will alleviate the regula-
practice (Stern 2015). Furthermore, as stated by tory burden and pave the way to a vivid market
Hailey and Sorgenfrei, it is crucial to make the environment, especially for start-ups. Funding
process as vital as the output (2005). In addition, and financing are other key issue for the innova-
it is not only necessary to identify impacts in IAs, tion journey. Grants and loans could be a starting
but it is also necessary to comprehend how the point for the process. As the journey proceeds to
various initiatives, programs and organisations the develop and appraise phases, the public sector
operate (Simsa et al. 2014). When the businesses and private investors will see the opportunity and
or institutions design and implement an effective come into the picture as public-private partner-
IA, they consequently demonstrate success for the ships or venture capitalists. The journey will also
received fundings, making them eligible for fur- shape the business models of the innovations as
ther fundings, and understand the implications of innovators might change, adapt or update their
initiatives to enhance effectiveness, be account- value proposals, value creation and value capture
able and attain public advocacy for their actions. as the product/service evolves. When the value is
mentioned, we should highlight that revenue or
the monetary value is not the only value. There is
1.6 The Innovation Journey growing pressure on tackling climate change and
achieving sustainability in the industry and busi-
From the literature review and discussion above, nesses. Hence, the innovations should also pro-
Fig. 1.18 can summarise the innovation journey vide environmental and social value to increase
how ideas translate and transform into products their overall impact, receive more funding and
and/or services as follows. achieve better market diffusion.
36 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

Fig. 1.18  The innovation journey

The remainder of the book is organised as fol- “business model” approach by briefly mention-
lows. Chapter 2 presents brief descriptions and ing value proposition (what?), value creation
working principles of 34 emerging technologies. (how?) and value capture (revenue). When men-
We solely focused on those in the “market diffu- tioning value capture, instead of the revenue
sion and commercialisation of products/services” model of the companies or how companies make
phase when deciding on which technologies money, we deliberately focused on how technol-
should be included in this book. After this, we ogies capture economic and business, environ-
continue with 17 United Nations Sustainable mental and social and ethical value. Finally, we
Development Goals and 650 companies. We complete the book with a brief conclusion.
chose the companies and use cases with a com-
prehensive market scanning and by reviewing
numerous sources that list start-up competitions
and “best start-up” or “most innovative com-
pany” awards.1 The use cases are presented in the
Top-AR-VR-in-Education-Startups; https://www.forbes.
See (Accessed Online – 2.1.2022):
1 out/#iot;
list/#tab:rank; competition;
php;; https://solarim- tech-companies/20-tech-companies-to-watch-for-;; https://tech2im- in-2021/;;; startup-technology-investment-workforce-covid-growth-; talent-business-international-2021-7; https://www.crn.
edtech/edtech-companies; com/slide-shows/storage/the-10-hottest-tech-startups-of-2021-so-far-
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40 1  Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment

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Emerging Technologies

Abstract 2.1 3D Printing

This chapter presents brief descriptions and 3D printing, also known as additive manufactur-
working principles of 34 emerging technolo- ing (AM), creates a three-dimensional product of
gies which have market diffusion and are any shape from a three-dimensional model or
commercially available. Emerging technolo- other electronic data sources by layering material
gies are the ones whose development and under computer control (Dongkeon et al. 2006).
application areas are still expanding fast, and In additive manufacturing, objects are built from
their technical and value potential is still the bottom up in layers. The layers are created in
largely unrealised. In alphabetical order, the slicing software from a three-dimensional com-
emerging technologies that we list in this putational model of the object to be printed.
chapter are 3D printing, 5G, advanced materi- These computational models are typically devel-
als, artificial intelligence, autonomous things, oped in computer-aided design (CAD) software
big data, biometrics, bioplastics, biotech and and exported as .stl or .obj files for 3D printing.
biomanufacturing, blockchain, carbon capture The description of the 3D printing process is
and storage, cellular agriculture, cloud com- shown in Fig. 2.1.
puting, crowdfunding, cybersecurity, data- Like many other contemporary technologies,
hubs, digital twins, distributed computing, 3D printing has both positive and negative conse-
drones, edge computing, energy storage, flex- quences. 3D printing is a widely accessible tech-
ible electronics and wearables, healthcare ana- nology that allows consumers to create products
lytics, hydrogen, Internet of Behaviours, in their own homes, using their own devices
Internet of Things, natural language process- while also removing logistical and energy-related
ing, quantum computing, recycling, robotic responsibilities from manufacturers. However,
process automation, robotics, soilless farm- individual use of 3D printing technology may
ing, spatial computing and wireless power lead to unemployment among workers in the sub-­
transfer. production stages of manufacturing. Despite this,
3D printing technology offers overwhelming
Keywords possibilities for innovation and efficient
Emerging technologies · Use cases · 3D printing technology has evolved since the
Innovation · Sustainable development first 3D printer was established in 1984, and

© The Author(s) 2022 41

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
42 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.1  Process of 3D printing. (Campbell et al. 2011)

printers have gotten more functional as their spans the x and y axes, and the layers of the
price points have decreased. Rapid prototyping is object which are to be printed are added towards
used in a variety of industries, including research, the z-axis. Other 3D manufacturing processes use
engineering, the medical industry, the military, fundamentally different methods to create the
construction, architecture, fashion, education and different layers which are needed to give form to
the computer industry, among many others. The the final object. One such process is stereolithog-
plastic extrusion technology most widely associ- raphy, where the object is “printed” by hardening
ated with the term “3D printing” was invented by layers in a pool of photosensitive polymer using
the name “fused deposition modelling” (FDM) in an ultraviolet laser (Campbell et al. 2011). In this
1990. The sale of 3D printing machines has method, the energy of the laser is transferred to
increased significantly in the twenty-first century, certain regions of the liquid polymer to harden it.
and their cost has steadily decreased. By the early When all the desired regions are hardened, the
2010s, 3D printing and additive manufacturing printed object can be taken out of the pool of
had evolved into alternate umbrella terms for AM polymer. A type of stereolithography is DLP
technologies, one being used in popular vernacu- invented by Larry Hornbeck in 1987. The differ-
lar by consumer-maker communities and the ence between SLA and DLP is that DLP uses UV
media and the other one being used officially by light to harden the shape of the object at once
industrial AM end-use part producers, AM rather than hardening different selective sections
machine manufacturers and global technical of the resin over time. Another method called
standards organizations. selective laser sintering, also developed in the
There are several 3D printing technologies, late 1980s, uses lasers to melt layers of polymeric
including stereolithography (SLA), digital light powder to obtain the final shape. The melted sec-
processing (DLP), fused deposition modelling tion hardens in time, and it can be removed from
(FDM) and selective laser sintering (SLS). the powder once the hardening is complete
However, the most commonly used techniques (Campbell et al. 2011). Many other methods are
are FDM and SLA (Kamran and Saxena 2016). in use or the phases of development.
Scott Crump developed FDM in the late 1980s. 3D printing simplifies the process of trans-
Its wide use is due to its ease of manufacturing, forming ideas into products. The technology
relatively low cost and variety of applications. allows rapid and accurate production from vari-
The FDM process has been applied in many areas ous materials. 3D printing also streamlines the
such as biomedical, aerospace, automobile, phar- prototyping process by providing faster produc-
maceutical, textile and energy fields (Singh et al. tion, allowing businesses to stay one step ahead
2020). FDM uses a stock material fed into a liq- of the competition. The technology uses a simple
uefier to shape the material in a liquid form eas- interface, allowing more equitable and wide-
ily. The material is heated to its melting spread use. 3D printing also helps product devel-
temperature through various temperature treat- opers to produce low-cost prototypes early in the
ment methods within the liquefier. development process, resulting in better goods
The melted material is then pushed through a and fewer dead-ends. Materials science as a field
nozzle to be extruded onto a Cartesian space is affected largely by the 3D printing applica-
(Campbell et  al. 2011). While some printers tions, as the number of materials created by 3D
allow the nozzle to move around in the Cartesian printing has risen considerably in recent years.
space, other printers build layers by moving the The possibility of 3D printing various materials
print bed under a stationary nozzle. The print bed has also allowed the technology to be used in dif-
2.1  3D Printing 43

ferent fields. Metals, polymers, ceramics, com- duction methods with traditional methods to
posites and smart materials have all been make advantages offered by both.
successfully used in 3D printing applications • Optimum usage of materials can be provided,
with varying costs. Different materials require and it is possible to recycle any waste material
customisations of the 3D printers due to different through AM (Jiménez et al. 2019).
material properties such as melting temperature
(Shahrubudin et al. 2019). An innovative material Studies attempt to predict the impacts of 3D
used in 3D printing applications is smart materi- printing on manufacturing, supply chains, busi-
als, which sense variations in their external envi- ness models, competition and intellectual prop-
ronment and provide an effective reaction to erty. A study by Jiang et al. makes economic and
fluctuations by modifying their material charac- societal predictions for 2030 (2017). The study
teristics or geometries. In particular, energy con- results predict a trend of decentralisation in sup-
nection or conversion between different physical ply chains across many fields since AM will
fields, such as thermal energy conversion into allow cheaper and more accessible localised pro-
mechanical work, is shown as a product of smart duction capabilities. This is expected to decrease
materials. Due to the potential of smart materials, the environmental impact of manufacturing due
3D-printed components of such materials might to reduced transportation emissions. The study
change over time in a specified way. This leads to also predicts that more than 25% of applicable,
a new phenomenon known as 4D printing. 4D final products will be sold digitally as files to be
printing innovations are primarily accessible by 3D printed instead of physical products. A dis-
recent progress that has been achieved in multi-­ tinction is made between complex and less com-
material printing. 3D printing of multi-smart plex parts where complex parts are made centrally
materials or a mix of smart materials and conven- in specialised manufacturing locations, and fewer
tional materials requires understanding the design complex parts are distributed digitally and pro-
and manufacturing processes (Khoo et al. 2015). duced locally (Jiang et  al. 2017). The study
Benefits of 3D Printing: makes additional predictions about consumer
markets and business models changes by 2030.
• AM dramatically shortens the production Businesses’ competitive advantage will no longer
period and process and provides great flexibil- depend on the efficiency of their production oper-
ity for the continuously changing market ations but their network of users and creators.
demand. Companies will seek employees with skills
• Production run size can be maintained at low related to AM, and many jobs will be replaced in
levels on a unit basis while manufacturing the manufacturing industry. This change is
costs are not considered. reportedly due to the expectation that more than
• AM reduces assembly mistakes and related 10% of all gains from manufactured products
expenses because pre-assembled components will be from 3D-printed products by 2030. These
can be obtained through one subsequent oper- products are predicted to be made up of many
ation, which is the quality control inspection. materials and electronics since enhanced AM
• Tools are not included in the additive produc- methods will allow for such products to be 3D
tion process. It provides flexibility for the printed at lower costs. The affordability of 3D
market adaptation and reduction or even elim- printers will also induce a significant increase in
ination of related expenses such as toolmak- 3D printer ownership of individuals, especially in
ing, stoppages due to referred changes, industrialised countries. Thus, websites that fea-
inspection and maintenance. ture 3D designs will gain more popularity and
• Different production processes can be used in will allow designs to be sold or downloaded as
hybrid production with AM. In this situation, open-source projects. This is expected to make it
it can provide a combination of additive pro- harder to detect violations of intellectual property
44 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.2  3D Printing

applications. (Mpofu
et al. 2014, p. 2149)

rights (Jiang et al. 2017). It is expected that 3D the rapidly developing desire to build a highly
printing will become more affordable, refined, connected and globalised world in which infor-
purposeful and widespread in the future. The mation and data are easily and equitably acces-
words “create it” may soon become as ubiquitous sible to everyone around the globe. Technologies
as “print it”. Examples include raw commodities, that enhance access to information and data
satellite networks, machinery, ships and facto- have gone through significant improvements,
ries. When the cost of manufacturing is reduced, with new technologies constantly developing to
as it is with 3D printers, to the point that virtually address the shortcomings of previous iterations.
anybody can purchase the “means of produc- 5G is expected to address the shortcomings of
tion”, everyone will say “make it.” So, the future 4G technology and improve upon the promises
of 3D printing technology is promising. As the of 4G. 5G technology promises higher capacity
applications of this technology, shown in Fig. 2.2, and data rate, lower latency, larger device con-
surge in various areas while potential future nectivity, lower costs and more consistent qual-
applications arise. It is expected that the 3D print- ity compared to 4G (Gupta and Jha 2015). 5G
ing manufacturing industry will grow by 18% can simultaneously connect more wireless tech-
each year and reach 8.4 billion dollars by 2025. nology users with smarter, faster predecessors.
Especially in the automobile and aerospace 5G technology allows for network connections
industries, the usage of 3D-printed parts will using Internet technology that is specified to
increase significantly in the upcoming years power, battery life, size and cost in the Internet
(Mpofu et al. 2014). of Things (IoT) applications. 5G technology
provides for a revised technological solution in
terms of tonnes of wireless technologies, and it
2.2 5G opens up new possibilities for mobile connec-
tivity that go well beyond what is now possible,
5G is a contemporary technology that offers allowing new applications to be utilised in a
new interfaces to all end-user devices and net- variety of different situations (Painuly et  al.
work components. The quest for 5G stems from 2020).
2.2 5G 45

From 1G to 5G, communication technology Like existing networks, 5G transmits

has evolved over time. Mobile connectivity tech- encoded data between hotspots using a cell sys-
nology began in 1979 with the first generation of tem that divides the territory into sectors and
mobile networks, also known as 1G. 1G was a employs radio waves to do so. The spine of the
fully analogue technology. Analogue technology network must be connected to each cell, either
and frequency division multiple access (FDMA) wirelessly or through a landline. With two dif-
were used in 1G, as well as Nordic mobile sys- ferent frequency bands below and above 6 GHz,
tems (NMT) and advanced mobile phone system 5G uses higher frequencies than 4G (Pisarov
(AMPS) switching. The average speed of a 1G and Mester 2020). 5G’s improved connection
connection was 2.4Kbps. 2G was introduced in was expected to revolutionise everything from
1991 with more services and features, including finance to healthcare. 5G opens the door to life-
enhanced coverage and capacity and superior saving technologies like remote operations,
voice quality to 1G. The speed of the 2G network education, medicine and more. Additionally,
was enhanced to 64 kbps, and the first digital pro- 5G technology creates opportunities for new
tocols, such as code division multiple access capabilities and enterprises. Despite the power
(CDMA), time division multiple access (TDMA) of 4G wireless network technology, fast speed,
and global system of mobile (GSM), were used. rapid response, high reliability and power effi-
2G technology was used for voice and data packet ciency, mobile services are not enough to sus-
switching. When 3G was introduced in 2003, it tain growing demand. Thus, these qualities
represented a new mobile technology and ser- have become important criteria for 5G services
vices age. Using 3G technology, the speed was (Yu et al. 2017).
upgraded to 2000  kbps, and the first mobile The 5G technology consists of three main
broadband service was launched. A new age of types, which are enhanced mobile broadband
mobile capabilities began with the rapid growth (eMBB), ultra-reliable low-latency communica-
of smartphone Internet services after introducing tion (URLLC) and massive machine-type com-
3G technology. Digital voice and web data are munications (mMTC). eMBB enables improved
used separately in 3G, email and SMS. 4G was customer experience in cell broadband. It requires
introduced in 2011 and is currently in use along- high data rates across a large coverage region.
side 2G and 3G. 4G speed can reach 100,000 kbps. URLLC’s primary applications include industrial
High-speed Internet and the next generation of automation, automated driving and virtual sur-
transportation networks are required to meet this gery. Lastly, mMTC provides support for a vari-
massive demand (Saqlain 2018). By the early ety of devices, such as remote controllers,
2000s, developers had realised that even the most actuators and system tracking within a small area
advanced 4G networks would not be able to han- (Noohani and Magsi 2020).
dle the demand. An academic team has begun 5G technology can also be divided into five
work on 5G since 4G has a 40–60  ms latency, main categories. As shown in Fig. 2.4, these cat-
which is too high for real-time responses. NASA egories include immersive 5G services, such as
aided in developing the Machine-to-Machine massive contents streaming and virtual reality/
Intelligence (M2Mi) Corp, which is tasked with augmented reality; intelligent 5G services, such
developing M2M and IoT like the 5G infrastruc- as crowded area services and user-centric com-
ture required to encourage it in 2008. In the same puting; omnipresent 5G services, including
year, South Korea established a 5G Research and Internet of Things; autonomous 5G services,
Development program, while New  York including drones, robots and smart transporta-
University established the 5G-focused NYU tion; and public 5G services, such as emergency
WIRELESS in 2012 (ReinhardtHaverans 2021). services, private security, disaster monitoring and
Historical development of the 5G is represented public safety (Yu et al. 2017). Moreover, Fig. 2.5
in Fig. 2.3. represents the applications of 5G.
46 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.3  Historical development of network technology. (Pisarov and Mester 2020)

Fig. 2.4  Types of 5G technology. (Yu et al. 2017)

The widespread application of 5G is seen by faster data rates compared to 4G networks.

many as inevitable given IoT requirements. Furthermore, 5G has ultra-low latency (latency
Devices will require 5G capabilities to maintain refers to the amount of time it takes for one
continuous wireless connection and improve device to deliver a data packet to another device).
their speed and security. 5G offers significantly The latency rate in 4G is approximately 50 ms,
2.2 5G 47

Fig. 2.5  Applications of 5G technology. (Juniper Networks 2021)

while in 5G, it will be under one millisecond. as India’s economy (Campbell et  al. 2017). As
This is a critical rate for industrial usage and self-­ mentioned, 5G will be used mainly in three areas:
driving automobiles. 5G uses significantly less eMBB, massive Internet of Things (MIoT) and
energy than previous technologies. Lower energy mission critical services (MCS) (Campbell et al.
use facilitates the construction of battery-free IoT 2017). eMBB indicates extending cellular service
nodes, allowing IoT to operate as battery-free and increasing capacity to include more struc-
and maintenance-free endpoints. tures, such as offices, industrial areas, shopping
Moreover, 5G consumes nearly five times less malls and major venues, and accommodating a
energy while being five times more cost-effective much larger number of devices with high data
(Painuly et al. 2020). Also, 5G will allow a more volumes (Kavanagh 2021). This will allow for
connected world. Over the next 10 years, IoT is more cost-­effective data transmission. Secondly,
anticipated to develop tremendously, necessitat- the costs associated with MIoT will be signifi-
ing a network capable of supporting billions of cantly reduced by the energy efficiency of 5G and
connected objects. The capacity and bandwidth of its ability to function in both licensed and unli-
5G will be tailored to the user’s demands (Lopa censed spectrums and the potential to supply
and Vora 2015). The vast majority of household deeper and more flexible coverage. Lastly, the
devices in use, from routers to televisions, are adoption of 5G will fulfil the application’s high
powered by a single chip. With the advent of 2G reliability and ultra-low latency connectivity
and 3G technology, the world changed dramati- needs. Thus, this technology will be frequently
cally, and after the arrival of 4G technology, the used in the operation of complex systems to elim-
world has changed even more. 5G technology is a inate the risk of failure. When all of 5G’s compo-
major step forward, not only for the technology nents are fully deployed and functioning, no wire
industry but for the entire globe. 5G is expected to or cable will be required to supply communica-
create $12.3 trillion in world economic output and tions. 5G has the potential to be the ultimate
provide 22  million occupations by 2035. answer to the old “last mile” challenge of deliver-
Moreover, it is estimated that 5G’s overall contri- ing a comprehensive digital connection from the
bution to the world’s real gross domestic product carrier network’s edge to the consumer without
(GDP) from 2020 to 2035 will reach the same size having to drill another hole through the wall.
48 2  Emerging Technologies

2.3 Advanced Materials such as thermal, electrical, mechanical and a

combination of these properties, they add value
The materials that developed and continue to to the systems in which they are used (Randall
evolve recently can be defined as advanced Curlee and Das 1991). Also, there are a lot of
materials. Also, these materials show high advanced materials definitions. One of them is
strength, hardness and thermal, electrical and that advanced materials have potential usage in
optical properties and have promising chemical high value-added products. The other definition
properties and strength density ratios against implies that enhanced processes improve the
conventional materials. Energy consumption cost-performance efficiency of functional mate-
value decreases by using advanced materials. rials. Besides, advanced materials positively
Besides, higher performance and lower cost affect economic growth, life quality and environ-
value can be obtained (Randall Curlee and Das mental issues under enhanced processes and
1991). The subgroups of the advanced materials products. All new materials or modifications of
can be classified as metallic materials, ceramics, existing materials with high properties have at
polymers and composites, which are combined least one aspect that can be classified as advanced
in terms of their nature. Besides, according to materials. Furthermore, they can have com-
their properties and usage areas, advanced mate- pletely new features (Kennedy et  al. 2019).
rials can be classified as biomedical, electronic, Figure  2.6 summarises some of the major
magnetic, optical materials, etc. Also, whereas advanced materials available for industrial and
advanced materials have superior properties commercial use.

Fig. 2.6  List of advanced materials

2.3  Advanced Materials 49

(i) Advanced Ceramics mal stability, corrosion and oxidation resistance,

high strength, hardness and wear resistance and so
High-performance ceramics are designated on. Besides, these promising properties are situated
advanced ceramics. They have a crystalline struc- in the system thanks to four key effects of high-­
ture, and refined raw materials are used for the entropy alloys. These effects are named core
utilisation of advanced ceramics. Advanced effects, and one of these effects is the high-­entropy
ceramics can be carbides, nitrides, oxides and effect that gives the name to the system. In addition
silicides such as zirconia, silicon nitride, silicon to this, the others can be named as the cocktail
carbide, aluminium oxide, etc. They exhibit high effect, sluggish diffusion and severe lattice distor-
mechanical properties like hardness, strength, tion effect (Tsai et al. 2013).
modulus, etc. Also, they have high thermal and
electrical conductivity, chemical resistance and (iv) Metamaterials
low toxicity (Ayode Otitoju et al. 2020).
Metamaterials are artificial materials with
(ii) Bioengineered Materials extraordinary properties. They are considered
revolutionary as they can provide unusual optical
Bioengineered materials are mostly used for and electromagnetic features (Adams and
medical purposes. They are derived from natural Barbante 2015). They apply in many different
structures, or they can be produced synthetically fields, from mechanics to acoustics. Several dis-
with different techniques. Materials such as col- ciplines currently examine them since they prom-
lagen, gelatine and fibrin can be given as exam- ise a wide range of applications (Schürch and
ples of naturally derived materials. Synthetic Philippe 2021). Recent work on metamaterials
materials are not bioactive, unlike natural ones, concentrates on the control of changing material
and they need to undergo several processes to properties (Adams and Barbante 2015).
become compatible with biological environments
(Sedlakova et al. 2019). Bioengineered materials (v) MXene
can also be classified as biomedical materials and
biomimetic materials where biomedical materi- The compounds consisting of transition metal
als derive from natural structures and use their and nitride, carbide or carbonitride can be desig-
properties, and biomimetic materials are syn- nated as MXene. These materials have a 2D
thetic materials that imitate natural processes to structure and Mn + 1XnTx (for n = 1 to 3) formula-
function (Tirrell et al. 2002). tion. M stands for transition metals like Sc, Ti,
Cr, V, Nb, Hf, Zr and the like. Besides, X refers to
(iii) High-Entropy Alloys carbon or nitrogen atoms, and T refers to
hydroxyl, oxygen or fluorine. N  +  1 layers of
The high mechanical, physical and chemical transition metals cover the N layers of carbon or
properties cannot be obtained by using pure metals. nitrogen in this structure. Ti3C3Tx is the first syn-
Because of this situation, other metals are inserted thesised MXene, and in addition to this, MXene,
into the metal system to be used. Conventionally, including more than one M element, can be in
alloy systems include at least one dominant metal two different structures, such as solid solution
atom and slightly alloying elements. However, the and ordered structure. Whereas random disper-
high-entropy alloys contain equiatomic or near sion of two different transition metals is obtained
equiatomic at least five principal metallic elements in the solid solution structure, the one or two lay-
which have approximately 5–25% atomic percent- ers of a transition metal are covered by the layers
age (Gludovatz et  al. 2015). High-entropy alloys of other transition metals in the ordered structure
(HEA) have advanced properties like superior ther- (Anasori et al. 2017).
50 2  Emerging Technologies

(vi) Nanocomposite Materials electrical and thermal conductivities and the like
(Porwal and Saggar 2017). Also, there are types
of ceramic composite materials that include
Polymer Nanocomposites nanocrystalline matrices. These ceramic nano-
Polymer nanocomposites include polymeric composites are designated as nanoceramics, and
matrices and nanofiller materials as additives the dimensions of the grain size of the matrix are
(Abdulkadir et al. 2016). According to the types smaller than 100 nm (Banerjee and Manna 2013).
of polymer materials, the polymer nanocompos-
ites are also divided into thermoset and thermo- (vii) Nanocarbon Materials
plastic nanocomposites (Zaferani 2018). Besides,
reinforcement materials may be organic or inor-
ganic filler. Thanks to a variety of polymer matri- Graphene
ces and fillers, different kinds of properties can Graphene is a single-layer 2D nanomaterial hav-
be obtained (Dhillon and Kumar 2018). Examples ing carbon atoms in a honeycomb atomic arrange-
of the usage areas of polymer nanocomposites ment. However, there are also two- and
are drug delivery, energy storage, information three-layered graphene structures. The graphene
storage, magnetic and electric applications and exhibits different properties than fullerenes and
the like (Abdulkadir et al. 2016). carbon nanotubes (Rao et al. 2009). For example,
the properties of the graphene are given like
Metallic Nanocomposites promising quantum hall effect, superior young
The nanosized additive materials are used to modulus, high thermal conductivity, large surface
manufacture metal matrix composites. The metal area, optical transparency and so on. There are a
matrix composites are produced to obtain high lot of production routes to obtain graphene as
mechanical properties such as high strength, duc- single or multi-layer. The production of graphene
tility, toughness, dimensional stability, hardness, is classified in the two subgroups as bottom-up
etc. The obtaining of the high mechanical and top-down methods. Whereas the chemical
­properties depends on the homogeneous disper- vapour deposition, graphitisation, solvothermal
sion of the additive in the metal matrix. If the and organic synthesis methods are bottom-up
agglomeration takes place, the mechanical prop- methods, liquid electrochemical and thermal
erties decrease. Furthermore, the production of exfoliation of graphite and liquid intercalation,
the metal matrix composites is divided into two reduction via chemical and photothermal ways
subgroups – in situ and ex situ. In an ex situ pro- graphene oxide are designated as a top-down
cess, the additives are produced before adding the method. In addition to the advantages of gra-
metal matrix, while the addition of the reinforce- phene, the graphene structures can be used as
ment is a part of the composite production composite materials with polymers, organic and
(Ceschini et al. 2017). Besides, the production of inorganic compounds, metal-organic frameworks
metallic nanocomposites can be classified as and the like. These composite materials are uti-
liquid-­state, solid-state and semi-solid-state lised in distinct areas such as fuel cell and battery
methods, respectively (Sajjadi et al. 2011). systems, photovoltaics, supercapacitors and sens-
ing platforms (Huang et al. 2012).
Ceramic Nanocomposites
The ceramic nanocomposites include glass or Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs)
ceramic matrix material and different types of CNTs are cylindrical structures of graphite and
nano additives such as nanoparticles, nanotubes, can be classified into subgroups such as single-­
nanoplatelets and hybrids of these materials and walled, double-walled and multi-walled carbon
so on. These types of nanomaterials are added to nanotubes. Whereas single-walled includes a
the ceramic matrix to improve the mechanical single graphene sheet, the other two groups have
properties of thermal shock, wear resistance, more than one graphene sheet. These materials
2.3  Advanced Materials 51

exhibit high surface area, large flexibility, low The usage of lead-free piezoelectric materials has
weight, high aspect ratio and the like (Mallakpour been increasing due to environmental issues.
and Rashidimoghadam 2019). Therefore, the investigations focus on utilisation
of the lead-free piezoelectric materials instead of
Fullerene PZT piezoelectric materials. For example, lan-
The carbon atoms number can be 60, 70 and gasite, tungsten bronze structure, materials with
80  in the structure of the fullerene. C60 has a perovskites can be shown as an example of these
canonical structure and exhibits icosahedral sym- types of materials (Uchino 2010).
metry. Besides, the electronic structure of fuller-
enes and graphene is similar, and they can be (ix) Semiconductors
soluble with toluene. Also, fullerene shows insu-
lator properties like a diamond. The colours of Semiconductors are an essential component
the fullerenes are different. For example, while for the electronics and energy industries. The rea-
C60 has a violet colour, C70 has a reddish-brown. son for them to be important is their chemical
The carbon arc method is used for the production properties. Unlike other materials that act as
of fullerenes (Ramsden 2016). either a conductor or an insulator, semiconduc-
tors do not have a fixed value for conductivity.
Carbon Nanofibre Thus, they can be manipulated by external stim-
Carbon nanofibres have high mechanical proper- uli to work as a conductor while they are insula-
ties, surface area, thermal and electrical conduc- tors under natural circumstances. Also, their
tivity and nanoscale diameter. These excellent ability to carry electrical current by positively
properties are utilised in different application charged matter, called “holes”, in addition to
areas such as energy storage, composites as rein- electrons, enables the production of electronic
forcement and the chemistry industry. Also, vari- parts, such as transistors and solar cells (Neville
ous synthesis techniques like chemical vapour 1995).
deposition, templating, drawing and
­electrospinning can be used to obtain these mate- (x) Shape Memory Materials
rials (Mohamed 2019). Different production
routes cause a variety of morphologies; these are Shape memory materials (SMMs) can return
classified as herringbone, platelet and ribbon to their original shape after their shape is changed
(Malandrino 2009). by another subject or impact (Huang et al. 2010).
They are primarily used in medical applications,
(viii) Piezoelectric Materials but R&D studies are on using these materials in
industries such as aerospace and automotive
Piezoelectric materials produce electrical (Bogue 2009).
energy when the mechanical forces are applied,
and a change of shape occurs when the electrical (xi) Superalloys
energy is given to the material. Ceramics,
ceramic-polymer composites, films and crystals The superalloys having surface stability and
can be shown as subgroups of the piezoelectric mechanical strength are materials that consist of
materials. Most of these materials are ceramic, VIIIA base elements. Thanks to these superior
and the performance of the piezoceramic materi- properties, these materials are utilised at high
als strongly depends on various properties such temperatures above 650 °C. The superalloys are
as elastic stiffness, thermal coefficient, dielectric divided into three subgroups depending on the
constant and so on (Moskowitz 2014). The com- base elements of superalloy, which are nickel,
mon examples of piezoelectric materials are PZT, cobalt and iron-based alloys. Besides, powder
BaTiO3, PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride), ZnO, microstructure, cast and wrought are other subdi-
ZnS, GaN and so on (Electronic Textiles 2015). visions of the superalloy. High mechanical prop-
52 2  Emerging Technologies

erties come from precipitation hardening and energy and power density and flexibility. The
solid solution strengthening mechanisms. usage of nano-enhanced materials increases the
Turbine blades and aero-engine discs are exam- life cycle and capacity of the components used in
ples of usage areas of the superalloys (Liu et al. the energy storage devices (Liu et al. 2010). Also,
2020). nanomaterials provide mechanical and electrical
advantages in the systems. Thus, it is thought that
(xii) Superconductors these materials will become next-generation
materials (Shearer et  al. 2014). New types of
Superconductivity can be defined with an metallic materials such as high-entropy alloys
instant decrease of electrical resistance to zero at and superalloys exhibit high promising mechani-
a transition temperature named critical tempera- cal properties such as ductility, high-temperature
ture (Tc) (Bardeen et al. 1957). The superconduc- properties and fracture toughness (He et al. 2016;
tors can be divided into low-temperature and Liu et al. 2020). Thanks to these advantages, the
high-temperature superconductors. There are dif- usage of new metallic materials in the medical,
ferent types of novel superconductors. Some turbine blades and other application areas have
examples are lithium, boron or transition metals been increasing (Anupam et al. 2019; Ma et al.
like uranium and transfer salts’ complexes. For 2020).
example, C60 fullerenes are promising candi-
dates for novel superconductors because this
material has advanced properties such as high 2.4 Artificial Intelligence
critical current and magnetic field. Magnesium
diboride MgB2 is also given as another example Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as a system
of novel superconductors. The critical tempera- that can collect data, learn, decide and take ratio-
ture of this material is 39 Kelvin, and it is thought nal actions using appropriate methods such as
of as a high-temperature superconductor. It also machine learning, deep learning and reinforce-
has dual-band superconductivity. The other ment learning. Alan Turing put forwards the first
examples of this type of advanced materials are question that led to the development of the term.
alkali oxide fullerenes, RNi2B2C, RNi2B2C, In his article “Computing Machinery and
CeMIn5 (M  =  Co, Rh, Ir), CePt3Si, CePt3Si, Intelligence”, he wondered if machines could
Sr2RuO4 and so on. Besides, boron-doped dia- think someday as humans do (Turing 2009).
mond, NaxCoO2H2O and CaC6 materials can be Thus, research in this field started thanks to Alan
shown as the other types of new superconductor Turing and then accelerated when John McCarthy
materials (Shi et al. 2015). coined the term “artificial intelligence” for the
first time in 1955. However, many people previ-
(xiii) Thin Films ously thought of the term “intelligence” as a con-
cept that only humans can have (McCarthy 1989).
Thin films have a thickness between nanome- So, if machines could 1  day have intelligence,
tres and micrometres, and they have different according to McCarthy, then the word “artificial”
properties from their thicker equivalents. They intelligence is more appropriate for the
serve as surface coatings in several fields. description.
Biomedical, mechanical, electric and thermal Nevertheless, artificial intelligence as a term
industries utilise thin films as protective surface should be considered a system that can think and
coatings (Mylvaganam et  al. 2015). These act logically, unlike human intelligence. It is nec-
advanced materials can be used in different appli- essary to model humans as rational beings instead
cation areas such as aerospace, energy storage, of emotional ones (Guo 2015). So, human think-
refrigeration, etc. With the increasing utilisation ing needs to be modelled, and this can be reduced
in new energy applications like electric vehicles to four steps. First, the data needs to be collected,
and fuel cells, the advanced materials give high then learned and a decision will be made as a
2.4  Artificial Intelligence 53

machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL).

The relationship between all these can be
observed in Fig. 2.8.
Machine learning is a sub-branch of AI and is
based on statistics. Hence, input is given in the
system, and a permanent estimate determines the
output. Not only is manual coding done, but also
it is aimed to develop a system that re-codes itself
Fig. 2.7  Types of artificial intelligence according to the ever-increasing data and
increases its accuracy (Mohammed et al. 2016).
result of this learning. And in the last step, the In addition, machine learning has constantly been
work will be done in line with the decision made changing until today and has evolved with steps
(Küfeoğlu 2021). As artificial intelligence is an such as supervised learning, unsupervised learn-
emerging technology, its boundaries keep enlarg- ing, reinforced learning, deep learning and deep
ing, and it continues to evolve. There are two reinforced learning. As stated in Fig.  2.1, deep
types of artificial intelligence that human beings learning is a sub-branch of machine learning and,
can produce now and hope to have in the future. therefore, artificial intelligence. It is a system that
Types of artificial intelligence can be seen in simulates human speech and thinking with neural
Fig. 2.7. networks. It is used in many fields, such as con-
The first type is generally called “weak AI”, volutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent
or, namely, narrow AI or artificial narrow intelli- neural networks (RNNs) (Küfeoğlu 2021).
gence (ANI). This type of AI can be trained and Artificial intelligence (AI) is an important
then perform specific objectives. Unfortunately, technology that facilitates, accelerates and even
most of the “artificial intelligence” products or saves human life from time to time. It was
services today are weak AI, and their ability is invented to be useful in daily life. For example,
limited. Some of the good example products and AI devices doing housework are easier than doing
services are digital assistants such as Alexa and it manually, and it takes more time. AI shortens
autonomous vehicles. the information processing process and increases
The second one is called “strong AI” which efficiency (Küfeoğlu 2021). For example, in the
consists of artificial general intelligence (AGI) field of medicine, early detection of diseases has
and artificial super intelligence (ASI). AGI can become easier. As a result of the data provided by
learn from past experiences and solve problems. AI, which performs morphological evaluation, it
Also, it can plan any task. This type of artificial reduces the workload of healthcare professionals
intelligence is in use in some buildings. However, and facilitates the diagnosis of the disease (Mintz
it is still a technology that needs to be developed, and Brodie 2019). Furthermore, thanks to the use
and its usage area is limited because it is not of AI, the patients’ medical data are stored and
especially useful. analysed to improve the healthcare system
On the other hand, ASI, also called superintel- (Hamet and Tremblay 2017). Thus, the workflow
ligence, is a type of artificial intelligence expected accelerates, and patients can get the necessary
to exceed the intelligence and ability of the treatment faster and easier.
human brain. Also, it is the type of “artificial People use many examples from daily life
intelligence” that people mostly come across as and do not even know that they are using AI
an idea in movies. This type of artificial intelli- technology. Machine translations are vastly
gence exists only theoretically, and no usage area used on the Internet and social networks,
can be given as examples from our daily lives. In improving day by day. The computer has learned
addition, machine learning and deep learning to recognise both spoken and written speech.
come into play at this point in artificial intelli- The other example is computer games. AI is
gence. Artificial intelligence is achieved through used to create a game universe that controls
54 2  Emerging Technologies

Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning

Neural Networks
Component Types of Machine
Technologies Learning x1 w
1 Deep Learning
w2 φ(y)
Expert Systems Supervised x2 y
Learning w3
Robotics <Perceptron>

Human Reinforcement
Interfaces Learning

Fig. 2.8  Relationship between AI, ML and DL

bots – characters that people do not play. AI is There are some reasons for using AI technolo-
used to create game strategies. Also, AI tech- gies. Firstly, AI can store and process huge
nologies are used to create smart houses. A spe- amounts of data. With deep learning, new data is
cial program controls everything that happens in added to the previous data, so people reach more
the house – electricity, heating, ventilation and accurate data every time artificial intelligence is
household appliances. Robot vacuums scan used. In addition, humans are constantly affected
their surroundings to determine if they need to by their emotions when making decisions. A
get started. Another example of the usage of machine with AI is not influenced by its emotions
artificial intelligence is in agriculture. It is when making decisions, as it has no emotions.
imperative to use artificial intelligence in agri- Therefore, the decisions taken are more objective
culture because it is difficult to achieve quality and logical (Khanzode and Sarode 2020). As a
food in the modern world (Küfeoğlu 2021). result, AI makes the device to which it is added
With the use of AI, farmers can achieve a better faster, smarter and more efficient. According to
harvest by providing their crops with more opti- the research, artificial intelligence technology
mal conditions (Sharma 2021). has improved data science by 9.6%, health ser-
As can be seen from the examples given, now- vices by 6.3%, defence systems by 5.3% and
adays, people are surrounded by AI technologies, natural language processing by 5.1% (Shabbir
and it is in every sphere. Thus, the main goal of and Anwer 2018).
these technologies is to make life easier and If emerging technologies are considered, pre-
faster. The next thing related to the previous is dicting the future is essential too. AI has been a
that these technologies save time to spend on popular, prominent research and application area
other things they want to do. Therefore, this is the recently, but the question is, will artificial intelli-
marketing approach too. There can be an exam- gence evolve more in the future? AI technology
ple of social media like Facebook and Instagram, can reach a wide number of applications because
where users tag their friends on the pictures, and of the ability of machines to work with humans,
now AI can do it automatically for them. So, the collaborate digitally without any limits, make
users save their time by using the media more in sensible decisions with the results it analyses
other ways. from the data at critical points, bring various
2.4  Artificial Intelligence 55

Fig. 2.9  Usage of

artificial intelligence

ideas together and integrate them to produce reliable forecasts due to data analysis, demand
physical or digital prototype properties. These regulation, inventory accuracy and optimisa-
abilities make AI a perfect technology that can tion of programs. Therefore, the applications
continue to grow in the future. The most up-and-­ of AI are faster, smarter and environmentally
coming sectors that will use AI in the future are efficient.
shown in Fig. 2.9. • The use of artificial intelligence in the agricul-
In traditional systems, medical and biological tural sector provides smart production, storage
systems do not work efficiently due to the com- and distribution solutions. It will also play a
plexity, a large amount of data and human errors. role in deciding on the fertilisers and chemi-
However, efficiency in new generation biological cals to be used for the crop by instantly receiv-
and medical systems has increased thanks to arti- ing data. Strengthening the decision-making
ficial intelligence algorithms. As stated by mechanisms by showing the buying-selling
Shabbir and Anwer (2018), future applications of balance through to its data analysis feature, by
AI for various sectors are provided below: chatbot application usage preparing customer
support texts to retain the customer, speeding
• Artificial intelligence tools in the financial up the support time, reducing the number of
sector will be used to prevent market manipu- responses to the request and increasing its
lation, fraud, reduction in trading costs and quality and machine learning, and this appli-
market volatility. It is expected that there will cation will help people for their diet, organis-
be systems that warn or directly intervene to ing their daily habits, etc. It will play a role in
solve the problem of system failures and other increasing the price-performance ratio for the
risks. consumer.
• AI enables the establishment and refinement • It is expected that students will develop meth-
of supply chains in manufacturing sectors, ods that increase the rate of study and learning
56 2  Emerging Technologies

by analysing their working styles, working human intervention. With the astounding growing
hours and learning styles. In addition, thanks speed of technological developments, significant
to machine learning, analysing students’ phys- improvements have been made in the develop-
ical or psychological conditions and increas- ment of autonomous vehicles. The automotive
ing their success rate are made possible. industry, especially, has achieved significant
• Artificial intelligence will be used to identify advances in the mechanical and electrical charac-
new drugs in large-scale genome research, teristics of vehicles since the 1920s. Autonomous
providing the necessary support to find new vehicles have also been envisaged as the most
genetic problems and efficiency. AI will help popular objective in this respect. Various automo-
decide or prescribe drugs, whilst being aware tive firms and universities made numerous
of the patients’ health problems. attempts to pioneer autonomous cars between
• Within the field of logistics, the use of artifi- 1920 and 1980. In the 1920s, a radio-­controlled
cial intelligence will improve the making and driverless automobile was one of the earliest dem-
management of delivery schedules and effi- onstrations (Davidson and Spinoulas 2015). The
cient channel vehicles. fact that there was a lot of development in the field
• When people use online services or social of science and technology in this time period was
media, AI will make interface adaptations, the most important factor affecting the situation of
personal assistants and chatbots more con- autonomous vehicles from the 1980s to nowa-
sumer centric and user friendly. The required days. Although the dream of autonomous vehicles
product quantities will be determined by the dates back to old times, it took the 2010s to meet
analysis specific to customers. the technical requirements and take realistic steps.
• AI can be used to integrate and control renew- In the working mechanism of autonomous
able energy sources, enable self-healing net- vehicles, many components are widely used,
works and harness power system flexibility, such as complicated artificial intelligence algo-
especially to encourage the use of renewable rithms and devices with high processing power,
energy in developing economies. sensors and actuators (Gowda et al. 2019). GPS
• Potentially, military balance and future war- (global positioning system), LIDAR (light detec-
fare will heavily be affected by the future of tion and ranging), RADAR (radio detection and
AI technology because of the developments in ranging) and video camera technologies are also
robotics and automatisation (Allen and Chan integrated with these components (Ondruš et al.
2017). Some reconnaissance and attack mis- 2020). In the context of GPS, the users of vehi-
sions will be planned to be done using AI-­ cles, municipalities and technology-driven busi-
supported unmanned weapon systems that nesses get help in the field of transportation
will be deployed soon. Moreover, it is expected planning from the mapping and power of data
that clandestinely designed AI systems might functions of GPS (Bayyou 2019). Therefore, the
be used to penetrate advanced air defences. inclusion of GPS inside of autonomous vehicles
Lastly, the development and use of AI-­ can increase the efficiency of vehicles by apply-
augmented systems are expected to reduce the ing smart route optimisation plans and gathering
vulnerability of an army to cyberattacks information about the environment. Secondly,
(Johnson 2019). lidar is defined as a remote sensing technology
that detects the distance between a target by mak-
ing it visible with light particles and works by
2.5 Autonomous Vehicles detecting the returning light (Ondruš et al. 2020).
Radar and lidar have similar properties in terms
Autonomous vehicles are vehicles that can per- of working principles, except for the transmis-
form their functions with artificial intelligence sion source used, such as light and what it is
algorithms defined in their content, sense their intended to measure. In radar, which works with
environment and operate without the need for the principle of signal give and take, a change in
2.5  Autonomous Vehicles 57

the frequency of the signal occurs during the Considering the effects that autonomous vehi-
return phase from the receiver while measuring cles can offer when integrated into human life, it
and this change is used to determine the speed of is obvious that it is a very critical technological
the vehicle (Sarkan et al. 2017). Lastly, detecting revolution. According to Beiker and Calo, by
randomised human factors and physical elements eliminating the driver from the equation and rely-
that cannot be identified in the system but are ing on cars to manoeuvre themselves through
present in the traffic is not easy with radio waves traffic, this technology has the potential to
and light without the contribution of video cam- enhance safety significantly, efficiency and
eras (Yun et al. 2019). All of these technologies mobility for humans (2010). Over the years, via
and technical components are the factors that the increase in connection speed with technolo-
developed the performance level of autonomy in gies such as 5G, advances in the Internet of
the vehicles to provide users with a well-prepared Things and the strengthening of the interconnec-
and safe experience while driving. In this direc- tivity of mobile devices, feasible and applicable
tion, it has been claimed that AVs permit “driv- solutions have emerged in autonomous technolo-
ers” to free up the time customarily spent gies. These advancements have prepared the path
checking the roadways, empowering them to uti- for autonomous vehicle (AV) technology, which
lise their time more successfully by resting, eat- promises to minimise collisions, energy con-
ing, unwinding or working during the time sumption, pollution and traffic congestion while
customarily spent driving (Haboucha et al. 2017). also boosting transportation accessibility
Figure 2.10 shows how AVs work briefly. (Bagloee et  al. 2016). Consequently, it can be

Fig. 2.10  How automated vehicles work

58 2  Emerging Technologies

said that the use of autonomous technologies on ble, dependable and adaptable routes. Besides,
vehicles, such as collective, individual and scien- the sensors implanted nowadays within the
tific research, has been helping the processes autonomous vehicle are “intelligent” since they
become more streamlined, adaptable and effi- do not as it gave an information estimation but
cient for the user due to advancements in emerg- are sent with a coordinated computer program
ing technologies. brick competent to perform, to begin with, a stage
As has been stated earlier, autonomous vehi- of preparing this data (Chehri and Mouftah
cles have become significant for a large number 2019). Consequently, more efficient infrastruc-
of areas in life. Chan highlighted autonomous ture due to improved vehicle control is provided
cars’ beneficial contributions and impacts on sev- by GPS and sensors.
eral levels, including users, infrastructure and The last promise of autonomous vehicles, sus-
sustainable cities and societies (Chan 2017). tainable cities and high-level comfort of societies
Firstly, for individual users, crashes occurring can be achieved. Most governments used to
with vehicles due to lack of attention can be pre- develop additional roads and streets to address
vented by providing a more reliable driving expe- the rising urban environment demands. Due to a
rience by software and hardware components lack of public funding and physical space, the
included in autonomous vehicles. It would not be transportation network, which has a lower capac-
unfeasible to have more secure and quicker trans- ity than the population, has been overburdened,
portation in cities, which save time with the help causing additional congestion, CO2 emissions
of self-driving cars. Such junctions are expected and significant disruptions to people (Dameri
to have an important impact on the road system 2014). The previously mentioned developments
of each city. The travel and waiting times will be regarding autonomous vehicles offer impressive
considerably shorter (Zohdy et  al. 2013). solutions for sustainable cities in response to
Additionally, it is thought to have an effect that these problems. Autonomous vehicles play an
can prevent 9 out of 10 accidents that occur under important role in reducing physical and environ-
normal conditions (Chehri and Mouftah 2019). mental noise pollution, reaching the desired level
To sum the relationships between autonomous of city traffic flow, eliminating the security con-
technology and citizens, it is possible to have a cerns of the city’s people, speeding up regional
more comfortable transportation experience and procurement processes and reducing procure-
fewer worries about the journeys with the inte- ment costs (Seuwou et al. 2020). As a result, it is
gration of those vehicles into the daily life of not impossible to reach smart, sustainable, green
humans. and information cities with the integration of AVs
On the other hand, in city road planning, the into urban life. Figure 2.11 summarises potential
problems which are faced under normal circum- use areas of AVs.
stances can be decreased by autonomous tech- AVs are used in many different areas of indus-
nologies. More controllable vehicles provide a try according to the level of automation of the
clear structure of roads, low cost of building vehicle. To clarify the unique function of each
parking lots and roads and more accessible pub- vehicle, defining its capabilities and complexities
lic transportation services which can help urban with their autonomy level is a must. Building a
planning, easier public and mobility services, an classification analysis of AVs is significant in
incentive for private investors on their business terms of their capability to make tasks autono-
models. This emerging technology conserves mously (Ilková and Ilka 2017). According to the
resources for infrastructure in the city, such as model created by SAE International, it presents a
parking and road development, while vehicle taxonomy with precise definitions for six levels
technology also decreases traffic and eliminates of driving automation, ranging from no driving
possible parking problems. The use of advanced automation (level 0) to complete driving automa-
and real-time GPS allows for a more efficient tion (level 5), in the context of motor vehicles and
navigation experience, resulting in more accessi- their operation on routes (2018). The classifica-
2.5  Autonomous Vehicles 59


Individual User Road Infrastructure Sustainable and Smart


Minimised Human Errors Synchronised Vehicles Emerging with Electrical Vehicles

Reliable Driving Experience Efficient Use of Roads Environmentally Friendly Vehicles

Decrement in Collision Possibility Reduction in Traffic Reduction in CO2 Emissions

Smart Route Planning Constantly Moving Vehicles IoT Devices Inclusion

Time Savings Reduced Need for Parking High Level Connectivity

Safer and Faster Transportation Reduction in Pariding Problems Smart Transport Services

Smart Decision Making Better Public Transport Services Low Level of Traffic

No Human Effort Resource Savings for Infrastructure Low Resource Use

Comfortable and Mobile journey Economic Profit Less Environmental Pollution

for User

Fig. 2.11  Potential use areas of autonomous vehicles

tion system is based on how steering and braking developments in autonomous vehicles are in
are managed, how much human control is interaction with each other. For user-oriented
required when driving and whether the AV can improvements, research states that the adaptation
operate without it in all scenarios (Alawadhi of users into autonomous vehicles will be possi-
et  al. 2020). For each level, elements represent ble with the modified after-sales mechanism,
the low processing capabilities. The difference easy solutions to technical problems and flexible
between levels 2 and 3, where the human driver supply chain systems (Bertoncello and Wee
does part of the dynamic driving task and level 3 2015). Furthermore, the most used ways of trans-
when the automated driving system performs the portation will be AVs by saving drivers more than
full dynamic driving work, is important (Ilková half an hour per day, making quite a lot of park-
and Ilka 2017). Fig. 2.12 explains the automation ing space suitable for use and providing life and
levels in detail. property safety by offering a lower error rate in
When everything is taken into consideration, driving experiences by 2050 (Bertoncello and
it would not be an exaggeration to claim that Wee 2015). When considering the future state of
autonomous vehicles will be very influential for autonomous vehicles, there is no significant
the future trends of the technology world and obstacle to the increase in usage rates. Up to 15%
automotive industry. When the future situation is of new automobiles produced in 2030 might be
examined, it is obvious that minor and major fully driverless after technology, and regulatory
60 2  Emerging Technologies

Execution of Fallback
Monitoring System
Steering and Performance of
of Driving Capability
Accleration/ Dynamic
Environment (Driving Modes)
Deceleration Driving Task

The driver is in charge of all driving exercises. In other words, the vehicle is
None Level 0 not autonomous at all.

The autonomic framework acts by itself as an offer of assistance for the

Some driving
modes Level 1 driver. In any case, the autonomic framework isn’t utilised for driving, but
as it were, it makes a difference to the driver when vital, as a crisis gadget.

A vehicle in which two or more autonomic frameworks work together, able

Some driving
modes Level 2 to at the same time, deal with two errands. For illustration both steer
the vehicle and operate the braking framework.

In a few conditions the driver isn’t required to screen the driving; be that as
Some driving it may, there are confinements in this level; in other words the care cannot be
modes Level 3 driven without human mediation under any conditions. For case it can be
naturally driven as it were on interstates.

Under certain conditions, the car will be able to operate completely

Some driving independently and safeguard its occupants from accidednts. At this degree of
Level 4 autonomy, a human driver is not required to be ready to respond in an
emergency, but only if the stated circumstances are followed.

All driving There are no restrictions on what may be done in certain situations, and
Level 5 there is no requirement for a human driver to supervise in an emergency.

Fig. 2.12  Six levels of autonomy

concerns are overcome (Gao et al. 2016). There neering acumen and digital smarts to develop,
are serious studies of many research companies build and distribute successful automobiles
related to this subject. BCG predicted that world- (Gupta 2021).
wide sales would level at about 100 million per
year by 2030 and that by 2035, 30% of the fleet
would be electric, and 25% would be autono- 2.6 Big Data
mous (Jones and Bishop 2020). Additionally,
according to KPMG, by 2030, linked cars will Big data research is at the forefront of modern
account for 75% of the UK motor-park (used business and science. It mainly includes data
vehicles), with about 40% being partially auto- from online transactions, videos, images, audios,
mated and fewer than 10% being totally autono- emails, logs, clickstreams, postings, social net-
mous (Jones and Bishop 2020). A great deal of working interactions, science data, health records,
work falls on manufacturers and technology sensors, search queries, mobile phones and asso-
decision-­makers to make these predictions feasi- ciated apps. These data are stored in databases,
ble and to truly feel the impact of autonomous which became highly complicated to capture,
vehicles in the future. Considering the cumula- store, form, distribute, manage, analyse and visu-
tive progress of technology, it is obvious that the alise using standard database software (Sagiroglu
development of autonomous vehicles will gain and Sinanc 2013). At the end of 2016, it was
momentum with the production of prototype stated that 90% of the world’s data had been pro-
projects. Millions of lines of code are already duced in just 2 years, at a rate of 2.5 quintillion
embedded in the latest vehicles rolling off bytes per day. Furthermore, data is growing at an
European manufacturing floors; the next phase of exponential pace, with estimates of more than 16
autonomous driving plainly requires both engi- zettabytes (16 trillion GB) of useful data by 2020.
2.6  Big Data 61

The advent of the Internet of Things, as well as Volume refers to the amount of data generated
the global proliferation of mobile devices – tech- from various sources. The structural variability of
nologies, not just humans, are producing data – a dataset, which might be structured, semi-­
and the growth of social media, which has structured, or unstructured, is referred to as vari-
transformed everyone into a broadcaster and ety. Data that has been arranged in a way that
hence a data producer, is also adding to the makes it easier to analyse is known as structured
quickly growing volume of data. The vast bulk of data. On the other hand, unstructured data is data
the information is no longer numerical and poorly that is difficult to analyse and includes movies,
organised. As a result, the majority of data is in photos and audio files. Although semi-structured
the form of unstructured data, such as text, video, data is not subject to as stringent standards as
audio and images, which are becoming increas- tabular data, it can be saved in XML (extensible
ingly widespread (Suoniemi et al. 2020). markup language) format. Finally, velocity refers
To put it simply, big data refers to massive vol- to how quickly data is produced and processed
umes of information. However, size is not the from various sources such as social media and
only factor to consider (Oliveira et  al. 2019). the Internet (Oliveira et al. 2019).
Although there is no singular definition for big According to the TDWI (transforming data
data, there are some relevant definitions in the lit- with intelligence) Big Data Analytics survey, the
erature. Big data comprises structured data found benefits of using big data include better-targeted
in organisational databases and unstructured data marketing, more direct business insights, auto-
created by new communication technologies mated decision-making, client segmentation,
(e.g. Internet of Things), such as images, videos sales and market potential recognition, risk quan-
and audio (Sestino et  al. 2020). Big data also tification and market trends, more lucrative
refers to a collection of enormous, complicated investments, understanding of company transfor-
datasets that are too vast for traditional data pro- mation, better planning and forecasting
cessing tools and other relational database man- (Sagiroglu and Sinanc 2013). According to cur-
agement technologies to analyse, manage and rent research, big data facilitates corporate
record in the timescale required. Big data also decision-­making through technology, systems,
implies the diversity and velocity of data and its techniques, practices and applications related to
volume. The three Vs of big data are shown in gathering, storage, analysis, integration and
Fig. 2.13. deployment of large amounts of structured and
unstructured data. From $3.2  billion in 2010 to
$16.9 billion in 2015, the vendor market for big
data technology has grown over 40% annually
(Suoniemi et al. 2020).
Non-expert staff, cost, the difficulty of design-
ing analytical systems, poverty of database soft-
ware, scalability issues, inability to make big data
usable for end-users, incompetence in reaching
enough data load speed in current database soft-
ware and lack of compelling business case are
some of the disadvantages of big data mentioned
by TDWI (Sagiroglu and Sinanc 2013). According
to McKinsey Global Institute’s Report, the value
potential of big data is mostly unexplored and
underused by businesses today (McKinsey Global
Institute 2011). Three key problems that are pre-
venting businesses from getting larger benefits
Fig. 2.13  Three Vs of big data from big data are (1) organisational structure and
62 2  Emerging Technologies

procedures; (2) strategy, leadership and talent; (Backaitis 2012, cited in Gobble 2013). This large
and (3) information technology (IT) infrastruc- amount of data collected by companies and insti-
ture. Many businesses are unclear on how to inte- tutions is processed, providing them with an
grate big data and afraid to spend on new opportunity to evaluate their performance and gain
information technology, or they just consider big insights by creating “information”, which has now
data analytics to be arduous. become a valuable resource like money (Vassakis
We live in a big data era, defined by the rapid et al. 2018). Some of the key application areas of
accumulation of omnipresent information. Big “big data” in different sectors are shown in
data contains an infinite amount of information. It Fig. 2.14, and those areas can be summarised as
is expanding in various industries, giving a method follows (Zellner et al. 2016; Memon et al. 2017)
to enhance and simplify operations (Lv et  al.
2017). By becoming a necessity of our age, big • Agriculture: With the latest developments in
data is almost everywhere. Any industry that accu- agriculture, the use of big data has increased
mulates a large amount of data, such as gradually with a better understanding of its
e-­commerce, geography and transportation, importance. With the help of the data collected
research and technology, health, manufacturing from plants, it is possible to follow them in
and agriculture, can benefit from big data analyt- real-time, and the obstacles in front of them to
ics. According to Andreas Weigend, professor at grow most healthily and efficiently are greatly
Stanford University and Amazon’s former chief alleviated.
scientist, “Big Data is when your datasets become • Banking sector: Today’s financial firms have
so large that you have to start innovating how to been transformed into online and mobile
collect, store, organize, analyse and share it” banking. The increased usage of online and

Fig. 2.14  Application areas of big data

2.6  Big Data 63

mobile channels has resulted in fewer face-to-­ • Media and entertainment: Because of the
face contacts between consumers and banks impact of digitalisation, anybody can create,
while boosting virtual interactions and the share and publish material. Media companies
volume of client data. Banks now have far are more and more linked to their consumers
more data about their clients than ever before and competitors. This implies that the use of
regarding both volume and variety. However, big data technology to process a wide range of
only a small part of them is used to achieve data sources, and if necessary, in real-time, is
successful commercial outcomes. Like most a significant asset that corporations are willing
e-commerce firms, big data technology can to invest in to make informed decisions.
make efficient use of consumer data, assisting • Public sector: Governments generate and col-
in the development of customised products lect vast quantities of data through everyday
and services. Main application areas of big activities. The applications of big data in the
data within the banking sector include credit public sector include the generation of data-­
scoring and risk management. Automated pro- driven insights to identify patterns and gener-
cedures based on big data technology, such as ate forecasts. Fraud and threat detection,
machine learning algorithms, make loan and planning of public services, supervision of
credit decisions in seconds. Moreover, the private sector-based activities and prioritisa-
need for better risk monitoring, risk coverage tion of public services are included in big data
and increased predictive capability in risk analytics in the public sector (Mckinsey
models has never been greater. Big data tech- Global Institute 2011; Yiu 2012 cited in Zillner
nology, along with hundreds of risk indicators, et al. 2016). Moreover, improvements in effec-
can help banks, asset managers and insurance tiveness by increasing transparency through
companies detect possible hazards earlier, the free flow of information, creation of inno-
respond more quickly and make more vative and novel services to citizens and per-
informed choices. Big data may be tailored to sonalisation of services that better fit the needs
an organisation’s specific needs and used to of citizens can be considered as earnings of
improve several risk categories. the public sector from big data (McKinsey
• Healthcare: Recent issues such as increasing Global Institute 2011; Ojo et al. 2015, cited in
healthcare costs and a higher need for health- Zillner et al. 2016).
care coverage can trigger the demand for big • Retail: The collection of in-store, product and
data technology. As high-quality health ser- customer data plays a key role in the retail sec-
vices necessitate analysing large datasets, big tor. By enabling accurate information extrac-
data analytics help categorise patients into tion from huge data, big data technologies
certain groups to take into consideration the provide this sector with important benefits and
differences between different patient groups. opportunities, such as understanding con-
This enables healthcare providers to focus on sumer behaviour and generating more context-­
more specific questions of concern to certain sensitive and consumer-oriented tools.
patient groups, thus significantly enhancing • Telecommunication: The achievement of
the quality and effectiveness of care. operational excellence for telecom players can
• Manufacturing: With the better integration of be summarised as a combination of benefits in
IT technologies, the manufacturing industry the management of marketing and customer
has been undergoing significant changes. As relationship, service deployment and opera-
the connectivity in every stage of the produc- tions, which all depend on big data technolo-
tion process is growing, data management is gies to make sense of large amounts of internal
highly engaged in making the existing data data and data from huge numbers of users.
more manageable, standardised and inte-
grated. The use of big data technologies plays The increased production and availability of digi-
a key role. tal data in many areas, along with improved ana-
64 2  Emerging Technologies

lytical skills due to improvements in computer unstructured data may be a time-consuming

sciences, has resulted in new findings utilised to effort. To successfully solve technological, skill-­
improve results in many fields. In parallel with based and organisational difficulties, businesses
these developments, organisations are also under- must acquire a diverse assortment of big data-­
going a systemic transformation in the related IT resources (Suoniemi et al. 2020).
knowledge-­ based economy. Information man- Today, in parallel with the increase in the
agement and big data analysis are concerned with number of users and devices connected to the
strategies for maintaining a shared foundation of Internet, a large amount of data has been col-
corporate knowledge, allowing different organ- lected in the databases of companies and tech-
isational units and functions to coordinate their nologies that will enable this data to turn into
efforts, exchange knowledge to support decisions commercial value have come to the fore. With the
and generate competitive advantages. In this increasing importance of data, many companies
sense, businesses effectively leverage big data to have transferred a significant amount of work-
streamline processes, create efficiencies and load to the departments of these companies. To
improve services provided to customers, survive and compete, businesses must integrate
especially online shopping platforms such as
­ industry 4.0 techniques into their activities. They
Amazon (Madden 2012, cited in Gobble 2013). must modify their management, organisation and
Through big data applications, corporate knowl- production practices to achieve that. The best
edge may spread globally and be kept in several way to achieve this aim is by “reengineering”: Its
formats, including skills and expertise in the origins in the realm of information technology
minds of researchers and workers and organised have now broadened to include the wide process
information in databases and other big data cor- of revamping key business operations to improve
porate resources (de Vasconcelos and Rocha organisational performance. Reengineering
2019), which offers opportunities for fostering methods give conceptual references targeted at
innovation. rethinking and rebuilding corporate processes
Economics, management and business data through digitalisation. The industry 4.0 revolu-
analytics are all changing in the age of big data. tion has stressed a collaborative link between
The emphasis on economic and management sci- business process digitalisation and IT since it
ence has shifted to empirical studies and the sys- began to develop more flexible, coordinated,
tematic use of information technology and group-oriented and real-time communication
computer systems. The digital revolution and the capabilities (Sestino et al. 2020).
global big data phenomenon are anticipated to Nowadays, big data is at the first stage of its
have more impact in economic research. evolution. Most of the businesses in different sec-
Researchers and corporate executives and con- tors still have not implemented the big data con-
sultants are increasingly relying on large-scale cept. However, many of them continue to work in
business data obtained through partnerships and this direction, as described before. Even in this
corporate networking. Thanks to the Internet, early stage, the positive effects on the enterprises
corporate intranets have grown into sociability cannot be ignored. Many individuals envision big
and knowledge sharing centres. There is a higher data as the planet’s core nervous system, with
reliance on making sense of big data in today’s individuals serving as its sensors. However, it is
highly connected organisational environment. obvious that the concept of big data will lead to
This implies the need for software solutions that another revolution in the concept of business
enable the efficient and methodical assessment of shortly, based on the competency it offers to
massive amounts of company data. This cause-­ interpret and analyse even the most variable and
and-­effect connection leads to predictive analysis unrelated data (Chauhan and Sood 2021).
in knowledge-intensive enterprises, such as data To put it shortly, current tools and approaches
mining methods based on machine learning and perform data processing inefficiently. The objec-
artificial intelligence. Making sense of often tive of all present analytical techniques and data
2.7 Biometrics 65

Fig. 2.15  Biometric system. (National Biometric Security Project 2008)

processing technology is to process a small systems compare an individual’s live-captured

amount of data. Existing technologies for large unique characteristics to a biometric template
data processing reduce efficiency and generate a stored in a database to determine their resem-
slew of complications. As a result, present tech- blance. The system authenticates the information
nologies cannot entirely resolve large data chal- acquired in real-time against the reference model
lenges. Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, of biometric data to verify an individual’s iden-
parallel computing, grid computing, stream com- tity. Biometric verification has a high industrial
puting, bio-inspired computing, quantum com- acceptance rate worldwide due to the introduc-
puting, semantic web and software-defined tion of digitalisation and computerised databases,
storage are critical research issues that need to be which ensure security through fast personal iden-
studied for the big data concept to be understood tification. Figure 2.15 demonstrates the working
and applied properly (Yaqoob et al. 2016). structure of a biometric system.
Biometric technology, at its most basic level,
consists of pattern recognition systems that col-
2.7 Biometrics lect biometric patterns or characteristics utilising
either image acquisition devices or a combina-
Globalisation has allowed humanity to become tion of both. In the case of fingerprint and iris
more interconnected, with communication recognition systems, such as scanners or cam-
between individuals increasingly mediated eras, and voice and signature recognition sys-
through technological platforms and transactions tems, movement acquisition devices like
increasingly frequently conducted remotely microphones are used (National Biometric
(Fairhurst 2019). The term biometrics is derived Security Project 2008). An individual must be
from the Greek term bio, meaning “life”, and enrolled in the system before a biometric system
metric, meaning “measurement” (Gillis 2020a, can be used to determine identity, as shown in
b). Biometrics refers to the authentication of a Fig.  2.15. The registration process involves the
person’s identity through chemical, physical and collection of measurement of the individual’s
behavioural characteristics. Biometric technol- characteristic(s) and the storage of this data as a
ogy offers a safe and convenient identification biometric template within the system. The tem-
system; users do not have to remember complex plate is matched to live-captured biometric data
passwords or carry identification documents, eas- in subsequent usage. Biometric systems typically
ily lost or stolen. Biometric identity verification work in one of two modes after the enrolment
66 2  Emerging Technologies

process: biometric authentication or a one-to-­ regulate who comes in and out and secure their
many comparison. The technique of matching borders. Biometric voting documents could also
gathered biometric data to an individual’s bio- provide a new level of security in elections (DHS
metric template to confirm identification is 2021). Detailed descriptions of common biomet-
known as biometric authentication. Rather, to ric technology are listed below, and the historical
identify an unknown individual using biometric development of these two biometric types is
identification. The individual is acknowledged if shown in Figs. 2.16 and 2.17.
the system can match the biometric sample to a
stored template within an acceptable threshold. 1. Fingerprint: There are two types of fingerprint
Biometrics have a long history, with the first identification systems, automated fingerprint
examples present in the ancient Mesopotamian identification systems (AFIS) and fingerprint
civilisation of Babylon. The first descriptions of recognition systems. The first one is typically
biometrics are from the Babylonian civilisation used only by the provision of law. Fingerprint
around 500  BC, while the first record of a bio- identification provides a unique template
metric identifying system dates from the 1800s. based on the properties of the fingerprint with-
Biometrics has been around as today’s technol- out preserving or even allowing for image
ogy since the 1960s. Biometric technology has reconstruction. The first image is obtained by
continued to evolve over the years and has devel- scanning the finger in real-time while it is in
oped into many forms by 2021. Contemporary direct touch with a reader device, checking for
biometric devices collect a variety of identifying confirming features like temperature and
information and use it for diverse purposes across pulse.
sectors. Some devices can authenticate identity 2. Hand geometry: Hand geometry is defined by
without any interference or direct contact with the relative dimensions of fingers and joint
the person whose information is being collected; placements. In the late 1960s, the Shearson-­
this includes voice recognition, walking gait and Hamill investment bank on Wall Street applied
other specific behaviours. These are considered Indentimat, one of the earliest automated bio-
behavioural biometrics, which detects unique metric systems. It utilised hand geometry for
distinguishing features depending on how indi- nearly two decades. Some systems are capa-
viduals interact with their systems. Behavioural ble of taking simple two-dimensional mea-
biometric systems are especially useful for cyber- surements of the hand’s palm. Others want to
security and online fraud protection. Many take a basic three-dimensional picture from
behavioural biometrics applications, unlike phys- which to extract template characteristics.
iological solutions, do not require an apparatus 3. Face recognition: Face recognition is still in
for data gathering. its infancy, with the majority of research and
Unlike behavioural biometrics, physical bio- applications taking place on tiny databases.
metrics are based on an individual’s unique and The face of the individual must be exposed
quantifiable physical characteristics. Fingerprints, to a video camera for biometric identifica-
retinae and DNA sequences collected from blood, tion purposes. The possibility of tricking or
saliva and other bodily fluids are key in biometric confusing some systems with cosmetics is
technology widely used in forensics, medicine an obvious flaw in several present
and criminal justice cases. These biometrics approaches.
require a device that links these unique properties 4. DNA: Human DNA is a genetic structure that
to an existing database. The objective is to match can be obtained in many ways, such as human
the individual’s unique characteristics to an exist- hair, nails, saliva and blood. This structure is
ing record or file to identify them. Biometric found in every cell in the human body, and it
travel documents are required to cross most inter- contains a lot of genetic information. Also,
national borders, and they provide an elevated every person’s DNA is unique, except for
level of security to the countries attempting to identical twins.
2.7 Biometrics 67

Fig. 2.16  Historical development. (RecFaces 2020)

tion (ASV) and the other is automatic speaker

identification (ASI). The main data used in in-­
person identification using these methods is
the person’s voice. After this data is received,
the system detects the voice of the person
whose identity is desired to be determined by
making comparisons with the templates regis-
tered in the database.
7. Signature: Identification with signature data is
made with some criteria created by experts
over the years. Computer systems developed
for this identification method can now be as
successful as an expert at detecting distinctive
features in signatures. In addition, signature
identification systems do not only focus on the
shape of the signature but also can detect the
Fig. 2.17  Types of biometrics. (RecFaces 2020) “speed of using the pen” of the signer or the
“pressure applied to the surface” while sign-
5. Retinal scan: Retinal identification is an eye ing (Phadke 2013).
signature. What allows this definition to be
made is the vascular structure of the retina. A These different forms of biometrics have
retinal scan is taken by looking at a specific applications across a variety of sectors and appli-
target with a lens, and a retina scan is a reli- cations which are rapidly increasing as the tech-
able feature. nology develops. As a result, biometric
6. Voice recognition: There are two voice recog- technology has progressed substantially in recent
nition techniques, automatic speaker verifica- years, with increasing performance, faster trans-
68 2  Emerging Technologies

action rates and lower costs (Xiao 2007). Some plastics, which microbes can partially or totally
experts believe that new biometric technologies break down in an acceptable time scale under
and applications, such as brainwave biometrics, particular conditions.
vascular pattern recognition, body salinity identi- Properties of common types of plastics are
fication, infrared fingertip imaging and pattern explained in Table 2.1.
recognition, may emerge soon (Asha and The properties of these plastics are explained
Chellappan 2012). Because a biometric sensor in Table 2.1. While they are useful, they pose a
will never capture the same data twice, compar- threat to the environment. Unfortunately, 34 mil-
ing biometric characteristics is an inaccurate lion tonnes of plastic waste were produced per
comparison; computational intelligence-based year, and 93% of the material was dumped into
techniques may be able to solve this problem in oceans and landfills (Mekonnen et  al. 2013).
the future. In recent years, various approaches, Plastics dissolve in nature extremely slowly. This
such as neural networks, fuzzy logic and the evo- causes the products to pollute the environment
lutionary algorithm, have increasingly addressed throughout the years. Biobased plastics, which is
complicated biometric authentication and identi- organic material from animals or plants, is a bet-
fication issues. Due to rising security demands, ter alternative than petroleum-based plastics.
technological advancements and decreasing Biobased plastics can dissolve in nature faster
prices, we can expect the development of more when suitable conditions are provided. Its pro-
biometric applications in the future (Xiao 2007). cess depends on environmental conditions such
Although convenient and widely applicable, bio- as temperature, materials and application.
metrics may also come with numerous chal- Biodegradation is when microorganisms found in
lenges. Therefore, the following requirements nature convert materials into natural substances
should be fulfilled to execute the technology on with a chemical reaction (Kerry and Butler 2008).
large scales: high levels of accuracy and perfor- These are important features for plastics to pre-
mance under varied operating conditions and vent negative environmental impacts. In Fig. 2.18,
user composition; sensor compatibility; a fast plastics are divided into four according to these
collection of biometric data in difficult operation characteristics:
settings; low failure-to-enrol rate, high degrees of The shaded part in Fig.  2.18 represents bio-
privacy and template protection; and protecting plastics. Bioplastic is described as a plastic sub-
and securing supporting information systems stance that is either biobased or biodegradable or
(Jain and Kumar 2010). has both qualities (European Bioplastics 2020).
Bioplastics can derive from biomass such as
sugar cane or cellulose; this process is called bio-
2.8 Bioplastics based (Gill 2014). Renewable biomass resources
derived from natural biopolymers (e.g. carbohy-
Plastics constitute a huge part of people’s lives drates, proteins and recovered food waste) are
because they are used everywhere. Moreover, used to manufacture bioplastics (Brodin et  al.
they are employed in a variety of industrial sec- 2017; Yamada et al. 2020). Besides the biopoly-
tors, from chemical to car. Plastics’ chemical mers, microalgae is a strong biomass source to
structure may be altered to create a variety of produce bioplastic. Chlorella and Spirulina were
strengths and forms to get a larger molecular the most common algae species used in manufac-
weight, low reactivity and long-lasting material; turing biopolymers and plastic blends. Bioplastic
hence, synthetic polymers are advantageous. can be made from by-products of high-value
Bioplastics are simply plastics that are created chemical manufacturing from microalgae, as per
from plants or other biological sources rather a biorefinery approach (Onen Cinar et al. 2020).
than petroleum. These can be categorised into The increasing demand for plastic use day by
biobased plastics, which are created at least day, and due to the degradation time of some
partly from biological stuff, and biodegradable plastics in nature being longer than 100  years
2.8 Bioplastics 69

Table 2.1  Types of plastics

Plastic Properties
PE Polyethene has a long chain of carbon atoms. For instance, CH2
Biobased-PE Bio-ethylene is converted to bio-PE using a traditional catalyst-driven
polymerisation process
PET The polyester family of polymers includes polyethene terephthalate,
which is a general-purpose thermoplastic polymer
PA Polyamides are known as nylons. Such kinds of plastics are stiff;
therefore, they resist bending and abrasion
PTT Polytrimethylene terephthalate is a synthetic material. Condensation
polymerisation or transesterification is the procedure used to make it
PLA Polylactic acid is polyester made from renewable biomass, most
commonly fermented plant matter
PHA Polyhydroxyalkanoate is a kind of polyester created by bacterial
fermentation in nature
PBS Polybutylene succinate is a biodegradable plastic that dissolves into
water and carbon dioxide when it interacts with microorganisms in
the soil
PBAT Polybutylene adipate terephthalate is a biodegradable polymer that
decomposes due to the action of naturally occurring microorganisms
PCL Polycaprolactone is a biodegradable polyester that has a very low
glass transition temperature
PP Polypropylene is a synthetic polymer made from natural resources
Di Bartolo et al. (2021)

Fig. 2.18 Classification
of plastics. (European Biobased
Bioplastics 2020)

biobased PE,



(only an estimate due to lack of time), this empha- and products emerge, the demand for bioplastics
sises the need to either reduce the use of plastics is increasing and the market is growing rapidly.
(which should be legally encouraged) or replace The bioplastic industry has become a young and
non-degradable plastics with plastics which are innovative sector, both economically and ecolog-
degradable and are produced in a sustainable way ically, in the name of a sustainable bio-economy,
(Karan et al. 2019). According to 2019 data, bio- as it uses its existing resources more efficiently
plastics constitute approximately 1% of the and produces lower carbon emissions (European
360 million tonnes of plastic produced annually. Bioplastics 2020). Biodegradable plastics have a
But as more complicated materials, applications bright future ahead of them. The following are
70 2  Emerging Technologies

some of the benefits of bioplastics (Bezirhan have established a new study topic for scientists
Arikan and Ozsoy 2015): by providing a viable option for global sustain-
able development (“Bioplastics  – are they truly
• Carbon footprints are reduced. It should be better for the environment?” 2018). The environ-
emphasised that the carbon footprint of a bio- mental effects caused by normal plastics, which
plastic is highly reliant on the plastic’s abilityare not biodegradable for a long time, have
to permanently store the carbon that the grow- pushed scientists to develop materials that are
ing plant extracts from the air. Plastic gener- produced from natural sources such as plants,
ated from a biological source sequesters CO2 bacteria and biomass and can dissolve in nature
emitted by the plant’s photosynthetic process. in a short time. New developments may lead to
This sequestration is reversed if the resultant increased productivity in production and new
bioplastic degrades back to CO2 and water. opportunities in the field of bioplastics in the
However, a permanent bioplastic that is meant future. In addition, since microorganism biology
to be like polyethene or other common poly- can be applied and commercialised in different
mers permanently retains CO2. Even if the sectors such as agriculture, medicine and phar-
plastic is recycled numerous times, the CO2 macy, it also provides an opportunity for bioplas-
collected from the atmosphere remains tic production. Therefore, current guidelines for
retained (Chen 2014). the manufacture, usage and disposal of b­ ioplastics
• Independence. Bioplastics are made from should be defined. Labelling regulations should
renewable resources such as maize, sugar be designed following the emission values of the
cane, soy and other plants, as opposed to con- items, the raw material used and the energy used.
ventional plastics, which are made from petro- Recent advances in technology, global support
leum (Yu and Chen 2008). and continuous innovation are important for pro-
• Efficient energy usage. The manufacturing pro- moting and commercialising bioplastics. Here,
cess is more energy-efficient than that of con- instead of competing with traditional materials,
ventional polymers. Plastics are made from bioplastics should aim to increase their usage
around 4% of the oil used each year globally. rates over time (Sidek et  al. 2019). Bioplastics
Plastics manufacturing becomes more suscep- have some challenges which should be consid-
tible to price changes (Chen 2014). ered for future implementations:
• Eco-safety. Additionally, bioplastic produces
fewer greenhouse emissions and is contaminant-­ • It is accepted that normal plastics’ costs are
free. Yu and Chen demonstrated that bioplastics lower than bioplastics. Nevertheless, when the
provide a considerable contribution to the production of bioplastics increases, the cost is
objective of lowering GHG emissions, emitting expected to decrease (Bezirhan Arikan and
just 0.49 kg CO2 during the fabrication of 1 kg Ozsoy 2015).
of resin. When compared to 2–3 kg CO2 equiv- • If bioplastic and normal plastic are not distin-
alents from petrochemicals, it equates to an guished from each other, confusion occurs in
approximately 80% reduction in global warm- the recycling process (Bezirhan Arikan and
ing potential (Yu and Chen 2008). Ozsoy 2015).
• Bioplastics are produced from renewable
Today, bioplastic is used extensively in four sources, which means that sources could be
industries. Figure 2.19 summarises the use areas reused repeatedly (Lagaron and Lopez-Rubio
as follows (Bezirhan Arikan and Ozsoy 2015): 2011).
Recent increases in crude oil costs and the • Some terms can be misunderstood. For exam-
potential market for agricultural resources in the ple, bioplastics are known as compostable.
area of bioplastics give a push to utilise ecologi- This feature confuses people’s minds. They
cally acceptable alternatives to materials gener- think that they can produce bioplastics from
ated from fossil fuel sources. Thus, bioplastics food, but the truth is that the production of
2.9  Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing 71

Fig. 2.19  Bioplastics industries

bioplastics is an industrial implementation 2.9 Biotechnology

(Warren 2011). Manufacturers are responsible and Biomanufacturing
for that misunderstanding because they try to
make their products more attractive on the In the most general sense, biotechnology can be
market (Bezirhan Arikan and Ozsoy 2015). defined as the synthesis of modern technology
• Due to the lack of legislation, many countries and naturally existing biological processes.
produce bioplastics despite the absence of any Biotechnology, or biotech, uses biological sys-
law and legislation. The number of bioplastics tems and/or living organisms to develop new
produced is expected to increase from day to technological instruments, products and machines
day; however, the lack of legislation makes it across a wide range of fields and disciplines.
difficult to accurately monitor (Bezirhan There are three main branches of biotechnology:
Arikan and Ozsoy 2015). genetic engineering, protein engineering and
metabolic engineering (Gavrilescu and Chisti
A variety of assays may be performed to evalu- 2005). Biomanufacturing is a type of manufac-
ate how bioplastics degrade. It is critical to establish turing that uses biological systems (such as living
worldwide standard techniques that are compara- microorganisms, resting cells, animal cells, plant
ble. Regrettably, existing standards have not been cells, tissues, enzymes or in  vitro synthetic  –
equated and are mostly applied in the nations where enzymatic – systems) to make commercially fea-
they were developed. All details must be stan- sible biomolecules for use in the agricultural,
dardised as soon as possible. For the manufacture, food, material, energy and pharmaceutical indus-
use and management of bioplastic waste, a new tries (Zhang et al. 2017). Despite its connotation
guide and standard should be developed specifically as some of the most advanced technology in the
for bioplastics. In addition, labelling laws might be contemporary world, biotechnology has existed
modified depending on a product’s raw material for centuries and even millennia, albeit in simpler
usage, energy consumption, manufacturing and use forms than those we know today. Two often-cited
emissions (Bezirhan Arikan and Ozsoy 2015). examples of early biotechnology are bread bak-
72 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.20  Other milestones of biotechnology. (What is Biotechnology? Types and Applications – Iberdrola 2021)

ing and beer fermentation. Both of these pro- mals, which led to better crop and livestock
cesses combine the naturally occurring biological production (Khan 2011). Other milestones of
properties of wheat and yeast and use human biotechnology are represented in Fig. 2.20.
intervention and technology to create the desired As biotechnology developed and its applica-
product. As scientific knowledge expanded, so tions increased, the field was divided into seven
did humanity’s ability to understand more com- branches coded by seven colours, shown in the
plex biological processes and eventually inter- list below (Iberdrola 2021).
vene in them to create new technologies.
Modern biotechnology and biomanufacturing 1. Red: Biotechnology in the medical field. Stem
began with the discovery of proteins in 1830. In cells and gene therapy are clear examples of
the twentieth century, revolutionary knowledge red biotechnology. DNA fingerprint technique
on the structure and process of DNA allowed for is another prominent application.
rapid advancement in biotechnology. The discov- 2. White: Biotechnology applied to industry.
ery of DNA’s structure helped to understand Examples include the production of insulin to
human genetic code while contributing to the treat diabetes and the development of new
foundation of genetic engineering and recombi- enzymes. Pharmacogenomics, regenerative
nant DNA technology (Khan 2011). By 1976, medicine, nanobiotechnology and biopharma-
scientists developed the first working synthetic ceuticals are other emerging fields of biotech-
gene. This development was followed by recom- nology that could be classified as both red
binant human insulin and human growth hor- and/or white.
mone production in the late 1970s. By 1994, the 3. Green: Biotechnology in the agricultural sec-
susceptibility gene for breast cancer was discov- tor. Examples include genetically modified
ered. The year 1997 marked another significant crops, bacteria-based plant fertilisers and
milestone when the first clone of a mammal, a pest-resistant grains.
sheep named Dolly, was created. Additionally, a 4. Grey: Biotechnology is used to protect the
remarkable development was achieved in 2008 environment. It has emerged to prevent envi-
when a blue rose was developed through genetic ronmental contamination and sustain the eco-
modification. Over the past few decades, there system (Khan 2011). One example is microbes
have been several other discoveries in biotech- that digest oil.
nology that could be classified as milestones, 5. Blue: A defunct category for biotechnology
such as the invention of antibiotics and the appli- applications in the ocean. An example appli-
cation of selective breeding in plants and ani- cation of this area is wound treatment.
2.9  Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing 73

6. Gold: Biotechnology is responsible for gath- threatening infectious disease (Jackson et  al.
ering, storing, analysing and separating bio- 2020). Biotechnology has also allowed for
logical information, particularly that linked to earlier and more accurate diagnoses of dis-
DNA and amino acid sequences. It is also eases that are caused by genetic factors as
known as bioinformatics. technology now allows for genomics to anal-
7. Yellow: Biotechnology focused on food pro- yse patients’ genetic sequencing and look for
duction. It is now being used to lower satu- risk factors and/or existing conditions based
rated fat levels in cooking oils, for example. on DNA (Pham 2018).
Another revolutionising biotechnological
The types of biotechnology can also be more development is genetically modified crops. Many
simply classified as animal, agricultural, medical, of these genetic interventions were developed to
industrial and environmental biotechnology. increase food production and profits for the com-
Figure 2.21 represents the types of biotechnolo- panies developing them. Genetically modified
gies, and applications of biotechnology are crops may quickly become a worldwide neces-
shown in Fig. 2.22. sity as climate change transforms the farmland
Biotechnology has allowed for unprece- needed for agriculture and demands crops with
dented possibilities and potential for cures and the ability to survive droughts, increased heat,
treatments. For instance, preventative thera- increased storms, etc.
pies are executed using medical biotechnol- There are numerous other products in the bio-
ogy, which generally refers to harnessing technology area:
living cells to develop pharmaceutical treat-
ments and cures for a range of diseases and • Cosmetics and personal care items:
conditions. These types of technologies have Biotechnologically textured products are
been transformative in the prevention and highly pure, non-irritating, smoother, less
treatment of several types of cancer (Pham greasy and environmentally sustainable.
2018). Medical biotech has also played a sig- • Bread: Genetically engineered microorgan-
nificant role in reducing the impact of infec- isms allow for longer shelf life for higher
tious diseases. The mRNA vaccines developed quality bread while helping to remove
in 2020 to protect humans against the COVID- potassium-­carcinogenic bromate.
19 virus provide an excellent example of bio- • Vitamin B2: Genetically improved microor-
technology developed in response to a ganisms generate this fermentation in a single

Fig. 2.21  Types of

biotechnology. (Khan
74 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.22  Fields working with biotechnology. (Khan 2011)

step, which reduces CO2 emissions and energy • Synthetic rubber: Natural compounds are
consumption by 33%. polymerised into synthetic rubber and
• Diapers: A biodegradable polymer is created ­elastomers, which are highly pure and cost-
using Bacillus, which is environmentally and effective (Saxena 2020).
• Detergent: Proteases, amylases and lipases, Biotechnology has always played a significant
which are within the biotech enzymes, assist role in human life for millennia, with its impor-
in saving energy and cleaning clothes tance only becoming greater over time. Medical
luminously. biotechnology is already serving more than
• Tissue paper: With wood bleaching enzymes, 350 million patients around the world through the
the pulping process is faster, more environ- treatment and prevention of everyday and chronic
mentally friendly and cost-effective. ailments. New fields of study emerge as technol-
• Textiles and stonewashed jeans: The usage of ogy and knowledge develop, including nanobio-
biotech cellulose generates soft textiles with technology, bioinformatics, pharmacogenomics,
decent colours. regenerative medicine and therapeutic proteins
• Foam and nylon: The biotech-treated foam is (Khan 2011). Additionally, the use of recombi-
utilised to create furniture and nylon to manu- nant organisms will have a wide range of applica-
facture softer grade fibre tapestries that are tions, including new vaccines, solvents and
more resistant to stain and UV light than ordi- chemicals. Another area that will gain impor-
nary nylon. tance is biochips, which are relatively more
• Plastics: Biodegradable polymers produced energy efficient compared to silicon chips. These
with Bacillus microbes are highly beneficial products could have an impact on hormone secre-
in foods and beverages and are environmen- tion and heart rate. Gene therapy is another field
tally benign in the production of food services that will have a rapidly increasing demand. With
and containers. the help of this application, genetic diseases or
2.10 Blockchain 75

Fig. 2.23  Future Applications of biotechnology

disorders can be prevented by implementing a ciency by incorporating synthetic biological

healthy, mutated gene (Khan 2011). Furthermore, technologies into future food. In general, the syn-
with their environmental enhancement impacts, thetic biology-driven food sector has the poten-
biotechnology and biomanufacturing will have tial to address future food supply issues. A future
key roles in the adoption of sustainability on a food revolution powered by synthetic biology is
long-term scale. In this context, biological pro- possible in three stages. Firstly, synthetic biology
duction systems, as one of the applications of can enhance traditional food production and pro-
biomanufacturing, are appealing because they cessing. Secondly, synthetic biology can improve
employ fundamental renewable resources to gen- food nutrition or provide new functions. Thirdly,
erate a wide range of compounds using low-­ using created microbial communities in synthetic
energy processes (Gavrilescu and Chisti 2005). biology can change the conventional fermenta-
Instead of finite and volatile fossil fuels, indus- tion food production method (Lv et al. 2021). As
trial biotech can assist in the fight against climate a result, biotechnology is promising. We can
change by providing an alternative and safer imagine a society free of cancer, AIDS and
source of global energy. It has resulted in signifi- Alzheimer’s disease, as well as a world with sus-
cant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and tainable development that addresses the energy,
aims to reduce 2.5 billion tonnes of carbon diox- food and environmental demands of an ever-­
ide emissions per year by 2030 (Report on growing population without jeopardising either
Industrial Biotechnology and Climate Change: Earth’s resources or future.
Opportunities and Challenges  – OECD 2011).
Figure  2.23 shows numerous future biotechnol-
ogy application areas. 2.10 Blockchain
Another promising area of biotechnology is
synthetic food. The effective integration of food Blockchain can be defined as a technology proto-
science and synthetic biology is a key technology col that enables data sharing with trust-based
for addressing current food safety and nutrition transactions such as identification and authorisa-
issues and a key approach for overcoming the tion in a decentralised-distributed network envi-
sustainability concerns associated with tradi- ronment without the need for approval or control
tional food technology. It may be possible to of a central authority. In Fig. 2.24, the decentral-
eliminate the disadvantages of traditional agri- ised structure of the blockchain system is com-
culture while boosting resource conversion effi- pared with other systems.
76 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.24  Comparison of the blockchain system with other systems

Fig. 2.25  Blockchain technology working principle

Blockchain is also defined as a database sys- transactions are stored in blocks, and each newly
tem that provides decentralised and intermediary created block refers to the previous block with a
transactions, allowing the blocks in which data is unique identification number called a “hash”.
stored to be processed, stored and arranged in Because each block is cryptically linked to the
temporal and linear order. Produced blockchains previous one, changing any of them changes all
are traded on a decentralised network structure. subsequent blocks.
Due to this dispersed network structure, it Within the global and fast-paced system, it
becomes impossible to make theoretical changes is seen that both companies and countries are
to the data. This also helps to build confidence in trying to catch up with digital transformation
the data. The distributed network structure makes with their efforts to expand their field of activ-
the system more secure. These scattered data can ity. The most important feature that ensures its
be open source or closed source. reliability is that a saved database cannot be
Blockchain technology has exciting implica- changed or corrected again; with this aspect, it
tions for the future potential of decentralised would not be wrong to say that blockchain is
structures, which includes a trustworthy and not a database but a data recording system. In
transparent trading infrastructure for peer-to-peer this way, users can connect to the network, per-
energy trading (Küfeoğlu 2020). Figure  2.25 form new transactions, verify transactions and
shows how blockchain technology works. create new blocks without intermediaries.
Blockchain does not offer editing on legacy Blockchain technology proposes several
data. Therefore, it works not like traditional data- advantages such as increased security, trans-
bases but as a digital ledger where transactions parency, high speed, low cost and decentral-
are listed one after the other. In the blockchain, ised nature.
2.10 Blockchain 77

(i) More Secure tional companies, blockchain technology leaves

traditional methods behind one by one. The most
Blockchain technology provides a layer of secu- important reason for this is the transfer of data
rity by using cryptography to the data saved on the directly from one user to another quickly and
network. The decentralised aspect of blockchain cost-effectively. Transactions, especially interna-
provides superior security because it is combined tional transactions, take seconds rather than
with encryption. Blockchain is a decentralised and weeks to complete.
cyberattack-resistant database. It is not possible to
change the history of the ledger or send the same (iv) Decentralised
transaction twice (i.e. double-­spend) as every trans-
action ever made on the network is recorded and The revolutionary feature behind blockchain
stored permanently. This certainty creates mutual is that transactions are completed not one by one
trust. Congestion management using electric vehi- but by many computers at the same time. All
cles in grid services; energy data registration in a computers reside on the same network called a
secure medium as an open ledger; and billing, peer-to-peer network (P2P). This model is often
switching providers, swapping capacities and so on referred to as the “distributed trust model”.
are just a few examples of how blockchain technol- Figure 2.26 shows the advantages of blockchain
ogy can be employed (Dena 2019). in general.
Three features of blockchain technology come
(ii) Transparency to the fore. They are a distributed architecture
that ensures that a copy of each data is kept on
Everyone, not just its users, has access to the thousands of nodes in the network. The transpar-
blockchain database. As a result, the control is ency allows for the tracking of all transactions
visible. A block’s transactions, wallet addresses, made on the network. Immutability that prevents
transaction ID (shipping code) and quantities processing of the data produced to the block-
may all be viewed by anyone. Open blockchain chain. With these features, blockchain is a candi-
networks are truly “open”. For example, in the date to be the backbone of the new Internet
Bitcoin network, it is possible to see all the blocks structure.
created to date and the money transfers in them. Blockchain offers groundbreaking technolo-
All transaction information can be accessed via gies that have the potential to change the Internet and even the world for many reasons. Participants
can share excess energy and purchase or sell car-
(iii) High Speed and Low Cost bon credits using blockchain’s revolutionary P2P
energy trading platforms (Küfeoğlu 2020). One
Due to its fast and low cost in health, food, thing is certain: blockchain technology is usher-
forensic cases and keeping records of interna- ing in a new era of digital information sharing, as

Fig. 2.26 Advantages
of blockchain
78 2  Emerging Technologies

well as a novel means of data storage and transac- (iv) Energy and Distribution Networks
tion representation. Blockchain technology offers
alternative methods to solve the heavy paperwork Blockchain enables people to share extra
process, delays, incorrect transactions, high energy and buy or sell carbon credits through
costs, fraud and many more problems on the revolutionary peer-to-peer energy trading plat-
logistics side. It is possible to design functional forms. This paradigm shift towards decentralised
systems by integrating international trade with local energy exchange via peer-to-peer (P2P) will
blockchain technology. Over $1  billion was drastically minimise transmission losses while
invested by venture capitalists in 215 blockchain-­ also deferring costly network upgrades. Unlike
based firm deals in 2017 (CBINSIGHTS 2018). centralised architectures, the blockchain distrib-
The technology is highly promising in delivering uted ledger does not require the intervention of
a secure and trustless transaction and data storage third parties to preserve the system’s integrity
medium. By 2027, it is predicted that blockchain and security. Blockchain is a distributed ledger
would have stored roughly 10% of the global that employs automated technology to create
gross domestic product (World Economic Forum smart contracts that improve cybersecurity and
2015). The technology can be utilised in a wide optimise energy operations, lowering transaction
range of areas and businesses such as banking costs considerably (Küfeoğlu 2020). Individual
and payments, data security, voting and elections customers may be able to swap electricity and
and energy and distribution networks. make payments in a frictionless manner thanks to
blockchain’s decentralised transaction verifica-
(i) Banking and Payments tion. Better network and congestion management
and the challenge of renewable generation inter-
There are still many obstacles to a perfect mittency can all be aided by digitalisation, allow-
financial sector, whether it is identification or ing for more efficient network operation and
fraud difficulties in developed countries or secu- more effective network monitoring (Küfeoğlu
rity issues in areas where technology is not et al. 2019).
widely used. Blockchain has the ability to tackle Blockchain technology, as a unique technol-
these issues in a revolutionary way, benefiting ogy that creates a new consensus process to elim-
every element of the industry. inate a single central authority, could be very
valuable in energy trade (Küfeoğlu et al. 2019).
(ii) Data Security Some peer-to-peer energy marketplaces are built
on the blockchain platform, which allows all
Messages and data are encrypted with a cryp- transactions to be authenticated and stored per-
tocurrency that uses a public key infrastructure manently without the need for a central authority
(PKI). Personal information is less likely to be (Küfeoğlu et al. 2019).
revealed and replicated via this way.

(iii) Voting and Elections 2.11 Carbon Capture and Storage

Blockchain has the potential to play a significant The concentration of uncontrolled dispersed CO2
role in digital transformation, allowing citizens to may cause crucial climate change as an increase
vote from the comfort of their own homes or from in average global temperatures. It is estimated
anyplace else. Vote stealing may be prevented at that carbon dioxide emissions around the globe
every level with fast and precise verification and will be higher in 2050 than they were in 2018.
accurate vote counting. It will be impossible for a Forecasts indicate that CO2 emissions will
person to vote with personal identification numbers increase gradually every 5 years and will exceed
more than once. Systematic breaches will be 40  billion metric tonnes from 2045 (Statista
detected quickly because of the distributed ledger. 2019). Carbon capture and storage (CCS) tech-
2.11  Carbon Capture and Storage 79

Fig. 2.27  Carbon capture and storage phases

nology has emerged to mitigate climate change in the longer term. In this regard, CSS methods
by reducing CO2 emissions (Singh 2013). The are mostly focused on fossil fuels. Figure  2.27
first large-scale project on CO2 capturing was illustrates the CCS stages in detail.
planned to enhance produced oil by injecting Many research and development projects for
CO2 and increasing the pressure on the oil reser- CCS have been established among the presented
voirs in the 1970s (IAE 2016). The increase in oil cases in many countries. Lawmakers primarily
and gas production through injected captured aim to reduce carbon emissions for measures
CO2 has revolutionised the energy sector, and the related to climate change. Governments and
importance of carbon storage has also expanded. companies have adopted carbon-neutral meth-
Although CCS is used to increase production, it ods to reduce this impact of fossil fuels, which
has become one of the agenda items of many have an equal balance between emitting carbon
countries since it is known that the long-term and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere in
effects of CO2 released after this production on carbon sinks (European Parliament 2019). In
global climate change will be substantial. While this direction, incentives and orientations
CO2 emissions dropped dramatically by 5.8% in towards carbon-­neutral technologies are increas-
2020, the demand for fossil fuels in 2021 seems ing, together with regulatory methods such as
to reverse this situation. A 4.8% increase in CO2 carbon tax and carbon footprint monitoring.
emissions is expected in 2021, with demand for However, carbon-­neutral methods are still not
coal, oil and gas recovering after the temporary enough in line with climate targets. Countries
impact of the pandemic (IAE 2016). Most of the that have committed to zero carbon emissions
CO2 emissions are caused by the use of fossil until 2050 at the Paris Climate Summit have
resources. The intensive use of coal, natural gas started to use carbon-­negative methods and car-
and oil in power plants, industrial facilities, vehi- bon-neutral methods to achieve this goal.
cles, residences and workplaces to meet energy Carbon-negative methods aim to reabsorb more
and heating needs are the biggest cause of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere
emission problem. The use of these resources than disseminated (IEA 2020). Although it is
releases large amounts of greenhouse gases into difficult to withdraw more carbon than is emit-
the atmosphere. Increasing livestock farming, ted today, carbon-negative methods have a sig-
cutting down trees, etc. are other causes of nificant role in reducing the amount of carbon in
increased CO2 emissions. However, their impacts the atmosphere. Among the most common car-
are not as notable as fossil fuels and applying bon-negative methods are carbon capture and
CCS for these causes ensures emission reduction storage technology.
80 2  Emerging Technologies

(i) Carbon-Capturing Methods geological forms like oil and gas reservoirs,
saline forms, unmineable coal seams and basalt
The main CO2 capturing technologies are formations. CO2 is stored by impermeable cap-­
chemical and/or physical absorption, physical rock (Rackley 2017). By significant develop-
adsorption and membrane separation. Carbon ments of technologies in the injection industry,
capture is a technology with multiple methodolo- geological storage is in oil and gas reservoirs pre-
gies, but its basic logic is based on the separation ferred by companies to store carbon. Stored CO2
of free CO2 from the air. The capture of CO2 is also utilised for unmineable coal because its
could be classified into three types, i.e. post-­ molecules could easily interact with the coal sur-
combustion capture, pre-capture and direct cap- face. The main problem for geological storage is
ture (Kuckshinrichs and Hake 2015). The fuel is transportation cost. Although it is not necessary
not directly burned in pre-combustion capture but to construct storage facilities, it is important to
transformed into synthesised gas at the appropri- invest in transportation infrastructure to deliver
ate temperature and pressure. Afterwards, CO2 is CO2 to these facilities. Ocean storage is one of
transformed into carbon dioxide and H2, and CO2 the greatest storage since oceans are major
is collected for H2 as the fuel (Rackley 2017). ­candidates to store captured CO2. However, stor-
CO2 is captured from the industrial process waste age must be in-depth not to release CO2 into the
into a nearly pure CO2 stream in post-­combustion. atmosphere. Direct dissolution is sent by ships
(e.g. cement plant flue gases). In direct capture, with pipes to deep waters at supercritical fluid,
pure CO2 is captured directly from the air (e.g. and it creates CO2 lakes in the depth of the oceans.
mineralisation of steel slag) (Goel et  al. 2015). Creating CO2 lakes in the oceans is an efficient
The separated CO2 could be used for different method for long-term storage (Rackley 2017).
purposes such as soda ash production, oil drilling Mineral storage is suitable with the law of ther-
and alternative energy sources production. Thus, modynamics so it can occur in nature without any
the storage of captured carbons has great signifi- application by humans. CO2 reacts with metal
cance. Figure 2.28 articulates these carbon cap- oxides and produces stable carbonates. This pro-
ture methods. cess takes over a long timescale in nature. When
Geological storage is the most used method to this process operates at higher temperatures and
store carbon. First of all, carbon is captured in pressure, it can be accelerated, creating energy
different ways. Then it is injected into different costs (Rhodes 2012).

Fig. 2.28  Carbon capture methods. (Creamer and Gao 2015)

2.11  Carbon Capture and Storage 81

Fig. 2.29  Carbon storage methods

Although CCS is a useful technology, it has globe’s temperature at a certain level of 2 °C or
not received the necessary response in the indus- less by the year of 2050.
try due to its cost. The high unit and technology Renewable energy, which has become increas-
costs are among the main reasons why the private ingly important, cannot meet the rising energy
sector does not invest in this field. Incentives demand on its own, and it seems that fossil fuels
from governments, reduction in technology costs will still play an important role. According to
and private sector investments in this field play an Jackson, although renewable energy is now con-
important role in the future of CCS technology. sidered the most cost-effective source of power
In sectors where carbon capture is easy, and CO2 generation worldwide, the growth in energy
is heavily emitted, CCS technologies perform demand and the growth needs of governments
more efficiently and more economically. indicates that fossil fuels will continue to play an
Examples of these are the cement, iron and steel active role (Jackson 2020). In the future, CCS
and refinery sectors. In addition, decomposed technology appears to grow more and become
CO2 has great importance, and it needs to be used crucial in terms of maintaining the environmental
or stored without being released back. The most balance by absorbing CO2 while supplying energy
suitable areas for storage are oil reservoirs. In demand from fossil fuels. Aiming to benefit from
addition, this storage method is used to increase the ecological and economic advantages of CCS,
oil production by pumping it into the oil deposits the UK government will provide £1  billion in
stuck between the layers. Figure 2.29 illustrates funding to support the development of four CCS
the abovementioned storage methods. centres and cluster projects across the UK by the
The efficiency of carbon-capturing technol- end of the decade (Kelly 2020). Furthermore, the
ogy may be as high as 90% when it comes to cap- Norwegian climate solution will heavily rely on
turing the CO2 that is released from industrial CCS with developed versions of the technology.
processes. These industrial processes are in a Equinor, Shell and Total are investing in the
broad spectrum, from the energy sector to manu- Northern Lights project, which is Norway’s first
facturing and construction. Among all, the energy CO2 storage licence and a key component of the
sector is covering the highest percentage when it Norwegian government’s “Longship” strategy
comes to carbon-emitting, by almost 40%, when (Equinor 2020). Canada is another country invest-
examined globally (Leung et al. 2014). Steps of ing in Direct Air Capturing (DAC) technology.
capturing, storing and utilising carbon are crucial Carbon Engineering states that DAC technology
to the environmental act against global warming can be scaled up to remove up to 1 million tonnes
by reducing and preventing the negative effects at of CO2 per year from the atmosphere in Canada
some level. Overall carbon emissions may be (Jackson 2020). In addition to recent develop-
negative with a combined strategy of capturing ments mentioned above, Climeworks, one of the
carbon and utilising biomass. In addition to the CSS companies, expands its direct air capture and
contribution of the global warming fight men- storage technology, making a permanent CO2
tioned above, calculations indicate that CCS’s removal solution more readily available. It
contribution to emission reduction attempts may includes the infrastructure and foundation of the
be needed to reach a percentile of 14 to keep the next generation of Climeworks CO2 collectors.
82 2  Emerging Technologies

Their solution includes the installation of plants cells can be extracted directly from the tissue and
and machinery in Iceland and is expected to be crushed enzymatically or mechanically before
completed in spring 2021. What makes being cultured, or they can be replicated from a
Climeworks’ use of DAC so intriguing is that it cell line or cell strain. The primary culture phase
can capture pollutants straight from the air, rather begins after the cells have been separated from
than merely eliminating emissions connected the tissue and multiplied under optimal circum-
with electricity generation, and also this is the stances until all substrates have been occupied.
company’s largest facility to date, with a CO2 col- To provide more vacancies for growth, the cells
lection capacity of about 4000 tonnes per year must be subcultured by transferring them to a
(Jackson 2020). As a result, CCS technology will new case containing fresh growth. The primary
gain even more importance and develop in the culture is referred to as a cell line or subcloned
coming years. CCS seems like a viable solution to after the first subculture. Cell lines are repro-
address the climate change problem. duced from primary cultures which have a lim-
ited lifetime, and when they are crossed, cells
with the highest growth capacity dominate. As a
2.12 Cellular Agriculture result, genotype and phenotype will be uniform
(Invitrogen and Gibco 2021). This cell line
Throughout the years of extortion of natural becomes a cell strain when a subclone’s subpop-
resources, possible new solutions to neutralise ulation is positively selected from the culture
the effects started to emerge. First, a decrease in through cloning. Following the commencement
consumption was suggested. Other suggestions of the parent line, a cell strain frequently acquires
included using less water to preserve the further genetic changes. Culture conditions are
resources, less plastic and more biodegradable variable for each cell type, but the environment
resources to prevent pollution and so on. Among generally contains essential nutrients, hormones,
many topics, the consumption of meat has always enzymes and gases that are necessary for sub-
been on the agenda. Setting aside the ethical strate (Invitrogen and Gibco 2021). Figure  2.30
arguments, meat consumption is not sustainable presents the stages of cellular agriculture with
in many ways and causes substantial global cell cultivation.
warming. At this point, cellular agriculture steps
forth as a remedy. This technology focuses on the B. Precision Fermentation
production of an animal product-like substance
that does not harm the environment in the process The second method in cellular agriculture is
of production or consumption. This substance is precision fermentation. This method uses micro-
produced from cell structures rather than ani- organisms to obtain the proteins in animal prod-
mals. Using advanced biotechnology, tissue-­ ucts. This method can be explained in four steps:
based products like meat (of fish, cattle, sheep,
goats, chicken, turkey, etc.) and protein-­ 1. Introduce: Firstly, a gene from a farm animal
containing foods like eggs and dairy products is introduced, for microorganism production,
become available alternatives. Focusing on both to a host cell optimised to produce an animal
sustainable food production and the safety of protein kind of yeast. Integrating this gene
food, cellular agriculture uses many techniques from farm animals into the host cell will
to imitate and meet the standards of nutritional instruct the host cell on how to create specific
values while being almost carbon neutral. animal proteins.
2. Feed: Secondly, the production of animal pro-
A. Cell Cultivation teins at the cellular level starts after the imple-
mentation of those farm animals’ genes to
Cell culture takes cells from a plant or animal host microorganisms’ cells. Host cells need
and grows them in a controlled environment. The nutrients to ensure that the cellular agriculture
2.12  Cellular Agriculture 83

Fig. 2.30  The method

of cellular agriculture
with cell cultivation.
(Cellular Agriculture
Society 2021)

process takes place properly and for its con- main benefits of cellular agriculture: benefits for
tinuation. You need to feed the host cell the environment, benefits for the animals and
­nutrients in a controlled environment called a benefits for human health. Figure  2.32 demon-
fermentation cultivator. strates some benefits of cellular agriculture.
3. Purify: After the production of animal pro- The huge quantity of resources required by
teins is completed, the host production cells livestock farming has a wide environmental
must be removed. Thus, only animal proteins impact. It is astounding how much water, land
remain in the final product. Only the final and power livestock use. Khan states that in addi-
purified animal proteins remain after the host tion to the 1.6  kg of feed necessary to make a
cells are separated from the produced 0.23-kilogram steak, the manufacturing process
proteins. necessitates 3515 litres of water and just as much
4. Harvest: In this final step, animal proteins go energy is needed to charge a laptop as much as 60
through the post-processing steps. After rigor- times. Moreover, different greenhouse gases are
ous testing for safety and quality, a real animal released into the atmosphere containing a total of
product is ready to be harvested (Cellular 4.54 kg of CO2, which is equal to 2 litres of gaso-
Agriculture Society 2021). line. This data represents what is needed to make
an 8-ounce steak and not the entire animal.
Figure 2.31 presents the stages of cellular Roughly 25% of the surface of the world is dedi-
agriculture with precision fermentation. cated to livestock. This is approximately 70% of
It is possible with cellular agriculture to ben- all agricultural land (Khan 2017). Furthermore,
efit from animal meat without the need for ani- animals consume around 30% of the world’s
mals. The current system can produce animal freshwater. Livestock account for 14.5% of all
meat that is enough to cover the existing con- emissions of greenhouse gases. Cellular agricul-
sumption rate, but it will be unable to do so in the ture promises to minimise global greenhouse gas
future due to factors such as increasing popula- emissions and to encourage more ethical usages
tion. Experts estimate that the human population of natural resources. Cellular farming is an eco-­
will be 9–11  billion in 2050 (UN 2017). friendly and sustainable option in comparison
Increasing population means increasing food with animal production. Fleece made from cel-
needs. Thus it seems that animals alone will not lular farming requires less than 1/10 of the land
be enough for humans. Rather than encouraging and water (Khan 2017). The greenhouse gas
consumers to choose plant-based diets more, the emissions in this beef will also be considerably
other ideal solution is the innovative improve- reduced. The number of animals required in the
ments in meat production, which stands out as production process is reduced due to cellular
the task of cellular agriculture. There are three agriculture, eliminating livestock. With the
84 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.31  The method

of cellular agriculture
with precision
fermentation. (Cellular
Agriculture Society

Fig. 2.32  Benefits of

cellular agriculture

increasing population, the demand for meat is (Röös et  al. 2017). Bacterial contaminants like
increasing even more. On the other hand, meat Salmonella or E. coli will not be the case in cel-
production facilities quickly raise animals under lular agriculture since no livestock will contami-
unsanitary conditions to produce more meat nate the meat or other goods.
without due concern given to animal welfare Meat production has long been the subject of
(Khan 2017). Cellular agriculture is among the controversy. Animal rights activists think that
most effective solutions to fulfil the increasing obtaining meat from animals is a massacre, and
meat demand while ensuring animal welfare. they look for other ways to meet their protein
About 80% of all antibiotics sold in the USA are needs without eating meat. For example, they
used in animal agriculture. This situation turn to a vegan and vegetarian lifestyle. However,
increases antibiotic resistance in humans and cultured meat, the most popular topic of cellular
causes various health problems. For instance, farming, could change this. Cultured meat comes
most bacterial contaminants, Salmonella and E. as an alternative for its ecological and animal
coli, that cause food-borne diseases commonly welfare benefits and to feed humanity’s growing
interact with contaminated animal excrement population. Besides all the environmental bene-
2.13  Cloud Computing 85


Global warming crisis Living off cultured meat mostly

Inefficient form of agriculture Less carbon footprint

Dangerous amount of carbon emissions Less animal exploitation

Bringing extinct species back

Fig. 2.33  Motivation for cellular agriculture

fits, cultured meat is also healthier than normal meat R&D (Smith 2021). Figure  2.33 demon-
meat because it is produced under laboratory strates the present and future motivations for cel-
conditions in a controlled manner. Cultured meat lular agriculture.
does not contain bacteria and other disease-­
causing agents. While plastics/microplastics are
seen in normal meats, they are not seen in cul- 2.13 Cloud Computing
tured meats (Gasteratos 2019).
Humanity continues its search for life on Cloud computing is a technology that provides
another planet. People have long kept their eyes elastic and scalable computing techniques to ful-
on the Moon and Mars. The long-term missions fil information technology capabilities delivered
have been targeted, and there is a basic problem in varying service models through the Internet.
in meeting the protein needs of astronauts. Moreover, it is an easy way to share the folders
Experts have invested in cultured meat for a long with other people and work by collaborating with
time to solve this problem. If colonies are estab- them via the Internet from the personal computer
lished on the Moon and Mars in the possible or network servers. This sharing can be private or
future, keeping human beings alive is planned by public. Cloud computing technology generally
using cultured meat. Israel-based company Aleph includes many clouds, and these clouds commu-
Farms aims to accelerate cell-based meat produc- nicate with each other through application pro-
tion in space. Aleph Farms says that “We want to gramming interfaces and using web services
make sure that when people live on Mars, we’ll (Mirashe and Kalyankar 2010). Cloud computing
be there too” (Morrison 2020). In this respect, is quite popular among researchers, citizens and
cellular agriculture is most likely to be on the governments nowadays. One of the reasons for
main agenda in the future. this is that when the memory of personal comput-
Gareth Sullivan, deputy director of the ers is full, it indirectly inhibits speed and perfor-
University of Oslo’s Hybrid Technology Hub, is mance. To prevent this, a personal account is
experimenting with technology to generate stem created by transferring personal data to comput-
cells from endangered species such as the north- ers with a lot of memory via the Internet. Thus,
ern white rhino. According to Labiotech, work- both storage space and computer resources can
ing with Ian Wilmut, one of the scientists who be acquired without sacrificing the personal com-
cloned Dolly the sheep in 1996, the researcher puter’s memory. Since the main consideration
obtained a fundamental grasp of stem cells. Stem behind cloud computing is to minimise the bur-
cells from endangered animals are being stored den on the terminals of the user, cloud storage, as
for a future in which technology can bring extinct one of the subdisciplines of cloud computing,
species back to life. The project received an comes forwards in line with this purpose. Cloud
investment of €220,000 from the Good Food storage services can provide both data storage
Institute, which conducts vegan and cultured and business access. It consists of necessary stor-
86 2  Emerging Technologies

Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

It is a cloud-based service that can be used to

develop, test, deploy and host advanced web
applications. It provides developers all the Use of the computer groundwork as a service.
Many users are supported by this platform. To
systems and environments that they need. This The fact that the payment plan is usage-based
promote multiple users at the same time,
strategy encompasses features such a rapid is an important advantage. Along with higher
besides common resouces, a single sample of
scalability, decreased development time and flexibility, it also offers faster service to
object code and underlying database are
offers many tools and services that are already customers as it always uses the latest
available. PaaS is one step forward than the technology.
traditional application development because
of the listed features.

Examples Examples Examples

Google Apps Google App Engine IBM Computing on Demand (CoD) Microsoft Azure Services Platform Amazon Simple Storage Solution (S3)
NetSuite Yahoo! Open Strategy (Y!OS) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Oracle Akamai EdgePlatform Microsoft Live Mesh Joyent
IBM GAE Layered Technologies GoGrid
Microsoft Mosso/Rackspace Flexiscale Yahoo! resources

Fig. 2.34  Cloud providers and some example establishments. (Dillon et al. 2010)

age devices, and it huddles all of them together in Therefore, choosing the right provider becomes
the application software for usage. As a result, it important. There are three service providers in
can be thought of as one of the cloud computing total. These can be listed in Fig. 2.34 as software
systems responsible for large capacity storage as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS)
(Liu and Dong 2012). Many companies, such as and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), According to the user, there are different types
Rackspace and GoGrid, provide particular cloud of clouds present. The public cloud is accessible
computing services (Chopra 2017). Anyone can to any user that has an Internet connection.
benefit from these services for a monthly sub- Private cloud is created for a group and/or organ-
scription fee. In other words, this service can be isation. Only that group and/or organisation can
thought of as renting a computer with very high access this type of cloud. Community clouds can
memory and performance far away from the be shared between more than two organisations
users themselves. It is especially useful because with requirements similar to one another. Lastly,
it does not require physical hardware to perform hybrid clouds are formed when more than two
computation or storage. Since the data is stored clouds with various types or the same type are
and the other resources are available on the merged (Abualkibash and Elleithy 2012).
Internet, the data is always accessible anywhere There are a lot of advantages and disadvan-
and anytime as long as there is an Internet con- tages to using cloud computing as all technolo-
nection (Huth and Cebula 2011). gies which we use. The disadvantages of cloud
Although cloud computing provides ease of computing are: it cannot work without the
use to users, it is a modular technology with a Internet or in low-speed Internet environments;
very different operating system. Therefore, to sometimes the features may not be enough; the
understand what cloud computing is exactly, it is stored data may not be reliable because it is
also important to understand how to choose the opened to the Internet if your password or cloud
cloud providers. However, first of all, it is neces- account is lost (Mirashe and Kalyankar 2010).
sary to talk about what cloud providers are. Each On the other hand, cloud computing offers vari-
provider offers specific functionality that gives ous advantages to its users. It makes the idea of
users more or less control, depending on its type. connection via the Internet quite appealing over a
2.13  Cloud Computing 87

connection through immovable physical hard- • Quick entry to market: In contrast to a tradi-
ware. According to Lewis (2010) and Hurwitz tional strategy that includes purchasing hard-
et  al. (2012), listed below are some features of ware and software, cloud infrastructure and
cloud computing that describe its prominence for services may be installed fast. As a result of
organisations, companies and general users: the preceding argument, a business can bring
new items to market faster than competitors
• Availability: Users are allowed to reach their who rely on their infrastructure.
documents and resources at any time via the
Internet. Apart from the general advantages of cloud
• Collaboration: Users can work at the same computing, it can also be seen as an auxiliary
time and share the necessary and common technology to other emerging technologies. The
information that they need. importance of cloud computing is seen in spheres
• Elasticity: Resource utilisation of a user, like IoT, serverless computing and quantum com-
which can be shaped according to the chang- puting technologies.
ing needs, can be transparently managed by
the service provider. IoT Technologies  Smartphones, televisions,
• Lower infrastructure costs: Public cloud users smartwatches, household appliances, sensors for
can choose whichever resource that they want systems such as “smart home”, “smart city” and
to use, and they pay per use. This results in no more are among the gadgets (“things”) connected
payment for the maintenance or upgrade of to the Internet. All of these devices communicate
the hardware and software of the correspond- with one another or with the control software,
ing resource. often without the need for human participation.
• Mobility: Networked access to the resources The more IoT turns into an autonomous system,
and information makes the attainability of the the Internet within the Internet, the more this will
cloud by the user globally, from the places accumulate huge amounts of data in real-time.
where there is an Internet connection possible.
• Risk reduction: Some check tests and demon- Serverless Computing  Platform as a service
strations applied in the cloud can help organ- (PaaS) is becoming more common in the soft-
isations to examine their ideas and concepts, ware development world. The customer does not
deciding whether to invest in that technology need to worry about server hardware or operating
or not without incurring big upfront expenses. system administration because computer
• Scalability: A variety of resources supplied by resources are automatically scaled as the load
cloud providers can be scaled according to the increases or falls. AWS Lambda, for example, is
demands of the corresponding cloud users. a platform that works on the premise of event-­
• Virtualisation: Regardless of how users utilise driven computing, in which the appropriate pool
a resource’s installed software and hardware, of resources is assigned in milliseconds in reac-
the provider can serve way more users with tion to an event, such as the addition of a new
less physical hardware installed. The hard- code module.
ware of a certain resource can serve many
users at the same time. Quantum Computing  Quantum computers are
• Security: In an unlikely event, such as the loss the next step in the evolution of traditional
of a file on the device when the corresponding supercomputers. Such computers are planned to
device is damaged, it will remain in the be used primarily for working with large
account and safe in the cloud system. amounts of data. At the same time, both data and
• Device performance: The speed and perfor- computing resources (qubits) can be placed in
mance of the computer used, depending on the the cloud.
memory, are not adversely affected since all Since the cloud providers supply the cloud
the necessary sources are kept in the cloud. service, reliability is an issue in cloud computing.
88 2  Emerging Technologies

Providers should offer decent performance with tal exchange of private corporate shares. In this
reliability. One cloud service that provides reli- type, businesses are allowed to set investment
ability and resilience with decent performance is ceilings, minimum pledge amounts, etc. and
called “reliability as a service (RaaS)”. Deep and accept or reject investors interested in viewing
machine learning is expected to be used in RaaS their business paperwork. Second, reward-based
for failure prediction. Failure datasets will be crowdfunding is the most popular and useful kind
used to characterise failures, leading to the devel- of crowdfunding. This form of crowdsourcing
opment of a failure prediction model. This will be requires the determination of several levels of
an opportunity to provide a failure-aware resource awards that match the commitments. Third, peer-­
guaranteeing reliability and decent performance to-­peer lending-based crowdfunding allows busi-
(Buyya et al. 2018). Another possible application nesses to collect cash in the form of loans to
of cloud computing will be based on SDN.  It repay lenders on a predefined schedule with a
seems that the capability of SDN to shape and specified rate of interest. With crowdsourcing
optimise network traffic will affect the studies on donations, campaigns accumulate donations
cloud computing (Vahdat et  al. 2015). Due to without providing value in return. This kind of
workload/resource fluctuations or features, the marketing is great for social reasons and charity.
renting fee of the cloud resource cannot be pre- Lastly, donation-based crowdfunding is to raise
dicted by the user beforehand, which creates a money from other individuals for charitable
necessity for tools to resolve this problem. With causes. Campaigns are often 1–3  months in
demand from the big data community, it is under- length and work well for amounts under $10,000
stood that the cloud environment requires new (Hossain and Oparaocha 2017). Table  2.2 sum-
visualisation tools to be explored (Buyya et  al. marises the characteristics of equity crowdfund-
2018). Other future research expectations and ing, rewards-based crowdfunding and
future-oriented cloud computing applications are peer-to-peer lending.
summarised in Fig. 2.35. The investment of crowdfunding is an alterna-
tive money source for companies that ask numer-
ous investors to invest for a small amount. Then,
2.14 Crowdfunding investors receive the company’s equity shares
(Chen 2021). The 2015 Jumpstart Our Business
Crowdfunding has been around for a century, but a Startups Act (Jobs Act) declared that it is allowed
British rock band launched the first successful for diverse types of investors to invest with
crowdfunding campaign for a tour with the help of crowdfunding when the investment infrastructure
online donations from fans in 1997. Crowdfunding is better (Securities and Exchange Commission
is the collaborative method to raise cash through 2015). It has been said in the crowdfunding
friends, families, consumers and individual inves- industry report for 2019 that the food and bever-
tors. This method uses people’s collaborative age, health and beauty categories are the fund-
efforts – mostly online through social and crowd- raisers’ leaders. Figure  2.38 demonstrates the
funding media – to leverage their networks to reach share of industries where crowdfunding is
them more widely. It is initiated by developing the applied.
accurate product to be funded and providing a solid Also, investments through crowdfunding may
history of its development, producing a unique open an opportunity to avoid debt. A large group
video for a crowdfunding platform and establishing of backers invest in the company knowing the
a monetary objective. Figure 2.36 shows the suc- purpose of the loan and interest rate. A higher
cessful execution of a typical crowdfunding cam- interest rate is received than the market rate by
paign, and Fig. 2.37 illustrates the components and lenders (Chen 2021). Companies choose to
outline of the crowdfunding concept. crowdfund when the other debt instruments are
There are four main types of crowdfunding: too costly or cannot get credit from financial
first, equity-based crowdfunding is the real capi- institutions because of credit default swaps.
2.14 Crowdfunding 89

Fig. 2.35  Future directions of cloud computing. (Buyya et al. 2018)

90 2  Emerging Technologies

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Have the Identify Set your

right your funding
product audience goals

Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Develop Promote Execute

and share your your
your story campaign campaign

Fig. 2.36  How to run a successful crowdfunding campaign in six easy steps. (MindSea 2021)

Fig. 2.37  Outline of Startup

(Dashurov 2021) Product



Succesful Growth
Project Up

Big Overall Funding

Idea benefit Platform

Table 2.2  User check table for determining whether it is suitable for her/him
Profitable, Established Established Launching new
Pre-­ Pre-­ growing and steadily stable product/service/ Making
trading profit business growing business brand acquisitions
Equity crowdfunding No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Rewards-based Yes Yes No No No Yes No
Peer-to-peer lending No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
European Commission (2021)

Equity and debt investments’ funding are risky capital is crucial even if the project has nothing to
investments, but the investor can diversify their do with R&D.  In emerging technologies’ case,
capital in a wide range of ways. Individuals can with the additional necessity to be possessed of
directly support the companies they feel con- enough material to research and develop truly,
nected to by crowdfunding investment infrastruc- crowdfunding becomes even more than a way
ture (Chen 2021). In the path of developing a out. Funding by investors and VCs is not an easy
project or launching a business, having access to method, especially when the project is not finan-
2.14 Crowdfunding 91

Fig. 2.38 Crowdfunding
industries. (Okhrimenko

Fig. 2.39  Advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding. ( 2021)

cially beneficial right away. Crowdfunding is a ArtistShare, launched in 2000, it is expected that
functional solution to this very problem. Surely, there will be a return to specialised platforms in
this does not mean crowdfunding does not have future years (Fridman 2016). With so many
its criteria or standards to evaluate within but crowdfunding choices, platforms will see value
means that its broad spectrum of funders enlarges in narrowing their emphasis and attracting a spe-
the criteria extent. Figure  2.39 summarises sev- cialised audience. Niches such as gaming, educa-
eral prominent benefits and drawbacks of tion, music, charities, researchers and local
crowdfunding. initiatives are creating their platforms to better
Started by a British rock band in 1997, crowd- serve supporters and make themselves notice-
funding has become a multibillion-dollar busi- able. Rewards-based platforms such as Indiegogo
ness in less than two decades for artists, and Kickstarter have garnered a lot of attention in
filmmakers, organisations, people and now com- the USA.  Equity crowdfunding was the next
panies. The World Bank report predicts world- great wave that began in 2016. Titles III and IV of
wide crowdfunding investments to reach the JOBS Act have made it feasible for unaccred-
93  billion dollars by 2025 (Fridman 2016). ited (i.e. not wealthy) investors to readily pur-
Although the first crowdfunding portal, chase ownership shares in new firms they care
92 2  Emerging Technologies

about (Fridman 2016). Investing in a start-up’s include types of attacks, types of cybersecurity
shares was once restricted to rich people. Because threats and sectoral risk management. These will
of the new rules, businesses are trying to attract be examined as defence mechanisms against
investors as well as people who wish to back a these cybercrime types that endanger individuals
company’s concept or a goal. Crowdfunding pro- and organisations. Nowadays, with the increasing
vides firms with a different option for obtaining impact of technology in people’s lives, the secu-
cash than venture capital or angel investors. The rity of information is exceedingly important.
new investment class, a bigger group, made up of Cybersecurity plays an important role in the field
Middle Americans, will be the driving force of information technology. Information security
behind investing and hence decision-making has become one of the biggest challenges of our
(Fridman 2016). time. That is why one of the most valuable things
is knowledge of cybersecurity. With the increas-
ing use of technology, a large amount of digital
2.15 Cybersecurity information emerges individually and
­institutionally. The protection of digital informa-
Humankind has been faced with crimes since its tion requires just as much importance. Multiple
existence. The phenomenon of crime, which has cyber methods compromise digital information.
developed and changed over the years, has been In the continuation of the chapter, these vulnera-
defined and posted in tonnes of different ways. bilities and methods that endanger cybersecurity
When it is asked, most people define crime as will be examined, and which systems are at risk
acts that break the law. The Declaration of Human and what this developing technology promises
Rights (1948, art.3) states that “Everyone has the will be mentioned. Cyberspace can be defined as
right to life, liberty and security of person”. a worldwide territory in the data ecosystem, the
Therefore, in international laws, people have the interconnected IT infrastructures including the
right to defend their security. The twenty-first Internet, telecommunication systems, computer
century has brought an era with the digitalisation networks and embedded processors and control-
trend to the new danger that humankind requires lers (Committee on National Security Systems
to defend themselves against. This new threat, (CNSS) 2015).
which is encountered in all areas of life and It is seen in Fig. 2.40; various motivations lead
whose importance increases day by day, is cyber- the attackers, from personal gain to drawing
crime. Various governments and companies are attention to social problems. To receive social
taking many measures to prevent these cyber- admiration, cybercrimes might cause many prob-
crimes. Aside from the variety of measures, lems by taking large masses behind them. There
cybersecurity is still a huge concern for many. are many attacks and types of attacks in cyber-
Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting sys- space that will require cybersecurity experts to
tems, networks and programs from digital protect their computers. The most known attack
attacks. Cyber resilience, on the other hand, is the types are backdoor, phishing, social engineering
measure of an individual’s or enterprise’s ability and malware.
to continue working as normal while it attempts
to identify, protect, detect, respond and recover (i) Backdoor
from threats against its data and information
technology infrastructure. In cybersecurity, a backdoor refers to any
This section mainly focuses on the challenges approach that enables authorised and unauthor-
faced by cybersecurity on the latest technologies. ised users to overcome ordinary safeguards and
It also focuses on the latest developments in obtain access to high levels through a computer, a
cybersecurity techniques, ethics and the future of network or a software program. Backdoor attacks
cybersecurity. For clarity, the cybersecurity con- are a form of adversarial attacks on deep net-
cept will be examined in subsets. These subsets works. The attacker provides poisoned data to the
2.15 Cybersecurity 93

Fig. 2.40 Attackers’

victim to train the model and then activates the as seen in Fig. 2.41, in the first quarter of 2021,
attack by showing a specific small trigger pattern followed by social media and SaaS/webmail.
at the test time. Most state-of-the-art backdoor Due to increased digital banking transactions
attacks either provide mislabelled poisoning data during the pandemic period, business e-mail
that is possible to identify by visual inspection, compromise (BEC) is even more costly (APWG
reveal the trigger in the poisoned data or use 2021).
noise to hide the trigger (Saha et al. 2020). When
cyber thieves are in the system, personal and (iii) Social Engineering
financial information can be stolen; other soft-
ware and hijack equipment can be installed. In computer science, social engineering
relates to the tactics used by thieves to get the
(ii) Phishing victims to do a kind of dubious measure that usu-
ally involves security breaches, money sent out or
Phishing is a scam to share confidential info, private information. As it is colloquially known,
such as passwords and credit card details. Victims social engineering hacks human behaviour and
get a harmful email or text message that is like a influences the modelling of societies in a devious
workman, a bank or a government agency, imitat- way. Social media has produced a culture where
ing a person or institution they trust. If the user sharing everything about everyone is normal and
clicks the bait, a legally valid website counterfeit even encouraged by some (Hadnagy 2018). If it
will be provided. Suppose people enter their is said that cyber thieves hack people’s systems
username and password to log in. In that case, the using malware and viruses, social engineering is
attacker who uses it to steal identity sees this just the same by doing it with people’s thoughts.
information and can thus trade their bank bal- On the other hand, social engineering could be
ances and black-market personal information. At done with information shared online by users
this point, different methods are recommended to themselves. As the Cambridge Analytica case has
users and service providers to protect themselves demonstrated that standard privacy laws may not
from phishing attacks. The NCSC (National be enough to safeguard customer data, another
Cybersecurity Center) recommends an innova- branch of the privacy protection debate may be
tive layered method called the 4-layer approach worth investigating (Sun 2020). Victims who
for large institutions and cybersecurity profes- solved the quizzes gave their personal data and
sionals (“Small Business Guide” 2018; “Phishing information to the harmful social engineering
attacks” 2018). According to the research, finan- companies. Emotions that can be utilised are love
cial institutions are the target of phishing attacks, (in its various forms), hate or anger (us versus
94 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.41  Most targeted industries

them), pride (in themselves or their organisation) malware programs (Rieck et al. 2008). Malicious
and futility (in themselves or their organisation) software (malware), hostile, intruder and pur-
(there is no other option). Picking the correct posely bland seeks the use of computers, com-
emotion is simpler in person because we can read puter networks, tabling and mobile devices to
body language or via phone to assess the tone of enter, harm or disable, frequently gaining partial
voice and alter the approach based on the sce- control of activities of a device. It interrupts regu-
nario. This approach aims to influence the tar- lar operations, like copying, encrypting, destroy-
get’s emotions so that they overcome their natural ing or modifying essential computer functions
cognitive replies (Winterfeld and Andress 2013). without knowledge or permission and monitors
Then by researching and analysing the flip side of computer activities. Commonly encountered
this coin, US elections were affected in a round- types of malware are viruses, keyloggers, worms/
about way by this kind of harmful social engi- trojans and ransomware. This type of malware is
neering by social media companies. placed on your devices by attackers to threaten
users. Except for the ransomware attacks, most
(iv) Malware types of cyberattacks aim to convey data/infor-
mation to the attackers, but the ransomware
Malware is an inclusive word describing any attacks are more complicated. The attacker
malicious software or code damaging to comput- encrypts the data with his attack and demands a
ers. Malware has become a significant tool for ransom from the victim. In such cases, the crucial
unlawful economic activity, and its developers go point is that when the attacker gets what he wants,
to great lengths to avoid detection by anti-­ he can access and damage the information in the
2.15 Cybersecurity 95

system again since he has encrypted software in to the Internet, they can be vulnerable and poten-
the system. This type of malware is placed on tially under attack. Devices that are not connected
your devices by attackers to threaten users by to the Internet are threatened by a worm called
spying on users’ personal data. Spyware, mali- Stuxnet. Great damage can be done by individu-
cious software, regularly collects data from tar- als and nations. National goals in cyberattacks
geted victims’ devices. Spyware, Pegasus, caused might include harvesting information, reducing
a major international scandal. As data from the target nation’s war-making capabilities,
Forbidden Stories collaboration with Amnesty threatening other nations by showing their capa-
Security Laboratory states, approximately 180 bility making the target nation feel weak and
journalists were affected by this spyware demoralised and/or creating a national distraction
(Rueckert 2021). in the target nation. Since no one is directly killed
Unlike companies, individual users could lose in a cyberattack on the power grid, nations have
their data in unfortunate situations because of been willing to conduct them without a declara-
cybercriminals. On the other hand, this threat can tion of war (Ahern 2017).
cost the data of numerous users. Therefore, com-
panies may lose their reputation and reliability. (b) Aviation
Companies should care about cybersecurity as a
corporate culture to prevent these threats and As in many sectors, the aviation sector works
attacks from outside. Creating a cybersecurity with complex systems. For this reason, every-
culture requires altering how everyone works, where, from airports to cockpits, is at the risk of
how leadership is involved, how processes are cyberattacks. Interconnectivity of systems and
implemented and how challenges are addressed. dependency on technology created the optimum
At the core of a culture of cybersecurity, each premises for new risks to emerge. The aviation
employee can carry out their daily tasks in the industry uses a wide computer-based intercon-
most secure way imaginable. To create this cul- nected system, spanning from air navigation sys-
ture, companies need to take some external and tems, onboard aircraft control and communication
internal actions. There are some influencing fac- systems, airport ground systems, flight informa-
tors such as external regulations, national and tion systems, security screening and others used
social cybersecurity culture. Another factor affect- daily and for all aviation-related operations. The
ing this culture in the company are activities such trend of the aviation industry is to become
as managerial communication plans, training and increasingly digitised. Digitalisation brings along
performance measurements. In this way, values new hazards as the interactions between people
and beliefs will change in terms of both the indi- and systems make the risk harder to predict (Civil
vidual and the group, and a cultural environment Aviation Cybersecurity 2021).
on cybersecurity will be created. As these beliefs
become established, new behaviours will emerge (c) Consumer Devices
that are both work-related and company-related.
In the past decade, with technological devel-
A. Systems at Risk opments, people started to frequently use
­everyday devices such as smartphones, tablets,
smartwatches, e-readers, etc. in their daily lives.
(a) Utilities and Industrial Equipment Although personal computers and laptops have
existed in our lives for a long time, the number of
Computerised systems provide many services devices that can connect to the Internet has
such as opening-closing valves in electricity net- increased with more recent technologies. These
works, nuclear power plants, water, gas and treat- kinds of daily use devices are commonly vulner-
ment plants. Even when devices are not connected able to the threat of cyberattacks.
96 2  Emerging Technologies

(d) Large-Scale Corporations are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the
ability to transfer data over a network without
Large-scale corporations have always been requiring human-to-human or human-to-­computer
the biggest targets of cybercrime. The crime inci- interaction (Gillis 2020a, b). One of the biggest
dents collect information such as financial, regis- concerns in the spread of IoT devices and technolo-
tered credit card, demographics, or address gies is the security problem. People are worried
information, and then this information is sold in about undesired control of technological devices in
environments such as the deep web in exchange all areas of life, and even more, personal and
for money. In addition, attacks on large compa- unconventional devices such as IoT are afraid of
nies are not only aimed at financial gain but also being controlled by unwanted people. In the future,
to harm companies, damage or embarrass their although IoT devices are an indispensable part of
brand image. life, they will be exposed to more cyber threats.

(e) Autonomous Vehicles B. Protection

Vehicles are increasingly computerised. For

example, almost every part of a car, from the (a) Attacker Types, Motivations and Gains
complex engine to the door handle, now con-
tains electronic circuits. Door locks, cruise con- Cyberattacks are becoming more common
trols and many vehicles use mobile phone day by day. The main reason for this is that cyber-
networks, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Recently, with attacks provide a lot of benefits to attackers.
the increase in driverless and electric vehicles, Cyberattacks are categorised according to where
new cyber risks have emerged. There are many the attack came from. Threats may occur in the
ways to initiate an AV cyberattack. An attack internal or external sources. Internal attacks
can target the software that manages visual could be more harmful because the attacker has
information and road infrastructure, or it could been directly accessing the users’ information.
be a physical attack on the vehicle’s hardware
(Alves de Lima and Correa Victorino 2016). (b) Computer Protection (Countermeasures)
There are many risks, such as brake-accelerator
pedals, door locks and motors out of the driver’s Raban and Hauptman (2018) indicate that some
control. Even driverless vehicles receive soft- measurements and protections enable threats to be
ware updates over the Internet and require many absorbed and recovered and company activities
security policies. restored to normality quickly. It involves several
strategies, such as adaptive reaction, variety, redun-
(f) Governmental Institutions dancy, disappointment and proactive resistance. In
recent decades, computer and network innovation
Activists attack the state system, military, have quickly developed and have been used rapidly
police and intelligence systems. Public institu- in different areas, bringing enormous effects on
tions have become potential targets as they are human civilisation and promoting the economy,
now digitised. Compliance with various safety society, science and engineering of society as a
certifications and quality systems is required. whole considerably (Chunli and DongHui 2012).
Computer technology and network technology are
(g) Internet of Things and Physical utilised in current civilisation and are still continu-
Vulnerabilities ally deepened in many aspects of culture. The article
now suggests the suitable methods and technologi-
The Internet of things, or IoT, is a system of cal solutions that may rapidly develop in computer
interrelated computing devices, mechanical and networks to address the abovementioned security
digital machines, objects, animals or people that concerns:
2.16  Data Hubs 97

(c) Control Security of Password and other users from illegal network connectivity and
Authentication and Authorisation use cybersecurity sources for network security
training following their duties and authority. At
The organisational leaders should regularly the same time, the usage of antivirus software
identify an information security weakness to help updates, which are the front end of the network,
them identify all sorts of variables and diversity should be considered when the virus strengthen-
of safety security issues to detect and process any ing is in use. Improve information security aware-
flaws in a timely manner to rectify any security ness management, employment morals, sense of
flaws and verify the results immediately. The commitment development, build, perfect safety
identification of weakness generally involves the management system, steadily strengthen com-
scan of the network’s security, data security scan puter system network security centralisation
and the scan of the database server. management, enhance information system safety
build, security and provide a reliable guarantee.
(d) Applying Firewalls The market growth of cybersecurity is quite
vivid as there is a growing concern for security
A firewall is a computer system application and cyber resilience in enterprises. Figure  2.42
that enables people to filter attackers, viruses and shows the market share in cybersecurity applica-
malware which try to enter the Internet on the tions in 2020 and 2021.
computer (Reddy and Reddy 2014). Any received
data via the firewall must be tested to see if to
accept, refuse or divert, verify and regulate all 2.16 Data Hubs
inbound and outbound network services and visi-
tors, assure data protection and safeguard the Data hubs are structures that store, analyse, clas-
computer networks as far as possible against sify and organise the data obtained from various
malicious assaults. As a result, the growing com- sources as a central model while maintaining the
plexity, openness of the network, complicates the hierarchical structure of the data and providing
issue of security. Also, it demands the develop- access to all partners to the content (Küfeoglu
ment of advanced security technologies in the and Üçler 2021). Data hubs can also be defined as
interface of between varieties of networks for a solution that utilises different technologies.
security domains, for instance, Intranet, Internet These technologies are data warehouses and data
and Extranet (Abie 2000). science (Christianlauer 2021). By integrating a
system or component with a data centre over data
(e) Data Authentication and Encryption hubs, all data related to this system or component
is shared. Data can be easily transformed and dis-
The data security contained in the database tributed to various cloud data warehouses and
can be assured by encoding some critical data. various business intelligence (BI) tools thanks to
After encrypting, do not be concerned about the data hubs (Choudhuri 2019).
loss of data even when the existing network is Many businesses are looking at numerous
destroyed. The files received must be authenti- options on the market to develop their data hubs
cally verified before download if they came from to handle their core vital company data, and data
a trustworthy and dependable provider and are hubs are becoming more popular. However, this
not modified. technology is commonly misunderstood as a sub-
stitute for data warehouses or data lakes. Data
(f) Computer Users and Managerial Sensitivity hubs serve as hubs of intermediation and data
Upgrading Training interchange, whereas data warehouses (DWH)
and data lakes are thought to be endpoints for
Individual Internet users select separate pass- data collecting that exist to assist an organisa-
words, data to apply for legal operations, keep tion’s analytics. A summary of each solution’s
98 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.42  Growth of market segments (in USD)

properties can be seen in Fig. 2.43 (Christianlauer business units and including all data domains
2021). and use cases.
Data permanence is only one aspect of a mod- 5. A modernised data hub isn’t the same thing as
ern data hub. The goal of previous data hub gen- a silo. A hub cannot be a silo if it integrates
erations was to centralise data into a single data widely, provides physical and virtual
location and store it for a limited number of sec- viewpoints, reflects all data regardless of
toral use cases. Today’s data hubs must fulfil a physical location and is properly governed. A
growing variety of operational and analytical use contemporary data hub with these capabilities
cases and centralise data. Some characteristics of is an antidote to silos (Russom 2019).
a modern data hub are listed below.
A data hub collects information from a variety of
1. A modernised data hub is not a permanent sources, including data warehouses, data lakes,
platform. On the other hand, the modernised operational datastores, SaaS applications and
data hub is a virtual or physical gateway streaming data sources. One or more business
through which data flows. apps can access the information in the hub. For
2. Data is represented in a modernised data hub years, data hubs have been used in applications
without being physically persistent. like master data management which aggregates
3. A modernised data hub has a corporate scope, consumer data from several systems to detect
even in today’s complicated, multiplatform missing data and correct inconsistencies and
and hybrid data landscapes. errors across all data sources (Ivanov 2020). The
4. Modernised data hubs differ significantly
enterprise data hub (EDH) is a solution to big
from traditional ones. A single data domain or data challenges. EDH is a data management solu-
use case is limited in most traditional hubs, tion that includes storage, processing and analyt-
such as a customer master or a staging area for ics applications for both new and old use cases.
incoming transactions. Typically, a mod- New open-source technologies, machine learning
ernised hub is multi-tenant, serving many (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud-based
2.16  Data Hubs 99

Fig. 2.43  The properties of data hub, DWH and data lake. (Christianlauer 2021)

architectures all necessitate a flexible EDH that need for data replication to support business pro-
offers faster data access and cheaper costs than cesses between systems. For example, any change
traditional data storage systems. The partnership made by anyone to their credentials takes place
between business and information technology within this data hub, and all subscription applica-
(IT) to create an EDH will result in a faster time tions can continue to use the connection. The data
to market, more product variety and more profits hub simplifies data governance requirements by
(Mukherjee et al. 2021). keeping data in a central location. Data can be
A data hub is a contemporary, data-centric easily transformed and distributed to other end-
storage infrastructure that enables enterprises to points such as cloud data warehouses and ana-
aggregate and exchange data to fuel analytics and lytic BI engines (Choudhuri 2019).
AI applications (PURESTORAGE 2021). A data hub provides an opportunity for data
Although it is a technology, this is an approach to custodians and data users to collaborate on deter-
arbitrate more effectively, share, connect and/or mining whether data is critical for distribution to
determine where, when and for whom target data the user community. This is a paradigm change
should be sustained. Endpoints, which might be from data warehousing systems where data cus-
programs, processes, people or algorithms, inter- todians made all decisions about which data was
act with the hub in real-time to send or receive made available to consumers. These benefit both
data from it (Lauer 2021). parties in this equation: Data custodians may
A data hub sets up a connection to each sys- focus their resources on what is recognised as
tem or component that needs to be integrated and having the most demand/need while collecting
ensures that the connection is shared with all input on datasets’ quality and usefulness. Data
other systems that must interact. Data services consumers can thus obtain more data and spend
can be exposed and posted consistently, allowing less time negotiating access to datasets main-
for better integration of system-wide data and the tained within organisations. With these aims in
100 2  Emerging Technologies

mind, a data hub is for people as much as it is for

data (Delaney and Pettit 2014).
Master data management (MDM) focuses on
mastering collections of business data based on
programmed (hard-coded) rules to enforce pre-­
set rules and synchronise (bi-directional) opera-
tional systems on one set of “golden rules” thanks
to its well-documented definition and purpose.
This was a much-needed guideline for data man-
agement and governance activities. Many busi- Fig. 2.44  Peer-to-peer data exchange and market struc-
nesses, however, have failed to implement MDM ture before data hub. (Küfeoğlu and Üçler 2021)
initiatives due to their complexity and cost, as
well as the hazardous and ambitious nature of
attaining the objective of having a single, agreed-­ • Provides visibility to all data.
upon set of data semantics provided across the • Controls data consumption, ownership and
organisation (Semarchy 2021). It is quite difficult sharing from a single location.
to form a clear idea with the available data from • Demands complex qualities that cannot be
organisations running multiple and independent developed on their own.
systems (Precisely Editor 2021). Simultaneously, • High-performance data pipelining moves data
data analytics require mastered data and lineage at the optimum latency.
to establish a data hub with accurate data attribu- • Provides data operations with fine-grained
tions. As a result, analytics-driven companies control via rules and processes.
began to migrate away from operational system • Creates a linked architecture out of what
connections and towards smaller, localised data would otherwise be a collection of silos
hubs with agreed-upon analytics and application (Russom 2019).
semantics. This is not to suggest that MDM is no
longer necessary; rather, it demonstrates how Due to the scenarios mentioned above and the
businesses understood they needed to be more various benefits it offers, data hub technology
capable, flexible and nimble. It is noted in this emerges as a solution that can help to easily over-
context that there are a variety of scenarios linked come many difficulties that may arise in various
to the utilisation of data hubs (Semarchy 2021). operational processes and help the emergence of
Data hubs have been developed as a solution in technology-supported business processes that
the presence of complex and constantly updated users need (Choudhuri 2019). Figure 2.45 dem-
data sources, in cases where they actively benefit onstrates the market communication system after
from the data at hand, when real-time and opera- the establishment of the data hub (Küfeoğlu and
tional data are desired to be used in contrast to Üçler 2021).
past snapshots within the enterprise, and a reli- A data hub is a digital environment that allows
able integration system is needed (Marklogic business and data teams to share data and access
2021). Figure  2.44 represents the type of com- and deliver rich data services highly secure. It pro-
munication between multiple peers and the data vides the flexibility and worldliness required for
exchange structure of business before the data designing and developing unique use cases
hub (Küfeoğlu and Üçler 2021). (Dawex 2021). Considering the future of data
The benefits of data hubs, both about the men- hubs, one of the most important issues in business
tioned scenarios and in general scope, are listed life, “marketing”, cannot be overlooked. Data
below: hubs are the next step in the marketing stacks’
2.17  Digital Twins 101

high spatial resolutions. The monitoring process

takes place by using both miniature devices and
remote sensing that produce ever-growing data
streams (Pylianidis et al. 2021). The main goal of
the digital twin is to create highly accurate virtual
models of every physical entity of the original
model to mimic their states and behaviours for
further optimisation, evaluation and prediction
(Semeraro et al. 2021). Before the industrial rev-
olution, artisans primarily made physical arte-
facts, resulting in one-of-a-kind examples of a
Fig. 2.45  Peer-to-peer data exchange and market struc- given template. However, when the notion of
ture after data hub. (Küfeoglu and Üçler 2021)
interchangeable components was introduced in
the eighteenth century, the way things were
development, and they’re likely to become more designed and made changed dramatically as firms
popular in the future. The hub idea is essential mass-produced products’ replicas. The mass cus-
because it can assist intelligently in organising tomisation paradigm has recently emerged,
campaigns across the digital and physical domains which attempts to combine these two well-­
and because a data hub serves as an information established manufacturing techniques to attain
aggregator rather than another marketing solution. low unit costs for personalised items. Even
The main distinction between a data hub and a though such paradigms of manufacturing allow
marketing stack is that data hubs are completely for the mass production of vast amounts of com-
back-end solutions that allow for cross-channel parable, i.e. tailored components or products, the
insights without being limited to a certain set of created instances are not duplicates that are
solutions. As a result, it is predicted that data hub related. On the other hand, building a twin is cre-
utilisation would increase over time. More data ating a duplicate of a component or a product and
involvement every day in marketing, such as cross- using the duplicate to consider various other con-
channel editing and real-­time personalisation, may ditions of the same component or product, there-
provide significant long-term effects. The data hub fore building a relationship between various
is a central location where consistent, tailored copies. This concept is believed to have come
messages may be provided through a single inter- from NASA’s Apollo program, when “at least
face via email, online domains, display advertise- two identical space vehicles were created to
ments and mobile applications and then tracked as allow mirroring of the space vehicle’s circum-
part of the decision-making process. Companies stances during the trip” (Rosen et  al. 2015).
that capture this future are likely to succeed where While the terminology has evolved since its
others falter (Zisk 2016). Marketing operations beginning in 2002, the underlying principle of
that work successfully create, sustain and expand the digital twin model has stayed relatively con-
demand for goods and services in society (Chand stant. It is mainly linked to the idea that the cre-
2021). Considering the importance of marketing ation of a digital informational construct of a
activities in economic development, data hub tech- physical system can be independent of that par-
nology, which is one of the marketing strategies, ticular physical system. This digital information
contributes to the economy. then could be a “twin” of the information that
belongs to the initial physical system and would
be connected to the original system itself during
2.17 Digital Twins the system’s lifespan. The basic working princi-
ple of digital twin technology is shown in
Digital twins have become more popular with the Fig. 2.46.
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies which The term digital twin dates back to 2002 when
enable monitoring physical twins in real-time at the University of Michigan held a presentation
102 2  Emerging Technologies

product model, which includes the model-based

description of needed product features and design
verification and validation. The advancement of
“microchip, sensor and IT technologies” cleared
the path for the creation of smart products that
track and transmit their operational conditions,
allowing them to contribute data regarding their
status into their product models. Advanced sens-
ing procedures, which go beyond mathematics
and scanning, enable the collection of huge quan-
tities of data from physical objects in a simple,
fast and reliable manner. The significant advance-
ments in simulation technology, along with the
expanding capabilities for obtaining and trans-
Fig. 2.46  Basic working principle of a digital twin mitting data from goods, allowed virtual twins of
actual products to be created. As a result, the cur-
rent concept of the “digital twin” idea has
for the industry about the formation of a product emerged (Schleich et  al. 2017). Some general
life cycle management (PLM) centre. The questions and answers about the digital twin are
­presentation’s slide in which the digital twin was listed in Table 2.3.
introduced, shown in Fig.  2.47, was called Digital twin technology helps us to see how
“Conceptual Ideal for PLM”. The slide included efficient and effective the system is in the opera-
all the components of the digital twin, such as tions and support/sustainment phase. Moreover,
real space, virtual space, the link for information by using digital twin technology, companies can
flow from virtual space, the link for data flow prevent undesirable behaviours, both predicted
from real space to virtual space and virtual sub-­ and unpredicted, to avoid the costs of unantici-
spaces. The model’s proposition was composed pated “normal accidents”. In addition, by using a
of two different systems. The first system was digital twin, we can significantly reduce the cost
about the physical system that has always existed. of loss of life by testing more conditions that a
The second one was a new virtual system that system can face in a real-world environment
held all the information and conditions about the (Grieves and Vickers 2017). As the manufactur-
physical system. This meant that the real spaces ing process steps become more digitised, new
were mirrored to its virtual space model or vice potential for increased productivity emerges.
versa. The term PLM, or product life cycle man- Additionally, as the number of applications for
agement, indicated that it was not a static repre- digital twins grows, the cost of storage and com-
sentation but rather the two systems would be puting decreases (Parrott and Warshaw 2017).
linked over the system’s lifespan. As the system Today, the technology exists to construct the
moves through the four phases of creation, pro- foundations of a digital twin to aid in the care and
duction, operation and disposal, the virtual and management of people with various chronic ill-
the real systems are linked together to create a nesses. The next step is for forward-thinking
more efficient way of working (Grieves and companies and institutions with high-quality
Vickers 2017). technologies and high expertise in subject matter
The rise of the Internet has permitted the cre- to begin field testing such systems in real-world
ation of more complex virtual models of various settings, to assess the impact of the constantly
physical objects and the integration of such mod- improving design on engagement, health out-
els into systems engineering during the last few comes and service utilisation (Schwartz et  al.
decades. These models are utilised as the master 2020).
2.17  Digital Twins 103

Fig. 2.47 Conceptual
ideal for PLM. (Grieves
and Vickers 2017)

Table 2.3  Questions and answers on digital twins uct comes into existence in the real world. It
Question Answer allows engineers to realise process-related prob-
What is A collection of processes that simulate the lems before manufacturing through duplication
a digital behaviour of a physical system in a virtual of the intended production process. Engineers
twin? system that receives real-time input to
update itself throughout its lifespan.
can disrupt the system to create unexpected cir-
The digital twin duplicates the physical cumstances, analyse the response of the system
system to detect failures and modify and come up with mitigation methods. This new
opportunities, suggest real-time measures capacity improves risk assessment, speeds up the
for optimising unpredictable situations and creation of new goods and increases the depend-
monitor and evaluate the operational profile
system. ability of the manufacturing line.
Where • Healthcare • City
is the management 2. Accurate Predictive Maintenances
digital • Maritime and shipping • Aerospace
twin • Manufacturing • AR/VR
Businesses may examine their data to detect
Why Digital twins can help businesses enhance proactively any faults inside the system because a
should a their data-driven decision-making digital twin system’s IoT sensors create large data
digital processes substantially. Businesses utilise in real time. This capability enables organisations
twin be digital twins to evaluate the capabilities of to facilitate more precise predictive maintenance,
used? physical assets, adapt to changes, enhance
operations and add value to systems by which leads to an increase in production line effi-
connecting them to their real-world ciency and a decrease in costs of maintenance.
versions at the edge.
Who is • Microsoft azure • Akselos 3. Synchronised Monitoring Remotely
doing • Ansys twin builder • GE Predix
digital • Siemens PLM • Aveva
twins? Getting a real-time, detailed perspective of a
huge physical system is typically challenging, if not
unachievable. On the other hand, a digital twin may
be accessed from anywhere, allowing users to mon-
The reasons for using “digital twins” to itor and adjust the system’s performance remotely.
achieve business goals can be gathered around
five headings as (Arnautova 2020): 4. Enhanced Association

1. Risk Evaluation and Manufacturing Time Are The automation of processes and reach to sys-
Both Accelerated tem information 24  hours a day, 7  days a week
enables technicians to get deeper into communi-
Companies may test and evaluate a product cation between teams, resulting in increased pro-
through digital twin technology before the prod- ductivity and operational efficiency.
104 2  Emerging Technologies

5. Making Profitable Financial Choices 2.18 Distributed Computing

The cost of materials and labour, which are Distributed computing is a field of computer sys-
grouped and called financial data, can be inte- tems theory that investigates theoretical concerns
grated into a virtual depiction of a real-world relating to the organisation of distributed sys-
object. Businesses may make more accurate and tems. In a more limited sense, distributed com-
fast decisions on whether or not changes to a puting is described as the use of distributed
manufacturing value chain are financially viable, systems to tackle time-consuming computational
thanks to the availability of a vast amount of real-­ problems. In short, it is the simultaneous solution
time data and powerful analytics. of various parts of one computational task by sev-
A digital twin consists of a user interface, eral imaging devices (Косяков 2014). DARPA
monitoring and analytics components. The com- established the first distributed system in the
ponents that are mentioned are the initial stage in 1960s under the name “ARPANET”. Ethernet is
enabling a digital twin to monitor, analyse and the first widespread distributed system that was
evaluate agricultural systems while also provid- invented in the 1970s. Although the goal is to
ing a continuous stream of operations. A more program a single piece of hardware to run multi-
complex version of a digital twin could include ple computers, these computers work as a single
actuator parts to control fans and windows in a system. The aim is to create a network connected
greenhouse. If needed, the monitoring and con- with different computers. Figure 2.48 shows how
trol operations would be performed constantly distributed computing works.
and can report relevant information to different Distributed computing is a technique for solv-
stakeholders. The more improved digital twin ing time-consuming computational problems by
model needs simulation components to decide combining several computers into a parallel com-
based on past and future predicted conditions of puting system (Косяков 2014). Multiple soft-
the physical twin (Pylianidis et al. 2021). It may ware runs on different computers as a single
utilise considerably less expensive resources in system affects a distributed computer system. It
designing, producing and running systems is possible for the components of the distributed
because information replaces wasted physical computer system to be either close to each other,
resources. It can better comprehend systems’ connected by a local network, or physically
emergent forms and behaviours by modelling and remote, connected by a wide area network.
simulating them in virtual space, reducing the Personal computers and other components such
accidental errors mainly made by humans as mainframes, workstations, minicomputers and
(Grieves and Vickers 2017). Future advance- so forth can be grouped to form a distributed sys-
ments could be expected since computer tech- tem (IBM 2017).
nologies show no signs of slowing down. Finally, There are many definitions on this topic, but
because the digital twin reflects the physical sys- the most original one belongs to Leslie Lamport.
tem, we may be able to use the virtual system According to him, distributed computing is the
while the actual system is in use. Capturing and name given to the cooperation of two or more
utilising in-use data, as well as system front run- machines interacting with each other on the net-
ning, are two possible applications. The digital work for a purpose. By machine, it means a wide
twin idea has the potential to alter how we think spectrum ranging from supercomputers or per-
about system design, production and operation as sonal computers. By network means close areas
well as minimise the number of UUs (unpredict- such as the same campus or intercontinental, and
able and undesirable circumstances) in complex it has a wide range of machine types. If it is
systems and supplement systems engineering needed to separate and analyse distributed com-
(Grieves and Vickers 2017). puting in the literal sense, “distributed” means
2.18  Distributed Computing 105

Fig. 2.48  Structure of the distributed computing

spread out in space (Lamport and Lynch 1990). cessor communication’s speed and reliability can
However, well-known Russian professor Andrew be roughly defined considering the communica-
S.  Tanenbaum defines this system as a set of tion network. Components of the closely coupled
independent computers, which presents the users network are spatially close to each other, and
of the system as a single united system. The inde- generally, communication is said to be fast and
pendent computers by themselves cannot be a reliable. On the other hand, a system consisting
single united system. This is possible only if the of physically distant components is called a
special programs are used, which is the middle- loosely coupled network where generally reli-
ware (Косяков 2014). Thus, there is one single ability and the speed of the communication are
system to which connected nodes and all of them less than that of a closely coupled network (Bal
together solve a problem. To understand distrib- et al. 1989).
uted systems and distributed computing, exam- Also, according to Gibb (2019), distributed
ples of application areas can be seen in Fig. 2.49. computing systems have three characteristic fea-
Communication networks called closely cou- tures, the first one works on all parts in the sys-
pled, and loosely coupled are a characterisation tem simultaneously, the second the clock concept
factor of the distributed system. The location of is not global and the last one does not affect the
the processors relative to each other indicates the other parts in the system when one part fails. The
communication network; consequently, interpro- main connecting link of distributed computing
106 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.49  Examples of distributed computing’s application areas. (Jahejo 2020)

systems is software. A distributed computing sys- Many different technologies provide search
tem is a software and hardware system dedicated and discovery of resources in the WAN (e.g.
to solving a certain problem. On the one hand, resource discovery services such as DNS, Jini
each computing node is a self-contained unit. Lookup and UDDI). An example of a centralised
The software component of the DCS, on the other resource discovery method is DNS (domain
hand, should give users visibility into working name system). This service works on principles
with a unified computing system. In this way, the that are extremely like the principle of the phone
DCS is distinguished by the following significant book (Г.И. Радченко 2012). Also, there are four
characteristics: types of distributed systems (Gibb 2019). These
are shown in Fig. 2.50.
• The ability to work with a variety of devices. We are living in a technology era, and research,
• Including those from diverse vendors. explorations, inventions and the development of
• Compatible with a variety of OS systems. useful applications are usually done with the help
• On a variety of different hardware platforms of computers. Because of the abundance of infor-
(Г.И. Радченко 2012). mation, the run time of the simulations and the
required memory scale-up, we will eventually
There are several classifications of distributed require computers with high performance and
control systems: many computation resources to use time effi-
ciently. Therefore, distributed computing has
• Resource discovery methods. become a trend for high-performance computa-
• Resource availability. tion for complex applications (Lim et al. 2011).
• Resource interaction approaches. The fact that the organisations that use the pro-
grams are scattered is one of the main reasons
2.18  Distributed Computing 107

Fig. 2.50  Types of distributed systems. (Gibb 2019)

why distributed programs are useful. A company, structure. Besides, it is quite unlikely for the
for example, is divided into multiple divisions. components of a distributed system to mal-
Each division has its own set of tasks and uses function simultaneously, which ultimately
internal data to carry out operations. However, so increases reliability.
the divisions supply services to one another, there • Inherently distributed applications: A consid-
must be some communication between them. erable number of applications should be dis-
Physically tight divisions or geographically dis- tributed. Particularly for such applications,
tant divisions are also possible (Liskov 1979). In distributed computing becomes imperative
addition, distributed computing and distributed and indispensable.
systems offer many other advantages and useful • Physically distant data and resource accessi-
features for the users. Some of which are listed bility: It is often not reasonable to copy all the
(Kshemkalyani and Singhal 2007) as follows: data to all the components of a distributed sys-
tem to achieve a distributed computing appli-
• Enhanced reliability: Reliability can be said cation because of the sensitivity or capacity of
to be one of the critical features of the distrib- the corresponding data. For example, payroll
uted system. This is because the correspond- data of a worldwide company is kept in a com-
ing application or simulation can be replicated mon single server accessible by all its branches
and checked several times in a distributed remotely because of the unsuitability of this
108 2  Emerging Technologies

data to be copied in each branch of this com- more cost-effective, energy-efficient and profi-
pany. Furthermore, the data kept in the super- cient computing devices and systems will expand
computers is accessible remotely, although throughout science, engineering, business, gov-
supercomputers are in certain locations. ernment and entertainment, driven by society’s
Distributed protocols and middleware, there- achievable ideas of understanding extremely
fore, have gained further emphasis with rapid sophisticated phenomena in natural and human-­
developments in resource-constrained mobile constructed structures (Stoller et al. 2019).
devices as well as wireless communication
• Better performance/cost ratio: The perfor- 2.19 Drones
mance/cost ratio is improved with the use of
remote accessibility and resource sharing, The advancement of technological developments
which is distributing the resources across the and the emergence of different requirements in
system so that they are not overloaded on a various areas of life have caused drones to start to
single site. Splitting a computation across the be mentioned more often. They are one of the
components of a distributed system might most emerging technologies in the last years,
yield an increased performance/cost ratio actively used in many different areas including
compared to utilising parallel devices. military, delivery, agriculture, etc. As a techno-
• Scalability: The processors in a distributed logical term, unmanned aircraft or unmanned
system are generally connected by a wide-­ aerial systems are called drones, which can be
area network. Hence, attaching additional pro- defined as remotely controlled or autonomous
cessors to increase capacity and/or flying robots. A more detailed definition from
performance does not create a direct bottle- Valavanis and Vachtsevanos is that drones are
neck that can affect communication unmanned aerial vehicles or flying machines that
immensely. do not have a human pilot or passengers on board
(2015). Drones, which were first utilised in the
Previously, economic concerns supported military in the nineteenth century, have since
sharing a single computer among many users, become more widespread in all parts of daily life
and effort in operating systems was focused on (Dalamagkidis et al. 2012). Drones are most sig-
supporting and controlling such sharing. nificantly related to the military, although they
However, there is no longer any need to share a are also utilised for rescue operations, surveil-
single, costly resource. Processors and memory lance, route planning and weather forecasting
have become much more affordable thanks to (Udeanu et al. 2016). Drones come in a variety of
advancements in hardware technology (Liskov types due to their wide range of applications. The
1979). With the rapid development of micropro- technical characteristics of drones should be dis-
cessors, distributed computing systems have cussed to have a better understanding of them.
become economically attractive for many com- Vergouw et  al. state that drones can be catego-
puter applications. The calculation is the most rised according to their kind, fixed-wing or mul-
important thing in computer science. After this tirotor, autonomy, weight and shape and energy
technology, there will be some contribution to source. These dimensions are significant for the
other emerging technology areas. For example, drone’s cruise range, maximum flying time and
datasets grow day by day in every field, requiring payload capacity, among other factors. As stated
more parallelism. So, machine learning algo- previously, drones are an important technical fea-
rithms will need more performance and drive ture of drones. Two of the most common drone
skills. Deep learning models are among the high- types are “fixed-wing drones” and “rotary-wing
est computational applications available today, drones”. The vast majority of current drones
and they frequently work with large datasets or belong to one of these two categories (2016).
search multiple purpose spaces. The demand for These two broad drone categories have their own
2.19 Drones 109

Fig. 2.51  Technical characteristics of drones. (Jiménez López and Mulero-Pázmány 2019)

set of positive and negative attributes. Fixed-­ they may be used to tackle global issues.
wing drones, to give an example, have a higher According to Kitonsa and Kruglikov, drones may
maximum speed and a greater capacity, but they be a big force for good since they have an
ought to sustain constant forwards mobility to immense opportunity for being utilised to achieve
stay above, making them unsuitable for applica- the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the
tions that require stability, such as close inspec- United Nations. Hunger, diseases, poverty and
tion. On the other hand, rotary-wing drones can other issues plague developing countries; drone
travel freely and stay fixed in the air, despite their technology is important since it can help solve
mobility and payload limitations (Zeng et  al. many of these issues (2018). The role of drones
2016). Hybrid drones are outside of these two in resolving these issues is discussed in further
categories. Hybrid drones are expected to become detail in Fig. 2.52 with application areas.
more common in the future as manufacturing and The new era of drones promises the autono-
design improvements and expenses descend mous system of flying for robots. Drones can be
(Saeed et al. 2018). Figure 2.51 demonstrates the associated generally with applications of
abovementioned characteristics of drones in bet- defence. They can also greatly impact civilian
ter detail. duties such as agriculture, transportation, pro-
Drones, whose capabilities are improving, and tection of the environment, communication and
their areas of application are expanding, are disaster affect minimisation (Floreano and
becoming more important and popular each day. Wood 2015). Drones can make a difference in
Drone technology is on the rise because it has the distorted areas for light package supplies trans-
potential to disrupt large industries. According to portation which can be more important after a
Giones and Brem, drones are anticipated to disaster occurs (United Nations 2021). A new
become as normal as smartphones are now. They vision with a wide range and perspective, loca-
have autonomous functionalities due to advances tions that are hard to reach, static images, video
in artificial intelligence, image processing and records and detection of objects will come in
robotics, which have increased their revolution- with drone technology developments. Drone-
ary potential (2017). Another reason drones, based datasets will be used in different fields,
whose capabilities have increased in parallel with such as visions of computers and related areas
technology advancements, are significant is that of them (Zhu et al. 2018). Also, passive or active
110 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.52  Applications of drone technology

sensors will become more important in drone (a) Military

development, and they will be designed specifi-
cally. 3D modelling for landscapes will be eas- Drones have a vital role in the military sector,
ier with drone technology development. Drones which is where they were first utilised. Military
will displace the kites, balloons and blimps, forces use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),
helicity, which are used for inexpensive low- known as drones, to attack high-value stationary
level aerial photography. Increasing drone targets. Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) can
instrumentation, such as GPS, can have effects have explosives and supplies for forces on the
on cost, payload, range of flight and drone struc- ground, for example, heavy weapons or more
ture, and lower-cost platforms should be ammunition, but also provide real-time video
improved; drones can be more a­utomated monitoring capabilities. Ground forces’ combat
(Campana 2017). Additionally, in our day, power is increased by minimising their physical
drones are used in a large scale of civilian activ- load (Fernández Gil-Delgado 2021). According
ities, such as photographing intense moments in to Pobkrut et  al. a “survey drone” is a kind of
extreme sports, construction surveillance, rac- drone designed for military purposes that use
ing and agriculture, and their use is expected to sensors such as an infrared camera and a motion
expand in the upcoming years. The Federal detector to detect threatening targets. This means
Aviation Administration (FAA) of the USA esti- the drone is expected to possess the ability to
mates that the registered drone numbers in its visually detect the objectives. It is extremely dif-
database will reach 3.8 million by 2022 (Tezza ficult for a visual survey drone to detect hidden or
and Andujar 2019). invisible targets, so installing a system that imi-
2.19 Drones 111

tates a nose to a fixed-wing drone to sense and common malicious attacks such as imperson-
categorise chemical volatiles or odours is a very ation, manipulation, interception and hacking.
useful method for locating hidden targets con- Drones are also vulnerable to physical capture
taining threats such as bombs and chemical attacks because they are mobile and may pass
weapons. The rationale of this method is that usu- through hazardous places. Outside landing loca-
ally, the explosive parts of mass destruction tions that are not protected are especially vulner-
weapons leak some gases that can be identified. able to physical capture by attackers. The
Such technology will increase the survey drone’s security-related concerns for delivery services,
productivity and considerably benefit security such as authentication, non-repudiation and
services (2016). secrecy, must be addressed. Security measures to
combat physical capture assaults are also neces-
(b) Scientific Research sary for delivery drones or outdoor landing
places. A flexible system design is necessary to
Drone research was started for the military, meet these security concerns for a broad range of
and after that, it has developed in different fields parties and applications (Seo et al. 2016).
of science. As electronic technology has become
smaller and cheaper, camera and sensor costs (d) Entertainment
have fallen, and the battery power has increased.
Previously, scientists could only examine the In the entertainment industry, drones are fre-
globe from above using manned planes or satel- quently used. According to a survey, drones have
lites; nowadays, they can expand, enhance and a great potential for use in the entertainment
refine their studies thanks to drones. Drones are industry with the help of AR (augmented reality)
also used to monitor rivers to predict floods. They and VR (virtual reality) technology and will
can locate places in which trees are illegally cut become more popular in visual arts, interactive
down. They can detect the growth of algae as tourism and live entertainment (Kim et al. 2018).
well as the trespassing of saltwater into water Drone hobbyists have a wonderful experience
bodies. Plant species are determined, and dis- building their own drones and competing in
eases in forest trees are detected. In the field of drone contests. In addition, drones have made
energy, drones are used to detect methane leaks aerial photography, which is usually highly
in the production process of oil and gas and to expensive, more affordable.
monitor the effect of pipes and solar and wind
installations (Cho 2021). (e) Agriculture

(c) Security Drones are used extensively in agricultural

operations. Drone technology offers significant
Drones are quite popular for delivery services. benefits, such as precise monitoring of regions
UAVs which are used to transport packages, challenging to access by man, tracing illegal
food, medical equipment and other commodities transactions, wildfire observations and crop yield
are known as “delivery drones”. To accomplish a surveillance on agriculture farms. Farmers may
delivery, a drone has to specify the personal use drones to examine farm conditions at the
information of the customer and any data beginning of any crop year. They also create 3D
exchanged between the drone and the customer’s maps for soil testing. Drone-based soil and field
site, such as a landing area, needs to be shielded studies also offer irrigation and nitrogen manage-
from eavesdropping and drone capture. Available ment data in fields for improved crop develop-
operating systems of drones, on the other hand, ment (Puri et al. 2017). Drones in agriculture and
lack security support and depend solely on secu- smart farming are more effective than satellite
rity measures at the link level (e.g. Wi-Fi pro- technology since they can provide farmers with
tected access). As a result, they are subject to an overview of their fields while keeping close to
112 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.53 Communication
types of drones. (Yaacoub
et al. 2020) Cellular


Types of Drones

Ground (with device


Relay Drone

the land and therefore delivering more exact eval- The four main categories of drone communi-
uations (Tripicchio et al. 2015). cations are drone-to-drone (D2D), drone-to-­
ground station (D2GS), drone-to-network (D2N)
(f) Medicine and drone-to-satellite (D2S). The diagram of
communication of drones is shown in Fig.  2.53
Medicine is another field where drones are (Yaacoub et al. 2020). Figure 2.54, on the other
actively used and where their application is hand, illustrates the future application areas of
becoming increasingly prevalent. Providing drones.
catastrophe assessments when access routes are The future of drone applications is evolving in
heavily limited; delivering first-aid packages, parallel with the development of emerging tech-
medicines, vaccines and blood to remote areas; nologies and is also considered as the maturation
and supplying safe transport of test samples and of their current usage areas. In the military, this is
kits in areas with high contagion risk are com- the situation. Conducting short-range surveil-
monly used applications of drones in the health- lance is already mature and used, yet long-range
care industry, and despite certain regulatory surveillance and image capture are not at the
restrictions, drones have the potential to revolu- maturity level. They are expected to be in
tionise medicine in the twenty-first century 2–5 years. It is predicted that offering multimedia
(Balasingam 2017). Drones, which have shown bandwidth by emitting signal/video/sound will
to be effective in the field of medical and health, mature in 1–3  years. In addition, it is expected
appear to be promising for future advances in this that human transportation and cargo delivery via
sector. drones will reach advanced levels (Cohn et  al.
2017). Also, the advancement of artificial intelli-
(g) Transportation gence for smartphones which are capable of rec-
ognising human users, understanding their
Drone delivery is being considered a potential behaviours and constructing representations of
answer to future last-mile delivery issues. their surroundings, will continue to drive rapid
Meantime, the autonomous mobility trend pro- advances in cognitive autonomy. Without the use
vides flexible transportation within a city, reducing of wearable devices, face recognition and gesture-­
future traffic congestion (Yoo and Chankov 2021). based interaction will become largely available
2.20  Edge Computing 113



ETM: 10-15

ETM: 1-3 ETM: 2-5

years Future of Drone years Long-range
Signal Emission
Applications Surveillance

ETM: 5-10


ETM: Estimated time to maturity

Fig. 2.54  Future of drone applications. (Cohn et al. 2017)

for hobby and toy drones over the next few years, tems, the technology of the web, cloud computing
to give an example, by attaching small drones and edge computing (Mannanuddin et al. 2020).
with gaming-industry-developed human motion-­ Figure  2.55 illustrates the history of computing
detecting sensors (Floreano and Wood 2015). with these four main waves.
To begin with, it is needed to understand
cloud computing to understand better what
2.20 Edge Computing edge computing is. In brief, it is the storage
where one’s database is in. So, the idea of edge
Edge computing is one of the trending and prom- computing is to push the cloud services closer
ising technologies that attract the attention of to the edge of the network. It gathers the data
many users and researchers. Computational ser- from the beginning, and the data processes at
vices and needs are satisfied better when using the very machines that gathered the data from
edge computing. Edge computing services allow the beginning. Thus, edge computing can be
the collection of data or perform a specific action called a decentralised cloud. Also, edge com-
in real time. Edge computing can be considered puting is remarkably close to IoT technologies
an alternative approach to the cloud environment, too. At this point, as IoT technologies gather
as real-time data processing takes place near the the data, edge computing is the right service
data source, which is considered the “edge” of for it.
the network. This is because applications that run Cloud computing’s centralised processing
with edge computing physically run on the site mode is insufficient to manage the data generated
where the data was generated, rather than in the by the edge. The centralised processing paradigm
central cloud system or storage centre (Jevtic transfers all data across the network to the cloud
2019). Until the development of edge computing, data centre, which then uses its supercomputing
there were four waves in the history of comput- capability to solve computing and storage issues,
ing, including edge computing: monolithic sys- allowing cloud services to generate economic
114 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.55  History of computing

benefits. Traditional cloud computing, on the real-time analysis when using cloud computing.
other hand, has significant drawbacks in the con- In edge computing, the data that comes from
text of IoT, such as: cloud servers is transmitted directly to a network
edge. This brings users and services together. If
• Latency: Latency becomes more obvious in tra- the performance features of edge computing are
ditional cloud computing due to additional data considered, it can be seen that bandwidth is high,
transmission and reception time to the central latency is extra-low and real-time access in the
cloud and end device, respectively. If the toler- network is faster. As a result, it reduces the load
able latency is surpassed, its consequences of the cloud and offers low-latency processes.
might be horrendous, as in the case of latency Cloud technology has a centralised structure,
problems in high-speed autonomous vehicles. while edge computing has distributed servers and
• Bandwidth: The real-time transmission of has a decentralised system (Khan et al. 2019).
massive amounts of data generated by edge There are two kinds of edge computing: edge
devices to the cloud will put a lot of strain on server, which is a piece of IT equipment. The other
network bandwidth. one is edge devices, and this is a piece of equip-
• Availability: As more Internet services migrate ment that was built for some purposes. For exam-
to the cloud, the availability of these services ple, suppose a vehicle automatically calculates fuel
has become a necessity in everyday life. consumption. In that case, sensors based on data
• Energy: Data centres consume a lot of energy. received directly from the sensors, the computer
• Security and Privacy: Leaking or examining performing that action is called an edge computing
information about private life in the system is device or simply “edge device” (El-Sayed et  al.
among the possible vulnerabilities. For exam- 2017). Nowadays, all modern electronic devices
ple, when the camera or photo images are can compute. Thus, this means that people can
transmitted to the cloud, the recordings/ work everywhere, even where they did not consider
images that are not wanted to be seen will be before. To sum up, edge computing allows reach-
in the cloud (Shi et al. 2019). ing the devices that we want and doing our job. So,
these emerging or modern technologies are pieces
Edge computing is caused by the need for of IT equipment, and they have servers. Figure 2.56
overloading, latency and inability to perform summarises the components of edge computing.
2.20  Edge Computing 115

Fig. 2.56  Infographic of edge computing. (CBINSIGHTS 2019)

Fig. 2.57  Applications areas of edge computing. (Khan et al. 2019)

When a new technology emerges, it is quite Edge computing aims to bring computing
essential to understand where it can be utilised. resources from a hyper-scale cloud data centre,
The best way to demonstrate the use of this which may be located a bit farther away (at the
method is through some key edge computing network’s “core”), closer to the user or device at
examples. Figure 2.57 compiles some application the network’s “edge”. This method lowers net-
areas and examples of edge computing used for work latency and gathers computing power to
various scenarios to comprehend and internalise process data close to its base. Mobile applica-
it better. tions could leverage artificial intelligence and
116 2  Emerging Technologies

machine learning techniques more effectively computing does not. Normally, data is produced
over the edge network since they are currently and presented to the consumer, but nowadays, data
fully reliant on the computing capacity of mobile must also be obtained from consumers thanks to
processors (Стельмах 2020). Edge computing is social media. Therefore, the cloud network cannot
everywhere as we need vehicles, houses, planes, be located in one place. Processing and storing
buildings, etc. Low latency, high bandwidth, data at the edge provides better protection than
device processing, data offload and trustworthy transferring that data to a cloud (Shi et al. 2016).
computing and storage are the major advantages Edge computing, day by day, is affecting more
of edge technologies (Ekudden 2021). Edge com- and more areas. According to Techjury, the total
puting offers some advantages to its users. The data volume will be around 40 trillion gigabytes
following are the advantages of edge computing by the end of 2021, with a generation rate of 1.7
listed by Mannanuddin et al. (2020): megabytes per person each second (Tadviser
2019). First and foremost, edge computing is in
• Increasing the work performance: One of the high demand in situations where judgments must
biggest advantages of this technology is that it be made quickly. Autonomous transportation
has a fast response time and minimum delay systems must be able to react to changing traffic
because it is closer to the end-user than cloud conditions quickly, changing speed, direction and
technology. even the entire route. It is believed that they will
• No limit for the dimension of expansion: be connected to the central cloud in some way,
Again, due to its proximity to the end-user and but operational decisions will have to be made
real-time analysis, it does not need any mem- “on board”. IoT systems are developing and
ory limit and is always open to expansion. attracting more data. A reliable source will be
• Protect your data at a high level: This advan- needed to process, store and optimise the accessed
tage can be exemplified as follows, consider- data. However, edge computing is not developed
ing a single cabinet with all valuables, these enough to do these yet. An efficient scheduling
items will be under threat in a possible attack. algorithm that manages and controls this edge
However, if these items are allocated to small computing is also developed for energy efficiency
but numerous closets, the loss that will occur (El-Sayed et al. 2017). One more example is the
if a locker is unlocked is very small compared “intelligent” IoT sphere. When it is compared to
to all existing items. the last generation of IoT, the new generation
• Reducing infrastructure costs: The data is dif- with edge computing will be more reliable. The
ferent, and the demand for data is not exact. efficiency and reliability of such a system are
Some of the important or expandable data that improved by processing data at the border (in
comes from cloud systems are used by edge local data centres, micro-clouds and even on the
nodes. In this way, the cost of the process is devices themselves) (Орлов 2019). As men-
decreased by edge computing. tioned in the smart home part, sometimes cloud
• Efficiency and reliability in business: Since computing is not safe, and data is accessible from
edge computing only stores the required everywhere, and space problems can happen, so,
amount of information on its nodes, there will in the future, this technology will develop about
be no loss of data and no delay in case of an cloud offloading. In this direction, navigation
interruption. systems and real-time applications games, aug-
mented reality will develop. After the latest
The data that has been taken from cloud ser- developments in social media, with mobile
vices are transmitted easily and fast; the transmit- phones’ smartness, many video analytics tech-
ted data and the velocity increase. In IoT, pulling nologies are insufficient. Therefore, it will be
data from sensors and going to process will be used in the future, especially to increase security,
yielding and safe because wireless communication for example, to catch a criminal, be quick and
modules spend a lot of energy. However, edge intervene immediately (El-Sayed et al. 2017).
2.21  Energy Storage 117

2.21 Energy Storage rently an emerging technology. This system con-

sists of four different system elements. The
Energy systems are critical for gathering energy system consists of two solid-filled storage tanks
from different sources and transforming it into plus a thermal engine that can perform both the
the energy forms necessary for use in various functions of a heat pump and a heat engine.
industries, including utility, manufacturing, con- While electricity is utilised, the machine in the
struction and transportation. Energy sources can system works as a heat pump and gas is pro-
be used to meet consumer demand since they are duced at high pressure and temperature. While
easily storable while not in use. Early societies the hot gas produced here is transferred to the
used rocks and water to store thermal energy for hot storage tank, cold gas is injected into the
later use. Flywheels have been employed in pot- cold storage tank. In this way, the gases are
tery manufacturing for thousands of years. With pumped into hot and cold stores and diffused
the industrial revolution, new energy storage sys- into the solids that fill the tanks. In the discharge
tems began to be used by people in many areas. cycle, the machine used in the system works as a
Thermal, mechanical, chemical, electrical and heat engine. It uses two storage temperature dif-
magnetic energy may now be stored, converted ferences to operate the electric generator here.
and used thanks to many different methods. While the gas in the high-­temperature storage
Modern energy storage devices have a wide range tank has high-pressure values, the pressure value
of uses in everyday life, for example, battery-­ in the tank is kept at ambient pressure in low-
operated portable devices such as computers, temperature storage. The pressure difference
power banks, tablets, phones and smartwatches. between these two storage tanks is determined
Grid energy storage systems are necessary to by the temperature difference, the solid material
maximise the introduction of energy efficiency. used and the working fluid (Barbour 2013).
The electrochemical energy storage system, While these systems have a storage capacity
known as a battery system, has huge potential for from kilowatt to a megawatt, they can perform
grid energy storage. Energy storage methods can this storage process at 70–80% efficiency values
be used in a variety of applications. The form of (Ruer et al. 2010).
transformed energy mostly determines the cate-
gorisation of energy storage systems. As can be (b) Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
seen from Fig. 2.58, energy storage systems are
grouped under five main headings: mechanical, Compressed air energy storage is an old tech-
thermal, chemical, electrochemical and electrical nique to store energy as the first CAES plant
energy storage. The following topics include was built in 1978. Large CAES facilities utilise
energy storage systems and technologies, their underground places such as salt mines and rock
use areas and potential future. caverns as storage locations (Gallo et al. 2016).
In CAES, electricity using compressors catches
(A) Mechanical Energy Storage and compresses the air. Then, the electrical
energy used by compressors converts into the
Five different storage systems for mechanical potential energy of compressed air. When
energy storage systems are examined in this energy is demanded, stored air is released and
section. goes through gas turbines, where turbines con-
vert the energy into electrical energy. The air
(a) Pumped Thermal Energy Storage (PTES) compression process generates heat. Different
sub-methods of CAES, such as D-CAES (dia-
The heat pump system is utilised to transform batic), A-CAES (adiabatic) and I-CAES (iso-
the electrical energy and store it as thermal thermal), are named based on their approach to
energy in this system. This technology is cur- waste heat (Budt et al. 2016).
118 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.58  Energy storage technologies

(c) Flywheel ferred as the rotor material in these systems. Due

to the engines and materials preferred in high-
The stored energy is in the rotational kinetic speed flywheel systems, system costs are higher
energy form in flywheel systems. The motor is than low-speed flywheel systems (Lund et  al.
used to charge this system. This motor utilises 2015). When they are modularised, the storage
electricity for the rotation of the flywheel rotor. value can reach MW levels. These systems are
While the discharge process is carried out in the capable of operating with 75–85% efficiency rates,
system, the same engine performs as a generator and they are important storage alternative systems
and produces electricity by reducing the engine as they are fast-acting and long-lasting systems
speed. In these systems, the power ratio is deter- (Hadjipaschalis et al. 2009).
mined by the characteristics of the power electron-
ics and the engine-generator set in the system. The (d) Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES)
storage capacity also depends on the rotor speed,
material and shape (Chen et al. 2009). There are Liquid air energy storage is an emerging tech-
two different flywheel configurations. These con- nology that enables the storage of energy by stor-
figurations depend on the maximum rotor speed. ing liquified air in tanks. Unlike PHS and CAES,
High-velocity flywheels could get 100,000  rpm, LAES does not require broad land to build a stor-
and composite materials are preferred in these sys- age facility, and there is no significant environ-
tems. In low-speed flywheel systems, they operate mental issue caused by LAES (Gallo et al. 2016).
at less than 10,000  rpm. Steel is commonly pre- Therefore, LAES can be considered geographi-
2.21  Energy Storage 119

cally independent and environmentally safe. • Lithium-Ion

LAES takes thermal and electrical energy as
inputs and outputs thermal and electrical energy. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are a high
Air liquefaction and power generation are two energy density, rechargeable energy storage tech-
different cycles that act as the opposite of the nique that employs lithium ions as the main com-
other. Gaseous air is captured by a compressor ponent. Lithium atoms in the anode are ionised
and liquified by a condenser at the liquefaction during a discharge cycle and recombined with
cycle. This liquid air can be stored in a tank. their electrons in the charge cycle. The electro-
When energy is demanded, the power generation lyte provides a transfer medium between the
cycle becomes active, and liquid air is released anode and the cathode, but this electrolyte is
from the tank and pumped into a heater. Heated highly flammable. High energy density, extremely
air moves through a turbine and spins it low self-discharge rate and relatively low price
(O’Callaghan and Donnellan 2021). make Li-ion batteries popular in various areas.

(e) Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) • Nickel-Cadmium

The PHS technique stores energy as water’s Nickel hydroxide is the cathode, and cadmium
potential energy by creating two water reservoirs hydroxide is the anode in this battery. The anode
where one is placed lower. Water is pumped from reaction is the conversion of the cadmium
the lower reservoir to the upper one when stored hydroxide to cadmium metal, whereas the cath-
energy is needed. Once power is required, block- ode reaction is the transformation of nickel
ings between the reservoirs are removed, and tur- hydroxide to nickel oxyhydroxide (Gallo et  al.
bines produce energy while water travels to the 2016). The properties of this type of battery are
lower reservoir (Rehman et al. 2015). long cycle life (1000–1500 cycles), elevated spe-
cific energy (55–75 W h/kg) and so on. However,
(B) Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems the toxic property of cadmium is the negative
side of this technology. Also, nickel-metal
hydride batteries can be obtained by removing
(a) Conventional Batteries the cadmium in the system. This battery is an
environmental version of nickel-cadmium batter-
ies. When the energy density increases, the self-­
• Lead-Acid discharge and reduced durability occur in the
nickel-metal hydride batteries (Gallo et al. 2016).
This technology has been used for 150 years,
especially in the automotive industry. The com- (b) High-Temperature Batteries
ponents of this technology are lead metal as well
as oxide electrodes, also a solution of sulphuric
acid (Chen et  al. 2009). Whereas lead and lead • Sodium-Sulphur Batteries (NaS)
oxide transform to lead sulphate, as the concen-
tration of the electrolyte decreases in the dis- Sodium sulphur (NaS) batteries started to
charge cycle, the deposition of the lead and commercialise in 1984. This battery technology
increasing concentration of the electrolyte that contains molten sulphur and sodium ions at cath-
take place on the anode occurs in the charge reac- ode and anode, respectively. A high temperature
tion. High efficiency and low cost are advantages is required for this technology to keep sodium
of lead-acid batteries; nevertheless, low cycle and sulphur in the liquid phase. Due to this situa-
life, low specific energy and the toxicity of the tion, this technology can be designated as high-­
lead are disadvantages of this type of battery temperature batteries. Besides, the electrodes are
(Beaudin et al. 2010). made from alumina, which only gives sodium
120 2  Emerging Technologies

transportation in the electrolyte. To keep this bat- (d) Metal-Air Batteries

tery at a high temperature, electrical heaters are
used in this type of battery. Electrical heaters give This type of technology can be designated as
rise to discharge capacity losses (Schlumberger emerging technology due to promising concepts
Energy Institute (SBC 2013). for the future. This technology utilises the oxy-
gen from the atmosphere in the porous cathode
• Sodium-Nickel Chloride (Na-NiCl2) and metal electrodes as an anode – for instance,
sodium air, lithium-air, zinc-air and magnesium
Sodium-nickel chloride batteries have molten air. High specific energy can be obtained with
materials at their electrodes. The first investiga- this technology. Although this technology has not
tion started in the 1970s, and General Electric has reached its potential, sodium air batteries have
been searching for this battery since 2007. An great interest due to the abundance of sodium in
Italian company FIAMM produces commercial the world and easiness of reaction (Hartmann
sodium-nickel chloride battery systems (Gallo et al. 2013). Two properties need to be developed:
et al. 2016). NiCl2, or the mixture of NiCl2 and cost and life cycle. The EU determined the 3000
FeCl2, behaves as active material in the cathode. life cycles as an objective (Gallo et al. 2016).
Also, sodium-nickel chloride batteries include
beta-alumina electrolyte and molten sodium (C) Electrical Energy Storage Technologies
chloroaluminate (NaAlCl4). This type of battery
system has high specific energy, efficiency and
cycle life; however, the disadvantage of this sys- (a) Supercapacitors
tem is that the heating up from the frozen state of
the battery takes a long time, nearly 15  hours Capacitors store electric charges; however,
(Gallo et  al. 2016). Na-NiCl is safer than Na-S they are different from batteries. Capacitors can
batteries. Because when a failure occurs in the be charged much faster than batteries and stabi-
electrolyte, molten sodium initially gives the lise the circuit’s electric supply. Supercapacitors
reaction of solid chloroaluminate. As a result of are types of capacitors that have higher capaci-
this reaction, non-dangerous products also inhibit tance values than the other capacitors. But they
any further reactions (Gallo et al. 2016). have lower voltage limits. They are also called
ultracapacitors in some resources.
(c) Flow Batteries Electrochemical capacitors known as superca-
pacitors are used for fast power delivery and
To generate electricity, flow batteries use recharging (Simon et al. 2014).
chemical reduction-oxidation processes. The
anolyte and the catholyte, two chemical solu- (b) Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
tions, are held in tanks separated by a membrane. (SMES)
The differential charge levels on either side of the
membrane that is used as potential are referred to Energy storage via decreasing temperature
as redox (Ferrari 2020). Ion exchange occurs below a critical temperature principle is utilised
when liquids are pumped over the membrane, for this type of storage system. This technology
causing an electric current to be generated, with can directly store electricity. These storage sys-
the charge being supplied or withdrawn via two tems induce a dynamic electric field or generate
electrodes. The energy capacity is solely deter- a magnetic field by passing a current through a
mined by tank size, while the power is deter- superconducting coil. Since the coil is made of a
mined by anode surface area. The most popular superconducting material, the current can flow
electrolytes are vanadium and iron solutions through it almost without a loss (Luo et  al.
(Ferrari 2020). 2015).
2.21  Energy Storage 121

(D) Chemical Energy Storage Technologies energy is stored by heating or cooling the mate-
rial or environment. The energy to be stored can
come from waste cold, waste heat or thermal
(a) Power-to-Gas (PtG) solar energy. In addition, electrical energy can be
converted into a storage source for these systems
Power-to-gas technology depends on the con- after it is converted into heat energy (Gallo et al.
version of energy. The working principle of this 2016). The energy here can be stored daily,
technology is that electricity is taken into the sys- weekly or even seasonally, then stored energy
tem and transferred to the electrolysis machine. could be utilised to heat, cool or generate power.
The electrolysis process is carried out here, and Thermal energy storage systems are divided into
two outputs, hydrogen and oxygen, are obtained. three in themselves. This distinction is as
These products are then converted to methane by follows.
a process called mentation. After this process, the
product that comes out is a kind of synthetic nat- • Sensible heat thermal energy storage
ural gas or substitute natural gas. This created (SH-TES)
product has the same properties as natural gas • Latent heat thermal energy storage (LH-TES)
and can be transferred, used and stored just like • Thermochemical energy storage (TCES)
natural gas. This system functions as an efficient
energy storage system. In this system, if renew- The sensible heat thermal energy storage
able energy sources are used as an energy source, method is the most commonly utilised method
and carbon capture technology is used in the for thermal energy storage systems. The liquid or
mentation process, the resulting gas turns into a solid used in such systems is heated, increasing
carbon-neutral gas (MAN 2021). its temperature. Then, the energy stored here is
released when needed by lowering the tempera-
(b) Power-to-Liquids (PtL) ture of the material. The heat capacity of the
material used here is essential. In these systems,
As the name suggests, power-to-liquid tech- materials with high heat capacity are used, so the
nology is a technology that converts energy into amount of material used is kept as low as possi-
various liquids. The main sources used in this ble. Material thermal properties, material storage
technology are electricity which is produced by capacity and operational temperature values are
renewable energy sources, water and carbon factors that affect material selection (Hauer
dioxide. Here, electrolysis is carried out with the 2012). Although these systems are less efficient
help of electricity and water, and hydrogen is (50–90%) than other thermal storage systems,
produced. The hydrogen obtained as a result of they are preferred because of their simple struc-
this production and the ready-made carbon diox- ture and low cost (Connor 2019).
ide are used for the production of liquid hydro- Latent heat thermal energy storage systems
carbons. It is refined according to the type of utilise the change of phase to store thermal
hydrocarbon produced. There are two main pro- energy. In these systems, phase-changing materi-
duction routes to realise liquid production in this als (PCM) are preferred as storage materials.
technology, the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) pathway These systems eliminate the two disadvantages
and the methanol (MeOH) pathway. With these of SH-TES systems. The first of these is about
production methods, the desired liquid hydrocar- specific energy. The obtained specific energy
bons are produced (Schmidt et al. 2016). increases between five and fourteen by using this
system than the usage of SH-TES.  Secondly,
(E) Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Technologies while the discharge temperature remains constant
in LH-TES systems, the discharge temperature
One type of energy storage system is thermal changes in SH-TES systems. The efficiency of
storage of energy. In these systems, thermal these systems is around 75–90%. The PCM used
122 2  Emerging Technologies

in these storage systems is incorporated into be possible to mitigate the economic losses due
building walls. The temperature of this material to interruptions to some degree (Energy Storage
decreases due to the decrease in air temperature Association 2021).
at night, and it solidifies. With the increase in The grid’s flexibility and reliability increase
temperatures during the day, the temperature of by the development and integration of energy
the material also increases and the material melts storage systems. The reliability of the grid is a
and becomes liquid. During the phase change very important issue for both producers and
that takes place here, the wall temperature consumers. Thanks to the storage, in any nega-
remains constant and reduces the heat input to the tive situation that may occur in the grid, con-
interior. In this way, it can reduce or eliminate the sumers are not adversely affected by power cuts
need for air conditioning to cool the environment. because the energy in the warehouse is activated
This cooling process using these systems is called and can be given to the grid. In this way, the
passive cooling (Abele et al. 2011). costs caused by the negativities will be pre-
Thermochemical energy storage systems are vented (Energy Storage Association 2021). In
energy storage systems that perform chemical addition, energy storage facilitates the connec-
reactions using thermal energy and convert ther- tion of renewable energy sources to the grid.
mal energy into chemical energy. The purpose of Today, the biggest disadvantage of renewable
these systems is not to synthesise new products to energy sources is the instability of energy pro-
be used later. In these systems, reversible pro- duction, and this is one of the biggest obstacles
cesses such as hydration-dehydration, adsorption-­ to the choice of renewable energy sources.
desorption and redox are used to store thermal However, thanks to energy storage, the stored
energy to be utilised. These systems have a denser energy is transferred to the grid at the point
storage capacity than other thermal storage sys- where renewable energy sources are insufficient
tems, and thus the material used for storage is to meet the grid needs. In addition, energy stor-
much less. The efficiency of thermochemical age is important for existing energy production
storage systems is 75–100%, and these systems systems. Especially in cases where it becomes
are a good alternative for long-term storage. difficult to meet the required production due to
These systems lose almost no energy during the the sudden increase in demand in the network,
storage period, which makes these systems suit- these storage systems come into play and ensure
able for long-term storage needs. Storage in these that the demand is met. Thanks to the storage,
systems is usually carried out at ambient temper- flexibility is provided to the system (Energy
ature (Abedin 2011). Storage Association 2021). The extensive use of
The energy storage enables the reduction of energy storage plays an important role in carbon
energy costs, increases energy system reliability emissions reduction through the common usage
and flexibility and integrates different energy of renewable energy sources. In addition, since
systems into the system. In addition, storage sys- the networks can operate much more efficiently
tems also contain an environmentalist approach. thanks to storage, the consumed energy will be
Energy storage contributes to reducing energy used more efficiently. Accordingly, there will be
costs both on the producer side and on the con- a decrease in the amount of carbon released per
sumer side. While the operational costs of energy unit of energy. Since storage systems contribute
production companies in frequency regulation or to decreasing carbon emissions, they also con-
providing spinning reserve services will decrease, tribute positively to the environment (Energy
the consumption costs of consumers will decrease Storage Association 2021).
thanks to the use from the warehouse, which they There has been a sharp growth in the use of
will make at peak times of energy consumption, renewable energy sources in recent years, and
especially thanks to storage. In addition, both this trend is projected to continue. Suppose
producers and consumers will not be adversely nations maintain their current and previously
affected by power cuts that may occur, and it will declared policies. In that case, the worldwide
2.22  Flexible Electronics and Wearables 123

capacity of solar photovoltaic (PV) is expected to 2.22 Flexible Electronics

reach 3142 GW by 2040, surpassing coal and gas and Wearables
to become the world’s greatest energy source.
Similarly, wind’s proportion in electricity gener- Flexible electronics and wearables (FEAWs) are
ation will rise from 5% in 2018 to 13% in 2040, technologies that support each other and need to
with a capacity of around 1856 GW. As a result, be looked at together. The development of one
the total wind and solar capacity will be improves the other so that they will be covered
4998  GW.  In addition, when hydro and other together in this chapter. Conventional electronic
renewable sources are considered, the overall systems have an inherently rigid and unalterable
percentage of energy generation will rise from form. Re-developing these systems by adding
26% in 2018 to 41% in 2040 (Hossain et  al. features such as flexibility and stretchability
2020). It has become a necessity to meet the allows electronics to be added to a broader range
energy needs from renewable energy sources of applications and products where flexibility is
since the negative changes in the climate. required. New form factors and new products can
However, renewable energy production systems be developed using technologies such as printed
cause various problems in continuous energy electronics. According to experts, the market
production, and fluctuations may occur in the share of flexible electronics will increase soon.
production. Storing the produced energy becomes For example, by 2024, the worldwide flexible
important at this point. In this period of transfor- electronics market is estimated to reach USD
mation in energy systems, one of the keys to 87.21 billion (Grand View Research 2016).
facilitating the transition to renewable energy is Flexible electronics present many innovative
the development of new storage systems and the technological developments in the electronics
increase in their number. The storage capacity field, such as the flex circuit board. A flex circuit
available worldwide in 2014 was around 140 GW board is a type of printed circuit board with at
(Xylia et  al. 2021). By 2020, this amount has least one readable feature of the board. Flexible
increased to 170  GW, and this corresponds to circuits are called FFC (flexible flat cable) and
approximately 3–4% of the energy produced are used by replacing cable wires and connectors.
today (Kamiya et al. 2021; Xylia et al. 2021). It is In this case, the flex circuit is designed without
aimed to increase the storage level to 450 GW by electronic components. Another common use
2050 (Xylia et al. 2021). includes parts mounted on flexible circuitry such
The use of electric vehicles is increasing day as LED strip and LCD panel interface. The elec-
by day. This increase brings with it new oppor- tronic circuit is designed on a flexible plastic sub-
tunities. It is possible to use electric vehicle bat- strate, usually polyimide film, which is resistant
teries in two different ways for energy storage. to high heat to make it suitable for soldering
One of these is to utilise batteries that have com- assembly components. Flexible electronics offer
pleted their life for energy storage (Renault low-cost solutions to a wide range of applications
Group 2021). Batteries in electric vehicles need such as foldable displays and TVs, e-paper, smart
to be replaced when the capacity percentage sensors and transparent RFIDs. The main advan-
drops to 60–70%, but they are still usable tages of flexible electronics over existing silicon
(Cagatay 2021). In this case, the batteries taken technologies are low-cost manufacturing meth-
from the vehicles can be combined and con- ods and inexpensive, flexible substrates. The fact
verted into fixed energy storage systems. that flexible electronics are light, bendable and
Another possible usage method is the vehicle- portable and require low-cost electronics is also
to-grid (V2G) technology. In this technology, becoming a very interesting material for next-­
vehicles store the electricity they receive from generation consumer products (Cheng and Huang
the grid and transfer the stored energy back to 2009).
the grid when there is a lack of energy in the Wearable technology is a phrase for items that
grid. In this way, mobile energy storage can be have acceptable electronic functions and a­ esthetic
provided (Renault Group 2021). qualities, consisting of a simple interface to pro-
124 2  Emerging Technologies

vide specific activities to meet the demands of ous sectors where FEAW applications can be
individuals. Since wearable technology provides seen.
many conveniences to individuals in terms of
usage, portability and data utilisation, a consider- 1. Fitness: One of the areas where FEAW is used
able amount of attention has been paid to it in is health monitoring in sports, for example,
recent years, and the market share of wearable pedometer, heart rate monitor that tracks calo-
technology has increased like flexible electron- ries burned, distance taken, activity duration,
ics. In 2019, the worldwide wearable technology etc., during sports. Moreover, recording these
market was estimated at USD 32.63 billion, and data can provide reference data for both ath-
it is expected to increase at a compound annual letic training and health management. In addi-
growth rate (CAGR) of 15.9% from 2020 to 2027 tion to the sports analytic tasks, wearable
(IEA 2021). Flexible electronics and wearables equipment may be utilised for both physical
have a mutualistic relationship with each other, and mental health controls (Borowski-Beszta
as mentioned earlier. These emerging technolo- and Polasik 2020).
gies show themselves in many different areas, 2. Finance: Another area where FEAW is gain-
various sectors such as fitness, finance, entertain- ing popularity is the financial sector, with its
ment, education, medical and textiles (Wright ease of payment. Wearable equipment can
and Keith 2014). Figure 2.59 demonstrates vari- conduct financial transactions and save cus-

Fig. 2.59  Flexible electronics and wearable technology sectors

2.22  Flexible Electronics and Wearables 125

tomers’ time at payment points by integrating viduals with wearable technologies. Sony
NFC, a wireless communication technology designed a wearable air conditioner that can
enabling data transfer at an approximate dis- fit into a pocket and declares that the air con-
tance of 10 cm (Leong et al. 2013). They may ditioner can decrease body temperature by
also count as a bitcoin wallet, and it is claimed 13 °C (Byford 2020).
to be one of the most secure wallets out there 6. Textiles: The textile industry tries to adapt to
with this feature. many developments in flexible electronics.
3. Entertainment: There are many FEAW inte- The companies insert the electronics that are
grated into the entertainment industry. CGI sensors, communication modules into textiles.
technology (computer-generated imagery) In recent designs, all the components of tex-
added to the costumes allows all effects pre- tiles are electronics which are smart textiles.
pared on the computer to be transferred to With the integration of electronics in textiles,
movies. In this way, the imaginary world of clothes transform into electronic devices. That
people can be transferred to real life. Wearable integration inspires tech companies to pro-
technologies that integrate virtual reality to all duce various products (Paret and Crégo 2018).
of the digital and physical elements to increase
the gaming sensation in the real world are also Flexible electronics are becoming increas-
used in the game industry. They are also ingly popular as a result of the numerous advan-
included in the music industry, allowing indi- tages they offer. Flex circuits will continue to be
viduals to listen to music freely, such as wire- employed for a range of applications as more
less headphones. organisations discover their potential for
4. Education: FEAW could be regarded as “the increased customizability, affordability and por-
most important tool utilised in education” in a tability. Flexible electronics are used by a wide
way that enables remote students to watch and range of sectors and professionals in their equip-
listen to the lectures without physical pres- ment and products because they provide a variety
ence but with a sense of being present in class. of benefits such as, but not limited to, being
It enables students to study differently and affordable, flexible, customisable, innovative and
without the danger associated. It may present portable. From a different standpoint, flexible
students with actual scenarios and bring them displays and flexible sensors will revolutionise
the locations that are difficult or occasionally wearable technology by allowing devices to con-
inaccessible, such as space studies, archaeo- form to our bodies and clothing while providing
logical courses, medical education, chemical increased utility. For instance, the utilisation of
engineering and aviation training (Attallah FEAW technology has become more medically
and Ilagure 2018). oriented, an increasing number of wearable
5. Medical: Wearable bioelectronics provides
devices are being programmed to interact with
clinicians with real-time monitoring of a humans’ bodies and collect data that can be used
patient’s physiological parameters, which has to inform sports science and health research. It
interested many researchers and technology will be critical to ensure that these devices are
companies. Wearable bioelectronics contains shatterproof, unobtrusive and “unawareable” to
three types of sensors: pressure, temperature design successful healthcare applications.
and biochemical. Tech companies use those Figure  2.60 summarises certain benefits and
sensors to monitor, measure and inject hor- drawbacks of FEAW.
mones and enzymes into the skin (Parlak et al. Flexible and wearable technologies will
2020). A tech company, Omnipod 5, designed become more popular and cheaper to create as a
an insulin pump that sticks into the skin and result of advancements in the industry. In addi-
controls blood sugar levels of type 1 diabetes tion to having a larger market cap, it will be eval-
patients (Henderson 2021). Also, many com- uated to be utilised in other industries in the
panies try to improve the conditions of indi- future (Skilskyj 2018, 2019).
126 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.60  Advantages and disadvantages of flexible and wearable technology. (Lee et al. 2016)

Flexible electronics and wearable technologies Studies in the field of energy continue day by
have high potential. Soon, they will be able to do day. One of the most exciting innovations in the
things that people cannot even think of right now. energy industry is printable solar panels. Organic
Major developments in medical, energy and elec- photovoltaics (OPVs) are a type of flexible elec-
tronics are coming. Studies in the medical field tronics that are expanding solar energy possibili-
enabled innovative solutions. One of the featured ties. An OPV may print solar energy technology
solutions is electronic skins. Patients will be able to into the fabric of your drapes or laminate it onto
wear a plastic sheet with organic circuits embedded your window panes rather than requiring solar
in it if they choose to use electronic skin. The skin panels to be placed on a roof. Consumers may see
can monitor the pulse, oxygen levels and tempera- the technology integrated into solar-powered
ture of the user’s blood. Users can become more clothes, which could be used to recharge cell
aware of potential health issues and provide invalu- phone and laptop batteries (Global Electronic
able data to their healthcare providers by utilising Services 2021). OPV cells are thin and flexible
electronic skin. The UV radiation monitoring patch because they are placed on a flexible substrate.
will also be available in the future (Moser et  al. Sunlight is absorbed through technology, which
2016). Users will be able to track how much dan- then transmits that energy to devices. These
gerous UV light they receive using a UV radiation OPVs are not only offered to make houses sim-
tracking patch. The patch may provide the data pler and meet specific demands but may also be
directly to smartphones so that people may notice considerably cheaper than standard solar panels.
whether they have to search for melanoma and The lower cost is primarily since OPVs employ a
other potentially harmful consequences of UV radi- polymer-based semiconductor layer, whereas
ation more vigilantly. Flexible circuits in contact most solar panels on the market use more expen-
lenses, another development that we will encounter sive semiconducting materials like silicon.
in the field of health, is another technology that we Researchers and business professionals are devel-
will encounter in the future. Contact lenses with oping techniques to increase the availability of
electrically conducting polymers are an intriguing OPVs and incorporate them into a wide range of
opportunity for the future of flexible electronics. A products. In the future, experts expect to see a lot
user may transfer a picture from a TV or computer more of these OPVs (Watkins et al. 2021).
screen right into their contact lenses with these con- The last area to investigate in FEAW is elec-
tact lenses (Watkins et al. 2021). Additionally, sen- tronics. The gadgets and devices that employ
sors integrated inside the lens could potentially flexible electronics will be increased for consum-
detect a user’s glucose level and then project that ers in the future. For example, foldable smart-
level onto the lens, allowing the user to see it. phones can be given as an example. While some
2.23  Healthcare Analytics 127

of these modern phones are struggling for dura- ter patient care, clinical data, diagnostics and cor-
bility, flexible circuits help change this as tech- porate management. When paired with marketing
nology progresses. As organic light-emitting intelligence suites and visual analytics, healthcare
polymers (OLEDs) develop and become more analytics help managers make more informed
widespread, expect more durable foldable cell decisions by providing real-time information that
phones. In the future, individuals will be able to can support choices and provide valuable insights.
see televisions that can wrap around the walls of Healthcare analytics is a compilation of adminis-
their houses, in addition to cell phones (Watkins trative and financial data that may help hospitals
et al. 2021; Delta Impact 2021, Global Electronic and healthcare managers improve patient care,
Services 2021). OLED TVs will grow more pop- provide better services and modernise existing
ular, offering consumers a smaller and more ver- processes (Sisense 2021). Wise decisions based on
satile alternative to traditional LCD TVs. accessible data could help alleviate problems that
can occur in traditional healthcare systems and
ease the transition to value-based management. In
2.23 Healthcare Analytics their management systems, healthcare facilities
are incorporating information technology. This
The technique of examining past and current system collects a significant amount of data on a
industry data to forecast tendencies, increase constant schedule. Analytics supplies skills and
accessibility or even effectively control disease strategies for extracting information from this
spread is known as healthcare analytics. The area complicated and extensive data and converting it
covers various sectors and offers both international into data that can be used to aid healthcare deci-
and micro viewpoints. It can point the way to bet- sion-making (Islam et al. 2018). Figure 2.61 repre-

Fig. 2.61  Applications of healthcare analytics

128 2  Emerging Technologies

sents some of the usage areas and applications of stand what happened in the past, it can’t give
healthcare analytics technology. any substantial insight into how to affect
Healthcare data refers to any data about a per- future health outcomes or predict what might
son’s or a population’s health. To gather this happen in the future.
information, healthcare providers, insurance • Predictive analytics employs modelling and
companies and governmental organisations forecasting to predict what will happen next.
employ a variety of health information systems Although forecasting the future is beneficial,
(HIS) and various modern tools, the combination the conclusions are based on the premise that
of which can demonstrate a comprehensive pic- all conditions remain constant. Predictive ana-
ture of each patient as well as trends related to lytics cannot be used to forecast what will
geography, socioeconomic status, race and pro- happen after a specific intervention or
pensity. The data gathered can be separated into modification.
distinct datasets, which can subsequently be • Machine learning technology is used in pre-
examined. A number of tools are used to collect, scriptive analytics to recommend a course of
store, distribute and analyse health data. Some of action or strategy based on a variety of crite-
these methods are mentioned below: ria. Prescriptive analytics can help you com-
prehend the consequences of a certain action;
1 . Electronic health records (EHRs) nevertheless, the inherent ambiguity and lack
2. Personal health records (PHRs) of maturity of this sort of analytics might lead
3. Electronic prescription services (E-prescribing) to suboptimal decisions.
4. Patient portals • Machine learning technology is used to exam-
5. Master patient indexes (MPI) ine raw data to find interconnections, patterns
6. Smartphone apps and outliers in discovery analytics. While dis-
covery analytics aids to determine what is
Every second, more and more healthcare data needed to investigate further, raw data can be
are being evaluated thanks to digital data collect- incomplete or erroneous, limiting its utility
ing. A substantial amount of data is being col- (ArborMetrix 2020).
lected in real-time as electronic record keeping,
applications and other electronic means of data In recent years, there has been a significant
collecting and storage become more prevalent. trend towards predictive and preventative
There is a need for a centralised, systematic approaches in public health due to a growing
method of gathering, storing and analysing data need for patient-centric or value-based medical
so that it may be used to its full potential. In treatment. This is made feasible through the use
recent times, data collecting in health situations of data. Rather than just treating the symptoms as
has become more efficient. The information they occur, clinicians can detect individuals at
might be utilised to enhance day-to-day opera- significant risk of acquiring chronic diseases and
tions and patient safety and predictive modelling. intervene before they become a problem.
Both datasets can be used to track trends and gen- Preventive care may help to avert long-term prob-
erate predictions instead of merely looking at his- lems and expensive hospitalisations, saving costs
torical or present data. Preventative steps can be for practitioners, insurance companies and
taken, and the results can be tracked in this man- patients. If hospitalisation is required, data ana-
ner (University of Pittsburgh 2021). Four main lytics can assist clinicians in predicting infection,
types of healthcare analytics are stated below: worsening and readmission risks. This, too, can
assist in lowering expenses and improving patient
• Descriptive analytics commonly takes the outcomes. In terms of epidemics, healthcare ana-
form of a dashboard, leverages historical data lytics analyses collected data in real-time to bet-
to provide insights into trends or benchmarks. ter understand the consequences of epidemics
While descriptive analytics can help under- and predict future trends so that the spread can be
2.23  Healthcare Analytics 129

slowed and future epidemics can be avoided With healthcare expenses surpassing expecta-
(University of Pittsburgh 2021). tions, the sector needs data-driven solutions.
Pressures on healthcare institutions through- These solutions are beneficial to both healthcare
out the world to save costs, enhance coordination experts and the industry. As more providers are
and results, deliver more with less and be more paid depending on medical results, health compa-
patient-centric are mounting. The growth of med- nies have an economic incentive to reduce
ical data systems, digital healthcare data and con- expenses while simultaneously enhancing
nected health equipment has resulted in an patients’ lives. Furthermore, because physicians’
unparalleled information explosion, which has judgments are increasingly supported by evi-
increased the industry’s unpredictability. dence, studies and medical information offered
Nonetheless, the proof is growing that unsatisfac- by healthcare analytics are in great demand.
tory medical outcomes and inefficiency progres- Figure 2.62 shows the reasons for the importance
sively beset the sector. Developing analytic skills of healthcare analytics technology (Kent State
may assist such companies in using “big data” to University 2021).
provide meaningful insights, define their future The healthcare industry has a history of being
vision, increase performance and save the critical sluggish to react, yet it is in a unique position to
time necessary to examine healthcare data. New benefit from data and analytics insights. The
analytics approaches may be leveraged to gener- COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the value of
ate clinical and operational improvements to leveraging technology to improve efficiency in
tackle business problems. Analytics in healthcare remote patient care and telemedicine. Given the
will progress from a conventional base point of popularity of virtual health, it is apparent that the
transaction tracking utilising basic reporting healthcare sector will increasingly rely on AI and
techniques, spreadsheet applications and soft- big data to fill in the holes in conventional health-
ware reporting components to a prototype that care systems. Instead of remaining just huge stor-
will ultimately integrate predictive analytics, age, the move to electronic health records in
allowing companies to “see the future”, provide clinics has opened up the option of using data
more individualised health services, predict models to utilise this information to deliver proac-
patient behaviour and allow for dynamic service tive healthcare actively. As a result, the idea of a
(Cortada et al. 2012). “data-driven physician” is gaining momentum
Healthcare providers are obliged to report on a (Tabata 2021). Healthcare analytics in the future
variety of key performance measures. Proper will contain increasingly bigger datasets for
data analytics are now a critical role for mod- healthcare companies to interpret and manage. As
ernising digital healthcare software. It can new technologies develop and customer desire for
increase productivity, manage daily operations personal control grows, it will become increas-
and prepare for the future through trend analysis. ingly vital to understand how to navigate the com-
An essential aspect is how healthcare analytics petitive landscape and scale patient’s data to stay
may benefit many stakeholders in the healthcare relevant. Leading hospitals are attempting to
business (SourceFuse 2021). guarantee that data-generating technologies are
As the ordinary adult lifetime rises along with utilised to produce the greatest outcomes for
the population of the world, data analytics in patients as data-­ generating technologies have
healthcare are prepared to make a significant spread throughout society and industry. The
impact in current treatment. The application of Internet of Things includes sensors that monitor
healthcare analytics can cut treatment costs, fore- patient health and machine status and wearables
cast disease outbreaks, avoid preventable dis- and patients’ mobile phones. Because of the net-
eases and enhance overall care for patients and work of this equipment, physicians get a complete
standards of living. Data analytics simply digi- picture of what is going on in the hospital and
tises enormous amounts of data and then unifies may be informed in real-time if a data anomaly
and analyses it using particular technologies. reveals changes that require immediate attention.
130 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.62  Why healthcare analytics. (Kent State University 2021)

This drastic move towards data can help doctors healthcare continuum. The application of these
make better judgments and, in turn, improve technologies in healthcare will also aid in the
patient outcomes. Artificial intelligence and clever development of new “value-based care” models,
algorithms will evaluate healthcare data to and with the rise of big data, it may be used to
improve medical practitioners’ abilities, from drive greater personalisation and transformation
picking which individuals to cure to the effective in healthcare analytics for patients. Aside from
methods to guide them throughout assessment digital disruption, inventive start-ups have a
and treatments. These breakthroughs are chang- unique opportunity arise and develop solutions
ing the way the community views healthcare, cul- that address specific challenges in the healthcare
minating in healthier communities with extended ecosystem (Saxena 2019). Also, the healthcare
lifespans (Huiskens 2020). The use of AI inside analytics market is expected to grow at a CAGR
the forms of natural language processing (NLP) of 28.9% over the anticipated period, from an esti-
and machine learning (ML) can add a lot of value mated USD 21.1 billion in 2021 to USD 75.1 bil-
to delivering better outcomes across the existing lion in 2026 (Healthcare Analytics Market 2021).
2.24 Hydrogen 131

2.24 Hydrogen to this emission, this method is not environmen-

tally friendly, and for this reason, it is called grey
Today, increasing economic and environmental hydrogen production. In the production of blue
concerns increase the interest in alternative fuels. hydrogen, the same methods as in grey hydrogen
Hydrogen is one of the important alternative are used, and raw material (natural gas) is used.
energy carriers’ sources that are emphasised However, in this method, the carbon dioxide
(Sazali 2020). Hydrogen is the simplest member produced due to the decomposition of natural gas
of the chemical element family, which is flam- is captured and stored. In this way, this gas that
mable, tasteless, odourless and colourless and causes the greenhouse effect is not released into
represented by the symbol H.  This element is nature, and the harmful gases that come out dur-
normally found in nature as a hydrogen molecule ing hydrogen production are largely eliminated.
in pairs. Although hydrogen is widely found in Although this method is more environmentally
nature, this element makes up only 14% of the friendly than the grey hydrogen production
earth’s crust by weight. Hydrogen is not found method, it still has various effects on the environ-
alone in nature but as a part of the water in lakes, ment since it is not possible to capture all the car-
seas, glaciers and similar structures (Jolly 2020). bon dioxide that occurs during hydrogen
Since hydrogen is not found in a pure form in production. Hydrogen that is produced by adopt-
nature, it must be produced. ing and using the most environmentally friendly
Today, there are various methods for hydrogen production methods in hydrogen production is
production, but the four most well-known of called green hydrogen. The production steps per-
these methods are given in Fig. 2.63. Electrolysis, formed in this production method are given in
steam methane reforming, direct solar water Fig.  2.64. The method used in this production
splitting and biological methods are some of the method is electrolysis. The raw material used is
known methods. water. Water is broken down into oxygen and
In addition to the shared methods for hydrogen hydrogen by electrolysis. The hydrogen obtained
production, there are many more methods, and as a result of the separation is stored, and the oxy-
various classifications are made according to the gen, which is harmless to nature, is released into
environmental sensitivity of these production nature. Electricity is required for electrolysis,
methods and the resources used for production. which is the method used in this production
Three of these methods are widely known (Sazali method. In this method, electricity produced by
2020) and used. These are grey, blue and green renewable energy sources such as the sun and
hydrogen (Boykin 2021). In the grey hydrogen wind is used to produce environmentally friendly
production method, natural gas (CH4) is the main hydrogen (Petrofac 2021).
material, and hydrogen production is carried out Hydrogen can be used in different fields.
using auto thermal reforming (ATR) or steam These usage methods are shared in Fig.  2.65.
methane reforming (SMR) methods. As a result of Petroleum refining, chemical, stationary fuel cell,
this production, CO2 is released into nature. Due transportation and energy storage are the usage

Fig. 2.63  Hydrogen production methods and energy sources used in production
Fig. 2.64  Green hydrogen production

Fig. 2.65  Hydrogen usage areas

2.24 Hydrogen 133

areas of hydrogen. Developments in transporta- carbon density in natural gas pipelines, or for
tion and energy storage appear as important later use as a cryogenic liquid, compressed gas
application areas with the potential to increase (FCHEA 2021). When an energy system needs
the widespread use of hydrogen. the energy, stored hydrogen can be used for elec-
Hydrogen storage brings with it various tricity production.
advantages compared to other storage systems. Another area where hydrogen can be used is
For example, batteries can store certain amounts in transportation systems. Here, in these hydro-
of energy for a certain time, and long-term energy gen fuel cell vehicles, the vehicles still work with
storage is not possible in these systems. Here, the electric motors, but at this point, unlike the bat-
long-term storage feature of hydrogen storage tery electric vehicles used today, they are systems
systems comes to the fore. Depending on the size that produce their electricity. In other words,
of the hydrogen storage facility, it can be stored these vehicles do not meet their energy needs
and can keep the amount of hydrogen stored for from an internal battery that can be charged
days or even weeks after the storage process so externally, as in electric vehicles. Thanks to the
that there is no storage-related loss during energy fuel cells they contain, these vehicles effectively
production. Although another storage system is have their efficient power plants. By using this
pumped water storage systems that do not have fuel cell technology in vehicles, the reverse of the
various problems in terms of storage time or electrolysis process used to produce hydrogen is
amount of stored energy, they require large lands applied. Thanks to this reverse electrolysis, the
and large constructions and are required to be hydrogen taken from the tanks react with the
formed in desired geographical conditions. In oxygen taken from the environment. As a result
this direction, hydrogen storage systems also pre- of this reaction, water vapour comes out of the
cede such storage systems (FCHEA 2021). Long-­ exhaust and electricity is produced. These vehi-
term storage is an important feature. These cles are vehicles that operate without causing
storage systems stand out as important candidates emission problems, just like electric vehicles. In
in emergency generators or other critical energy addition, while long charging times in electric
applications. The widespread use of renewable vehicles are a problematic issue, these vehicles
energy sources can bring along various problems. can be charged in a short time, and this problem
With this diversity in the sources of energy pro- is significantly eliminated. Therefore, this tech-
duction, various problems can be experienced in nology constitutes an important alternative for
ensuring the supply-demand balance in energy the future (BMW 2020).
systems. These production imbalances experi- As it can be understood from these two usage
enced here cause the energy produced to be areas, fuel cells gain importance at the point of
wasted if the production is more than needed or conversion of stored hydrogen into electricity.
the system to be supported with fossil fuels due Fuel cells are devices that produce electricity via
to the insufficient amount of energy being pro- an electrochemical way. The components situ-
duced when the demand is high. In this case, ated in fuel cells are anode, cathode, electrolyte
energy storage systems gain importance. and circuit. Chemical reactions occur in anode
Hydrogen storage systems are becoming an and cathode; moreover, hydrogen is used as a fuel
important alternative at this point. These systems while oxygen is used as an oxidant. The working
provide the needed power to the electrolysis procedure of the fuel cells are very similar to a
machines when the energy need is low, hydrogen battery; however, if the fuel is available, the heat
production is carried out and electrolysis and electricity can be obtained without problems
machines can produce green hydrogen. This such as recharging against battery systems. The
hydrogen produced can be stored, transferred to fuel and oxygen are inserted into the system at
stationary fuel cells for power generation, trans- the anode and cathode sites, respectively. Electric
ferred to fuel cell vehicles for use in transporta- energy and heat are produced during fuel cell
tion, transferred to these pipelines to reduce the activities. The electrons go through the circuit,
134 2  Emerging Technologies

whereas the protons are transmitted through the vehicles are increasing day by day, but charging
electrolyte membrane (Behling 2012). The elec- time is still an important problem in these vehi-
tron movement can be designated as current. At cles. Since hydrogen vehicles provide an impor-
the anode, the splitting of the hydrogen into elec- tant alternative for this existing problem thanks
trons and protons takes place. As a by-product, to their short filling times, they stand out as an
water is emitted by the reaction that is carried out important option for the dissemination of such
by combining protons, electrons and oxygen at environmental-friendly vehicles in transporta-
the cathode site (Behling 2012). tion. In this way, it can be an important solution
Hydrogen can be used as a stationary and por- for the environmental pollution problem caused
table energy transfer source. This source is an by the transportation sector by increasing the
energy carrier with great potential for clean and environmental transportation options.
efficient power. Hydrogen energy is an important The reason why hydrogen attracts so much
candidate for energy security, reducing oil and attention today is because of this low carbon
natural gas dependency, reducing greenhouse gas emission. If hydrogen is used in energy transfer,
and air pollution. In addition, it is an important it does not cause carbon dioxide emissions as in
alternative fuel source for land or air transporta- fossil fuels. When hydrogen is consumed, only
tion (Smith 2016). It contributes to the solution of heat and water are produced (Clark 2012).
the problem of supply-demand balance, which is Although hydrogen seems to be such an attrac-
in front of the storage of hydrogen and the trans- tive source, its usage areas are limited today and
fer of energy thanks to hydrogen and the use of it is used in a limited way, especially in projects
renewable energy sources. Since these systems that can contribute to the environment. Today, the
can provide long and efficient storage, they amount of hydrogen widely used in the petro-
become more advantageous systems than normal leum and chemical industries is approximately
short-term and low-efficiency storage systems. 80 million tonnes. The amount of hydrogen pro-
Thanks to the storage of green hydrogen, which duced is expected to increase to 100  million at
is produced using renewable energy sources such the end of this decade and 500 million by 2050,
as the sun and wind, energy storage can be especially with the development of technologies
realised. In this way, when excess supply occurs such as energy storage and hydrogen transporta-
in the supply-demand balance, the excess energy tion. At this point, it becomes an important econ-
that has been produced can be stored. Hydrogen omy with the expected growth in the field of
storage systems provide long-lasting energy stor- hydrogen. Today, 95% of the hydrogen produced
age. In this way, when energy is needed, hydro- is produced as grey hydrogen. In other words,
gen is converted back into electrical energy and fossil sources are used in the production of
an energy supply is provided. By using this stor- hydrogen (Schnettler 2020). The main reason for
age method, the problem of not being able to this is that this method is much cheaper than
reach the energy when needed, which is one of green hydrogen production. Grey hydrogen pro-
the negative aspects of renewable energy sources, duction costs are 1–2 Euros per kilogram, while
is eliminated. In this way, when energy is needed, green hydrogen production costs are 3–8 Euros
instead of preferring the use of fossil fuels to per kilogram in Europe and 3–5 Euros in regions
ensure energy balance, the use of stored green such as the Middle East, Russia, the USA and
hydrogen can be used to prevent CO2 emissions Africa. For this reason, grey hydrogen is a much-­
that may arise from energy production. In this preferred source. However, with the increasing
way, energy is produced and used more cleanly. awareness about the environment, the demands
Hydrogen technology is emerging as an alterna- and policies for green technologies are increas-
tive that can be used in the field of transportation, ing. Efforts are also being made to reduce green
and with its contributions in this field, it can con- hydrogen production costs. In the future projec-
tribute to reducing the use of fossil fuels and tions, it is predicted that the green hydrogen pro-
reducing CO2 emission values. Today, electric duction costs will decrease by half by 2030 and
2.25  Internet of Behaviours 135

the kilogram cost of green hydrogen will decrease ous preference information obtained from users
to 1–1.5 Euros by 2050. With the arrangements to and tries to match this information with various
be made and the technological developments to behaviours (International Banker 2021).
be experienced, it is foreseen that the hydrogen The starting point of IoB is to create an opti-
economy will turn into a green hydrogen econ- mum level of choice with the integration of data
omy and hydrogen production will increase rap- obtained by electronic devices providing data
idly, especially after 2030 (Van Hoof et al. 2021). exchange over the Internet with IoT (Todaro
At this point, although hydrogen is an important 2021). To achieve the integration mentioned here,
energy-transportation alternative for the future, it data can be collected and processed from various
also has important economic potential. sources such as customer information, social
media, location tracking and citizenship data pro-
vided by government agencies (Techvice
2.25 Internet of Behaviours Company 2021). In this context, transactions
related to IoB can generally be considered as a
The increase in the accuracy of analysis studies combination of behavioural science, data analyt-
that can be done from existing sources and the ics and technology (Tech The Day 2021). Today,
expansion of their scope has allowed many dif- the concept of IoB is used effectively in several
ferent technical disciplines to emerge thanks to areas. These areas are listed in Fig.  2.66 (Pal
the development of technology. One of the tech- 2021).
nologies that can be mentioned in this context is Consider Uber and its Internet of Things (IoT)
the Internet of Behaviours (IoB). IoB can be application. It is used to keep tabs on drivers and
defined as studies on data to provide information passengers. A survey is done at the end of each
on user behaviours, interests and various possible ride to assess the passenger experience. They can
preferences (Techvice Company 2021). While go further by using IoB instead of IoT to collect
the Internet of Things (IoT) technology deals data without needing to evaluate the experience
with the interaction of electronic devices with through a survey. It is conceivable to monitor the
each other, IoB combines location, face and vari- driver’s actions and then analyse the passenger

Fig. 2.66  Some usage

areas of IoB technology.
(Pal 2021)
136 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.67  Features of the IoB technology

experience to work on. Figure 2.67 demonstrates experience (CX). In theory, data on all aspects of
the features of the IoB technology. a user’s life may be collected with the ultimate
The incorporation of IoT devices into many objective of increasing efficiency and quality
aspects of our lives does more than merely assist (Vector ITC 2021).
us in optimising and automating various proce- The biggest challenge that IoB technology
dures. It is profoundly altering sectors and ways will face is cybersecurity issues. Analyses made
of operation, including digital marketing. The on people’s data can be of great interest to cyber-
importance of IoT technology and the IoB cannot criminals. In addition, the sharing of this data by
be underestimated today, as they will have an various companies due to commercial concerns
impact on consumer behaviour and the marketing is also a problem for personal security. The legal
platforms used to capture their attention. So, it is process from the past related to this situation
critical to begin incorporating the IoB technology should also update itself and make users feel
into the digital marketing plan of the business safer (Techvice Company 2021). Apart from
world as soon as possible to profit and obtain the these problems, the free use of users’ data is
greatest number of pleased consumers another issue that makes people prejudiced
(Kolomiiets 2021). According to McKinsey, against IoB. This issue can be overcome by pro-
behavioural insights are key to unlocking an 85% viding customised prices and services to individ-
boost in revenue and a 25% rise in gross margin. uals based on data obtained from individuals. The
Businesses can utilise data to do behavioural leading sectors that can do this are the banking
analysis and establish where customers come and insurance sectors (personal interest rate,
from and what happens to them. Knowing this insurance pricing, etc.) (Kidd 2019). The advan-
data via the IoB is crucial for analysing recom- tages of IoB are schematised in Fig.  2.68 (IoT
mendations, constructing predictive models and Desing Pro 2021).
developing effective methods to improve engage- One of Gartner’s technological emerging
ment, retention and conversion (Singh 2021). trends is the IoB, which will enable this “plastic-
Furthermore, IoB integrates current technologies ity” – or flexibility – and allow organisations to
that directly focus on the person, such as facial react, endure and even prosper during a crisis
recognition, location monitoring and big data. (Sinu 2020). IoB is still in its early phases,
While some consumers are hesitant to provide according to Gartner, but by 2025, more than half
their data, many others are willing to do so if it of the world’s population will have been exposed
offers data-driven value. For businesses, this to at least one IoB program, whether from the
includes modifying their image, advertising government or a private organisation.
items more successfully to their consumers or Furthermore, according to Gartner, by 2023, 40%
improving a product’s or service’s customer of the global population’s digital actions will be
2.25  Internet of Behaviours 137

Fig. 2.68  Advantages of IoB technology. (IoT Desing Pro 2021)

tracked in order to affect human behaviour (Axıos Europe and the USA are already preparing to
2020). However, for these developments to take chip their staff. CNN Business noted that CEOs
place, this technology must be accompanied by a in the west are optimistic about implants on their
transparency policy that is as user-friendly as employees. A Citrix survey reports that these
possible, protecting privacy rights. In addition, it implants can replace cards, keys and more to
is very important to protect the cybersecurity of increase productivity. Respondents believe that
this data as highly as possible (International such technologies will be widely available by
Banker 2021). 2030 and will be incorporated into the IoB.
To minimise negative customer reactions, it Intelligent VoIP systems can find keywords in
will be critical to keeping a balance between cus- conversations. There is a strong belief that it will
tomised offerings and interference. Any firm that be possible to analyse even more to gather infor-
adopts an IoB strategy must ensure that it has mation about one’s verbal, paraverbal and non-
robust cybersecurity in place to secure all of that verbal characteristics. These feats would facilitate
sensitive data. In the hands of the right people the management of atmosphere among employ-
and with the proper data protection regulations, ees, which is especially important for organisa-
IoB will play a significant role in the near future tions in which contact hygiene is essential, such
(Sayol 2021). In personnel management, it will as insurance, audit and law firms. These teams
be feasible to measure the quality of workers’ are highly vulnerable to negative effects that can
work and analyse how much each department, be caused by a single toxic or depressive behav-
division or particular employee contributes to the iour of one specialist. Using IoB technology can
organisation’s overall success. Managers in potentially revolutionise the fashion business. It
138 2  Emerging Technologies

can be selected as a customised outfit for a person dicted by integrating similar technologies,
using this modern technology. The idea of “fash- technical methods and concepts (Vermesan 2013).
ion” may then just vanish. As a result, IoT is envisioned as an ecosystem that
New IoB technologies have the potential to grows to integrate surroundings and services bet-
revolutionise medicine. For example, during the ter to satisfy better human life expectations (Lutui
Coronavirus pandemic, many individuals acquired et al. 2018). The growth of IoT will dramatically
a new term: saturation (the degree of oxygen satu- increase Internet traffic by connecting numerous
ration in the blood). This indicator is measured objects to the Internet. This will eventually result
regularly by patients suffering from severe dis- in increased data storage requirements. Privacy
eases. Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, and security problems would arise as a result of
will almost certainly learn to monitor them fast as such a huge network. To fulfil all these objectives,
well. The same may be said about other appli- a suitable architecture is required. Although the
ances. Subcutaneous chips, for instance, will arise IoT architecture is still being developed, it already
that record the temperature of the human body, has several characteristics. Business layer, appli-
the quantity of sugar in the blood, the number of cation layer, middleware layer, network layer and
leukocytes in the blood and other data. Also, perception layer are the five levels that make up
humanity is moving closer to the day when the this architecture. Figure 2.69 illustrates the archi-
patient’s medical data will be transmitted in real- tecture of an IoT system.
time to the attending physician, regardless of Artefacts of the physical environment and sen-
where the patient is on the planet. The treatment sor equipment are included in the perception
will get more distant and objective (Sannacode | layer. Depending on the object’s identifying
Web & Mobile App Development 2021). method, these sensors might be RFID tags, bar-
codes or infrared sensors. This layer’s primary
role is to categorise things and collect information
2.26 Internet of Things about them using sensor tools. This information
on the object’s position, inclination, humidity,
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects the virtual velocity and orientation may depend on the type
world with real-world physical activity. The fun- of sensor. The network layer’s primary responsi-
damental idea behind the Internet of Things is to bility is to transfer information from the sensors
create an independent and secure connection that to the processing unit reliably. This information
allows data to be shared between physical objects can be delivered both wired and wirelessly. The
and real-world applications (Chopra et al. 2019a). middleware layer is largely in charge of managing
The Internet as we know it today has expanded service between IoT devices and apps. It can also
into the real world, embracing ordinary things that communicate with the local datahub. It transfers
characterise the IoT concept. As we know it today, information from the network layer to the data-
the Internet has expanded into the real world, base. This layer analyses the data and conducts
embracing ordinary devices that constitute the computations regularly. Finally, it makes auto-
Internet of Things vision. The components of the matic judgments based on the results of the tests.
IoT vision include steady improvements in infor- Based on the object information processed in the
mation technologies, microelectronics and com- middleware layer, the application layer offers
munication technologies that we have seen so far, global management of the whole program. IoT
as well as their potential to continue into the fore- may be used to implement various applications,
seeable future (Mattern and Floerkemeier 2010). including smart homes, intelligent manufacturing
As the number of IoT applications grows, intelli- and more. The business layer connects with the
gent cars, smart cities, smart factories, smart IoT network, which includes various apps and
homes, agriculture and energy as components of a services. The business layer generates business
broad IoT ecosystem are gaining greater consid- models using information from the application
eration. More potential applications may be pre- layer (Chopra et al. 2019b).
2.26  Internet of Things 139

Fig. 2.69  Architecture of IoT

Fig. 2.70  Smart object

functions. (Miragliotta
et al. 2012)

As Fig.  2.70 articulates, an object is called ment and homeowners. Second, by dividing the
“smart” if it achieves one or more functions: utilisation of IoT technologies in manufacturing
interacting with the surroundings, measuring or into two categories: manufacturing and user
sensing environmental variables, communicating experience, the use of IoT in the industry can be
with other objects and central systems, process- attested. Manufacturers utilise IoT to automate
ing the obtained data and performing self-­ operations, track machinery and determine
awareness and localising. whether machines require repair. Furthermore,
Smart objects are devices that provide intelli- IoT devices in Internet networks are utilised to
gence to IoT implementations and an intercon- collect data from customers, which improves the
necting network and allow intercommunication user experience. Then it looks through the infor-
of appliances. Properties of a smart network are mation it has acquired to see how it might
depicted in Fig. 2.71. improve the outcome and possibly solve prob-
Smart houses are a hot topic in IoT research. lems. Finally, IoT-enabled remote patient moni-
In other words, IoT and home automation are toring (RPM) might enable patients to be tracked
inextricably linked because all passive home while at home. Caregivers can perform the first-­
electronics are becoming digital, wirelessly step medical check-up without considering the
linked and capable of communicating over local distance, using data of the wearables that collect
networks or the Internet (Raj and Raman 2017). data of subject’s vitals (e.g. blood pressure)
More capable and smarter appliances are the (Greengard 2015; Hassan et al. 2018). Fourth, the
beginning of a smarter home environment. Real-­ Internet of Things (IoT) is an initiative to
time energy usage monitoring for all smart home ­introduce smart city applications that use preva-
equipment may considerably cut energy expendi- lent sensors in municipal infrastructures to pro-
tures. In terms of smart security, combinations of vide real-time data (Latre et  al. 2016). To meet
alarms and sensors at the range of the property the needs of urbanisation, energy management,
may immediately notify the police or fire depart- transportation, health, governance and other
140 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.71 Smart
network properties.
(Miragliotta et al. 2012)

Fig. 2.72 Applications
of IoT

aspects of modern smart cities are all centred on energy consumption. With an adequate power
sustainable and effective solutions (Ejaz et  al. management system, energy hotspots may be
2017). Finally, agriculture is one of the examples detected and energy production can be raised in
of IoT applications that are worth highlighting. real-time in proportion to their process (Chen
Farmers and producers would benefit from incor- et al. 2018).
porating the Internet of Things into their opera- Chen (2018) also proposed an energy moni-
tions, as well as a variety of equipment or gadgets toring and management framework for a machin-
that obtain and convey data through cloud ser- ing workshop. Depending on the tasks of the
vices, because it would give them more choices machinery, unused auxiliary equipment can be
to settle on, cuts costs and increase production turned off. To improve energy efficiency, real-­
efficiency (Namani and Gonen 2020). IoT appli- time energy-focused planning can be used.
cations may be found in a variety of settings, as Moreover, by tracking power consumption fre-
shown in Fig. 2.72. quency in real-time, effective load balancing can
The demand for efficient systems to regulate be used to reduce energy consumption during
and optimise energy and resource use in homes, peak times. The Internet of Things attempts to
industrial and agricultural facilities is increasing. increase energy use visibility and comprehension
With the deployment of the IoT, potential oppor- by including smart sensors and smart metres into
tunities for reducing resource consumption and the system. Consequently, data on real-time
boosting efficiency may be identified. In recent energy use from complex systems may be easily
years, IoT technologies have presented an intrigu- gathered and analysed to help people or home
ing potential to develop sophisticated solutions automation make more energy-conscious deci-
for sensor devices, and Internet-based informa- sions. By acquiring vast quantities of energy-­
tion systems are used to monitor and control related data in near-real-time, these types of
2.27  Natural Language Processing 141

solutions generate a great deal of knowledge. As dioxide and soot generated by factories and farm-
a result, it is critical to plan ahead of time how to lands (Patel et  al. 2016). Following that, neces-
integrate these IoT energy monitoring devices sary measures may be implemented right away.
into the overall energy management system for The energy derived from nature is the most
the environment (Shrouf and Miragliotta 2015). extensive sphere of human connection. Because
Also, IoT is seen as a feasible technical option of the massive amount of data and traditional
for tracking, evaluating and making quick deci- home power networks, measuring, administer-
sions about infrastructure provision before it ing, pricing and monitoring the energy that
fails. A smart water management network could appears in every aspect of a person’s daily life is
be imagined by integrating IoT across the whole extremely challenging. IoT appliances have the
infrastructure architecture. When IoT is fully potential to occupy a large field of home appli-
integrated, the water tracking system becomes a ances on their own, but in a network with a lot of
smart entity capable of detecting and treating data and continuous processing, the system grows
problems without the need for constant third-­ wiser over time and develops its intelligence. The
party monitoring (Ramakala et  al. 2017). The expansion of the Internet’s area and depth above
control application can also provide a real-time and beyond human contact will affect people’s
summary of the recorded data and make recom- lives in the future (Greengard 2015).
mendations for corrective action (Geetha and
Gouthami 2016).
Conventional approaches may be combined 2.27 Natural Language
with cutting-edge technology like the Internet of Processing
Things and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to
enable a wide range of uses in contemporary Natural language processing (NLP) is a multidis-
agriculture for long-term sustainable food pro- ciplinary field consisting of computer science,
duction. New IoT technologies are addressing artificial intelligence (AI) and linguistics sub-
agricultural issues by boosting farm production fields. The study of NLP is concerned with com-
efficiency, quantity, productivity and cost-­ puters’ capacity to apprehend words from texts or
effectiveness. This rapid adoption of IoT in agri- speech as well as humans. Through the combina-
culture and smart farming technologies is gaining tion of language modelling, computational lin-
momentum, intending to have 24/7 visibility into guistics, statistical, machine learning and deep
the health of the land and crops, equipment in learning models, NLP aims to enable computers
use, storage conditions, animal behaviour, energy to comprehensively process language, recognis-
consumption and water usage rates. ing the intent and sentiments of speakers or writ-
The concept of collecting and storing all rele- ers (IBM 2020). Many languages and text-oriented
vant data, analysing it and giving meaningful out- studies such as translating between languages,
comes enables the Internet of Things to become a building a database, extracting summaries or
significant modulator of existing urban and rural understanding text content can be performed
life. We might argue that robots and people would using this technology (Allen 2003).
become increasingly intertwined after the first The goal of NLP researchers is to learn how
industrial revolution due to the gradual blurring humans comprehend and utilise language so that
of their boundaries between them (Greengard suitable tools and techniques may be developed
2015). The disappearance of these boundaries to help computers understand and modify natural
allows for the formation of greater direct or indi- languages to execute the tasks they are pro-
rect ties between humans and nature. Air is a grammed to do (Chowdhury 2003). During NLP,
direct method to engage with the environment, the sentence’s grammatical structure and word
and pollution is a major issue nowadays. Air meanings are analysed by breaking down the sen-
quality data analysis may be used to monitor tences at hand. This way ensures that the com-
toxic gases and harmful particles such as carbon puter understands and reads both spoken and
142 2  Emerging Technologies

written text at the human level (Wolff 2021). of words in sentences are used to perform syntac-
Only if the source text is a speech is a phonologi- tic analysis parsing. The semantic analysis
cal analysis used. This analysis has to do with the focuses on the interconnections between word-­
internal and between word translation of tone of level meanings in a phrase to find probable mean-
language, which can convey much about a word ings. Some individuals feel that the step
or sentence’s meaning (Banerjee 2020). determines the meaning, but all of the stages ulti-
If the source text is written, tokenisation is mately decide the meaning. In contrast, discourse
used. Simply put, tokenisation is the division of integration regards texts as a whole, examining
large amounts of text into smaller pieces. This aspects that transmit meaning by linking compo-
process breaks down the raw text into tokens to nent phrases. For instance, sentences are linked
assist in understanding the context or developing together or dependent on prior context. This can
the NLP model (Chakravarthy and Nagaraj be illustrated by the word “it” in the sentence “It
2020). Morphological analysis is a method that wasn’t that difficult”. According to pragmatic
concerns the internal structure of words, often analysis, without being encoded in the text, extra
used for NLP; it refers to the process of decoding meaning is read into it. This demands a compre-
words based on their smallest meaningful units hensive awareness of the world that includes
known as morphemes. Banerjee (2020) explains understanding intentions, plans and goals
this process through an example phrase, namely, (Banerjee 2020).
“unhappiness”. In his words: “It can be broken Figure 2.73 is a sample word cloud technique
down into three morphemes (prefix, stem and that is used to visualise the result of processed
suffix), with each conveying some form of mean- text data. The text data from this section of the
ing; the prefix un- refers to “not being”, while the book is used to generate the word cloud given in
suffix -ness refers to “a state of being”. The stem Fig. 2.73.
happy is considered as a free morpheme since it According to Jusoh (2018), Natural language
is a “word” in its own right. Bound morphemes user interfaces, automated text summarization,
(prefixes and suffixes) require a free morpheme information extraction, translation software,
to which it can be attached to and can therefore questions answering platforms, speech recogni-
not appear as a “word” on their own”. An addi- tion, text mining and document retrieval are all
tional method used for NLP is lexical analysis, examples of areas where NLP is applied.
which refers to the process of determining and Figure  2.74 compiles the applications of NLP
examining the structure of words through separa- that can be encountered in daily life (Tableu
tion into smaller pieces such as paragraphs, 2021).
phrases and words. A language’s lexicon is a col- NLP is a strong technology with numerous
lection of words and phrases that make it up and advantages, even though there are several limita-
when working with lexical analysis, lexicon nor- tions and issues on that. Table 2.4 demonstrates
malisation is considered to be essential. Among the advantages and challenges of NLP technol-
others, stemming and lemmatization are consid- ogy (MonkeyLearn 2021).
ered to be the most prevalent approach to lexical NLP is a set of techniques used to create a
analysis. Stemming is a rule-based approach that grammatical structure and semantic relationship,
regards the elimination of suffixes of a word (e.g. produce natural language and create an output
“ing”, “ly”, “es”, “s” and so on). Additionally, that conforms to the rules of the target language
lemmatisation is a method that combines vocabu- and the data at hand (Reshamwala et al. 2013).
lary (the prominence of terms in dictionaries) and NLP has found great use across various fields.
morphological analysis and is used to define the It may not be difficult to imagine the usefulness
root form of a word. Syntactical analysis refers to of this technology in business contexts, as it was
the investigation of words in sentences to dis- shown in multiple cases. For instance, NLP can
cover the sentence’s grammatical structure. The be used in business process management (BPM)
grammatical evaluation and relative arrangement to significantly reduce the amount of effort that is
2.27  Natural Language Processing 143

Fig. 2.73  A sample use of word cloud technique

Fig. 2.74  Some applications of NLP technology. (Tableu 2021)

required to ensure these processes work smoothly other types of data with NLP allow for more effi-
by enabling automation (van der Aa et al. 2018; cient, less time consuming and less biased hiring
Delicado et al. 2017). Furthermore, NLP can be processes (Talview 2018). However, NLP is an
used in human resources (HR) practices such as interdisciplinary technology, and its application
selection and recruitment. Analysing and screen- has a great range, as demonstrated by its success
ing applicants’ resumes, responses and various across fields. For instance, Demner-Fushman and
144 2  Emerging Technologies

Table 2.4 Advantages and challenges of NLP overall sustainability of a given organisation, and
plenty of research indicates that there is a strong
Advantages Challenges and significant relation between ESG’s and finan-
Improved data Homonyms and contextual cial performance (Morgan Stanley 2021; Whelan
analysis words and phrases
et  al. 2020; O’Brien et  al. 2018). To assess the
More efficient Faults in the written or spoken
procedures word sustainability of organisations, a considerably
Better customer Ambiguity and irony large amount of data from sustainability reports
experience and articles has to be examined. This is where the
Employees that are Research and development are use of NLP is highly efficient as it can analyse
empowered lacking
immensely large amounts of text data both from
Cost savings Low-resource and domain-­
specific languages existing and live sources, mining for ESG related
insights. NLP addresses various challenges of
MonkeyLearn (2021)
SRI by producing results significantly easier for
interpretation, eliminates human error and the
Simpson (2012) explain that, compared to the feat of including the most recent changes makes
recent past, NLP techniques, which are used to for a better, more efficient and up to date approach
analyse immensely large amounts of text data to SRI (Mukherjee 2020). Applications of NLP
from biomedical literature, have been greatly include, but are not limited to, the aforemen-
improved and its promising results are a source tioned examples across numerous fields such as
of excitement in the field of biomedicine. biomedicine, psychology, business, finance and
Furthermore, there has been increasing inter- economics, all underline its usefulness and effec-
est in NLP’s application and use for sustainabil- tiveness in the automation of analytic processes.
ity. A recent report by Chakroun et  al. (2019) NLP is a challenging problem of AI today.
underlines the importance of NLP in the context The biggest reason for this difficulty is that
of sustainable development, which provides an human language always contains semantic
exemplary use of NLP that contributes to the goal breadth and uncertainty. In studies conducted in
of reaching quality education. The example is of this context, difficulties are usually encountered
a chatbot that can successfully reproduce at the lexical and structural levels (Jusoh 2018).
­everything that a good teacher should do. In other However, the increase in the amount of text data
words, it provides students with direction and available every day and the potential to be used in
support that is tailored for each student with the other applications will make this technology even
use of NLP.  Another interesting application of more important. Large volumes of unstructured,
NLP was demonstrated by analysing sustainabil- text-heavy data must be analysed efficiently by
ity reports using NLP (Luccioni et  al. 2020). businesses. A great majority of the data created
Suggested by its developers, a custom model of online and stored in databases is made up of natu-
NLP named ClimateQA was specifically ral human language. Until recently, businesses
designed to analyse, otherwise demanding, have not been able to utilise it properly. However,
amounts of text from financial reports to detect NLP can assist them in making efficient use of
segments that are of interest to climate change. the largest available data (Lutkevich 2021). The
Additionally, NLP has found use in sustain- mere fact that NLP is used even in the digital
able, responsible and impact investing (SRI), marketing industry is an indication that this tech-
which emphasises the sustainability of organisa- nology will take a more important place in our
tions in three main categories called ESGs. Letter lives (Lee 2019).
E stands for environmental factors such as carbon One of the greatest challenges to NLP stands
emissions, S stands for social indicators such as to be code-mixed language, which refers to
diversity and G stands for corporate governance altered forms of language possibly unique to cer-
factors such as bribery and corruption policies tain locations such as urban areas (Markets and
(Mukherjee 2020). These elements indicate the Markets 2021). This limits the accuracy and effi-
2.28  Quantum Computing 145

ciency of NLP processes with possible changes only imitations. He asked at this point “Is there a
to normal meanings of sentences; thus, its appli- way of simulating it, rather than imitating it?” in
cation among various fields is also limited. the space-time view. The answer to his question
There has been a growing interest in automa- is superposition and entanglement in twenty-­
tion and the facilitation of hiring processes first-­
century technology, although this was
among organisations and researchers. Personality unknown when Feynman was considering these
is one of the most significant indicators, even questions. Therefore, nowadays, these questions
more so than cognitive ability, of many work-­ give rise to the starting steps of quantum comput-
related outcomes such as job performance, as ing. It is understood that quantum mechanics can
established by a growing body of research simulate the physical world with quantum
(Barrick et al. 2001; Judge et al. 2013; Chiaburu machines (Feynman 1982). A “bit” is formed in
et al. 2011; Salgado 2002). NLP methods have a classical computers to process and transfer data.
highly promising future in its application to It can be either “1” or “0”. Bit 1 corresponds to an
assess personality through numerous types of electrical signal in the wire, whereas bit 0 does
data, which can come from various sources such not correspond to any electrical signal. In quan-
as job interviews, resumes and more, which in tum computing, characteristics of quantum
turn can be used to predict important job-related mechanics are utilised in expressing and process-
outcomes (Campion et  al. 2016; Andrew 2021; ing the information as quantum bits. Quantum
Hickman et al. 2021). bits are so small that they work with the physical
Finally, regarding its financial future, there is properties of atomic particles like classical bits.
a great expectancy of exponential growth in the Although quantum bits, aka qubits, are similar to
market of NLP. Forecasts predict that its market classical bits, there is a major difference: qubits
share will exceed over 43  billion US dollars in can be in both 1 and 0 positions at the same time.
2025, an enormous increase of 14 times the size The calculation process, which is also called
in 2017, estimated to be around 3 billion US dol- “superposition”, also measures all possibilities,
lars (Liu 2020). Additionally, the costs of com- namely, positions, according to the size of the
mercial NLP solutions are considered to be high problem. Graphical representation of the bits and
and may not be very tempting for smaller busi- qubits can be seen in Fig. 2.75.
nesses and instead appeal to advanced program- While analysing the probabilities of a problem
mers (Nadkarni et al. 2011). However, costs are simultaneously, it chooses the correct answer
expected to decrease in the future due to the according to some mathematical operators. Thus,
increase in demand. This would facilitate the quantum computers are designed to solve the
commodification of NLP (Markets and Markets

2.28 Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a recent and emerging

technology that uses subatomic particles during
the computation process through a specific device
called a quantum computer. The first question in
this technology began when Feynman asked,
“What kind of computer are we going to use to
simulate physics?” He saw that classical comput-
ers are impossible to simulate the physical world.
Because of the simulating time, the computers
were not making a simulation. They were making Fig. 2.75  Comparison of classical bits and quantum bits
146 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.76 Comparison
between classical and
quantum computers

problems prepared for them in seconds. This quantum simulator to simulate quantum systems
makes the computation process much faster way more efficiently than a classical computer
because 0 and 1 are not to be performed separately (Eisert and Wolf 2013). According to Moore’s
(Hughes et al. 2021). Figure 2.76 shows the com- famous law, the number of transistors located per
parison clearly. According to this, classical com- square inch of an integrated circuit increases
putational approaches, algorithms run on quantum exponentially year by year (Moore 1998). If this
computers can even reach exponential speedups. A trend somehow keeps continuing, the quantum
quantum computer can operate at a cost that scales effects will dominate in the computer compo-
polynomially while operating on an exponentially nents which are at the atomic scale (Eisert and
large computational space thanks to certain fea- Wolf 2013). Then, quantum computing will
tures of quantum physics. Hence, quantum com- become nothing but a must ineluctably.
puting algorithms have the potential to make hard After this technology started to develop, some
and time-consuming problems yielding and simulation problems can be solved as explained
quickly solvable (Martonosi and Roetteler 2019). the following:
Nature is surrounded by many quantum phe-
nomena, such as Bose-Einstein condensation, • While designing sensitive materials such as
which is a state of matter, superconductors and superconductors provide a better understand-
magnetic materials. As Feynman argues, it is ing of the material structure and its effects on
often difficult for scientists to understand and the human body at room temperature.
simulate these materials because of the number • When performing the high-precision chemis-
of parameters needed to characterise a many-­ try calculations needed to find alternative
particle quantum system. It is mentioned before routes to the Haber process used in fertiliser
this part, a quantum computer can be used as a synthesis in agriculture.
2.29 Recycling 147

• When performing real simulations of dynamic et al. 2020). Quantum computing is also expected
molecules for increased accuracy. to be useful in weather forecasting in the future.
• When examining problems with drug and The computational power of the supercomputers
molecule design (Maslov et al. 2019). that are used today is limited for some applica-
• Quantum computing offers better solutions tions such as flood forecasting, urban modelling,
for power grid optimisation for a country, sub-surface flow modelling and allied complex
more foreseeable environmental modelling tasks. So, quantum computing algorithms can be
development and discovering new materials. adapted to solve such problems and achieve bet-
• According to research, it is found that quan- ter Earth system models in the future (Frolov
tum computing could remarkably shorten the 2017). Quantum computing in the future in bio-
time spent performing calculations such as chemistry and nanotechnology is expected to
option-pricing and risk assessment (Sara play an active role. With quantum computing, the
Castellanos 2019). results of biochemical processes are calculated
• Daimler Mercedes-Benz is trying to develop a faster than normal computers, and it is thought to
new battery for electric vehicles using quan- play a role in the developments in the field of bio-
tum computing (Kanamori and Yoo 2020). chemistry in the future. Near future goals are
listed in Fig. 2.77.
Based on the applications and examples given
above, it is seen that the use of this technology is
inevitable. Many big companies such as IBM, 2.29 Recycling
NASA and Google are quite interested and invest
in this technology, which has promising future Contrary to popular belief, products that have
potential (Kanamori and Yoo 2020). lost their function are not wasted. With the loss
Researchers who deal with machine learning of product functions, the EoL stage begins. The
continuously use principal component analysis, end-of-life (EoL) phase can be defined in a vari-
vector quantisation, Gaussian models, regression ety of ways, such as when a consumer or opera-
and classification methods (Ho et al. 2018). It is tor disposes of a product without making any
assumed that quantum computing technology can structural modifications (Gebremariam et  al.
be utilised to surmount vast amounts of data to 2020); making a non-functional product a reus-
yield better scalability and performance in able form of remanufacturing (Wang and Hazen
machine learning algorithms (Perdomo-Ortiz 2016); recycling, which is the collecting and
et  al. 2018). Since quantum computing offers processing of discarded items as raw materials to
reduced computational time, it may cause many create comparable products; with and without
applications of classical computing to evolve energy recovery, incineration and conversion of
quantum computing applications. Robots that are combustible wastes into gases; burying garbage
used in drug discovery, logistics, cryptography or throwing it in a landfill (“EEA Glossary  –
and finance need to deal with large amounts of European Environment Agency” 2021); other-
data. This creates a necessity for faster computa- wise, it simply results in a leak into the
tion; as a result, quantum computing can be uti- environment (Duque Ciceri et  al. 2009). All
lised to perform intensive computational tasks items having an EoL date become trash. All
with less time required compared to the required stages of a product’s lifespan are shown in
time of classical computing (Buyya et al. 2018). Fig. 2.78.
In robotics, solving the problems related to kine- In Fig. 2.78, the life cycle assessment (LCA)
matics, such as mechanical movement or unex- of products is shown. LCA is the most important
pected behaviours against a command is instrument for determining a product’s environ-
challenging. It is expected that quantum neural mental impact. It is feasible to account for all of
networks or the other quantum computing algo- a product’s environmental consequences using
rithms will be able to handle these problems (Gill LCA, which covers all stages of the product’s life
148 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.77  Future of quantum computing

Fig. 2.78  General life cycle of products. (Spilka et al. 2008)

cycle, from resource extraction to waste disposal. products should be used in other possible means
The main principle of this cycle is based on the even after they complete their lifetime. After all
3R principle. In Fig. 2.79, the main principles of this, recycling is a necessity. Recycling can be
waste management are explained. categorised according to the type of material
According to these principles, preventing released. Closed-loop recycling, in which the
waste formation is the most effective and long-­ product produced from the material obtained as a
term solution to the waste problem. Secondly, result of the recycling of the EoL product, is the
2.29 Recycling 149

Fig. 2.79  Principles of waste treatment

Fig. 2.80  General recycling stages. (Spilka et al. 2008)

same. The utilisation of recovered resources to tion of metals, plastics and paper based on their
create a new product is referred to as open-loop physical features, brand and other factors, as well
recycling. This results in either open-loop upcy- as contextualising and data storage about each
cling, which refers to the conversion of waste item it observes (“AMP Robotics” 2021). Waste
materials into something of more value and/or may be used in a variety of ways in terms of tech-
durability, or open-loop downcycling, in which nology in processing technology. In general, the
the quality and usefulness of the resource is initial stages are common, whereas the second
decreased or the capture of the material for future stages vary depending on the EoL material. Five
use (Dorn and MacWhirter 2016). categories of secondary processes (Spilka et  al.
In Fig. 2.80, the recycling process is separated 2008; Vindis et al. 2008):
into two main stages:
Figure 2.3 shows recycling stages separated Chemical recycling: The process which alters the
by the recycling stages as primary and secondary. wastes’ chemical structure, such as fuel oil
Primary processes provide the appropriate situa- production from plastics.
tions for the actual transformation process that Resources recycling is the degradation of the
will begin in the secondary processes. Computer macromolecule; for example, hydrolysis and
vision is used by artificial intelligence to map alcoholysis.
intricate material streams by analysing millions Biological recycling: The method delivers oxy-
of photos. AMP neuron uses deep learning to gen treatment, including solid waste compost-
improve the precise identification and categorisa- ing and waste treatment without oxygen.
150 2  Emerging Technologies

Thermal recycling: This method is used to • Plastics: Today’s technology like incineration,
describe waste items that are in the last stages pyrolysis and mechanical recycling are tech-
of disposal. nologies with high costs and not adequate in
Material recycling: This process aims to acquire environmental and economic terms. The solu-
material that is a high-value raw material for tion for this issue is collecting and processing
further processing. plastic waste and producing more valuable
outputs much more affordable and desirable.
The following are new technologies that have The new method is named low-pressure
been created to improve the recycling process hydrothermal processing. It offers a process to
stages: make gasoline, diesel fuel and other valued
matters out of the most frequent type of plas-
• Concrete: Advanced dry recovery (ADR) and tic, polyolefin, securely in the environmental
heating air classification system (HAS) are and economic regards. A newly developed
technical methods of producing coarse-­ alteration method works on the combination
grained, fine-grained and ultrafine-grained of hydrothermal liquefaction with effective
fragments by recycling end-of-life concrete departure. When the alteration of plastics into
material. The ability to move these methods oil or naphtha happens, it is proper to work as
works favouring them to get installed near a reserve for different synthetics or to be torn
precast concrete manufacture facilities or into monomers, different types of solvents or
directly into the area of demolishment. various outputs (“pulp and paper mill waste
Generally, the important features of these becomes fish feed, energy and more” 2019).
methods have been increasing the greenhouse • Textiles: Recycling and recovering old textiles
gases (like CO2 and NOx) produced by trans- and waste fibre materials through various pro-
portation, helping to conserve the resources cedures result in recycled textiles. Old or used
and utilise the sources more efficiently. These textiles, tires, footwear, carpets, furniture and
technologies offer a promising future to close non-durable products such as sheets and tow-
the material loop completely and execute a els are the most common sources of recyclable
circular economy in the construction sector textiles in municipal waste. Recycled textiles
(Gebremariam et al. 2020). minimise the demand for virgin resources like
• Metal: A method to sort out the discarded wool and cotton, pollution and water and
metal by using a laser called laser-induced energy use.
breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been • Compared to virgin products, the cheap cost
established by the Fraunhofer Institute for of recycled items is predicted to help the recy-
Laser Technology and Cronimet Ferroleg. The cled textiles business grow overall. In 2019,
recycling process improved efficiency com- the global recycled textiles market was worth
pared to earlier examples thanks to the recently $5.6 billion, and by 2027, it is expected to be
developed detector. The method is created to worth $7.6  billion. Between 2020 and 2027,
handle high-speed steel alongside different the market is expected to develop at a CAGR
materials too. High-speed steel objects could of 3.6% (Parihar and Prasad 2021).
have cobalt in them, which is a highly valued • Paper: A group of Swedish scientists are using
alloy, and one could come across them in waste sludge from wastewater effluent treat-
nearly every hardware shop, for instance, in ment at pulp and paper mills to develop new
gimlets or milling tools. LIBS is a method that biobased goods. Bioplastics, bio-hydrogen
can be used to differentiate at least 20 alloying gas and fish feed may all be made from that
metal types in tiny metal objects rapidly, auto- organic waste. Over 20 experts are working
mated and deprived of contact (“Laser-based together on processes that link material and
sensor technology for recycling metals” economic flows important to fish farmers,
2021). Swedish pulp and paper mills and Paper
2.29 Recycling 151

Province, the world’s most important bio- cling methods. Secondly, it leads to lower costs.
economy cluster. The goal is to provide advan- Recycling has an environmental as well as a
tageous market conditions for innovative financial point for companies. Working with
biobased products and services (Brunn 2021). recycled material is substantially less expensive
• Lithium-ion batteries: Electronics, toys, wire- than working with brand new material. For this
less headphones, portable power tools, small reason, firms may save money by employing
and big appliances, electric cars and electrical recycled materials. On the other hand, recycling
energy storage devices all utilise lithium-ion is related to saving energy; since recycling mate-
(Li-ion) batteries. They can affect human rials saves a lot of energy compared to making
health or the environment if they are not prop- new ones. With the increasing environmental
erly handled at the end of their useful life. awareness, it is beneficial for businesses to be
Cobalt, graphite and lithium, which are all seen as sensitive to the environment (“Advantages
considered essential minerals, are used in Li-­ of recycling” 2021). These advantages are shown
ion batteries. Critical minerals are raw in Fig. 2.81.
resources that are economically and strategi- Recycling can help eliminate the problem of
cally vital to the USA, with a high risk of sup- large volumes of waste simply thrown into plants
ply disruption and no viable replacements. We and still need to be addressed. Through recycling,
lose these important resources when these bat- in most cases, these incinerated wastes are recy-
teries are thrown away in the garbage (US cled to combat global warming and air pollution.
EPA 2019). On the other hand, landfills and incineration sites
have a very harmful effect on the environment
The massive population growth in recent that surrounds them. These sites can cause irrepa-
decades and the desire for people to embrace bet- rable damage to animals’ habitats. Through recy-
ter living circumstances have resulted in a huge cling, the need for these harmful landfills can be
increase in polymer consumption, mainly plas- reduced by decreasing the amount of waste sent
tics. The continued use of plastics has resulted in to them. In this way, especially animals in danger
a rise in the number of plastics ending up in the of extinction are protected. Moreover, recycling
waste stream, sparking a surge of interest in plas- offers us a more environmentally friendly alter-
tics recycling and reuse (Francis 2016). native to extracting raw materials from the soil.
The effect on the economy is explained This helps conserve resources. So, recycling can
through the plastics industry. The progress of help protect the world’s natural resources for
the plastics sector reflected the so-called linear future generations (“Advantages of recycling”
economy model, which emphasised the benefi- 2021).
cial life of plastic items. This was true until the Every year, humanity produces 2 billion met-
last decades. Growing environmental recogni- ric tonnes of trash. According to global waste sta-
tion at social and legislative levels has aided tistics, waste production would increase by 70%
the adoption of the worldwide circular econ- to 3.1 billion by 2050 if the current trend contin-
omy model (CEM) in the plastic sector in ues (Kaza et  al. 2018). Also, the immensely
recent years. This model proposes that the increasing world population may speed up this
plastic waste created after its useful life be period. Therefore, the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and
recycled effectively and efficiently (Guran recycle) have a significant role in preventing this
et al. 2020). problem and preserving the environment and
There are several advantages of recycling for natural sources. The success of the 3R implemen-
an individual. First of all, recycling can reduce tation depends on the balance between the pro-
pollution. It can reduce the demand for new grams and policies at the local level. The essential
resources by recycling materials. This process points of action relate to governance issues, edu-
may minimise the number of pollutants gener- cation and the awareness level of people and
ated when creating new materials by using recy- critical stakeholders. Other than these, techno-
152 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.81  Advantages of recycling

logical issues significantly affect that action to the recycling process. One aspect of this future
minimise the environmental impact while using vision is standardising materials across products,
technologies in the recycling step (Srinivas which effectively reduces and redefines what we
2015). Automation will have a considerable define as waste (“The Future of Recycling  –
impact on the recycling industry. In the coming Looking to 2020 and Beyond” 2020).
decades, substantial developments may be
expected to provide identification and separation
processes more carefully than humans. Indeed, 2.30 Robotic Process Automation
62.6% of jobs in the waste management sector
will become automated by 2030, according to a The most important debate in business and infor-
study conducted by PwC (2017). The recycling mation systems engineering is which jobs will be
process will become much more effective and done by humans and which jobs will be done by
safer with advances in robot and automation automation. This argument has become more
technologies because fewer items are directed critical as data science, machine learning and
towards the landfill, and fewer people are exposed artificial intelligence have become widely used
to hazardous waste items (“The Future of (van der Aalst et  al. 2018). These technologies
Recycling Services 2021). In terms of economy, have shaped the structure of robotic process auto-
the circular economy concept has grown in popu- mation (RPA) solutions (Lamberton et al. 2017).
larity, and it only takes a little effort to put it into The level of automation has risen by 75% in the
practice. As manufacturers and recycling efforts factories since 1980, whereas in the office, auto-
collaborate and achieve critical mass, the future mation has only grown by 3% (“Office 4.0 |
of recycling will see a rise in circular products. RPA  – the industrial revolution in the office”
Once they are accomplished, they may become 2019). Because classical automation systems do
standard, with 100% closed-loop recycling sys- not offer an effective solution for office work. In
tems assuring that recovered components are uti- the classic system, the “inside-out” solution was
lised in products of equivalent value to the used, but RPA provides an opposite solution, the
original. Additionally, the future of the recycling “outside-in” approach (van der Aalst et al. 2018).
sector depends on reducing the amount of the dif- RPA differs from other business automation sys-
ferent substances recycled together and improv- tems in the following aspects (Willcocks and
ing the quality of the raw materials obtained by Lacity 2016):
2.30  Robotic Process Automation 153

• RPA does not affect the main system program-

ming code because RPA operates over the top
of the systems and accesses them via the pre-
sentation layer.
• RPA is about linking, dragging or dropping
icons. Thus, RPA does not require software
programming expertise.
• Data model or database is not important for Fig. 2.82 Characteristics of RPA-appropriate tasks.
RPA. (Fung 2014)

Even though the title “robot” refers to electrome- that are needed to affect the business process
chanical devices, RPA is a software-based approach positively.
(Lacity and Willcocks 2016). For a better under- If a process consists of tasks with these
standing, assume that there is a physical robot stand- characteristics shown in Fig.  2.82, positive
ing by the worker while the worker is doing a regular results are obtained when RPA automates this
job performed as part of a process-­related applica- process. Also, RPA solutions differ for each
tion, observing and learning about the job the worker business model as they should be designed for
is doing on the computer. The only difference from each company or industry according to their
the robot is that it can perform this routine work with requirements (Madakam et al. 2019). So, a sys-
software without using computer hardware like a tematic approach is necessary to analyse the
mouse or keyboard (“Robotic Process Automation business model for RPA, and this approach
(RPA)” 2021). consists of at least three main steps: proof of
RPA systems use these key components which concept, pilot and leveraging. Firstly, the goal
are (Tripathi 2018): of an RPA is installation and identifying poten-
tial use cases inside the organisation. End-to-
1. Recorder: It captures mouse and keyboard
end processes and details are examined to find
actions on the UI.  The record keeping may use cases. Depending on the process, it is seen
then be replayed to repeat the same steps. for which parts of the process RPA can be a
2. Extension and plugins: Several plugins and solution. At this stage, RPA use cases are
extensions are available on most platforms to established during the pilot phase. Procedures
make it easier to create and execute and technical requirements are completed. To
applications. RPA providers have created
­ ensure data flow, all necessary data must be in
plugins and extensions. electronic form and missing data must be
3. Development studio: The robot configuration entered to ensure that the data is available.
is created in the studio, and the robots are then Also, the standardisation of data is essential.
trained there. In addition, robots are pro- Lastly, the RPA system is tested at the leverag-
grammed with a set of instructions and ing stage. RPA is adjusted according to the
decision-­making logic. tasks to be done. Once the procedures for usage
4. Bot runner: This is what makes other compo- and RPA have been determined, the RPA is
nents work and is called a “robot” and other then expected to be ready for use (Alberth and
components make it run. Mattern 2017). RPA office automation will
5. Control centre: The management capabilities perform effectively if these stages are followed
of the robot are provided at the centre by mon- carefully, and applicable areas are explained
itoring and controlling the operation of the below:
• Business process outsourcing: RPA can
Integrating automation into a process is costly. replace outsourced workforce in business pro-
Figure  2.82 presents some of the RPA features cesses (Tripathi 2018).
154 2  Emerging Technologies

• Insurance: Complex tasks in the insurance information storage, but it is also costly. The pyr-
industry such as policy management can be amid model tends to increase staff to fill skill
accomplished with RPA (Tripathi 2018). gaps or expand resources. Robots are more flexi-
• Finance: RPA plays an important role in auto- ble as they can more easily adapt to increases or
mating financial processes. Implementation of decreases in service volumes. In the diamond
RPA provides efficiency and credibility model, SMEs and software robots work together
(Tripathi 2018). to manage better processes that both require
• Healthcare: Performing tasks such as data humans and are suitable for automation. The
entry, patient planning, billing and cash flow diamond-­shaped enterprise needs more subject
by RPA increases the quality of healthcare matter experts, quality assurance and manage-
(Rutaganda et al. 2017). ment (quality/governance) to coordinate services
• Telecom: Tasks such as SIM swaps and order with internal business units and RPA and busi-
issuance are automated with RPA, providing ness process outsourcing (BPO) providers
time-saving, flexibility and scalability (Willcocks et al. 2017).
(Rutaganda et al. 2017). RPA has positive effects on the business pro-
• Manufacturing: RPA replaces FTEs (full-time cess if it is suitable for a business and the imple-
employees), offering a more efficient and mentation steps are followed carefully. Several
faster production process (Rutaganda et  al. benefits of RPA are compiled in Fig. 2.84.
2017). In Fig.  2.3, the positive effects of RPA are
divided into three – on the company, the customer
RPA and other automation systems can auto- and the worker. RPA substantially boosts produc-
mate various business processes of enterprises tivity while saving operational costs in terms of
using structured data and specific business rules. the company. Unlike workers, RPA can operate
With these implementations, the business hierar- without any performance loss all day and is 15
chy has changed and diamonds have replaced the times quicker than human beings (Engels et  al.
triangle organisational model. This is shown in 2018). According to a Deloitte survey, after
Fig. 2.83. adopting RPA, the firm’s profitability has
As explained in Fig. 2.83, the majority of the increased by 86%. Moreover, the quality of the
changes were in the medium portion of the mar- work done has increased by up to 90% and the
ket. The pyramid strategy is useful in terms of consistency of the work by up to 92% (The

Fig. 2.83  Changing business hierarchy from the pyramid to diamond. (Willcocks et al. 2017)
2.30  Robotic Process Automation 155

Reduce human error

costs Accesible

of Traceablity
Quality and
RPA detailed
quick service
Company documantation

Workforce Rapid
value implementation


Fig. 2.84  Benefits of RPA to companies, customers and employees

Robots are Ready. Are You? 2017). RPA prevents disadvantages are due to a poor understanding of
human error in an ordinary process, avoiding RPA (Sadaf et al. 2021). The main limitations of
missing steps and greater data input accuracy. RPA (“The benefits (and limitations) of RPA
Also, customers can get service whenever they implementation” 2017) include:
want, since RPA is available 24  hours a day
(Alberth and Mattern 2017). Employees get rid • RPA cannot read a non-electronic data source
of repeated work owing to RPA. Thus, they can with an unstructured input. Use OCR (optical
devote their time to self-development, and they character reader) or demand for digital data as
can take part in more important tasks in their a solution to this problem.
firms (Axmann and Harmoko 2020). RPA has an • RPA will be problematic in terms of making
important place in office automation. RPA designs if there are variations in the for-
RPA has some drawbacks, just like other tech- mat of the fields.
nologies. Firstly, RPA implementation in the busi- • Improvements (changes) in the process flow
ness model is costly. Also, many people believe require a new design of RPA.
that to benefit from robotic process automation, • RPA will not solve a faulty and inefficient
the end-user needs a lot of technical knowledge. process. Before using RPA, businesses
This misunderstanding frequently hinders indi- should address the fundamental causes of
viduals from using the numerous advantages their process or technological failures.
accessible to them. Moreover, fears that robots
will replace humans and the distributive effects of These present limits will not last indefinitely.
RPA make it harder for people to adopt RPA. These RPA service providers will continue to attempt to
156 2  Emerging Technologies

eliminate these constraints to offer the leading 2. The control and measuring systems that allow
product and participate in the RPA market the robot system to function in stable
(Axmann and Harmoko 2020). On the technical conditions.
side, instead of being incorporated into an organ- 3. Electronic systems that connect sensors, actu-
isation’s IT platform, RPA is located on top of IT ators and controls with higher-level ­computing
(Aguirre and Rodriguez 2017). With the exces- systems and incorporate lower-level
sive accumulation of data in the business world intelligence.
and the evolution of new business processes, 4. Computational systems, which are generally
RPA will also be needed to automate processes based on a real-time operating system, pro-
that are not structured or not yet rule-bound. vide a platform for high-level programming,
Businesses will be able to enhance quality, opera- multithreaded and concurrent operations, sen-
tional scalability dramatically and staff produc- sor fusion and sensor integration.
tivity with the integration of artificial intelligence
and machine learning, due to big data and the In Fig.  2.85, these four-level explanations are
cloud (Devarajan 2018). grouped as robotics’ subsystems.
Developments in these subsystems help the
use of robotics in various fields. These fields are
2.31 Robotics shown in Fig. 2.86.

An autonomous mechanism capable of detecting Healthcare and Medical  Advances in robotics

its surroundings, doing calculations to make have the potential to revolutionise a wide variety
judgements and acting in the real world is called a of healthcare processes, including surgery, reha-
robot. Typically, robots accomplish three things: bilitation, therapy, patient companionship and
detecting, calculating and acting. A sensor is used everyday tasks. Robotic devices in healthcare are
to detect its surroundings, a device that records, not intended to take over the tasks of healthcare
measures or indicates the physical properties and professionals; rather, they are intended to make
converts them into electrical signals. To calculate, these tasks easier for them (“Top 5 Industries
robots can contain everything from a tiny ana- Utilizing Robotics” 2021). Medical robotics is
logue or digital circuit to high-­performance multi- one of the fastest-growing segments of the medi-
core processor units. To act, some robots are built cal device industry, with applications ranging
to accomplish certain functions, while others are from minimally invasive surgery, targeted treat-
more versatile and can perform a variety of appli- ment and hospital optimisation to disaster
cations (Guizzo 2018). Thanks to the major response, prosthetics and home support (Yang
advancements in silicon-­based chips and AI, some et  al. 2017). Rehabilitation robotics, which
robots can even execute basic decisions. Ongoing includes assistive robots, prosthetics, orthotics
robotics research is aimed at building self-suffi- and therapeutic robots, has made the most exten-
cient robots that can navigate and make judg- sive use of robotic technology in medical appli-
ments in an unstructured environment. The study cations. People with disabilities gain more
of robots is called robotics. Robotics is an inter- freedom through assistive robots by assisting
disciplinary topic as it is an integrated mechanism them with daily activities (Hillman 2004).
that typically includes sensors, actuators and
computational platforms on a single physical Agriculture  According to Bechar and
chassis. An advanced robotic system is composed Vigneault (2017), agricultural robots are sensi-
of elements on several levels (Mckee 2006): tive programmable devices that perform a
range of agricultural tasks, such as cultivation,
1. The fundamental physical core of the system transplanting, spraying and selective harvest-
is defined by the materials and mechanical ing (Santos Valle and Kienzle 2020).
systems, which include motors and gears. Agricultural robotics aims to achieve more
2.31 Robotics 157

Fig. 2.85 Robotic

Fig. 2.86  Robotic use


than only the application of r­ obotics technolo- culture occurred as a result of this transition,
gies to farming. Most of the agricultural vehi- primarily from routine activities within the
cles that are utilised for weed detection, production process. Robots and artificial intel-
pesticide dissemination, terrain levelling, irri- ligence can now do non-­standard jobs previ-
gation and other tasks are currently staffed ously more suitable for human labour (e.g.
(Cheein and Carelli 2013). Agriculture evolved fruit picking, selective weeding, crop sensing)
from a labour-intensive business to mechanisa- at cost-effective levels (Marinoudi et al. 2019).
tion and power-intensive production systems
throughout the last century, and the agricul- Automotive  The automotive sector has been
tural industry has begun to digitise in the last greatly influenced by advances in robotic machine
15 years. A constant labour outflow from agri- vision technologies. Vehicle manufacturers and
158 2  Emerging Technologies

component suppliers are increasingly relying on ground vehicles and robotics in many areas are
2D and 3D imaging to perform an expanding being developed rapidly in the military sector
variety of quality assurance and assembly opera- (US Department of Defense 2007).
tions with increasing accuracy and complexity.
As 3D systems become more commonly utilised However, many people think that their jobs
and sophisticated, new applications will emerge, may be replaced with robots, but the situation is
and demand for robotic systems will grow as the not like that (“7 Advantages of Robots in the
market becomes more competitive (Bogue 2013). Workplace” 2018). Robots have generated new
occupations for previously employed folks on
Transportation  Transportation research commit- manufacturing lines as programmers. They’ve
tees are progressively coming around to the idea of shifted staff away from repetitive, tedious tasks
using robots. A unique robotics tutorial session has and placed them in more rewarding, demanding
been set aside for an upcoming conference on new positions. In the workplace, robots provide more
technologies in transportation engineering. The benefits than drawbacks. They enhance the lives
synthesis of all robotics-related data to establish a of current workers who are still required to keep
complete knowledge base is the most critical short- operations operating efficiently while also
term goal, which is mostly numeric, graphic and increasing a business’s chances of success.
image data (Najafi and Naik 1989). Robots have also grown increasingly prevalent
across various sectors, from manufacturing to
Industry  Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth healthcare, as a result of robotics advancements
industrial revolution, is a new period in which (“Benefits of Robots” 2021). The advantages of
industry will engage with technology such as robotics in these fields are given in Fig. 2.87.
robotics, automation and artificial intelligence The advantages of using robots in various
(AI), among others. Robotics is becoming fields are explained in three main titles: produc-
increasingly popular in industries around the tivity, safety and savings.
world. More industrial robots are being devel-
oped using cutting-edge technology to aid the Productivity  Robots perform work that is more
industrial revolution. Not only will intelligent precise and of higher quality. They are more accu-
robots take the role of people in basic organised rate than human employees and produce fewer
processes in restricted spaces, but they will also errors. A robotic pharmacist at the University of
take the place of humans in more complicated California, San Francisco, fills and dispenses pre-
workflows (Bahrin et al. 2016). Precision and the scriptions better than people. There was not a sin-
ability to be reprogrammed for jobs of varying gle mistake in over 350,000 dosages (“New UCSF
sizes and complexity are more important to these Robotic Pharmacy Aims to Improve Patient Safety”
machines than speed. Robotic manufacturing 2011). As robots do not require breaks, days off or
technology is also becoming safer to employ. holiday time, they can produce more in less time.
Robots can recognise and avoid people in the
workplace thanks to cameras, sensors and auto- Safety  Robots remove the need for workers to
mated shut-off capabilities (“Top 5 Industries do hazardous jobs. They may work in unsafe situ-
Utilizing Robotics” 2021, p. 5). ations, such as low lighting, dangerous chemicals
or tight areas. Robots, for example, are assisting
Military  Surveillance, reconnaissance, the with the clean-up of Fukushima, a nuclear power
detection and demolition of mines and IEDs as plant in Japan that was destroyed by an earth-
well as offensive and assault are all areas where quake and tsunami in 2011. The Sunfish robot-­
military robots might be useful. Weapons are assisted in finding missing fuel within a nuclear
mounted on that last type of vehicle, which containment tank (Beiser 2018). Furthermore,
remote human controllers currently fire. Although robots can carry heavy loads without harming
there are many ethical concerns, unmanned themselves or becoming tired.
2.31 Robotics 159

Fig. 2.87  Advantages of robotics

Savings  Robots save time by producing more 2013). Additionally, according to 2021 robotics
products in a shorter amount of time. Because of industry data, the number of robots used in the
their precision, they also decrease the amount of automotive industry is about 1290 per 10,000
wasted material. Robots save firms money in the employees (“US Robot Density in Car Industry
long term by providing quick ROIs (returns on Ranks 7th Worldwide” 2021). We can understand
investment), reducing or eliminating worker’s with this statistic, whether we like it or not, robot-
compensation and consuming fewer materials. ics will be a much more essential part of daily
life. Sensors, motion control and machine learn-
Robots have many more advantages apart ing advancements have increased the versatility
from these. They also help businesses to remain of robotics and cognitive systems to unprece-
competitive while maintaining jobs in the econ- dented levels (Matthews 2019). Given the rapid
omy. As more industries use robots, the benefits advancement of robotics, now is an ideal time to
of robotics continue to increase (“Benefits of consider what the future may hold.
Robots” 2021).
The number of robots has been exploited to 1. Artificial Intelligence Will Face Regulation
such a degree that both the scientific and indus-
trial sectors will be unable to absorb them, and Elon Musk has fuelled the fire by declaring
we are about to approach a phase in which selec- artificial intelligence (AI) to be our “most exis-
tion will be required (Pagliarini and Lund 2017). tential concern” and comparing AI research to
According to a study conducted by Oxford summoning demons (Palmer 2019). Although it
University, in the next 20 years, 47% of jobs in can benefit humanity, AI will remain to be exam-
the USA may be automated (Frey and Osborne ined by those worried that robots will become
160 2  Emerging Technologies

more intelligent than their developers. Expect the duties such as initiating discussions amongst spe-
fight over AI regulations to continue in the future cialists from diverse fields and developing rules
and governmental or industry rules to arise for this area.
(Worth 2016).

2. Designers Will Move Away from Humanoid 2.32 Soilless Farming

Until the year 2050, the estimated total number
Humanoid aesthetics will play an increasingly of inhabitants of the world will be up to 9 bil-
significant role in accepting new robots as they lion, and meanwhile, nearly half of the land
become more widespread in homes and work- suitable for farming might be useless. To fulfil
places. The “uncanny valley”, a graph of emo- the need for sustenance for this blooming num-
tional responses to a robot’s resemblance to ber of people, the food products should be up to
human appearance and behaviour, is a significant 110% more (Okemwa 2015). This increasing
impediment to a seamless transition to a society number of the population needs an efficient
populated by robots (Brenton et  al. 2005). If solution to manage their needs. Soilless farming
humanoids are to become more intertwined with methods like hydroponics could be a proper
humans, more must be done to prevent uncanny suggestion regarding this problem. Soilless
valley. To make people more at ease with robots farming can be explained as a way of breeding
and make it simpler to engage with them, robot- plants by using water to nourish the roots while
ics developers will enhance semi-humanoid using different mediums than soil. The plant’s
advancements that maintain essential human needed nutrients are fused into a water solution
characteristics while also retaining conventional in proper density, called a “nutrient solution”
machine forms (Worth 2016). (Oyeniyi 2018). The goal is to create an envi-
ronment where the plant can grow properly
3. Aerial Robots Will Reach Widespread without soil as a growing medium. When using
Adoption farming methods such as hydroponics, the pro-
cess is, simply put, making the plant meet the
Safety concerns, efficiency and legislation nutrients it needs by carrying them to the roots
have recently sparked much discussion about as a water solution containing the needed oxy-
UAVs. Despite this, people and companies con- gen and nutrients (“Soilless Agriculture” 2021).
tinue to experiment with unmanned drones in Many sorts of yields can be grown hydroponi-
various ways, like lifeguards have flown them to cally. Herbs such as rosemary, sage, oregano,
keep swimmers safe throughout the summer basil, chive, celery, mint and lavender; vegeta-
months. However, there are concerns about the bles such as cabbage, cucumber, potatoes, cauli-
growing usage of that technology. A man from flower, cabbage eggplant, lettuce, peas and
the USA attached a handgun to a consumer-grade asparagus; fruits such as tomatoes, watermelon,
drone and fired the gun remotely. While local blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and
authorities claim this type of drone usage is legal, grapes (Mohammed 2018). Different techniques
the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) of hydroponic configurations and s­ystems
claims it has laws prohibiting installing weapons according to the way of giving nutrients are
on civil aircraft (Worth 2016). shown in Fig. 2.88.
The future of robotics will be reshaped with Soilless farming techniques in Fig.  2.88 are
technological advancements and how society will explained below:
react to these developments. Advances in robot-
ics come with ethical issues. The ethical question The Deep Water Culture  The deep water cul-
will be critical and thoroughly explored in the ture makes the roots of the plant float on the
future. On the other hand, experts have critical nutrient water constantly circulating (Elkazzaz
2.32  Soilless Farming 161

Fig. 2.88  Soilless farming methods according to the way of providing nutrients

2017). It is a method of growing plants on a float- Aquaponics  Aquaponics is a mutual system of

ing or hanging support, such as rafts, panels or plants and fish and their environments.
boards, in a container holding a 10–20 cm nutri- Aquaponics consists of both aquaculture and
tional solution (van Os et al. 2021). The roots are hydroponics as symbiotic cooperation since the
dangled 6–18 inches into the nutrient water, water used for the plants in the hydroponics sys-
which contains dense oxygen levels, to the time tem is also used for the animals living in the
of harvesting. The deep water culture contains a water tank of the aquaculture system. For aqua-
large amount of water to balance inconsistencies culture, the waste of the water animals should be
in the saturation of the solution. In any failure in expelled from the environment since the excre-
the pump mechanism, one would have plenty of ment is harmful to the animals due to the ammo-
hours fixing the pump without facing essential nia it contains. The aquaponics create a
issues such as the roots not reaching the nutrients configuration where the water is purified by the
and water they need (Elkazzaz 2017). organisms living in the roots of the plants, which
are in the hydroponics, nitrifying the waste com-
Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)  NFT is a ing from the aquaponics systems and turning the
hydroponic system based on sending nutrients to waste into nutrients the plant can benefit from,
plants’ roots by circulating water. The nutrient therefore cleaning the water and circulating it
film technique system provides plants with an back (Elkazzaz 2017).
environment in which the plants are placed in a
platform that is placed above the tank containing Aeroponics  Aeroponics systems work by send-
the nutrient solution in a slightly tilted manner. ing nutrients to the plant by spraying a mist of
The nutrient film technique is focused on circu- nutrient water to their roots. Aeroponics is the
lating the nutrient solution plants need to their method where the plants’ hanging roots are
roots through some routes such as pipes. The exposed to a mist from the nutrient solution peri-
solution is contained in a tank, and through a odically; the main asset to this method is aeration
pump, it is sent to pipes or watering equipment, (Modu et  al. 2020). In aeroponics systems, the
and it turns back to the tank, constantly circulat- plants’ roots are left dangling inside a cover
ing (Elkazzaz 2017). For this technique, a level where a powerful pump mists the nutrient solu-
slope must be prepared, immune from depres- tion and diffuses the solution to the entire root.
sions that could allow deep pools of the non-­ Some aspects of aeroponics make it highly
rotating solution to collect within a channel and dependent on energy since the spraying mecha-
multiple methods are utilised to achieve this nism is the most crucial part of the configuration.
(Spensley et al. 1978). Since the roots constantly contact the air, they
162 2  Emerging Technologies

tend to be dehydrated very quickly if the pump- of this technology is that it is electricity-­
ing circle is disrupted (Elkazzaz 2017). dependent (Lee and Lee 2015).

The Ebb and Flow  The ebb and flow is a con- Open Soilless Systems  Open systems use a new
figuration that depends on initially surrounding nutrient solution for every irrigation period. In
the grow tray then discharging the nutrient solu- these systems, a recent nutrient solution is pre-
tion to the nutrient solution tank and repeating pared via adjusting the ingredients in the water-
this cycle. Generally, this cycle is regulated by a ing system for every watering cycle. In these
timer controlling a pump that is inside the nutri- systems, there should be a goal specified to regu-
ent solution tank. In regards to the type of plants, late the solution that is reaching the roots
the heat and humidity of the environment and the (Elkazzaz 2017).
kind of medium used for the plant to develop in,
the daily periods of the pump are regulated (Dunn On the other hand, the main benefits of this
2013). system are that there will be no risk of infection
in the plant system as a result of the regular
Drip Systems  Drip systems are most likely to changes in the environment (Jones 2016). Vertical
be the most preferred kind of hydroponics world- and smart farming can be used with soilless farm-
wide. By a pump controlled by a timer, the nutri- ing techniques. Firstly, vertical farming is one of
ent solution drips to plants one by one thanks to a the suitable configuration options when working
dripping pipe (Dunn 2013). with hydroponic systems. Vertical farming is the
method of producing crops via a configuration
Wick System  Wick system is the easiest type of that is multiple layered and controllable with
hydroponic system. It doesn’t have any parts that being inside of the buildings where every aspect
are moving and hence does not require any elec- affecting the improvement of the plant-like satu-
trical types of equipment, including pumps. On ration of carbon dioxide, amount of illumination,
the other hand, the wick is the link between the levels of heat and nutrition are under close con-
plant in the pot and the solution to nourish it in trol to get yields with great qualities and quanti-
the existing reservoir. It is also beneficial in ties for the entire year without being related on
regions where electricity isn’t available or is the sun for illumination and different outside
unstable because it doesn’t require electricity to obstacles (“Vertical Farming” 2020). Vertical
function. Plants are grown on a substrate in this farming could be a considerable solution for
method (Elkazzaz 2017). indoors and small spaces. Secondly, smart farm-
ing is the application of stand-by technology to
Also, these systems can be designed by using agricultural production practices to reduce waste
two different methods according to the circula- and increase productivity. Smart farms, as a
tion of water as shown in Fig. 2.89. result, draw on technical resources to assist in
Closed Soilless Systems  Closed systems use the several steps in the production path with planting
same nutrient water and circulate it relatively and soil management, irrigation, controlling the
long. In these systems, the nutrients in the solu- pesticides, monitoring the delivery and so on
tion are cycled to reuse again, and the solution’s (Bhagat 2019). On the other hand, smart farming
concentration of nutrients are checked and regu- is based on a certain and resource-efficient tech-
lated likewise. Balancing and regulating the nique that aims to increase production of agricul-
nutrient solution is a challenge in a closed soil- tural goods efficiency while also improving
less system. The examination and analysis of the quality on a long-term basis (Balafoutis 2017).
nutrients within the solution is a requirement per Moreover, using IoT technologies provide solu-
week (Elkazzaz 2017). This nutrition solution is tions to increase productivity on yields. With the
going to be recycled regularly. Water and nutri- wireless sensors, data can be collected from sens-
ents are constantly monitored. The disadvantage ing devices and delivered to the main servers
2.32  Soilless Farming 163

Fig. 2.89  Open and

closed methods of
soilless farming

using networks. By analysing these data, the nutrients and water they need during their
most suitable growing conditions can be selected growth process. Therefore, they are not
(Ojha et al. 2015). affected by the season in this process.
Fertile lands are rapidly disappearing due to • Low-cost management: The cost of running
climate change and intensive farming. On the the systems is low, especially for the NFT sys-
other hand, the world needs to feed more people. tem, because it is virtually automated.
Hydroponics, also known as soilless farming, has • No weed competing: There is no weed prob-
the potential to convert agriculture by offering a lem in soilless agriculture as no soil is used,
more sustainable and effective alternative to con- and all microbes are carefully selected.
ventional agriculture (van Os et  al. 2021). The • There are no pests or diseases in the soil:
hydroponic systems have positive attributes, Soilless farming has been observed that soil-
making the method more efficient than traditional less agriculture has very few pests and disease
farming. The positive attributes of farming with- problems than conventional agriculture.
out using soil are saving and using more qualified • Sensibility for nutrient supply: Nutrients are
soil for growing the core crops, recovering at either released according to plant require-
least 90% overrun water, working with a stabi- ments or, in most cases, recycled. Therefore,
lised expense of converted water, and the achieved no excessive fertiliser is used.
harvest is the most effective when compared to • Pollution and preservation of water and land:
farming with soil (Elkazzaz 2017). There are sev- Less water and land is used up in soilless
eral advantages of soilless farming. It can be farming. Because there is no indiscriminate
sorted as (Tajudeen and Oyeniyi 2018): use of water for irrigation, there is no demand
for traditional spacing regulations.
• Increased productivity: It has been observed • Sustentation life in space: This method has
that the products grown with soilless agricul- been tested for use on other planets where
ture are more efficient because they spend there is no soil to grow on.
energy on leaf and fruit development instead • More suitable for research purposes: With this
of root system development. method, it can be used to determine the
• Lower labour costs and no need for expensive amount of fertiliser, water or light a plant
machinery: Less labour is needed in the soil- needs to grow and develop.
less farming method because there is no need • Greenhouse and vertical farming adaptabil-
for ploughing or weeding. On the other hand, ity: Soilless farming is commonly practised in
there is no need for expensive vehicles such as greenhouses and is often grown vertically.
• Is not restricted by the seasons: With this Soilless farming is a relatively new technique
method, plants are constantly fed with the that has evolved significantly in the 70  years
164 2  Emerging Technologies

since its birth. Its multiple technologies can be three main parts, which are virtual reality (VR),
used in both emerging and high-tech space sta- augmented reality (AR) and extended reality (XR).
tions. Progression in related technologies such as
artificial lighting and agricultural plastics will A. VR (virtual reality) is a cutting-edge human-­
increase crop yields and decrease production unit computer interface that creates a lifelike
costs, so new cultivars with improved pest and world. It replicates a person’s physical pres-
disease resistance. On the other hand, govern- ence in both the real and virtual worlds
ments are determined that there are politically (Zheng et al. 1998). It is a fully immersive,
desirable effects of hydroponics. Another desir- engrossing, interactive alternate reality
able effect is job creation. This type of employ- experience in which the participant is com-
ment generates tax revenue as well as personal pletely engaged in sophisticated human-
income and improves the quality of life (“Future” computer interface technology (Halarnkar
2021). There are several things for governments et  al. 2012). The virtual world allows the
to do for the success of the soilless farming pro- participants to move freely (Zheng et  al.
cess. The government should consider it as a vital 1998). They may look at it from a variety of
part of the nation’s food production chain. The angles, reach into it, grab it and change it.
government must provide credits to encourage They can engage with the virtual world via
entrepreneurs and young generations to invest traditional input devices like a keyboard and
(Tajudeen and Oyeniyi 2018). However, there is a mouse or multimodal equipment like a wired
dearth of technical knowledge of this new tech- glove, omnidirectional treadmill and/or a
nique among farmers and horticulturists in many Polhemus boom arm (Halarnkar et al. 2012).
nations, and well-trained employees are required. There is no little screen with symbols to
Significant progress has been achieved recently manipulate nor are there any commands to
in the development of economically proper soil- input to make the computer do something
less systems, and there is now a broad range of (Zheng et al. 1998).
business applications in countries that have
implemented farming technologies (Elkazzaz Based on the definitions above, it is reason-
2017). Accordingly, this deficiency can be elimi- able to conclude that certain factors define the
nated by providing innovations in the field of quality of any VR system. The three (3) charac-
education. More people can be employed in the teristics referred to as the 3 “I” or triangle will be
future. Although methods that increase produc- the subject of this review. Immersion, interaction
tivity, such as vertical farming and smart farming, and imagination, or presence, refer to the feeling
continue to increase, some plants will depend on of being involved in or a part of a computer-­
the soil to grow. With all technological advances, generated environment. This is due to the sys-
soilless farming is free of all of the current issues tem’s stimulation of the human senses (haptic,
that soil has, making it a proper alternative to soil aural, visual, smell etc.). Interaction is a way of
farming to reach a world without hunger by the talking to the system, although unlike traditional
year 2030 (Tajudeen and Oyeniyi 2018). human-computer interaction (HCI), which
employs 1–2 dimensional (1D, 2D) means such
as a keyboard, mouse or the keypad, VR interac-
2.33 Spatial Computing tion is commonly done using three dimensional
(3D) means such as a head-mounted device
In 2003, Simon Greenwold, who was a researcher (HMD) or a space ball. VR interaction systems
in MIT Media Lab, defined spatial computing as have some characteristics, including effective-
follows: human interaction with a machine in ness, real-time responsiveness and human
which the machine keeps and manipulates refer- engagement. The system designer’s imagination
ents to real objects and environments (Greenwold might be thought of as a strategy for achieving a
2003). We can explore the concept in detail in certain goal. VR systems are used broadly for
2.33  Spatial Computing 165

solving complicated problems in a variety of sec- B. Augmented reality (AR) is defined as a real-­
tors. Their effectiveness as a more efficient way time, indirect or direct view of a physical,
of communicating concepts than traditional 2D real-world environment that has been
drawings or text explanations cannot be denied enhanced by the addition of virtual computer-­
(Bamodu and Ye 2013). Virtual reality is divided generated information (Carmigniani et  al.
into three levels: 2011). Augmented reality (AR) is a broad
term that encompasses a variety of technolo-
(i) Non-immersive gies that display computer-generated content
such as text, pictures and video onto users’
This level is typically encountered on a desk- perceptions of the actual environment.
top computer, where the virtual environment is Academics first described AR in terms of par-
created without the need for any certain hardware ticular enabling equipment, such as head-
or processes. It has the potential to be used for mounted displays (HMDs). However,
training reasons. Almost any event may be repro- claiming that such definitions were too basic
duced if the necessary technology is present, for a changing and increasing industry, three
which eliminates any potential threats. Pilots can criteria may be used to define AR experience:
use flight simulators to experience and prepare (a) a combination of real-world and virtual
for circumstances that are either impossible or components, (b) that are interactive in real-
too dangerous and expensive to replicate in real-­ time and (c) that are registered in three dimen-
world training. The illusion of immersion is cre- sions (3D) (Yuen et al. 2011). There are many
ated by the user’s ability to interact with different types of augmented reality, but they
responsive computer-generated characters and all share a few things in common: screens,
behaviours (Halarnkar et al. 2012). graphical interfaces, trackers and processors.
There has to be a way for users to compre-
(ii) Sensory-immersive (semi-immersive) hend both real situations and the digital for-
mat provided information, a pointing
In this method, real-world modelling is crucial instrument (e.g. a mobile device), a way to
in a variety of virtual reality applications, includ- guarantee that the digital information is prop-
ing robot navigation, building modelling and erly coordinated with what the consumer is
flight simulation. The user can navigate a visual currently seeing in real-­time, and software
depiction of himself within the virtual world. As program to handle the display. Creating appli-
an example, the CAVE is a 10’x10’x9’ cube in cations determines how these elements are
which the user is surrounded by projected pic- assembled and then used (Berryman 2012).
tures, giving the impression of being completely
immersed in the virtual environment (Halarnkar The possibilities for spatial computing tech-
et al. 2012). nology are endless: simulation of surgical proce-
dures, archaeology with site reconstructions,
(iii) Neural-direct (fully immersive) virtual museum tours, architecture, phobia treat-
ment, training with simulators and many sorts of
The most significant concept in virtual reality, learning. The importance of virtual reality in edu-
as well as the ultimate aim, is neural-direct. cation and learning derives from its potential to
Immersion into a world in which the human brain improve and support learning, boost memory
is directly linked to a database as well as the capacity and make better judgments while work-
viewer’s present position and orientation is the ing in a fun and engaging setting. When we read
goal of this sort of virtual reality. It fully ignores textual material (such as a printed document), our
the equipment and physical senses in favour of brain participates in an interpretation process,
immediately transferring a sensory input which increases our cognitive efforts.
(Halarnkar et al. 2012). Understanding gets clearer while utilising virtual
166 2  Emerging Technologies

reality since there are fewer symbols to compre-

hend. For example, picturing the process rather
than reading a verbal description makes it sim-
pler to understand how a machine performs. With
further VR technology, it becomes much easier to
visualise. Virtual reality-based learning has been
shown to improve both test performance and
boost learners’ level of attention by 100%
(Elmqaddem 2019). Virtual reality (VR) is a
cutting-­edge teaching method for medical profes-
sionals. It can be utilised to provide adequate
medical communication for a variety of condi-
tions. It is often used to identify and investigate
bone structure in orthopaedics. Medical students
Fig. 2.90  Application areas of spatial computing
are now able to perform surgery virtually by step-­
by-­step learning. Furthermore, VR is beneficial
in the treatment of cancer patients. The patient’s information into the environment, which other
chemotherapy is carried out easily with high pre- system users may see (Mekni and Lemieux
cision. By using a VR headset, one may view the 2014). Application areas of spatial computing
patient’s body and parts from various angles. On can be seen in Fig. 2.90.
the patient’s side, when they wear VR glasses, Fixed exterior systems, mobile interior sys-
this technology boosts their confidence by reduc- tems, mobile exterior systems and mobile interior
ing their apprehension since it gives more realis- and exterior systems are the five types of systems
tic information. This technique allows a cardiac of augmented reality. A mobile system can be
surgeon to monitor a patient’s heartbeat and defined as a system that allows the user to move
changes in rhythm (Javaid and Haleem 2020). around without being restricted to a single room,
AR may be utilised to present a real-world battle- and therefore allows users to move using a wire-
field environment and augment it with annotation less connection. Static systems cannot be relo-
data for military applications. Liteye, a firm, cated, and users must utilise them anywhere they
studied and developed certain HMDs for military are established, with any ability to move unless
use. A hybrid optical and inertial tracker with tiny they are moving the entire system configuration.
MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) sen- The sort of system to be developed is the first
sors was created for cockpit helmet tracking. The decision that programmers must consider since it
use of AR for military training planning in urban will guide them in selecting the tracking system,
terrain is effective. Arcane, a company, created an display option and potentially interface to
AR approach for displaying an animated terrain employ. For example, installed systems will not
that may be utilised for military intervention employ GPS tracking, but exterior mobility
planning. The National Research Council of ­systems will (Carmigniani et al. 2011). Extending
Canada’s Institute for Aerospace Research (NRC-­ reality, which might be called the future technol-
IAR) developed the helicopter night vision sys- ogy platform, has altered the way we work, learn,
tem using AR technology to extend the effective engage and amuse by integrating the physical and
range of helicopters and improve pilots’ capabil- digital worlds. It also affects how companies
ity to control inclement weather. Practising in train their staff, service their customers, generate
massive battle situations and replicating real-time things and manage their value chain.
enemy action, as in the battlefield augmented
reality system (BARS), may provide additional C. Extended reality (XR) stands for augmented
benefits particular to military users. The BARS reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed
system also includes tools for authoring new 3D reality (MR) (MR). AR merges physical and
2.33  Spatial Computing 167

ficial world without allowing them to see the

reality. Augmented reality (AR) technology
enhances the perception of reality by overlaying
digital environments and cues onto the physical
world in real-time (Carmigniani et al. 2011). The
goal of AR is to make the person’s life easier by
introducing virtual knowledge not just to his
Fig. 2.91  The scope of XR ­surrounding environment but also to any indirect
view of the physical environment, such as a video
broadcast. The person’s perspective of and con-
virtual components in a real-time projection, nection with the physical environment is
whereas VR enables users to control and steer improved through augmented reality
their actions in a simulated actual or fictional (Carmigniani et  al. 2011). As a result, people
world (Chuah 2018). Figure  2.91 shows the engage with real-time virtual 3D items seam-
scope of XR. lessly and intuitively, seeing them as realistic and
learning to comprehend, analyse and connect
The concept “mixed reality” was used to char- with the items (Halarnkar et al. 2012).
acterise a range of virtual and augmented reality VR is a technology that draws inspiration
(VR/AR) technologies that combine the real and from a wide range of areas. However, it is distin-
digital worlds. MR is a concept that is occasion- guished by a close relationship between human
ally defined variably, and based on its meaning, it aspects and assisting technology as a discipline.
might include or exclude specific VR or AR Hardware, programming, human aspects and
implementations. As a result, the concept of transmitting VR via the Internet are the most
“extended reality” has lately gained popularity as pressing issues (Zheng et al. 1998). Today, AR is
a catch-all word for AR, VR and MR. The terms everywhere in our daily life. The wide usage of
VR and AR are used to refer to gadgets that fully AR has become feasible due to the low cost of
block the user’s sight of the actual world and XR smartphones and other technology designed to
to relate to devices that allow users to see both the process and present data at high rates. In addi-
real and digital worlds. In Table 2.5, the charac- tion, experts anticipate that the advancement of
teristics of several XR device types are listed portable devices that can deliver augmented real-
(Andrews et al. 2019). ity content and experiences will keep accelerat-
VR, unlike AR, obscures the actual world and ing. As the technologies that enable AR to
digitally places items (such as music, movies, continue to improve, research and development
images and messages) throughout the real world on how AR may be used in education will keep
in a completely manufactured manner. Users may on improving simultaneously (Yuen et al. 2011).
mentally immerse themselves in the simulated In the upcoming years, spatial computing offers a
3D environment and experience the sense of wide range of ground-breaking abilities; for
“being physically there”, thanks to VR’s capacity instance, instead of focusing on the shortest path
to mimic detailed real-life scenarios. As a result, or the travel time, companies have come up with
virtual reality (VR) has been dubbed integrated eco-routing, which involves determining paths
virtual multimedia that produces a 3D, virtual that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. UPS saves
imagined and interactive entertainment environ- over 3  million gallons of gasoline each year by
ment that a person perceives as being in the actual using smart sequencing, which avoids left turns.
world (Chuah 2018). Whereas virtual reality When customers and owners offer eco-routing
innovation, or virtual environment as Milgram options, such savings can be increased substan-
refers to it, totally immerses consumers in an arti- tially (Shekhar et al. 2015).
168 2  Emerging Technologies

Table 2.5  Characteristics of several XR device types

Extended reality Hardware
classification examples User interface Technical strengths Technical limitations
Virtual reality • Oculus rift • Handheld • Superior 3D graphics • User has no direct
motion-tracked performance and highest view of physical
controllers resolution environment
• HTC vive • Requires controller
2D augmented • iPhone • Touchscreen • Widely available, • Phone or tablet must
reality (indirect) inexpensive be held or mounted
• iPad • Requires touch input
• Android
2D augmented • Google • Side-mounted • Lightweight head-­ • 2D display
reality (direct) glass touchpad mounted display
• Voice • UI does not interact
with physical
3D augmented • Microsoft • Voice • Touch-free input • Narrow field of view
reality HoloLens for 3D graphics
• Magic leap • Gaze •3D display
• RealView • Gestures • Full visibility of
Holoscope surroundings

WPT is divided into two categories depending

2.34 Wireless Power Transfer on the length of transmitter-to-antenna distance.
The term “near-field WPT” refers to when the
Wireless power transfer (WPT) is currently one antenna is located close to the transmitter. On the
of the trendiest subjects in research, and it is other hand, if the transmitter and the antenna are
getting a lot of attention. WPT has already made further or far apart, this is referred to as “far-field
great progress in the field of charging mobile WPT”.
devices or charging electric vehicles, and in the An inductive and a capacitive, also known as
future decades, the WPT sector is anticipated to primary and secondary respectively, coils are
develop steadily (Rim 2018). WPT is the trans- used in close distance technology. These coils
feral of electrical energy without the need for have been known as Tesla coils since Nikola
cables based on electric, magnetic or electro- Tesla invented them in the early 1890s. They can
magnetic fields that change over time (Georgios be used to transfer power between themselves by
and Evangelos 2019). The notion of WPT is employing the transformer principle. That is
based on Faraday’s law of induction, which is electromagnetic induction, electric power
well-known among engineers. According to this through spark-excited ratio frequency resonant
rule, alternating current (AC) generations are frequency. The alteration of the magnetic field
caused by the changing magnetic field (Würth and the passage of a current that oscillates
Elektronik 2021). There have been a lot of fasci- through the primary coil conducts the secondary
nating initiatives in the history of WPT.  Even coil. The primary coil carries a magnetic flux
though the inherent complexity of this technol- around it, produced by the oscillating current it
ogy prevented it from being commercialised, possesses. Because these coils are looped around
the improvements deserve consideration and are the secondary coil, a voltage is induced in the
worth investigating. The infographic timeline in secondary coil. The largest distance that may be
Fig. 2.92 summarises the history of WPT (IEEE covered by this way of delivering electricity via
2021). electromagnetic induction is 5 cm. This is since,
2.34  Wireless Power Transfer 169

Fig. 2.92  A brief story of wireless power transfer. (IEEE 2021)

as the distance between primary and secondary There are several uses for WPT. To begin with,
coils increase, the loss of magnetic flux exponen- it has the potential to replace existing charging
tially increases, resulting in a significant power methods. Instead of using a power cord to charge
loss. a phone or laptop, wireless power may be applied
Long-distance technologies, sometimes in the house, allowing computers or smartphones
known as radioactive technologies, are utilised to to charge constantly and wirelessly. Another
achieve long-range wireless uses with distances application of WPT is the charging of electric
of several kilometres range. Microwaves and vehicles (EVs). Chargers for EVs are among the
lasers are the most common technologies for higher-level uses. As EVs grow increasingly
long-range communication. The wavelength common on the road, fixed and even mobile WPT
steers the transmitter in the receiver’s direction, devices can improve the viability of driving one
while diffraction limit is employed in radio fre- (Mehrotra 2014). Implantable medical devices
quency design, allowing this application to be are also among the usage areas of WPT.  These
free of electromagnetic radiation dangers and devices have a very low power demand and thus
achieve nearly fully efficient transmission. can be powered by WPT to substantially increase
Several methods of WPT technology are shown the operation time in vivo (a medical procedure
in Fig. 2.93 (Lokesh 2020). that is done on a living organism), improve the
170 2  Emerging Technologies

Fig. 2.93  Schematic of different methods of WPT. (Lokesh 2020)

accuracy of diagnosis and therapy, minimise the with WPT could be reduced to 20% or less com-
rate of misdiagnosis and achieve permanent oper- pared to those without WPTs (Li and Mi 2015).
ation in  vivo, all while improving patient com- WPT eliminates the need for power ports,
fort. WPT can also be used in industrial which solves significant problems of conventional
environments where it is impossible to use wire charging methods such as mating cycles, deterio-
for power transmission, such as underwater and ration of connection points, thus greatly contribut-
chemical areas (Wang 2018). ing to device longevity. Additionally, removing
Even though the notion of wireless power trans- power docks and ports allows manufacturers to
mission has been around for over a century, it is design completely sealed devices, advancing
regaining popularity in the twenty-first century as a water-resistant to waterproof, thus increasing
result of the widespread use of smartphones and durability and longevity (Würth Elektronik 2021).
other mobile devices (Allied Components WPT offers more efficient charging systems mak-
International 2019). The widespread use of WPT ing it a must-have feature for IoT-enabled portable
has the potential to bring many benefits. Such as devices like cell phones, digital cameras and cam-
the ability to decrease or eliminate the usage of corders, laptops and tablets, wearable electronics
wires and batteries. Therefore, reducing the use of and more (Patil et al. 2020). WPT technology has
copper- and aluminium-­based electric cable (Sumi many advantages and disadvantages. Table  2.6
et al. 2018). In addition, thanks to WPT, the use of shows the detailed advantages and disadvantages
elements used in battery technology is reduced. of WPT (Bhardwaj and Ahlawat 2018).
Until recently, charging difficulties have made EVs Projections state that it will be possible to uti-
less appealing to consumers, despite several gov- lise electric equipment without the need for a
ernment incentive programs. However, charging wire in the future. The following section is a dis-
becomes the simplest process by wirelessly trans- cussion of potential applications of wireless
mitting energy to the EV. Furthermore, projections power transfer technology, summarised by Sumi
indicate that the battery capacity of EVs equipped et al. (2018).
2.34  Wireless Power Transfer 171

Table 2.6 Advantages and disadvantages of WPT need to stop and charge. Power beam transmitters
can be linked to roads and heavy traffic zones
Advantages Disadvantages with power sources. These transmitters could
Eliminates possible power Execution of WPT transform electricity into power beams and proj-
transmission problems systems has significant
caused by short circuits in capital costs ect them onto EVs equipped with appropriate
wired connections receivers to re-convert the power beam into elec-
Reduces power losses Less effective in trical power, charging the car’s battery in return.
attributable to wired comparison to
connections customary charging
(d) Wireless Charging Train
Enables and eases the The use of WPT might
global interconnectivity of result in obstructions in
power plants correspondence In the future, all trains may be powered wire-
frameworks lessly, which would eliminate the need to use
Bhardwaj and Ahlawat (2018) and Shanmuganantham wire to link the train. Sumi et al. (2018) propose
et al. (2010) a wirelessly powered future train model, accord-
ing to this which a dual-mode power receiver and
(a) Solar Power Satellite transmitter would be connected to train poles. All
train stations would feature pole(s) equipped
Satellites equipped with solar panels can be with a dual-mode transmitter and receiver. The
used to gather as much solar energy from the sun power would come directly from the power sta-
as possible in orbit. A microwave transmission tion, to be collected and transmitted by dual-­
device is used in satellites to convert electricity mode transmitters. When utilising a dual-mode
into microwaves for transmission to a microwave transmitter, power reception and broadcast occur
receiving antenna back on Earth. These micro- at the same time. Power would reach the train
waves transmitted from space can be converted through reception made possible by receivers
into energy to power homes, workplaces and so installed on their roofs. There would be no need
on. Despite being in the early development to utilise wire in this model.
stages, the use of WPT through satellites is a
highly promising source of clean and renewable (e) Supplying Homes with Power from the

energy (Cuthbertson 2021). Power Station Wirelessly

Home Appliances That Are Powered Renewable energy sources may be used to gen-
Wirelessly erate clean and green power in the future. The gen-
erated power from these power stations can be
The future developments of WPT are likely to directly and wirelessly transmitted to residential
produce a power transmission device within the areas. This would be possible through the use of
home that will send electricity to the entirety of antennas that convert electric power into micro-
home appliances, including televisions, laptops, waves and transmit them to another set of antennas
lamps, irons, sound boxes, fridges and mobile that could receive and again transmit power. The
phones. The proposed transmitting device would final destination would be housing; however, to
send out electricity. Each appliance featuring utilise the power transformed into microwaves,
WPT receivers could use it to power they would require an antenna that could re-trans-
themselves. form microwave energy into electrical power.

(c) Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles on Way (f) Controlling a Drone Wirelessly to Extinguish
a Fire
EVs are projected to be solely powered wire-
lessly in the future, which would make it possible Projections state that drones could prove highly
to charge EVs while driving thus, eliminating the useful in emergencies, especially fires. They can be
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190 2  Emerging Technologies

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SDG-1 No Poverty

Abstract the average level. Poverty results from a lack of

critical capabilities, such as insufficient income or
Poverty, which has taken shape in different education, bad health, insecurity, low self-confi-
dimensions under the influence of the condi- dence, a sense of powerlessness or the lack of
tions from the past to the present, can be defined rights such as freedom of expression (Haughton
as the deficiency experienced by people in ful- and Khandker 2009). In its various versions, pov-
filling their life functions or the living standards erty has long been one of humanity’s most signifi-
being below the average level. This chapter cant conflicts. Especially with the increased bad
presents the business models of 39 companies conditions, poverty has gained a higher level
and use cases that employ emerging technolo- called extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is a more
gies and create value in SDG-1, No Poverty. multidimensional concept than poverty. According
We should highlight that one use case can be to Sachs (2015), it should be defined more broadly
related to more than one SDG and it can make as the inability to satisfy fundamental human
use of multiple emerging technologies. requirements such as food, water, sanitation, safe
energy, education and a means of subsistence.
Keywords With the spread of technology and the rise in liv-
ing standards, there was an expectation that the
Sustainable Development Goals · Business problem of poverty would be overcome through-
models · No poverty · Sustainability out the world. However, the gap between rich and
poor people is being further opened day by day
with unequal economic distributions in most
Poverty, which has taken shape in different dimen- countries, leading numerous people to live below
sions under the influence of the conditions from the poverty line despite the improvements in sci-
the past to the present, can be defined as the defi- ence and technology. Many hypotheses have been
ciency experienced by people in fulfilling their proposed to explain why inequality is bad for
life functions or the living standards being below growth. Still, the OECD study focuses on one in
particular: as the wealth gap widens, low-income
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- households would spend less on education and
butions of Berkay İspir, Ekrem Gümüş, Zeynel Salman, skills (Keeley 2015). Last but not least, according
Begüm Nur Okur, Canberk Özemek, Elif Berra Aktaş and to the World Bank (2021), a large part of the
Beyza Özerdem in completing this chapter. They also
contributed to Chapter 2’s Autonomous Vehicles, world’s population is still living below the inter-
Cybersecurity and Drones sections. national poverty line of $1.90 a day.

© The Author(s) 2022 191

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
192 3  SDG-1 No Poverty

In the early 2000s, the United Nations updates are planned in SDGs from the begin-
announced the Millennium Development Goals ning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
(MDGs) in the face of major problems affecting As the United Nations have mentioned in their
humanity. Until 2015, these goals were expected official website and publications, the first sus-
to solve these problems or at least reduce them. tainable development goal is to eliminate poverty
The MDGs aim to boost global awareness, gov- in all its forms everywhere (2015). This goal
ernmental responsibility, improved measure- originally took place under the millennium devel-
ments, social feedback and public demands by opment goals, which are predecessors of sustain-
putting these objectives into a simply compre- able development goals. As MDGs were practised
hensible set of eight goals and creating quantifi- for 15  years (2000–2015) and fulfilled their
able and measurable targets (Sachs 2012). schedule, SDGs were presented as an improved
Research state that with the MDGs there has been and more detailed version of MDGs. Sharma
an impressive poverty reduction, such as, in a et  al. state that poverty is a social problem that
quarter of a century time frame between 1990 affects people’s standard of living, food con-
and 2015, the extreme poverty rate fell by 33% in sumption and other aspects of their lives. The dis-
developing countries (United Nations 2015). advantaged community cannot produce more and
According to Sachs (2012) research, in a world support their families since it lacks the resources
where severe global warming and other signifi- to access quality and nutritious food and health
cant environmental disruptions are now a reality, services (2016). According to Sachs (2012),
there is indeed a broad recognition that sustain- eliminating poverty includes providing safe and
ability goals must be prioritised with poverty sustainable water and sanitation, sufficient nutri-
reduction goals. In this chapter, the definition and tion, basic health services and basic ­infrastructures
different versions of poverty, the multidimen- such as electricity, transportation and access to
sional concept of extreme poverty, effects of pov- the global information network. These sub-­goals
erty on human life with the inclusion of are planned to be achieved by 2030 at the latest.
technological developments and historical activi- This target might seem utopic, but some popular
ties made on poverty through MDGs are stated. theories claim that it is well within reach with the
As a result, in addition to the improvements help of technological advances and economic
made in 15 years by MDGs, new requirements growth. One of the notable facts about poverty
bring new updates about methods of taking nowadays is that over half of the one billion peo-
action for the UN, which led to the emergence ple with a low income are living in middle-­
of sustainable development goals (SDGs). As income countries. This means those people are
good news, the percentage of the world’s popu- living in societies with the financial and techno-
lation living in extreme poverty has decreased, logical means to address their remaining poverty
from 15.7% in 2010 to 10.0% in 2015. The rate (as Brazil and China have effectively and notably
of global poverty reduction, on the other hand, done in recent years). Although hundreds of mil-
has slowed. It is claimed that the worldwide lions of impoverished people still live in the least
poverty rate will be around 7.4% in 2021; how- developed countries, they are a dwindling pro-
ever, with the emergence of the COVID-19 pan- portion of the world’s poorest people, such that
demic, forecasts are affected negatively with an small financial and technological transfers from
increase to 8.7% (United Nations Department high-income and middle-income countries could
for Economic and Social Affairs 2020). In alleviate their plight. The UN’s perspective of tar-
January 2021, it was estimated that the pan- gets for SDG-1 can be found in Fig. 3.1.
demic would push between 119 and 124 million Significant steps were taken to achieve this
people into extreme poverty around the globe in goal, as the number of people living in extreme
2020 (World Bank 2021). Due to the new poverty has decreased from 1.9 billion to 736
requirements of the current world order and million between 1990 and 2015. Still, numerous
pandemic conditions to humanity, significant people strive to provide for their basic human
3  SDG-1 No Poverty 193

Fig. 3.1  Targets of SDG-1. (“Goal 1: No Poverty” 2016)

needs (United Nations 2015). Poverty reduction and the vulnerable to climate-related, economic
has been the centre of worldwide discussions and social events by 2030. Implementing poverty-­
since the 1970s. The sustainable development eradication programs and policies and mobilising
goals (SDGs) were established by 193 UN mem- resources for developing and underdeveloped
ber states in 2015, with Goal 1 being to “end pov- nations are other sub-objectives.
erty in all its forms and everywhere” (UN 2016). The main reason for aiming to end all types of
According to Alkire et  al. (2014), rural areas poverty is that it affects individual welfare and
account for 85% of all poor people in 105 living conditions, such as accessing basic neces-
countries. sities like health, nourishment, clothing and
As shown in Fig.  3.1, there are several sub-­ accommodation. With the COVID-19 pandemic,
goals and indicators under Goal 1, “No Poverty”. it is associated with increased extreme poverty.
These include eliminating extreme poverty for all Fighting against poverty ranks as the first sustain-
people everywhere by 2030, which is currently able development goal in the United Nations
measured as the number of people living on less remarks. Poor people are more vulnerable to the
than $1.25 a day and halving the number of peo- impacts of natural disasters and all examples of
ple living in poverty. Another sub-objective of extreme poverty such as hunger and malnutrition,
this aim is to minimise the sensitivity of the poor fuel poverty, limited access to education, social
194 3  SDG-1 No Poverty

isolation and discrimination and exclusion from sal conflict, and every person should meet their
basic health and social protection services and basic needs. Therefore, Sustainable Development
decision-making processes (Goal 1: No Poverty Goal 1 is an essential goal for all humanity.
2016). Economic growth in the world or even in a
Poverty-causing factors such as the conse- country is not always predictable. If the total
quences of globalisation, population expansion, GDP in the world is examined, it can be recog-
inflation, economic crises and growth rates indi- nised that the actual total GDP in 2009 is about
cate that we will confront poverty in the future, as two-thirds of the predicted value (Jolliffe et  al.
well as our need for SDG-1. The fight against 2015). This kind of deviation may have a massive
poverty ensures that all people can easily access effect on the process of fulfilling SDGs. The
education, health, nutrition and life and that they World Bank advocates SDG-1 because of the
do not depend on others. Poverty assessments adamant relationship between growth and wel-
contain epistemic and methodological weak- fare of the poor. A setback in economic growth
nesses according to academic studies, and could also cause a significant setback on the
because of these problems, the first sustainable global goal for tackling poverty. This problem is
development goal and its implementation are not necessarily global, as some countries such as
vital. Although poverty has diminished signifi- Bangladesh, China, India, etc. have a huge num-
cantly from the perspective of time, it remains a ber of people living in poverty. A slowdown in
problem that must be addressed. the economic growth in one of these countries
Globally, the number of people living in severe can have a major effect on the global poverty goal
poverty has decreased from 36% in 1990 to 10% (Jolliffe et  al. 2015). Tourism is considered a
in 2015. Still, progress is slowing, and the potential solution for this issue (by preventing
COVID-19 pandemic threatens to reverse economic setbacks and helping underdeveloped
decades of progress in the battle against poverty countries build up their economies). Scheyvens
(Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 1) 2021). and Hughes define tourism as a promising eco-
The global recession caused by the pandemic has nomic sector to help create strategies for decreas-
delayed the eradication of poverty. Companies ing poverty, and statistics back up their opinion.
and other workplaces began to close in April It is known to help improve rural areas’ economy
2020. Eighty-one percent of workers and 66% of and well-being in developing countries. It is
freelancers were affected (SDG 1: No poverty – important to recognise that certain conditions
Iberdrola n.d.). Only 87 nations had unemploy- need to be provided for tourism to contribute to
ment insurance schemes in place as part of their SDG-1. Powerful actors such as local elites, com-
national legislation in February 2020, and only pany directors and government leaders must do
34 of those countries protected freelancers (SDG their best to ensure factors like corruption and
1: No poverty – Iberdrola n.d.). dictatorship do not undermine the sector of tour-
SDG-1, unlike the others, is directed at those ism in the relevant countries (Scheyvens and
who are unable to satisfy their fundamental Hughes 2019).
requirements, who have a lower quality of life Opposing the opinions claiming that technol-
than the average and who are underprivileged in ogy and economic growth can make SDG-1 pos-
most ways. Poverty is important for poor people sible, current data predicts that eradicating
and everyone, privileged or disadvantaged. The poverty by 2030 seems unrealistic. Under the
elimination of extreme poverty will result in eco- most optimistic possibilities predicted before
nomic progress and a greater level of education the COVID-19 pandemic, 6.1% of the world’s
among the population. Society must take global population will most likely remain in extreme
poverty seriously and take steps to achieve poverty by 2030 (Castaneda et  al. 2020). The
SDG-1 before 2030. Extreme poverty is a univer- results of comparing poverty scenarios in differ-
3.1  Companies and Use Cases 195

ent countries, as a result of the analysis to moni- could represent a reversal of approximately a
tor progress towards the achievement of the “No decade in global poverty reduction progress
Poverty” sustainable development goal, point to depending on the poverty line. The negative
the difficulty of achieving this goal unless extra consequences could lead to poverty levels
development policy efforts are implemented equivalent to those seen 30 years ago in some
(Crespo Cuaresma et al. 2018). One of the rec- areas. In the most extreme case of a 20% reduc-
ommended actions to help this situation in the tion in income or consumption, the number of
future is to involve children in the process. people living in poverty might rise by 420–580
According to UNICEF, with the right informa- million, compared to the most recent official
tion and tools, children and youth can play a data for 2018.
critical role in implementing the SDGs by driv-
ing action in their communities. As millions of
children and young people realise the goals, 3.1 Companies and Use Cases
more and more people around the world will
start taking action (“How can we achieve the Table 3.1 presents the business models of 39
Sustainable Development Goals for and with companies and use cases that employ emerging
children?” 2021). When it comes to achieving technologies and create value in SDG-1. We
this target over the long term (between today should highlight that one use case can be related
and 2100), climate change will have devastating to more than one SDG and it can make use of
consequences for urban and rural regions in multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, result- umn, we present the company name, the origin
ing in new poverty in both developing and country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
developed countries and threatening long-­term gies that are included. The companies and use
development (Olsson et al. 2014). Decent work cases are listed alphabetically.1
has been carried out during COVID-19, whereby
many companies have lent a hand in supporting
the healthcare system’s response. Pharmaceutical
businesses collaborate with governments to
improve testing capabilities, while mask and For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

ventilator makers are willing to transfer or build company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
Online – 2.1.2022):
new production lines. To combat the outbreak,; http://www.oneconcern.
tech businesses give critical digital tools to com/;;; https://
eliminate social isolation, increase social cohe-;; https://childgrowthmonitor.
sion and raise awareness about health and safety org/;;;
rules. Private sector innovation can make a sub-;; https://;; https://
stantial contribution to the pandemic response,;; https://perfectday.
both in the short and long term, as well as long-­ com/;;;
term resilience. Big data and artificial intelli-;; https://wagestream.
gence, in particular, must be used to develop com/;;; https://;; https://www.
digital public goods such as actionable real-time;; https://
and predictive insights (UN 2020).;;
Sumner et al. (2020) underline that accord-; https://www.edenagri.
ing to UN estimates, COVID-19 poses a formi-;; https://www.rede-;; https://www.
dable challenge to the UN’s goal of ending;; https://
poverty by 2030, as global poverty could rise;;
for the first time since 1990. Such an increase; https://www.shambarecords.
Table 3.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-1

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 AcreCX The company offers a blockchain-­ Using blockchain, the company offers The company connects global
The Netherlands based marketplace for agricultural a digital marketplace supported by markets and enables agricultural
1, 8, 11 sales for both the spot and future. smart contracts that allow farmers and enterprises to gather various contracts
Blockchain buyers to purchase and sell in one place, securely negotiate
commodities at future dates while payment terms and save time with
avoiding transaction risks. blockchain. Environmental value is
attained by creating a community that
supports sustainable agribusiness and
empowers smallholder farmers.
2 AeroFarms The indoor farming company grows The company monitors multiple data Value is captured by producing a
USA food using an aeroponic growing points every harvest to review and wide range of high-quality food
1, 2, 6 method that enables water to flow improve the growing system and use products grown with advanced
AI, big data, Internet of things, through plant roots without using any that data to enhance the process of technology.
soilless farming soil. They utilise big data and IoT for fresh produce farmed locally and
efficiency and correction while worldwide through machine learning
growing. and IoT integration.
3 Avy The company uses a drone network for The company provides temperature-­ In numerous areas, value is produced
The Netherlands creating solutions in healthcare controlled drones that collect samples by delivering faster and better
1, 3, 8, 13 logistics, emergency services, for analysis from any place and make transportation with drones. Reduced
Drones last-mile medical delivery and urgent emergency deliveries while avoiding emissions and the use of a totally
logistics. traffic and geographical barriers. electric aerial fleet capture
Furthermore, firefighters on the environmental value.
ground may watch the crisis unfold
live on the company’s heat camera,
allowing them to react quickly and
4 BanQu The company offers a blockchain-­ The company creates a blockchain The firm helps customers achieve
USA based supply chain management solution to construct an economic their goals and establish a social
1 platform that enables poverty-stricken profile based on training, work presence by creating a blockchain-­
Blockchain individuals to gain financial inclusion experience and referral or loyalty based loyalty chain. It also generates
and economic possibilities. systems. Blockchain transforms monetary value by charging a fee for
supply chain management into a more this service.
efficient and transparent system that
turns cyclical poverty into a circular
3  SDG-1 No Poverty
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
5 Beam The company provides education to The company first examines the Value is captured by delivering people
UK homeless people according to their jobseekers physically and mentally to education and facilities they could not
1, 4 career plans. figure out if they are prepared for a access otherwise.
Crowdfunding job. Then, a volunteer helps them with
a tailor-made career plan. Required
education for the job they want is
covered by donations.
6 Beyond Meat It is a biotechnology company focused The company provides animal-free The company captures value by using
3.1  Companies and Use Cases

USA on mimicking the texture of meat that and plant-based meat products with biotechnology to create meat-like
1, 2, 14 offers its customers animal-free and biotechnology and biomanufacturing products. It also creates
Biotech and biomanufacturing plant-based meat-like products. processes. A meat-like texture that environmental value by reducing
resembles muscle fibres is developed green gas emissions compared to the
in heat and pressure processes via actual meat process. The company
food extrusion machine plant proteins creates social value with healthier
to turn into fibrous. products for a healthy society.
7 Borlaug Web Services It is a blockchain software service For sustainability and investor trust, Creating third-party applications
The Netherlands company that offers transparency and the company helps businesses set up, opportunities is offered to customers
1, 8, 15 traceability as a solution to the analyse and monitor certified by providing an open-source structure
Big data, blockchain problems of those operating in the environmental, social and governance of the company. With the
agricultural sector, such as food waste data. On the blockchain, decentralised transparency through blockchain,
and food fraud. identities generate irrefutable economic gain possibilities are
verification evidence for financial increased for customers while
inclusion and trustworthy identity contributing to the long-term
records that can be shared among sustainability of food systems.
stakeholders. Monetary value creation is based on
its availability to both large
enterprises and transactions of
8 Climate FieldView The company offers a digital platform The platform creates a map of the The value is captured through using
USA for farmers that comes into service by user’s field to make it easier to track drone technology to obtain detailed
1, 12, 15 Climate Corporation. The platform crops. Drones are used to track the insights about the fields of the users
Big data, drones provides accurate agriculture field and provide detailed real-time and collecting and processing data for
information and advice relevant to insights. Moreover, data processing is helping the users make better
smallholders, helping them make more used for providing accurate decisions.
grounded decisions to reduce costs and predictions and instructions for the
increase yield. users.
Table 3.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
9 Crop2Cash The company provides access to The company offers two solutions. The value is captured by providing
Nigeria financing and market for smallholders. The first one introduces a digital farmers with AI-powered financial
1, 2, 8, 13, 15 They also digitalise the value chain of finance platform to small farm owners. advice. They also add social value by
AI, cloud computing, food crops by building a platform that This platform allows users to check recommending solutions to farmers
cybersecurity eases the management of farmers’ their balance and send/receive money using their digital technology.
supply chains by using an encrypted using USSD (unstructured
platform based on AI. supplementary service data). The
second solution authorises farmers to
control their supply chains digitally
and get smart suggestions prepared
with the help of an AI system. The
user data is encrypted and stored
safely in the cloud.
10 Donation Match The company offers a platform that Data collection, digital gift certificate Value is captured by saving time and
USA brings companies and nonprofit generation, e-delivery, recordkeeping, money through AI-based solutions
1, 2 organisations together to efficiently mass changes, messaging and that ensure security through managing
AI, big data, cloud computing, distribute donated products and reminders are all solutions available big data in the cloud service. They
crowdfunding services for fundraising and for donor companies with the use of also provide improved
community impact, with crowdfunding AI-based automated models and communication between fundraisers
support. storing all data in their cloud service. and volunteers.
11 Eden Agritech The company offers natural The company is working on an Value is captured by keeping fresh
Thailand ingredients that enable the shelf-life anti-fouling coating that can triple the produce in good conditions for a long
1, 2, 12 extension of fresh produce. shelf life of fresh fruit. The coating time, which decreases waste and
Biotech and biomanufacturing protects the fruits against oxidation, spoilage in the agricultural supply
browning and microbial formation. chain.
12 eFarms The company offers an agriculture The company digitises African Monetary value is captured by using
Nigeria platform that aggregates funding by agriculture to ensure food security digital agriculture to create a dynamic
1 crowdfunding and uses these funds to through empowering smallholders in food market and by providing funds
Crowdfunding smallholders with expertise in distant pocket locations. The company to farmers with the help of
different value chains. They also share presents a preselected list of farms crowdfunding in Sub-Saharan Africa.
the profit with the investors and consisting of different crops and Social value is captured by
farmers. animals, chosen after careful empowering smallholders in rural
consideration to demand, yield, return pockets of Africa to maintain food
of investment (ROI) and tenure of security and ensure the nutrition of
investment. These are divided into people in those countries.
sub-units corresponding to minimum
investments for each farm.
3  SDG-1 No Poverty
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
13 Hello Tractor The company offers its customers a They use AI and big data to guide Value is captured by generating
Nigeria marketplace that includes renting or farmers in providing fuel, driver and solutions that increase user
1, 8, 12, 13 sales services on agriculture fleet management services. IoT productivity through AI and IoT and
AI, big data, Internet of things equipment, mainly tractors. Also, its technology also enables equipment serving as a marketplace for farmers,
services increase farmer productivity owners to keep track of their dealers, banks and farm equipment
with IoT and incorporate the sharing customers and improve efficiency. owners.
economy into agriculture.
14 Kamworks It is a solar technology firm that offers The company leverages technological The company sells SHS (solar home
3.1  Companies and Use Cases

Cambodia large-scale grid systems to PAYGO (a innovations in off-grid solar systems systems) that use AI, cloud computing
1, 7 budget guideline)-enabled solar home by developing pay-as-you-go and energy storage, with PAYGO
AI, cloud computing, energy systems. The company has designed solutions, a data monitoring cloud capabilities in Cambodia, and offers it
storage and installed solar energy projects platform, machine learning and on credit to consumers who cannot
using AI, cloud computing and energy predictive maintenance and an ERP afford the upfront investment.
storage technologies. They are also (enterprise resource planning)
specialised in feasibility studies, software.
maintenance and energy monitoring.
15 Leaf The company provides virtual banking The Fintech company offers secure Value is captured by delivering cheap
USA services with blockchain to vulnerable accounts encrypted with blockchain, a and secure banking services to
1, 11 refugees and migrants crossing virtual bank service that allows vulnerable and unbanked people
Blockchain borders. people, especially refugees and through blockchain-based platforms.
migrants across borders, to send and
receive money via USSD
(unstructured supplementary service
data) without a need for a smartphone.
With the company’s wallet system,
users can safely store, send and
receive money in supported currencies
without paying transaction fees.
Table 3.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
16 LifeBank The company offers multi-modal Using deep techs like AI and Value is created through using an
Nigeria AI-powered medical products (blood, blockchain, the company aims to AI-powered distribution system for
1, 3, 8, 9 test kits, etc.) and a distribution create tools to organise distribution medical products. In addition, social
AI, blockchain network in Africa. Additionally, they systems. SmartBag is a blockchain-­ value is captured with its blockchain-­
aim to make healthcare professionals based platform that assists patients based information system that enables
and patients securely access the and healthcare practitioners in hospitals and facilities to provide
required information. discovering blood and blood product more reliable, more secure and
safety information. The processes cheaper services. Lastly, donations of
involved in blood supply are stored on critical medical supplies to the
the blockchain, which ensures the low-income African people contribute
integrity of the data. to the social value.
17 Monkee The company aims to help people The application allows users to Value is created through increased
Austria improve their financial health with a transfer their savings to their e-money insights and the feature of transferring
1 mobile application. The app combines accounts to save greater amounts of savings into e-money. Also, social
AI behavioural design, gamification and money. The financial health coach in value is created by making the
machine learning to help people the mobile application provides the application affordable for all since it
balance their finances and save more user insights on their progress and is completely free to use.
for their future. constantly adapts itself according to
the user. It uses ML to obtain and
analyse the data of targets and
progress of users.
18 Nextfood It is an agritech firm that uses soilless The company specialises in soilless Value is created by cost-effective and
Denmark aeroponic farming techniques (the farming using an aeroponic approach local production (in-store). The
1, 2, 8, 10 plants’ roots are suspended in mid-air that allows for same-day fresh, local, aeroponic system will have lucrative
Soilless farming and misted by nutritious water) to tasty, healthy and pesticide-free prospects in the food space while
produce vegetables locally and production. Precision control of lowering carbon emissions from
sustainably. nutrients, light, water and other production. Also, the environmental
climatic aspects ensures that the crop value is created by using 95% of the
is grown under ideal conditions for water and eliminating 40% of the
optimal taste and nutritional content, food waste compared to the
as well as removing production traditional farming techniques.
uncertainties and ensuring predictable
on-time delivery.
3  SDG-1 No Poverty
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
19 One Concern The company provides a platform that The company provides an algorithm Making AI-based disaster forecasts
USA uses disaster science and ML for better that aims to examine data obtained and damage assessments based on
1, 3, 13, 15 decision-making. The company uses from disasters that occurred before. digital simulations captures value.
AI, big data, digital twins data analytics, digital twins and AI to This AI/ML-integrated algorithm is
predict potential disasters and their capable of predicting potential
effects. They aim to make taking disasters. Digital twins of cities are
precautions possible and make the used for generating simulations and
disasters less devastating. estimating the risks of these potential
3.1  Companies and Use Cases

20 Perfect Day The company provides animal-free The company obtains animal protein Environmental value is captured by
USA milk protein, which can be used in any from an organism called flora. This producing animal-free and sustainable
1, 2 dairy product, for its customers by organism is fostered with plant sugar, milk protein by enhanced cellular
Biotech and biomanufacturing, using biotechnology. fermented and processed efficiently agriculture and biomanufacturing
cellular agriculture with plant-based sugar to produce processes.
milk protein. The outcome is an
animal-free milk protein identical to
the protein found in cow’s milk that
can be used to make any dairy
21 Pesitho The company developed a furnace to The company enables people not to be The furnace power generated by the
Denmark provide sustainable and clean energy required to collect or pay for biomass solar panel and stored in the battery is
1, 7, 13 to families in need. The furnace is a to fuel open fires since the solar-­ sufficient to meet the usual cooking
Energy storage compact, self-contained, multipurpose powered cookstove runs on electricity demands of a home. The first
home cooking unit, run by solar generated from the corresponding environmental benefit is that it does
energy. solar panel. The solar cooker helps not emit harmful fumes or CO2 that
refugees save money with the benefits can be dangerous in closed areas. The
it provides to their families, enabling second one is the sustainability and
them to devote more time and money healthiness of the option because it
to other works and activities. works entirely with solar energy.
Table 3.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
22 Pika It is a sterilising capsule provider to The company provides a machine that Value is created via energy efficiency,
Israel clean reusable diapers to assist the cleans reusable diapers in one step nutrition analysis and easy control.
1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 recycling of single-use materials using with biotechnology. Developed Recycling and less energy
Biotech and biomanufacturing, biotechnology. products have sensors that provide consumption can contribute to
recycling controllable nutrition insights straight environmental value creation.
to mobile phones. After the cleaning
process, the machine transmits
nutrition analysis results to your
mobile phone by using wireless
connection. Through sterilising
capsules, diapers can be recycled.
23 Redefine Meat It is an animal-free meat company that The company provides a product The company creates value from
Israel creates and serves an alternative named alt-meat, an alternative created cell-cultivated or plant-based
1, 2, 14 named alt-meat. through cellular agriculture and 3D-printed alt-meat. They create
3D printing, biotech and biomanufacturing technologies. environmental value through
biomanufacturing, cellular Alt-meat is acquired with two sustainable meat production by
agriculture different procedures: cell-cultivated reducing water use in production
and plant-based. Furthermore, the processes, which leads to 95% more
company produces alt-meat via efficient meat production.
industrial-size 3D printers.
24 Shamba Records The company offers a distributed The company offers a distributed Value is captured by providing data
Kenya ledger that runs on blockchain and ledger that runs on blockchain and storage services with cloud
1, 8, 12 uses big data and AI to collect farmer’s uses big data and AI to collect technologies. They manage and
AI, big data, blockchain, cloud data and process payments to farmers. farmer’s data and process payments to process the data with AI. They also
computing farmers. process farmer’s transactions of
payments and use escrow services to
secure financials.
25 SolarCreed The firm works in African countries to The company has a scale of solar-­ They capture value by helping
The Netherlands give solar energy instruments to powered products including power farmers in African countries to use
1, 7, 8 off-grid farmers. These instruments batteries, solar panels, pumps, fans, clean and sustainable energy with the
Energy storage, flexible assist off-grid farmers in growing, cameras, watches, etc. technology they produce.
electronics and wearables preserving, packaging and distributing
food in a sustainable manner.
3  SDG-1 No Poverty
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
26 Swoop Aero The company provides essential The company’s drone fleet offers The company captures value with
Australia supplies and medicines to needy different solutions to air logistics in autonomous drones carrying
1 people in rural and isolated areas by autonomously controlled drones via emergency aid. Those drones land/
AI, autonomous vehicles, cloud transporting them with a drone fleet. ground operators. Drones equipped take off autonomously after
computing, drones, digital with multiple sensors can process delivering/receiving carry loads that
twins real-time data with AI and transfer the minimise the human interaction in
data captured in a flight to its digital flights. In addition, the company
twin via cloud computing. Withal, captures social value through
unmanned aerial vehicles that can ensuring the delivery of humanitarian
3.1  Companies and Use Cases

simultaneously monitor a pilot from aids, disaster relief and urgent

various parts of the world. medications in a fast turnaround
27 Tala The company provides loans to people The company provides a proprietary Value is captured by automatising the
USA in need in Kenya, Mexico, the algorithm to decide whether people process of deciding the
1 Philippines and India. Capital is are creditworthy or not. Credits are creditworthiness of applicants.
AI, big data transferred directly to the borrower’s transferred directly to the borrowers’
mobile phone. smartphones, making the process
easier and faster.
28 TruVito The company creates blockchain-­ They serve three different products. The value is captured through serving
The Netherlands based solutions for farmers and The first one serves as a blockchain-­ farmers blockchain-powered tools to
1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 15, 16 agriculture stakeholders. based platform for auditions that optimise their businesses, both in and
Blockchain optimises safety, transparency, cost out of the field.
and efficiency. The second product is
an input-management platform for
farmers which includes identity
registry, production records, crop and
harvest planning and a map of the
relevant field. The third product
enables producers to trace their
products until they meet the end
consumer, based on batch numbers.
Table 3.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
29 Unhoused The company is a clothing brand that Their products are supported with Value is captured by making
UK donates a product when the same type nanotech, including self-cleaning convenient clothes for the poor and
1 is bought. fabric. This helps people in poverty, as funding their donations with earnings
Crowdfunding, flexible they cannot easily wash or renew their from all around the world.
electronics and wearables clothes. They also use their profit to
provide clothes to people in need,
which means their customers
indirectly donate for poor people’s
30 Veritas The company works on solving data The company’s data services platform Monetary value is captured by
USA protection problems by using automates data preservation and delivering storage and infrastructure
1, 8 cybersecurity such as ransomware recovery, claims 24/7 availability of software products and services that
Cloud computing, cybersecurity (protect the business from malware business-critical applications and gives use cloud computing and
that encrypts, or locks, valuable digital businesses the knowledge they need to cybersecurity for governments,
files and demands a ransom to release stay compliant with changing data schools, entrepreneurs and healthcare
them), modern workloads, software-­ rules. They support many data sources, providers. The company provides
defined storage, multi-cloud (data operating systems, storage targets and low-cost and scalable tools without
protection and availability across cloud platforms. They also have a hardware agenda requirements.
leading cloud platforms) for deployment approach to meet any
governments, hospitals and schools. demand.
31 Vodafone for Business The company hosts a project that aims Customers of network operators may Low-cost and fast connection features
UK to contribute to sustainability with now save money on 5G network of IoT devices are aimed with 5G to
1, 2, 8 sub-projects such as connecting all planning by using 360-degree HD solve economic problems. For digital
5G, AI, drones, Internet of members of the society to the digital representations of the planet and agriculture, it is aimed to detect and
things world including IoT devices with 5G, high-precision components and interpret values such as humidity and
providing solutions with AI algorithms surroundings. They can also leverage temperature through sensors with AI
in agriculture and supporting farmers this infrastructure to facilitate the and to offer more autonomous
with the use of drones. usage of drones in agriculture. Mobile agriculture by reducing physical
network infrastructure can be used to intervention with the use of drones.
put cellular-connected drones to good
use in a variety of ways.
3  SDG-1 No Poverty
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
32 Wagestream The company provides a platform that The company enables each colleague Monetary value is captured by
UK enables its employees to track their access to, up to a certain portion of, allowing employees to rapidly get to
1, 8 wages and access them quickly when their monthly payments, which they gathered profit and progress financial
AI, big data, Internet of things they need, save directly on salaries and can use in the case of an unanticipated well-being through other product
receive financial training using big expenditure (funded by Wagestream offerings while the changes are secure
data, IoT and AI. and provided via the app in a matter of and conceivable with AI and big data.
seconds). They can take out an The environmental benefit is the
advance loan alternatively. AWS KMS technology-based business with
(AWS Key Management Service) limited supply chain conditions and a
3.1  Companies and Use Cases

encrypts all data to control all devices. small environmental footprint.

The script algorithm is used to salt and
hash all user passwords, and all data
centres are easily compatible. The
technologies outlined are used for all
33 WakaWaka The company produces renewable Ultraviolet light charges WakaWaka. Value is created via storing solar
The Netherlands clean solar energy source products The solar panel utilised is a mono-­ energy, which is greener and cheaper.
1, 2, 7, 13 using energy storage technology in crystalline solar panel with a 22% The company offers products such as
Energy storage regions with limited electricity access. efficiency, which implies that 22% of lighting devices, power banks and
the energy absorbed by the solar panel solar panels that are open to personal
is turned into electricity and stored in purchase with competitive prices for
the lithium polymer battery. people with low income. It also
creates social and environmental
value with projects like solar libraries
for children with investments in solar
energy storage.
Table 3.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
34 Wefarm The company offers a P2P (peer-to-­ The company provides a platform The company generates value through
UK peer) knowledge-sharing platform for where independent farms thrive. By the unique information and data
1, 2, 8, 13, 15 small-scale farmers using machine connecting farms, the community generated by the millions of organic
AI, big data, natural language learning, big data and NLP. open-sources its collective expertise interactions on the system.
processing and resources, unlocking better
outcomes for themselves and their
farms. The community can
communicate online or via SMS and
access a trusted marketplace of
physical retailers. Farmers can access
Wefarm anytime, for free, even
without access to the Internet.
35 WeltHungerHilfe – Child The company offers an application The application focuses on Value is created via a mobile
Growth Monitor that creates ways to monitor the health measurement and data processing for application, which requires only a
Germany status of children with the help of AI, impoverished infants under the age of smartphone with AR capabilities.
1, 3, 10 big data and augmented reality and 5. It’s a smartphone app that mixes Sensors in smartphones and AI
AI, big data, spatial computing provides the necessary support in augmented reality with artificial contribute to high-accuracy results in
societies where families and states intelligence. The software can detect detecting health problems in children.
cannot prevent children from being malnutrition by predicting a child’s The organisation aims to create
malnourished. weight and height from a 3D image. transparent and democratic solution
alternatives by providing fast actions
against poverty.
36 Whrrl The company provides loans to The company provides cameras The monetary value is captured
India producers such as farmers and connected to an IoT system to track through using IoT and blockchain in
1 commodity traders in need. These the status of the goods stored in the loaning field to create security and
Blockchain, Internet of things loans can be in terms of grains, spices, warehouses. Also, blockchain is used traceability. Value is also generated
seeds, metals, etc. to generate smart contracts and easily by using goods instead of capital as
track the arrangements between the loans.
company and producers that received
loans. Thus, the loans are recorded
and stored in an irrevocable system.
3  SDG-1 No Poverty
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
37 Wildtype It is a cellular agriculture company The company provides animal-free The company captures value from
USA specifically focused on salmon that salmon to its customers through cell-cultivated salmon via cellular
1, 2, 12, 14 offers its customers animal-free cellular agriculture. In the company’s agriculture. In addition, it contributes
Biotech and biomanufacturing, seafood. facility, cell cultivators create to the formation of a healthy society
cellular agriculture conditions being the same as that exist as the salmon they produce does not
in nature. These procedures make contain metal toxins, antibiotics and
producing cell-cultivated salmon microplastics that exist in the seas.
possible. Furthermore, reducing the
consumption of animal food creates
3.1  Companies and Use Cases

an environmental value by lowering

the carbon footprint.
38 Wingcopter The company provides medicine and The company creates a procurement Value is captured by producing
Germany vital supplies in robust areas to needy service with drones for the people in efficient and fast solutions with
1, 3, 8, 13 people by using drone fleets. Drones rural areas. They assist in cutting drones in areas such as e-commerce,
Drones reduce delivery time and transportation down the time it takes to get essential food service and logistics.
costs in rural areas. supplies. They work as a drone Additionally, by collaborating with
technology maker and a service UNICEF in a pilot project, they create
provider for several drone social value through delivering
deployments. These services include vaccines in such a challenging
medical, parcel and food deliveries. environment.
They also provide spare part
distribution, mapping, surveying and
39 ZOLA Electric The company offers affordable and The company produces and provides The company’s different products
The Netherlands renewable energy to supply 7/24 reliable primary power sources to offer its customers reliable and
1, 7, 9, 11, 13 electricity to remote and off-grid replace unstable power grids. They renewable energy and storage at
Energy storage homes and facilities in Africa. also offer products such as plug-and-­ affordable prices. Social value is
play energy sources. The products are captured by energising remote
based on solar panels, alternating locations where a robust power grid
current and several enlarged power lacks.
208 3  SDG-1 No Poverty

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SDG-2 Zero Hunger

Abstract Hunger is the menace, a plague that causes weak-

ness, despair and death in the worst-case scenar-
People’s lives, communities and civilisations ios. One of the primary common threads has been
have all been defined by constant danger. hunger throughout history, which has resulted in
Hunger is the menace, a plague that causes large-scale migration, wars, conflicts and great
weakness, despair and death in the worst-case sacrifices (FAO 2019). Since the early colonial
scenarios. One of the primary common threads era, keeping populations fed has been a key
has been hunger throughout history, which has administrative concern (Nally 2011). It helped
resulted in large-scale migration, wars, con- communities strengthen their bonds of friendship
flicts and great sacrifices. This chapter pres- and solidarity. For this important issue, the first
ents the business models of 40 companies and UN conference on food and agriculture was
use cases that employ emerging technologies called by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in
and create value in SDG-2, Zero Hunger. We 1943. The conference specifically stated that
should highlight that one use case can be countries must develop a food and nutrition pol-
related to more than one SDG and it can make icy to set their own intermediate goals gradually.
use of multiple emerging technologies. Afterwards, the escalating Cold War and
Malthusian worries that food shortages would
Keywords fuel communism became the reason for the 1960s
to be dubbed as the “fighting hunger decade” by
Sustainable development goals · Business the United Nations Food and Agriculture
models · Zero Hunger · Sustainability Organization (FAO) in its Freedom from Hunger
Campaign (Byerlee and Fanzo 2019). Two sig-
nificant advances on the way to SDG-2 occurred
Today, people’s lives, communities and civilisa- in the 1980s and 1990s. First, the conversation
tions have all been defined by constant danger. switched from food supply to food availability.
The FAO modified its definition of food security
in 1982 to guarantee that all people have physical
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri-
butions of Sedef Güraydın, Esra Çalık, Gülen Mine and economic access to the food they need at all
Demiralp, Hasan Serhat Bayar, İbrahim Alperen Karataylı, times (Sen 1982; Shaw 2007). After these new
İbrahim Yusuf Yıldırım and Tuana Özten in completing developments, global goals have become impor-
this chapter. They also contributed to Chapter 2’s
tant for a new millennium. The WHO member
Bioplastics, Recycling, Robotic Process Automation,
Robotics and Soilless Farming sections. nations approved six global targets for promoting

© The Author(s) 2022 209

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
210 4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger

maternal, baby and early child nutrition in 2012 broadly applicable objectives and indicators,
and committed to tracking progress towards which are now in short supply. The SDGs’ new
those goals (WHO 2014). Zero Hunger, devel- and sophisticated character complicates its
oped by economist and agronomist José Graziano implementation on the ground, especially in light
da Silva, has been considered as one of the most of interlinkages across SDG targets and scales
significant achievements in the fight against hun- (Gil et al. 2019).
ger and poverty on a global scale (FAO 2019). The Zero Hunger objective, in particular,
Many people worldwide think that hunger can highlights a long-overdue realisation that indus-
be eradicated in the coming decades, and they are trial agriculture threatens fundamental ecological
working together to achieve this objective (UN processes on which food supply depends by
2021). In many countries, undernutrition has including sustainable agriculture targets into the
decreased nearly half due to the increasing agri- larger endeavour to end hunger (Blesh et  al.
cultural productivity and rapid growth of the 2019). As shown in Fig. 4.1, there are eight tar-
economy. Yet, some people have encountered gets within the context of SDG-2.
starvation and malnutrition (Paramashanti 2020). While the increasing population growth was
World leaders affirmed the right of everyone to 7.339  billion in 2015, this number increased to
have access to safe and nutritious food at the 7.753 billion in 2020. This rise carries dozens of
2012 Conference on Sustainable Development new issues, such as decreasing per capita income
(Rio+20), which is compatible with the right to and increasing consumption of natural resources
enough food and the basic right of everyone to be (“Population, total | Data” 2021). According to
invulnerable to hunger. “End hunger, achieve UN estimates, there are over 690 million hungry
food security and enhanced nutrition and pro- people globally, accounting for 8.9% of the
mote sustainable agriculture” are the objectives global population, an increase of ten million in a
of SDG-2. Because it is inextricably tied to soci- year and over 60 million in 5 years (Goal 2 2021).
ety, the economy and the environment, SDG-2 is When it comes to calculating needed calorie-­
critical to the entire SDG agenda’s success. Even based consumption, the rise in food demand has
though undeveloped countries rely more heavily overtaken population growth. To consume food,
on agricultural operations, food production and one must also produce it, which necessitates agri-
consumption are important to every economy and cultural and animal resources (Fukase and Martin
permeate all cultures (Gil et al. 2019). 2020). The world’s arable land rose from
More coordinated decision-making mecha- 1523  million hectares to 1562  million hectares
nisms at the national and local levels are neces- between 1992 and 2012. As a result, arable land
sary to collaborate and effectively address per capita has decreased, as has the effect of pop-
trade-offs between climate change, water, agri- ulation expansion and rising food consumption.
culture, land and energy. To avoid large-scale In other words, the food will be produced with
future shortages and to ensure food security and more difficulty, and this will also cause the reduc-
excellent nutrition for everybody, local food sys- tion of forests (Fukase and Martin 2020).
tems must be strengthened (UN 2021). The Agriculture for food production and the food
United Nations Committee on World Food consumed have harmed the environment, for
Security defines food security as all people hav- example, GHG emissions and land conversion.
ing social, physical and financial access to ade- These challenges can help solve many problems
quate, clean and nutritional food that meets their through agricultural research, resource manage-
dietary requirements at all times to live a healthy ment and infrastructure improvement, but they
life (UNDESA 2021). The goal of SDG-2, which are insufficient. Focusing on the agriculture sec-
is to ensure global food security and agricultural tor and doing complementary research outside of
sustainability, necessitates prompt and coordi- it can help solve both the environmental and hun-
nated action from both developing and developed ger problems. This is a global issue as well as one
countries. This, in turn, is contingent on clear, that affects regional economies. Reduced hunger
4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger 211

Fig. 4.1  SDG-2 targets. (Goal 2 2021, p. 2)

in Africa, for example, might be shown as a goal. confidently towards this objective. These situa-
Accepting some conditions is important to go tions can be handled as follows: climate change
212 4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger

has hindered and may continue to prevent hunger Ramankutty 2008). Studies should be carried out
reduction, investment in agriculture in poor coun- to prevent these adverse effects for the most
tries and the rest of the world can increase pro- effective use of agricultural lands. Food produc-
ductivity for important crops and livestock, and tion is sensitive to climate change. With climate
investments in agricultural R&D and other incre- change, temperatures have increased, ecosystem
mental investments, not just in agriculture, are boundaries have changed, and invasive species
needed to end hunger (Mason-D’Croz et  al. have emerged. As a result, both livestock produc-
2019). In addition, to deal with the global issues, tivity and the nutritional quality of grains and
there is the concept of food safety, which is a crop yield decrease (Climate-Smart Agriculture
national and regional security concept (Tansey 2021). Food production accounts for between 1/5
2013). Transforming the global food system into and 1/3 of greenhouse gas emissions from
an inclusive private sector-based system that is humans (Agriculture and Food Production
environmentally sustainable and more beneficial Contribute Up to 29 Percent of Global Greenhouse
in terms of climate is an important move towards Gas Emissions According to Comprehensive
achieving the goals. While these moves are being Research Papers 2012). CSA focuses on the
implemented, changes or situations may comple- effects of climate change and food security on
ment each other. As a result, the goal is to estab- parts of the food supply such as agriculture, live-
lish priorities and optimise the success of these stock and fisheries. Food supply aims to increase
definitions (Rickards and Shortis 2019). Research productivity, increase resilience to harsh condi-
areas are also effective in providing these tions and minimise emissions per calorie obtained
optimisations. (Climate-Smart Agriculture 2021).
WEF nexus explains the relationship of the Dietary patterns that support all aspects of an
three main components of water, energy and food individual’s health and well-being while being
to improve intersectoral coordination while sup- environmentally friendly are known as sustain-
porting sustainable development. It is also a good able healthy diets. The goal of sustainable healthy
approach to managing natural resources diets is to ensure optimal growth and develop-
(Hamidov and Helming 2020). Although this tri- ment of all people; to support functionality and
angle previously varied, water, energy and food physical, mental and social well-being at all
have been considered the most basic triad due to stages of life; to prevent all forms of malnutri-
unbalanced access (Sharifi Moghadam et  al. tion; to reduce the risk of diet-related diseases;
2019). Food production, which requires water and to maintain biodiversity and planetary health
and energy, is an example of the water-energy-­ while providing nutrients (Food and Agriculture
food relationship (Nie et al. 2019). Considering Organization of the United Nations and World
this concept, new food production techniques are Health Organization 2019).
being developed to reduce resource use and The aim to reach SDG-2, Zero Hunger by
increase product yield. 2030, will not be accomplished (Grebmer and
Increasing food demands have resulted in an Bernstein 2020). Still, hopeful future predictions
over-expansion of agricultural lands required to could be made regarding the positive processes
meet food production goals. Agricultural produc- that have been made already. Even in the most
tion accounts for about 80% of global deforesta- dangerously vulnerable countries to hunger, the
tion, and livestock and animal feed production is conditions have gotten significantly better over
a major factor in agricultural deforestation the years. Our problematic global food arrange-
(Agribusiness & Deforestation 2021). People ment has a share in the current position, which is
settlement and agriculture have changed the the limits of the planet’s ecology and social con-
majority of the natural ecosystems (Ellis and nections in the sense of being no longer suitable
4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger 213

for the population to be safe and develop equally to present themselves politically and become
(Grebmer and Bernstein 2020). Decreasing hun- actors in the actions that they get affected by
ger is a crucial means to extend the growth fur- (Cohen 2019). FAO predicts the need for food
ther globally, but ending hunger holds an internationally will grow by 70% until 2050. This
underlying position of bringing everyone the higher need for food will be caused by Asia,
right to fair living conditions, including nutri- Eastern Europe and Latin America, which are
tional needs they deserve, as stated by the growing areas in terms of the predicted increase
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Cohen in the residents’ incomes (Linehan et al. 2012).
2019). Producing food creates an imminent com- According to former UN Secretary-General
promise in protecting nature. However, diminish- Ban Ki-moon, business is a critical partner in
ing hunger can be considered the core element of accomplishing sustainable development goals.
sustainable development. By definition, sustain- People want organisations to assess their impact,
able development is creating growth that will sat- set ambitious targets and communicate honestly
isfy the demands of the present generations while about the results through companies’ key activi-
preserving its potential to satisfy the needs of the ties. The SDGs attempt to reroute global public
later generations. Therefore supplying enough and private investment flows towards the chal-
food is a primary demand towards sustainable lenges they represent. As a result, they define
development. Attentively planned distribution of expanding markets for businesses that provide
cropland in prospective would affect compro- creative solutions and dramatic change (SDG
mises to function better between producing the Compass 2021).
food and protecting the biological diversity The most crucial two aspects of the “Zero
(Zhang et  al. 2021). A comprehensive solution Hunger” goal is agricultural production and food
for agriculture and food arrangement internation- supply, and they mostly depend on the activities
ally is demanded to feed the current 690 million of the private sector. That means, to achieve
food-deprived people with the predicted addition SDG-2, major involvement in the private sector is
to the global population of two billion people by needed. There are many different types and sizes
2050. The dangers of hunger could be relieved by of businesses in the agriculture and food sector.
more productive agriculture systems and more Some businesses use the most conventional
sustainable management of food supplies (Goal 2 methods, while others prefer the most modern
2021). Closing the yield gap would both create a methods. The sizes of these businesses may range
great saving of soil and decrease the species that from smallholder farmers to global multi-billion-­
are going extinct (Zhang et al. 2021). Being care- dollar companies. Considering these factors,
less about food security comes at a cost; hunger investors, customers and end consumers have a
creates great expenses in respect of patients’ wide range of needs and expectations. If nations,
well-being, diminishes the capacity of human continents, sectors and professions join forces
force and decreases sustainable growth (Cohen and act on evidence, the world can attain Zero
2019). An important outcome that could be seen Hunger. Agricultural, fishing and forestry employ
through the projects aiming to eradicate hunger 80% of the world’s poor. As a result, achieving
that did not get funded properly and fulfil its pur- “Zero Hunger” requires a rural economic revolu-
pose throughout the last 20 years is that the elec- tion. Governments must provide possibilities for
torate’s support is crucial for powerful policies more private sector investment in agriculture, as
(Cohen 2019). It is crucial to create proper poli- well as strengthen social protection programs for
cies for the smaller-scale farmers and women in the poor and connect food farmers with metro-
underprivileged regions of the world, which are politan areas (A #ZeroHunger world by 2030 is
experiencing the worst of global hunger, for them possible 2021). Since 2015, the worldwide food
214 4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger

and beverage industry has grown at a compound origin country, related SDGs and emerging
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7%, reaching technologies that are included. The companies
almost $5943.6  billion in 2019. From 2019 to and use cases are listed alphabetically.1
2023, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR
of 6.1%, reaching $7525.7  billion. In 2025, the
market is expected to reach $8638.2 billion, and
For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the
in 2030, $11,979.9 billion (Food and Beverages company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
Global Market Opportunities and Strategies to Online – 2.1.2022):
2030: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery 2020).;; http://www.
There are many opportunities in the food market;; https://asiro-;; https://biomemakers.
for businesses that attach importance to the tar-
gets of SDG-2, agile to adapt and use the emerg-;; https://
ing technologies, social responsibility values and;; https://
sustainability, thanks to its massive size.;;
4.1 Companies and Use Cases;; https://;;
Table 4.1 presents the business models of 40; https://
companies and use cases that employ emerging;; https://
technologies and create value in SDG-2. We;; https://www.
should highlight that one use case can be;;; https://www.smallrobot-
related to more than one SDG and it can make;; https://
use of multiple emerging technologies. In the;; http://
left column, we present the company name, the
Table 4.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-2
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Agbotic It is a B2B company building The heme that gives meat its meat Value is captured through continuous
USA intelligent and automatic farms with flavour is derived from soy improvements in plant quality, fewer
2, 12 its platform SmartFarm which leghemoglobin via fermentation of resources, higher yields and faster
AI, robotics combines robotics, ML and AI to genetically engineered yeast. crop cycles through the use of
make quality organic products Discovering heme, an iron-containing robotics, ML and AI
molecule that occurs naturally in the
cells of animals and plants creates the
unique flavour of the meat. It adds a
4.1  Companies and Use Cases

plant gene to yeast cells, using

fermentation to produce a heme protein
naturally found in plants, called
leghemoglobin, without harming
2 Agrograph It is a platform combining AI with The software takes a simple satellite Value is captured by helping risk
USA satellite imagery to generate millions image and turns it into high-value data management of agricultural banks,
2 of acres worth of global field-level that helps people make better crop insurers, land investment trusts,
AI predictions decisions. ML enables the technology grain distributors, biofuels companies
to grow and increase its library of and ag service providers via ML-based
evidence-based insights that predict satellite imagery
trends, manage risk proactively and
help firms make decisions that offer
them a competitive advantage
3 Algama It is a sustainable food-tech company The company selects the most Value is captured through harvesting
France producing algae-based foods and promising algae and transforms them the potential of algae and then
2, 3, 12, 13, 14 drinks to alternate animal-based ones into actionable ingredients. These producing vegan products by using
Biotech and biomanufacturing ingredients are then used to shape them which provides sustainable food
sustainable alternatives to animal-­ production
based products, like eggs or meat, or as
Table 4.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
4 Apeel The firm coats fruits and vegetables The coating mimics cutin, a waxy Monetary value is generated through
USA with a biotechnology-derived covering barrier made of fatty acids – lipids and the produced plants lasting longer than
2 substance that is tasteless, odourless glycerolipids – that link together to untreated produce, lengthening the
AI, biotech and and edible and retains moisture while form a seal around the plant that helps shelf life of produce, reducing food
biomanufacturing keeping oxygen out. The company keep moisture in. Hyperspectral waste. It is attained also through
bought a start-up that employs imaging combines digital imaging with making suppliers know the ripening
spectroscopy, picture recognition and a chemical technique called window for each fruit and vegetable,
predictive learning to deliver spectroscopy which takes a picture of a enabling them to sort and ship
information on the quality and food item and understands the accordingly, giving insights of internal
attributes of various foods nutritional content and freshness levels quality, phytonutrient content of the
5 Asirobots It is an automation solution provider Unmanned farm vehicle hardware and Value is captured through AI-based
USA combining robotic hardware software integrate with current by-wire autonomous farming vehicles that
2 components, AI-based unmanned systems, using control systems to enable increased productivity, safety
AI, autonomous vehicles command and control systems, connect vehicles to a central command and non-stop agricultural production
sensor-based obstacle detection and centre, allowing the operator to handle
avoidance system. The company several vehicles at once. Obstacle
offers the solution for autonomous detection and avoidance systems are
farming vehicles to increase installed on farming vehicles to protect
agricultural production them from unanticipated threats. The
area coverage pattern for a field is
calculated using AI-based path-­
generating algorithms that take into
account the kind of task, vehicle, size
of implements and number of vehicles
6 BeeHex The company designs and builds Their process takes customised web Value is captured by using
USA autonomous bakery equipment for orders and converts them into autonomous 3D food printing systems
2, 3 personalised nutrition making by production-ready machine commands to produce nutrition bar production
3D printing, AI, robotics using 3D printing, robotics and with 3D printing, robotics, AI and ML that uses robotics, AI and ML
AI. Their 3D food printers can be technologies to increase throughput
reconfigured for a wide range of use and reduce costs. This system is also
cases built to operate efficiently and meet
the industry safety standards
4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
7 Benson Hill The company is the developer of the CropOS, a cognitive engine using Value is captured by enabling greater
USA CropOS technology platform, which cloud biology to empower a new era of control and precision to breeding
2, 15 combines data science, plant science plant genomics innovation, enables practices, developing and
AI, big data and food science to develop and proprietary phenotyping, predictive commercialising food and ingredients
commercialise food and ingredients breeding and environmental modelling that are more nutritious, better tasting,
using big data and AI algorithms. CropOS uses data analytics making the process sustainable and
and biological knowledge to identify affordable by leveraging the natural
the most promising plant genetics genetic diversity of plants and
influencing characteristics such as
4.1  Companies and Use Cases

taste and texture while reducing

processing steps and the need for
additives. Products are bred to have
fewer trade-offs and reach the market
8 Beta Hatch It is a mealworm farming company Their genetic selection method Value is captured through insect-­
USA that manufactures and distributes produces stronger bugs. They can rearing technology that converts
2, 13 insect-based protein products for modify the nutritional profiles of their organic waste directly into high-value
Biotech and biomanufacturing animal feed and agricultural fertiliser products to satisfy specific industry proteins, oils and nutrients for poultry
and animal feed demands, thanks to and aquaculture
selectively bred insects and innovative
diet mixtures
9 Biome Makers The company leads precision The company profiles a soil sample of Enhancing the productivity of arable
USA medicine for plant health, using the network of microbes to an soils and recovering soil health,
2, 15 biotechnology and AI, by modelling all-in-one report using AI and data measuring the biological quality of the
AI, biotech and soil functionality to enhance the science to provide soil insights. It uses soil and delivering agronomic insights
biomanufacturing productivity of arable soils ecological computing utilising the soil to optimise farm operations and output
microbiome and develops ecological generate monetary and environmental
algorithms decoding microbial value by arable soil management
10 Biomilq It is a company that targets infant Breast milk is produced from culturing Value is captured by the new
USA nutrition by reproducing mothers’ mammary epithelial cells. The product alternative method to nourish infants
2, 3 breast milk in a lab with boasts macronutrient profiles that can more healthily and close the
Biotech and biomanufacturing, biomanufacturing match the proportions and types of nutritional gap between infant feeding
cellular agriculture proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids and options
bioactive lipids that can be found in
real human breast milk
Table 4.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
11 Brouav It is a company producing AI-based The aircraft adopts intelligent control Environmental value is captured
China drones for agricultural spraying via AI, and the operator controls it through saving pesticide usage and
2, 7, 13, 15 through the ground remote control and water consumption. The method of
AI, big data, drones GPS positioning. The downward spraying with drones reduces the risk
airflow generated by the rotor helps to of contact caused by the gathering of
increase the penetration of the fog flow people
to the crop
12 Future Meat The company is the world’s first Cultured meat is made by putting an With cellular agricultural technology,
Israel industrial line for cultured meat animal’s stem cells into a culture monetary value is created by removing
2 produced from animal cells, without medium that feeds the cells and allows waste products and allowing animal
Cellular agriculture the need to raise or harvest animals by them to proliferate. The medium is cells to proliferate, lowering capital
cellular agriculture then placed in a bioreactor to help the investment and production costs
cells develop
13 Gamaya It is a digital agronomy company for Data collected from fields based on Facilitating optimal decision-making,
Switzerland large farming businesses, enabled by drone, aircraft and satellite-based including the use of pesticides and
2 remote sensing and AI remote sensing images and historical fertilisers, and attaining bigger and
AI, drones climate and weather records are better yields while limiting
analysed by crop and variety and environmental effects are all ways to
region-specific using comprehensive capture value
crop models and AI. Analyses create
maps characterising agronomic issues
for optimum land and crop
14 GUSS The company provides an unmanned They begin by drawing a map of the Value is captured by autonomous
USA autonomous orchard spray system field. The process is then completed spraying that uses fewer resources and
2 combined with vehicle sensors and with a visual examination on the farm reduces costs by eliminating operator
Autonomous vehicles, Internet LiDar technologies as a solution for to “ground truth” the map. After that, error and downtime. Also, GUSS
of Things the shortage of labour in agriculture GUSS sprayers must be set for the eliminates the chance for operators to
application they will be used for. They be exposed to the used materials and
choose the spray nozzles to utilise reduces the need for personal
before configuring the GUSS program. protective equipment
Finally, each sprayer is given a path
that specifies which rows it will spray.
In addition to GPS, GUSS has vehicle
sensors and LiDar for increased
4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
15 IBM Food Trust IBM Food Trust is the cloud-based Authorised users get quick access to Built on a blockchain, the IBM Food
USA blockchain solution that allows actionable food supply chain data, Trust benefits members in the network
2 members to share food data, draw from farm to store and finally to the with a safer, more intelligent and
Blockchain value from other people’s customer, thanks to the solution. Once sustainable food ecosystem.
contributions, build breakthrough uploaded to the blockchain, every Transaction digitalisation and data
features and decide where and how. It individual food item’s whole history provide an effective means for
provides an open, flexible and and present location, as well as producers, processors, suppliers,
trustworthy approach to exchanging associated information such as dealers, regulators and customers to
food data certificates, test results and temperature cooperate along the supply chain
4.1  Companies and Use Cases

data, are instantly available

16 ifarm360 The company provides a The company aims to de-risk Environment and social value are
Kenya crowdfunding platform that connects investments in agriculture and enable captured by contributing to local food
2 African smallholders with major farming as a business through production, providing, financing and
Crowdfunding purchasers through tech-enabled hubs alternative financing, market linkages, thus protecting food security in the
integrated advisory services, solar region
irrigation and remote sensing
technology for agro-analytics
17 Impossible Foods They recreate meat, fish and dairy The heme that gives meat its meat Value is captured by creating an
USA foods, from plants using flavour is derived from soy alternative to meat made using a small
2, 12 biotechnology, with a much lower leghemoglobin via fermentation of fraction of the land, water and energy
Biotech and biomanufacturing, carbon footprint than their animal genetically engineered yeast. required to produce meat from a cow
cellular agriculture counterparts Discovering heme, an iron-containing and captivating the defining taste of
molecule that occurs naturally in the the traditional meat
cells of animals and plants creates the
unique flavour of the meat. It adds a
plant gene to yeast cells, using
fermentation to produce a heme protein
naturally found in plants, called
leghemoglobin, without harming
Table 4.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
18 Indigo Agriculture The company provides a way in that The company creates a database of Value is created through supporting
USA farmers can buy seeds that have been which microbes operate best to farmers in their transition to more
1, 2, 3, 13, 15 treated with microorganisms to encourage increased agricultural yields beneficial practices, delivering
AI, big data promote plant health and productivity using machine learning and data technological solutions and sponsoring
analytics. By boosting the plant’s investments to accelerate soil
ability to respond to drought stress, enrichment
heat stress, nitrogen use efficiency and
natural plant immunity, the microbial
seed inoculant boosts corn production
19 INDIGO Drones It is an agricultural intelligence The company goes to the field on Value is captured through increased
Costa Rica company using drones, and IoT sensor demand, gathers data with drones plant quality by drone technology that
2 devices, to create “smart maps” that utilising remote sensing and creates leads to better decision-making and
Drones, Internet of Things allow farmers to make data-driven reports that help farmers better manage product management
decisions in the field irrigation, fertigation and crop health
20 InfyU Labs It is an agritech company with The company’s product InfyZer Value is created through helping
India IoT-based products for quality provides QA tests based on IoT. The stakeholders in the food safety and
2 assurance of fruits and vegetables to test results include the chemical supply chain to carry out tests at scale
AI, Internet of Things get accurate results as per customers’ composition of tested fruit or and that too in a cost-effective manner
business requirements with deep vegetable. With the test report, the with a combination of IoT and deep
learning algorithms chemical composition of fruits and learning
vegetables can be analysed using deep
learning algorithms to make critical
decisions at the time of accepting the
21 Intelligent Growth Solutions The company provides a platform for Many environmental, soil and Environmental value is created
UK indoor farming that uses IoT, AI and air-related parameters are metered via through enhanced productivity and
2 ML for controlling environmental IoT nodes, and this data is computed efficiency. The platform also interacts
AI, Internet of Things, elements, including lighting, watering, via AI and ML algorithms for with external energy sources to deliver
robotics CO2 levels and nutrient delivery, and productive indoor farming optimised power usage day and night,
for some operations. The platform can with advanced power management to
use a robotic arm when needed ensure energy costs are as low as
4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
22 IronOx It is an autonomous hydroponic Each facility uses robotics, ML and AI Environmental value is created by
USA farming service provider aiming to to ensure each plant receives the using less water and less energy and
2, 15 create sustainable food production optimal levels of sunshine, water and emitting less CO2, increasing waste at
AI, robotics, soilless farming systems nutrients. With data models which stages of the process. Value is created
enabled the estimation of crop yields, using the data being collected from
the schedule of harvesting is regulated, plants which is used to improve the
using the data to reduce the number of process, improving plant quality and
time plants needed to spend in their quantity, while reducing environmental
initial growth phase (called impacts
4.1  Companies and Use Cases

23 Nokia The company offers a smart WING solution provides smart Value is captured by IoT networks
Finland agriculture-as-a-service solution, agriculture with an IoT network. The providing affordable subscription-­
2 which utilises Nokia’s Worldwide IoT solution includes soil probes, weather based access to regional climate and
Internet of Things Network Grid (WING) solution, stations, insect traps and crop cameras posting data for farmers to mitigate
ensuring that precise and practical to help drive the productivity of soy risks
data is sent to farmers enabling them and cotton crops
to enhance productivity
24 NotCo It is a food-tech company producing With the help of AI and Value is captured by faster, more
USA plant-based alternatives to animal-­ biomanufacturing, the company uses sustainable and resourceful food
2, 15 based food products pineapple, coconut, cabbage, peas, production that has a smaller impact
AI, biotech and bamboo, beets, chickpeas and seeds in on the environment
biomanufacturing their products to replicate animal-based
products’ taste, texture, colour and
aroma, enabling manufacturers to
discover a new source of fibre, calcium
and proteins from the vegetables
Table 4.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
25 Nourished It is a personalised vitamin gummy It has 3D printing technology which Value is captured through less waste,
UK provider utilising patented 3D printing allows combining seven different, hassle and cost than purchasing all the
2, 3 technology and a vegan encapsulation high-impact active ingredients into active ingredients separately in
3D printing formula gummy nutrition stacks. This addition to helping reduce
combination, which changes based on malnutrition and food insecurity
consumers’ lifestyle questionnaire on
their website contains 28 active
ingredients for consumers to choose
from, all sourced from ethical and
vegan food sources in the UK and
26 Novolyze It is a food safety enterprise utilising For food safety and quality, the firm Value is captured through enabling
France IoT and machine learning. The depends on cutting-edge food companies to produce clean food
2, 12 company develops dry and ready-to-­ microbiological solutions paired with products by increasing productivity,
AI, Internet of Things use surrogate microorganisms that aid technological advancements in digital, improving quality and reducing
in the safe storage of food IoT and AI environmental impact
27 NRGene It is a company developing and The company offers AI software Value is captured by maximising the
Israel commercialising AI-based genomic solutions with cloud-based big data agricultural yield, optimising and
2 tools, cloud-based software solutions analytical technology for managing the accelerating breeding programs in less
AI, big data, cloud computing to analyse big data generated by full genomic diversity of species to time for lower costs
sequencing technologies enhance plants’ and animals’ natural
breeding processes without genetic
engineering. It provides an analytic
service that delivers the mapping and
gene space comparison between
several assembled genomes of the
same organism
28 Odd.Bot It is a provider of AI-based robots With AI-based software, the weed Environmental value is created by
The Netherlands developed to remove weeds at an early whacker robots determine the route preventing soil and water pollution
2, 15 stage without any chemical pesticides and the unwanted weeds. Weeds are caused by the use of chemical
AI, robotics removed by the robots at an early stage fertilisers. Also, the robots provide a
without using any chemicals higher yield with less manual labour in
organic food production
4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
29 Orbisk The company provides the foodservice The food waste monitor has a camera It is an online reporting service that
The Netherlands industry with detailed insights into with AI that automatically recognises gives the customer an idea about how
2, 12 their food waste by using AI which products are thrown away. food waste creates monetary value
AI Based on data, customers optimise the through waste monitoring,
supply, the purchasing process or the subscription, repair service with AI via
menu B2B
30 Orbital Farm It is a closed-loop farming company CO2 is extracted from waste streams Large commercial farms developed
Canada providing management of food, water generated by its industry partners, such using biotechnology and soilless
4.1  Companies and Use Cases

2, 3 and energy for long-term space as food waste, wastewater, methane farming create value in tackling
Biotech and biomanufacturing, missions using biotechnology, energy and even waste heat, as well as for climate change, fighting world hunger
soilless farming storage and soilless agriculture biotechnology and energy, resulting in and enhancing humans’ ability to
the creation of a mini-ecosystem. The become multi-planetary species
fish are then raised in massive
recirculating tanks, with the water
being pumped into large greenhouses.
Without the need for pesticides or
fossil fuel-based fertilisers, fish give
nutrients for plants to live and grow. In
the system, water is recycled, and fish,
fruit and vegetables are gathered
Table 4.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
31 Phytech It is an agriculture IoT company that The application includes real-time Value is captured by optimising
Israel develops plant-based farming plant status push alerts and plant irrigation based on accurate real-time
2 applications. Their alert-driven mobile AI-based irrigation requests, as well as data from plants and letting them tell
AI, big data, Internet of platform combines predictive direct continuous monitoring of plant farmers where, when and how much
Things algorithms and data analysis tools growth parameters and applied water they need using AI. Also, using
with ML to integrate continuous crop irrigation, microclimate variables, pressure sensors placed on the
health and supportive environmental forecasts and imaging analysis. They irrigation systems provides farmers
data use algorithms to convert raw data into with the actual pressures and sends
plant status for specific crops. irrigation alerts when the pressure
Micro-variations of stem diameter, drops. So, farmers can save water,
which are scientifically verified stress energy, time, money and other
indicators, are continuously monitored resources
by sensors on selected plants. Irrigation
schedule recommendations are
provided by machine learning
algorithms to keep plant status in the
ideal zone with the least amount of
32 Plantible Foods It is a food technology company Scalable processes and Value is captured through keeping the
USA aiming to develop functional and environmentally friendly indoor aqua CO2 footprint and impact on the
2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15 applicable plant-based protein by farms to grow Lemna are used. An environment low such as no pesticides,
Biotech and biomanufacturing harnessing Lemna: one of the most organic and complete protein that will hexane or other toxic chemicals and
sustainable and nutrient-dense plants be a sustainably produced plant-based not requiring valuable farmland or
in the world with biomanufacturing protein is created with irrigation to grow our crop by using
biomanufacturing technology. Any biomanufacturing
chemical substances and valuable
farmland are not necessary for
33 Plantix The company offers a digital It provides crop management solutions. Value is captured through disease
Germany agro-ecosystem platform around Farmers upload photos of their crops detection, pest control and yield
2 smallholder farming based on AI and and diagnose problems in their crops growth services. They aim to be more
AI, big data big data that collects data from by applying its AI to those photos efficient in crop production
4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
34 RapidPricer The company offers a mathematical IoT provides real-time information to Real-time data from retail stores with
The Netherlands platform to process data generated via generate insights. Data generated in IoT and AI generates value by making
2 IoT devices. It helps automate pricing retail stores is leveraged and used for the retail world a more efficient place
AI, Internet of Things and promotions utilising DL and AI automated decisions. With the weights with less food wasted
algorithms for retailers and algorithms learned, DL has the
retail knowledge to make decisions for
each product-store location.
Algorithms continuously price fresh
products based on life stages and
4.1  Companies and Use Cases

inventory to reduce unsold fresh

35 RefuCoat The company aims to develop fully Alternative to current metalised and Improved food packaging and product
Spain recyclable food packaging with modified atmosphere packages (MAP), preservation, reduced landfill waste
2, 12, 15 enhanced gas barrier properties and the company develops hybrid and the avoidance of non-renewable
Bioplastics high-performance coatings bio-based high oxygen/water barriers resources in multilayer constructions
and active coatings to be used in are all ways to extract value
monolayer bio-based food packages
(films and trays)
36 SCADAfarm The company controls irrigation and Through industrial-scale automation, Saving time spent with equipment,
New Zealand wastewater systems by using 5G, AI controlling and monitoring capabilities, improving irrigation water utilisation
2, 7, 9 and IoT remotely cloud-based operation, IoT and mobile and lowering energy consumption for
5G, AI, Internet of Things applications, farmers may operate, pumping water are all ways to extract
monitor and record their irrigation and value
wastewater systems from anywhere in
the globe
37 SkyMaps Agrimatics The company is a precision farming Farmers can use application maps for Environmental value is captured by
Czechia solutions provider that uses remote variable rate pesticide spraying with reducing the negative impact of
2, 15 sensing and advanced image analysis the company’s web-portal Cultiwise. herbicides and pesticides in farming
AI Data from drone and satellite imagery
is also supported by the software. They
use machine learning models and
computer vision techniques to reduce
the use of herbicides in farming
Table 4.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
38 Small Robot Company It is a company developing robots Their AI advice engine turns field data Environmental value is generated by
UK utilising AI for the farming industry into an intelligence system, enabling ecologically harmonious, efficient,
2 decisions that take into account profitable and sustainable food
AI, robotics agronomy, soil science and market production. Monetary value is
conditions. Smart robots which plant, captured through using robots in place
monitor and treat arable crops of heavy-duty farming equipment to
autonomously make food production decrease the costs, reducing reliance
more accurate, sustainable and on fossil fuels and soil erosion caused
profitable by tractors
39 Sunbirds The company offers solutions in Instead of planes or helicopters, they By the use of solar-powered drones for
France livestock farming, invasive weed are using ultra long-distance electric inspection, value is captured by saving
2, 7, 13, 15 detection and precision forestry where drones, designed by the company, for money, time, gas and water. The
AI, big data, drones surveillance on very wide areas is mapping and surveillance tasks. Also, company provides efficient production
needed images are processed through AI and options for farmers and contributes to
utilised as needed the right decision in the food
production chain
40 xFarm The company offers a digital platform It is a SaaS platform that collects data The value is generated by reducing
Italy for farmers, based on free from farms by using satellite and IoT paperwork, improving efficiency and
2, 9, 12 management software in the cloud, sensors. Simplifying data collection sustainability and allowing the
Big data, Internet of Things IoT field sensors and value-added and analysis provides visualisation of traceability of agricultural products by
services farms on digital platforms using IoT and big data
4  SDG-2 Zero Hunger
References 227

References K.  Grebmer, J.  Bernstein, Global Hunger Index 2020

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pdf?ua=1. Accessed 11 Aug 21

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SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being

There is a consensus that health is a fundamental
human right. The extent of the countries seeking
There is a consensus that health is a funda- to improve the health conditions of their people is
mental human right. The extent of the coun- one of the indications of sustainable develop-
tries seeking to improve the health conditions ment. Poor health systems jeopardise a country’s
of their people is one of the indications of sus- citizens’ rights, hinder their involvement in edu-
tainable development. Poor health systems cational programs, limit their ability to partici-
jeopardise a country’s citizens’ rights, hinder pate in economic activities and engage in
their involvement in educational programs, meaningful work fully and ultimately raise pov-
limit their ability to participate in economic erty regardless of gender. The current state of
activities and engage in meaningful work fully health is concerning; women all over the world
and ultimately raise poverty regardless of gen- continue to face barriers to general and reproduc-
der. This chapter presents the business models tive healthcare, billions of people lack access to
of 55 companies and use cases that employ important medicines, hundreds of millions of
emerging technologies and create value in adults and children lack access to safe drinking
SDG-3, Good Health and Well-Being. We water, and many suffer from malnutrition (Filho
should highlight that one use case can be et  al. 2019). Furthermore 2020 demonstrated to
related to more than one SDG and it can make the world how infectious diseases might spread
use of multiple emerging technologies. from a small group of people to a health issue of
international significance in a matter of days.
Keywords Infectious diseases’ global effect has steadily
declined since 2000, yet they were still responsi-
Sustainable development goals · Business ble for more than 10.2 million fatalities in 2019,
models · Good Health and Well-Being · accounting for 18% of all deaths. Investments in
Sustainability the diagnosis, treatment and control of major
infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria
and tuberculosis (TB), as well as child and mater-
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- nal problems, have had positive effects over the
butions of İlayda Zeynep Mert, Ömer Sami Temel, past 20 years, with global declines in their preva-
Abdullah Aykut Kılıç, Abdullah Enes Ögel, Veysel Ömer lence, incidence and rates. However, in 2019,
Yıldız and Enes Ürkmez in completing this chapter. They these diseases remain among the top 10 causes of
also contributed to Chapter 2’s Data Hubs, Healthcare
Analytics, Internet of Behaviours, Natural Language mortality in low-income countries (LICs) (World
Processing and Wireless Power Transfer sections. Health Organization 2021a, b).

© The Author(s) 2022 229

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
230 5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being

One of the primary aims of the United Nations’ health jeopardises children’s rights to education,
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) princi- limits economic prospects for men and women
ples is to create healthy living conditions and and fosters poverty around the world (SDG
ensure well-being at every stage of human life. Compass 2021). In addition to disrupting the
Despite the significant development of technol- well-being of the individual, diseases harm the
ogy in health, the impact of which will be felt resources of the family and society and reduce
globally in all areas of life, various health prob- the potential of people. The health of each indi-
lems may cause permanent or temporary damage vidual and society plays a key role in long-term
to people, which dramatically affects global development. Avoiding diseases is important for
functioning. To overcome these problems, the survival, promoting wealth and economic growth
main principles to be followed are to focus on (United Nations 2021a, b, c, d). Building thriving
more efficient financing of health systems, communities requires ensuring healthy lives and
improving sanitation and hygiene and providing fostering well-being (United Nations 2021a, b, c,
greater access to doctors (United Nations 2021a, d). The link between health and well-being,
b, c, d). which is one of the drivers of human capital, and
SDG-3 seeks to “make sure healthy lifestyles financial growth was studied from 1991 to
and promote well–being for every generation”. 2014  in the following high-income nations
Other than the millennium development goals (Luxemburg, Israel, Australia, Switzerland,
(MDGs), however, SDG-3 looks at health and Spain, Denmark, Hungary, Sweden, Portugal and
well-being in a broader sense by looking beyond Poland). According to the findings of the research,
a narrow range of disorders (Seidman 2017). health factors have a long-term impact on finan-
According to SDG-3 (Good Health and Well-­ cial sub-variables. On the other hand, income has
Being), ensuring health and well-being across all no direct impact on the health variable. However,
generations is crucial for sustainable develop- through financial sub-variables, the income fac-
ment, and only rigorous and continuing health- tor indirectly impacts the health variable (Kuloglu
care monitoring will be able to do this (Papa et al. and Ecevit 2017).
2018). SDG-3 also asks for greater research and SDG-3 is viewed in conjunction with SDG-1
innovation, increased healthcare costs and stron- No Poverty, SDG-14 Life Below Water and SDG-­
ger ability in all nations to reduce and manage 15 Life on Land as a direct outcome of progress
health risks (UN Office for Outer Space Affairs towards the other objectives in terms of social
2021). The SDG-3’s main objective is to prevent and environmental benefits. They are also impor-
40% of premature deaths in each nation (i.e. at tant since regressing these goals restricts and lim-
2010 mortality rates, deaths before the age of its the human and natural resources needed to
70  years would be witnessed in the 2030 maintain a stable global system (Cernev and
population) and to enhance healthcare for all
­ Fenner 2019). According to WHO (World Health
ages. To strengthen this main objective, four sub-­ Organization 2021a, b), several factors influence
objectives have been targeted, such as avoiding a person’s health, including lifestyle, financial
two-thirds of child and maternal deaths; prevent- position, social status, available healthcare ser-
ing two-thirds of deaths caused by tuberculosis, vices and facilities, degree of education, nutri-
HIV and malaria; refraining one-third of prema- tional access, communal life and genetic
ture deaths caused by non-infectious diseases; composition. Understanding health via these
and preventing one-third of deaths caused by variables can aid in predicting medical status
other causes (other infectious diseases, malnutri- using factors that are measured, evaluated and
tion and injuries) (Alleyne, et al. 2015). Figure 5.1 compared across groups. Individual and commu-
demonstrates the targets set by the UN in the field nity health can be improved through specific
of health under the name SDG-3. treatments. This is inextricably connected to
Health is a fundamental human right and an SDG 3.4, which specifies the goal of reducing
important measure of long-term growth. Poor early death due to non-communicable illnesses
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being 231

Fig. 5.1  Targets of SDG-3 good health and well-being. (United Nations 2021a, b, c, d)
232 5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being

(NCDs) (Sharma-Brymer and Brymer 2020). tancy and the countries with the longest life
Illnesses are likely to hinder one’s ability to work, expectancy. While there are countries that have
which in turn could create financial disadvan- made significant progress, national averages hide
tages or worsen pre-existing ones. Individuals that many countries lag. Addressing inequities
who create economic income by working for and promoting good health for all requires multi-­
themselves can avoid poverty. Children without sectoral, rights-based and gender-sensitive meth-
any disease are more likely to learn, and at the ods (UNDP 2021).
same time, healthy adults are more likely to gen- Numerous aspects require significant consid-
erate added value and generate income (Frenk eration regarding the future of good health and
and de Ferranti 2012). well-being. Initially, maternal mortality, one of
The connection between economic develop- the targets identified by the UN, is considered to
ment and health outcomes is a significant avenue be an important criterion. Comprehensive cross-­
of research in development economics. The rela- sectional research reports that there have been
tionship between income levels and health great reductions in global maternal mortality and
improvements is widely documented in this body a substantial increase in the ratio of births under
of research (Vu 2020). Each year, the County healthcare services such as hospitals (Souza et al.
Health Rankings provide a score to each county 2013). Furthermore, the maternal severity index
in the USA based on its health results. Poor coun- (MSI) can be used to assess whether the perfor-
ties are said to perform worse than wealthy coun- mance of health facilities is sufficient with regard
ties. According to the study’s findings, more to their ability to care for pregnant women and
affluent areas fared better rankings (McCullough deal with possible complications. However, it is
and Leider 2017). Significant progress has been also noted to reduce deaths during childbirth,
made against primary causes of illness and mor- global coverage of vital treatments must be
tality. Life expectancy has risen substantially; accompanied by complete emergency care.
maternal and infant mortality rates at birth fell, Another critical factor that determines an indi-
malaria-related deaths fell in half, and the HIV vidual’s well-being is mental health. Certain
epidemic changed. complications come across when seeking and
The 2030 agenda recognises the value of administering mental healthcare. The accessibil-
health in the path of sustainable development and ity to mental healthcare is among the greatest of
reflects the interconnectedness and complexity these challenges. Financial resources are vital for
between them. It takes these emerging challenges most, if not all, healthcare facilities to provide for
into account; rising social and economic inequal- those in need. Comprehensive research by the
ity, increasing urbanisation, climate and environ- World Health Organization (WHO) reports that,
mental risks, the continuing burden of on a global scale, mental health makes up for less
communicable diseases and HIV and NCDs are than 2% of the total government health
considered to pose new concerns (UNDP 2021). expenditure.
The implementation of SDG-3 “Health and Well-­ Furthermore, a great gap between various
Being” includes studies on health and the bio- regions still exists, showing that there is a great
medical field together. It also examines its lack of funding for those on the lower end. The
relations with civil society (Guégan, et al. 2018). findings above indicate a positive relationship
Health coverage needs to be universalised for between income and accessibility to mental
SDG-3’s goal of reducing inequality and eradi- health services. This means that individuals in
cating poverty. For example, antimicrobial resis- lower-income regions and countries have less
tance is one of the global health priorities not access due to certain variables, including fund-
directly mentioned in the SDGs. The gap between ing, mental health workforce and costs (World
and even within countries is wide in advances. Health Organization 2018). Another identified
There is a 31-year difference in life expectancy factor that affects the accessibility of mental
between countries with the shortest life expec- healthcare is the stigma around mental illnesses
5.1  Companies and Use Cases 233

and treatments. Evidence demonstrates that delivered to the corresponding healthcare facili-
around one-third of the global population suffers ties (Savelyeva et al. 2019). Additionally, the pro-
from various mental illnesses. Many of these cessing and gathering of this data could be
individuals do not receive any treatment, which facilitated by using emerging technologies such
holds even for countries that have adequate as AI, big data and cloud computing. These tech-
resources (Thornicroft 2011). Additionally, men nologies are suggested as highly efficient solu-
have been reported to be less likely to seek treat- tions to the points mentioned earlier.
ment or help regarding mental health (Terlizzi
and Zablotsky 2020), which can be partially
explained by the worldwide masculine norms 5.1 Companies and Use Cases
(Chatmon 2020), indicating that stigma regard-
ing mental health might have more severe results Table 5.1 presents the business models of 55
for males. There are various governmental pro- companies and use cases that employ emerging
grams utilised to decrease the stigma that sur- technologies and create value in SDG-3. We
rounds mental health. For instance, the UK’s should highlight that one use case can be related
Time to Change campaign has been reported to to more than one SDG and it can make use of
be successful as it was related to increased help-­ multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
seeking and comfort in disclosing mental health umn, we present the company name, the origin
issues (Henderson et  al. 2018). However, there country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
have been suggestions to change into alternative gies that are included. The companies and use
frameworks regarding these policies, campaigns cases are listed alphabetically.1
or programs to increase their comprehensiveness
and efficiency (Stangl et al. 2019). For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

Tracking and preventing the spread of infec- company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
tious diseases is another great concern that needs Online – 2.1.2022):
to be addressed to achieve SDG-3. That is to;; http://graft3d.
make sure that all individuals of the whole gen-; https://autonomoushealthcare.
eration have healthy lives and well-being is pro- com/;;;
moted. Although it is not exhaustive, a list of;;
diseases of major concern has been made. These; https://;; https://iryo.
include HIV, malaria, tuberculosis and more.
Additionally, the recent COVID-19 pandemic,;; https://
which has had devastating effects on numerous;; https://prog-
aspects of society, is a great example that further;; https://raslabs.
com/;; https://siramedical.
underlines the importance of precautions and
com/;;; https://
measures regarding infectious diseases. For;;
instance, studies indicate that it has reduced life;;
expectancy, both directly by fatal infections and;;; https://www.benevo-
indirectly, through unemployment that is due to;; https://www.
measures taken to stop the spreading of the virus,; https://www.emedgene.
most notably lockdowns (Bianchi, et  al. 2020). com/;; https://www.fath-
Furthermore, it has been reported that it has dis-;; https://;;
rupted essential health services globally (World; https://www.medimsight.
Health Organization 2021a, b). Thus, it’s a major com/;; https://www.nextgen.
disruption to the progress made regarding SDG-­ com/products-and-services/health-data-hub; https://www.
3, if not a great setback. This issue can be;; https://www.prellis-;; https://www.tem-
addressed by using personal, mobile and wear-;; https://www.unlearn.
able technological devices that can track and ai/;; https://www.xr.
report vital health information. These data can be health/
Table 5.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-3

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 3M The company utilises crowdfunding 3M Respiratory Tracker attaches to Value is captured by monitoring
USA to produce a gadget that captures, garments. It tracks and trends the users’ respiratory activity in various settings
3 monitors and trends respiratory breathing, activity, weather, air quality and scenarios. It encourages good
Crowdfunding, flexible quality in various conditions and and pollen. It also provides personalised breathing patterns and assists in the
electronics and wearables locales trigger forecasts as well as specific identification of trends by analysing air
weather, allergies and air quality and air quality data to determine how
through its smartphone application the environment influences breathing.
Thus, it helps maintain overall
respiratory health
2 Albert Health The company offers an audio-based Thanks to AI-powered NLP algorithms, Value is captured by facilitating the
Turkey healthcare assistant that helps the healthcare assistant detects voice registration and follow-up of treatment
3 patients take their medicine at the commands, records the entered data and for chronic patients while allowing
AI, natural language right time and dose creates a medical diary. Through the relatives to follow patients through the
processing comprehension of the questions asked, app. It can benefit public health greatly
it can give appropriate answers. Also, it through preventive features such as
provides a healthy life, nutrition and water drinking reminders, step
exercise recommendations according to tracking, medication reminder
the disease
3 Aleph Farms It is a company producing beef The 3D technology relies on creating a Environmental value is captured by
Israel steaks from non-genetically modified complex tissue composed of the four growing beef on bio farms that reduces
2, 3, 12 cells extracted from a living cow. It meat cell types found in conventional the environmental impact and resource
3D printing, cellular reduces animal slaughter and cuts of meat, including vascular and consumption of modern meat
agriculture environmental effects connective tissues. These cells, production and facilitates beef
extracted from living cows, are grown production, making it easier for
on an intricate proprietary three-­ disadvantaged people in many parts of
dimensional platform using a similar the world to access beef. In addition,
process to beer processing in large the beef production process becomes
tanks, called bio farms, thanks to more controllable, efficient and
cellular agriculture cheaper. Also, less use of animals for
meat production leads to a decrease or
even disappearance of diseases
transmitted through animals
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
4 Atomwise The company offers an AI-based AtomNet platform leverages AI, making The value is created by enabling
USA drug discovery platform with an it possible to study the properties of massive scales and unprecedented
3 emphasis on preclinical development existing drugs to match their formulas speeds needed to create a deep and
AI with one another. These studies can broad pipeline of drugs to improve
provide insightful recommendations human health. By using AI, the
regarding the development of more platform drastically reduces the time
effective medication as well as novel required for preclinical drug
medication that can be used to treat development
formerly unaddressed diseases
5 Augmedics The company provides a system that The AR-powered Xvision Spine System Value is captured through AR devices
5.1  Companies and Use Cases

Israel projects a 3D copy of a computerised locates surgical instruments in real time that display real-time CT scans of
3 tomography (CT) scan to the patient and overlays them on the patient’s CT patients during surgery, giving
Spatial computing during spine surgery data. The navigation data is then physicians a 3D augmented
projected onto the surgeon’s retina via perspective of the patient’s anatomy
the headset, allowing the surgeon to and reducing tissue damage. This
look at the patient and view the novel approach greatly increases the
navigation data without looking away efficiency and accuracy of surgical
from the patient processes
6 Autonomous Healthcare Based on AI and mathematical AstroSight™ provides video analytics Value is captured by preventing
USA modelling, the company develops and non-invasive vital sign monitoring patients from staying in the hospital
3 automated medical technologies for for astronauts during space exploration more due to ventilator incompatibility.
AI, autonomous vehicles critical care, non-invasive patient missions. TraCS™ leverages recent It prevents excessive drug use and
monitoring and controlled-substance advances in ML to provide seamless provides as much use as necessary. It
tracking medication tracking and analytics for allows astronauts to operate more
tracking controlled substances. healthily
E-Fusion™ is a smart fluid and
vasoactive drug management system,
with the capability to provide semi-­
automated (clinical decision support)
and fully automated (closed-loop) fluid
and vasoactive drug management.
Syncron-E is an AI-based software
technology that analyses pressure and
flow waveforms in real time to detect
various types of patient-ventilator
Table 5.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
7 Babylon The company provides an Using anonymised, aggregated and Value is captured through an app that
UK AI-powered platform that connects validated medical datasets, patient brings together healthcare providers
3 patients with doctors and healthcare health records and consultation notes that are available 7/24 and patients
AI providers combined with virtual made by clinicians, the AI-powered
clinical operations platform helps doctors make decisions
about triage, causes of symptoms and
future health predictions
8 Bagmo The company offers an IoT-based A tracking system is installed on the Value is captured by assisting blood
India blood bank management system that blood bags. The current location and centres to reduce costs and wastage
3, 12 is designed to help ensure sufficient temperature of the bag are constantly and prevent the collection and storage
Cloud computing, Internet of conditions during transportation and monitored. It produces daily, weekly of excess inventory. Continuous
Things storage of blood bags through and monthly reports. Thanks to IoT monitoring and tracking ensure the
detailed monitoring technology, dangerous conditions are safety of blood samples and minimise
reported to authorities immediately. wastage during both storage and
Since it is cloud-based, it can be transportation processes. Therefore
followed from anywhere improving the low availability of blood
in rural areas eliminates avoidable
maternal mortality and morbidity
9 The company offers a medical Perceptor helps doctors by providing an Value is captured by the automatic
China imaging platform addressing image review tool that is designed for report feature of the platform that
3 practical challenges through the use numerous organs and lesions, powered rapidly generates clinically acceptable
AI, big data, cloud computing of AI, cloud computing and big data by DL models and cloud computing diagnostic results. It helps doctors save
time while simultaneously improving
the quality of their work
10 Battelle The company offers a cybersecurity The cybersecurity suite DeviceSecure Value is captured by reducing risks
USA platform designed to evaluate new enables to characterise, assess, model, and security compliance costs. It
3 medical systems, identify predict and measure a broad spectrum automates the monitoring of newly
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities in existing systems of threats and vulnerabilities posed by a detected and reported vulnerabilities in
and implement security and medical device through a thorough medical device hardware and related
anti-tampering measures into analysis of hardware and software software
medical product designs
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
11 BehaVR The company offers a VR-powered Various treatment programs prepared by Value is captured by giving people
USA platform for patients who are trying specialists are applied to patients agency over their health and through
3 to overcome their mental health through VR technology. With this utilising VR for generating value,
Spatial computing issues such as stress, worry and fear method, patients are guided to solve changing and better clinical outcomes
their problems by being alone with for all stakeholders in the healthcare
themselves, independent of any system
12 BenevolentAI The company provides an The platform is trained using ML Value is captured by enabling
UK exploratory and predictive AI-based techniques, with data from publicly scientists to explore data and disease
platform that facilitates the research available sources and internal networks, ask questions and find new
5.1  Companies and Use Cases

AI and development processes of new experiments, serving as a bridge insights and hypotheses. Thus, it
medications between them. Using AI, the platform provides ways for faster and more
allows users to predict, track and efficient drug development
validate optimal hypotheses for drug
13 Biomodex The company provides 3D-printed 3D modelling and printers are used to It generates value streams from various
France surgical simulators for medical create precise copies of organs for use solutions it creates through 3D-printed
3 education and patient-specific in medical education and preoperative models for neurovascular and
3D printing preoperative preparation simulations structural heart applications
14 BioNTech It is a therapeutics company that The performance of mRNA is The company’s pipeline comprises
Germany harnesses the power of the immune influenced by its structural features. mRNA-based immune activators,
3 system to develop novel therapies This comprises the molecule’s antigen-targeting T cells and
Biotech and biomanufacturing against cancer and infectious immunogenicity, translation efficiency antibodies and specified
diseases and stability. They use their significant immunomodulators of diverse immune
experience to develop, synthesise, cell processes, all of which generate
manufacture and formulate therapeutic value
mRNA, tailoring its composition to the
15 Caption Health It is a company that empowers Caption Health’s AI empowers the The platform incorporates AI and
USA healthcare providers with new broader healthcare professional to health sciences to provide healthcare
3 capabilities to acquire and interpret perform ultrasound exams and unlocks providers with new capabilities to
AI ultrasound exams, thanks to AI a critical tool for early disease detection receive and interpret ultrasound exams.
The platform allows for earlier
diagnosis of certain diseases,
consequently more effective
interventions made in good time
Table 5.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
16 Carbon Health It is a healthcare company providing Carbon Health blends virtual and Value is captured by making the health
USA tech-enabled solutions to primary in-person services in clinics and system, which has become
3, 10 care, urgent care and virtual care provides personalised healthcare cumbersome due to bureaucracy, more
AI, healthcare analytics services, thanks to AI. Via the accessible, efficient, effective and
company’s mobile app, patients may solution-oriented for everyone. The
access their health information, application increases the harmony
schedule appointments, make payments between insurance companies and
or schedule a video visit for ailments. health institutions and reduces wastes
Patients may message Carbon doctors arising from incompatibility.
on the app to obtain treatment for Widespread use of the platform can
illnesses. They can also access address significant healthcare system
in-person treatments such as primary problems of countries that have
care, urgent care, mental health, dysfunctional or inefficient systems.
women’s health and LGBTQ+ health No subscription or membership is
required to use the platform, and fees
are paid per treatment by health
insurance or patients
17 Cipher Skin It is a biometrics company that offers The “BioSleeve” (network of sensors Value is created by enabling the
USA a network of sensors that can be printed on textile) captures movement building and monitoring of efficient
3 wrapped around human limbs to and retrieves internal metrics, and the rehab programs for both remote and
Biometrics, flexible electronics capture motion and biometrics data software “Digital Mirror” translates this in-clinic sessions. Under the provision
and wearables in real time data into actionable, visualised insights, of medical specialists, the programs
delivering 3D visualisations and can be used to enhance recovery and
diagnostics. Through continuous prevent sending athletes back to
gathering and analysis of motion and training before rehab is complete and
biometric data, the company allows predict injury
physical therapists to access the most
accurate patient recovery data
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
18 CloudMedx The company offers Aligned Massive sums of structured and Value is created by automising the
USA Intelligence, an AI-based DL unstructured data gathered directly from coding process which makes it much
3 platform that offers RPA solutions to electronic medical records (EMRs), faster and accurate. The predictive AI
AI, robotic process automation enhance existing workflows and labs, corporations and customers’ analytics platform provides clinicians,
generate automated clinical insights, proprietary sources are ingested into the nurses and frontline staff relevant
improving operations, case clinical AI assistant. Through DL insights to improve patient outcomes
management and patient engagement methods, the platform then curates and
for healthcare organisations converts this data to identify key
patterns and actionable insights that
result in superior patient outcomes and
5.1  Companies and Use Cases

operational excellence
19 Dual Good Health The company offers a VR-powered By using VR, the platform delivers Value is created by experiencing a
UK interactive healthcare training interactive scenario training with a real-life scenario by VR simulation
3 platform targeted to the general staff, user-centred approach. Some training that improves learning outcomes,
Spatial computing medical specialists and students scenarios also incorporate “hands-on” allows healthcare staff to train more
approaches by using external objects to often and aims to improve knowledge
deliver tactile feedback retention
20 Emedgene The company provides an The explainable AI platform eliminates Value is generated by reducing the
USA AI-powered genomic analysis noise and focuses analysis on the data time needed to process data and
3 platform that delivers solutions for points most likely to answer the increasing the accuracy of analyses.
AI genomic diagnostics and discovery at problem, giving scientists more time to Their solutions effectively increase the
scale focus on areas where their clinical efficiency of clinical labs, translational
judgement is critical. Running on an AI and research labs and children’s
knowledge graph updated with hospitals
information from books and databases,
accurate and validated ML models
locate causative variations with proof
Table 5.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
21 Epigene Labs The company offers an AI-based The company combines information Value capture is made possible through
France platform with a multi-source from publicly available data with its AI-enabled aggregation, analysis and
3 approach for analysing data to design partners’ proprietary data and expertise. visualisation of massive amounts of
AI drugs for cancer patients Data is translated into actionable genomic data. Their solution tackles
insights to design novel medication major challenges of precision
with precision oncology approaches oncology, which allows more people to
using an AI-based platform benefit from it. The company operates
in partnership with world-leading
cancer centres and high-profile
biotechs and more to help an
increasing number of cancer patients
22 Fathom The company offers a coding Using NLP models, the ML-trained AI, Value is captured by the AI system that
USA platform designed to accelerate and DL and big data methods, the platform can translate unstructured texts into
3 automate the process of medical transforms information contained in medical coding reducing coding costs
AI, big data, natural language coding electronic health records into medical by up to 70% while boosting speed,
processing coding while automatically evaluating accuracy and security
incoming charts, allowing healthcare
professionals to automate their coding
23 Freenome The company offers a multi-omics Data from healthy and cancer-positive Early diagnosis of cancer plays a key
USA platform designed to ensure the early samples are used to train the algorithm role in preventing the disease before it
3 diagnosis of cancer through AI-based with ML techniques. Following a spreads in the body. The success of the
AI analyses of blood tests multidimensional approach with treatment is increased, and the risk of
computational biology techniques, they death of patients is reduced, thanks to
can distinguish between tumour-­ the AI-based diagnosis method
induced and non-tumour-induced
manifestations. Thus, broader and
clearer information that can be used in
the early diagnosis of cancer is
presented to clinicians with products
called the multi-omics platform
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
24 The company offers a data bank that DNA sequence data of customers are With a blueprint of human DNA
UK provides secure storage and uploaded and encrypted to be stored uploaded to the data bank, researchers
3 interpretation of human DNA for and analysed in a virtual vault. Analyses and pharmaceutical companies can
Blockchain individuals and anonymised datasets provide individuals with personalised easily and anonymously access the
to researchers reports on health risks, ancestry and data needed for DNA research. In
carrier status. This vault is owned and addition, the DNA data that is
controlled by the customer via the uploaded to the data bank can be used
ethereum blockchain. Thus, the data is in various researches as long as the
only accessible through explicit consent owners allow, and DNA owners can
by the owner. Researchers can use these both earn money and have information
5.1  Companies and Use Cases

anonymised genetic datasets in various about their DNA in return

studies upon being granted permission
25 Graft3D The company manufactures They convert images from CT or MRI PSIs that improve the form, function
India patient-specific implants (PSIs) using scans into software files compatible and aesthetics of implants create value
3, 9 metal additive manufacturing with 3D modelling and printing. These by tailoring them to the needs of the
3D printing technology with 3D printing models are fed into a metal printer for patient. Through 3D modelling and
creating the required implants. The printing, the processes of personalised
direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) modelling, shaping and placing of
technique allows for a high degree of implants are automatised
26 Healx The company provides an Healnet uses NLP and big data methods Value is generated through the AI
UK AI-powered platform that focuses on to analyse all publicly available platform that makes drug discovery for
3 patient-inspired treatments and drug biomedical databases to identify rare diseases faster, smarter and safer,
AI, big data, healthcare discoveries for rare diseases important knowledge gaps in while also supporting their team and
analytics, natural language uncommon diseases. Using AI as an partners in discovering and translating
processing analysis instrument, the platform is able new treatments towards the clinic
to cross-validate between all available
disease- and drug-related data findings
and deliver pre-formed, data-driven
theories to pinpoint new treatments for
rare conditions
Table 5.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
27 Implicity The company offers an AI-based Real-time data, collected from cardiac Value is generated through facilitated
France remote monitoring platform for data implantable electronic devices, is monitoring of cardiovascular
3 collected through pacemakers and transformed and aggregated into information in real time and from all
AI defibrillators connected to patients simplified and screened reports to be devices, consequently increasing the
suffering from cardiovascular used in diagnosis, rehabilitation and time efficiency and productivity of
diseases surveillance of cardiovascular patients. medical staff. The predictive algorithm
Heart failure module uses AI to analyse allows for preventive management. By
the data, predicting and generating doing so, it challenges healthcare costs
automated alerts for heart failures with reduced hospitalisation
28 InMed Prognostics The company offers a cloud The Neuroshield software works with The Neuroshield platform helps
India workflow platform that integrates medical imaging data to support physicians reach more reliable and
3 data from several modalities powered clinicians in diagnosing and proactively precise diagnoses. Thus, it allows them
AI by AI to deliver smart insights and managing patients. The platform creates to provide patients with better
endpoints for precision medicine a biomarker system for various treatment options while increasing the
neurological illnesses, starting with efficiency of time and resource usage
paediatric epilepsy and dementia, using of hospitals
data analytics and DL techniques
29 InsightRX The company offers an AI and big To comprehend each patient’s unique It provides clinicians with a
USA data-based clinical decision support pharmacological profile, InsightRX comprehensive understanding of a
3 tool that allows physicians to tailor uses patient-specific data, PK/PD patient’s pharmacology to
AI, big data treatment at the point of care models and Bayesian estimates and individualise treatment decision-­
keeps these models up-to-date with big making. It improves the quality of
data methods. ML methods are used to patient care by helping them
train its AI that analyses continuously individualise dosing for complex drugs
updated data, thus providing the most
optimal dose schedule
30 Intenseye The company provides an ML and computer vision are Value is captured by helping save lives
USA AI-powered HSE (Health and Safety particularly capable of processing in the workplace through AI-powered
3 Executive) platform real-time streams of video data to monitoring and detection of the most
AI quickly identify anomalous events and common unsafe act types across
producing insights for EHS industries. Their solutions enable
(environment, health and safety) teams businesses to grow employee health
to improve. High-performance software and safety throughout their facility
and IP-networked cameras also provide while saving time and resources
real-time incident notifications and 7/24 through automation
automated inspections
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
31 Iryo.Network The company offers a blockchain-­ The platform uses blockchain to give Monetary value is generated through
Slovenia based zero-knowledge health record patients complete ownership over their digitisation of all paper-based
3 storage platform with an anonymous health information while also providing documents and saving information
Blockchain query interface healthcare providers with real-time directly at the patient’s profile. The
medical history to enhance treatment platform facilitates payment of
quality medical processes with certain
features, such as overdue invoice
tracking and income tracking per
doctor or patient
32 Jetbrain Robotics The company offers an autonomous AMRO is an autonomous robot with Value is captured by assisting in the
5.1  Companies and Use Cases

India robot delivering hospital services which a user can communicate management of nursing and internal
3 safely and rapidly to different regarding authorisation, predetermined logistics, along with advanced patient
Robotics locations when they are needed destinations and material receipt. It care. Transports drugs, samples and
does not require human intervention as other materials throughout the hospital
it has location awareness and location safely and securely. Its built-in power
detection capabilities. It includes capacity allows for self-charging and
sensors on the front, sides and rear that continuous service provision
provide 360-degree awareness and can
precisely detect obstacles and plan a
route around them
33 K Health The company offers an AI-based Utilising AI, vast amounts of medical The value is captured by enabling
USA data-driven digital primary care information data collected from users affordable medical tips and insights to
3 system that delivers personalised are analysed to provide the relevant users at any given time. It also
AI primary care medical insights and tips for deciding if facilitates the connection between
there is a need for medical attention specialists and individuals by serving
from an appropriate specialist as a bridge
Table 5.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
34 Kinsa The company offers an illness The thermometer continuously tracks Value is captured through the
USA tracking system that uses smart body temperature and makes prevention of epidemics before they
3 thermometers to calculate the risk of recommendations according to the spread further and the protection of
Internet of Behaviours, epidemics and provide various symptoms of students or employees in public and individual health by making
Internet of Things measures to be taken an institution. This data simultaneously recommendations to patients. The
appears in the school/institution’s illness support system consists of a
account that collectively allows mass network of millions of smart
monitoring and tracking. Through the thermometers that aggregate real-time
use of IoT and IoB, stratified reports of population health insights across the
epidemic relevant data are produced by USA to track the spread of illness and
the system, consequently allowing forecast long-term outbreaks. This
preventive action to be taken by assists people, businesses and societies
authorities in predicting, preparing for and
preventing infectious illnesses
35 Kumovis The company offers a 3D printing For a range of thermoplastic materials, The 3D printing system enables users
Germany system that enables the the printing technology employs to monitor and optimise their
3, 9 manufacturing of customised fused-layer production. To allow its processes using industrial PLC
3D printing medical products and implants clients to just give a model file and technology. Featuring an integrated
receive the result, they use unique clean room, the printer is ideal for
slicing software and printing healthcare applications that capture
technologies monetary value through the effective
production of personal implants and
medical tools of high quality
36 Medimsight The company offers an AI-based By using cloud computing, the platform The marketplace allows medical
UK medical imaging cloud marketplace, allows unlimited data storage and experts and researchers to discover,
3, 9 operating through Google Cloud analysis. NLP methods are used to store and analyse all of their data
AI, cloud computing, natural infrastructure integrate manual measurements with analysis needs in one place, with a
language processing the platform, alongside normative and single account. The company enables
longitudinal data. The preliminary AI unlimited storage and free (for
analysis performs a quality check and research only) PACS service running
determines the best image analysis over the Google Cloud infrastructure
among the offers on the cloud for all of their data. The system is built
marketplace. All of the options on the on a pay-per-use model that allows
marketplace utilise AI to identify quick analysis without large
biomarkers and analyse imaging data expenditures
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
37 MicroMek It is a drone startup producing EcoSoar, a low-cost fabrication drone, The utilisation of drones is used to
Malawi unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to is used in delivery services for remote capture value. To assist hospitals and
1, 3, 11 deliver healthcare services to medicine, dried blood samples, vaccines aid organisations in addressing
Drones communities in Malawi and across and other critical medicines from clinics healthcare difficulties impacting
Africa in the UNICEF Kasungu drone corridor children in Malawi’s hard-to-reach
in Malawi to the Kasungu hospital as remote areas, the company decreases
well as for environmental sensing, to the time for delivery of diagnostics,
serve the healthcare and environmental vaccines and medicines by providing a
monitoring communities in Africa lower-cost delivery option and
enhancing delivery reliability.
5.1  Companies and Use Cases

Furthermore, their drone can be

utilised for environmental monitoring,
such as on-demand evaluation of
flooded regions, agricultural area
assessment and hydrogeological
mapping, urban mapping to analyse
people for health clinic location
planning and disaster response with
pre-planning. Learned and shared with
others is a clear appraisal and analysis
of the data obtained
38 NextGen The company offers a datahub NextGen® Health Data Hub works by All clinical data types used by
USA platform that exchanges, normalises providing e-prescription, links to major inpatient and ambulatory health
3 and aggregates data at large scales to labs, room status dashboard systems are supported by HDH. Its
Datahubs provide a longitudinal picture of consolidated patient data, billing and extensive data normalisation features
patient records reporting. The platform meets the needs ensure that all connected systems can
of health information exchanges (HIEs), successfully interoperate and create
hospitals and big outpatient clinics by value
providing full and continuous access to
aggregated patient health data
Table 5.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture

39 Operoo The company offers a big-data-based With Operoo, parents complete a It supports thousands of schools and
Australia platform that automatically keeps comprehensive digital health form only various establishments around the
3, 4 medical and emergency contact once, which can be quickly accessed world in eliminating time-consuming,
Big data information up-to-date for schools and updated whenever needed. It’s the costly and repetitive paper-based
and institutions one form continuously verified and processes. It creates value by enabling
updated throughout the child’s tenure at schools to save time and resources by
the school. Parents use the camera on automating operational processes
their devices to easily upload action using digital workflows, as well as
plans for the school. Anaphylaxis, increasing staff efficiency, parental
asthma, epilepsy, diabetes or any other involvement and student engagement
action plan can be attached to students’
medical data and viewed by staff in an
40 Optellum The company offers AI-based early Relevant patient data are combined in Social value is captured by diagnosing
UK lung cancer diagnostics and decision the platform and analysed by AI by cancer diseases faster through the
3 support software taking into account both present and platform. It ensures the efficient use of
AI prior CT scans. A prediction score is invaluable time and health resources
obtained by this analysis, helping available
clinicians make informed decisions and
diagnose cancer
41 Paige The company offers an AI-based It utilises disease-specific modules by Their AI-based solutions help
USA digital pathology diagnostics using visual and clinical data with DL pathologists identify, quantify and
3 software service delivered via an algorithms, recurrent neural networks, characterise pathological diseases and
AI, cloud computing imaging platform generative models, cloud computing make precise diagnoses more
and web services. They also utilise ML efficiently
and DL algorithms on petabyte-scale
datasets to discover new insights in
pathology images and transform the
pathologists’ workflow
42 Philips The company provides predictive Machine and service data is continually Reduced downtime of healthcare
The Netherlands maintenance and aims for zero evaluated using data analytics machinery results in uninterrupted
3 unplanned equipment downtime with algorithms to find patterns and trends. service to patients, which adds value
Healthcare analytics predictive analytics These signals are predictive, allowing a
service action to be planned ahead of
time without disrupting routine clinical
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
43 Prellis The company offers a high-resolution In the development of therapeutics, It offers solutions to organ needs by
USA laser projection technology to print living tissues made in 3D that replicate developing synthetic tissue products
3 ultra-thin tissue scaffolds from biological function can be exploited. for R&D, therapeutic production and
3D printing biocompatible materials. The 3D Prellis has overcome the problem of organ transplantation, using a
printing technology is used to make related speed and resolution by printing holographic printing system that can
it possible to recreate a up to 2.5 million voxels (points of light) match and accurately replicate human
physiologically compatible organ per second by utilising holographic organ and tissue structures
image projection to create ultrafine
biomimetic tissue scaffolds
44 Prognos Health The company offers an analytics Making use of ML techniques and NLP Value is captured by categorising and
5.1  Companies and Use Cases

USA platform that enables purchasing and methods, the AI-powered platform analysing patient data derived from a
3 analysis of vast amounts of health prognosFACTOR is used to aggregate, multi-sourced database. The
AI, healthcare analytics, records from anonymised patients normalise and provide clinical availability of processed healthcare
natural language processing interpretations of multi-sourced clinical data facilitates research and increases
diagnostics data derived from the efficiency
integrated database, the Prognost
45 Prokarium Biotech startup focusing on Through proprietary genetic Value is captured through the
UK researching and developing engineering, biotech and interventions, development of microbial
3 genetically engineered microbial the natural ability of our bacterial immunotherapy for solid tumours and
Biotech and biomanufacturing treatments for cancer patients and strains to seek out and colonise solid vaccines against infectious diseases,
vaccines tumours is enhanced. It allows the with some in collaboration with the
development of attenuated bacterial UK government
strains that are capable of targeting
tumours without causing pathology in
normal tissues. It also delivers specific
immunostimulatory cargo aimed at
activating the patients’ immune systems
to destroy tumours
Table 5.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
46 Proximie The company offers a technology Proximie uses AI, AR and 5G Through a multi-technology-based
UK platform that uses a combination of technology to allow multiple people in approach, the platform is designed to
3 AI, 5G and AR to allow for virtual different locations to interact virtually, address connectivity problems in
5G, AI, spatial computing and global collaboration of clinicians simulating what they would experience healthcare. They improve healthcare
if they were in the same operating and make it more efficient, effective
room. They can show one another and most importantly accessible, thus
where to make an incision in real time, creating value
or they can explain a method using
bodily gestures
47 Ras Labs Human-precision electroactive FingerTip™ senses pressure from small This project can be used in products
USA polymers (EAPs) that mimic touches to high-pressure touches. It capable of lifelike tactile feedback and
3 biological properties and behaviour, generates immediate feedback at the biomimetic action and withstand harsh
Advanced materials, AI, equipped with AI and ML-based first point of contact. The contact point environments such as extreme
biotech and biomanufacturing, nanotechnological sensor systems is gentle, yet firm, as the pads in the temperatures, pressures, radiation and
robotics contact area provide a soft, compliant incurable infectious areas. Value is
interface. The sensors here also make it created by potentially optimising
possible to detect and prevent slipping prosthetic hands
by sensing the change in pressure
position on its surface, adjusting grip
strength without stuttering due to both
feedback and pad compatibility
48 RS Research It is a clinical-stage biotechnology The Sagitta is a platform that targets Value is captured by helping maintain
Turkey enterprise that develops new tumours with a high cytotoxic burden the life quality of cancer patients going
3 nanomedicine to be used in the using polymer-drug conjugates. The under treatment, by ensuring that the
Biotech and biomanufacturing treatment of cancer patients nano-drug ingested into the cell releases active substances of medicines are
the active ingredient in such a way that more effective
it exhibits its full impact only in the
tumour, thanks to the targeting module
that identifies receptors on the tumour
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
49 Sira Medical The company offers an AR-based Thanks to the AR software app By generating anatomically correct
USA software system that provides “RadHA” (Radiology with Holographic patient-specific holograms, the
3, 4 clinicians with patient-specific Augmentation), doctors can study 3D company solves the barrier of
Spatial computing high-fidelity 3D holograms to assist radiological scans by superimposing unexpected anatomy, which accounts
in pre-surgical planning them onto a real-world context for 25% of all surgical errors, allowing
physicians to reduce patient
complications and increase surgical
efficiency. Using this software,
surgeons can better explain operations
to patients while also highlighting key
5.1  Companies and Use Cases

locations to avoid during surgery. The

company also offers its solutions to
educational institutions, to be used in
the training of future surgeons,
medical students and radiologic
50 Solve.Care The company offers a patient-centric Based on blockchain, it provides a Through the use of the platform and
Ukraine and decentralised blockchain digital currency called SOLVE that is cryptocurrency, health transactions and
3 platform that coordinates benefits, used in transactions on the “Solve Care spending in the field of health become
Blockchain, healthcare care and payments between all Platform” for healthcare. The token more transparent, traceable and secure
analytics parties in the chain of healthcare supply is fixed and the price is variable, for every stakeholder of the industry.
determined by market supply and Thanks to the platform, the
demand. SOLVE runs natively on the examination becomes more flexible for
ethereum blockchain and is designed to doctors and patients, and patients can
follow pre-set standards. Also, the meet with expert doctors around the
platform provides another service called world
“Care Wallet” that enables patients and
physician to communicate
Table 5.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
51 Tempus The company offers an AI-powered The explainable AI platform eliminates With collected and analysed oncology
USA healthcare analytics platform noise and focuses analysis on the data datasets, the company accelerates
3 designed to generate, collect, points most likely to answer the cancer research. Extra value is
AI, healthcare analytics structure and analyse vast amounts of problem, giving scientists more time to captured by evaluating clinical and
data to advance precision medicine focus on areas where their clinical molecular data points, connecting
processes judgement is critical. Running on an AI clinicians with up-to-date treatment
knowledge graph that is updated with choices and providing useful
information from books and databases, information for patients based on their
accurate and validated ML models molecular profiles and advanced
locate causative variations with proof analytics by using AI algorithms
52 Univfy The company offers an AI-powered Using AI algorithms, specific By using AI, it makes fertility
USA platform that provides patients with prognostics are provided for each expenditures and outcomes more
3 scientifically proven, personalised patient, showing their probability of reasonable and predictable for women
AI information about their chances of having a baby with three IVF stages. and couples who are considering
having a baby through in vitro The holistic health profile of the woman having a baby, which enables families
fertilisation (IVF) or couple is used to calculate the who want to have a baby to make more
probability, including their age, BMI, rational decisions
reproductive history, ovarian reserve
test results and the partner’s semen
analysis. Clinical IVF outcome data
from the patient’s treatment centre are
used to validate the predictions
53 Unlearn The company provides a digital twin PROCOVA (prognostic covariate Value is captured through reduced
USA platform that generates virtual adjustment) is an adaptor that sample sizes, increased power and
3 synthetic control arms made up of incorporates digital twins into statistical confidence for clinical trials, made
Digital twins participants from digital twins analysis plans to offer a more precise possible by using digital twins.
assessment of the treatment effect. Each Additionally, the hybrid trial design of
patient in the trial has a digital twin, an the platform requires fewer human
AI-generated placebo result prediction. participants, resulting in accelerated,
Digital twins maintain randomisation smaller and more efficient trials
and blinding while boosting certainty
without introducing bias
5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
54 Verge Genomics The company offers an AI-based The platform uses AI to identify patient Value is generated by reducing the
USA drug discovery platform specialised genomes, gene expression and time and resources required to develop
3 in helping patients suffering from epigenomics, which enables new drugs and their approval
AI neurodegenerative diseases determining novel therapeutic goals and processes, made possible through
making accurate predictions about the utilising AI
effectiveness of the medication
55 XRHealth The company offers a virtual clinic Services about the sessions are Monetary value is streamed by the
USA using telehealth to deliver medical provided, carried out through the VR therapies provided to the patients with
3 and therapeutic treatments telehealth kit that consists of a VR XR applications related to many health
headset and two hand controllers, problems such as physical therapy;
5.1  Companies and Use Cases

Spatial computing
created by the company and sent to its occupational therapy; behavioural
customers by meeting online with one health management; pain management;
of the therapists within the company. Parkinson’s, ADHD, memory and
Therapies are directed and provided via cognitive education; post-COVID-19
FDA-registered medical VR apps rehabilitation; and support groups. It
also contributes to the accessibility of
healthcare by providing access to
therapies online
252 5  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being

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SDG-4 Quality Education

Abstract tinuous improvement of the effort put forward to

provide sustainable education in studies on edu-
Education is a component of sustainable cation (Franco et al. 2020). The lack of chances
development with its strong effects at global, for learning (also education) stymies social, eco-
regional and local levels. The biggest chal- nomic and sustainable development and long-­
lenge the world faces in this context is the term stability and peace. Learning is especially
preservation and continuous improvement of essential for individuals who have been banned
the effort put forward to provide sustainable from formal schooling or who have not achieved
education in studies on education. The lack of basic skills and education. Learning is required to
chances for learning stymies social, economic accomplish the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
and sustainable development and long-term Development, titled Transforming Our World
stability and peace. This chapter presents the (UN 2015), including 17 sustainable develop-
business models of 49 companies and use ment goals (SDGs) and 169 related targets. The
cases that employ emerging technologies and goal of providing opportunities for lifelong learn-
create value in SDG-4, Quality Education. We ing for everyone emphasises the global education
should highlight that one use case can be agenda’s comprehensive character and its impor-
related to more than one SDG and it can make tance for achieving all SDGs by 2030. To provide
use of multiple emerging technologies. comprehensive learning opportunities and sys-
tems, this integrated approach supports the con-
Keywords cept that bridges must be built among and
amongst actors, institutions, processes, learning
Sustainable development goals · Business places and times (Hanemann 2019).
models · Quality education · Sustainability The main purpose of the fourth SDG, under
the title of “Quality Education”, put forward by
the United Nations, is to encourage the principles
and practices of sustainable development to cre-
Education is a component of sustainable develop- ate societies with exceptional opportunities in all
ment with its strong effects at global, regional fields of education (Franco et  al. 2020). Today,
and local levels. The biggest challenge the world almost 262 million children and adolescents are
faces in this context is the preservation and con- out of school. Sixty percent of school goers do
not acquire basic numeracy and literacy skills in
their first few school years. Seven hundred fifty
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- million adults in the world are illiterate, which
butions of İlayda Zeynep Mert, Ömer Sami Temel,
Abdullah Aykut Kılıç, Abdullah Enes Ögel, Veysel Ömer adversely affects the welfare of societies and
Yıldız and Enes Ürkmez in completing this chapter. reveals marginalisation (UNESCO 2021).

© The Author(s) 2022 255

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
256 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

Despite this situation, the enrolment rate in education (preschool, primary, secondary, voca-
regions that continue to develop rose to 91% in tional, higher and adult education) is one of
2015 because of active work carried out since SDG-4’s goals. The goals expand the definition
2000. As a result of these efforts, the number of of education as a worldwide enterprise to include
children who are out of school has nearly halved. objectives in reading, numeracy and other areas
In addition, the significant increase in girls’ such as global citizenship, sustainability and gen-
school enrolment and literacy rates are also der equality (Unterhalter 2019). Figure 6.1 dem-
among the remarkable achievements (United onstrates the targets set by the UN in the field of
Nations Development Programme 2021). At the quality education under the name SDG-4 (United
micro-level of society, the impact of epidemics of Nations 2021a, b, c).
acute infectious disease on people, families and “Quality education”, one of 17 different devel-
communities may be enormous. Children may opment goals, emphasises an egalitarian, inclu-
lose their chance of going to school due to conse- sive, quality and lifelong education content.
quences or demands at home in the event of a Achieving the goals set in the scope of SDG-4 is
large epidemic, at least until they are older (Kekić also of great importance in terms of achieving
and Miladinovic 2013). These adverse outcomes other sustainable development goals. Along with
of epidemics can easily be caused by pandemics literacy and access to primary education, higher
as well. For example, the COVID-19 outbreak educational institutions are considered to be
caused widespread school cancellations in 188 highly influential in achieving sustainable devel-
countries, affecting almost 1.5  billion children opment, with a social responsibility to bring forth
and adolescents. Only 30% of low-income coun- a setting that cultivates sustainable development
tries have built a national distance learning plat- amidst their students and communities (Ferguson
form. Nevertheless, over 65% of countries have and Roofe 2020). In addition to SDG targets,
done so. Almost 33% of young people in the trade activities in countries are directly related to
world were already digitally excluded before the education. The lack of educational opportunities
crisis. Also, girls have less access to digital tech- in a particular region, that is, the lack of profes-
nology than boys, restricting their online learning sional and personal skills of the people living in
opportunities. It is especially challenging to that region, has a significant impact on the cre-
reach children with mental or physical disabili- ation of new business areas in the region and the
ties through online education programs. Distance disruption of various entrepreneurial and invest-
education quality and accessibility will vary ment activities. Investing in people is of great
­considerably within and between nations. Only importance for faster economic developments
15 countries worldwide offer distance education (Cervelló-Royo et al., 2020).
in several languages (United Nations 2020). As a Although primary school attendance in devel-
result, education plays a massive role in bringing oping nations has reached 91%, 57 million chil-
societies to a certain level of resilience. All kinds dren are excluded from school. Many of the other
of education are essential in generating sustain- SDGs can only be achieved through a good edu-
able development and in environmental prob- cation. If people can get a good education, they
lems, employment problems and industrial can break the cycle of poverty (United Nations
operation (UN Environment Programme 2021). 2021a, b, c; Patel20 2019). Due to high poverty
The objectives of SDG-4 concerning the prob- levels, armed conflict and other emergencies,
lems as mentioned above are to present equality progress has also been hampered in developing
of opportunity based on literacy, numeracy and regions. The number of youngsters out of school
broader learning competencies, which are the has risen due to the continuous violent situations
most basic learning levels of education in gen- in West Asia and North Africa. Although Sub-­
eral, from kindergarten, or nursery, to vocational Saharan Africa has accomplished the most
schools and university (Unterhalter 2019). improvement of any developing region regarding
Expanding possibilities throughout all levels of primary school enrolment, substantial inequities
6  SDG-4 Quality Education 257

Fig. 6.1  Targets of SDG-4 quality education (United Nations 2021a, b, c)

258 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

still exist. Children from the poorest homes are SDG-4’s main goal, which is to ensure that
four times more likely to drop out of school than everyone, regardless of their race, gender, age or
those from the wealthiest households. Inequalities other characteristics, has access to inclusive and
between rural and urban areas continue to be sig- equal quality education, is ambitious and chal-
nificant (Joint Sdg Fund 2021). Education has a lenging to achieve. The way knowledge is passed
critical role in reducing inequity and achieving down is presumed to change dramatically due to
gender equality. It also allows people worldwide technological advancements, with a big move
to lead healthier and more sustainable lives towards online platforms.
(United Nations 2021a, b, c). As an alternative to conventional methods of
Education also plays a role in fostering inter- education, online education can be used to
cultural tolerance, promoting a more peaceful address specific challenges of SDG-4. Projections
society (United Nations 2021a, b, c). It is also a are ambiguous regarding the mix of online mate-
potent instrument for enhancing societal resil- rials available to students in the future. Existing
ience. Formal and informal education and public patterns indicate that a lot more online educa-
awareness and training are essential for encour- tional information is accessible, but it appears
aging sustainable development, strengthening that considerably less of it would be used suc-
people’s and countries’ capacity to handle envi- cessfully by students. The ratio of rationales and
ronmental and development concerns and estab- ideologies between public and private content
lishing green and decent employment and will continue to shift, but it appears that a few
industries (UNEP 2021). Education plays a sig- international content producers will start to con-
nificant part in developing tolerance in people trol the industry (Unwin et al. 2017). A growing
interactions and the development of much more body of research aims to understand and explain
friendly communities. Fair access for females to the aspect of gender in online learning (Latchem
education, medical care, decent jobs and involve- 2014). Some suggest that online education meth-
ment in economic and political institutions would ods are non-sexist and more gender-inclusive
improve humanity and the world economy’s sus- (Margolis and Fisher 2002). In contrast, others
tainability. Funding in educational initiatives for report that it does not solve pre-existing problems
females and raising the age of marriage would of traditional methods (Anderson 2004).
provide a fivefold return on investment (Koßmann Nevertheless, there is consensus that online plat-
2019). forms may offer more accessible knowledge, free
SDG-4 aims for all boys and girls to have exchange of information, networks and learning
equal access to elementary and secondary educa- communities without regard to gender (Latchem
tion and early childhood development programs 2014). Despite offering promising solutions,
and accessible university education for both men online education systems are not perfect.
and women by 2030. This goal’s main aim is to Literature suggests that, in developing regions
increase young people’s numeracy and literacy and countries, women face the same challenges
abilities while also ensuring that all people, regardless of the educational platform, e.g. online
regardless of gender or handicap, have an equal vs traditional (Glen and Cédric 2003). It has been
chance (Joint SDG Fund 2021). Simultaneously, suggested that providing women with training
increased access to university education, as well and support in creating content that is appropriate
as vocational and technical training, is empha- to their needs and addresses their particular view-
sised. Within this context, available scholarships points, experiences and concerns would greatly
for students from developing nations to enrol in help prevent their absence in online educational
higher education, vocational training programs platforms (Latchem 2014).
and other science programs in developed or Furthermore, virtual reality (VR) and different
developing countries are gradually increasing methods may also be used in the classroom. This
(Patel20 2019). would permit students to learn how to negotiate
6.1  Companies and Use Cases 259

difficulties and communicate ideas online using the finest systems, even so, their function will
new platforms. Forecasts regarding the future of have shifted from that of knowledge suppliers to
education and the use of VR suggest that as gam- that of mentors, assisting youngsters in learning
ing technologies are being created for the class- to navigate the universe of digital data. This is
rooms, augmented reality (AR) and VR are especially important when working with disad-
likewise expected to become much more com- vantaged children who may lack the parental and
mon (Unwin et al. 2017). Campuses, as we know community support needed to organise and
them today, may cease to exist. This would free socialise education (Unwin et al. 2017).
learning from the confines of a physical school. A
new campus would likely consist of mobile class-
rooms and a real-world setting. On the other 6.1 Companies and Use Cases
hand, city libraries and laboratories would coex-
ist to assist students in completing their assign- Table 6.1 presents the business models of 49
ments. Games that teach youngsters how to code, companies and use cases that employ emerging
toys that teach robotics and various apps that help technologies and create value in SDG-4. We
teachers quickly deliver knowledge to children should highlight that one use case can be related
are highly likely to become commonplace. The to more than one SDG and it can make use of
use of technology in education is expected to multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
increase exponentially, aiding teaching and learn- umn, we present the company name, the origin
ing processes, thus evolving learning into being country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
more creative and practical as time goes on. gies that are included. The companies and use
Conventional methods of performance and learn- cases are listed alphabetically.1
ing evaluations, such as tests, will likely be
replaced by evaluations of students’ critical
thinking and problem-solving abilities through
their performance in creative projects (Nerdy
Mates 2021). For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

Forecasts indicate that by 2025, the use of company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
Online – 2.1.2022):
information and communication technologies; https://alchemyimmersive.
(ICTs) in schools will be substantially more com/;; https://bridge-u.
diversified. This makes predicting how it will be com/;;;
utilised in any given situation exceedingly chal-;; https://
lenging. Similarly, there will be some imagina-;; https://elevateu.
tive and unique situations in exceedingly;; https://
disadvantaged contexts, where well-trained,;; https://
incredibly inspiring educators will use ICTs to;; https://pho-
encourage kids to critically discover a wealth of;; https://roybi-;; https://shop.
information and thoughts, allowing them to build;;;
the abilities and understanding required to change;;
the world in which they live. Furthermore, many;;
governments’ educational systems will probably;;; https://www.brainscape.
change. Many of these systems will expressly com/;; https://www.century.
urge wider use of ICT in schools, driven in part tech/;; https://www.
by the interests of big multinational businesses;; https://www.
and by a growing understanding of the impact;; https://;; https://www.
advantages such technologies may provide.;; https://www.
Educators will continue to play a critical role in;; https://www.
education systems that schools still control. In;
260 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

Table 6.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-4

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 12twenty The company creates By increasing student survey The company is changing
USA a big-data-focused response rates, the platform the way university career
4 platform for university improves the data available to centres, students and
Big data career centres colleges. Career counsellors can employers approach career
use this information to produce recruitment. The platform
industry or bespoke reports, facilitates recruitment
analyse student employment and processes for everyone;
avoid the time-consuming task of students can use it to achieve
creating spreadsheets. 12twenty a comprehensive
also gives students access to wage understanding of
data and an interview question recruitment. It captures
database, so they can leverage big value by providing more
data technology after graduation to effective management of
get the information they can use employment processes for
beyond graduation career counsellors and
facilitating the hiring
process for employers by
helping them find candidates
2 Alchemy The company offers a By using the user’s smartphone Integrating VR experiences
Immersive VR-powered camera to project animations into with lesson plans has
UK experimental living rooms using VR technology, immense benefits for
4 educational platform the Museum Alive app allows learners who might not be
Spatial users to place extinct species and able to learn solely from a
computing natural environments in the actual textbook. Through the
world. Other learning tools, such immersive content created,
as voice-overs, soundscapes, Alchemy VR generates
maps, textual information and value by making the learning
pre-recorded videos, are mixed process more enjoyable and
with this captivating
3 ApplyBoard The company offers a ApplyBoard uses NLP to process Students can apply to
Canada portal that connects and AI to analyse students’ data to multiple schools and
4 foreign students and match them with the course, programs at the same time
AI, natural recruiting partners university, scholarship and save time by simply
language with educational opportunities and job vacancies creating a profile using the
processing opportunities at that best meet their background portal. The platform
universities around the and interests generates value by
world facilitating the advisory and
assisting processes regarding
scholarships, visa
procedures and more, by
connecting students and
experts. Students can apply
to more than a thousand
educational institutions
worldwide using this portal
6.1  Companies and Use Cases 261

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
4 Arduino The company offers Arduino boards can take It generates value by
Italy hardware- and inputs – such as light from a facilitating global access to
4 software-based sensor, a finger on a button or a STEM education regardless
3D printing, open-source Twitter message – and convert of age and making education
flexible electronics platforms them to outputs, such as turning easier. It makes performing
electronics and where users can on an LED, triggering a motor or computational work, a costly
wearables, program or design publishing anything online. By and inefficient process, more
Internet of robots and systems providing a set of instructions to efficient and cheaper for
Things like IoT applications, the board’s microcontroller, users everyone using electronics
wearable electronic may tell it what to do. The boards
equipment and 3D Arduino programming language
printing systems that (based on wiring) and the Arduino
interact with their software (IDE) (based on
environment processing) are used for
accomplishing this
5 Aurum3D It is a company that The company provides Compared to the old-­
India offers tailored 3D personalised 3D printing solutions fashioned cardboard-based
4 printing solutions for based on the specific demands of models, 3D-printed physical
3D printing any level of education the model, prototype or product by models allow different
allowing students/educators to students to understand
choose from a variety of 3D engineering and complex
printing services based on their concepts details with ease.
specific requirements They also allow teachers and
students to study and discuss
their different viewpoints,
aspects and various
educational concepts.
Moreover, they offer
high-quality real-life visuals
and give a better perspective
for different age groups.
Value is captured by helping
the stakeholders in the
educational system
6 Avidbots The company provides Neo, the self-driving floor The product provides
Canada industrial-grade scrubbing robot, scans the measurable cleaning reports
4, 10 autonomous floor designated area through its and boosts cleaning
AI, scrubbing robots used equipped sensors. This data is frequency. The Neo platform
autonomous in various locations analysed through the Avidbots AI generates value by creating
vehicles, such as schools platform to create the most the most optimal plans for
Internet of efficient cleaning plan, which is cleaning and disinfection,
Things, then carried out by Neo increasing efficacy and
robotics efficiency. The
automatisation of these
processes maximises the
cleaning productivity while
minimising human
262 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
7 BetterUp The company provides After a personal analysis test is Value is created by
USA an AI-based platform carried out, AI interprets the test maximising development
4 that offers result and recommends three through increasing
AI, Internet of personalised coaching coaches in line with the demands. individual resilience,
Behaviours After the coaches are determined, adaptability and
personal programs are prepared effectiveness in personal
regarding the analyses development. For business,
it increases productivity by
making employees more
productive, thus maximising
8 Blue Canoe The company offers It creates entertaining smartphone Through AI, the platform
USA an ML-based English games that effectively help matches words that may
4 language learning non-native English speakers learn evoke each other to facilitate
AI platform and practice to acquire clarity and memorising and learning
confidence when speaking processes. Combined with
English, using a proven brain-­ voice recognition, value is
science methodology and scaling created by enabling users to
it with speech recognition and practice conversational
machine learning language skills. The
convenient platform
provided through an app
increases access to quality
language education
9 Brainscape The company offers a It classifies online study cards Value is captured by
USA digital education according to the most efficient providing an online working
4 platform that increases working time with the help of environment, preventing the
AI learning speed by AI. It specifies which topic will be loss of study notes and
using smart flashcards studied when and at what intervals ensuring the permanence of
the learned information.
Also, it facilitates planning
and tracking of the learning
process, thanks to flashcards
created by the learner
10 BridgeU The company offers Prospective students must fill out Through the delivery of
UK an AI-powered the information about their AI-enabled assistance
4 educational platform interests, hobbies, grades, career regarding university and
AI designed to provide and learning experiences. The career choices, the platform
career counselling and BridgeU will then match their captures value by helping
help students prepare profiles with colleges or courses young people fulfil their
and submit university that best suit them using ML potential on a global scale
11 BrightBytes The company offers a The ML-based platform creates Value is captured by
USA data analytics and predictive models and dashboards generating relevant data and
4 infrastructure platform by analysing students’ historical providing proper suggestions
AI, big data that aims to enhance data to identify ideal strategies for on what the data means and
student learning students. Also, according to the how to move on to more
outcomes for all results, coaches are assigned to the successful integration.
students person for support purposes Therefore, it facilitates
developmental stages for
6.1  Companies and Use Cases 263

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
12 CampusLogic It is an enterprise that The platform digitises and CampusLogic makes forms
USA creates AI tools and simplifies financial transactions easier to fill out and allows
4 resources for college with tools such as a net price them to be submitted
AI, administrators to assist calculator, complete scholarship securely from any device. It
crowdfunding students in managing management (including also provides the
scholarships, loans crowdfunded scholarships), consolidation of aid
and other financial aid personalised digital applications or scholarships
communications, simplified into a single system. It
financial aid verification, 24 × 7 creates value by making the
personalised virtual advising, process easier and more
tuition and scholarship efficient for students and
crowdfunding and integrated data colleges. In addition, it
visualisations offers financial assistance to
13 CENTURY The company offers Century’s learning platform tracks Value is generated by
Tech an education platform the learning process of pupils and making the learning process
UK that uses learning analyses their data through AI to easier and faster as it offers
4 science and AI to provide recommendations on students a personalised and
AI provide adaptive learning pathways depending on adaptable learning path
pathways for students the pupils’ strengths and areas of
and assessment data improvement
for teachers for
various levels of
14 Civitas The company offers The company’s connected The platform generates
Learning an intelligence infrastructure and tools use big value by assisting users in
USA platform that provides data technologies to coordinate improving enrolment,
4 academic and career student accomplishment strategies retention and graduation
AI, big data planning, student in higher education, give proactive rates, as well as empowering
support, efficacy and collaborative care, provide leaders, mentors, faculty and
measurement and holistic guidance and swiftly students
data-informed measure what works for whom
15 CoachHub The company offers a Through AI-based matching Regular participation in
Germany talent development algorithms, individuals and AI-matched coaching
4, 8 platform that uses AI employees are automatically sessions can result in many
AI to match people to matched by finding the right benefits for organisations
business coaches coaches on the platform including increased
employee engagement,
higher productivity,
enhanced job performance
and higher retention. Value
is captured by the economic
growth, achieved by
allocating more productive
employees to companies
264 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
16 CodeCombat It is a programming The CodeCombat AI League is a Value is captured by
USA game for learning how competitive AI battle simulator bringing more users into the
4 to code in a and game engine that blends field of computer
AI multiplayer setting project-based, standards-aligned programming by making the
curriculum, a compelling logic and syntax more
adventure-based coding game and accessible and enjoyable to
an annual AI coding worldwide learn
tournament into a structured
academic competition. While
playing, students learn coding and
computer science, which they
subsequently apply in arena
combat as they practice and play
on the same platform
17 Coursera The company provides The company helps its users in Value is created via paid/free
USA an online education gaining competencies through the training offered by AI. The
4, 8, 10 platform for both training and programs it provides company offers a variety of
AI individuals and on various subjects and its financial aid options for
organisations AI-based recommendation system users who want to access the
content of the training as a
social value with a limited
18 Cubomania The company offers a CuboBuddy, a robotic educational Through blockchain, the
Ukraine blockchain-powered toy that is connected with IoT, platform captures value by
4 online platform for the enables interaction between a user facilitating the creation and
AI, blockchain, creation and and an AI-based character with distribution of educational
Internet of distribution of integrated educational programs. content for children, while
Things, personalised The programs include tasks with providing teachers and
robotics educational content by various levels of complexity, pedagogues maximum
using AI-based allowing children to play and protection of their
characters develop as they progress. The intellectual property. The
CuboApp is a mobile application educational content is
that connects the source of delivered via games, making
educational content on the it more enjoyable for
blockchain and CuboBuddy children to learn and do their
homework. The courses help
develop motor abilities,
creativity and social skills
19 Delphia The company offers a Delphia’s AI, trained through a Realistic road maps are
Canada platform with AI tools survey of recent college graduates, drawn for high school
4 that assists users to analyses high school students students who have difficulty
AI make important through another survey. The in creating their career paths.
academic and career results provide advisory reports Value is created by directing
choices tailored to high school students. students to the fields that are
Furthermore, Delphia’s AI is suitable for them
strengthened with feedback reports
of students, in the case that they
don’t like their given advice
6.1  Companies and Use Cases 265

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
20 Disciplina The company offers a DISCIPLINA, an open-source Through a universal
Estonia platform that uses two-layered blockchain, creates an blockchain, the company
4 blockchain to create ecosystem, uniting students, enables digital storage for
Blockchain and maintain a unified educational institutions (including personal achievements.
register of academic private tutors), employers and Thus, it creates value by
achievement and recruiters. Its decentralised assuring their permanence
qualifications for algorithm automatically assigns a and objective credibility
universities score to someone based on his or while creating the
her achievements and opportunity for targeted
qualifications. Universities can use education. The decentralised
those scores to determine algorithm offers an effective
individualised learning plans method for candidate search
based on what the student has or by their fields of expertise
hasn’t learned and achieved and recruiters
21 Duolingo The company offers The platform, which can be The platform captures value
USA an ML-powered accessed through an app or by increasing accessibility to
4 language learning website, leverages ML methods to quality language education
AI platform that includes deliver course content tailored to by offering its services to
more than 30 language the individual user anyone who has an Internet
tutorials connection. Despite the
premium plans that require
existing payments, the
company offers their basic
services for free. Content is
delivered through games and
quizzes, facilitating the
learning process while also
making it fun and easy to
track users’ progress
22 EduTekno It is a big data-based Students’ fingerprints are tested Value is captured by setting
Turkey company that reveals using the genetic test. Students are the right goals for students
4 potential talents with categorised based on data that in line with their abilities
Big data genetic analysis and demonstrates a link between a and offering the opportunity
provides information fingerprint combination and a to develop their careers in
about their skill, which has been created the right direction
characteristics through many years of data
collection. These classes
demonstrate which fingerprint
combinations are effective or
unsuccessful in certain sectors, as
well as what traits they possess
23 ElevateU The company offers The platform performs a test to With personalised books, it
USA an AI-based digital determine the learning style becomes easier for students
4 publishing platform (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic) of to understand lectures and
that generates students. The results are analysed for instructors to observe
personalised textbooks using AI to generate dynamic and their students. Value is
for students personalised textbooks by using generated by reducing the
resources provided by students’ costs of books and
professors or universities preventing paper waste. It
also increases the number of
money authors and
universities make from
266 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
24 ELSA The company offers a ELSA can listen to you speak The AI-powered assistant
USA mobile application English and identify specific faults helps to improve
4, 10 that uses AI for on an individual sound level, as pronunciation, reduce accent
AI English language well as intonation, rhythm and and enrich English skills. It
learning pitch. It will then provide you with generates value by making
immediate feedback and language learning more
suggestions on how to correct the democratic by giving people
issues. All of the input is who don’t have a chance to
automated by deep-learning talk to a native speaker
algorithm-based speech
recognition technology
25 EON Reality The company offers Using spatial and cloud Eon Reality states that
USA an education platform computing, EON-XR enables knowledge is a human right,
4 where users can educators, trainers, employers and and through their mission
Cloud access, create, share other users to create interactive and products, they create
computing, and monitor training and immersive AR&VR lessons value by allowing anyone to
spatial modules in AR and needless of coding or advanced create and share immersive
computing VR technological knowledge. The lessons, which is an effective
lessons can then be distributed to method of education
their audience of students, improving learning and
trainees, employees or the general performance. Their tools can
public for consumption on be used by corporations,
common devices ranging from governments, universities or
smartphones to laptops to publicly any other educational
available headsets institution
26 Grammarly The company offers a Grammarly’s algorithms identify It generates value by
USA platform that uses AI potential flaws in the text and enabling the emotions that
4 and NLP to correct provide context-specific are difficult to be perceived
AI, natural grammatical errors, recommendations for grammar, in texts to be transferred
language checks tone spelling and punctuation, as well more comfortably and
processing consistency and as plagiarism. The software correctly. At the same time,
suggests synonyms explains why each suggestion is it reveals grammatical or
made, which allows users to make punctuation errors important
informed decisions about how to in business and education
fix a problem life that people cannot notice
while writing, thanks to
AI. It also makes texts more
readable and precise
27 HOMER The company offers a With the Learn & Grow App, kids It generates value by
USA platform that provides develop reading, maths, social and allowing youngsters to
4 a unique learning emotional learning, creativity and demonstrate their knowledge
adventure for young thinking skills through thousands in a new or different
people (2–8) that of activities that kids love. Lessons situation and preparing them
reassures and go beyond memorisation to teach to use their talents in the
befriends them basic skills and how to apply actual world
them. It is powered by AI
6.1  Companies and Use Cases 267

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
28 HowNow It is an EdTech The course website can be It increases the productivity
UK company that connects accessed by course content and effectiveness of
4 experts and students creators and learners, on mobile organisations by providing
AI by offering interactive phones, tablets, laptops or any interactive online video
video lessons and other device. ML methods are lessons, which facilitates the
leverages ML used to deliver the content acquisition of new skills.
technology appropriate for the user Value is captured by creating
a platform that is accessible
for everyone and contains all
needed resources, which can
cut time spent searching for
information by up to 35%
29 iNurture The company offers An AI-based student engagement On the platform, students are
India an AI-based learning platform called KRACKiN trained according to their
4 management platform oversees Skill-X, an end-to-end interests and abilities,
AI that enables employability solution that allows leading to creating a talent
universities to create students to identify changing skill pool. Value is captured by
and deliver job-­ requirements for various industries the increases in education
oriented and receive training in industry-­ level and the increases in the
undergraduate or relevant abilities, resulting in a workforce efficiency. As a
postgraduate courses talent pool that is industry-ready result, businesses find more
qualified candidates
30 Immerse The company offers a Immerse allows students to use The company offers students
USA platform that provides avatars to speak and practise their an immersive English
4 VR-supported English through a variety of topics learning experience,
Spatial solutions to improve and themes while wearing a VR on-campus or from a
computing language skills headset, enabling students to learn distance. Through VR, the
through structured interactively platform creates value by
learning opportunities building a suitable learning
setting where students can
socially interact to practice
speaking, deepen emotional
bonds and improve language
268 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
31 LocoRobo LocoDrone is created LocoWear, a wearable electronic LocoRobo’s tools may differ
USA to allow educators to that collects motion data, allows in the content they are
4 teach various skills learning Python while designed to teach, but they
AI, drones, such as Python or Java programming the device, share the same goal: to bring
Internet of coding, sensor data anatomical motion physics, an immersive and hands-on
Things, analysis, data statistics and data analysis with learning experience. Their
robotics, visualisation and the generated data. LocoXtreme is educational programs,
flexible multi-robotics using a robot designed to deliver an powered by numerous
electronics and data obtained from the interactive learning experience for technologies, are offered to
wearables drone through its robotics, programming and more students at young ages and
codable controller. at various levels through the six at the university level. By
The company sells a attached sensors. MyLoopy is also allowing them to interact
variety of educational a robot equipped with sensors and and apply the skills taught
devices that can be can learn from its environment and through the provided tools,
used to teach a variety human interactions through AI. It LocoRobo facilitates
of skills to students in is designed to educate children on learning and reinforces
grades K through 12 a range of topics such as early knowledge. Learning goals
coding and STEM concepts. The and skills meet industry-­
LocoIoT allows students to learn level standards so that
to build an IoT system from participation contributes
scratch with a hands-on approach significantly to finding
through the provided building employment, which is how
blocks for an Internet-connected LocoRobo generates value
device ecosystem
32 Me.reka It is a collaborative Through an interesting, innovative To solve the problems of the
Malaysia learning hub for and skills-based approach, Me. future, training and skill
1, 4, 5, 8, 17 academics, industry reka combines the ideas of development programs are
3D printing, players and sustainability with STEAM organised using emerging
big data, entrepreneurial education (science, technology, technologies. Value is
crowdfunding, communities. engineering, arts and maths). All captured by making training
Internet of Designing and of Me.reka’s programs adhere to accessible to everyone and
Things, spatial developing digital the United Nations’ sustainable putting this training into
computing platforms that use development goals practice with projects. By
augmented reality, big doing so, the number of
data, IoT, 3D printing people who can deal with
and delivering future problems can increase
educational programs
33 ODEM The company offers a Thanks to blockchain, academic Students and professors
Switzerland platform that allows data of students and teachers is become able to have a
4 students to access and stored indefinitely in secure permanent record of their
Blockchain own their academic blocks. Based on smart contracts success. So, value is
records indefinitely approved by both parties, the captured by enhancing their
ODEM ledger locks students’ reputation and preventing
course selection as well as the academic fraud
courses each professor teaches.
The “skill badges” awarded by the
ODEM serve as proof of students’
and instructors’ advanced abilities
in certain areas. By searching for
these badges, students can find
professors and courses that are
right for them, and instructors can
track and review student progress
by searching
6.1  Companies and Use Cases 269

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
34 Odilo The company offers Providers upload their content to Value is captured by
Spain an intelligent content the platform, which allows users democratising access to
4,10 platform that enables to access them. The platform high-quality education on a
AI any library, school, analyses user data with AI to global scale, improving
institution, company determine and offer the most literacy and critical thinking
or municipality to relevant content abilities and strengthening
provide its users with lifelong learning
digital material such
as ebooks,
periodicals, films,
podcasts, courses and
other forms
35 Osso VR It is a company that The surgical simulation training Sales teams, surgeons,
USA uses VR to allow analytics from Osso VR help in providers and hospital
3, 4 medical device tracking engagement and personnel may train together
Spatial companies and proficiency. This training data in the same virtual operating
computing healthcare gives healthcare professionals room – dozens of people at
professionals to share, feedback to help them perform at once – from anywhere in the
test and acquire new their best. It also allows medical world, thanks to Osso VR’s
skills and procedures device businesses to provide digitisation of the HCP
positive early case experiences, (Health Care Policy)
which foster trust and loyalty learning journey. Value is
captured by making health
education easier and more
accessible compared to
traditional education
36 Packback The company offers The AI-enabled Digital TA Thanks to AI, the Digital TA
USA an AI-powered online (Teaching Assistant) directs offers adaptive questions to
4 discussion platform questions to students and adapts to elicit curiosity and interest
AI their response, which delivers a in pupils. Bringing forth a
scalable asynchronous discussion very supportive learning
experience, thus automating the environment adds value. It
process of moderation and assists educators by
coaching automating the regulating
and coaching procedures,
allowing them to save time.
Additionally, algorithmic
evaluations allow students
and instructors to track the
growth of students’ interest,
communication and tradition
270 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
37 Photomath The company provides Photomath must first read any Thanks to the application,
USA an application that problem before it can solve it. The students can solve their
4 analyses, calculates program takes advantage of calculus problems and
AI and intuitively Microblink’s superior OCR understand the ways of
explains printed and (optical character recognition) solving the problem without
handwritten calculus technology to read and recognise the need for an instructor or
problems to users both handwritten and printed anyone. Value is created by
using step-by-step characters in an issue. The enhancing self-learning and
explanations detected characters, such as making knowledge more
numbers, letters and maths accessible for everyone. In
symbols, are then passed through addition, the application
Photomath’s proprietary contributes to making online
algorithm, which analyses each education more efficient by
character concerning the others reducing the dependency on
and calculates the scanned the instructor
problem’s formula. The solution
and solving stages are provided by
applying a problem-solving
algorithm to the formula
38 Riiid The company offers The Riiid AI Tutor analyses the The platform shortens the
South Korea an AI-based tutoring user answers data to make time needed to improve
4 platform, providing predictions of their exam scores. language exam scores by
AI personalised language Then, it provides courses tailored creating an education
education to address the weaknesses of users program designed
specifically for each user. It
also enables the users to
view their learning history
and thus use it for effective
review and updates the
courses according to the
users’ progress. The app can
be downloaded by everyone
and can be accessed at any
given time, thus greatly
increasing accessibility to
quality language education
39 Robolink The company offers Rokit Smart is a programmable Value is captured by
USA robotics building and robot kit designed to teach facilitating learning coding
4 development kits to robotics, motors, infrared sensors, through providing both
AI, robotics students who want to mechanics and tools. Zumi, a fundamental and detailed
learn how to code and self-driving car kit that helps knowledge regarding AI,
build their own robots children learn about self-driving ML and robotics by
cars, robotics, ML, computer delivering education through
vision and mainly AI while interactive and
playing with it. Codrones are programmable toys, thus
designed to educate children about rendering learning processes
drones, sensors, LED lights and more enjoyable
flight. All products can be
programmed with various coding
languages such as Blockly, Python
or Arduino to display various
features such as colour
recognition, learning gestures and
face recognition, while also
teaching coding
6.1  Companies and Use Cases 271

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
40 ROYBI Robot The company offers Roybi Robot uses AI to give Roybi Robot provides a
USA an AI-powered robotic customised entertainment to personalised learning
4 toy designed to children based on their preferences experience for each child by
AI, robotics contribute to language and pace. Roybi Robot delivers a emphasising their unique
learning and early fun and interactive learning talents and interests. Value is
childhood education experience for youngsters with generated by creating a
over 500 courses including basic strong educational
STEM, stories, games and songs foundation for children in
early childhood while also
encouraging creativity and
developing communication
41 ScanMarker The company offers a Scanmarker Air is a portable Scanmarker is 30 times
USA reader pen that scans reading tool that can scan texts faster than manual typing;
4, 10 texts to computers or from books, papers or other thus it helps readers save
Internet of phones and translates documents directly to the devices time. By reading the selected
Things them connected through Bluetooth. The words and developing
text can be edited and translated automaticity and fluency
into more than 110 languages skills, Scanmarker improves
through the desktop application or the decoding and
the website. The pen can also read phonological processing of
aloud the text while scanning, readers. Value is generated
providing audio through text to by equipping readers with
speech (TTS) the ability to translate texts
in different languages, which
facilitates language learning
and increases the
accessibility of educational
content. The conversion of
TTS greatly increases the
accessibility to quality
education for individuals
with visual or reading
42 Solarpak The company provides On their way to and from school, Value is created by
Ivory Coast schoolbags equipped students carry solar-panelled providing a tool to combat
4, 7 with solar panels backpacks. This offers enough inequality by allowing every
Flexible powering attached energy to power the associated student to study, even when
electronics and light when needed light for about 4 hours when they do not have electricity
wearables needed at home. It assists African
children in their education
by providing them access to
a light source at night
272 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
43 Tab for a Cause The company offers a When the extension is installed, it The company allows
USA browser extension that changes users’ default “new tab” everyone to generate
1, 4, 16, 17 allows its users to page to the company website. It is revenue, simply by opening
Cloud raise money for a customisable page with widgets, a new tab on your browser
computing, charitable pictures and more. Every time a and donating it to charitable
crowdfunding organisations working new tab is opened, users earn organisations of their choice.
for sustainability in “hearts”, tokens that can be The platform generates
their respective ways donated to a charity of choice. value by acting as a bridge
Among these, there are two between organisations with a
charities concerned with access to diverse array of missions
quality and equal education. Ads
shown on this page generate the
revenue for the donations
44 Talespin The company offers The platform introduces users to a Platform-generated VR
USA an educational VR virtual human avatar designed to simulations reduce
4 platform that provides create simulations for employee on-the-job time, provide
AI, natural solutions for employee training purposes and interact with flexible remote learning for
language learning and them throughout the process. employees and increase
processing, engagement Powered by AI, speech recognition learners’ confidence. Value
spatial and NLP, the avatar tracks is created by enabling
computing trainees’ eye and body movements businesses to build a more
along with facial expressions. This collaborative, inclusive and
enables the platform to provide productive business future
them with guidance through
branching narratives
45 TINALP The company offers The platform uses mixed reality The AR and VR experiences
Italy an AR- and VR-based and augmented intelligence to are more realistic, thanks to
4 eLearning platform create remote virtual classrooms the low latency and high
5G, spatial that uses 5G to powered by 5G. These classrooms bandwidth of 5G, allowing
computing provide services such simulate real-life conditions with teachers to gain real-time
as mobile cloud instructor-trainees and real-time information about each
classrooms and virtual interactions for a tailored learning student to tailor education to
presence experience their unique needs and skills.
The virtual classrooms
generate value by offering
an immersive learning
experience that can be
delivered remotely,
increasing access to quality
6.1  Companies and Use Cases 273

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
46 TransfrVR The company offers The company provides trainees The platform offers a more
USA an AR&VR-based with a virtual reality platform that comprehensive
4 educational platform allows them to engage in hands-on understanding of the
AI, spatial that delivers learning in a simulated material by promoting
computing simulations along with environment. When a trainee interactivity and
an AI-driven digital makes a mistake, a digital coach participation in practical
coach powered by machine learning and training. It allows users to
artificial intelligence (AI) gives learn lessons from their
them feedback on how to improve mistakes with guidance from
their performance on the job. In its digital coach. The
addition, the intern is given a score delivery of detailed
that shows his or her job evaluations of progress and
preparedness in a real-world feedback allows users to be
setting. Hospitality, surgical and aware of their knowledge
culinary fields are examples of and skills. It generates value
where it is used by providing a hands-on
learning experience,
especially important for
students with limited access
to campus facilities or job
47 Verizon The company offers a Verizon provides 5G networks Utilising 5G, Verizon
USA 5G wideband network with sites that are excellent for enables the use of
4 that provides optimal storing educational institutions’ demanding educational tools
5G, edge bandwidth and edge computing resources. These that allow immersive
computing refreshes rates for are used to power and support education and provide
demanding educational tools like AR and VR access to fast Internet to
educational uses of the that require a lot of bandwidth and educational institutions
Internet low frequency
48 WonderTree It is a software Games may be personalised to a Value is captured by
Pakistan enterprise that creates player’s ability/needs, and they measuring, tracking and
3, 4, 10 AR-based interactive come with a reporting system that interpreting a child’s
AI, spatial games for children allows them to track their development through games
computing who have special cognitive and/or motor skill that make the rehabilitative
needs improvement. Each game is based and instructional programs
on psychological research and more enjoyable for children
uses technology to track specific with special needs. Also, it
metrics such as attention span, may be used anywhere with
hand-eye coordination, muscle a camera, Internet
mobility and so on. Thanks to AI, connection and computer,
the measurements can be used to thus making rehabilitation
assess performance and determine more convenient and
future educational, therapeutic accessible
and/or rehabilitation strategies
274 6  SDG-4 Quality Education

Table 6.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
49 ZIoTag The company offers ZIoTag instantly generates The AI-produced transcripts
USA an AI-powered video transcripts once users copy and and AToCs render every
4 player producing paste the URL of any Internet word in the video
AI categorised transcripts video (or audio). Then, its searchable. Results appear
from videos powerful AI creates an Actionable as clickable timestamps to
Table of Contents (AToCs) that the exact moment the search
makes every word and subject of phrase. Their entire video
the movie completely searchable library is indexed and
categorised to enable
students to easily search any
section of a video. Thus, it
increases search time
efficiency for educational
content. The platform
captures value by facilitating
education, especially
distance learning as it
greatly depends on
educational videos

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(2021). Available at: https://www.jointsdgfund. development-­goals-­matter/goal-­4. Accessed 14 Aug
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Diseases (Belgrade, Academy of Criminalistic and United Nations, Policy Brief: The Impact of Covid-19 on
Police Studies, 2013) Children (United Nations, New York, 2020)
J.  Koßmann, SDG 4: Why Does Education Matter? United Nations, Quality Education: Why It Matters.
[Online] (2019). Available at: https://aiesec. [Online] (2021a). Available at:
References 275

Goal-­4.pdf. Accessed 14 Aug 2021 development-­g oals/goal-­4 -­q uality-­e ducation.html.
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Development. [Online] (2021b). Available at: https:// E.  Unterhalter, The many meanings of quality educa-­good-­health-­and-­well-­being. tion: Politics of targets and indicators in SDG4. Glob.
Accessed 17 Aug 2021 Policy 10(1), 39–51 (2019)
United Nations, United Nations Sustainable Development T. Unwin, M. Weber, M. Brugha, D. Hollow, The Future
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Education. [Online] (2021). Available at: https://

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SDG-5 Gender Equality

Abstract Gender equality, the fifth of the sustainable devel-

opment goals of the UN, is a base element for
Gender equality, the fifth of the sustainable creating a comfortable, sustainable and wealthy
development goals of the UN, is a base ele- world and being a fundamental human right. The
ment for creating a comfortable, sustainable word “gender” is not the same concept as the
and wealthy world and being a fundamental word “sex”. Sex refers to the biological distinc-
human right. While achieving the goals for a tion between men and women, and gender means
sustainable future, SDG-5, Gender Equality, the social status that is attributed to men and
will be one of the building blocks of this path. women. Gender roles can change according to
So, taking actions to accomplish the goals of religion, ethnicity, age and environment (Kumar
SDG-5 is not only crucial for the related SDG Pathania 2017). The concept of gender equality is
itself, but also it helps to proceed in other the name given to ensuring equal rights and free-
SDGs as well. This chapter presents the busi- doms regardless of gender in all social events
ness models of 16 companies and use cases such as gender ratio in companies, salary ratio,
that employ emerging technologies and create psychological and physical violence, right to vote
value in SDG-5. We should highlight that one and gender ratio in education (Shastri 2014). An
use case can be related to more than one SDG important step for ensuring gender equality is
and it can make use of multiple emerging women’s empowerment. Women’s empower-
technologies. ment refers to the essentiality of a woman’s abil-
ity to have more authority in her life independently
Keywords from her sex (Kumar Pathania 2017).
SDG-5 aims to end all forms of discrimination
Sustainable Development Goals · Business against women and girls, including ending vio-
models · Gender Equality · Sustainability lence, ensuring access to sexual health and repro-
ductive rights and ending child marriage and
sexual exploitation. Also, it aimed to increase the
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- visibility of women in society and encourage
butions of İlke Burçak, Fatma Balık, Aleyna Yıldız, women to appear in all spheres of life (Stuart and
Fatmanur Babacan, Handan Öner, Enejan Allajova and Woodroffe 2016). Even though gender inequality
Batuhan Özcan in completing this chapter. They also con-
is decreasing, women still face various difficul-
tributed to Chapter 2’s Artificial Intelligence, Cloud
Computing, Distributed Computing, Edge Computing and ties. Several examples can be given (United
Quantum Computing sections. Nations 2018):

© The Author(s) 2022 277

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
278 7  SDG-5 Gender Equality

• In 56 countries, 20% of 15–19-aged girls that empowerment, six targets were determined by
have been in a sexual relationship have faced the UN.  Figure  7.1 summarises the targets and
violence by their partners between the years indicators of SDG-5.
2015 and 2016. This violence was physical Environmental policy is inextricably related to
and/or sexual. sustainable development goals, and it’s hard to
• Around 2017, 21% of women aged 20–24 conceive sustainable development goals without
were married under 18 or were in an unauthor- modern digital technology. Emerging technolo-
ised union. In other words, approximately 650 gies are increasingly essential instruments for
million women were married as children. achieving a balance of low environmental impact
• In 30 countries, 1  in 3 15–19-year-old girls and high performance (Мачкасова 2020).
had been exposed to genital mutilation around Sustainable development cannot be accom-
2017. In these 30 countries, mutilation imple- plished unless gender equality is ensured.
mentation was typical. However, gender inequality is a reality that exists
• In approximately 90 countries, women worked almost everywhere globally. Therefore, it is a
in nursing and as home labour without getting possible and sad event that today’s people are
paid about three times more than men between exposed to injustice and discrimination because
2000 and 2016. their genders are different. In such a situation,
• On average, 46% of people from 34 countries gender equality, which aims to end discrimina-
said that men’s lives are better in their coun- tion between the sexes, is very important to us.
tries, while 15% said women’s lives are better. Since women and girls make up approximately
The majority of individuals polled in several half of the world’s population, they are poten-
countries from Europe and America believe tially half its total potential. However, gender
that men have a better life than women in their inequality still exists today and undermines the
nation. On the other hand, 75% of those polled development of society (United Nations 2021).
think that women in their country will ulti- First of all, gender equality is a human right,
mately have the same rights as men, while 5% and all women and girls should have the same
say that equality has already been reached rights and lives as men. Gender equality is a basic
(Horowitz and Fetterolf 2020). human right and indispensable for a peaceful and
• One out of every three women over the age of sustainable world. Despite such goals, sexism
15 in Europe is exposed to physical and sexual and discrimination persist. For example, one in
violence. And one in two women is sexually five women and girls between the ages of 15 and
harassed (European Institute for Gender 49 are exposed to sexual or physical violence by
Equality 2021). someone else (United Nations 2021). Also, in
• Women are paid 16% less than men (United many countries, the sexes are segregated, such
Nations Women 2021). that women are denied inheritance and land own-
ership (Shi et al. 2019). In addition to this, women
The examples given above are only a tiny part and girls are exposed to all kinds of violence and
of the inequality experienced. These inequalities are subjected to all sorts of injustices in business
have driven women to seek equality and effec- and social life. Considering all these, ending gen-
tively include gender equality among sustainable der inequality has a crucial place for the develop-
development goals. Taking actions to achieve the ment of humanity. Therefore, gender equality, the
goals of SDG-5 is not only crucial for the related fifth goal of sustainable development, represent-
SDG itself, but also it helps to proceed in other ing equality for women and men everywhere and
SDGs. Although it does not seem so, progressing in all fields according to their needs, is the num-
in gender-related issues serves, facilitates and ber one method of eliminating tyranny against
expedites the improvements in some of the people’s gender (Murat 2017). During the last
remaining main goals (IISD 2017). In this per- 20 years, gender equality has been the main study
spective, to achieve gender equality and women area for UNDP. According to statistics of UNDP,
7  SDG-5 Gender Equality 279

Fig. 7.1  Targets and indicators of SDG-5. (United Nations 2021)

today more girls continue to a school than or others), climate change, natural disasters and
15 years ago. However, in some areas, this sexual migrations affect women and children negatively
violence and discrimination are still in progress much more in many ways as they are more prone
even by the governments. In addition to all these to adverse conditions (United Nations
discriminations (salary inequality, job inequality Development Programme 2021).
280 7  SDG-5 Gender Equality

Achieving SDG-5’s goal will lead to equal death and damage at the 2005 World
and quality access to education for both women Conference on Disaster Reduction. Climate
and girls who cannot reach education because of change, which increases the severity of natural
being exposed to discrimination and completing disasters, also affects gender equality, looking
one of the goals of quality education (SDG-4). at the results of other studies, and puts female
Abolishing discrimination against women and individuals in even more poor conditions.
girls also helps achieve goals of reduced inequal- Women can have a more decisive part in their
ities (SDG-10) by supporting their participation own protection when a gender viewpoint is
in the elections, decent work and economic included in discussions (Human Rights
growth (SDG-8) by supporting their access to the Careers 2020). Unequal societies have fewer
labour market and providing them decent work social and emotional bonds. High rates of
opportunities to survive and peace, justice and non-social harmful behaviour and violence
strong institutions (SDG-16) by obtaining more are observed in these countries. In gender-­
peaceful and connected societies (United Nations equal countries, the situation is the opposite,
2018). In short, if the SDG-5 goals are achieved, where people are cohesive. People in these
then they will affect the other sustainable devel- countries are healthier and have better life
opment goals of the UN. conditions (Victorian Government Directory
The other important side of SDG-5 is the dis- 2021).
crimination of women in labour. According to • Race equality and gender equality are inextri-
UN data, one of every four people in parliament cably related. Race plays a significant part in
is a woman. When looking at the inequality issues such as the gender pay gap. Women of
between the ages of 25 and 34, women in this age colour, Hispanic women and native women
group have extreme poverty, 25% more than have fewer wages than white and Asian
men. A woman must work three times more to women. Black women in the USA have a
get the same salary as a man. The difference in higher death rate for pregnancy-related rea-
labour force participation between 25 and 54 is sons. When gender equality takes race into
31% in the last 20 years. Women are paid 16% account, it also enhances racial equality
less than men, and only one in four managers is a (Victorian Government Directory 2021).
woman. Looking at young people between the • The destitution level of young females has
ages of 15 and 24, while illiteracy is 14%, it is been detected to be the highest. As the ages of
31% for women. While 39% of women work as men and women get older, the poverty gap
agricultural workers, only 14% own land. Forty between men and women also widens. Some
percent of women do not trust the justice system of the apparent reasons behind this are the fact
and are afraid of its vulnerabilities. One hundred that women quit their jobs after marriage and
ninety million women wanted to avoid preg- that women are not given the same educa-
nancy; however, they could not find a way for it tional opportunities and career prospects as
in 2019 (United Nations Women 2021). men. Due to gender inequality, girls are
Gender equality is an indicator of success in trapped in poverty. However, better education,
different fields, for example, in the economy, health and career opportunities can enable a
health, safety, business, racial equality, reducing girl to evolve into the best version of herself.
poverty and bringing peace. Therefore, SDG-5 is As a result, focusing on decreasing gender
a method to ensure gender equality in this regard. inequality is a long-term, high-impact method
There are several specific field examples that to diminish poverty (Human Rights Careers
SDG-5 affects: 2020).

• Moreover, gender inequality has severe conse- While achieving the goals for a sustainable
quences during natural disasters. Experts future, SDG-5 will be one of the building blocks
explored how gender disparity contributes to of this path. So, taking actions to accomplish the
7  SDG-5 Gender Equality 281

goals of SDG-5 is not only crucial for the related like Nigeria awareness of gender equality is not
SDG itself, but also it helps to proceed in other provided in education. Thus, there can be no
SDGs as mentioned above. Although it does not development for the future. Since teachers do not
seem so, progressing in gender-related issues have sufficient knowledge about gender equality,
serves, facilitates and expedites the improve- they cannot inform people about it both inside
ments in some of the remaining main goals (IISD and outside the school. It will be tough to build a
2017). According to the report published by the country based on gender equality if this gap is not
European Institute for Gender Equality, abbrevi- filled with a significant gender equality gap. It is
ated as EIGE, even in the continent that contains challenging to integrate gender equality projects
some of the most developed countries in the in an environment with no infrastructure. In this
world, that is, Europe, SDG-5 could not progress respect, insufficient knowledge about gender
appreciably (Barbieri et al. 2020). If we look at equality will cause future generations to be
the larger framework, it is expected that, by 2030, unaware of this issue.
169 targets which correspond to 17 goals will not There are a lot of differences between gen-
be successfully met. Prioritising certain goals, in ders, and these differences reflect consumption
particular SDG-5, is one possible attitude to take and production activities (Roushdy 2004).
one step forward in speeding up completing the Women’s reliance on money in the family
targets at the regional, national and mondial lev- increases spending and development, which is
els. As it can be seen from the previously men- beneficial for all family members (Schady and
tioned topic above, there is no doubt that one of Rosero 2008; Rubalcava et al. 2009). A woman
the most inclusive and universal goals is gender can be seen in the business world and be in the
equality. Therefore, transforming the SDG-5 into role of a worker or an entrepreneur. However,
the focal point of the progress plans, both intel- inequalities can create gaps in women’s lives,
lectually and officially, can help move forward in such as entering a new workplace, preventing
the 2030 agenda and shape the new route map them from gaining professional competence
after 2030 accordingly (Hepp et  al. 2019). To (BarNir 2012) or having a role in work. Even in
exemplify the bond of SDG-5 with other SDG, the same job, women receive 86% of men’s sal-
combinations between SDG-5 (Gender Equality) ary in public institutions and 76% in the private
and SDG-16 (Peace and Justice, Strong sector, which causes difficulties in their careers
Institutions) have emerged in recent years, and (Shi et al. 2019). Even for women entrepreneurs,
achieving gender equality is considered to be these situations are not different (Fairlie and
instrumental in progress as countries improve Robb 2009). When looking at finance perfor-
their ability to provide stable governments or mance, the ideas and products of women entre-
vice versa. In any case, such efforts will have to preneurs are not worse than male entrepreneurs.
be greatly increased in the future in terms of However, establishments where women entrepre-
achieving the SDGs, including the Paris Climate neurs run businesses raise fewer financial
Accord and lengthy gender equality, in these spe- resources (Demartini 2019). This leads to the
cific situations (Kroll et al. 2019). gender employment gap, and if this gap is closed,
In addition, ensuring gender equality, espe- GDP will increase by 11% (Victorian Government
cially in education, will also contribute to the Directory 2021).
future economically. According to a study that Women’s influence extends beyond businesses
predicts economic growth, if women receive edu- and organisations. As stated in the studies, the
cation in science, technology, engineering and economy benefits from improving women’s eco-
mathematics (STEM), the employment rate is nomic engagement. If the average wages of
expected to grow by 0.5–0.8% until 2030. This women living in OECD countries were raised to
growth is expected to increase to 2.5% by 2050 the current Swedish level, GDP would increase
(“Economic Benefits of Gender Equality in the by about $6 trillion. Thus, it is obvious that the
EU”, 2021). However, unfortunately, in countries pay gap between genders is quite harmful to the
282 7  SDG-5 Gender Equality

economy (Human Rights Careers 2020). As it equality affects every field, and it will lead to
was mentioned as an example above, in development, especially in the economy.
Australia’s GDP, enterprises, where at least three
out of ten people in the management of the com-
pany staff are women, are 15% more profitable. If 7.1 Companies and Use Cases
the number of men and women entering the
workforce from higher education is equalised, Table 7.1 presents the business models of 16
the Australian economy will benefit eight billion companies and use cases that employ emerging
dollars. In Victoria, police spend 2 out of 5  h technologies and create value in SDG-5. We
dealing with issues related to family violence, should highlight that one use case can be related
costing more than $3.4 billion annually in finan- to more than one SDG and it can make use of
cial terms. In Australia, the budget for unpaid multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
care is six times higher than the budget for paid umn, we present the company name, the origin
care, and the majority of those who do these country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
unpaid care jobs are women (Victorian gies that are included. The companies and use
Government Directory 2021). cases are listed alphabetically.1
In short, the goal of SDG-5 is about empower-
ing women’s economic status and finance. Steps
were taken to achieve this goal and accelerate the
progress in no poverty (SDG-1) to reduce the
number of women who are having a hard time For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

finding a job to live by promoting a prominent company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
Online – 2.1.2022):
endorsement for their economic freedom and;;
rights. Thus, this ensures the ideas that were;; https://
mentioned above about poverty. Additionally,;;
creating economic opportunities and amenities;
for women results in sustainable industrial devel- frontlines-of-health/solutions/4506; https://www.ava-;;
opment, which is one of the targets of industry,; https://www.
innovation and infrastructure (SDG-9) (UN;;
Women 2018). Thus, it is concluded that gender;;
Table 7.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-5
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Ava Women It is an AI-assisted end-user product that It provides a bracelet that is wearable at By recognising the optimal time to
Switzerland informs women about their reproductive night to track certain changes in the conceive, it helps prevent one of the
3, 5 system and health. body. The data gathered from the most common causes of infertility:
AI, flexible electronics and bracelet is processed using AI trying to conceive during infertile times.
wearables techniques to determine the most fertile As a result, women keep track of their
days. It also tracks the period cycle and own health and save money on
pregnancy progress of women. treatments that aren’t necessary.
2 Bodyguard It is an AI-based mobile application that Insults, threats, trolling, bodily It is aimed to protect mental health for
7.1  Companies and Use Cases

France protects individuals and businesses shaming, racism, homophobia, people and to provide a higher-quality
5, 10 against cyberbullying on social media. misogyny, hatred, sexual and moral social media experience by overcoming
AI, natural language Through comprehending text, the harassment are all considered when cyberbullying. Social and ethical values
processing solution helped by NLP acts as a determining comment protection levels. are captured by protecting people from
real-time moderator, detecting toxic With AI and NLP, the app reads, any form of verbal harm, sexist
comments even when emojis, understands and analyses text. It also comments, sexual harassment or any
abbreviations, censored words and ensures that the comments comply with form of discriminatory behaviour on
typos are used. the access permissions that users have social media.
granted and that they are removed.
3 Develop Diverse It is a startup that creates equal Natural language processing (NLP) and As a social value, the startup helps
Denmark opportunities by fostering a working machine learning (ML) are used by the avoid discrimination in the initial stages
5, 8, 10, 16 environment where everyone’s opinion company to detect implicit and explicit of hiring for top positions and increases
AI, natural language counts and is appreciated for adding stereotypes in texts and provide the quality and diversity of the
processing value, regardless of gender, sexual inclusive alternatives. candidate pool.
orientation and identity, physical and
mental ability, age, ethnicity or religion.
4 Equalista It is a mobile application that analyses After the prejudices of the people are Social value is captured by providing
Germany people’s gender biases with big data and analysed with big data, the gender the collection and development of
5, 10 provides training to eliminate these equality learning app lets users discover incomplete information about sexism
Big data biases. why inequality exists, what it looks like from the social point of view. Thus, by
and how to talk about it, test users’ own aiming for a life free of biases, it is
biases and trains them to take action in desired to open the doors to a more
real life. equal world.
Table 7.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
5 Equileap It is a global database on gender It evaluates the businesses based upon Social value is created by improving the
The Netherlands equality, with metrics including female their gender equality criteria. It helps role of women in workplaces by paying
5 representation at all levels of a investors make their investment attention to inequality. Furthermore,
Big data, datahubs company, the gender pay gap, parental decisions according to the data analysed Equileap’s database for gender equality
leave and anti-sexual harassment with big data. They provide gender enables investors to make better
policies. metrics that financial institutions need investment decisions.
to assess the risk and opportunities
presented by gender inequalities in
global markets.
6 Equilo It is a web-based application that Machine learning, deep analytics and Social value is created through the use
USA provides analysis, recommendations big data are used to give tailored results of the data and analysis by aid agencies
5 and action plans to customers regarding for each project and investment based and humanitarian organisations to
AI, big data gender equality and social inclusion on sector and geography, with a range incorporate customised best practices
using big data and AI. of advanced analytics tools to support for gender equality and social inclusion
use cases in the development, into their project planning, investment
humanitarian, financial and private decisions or implementation.
7 Euphoria It is a big data-based mobile app Solace is an AI-mediated encrypted Social value is created by providing
USA provider focusing on accurately mobile app that allows individuals to solutions to the problems that
5, 10 planning individuals’ health goals and plan and monitor the lifestyle, medical transgender individuals face such as
AI, big data helping transgender people to do and legal objectives of their gender legal, medical, social and career
savings by its investing algorithms. transition. With big data, the app decisions by offering a solution. The
analyses collected data of users and revenue stream is from helping
informs them of accomplishing their transgender individuals plan their
goals. By its investing algorithms, Bliss finances and making savings.
helps transgender people manage their
savings for gender-affirming surgery.
8 MediCapt It allows clinicians to capture forensic The MediCapt application transforms a Social and ethical value is created by
USA evidence of sexual violence and standard medical entry form into a storing, revealing and preventing the
3, 5 securely forward it to police and justice digital platform for forensic loss of evidence of violence against
Cloud computing authorities for investigations and documentation and is combined with a women and femicide. The revenue
prosecutions. Forwarding evidence to secure mobile camera to facilitate streams from more efficient, cheaper
police, lawyers and judges use cloud forensic photography, digitisation of and faster data storage.
data storage. medical documentation is achieved and
this data is stored with cloud
technology, combining the fields of law
and health.
7  SDG-5 Gender Equality
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
9 Metta Space It is a platform for helping companies Using a case management system for Social and ethical values are created by
Spain tackle and prevent sexual harassment, the company and an NLP algorithm, the detecting inequality and harassment
5 through AI- and NLP-based reporting application collects and processes data from the employees’ reports and the
AI, natural language apps for their employees. with AI and provides assistance by words they use when they mention the
processing using the voice help button or the situation. NLP and AI promise objective
written form method. assessments of abuse reporting.
10 Pipeline Equity It is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) Pipeline’s patented SaaS technology Social value is created through fostering
USA company using AI to prevent gender employs artificial intelligence to gender equality in workplaces by
7.1  Companies and Use Cases

5 bias and improve business performance identify, address and combat gender recommendations made to
AI, cloud computing in workplaces. bias. It may evaluate data based on a organisations. In this way, a more equal
sequence of triggered events and offer environment within the institution is
recommendations that support greater initiated, and equality among people is
financial performance for the ensured.
organisation as well as individual
growth through direct interaction with
organisations’ cloud-based human
capital management system.
11 Safe and the City It is a platform created to extract i3 Intelligence accesses various open, As an effect of the platform offered,
UK real-time information about location-­ shared and private data sources to detect social value is created by making people
5 specific risks and emergencies with a personal and public safety concerns aware of bad events. In this case, people
AI machine learning algorithm scanning with its machine learning algorithm. i3 could feel free from discrimination and
news, social and official data sources to React provides an immediate way to safer.
accurately detect severe weather, relay information relevant to where the
protests, terrorism and public health user is. The user will be the first to
outbreaks. know about a crisis, help inform others
and follow any official guidance on
what to do next.
12 Salvatio Push It is an emergency button and social The company has developed a wearable With an IoT and AI-based mechanism,
Denmark rescue app that connects users to a device that consists of emergency and the wearable device offers a better
3, 5 community of responders with the aid panic buttons. The IoT systems may quality of life by helping people who
AI, flexible electronics and of a wearable push button. inform users about possible dangers feel in danger in social life and helps
wearables, Internet of (physical attacks, sexual assaults or women participate in life in comfort and
Things serious injury) in the areas, by to be comfortable on the streets.
collaboration with API and AI which
can prevent death from falls or missing
Table 7.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
13 Shimmy Technologies It is a company that uses AI and They developed an AI-based training Social value is created by developing
USA gamification to teach required skills to software game, “Shimmy Upskill”. It workers’ skills and abilities and
5, 10 the garment industry employees, where prepares workers for automation in the preparing them for automation in the
AI most of them are women. sector by developing workers’ skills workforce. Thus, workers’ right to
such as digital pattern making and 3D livelihood is protected.
14 Sisterwave It is a big data-based application that The Sisterwave platform introduces Social value is provided by women
Brazil solves women’s travel challenges. “travellers” to “hostesses” and provides feeling more secure while travelling and
5 a network. Big data technology enables earning income by providing
Big data users to navigate the application better. employment. The revenue stream is
provided by the app’s monthly and
annual membership fees.
15 Someturva The company develops software that The application is downloaded, A better-quality environment is
Finland allows influencers to report incidents of dangerous situations in the Finnish provided by offering people a way to
5, 10 online sexual harassment through an application are detected, and if there is navigate online platforms more safely.
AI, cybersecurity, natural anonymous application. Following that, a dangerous situation, this is reported Also, there are different usage packages
language processing the solution assigns a specialised lawyer and some recommendations are at different prices according to various
and social psychologist to review the received from the application. groupings, and income is formed in this
case. The user then receives a personal way.
assessment and necessary tools to
resolve the situation. The software also
enables them to discuss their situation
and get solution proposals over a
remote meeting.
16 We Encourage The AI-powered platform supports and It offers an AI-powered conversation Social value is created by providing
Finland empowers the victims of intimate platform called “AINO Chatbot” which psycho-social support and guidance to
3, 5 partner violence (IPV) and/or gender-­ informs the victim about his/her rights the victims of gender-based violence.
AI based violence. and offers suggestions to guide the They are also informed and guided
victim. The data collected from IPV about their reproductive and sexual
survivors, professionals and strategic health.
partners are processed via AI and used
by a boot to inform and support the
7  SDG-5 Gender Equality
References 287

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288 7  SDG-5 Gender Equality

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SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation

Abstract (UN) General Assembly on September 5, 2015,

paving the way for a sustained, unified develop-
The sixth sustainable development goal, Clean ment effort on a global scale, leaving the millen-
Water and Sanitation, is to ensure that every- nium development goals (MDGs) in the dust.
one has access to safe, clean water. Everyone They are a collection of 17 goals that are antici-
has the right to healthy, adequate, physically pated to affect global social, economic and envi-
accessible and affordable water for household ronmental policy through 2030. The sixth
use under the right to water security. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is to
Acknowledging that millions of people lack ensure that everyone has access to safe, clean
access to clean water for sanitation, there is an water. Everyone has the right to healthy, ade-
urgent need for major investments in infra- quate, physically accessible and affordable water
structure and governance of water provision- for household use under the right to water secu-
ing to ensure public health and increase rity (UN 2015). Although the MDGs have made
resilience for transmissible diseases and virus progress, the goal of improving basic sanitation
outbreaks. This chapter presents the business through access to latrines and sanitary waste col-
models of 36 companies and use cases that lection remains unmet. In addition, the popula-
employ emerging technologies and create tion predictions of nine billion people by 2050
value in SDG-6. We should highlight that one imply that more work remains to be done. SDG-6
use case can be related to more than one SDG performance and its implications on other SDGs
and it can make use of multiple emerging are influenced by a variety of factors at various
technologies. geographical and temporal dimensions.
Significantly, the actuality of SDG-6 is defined
Keywords by natural limits, regulations and ethnic identities
(UN 2015).
Sustainable Development Goals · Business Water is a limited resource, and increased
models · Clean Water and Sanitation · demand causes water stress, resulting from water
Sustainability. accessibility, need and water quality. These chal-
lenges are caused by expanding human popula-
tion and per capita water consumption, increasing
urbanisation, the consequences of climate
The sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) change, the need for additional irrigation water to
were formally accepted by the United Nations boost food production and environmental needs

© The Author(s) 2022 289

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
290 8  SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation

for environmental preservation and biodiversity. who do not have access. In 2020, slightly more
While climate change impacts water ecosystems than half (54%) of the world’s population will
and water resource accessibility, socioeconomic access adequately managed sanitation. Yet, it’s
factors increase water demand and degrade water alarming that nearly one-half of the population
sources (Komarulzaman et  al. 2017). Briefly, does not. Around 6% of the population does not
SDG-6 includes local water supply objectives have access to sanitation and must practice open
and governance and technologically focused defecation (Ritchie and Roser 2021). SDG-6 sub-
objectives. Achieving the objectives of SDG-6 is stantially boosts the degree of expectation for the
essential not just for water-related concerns but water sector, asking for universal access to safe
also for other SDGs such as SDG-2 on zero waste water and sanitation while addressing challenges
and SDG-14 on life below water, as well as for of water quality and shortage concerns over the
the future of the Earth. Clean water is vital not next 15 years to balance the demands of the envi-
just for humanity but also for flora, fauna and ronment, energy, communities, agriculture and
other associated sustainable development initia- industry (Leigland et al. 2016).
tives. Sustainable development necessitates the On the one hand, poor sanitation results in
reduction of waste and the recycling of as much financial damages due to the direct expenses of
water as feasible through the use of a circular curing sanitation-related diseases and lost money
system (Gulseven and Mostert 2017). The agenda due to diminished or lost production. Furthermore,
recognised the need for clean water and proper poor sanitation costs time and effort owing to
sanitation for human rights. Clean water is linked inaccessible or inadequate sanitation facilities,
to all aspects of life, including food, nutrition, ill- reduced product quality due to poor water qual-
nesses and poverty reduction. It contributes to ity, lower tourism income and more clean-up
promoting sustainable economic growth and the expenses. As a result, it is undeniable that
preservation of the planet’s biosphere. SDG-6 increased sanitation significantly influences peo-
defines eight global targets. These are all essen- ple’s health and the overall economy (Van Minh
tial elements that are included in SDG-6. These and Hung 2011). On the other hand, the world
targets are universally accepted, but all govern- will not fulfil the SDGs unless the international
ments ensure the implementation of the targets financial system undergoes significant change.
according to their national liabilities (Alshomali Fulfilling the targets of SDG-6 by 2030 is not
and Gulseven 2020). In line with “Transforming possible with the current financing. Meeting
Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable SDG goals 6.1 (i.e. ensuring that everybody has
Development” by the UN, the eight main targets access to clean and affordable drinking water by
of SDG-6 are illustrated in Fig. 8.1. These targets 2030) and 6.2 (i.e. achieving access to adequate
are categorised under two headings: main targets and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and
and implementation targets. The main targets of end open defecation, paying special attention to
SDG-6 are illustrated from 6.1 to 6.6, whereas the needs of women and girls and those in vulner-
the implementation targets are 6.A and 6.B. able situations by 2030) is expected to cost
So far, the millennium development goals around US$150 billion every year (sanitation and
have aided in mobilising the globe to enhance hygiene for all in a fair manner). Additional
access to clean water and sanitation. By 2015, SDG-6 objectives such as protecting water-­
hundreds of thousands of people have acquired related ecosystems, minimising water pollution
better water and sanitation access. From 2000 to and adopting integrated water resource manage-
2015, the percentage of the world’s population ment will cost significantly more; total global
that used better sanitation climbed from 59% to WSS infrastructure development needs are
68%. This indicates that in 2015, 4.9 billion peo- expected to reach US$6.7 and US$22.6 trillion
ple worldwide had access to better sanitation by 2030 and 2050 respectively. Although the
(UN 2016). Notwithstanding, there is still a long most immediate requirements are in the Global
way to go for hundreds of thousands of people South, high-income nations are also suffering
8  SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation 291

Fig. 8.1  Eight targets of SDG-6. (United Nations 2021)

from severe deficits; the USA, for example, is vate water firms and commercial bank credit.
expected to require US$1 trillion in water supply According to a study, private investments in
and sanitation (WSS) investment over the next water and sanitation have not materialised as
20 years (McDonald et al. 2021). expected due to the industry’s risk-return profile.
Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals Private investors regard water and sanitation as
is to guarantee that everyone has access to clean “too complex”, with inadequately attractive
drinking water and sanitation by 2030, at the cost returns. An undiscovered resource of public
of around $150 billion annually. There exist a few funds, public banks, is one option for filling the
funding sources. One alternative is private finance financial gap for water supply and sanitation.
in the form of direct equity investment from pri- Even though there are about 900 public banks
292 8  SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation

globally, with assets totalling $49 trillion, aca- political stability, institutional rules, adminis-
demic studies and mainstream policy institutions trative management, wise decision-making
such as the World Bank have been widely ignored and related implementations. These gaps can
as a key source of water and sanitation funding be solved by the government using data
(McDonald et  al. 2021). Therefore, SDG-6 has accountability.
its challenges as it has its targets. SDG-6 must SDG-6 is critical to achieving sustainable
overcome its challenges to achieve its goal to development, as access to safe drinking water
“ensure the availability and sustainable manage- and adequate sanitation are human rights
ment of water and sanitation for all” (Katila et al. (UN-Water 2021). The availability of these ser-
2019). Sadly, the water industry is failing to fulfil vices, especially water and soap for handwash-
its targets, and studies imply that SDG-6 will face ing, is critical to human health and well-being.
three main challenges (Alshomali and Gulseven They are necessary for improving nutrition, pre-
2020): venting disease and providing healthcare, as well
1. Finance: Since finance is the key enabler in as guaranteeing the smooth operation of schools,
project implementation, it is the most crucial workplaces and political institutions, as well as
challenge among the others. Unfortunately, disadvantaged and marginalised groups’ full
the water development industry requires a involvement in society. The evidence for the neg-
vast number of financial resources and finan- ative health effects of inadequate water and sani-
cial stability for sustainability. The lack of tation is overwhelming. Poor water and sanitation
financial resources in underdeveloped coun- can lead to a wide range of severe diseases, such
tries makes it even more important to be care- as diarrhoea (Howard et  al. 2016). In 2017,
ful while using existing financial resources to approximately 1.2 million people died as a result
achieve rapid growth in the water industry. of contaminated water sources, equivalent to
Additionally, investments in the water devel- 2.2% of all deaths worldwide (Ritchie and Roser
opment industry have social and environmen- 2021).
tal advantages as well as economic ones. As mentioned in the recent Summary Progress
2. Capacity Building: Progressively, successful Update for SDG-6 (UN-Water 2021), acceleration
governments create formal and informal insti- in future action depends on several factors. One of
tutions to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, the main bottlenecks is that due to policy and
in countries with problems with accessing and institutional disintegration between different lev-
managing water resources, in Sub-Saharan els, sectors and actors, decisions are taken in one
Africa, Asia and Southeast Asia, there is a area, or the sector usually falls short of consider-
severe lack of capability and execution in ing the impacts on water quality and availability
water-related problems. These parts of the in other areas. Such fragmentation along with
world are at the top of the human shortages of funding gaps and lack of data and information
essential needs such as agriculture, safe drink- sharing across sectors and borders result in prob-
ing water, sanitation and risks related to water lems in informed decision-making. Furthermore,
impacts, water waste and recycling. Sadly, the implementation of SDG-6 targets is slowed by
these countries have been experiencing these institutional and human capacity deficiencies,
concerns for decades. particularly at the local government and water and
3. Governance: In many industries, successful sanitation provider levels, as well as inadequate
and fair governance is critical, but it is espe- infrastructure and governance models. Five accel-
cially critical in the water development indus- erators to drive action at a larger scale were pro-
try. Many of the developing countries are still posed to overcome the problems. Optimising
coping with internal problems such as con- finance, improving data and information, capacity
flicts and public health-related problems. development, fostering innovation and effective
Also, their governance structures are not sta- governance are all needed for delivering SDG-6
ble. Efficient water management requires results for the future.
8.1  Companies and Use Cases 293

There is also a change needed in three profes- water provisioning to ensure public health and
sional perspectives that guide water policy. These increase resilience for transmissible diseases and
are economics, management and engineering virus outbreaks.
(Sadoff et al. 2020). Economics should not treat
water resources as abundant resources to mini-
mise the costs of its provision. Economics as a 8.1 Companies and Use Cases
discipline should acknowledge the value of water
as the scarce key resource and not the capital that Table 8.1 presents the business models of 36
is required for its provision. Water engineering companies and use cases that employ emerging
also needs to be revised in a way that needs and technologies and create value in SDG-6. We
goals-based perspectives replace the linear and should highlight that one use case can be related
centralised approach to water engineering. This to more than one SDG and it can make use of
means that by using the existing technology, multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
water engineers should design wastewater recy- umn, we present the company name, the origin
cling systems and differentiate between the country, related SDGs and emerging ­technologies
sources of water, its costs and qualities to utilise that are included. The companies and use cases
each for certain needs and goals better. “Water are listed alphabetically.1
engineering needs to move beyond the concepts
of reliability and optimality, which evaluate
designs over a narrow set of objectives and pos- For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

sible future conditions, to focus on robustness company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
and flexibility in the face of uncertainty” (Sadoff Online – 2.1.2022):
et  al. 2020). Finally, water management must; http://www.fluidrobotics.
increase its capacity to deal with complexity and com/;;;;; https://
trade-offs. Adaptive and integrated water man-;; https://fredsense.
agement is required in an uncertain environment com/;;;
to account for interconnections, changes and;;
potential surprises. Integrated techniques help;
water-link/;; https://wasserdreinull.
identify and minimise trade-offs, as well as the de/en/;;;
unravelling of unforeseen consequences. They; https://www.ecoworth-tech.
also help promote inclusiveness in water com/;; https://www.hibot.
­management, as different stakeholders from dif-;; https://www.idrica.
com/goaigua/drinking-water/#; https://www.innovyze.
ferent sectors at all scales are brought together. com/en-us;; https://
Finally, in line with the impacts of the recent;
COVID-19 outbreak, acknowledging that mil- website/index;; https://
lions of people lack access to clean water for; https://www.semillasanitationhubs.
com/;; https://
sanitation, there is an urgent need for major;;
investments in infrastructure and governance of
294 8  SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation

Table 8.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-6

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 4Life Solutions 4Life solutions provides SaWa, the startup’s product, is The SaWa bag is reusable
Denmark a product-based solution a bag that holds up to 4 litres for 1 year. The solution it
6 for safe and affordable of water and uses ultraviolet offers for sanitation of
Biotech and drinking water for (UV) rays and heat from the water is cheaper than using
biomanufacturing low-income sun to kill microorganisms in charcoal, and at the same
communities where water. After being exposed to time, it reduces carbon
sanitation is costly and the sun for 4 h, the water is emissions by displacing
access to safe water is safe to drink. The technology emission-intensive
problematic only requires the power of the processes. The company
sun to remove dangerous was able to provide more
pathogens making water safe than 45,000 people with
to drink without burning fossil clean water while reaching
fuels more than 7000
households. The company
also partners with a
healthcare project in
Tanzania where the product
is provided as an additional
benefit to women during
their pregnancy and
2 Aguardio It is an IoT- and Aguardio G2 (product of Revenue creation is
Denmark AI-based device that Aguardio) starts monitoring achieved by savings in
6, 11 guides and motivates water usage as soon as a terms of water, energy and
AI, internet of hotel guests to reduce person enters the shower cabin money. The company
things their shower time to and turns the water on or off by claims that reducing 20%
save water, energy and using the combination of IoT of shower time results in
money and big data. IoT sensors savings from €60 to €90
gather the data which is used per hotel room/year, which
for predicting the water usage is also a 15-month ROI
habits of the customers with
the help of AI
3 Aqua Robur It is a hub (also known With quick and cost-efficient Revenue streams come
Technologies as Fenix hub) that installations, the Fenix hub from savings. The company
Sweden enables monitoring enables getting data easily and provides extra data through
6 pipelines by digitalising managing assets more IoT sensors to monitor
Big data, the network with the use effectively by IoT sensors. The pipelines in order to
datahubs, internet of IoT and big data final data is shared via IoT and prevent water losses due to
of things utilises big data to analyse for leaks and to control water
better water management distribution. This allows
saving valuable time and
utilising the information
more efficiently
4 ASTERRA It’s a satellite-based The system determines leaking Revenue creation is
USA monitoring system that points with an “eye-print” of achieved with the
6, 12 uses computer vision more than 3500 sq. km, monitoring system that
technology and big data collects and analyses saves the world over 9200
Big data
technologies to find and geographical image data via million gallons of drinkable
analyse moisture satellite deploying ground-­ water, 21,800 MWh of
seeping from penetrating synthetic aperture energy annually, and
subterranean pipelines radar and turns it into ground crews can also be
predictive insights by using more efficiently used by
ML algorithms utilising big data
8.1  Companies and Use Cases 295

Table 8.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
5 Blue Tap It is a company that uses By using 3D printing, the By the use of 3D printing,
UK 3D printing to improve company manufactures filters the company offers cheaper
1, 6 access to high-quality to make water drinkable and faster solutions, unlike
3D printing drinking water in conventional methods. It
low-resource settings also protects against
recontamination which is
very common during water
collection and storage
6 Boxed Water The firm provides an The firm provides an The products are 92%
USA alternative to aluminium alternative to aluminium cans renewable with its
6 cans and plastic water and plastic water bottles via its plant-based sustainable
Recycling bottles via its sustainably produced purified packaging and 100%
sustainably produced water in 92% plant-based recyclable and refillable
purified water in 92% sustainable packaging with some common sense
plant-based sustainable care. Replacing
packaging conventional harmful
materials with ones that are
reusable has a positive
environmental impact
7 CropX The company’s services Their cloud platform receives Using their AI-powered
Israel are in optimising and data from IoT sensors, and by adaptive irrigation service
6, 15 automising farm using ML algorithms, they that automatically
AI, cloud management with the provide insights. Also, by optimises irrigation, they
computing, help of AI, using a factoring in thousands of data provide crop yield increase
internet of things scalable cloud platform points, AI helps predict and water and energy cost
to integrate data from water-uptake patterns and savings to farms
both above and below detect faulty irrigation systems
ground making use of and burst pipes
8 EcoWorth Tech Using carbon fibre Carbon fibre aerogel (CFA) Revenue is captured via
Singapore aerogel technology, this technology is a highly product solutions that
4, 6, 14, 16 Cleantech startup absorbent material that is ensure consumers’ financial
Advanced focuses on waste to non-toxic, natural and savings by providing at
materials value-creating recyclable. CFA is applied by least twice the absorbency
applications in industrial incorporating the material into rate compared with other
wastewater treatment industrial-grade cartridges and competitors, translating to
and oil and gas used as filters at least twice the savings on
decontamination material cost
9 EnBiorganic Through microbiology, Their microbiology consists of They create sustainable
Technologies the company purifies several strains of naturally wastewater treatment
USA water and provides occurring soil bacteria that solutions by using natural
6 waste solutions for replace traditional microbiology. It reduces
municipalities and microbiology for wastewater energy consumption and
Biotech and
lagoons treatment solutions. This increases efficiency via this
microbiology is used in water biotechnology
cleaning and preventing
296 8  SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation

Table 8.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
10 Fluid Robotics Through the use of a A robotic system is used for The design of the
India robotic system and mapping and digitising company’s robotic
6 information technology, underground pipelines in cities equipment enables access
Robotics the company is assisting to detect structural defects and to difficult-to-reach and
cities in India to have to gather information about the blocked spaces. Structural
better control over water capacity of pipelines. The analysis of the pipelines
pollution caused by robotic system is able to survey helps prevent water
untreated wastewater lines with a minimum calibre leakages, sanitary sewer
mixed in rivers, lakes of 150 mm overflows and monsoon
and groundwater flooding. This provides
relevant authorities with
useful information to take
necessary measures to
prevent damage and with
an opportunity to increase
resiliency against the
impacts of climate change
in the region
11 FREDsense It is a platform that It builds fast, sensitive and Revenue creation is
Canada helps detect chemicals easy-to-use IoT sensors to achieved through savings in
6, 14 in water such as arsenic, detect chemicals in the water terms of time and money.
Big data, internet iron and magnesium by which help to spend less time By using IoT and big data
of things using technologies such acquiring data and making analytics, the company
as IoT sensors and big decisions. The data gathered offers a cheaper, faster and
data analytics from the sensors are used for more accurate solution for
the platform. The platform has monitoring chemicals in
a built-in multifaceted way for the water
the rapid customisation of
sensors for field use
12 Hibot The company uses It uses algorithms and robots to Revenue creation is
Japan integrated robotic figure out which pipes in a city achieved by decreasing
6 systems to assess water or town are most likely to need maintenance fees. By the
Robotics pipes’ conditions to help replacement by assessing use of robotics, the
secure the underground pipes’ conditions company claims that the
infrastructures of a city system can predict future
failure rates within 80–90%
accuracy rate. This allows
companies and
municipalities to better
allocate their resources and
target the pipes that are
most likely to cause
problems soon
13 Hydraloop The company has The product collects used The company has created a
The Netherlands created a product that water from water pipes and product that collects, cleans
6 collects, cleans and purifies wastewater through its and reuses water from
reuses water from home water recycling system. It is home appliances and
appliances and showers possible to use the water in showers through its water
through its water toilet flushing and washing recycling system
recycling system machines and for irrigation
8.1  Companies and Use Cases 297

Table 8.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
14 Idrica It is a digital The company creates a digital Throughout the
Spain transformation company twin of the water management implementation of digital
6, 9 in the water industry, system to analyse the system twin technology for the
Digital twins delivering services such better. All the leaks and water management system,
as digital twins and the consumption data can be handling any problem that
technological solution monitored via this system occurs during the process
“GoAigua” to manage becomes easier and cheaper
the entire water cycle
15 Innovyze Emagin, which is a The product builds a digital The digital twin of the
USA product of the company, twin of your system from process helps the operators
6 is a digital twin-based process flow diagrams and is by saving time and
AI, digital twins AI-powered platform trained with historical SCADA supporting them during
for water utility data. Operators can review their decision-making
operations and process system conditions in real time process. ML helps to lower
control. It aims to help and choose an optimal operating expenses and
operators with water operating mode based on increase operational
operations chosen targets. Machine efficiency while reducing
learning is used to enable the carbon footprint of the
prescriptive actions that are factory
intelligently delivered to
16 LifeStraw The company is a Via advanced materials such as Consumers with limited
USA producer and distributor membrane microfilters, access to clean water will
6 of straw-like personal membrane ultrafilters and benefit from the
Advanced water filters, family purifiers and activated carbon development of a system to
materials, biotech purification units, and ion exchange filters, the readily clean water
and portable units and products can remove bacteria
biomanufacturing large-scale purification and parasites, remove harmful
units for institutional chemicals and viruses, filter
use in schools and microplastics and reduce lead
health clinics
17 Lishtot The company Water metres measure water Through water metres, they
Israel manufactures a smart utilisation and provide offer their users the ability
6 water metre that helps real-time statistics to users’ to prevent waste and
track water use. Water phones by using artificial excessive bill costs. Also
Big data, internet
metres connect to WiFi intelligence and IoT with the options provided
of things
and provide technology. AI detects patterns in the mobile app, users are
information, such as the of water use to ensure able to set consumption
usage patterns and optimisation of consumption goals that could help enable
leaks, via mobile with the assistance of IoT sustainable use of water
applications sensors
18 MetroPolder The company brings A buffer system, an internet-­ The company creates an
The Netherlands IoT-based solutions for connected weir and an online environmental value by
6 flooding in cities by dashboard make up the polder reviving cities through
Big data, internet storing all rain that falls roof. The smart drop weir smart water management
of things on the roof and monitors and controls water and leveraging stored
disposing of or using levels and run-off. The rainwater for cooling,
them at a later time customised dashboard provides growing and fostering
access to information about the nature within the city
roof and operating system
298 8  SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation

Table 8.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
19 mWater The company offers an It uses AI and big data to give It creates a significant value
USA operating system that access to water sanitation and by deriving census data
6 collects and monitors hygiene monitoring, open-­ using AI from satellite
AI, big data data using AI and big source population density data, imagery which is critical
data on water mappable data and satellite support for projects
provisioning, sanitation imagery for preventative undertaken by the private
and population. The actions against cyclones and sector and governments.
business is women-­ floods. The business has The business enables
owned and engages in combined open-source reliable data systems for
nonprofit projects with population density data with AI water service providers
international and big data to create a layer which encourages
organisations and that anybody can use when investment in different
for-profit projects with planning or monitoring WASH regions of the world. The
the US government and (water, sanitation and hygiene) data platform has over
private sector projects 100,000 accounts that
belong to users from the
water sanitation and
hygiene sector in a total of
184 countries
20 Nymphea Labs It is an IoT-based The platform can be placed to The product enables early
France solar-powered platform any water sources such as detection of potential
3, 6 that enables monitoring rivers, lakes and dams and epidemics which allows for
Healthcare and controlling of enables mosquitos to lay eggs. preventing deaths. Only in
analytics, internet mosquito-caused Then, intermittent ripples 2020, 627,000 people died
of things diseases such as Zika caused by the water source because of malaria, and
and dengue virus and suffocate and kill the larvae. 80% of the deaths were
malaria The company is developing a children under 5.
new version of the product Considering that the
which is capable of identifying African region suffers the
the species, sex and potential most from the health
viruses. The system will also impacts and spends around
be capable of alarming the 12 billion dollars a year for
population and the authorities fighting malaria, the
via mobile app. The data product can mitigate the
collected will be shared openly economic costs of fighting
to encourage research and epidemics, while
innovation contributing to health
improvements and the
Well-being of the region
21 OCEO Water It is an IoT-enabled Each device has intelligent It creates social value by
India smart water purifier sensors that gather data and are making it possible to reach
6, 9, 12 integrated with AI that also connected to live servers clean water for everyone
Internet of things provides customers with on a real-time basis, allowing via distributing ocean water
healthy water in for engaged interaction cleaning devices for free.
customers’ homes between devices and users. The By use of IoT sensors, the
without purchasing a data flow helps monitor company monitors water
device or paying a devices both on a micro- consumption and its
maintenance fee (individual households) and quality. It also helps to
macro-level (town/city). ML is improve remote asset
used while remotely maintenance and filter life
monitoring to assure safety in health checks through
every water drop machine learning
8.1  Companies and Use Cases 299

Table 8.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
22 Olea Edge It is an edge computing After basic metre data given by Edge computing was used
Analytics platform for the water the official water department is to detect probable
USA utility industry investigated, a team surveys malfunctioning water
6, 11 the metres, deploys sensors and metres, which resulted in a
Edge computing edge computers and reviews 60% accuracy in water use
the information. A user
interface with real-time
information, recommendations
and reports is set up. Lastly,
actions are provided to the
water department
23 Orbital They offer a water Water quality is monitored 20 Thanks to orbital shower,
Sweden recycling technology to times per second by the one can save up to 90% of
6 be used in domestic sensors. Filtered water that is the showering water, thus
Internet of things, appliances, especially too unclean to filter is replaced decreasing the domestic
recycling for showering with new, clean water. The water consumption
water passes through the
purification loop the rest of the
time, screening away any
24 Puralytics The company utilises a The light and nanomaterials After use, the nanomaterial
USA water purification combine five photochemical inside the product is not
6 technology that uses a processes, which are consumed or broken down.
Advanced light-activated photodisinfection, photolysis, When compared to
materials, biotech nanotechnology-coated photoabsorption, photocatalytic conventional items that
and mesh that can both oxidation and reduction. degrade after a year, the
biomanufacturing disinfect and detoxify Puralytics treatment modules company provides
water. There are no or stand-alone systems are environmental value
chemical additives and scalable in treatment levels and through nanomaterials
100% of the water is inflow, from millions of
purified gallons per day to less than 1
gallon per minute
25 RanMarine It is an aquatic drone By monitoring nitrogen It removes the biomass
Technology that removes biomass accumulation, dissolved from the surface, which
The Netherlands from water, collects oxygen and pH levels through helps preserve nature with
6, 8, 11, 13, 14 wastes like plastics its sensors, it removes biomass minimal disruption and
Datahubs, drones, through contributing to and collects wastes from water. eliminates operational
recycling recycling and enables It also measures the quality of risks. It also removes half a
analysing the quality of water with the data collected ton of waste from water per
water via machine that is available for reporting day, offers a way to recycle
learning statistics and analysis through the through recycling facilities
datahub and makes water
knowledge accessible by
sharing water quality with
users in real time
300 8  SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation

Table 8.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
26 Rentricity It is a renewable Electricity is generated by Besides producing green
USA electricity generator that hydrokinetic power generation and renewable energy,
6 targets water utility applications which are water utilities currently use
Energy storage, companies and other basically generated by about one-third of their
recycling large fluid conveyors harnessing energy from operating budget to pump
that install pressure-­ flowing water, such as the water, and if this pressure is
reducing valves (PRVs) water that flows through not used, it is completely
within their pipelines to municipal drinking water wasted. Rentricity systems
maintain pre-set pipes. Continuously flowing are located within existing
pressure ranges. The water through mains offers the water systems reducing
system harnesses excess capability to generate permitting, installation time
pressure within water electricity year-round, 24 h per and environmental issues.
operations and uses it to day. Each Rentricity system The system produces
generate clean electric continuously produces between enough to satisfy the
power. Rentricity also 5 and 350 kilowatts of clean demand of between 30 and
offers custom and reliable energy. The system 300 average homes or a
information services is installed in parallel with portion of an industrial
existing pressure reduction facility
valves to recover energy that
these valves would otherwise
27 RoboNext It is a company that is RoboNext examines the Water-link facilitates the
Belgium implementing and facility to identify the greatest complete water and
6 managing robotic use cases to automate by sanitation needs of over
AI, robotic process automation appropriately engaging the 610,000 consumers and
process (RPA) and AI for the RPA platform, in which the produces 150 million m^3
automation customer companies to technological leader is UiPath. of drinking water per year.
improve their services. RoboNext installed invoicing After RPA and AI
Its project with and master data management applications, the
water-link which is a in UiPath, resulting in the productivity is increased,
complete water and automation of ten LAC and several processes
sanitation facility systems focused on invoicing and
includes AI and RPA payment follow-up have
become more efficient
28 Sarastear The company’s water Following the removal of dirt The Sarastear water server
Japan generating equipment and dust from the air via air project, which aims to
6 converts ambient filters, the air is converted into manufacture drinking water
humidity into drinkable water droplets by a heat from air, employs the
Internet of things
water exchanger that condenses vision of a future in which
moisture to make water. Clean everyone in the globe may
water is generated after the simply consume safe and
water has been filtered further. secure water. Individuals
The final product of repeating and communities that
the filtering circulation is clean currently have a limited
and drinking water access to clean water would
benefit greatly from this
technology. Furthermore, in
the case that water becomes
a much more scarce
resource, the development
of this technology would
greatly benefit everyone
8.1  Companies and Use Cases 301

Table 8.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
29 SEMILLA It is a startup that Modules of the company form Revenue is created by
Sanitation develops sanitary a closed wastewater treatment enabling the reuse and
The Netherlands wastewater treatment unit, using technologies recovery of water as well as
6, 7, 12, 14 units. It uses biological imported from advanced space reducing the overall water
Recycling or physical treatments to technology and recycling to consumption. After the
channel wastewater convert sanitary wastewater sanitation process, it also
streams into safe into clean water and nutrients provides nutrients for food
drinking water, for food production production. The company
irrigation water and also brings biogas and
compost. Flexible electricity to
modules of the company underdeveloped countries
can also provide biogas along with toilets and
and electricity washing and showering
facilities which result in
added social value
30 TaKaDu The company assists The company minimises They offer water utilities
Israel water utilities to manage financial damage by exposing the chance to increase
6 their networks more hidden leaks and water loss savings from water loss
AI, big data, efficiently by detecting, with the data from IoT sensors. reduction, efficient use of
internet of things analysing and managing Information regarding human resources and
the usage patterns anomalies is collected in savings in operational
through extensive data operations through machine costs. The company has
gathering and learning algorithms via sensors helped avoid 1000ML in
processing via AI and that receive data from water non-revenue water loss and
machine learning utilities over $1.3 M in rebates for
non-supply, along with
200,000 property impacts.
In a 1-year period, the
customer utilities on
average are able to save
close to one million dollars
31 Uptraded The platform offers the It is a novel online clothing Customers achieve the
Germany cheapest and most marketplace where your own maximum added value for
6, 12 sustainable ways to keep unused garments become the their clothing by reusing
AI, recycling wardrobes up-to-date by currency. An intelligent them. The excessive
an AI-based matching system based on a amount of water spent in
recommendation engine swipe mechanism identifies the textile sector, together
exchange options for your with the reuse of clothes,
uploaded garments. An reduced the individual
algorithm evaluates the user water consumption of the
behaviour and can therefore users of the application
suggest the best possible
exchange options (e.g. suitable
style, the similar market value
of the items to be exchanged,
correct size, etc.). Users can
then change their clothes and
win-win situations arise.
Through this form of
transaction, the customers
achieve the maximum added
value for their clothing from
their subjective point of view
302 8  SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation

Table 8.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
32 Wasser 3.0 The company focuses The combination of high-tech The introduction of
Germany on the removal of materials, low-tech processes microplastics and
6 micropollutants and and a systemic perspective micropollutants into the
Advanced microplastics such as enables a new level of entire ecosystem is now
materials, pharmaceuticals, PFAS, environmental and health uncontrollable.
bioplastics, heavy metals and protection in (waste) water Microplastics and
biotech and pesticides from various treatment. By applying a micropollutants are found
biomanufacturing water sources non-toxic hybrid silica gel, in human and animal
they create table tennis bodies, which is extremely
ball-sized balls that float on the unhealthy. All users profit
water surface and are easily from the company’s
removed from there removal of these toxins
33 Waterfund It is a worldwide water They provide funds via They implement projects
USA investment and trading forecasting and modelling tools for cleaning water,
6 business focused on on market solutions through separating sea salt from
AI, crowdfunding purchasing and crowdfunding to various water water and wastewater
managing infrastructure treatment and desalination management at low cost.
assets that produce and projects in order to rationalise They make clean and
supply clean water to consumption and promote drinkable water accessible
the highest-value sustainable water consumption
end-users using models
desalination and
wastewater treatment
34 Watly It is a solar-based water Through cutting-edge A significant impact of the
Italy purifying system that galvanisation and graphene-­ value creation can be
6, 12 uses graphene based technology, water is demonstrated as the ratio of
Advanced technology separated from soaps, solvents water input and water
materials and hydrocarbons. Water, in an output which is 99.5%,
arch shape, is evaporated with when the water is not just
the heat power generated by contaminated, but also
solar panels scarce (reverse osmosis
ratio is 30–50%)
35 ZTE The company offers 5G For inspection, a UAV Revenue creation is
China and spatial computing-­ (unmanned aerial vehicle) is achieved through
6 based water utilised, and for real-time video operational efficiency.
5G, autonomous management solutions checks, an unmanned ship Compared with the
vehicles, spatial provided by the patrol is used. This enables conventional water
computing company and China three-dimensional monitoring management systems, the
telecom to provide of the water source location, as solution allows three major
intelligent management well as data from the attached innovations. Firstly, 5G
and three-dimensional water quality sensor. Because allows monitoring water
monitoring of water. It of the 5G network’s high resources with 4 K quality
aims to increase bandwidth and low latency, videos since it uses high
operational efficiency in UAVs can conduct visual bandwidth and low time
water operations inspections of the lake surface. delay. Secondly, AR/VR is
The goal is to detect foreign combined with 5G to carry
things (such as solid trash) on out and control the video
the water’s surface. Those monitoring. Also, remote
objects will be removed if they control of UAVs is
are found unsuitable achieved by AR. Lastly,
based on the ZTE IoT
platform, AI and big data
technologies are used to
establish a water quality
References 303

Table 8.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
36 ZwitterCo The company uses A zwitterion molecule includes By increasing water reuse
USA zwitterionic (a chemical both negatively and positively capabilities, ZwitterCo
6 molecule known as charged groups in close enables filtration to be
Advanced inner salt) copolymer proximity. During filtration, more material-efficient and
materials membranes which these groups pull water to the energy-efficient and
prevent organic membrane made of zwitterion therefore cost-efficient
components from while pulling organic compared to conventional
clogging membranes’ components which handicaps treatment methods. The use
pores during filtration filtration of membrane technology in
bioprocessing, agriculture
and food and beverage
sectors contribute to the
reuse of wastewater, clean
water generation and
higher-yield concentration
in agriculture. Therefore, it
allows for both economic
and environmental gains

J.  Leigland, S.  Trémolet, J.  Ikeda, Achieving Universal

References Access to Water and Sanitation by 2030 The Role of
Blended Finance (2016), p. 20
I. Alshomali, O. Gulseven, A note on SDG 6 -clean water D.A.  McDonald, T.  Marois, S.  Spronk, Public Banks +
and sanitation for all. (2020). Public Water = SDG 6? 14(1), 18 (2021)
RG.2.2.16461.38881 H.  Ritchie, M.  Roser, Clean Water and Sanitation (Our
O. Gulseven, J. Mostert, Application of circular economy World in Data, 2021) Available at: https://ourworldin-
for sustainable resource Management in Kuwait. Int. Accessed 11 Aug 2021
J. Soc. Ecol. Sustain. Dev 8, 87–99 (2017). https://doi. C.W.  Sadoff, E.  Borgomeo, S.  Uhlenbrook, Rethinking
org/10.4018/IJSESD.2017070106 water for SDG 6. Nat. Sustain. 3(5), 346–347 (2020).
G. Howard et al., Climate change and water and sanitation:­020-­0530-­9
Likely impacts and emerging trends for action. Annu. UN, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for
Rev. Environ. Resour. 41(1), 253–276 (2016). https:// Sustainable Development (Department of Economic­environ-­110615-­085856 and Social Affairs, 2015) Available at: https://sdgs.
P.  Katila et  al. (eds.), Sustainable Development Goals: Accessed 28 July 2021
Their Impacts on Forests and People, 1st edn. UN (2016) Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable
(Cambridge University Press, 2019). https://doi. management of water and sanitation for all  — SDG
org/10.1017/9781108765015 Indicators. Available at:
A. Komarulzaman, J. Smits, E. de Jong, Clean water, sani- report/2016/goal-­06/. Accessed 11 Aug 2021
tation and diarrhoea in Indonesia: Effects of household UN-Water, Summary Progress Update 2021: SDG 6  —
and community factors. Glob. Public Health 12(9), Water and Sanitation for all (Geneva, Switzerland,
1141–1155 (2017). 2021), pp. 1–54
.2015.1127985 H.  Van Minh, N.V.  Hung, Economic aspects of sanita-
tion in developing countries. Environ. Health Insights
5, EHI.S8199 (2011).
304 8  SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation

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SDG-7 Affordable and Clean
Energy 9

Abstract Keywords

Reaching affordable, clean, sustainable, mod- Sustainable development goals · Business

ern and reliable energy is the main aim of the models · Affordable and clean energy ·
Sustainable Development Goal 7. Energy is Sustainability
placed at the centre of environmental and eco-
nomic issues. Despite this significance, 20%
of people living worldwide cannot access Reaching affordable, clean, sustainable, modern
electricity in 2021. Adaptation towards SDG-­ and reliable energy is the main aim of the
7, Affordable and Clean Energy, brings in new Sustainable Development Goal 7. Energy is
investments and creates a significant economy placed at the centre of environmental and eco-
around it. While private investments and gov- nomic issues. Despite this significance, 20% of
ernment spending in developed countries con- people living worldwide cannot access electricity
centrate on achieving efficiency and renewable in 2021. Also, the utilisation of renewable energy
energy production, developing countries focus sources must increase because of the high-level
on obtaining access to electricity and clean demand for energy. For example, the ratio of peo-
energy sources. This chapter presents the busi- ple reaching for clean energy for cooking has
ness models of 60 companies and use cases increased from 50% in 2010 to 66% in 2019
that employ emerging technologies and create (United Nations 2021a). The renewable and non-­
value in SDG-7. We should highlight that one renewable energy sources are obtained from the
use case can be related to more than one SDG environment. Examples of these energy sources
and it can make use of multiple emerging are coal, natural gas, petroleum, hydropower,
technologies. solar wind, etc. Energy sources, including fossil
fuels and renewables, are in high demand world-
wide. Despite excellent progress in expanding
access to power, increasing the use of renewable
energy in the electrical sector and improving
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- energy efficiency during the past decade, the
butions of Berk Ürkmez, Görkem Balyalıgil, Ali Emir world remains far from obtaining cheap, depend-
Güzey, Samet Özyiğit, Kerem Şen and Esra Kılıç in com- able, sustainable and contemporary energy for
pleting this chapter. They also contributed to Chapter 2’s
Advanced Materials, Blockchain, Energy Storage, all. With an average yearly electrification rate of
Hydrogen and Internet of Things sections. 0.876 percentage points, the worldwide power

© The Author(s) 2022 305

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
306 9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy

access rate improved from 83% in 2010 to 90% cooking fuels and technology rose to 66% (confi-
in 2019. The worldwide access deficit has shrunk dence ranges of 59–71%) in 2019. There were
from 1.22 billion in 2010 to 759 million in 2019. 2.6 (2.2–3.1) billion people in the world who did
Despite significant efforts, there may still be 660 not have access to the Internet. Clean fuels and
million people without access to electricity in technologies were only nine percentage points
2030 (United Nations 2021b). Whereas bioen- more accessible in 2018 than in 2010 when 57%
ergy is the most common renewable energy (52–62%) of the world population had access.
source, approximately three billion are utilising According to current trends, the world will not be
the energy sources such as wood, coal, animal up to the 2030 universal access objective by
waste and so on (United Nations 2021a). about 30%, reaching only 72% of the population.
Since 2010, the number of people who have To accomplish the aim of universal access to sus-
gained electricity access has exceeded a billion, tainable fuels and technology by 2030, annual
making it possible for 90% of the world popula- increases of more than three percentage points
tion to be linked in 2019. Despite this, 759 mil- would be required (The Energy Progress Report
lion people lack access to electricity, and the 2021 2021).
majority of these people live in areas that are Renewable energy comes from naturally
unstable or affected by conflict. While regional renewing but flow-limited sources; renewable
differences continue to exist, the global electric- resources are nearly limitless in terms of duration
ity access deficit concentration is located in Sub-­ but have a limited amount of energy per unit of
Saharan Africa, accounting for 75% of the gap on time (EIA 2020). Technological advancements
a global scale. The number of people without have increased the consumption and interest in
access to electricity is less than 2% of the popula- renewable energy sources, owing to rising pollu-
tion in Eastern Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin tion and rapid fossil fuel usage. Many nations
America and the Caribbean. In Sub-Saharan debate energy, energy security and global warm-
Africa, this number is around 50%. Within coun- ing, and rules are being developed in this context.
tries with major access deficits, Bangladesh, The United Nations (UN) is responsible for the
Kenya and Uganda have shown the largest most important pioneering study in this subject.
improvements since 2010. This is attributable to The energy sources listed below are the most
more than three percentage points annual electri- well-known renewable energy sources.
fication growth rates, largely due to an integrated The energy produced by the use of sunlight
approach that combines grid, mini-grid and on-­ and heat is called solar energy. Solar energy has
grid solar electrification (IRENA 2021a). different uses, and these can be generating elec-
According to new data released this year, the tricity from solar energy or heating air and water.
number of individuals without access to low-­ The use of solar energy in the world is increasing
carbon cooking equipment has steadily decreased. day by day, and by the end of 2020, more than
Since 2010, around 450 million individuals in 700 GW of energy will be produced from the sun,
India and China have acquired access to clean which will equal approximately 3% of the energy
cooking due to clean air policies and liquefied consumed in the world (ARENA 2021).
petroleum gas (LPG) transition programmes. The Winds occur in various regions of the world
problem in Sub-Saharan Africa is very severe, depending on atmospheric events. Winds, mov-
and the situation is deteriorating. Only 17% of ing air, cause kinetic energy, which can be con-
the population has access to safe cooking water. verted into electrical energy with the help of wind
Over 2.6 billion people in the world still lack turbines (IRENA 2021a, b). The use of both
access, and household air pollution, caused by onshore and offshore wind turbines has increased
cooking smoke, is responsible for roughly 2.5 significantly in the last 20  years for electricity
million early graves each year (IEA 2020). generation from wind energy. While there was a
From 63 (56–68)% in 2018, the percentage of production capacity of 7.5 gigawatts (GW) in
people in the world who have access to clean 1997, this figure increased approximately 75
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy 307

times in 2018 and reached 564  GW.  Electricity usage areas and electricity production would
generation using wind energy has more than dou- contribute massively against the GHG problem.
bled from 2009 to 2013 and equalled 16% of the Governmental energy policies are major impulses
energy produced using renewable energy sources for efficiency and consumption rates, but private
in 2016 (IRENA 2021b). efforts such as digitalisation in industry and resi-
One of the commercially developed renew- dences are similarly effective only when they are
able energy technologies is hydroelectric energy practised collectively. For instance, it is predicted
technologies. In this technology, a reservoir for that digitalisation in the building sector could cut
water is created, usually using a large area. The CO2 emissions by 10% in 2030 (IEA 2019). The
water accumulated in this reservoir is released building sector includes the construction industry
when energy is needed, and it turns the turbines and residential usage and represented 36% of
into the dam to generate energy. The difference total energy consumption in the world in 2018
between this energy source and other renewable (Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction
energy sources is that it provides continuity. 2018). A conceptual residential digitalisation
While solar energy and wind energy can some- includes smart grid infrastructure, IoT-enabled
times cause fluctuations in production in energy learning algorithms, management and edge com-
systems, energy can be produced when needed in puting systems (Küfeoğlu 2021). Industrial digi-
hydroelectric energy systems (EDF 2021). talisation advanced rapidly due to high energy
Geothermal energy originates from the heat usage density per facility, but in comparison,
underneath the Earth’s surface. The causes of this single houses have much lower energy usage
heat are the actions that take place inside Earth density. Thus, only a collective switch to smart
and the planet’s structure. Although this heat is houses and smart grid systems would make a dif-
practically endless, it is not allocated evenly ference in global energy efficiency.
under every part of the surface (Barbier, 2002). Other high energy density industries such as
Places where geysers or fault lines are located are manufacturing and agriculture are quite open
more suitable for geothermal energy production. fields for automatisation and digitalisation, and at
Produced energy can be utilised in heating and some point, energy-saving actions in these fields
electricity. Worldwide total installed geothermal must be taken by machines and intelligent sys-
energy capacity was 14,013 MW in 2020 (IRENA tems instead of humans to get rid of human inter-
2021a). vention and error (Küfeoğlu 2021). Even though
Biomass mostly derives from organic waste intelligent systems have a cost at the beginning,
generated by plants and animals. It can be used to long-term effects include, first and foremost,
produce liquid, gaseous or solid biofuel by bio- energy efficiency, positive budget changes, air
logical, chemical or thermochemical conversion quality and individuals’ well-being.
processes and to produce heat by directly burning One of the goals in SDG-7 is to increase
it (EIA 2021). Worldwide total installed access to clean energy through international
­bioenergy capacity as liquid, gaseous or solid cooperation. This direction supports research and
biofuels was over 130,000 MW in 2020 (IRENA development projects on clean energy, energy
2021a). efficiency and cleaner fossil fuel technologies
The ratio of the amount of consumed energy (United Nations 2021a). In addition, incentives
and created specific output is called energy effi- are provided for investments in the energy infra-
ciency. In final usage areas such as manufactur- structure with the studies to be carried out. To
ing, buildings, construction, agriculture and achieve this goal, investments to be made by
transportation, highly efficient technological developing countries in clean energy, including
instruments are key to achieving efficiency goals. hybrid systems, are supported financially.
Emission savings and air quality are directly Although the financial flow in this area contin-
associated with energy production and efficiency ues, the amount of financing transferred to the
levels, so any effort to improve efficiency in final least developed countries remains below the
308 9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy

Fig. 9.1  Targets of SDG-7. (United Nations 2021a, b)

desired level. Although there are financial flows is aimed at considering economic, social and
in this area today, studies need to be done espe- environmental perspectives. In this study, plans
cially on the countries that are left behind. In this were made by considering different countries’
direction, among the future targets under the title development levels and national realities
of international financial flow are strengthening (Calzadilla and Mauger 2017). Efforts within the
international connections and increasing the scope of SDG-7 are aimed at affordable, reliable,
financial flow in general, especially in lagging modern and sustainable energy for everyone
countries. Although governments and various (Sustainable Development Goal on Energy (SDG-
development finance institutions have announced 7) and the World Bank Group 2016). One of the
support in line with the targets set today, the important steps to be taken in line with this pur-
desired levels have not been reached yet, and pose is to realise financial flow. Thanks to this
studies on this issue need to be increased (The financial flow that has been realised and will be
Energy Progress Report 2021 2021). Figure 9.1 realised, especially developing countries will be
summarises the targets of SDG-7. able to fulfil the 2030 targets set by the UN. With
With the targets set by the United Nations in the studies in the field of renewable energy, impor-
2015, sustainable development has been dis- tant steps have been taken, especially in decen-
cussed in three dimensions. Holistic development tralised electricity generation. Studies have been
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy 309

carried out on the problem of not delivering elec- out in Europe and America (Climate Council
tricity to underdeveloped regions with the contri- 2019). In addition, while China aims to produce
bution of renewable energy. While 1.2 billion 35% of its electricity from renewable sources in
people did not have access to electricity in 2010, 2030, Chile has set a 70% renewable energy tar-
this figure decreased to 759 million in 2019. get for 2050. Indonesia, one of the Asian coun-
Although this figure is desired to be reduced even tries, aims to increase the share of renewable
more for 2030, the target set for 2030 is to reduce energy from 2% in the country to 23% by 2025,
the number of people who cannot reach electricity in line with its decisions (Siahaan 2014). Many
to 660 million, with the effect of the pandemic in countries have similar renewable energy future
the world. Progress in achieving clean cooking plans. By 2050, it is foreseen that 100% of the
conditions is as stable as it gets. By 2019, 2.6 bil- energy of 139 countries will be met by renewable
lion people still do not have clean cooking facili- energy (McKenna 2017).
ties. The smoke produced during cooking still Like the investments made in renewable
endangers the lives of many people. The target set energy, many countries are also working on
for 2030 is to reduce this figure by 30%. To energy efficiency, as it is the cheapest and clean-
achieve this goal, radical steps must be taken est means of energy source. Besides, with the
(Sustainable Energy for All 2021a). Another tar- advancements in energy efficiency, there is a
get set is energy efficiency. The United Nations decrease in carbon emission rates. Each country
also carried out various studies to increase energy has its own goals and its own specific goals in its
efficiency, starting with the motto of “the cleanest unions, such as the European Union. By 2030,
energy, is unconsumed energy.” In line with this the EU aims to achieve 32.5% progress in energy
target, efforts are underway to reduce primary efficiency (Malinauskaite et al. 2020). For exam-
energy intensity from 5.6 megajoules (MJ) per ple, Germany is working to reduce its primary
USD in 2010 to 3.4 by 2030. In 2018, this figure energy consumption by 50% compared to its con-
decreased to 4.75  MJ/USD, and studies in this sumption in 2008 as a target for 2050 (Federal
direction continue (Sustainable Energy for All Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2021).
2021b). When these targets are achieved by 2030, Chile has carried out studies to support the renew-
significant progress will be achieved in clean and able energy target it set in 2015 regarding energy
affordable energy, although not enough. Although efficiency and aims to significantly improve
there are various regressions in the studies carried energy efficiency by 2050 by setting new stan-
out, especially with the effects of the pandemic dards (Siahaan 2014). The UK aims to reduce
period, studies continue to reach these targets greenhouse gas emissions by 78% from 1990 lev-
with the right targets to be set. els by 2035 and zero emissions by 2050 (GOV.
In addition to these targets set for 2030 by the UK 2021). To achieve this goal, they turn to
United Nations, countries also have their plans renewable energy sources and work on energy
for renewable energy and energy efficiency. For efficiency to reduce energy consumption. All
example, while the United States provides 21% these investments and studies carried out in these
of its electricity production from renewable areas emerge as a result of certain financial plan-
sources in 2020, the target set for 2050 is to ning and create many new job opportunities. In
increase this figure to 42% (Dubin 2021). achieving these goals, it is important to manage
European countries are particularly ambitious in the financial flow correctly.
this regard. Sweden aims to eliminate fossil fuels The energy that is both affordable and clean
in electricity generation by 2040 and is investing guarantees that modern civilisation can function
in this direction. Denmark, which met more than smoothly and productively. Industries have
half of its energy from solar and wind in 2017, thrived, thanks to the existing energy system
has set a fossil fuel-free future target for 2050. based on fossil fuels. However, it has led to severe
Germany aims to meet 65% of its electricity pro- climate change and exponential environmental
duction from renewable sources in its 2030 tar- deterioration. The private sector accounts for
get. Studies on this subject are not only carried 23% of global electricity consumption, mostly
310 9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy

met by damaging fossil fuels. Businesses may vents access to electricity and clean energy
help speed up the transition to sustainable energy sources by all (Baumli and Jamasb 2020).
systems by investing in renewable energy tech- Moreover, the energy sector presents many
nologies, research and development, focusing on employment opportunities. Global renewable
energy efficiency and incorporating clean energy energy employment is expected to reach 11.5
into their daily operations. They may go beyond million in 2019 from 11 million in 2018. Although
their practices and invest in renewable energy a few countries dominate the market, for instance,
sources for their communities, ensuring that their the top 10 biofuel producer countries account for
employees and customers have access to it and 90% of the present jobs, the profitability of new
even providing renewable technology to develop- technologies expands the current network to a
ing countries (Bureau 2021). wider range of countries (IRENA 2020). From
Adaptation towards SDG-7 brings in new 2015 to 2019, the energy efficiency sector has
investments and creates a significant economy created more than 400,000 new jobs solely in the
around it. While private investments and govern- United States. It grew at a rate of 20%, roughly
ment spending in developed countries concen- three times faster than the whole US economy
trate on achieving efficiency and renewable (NASEO and EFI 2020). Furthermore, expansion
energy production, developing countries focus on of the renewable energy sector has a beneficial
obtaining access to electricity and clean energy impact on jobs, as more positions are being pro-
sources. As an example, in 2020, the government vided in the power, agriculture and construction
of the United Kingdom introduced a £350 mil- industries. Even though it is causing job losses in
lion package for the transition from fossil fuels to the fossil fuel distribution industry and in high
environment-friendly sources (“PM commits energy-demanding businesses as rising energy
£350 million to fuel green recovery,” 2020). prices reduce their profitability, the effect of the
Additionally, the United States and Germany expansion in the renewable energy sector to
raised funding equal to US$7 billion and US$45 employment is still positive in different scenar-
billion, respectively, and South Korea declared a ios. In 2050, 1.3% of EU employment is expected
5-year package of US$63 billion to increase the to be redistributed among several sectors with the
portion of clean energy (Beyer and Vandermosten low-carbon transition in the EU (Fragkos and
2021). Furthermore, international financial flow Paroussos 2018).
to developing countries rose to US$14 billion in
2018 from US$10.1 billion in 2010 (IRENA
2021a). However, African countries struggle to 9.1 Companies and Use Cases
find private investment, and governments’ spend-
ing on energy is not strong enough to achieve the Table 9.1 presents the business models of 60
goals. According to recent surveys, very few companies and use cases that employ emerging
nations in Sub-Saharan Africa spend higher than technologies and create value in SDG-7. We
4% of their GDP on infrastructure, which pre- should highlight that one use case can be related
Table 9.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-7
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 AeroShield The company is an advanced and Based on silica aerogel technology, Energy consumption costs will
USA energy-efficient window materials they produce a super-insulating glass decrease at the rate of decreasing
7, 13 producer. sheet. This solid new substance is consumption. From an environmental
Advanced materials made up of 95% gas trapped inside point of view, since these products are
pores so microscopic that they are more efficient and reduce energy
invisible to the human eye. consumption, they also play an active
role in reducing carbon emissions.
2 Ambri The liquid metal battery systems Wind and solar energy are used to Smarter, quicker, longer-lasting,
9.1  Companies and Use Cases

USA include a liquid calcium-alloy anode, generate electricity, which is then low-degradation and affordable
7, 13 a molten salt electrolyte and a stored. Grid-scale energy storage renewable energy-generating and
Advanced materials, energy cathode consisting of antimony devices operate as a “buffer,” energy storage systems create
storage particles, providing the use of smoothing out the output from wind additional revenue. When compared
low-cost advanced materials and a and solar farms and allowing them to to developing traditional power plants,
small number of steps in the cell replace fossil fuel generators on a large boosting renewable energy sources
assembly. scale. using innovative materials lowers
electricity prices.
3 Ambyint It is an AI-based software service By incorporating advanced physics Thanks to increased efficiency via AI,
USA providing plunger and rod lift and subject matter expert knowledge users can increase production by 7%,
7, 13 optimisations. with artificial intelligence and machine as well as reduce operational losses
AI learning to automate operations and by 30% and reduce error rates by
production optimisation workflows 50%.
throughout all well types and artificial
lift systems, AI-powered improvement
for the oil and gas industry provides
step-change improvements to E&P
(exploration and production)
production results and profitability.
Table 9.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
4 ANNEA It is a company that offers customised End-to-end solutions create digital With condition monitoring and
Germany AI-based automated predictive and twins of each component of automated failure prediction,
7 prescriptive maintenance platforms customers’ power plants through AI, customers could act against plant
AI, digital twins for renewable energy companies’ physical modelling and normal failures up to 365 days before, cut
power plants. behaviour modelling. Failure operating expenses by 50% and
predictions, energy production and increase energy output by 15%.
performance optimisation forecasts are
made for wind turbines, solar farms
and hydropower plants of customer
5 Aurora Solar It is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) The programme has a comprehensive Monthly membership sales generate
USA company that uses aerial imagery and information centre with all the data revenue, which is used to plot solar
7, 13 big data to assess solar installations. needed to complete the solar project projects utilising all available data.
Big data such as the azimuth of the project,
slope of roofs, yield calculation and
many simulations.
6 Bandora Systems It is an AI-powered, cloud-based Bandora.OM is a non-intrusive The artificial intelligence engine may
Portugal facility manager aiming to increase cloud-based platform that collects data be used to streamline building
7 energy usage efficiency and detect from all of a facility’s systems. It uses management, decrease the number of
AI, big data, cloud computing, and notify anomalies in commercial machine learning algorithms to full time equivalents (FTEs)
Internet of things buildings. anticipate energy usage, interior necessary, conduct predictive
temperature, comfort level, occupancy maintenance and lower energy use.
and malfunctions, among other things.
Because it is a cloud-based system, it
allows one building to benefit from all
other buildings that are connected to it.
7 BeFC It is a fuel cell provider that produces To convert natural substrates like The affordability of BeFC fuel cells’
France bio-enzymatic fuel cells that can glucose and oxygen into electricity, production materials compared to
7, 12, 13 replace conventional batteries in fuel cells use biological catalysts conventional batteries makes them
Biotech and biomanufacturing, wearable electronics and IoT devices. rather than chemical or expensive cheaper, and also being paper-based
flexible electronics and noble metal catalysts. Enzymes, makes them environmentally friendly.
wearables, Internet of things carbon electrodes and paper Their potential use in health
microfluidics are all used in their monitoring and IoT devices can make
products. BeFC fuel cells can run on a these devices more affordable and
drop of tap water or biological fluids, sustainable and thus more widely
making them ideal for wearable used.
electronics and IoT devices that collect
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy

data on a semi-continuous basis.

8 BlueSky Energy It is a company that manufactures With their GREENROCK products, Saltwater electrolyte, non-toxic,
Austria large-scale non-toxic batteries with green energy storage solutions are non-flammable and non-explosive
7 only saltwater as battery electrolyte. provided for residences. Battery cells specifications provide users with a
Energy storage are modular, clusterable and completely safe and environmentally
maintenance-free, and energy friendly energy storage solution.
management system electronics and Being maintenance-free and durable
software are provided. Approximately against overcharging and
5000 charge-discharge cycles and undercharging is also a relief for the
15 years of lifespan are promised. user’s budget.
9 BluWave-­ai It is an AI-based platform optimising They balance the grid energy Savings are achieved through
9.1  Companies and Use Cases

Canada grid energy for distribution utilities, according to changes in wind and solar AI-based grid energy optimisation to
7, 9 microgrids and fleet electrification energy production to optimise the cost, adapt to the fluctuations.
AI, big data, cloud computing, with the help of big data, edge availability and carbon footprint of Environmental value is captured
edge computing computing and cloud computing. diverse energy sources – both through the adoption of renewables
renewable and non-renewable – with with the capability to predict power
energy demand in real time to fluctuations, thanks to collecting big
encourage the use of renewable energy data and analysing it through AI
sources. Their BluWave-ai Edge algorithms.
AI-assisted software takes data from
the grid and applies AI algorithms to
improve the grid by forecasting
renewable variations. Their
BluWave-ai Center software, which is
hosted in the cloud, trains and
develops AI algorithms as well as
updates distributed Edge software.
Table 9.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
10 Brightmark It is an anaerobic digestion company Natural gas produced from organic Customers using this product can
USA that uses organic waste materials to waste materials such as food waste and produce energy using the garbage
7,13 produce renewable natural gas. animal- and plant-based materials is they have. In this way, these
Biotech and biomanufacturing, known as renewable natural gas customers generate income through
recycling (RNG). Landfills, animal manure and energy sales and agricultural
solid waste recovered during by-product sales. In addition, from an
wastewater treatment are the main environmental benefit perspective,
sources of RNG. Because it is made methane is captured and converted as
from trash that is continually produced biogas during the production process,
and occurs naturally as part of the rather than being released directly into
decomposition process, the gas is the atmosphere. In addition, when this
called “renewable.” Raw biogas is product is used in vehicles, it emits
captured, cleaned, upgraded and 6% to 11% lower levels of greenhouse
compressed using anaerobic digestion gases than gasoline over the fuel life
technology. cycle.
11 Brightmerge It is an AI-based platform focused on The AI-driven performance prediction Real-time data analysing microgrid
Israel the operational and financial model provides a fast, accurate and management software is supplied by
7 optimisation of microgrids that cost-effective optimisation the company. As a result, a cost-­
AI include renewable energy sources. environment for microgrid managers, saving, reliable and efficient
energy developers and financiers. microgrid operation is provided to
12 Cadenza Innovation The firm offers cell designs that The design improves efficiency, while Value is created through enabling
USA combine cylindrical jelly rolls and ceramic-based housing materials broad adoption of electric vehicles
7 massive prismatic cells to enable prevent combustion while allowing for through the development of safe,
Advanced materials, energy energy storage that is dependable, a compact construction. inexpensive and high-performing
storage high in energy density, low in cost battery technology.
and safe.
13 CrowdCharge It is a company that provides V2G Optimised charging sessions are Revenue is generated by supplying
UK (vehicle-to-grid) charging. provided using machine learning and energy stored in electric vehicle
7 AI. The vehicle-to-grid scheme batteries at peak times for use in grid
Energy storage provides grid balancing and real-time services.
reporting services.
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy
14 Data Gumbo It’s a blockchain network that allows GumboNet™ is a usage-based Pulling specified data into an
USA industrial customers and suppliers to subscription service for their network. encrypted distributed ledger based on
7, 9 combine transactional data with It enables organisations to blockchain creates a third-party
Blockchain automated smart contracts. communicate relevant field data with verifiable record that each transaction
counterparties that require it, resulting is accurate and definite.
in automatic service confirmation and
payment execution as the service is
15 Drift It is a blockchain-based renewable The platform allows users to buy and Customers would save between 10%
energy retail utility platform that sell renewable energy, both as and 20% on electricity due to the
9.1  Companies and Use Cases

7 incorporates AI and machine consumers and as suppliers. It platform’s elimination of
AI, blockchain learning. forecasts energy usage and offers intermediaries.
wholesale energy costs that are lower.
The residential user has the option of
selecting their preferred power mix. It
provides local renewable energy to
customers and invoices them on a
monthly basis.
16 enercast It is an AI-based platform for Its self-learning software-as-a-service The AI capabilities of the platform
Germany forecasting power levels for wind solutions provide precise power enable the user to predict the amount
7 turbines and solar plants. estimates for wind and solar facilities, of production to be made by their
AI, big data allowing renewable energy to be power generation facility. In addition,
integrated into power networks. Its AI with the production estimates made,
and big data integration platform aids renewable energy systems are
its clients’ decision-making processes connected considering the potential
in the industrial sector. production when connected to the
grid. In this case, grid stabilisation is
achieved more effectively.
17 Energy Vault It’s a large-scale gravity-based energy The system combines advanced Revenue is made by recycling waste
Switzerland storage device that doesn’t rely on material science and proprietary materials to create moving masses and
7 surface topography or subterranean machine-vision AI software to establishing a circular economy.
Advanced materials, energy geology. They provide a long-term autonomously orchestrate the charging
storage solution that does not degrade over and discharging of electricity using
time and has competitive ultra-low-cost composite bricks and
performance, with round-trip innovative mechanical crane systems,
efficiency ranging from 80 to 90%. using traditional physics fundamentals
of gravity and potential energy.
Table 9.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
18 Enexor It is a company that produces clean Their Bio-CHP™ solution generates Revenue is captured through reduced
USA onsite bioenergy by recycling organic clean onsite energy using free (or energy costs, thanks to recycling the
7, 11, 12, 13 waste. low-cost) locally generated organics or waste as an energy source and
Recycling plastic waste. It provides microgrids eliminating transportation. Also,
with controlled, continuous renewable reducing landfills creates an
energy. By reducing methane environmental value since it decreases
emissions from landfills, offsetting GHG emissions.
fossil fuel-based electricity generation
and reducing waste disposal
transportation emissions, each system
can reduce up to 2200 metric tonnes of
CO2-equivalent emissions yearly.
19 EQuota Energy The company is an AI- and big InsightTM and InsightLite are Revenue creation is achieved through
China data-based energy-intelligent software solutions. Through AI and big energy efficiency, energy savings and
7 management service provider. The data, InsightTM is an energy carbon emissions control management
AI, big data main services are energy savings and management solution that is used for and improved control. By utilising the
carbon management. power monitoring, energy efficiency EQuota service, a steel factory in East
improvement, equipment management China saved $1 million in energy
and predictive operation and expenses and saved 5000 tonnes of
maintenance. Energy reporting, coal in just 6 months.
real-time warnings, optimisation ideas
and analysis tools are part of
20 ESS The company manufactures The energy storage is carried out by Environmental value is captured by
USA environmentally safe, cost-effective redox reactions. Long cycle life and earth minerals not used in battery
7 and high cycle life iron flow batteries durability are obtained via electrode systems.
Energy storage containing water as electrolyte, iron design and control system. Flexibility
and salt for commercial usage. in terms of adjusting power and
amount of energy exactly.
21 Fluence The firm creates a comprehensive The Sunstack solar energy storage Revenue is created via cost-effective,
USA basis for safe and repeatable energy technology was created with sunlight safe and scalable energy storage
7, 13 storage systems by combining capture and distribution in mind. Its systems working with new storage
Energy storage hardware, controls, software and system architecture integrates batteries constituents.
intelligence. and PV on the same side of the DC bus
to benefit from larger PV-to-inverter
ratios, increase solar production and
simplify the connectivity procedure.
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy
22 Form Energy The company manufactures battery Thousands of battery modules are Revenue is created through low-cost,
USA systems consisting of iron and air joined together in modular megawatt-­ scalable, optimisable, reliable, safe
7, 13 electrodes and water-based non-­ scale power blocks, which are housed battery systems. The batteries include
Energy storage flammable electrolytes for energy in an environmentally protected cheap and abundant components and
storage applications. container. Tens to hundreds of these exhibit multiple-day energy storage.
power blocks will be linked to the
energy grid, depending on the scale of
the energy storage system.
23 Grid4C The company utilises AI and big data By examining smart metre data, their Savings are captured through
in their software to detect anomalies algorithms can identify, diagnose and AI-based energy monitoring and
9.1  Companies and Use Cases

7, 12 and predict future conditions in anticipate problems, inefficiencies and forecasting, increased safety through
AI, big data energy consumption. behavioural abnormalities in a wide meter data collection and AI
range of household equipment. HVAC algorithms’ malfunction detection and
systems, water heaters, pool pumps, prediction capabilities.
the house envelope and refrigerators
are all classified as having these
problems. Customers may see
projected daily prices and power use
for the future week. Daily and monthly
power demand forecasts are also
generated at 1-hour intervals by the
24 GridCure It is a predictive analytics software GridCure uses a patented machine Faster fault management and
Canada provider for the energy industry that learning approach to sort, categorise, self-healing, as well as better grid
7 utilises big data and machine learning assess and transform data into an dependability, provide value.
AI, big data to optimise their strategy and industry-standard common information
operations. model. Most significantly, data is
protected by the same role-based
access constraints that protect the
client utility.
25 HYDROGRID It is a company that optimises The developed machine learning Hydroelectric power plant owners can
Austria hydroelectric power plants using technology helps to make the flow rate generate up to 18% more energy using
7 machine learning software. estimation. In addition, it determines this software. It enables flow
AI the production capacity based on the estimates and reduces the work that
price estimations and thus realises the needs to be done manually, ensuring
optimum production planning. both more accurate production and
lowering the operational costs of the
production facility.

Table 9.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
26 LevelTen Energy It is a market model for P2P energy Their CFO-Ready platform offers The main revenue source is the P2P
USA trading with renewable energy that solutions for energy data analysis. The trading platform. The company
7 combines big data with blockchain. data and analytics required to fulfil the provides an extra value added by
Big data, blockchain power purchase agreement (PPA) request for proposal (RFP)
provide real-time value and risk automation, performance monitoring
assessment. and energy data analysis solution.
27 Meyer Burger It is a company that produces The SWCT technology used in Solar modules are able to produce
Switzerland sustainable-type solar modules by modules enhances cell stability and more efficient energy by reducing
7, 13 using advanced materials. makes modules less vulnerable to losses. The rate of loss in production
Advanced materials so-called micro-cracks, which are one over time is also lower in solar
of the most prevalent causes of solar modules and offers the user the
module energy losses. The cells are opportunity to produce more efficient
further protected from moisture and energy for a long time. In terms of the
other external impacts by the environment, solar modules are
ultra-stable unique backsheet. designed as recyclable as possible,
toxic heavy metals are not used in
their production, and the energy used
during production is provided from
renewable energy sources.
28 Nafion The company produces advanced Nafion membranes keep separate Extra value is produced by
USA membranes, resins, dispersion electrolytes from each other allowing manufacturing economical, safer and
7, 13 materials for energy storage, conduction of the desired number of scalable energy storage.
Advanced materials, energy hydrogen production, chemical charge carriers with high mechanical
storage processing and transportation. properties and high ionic conductivity,
selectivity and chemical stability for
flow battery energy storage systems.
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy
29 NDB It’s a nanotechnology firm that NDB was among the first companies Recycling nuclear waste generated by
USA specialises in the development and to use atomic voltaic cells in mid- and nuclear power plants and using these
7, 13 production of semiconductors, energy high-power applications and was one wastes for energy generation prevents
Advanced materials, energy and battery solutions. of the first to produce them. environmental damage that may arise
storage Throughout its lifespan, which is often from nuclear waste.
several years, the self-charging battery
delivers steady power by transforming
the energy produced from radioactive
decay into usable energy. Nuclear
batteries are optimised for high-power
9.1  Companies and Use Cases

applications by NDB. NDB suggests

that nuclear fuel be recycled to extract
radioisotopes, allowing it to be reused.
Isotopes derived from recycled nuclear
waste or a reactor emit a high
concentration of energy particles that
can be converted into usable energy.
30 NEARTHLAB They use autonomous drones to An artificial intelligence algorithm They allow managers of onshore and
South Korea generate visuals of wind energy uses big data to classify the types and offshore wind farms to automate
7 assets and AI algorithms to identify severity of faults and make early comprehensive and spot checks,
AI, big data and analyse defects. maintenance suggestions. enhancing safety at work.
31 New Holland They are an agricultural machinery During the piston intake stroke, Producers using this tractor can
USA manufacturing company. They also hydrogen is injected and combined engage in sustainable agriculture,
2, 7, 13 have hydrogen-powered tractors in with air. Diesel is injected at top dead market their products and earn
Hydrogen their product mix. centre of the compression stroke, as additional income from their products.
with other diesel engines, and In terms of the environmental value
compression heat ignites the mixed created, the amount of fossil fuel in
fuels. The tractor was created in the fuel used decreases up to 50% in
collaboration with Blue Fuel terms of CO2 emissions.
Solutions, which uses a hybrid of H2
and diesel fuel.
Table 9.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
32 Nozomi Networks It’s a start-up that creates solutions to Industrial network vulnerability By eliminating most of the security
USA secure electricity generation, assessment systems uncover threats that energy companies may
7 transmission and distribution vulnerabilities in operational encounter, energy interruptions are
Cybersecurity, Internet of things networks while also increasing technology (OT) and Internet of things prevented, and thus a value is created.
operational visibility and reliability. (IoT) devices, allowing energy utilities Thus, both energy and economic
to address security concerns they may losses are prevented.
face. This technology detects utility
system vulnerabilities automatically
and organises them by vendor and
severity. As a result, cybersecurity
teams can prioritise high-risk
exposures as a result of this
33 ORE Catapult They integrate robotic systems into The maintenance of energy-producing Wind turbine parts that are well-­
UK the offshore wind energy sector. parts can be streamlined with the aid controlled and have a long lifespan
7, 13 of robotic systems. generate revenue.
34 Orison It’s an all-in-one energy storage A self-installable, all-in-one household Value is created by providing a
USA system that’s suitable for residential, battery solution. Battery storage, domestic battery system with a
7 light commercial and industrial use. power conversion electronics and a domestic consumption monitoring
Energy storage smart networking control system are instrument panel and a smartphone
all included in Orison units. application.
35 Oxford PV It is a company that produces Silicon solar cell and module Solar cells made of perovskite provide
UK advanced solar cells. producers will be able to break past the electricity with a high efficiency and
7 performance barrier, thanks to at a low cost. This technology adds
Advanced materials perovskite solar cell technology. value to the consumer by allowing
Significantly enhancing the them to produce significantly more
performance of silicon photovoltaics energy for a lower cost. More energy
will result in cost reductions, is generated in small areas due to
transforming the economics of solar increased efficiency, and
energy and accelerating its worldwide environmental value is captured. This
expansion. helps to reduce the amount of area
needed for energy generation.
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy
36 PHYSEE The company is an IoT-compatible Proposed glass coating systems Customers could gain up to 15%
Netherlands sensor and smart window include windows with custom sensors, energy savings in their buildings
7 manufacturing company. a high-resolution data hub that is through the IoT automation
Internet of things coherent with IoT networks and capabilities of the smart windows
automated operation settings through system. An additional data hub that
central IoT software. Temperature and allows the system to communicate
natural illumination control is made with the IoT automation network and
possible and could be automated by dedicated UI software is also provided
the central IoT management system. to customers.
37 Plug Power A hydrogen energy solution-based The ProGen (hydrogen engine) fuel OEM firms producing power solutions
9.1  Companies and Use Cases

USA company providing comprehensive cell engine suite is intended to be used for a variety of industries can benefit
7 hydrogen fuel cell turnkey solutions. in both transportation and stationary from the company’s versatility.
Hydrogen power applications.
38 PONTON A B2B IT firm that specialises in The Enerchain project includes The P2P trading tool, which will serve
Germany energy trading, grid management and PONTON. It’s an over-the-counter as the basis for the first European
7 customer-related procedures. The wholesale energy market decentralised energy exchange on the blockchain,
Blockchain firm offers energy trading (power, gas energy trading platform. Prosumers, will be the main source of revenue.
and CO2 certificates) as well as grid DSOs and aggregators can exchange The participants’ charging procedure
operating solutions. locally produced energy using this has not yet been made public.
platform. Gridchain is a blockchain-­
based initiative that focuses on the
integration of TSO/DSO processes. It
streamlines and standardises the grid
management process’ collaboration
and communication among market
players (TSOs, DSOs, aggregators,
suppliers and generators)
Table 9.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
39 Powerledger The company provides blockchain-­ Consumers of electricity in an energy Customers that generate surplus
Australia based solutions including P2P microgrid or embedded network are power can profit from their renewable
7 trading, microgrid trading, carbon empowered by comprehensive energy investments and increase their
Big data, blockchain product trading, electric vehicle visibility of their electricity usage and return. Prospective customers include
settlement, asset germination and transactions, which is provided simply, residential strata complexes such as
virtual power plants. securely, transparently and in real apartment buildings or flats, shopping
time. xGrid is a peer-to-peer electricity malls, retirement villages, caravan/
trading platform that operates on the holiday parks and industrial parks.
regulated electricity grid. It makes it
possible for neighbours to swap
low-carbon electricity. μGrid allows
for unparalleled granularity in
electricity metering, large data
collecting, quick micro-transactions
and microgrid management.
40 Qubit Engineering The company produces quantum-­ Within minutes, quantum-enhanced The return on investment of a wind
USA based optimisation software for optimisation algorithms provide a farm planned with quantum-based
7, 12, 13 pre-construction wind farm planning. bird’s eye view of the plan site (all algorithms is improved since the wind
Quantum computing prospective building sites, wind data farm generates more electricity and
and land features) and automatically asset fatigue due to wake turbulence is
identify the best placements for the reduced.
wind farm’s turbines. The programme
also enables interactive and easy
manual modification of turbine
positions, allowing for real-time
estimates of predicted annual energy
production (AEP) for the present
turbine design.
41 Raptor Maps A company that uses machine Raptor Solar is a software solution that Raptor Solar enables the user of the
USA learning and drone technologies to uses machine learning to assist solar product to observe the problems in the
7 monitor (PV) photovoltaic production enterprises save expenses and enhance solar power generation facility and
AI, drones facilities, identify anomalies and energy output. The user can use quickly solve the problem. In this
eliminate losses due to this. software to analyse thermal and colour way, possible production losses in the
imagery obtained from drone and/or system can be avoided in a short time,
manned aircraft aerial solar site and the production amount of the
inspections. Every image is evaluated production facility can be increased.
by software, which detects, classifies
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy

and locates abnormalities.

42 RCAM Technologies The company’s main activities are 3D Using 3D printing processes, they Savings are captured through reduced
USA concrete printing for wind power design and build suction anchors or transportation needs and reduced
7, 9 facilities and energy storage. permanent foundations for offshore construction costs, thanks to the use
3D printing, energy storage wind turbines. They also design of onsite 3D-printed concrete in wind
onsite-printable concrete 3D-printed power facilities and energy storage.
wind turbine towers. Furthermore,
their energy storage technology,
Marine Pumped HydroElectric Storage
(M-PHES), mimics traditional pumped
hydro energy storage in that it employs
9.1  Companies and Use Cases

many enormous hollow concrete

spheres on the seafloor to store
mechanical energy in the form of
43 Samsung SmartThings The company provides SmartThings IoT software supports a Energy monitoring and automation
South Korea comprehensive IoT software for large number of smart homes, sensors options allow users to monitor and act
7 home appliance automation and and other firms’ smart gadgets, and the against energy waste. IoT control
Internet of things monitoring to compatible smart company allows users to establish software also suggests better
households for residential users. personal IoT networks in their homes. utilisation options for energy-saving
They also enable access to a variety of to the resident without any
devices using approved disturbance to the comfort of the
communication protocols, as well as inhabitant.
software that allows consumers to
track and regulate home energy usage.
44 Schlumberger New Energy They are a sub-company of The BECCS facility will transform The procedure is supposed to result in
USA Schlumberger, which is a technology agricultural biomass waste, such as net-negative carbon emissions,
7, 12, 13 provider for the energy sector, that almond trees, into a renewable effectively eliminating greenhouse gas
Carbon capture and storage focuses on making collaborations to synthesis gas that will be combined from the environment, by using
execute clean energy projects. with oxygen in a combustor to create biomass fuel that consumes CO2
power. By injecting carbon dioxide during its lifespan to create electricity
(CO2) underground into neighbouring and then securely and permanently
subsurface geologic formations, more storing the produced CO2. When
than 99% of the carbon from the completed, the facility is planned to
BECCS process is predicted to be remove around 300,000 tonnes of CO2
collected for permanent preservation. per year, which is similar to the
emissions from more than 65,000
American homes.
Table 9.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
45 Schneider Electric The company is an electricity IoT-enabled and digitised architecture Revenue streams are optimised
France production, storage, management and software EcoStruxure pledges to through increased efficiency of
7 industrial automation company increase energy efficiency and reduce industrial appliances, reduced energy
Internet of things providing efficiency and maintenance costs, carbon footprint, and maintenance costs, increased
sustainability in energy storage and engineering costs and required time in productivity and reduced carbon
microgrids. nearly every type of industry. footprint.
46 Sekab The company produces biofuel and In the manufacturing of ethanol, the Revenue is captured from ethanol
Sweden ethanol from cellulose. firm employs wastes from forestry and production, which is a plant-based
7, 13 agriculture, such as wood chips and biofuel. Environmental value is also
Biotech and biomanufacturing sugarcane haulm. The growth of generated by reducing petroleum-­
large-scale ethanol production and the based fuel consumption.
breaking of the transportation
industry’s dependency on oil will need
the manufacturing of ethanol from
cheap raw materials that are easily
accessible in big amounts and do not
compete with food production.
47 SGH2 Energy It is a green hydrogen producer that The gasification process at SGH2 is Solena Plasma Enhanced Gasification
USA produces hydrogen from any kinds of based on a plasma-enhanced thermal (SPEG) technology enables affordable
7, 13 waste ranging from paper to plastics, catalytic conversion method that is green hydrogen production. The use
Hydrogen, recycling tires to textiles. tuned for oxygen-enriched gas. The of green hydrogen contributes to the
ultimate product is high-purity reduction of carbon dioxide
hydrogen and a little quantity of emissions.
biogenic carbon dioxide, neither of
which contributes to greenhouse gas
48 Siemens Energy The company provides cybersecurity Cyberspace, Vulnerability and Basic Value capture by ensuring energy
Germany solutions to oil and gas industries. Compliance Evaluation is carried out, security and uninterrupted
7 and protection methods are developed continuation of energy production.
Cybersecurity in accordance with the results of these
evaluations. Secure architecture,
device hardening, malware pattern
updates and application whitelisting
are used as protection methods.
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy
49 Sierra Energy It is a company that recycles organic Their FastOx® method breaks down Savings are captured through reduced
USA waste through waste gasification for waste at the molecular level using heat, energy costs with clean energy
7, 11, 12, 13 energy generation. steam and oxygen. Organic molecules production from zero-cost waste and
Recycling decompose into a high-energy syngas. environmental value capture through
Metals and inorganics melt together to reduced landfills, thanks to the
form a non-leaching stone. Waste is recycling of otherwise dumped waste.
completely transformed into high-­
value goods, with no emissions
produced in the process. There are no
harmful by-products or emissions from
9.1  Companies and Use Cases

the procedure.
50 sonnen The company produces battery With a PV system plus a The users reduce the energy cost by
Germany systems for energy storage sonnenBatterie, around 75% of a producing their energy independently
7 applications. household’s annual energy needs with by themselves.
Energy storage self-produced, renewable energy will
be met.
51 Trine It is a crowdfunding platform for They provide capital as loans to solar More wide use of renewables is
Sweden solar energy project investments. panel companies that produce and achieved due to the increased leasing
7, 13 lease home-applicable solar panel capability of solar companies, thanks
Crowdfunding systems. Thus, companies can to loans offered by crowdfunding.
continue to lease solar systems Revenue is generated to crowd
although the previous leasers did not investors through the interest in loans.
complete their payments yet. Investors
earn money as interest when
companies pay their loans after they
get payments from leasers.
52 TRION Energy The company develops and offers SiMoGraph, an advanced silicon-­ Customers achieve 35% higher cell
USA advanced silicon-graphite anode graphite anode material, replaces performance despite the low-cost
7 material for lithium-ion battery conventional anode materials in assembly of the proposed material.
Advanced materials, energy manufacturers. lithium-ion batteries, diminishes the Also, extra equipment is not needed in
storage risk of explosion and increases the the battery manufacturing process.
capacity of batteries. Availability in High-capacity batteries cause less
multiple Li-ion applications increases waste or recycle load in energy
battery efficiency in a wide range of storage facilities or individual usages.
energy storage options.
Table 9.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
53 Tvinn It’s a cloud-based data-driven They optimise energy and power Revenue is captured through energy
Sweden optimisation software company that utilisation by combining grid generation, storage and trading
7 integrates with clients’ energy-related electricity, locally produced energy locally. The company maximises the
AI, big data, cloud computing activities and products. and energy storage to fit the present use of locally produced energy,
power demand. The energy may then reduces peak power and, most
be balanced, prioritised and scheduled importantly, allows you to charge
to charge automobiles, power a nearby your electric fleet.
home or even sell energy or electricity
back to the grid via their platform.
54 Utilight The company is a laser 3D printing The Pattern Transfer Printing (PTP) PV cell manufacturers can increase
Israel provider for producing solar cells and method is used for solar PV cell the efficiency of their products. It also
7 electronics. high-volume production. Using light reduces production costs by reducing
3D printing source deposition technology in this the materials used during production.
non-contact and high-efficiency Increasing the efficiency of solar
production method provides an energy conversion also has a positive
increase in solar cell conversion effect on the environment, because the
efficiency when using standard same amount of energy produced with
industry pastes and processes. Besides, other systems can be produced in a
thanks to this printing method, much smaller area, depending on the
contactless, correctly aligned printing increase in efficiency. This contributes
can be performed. In this way, the to the reduction of the space required
consumption of materials used in for energy production.
production is reduced.
55 V-­Labs The company is an augmented reality In outdoor settings, geospatial data Value is captured through increased
Switzerland glasses producer that provides (GIS, BIM) is shown with a <10 cm efficiency and ease of work for the
7, 9 accurate geospatial data. accuracy. Users may attain great surveyors by using the geospatial data
Spatial computing precision even near to structures using provided with augmented reality
computer vision technologies paired glasses.
with GNSS/RTK. Geospatial data and
its associated properties may be
precisely measured and rectified in the
field and then saved in industry-­
standard GIS data formats. The user
may carry out their normal tasks while
seeing virtual data about cables and
pipelines, 3D building blueprints and/
or maintenance procedures with the
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy

use of a headset.
56 Vodafone It is a mobile network company that Vodafone 5G enables energy and Savings are captured through
UK offers faster connections to utilities utility businesses to better track usage improved monitoring, thanks to the
7 with 5G. and enhance customer service by frequent data transfer capacity among
5G connecting smart grids, surveillance monitoring devices with the increased
drones, predictive maintenance and bandwidth of 5G.
smart metres.
57 Wartsila Using machine learning and historic It offers automated decision-making GEMS IntelliBidder provides the
Finland and real-time data analytics to based on real-time and forecasted data following capabilities to evaluate bid
7 optimise the asset mix, GEMS (device status, weather, grid optimisation functions and strategy
enables customers to remotely measurements and market data). This performance: electricity market price
9.1  Companies and Use Cases

AI, big data, energy storage

monitor, operate, identify and intelligence optimises system and renewable forecasting, schedule
diagnose equipment with unrivalled performance while reducing costs and commitment, automatic bid
safety, reliability and flexibility. offers flexible warranty management generation, manual bid entry,
of multiple battery technologies. integration with ISOs and APIs for
bid submission and key performance
indicator monitoring.
58 WiBotic It is a firm that develops technology The firm specialises on wireless The company creates value by
USA that allows robots and unmanned charging hardware, as well as a enabling autonomous robots to
7, 13 aerial and undersea vehicles to charge wireless battery management system operate mobile, aerial and in space
Wireless power transfer wirelessly. and fleet-level power management with a wireless battery management
software. The business has created its system.
own adaptive wireless charging
technology, which has a longer range
(up to three times the diameter of the
transmitting coil) and is more efficient.
59 WiTricity It is a company that develops wireless Resonant coupling occurs when the Value is captured by providing
USA power transfer solutions in car parks natural frequencies of a source and a wireless energy solutions which
7, 11 for electrical vehicles. receiver are nearly identical. The reduce outage risk caused by wire
Wireless power transfer company’s power sources and damage and save place and time.
receivers are magnetic resonators with
designs that efficiently transfer power
over long distances using the magnetic
Table 9.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
60 ZeroAvia It is a company that produces By using the hydrogen-powered A hydrogen-powered powertrain
USA hydrogen-powered powertrains for powertrain produced by the company, contributes to the reduction of fuel
7, 13 the aviation sector. the transformation process in and maintenance costs by 75% on the
Hydrogen aeroplanes is achieved. In this way, user’s side. This ensures that the total
aircrafts are loaded with hydrogen as travel expenses are reduced by 50%.
fuel, and hydrogen is used during
flight. The flight range of the converted
aircraft is between 300 and 500 miles,
and these flights do not cause carbon
9  SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy
References 329

to more than one SDG and it can make use of Rev. 6, 3–65 (2002).
multiple emerging technologies. In the left col- K.  Baumli, T.  Jamasb, Assessing private invest-
umn, we present the company name, the origin ment in African renewable energy infrastruc-
country, related SDGs and emerging technolo- ture: A ­ multi-­ criteria decision analysis approach.
gies that are included. The companies and use Sustainability 12, 9425 (2020). https://doi.
cases are listed alphabetically.1 J. Beyer, A. Vandermosten, Greenness of Stimulus Index.
Vivid Economics (2021)
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E.  Barbier, Geothermal energy technology and cur-
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renewable energy [WWW Document]. Clim. Counc.
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company names or follow the websites here (Accessed countries-­leading-­the-­charge-­on-­renewable-­energy/.
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Resource Management (Springer, Cambridge, 2021) Development Goal 7 (SDG7) [WWW Document].
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SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic
Growth 10

Abstract Economic growth can be defined by increasing

consumption due to the increase in population
Economic growth can be defined by increas- and reaching production amounts to meet con-
ing consumption due to the increase in popu- sumption with technological developments and
lation and reaching production amounts to governmental incentives. Economic activity has
meet consumption with technological devel- been boosted by various governmental initiatives,
opments and governmental incentives. The ranging from tax optimisation to free-market pro-
correct placement of people in the production tection, infrastructure and education investment
and consumption equation can be expressed as (Bleys and Whitby 2015). On the other hand, the
decent work. Although decent work and eco- correct placement of people in the production
nomic growth may seem like different terms at and consumption equation can be expressed as
first glance, they are inseparable terms for decent work. Although decent work and eco-
each other. SDG-8, Decent Work and nomic growth may seem like different terms at
Economic Growth, aims to attain full and pro- first glance, they are inseparable terms for each
ductive employment, as well as respectable other. Decent work includes equal opportunities
work, for all women and men by 2030. This for all people, without gender, social and oppor-
chapter presents the business models of 37 tunity discrimination. According to International
companies and use cases that employ emerg- Labour Organization (2015), decent work encom-
ing technologies and create value in SDG-8. passes opportunities for productive work that
We should highlight that one use case can be pays a fair wage; workplace security and social
related to more than one SDG and it can make protection for families; improved prospects for
use of multiple emerging technologies. personal development and social integration;
freedom for people to express their concerns and
Keywords organise and participate in decisions that affect
their lives; and equal advantages for all women
Sustainable development goals · Business and men. Although slavery has been abolished in
models · Decent work and economic growth · the past centuries in human history, there is still a
Sustainability lot of employment in inhumane work that can be
defined as modern slavery. The increase in decent
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- employment is directly related to economic
butions of Berkay İspir, Ekrem Gümüş, Zeynel Salman,
Begüm Nur Okur, Canberk Özemek, Elif Berra Aktaş and
growth. The work done will be finalised in less
Beyza Özerdem in completing of this chapter. time with more quality, waste will be reduced,

© The Author(s) 2022 331

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
332 10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

and this optimised framework will directly con- (“Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth”,
tribute to the economy. Decent work is made pos- 2016). The SDG-8 is among the top five, with the
sible by rights, security, conditions, remuneration, most progress between 2018 and 2019 based on
being organised and represented and equality in target achievement (UNDESA 2020).
every sense (Rodgers 2009). Global economic growth, which has already
Before 1990, until the millennium develop- slowed down for many reasons in recent years,
ment goals (MDGs), poverty was one of the lead- has slowed down even more with the effect of the
ing indicators affecting decent work and pandemic. The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted
economic growth, while in developing countries, many global economic activities. According to
the rate of extreme poverty was 47%, and the rate projections, real GDP (gross domestic product) is
of work over $4 a day was only 18% (United expected to decrease by 4.6% in 2020 compared
Nations 2015). While not the exact MDG coun- to 2019. Considering these studies, it is expected
terpart of SDG-8, it is directly related to more to remain well below the 7% target envisioned by
than one MDG, which are MDGs 1 (eradicate the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
extreme poverty and hunger), 3 (promote gender (United Nations 2021). As a result, SDG-8 is
equality and empower women) and 8 (develop a measured in a general framework, with which
global partnership for development). According indicators, the sub-goals and the potentials of
to the research and observation, it illustrates sig- decent work and economic growth are men-
nificant changes in poverty. For instance, in a tioned, and how these studies are carried out on a
quarter of the years between 1990 and 2015, the global scale. In 2020, after the global economy
rate of poverty decreased by 33% in developing and employment were affected by the COVID-19
countries. From the gender discrimination per- pandemic that affected the world, the projections
spective, women make up 41% of paid workers have changed, and it will be seen how it is
except those who work in the agricultural sector. affected by 2030.
Also, there was an increment in 1990, which was The United Nations’ SDG-8 promotes inclu-
about 35%. In the last 20 years, women gained a sive and sustainable economic growth, full and
right to represent themselves in 90% of 174 productive employment and decent work for all
countries’ parliaments. The research also states (United Nations 2015). In his study, Sachs
that between 2000 and 2004, from developed (2012) mentions that as MDGs fulfilled their
countries, the official development assistance schedule and appeared to be insufficient, SDGs
enhanced 66%, and it reached $135.2 billion were suggested to take their place, which was
(United Nations 2015). more detailed and comprehensive, although
Based on these developments, in the environ- some of the SDGs do not have a corresponding
ment created by the goals achieved, it was MDG (2012). Due to the lack of existence for
decided to continue these studies with more com- this development goal in the MDGs, economic
prehensive goals in September 2015 at a historic development was included as an important item
UN Summit. The sustainable development goals together with the SDGs. This goal involves some
(SDGs) seek to promote long-term economic business themes: employment, economic inclu-
growth by increasing productivity and fostering sion, non-discrimination, capacity building,
technological innovation. Promoting policies that availability of a skilled workforce and elimina-
stimulate entrepreneurship and job development tion of forced or compulsory labour (“Goal 8:
and effective efforts to eliminate forced labour, Decent Work and Economic Growth”, 2016).
slavery and human trafficking is critical. Keeping The targets of SDG-8 are including economic
these goals in mind, the objective is to attain full growth sustainability per head for eligibility of
and productive employment, as well as respect- national state of affairs and especially minimum
able work, for all women and men by 2030 7% GDP growth in the countries with the least
10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth 333

developed economies; diversification, techno- vide a job with satisfying work conditions for
logical upgrading and innovation, particularly an every person in need. Economic power is a key
emphasis on high-value-added and labour-­ contributor to any other SDGs.
intensive sectors, will help countries achieve Economic growth depends on the increase in
better levels of productivity. Also, targets of the total production in an economy. This produc-
SDG-8 include micro, small and medium-sized tion may be of goods or services required to meet
businesses that encourage formalisation and human needs. One of the most critical targets of
expansion, especially via access to financial ser- SDG-8 is “sustainable economic growth”, which
vices through development-­oriented policies that represents building up the economy while caring
support constructive things, fair job creation, for social and environmental issues for current
entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. and future generations (de MELLO et al. 2020).
Progressively improvement of global resource Target 8.1, the first target of SDG-8, focuses on
consumption and production is also aimed. sustainable economic growth, which is usually
Additionally, achieving full and efficient not easy to predict, as it depends on many differ-
employment, decent work and the same pay for ent parameters. Some of these parameters are
work of the same value for all women and men usual (government policies, technological devel-
and decreasing the youth rate not in training, opments, new enterprises, global and local trends,
education or employment is crucial. Lastly, etc.), while some are unpredictable scenarios.
SDG-8 targets design and applications for new The pandemic of COVID-19 is such an example.
policies to promote sustainable tourism; sup- In January 2020 (before the pandemic), the total
porting local financial institutions capacity; aid GDP of the world was expected to grow by 2.5%.
for trade support for developing nations; creat- In June 2020, the forecasts had changed to a
ing and operationalising a worldwide youth decrease of 5.2% (World Bank 2021). According
employment strategy and putting it into action to the World Bank (2021) data, the effects were
are the goals. The targets of SDG-8 are shown in enormous: In 2020, world trade volume had
Fig. 10.1. decreased roughly by 8.3% compared to the pre-
The continuous increase in the population in vious year.
the world causes concern about the use of natural SDG-8 contains economic growth and work
resources and the fact that people can settle in opportunities with decent conditions for all.
suitable jobs to live at a certain level of welfare. According to Embrapa (2020), Brazilian
On the other hand, technology disparities Agricultural Research Corporation, one of the
between countries, sectors and businesses are main indicators of economic growth is the
generally acknowledged as the major drivers of employment level. If economic growth sets
productivity inequalities (Acemoglu 2012). back and fails to provide jobs to everyone in
However, with the effect of technological devel- need, the policy environment will be consid-
opments, economic growth supports meeting ered insufficiently business-friendly (Frey
human needs and keeping welfare high. Lastly, 2017). Therefore, government and institutional
the models of endogenous innovation and tech- policies for business will be subject to ques-
nology have advanced significantly. tioning. As a recent example, the effect of
In this chapter, the importance and aim of COVID-19 on people’s lives can be given. The
SDG-8, some sub-targets, and the effects of disease has impacted economic growth and
COVID-19 on the urgency of SDG-8 will be trade volume and employment opportunities.
explained along with statistical examples. SDG-­ With the virus becoming a pandemic, many
8, decent work and economic growth aim to help companies have downsized. Therefore, employ-
build a sufficient and healthy economy and pro- ment opportunities have gone down.
334 10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Fig. 10.1  Targets of SDG-8 “Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth” (2016)
10.1  Companies and Use Cases 335

SDG-8 also aims to take immediate and effec- up with the world’s expanding population (van
tive steps of precaution to protect labour rights and den Breul et al. 2018).
end forced labour, modern slavery and human traf-
ficking (de MELLO et al. 2020). Decent work con-
ditions are also major factors in people’s lives as 10.1 Companies and Use Cases
they affect their physical and psychological well-
being, income and social status. Therefore, SDG-8 Table 10.1 presents the business models of 37
is a matter to be considered vital for the develop- companies and use cases that employ emerging
ment of society. According to the International technologies and create value in SDG-8. We
Labour Organization (ILO 2006), “decent work” should highlight that one use case can be related
includes providing everyone access to “productive to more than one SDG and it can make use of
and quality work in freedom, equity, security and multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
human dignity conditions”. Therefore, SDG-8 is umn, we present the company name, the origin
also an essential contributor to maintaining human country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
rights. The ILO framework for the measurement of gies that are included. The companies and use
decent work includes four main titles: “International cases are listed alphabetically.1
labour standards and ­fundamental principles and
rights at work”, “Employment creation”, “Social
protection” and “Social dialogue and tripartism”
(Stoian et al. 2019).
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremen-
dous influence on job potential in nations across
the globe. According to the United Nations
Economic and Social Council (2021), following For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

an average of 2% growth from 2014 to 2018, real company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
Online – 2.1.2022):
global GDP per capita expanded by only 1.3% in;; https://
2019 and is expected to decline by 5.3% in 2020;
related to the pandemic’s damage. For the near aws/?nc1=h_ls;
future, post-pandemic global GDP per capita is view/;;; https://;; https://movandi.
expected to rise by 3.6% in 2021 and 2.6% in
com/;; https://smartforest.
2022. The economic growth is steadily rebound- world/;;
ing; however, it may continue to lag behind pre-­ us-en/about/technology-index;https://www.aquafarmsaf-
pandemic levels for some time. It has had;;https://www.bob-;; https://www.
devastating consequences not only for job oppor-;; https://www.
tunities but for many other SDG-8 objectives,;;
such as working hours and income. To reverse
this trajectory in the future, economies need to be ness-value/report/ar-vr-workplace; https://www.impact-;; https://www.
transformed in ways that promote high produc-;; https://www.
tivity, such as shifting from low-yield agriculture;; https://www.
to high-yield agriculture (Lambrechts and Stacy;; https://
2020). While the global economy improves, and;; https://;
workers’ living circumstances improve, inequi-
cities/;; https://
ties persist, and there aren’t enough jobs to keep
Table 10.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-8

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Accenture It is a company that provides consultancy Data becomes the ultimate competitive Economic value is captured by
Ireland and information technology services in asset and differentiator with data-led optimising AI systems of clients and
8, 9 technology, digital marketing, strategy transformation (the company’s project), transforming clients’ business models
AI, big data, cloud and operational processes and is a and by scaling AI with cloud, enterprises into sustainable models, thanks to the
computing, Datahubs, solution partner of AI, big data and cloud can reposition their offers, extend increase in data access, computing
Internet of Things computing. capabilities and increase data and AI power and cloud speed realised with
maturity to generate new sources of the services they offer. Additionally,
value and sustainable development. they add social value by supporting
Customers may set key objectives and cultural differentiation for the
develop their governance approach with workforce to better utilise data and
responsible AI (company project), AI.
resulting in solutions that enable AI and
their business to thrive.
2 AEInnova They digitise manufacturing industries INDU-EYE is an industrial IoT Revenue capturing is based on
USA with IoT to become more profitable and Condition Monitoring solution that enabling smart digitalisation,
8, 9 environmentally friendly. allows clients to remotely monitor the monitoring and management of
Edge Computing, Internet condition of their machines or processes equipment and operations and lower
of Things in order to determine the best time for maintenance costs.
repair. It’s a long-range, remotely
operated software-as-a-service (SaaS)
that uses cutting-edge computer
technology to process all data in the
appropriate location (Edge Computing).
3 Amazon Web Services It is a cloud computing platform that aims Users may deploy their application in Customers can get economic
USA to save companies from high data storage numerous physical sites with only a few advantage by using serverless
8, 9 costs with its cloud service, offers them clicks because the organisation has computing services, which allow
AI, big data, cloud agile and innovative data management infrastructure all over the world. It them to pay only for what they need
computing, Datahubs, and provides an environment for them to provides a variety of databases that are in information technology operations
Internet of Things easily use technologies such as AI, data purpose-built for various sorts of rather than keeping all data on
lakes and analytics and IoT. applications, allowing customers to physical servers and data centres. It
select the best tool for the task in terms captures social value by assisting
of cost and performance. From public and private sector
infrastructure services like computation, organisations in developing
storage and databases to IoT, machine sustainable business models for
learning, data lakes and analytics and managing public safety and public
much more, users may spin up resources health services in the cloud.
as needed.
10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
4 Anscer Robotics They produce autonomous robotic The company designs and manufactures As an economic value, by the aid of
India vehicles managed by AI, which aim to multifunctional robots capable of AI algorithms, more simple
8, 11 minimise the task of the worker in moving without any human intervention executions of physical tasks are
AI, autonomous vehicles, physical works involving safety or assistance. Their autonomous mobile accomplished. Preventing humans
robotics problems. robots contribute to the human-machine from hazardous tasks also captures
interaction in the work environment. social value.
5 AquaFarms Africa The agri-tech firm uses aquaponics The promoters focus on production, By making urban agriculture widely
Guinea farming techniques (a combination of fish while the company manages other areas available and accessible through the
1 ,2. 8, 10 farming and soilless agriculture) to of the operational value chain such as company’s locally built and
10.1  Companies and Use Cases

Soilless farming produce fish and speciality vegetables and procurement, quality control, marketing, cost-effective aquaponics system,
fruits locally and sustainably that would sales and logistics. Their proprietary app women and youth will have lucrative
otherwise be imported from outside the provides their franchisees to manage prospects in the food space while
continent. their sites as well as enables them to lowering carbon emissions from food
manage quality control and logistics at importation. They provide timely
lower costs. farm-to-table delivery of high-value
vegetables and fish goods allowing
young urban farmers to earn more
money and repatriate funds spent in
overseas markets.
6 AR and VR in the The company manufactures and The company utilises AR/VR and AI to Value capture through enhancing
workplace -­ IBM distributes computer hardware and generate XR applications in its business employee productivity and reducing
USA software, as well as hosting and processes to increase work efficiency costs with the help of AI and XR and
8 consulting services in a variety of fields. and improve remote working experience transforming workers’ training,
AI, spatial computing In this project, the company expands the after the necessity of working remotely. workflows and engagement. In
use of augmented reality and virtual addition, XR solutions are delivering
reality in the workplace. measurable returns on investment
(ROI) to the business.
7 Bitpesa They are a blockchain-based transaction It makes use of blockchain to Value is captured by savings and
Kenya company that enables its users to transfer significantly reduce costs and speed up encouraging foreign currency
8 money to and from African countries with money transactions. Therefore, it transfers into African economies,
Blockchain their own currencies. provides easier and cheaper transactions enabling easier and faster money
for investors planning to use currency in transactions.
African countries. In addition, it uses
several cybersecurity methods to
maintain reliability.
Table 10.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
8 Bob Emploi The platform assists organisations in The app gathers and analyses user Value capture via the use of AI (AI)
France training their new employees on how to behaviour data. Based on the data to improve employees’ technological
1, 8, 10 use their corporate software faster by collected, it delivers an individual and expertise and assist them in adapting
AI using AI-based analytics. interactive guide of the onboarding, to new software without spending
engagement and adoption processes extra money or working longer hours.
following the correct use of the
software. By combining AI and user
behaviour analysis, the guidance
increases users’ experience by providing
the personalisation of their requirements
in the direction of their specific goals.
9 Dataroid It’s an enterprise-level digital analytics It offers interesting insights and With its data analytics perspective
Turkey and customer engagement platform that interactive dashboards that go beyond and machine learning solutions, value
8, 9 uses data-driven insights to assist vanity stats to help you make better is created by better campaign results
AI, big data consumers improve their encounters and business decisions. Organisations can with personalised interactions;
offer a better service. follow each interaction step by step building long-lasting, meaningful
owing to its big data architecture and relationships with customers; and
make it intelligible and actionable shipping digital products with better
utilising reporting capabilities, user experiences.
according to its data and analytics
capabilities. It assists clients in making
better and quicker decisions by
recognising abnormalities and outliers in
user behavioural data using machine
learning techniques.
10 Diversely It is a data-driven recruitment AI-based They provide companies with analytics, Social and ethical values are captured
UK platform increasing diversity and guidance, tips on recruitment and through enhanced diversity and
8 inclusion (D&I) in the workplace. diversity reports, identifying and inclusion in workplaces.
AI prioritising D&I gaps (or hot spots)
across the organisation and areas to
focus on.
10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
11 Enosi The company delivers a solution to Through its platforms, the firm The value is captured by tracing clean
Australia enterprises of all scales and provides facilitates sustainable energy tracking energy and retailing via blockchain.
8, 9, 11, 12, 13 solutions regarding clean energy and zero and provides blockchain-based payment In addition, the environmental value
Blockchain carbon for all households and businesses. solutions that are quick, safe and obtained from carbon zero is
dependable. Customers can choose provided by the supply of electricity
whether they wish to buy solar or wind directly from solar and wind farms.
generators. They’ll be able to see exactly
when each of these providers delivers
electricity to you, as well as how much
10.1  Companies and Use Cases

money you’ve saved by going direct.

12 Eyelight It is a wearables company that develops a The gadget is powered by a 3D wearable Social value is captured by
Israel product for partially sighted and blind camera that records the environment in supporting blind people to sustain
8 people, based on the substitution of the real time in front of the user. Following their functional activities in life and
AI, flexible electronics and sense of sight through hearing and touch. the collecting of environmental data, AI business. Real-time navigation with
wearables algorithms are used to analyse the data AI algorithms prevents possible
and convert it into a usable format. dangers and creates a secure
Transformed data, such as traffic lights, environment for users.
GPS directions and so on, are
transmitted to the user through
Bluetooth via the company’s 3D
dynamic surface.
13 Feedzai The company is fighting financial crime They protect businesses against financial Revenue capture models are based on
Portugal with AI. Their management platform is risks on their AI-based platforms. By services that analyse money
1, 8 powered by big data and machine using these technologies, they ensure laundering, fraud and similar
AI, big data, cybersecurity learning. that decisions can be made very quickly transactions faster using a machine
and that fraud can be detected and learning algorithm built by examining
prevented. They provide a safer big data in end-to-end encrypted
environment for businesses, traders and databases.
buyers by preventing money laundering
and transaction fraud.
Table 10.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
14 Geminus Digital Twins based on physics-­ Operators and engineering service The company develops value by
USA constrained AI are used to generate providers may benefit from their offering profits and digital
8, 9 self-optimised industrial process designs. industrial process-focused digital twin transformation by optimising the
AI, digital twins offering, which provides self-optimised economic value-generating phases of
design, predictive operational factories and enterprises using
intelligence and improved asset products based on digital twin and
performance. Their solution uses AI.
physics-constrained AI to provide
high-fidelity O&M (Operating &
Maintenance) intelligence and
constantly improve asset and process
15 Google My Business The company is helping local businesses With the app, the business can stay up to Interacting with customers by
USA establish an online presence to increase date on Google Search and Google responding to reviews, updating
8 their revenues. In India, Google helped Maps to stand out among competitors. working hours and sharing photos of
AI, big data, cloud SMEs by introducing the mobile app The business shows up when customers products and services and using the
computing “Google My Business”. The app allows search for it on Google or Google Maps. app will help the business to stand
businesses to create and manage their This technology makes it easier to find out from the competition and increase
content for free on Google products in and easier for customers to visit offices revenue.
both Hindi and English by using big data, and respond to reviews, messages or
AI and cloud computing. questions.
16 Impact Terra The company offers an insights platform The company has a data pool that Value is captured by using big data,
Netherlands for agricultural stakeholders. Their includes several public institutions along AI and data processing to provide
1, 2, 8, 13 application offers farming tips and with their data. They use ML to process meaningful predictions. It also
AI, big data, Internet of weather and disaster predictions for this data to inform their customers. The creates social value by helping
Things farmworkers. Farm owners and traders reports include weather predictions, farmers build up their businesses and
can benefit from market information disaster predictions and market analyses. environmental value by providing
collected from various data sources that useful instructions about agriculture
the application combines. to prevent hazardous farming
activities for nature and the
10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
17 Joonko It is an AI-based diversity recruitment By analysing the data, they optimise the Social and ethical value is captured
USA software that enhances workforce recruitment processes of the companies by making the human resources
8 diversity and helps companies achieve and make the processes efficient by processes of companies more
AI their equality and diversity goals. giving feedback. They also manage efficient and supporting diversity.
recruitment and position efficiency by
performing key performance indicator
(KPI) management.
18 Joss Quantum The company offers tailored solutions The quantum computing company Value is captured by helping to solve
Germany using quantum computing. provides solutions for finance, insurance the problems of large companies in
10.1  Companies and Use Cases

8, 9 and energy. The company also guides its several industries.

Quantum computing customers in their transition to quantum
19 Mark Labs The company focuses on shareholder Their software-as-a-service (SaaS) Value creation through data
USA engagement and management by using AI platform helps asset managers and asset visualisation and better engagement
1, 8 to assess environmental, social and owners drive environmental and social management and improved social,
AI, cloud computing, governance (ESG) risks and opportunities transformation. Ongoing corporate financial and environmental
Datahub for sustainable investing engagements across customers’ outcomes.
portfolios or market-wide with
automatically log and track engagements
are identified. It has been building
solutions to link financial capital with AI
technology to achieve real-world
sustainability outcomes by database
using a combination of natural and
AI. All data are accessible via data feeds
and APIs.
Table 10.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
20 Microsoft Azure It is a public serverless computing Users may create, operate and launch Economic value is captured by
USA platform including infrastructure, apps from anywhere, using their providing technical guidance to the
8, 9 software and platform services for big favourite languages, frameworks and customers for choosing short- or
AI, big data, cloud data analytics, network, virtual infrastructure – including their own data long-term cloud preferences based on
computing, Datahubs, computing, storage, AI and IoT solutions centres and other clouds – to tackle their needs, and customers can pay
Internet of Things and much more. problems big and small. They may use per use and prevent physical data
tools and services built for hybrid clouds server costs. Environmental value is
to integrate and manage their captured by reducing the data centre
environments. They can get real-time footprint through minimising
information from live streaming events physical server use for storage with
and data from IoT devices. cloud infrastructures. The company
also assists clients in understanding,
tracking, reporting, analysing and
reducing carbon emissions related to
cloud usage.
21 Morpher The blockchain-based trading platform They operate with their ERC20-based Value is captured by savings and
Austria allows its users to access the financial tokens and offer smart contracts, which improved security. Social value is
8 markets, removing barriers that prevent are also based on Ethereum. As captured by creating the possibility
Blockchain people from entering the cryptocurrency blockchain trading is much cheaper for all traders to easily use the
market. (thanks to lower fees), safer and faster platform.
than traditional methods, users can trade
beyond pre-market and intraday, act on
breaking news over the weekend, sell to
save their gains or buy a breakout stock
before markets open.
22 Movandi It is a company that offers 5G millimetre Movandi is tackling real-world 5G Economic value is captured through
USA wave solutions to enterprises in their mmWave deployments with time and bandwidth savings by
8, 9 software and hardware systems for the distinctiveness and high-performance integrating 5G into IoT devices,
5G, AI, edge computing, connection of IoT devices into AI core technologies in 5G integrated making computation and data storage
Internet of Things applications in processes. circuits, antennas, systems, algorithms closer to the source of data with edge
and design disciplines, allowing 5G to computing. Providing low latency
fulfil its full potential. wireless connection and extended
range between existing designs also
contributes to its economic value.
Environmental value is achieved
through reduced footprint and
optimised power consumption.
10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
23 It is an AI company that offers solutions It is a real-time video analytics platform The value is captured by using AI for
India by monitoring security cameras and that enables businesses to use video real-time video processing and
8 analysing data for its customers. analytics to supercharge their operations. analytics via using pre-existing
AI The firm uses pre-existing CCTV-IP CCTV-IP infrastructure. Also, the
(Closed-Circuit Television Cameras) company creates social value by
infrastructure and keeps track of several tracking social distancing and mask
standard operating procedures usage for a healthier community.
throughout our industry checklists.
During COVID-19, the company also
10.1  Companies and Use Cases

presented a new solution in which they

scanned CCTV-IP records and issued
warnings to business owners for
recognising and analysing social
distance and mask usage.
24 Ovamba The company has developed data A program is in place that provides It helps institutions deliver financial
USA analytics-based growth and performance central banks with data analytics and inclusion, access capital and promote
8 systems to provide customers with technology to assist policy efforts that economic growth for small and
AI, big data interest-free (NIB), risk-reduced capital reduce non-performing loans (NPLs), medium businesses in these regions
for trade, imports, manufacturing and improve capital markets and maintain a on a risk-mitigated basis.
business growth by partner banks. secure and inclusive banking system for
25 Passion Profit The company serves entrepreneurs the They provide profit creation, business To capture economic value, they
Kenya mentorship, resources and access to the advisory, trade and export analysis enable their users to get insights and
1, 8 capital they need to establish profitable services to their users by using big data improvement opportunities in the
big data businesses that create employment and in the market. Budget and credit decisions they make on business
decrease poverty. forecasting, cash flow management and strategy and financial growth by big
recommendations for relevant and data analysis made on the research
profitable value propositions are made market.
with the dependence of this analysis.
Table 10.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
26 Pezesha It built a digital financial infrastructure It connects small and medium-sized Economic value is captured by scales
Kenya intending to become the leading enabler businesses with working capital through and ensures the longevity of
8 platform and marketplace with the use of a collaborative approach in which banks, customers’ loan operations by
Cloud computing cloud computing. microfinance institutions and other utilising proprietary credit scoring
financial institutions or networks can services and cloud-based financial
connect on our platform to be matched end-to-end infrastructure.
with quality SMEs (small- and
medium-sized enterprises), resulting in
meaningful financial inclusion and
lowering the cost of capital.
27 Poket The company is an all-in-one customer The business offers a means to The value captured by big data in the
Canada rewards platform that helps businesses personalise a set of mobile data processing of crowdsourcing data
8, 9 attract, grow and retain customers. crowdsourcing tools. Self-reported data, enables these companies to develop
Big data citizen-generated data, high-frequency location-specific insights by
data collecting and participatory empowering residents in a
mapping are all good use cases. community. The spotlight is on
programs that can benefit from
self-reported data, data created by
people or community-driven insights.
28 Qc Ware The company is a quantum computing It is a quantum computing firm that The company creates value by
France software firm that develops corporate offers data-related solutions to utilising machine learning and
8, 9 solutions that operate on quantum organisations. They handle challenging mathematical data modelling
AI, quantum computing hardware. issues and their applications with the use techniques, in addition to quantum
of quantum computing and AI. Their computing processes.
focus also includes making quantum
computing accessible to classically
educated data scientists and providing
performance speed-ups on near-term
hardware to their customers.
10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
29 RealBlocks The fintech company provides its The platform uses crowdfunding to help The value is captured through the use
USA customers a way to reach advisors and investors raise capital for an enterprise. of blockchain in that trusted shares of
8, 17 investors to get the best alternative The blockchain-enabled feature allows alternative investment products are
Blockchain, crowdfunding investment managers in its SaaS any fund distributor to invest in a safer, digitised and made tradable in the
(software-as-a-service) platform. Through cheaper and faster way. company’s platform. Withal, social
its blockchain-enabled platform, shares of value is created by crowdfunding
alternative investment products are with enabling increased liquidity and
digitised and made tradable. improving access to prevent barriers
to entering global markets.
10.1  Companies and Use Cases

30 Samsara It is an integrated platform to increase They capture rich data from sensors, Value is created by managing
USA safety, efficiency and sustainability and to cameras and OEM integrations and equipment, fleet and sites all from a
8 digitally transform the world of physical centralise all operational data on one single platform digitally.
AI, big data, Internet of operations. unified platform. IoT sensors and
Things AI-powered cameras are used.
31 Simularge They provide industrial applications and a Machine learning and digital twin The company creates value based on
USA development platform that includes data applications produced on the company’s digital transformation for factories
8, 9 analytics, machine learning, mechanical solution platforms lower industrial and facilities. They also use AI, cloud
AI, cloud computing, simulation and app creation features that enterprises’ production costs, estimate computing and Digital twin for
digital twins function in combination. maintenance time and identify quality growth for businesses.
problems before they arise.
32 Smart Forest It is a platform created to make it easier Planters/farmers are supported in their It creates environmental value with
UK for planters to find funds and support in business strategy as well as the the financial support system it
8, 13, 15 their business model. It is also a installation of IoT devices by the provides to the endeavour of planting
Blockchain, Internet of beneficial investment area for people who company. The firm builds a one-of-a-­ trees. Its economic value is also
Things want to invest their money with the kind tokenised tree system based on the secured by blockchain compared to
advantages of blockchain security. ERC-721 standard to provide investors other investments, and the tree
with blockchain-secured investment provides stable financial value as an
regions. Each tokenised tree has a invariable requirement. “Save and
complete description that includes the earn sustainably” can be said to be
tree’s planting date, kind, GPS the best summary.
coordinates, series name, CO2 offset and
anticipated wood price.
Table 10.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
33 Springboard The company helps job seekers find The company provides education in They capture value by providing
USA employment in the field of information data, design, cybersecurity and coding education for people to find jobs.
4, 8 technology with AI-based matchmaking fields. The website allows regular users Social value is created by providing
AI and accurate education recommendations. to access specialised education and people with accessible education, and
training to find jobs easily and quickly. the student must only pay the course
fee once they have found a job.
34 Store H For its customers, the blockchain firm The start-up will support all major Value is captured by automatically
Italy keeps track of on-chain emissions and dApps and provide a decentralised and tracking blockchain transactions. The
7, 8, 9, 12 energy use. automated approach for dApp company aims to enable any user or
Energy storage, hydrogen developers and users to be climate-­ dApp to be 100% sustainable. In
positive. It is built to be as modular and addition, the environmental value is
pluggable as feasible. The company’s captured by sourcing the highest
objective is to become the industry’s quality green tokens from different
go-to multi-chain sustainability marketplaces and their customers.
middleware for DeFi and NFT. This process helps create emission-­
free smart contracts and transactions.
35 Uber The ride-hailing company offers a service The company’s platform automatically The value is captured by using AI,
USA in which one can submit a trip request finds the navigational route for the driver distributed computing and big data
8 that is automatically sent to a driver and calculates the distance and fare during the process of ride-hailing for
AI, big data, cloud nearby. using AI and big data. Also, for accurate customers and drivers. Also, the
computing, distributed matching the company uses distributed company creates environmental value
computing computing. by decreasing the carbon footprint on
transportation by using big data in
36 Upp The company supports communities and They offer the loop on plastic waste The value is captured by plastic waste
Netherlands governments to become plastic waste- upcycling locally and in a circular way. recycling. Also, the company creates
8, 13, 16 free. They create long-lasting, recyclable environmental value by helping
Recycling goods from your discarded plastic. reduce plastic waste and its recycling.
37 YesElf The company has a software tool that The DD-scan is an AI-based software This technology focuses on removing
Slovakia automatically analyses stereotypic tool that promotes inclusive writing, stereotypes in recruitment and
8 content for gender, age and ethnicity in which enables the user to reach a wider communication content to make all
AI texts and proposes non-stereotypic and more diverse talent pool. The the language inclusive and thus
alternatives. The aim is to empower DD-scan detects and colour highlights enabling recruiters to hire talent
companies to make diversity the new stereotypic language in the texts and efficiently.
norm in every company. suggests neutral alternatives in real time.
This way, the customers attract qualified
10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

candidates up to threefold, saving time

on the recruitment process.
References 347

G. Rodgers, The goal of decent work. IDS Bull. 39, 63–68
D.  Acemoglu, Introduction to economic growth.
J.  Econ. Theory 147, 545–550 (2012). https://doi.
UNDESA, SDG Good Practices, A compilation of suc-
B. Bleys, A. Whitby, Barriers and opportunities for alter-
cess stories and lessons learned in SDG implementa-
native measures of economic welfare. Ecol. Econ.
tion (2020)
117, 162–172 (2015).
United Nations, The Millennium Development Goals
Report 2015 (2015)
de MELLO, L. M. R., NSS BASSI, L. A. dos SANTOS,
United Nations, The Sustainable Development Goals
and AFA de A.  GERUM. “Decent work and eco-
Report 2021 (2021)
nomic growth: contributions of Embrapa.” Área de
L. van den Breul, R.-J. Haar, J. Korver, E. Kostense-Smit,
Informação da Sede-Livro científico (ALICE) (2020).
J. Muller, J. Olivier, H. Sonneveld, M. van der Valk,
D.F. Frey, Economic growth, full employment and decent
Sustainable Development Goals A business perspec-
work: The means and ends in SDG 8. Int. J.  Hum.
tive, in Deloitte, (2018)
Rights 21, 1164–1184 (2017).
Sachs, J.  D. (2012). From millennium development
goals to sustainable development goals. The Lancet,
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth [WWW
379(9832), 2206–2211.
Document], 2016. Goal 8 Decent Work Econ. Growth
Jt. SDG Fund. URL
D. Stoian,, M. Iliana, C. Dean, SDG 8: Decent work and
economic growth–potential impacts on forests and for-
and-­economic-­growth. Accessed 15 Aug 2021
est-dependent livelihoods. Sustainable Development
M. Lambrechts, B. Stacy, 8 Decent Work and Economic
Goals: Their Impact on Forests and People (2019):
Growth: Increasing Productivity and Reducing
Vulnerable Employment [WWW Document]. (2020).
World Bank 2020. [WWW Document]  https://www.
8-­decent-­work-­and-­economic-­growth/. Accessed 15
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Aug 21
ILO 2006.  Decent Work FAQ: Making decent work
a global goal. [WWW Documment]  https://www.
348 10  SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

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SDG-9: Industry, Innovation
and Infrastructure 11

Abstract Keywords

Developing and underdeveloped countries Sustainable development goals · Business

need durable infrastructure investments, sus- models · Industry · innovation and infrastruc-
tainable industrial breakthroughs and innova- ture · Sustainability
tive approaches to achieve sustainable
economic growth and social and grassroots
development and combat climate change.
SDG-9, Industry, Innovation and Economic welfare is decreasing day by day;
Infrastructure, is based on three main themes. meanwhile, inequalities are increasing. People
To provide transportation, information and have problems in reaching their basic needs. One
communication infrastructures, which are an out of every three people in the world does not
important part of development in line with have access to clean drinking water (“1 in 3 peo-
these goals, the key to sustainable economic ple globally do not have access to safe drinking
growth and raising the welfare level of the water  – UNICEF, WHO”); 940  million people
society is to develop industrialisation, and (13% of the world) live without the miracle of
new technological developments and new electricity (Ritchie and Roser 2020). According
skills in line with innovation are discussed. to WHO projections, five billion people will be
This chapter presents the business models of deprived of health services by 2030 (World
59 companies and use cases that employ Health Organization 2017). This situation started
emerging technologies and create value in to become much more dangerous, especially in
SDG-9. We should highlight that one use case underdeveloped and developing countries.
can be related to more than one SDG and it Therefore, world leaders adopted SDG-9 specifi-
can make use of multiple emerging cally for infrastructure and industrial investments
technologies. within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development to cope with these inequalities and
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- combat climate change through the UN in 2015.
butions of Ulaş Özen, Eren Fidan, Uğur Dursun, Büşra In this agenda, developed countries have commit-
Öztürk, Asya Nur Sunmaz and Muhammed Emir Gücer in ted to providing development assistance to devel-
completing of this chapter. They also contributed to oping and underdeveloped countries. Developing
Chapter 2’s Carbon Capture and Storage, Cellular
Agriculture, Crowdfunding and Flexible Electronics and and underdeveloped countries need durable
Wearables sections. infrastructure investments, sustainable industrial

© The Author(s) 2022 349

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
350 11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

breakthroughs and innovative approaches to least 2G communication, and 81% of the world
achieve sustainable economic growth and social population is covered by the Long-term Evolution
and grassroots development and combat climate (LTE) network (United Nations 2020).
change within the scope of this SDG. In this The 5th target is enhancing research and
direction, governments, non-governmental upgrading industrial technologies with the indi-
organisations, the private sector and universities cators of new product development or established
need to find solutions to these problems together. technology and infrastructure and increasing
SDG-9 infrastructure is primarily based on expenditure on R&D (Källqvist 2021). Regarding
environmental considerations and global com- SDG 9.5, worldwide R&D spending has risen,
mitments and is driven by scientific research and with R&D investments totalling 1.7% of global
innovation. In 2015, Sweden had an ambitious GDP in 2014, as stated by the SDG Progress
aim to ramp up investments in solar and wind and report (United Nations 2021b). For example,
clean transport and eliminate fossil fuel within its R&D expenditure in wealthy nations amounted
boundaries. Then the ambition evolved among to 2.4% of GDP, in developing countries 1.2%
the European Union, where the member states and in the least developed countries (LDCs)
could provision resources. In 2016, Canada took 0.3%. The number of researchers per million is
this ambition a step further by lessening traffic similarly divisive: 1098 researchers worldwide in
congestion to reduce fuel consumption and air 2014, 3739 in the millions in the rich nations and
pollution and modernising the workplace to use just 63 in the millions in the LDCs (International
its office places better. After the initiatives of Telecommunication Union Database 2020;
countries such as Australia, China and India in United Nations 2021b). According to a UNCTAD
order, countries worldwide have been triggered media statement released, the research calls for
to make efforts to build resilient infrastructure focused investment policies in developing coun-
and sustainable industries and foster innovation tries to increase connectivity infrastructure,
(Saxena 2019). encourage digital enterprises and assist the larger
Access to financial services and markets is economy’s digitisation (UNCTAD 2021). So,
crucial for developing countries. These countries this SDG-9 aims to trigger new action plans
need loans and credit for their growth. Surveys according to innovative movements, thanks to
covering from 2010 to now show that 34% of contributing to the vast financial resources in
small-scale industries in developing countries most countries, especially developing countries.
receive loans or credit, which is for competing in SDG-9 is based on three main themes. To pro-
the global market. But, in sub-Saharan Africa, vide transportation, information and communica-
only 22% of small-scale industries benefit from tion infrastructures, which are an important part
loans or credit (United Nations 2020). According of development in line with these goals, the key
to the World Bank’s data, individuals using the to sustainable economic growth and raising the
Internet rate of all populations have increased welfare level of the society is to develop industri-
from 20.412% to 48.997%. The average of alisation, and new technological developments
OECD members is 83%. Even though individu- and new skills in line with innovation are dis-
als using the Internet rate is high for OECD cussed. Figure  11.1 summarises targets of
members, the average of the least developed SDG-9.
countries, which the UN classifies, is 17%. Industry-innovation cooperation in the case of
Access to the Internet is still meagre for the least developing sustainable infrastructure becomes
developed countries (International crucial over the sustainable development goals
Telecommunication Union Database 2020). agenda. Achieving these objective goals com-
Accessing a mobile network is another main plies with the execution of infrastructural
parameter. Almost all of the world’s population is enhancement. Economy, environment and soci-
covered by mobile networks. It is estimated that ety are the three main pillars in focusing on the
96.5% of the world population is covered by at vital step of implementing innovation and indus-
11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 351

Fig. 11.1  The targets of SDG-9 (United Nations 2021a)

trial development into societal development (The opment of creating values. “Concrete, steel and
Economist Intelligence Unit 2019). fibre-optic cable are the essential building blocks
In the economic aspect, cases of generating of the economy” (Puentes 2015). Therefore, gen-
infrastructure linked to the innovative industry erating infrastructure by investing in energy proj-
are profitable in practical steps that vary from the ects, telecommunication systems, pipelines,
first area of job creation to producing active parks and water systems keep that ground fruit-
industrial links “such as a bridge that links a rural ful. While pointing out that economic growth is
village to urban markets” (The Economist visibly linked with infrastructural progress, it
Intelligence Unit 2019). The basis of a healthy enables many other goals that depend on it to be
economy lies on the ground of sustainable devel- actualised and should not be left out unspoken.
352 11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

“[…] sustainable infrastructure enables govern- achieved if half of the suitable exteriors were
ments and the private sector to provide […] installed with a green roof (The Economist, 2019,
broader economic growth while improving qual- p. 8). Innovative developments and simple cases
ity of life and enhancing human dignity” (The of planting trees and greens also have a huge
Economist Intelligence Unit 2019). impact on many lives by being effective protec-
A senior policy analyst in the OECD’s tion in the case of natural disasters such as floods
Environment Directorate, Virginie Marchal, says and soil erosion.
“Infrastructure is really at the centre of the deliv- SDG-9 proposes that industrialisation and
ery of the SDGs” (The Economist Intelligence technological progress are the basis for growth
Unit 2019). Looking at the main circles of SDGs and that all countries should industrialise sustain-
which are not only focusing on materialistic ably. Investment in infrastructure and innovation
development but also the reduction of every kind are important factors of economic development.
of inequality within nations, providing access Cities now accommodate more than half of the
through infrastructural development plays an global population. It is now more important than
undeniable role. “Infrastructure is a tool in ever to establish new enterprises and develop
increasing social mobility” (The Economist public transportation and renewable energy and
Intelligence Unit 2019). Access to affordable and information and communication technologies.
fair clean water, food, sanitation, education and Long-term approaches to financial and ecological
employment and gender equality cannot be sepa- concerns, such as energy efficiency and employ-
rated with the pipeline installation, innovative ment generation, need innovative transformation.
and efficient agriculture developments, construc- Sustainable development may be fuelled by
tion of education centres in safe walking dis- encouraging sustainable industries, technological
tances and providing those who are out of research and innovation investment. Several
employment and boosting new job areas and countries across the world are working on SDG-­
transportation options. 9. Germany’s Chemnitz University of Technology
Through the environmental aspect, with inno- won the German Excellence Initiative with its
vative methods, industries are now ready to fol- Merge Technologies for Multifunctional
low a greener path in which they reduce the Lightweight Structures research centre
harmful impact of their work and, in some cases, (MERGE). In this cluster, seven of Chemnitz
even neutralise it. In this case, being the most University of Technology’s eight faculties, two
used by people in industrial outcome, green-­ local Fraunhofer-Institutes as extramural research
focused provided infrastructure enables millions partners and several industrial partners collabo-
if not billions of people to contribute with or rate in a trans-disciplinary approach to develop
without knowing. To give an example, the new lightweight materials that will allow cars, for
Economist Intelligence Unit published data from example, to lose weight and consume less fuel
the USA in which they say that it is estimated that while conserving natural resources (United
for a person travelling to work back and forth, Nations 2018).
switching to use public transportation from pri- Another example is the 10th Annual Longjiang
vate may have the power in the reduction of car- Cup, an innovation competition for advanced
bon footprint close to 2177.243 km per year (The mapping technology and product information
Economist Intelligence Unit 2019). By actively modelling students, held at the Harbin Institute of
contributing, green infrastructure installations Technology (HIT) in China. The competition’s
can also provide quite a beneficial improvement goal is to apply the spirit of the government of
for the environment and directly to the city popu- Heilongjiang Province’s Proposal to Encourage
lations’ life quality. Other data from The University Graduates’ Innovation and
Economist Intelligence Unit based on a simula- Entrepreneurship. With the involvement of 20
tion suggests that, in downtown Toronto, a reduc- teams comprising of 150 undergraduates from 16
tion by 2 °C in the temperature would have been institutions, including HIT, it also seeks to pro-
11.1  Companies and Use Cases 353

mote students’ inventive abilities (United Nations should highlight that one use case can be related
2018). to more than one SDG and it can make use of
The HLFP (High-level Political Forum) the- multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
matic review, released in 2017, emphasises that umn, we present the company name, the origin
funding SDG-9 implementation would need large country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
investments in infrastructure and innovation and gies that are included. The companies and use
instances of how SDG-9 expenditures may help cases are listed alphabetically.1
other SDGs develop. According to the report,
more than 1.1 billion people lack access to elec-
tricity, 663  million do not have access to safe
drinking water, 2.4 billion do not have adequate
sanitation, and one-third of the world’s popula-
tion does not use all-weather roads. Even though For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

closing these gaps requires infrastructure, inno- company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
Online – 2.1.2022):
vation and roughly US$1–1.5 trillion per year in;;
developing countries, official development assis-;; https://awakese-
tance (ODA) to developing countries for eco-;;
nomic infrastructure, particularly transportation,;;;; https://
totalled around USD 57  billion in 2015 (SDG;; https://epigami-
Progress Report), up 32% from 2010 (United;; https://www.avantmeats.
Nations 2017) (International Institute for com/;; https://intellis-
Sustainable Development (IISD) 2017).;;;; https://new-home.superpedestrian.
As a result of investments in local infrastruc-
com/;; https://northvolt.
ture and technology (such as water pumps, power, com/;; https://saphium.
clean cookstoves and mini-grids), local growth eu/?lang=en;;;
may be accelerated and more inclusive. At the;; https://; https://www.
same time, efficiency is increased, and repair and;; https://www.beebr-
maintenance time is reduced. As explained in the;;
review, financing at this level is likewise fraught; https://www.
with difficulties. For example, growing financial;;;; https://
services in the agri-food and rural sectors, com-;
monly comprising small-scale operations, pres- computing/;; https://www.
ent obstacles due to a lack of credit histories and; https://www.mobiusbion-
collateral.;; https://www.; https://www.perceptive-;;; https://www.seadro-
11.1 Companies and Use Cases;;;; https://;;
Table 11.1 presents the business models of 59;;
companies and use cases that employ emerging; https://www.waste2wear.
technologies and create value in SDG-9. We com/
Table 11.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-9

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Apple They make smartwatches that can Apple Watch has an optical heart sensor, Value is captured by providing early
USA identify cardiologic abnormalities, electrical heart sensor, accelerometer and diagnosis of cardiological diseases,
3, 9 detect an epilepsy crisis and alert gyroscope. It can measure heartbeats per detection of epilepsy crises and
AI, flexible electronics & medical personnel and the patient’s minute, detect irregular rhythm and referring the user to emergency
wearables, healthcare analytics family. tachycardia and record ECG by using an services.
optical and electrical sensor on it. It also
notices epilepsy crises by using an
accelerometer, gyroscope and call
emergency services. It records all medical
data of the patient and reports to the
patient about its risks using the healthcare
analytics database.
2 Applied VR It is a virtual reality content firm that With VR glasses that the patients wear on Value is captured by a de facto
USA focuses on assisting individuals with their heads, the patients feel themselves in digital pain management platform
3, 9 pain and anxiety. a different environment, and the and by establishing a new treatment
Spatial omputing interactive structured environment offered paradigm for pain management in
by VR makes it an effective tool for the the hospital, in the clinic and at
designed attention modulation. home.
3 Armis It provides a cybersecurity solution It identifies unmanaged devices with IoT It protects business devices and
USA that enables businesses to control without intermediaries and allows networks against cyber threats by
9 their networks and devices with IoT. compromised devices to report their removing security agents that are
Cybersecurity, Internet of security status. Cybersecurity enables highly likely to be hacked against
Things visibility and control by keeping the cybersecurity threats arising from
environments with systems secure. the increase of connected devices.
4 Avant Meats They offer lab-grown fish by using They isolate small samples of cells from Environmental value is captured by
China cultivation processes that are healthy fish. Then they feed them producing lab-grown fish by
2, 9, 14 sustainable and scalable. nutrients and give them a nourishing avoiding fish farming and reducing
Biotech & biomanufacturing, environment. And they allow them time to pollutants in the fish.
cellular agriculture grow in perfectly nutrient-rich conditions.
11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
5 Awake Security It is a cybersecurity firm that The Awake Security Platform analyses the Value is captured through enhancing
USA combines data with in-depth security network traffic and autonomously digital security and keeping data at
9 knowledge utilising artificial identifies, assesses and processes the point of collection to ensure
AI, cybersecurity intelligence. threats – giving customers actionable privacy and compliance.
insight to respond effectively. It identifies
the true attack surface, isolates threats
that go undetected and enables rapid
6 Ayfie It provides search and text analytics With AI, it detects meaningful data sets in By providing aggregated analysis of
11.1  Companies and Use Cases

Norway solutions such as efficiently the text and reviews extensive information textual data, it enables users to
9, 16 summarising, filtering and improving such as a person, organisation, date, etc., understand what is mentioned,
AI, blockchain business intelligence, by language with semantic analysis. It prepares reports evaluate prepared reports and cluster
analysis and indexing unstructured with AI insight-based predictions and documents without wasting time
data to extract meaning from data. research based on user needs determined and energy. Thus, it enables faster
by machine learning with detected data. and more accurate decisions to be
taken with less labour and time.
7 BeeBryte It develops energy-saving software as Internet of Energy is the notion. Up to 40% savings can be achieved
Singapore a service for businesses, industries Automatic control of heating-cooling based on weather forecasts,
9, 11 and electric vehicle charging stations. equipment (e.g. HVAC), pumps, EV occupancy, use and energy price
AI, Internet of Things charging points and/or batteries, using AI, signals.
reduces utility expenditures. If solar
power is available, they aim to maximise
8 Bluebeam It is a collaboration platform that It uses cloud computing to store and It provides increased value for
USA provides smart solutions to keep manage entire projects so that global data clients in terms of reducing design
9 architects, engineers, construction infrastructure is brought together and conflicts and for design teams/
Autonomous vehicles, cloud firms and government agencies in expanded. Smart annotations, consultants in terms of efficient
computing sync; interact anytime, anywhere; hyperlinking and automation tools are planning and schematic design.
and complete construction projects presented, thanks to autonomous things Easier collaboration and document
faster. technology for providing organised work. interactivity are served for team
members’ value.
Table 11.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
9 Boston Dynamics It is a robotics company that creates AI allows its robot Spot, to walk, climb It provides robots with the technical
USA robots that mimic the mobility, stairs, avoid obstacles, traverse terrain and requirements to reach terrains
9 dexterity and agility of humans and autonomously follow predetermined inaccessible to others and perform
AI, autonomous vehicles, edge animals in order to improve people’s routes with little or no input from users. automated tasks in unstructured
computing, robotics lives. With dynamic motion technology environments. Spot prevents
supported by Edge CPUs, Spot can casualties caused by dangerous
navigate tough, unstructured, unknown encounters and potentially
and antagonistic terrain with ease. dangerous situations. It provides
data to the authorised person by
scanning the environment without
the need for the authorities to enter
threatening environments.
10 Carbon Engineering It is a sustainable energy company The company uses direct air capture As an environmental value, it does
Canada that absorbs CO2 from the (DAC) technology which pulls in photosynthesise much faster, with a
9 atmosphere and converts it into a safe atmospheric air and then, through a series smaller land footprint, and also
Carbon capture & storage and inexpensive transportation fuel. of chemical reactions, extracts the carbon delivers climate-relevant quantities
dioxide (CO2) from it while returning the of permanent carbon removal and
rest of the air to the environment. delivers clean, affordable energy to
the world.
11 CattleEye It is a firm that watches dairy cows A simple low-cost security camera Value is captured by providing
UK without the use of hardware using a mounted at the entrance or exit of the evidence that farmers are working to
9 deep learning video analytics milking parlour begins to learn how to the highest level of stock
AI platform. uniquely identify cows and monitor management.
welfare and an increasing number of other
behaviours using AI algorithms in the
12 Climeworks The firm creates, manufactures and The company’s capturing system works in The environmental value which
Switzerland runs direct air capture equipment that two stages: At first, the air is drawn into makes direct air capture a unique
9 capture carbon dioxide from the the collector with a fan. Secondly, the approach is that it has the smallest
Carbon capture & storage atmosphere and permanently store it bonds are released under the high land and water usage of all carbon
underground. temperature of between 80 and 100 dioxide removal approaches.
°C. The adopted storage method is storing
in the underground mineralisation of
carbon dioxide.
11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
13 Credo For hyperscale, cloud, corporate and Data security between Ethernet-connected Secure data transport across
USA edge data centres, 5G wireless and devices is provided by the firm. The Ethernet-connected devices
9 telecom service providers and OWL-800 MACsec chip is a high-end generates value.
Advanced materials, high-performance Artificial security chip. It encrypts and decrypts
cybersecurity Intelligence industries, they allow data at a rate of 800 gigabits per second
secure, high-speed, low-power and supports a variety of protocols.
networking with high signal integrity.
14 DeepMind It is an AI company that works on AlphaFold, which is accepted as a Value is captured by providing an
UK inventions and advancements in solution to the 50-year-old protein folding open platform for everyone
11.1  Companies and Use Cases

9 machine learning, neuroscience, problem through an open platform of contributing to modern biological
AI engineering, mathematics, simulation DeepMind, uses AI to accurately predict research. This research has the
and computing infrastructure, along the shape of a protein at scale and in potential in helping tackle diseases
with new ways of organising minutes, down to atomic accuracy. and quickly find new medicine to
scientific endeavours. unlock the mysteries of how life
itself works.
15 Dow The company provides services in V Plus Perform solutions use panel In the chemical industry, advanced
USA essential sectors such as textile, insulation technology to guarantee that materials science is used to produce
3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 chemistry, construction, food and buildings are both sustainable and environmental and cost-effective
Advanced materials health. They produce advanced energy-efficient. The chemical building standards.
materials for buildings. characteristics of the advanced insulating
material utilised have enhanced its
performance, resulting in higher
recyclability and a reduction in CO2
emissions. These assist building users in
evaluating environmental performance
and increasing energy efficiency by up to
16 eBay It is an online shopping site that It creates an environment where both Financial value is captured by a
USA enables AI-driven sales assistance buyers and sellers are analysed by detail variety of fees for services provided
9 and auction-vice shopping. to connect each of them with the right fit. such as branding solutions and
AI, distributed computing As buyers search for listings, their queries advertising business, allowing
are analysed and broken down into individuals or businesses to list
structured signals allowing downstream items for auction.
systems to capture buyer demand. These
signals are tracked and stored in a data
warehouse and subsequently processed as
aggregated demand over time.

Table 11.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
17 Eigen Technologies It is a research-driven AI firm that It enables organisations to unlock the It meets the highest standards in
UK specialises in natural language value of their qualitative data by information security and offers a
9 processing (NLP) for companies in automating the extraction of text from full suite of APIs and system
AI, natural language the banking, legal and professional documents using machine learning and integrations with a client success
processing services industries. NLP. team that will support customers
every step of the way.
18 envelio It is a big data and AI-powered By utilising AI-based algorithms and Revenues are generated by using AI
Germany digital power-grid management gathering big data from the grid, the algorithms to automate operations
7, 9 platform. platform assists grid operators with grid and ease grid design and
AI, big data planning, optimisation, forecasting, management.
automatisation and operation.
19 Epigamia It is a start-up that produces It understands the needs and wants of the By using IoB it can detect the
India chocolate syrup and spreads. customers and non-customers by using behaviour of its customer base. It
9 the technology of the Internet of tracks down their geographical
Internet of Behaviours Behaviour. locations and the restaurants they
visit, to customise their products
that cater to customers’ needs.
20 FBR They manufacture robotic block To increase home building efficiency, an Revenue generation via faster and
Australia laying devices and give system optimisation programme turns wall more efficient construction.
9, 13 solutions, allowing them to perform designs into block placements and Environmental value is captured by
Robotics safely and accurately in uncontrolled reduces handling and waste of block reducing waste in construction
conditions outside. products. Hadrian X works with accuracy processes.
in outdoor conditions, thanks to FBR’s
dynamic stabilisation technology. In real
time, this system corrects for dynamic
interference and vibration in the boom
and layhead and precisely lays blocks.
21 FutureSiSens It detects changes in the environment It measures the change of gas flows in Instant monitoring of difficult-to-­
Spain through thermoelectric sensors it pipes with autonomous microsensors, measure and controllable works
3, 7, 9, 11 produces from silicon nanoparticles collects and shares data with IoT, ensures the pre-detection of critical
Advanced materials, and uses this data to develop performs maintenance and hazard problems, thus saving maintenance
autonomous vehicles, big data, products and services in the fields of detection in the field of energy and costs and resources.
healthcare analytics, Internet of health and energy infrastructure with produces healthcare analytics products by
Things big Data. detecting respiratory problems in the field
of health services.
11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
22 Genentech They transform cancer patient data They transform cancer patient data into The company facilitates the healing
USA into computer models to be used in computer models to be used in cancer process of patients by ensuring early
3, 9 cancer treatment. treatment. and rapid cancer treatment and
AI, biotech & diagnosis.
23 Gravity It designs, builds and flies jet suits Their jet suits are in backpack form and It saves time by swiftly traversing
USA that can be wearable. fly with jet fuel. The weight of jet suits is short distances. It provides a wide
9 300 pounds, but it is designed not to range of military and entertainment-­
11.1  Companies and Use Cases

Flexible electronics & transfer high force to the pilot. Pilots who related solutions.
wearables are less than 200 pounds can fly about 7
minutes by dint of jet fuel. The controller
of jet suits is made of flexible electronics
and attached to the hand of the pilot to be
controlled ergonomically on the flight.
24 GreyScale.AI The firm uses cutting-edge By combining advanced imaging AI improves overall sealing quality,
USA technology to test pouches, bags and solutions with AI/machine learning detects seal faults and provides
9 rigid containers’ seals. software, sealing defects are detected and 100% inspection traceability as well
AI also real-time insight is provided into as strong cloud analytics.
sealing efficiency to ensure a tightly
controlled sealing process.
25 Huawei Carrier The company provides innovative 5GtoB solution provides low-latency By increasing the productivity of
China infrastructure solutions and digital communication and advanced mobile applications and devices in the
9, 11 transformation services to industries, broadband with 5G, while cloud industry chain and digitising the
5G, cloud computing, especially the telecommunications computing digitises the infrastructure. industry, it will simplify business
cybersecurity sector, using 5G, cloud computing users’ operations, increase revenues
and cybersecurity technologies. and make their workflows more
26 HyBird Technologies It facilitates asset management and Clarity creates a model of reality with the Value is captured by cost reduction
UK saves resources and time by making drones, sensors and cameras it uses and and fast and remote control of assets
9 failure predictions before critical its digital twin. The created model makes by optimising information
AI, cloud computing, digital decisions for industrial companies failure predictions with AI and transfers it management and workflow with
twins, drones with its software tools and to project portfolio management via the predictive models.
technologies. SaaS platform.
Table 11.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
27 IBM Quantum They provide quantum hardware and Their quantum computer has 65 qubits Value is captured by solving
USA quantum software and adapt them to and 128 quantum volumes, and it can complex tasks much faster which
9 industrial solutions. The technology deliver tasks 128 times faster than cannot be solved by classical
Quantum computing is also used to understand subatomic supercomputers. It can also carry out computers.
particles, determine the behaviour of complex tasks with its quantum circuits
proteins and find optimal routes for which cannot be done by classical
cruises. computers.
28 IntegriCulture Inc. Cell-based meat is a sustainable The technology of cellular agriculture is Revenue is generated by allowing a
Japan protein developed by the cellular used for large-scale cell cultivation during significant reduction in the cost of
9 agriculture platform firm. the production of meat. The system cell culture. As a benefit for
Cellular agriculture creates the best growth conditions for individuals, IntegriCulture’s
cells in vivo so that any cells and products cultivated cells produce supplements
produced by living things become that may be depleted due to age.
possible in principle cultures.
29 Intelligent Structures It is a bridge performance asset The firm delivers data and decision It unlocks wasted infrastructure
USA management system that gives bridge assistance to bridge owners based on IoT, value and creates high-performing
9 owners data and decision assistance analytics and machine learning, allowing structures for a safer and more
AI, autonomous vehicles, based on IoT, analytics and machine them to make creative decisions that productive world by decreasing
lnternet of Things learning to help them make creative reduce risk and increase productivity in traffic congestion, enhancing public
decisions that reduce risk and bridge asset management. safety, communicating with
increase productivity across the autonomous vehicles and improving
bridge life cycle. air quality.
30 IntelliSense The software firm focuses on the The operation as a service infrastructure It ensures the efficient use of data in
UK mining sector, with the goal of using platform provides process optimisation in making critical decisions in the
9, 12 AI to make mining operations more mining operations with AI-powered mining industry, making critical
AI, cloud computing, digital efficient, sustainable and safe. operational decision-making software and decisions less costly and more
twins, Internet of Things digital twin simulation technologies. With reliably.
IoT adapted to sensors, mining-related
data are obtained remotely.
31 iomoto It is a platform that transforms the It is based on blockchain and provides a Revenue is captured by removing
Germany car into a business entity capable of low-cost transaction platform with no third-party intermediaries for
9 paying for things like parking and creditor risk and complete security. Smart charging and parking purposes. The
Blockchain charging on its own. contracts, which are kept as a chain of service allows customers to use all
data blocks, are used to conduct all charging stations.
11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
32 Microsoft HoloLens With the help of mixed reality, it is a HoloLens 2 can be used in safely Value is captured by reducing
USA Microsoft service that has multiple completing tasks error-free with hand downtime and speeding up
3, 4, 9, 11 use cases in manufacturing, tracking, built-in voice commands, eye onboarding and upskilling,
Spatial computing engineering and construction, tracking, spatial mapping and a large field accelerating the pace of construction
healthcare and education to boost of view. One can also access a robust and mitigating risks earlier in the
productivity, user accuracy and ecosystem of applications that are construction cycle, enhancing the
output. supported by the security, reliability and delivery of patient treatment at the
scalability of Microsoft Azure. point of care and improving student
outcomes and teaching from
11.1  Companies and Use Cases

anywhere with experiential learning.

33 Mirreco Mirreco Cast Blockchain envisages a Blockchain is used in a Cast unit to Environmental value is captured by
USA “seed to solution” CO2 framework; measure the value/volume of CO2 from offering traceability of CO2 that
9 from initial carbon sequester to the location the hemp was grown, and this allows assisting industry,
Blockchain, carbon capture & tracking system validating CO2 will allow a value to be placed, creating a government, growers and
storage contained. tradeable asset across the entire communities to make conscious
ecosystem. choices that deliver on their lower
carbon responsibilities as well as
reducing industrial CO2.
34 Mobius Bionics It is a medical device firm that Their prosthesis, LUKE Arm, is Social and ethical value is captured
USA focuses on introducing sophisticated connected to neurons with electrodes and by providing the possibility of
9, 3 prosthetic technology to amputees can move with its 10 powered joints. The performing hand actions and daily
Flexible electronics & who have lost their upper limbs. arm includes software and can perform activities for amputee persons.
wearables, robotics, wireless the daily activities of amputees’ robotic
power transfer arm. In addition to the many control input
options, the LUKE arm may be controlled
with Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)
that are typically worn on the user’s
shoes. They read the tilt of the user’s foot
and interpret each movement like a
joystick to control the arm. This unit can
be charged with wireless charging by
using wireless power transfer.
Table 11.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
35 Multiply Labs The customised pharmaceutical firm The capsule is manufactured The company allows patients who
USA creates 3D printed capsules that autonomously by using 3D printing and consistently are on certain
3, 9 include all of a patient’s prescribed programmed to release pharmaceutical prescriptions to take their pills in a
3D printing medications. ingredients in a controlled way controlled and systematic manner.
throughout the day. The capsule is The patient does not over-use nor
produced from a specific pharmaceutical miss medication and saves time as
polymer called hydroxypropyl cellulose, well. By using only one capsule, the
or HPC. company reduces the production and
usage waste and capture
environmental value.
36 Netflix It is a streaming entertainment It takes advantage of distributed systems Thanks to distributed computing,
USA service that produces TV series, that have a large number of clusters the site generally doesn’t experience
9 documentaries and feature films deployed over numerous AWS EC2 any disruptions if a single machine
Distributed computing across a wide variety of genres and instances, each of which has a large fails. It is fault-tolerant as it can be
languages. number of Memcached nodes and cache made up of hundreds of nodes that
clients. The data is shared across the work together. It is efficient because
cluster within the same zone, and sharded workloads can be broken up and
nodes store several copies of the cache. sent to multiple machines.
37 NextWave Safety It is a platform that gives safety Virtual reality (VR) technology is used As a social value, the company
USA training to employees as part of their for enhancing safety training that provides health and safety for the
9 job orientation for conducting safety reproduces practical scenarios in a virtual workers. The revenue stream is
Spatial computing investigations and operating heavy environment. optimised by providing a notable
equipment. decrease in labour training costs.
38 Northvolt The firm is a battery maker with a Cell production lines enable deep cell Environmental value is created by
Sweden reduced carbon impact and a battery traceability and energy storage, more decreasing the carbon footprint and
9 recycling service. efficient manufacturing of recycling providing greener energy storage.
Energy storage, recycling materials and enhanced cell performance
through lifetime performance and
degradation prediction.
11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
39 NVIDIA GeForce NOW is a cloud gaming Data centres through partnerships around It provides gamers with low-cost
USA service that lets users play games the world provide servers utilising Nvidia hardware and a chance to reach the
9 hosted on remote servers and Tesla graphics cards and can stream latest gaming experience.
5G, cloud computing, broadcast to one of the compatible games at up to 1080p resolution at 60
distributed computing devices via the Internet. frames per second. With an Internet
connection, using adaptive bitrate
streaming, cloud computing and 5G
technologies to scale the quality based on
bandwidth, users reach quality gaming
11.1  Companies and Use Cases

40 Perceptive Automata It is a firm that develops human The product is an AI inference model that The company provides a safer and
USA behaviour prediction technologies for integrates into autonomous driving stacks. more consistent ride for both the
9 the safe deployment of highly The core software module is wrapped in a drivers and pedestrians. By
AI, robotics automated (L2/3) and autonomous C++ API that enables a seamless eliminating the risks of accidents, it
(L4/5) vehicles on a broad scale, integration. It detects pedestrians and helps to save money as well as save
particularly in cities. The business other related moving things as they are lives.
makes it possible for these cars to and not as black boxes. It analyses their
predict what people will do next, certain body movements and velocity
allowing them to safely manoeuvre while deciding on how to act upon
around humans such as pedestrians, possible crises.
cyclists and other drivers.
41 Redrock Biometrics It provides a technology named PalmID Capture Module uses It makes the authentication process
USA PalmID, a user-friendly biometric sophisticated machine vision techniques fast and easy. It provides VR and
9 authentication that brings security for to turn the RGB video input stream into AR gamers non-touched passwords
Biometrics, cloud computing digital devices with a camera (either an authentication-ready palm image. The not reliant on keyboards, avoiding
RGB or IR). PalmID Matching Module matches in real the need to create usernames and
time the captured palm image against passwords for devices workers and
cloud stored references. This process uses consumers use every day. It
proprietary algorithms extensively tested facilitates P2P transactions, offering
against large datasets of palm images that greater security than PIN and chip
ensure no false positives. solutions, increasing transaction
speed and data protections while
Table 11.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
42 Rubber Conversion Rubber devulcanisation company Behind the concept of recycling, the By reducing raw material costs and
Italy that produces high-quality company employs a mechanical process improving carbon and material
9 compounds by releasing the potential initiated by an eco-sustainable powdered impact, recycling and upcycling
Recycling of valuable raw materials from devulcanised agent at room temperature materials help to improve product
post-production and post-consumer and pressure that selectively dissolves sustainability.
rubber waste. sulphur bonds, thereby keeping intact the
mechanical qualities of the compound.
43 Samsung Healthcare The company produces solutions to They analyse the data collected from It optimises the health of the
South Korea users’ problems with human-oriented digital products by using wearable individual, such as early diagnosis
3, 9 innovations using flexible electronics technology products and IoT, in the fields of individual health and
AI, flexible electronics & and wearables and healthcare personalising daily activities such as disease detection, by analysing the
wearables, healthcare analytics technologies. health and sports using AI, with personal data of users.
analytics, Internet of Things healthcare analytics technologies.
44 Saphium They develop natural, non-toxic and Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)-based Environmental value is captured by
Germany compostable bioplastics with the aid bioplastics are waterproof, durable in decreasing plastic waste and CO2
9 of microorganisms. sterile and dry environments and degraded from the atmosphere. The
Bioplastics, hydrogen, in the soil after 180 days. They use production of 1 kg of plastic
recycling hydrogen and carbon dioxide as building according to this process removes
blocks. They extract carbon dioxide from 2 kg of carbon dioxide from the air.
the air or industrial exhaust streams and
produce hydrogen with electricity from
renewable energy sources via electrolysis.
45 Seadronix It is a deep tech maritime solution Its AI technology-based ship control Value is captured by decreasing the
South Korea provider that uses 5G to give an system allows the devices to work losses that can occur in terms of
9 AI-powered autonomous aid together in real time to avoid obstacles human life, the environment and
5G, AI navigation system. and make necessary adjustments using 5G money when accidents take place.
to avoid crashing.
46 senseFly senseFly is an AI-powered drone Through the use of high-tech cameras on Value is captured by more efficient
Switzerland solutions provider. The collection their AI tech drones, the company mapping and surveying operations
2, 9, 11, 15 and analysis of geospatial data allow provides mapping and surveying solutions with drones. Revenue is gained
AI, drones surveying, agriculture, engineering by analysing geospatial data. Solutions through time and money-saving via
and humanitarian aid to make better are offered by senseFly, for example creating more efficient drones. Data
and faster decisions. GeoBase, for those customers who don’t analysis through AI helps solve
own a base station without Virtual agricultural problems. It offers the
Reference Station (VRS) access. reduction of fertiliser applications
by 20% using its drones.
11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
47 Spatial It is a 3D collaborative platform that The user uses any device including VR/ The company enables teams that
USA lets users use avatars to represent AR headsets, desktop or phone use. The collaborate closely and visually on
9 themselves in a virtual workspace user joins his teammates by creating a physical products, especially from
Spatial computing from anywhere in the world. lifelike avatar and creates an environment remote locations, to get their work
just as if the same environment were done.
working together.
48 Starlink It is a satellite Internet constellation It has more than 1600 satellites in orbit. It has low latency, faster Internet
USA service operated by SpaceX They use 5G technology to provide connection and the ability to provide
providing satellite Internet access to consumers with high-speed, low-latency Internet access to rural areas and
11.1  Companies and Use Cases

5G a wide range of populations broadband and internet for video chats communities with low
worldwide. and online gaming without the need for socioeconomic standards.
wired connections.
49 SteelTrace It is a digital platform that makes the Within the blockchain, every action or The platform allows companies to
Netherlands steel supply chain for the chemical data input is recorded and track of the collaborate in a standardised way
9 and petrochemical industries more data related to certification in the steel and faster exchange of certificates
Blockchain transparent, traceable and efficient. supply chain is kept instantly so that full and fewer supply chain delays
traceability of who did what and when is resulting in cost savings.
recorded, making all users fully
accountable for their actions or data
inputs are available.
50 Superpedestrian It is a transportation robotics firm The semi-autonomous robotic bicycle Environmental value is captured by
USA that develops technology to improve wheel learns how the user rides, amplifies promoting urban mobility and
3, 9, 11, 13 the safety and performance of pedal power, has regenerative braking sustainable transportation in order to
AI, autonomous vehicles, micro-electric cars. The business is abilities and connects to smartphones for decrease the carbon emissions of
robotics mass-producing the semi-­ ride analysis. The wheel’s battery is both private and traditional public
autonomous robotic bicycle wheel by charged via an external cord that fits a transport. It provides an innovative
focusing on urban mobility. standard wall outlet. Electronic Braking cycling experience, by creating a
Assistance while riding will partially faster and more stable solution.
recharge the wheel when coasting or
Table 11.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
51 Surgical Theater It is a firm that delivers virtual and The company’s VR software allows Patients can see, in VR, exactly
USA augmented reality-based healthcare surgeons to walk through and visualise what a surgeon intends to do to their
3, 9 services. difficult procedures, including brain body before they give their consent.
Spatial computing surgery, in virtual reality before ever Precision VR prevents patient
touching the combining engagement opportunities in the
simulation technology with a patient’s clinic while providing surgical
own anatomy scans, using medical planning and navigation capabilities
imaging such as MRI, CT and DTI, to in the operating room, as well as for
create a 360-degree virtual reality medical education and
reconstruction of the patient’s own collaboration.
anatomy and pathology.
52 TerraCycle To eliminate waste, the company For the recycling phase, the R&D team of The environmental value is captured
UK specialises in the recycling of the company analyses the materials to by providing recycling services to
9 materials that are difficult to recycle determine the mechanical recycling or the non-recycling materials. The
Recycling such as pet food packets, bread bags, chemical recycling processes to apply it company eliminates waste and
crisp packets and nitrile gloves. into new materials that include how to creates a more sustainable
break down the waste, separate it into its environment.
building blocks and then recycle those
materials for new applications.
53 Track 160 It is a software-as-a-service platform Using a single camera set, deep-learning Revenue through an improved
Israel (SaaS) that enables precise algorithms and groundbreaking optical scouting system. It lets clubs find
9 monitoring and performance tracking technology, Track160’s platform young skilled potential players.
AI statistics as well as automated provides teams at any level with an With system tracking the movement
solutions, giving clubs and accurate 360° match and player analysis of the players of both teams and the
academies access to extremely via AI. It’s able to accurately identify the ball across the entire field at all
accurate data, video and events all in location of each joint in the body of a times using deep learning in its
one place. player and track its motion. software, it provides team coaches
to find their optimal tactics and
54 TSMC It is a semiconductor technology Their manufacturing technologies include High-performance computing
Taiwan business that makes components for integrated circuits, MEMS, CMOS image devices enable more advanced,
9 automotive electronics, high-­ sensors, embedded NVM, radio capable, intelligent, energy-efficient
Advanced materials performance computing, the Internet frequency, analogue, high voltage and and safer products and allow to
of Things and mobile devices. BCD power processes. greatly increase the quality of life
and move towards a sustainable
society for the common good.
11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
55 Ubiq Security They enable developers to quickly It protects sensitive data with its The revenue model is based on
USA integrate encryption directly into cybersecurity system on IoT devices and providing solutions to customers by
9 their applications – without requiring networks – by enabling them to integrate saving time and money, reducing
AI, cybersecurity any prior encryption knowledge or data encryption directly into devices data theft and avoiding a
expertise. through rapid, lightweight and scalable multifaceted extortion event that
APIs. causes data to be sold online.
56 UiPath It offers an end-to-end platform for The company builds, deploys and Robotic process automation
Romania automation, combining the robotic manages software robots that simulate streamlines workflows, which
9 process automation (RPA) solutions human actions interacting with digital makes organisations more
11.1  Companies and Use Cases

AI, robotic process automation and AI tech to enable every systems and software using RPA and AI. profitable, flexible and responsive. It
organisation to rapidly scale digital automates the workflow.
business operations.
57 Valerann A traffic management data platform, The Smart Road System platform uses all Revenue generation through
Israel The Smart Road System, is a available sources of information, to improving incident management,
9 proprietary solution for sensing provide real-time, high-resolution insights optimising road operations, making
AI, big data, Internet of Things technologies into roads, transforming and predictions by leveraging AI and Big roads ready for the future of smart
them into a data-generating, Data algorithms. In addition, IoT wireless mobility. Social value is captured by
connected infrastructure. sensing technologies are integrated into increased traffic management and
roads, turning them into a connected reducing accidents.
infrastructure that generates data.
58 Verily The company produces research and The Onduo project provides virtual care, It increases public health by making
USA solutions such as hardware, software health coaching, daily activity tracking health data more usable and
3, 9, 10 and clinical expertise to improve and telemedicine opportunities by contributing to individual health-
Big data, flexible electronics & healthcare. personalising instant data from the enhancing solutions and research in
wearables, healthcare analytics individual with big data technology and the field of health. It reduces social
flexible wearable products by using inequality by lowering healthcare
Healthcare Analytics technologies such as costs and making vulnerable
the digital phenotyping method. populations more accessible to
59 Waste2Wear For fashion firms, promotional stuff, The fabric’s value chain is entirely Environmental value is captured by
China home décor and other sectors, the transparent and supported by Blockchain reducing the plastic waste that ends
9 company provides traceable textiles technology. The Blockchain records the up in landfills, rivers and the ocean.
Blockchain, recycling and products made from recycled recycling process step by step, allowing Furthermore, fewer carbon
materials such as recycled polyester each stage in the value chain from plastic emissions are emitted and less water
(RPET). garbage to textiles to be tracked. The QR is used in the production.
codes on the Blockchain-verified items
provide access to product information and

368 11  SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

References IDB-­Infrascope-­Report_FINAL-­1.pdf. Accessed 2

Nov 2021
UNCTAD, Digital economy report 2021 (2021). Available
International Institute for Sustainable Development
(IISD), Policy brief: How can progress on infra-
der2021_en.pdf. Accessed 2 Nov 2021
structure, industry and innovation contribute to
United Nations, 2017 HLFP thematic review of SDG-­
achieving the SDGs? | SDG knowledge hub (2017).
9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive
Available at:­
and sustainable industrialization and foster inno-
vation 1 A global perspective on SDG-9 (2017).
and-­i nnovation-­c ontribute-­t o-­a chieving-­t he-­s dgs/.
Available at:
Accessed 2 Nov 2021
International Telecommunication Union Database,
Accessed 2 Nov 2021
Individuals using the Internet (% of the population) |
United Nations, #SDGsinAcademia: Goal 9. United
Data (2020). Available at:
Nations (2018). Available at:
indicator/IT.NET.USER.ZS. Accessed 1 Nov 2021
academic-­impact/sdgsinacademia-­goal-­9. Accessed 2
T.  Källqvist, The Sustainable Development Goals in the
Nov 2021
EU budget (2021). Available at:
United Nations, Economic and Social Council (2020).
Available at:
Accessed 1 Nov 2021
Accessed 1 Nov 2021
R.  Puentes, Why infrastructure matters: Rotten roads,
United Nations, Goal 9 | Department of Economic and
Bum economy, Brookings (2015). Available at: https://
Social Affairs (2021a). Available at: https://sdgs.­i nfrastructure-­ Accessed 2 Nov 2021
matters-­rotten-­roads-­bum-­economy/. Accessed 2 Nov
United Nations, The Sustainable Development Goals
report (2021b). Available at:
H. Ritchie, M. Roser, Energy. Our world in data (2020).
sdgs/report/2021/The-­S ustainable-­D evelopment-­
Available at:
Goals-­Report-­2021.pdf. Accessed 1 Nov 2021
Accessed 1 Nov 2021
World Health Organization, World Bank and WHO: Half
S.  Saxena, Sustainable Development Goal 9: Building
the world lacks access to essential health services, 100
resilient infrastructure, sustainable industrializa-
million still pushed into extreme poverty because of
tion and fostering innovation. ABS Int. J.  Manag.
health expenses (2017). Available at: https://www.
(2019) Available at:­1 2-­2 017-­w orld-­b ank-­a nd-­
ABS-­J ournal-­Volume-­7 -­i suue-­2 -­D ecember-­2 019.
pdf#page=29. Accessed 1 Nov 2021
services-­1 00-­m illion-­s till-­p ushed-­i nto-­e xtreme-­
The Economist Intelligence Unit, The 2019 infrascope.
poverty-­because-­of-­health-­expenses. Accessed 1 Nov
The Economist (2019). Available at: https://infrascope.
2021­c ontent/uploads/2019/04/EIU_2019-­
References 369

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SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities

Abstract The concept of inequality is that two different

people or two different societies do not have
The concept of inequality is that two different equal rights and freedoms on the same event,
people or two different societies do not have depending on certain factors. Inequality is a situ-
equal rights and freedoms on the same event, ation that prioritises one segment and excludes
depending on certain factors. Inequality is a the other segment. These inequalities can be
situation that prioritises one segment and mainly age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, ori-
excludes the other segment. These inequalities gin, religion and economic situation. Also, these
can be mainly age, gender, disability, race, inequalities begin to increase due to people’s
ethnicity, origin, religion and economic situa- place in society and class differentiation. The
tion. Ensuring SDG-10, Reduced Inequalities, tenth sustainable development goal (SDG-10)
is an important step in the path of achieving a “reduced inequalities”, which is expected to be
more sustainable world. This chapter presents reduced by 2030, is very important for all devel-
the business models of 21 companies and use oped or developing countries (European
cases that employ emerging technologies and Commission 2021). Because inequality occurs in
create value in SDG-10. We should highlight many areas, it should be examined in different
that one use case can be related to more than groups as it has many cultural, regional and reli-
one SDG and it can make use of multiple gious layers. Since these factors have led to vari-
emerging technologies. ous inequalities in the individual and society
term, the European Commission has divided
Keywords inequalities into two groups so that “reducing
inequalities” can be achieved and studies can be
Sustainable development goals · Business carried out on this issue (European Commission
models · Reduced inequalities · 2021). So, when the main problems that cause
Sustainability. inequality are considered, some of them are seen
to be more personal problems, while others are
more social. For example, it is stated that while
poverty caused by economic inequality is a more
personal problem, gender inequality is more
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri-
social. Thus, some inequalities that can be
butions of İlke Burçak, Fatma Balık, Aleyna Yıldız,
Fatmanur Babacan, Handan Öner, Enejan Allajova and grouped based on individual (European
Batuhan Özcan in completing of this chapter. Commission 2021) include:

© The Author(s) 2022 371

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
372 12  SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities

1. Economic inequality is expressed as a result development assistance, which are also targeted
of differences such as income, consumption by the goal (UN 2015). It is also important to
and wealth of individuals in society. implement the laws to prevent the economic sys-
2. Social inequality can be expressed as inequal- tem and the current global wealth inequality
ities experienced in social areas such as edu- against the inequalities between countries. Thus,
cation or employment. Some differences in thanks to the targets and indicators established
social status and position among individuals under SDG-10, it also acknowledges that it helps
in society, which lead to economic inequali- to alleviate inequalities within the country (Ofir
ties, are strongly associated with social et al. 2016). SDG-10 aims to improve developing
inequality. nations’ representation in international markets,
3. Political inequality is expressed as the regulate migration and increase the flow of
unequal consequences of decisions taken by finance to developing countries via foreign direct
political authorities. This can lead to different investment and government development assis-
groups being prevented from participating in tance. In this approach, eliminating inter-country
political processes. inequalities serves as both a goal and a means of
4. Environmental inequality can be expressed lowering inequalities inside countries (Katila
in the unequal distribution of environmental et al. 2020). In addition, reducing income inequal-
risks such as air and water pollution and ity will lead to positive economic and socio-­
inequality in their access to ecosystem ser- cultural results (Pickett and Wilkinson 2010).
vices such as land, parks and fresh water in Also, another area of inequality is in education.
the surrounding area. Changes in the social The increasing level of education will increase
status of individuals and their positions in development worldwide and reduce economic
society cause environmental inequality to be inequality. According to a study, increasing the
closely related to social and economic early child education rate to 25% in all countries
inequality. has a benefit of $10.6 billion, and increasing it to
50% has a benefit of $33.7 billion (Engle et al.,
Some other inequalities can be grouped based on 2011).
society (Stewart et al. 2009): Socioeconomic injustice manifests itself in
the form of exploitation, economic marginalisa-
1. Vertical inequality is expressed as some dif- tion and denial of essential living conditions,
ferences between individuals in a particular resulting in unequal concepts of justice. Thus,
country, region or the whole world. socioeconomic injustice can lead to disasters.
2. Horizontal inequality is characterised as For example, thousands of migrants lost their
inequalities that arise due to culturalal differ- lives on their journeys due to high migrant
ences between groups such as ethnicity, reli- movements in 2020. 4186 deaths and disappear-
gion and race within a specific country or ances were seen in 2020 (United Nations
region or in the world. Economic and Social Council 2021). Remedies
against distributional injustice can be realised
According to some studies carried out by the through factors such as changing the division of
European Commission, it has been determined labour, renewing incomes and transforming
that “horizontal inequality”, which also includes economic structures. The transformation of eco-
gender inequality, is the group where violence nomic structures can also occur with the restruc-
and conflict are seen the most and which causes turing of political-­ economic policies (Katila
social peace, social order and democracy to be et al. 2020). So, political decisions are vital in
affected (European Commission 2021). tackling these inequalities. It has been said that
Inequalities are not only between people. legally protecting rights will also reduce social
There are inequalities between countries, such as and cultural inequality (Guha-Khasnobis and
those connected to representation, migration and Vivek 2007).
12  SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities 373

Fig. 12.1  Targets and indicators of SDG-10. (United Nations 2021)

SDG-10 has 10 sub-targets. As shown in groups across variables such as political, social
Fig.  12.1, Targets 10.1-4 of SDG-10 are illus- and economic (Kabeer et  al. 2017). Target 10.1
trated to understand how they are distributed recognises economic differences within a coun-
among social groups, minorities and multiple try, whereas Target 10.3 recognises potential dis-
374 12  SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities

tribution; both have a lot of overlap with munities with a bad image may experience diffi-
distributive justice principles. Target 10.2 con- culties while benefiting from public services such
forms to the concepts of recognising and observ- as health and education. The deprivation of some
ing justice, thus aiming to strengthen its segments of such public services in a sustainable
inclusiveness economically, politically and life is a major obstacle to sustainability for that
socially. However, it aims to ensure social, eco- society because public services have a key value
nomic and political participation for all people, for a sustainable society (Ogwezi et  al. 2020).
regardless of their age, gender, disability, race, Therefore, states have demonstrated their politi-
ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or another cal intention and desire to decrease inequality
status. Indicator 10.2.1, on the other hand, just within and across countries by adopting SDG-10.
evaluates progress in economic aspects and con- Each country can choose which direction it wants
texts of age, sex, and people with disabilities. Just to take to meet this lofty target by 2030. With
as other targets, Target 10.4 adopts policies that this, in September 2015, 193 states have affirmed
review political, social and economic inequalities that they have the political willpower to act fol-
by adhering to the three concepts of environmen- lowing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
tal justice (Katila et al. 2020). Development, which includes SDG-10
There are, in particular, SDGs that have syn- (Kaltenborn et al. 2020).
ergy, like SDG 1-8-5. SDG 5 is a unique one. It Although the approach of states to inequalities
has synergy with most of the SDGs. However, is positive, societies still face problems in many
there is an exception as SDG-10, which recon- areas due to inequalities. In this case, to better
ciles not with most SDGs (Hegre et  al. 2020). comprehend the significance of preventing
SDG-10 is not tied to SDGs 12–15, which deal inequality, it is necessary to state the problems
with environmental preservation. The possible encountered first on account of the present
conflicts, exchanges and efficiencies between inequalities. In this way, the importance of adopt-
SDG-10 and these environmental SDGs have ing this purpose can be better explained by
gone unnoticed. This is important because envi- revealing how many problems are imposed on
ronmental justice study is particularly aware of life. In the course of daily life, it is possible not to
the implications of global environmental reme- pay enough attention to whether one can recog-
dies on localised battles (Sikor and Newell 2014). nise the problems that arise from these
In short, the tenth goal of sustainable develop- inequalities.
ment, “Reduced Inequality”, aims to end
­inequality between states and people by support- • Health: In unequal societies, the expectation
ing policies implemented to eliminate discrimi- of long life is lower as the healthcare services
natory practices and policies. SDG-10 supports are not provided equally. At the same time, in
everyone to reach the same social, economic and this kind of society, psychological health
political level regardless of age, religion, ethnic problems, child death rates and overweight
origin or economy. issues are also higher. Furthermore, the per-
After discussing what inequality is, it is seen centage of HIV infection is higher in
that inequality is a concept that is constantly wit- unequally developed and still developing
nessed by people between countries and even in countries (The World Economic Forum
all areas of society. Among the types of inequal- 2015). If we consider the reverse case, healthy
ity, social inequality, which affects society and individuals mean more efficient work, hap-
humanity the most, still makes a name for itself pier people and a prosperous society.
in today’s age. Even in today’s conditions, Therefore, more people must achieve afford-
inequality is a problem in the world. able and professional healthcare services
Disadvantaged ethnic groups or religious com- (ESCAP 2019).
12  SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities 375

• Social life: It is claimed that inequality affects Report aims to measure income and property
mental health, drug use, obesity, education, inequality systematically. Earnings in some
youth/birth, high crime rate and anti-social/ countries can be several times higher than in
fearful behaviour (Pickett and Wilkinson other countries. In this case, the increasing
2010). Also, reducing the existing inequality political influence in the economy makes it
between population groups triggers the reduc- difficult to trust the parliaments and the state.
tion of the conflict rate (Stewart et al. 2009). Today, even in countries that have survived the
• Work-life: The importance of equality in crisis, economic inequality can arise (United
access to decent work can be seen in economic Nations 2020a). From another perspective,
aspects and social aspects. To avoid poverty, economic growth will be slow in societies
working without social protection in danger- with high-income inequality. While the cost of
ous works while taking insufficient money is ignoring inequality is high, countries with
named vulnerable employment. The more high-income inequalities will experience an
people work as vulnerable employees, the economic recession, and it will be difficult for
more economic growth slows, and the more the society to get out of poverty (United
society gets uneasy (ESCAP 2019). Nations Economic and Social Council 2021).
• Human capital development: Scores in • Ecological: Drought, rising sea levels, hurri-
UNICEF’s child welfare index appear to be canes, landslides, low-income people living in
worse in some countries with higher inequal- villages and large cities and developing coun-
ity levels. In these countries, the number of tries have disproportionately affected the
people who leave their education and jobs or impacts. Their location and serious socio-­
become mothers at a young age increases as economic damage affect these countries more
inequality increases. As a natural consequence (Scholz 2020). As all know, some countries
of all these, social mobility is restricted and maintain their existence with agriculture-­
innovation rates are lower. Due to better social livestock, and some countries survive with
mobility, equal countries are prone to use widespread infectious and respiratory diseases
higher ratios of innovation (The World or find it difficult to find food. Because these
Economic Forum 2015). conditions cannot be equalised, poor or disad-
• Economic progress and stability: Economic vantaged countries suffer more from climate
progress and stability: The International change and natural events. Because, for exam-
Monetary Fund (IMF) states that decreasing ple, in countries that live on agriculture and
inequality will support economic growth in animal husbandry, people have to stay con-
the long run. This expression can mean that nected to the land and the country, they must
poverty reduction is achieved through income adapt to situations immediately to survive.
equality (The World Economic Forum 2015). However, the disadvantages do not adapt eas-
The probability of crashing global markets ily (United Nations 2020a). Additionally,
due to drastic wealth disparity between and when there is a lack of clean and economical
among the countries was reported by the most alternatives, people burn crop wastes or coal
prominent economists globally, including the for lighting, heating or cooking. That’s why
IMF itself (Berg et  al. 2018). Inequality is equality in accessing clean energy is impor-
associated with economies becoming more tant for a healthier and cleaner world (ESCAP
frequent and severe in their ups and downs. 2019).
This makes economies even more volatile and • Technological: The development of automa-
vulnerable to crises (The World Economic tion and artificial intelligence has made some
Forum 2015). The 2018 World Inequality occupational groups unemployed, and the
376 12  SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities

impacts of these technologies have contrib- • Spreading the word about a movement for
uted to income inequality. On the other hand, inclusive leadership/inclusivity, wealth and
however, some countries that cannot reach fairness.
health services have started to reach them, • Building the correct skills leads to increased
thanks to the developing technologies. If a productivity and prosperity, allowing people
system that can facilitate learning is invented from all walks of life to find work. Improving
at the educational level, the people in rich skill levels so that people have the knowledge
countries have more advantages than devel- and certificates they need to find work.
oping countries because of transportation/ • Addressing climate change through improv-
communication costs (United Nations ing location, infrastructure, air quality and the
2020a). environment.
• As a result of these efforts, the WMCA has
The problems caused by inequality in the been recognised as one of the best achievers
areas encountered in life have been explained on local sustainability programs nationally in
above. SDG-10 has an important role in solving yearly league tables.
problems that are so integrated into human life. It
is necessary to solve by considering the specific As can be seen from the study, ensuring SDG-­
areas and situations of the 2030 targets and the 10 is an important step in the path of achieving a
problems after. more sustainable world. However, whether or not
The action plan of sustainable development these SDGs can be completed by the targeted
goals is aimed to be completed by all states in date has also become important for the future.
the world by 2030. However, there are some When the United Nations’ SDG report of 2020 is
debates on whether the SDGs can be achieved by examined, it has been observed that the pandemic
the target date or not. According to the “UN’s in 2020 has some consequences that may also
2020 report on the SDGs”, it has been stated that affect the SDGs. Considering that the course of
due to the negative impact of the recent pandem- the SDGs depends on some developments, evalu-
ics and regional wars, the work towards the suc- ations of improvement/worsening made based on
cessful completion of the SDGs has slowed areas become important. While there has been
down (United Nations 2020b). If SDG-10 is improvement in some areas, other areas such as
achieved, studies have been carried out on what food insecurity and the increase in natural disas-
the “imaginary” world would be like. For exam- ters have caused many inequalities to emerge.
ple, according to a study in the UK West These developments show that the pandemic has
Midlands Combined Authority Area, city issues produced some unpredictable effects in 2020,
have been solved under cover of SDGs. The esti- and it is not exactly known what effect it will
mates of future oriented to SDG-10 (Bonsu et al. have on the course of the SDGs. According to the
2020): report, it becomes more difficult to achieve these
targets until the targeted date (United Nations
• Reducing health disparities and enhancing 2020b). In other words, it is thought that there is
population health and well-being, including not enough data about whether the targets can be
mental health difficulties, air pollution and the achieved or not in the future and that the effect of
global climate catastrophe. the pandemic can be reversed as a result of the
• Improving life prospects for everyone, includ- ongoing studies.
ing those who face particular challenges or The matter of inequality is a popular research
disadvantages. area in economics. Inequality has risen over the
12.1  Companies and Use Cases 377

world. Countless studies relate inequality and increase equality alongside economic
economic growth (Galor 2011). The 2018 World democracy.
Inequality Report, co-authored by Alvaredo,
Piketty and Zucman, likewise strikes a fresh and
distinct tone, warning that if growing inequality 12.1 Companies and Use Cases
is not adequately tracked and tackled, it might
lead to a wide range of political, economic and Table 12.1 presents the business models of 21
social disasters (World Inequality Lab 2018). companies and use cases that employ emerging
Especially, policy circles have become more technologies and create value in SDG-10. We
interested in the economic growth rates affected should highlight that one use case can be related
by income inequality. Although the effect may to more than one SDG and it can make use of
vary based on the wealth of the corresponding multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
and some other variables, it is stated that the
changes in income inequality affect the gross
domestic product (GDP) per capita (Hossen and
Khondker 2020). On the other hand, the World
Bank blazed the way, demonstrating that there
are policies that can reduce inequality while also
increasing growth and productivity (World Bank
2016). 1

Furthermore, the 2018 World Inequality

Report has some latest studies: Economic
inequality exists in all parts of the world. For
example, in Europe, it is the least, whereas, in the For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

company names or follow the websites here (Accessed

Middle East, it is the highest. The disparity has
Online – 2.1.2022):
expanded in nearly all nations in recent years.; http://youbenefit.
However, at varying rates, since 1980, economic;
inequality has climbed fast in North America,;; https://
China, India and Russia, while it has increased;;;; https://
moderately in Europe (Kaltenborn et  al. 2020).;; https://www.dotin-
The expansion of democracy into economic insti-;; https://www.
tutions, in addition to international and national;;
initiatives to develop progressive tax systems and; https://www.micro-;;
combat tax evasion and tax havens, can have a;;
significant influence on decreasing inequality.; https://www.visualfy.
Nations may adopt some basic, doable steps to com/;
Table 12.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-10

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Almacena Platform It is a marketplace that uses AI and The company ensures more efficient Revenue generation is captured by
Netherlands blockchain to allow African farmers to and sustainable trade for both sides empowering small-scale farmers. They
1, 5, 8, 10, 12 maximise their potential and gain through fully digitising the supply ensure risk reduction for both sides of
AI, blockchain access to EU markets. chain, from the small-scale producer trades.
to the final buyer. They use
Blockchain to create digital identities
of coffees; cloud computing to create
coffee origins, routes and data records;
and NFC for product traceability and
2 Ava It is an AI-based speech recognition Ava Closed Captions and Ava App The app reaches out to those who require
USA technology that converts speech into provide subtitles for screen, images or hearing aids and assists them in living a
10 writing. presentations using AI. It is also more intelligible life. It allows these
AI capable of providing what is spoken persons to integrate into society without
around the user in written form when any restrictions.
everybody speaking is connected to
the app.
3 Ceretai It’s an AI-based automated programme The start-up’s products utilise Social and ethical values ​​are created by
Sweden that identifies and dispels Artificial Intelligence to sift through increasing awareness and eliminating
10 preconceptions and standards in vast datasets or archives of client discriminatory patterns by controlling
AI popular culture, such as movies and information. The Diversity Dashboard ethical behaviours. The behaviours that
music. then visualises the outcomes, allowing cause discrimination in the entertainment
media companies to keep track of industry can be blocked.
content diversity. It monitors new
material on a regular basis to check if
it corresponds with the customer’s
diversity and inclusion plan.
4 Dot The company develops wearable Dot Watch and Dot Mini gadgets use Social value is created by making a fair
South Korea technological items for visually AI, IoT, Big Data, and Cloud environment for disabled people to be
10 impaired people Computing to enable the vision-­ part of life. They aim to make devices
AI, Big Data, Cloud handicapped to “read” a whole book, more affordable for underdeveloped
Computing, Flexible similar to the Kindle countries and help vulnerable people
Electronics & Wearables, participate in education
lnternet of Things
12  SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
5 Envision It develops AI-powered products for The product Envision Glasses is Social value is captured by achieving
Netherlands visually impaired and low vision glasses with a camera, Wi-fi, empowerment and engagement of
10 people. AI technology is used to Bluetooth and audio system built-in. It visually disabled people in daily life.
AI, Big Data, Flexible extract information from images is able to convert an image to an audio The product helps people hear what they
Electronics and Wearables received by the products. description with the purpose of want to see.
providing a better understanding of the
scenarios such as face recognition,
object detection and scene description
to help visually impaired people.
12.1  Companies and Use Cases

Additionally, the product Envision

App can be used to read any kind of
text, scan people or things or visualise
scenes and colours with audio
6 Gapsquare Gapsquare is a software platform that The FairPay PRO platform exposes Social value is captured by identifying
UK makes use of AI, Big Data, and Cloud insights about the wage gap taking unfair payment resulting from
5, 10 Computing to reveal the wage gap in into account gender, race, sexual employees’ demographics in order to
AI, big data, cloud workplaces to ensure fair payment for orientation and disability for the provide fair wages for every employee in
computing everyone. corresponding organisation. HR and the organisation. Personal preferences
payroll data entered are processed are welcomed to embrace diverse talent
using AI and Big Data via a cloud-­ ecosystems with the use of this platform
based environment (SaaS). to form better payment insights for a
7 Knockri The company produces software used It makes use of video interviews, Social and ethical value creation through
Canada in the hiring process that is free of audio and written assessments during the removal of bias factors in the hiring
5, 10 human bias to increase diversity using the hiring process. It analyses the process is eventually helping to increase
AI, Natural Language an AI and NLP-based technique. content of those behavioural racial and gender diversity. Since it is a
Processing assessments using NLP and AI merit-oriented process in job
algorithms. Their algorithm evaluates recruitment, it increases the work
the merit of a candidate based on the efficiency and the vision of the company.
customer’s skills, so it is free of race,
gender, age, ethnicity, accent,
appearance or sexual preference
Table 12.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
8 Lex Machina It is a legal data analytics platform that Every 24 h, Lex Machina collects data The firm offers data on damages,
USA sifts through millions of pages of legal by browsing many judicial databases. findings, resolutions and remedies, all of
10, 16 data to give strategic insights into Lex Machina then uses Lexpressions®, which are important in determining what
AI, natural language courts, judges, attorneys, law firms a proprietary Natural Language transpired in a case and who won
processing and parties, allowing lawyers to Processing and Machine learning tool,
predict the outcomes of various legal to clean, code and tag all of the data.
strategies. Lex Machina extracts all of the actors
in each case, including attorneys, law
firms, parties and judges.
9 Marinus Analytics Some crimes, such as human AI analyses adverts with illegal The firm produces societal benefit by
USA trafficking and colonisation, that are purpose, and the data is saved in a eliminating discriminatory behaviours
10 concealed within adverts are stopped cloud system so that others who try a such as people trafficking and sex
AI, Cloud Computing, by employing AI, and they are similar strategy may quickly locate it. terrorism. As a result, society becomes
Cybersecurity preserved with the use of Cloud After that, the authorities are alerted. more aware.
10 Microsoft Seeing AI It is a Microsoft-developed The App “seeing AI” avails for Social and ethical value is captured by
USA programme that can narrate various providing audible information to a providing a partially assistive tool for the
3, 10 sceneries, objects, documents or a visually impaired person. It can be visually impaired. Their dependence on
AI, Cloud Computing human description to assist visually used to describe a person, convert a other people can be reduced, enabling
impaired persons using AI and Cloud text into audio, describe a perceived them to further participate in daily life
Computing. colour, identify a product using its
barcode and describe a scene, etc. with
an AI-based algorithm. Additionally,
the app supports different languages
and is available on iOS devices
11 Mouse4all It is a start-up that is working on a The robotic device can be used with The designed robotic device helps to
Spain robotic gadget that allows persons one or two switches, a trackball or a eliminate the accessibility problem of
10 with physical limitations like cerebral joystick option, and smart device physically disabled individuals who
Robotics palsy and Parkinson’s disease to use control can be provided by connecting cannot touch the screen of the device
an Android tablet or smartphone to the app via Bluetooth. while using a smart device. Thus, the
completely hands-free. daily life of these individuals becomes
12  SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
12 Quad-­Fi Using Machine Learning and data The app collects and combines The company provides low-interest loans
Canada analytics, the start-up develops an insurance and academic data from to students and recent graduates to
4, 8, 10, 17 online lending platform for student students and recent graduates. The AI contribute to better quality education.
AI, Big Data loans and reduces borrowing costs for then makes an accurate credit Also, social value is created by
young people and immigrants. assessment in terms of financial and supporting them to establish a business
academic success and provides better and family life.
financial ratios.
13 Scewo The company has a new generation Scewo BRO is an electric wheelchair By making the vehicle used by
Germany robotics technology-based wheelchair that is equipped with robotics individuals with reduced mobility
12.1  Companies and Use Cases

10 that people with reduced mobility can technologies, combining riding on two smarter, the vehicle can continue on its
Robotics reach their desired location wheels with climbing stairs. way even in unsafe areas such as stairs
independently and flexibly. and rough/slippery surfaces, providing
an extremely comfortable and safe use
for disadvantaged individuals.
14 Seva Exchange The firm is an AI-based platform, The platform uses Artificial Social value is built on promoting the
USA which pairs volunteers’ skills with the Intelligence to link people with types of jobs that are underrated by some
10 people that need help. talents, interests, and resources with economies, creating new avenues and
AI others who require assistance in those reducing inequality. They prevent social
areas, while also recording the value inequality by strengthening social
of each talent that can be passed relations between volunteers and people
forward. who need help
15 Skillhus The company is a recruitment and By collecting and processing data, the The social value is created by filling the
Norway consultancy agency that bridges the start-up provides diversity training for gap between skilled migrants and
1, 3, 8, 10 gap between skilled migrants and the companies to improve diversity refugees. The start-up aims to raise
Big Data refugees and the Norwegian job leadership. They aim to reduce awareness on issues such as diversity,
market. unconscious recruiting prejudice. equality and belonging. It applies a
comprehensive approach to organisations
and leadership development.
16 SkillLab It is a startup that uses artificial The company helps people express Social value is captured by ensuring
Netherlands intelligence to assist refugees and their experiences and skills and refugees and migrants use their skills to
1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 17 migrants in finding work. explore and apply for career find a job. They help people have a
AI opportunities by using AI. Users can livelihood and reduce inequalities in
match with job opportunities society.
according to their skills and generate
job applications.
Table 12.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
17 Tykn It is a platform that stores the The application “my wallet” offers a It integrates refugees into society who do
Netherlands identities of refugees and immigrants blockchain-based verifiable credential not have identity documents. Thus, it
10 digitally by using blockchain. wallet that provides a higher ensures that such people have fewer
Blockchain trustworthy digital identity. problems in matters such as healthcare,
education, banking or finding a job.
18 Visualfy For persons with hearing loss, the The device Visually Home can be Value is captured by enabling the
Spain business makes an AI-based gadget trained with AI. It brings the desired hearing-impaired people to adapt to
10 with sight and vibration sensors that sounds into the desired warning form. normal life. The AI-based device
AI gives convenience. These notifications can be changed transforms sounds into colour and
individually and can send notifications vibration, equalising living conditions
to every device in the house connected for people with disabilities.
via bluetooth.
19 Voiceitt The firm develops products to assist The application, “Voiceitt”, is trained Social value is generated by helping
Israel persons with speech impairments. with the phrases used daily by the people with speech problems. They
10 users like how they say their name. facilitate their adaptation to daily life
AI Using AI and statistical modelling, it and make speech accessible to all.
learns the speaking styles of users and
improves itself as they use it.
20 Wandercraft The company supplies a robotic Atalante is a robotic wearable product Social value is created by allowing
France walking exoskeleton that allows that facilitates motor movements of people with a permanent imbalance or
10 simulating the permanent imbalance in people with walking disabilities and disorder in walking to walk without help
Flexible electronics & human walking with dynamic walking helps the upper limbs to move. from other people, thus increasing their
wearables, robotics algorithms created and supported by Robotic dynamic walk algorithms are living standards and further integrating
flexible electronics and wearables and integrated into a lower limb them into society.
robotic technologies. exoskeleton capable of emulating
human self-balanced walk.
21 You Benefit By using 3D printing, AI and robotics New structures are created by 3D Social and environmental values are
Netherlands technologies, new buildings and roads printing from sand while the structures captured by providing refugees housing
10 for emergency shelters in refugee are being built. The vision of this in a faster, cheaper and more efficient
3D printing, AI, robotics camps are constructed. space innovator comprises an way. These goals create awareness about
autonomous rover capable of building the hard circumstances of refugees.
structures using free energy from the
sun and local resources. It will use
sintering as an additive manufacturing
technique to turn terrestrial sand into
solid rock, without the need for any
other binders.
12  SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities
References 383

umn, we present the company name, the origin edn. (UNU-WIDER, 2017).
country, related SDGs and emerging technolo- M.  Kaltenborn, M.  Krajewski, H.  Kuhn (eds.),
gies that are included. The companies and use Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights,
cases are listed alphabetically.1 Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Rights (Springer
International Publishing, Cham, 2020). https://doi.
P.  Katila, C.J.P.  Colfer, W.D.  Jong, G.  Galloway,
References P.  Pacheco, G.  Winkel, Sustainable Development
Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People, vol
A.  Berg, J.D.  Ostry, C.G.  Tsangarides, Y.  Yakhshilikov, 654 (Cambridge University Press, 2020). https://doi.
Redistribution, inequality, and growth: New evidence. org/10.1017/9781108765015
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org/10.1007/s10887-­017-­9150-­2 Five Considerations for National Evaluation Agendas
N.O.  Bonsu, J.  TyreeHageman, J.  Kele, Beyond agenda Informed by the SDGs (Public Library, 2016)
2030: Future-oriented mechanisms in Localising the J.  Ogwezi, C.  Okeke, B.  Uzochukwu, W.  Mitullah,
sustainable development goals (SDGs). Sustainability K.  Saffron, U.  Bhojani, G.  Mir, T.  Mirzoev,
12, 9797 (2020). B.E.  Ebenso, N.  Dracup, G.  Dymski, D.  Doan,
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C. O’Gara, A. Yousafzai, M.C. de Mello, M. Hidrobo, Global Review of Public Service Inclusion Strategies
N.  Ulkuer, I.  Ertem, S.  Iltus, Strategies for reducing for Ethnic and Religious Minorities (UNRISD, Geneva,
inequalities and improving developmental outcomes 2020).
for young children in low-income and middle-income K. Pickett, R. Wilkinson, The Spirit Level: Why Greater
countries. Lancet 378, 1339–1353 (2011). https://doi. Equality Makes Societies Stronger (Bloomsbury
org/10.1016/S0140-­6736(11)60889-­1 Press, 2010)
ESCAP, A Guide to Inequality and the SDGs (ESCAP, I. Scholz, Reflecting on the Right to Development from the
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Document] (International Partnerships | European Open, 2020), pp. 191–206
Commission, 2021). T.  Sikor, P.  Newell, Globalizing environmental jus-
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en. Accessed 22 Aug 2021 org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2014.04.009
O. Galor, Inequality, human capital formation, and the pro- F.  Stewart, G.  Brown, A.  Cobham, The Implications
cess of development, in Handbook of the Economics of of Horizontal and Vertical Inequalities for Tax
Education, (Elsevier, 2011), pp. 441–493 and Expenditure Policies (Centre for Research on
B. Guha-Khasnobis, S. Vivek, The rights-based approach Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity, Oxford,
to development: Lessons from the right to food 2009), p. 46
movement in India, in Food Insecurity, Vulnerability The World Economic Forum, 5 Reasons why we Need to
and Human Rights Failure, ed. by B.  Guha-­ Reduce Global Inequality [WWW Document] (World
Khasnobis, S.  S. Acharya, B.  Davis, (Palgrave Economic Forum, 2015).
Macmillan, London, 2007), pp.  308–327. https://doi. agenda/2015/09/5-­reasons-­why-­we-­need-­to-­reduce-­
org/10.1057/9780230589506_13 global-­inequality/. Accessed 22 Aug 2021
H.  Hegre, K.  Petrova, N. von Uexkull, Synergies and UN, Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for
trade-offs in reaching the sustainable development Sustainable Development. [WWW Document] (UN,
goals. Sustainability 12, 8729 (2020). https://doi. 2015).
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Insights from Brazil, WIDER Working Paper, 167th­S ustainable-­
Development-­Goals-­Report-­2020.pdf. Accessed 23
Aug 2021
384 12  SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities

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SDG-11: Sustainable Cities
and Communities 13

Abstract than one SDG and it can make use of multiple

emerging technologies.
City governance is vital for sustainable devel-
opment goals and resource management and Keywords
allocation as well as urban climate-related ini-
tiatives, as it is estimated that more people will Sustainable development goals · Business
reside in the urban areas in further years. As models · Sustainable cities and communities ·
more people migrate to cities, the world Sustainability
steadily becomes more urbanised. The popu-
lation of the cities accounts for 55% of the
total population, and cities generate 85% of
global gross domestic product and emit 75%
of greenhouse gas emissions. SDG-11,
Sustainable Cities and Communities, aims to
ensure inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable City governance is vital for sustainable develop-
urban and human settlements by providing ment goals and resource management and alloca-
inexpensive transit solutions, decreasing tion as well as urban climate-related initiatives,
urban sprawl, enhancing urban governance as it is estimated that more people will reside in
involvement, improving the protection of cul- the urban areas in further years. As more people
tural assets and addressing urban resilience migrate to cities, the world steadily becomes
and climate change issues. This chapter pres- more urbanised. The population of the cities
ents the business models of 50 companies and accounts for 55% of the total population, and cit-
use cases that employ emerging technologies ies generate 85% of global gross domestic prod-
and create value in SDG-11. We should high- uct (GDP) and emit 75% of greenhouse gas
light that one use case can be related to more emissions. It is forecasted that by 2050, the total
city population will be equal to 6.5 billion peo-
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- ple. If the urban areas are going to be designed
butions of Alaattin Canpolat, Zeynep Kaya, Zafer Güray and managed as now, sustainable development
Gündüz, Uğur Cem Yılmaz, Selenay Sonay Tufan, Yalkın will not be achieved. Additionally, due to the ris-
Kızılkan, Zeynep Yaren Dabak, Buse Gönül Bostancı and
ing populations and migration, rapid urbanisation
Emre Koç in completing of this chapter. They also con-
tributed to Chapter 2’s 3D Printing, 5G, Biometrics and has resulted in a surge of populated cities, par-
Biotechnology & Biomanufacturing sections. ticularly in developing nations, and slums have

© The Author(s) 2022 385

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
386 13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

become a critical issue of urban life. The chal- SDG-11 and prospective innovations and effi-
lenges of global sustainability cannot be solved cient solutions to enhance city policy coherence
without a significant focus on urban sustainabil- include several major sectoral interlinkages and
ity. Furthermore, making cities sustainable urban synergies. Despite the worldwide progress
requires the establishment of jobs and economic to lead and drive all processes on sustainable
opportunities, as well as safe and affordable development, there are still significant informa-
housing, resilient communities and strong econo- tion gaps and difficulties that might stymie SDG-­
mies (UNDP 2020; Vaidya and Chatterji 2020). 11 implementation. The New Urban Agenda of
Further to that, there is a high potential of col- UN-Habitat presented by “The United Nations
laboration and coordination across various indus- Human Settlements Programme” emphasises the
tries at the city scale, as well as the vital potential importance of a concentrated emphasis at the city
for policymakers in governments to recognise the and neighbourhood levels. It also has direct, tan-
interconnections and the need for interoperability gible benefits for people’s quality of life and the
among the stakeholders responsible for planning achievement of long-term developmental goals.
and designing sustainable development plans To provide successful implementation and make
(Radovic 2019). concrete improvements in people’s daily lives,
Perceiving the importance of cities, the United the global goals laid forth in SDG-11 must be
Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted in integrated with local development agendas
2015 to make “sustainable cities and communi- (Franco et al. 2020). As shown in Fig. 13.1, there
ties” another target within the 2030 Agenda for are ten targets within the context of SDG-11.
Sustainable Development. Data obtained from SDG-11 and the subject of sustainable urban-
911 cities in 114 countries in 2020 shows that isation are important for most countries, given
spatial urbanisation has been substantially the high rates of urbanisation and the expected
quicker than population increase throughout the future share of the urban population (Koch and
1990–2019 period, and smaller cities are urbanis- Krellenberg 2018). For instance, nearly three-­
ing faster than larger cities (United Nations, quarters (320 million people) of the European
2021). In particular, from 2000 to 2018, the per- Union’s (EU) population reside in urban regions
centage of people living in slums fell from such as cities, towns and suburbs. Europe’s urban
39.66% to 29.25% among the global urban popu- population is predicted to rise to just over 80% by
lation. However, this percentile decrease is equiv- 2050. As a result, sustainable cities, towns and
alent to an almost 80 million people increase suburbs are vital for their residents’ well-being
(The World Bank 2021). This fact is a sign of the and quality of life (Eurostat 2021). Another criti-
need for taking precautions to avoid devastating cal fact that should be stated is, while occupying
results. only 3% of the Earth’s territory, cities account for
“Sustainable Cities and Communities”, which 60–80% of global energy consumption and 75%
is within the “Sustainable Development Goals of of global carbon emissions (United Nations
United Nations as Goal 11”, aims to “ensure 2021). Thus, the results of related regulations in
inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable urban and the cities could impact the entire earth.
human settlements” by removing slum-like When creating sustainable smart cities that
situations, providing inexpensive transit solu-
­ focus on SDG-11, several factors are to con-
tions, decreasing urban sprawl, enhancing urban sider. The growth of information communica-
governance involvement, improving the protec- tion technologies (ICT) has significantly
tion of cultural assets, addressing urban resil- influenced the way people live their lives and
ience and climate change issues, improving urban how they arrange work, leisure and society. A
management (pollution and waste management), variety of innovative products, services and
ensuring access for all to secure public places and business models have been facilitated by a drop-
enhancing urban management through improved in computer capacity costs and size. Two sig-
urban rules and regulations (Franco et al. 2020). nificant developments could be stated for the
13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 387

Fig. 13.1  SDG-11 targets. (United Nations, 2021)

worldwide growth of ICT and to make cities change to the “Internet of Things” (Townsend,
smart. The first is the transition from cables to cited in Höjer and Wangel 2015). Furthermore,
wireless services, including telephones and the the impact of smart cities on sustainability can-
Internet. The second trend is related to the rising not be underestimated. Renewable and green
number of devices linked to the Internet and the energy, energy efficiency, air quality, environ-
388 13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

ment monitoring and water quality monitoring on air quality using a low-cost, distributed and
are all noteworthy research subjects in smart efficient sensor network. Fixed and mobile sen-
city planning (Ismagilova et al. 2019): sor nodes were included in the system. Moreover,
the data from the citizens were stored and later
Renewable Energy  Many key city entities, such converted into indices such as Air Quality Index,
as wireless sensor networks and water distribution, Traffic Index, etc. All parties interested in obtain-
require power systems for basic operation. These ing regular updates on the city’s air quality can
have to be adapted into being optimised, intelli- access this information (Bacco et  al. 2017;
gent and environmentally friendly in the smart city Dwivedi et al. 2019).
concept. This is possible with renewable energy
and ICT systems. The main targets of smart cities
are reducing energy usage, providing renewable Air Quality  Air pollution is one of the most
energy and lessening the carbon footprint. All of serious concerns for industrialised societies.
this leads to the smart city energy concept (Aamir The World Health Organization (WHO) states
et al. 2014; Ismagilova et al. 2019). that pollution is the prominent reason for mor-
tality among children under the age of 5. A case
study in the context of air quality monitoring
Energy Efficiency  The concept of energy effi- was implemented in Christchurch, New Zealand,
ciency enables maximum productivity with less after the earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2.
energy consumption. Experts give several ideas The research focused on near-real-time moni-
to achieve this goal. For instance, a new tech- toring of fine-scale air pollution and connec-
nique that helps prevent energy efficiency anom- tions to respiratory illnesses. The project’s
alies in smart buildings was presented (Peña et al. purpose was to create a citywide continuous
2016). The suggested method is built on a rule-­ real-time air pollution surface and provide the
based system that uses data mining tools and data in the form of an interactive dynamic map
energy efficiency specialists’ expertise. This and raw data stream. A grid of four dust mote
research has resulted in a series of rules that may devices and low-cost IoT air quality sensors
be used as part of a decision support system to were used to collect the data. All people and
optimise power consumption and anomalies in interested parties were given access to data on
intelligent buildings by monitoring device activa- air quality in a variety of formats, including
tion and minimising power consumption while main forms, maps and tables. Its goal was to
considering varied user needs (Peña et al. 2016). encourage individuals to check air quality infor-
mation simply and understandably. Also, citi-
zens could collect information about their
Environmental Monitoring  Another important exposure (Marek et  al. 2017). Identifying the
focus is environmental monitoring. For example, city’s most polluted and cleanest regions can
six different environmental factors are identified help to enhance the environment and citizens’
for “Smart City Mission” in India: landscape and quality of life. Illnesses such as cerebral stroke
geography, climate, atmospheric pollution, water can be minimised by reducing air pollution
resources, energy resources and urban green (Zaree and Honarvar 2018).
areas. These factors should always be observed
and accessible through online platforms to
achieve public participation for problem-solving. Water Quality Monitoring  Managing the qual-
This was achieved in Pisa, Italy, where the sys- ity of water and providing safe drinking water are
tem gathered, processed and disseminated data challenging in crowded cities. Nowadays, cities
13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 389

confront difficulties such as ageing water infra- emerge in the future. Investing in SDG-11 can
structure, high maintenance costs, new contami- bring many benefits to the company. Companies
nants and increased water use as a result of the may benefit from a better brand image, a greater
rising population. Therefore, an effective water staff retention rate and increased financial perfor-
management system is needed by sustainable cit- mance by investing in the sustainability of their
ies (Hrudey et al. 2011; Hou et al. 2013; Polenghi-­ communities. They will be able to keep up with
Gross et al. 2014). In particular, a study has been changing laws and avoid penalties under their
released that improved ICT may enhance drink- state’s environmental legislation (Valuer | SDG
ing water quality throughout the world. In the 11 Forecast, p. 32).
study, wireless communication, data processing, Let’s assume the appropriate policies are put
storage and redistribution have been suggested in place. In that case, 24 million new jobs will
for Bristol’s quality monitoring system. Data col- be created by adopting sustainable energy prac-
lection, transfer, storage and visualisation are tices and shifting to a greener economy, such as
parts of the system which is based on cloud com- increasing electric vehicles usage and energy
puting (Chen and Han 2018). efficiency in existing and future buildings
(International Labor Organization 2011). For
Cities will have to reconsider their systems instance, South Korea will invest USD 61 bil-
and their environmental consequences as more lion to raise renewable energy capacity from
people migrate into urban areas and environ- 12.7 GW to 42.7 GW by 2025 and increase its
mental concerns become more urgent. Many cit- green mobility fleet to 1.33 million electric and
ies across the world have already started to hydrogen-­powered vehicles. The plan will effi-
embrace more environmentally friendly prac- ciently renovate public rental housing and
tices (mostly in America and Europe), and cer- schools to become more energy-efficient and
tain patterns are emerging (Martin et al. 2018). transform urban areas into smart green cities
Sustainable cities will build on these founda- (European Commission 2019). Moreover, the
tions, going beyond today’s environmental stan- global electric vehicle market is estimated to
dards. Cities have vital roles in sustainable reach 34,756 thousand units by 2030, up from
development and are thus critical for both an estimated 4093 thousand units in 2021
regional and global destinies. However, there is (Research and Markets 2021). Furthermore, a
no one-size-fits-all solution for creating a sus- united effort to improve communities’ sustain-
tainable city due to the climate, geography and ability will require investments in various sec-
law differences. ­Long-­term planning is required tors such as transport, waste management and
for the most drastic changes aimed at creating a construction (Valuer | SDG 11 Forecast, p. 32).
sustainable city, and future studies can lead to Two sectors, which are indispensable for sus-
further discussions and decision-making pro- tainable cities, will continue their development
cesses. Future studies should focus on improv- in the future; by 2023, the smart transportation
ing one’s understanding of future opportunities industry will be worth $149.2 billion
for adapting to or avoiding future influences and (MarketsandMarkets 2020a, b), while the world-
consequences (Phdungsilp 2011). wide waste management market will be worth
Along with the developing sustainability $530 billion in 2025 (Waste management mar-
industry, thanks to increasing investment ratios ket value worldwide 2027 2020).
from companies around the world, many new The built environment is one of the major
business areas are emerging and will continue to causes of environmental degradation. Excessive
390 13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

energy and resource consumption are caused by to more than one SDG and it can make use of
the embodied energy of the built environment multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
during construction and the energy needs of umn, we present the company name, the origin
structures during use (Wieser et  al. 2019). The country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
construction industry will be the most demanded gies that are included. The companies and use
market in the future. For instance, the global con- cases are listed alphabetically.1
struction industry will be worth $15 trillion by
2025 (Deloitte-Marketing & Brand Department
2021). Meanwhile, the global modular construc-
tion market is expected to reach $157.19 billion
by 2023, up from $106.15 billion in 2017, with a 1

CAGR of 6.9% (MarketsandMarkets 2020a, b).

Additionally, the global construction sustainable
materials market is expected to be worth $523.7
billion by 2026 to provide a more environmen-
tally friendly solution (BIS Research 2017). For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

Well-managed cities will make efficient use of company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
natural resources and technology, resulting in a Online – 2.1.2022):
beneficial and crucial impact on society, the envi-;; http://www.;;; https://
ronment and the economy (Revi and Rosenzweig;; https://nordsense.
2013). By 2050, smart cities will have saved $22 com/;;; https://
trillion through initiatives such as public transit;; https://ucomposites.
and energy-efficient buildings (Smart City com/;;;;
Futures 2017). Mobility as a service (MaaS)
building-facility-management/; https://www.altaeros.
solutions are expected to increase in popularity as com;; https://www.brighterbins.
technological infrastructure improves, and data com/;; https://www.cyvision.
becomes more accessible worldwide. The global com/;;;; https://www.fuelcellenergy.
MaaS market will grow from $38.76 billion to
$358.35 billion by 2025 (The Insight Partners; https://www.interac-
2018).;; https://;;;;; https://
13.1 Companies and Use Cases;;; https://www.skeletontech.
Table 13.1 presents the business models of 50 com/;;;; https://
companies and use cases that employ emerging;
technologies and create value in SDG-11. We;;
should highlight that one use case can be related;
Table 13.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-11
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Actility The company deploys unified, By building a long-range low-power Value is produced by providing
France scalable, multipurpose IoT network network for IoT, city authorities can sustainable solutions that assist
8, 9, 11 infrastructure for utilities and cities, connect countless battery-powered consumers in becoming more energy-­
Autonomous vehicles, big data, providing well-defined points of things into a single network, enabling efficient by reducing their energy
Internet of Things interoperability between systems. data collection through parking consumption habit’s environmental
sensors, environmental monitoring effect.
equipment or flood detection sensors.
The data are then fed to centralised
intelligent systems which can make
13.1  Companies and Use Cases

recommendations to optimise city

service management.
2 Altaeros It is a firm that manufactures “ST-Flex” aerostats offer mobile Value creation is achieved by simplified
USA aerostats in a variety of sizes and carriers and internet service providers deployments, shorter build-out times and
11 with permanent or mobile bases to (ISP) a way to provide service to rural less money required to keep the network
5G, AI, autonomous vehicles, meet the demands of clients. These and remote areas by enlarging up and running.
Internet of Things aerostats are intended to make coverage zone. ST-Flex expands
network deployments for industrial customers’ 4G footprint with
IoT, rural connectivity and a variety wide-area coverage from an aerial cell
of other data-intensive applications tower. It upgrades to 5G by swapping
easier and faster. the payload equipment from the work
platform on the ground. Also, this
process completely covers a remote
worksite with uninterrupted coverage,
thanks to IoT.
3 Betolar The company focuses on turning The company uses Advanced Materials They create sustainable building
Finland different industrial side streams named “Geoprime”: geopolymer-­ solutions in the construction sector by
11, 13 from the energy, mining, steel and based low-carbon construction using advanced Materials and offering
Advanced materials forestry industry into low-carbon, material and a sustainable alternative dmcreased carbon emissions. They
cement-free construction materials to cement. Its durability and strength produce cement-free and cost-effective
that perform the same as concrete in are comparable to cement-based materials.
terms of qualities such as strength. products.
Table 13.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
4 BrighterBins They develop complete sensor and Their sensors collect data on fill levels Revenue is generated by preventing
Belgium route optimisation solutions for and garbage disposal, which they overflowing bins, keeping communities
11, 12 waste management and hauliers by communicate to the firm or a clean and optimising trash pickup truck
AI, Internet of Things using IoT and AI. third-party IoT platform. The software routes. Their sensors and IoT solutions
optimises garbage collections and city improve traffic, reduce CO2 emissions
planning using data from sensors and and make cities greener by using AI.
AI algorithms.
5 Carge It is a cloud computing-based It includes thousands of charging Revenue is captured by energy savings.
Greece mobility as a service (MaaS) mobile stations across Europe and provides Users can maintain the battery life of
7, 9, 11 application that allows electric information on the closest charging their electric vehicles by no longer
Cloud computing vehicle drivers to connect to any points. Moreover, it helps users to waiting at the charging stations.
public charging networks. reserve a place at the demanded
charging point and gives them the
fastest and safest route to the stations.
They utilise smart algorithms to
balance the grid directly with each
vehicle utilising cloud computing.
6 Cepton Technologies They develop lidar-based solutions They process the data that they collect Their proprietary MMT-based lidars
USA for a variety of areas, including via lidars by applying spatial provide reliable, scalable and cost-­
9, 11 automotive (Advanced Driver computing. They provide intelligent effective solutions – thanks to spatial
Spatial computing Assistance Systems (ADAS) /AV and safe roads and rail, as well as computing – for smart applications that
(autonomous vehicle)), smart cities, pedestrian and traffic analytics, in the require long-range, high-resolution 3D
smart spaces and smart industrial context of smart cities. Their Micro perception.
applications by using spatial Motion Technology (MMT)-based
computing. lidar solutions can be used in a variety
of intelligent sensing applications,
such as ADAS, AV and smart
7 CY Vision The company is a 3D augmented From broad sunshine to dark stormy Economic value is captured by bringing
USA reality head-up display situations, and with continuous depth better vehicular experiences and
11 manufacturer for future vehicles. from in-cabin to infinity, their AR providing safer rides by using
Spatial computing head-up displayers provide 3D augmented reality.
capabilities with binocular disparity,
full-motion parallax and focus blur
13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
8 Ekodenge It is a company that specialises in The platform can anticipate energy Revenue is captured through the
Turkey digitalisation and sustainability, demand through energy simulations, reduction of energy consumption, cost
11 targeting buildings and industry. thanks to an IoT-enabled database; it and emissions while improving indoor
Big data, digital twins, Internet They have a project named can also provide decision support for comfort and air quality conditions.
of Things “Ekobina+”, which is developed as energy management through demand Another benefit is the reduction of
an IoT-enabled, intelligent energy forecasting, cost optimisation and environmental and climatic impact by
monitoring and management digital twin methodology, as well as decreased consumption.
platform for public and private calibrated energy simulation capability
buildings. using live and historical IoT data.
13.1  Companies and Use Cases

9 EMSOL It is a cloud-based software-as-a-­ Air and noise pollution is measured Revenue is gained through the
UK service (SaaS) platform that links to every minute by using calibrated mitigation of air and noise pollution,
11 a network of vehicle tracking, air sensors, and retrieved data are especially for supply chain operations
Cloud computing, Internet of and noise pollution sensors to offer processed with the help of cloud and construction activities by using their
Things real-time monitoring and analytics computing. By using IoT, exact dashboards supported by cloud
by using IoT. sources of air and noise pollution are computing and IoT.
identified, thanks to their dashboards.
10 Envio The company develops smart Envio Systems creates cloud-based A smart building system for existing
Germany building solutions for existing technology for commercial buildings commercial facilities that helps increase
11 commercial buildings. Through IoT that are already up and running. The comfort and reduce energy cost while
Energy storage, Internet of and cloud-based management, the primary IoT product suite is a enabling you to monitor and manage
Things system learns, predicts and complete end-to-end solution for any your building from any web-enabled
optimises operations. current commercial building, device.
regardless of its size, age or
infrastructure, that helps boost comfort
and save energy costs while allowing
you to monitor and manage your
building from any web-enabled device.
Table 13.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
11 Evreka The waste management company Evreka spans the entire waste process Evreka is a SaaS company and makes
Turkey offers software and hardware and delivers highly innovative profits by providing software and
11 solutions to both public and private technology and environmentally hardware solutions tailored to
AI, Internet of Things institutions. Evreka promotes smart friendly solutions from the collecting customers’ needs. By providing efficient
and sustainable cities by optimising phase through treatment and recycling waste management solutions, Evreka
waste management processes across with the seamless integration of saves local governments and private
many industries. The company cutting-edge equipment and unique institutions’ time and resources. Their
utilises sensors and machine-to-­ software. Evreka uses AI and Machine efforts also result in environmental
machine communication. Learning to digitise these procedures benefits. Efficient waste management
in order to save money and time and processes divert more waste from
enhance efficiency while still ensuring landfills, reduce operational carbon
citizen happiness. emissions and mitigate health and safety
12 Fingerprints The company develops Distinct The DAD algorithm works to locate The values offered by the technology
Sweden Area Detection (DAD) algorithm, distinct areas in the three-dimensional include efficient image quality, low
11 which is a feature-based algorithm fingerprint image derived from the power consumption, cost efficiency and
AI, biometrics, natural that looks for things that are unique capacitive sensor. It consists of biometric systems with features for a
language processing in its surroundings within the touch enrolment and verification/ satisfying user experience with quick
platform. identification steps. Firstly, a number confirming a secure biometric payment.
of distinct areas are extracted from the
fingerprint image. The areas together
with their geometric relationships form
a template that is unique to each
fingerprint. Secondly, the template is
used as an operator acting on the fresh
fingerprint image. If the match is
approved, the authentication of the
person is completed.
13 Five AI It is a platform that builds self-­ They supply AI algorithms for Delivering sophisticated online
UK driving software components and creating/choosing different traffic components that answer the issues in
11 development platforms to help situations, performing various self-driving systems and building a
AI, autonomous vehicles autonomy programs solve the simulations, analysing performances modular platform that enables
industry’s challenges by using AI and enhancing the stack by applying performance and scale for system
machine learning. Their algorithms development and assurance utilising AI
enable an Autonomous Driving capture value.
System (ADS) to comprehend the
environment around it by combining
13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

data from cameras, RADAR, LIDAR,

IMU, GPS and other sensors.
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
14 FOAM The company provides a Thanks to blockchain, FOAM is Social value is captured through secure
USA permissionless and autonomous transparent and censorship-resistant and transparent location services,
11 network of radios. It offers secure and can provide secure location data especially for cities.
Blockchain, Internet of Things location services through time for other applications.
synchronisation, independent of
centralised sources like GPS.
15 FuelCell Energy The company provides solutions for The company provides environmental Revenue is captured through
USA power generation, carbon capture, solutions for various applications, SureSource™ products, which deliver
11 local hydrogen production for including long-duration energy storage efficient, affordable and clean solutions
13.1  Companies and Use Cases

Carbon capture and storage, transportation and industry and and fuel cell power plants. The energy to enable a world developed by clean
energy storage, hydrogen long-duration energy storage for storage system utilises solid oxide energy. The SureSource product
utilities, industrial and large electrolysis cells to affordably and facilitates clean air permitting, reducing
municipal power customers. efficiently convert excess power into permitting costs and approval time.
hydrogen, an energy carrier, for
long-duration storage applications.
16 GoFAR The company registers business The adapter plugs into the vehicle’s Value is created by reducing fuel
Australia expenditure miles, analyses your diagnostic port and constantly consumption and increasing automobile
11 car’s health using IoT and measures monitors the car’s health. Then it operational lifetime. On average, it can
Internet of Things driver performance. instantly alerts the driver about any save up to 9.8% fuel.
problems it detects. Then, the car’s
data are sent from the adapter to the
mobile app.
17 Hayden AI It is a fully integrated urban It uses AI-powered perception systems Economic and social value is captured
USA mobility/traffic management and a citizen app to turn public and through enabling safer and more
11 platform that enhances road safety private cars into street sensors, sustainable cities by improving the
AI, digital twins and traffic flow by utilising sources creating a real-time digital twin of the traffic flow in terms of efficiency.
from AI and digital twin. city by merging mobile sensors with
citizen-driven data, and allows
community and stakeholder
involvement through easily accessible
digital tools.

Table 13.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
18 Iberdrola With the help of building The company is implementing Revenue is captured through informing
Spain automation systems, the company energy-saving measures in its facilities and training users and providing
7, 11, 13 works on projects that focus on around the world to contribute to sustainable solutions to help customers
Internet of Things producing cost-cutting and sustainability. In this implementation, become more energy-efficient and
energy-efficient solutions. IoT-based remote-controlled reduce the environmental impact of their
precautions are mostly used in lamps, energy habits and consumption. Besides,
electronic devices, etc. in the building. they support women’s and Paralympic
sports to accelerate social development.
19 Imagine Intelligent Materials The company develops sensing Functionalised graphene transforms The system provides real-time
Finland solutions that deliver data from ordinary materials into electrically actionable insights on structural health,
11 large surface areas in buildings, conductive, intelligent materials by stress, pressure, leaks and fire detection.
Advanced materials, Internet of infrastructure and logistics and can using the Internet of Materials (IoM). Its primary capabilities include asset
Things be manufactured at scale. These materials sense and report monitoring of controlled surfaces and
real-time changes in stress, improving risk management, safety and
temperature and moisture. In this productivity making the environment
process, signal processing expertise in better and safer.
hardware and software is combined in
the nanotechnology sector.
20 Interactions It’s a firm that makes intelligent Full-stack AI technologies with a Value is captured through
USA virtual assistants, which mix AI and unified technology suite enabling Conversational AI which is used to
11 human understanding to help automatic speech recognition (ASR), enhance the patient’s or member’s
AI, biometrics, natural organisations and consumers have natural language processing (NLP), experience by providing more efficient,
language processing effective discussions. dialog management and voice convenient and accessible interactions
biometrics are included in the between health systems, medical
adaptable Platform. NLP offers the professionals, insurers and patients in
foundation for actionable intelligence the healthcare industry.
applications and corporate processes
by recognising the persons, places,
subjects and intents present in any
piece of voice or text.
13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
21 Interstellar Lab The company helps humans live in The company has developed a The company aims to preserve
France harmony with the environment both closed-loop, environmentally biodiversity and sustain human life.
2, 6, 7, 11, 15 on Earth and in the future on Mars controlled and modular station by They accelerate the transition to
AI, advanced materials, 3D by developing living pods with using a space exploration design environmental regenerative solutions on
printing optimal conditions for humans and approach, 3D printed material systems, Earth by creating integrated food
plants. advanced biosystems technologies and production and water and waste
AI-based monitoring and control. A recycling system.
station is a combination of sealed
modules; each of them can generate
13.1  Companies and Use Cases

and recycle food, air and water to

support life for a group of people.
22 Karamba Security It is an embedded cybersecurity The XGuard suite offers unrivalled With negligible network overhead, value
USA solutions provider for connected self-protection against the loss of is captured by concealing network traffic
11 systems in the automotive industry, device control. Karamba XGuard can by verifying the sender of every
Cybersecurity IoT and the enterprise edge. identify and stop buffer overflows, communication. Unauthorised
which can lead to external malicious communications and over-the-air (OTA)
code or code reuse attacks (such as malware are prevented via authenticated
return-oriented programming). encryption (AE).
Manufacturers may use these solutions
to apply this technology to seal
systems automatically during
23 Latitudo 40 They convert satellite photos into It’s a cloud-based Unified Data Value is captured by providing more
Italy geospatial data to ease and improve Analytics tool that extracts data from efficient object detection, better
2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11 decision-making processes. They satellite pictures and IoT data visualisation of land use, urban heat
AI, big data, cloud computing, use AI and machine learning automatically. They use a back-end islands and coastline erosion detection
Internet of Things algorithms to filter and elaborate the link to their partners’ planning systems services and more precise farming.
photos. to accomplish automated tasking on a Moreover, the inventory and asset
large number of satellites. They sift management, building density analysis
through petabytes of data from a and environmental hazard and risk
variety of sensors and constellations. assessment can be enhanced as well.
Their image capture engine can locate
the best image and trim away the area
required for any given investigation.
Table 13.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
24 Neer Technologies It is a fully integrated real-time They simulate and evaluate the risk Revenue is earned through managing
USA water management platform status of drinking water distribution and planning drinking water, wastewater
6, 11, 12 powered by AI and machine mains, sewage treatment plants and and stormwater systems more effectively
AI, Internet of Things learning. stormwater collection systems. They and creating safer and cost-effective
employ machine learning to detect water systems in the long term.
leaks and anticipate system
breakdowns in the water, sewage and
stormwater collecting systems.
25 Nordsense The company provides services in It provides real-time data on Environmental revenue is captured by
Denmark the waste management industry by customers’ bins and waste generation reducing CO2 emissions, lessening noise
11, 13 using sensors and data. They aim to patterns with Smart Bin Sensors. pollution and decreasing traffic
AI, autonomous vehicles, big halve waste collections by picking Benefiting from IoT and Autonomous congestion while preventing unsanitary
data, Internet of Things, bins up once the sensors go on with Things, they keep track of the location bin overflows. Trucks use shorter routes
robotic process automation punctuality. and movements of waste containers, by navigation combined with AI.
secure containers against theft, and
increase the transparency of daily
waste operations with asset tracking,
which is ensured by using intelligent
route trucks using AI. Smart sensors
help robotic process automation to
detect fill rates.
26 Numina The company’s computer vision-­ Numina’s goal is to use data to help The data they provide allow designers to
USA enforced sensors collect mobility cities become more adaptive and make better-informed choices about
9, 11 data from open spaces. The egalitarian. Numina employs computer people’s needs which results in more
AI, big data, Internet of Things processed data provide important vision to track all types of activities on inclusive and equitable cities. Their
insights into how people move the street and provides new insight to mission makes use of the mass amounts
within urban spaces. These insights city planners, facility managers, of data generated by people’s activities
allow urban planners to design cities mobility operators and real estate in public spaces and provides economic,
that are inclusive, liveable and developers. Numina displays the environmental and societal benefits to
sustainable. volumes, pathways, dwell durations everyone involved.
and other behaviours of people,
cyclists, various types of cars, pets,
garbage bags and more – all in digital
formats that are easily consumable.
13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
27 One Click LCA The company produces software To be able to make life cycle Easy and affordable carbon assessment
Finland that helps calculate and reduce the assessment (LCA) interpretations, and life cycle assessment (LCA) by
11, 13 environmental impacts of any known data are stored by using Big using big data.
Big data building, thanks to stored data in its Data technology. For LCA, benefiting
database. Big Data provides an advantage by
finding, accessing and reusing relevant
28 Optibus It is a cloud-native AI platform and Customers can use AI and cloud Economic, environmental and social
Israel software-as-a-service (SaaS) computing to model their value is generated by making effective
13.1  Companies and Use Cases

11 company that plans and schedules transportation network (rules and use of a combination of AI optimisation
AI, cloud computing complex transit operations and the preferences) at a granular level, algorithms and distributed cloud
movement of vehicles and drivers to allowing schedulers and operations computing to make public transportation
improve the quality and reliability executives to compare scenarios, smarter and nourish freedom of
of transit service. publish reports and answer complex movement and sustainable cities while
questions, transforming the related reducing costs by modelling the
operation into a smart, data-driven transportation network and creating
business. optimal routes, timetables and vehicle
schedules with these technologies.
29 OurCrowd The company is a venture capital-­ OurCrowd finds deals, does due They build value for its portfolio
Israel crowdfunding hybrid platform for diligence and makes investments companies throughout their life cycles,
11 accredited investors facilitating available to its members, all while providing mentorship, recruiting
Crowdfunding investments in Israeli startups. investing its own money. Through industry advisors, navigating follow-on
board seats and a mentorship rounds and creating growth
programme that matches entrepreneurs opportunities through its network of
with OurCrowd contacts from relevant multinational partnerships.
sectors, it plays an active role in the
firms it funds.

Table 13.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
30 Phantom AI It is an autonomous vehicle They employ a Deep Learning-based Revenue is captured through
USA company that presents a computer vision solution to detect PhantomVision which has real-time
11 comprehensive autonomous driving vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, detection and target tracking on a
AI, autonomous vehicles platform featuring computer vision, free-space, traffic signs and traffic bird’s-eye view that provides safe
sensor fusion and control lights, as well as optimal data, which driving with an accurate motion estimate
capabilities with AI solutions. includes all types of corner cases for of road objects to various Advanced
deep learning and novel data Driver-Assistance Systems functions
augmentation techniques to increase such as Auto Emergency Braking,
data diversity. Autonomous cars also Adaptive Cruise Control, Traffic Jam
employ a Deep Learning detection Assist and Lane Keeping Assist System.
pipeline with powerful tracking
31 Pirelli It is a tyre company that has one In these bikes, advanced materials are Revenue is achieved through convenient,
Italy project named “cycl-e around” used in bicycle frames and healthy and sustainable mobility for
3, 7, 11, 12 aiming for sustainable biomaterials used in tires. E-bikes have customers .
Advanced materials, biotech & transportation. a 500 Wh battery for energy storage.
biomanufacturing, energy
32 Print Your City It is a company that transforms With a robotic arm and recycling The Pots Plus collection is an
Netherlands cities’ plastic waste into custom facilities, plastic waste that is brought environmentally friendly furniture
11, 12 urban furniture for public spaces by citizens is custom designed as company that creates its collection by
3D printing, recycling using recycling and 3D printing. urban furniture through a plastic waste using the plastic waste of cities and
loop with technologies like 3D turns them into furniture which follows
printing and recycling at the local ergonomic curvatures to suit the natural
level. This technological solution geometries of the human body.
enables a sustainable city and less CO2
emissions through combining modular
repair and mass customisation.
33 Quantafuel Quantafuel developed a patented They developed a technology that Revenue and environmental value are
Norway technology that converts mixed purifies the gas formed by the process captured by using waste plastics to
11 plastic waste, including non-­ and alters the molecules. This supplies create two major products: synthetic
Advanced materials, recycling recyclable plastic waste, into them with a way to create a chemically diesel fuel and recycled naphtha.
advanced low-carbon synthetic fuel recycled attractive product that Recycled naphtha is used by
and chemicals. satisfies a huge demand in the market. petrochemical companies to create better
quality plastics, while premium-quality
synthetic diesel fuel is used by
individual consumers.
13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
34 Intel Together with many other IoT and AI facilitate intelligent Extra value is captured, thanks to edge
USA applications, the company provides transportation systems for land, air, computing and inference, with which
3, 7, 11 Intelligent Transportation Systems rail and sea. These systems link customers can benefit from fast response
AI, edge computing, Internet for smart cities of the future. automobiles, traffic lights, toll booths times, free up bandwidth and help keep
of Things and other infrastructure to help sensitive data private.
alleviate traffic congestion, avoid
accidents, decrease emissions and
improve transportation efficiency.
Fleet management, intelligent traffic
13.1  Companies and Use Cases

management, Vehicle-to-Everything
(V2X) communication, electric vehicle
charging, electronic toll collecting and
a variety of other mobility solutions
are examples.
35 Restado The company transforms Using an AI-based matching Reusing building materials saves energy,
Germany architecture, construction, craft and algorithm, the platform promotes emissions and waste while also requiring
11,12 commerce materials and ensures change by matching the supply of less new production, less resource-­
AI, recycling that they can be reused. materials from demolition with the intensive recycling processes and less
overstock from demand in new landfill.
36 Sigfox The company is a service provider The firm is deploying a 0G network to Its network allows devices to connect to
France of network and IoT. Its network monitor billions of items transmitting the Internet while consuming as little
11 provides service to billions of data without the need to build and energy as possible and drastically
Internet of Things, wireless devices to connect to the Internet. maintain network connections. 0G reduces the energy consumption and
power transfer networks are software-based costs of connected devices.
communication solutions that manage
all networks and compute complexity
in the Cloud rather than on the
devices. They provide wireless
communication, with minimal
signalling overhead, a small and
efficient protocol and devices that are
not connected to any network in the
Table 13.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
37 Skeleton Technologies The company is the ultracapacitor-­ The company provides ultracapacitor Revenue is captured by developing and
Germany based energy storage. They deliver technology driven by advances in manufacturing ultracapacitors that have
11, 13 solutions across the industry for nanomaterials, the electrification of very little internal resistance (down to
Energy storage customers with needs for high infrastructure and industry and fuel 0.12 mΩ). In order to increase
power, high energy and long-life efficiency and emissions in the sustainability in cities, it develops
energy storage. automotive and transportation environmentally friendly capacitors for
segments. Proprietary raw material, big vehicles such as cars, buses and
“curved graphene”, provides trains.
ultracapacitors with an advantage in
power and energy density.
38 Skycatch The data company focuses on A cloud-based and edge-based 3D Revenue generation is achieved by
USA indexing and extracting critical reconstruction engine converts 2D reducing the amount of time to capture
11 information from the physical world photos into high-precision 3D point and process data.
AI, drones, edge computing using drones and AI. clouds and models. To ensure data is
matched with current data, it fully
automates the transfer of global
coordinates to project/local coordinate
systems. Then it pulls many sorts of
measures from 3D data automatically.
It enables users to execute 3D data
analysis, such as parallel volumetric
measurements and continuous time
output for cloud platforms, among
other things.
39 SmartCultiva The company delivers a set of Nano CL Series B measures humidity, Revenue is captured through producing
USA sensors, connected devices and air, water temperature, light intensity, sensing devices to help the farmer with
11 software for farm management. carbon dioxide levels and soil moisture full real-time data and metrics, to
Big data, cloud computing, They design and manufacture before transferring this data to monitor the entire farming business.
Internet of Things nano-sensing devices that offer cloud-based IoT applications using
real-time monitoring and control various network protocols. The
solutions essential to the new information is accessible on both
generation of farmers. mobile and web applications. The
product is operated by solar energy
and an ion lithium battery.
13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
40 Smarten Spaces The company aims to help deliver They create a revolution in working Revenue is captured by enabling optimal
Singapore experiences in the spaces of the experience by utilising AI technology future-ready spaces for the users. Their
11 future with AI for workplace and bringing the workplace and AI-based solutions allow users to make
AI management, space management employees together. They provide an informed financial decisions based on
and tenant engagement. end-to-end SaaS solution for the how their spaces are being utilised while
digital workplace, as well as an also enhancing the experiences with the
AI-powered tenant management spaces.
system with adjustable features such
as contactless access, safety protocols
13.1  Companies and Use Cases

and proximity alerts.

41 Spacemaker It is a cloud-based AI software for They work with cloud-based AI to Revenue is captured through designing
Norway real estate sites that empowers perform feasibility studies and smart proposals and solving site
11 teams to collaborate, analyse and optimise site proposals for density and constraints and density requirements
AI, cloud computing design sustainable cities. living qualities and contribute to using real-time analyses and generative
reducing the speed of site assessments design.
using ready-to-use data sets, a digital
3D model and a quick simulation of
alternative planning scenarios.
42 Ubicquia It is an IoT smart city platform that Its plug-and-play network can Revenue is captured by providing a
USA offers vital services such as lighting transform any existing street light into cost-effective and extensible IoT
9, 11 management, video AI, and public a multi-function router by using AI, platform for smart city services to
AI, Internet of Things Wi-Fi. supporting a growing range of services municipalities, utilities, broadband
such as sophisticated lighting controls, service providers and lighting
public Wi-Fi and the connection to manufacturers. Their products are
third-party sensors such as air quality intended to assist utilities and
monitors and surveillance cameras communities in detecting, anticipating
with IoT. and utilising AI in order to prevent
outages before they occur.
43 Ucomposites The firm focuses on recycling The company accumulates and Value is captured by reducing the
Denmark composite materials and glass recycles previously used glass fibre environmental impact of waste
9, 11, 12, 14 fibres, as well as supplying materials. They work in the advanced management. Life cycle assessment
Advanced materials, recycling virgin-quality recycled fibres material technology field which makes (LCA) is used to document the carbon
(advanced materials) to important it possible to develop the same quality footprint of recycled materials.
industry sectors including as the virgin alternatives.
automotive, building materials and
oil and gas.
Table 13.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
44 Urban Footprint The software company’s urban It is aimed to store data in the housing, Value is created by sustainable and
USA Intelligence platform helps public energy and finance sectors of various profitable suggestions obtained using
1, 2, 4, 7, 12 and private-sector organisations cities and to benefit the public and Big Data. They create value by saving
Big data prioritise investments and resources private sectors when necessary. The the customer’s time by serving them
where they are most needed, firm uses cloud-based software and certain data about a specified region or
collecting data and applying it to web-based software. With the software neighbourhood before they take an
make long-term recommendations. it uses, it regularly transfers the action.
necessary data from many complex
and intensive data to the user.
45 Urban SDK It is an IoT-based planning tool that They use big data and cloud Value is produced by delivering better
USA uses real-time location information computing to display traffic counts and data to government agencies, politicians
11 to help smart cities improve trip demand by measuring the number and the general public, allowing them to
Big data, cloud computing, mobility, transit, sustainability and of travel across autos, motorcycles and make more informed policy and
Internet of Things safety operations. They use big data pedestrians. Furthermore, real-time budgetary choices with the IoT platform,
and cloud computing to retrieve traffic speeds are used to assess thanks to the use of big data and cloud
real-time data. congestion and dependability. By computing.
anticipating heat maps at different time
periods and route segments, it also
helps to predict collisions and assure
traffic safety.
46 View The company produces sustainable They make smart windows that reject Value is achieved through their smart
USA smart windows which are digital solar radiation and glare while windows which automatically adjust in
3, 7, 11, 12 and connected and can be controlled maintaining a comfortable response to the sun to increase natural
Advanced materials from anywhere. temperature. The electrochromic light and access to views. This is done to
coating is made up of multiple thin improve people’s health and wellness by
layers of metal oxide, and they use reducing headaches, eyestrain and
electrochromic technology to drowsiness while simultaneously saving
predictably adjust tint levels in energy.
response to external conditions and
user preferences.
13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
47 Visionful It’s a platform that uses AI and edge They present edge-computing based Revenue is collected by using a
USA computing to give real-time parking sensors, employ algorithms for parking specialised GPU and AI software to
11 assistance, fully automated parking space classification and have large and monitor a 360-degree view. These
AI, edge computing enforcement and predictive consistent datasets. These features give self-contained and portable devices may
analytics. rise to implement advanced deep be powered by solar panels and have
learning techniques for parking lot their own IoT cellular connections,
recognition. Their real-time deep eliminating the need for power and
learning occupancy recognition is a network infrastructure. Transferring
solution for increasing the parking huge files to the cloud is, no longer
experience of drivers. necessary thanks to edge computation.
13.1  Companies and Use Cases

48 Waymo The company makes smart vehicles The company’s cars are designed for They provide a safe and effortless
USA using AI and autonomous things complete autonomy, with sensors that driving experience to customers by
11 technologies by adding features like provide 360-degree views and lasers that transforming their cars into smart cars
AI, autonomous vehicles lane-keeping and fuel tracking. can identify objects up to 300 metres by implementing AI technology. One of
away. Radar is used to look around cars the aims of the company is to decrease
and track moving things, while the number of deaths inflicted by a car
short-range lasers detect and focus on crash.
items close to the vehicle, thanks to AI.
49 Weride The autonomous driving (AD) They enable their AD vehicles and Value is captured by providing accurate
China company develops high-driving AI-driven algorithms to plan and recognition that outperforms human
11 automation and self-driving execute safe, dependable and drivers, multi-sensor fusion at multi-
AI, autonomous vehicles technologies by using AI. human-like driving in complicated levels to improve perception quality,
dynamic settings by providing multiple perception paths to achieve
real-time HD Map and localisation redundancy and powerful models and
supported by numerous sensors, algorithms to recognise long-tail objects
including LiDAR, camera, GNSS and by using AI.
INS. Each day, their data is sent to a
data processing platform, and labelling
data is created.
50 Zeleros The company designs and develops The company provides a way to build The company’s hyperloop system is up
Spain new technologies for sustainable a cost-efficient and energy-efficient to 5–10 times more energy-efficient than
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and efficient transportation, which hyperloop system for city-to-city travel an aeroplane for the same inland route
Energy storage will allow travelling at 1000 km/h at high speeds. A combination of and operates with 0 direct emissions
with renewable energies, combining vehicle technologies for the cruise with a fully electric powertrain. These
the best from the aeronautics and phase integrated into the pod, with provide safety and reliability for
the railway industries. infrastructure systems for acceleration communities.
and deceleration provides the system
with scalability and capacity, radically
reducing infrastructure stress.
406 13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

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The World Bank, Population living in slums (% of urban M.A.-Z. Vesela Rodovic, SDG11-Sustainable Cities and
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408 13  SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

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SDG-12: Responsible Consumption
and Production 14

Abstract Keywords

SDG-12, Responsible Consumption and Sustainable development goals · Business

Production, strives to break the current cycle of models · Responsible consumption and
economic growth, resource usage and environ- production · Sustainability
mental degradation, which has fuelled unsus-
tainable global development for decades.
While producing countries bear responsibility
for natural resource depletion, pollution and The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are
other negative consequences of their produc- offered as a blueprint for transforming the activ-
tion, wealthy countries’ practical and legal ity on the planet towards sustainable develop-
responsibilities are significantly high due to ment. The prominence of sustainable development
their high consumption levels. An increase in in international environmental conferences and
consumption is often associated with an policies has aided in its global adoption as a con-
improved quality of life, which creates a con- ceptual framework for addressing environmental
flict between the pillars of sustainable develop- issues at a variety of policy levels. SDG-12 strives
ment and the environmental well-being of the to break the current cycle of economic growth,
planet. This issue becomes more complicated resource usage and environmental degradation,
since cross-border resource management which has fuelled unsustainable global develop-
methods are more controversial than coopera- ment for decades. Additionally, the divide
tive. This chapter presents the business models between developed and developing countries in
of 46 companies and use cases that employ terms of consumption and production widens.
emerging technologies and create value in Hence, while producing countries bear responsi-
SDG-12. We should highlight that one use case bility for natural resource depletion, pollution
can be related to more than one SDG and it can and other negative consequences of their produc-
make use of multiple emerging technologies. tion, wealthy countries’ practical and legal
responsibilities are significantly high due to their
high consumption levels. An increase in con-
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- sumption is often associated with an improved
butions of Alaattin Canpolat, Zeynep Kaya, Zafer Güray quality of life, which creates a conflict between
Gündüz, Uğur Cem Yılmaz, Selenay Sonay Tufan, Yalkın
Kızılkan, Zeynep Yaren Dabak, Buse Gönül Bostancı and the pillars of sustainable development and the
Emre Koç in completing of this chapter. environmental well-being of the planet. This

© The Author(s) 2022 409

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
410 14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production

issue becomes more complicated since cross-­ have led to the destruction of the planet’s natural
border resource management methods are more ecosystem and resources. To reach the objective
controversial than cooperative. Thus, sustainable of sustainable consumption and production pat-
consumption and production are one of the most terns, people must quickly transform how societ-
cost-effective and successful methods to accom- ies produce and consume. SDG-12 promotes
plish economic development, minimise environ- resource and energy efficiency, the creation of
mental consequences and improve human sustainable infrastructure, increased access to
well-being (Amos and Lydgate 2020). green and decent employment and improved
The foundations of SDG-12 go back to 1972, quality of life. These goals can be achieved
when the Club of Rome analysed a computer through water management, waste management,
simulation of a planet with limited natural sustainable products and services, sustainable
resources. According to this simulation, which supply chains and synergies with circular-based
examines the effects of economic and population renewable energy systems (Khaw-ngern et  al.
growth on the planet, if there is no growth trend, 2021).
the planet will show a sudden and irrevocable To ensure sustainable economic development
decline in terms of population and industrial pro- for all, humanity must reduce its carbon footprint
duction in 2072. This report, called The Limits to by changing its production and consumption hab-
Growth (LTG), validated its data from 1972– its. As highlighted in SDG-12, it is important to
2000 with real empirical data (Monnet et  al. use natural resources efficiently and to protect
2014). The concept of responsible consumption the environment from toxic waste pollutants
and production gained importance over time and (UNDP 2021). Encouraging industries, busi-
was promoted by international organisations. For nesses and consumers to recycle and reduce
example, the report “Our Common Future” waste is important since both of them have roles
(1987) by the Brundtland Commission (formerly in transforming consumption into sustainable
World Commission on Environment and patterns by 2030 (UNDP 2021). Industries’
Development) underlined the importance of water, soil and air pollution concerns can be
reducing global poverty, as well as the disparity exceeded by the “Rs” concept, which covers
in consumption patterns between wealthy and rethinking, reducing, redesigning, reusing,
poor, allowing for debate on consumption levels repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, recy-
(Gasper et  al. 2019). Similarly, during the UN cling and repurposing (Khaw-ngern et al. 2021).
Conference on Environment and Development Figure 14.1 summarises the targets of SDG-12.
(known as the Earth Summit) in 1992, another The transformation towards more responsible
call was made to “reduce and eliminate unsus- and sustainable consumption and production is
tainable production and consumption patterns” essential to slow the effects of climate change
by The Rio Declaration on Environment and and prevent further irreparable damage to the
Development. Moreover, during the 2002 World planet. The production of materials and goods
Summit on Sustainable Development in has a range of environmental impacts, and we are
Johannesburg, 10-year frameworks of already witnessing the profound effects of
­programmes for the actions were introduced. As destructive production patterns. Unregulated pro-
it was further elaborated during the 2012 UN duction has led to mass deforestation, excessive
Conference, “protection of the natural resources waste and other ecological destruction. It also
and following sustainable consumption and pro- promotes an inefficient use of resources. SDG-12
duction” is essential to achieve global sustainable is significantly important for the success of many
development (Gasper et al. 2019). other goals due to their interdependent nature.
Sustainable development goal 12 calls for Responsible consumption and production can
“responsible consumption and production”. promote the transformation of a linear economy
Global production and consumption are signifi- to a circular economy (CE) through sustainability
cant driving factors of the global economy but and continuity. A circular production and con-
14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production 411

Fig. 14.1  Targets of SDG-12 (UNDP 2021)

412 14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production

sumption system prioritises the optimisation of products with the same purpose. Repurposing is
raw materials to create sustainable products. using the scrapped product’s elements in a novel
These products can be easily maintained, reused, product with different purposes. The last function
repaired, recycled and/or refurbished to extend of the CE is the useful application of materials.
their lifetimes and even create novel products. A Recycle and recover are the two strategies uti-
circular system also promotes waste reduction at lised to satisfy this function. The strategy of recy-
every phase in the extraction-production-­ cling is recovering waste materials for
consumption cycle (European Investment Bank reprocessing into new goods, materials or sub-
2020). stances. However, energy recovery and repro-
Consequently, SDG-12 is one of the most cessing into materials for use as fuels or
effective goals that meet the CE action plan tar- backfilling processes are not included. Finally,
gets. To exemplify, a plan of action which says the strategy of recovery refers to incinerating
explicitly that CE is a system-wide solution waste materials to obtain energy recovery
aimed at fostering sustainable consumption and (Iordachi 2020; Al et al. 2021).
production methods has been released by the Responsible consumption and production are
European Union and therefore helping to achieve critical elements of a sustainable future. This is
the goals set by this particular SDG (Rodriguez-­ due to the intrinsic environmental impact of pro-
Anton et  al. 2019; Dantas et  al. 2021). duction processes and consumption patterns. In
Furthermore, excess resource use, energy and making these processes more responsible, the
waste production are minimised through data goal is to minimise the environmental impact of
collection and surveillance, indicating a conver- production and consumption while also ensuring
gence with the CE principles on the reduction of that everyone has adequate resources. There is an
raw resource use and waste and pollution design ongoing debate as to whether it is the duty of con-
(Andrews 2015; Inoue et al. 2020). sumers, businesses or governments to drive the
The first function of the CE is smarter product change towards more sustainable consumption
use and manufacturing. Three strategies used to and production patterns. Consumers are often
perform this function are reuse, rethink and expected to drive this change through their indi-
reduce. A strategy of reuse could be explained as vidual choices and actions; however, they are
making a product redundant by eliminating or extremely limited by several factors, including
replacing its function with a new (digital) product societal and economic norms and the market
or service. Rethink can be described as increas- incentives of globalised capitalism. Sustainable
ing the product usage intensity (e.g. sharing consumption is likely to become more feasible
product). In addition, reducing refers to decreas- when sustainable products and consumption
ing resource and material consumption by trends are more mainstream and incentivised.
increasing product efficiency. Extending the Even if enough individual consumers could col-
lifespan of a product and its parts is the second lectively change their consumption patterns,
function of the CE.  Reuse, repair, refurbish, however, the environmental impact of production
remanufacture and repurpose are the five would continue to devastate (Stevens 2010).
­strategies to fulfil the function. Reuse strategy is Businesses must also be held responsible for the
reprocessing of an abandoned product that is still shift to more sustainable production and con-
in good shape and performed its original function sumption patterns. The productivity and effi-
by another customer. The strategy of repair can ciency of businesses could apply to using the
be described as the inspection and maintenance world’s scarce resources more sustainably.
of a damaged product so that the original func- However, competition between businesses with
tion can be prolonged. Moreover, the strategy of very limited regulation benefits business models
refurbishing is restoring and updating an out- that produce more at lower costs, typically at the
dated product. Remanufacturing is the use of expense of the environment (Tukker et al. 2008).
scrapped products in the manufacturing of novel With a largely unregulated market regarding
14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production 413

environmental impact, the onus of sustainability rates. Production and consumption trends are
then falls on governments. Governments can expected to alter significantly. For instance, in
incentivise individuals and groups to consume Latin America and the Caribbean, it is expected
and produce more sustainably. On the individual that by 2030, more than one million jobs would
level, governments can encourage responsible have been created in net terms, owing to an
consumption by subsidising sustainable prod- energy transition and efforts to keep global aver-
ucts, such as electric vehicles and renewable age temperature rise well below 2  °C over pre-­
energy sources (Stevens 2010). Governments can industrial levels (Economic Commission for
also discourage certain unsustainable consump- Latin America and the Caribbean 2020). Job cre-
tion habits using taxes (Stevens 2010). ation in industries such as metal reprocessing and
Governments and international organisations can wood reprocessing would more than balance the
take similar approaches with corporations, losses associated with the extraction of minerals
rewarding them with subsidies for sustainable and other raw materials in a circular economy
production methods and penalising overcon- scenario. This is because reprocessing’s value
sumption of scarce resources and excessive envi- chain is longer and more labour-intensive than
ronmental impact. mining’s, and higher recycling rates would raise
By 2050, it is estimated that the natural demand for waste management services.
resources required to sustain existing lifestyles The worldwide food waste management
will need the equivalent of nearly three planets at industry is one of the most important markets of
the current rate of population increase and con- interest to those who follow the SDG-12 agenda.
sumption (McNeill 2020). Obviously, change is Grand View Research estimated the market to be
necessary, and everyone from the manufacturer worth $34.22  billion in 2019 and expects it to
to the ultimate customer must participate. This expand at a compound annual growth rate
essential change will lead to new business areas (CAGR) of 4.7% from 2020 to 2027 (Grand View
such as reducing food loss at all stages of the Research 2020). The Food and Agriculture
food supply chain, reducing the amount of plastic Organization (FAO) has discovered that one-third
waste, sustainable construction, decrease in of all food produced is wasted, necessitating sup-
fossil-­fuel subsidies (production and consump- ply chain improvements. Some of the current
tion), etc. Also, this goal has affected people’s emerging developments in the industry include
daily lives by implementing a new phrase: gasification for converting food waste into com-
“Circular Economy”. SDG-12 can be named as bustible gases, anaerobic digestion for extracting
“Starting Point of Transformation from Linear to energy and nutrients from produce and AI sys-
Circular Globally”. The fact of being a responsi- tems that forecast demand (Food and Agriculture
ble consumer/producer will manage to be more Organization of the United Nations 2021).
circular from every aspect in the future. Being Another important industry is the plastic waste
successful in this direction is not easy at all. This industry. Plastic usage has increased as a result of
is a process that can be achieved with the whole the COVID-19 pandemic. Single-use plastics,
world acting together since global material including masks, personal protective equipment
­consumption is predicted to rise 15% by 2030 and sanitiser bottles, have been deemed neces-
and 75% by 2060 to 167  billion metric tonnes. sary for controlling the spread of the disease.
Growth in low- and middle-income economies Disposable face mask sales have grown by
aiming to equal high-income nations’ level of liv- 20,650% globally, from 800  million in 2019 to
ing might be a major driver of material consump- 166  billion in 2020, resulting in a massive
tion (The Atlas of Sustainable Development increase in plastic waste and is expected to reach
Goals 2020, 2020). 750 billion by 2028 (Grand View Research 2021).
A circular economy scenario is particularly Better plastic production and waste management
essential given the region’s economic importance techniques can lead to more responsible plastic
of the extractive industries and poor recycling consumption and production. Dematerialisation,
414 14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production

substitution and improved biodegradability are 14.1 Companies and Use Cases

some of the most popular plastic production tech-
niques. An effective after-use plastics economy Table 14.1 presents the business models of 46
with the efficient collection and reprocessing is companies and use cases that employ emerging
required to decrease leakage into natural systems technologies and create value in SDG-12. We
for improved plastic waste management. From should highlight that one use case can be related
worst to best, three possible scenarios are dis- to more than one SDG and it can make use of
cussed (Lebreton and Andrady 2019). multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
umn, we present the company name, the origin
First scenario: Business goes up just like today. country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
Based on growing demand through the years, gies that are included. The companies and use
global mismanaged plastic waste nearly tri- cases are listed alphabetically.1
ples by 2060, from 80 per year to 213 per year
metric tonnes.
Second scenario: Waste management has 1

improved. By 2060, global unmanaged plastic

waste will have decreased to 50 metric tonnes
per year, thanks to improvements in waste
For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the
management infrastructure, particularly in
company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
developing countries. Online – 2.1.2022):
Third scenario: At the same time, less plastic is; https://muratechnol-
used, and management is enhanced. Waste;;;
management efforts improve in the preceding;;;; https://ener-
scenario, and home plastic trash will be reduced;; https://insights.sustain-
to 5% of municipal solid waste by 2040.;; https://lumitics.
Governments and companies were undoubt-;
edly working to decrease plastic trash before the; https://www.actandsorb.
COVID-19 pandemic. In 2019, 188 nations com/;; https://www.
agreed to amend the UN Basel Convention of;; https://www.
1989 to include plastic as a hazardous waste, and;; https://www.cir-;; https://www.
companies throughout the globe committed to;; https://www.
increasing recycled plastic in packaging to 22%;; https://
by 2025 (Global Commitment 2019 Progress
Report 2019; Global Material Resources Outlook environment/waste-and-recycling.html; https://www.;
to 2060: Economic Drivers and Environmental uk/;­
Consequences | READ online 2019). Countries identification/index.jsp;;
have the chance to “reset the clock” (The Atlas of;;
Sustainable Development Goals 2020, 2020) and; https://www.sensegrass.
com/;; https://
then continue their commitment to eliminating; https://www.upprintingfood.
plastic and food waste as preparations to recover com/;; https://www.eugene-
from COVID-19 evolve.
Table 14.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-12
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Aco Recycling The company develops recycling Their vending machines can save and Revenue is captured by producing
Turkey and trash management applications collect garbage separately and neatly at the waste collection machines that
9, 11, 12 by using smart solutions. spot where it occurs by depositing users can recycle systematically.
Autonomous vehicles, Internet Underground garbage containers recyclable materials such as plastic, glass These products will have a positive
of Things, recycling and smart waste management are bottles or aluminium beverage cans in the impact on both the recycling
among their ecologically friendly smart machine. Customers can choose from culture and the environment.
solutions. a variety of awarding methods to receive
cash. The machine is ready to be
implemented globally in both deposit and
14.1  Companies and Use Cases

non-deposit situations.
2 Act&Sorb The company has created a Non-recyclable wood residue waste is Value creation is based on the goal
Belgium sustainable and value-added process collected from production and end of life; of making the world cleaner and
11, 12, 13 for recycling medium-density waste is optimised through grinding, greener. By enabling the reuse of
Biotech & biomanufacturing, fibreboard (MDF) and other wood sieving and mixing; wood residue waste is products that are difficult or
recycling wastes. Wood residue waste is converted into char, a coal-like substance; impossible to recycle, a significant
transformed into high-value char is converted into activated carbon contribution is made to the
activated carbon using the during a second burning; and carbon is environment and waste
carbonisation and activation method, given bespoke treatment based on customer management economy.
which provides our planet with needs.
cleaner air, water and soil.
3 AMP Robotics Material recycling with robotic They use a robotics system to automate the Revenue is captured by increasing
USA devices enhanced by computer identification and sorting of recyclables the value that can be extracted from
12 vision and deep learning. from mixed material streams. Their AI recyclable materials through
AI, big data, recycling, platform continuously trains itself by separation, purity enhancement and
robotics recognising different colours, textures, identification of new end markets
shapes, sizes, patterns and even brand for recycling and reuse.
labels to identify materials and their
recyclability and enables the robotic sorting
of material as granular as a type of plastic
at a pick rate of upwards of 80 items per
Table 14.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
4 Ampliphi It is a smart environmental action The data-driven platform takes the The platform amplifies the
USA platform that allows consumer guesswork out of plastic footprint environmental movement and
12, 17 brands to analyse, decrease and management for recycling. speeds the transition to a circular
Recycling share their plastic impact in a simple economy by leveraging the power
yet methodical way. of data to save time, cut through the
noise and maximise effect.
5 Aquaai It is a marine robotics B2B service The company’s product is developed by The product reduces outgoing costs
USA company that has developed an using threefold technology. These folds are in underwater monitoring and
12, 14 integrated AI-powered web platform data, software platform and a robot fish that environmental data collection. It is
AI, robotics and a specialised fishlike combines it all. This bio-inspired fishlike used to control aquaculture in smart
autonomous underwater vehicle robot is an autonomous underwater vehicle cities, ports, rivers and dams to
(AUV) to collect and deliver (AUV) and provides Function as a Service support first responders in
real-time visual and environmental (FaaS) to their customers. The fish robot emergencies. It can be used in
data. transmits real-time visual and disaster management as well as
environmental data to an online visual illegal fishing and ocean
panel with these systems. exploration. The product
contributes to nine SDGs with its
multiple usage areas.
6 Bambooder It is a BioTechnology company that Long bamboo fibres are extracted to create Revenue generation is achieved by
Netherlands aims to replace fossil raw materials an endless bamboo thread for high-­ contributing to sustainable
12 with lightweight bamboo products performance composite applications. production in terms of decreasing
Biotech & biomanufacturing by using patented technology for a Carbon, glass fibre, steel, aluminium, flax the use of oil-based raw materials
variety of industrial applications. and hemp fibre may all be used to substitute with biotechnology.
Bambooder Biobased Fibres in composites.
7 BD Waste The company connects households A pick-up request is submitted for either The company is leveraging digital
Ghana with local waste collectors and plastic, paper, organic, e-waste or technology to mobilise stakeholder
12 recyclers to make ecologically household to various aggregators and actions for improved recovery and
Recycling sound waste disposal and recycling recyclers through an app. recycling of your waste.
14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
8 Biopipe The company developed a Biopipe is a biological wastewater Households, hotels, residential
Turkey wastewater treatment system that treatment technology in which the entire complexes and governments benefit
6, 12 entirely takes place in-pipe which is process occurs within a network of pipes. from the revenue provided by the
Recycling protected by patents and proprietary Biopipe microorganisms interact with wastewater treatment system.
processes. impurities in wastewater and eradicate Biopipe may be deployed
them. The pressure differential draws air in everywhere wastewater is created,
automatically, creating a perfect regardless of size or capacity,
environment for bacteria to thrive quickly owing to its compact footprint and
and aerobic digestion to speed up. adaptability.
14.1  Companies and Use Cases

9 Bloom Biorenewables It is a company that provides a By using energy obtained by recycling Revenue is captured by cost-­
Switzerland sustainable replacement for non-edible biomass, biodiesel is produced. competitive outcomes, with a lower
7, 12, 13 petroleum in current products. Besides, thanks to cellulose and lignin, environmental cost and contributing
Bioplastics, biotech & Furthermore, they produce polymer-based biomanufacturing transition from a linear, petro-based
biomanufacturing, recycling BioPlastics in addition to biodiesel. companies produce textile goods and economy to a circular, plant-based
cosmetics. one.
10 Circulor Their mission is to optimise Their solutions use digital twins to follow Among the various causes
UK industrial supply chains while the flow of materials through contributing to the climate problem,
9, 12, 13 14 making them more transparent to manufacturing processes while measuring the crucial role of industrial supply
AI, blockchain, digital twins minimise the effect of these the associated emissions at each level of the chains cannot be overlooked.
processes on the environment. The supply chain. Circulor’s solutions can help Circulor addresses this important
company offers Blockchain-based to identify any possible dangers by global issue by allowing businesses
software solutions. supplementing traceability data. Corrective to get visibility into their supply
measures may be made in response to these chains in order to show responsible
risks with a comprehensive audit trail and sourcing, enhance ESG
immutable recordings on the blockchain. performance, decrease GHG
emissions and manage supply chain
11 DEME They provide a service where The project incorporates a smart detecting Rivers are protected from harming
USA floating and suspended waste is system, an autonomously navigating the ocean and marine life by
12, 14 passively collected by a fixed workboat and a charging station. Smart reducing the amount of
AI, autonomous vehicles, installation, and larger waste is cameras use AI to identify floating garbage. macroplastics in them. As a result,
spatial computing actively collected by a mobile The workboat intercepts garbage and virtual reality and Artificial
system using virtual reality and AI. transports it to a collecting pontoon, where Intelligence are being used to
it is transferred into a container by a crane combat the growing problem of
fitted with a grab. river pollution.
Table 14.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
12 Diwama It is an AI-based monitoring and VITRON is an AI and image recognition It collects data from waste streams
Lebanon waste analysis software platform technology-based platform that automates with IoT, contributes to the
9, 11, 12, 13 that enables the detection and the detection and auditing of recyclables on recovery of recyclable materials,
AI, Internet of Things, auditing of waste streams for waste conveyor belts to track material increases operational efficiency and
recycling management companies. composition and quality at various stages of product value and enables
the recovery process. companies to make responsible
13 Ducky It is a climate mitigation company The SaaS, big data and cleantech-based Environmental impact revenue is
Norway that has a platform for people to carbon emission reduction platform captured through contributing to a
12, 13 change their behaviours to reduce measures, educates and mobilises people to sustainable planet by carbon
Big data, cloud computing their carbon emission footprint. take action on carbon sustainability. It is an footprint and CO2 emission
employee engagement platform where calculations.
businesses can engage their employees and
customers in targeted challenges, where
users log everyday actions in a time-bound,
team-based competition.
14 Effa The company aims to minimise the The body part of the toothbrush is produced The company generates revenue
Ukraine plastic used in toothbrush from paper, and the head part consists of with its toothbrush product, which
3, 12 manufacturing and to make its cornstarch and Nylon11. Since the head reduces CO2 by 60% and plastic
Bioplastics, biotech & toothbrushes 100% recyclable and body parts can be easily separated from usage by 70%. With this product,
biomanufacturing, recycling each other, they can be thrown into the an environmentally friendly user
relevant recycling bins. The bristles and the profile is created.
head part are in one piece. The toothbrush
bristles never leave the product.
15 energenious It is a cloud-based online platform MicrogridCreator is a cloud-based When it comes to improving
Germany that allows decentralised energy microgrid modelling and optimisation decentralised systems, the SaaS
7, 9, 11, 12 system planners and operators to service that helps developers and end users solution’s cross-sectoral approach
Big data, cloud computing model and optimise energy plan, create and optimise complex offers a persuasive additional
infrastructure projects and industrial sector-coupled decentralised energy benefit. Customers benefit from the
applications. systems. integration of environmental
elements such as CO2 levels, sector
coupling and flexible operation
14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
16 Eugene Customers may use the company’s It is a mobile app where users can access Packaging recycling performance
France recycling app solutions and barcode detailed information about the composition captures value through customer
12 scanners. The software and device of the product and the recyclability of the knowledge and incentive. They
Big data provide instructions on how to packaging, using big data and IoT reward users for recycling by
recycle waste materials. technologies. cooperating with sponsors to give
points and rewards that users may
claim based on their behaviours.
17 Fuergy The company developed brAIn – a The AI-powered device helps users Revenue is captured through
Slovakia proprietary hardware device and AI optimise energy consumption and optimising energy consumption and
14.1  Companies and Use Cases

7, 12 software to optimise energy maximise the energy efficiency of maximising the efficiency of
Al, Internet of Things consumption and maximise the renewables. The company’s proprietary renewable energy sources; solutions
efficiency of renewable energy technology connects to the Internet of rely on existing energy grids. The
sources. Things (IoT) devices, such as smart company also creates a new energy
appliances, to make the most effective use ecosystem which aims to maximise
of energy consumption. energy savings.
18 Google EIE Environmental Insights Explorer EIE provides cities with data and a tool to They use advanced Machine
USA (EIE), whose goal is to make the help estimate their GHG inventory. Firstly, Learning to assist cities and local
11, 12, 13 process of setting an emission it defines a city boundary and the activity governments around the world in
AI baseline and identifying reduction sectors. Then, it gathers the city activity analysing emissions data and
opportunities, is founded on the idea data like energy consumed and type of identifying climate action
that data and technologies enable fuels burned or products, etc. within these strategies, as well as applying
the world’s transition to a low-­ boundaries and sectors. It calculates total regional scaling, efficiency and
carbon future. GHG emissions using the right conversion emissions factors to create rich
factors which are the average GHG inventories and robust data
emissions from burning a type of fuel, analytics that are freely available to
driving a type of vehicle or generating cities and local governments.
19 Green Trash The company produces smart waste The company offers a solution that Machines provide environmental
Netherlands bins, sustainable waste solutions, recognises, sorts and compresses the waste advantages in the form of
12, 13 waste reduction and compaction automatically through collecting data from disposable waste recycling, as well
Internet of Things, recycling machines. machines by using IoT. as minimising the volume of waste
by up to 90%. And as a result of the
decreased collection frequency,
they directly benefit from lower
trash expenses.
Table 14.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
20 Greyparrot The company uses AI-based Greyparrot understands the makeup of the The company helps companies to
UK computer vision to monitor and sort waste stream from infeed to end product make better choices of materials
12 garbage at scale, automating waste using AI intelligence, providing clients and accurate prices which ends up
AI, recycling composition analysis. access to previously untapped data to in a stronger trust relationship with
anticipate issues before they emerge and customers. The AI technology that
make smarter business decisions. is used helps companies build up
their circular economy. With the
hazardous objects reported by AI,
the well-being and safety of the
employees are also enhanced.
21 Hexafly The company bioconverts food Black soldier fly larvae thrive in small The company bioconverts food
Ireland waste into protein, oil and fertiliser spaces with minimal resources. The fly waste into sustainable, affordable
12 by cultivating black flies. colony is self-sustaining, and they require and environmentally friendly
Biotech & biomanufacturing, very little water making it possible to products without chemical
recycling consistently produce vast amounts of processes or using antibiotics.
protein and organic fertiliser in small
22 Hydrao Hydro metres record the volume, The micro-turbine, which starts moving as The firm develops and models
France flow and temperature of the water soon as the water flows in the self-powered technology solutions for water
1, 2, 6, 11, 12 circulating in the cold and hot water motor, allows for a long lifespan without resource preservation that balance
Internet of Things networks of buildings with IoT requiring a battery. It identifies unusual ecology and usage in order to
databases and LoRA technology. water usage, such as leaks and improperly reduce costs and consumption.
closed taps, and analyses water usage in Under the shower, the hydrometer
smart buildings. device saves 70% of water.
23 Lignin It is a biotechnology company that The approach lowers the boiling point of It has an environmental impact by
Sweden converts lignin so it can be blended the lignin polymer without adding avoiding the burning of lignin for
12 with virgin and recycled additional pressure, resulting in a highly its energy value. Revenue
Advanced materials, thermoplastics creating new types of energy-efficient process with no toxic generation is achieved by
bioplastics, biotech & bioplastics. emissions or harmful residues. One tonne enhancing the manufacturing of
biomanufacturing and of lignin may be transformed into one degradable bioplastics
recycling tonne of RENOL bio-granulates in minutes.
Then RENOL may be mixed into a variety
of bioplastics.
14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
24 Loopworm The company aims to utilise food They utilise black army flies to turn organic In addition to reducing trash in
India waste from landfills by generating waste into high-protein meals. BSF is a fly landfills, the firm also delivers
12, 13 protein-rich diets from them using with several unusual characteristics. It isn’t protein-rich meals to fish and
Biotech & biomanufacturing, insects that decompose organic a pest like a conventional house fly; thus, it poultry farms, making their feeding
recycling materials into useful nutrients. They may really be used by people. As vital procedures more sustainable. Their
offer the food generated from waste decomposers, black soldier fly larvae have avowed mission is to generate
to fish and poultry farms. a similar role as redworms in breaking sustainable food and feed for
down organic substrates and returning tomorrow while also closing the
nutrients to the soil. loop on food waste.
14.1  Companies and Use Cases

25 Lumitics Insight is a smart food waste tracker Insight is a smart food waste tracker that Every year, 1.6 billion tonnes of
Singapore that uses sensors and AI image uses sensors and AI image recognition food are wasted worldwide, with
12 recognition technology to weigh and technology to weigh and identify the types 50% of all food made for buffets
AI, big data identify the many types of trash that of trash that restaurants and kitchens ending up in the trash. Growing
restaurants and kitchens generate. generate. Steps are being done to avoid crops, harvesting, transporting and
food waste based on the data from the food selling food are all energy- and
obtained with this device. resource-intensive activities that
deliver food to our tables. We save
resources and energy that could
otherwise be used in other ways if
we waste less food.
26 Merck It is a company that generates or A waste scoring system is put in which The company creates a long-run
Germany optimises new production allows comparison and tracking of value through their core business
12 techniques to minimise waste generated waste amounts. Waste separation model while targeting a balance
Recycling production. allows raw materials to be recovered and between environmental,
recycled, while non-recyclable waste is socioeconomic and governance
disposed of following the tightest waste concerns for their businesses,
disposal regulations. stakeholders and society. Their
perspective helps solve the biggest
challenges of the twenty-first
century, such as disease, poverty,
hunger and climate change.
Table 14.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
27 Mura Technology The company recycles waste plastic Mura’s HydroPR system is based on the Value is created by reducing plastic
UK back into the chemicals and oils Cat-HT technology, which uses waste and recycling reusable
12, 13, 14, 15 from which they were made by supercritical water, heat and pressure to materials by offering a solution for
Recycling using supercritical water. transform waste plastics into valuable all plastic types and creating a
chemicals and oils by breaking down circular economy.
long-chain hydrocarbons and donating
hydrogen to yield shorter-chain, stable
hydrocarbon products for sale to the
petrochemical industry to be used in the
manufacturing of various plastics and other
28 Norsepower The company develops products that Rotor sail solution technology maximises Value creation is done by producing
Finland reduce the environmental impact of the fuel efficiency of the ship by utilising sails that can be used in many types
7, 9, 12 the maritime industry by using rotor wind. In addition, the system works with an of ships and that will reduce carbon
Autonomous vehicles sail solution technology. automation system, which autonomously emissions to zero and minimise the
detects enough wind power to save fuel and damage to nature caused by ships.
starts the rotors when it detects this power. The sails used are ten times more
efficient than an ordinary sailboat
in terms of fuel consumption.
29 Olleco They help the food/beverage The company has a system named The company contributes to the
UK industry and service sector to tackle “OilSense”. This system is a specially circular economy and carbon
7, 12 the climate emergency by converting designed oil handling system that uses reduction from the beginning to the
Carbon capture and storage, their waste resources into renewable telemetry to carry information (IoT). After end of the recycling process.
Internet of Things, recycling energy and clean fuel at biogas oil waste is collected, they convert it to Furthermore, revenue is generated
plants. biodiesel which has a 0% carbon ratio. through greenhouse reductions
Likewise, by recycling waste oil in extending over 88%, thanks to
anaerobic digestion chambers, electricity is carbon capture technology.
generated in combined heat and power
14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
30 Osram It is a broadband emitting infrared Biometric identification uses unique human It enhances the level of reliability
Germany LED producer, where the compact traits such as facial features, fingerprints or and security to make sure the most
9, 12 emitter allows consumers to analyse the vein network in the hand. The important things in one’s life are as
Advanced materials, food, medicine and more on mobile technology provides a secure and simple safe as they can be.
biometrics devices. way to manage complicated passwords.
Special infrared LEDs from Osram Opto
Semiconductors are used in biometric
recognition systems. These LEDs light up
the target region, allowing the devices to
14.1  Companies and Use Cases

capture high-quality photos and ensure

accurate identification.
31 Phaseshift Technologies A software company that focuses on The company enables the modelling of Revenue generation is done through
Canada the development of high-­ material properties from quantum scale to waste reduction by optimising the
12 performance alloys for injection macroscopic levels by linking different design phases with Machine
AI, quantum computing moulding and additive regimes of chemistry simulations together. Learning and quantum computing
manufacturing by using machine By combining machine learning approach and manufacturing globally
learning and quantum computing. and computational chemistry, a large design optimum materials. The company
space (with thousands of combination shortens the timelines of
behaviours) is mapped out, and optimal experiments, thus increasing the
features (top-performing metrics) of the return on investment (ROI) as the
materials are identified. initial investments decrease.
32 Plenty It is a vertical farming company that The company raises its plants in towering Revenue is captured through
USA aims to produce organic vegetables towers with LED lights within a climate-­ increased yield of crops, efficient
12 and salads by optimising the controlled facility. Pesticides, herbicides, use of farmland, lower water use
AI, soilless farming external conditions with machine synthetic fertilisers and genetically and higher productivity by soilless
learning. modified organisms are not used. The farming and Machine Learning.
technology collects data in the farms using Revenue is also generated through
hundreds of infrared cameras and sensors, organic and pesticide-free crops.
which is then evaluated using machine
learning to optimise growth.
Table 14.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
33 PulpoAR It is an augmented shopping For AR/AI beauty, the face identification Virtual try-on adds value by
Turkey company that works on technologies algorithm uses facial micro-feature tracking lowering basket drop rates by up to
12 that enable the user to create virtual to identify facial traits. To correctly change 30%, according to statistics from
AI, spatial computing product experiments in the optical colours, nail colour shifting is employed in real-world examples. It also
and cosmetic industries through nail segmentation Machine Learning promotes ethical consumption and
their social media, website, mobile systems. On digital platforms, hair hygiene by utilising smart mirror
application and smart screens. segmentation and colour change machine solutions that allow clients to
learning algorithms accurately replicate virtually try on things in a physical
real-world colours. store.
34 Recycling Technologies In the production of new polymers, Their technology, the RT7000, converts Revenue is captured through Plaxx,
UK it is a company that utilises thermal plastic waste into chemical feedstock for which is a valuable chemical liquid
9, 12, 13 cracking to turn leftover plastic trash plastic manufacture. The machine employs hydrocarbon feedstock after
Advanced materials, recycling into a liquid hydrocarbon feedstock a method called thermal cracking, which refinement, which can be used in
using RT7000 machine. uses heat in the absence of oxygen to break the manufacturing of new virgin
down long polymer chains into shorter quality plastics and is produced
ones, reducing wasteful plastic trash from the waste plastic processed
transportation and related carbon through the RT7000. It is a valuable
emissions. building block in the circular
economy and the plastics value
chain, providing post-consumer
recycled content for new plastic
products in line with governmental
35 Relectrify The company is a battery storage ReVolve is a battery energy storage solution Recycling used electric vehicle
Australia provider with second-hand electric that is both inexpensive and long-lasting. batteries adds value to the
7, 12 vehicle batteries. ReVolve is designed for industrial and environment. Providing cheap
Energy storage, recycling commercial installations ranging from storage solutions for residences,
120 kWh to 2 MWh and is powered by industry and the service sector
Relectrify’s technology for repurposing captures business value.
high-quality second-life batteries from
electric vehicles.
14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
36 Samson Logic The company develops material and IoT sensors and material handling software The company provides smart
Israel equipment management solutions are used to guarantee that materials are packages integrated with IoT
12 for transportation, as well as on-site transported and lifted securely to the job sensors and software that converts
Internet of Things storage and delivery. site. The software programme distributes raw material orders into packaging
materials among the modules based on instructions and manages the
maximal transit capacity, as well as inventory of materials at
creating packing instructions for the maker. construction sites.
37 SeeO2 Energy The company converts carbon The employment of a catalyst material in Value creation is achieved by
Canada dioxide (CO2) and/or water into the reversible solid oxide fuel cells providing reliable costs,
14.1  Companies and Use Cases

7, 12 marketable and clean value-added (RSOFCs) technology allows for the competitive and clean gases for
Advanced materials, carbon products using reversible fuel cell electrochemical conversion of water to chemical and electronic end-users
capture and storage technology. hydrogen, carbon dioxide (CO2) to carbon and energy storage for intermittent
monoxide (CO) and CO2 and water to form renewable energy.
syngas, which is a combination of CO and
H2. When used in the fuel cell mode, the
technology electrochemically transforms
H2, CO, syngas and methane to electricity
and heat for off-grid/remote consumers,
residential and commercial users.
38 Seenons The company provides a platform The platform matches waste (also called The company aims to achieve a
Netherlands that pairs wastes and recycling residual flows) with the right processor. The zero-waste environment.
7, 11, 12, 13, 17 businesses. processor turns it into a new product, green Preservation of natural resources,
AI, Internet of Things, electricity or biogas. Making use of an app, reducing carbon emissions and
recycling the waste is collected periodically from becoming fully circular is their
registered locations by environmentally mission.
friendly sustainable vehicles. The IT
technology selects the most efficient and
sustainable route and vehicle. The wastes
are taken to companies that transform the
waste into new products.
39 SenseGrass It is a Soil Intelligence Platform that IoT sensors monitor soil and water status, Environmental value is achieved
France helps companies and farmers reduce while drone images help farmers to monitor through reducing excessive
2, 12, 13 the excessive nitrogen and fertilisers the field. The AI algorithm allows the fertiliser usage and better soil and
AI, drones, Internet of Things from the soil using sensors. It also farmers to make the right decision and water management. Revenue is
optimises the crop data through AI. helps them get a better yield. generated by increased efficiency
and productivity.
Table 14.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
40 Sensoneo The company offers smart, The smart sensors use ultrasound Revenue is captured by smart waste
Slovakia IoT-based waste management technology to measure the fill levels in bins management solutions that enable
11, 12 solutions for cities and businesses to and containers and send the data to the cities and businesses to manage
AI, Internet of Things improve environmental Smart Waste Management System, a their waste efficiently, lower their
responsibility and cost-efficiency. cloud-based platform, via IoT providing environmental footprint and
cities and businesses with data-driven improve the quality of services. The
decision-making and optimisation of waste waste management solution
collection routes, frequencies and vehicle achieves a 30%–63% reduction of
loads. waste collection routes and 97%
accuracy on actual waste
41 Smart Farming System It is a company that uses AI It is a company that uses AI solutions and Value is captured by the aeroponic
France solutions and their applications to their applications to agricultural technology system which works with a
2, 12 agricultural technology (AgTech) (AgTech) devices to analyse the low-energy consumption model,
AI devices to analyse the development development of crops, optimise their uses 97% less water than
of crops, optimise their growth and growth and prevent diseases. conventional agriculture and
prevent diseases. produces a pesticide-free and
environmentally friendly product.
Its intelligent component allows it
to continuously optimise the growth
42 ThreeFold The company created a Blockchain-­ Their grid is an open system that lets The Internet accounts for 10% or
Belgium based decentralised cloud anybody participate in the burgeoning more of the world’s energy usage.
9, 12 infrastructure that allows digital economy by becoming a node. Their co-founders, with decades of
Blockchain, cloud computing, participants to exchange Internet Anyone may join an open and inclusive expertise in the Internet and Cloud
edge computing capacity on the grid through Internet ecosystem by connecting industries, created a simple
hardware that runs on their computation, storage and network operating system and infrastructure,
operating system, ZeroOS. Their resources to the grid. reducing layers of complexity from
product offers an alternative to large conventional and Web3 approaches.
and centralised data centres located
in only a handful of locations
around the world.
14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
43 Toyo Engineering A hydrocarbon and petrochemical Liquid fuels derived from carbon recycling Business and environmental value
Japan company generating green and blue include not only bio-derived fuels through monetisation of CO2 and
7, 12, 13 ammonia with the aid of carbon synthesised biologically and chemically production of low-carbon fuel.
Biotech & biomanufacturing, capture and storage. using biomass as a raw material but also
carbon capture and storage, e-fuels created by synthesising CO2 from
hydrogen Direct Air Capture and fossil fuels emitted
from industrial plants, as well as hydrogen
produced from renewable energy.
44 Upprinting Food It is a company that provides They assist high-end restaurants in Value is created by closing the ring
14.1  Companies and Use Cases

Netherlands restaurants with sustainable food reducing their leftover food flows by at the end of the food chain. They
2, 12 printing by turning food waste into blending and combining the various contribute to responsible
3D printing, recycling tasty food through the use of 3D components from residual food flows, consumption and production
printing. resulting in purees that are subsequently 3D through creating new recipes from
printed by a food printer using additive wasted food products by using 3D
manufacturing. These prints are baked and printing in a world where bad-­
dried to give them crunch and durability. looking and too ripe to be sold
vegetables and fruit as well as
bread are often wasted.
45 Wandelbots It is a robotics business that provides The user conducts the robot’s activity by Revenue is generated by enhancing
Germany a no-code robotics platform with the marking specific spots or pathways with the robotic automation processes. This
12 goal of optimising robotic TracePen, and the movement types/ is done by enabling maximum
AI, robotics programming/automation blendings are determined (via collaboration efficiency by delivering a new kind
procedures. with the platform) using AI. The specified of robotic programming technique
routes are then created in the Wandelbots to manufacture leads through
app, which allows users to update the path reducing the cost and time which
and procedures as well as do quick testing. rise from robotic coding/
The platform generates safe code when programming and related training.
these are executed, and robotic
programming is thus done.
46 Wasteless It is a firm that uses Artificial For supermarket management, the firm uses It recaptures the full value of their
Israel Intelligence to improve merchants’ radio-frequency identification (RFID) perishable products and reduces
2, 12 bottom lines by optimising technology, machine learning, dynamic food waste through AI-powered
AI markdowns based on expiry dates, pricing and real-time shelf monitoring. The dynamic pricing on supermarkets
resulting in less waste. price engine uses “reinforcement learning”, and online grocery stores. Revenue
a type of machine learning that allows it to generation is achieved by tackling
learn how customers react to dynamic waste at the food retail level and
pricing and then discover the best also increases the consumers’

discounting strategy. awareness towards making

sustainable purchase decisions.
428 14  SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production

References M.  Inoue et  al., A modular design strategy consider-

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Mech. Des. Syst. Manuf. 14(2), JAMDSM0023–
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V. Iordachi, Circular economy as a new industrial paradigm
R.  Amos, E.  Lydgate, Trade, transboundary impacts
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Caribbean, Responsible consumption and production
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(2020). Available at:­
OECD, Global material resources outlook to 2060:
responsible-­consumption-­and-­production. Accessed
Economic drivers and environmental consequences
23 Aug 2021.
(2019). Available at: https://read.oecd-­
European Investment Bank, The EIB Circular Economy
Guide  – Supporting the Circular Transition (2020).
2060_9789264307452-­en. Accessed 8 Aug 2021
J.M.  Rodriguez-Anton et  al., Analysis of the relations
Food Loss and Food Waste, Food and Agriculture
between circular economy and sustainable develop-
Organization of the United Nations (2021). Available
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708–720 (2019).
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D.  Gasper, A.  Shah, S.  Tankha, The framing of sus-
C.  Stevens, Linking sustainable consumption
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Global Commitment, Progress Report (2019) New Plastics
The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2020.
Economy (en-GB) (2019). Available at: https://www.
(2020). Available at:­
sdgatlas/. Accessed 8 Aug 2021
commitment-­2019-­progress-­report. Accessed 8 Aug
A.  Tukker, S.  Emmert, M.  Charter, C.  Vezzoli, E.  Sto,
M.M. Andersen, T. Geerken, U. Tischner, S. Lahlou,
Grand View Research, Food waste management market
Fostering change to sustainable consumption and pro-
size report, 2020–2027 (2020). Available at: https://
duction: An evidence based view. J. Clean. Prod., 16­analysis/food-­
waste-­management-­market. Accessed 8 Aug 2021
United Nations Development Programme, Goal 12:
Grand View Research, Plastic market worth $750.1 billion
Responsible consumption and production (2021).
by 2028 | CAGR: 3.4% (2021). Available at: https://
Retrieved from:­release/global-­
plastics-­market-­analysis. Accessed 8 Aug 2021

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SDG-13: Climate Action

Abstract versible changes threaten all countries if the

countries around the world do not act. Economic
SDG-13, Climate Action, aims to adapt to cli- losses caused by natural events due to this cli-
mate change by mitigating adverse effects and mate change are at the level of hundreds of bil-
keeping the temperature rise below 1.5° by the lions of dollars. The nations aim to prevent
end of this century and prepare low-carbon permanent changes to be experienced in the cli-
development plans. Investing in adaptation is mate system and to prevent economic losses due
critical for limiting the adverse effects of cli- to this change. In this direction, the United
mate change on human society. Every efficient Nations funds developing countries under SDG-­
policy for combating climate change, on the 13 to adapt to climate change and prepare low-­
other hand, must decrease emissions to pre- carbon development plans (United Nations
vent future warming while also adapting to the 2021a). The work carried out to support sensitive
unavoidable effects of climate change. This areas within the scope of Goal 13 also helps to
chapter presents the business models of 52 achieve other goals. It is aimed to keep the global
companies and use cases that employ emerg- temperature change below 1.5° with the work to
ing technologies and create value in SDG-13. be carried out within the framework of this pur-
We should highlight that one use case can be pose. In addition, the carbon dioxide emission
related to more than one SDG and it can make rate in 2030 should be reduced by 45% compared
use of multiple emerging technologies. to 2010, and net-zero is targeted for 2050 (United
Nations 2021a).
Keywords Climate change manifests itself in every way
nature acts. In the middle of 2021, Germany suf-
Sustainable development goals · Business fered one of the most fatal and devastating natu-
models · Climate action · Sustainability. ral disasters in its history by receiving record
rainfalls in 100, 500 and even 1000 years in some
regions (“European Floods Are Latest Sign of a
Global Warming Crisis” 2021). Moreover, wild-
The impact of climate change have been felt and fires worldwide drew attention in 2021, espe-
experienced  by many countries for many years. cially in Siberia, Mediterranean countries and
Today, greenhouse gas (GHG) is 50% higher than Canada. Despite the cold climate of the northern
the levels in 1990. Global warming has caused regions of Russia, Yakutia hit 39 °C and experi-
climate change for a long time, and these irre- enced the driest weather since 1888 and suffered

© The Author(s) 2022 429

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
430 15  SDG-13: Climate Action

record wildfires, causing massive amounts of tion of optimised policies is required to achieve
smoke and abnormal temperature rise (Magnay the future targets of SDG 13. Also, revision of
2021). Human losses, property damages, internal current policies and plans may be needed to
displacements, outages of healthy water and elec- strengthen the tools of governments against cli-
tricity, deforestation and high carbon releases mate change. Figure 15.1 compiles the targets of
indicate that humanity is still not ready to cope SDG-13.
with frequent and abnormal climate-related Climate change research in the built environ-
disasters (Die Welt 2021). By 2030, the UN plans ment and related disciplines of transportation and
to cope with wild disasters in every country adap- utilities is still in its early stages. To plan effec-
tively. Deaths, injuries, internal replacements or tively for the future, decision-makers require a
homelessness due to disasters should be reduced significantly wider knowledge base. To accom-
as much as possible (United Nations 2021b). plish this, academics and decision-makers must
To achieve future goals of reducing climate collaborate to generate this knowledge, which
change, national governments and international can then be used to develop effective climate
institutions need to establish new policies and change plans (EPSRC 2003). Some approaches,
plans with climate change measures included. knowledge and skills are required to counteract
Indicators of this targeted focus on decarbonisa- climate change.
tion strategies and the amount of greenhouse gas The course of adaptation necessitates adaptive
emissions (SDSN 2021). Contributor countries management considering the evolving impacts of
of the Paris Agreement on climate change pre- climate, the normative nature of risk tolerance
pared their nationally determined contributions and the tipping points between them (European
(NDCs), which declare each country’s plan on Commission 2012; Wise et al. 2014). As empha-
reducing GHG emissions and climate change sised by the UN, the importance of adaptation
impacts. In addition to NDCs, volunteer coun- can be observed in the number of countries that
tries have begun to adopt new plans for protect- have national adaptation plans and the financing
ing from the natural disasters caused by climate of such plans. Recent reports identified six least
change, such as floods or cyclones (United developed countries that have already imple-
Nations 2021c). However, some countries’ mented a national adaptation plan, while a grand
declared targets are insufficient, meaning that majority of developing countries are prioritising
they can be satisfied without the adoption of new and implementing one. Furthermore, the mean
policies. Also, another group of countries adopted annual finance for climate has been reported to be
policies that cannot satisfy the insufficient tar- $48.7 billion between 2017 and 2018, which is an
gets. This situation complicates the progress for increase of 10% from 2015 to 2016. Most nota-
the 2030 and 2050 targets. Therefore, the policies bly, the target of financial support for climate has
of the countries that make rapid progress should started to shift from mitigation action to adapta-
be imitated (Doni et al. 2020). Furthermore, poli- tion as more and more countries show increased
cies must optimise benefits to different SDGs. support for adaptation (United Nations 2021c).
For example, a regulation that bans fertiliser use The importance of creating reliable frameworks
totally to help climate action would decrease as measures of adaptive capacity has been empha-
yields, and thus, it could increase poverty and sised both by researchers and policymakers
hunger and contradict SDG 1 (no poverty) and (Solomon et al. 2007). However, there is no tem-
SDG 2 (zero hunger). However, not having a pol- plate for what this should contain due to adapta-
icy that regulates fertiliser use could cause the tion’s context-specific, process-based nature.
overuse of fertilisers and damage the climate Knowing how to adapt is deemed necessary to
action (Campbell et al. 2018). Hence, the adop- measure adaptive capacity, as it is highly related
15  SDG-13: Climate Action 431

Fig. 15.1  Targets of SDG-13.(UNDP 2021)

to further deciding factors (Klein 2014). Learning number of developing as well as developed
is becoming more important in providing insights countries such as the USA.  The convention
into what constitutes effective adaptation, which aims to “Prevent dangerous human interference
we define as improvements that minimise suscep- in the climate system.” In spite of the high
tibility to current and future climate change. amount of support for the convention world-
The United Nations Framework Convention wide, obtaining this goal is contentious
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the interna- (UNFCCC 2021).
tional system for addressing climate change. The United Nations Framework Convention
The convention has been ratified by a large on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recognises the
432 15  SDG-13: Climate Action

influence of biological systems in determining matic target included in the sustainable develop-
when climate change should be ceased. Three ment scenario varies with time (IEA 2020).
fields of influence against which the conventional Green Recovery’s progress in biodiversity
criteria of “dangerous interference” are tested are conservation, responsible production and climate
agricultural production, sustainable development action will be stronger by 2100 (90%, 94% and
and environmental response. Climate change 84%, respectively) with a longer timescale and
must be ceased in a period that allows ecosys- even more ambitious aims, with 12 out of 13 tar-
tems to “adapt naturally, does not prevent sus- gets on track or improving (IEA 2020; Moallemi
tainable development, as well as maintains et al. 2020). The fossil-fuelled development path
agricultural productivity”, according to the con- achieves the fastest improvements in socioeco-
vention (UNFCCC 2021). In the light of the fact nomic indices, such as gross world product
that sustainable development keeps productivity (GWP) per capita, by 2100 while fulfilling mod-
in agriculture and electricity, developed, least erate (and occasionally even aggressive) aims.
developed and developing island states should However, in fossil-fuelled development, human
promote mechanisms to raise capacity for plan- and economic development leads to a significant
ning and management while incorporating increase in the share of fossil fuels in the energy
women, youth and localised organisations and supply, driven by rising energy demand from
communities. high-energy-intensity industries and services. In
In the context of essential reductions by indus- almost all 10,000 realisations of the fossil-fuelled
trialised nations, the EU is committed to lower- development route, reliance on fossil fuels results
ing greenhouse gas emissions by 80–95% below in high climate consequences from energy-­
1990 levels by 2050. Several goals are deter- related CO2 emissions by 2100 (Moallemi et al.
mined for decarbonisation by 2050. In the short-­ 2020).
medium term, conventional fossil fuels such as In 2009, the World Energy Outlook published
coal and oil are planned to be replaced by low-­ the 450 Scenario, a detailed energy transition
emission fuels such as natural gas and hydrogen. scenario. The scenario was named after the CO2
Nuclear power is also a low-emission power concentration of 450 parts per million (ppm),
technology and has a huge place in the long-term which was thought to be consistent with a 50%
plans of the EU.  Renewable energy sources are chance of keeping average global temperature
primarily preferred in diversified energy supply rise below 2 degrees Celsius at the time (assum-
technologies. With all these energy supply plans, ing that net-zero emissions were reached in 2100)
obtaining high-energy efficiency in the end-user (IEA 2020). More than half of the population in
area is also a crucial aim. Finally, carbon captur- the region’s major centres, where 1.2 billion new
ing systems are proposed in the long term to residents are predicted by 2050, live in low-lying
decrease the release of inevitably produced coastal areas. As a result, more than 742 million
carbon gases into the atmosphere (European
­ urban dwellers are today exposed to several dan-
Commission 2012). gers caused by climate-related disasters, which
The time horizon in WEO-2019 is 2050, rather pose a threat to infrastructure and communities
than 2040, as in previous editions, to reflect (UNESCAP 2019).
announcements by various governments to attain Through their internal operations and supply
carbon neutrality by 2050 and to model the pos- chains, businesses are responsible for a large per-
sibility for new technologies (such as hydrogen centage of GHG emissions and resource use.
and renewable gases) to be deployed at scale. As Furthermore, items are frequently incorrectly
a result of continued CO2 emissions and advances disposed of and seldom enter a new life for future
in climate research, the interpretation of the cli- use due to a lack of end-of-use (EOU) planning.
15  SDG-13: Climate Action 433

This contributes to global waste, pollution and a will be 4.9 million new jobs created in China, one
depletion of fresh material supply. As a result, million in the USA and 1.3 million in India with
companies play a critical role in collaborating the climate action measures. Since its economy
with governments to limit global warming below relies mostly on fossil fuels and the industries that
1.5  °C and develop resilience to present and are expected to grow under climate action mea-
future climate change consequences. Top busi- sures are not developed, the Middle East may
nesses are taking this responsibility seriously experience job losses, unlike the rest of the world
today, offering innovative solutions to cut emis- (Montt et al. 2018).
sions, minimise effects across the value chain, To reduce emissions, expenditure that belongs
enhance climate resilience and raise climate to individuals and the public must change. The
awareness. This can be accomplished in a variety government must develop new regulations that
of ways, including the publication of a sustain- encourage individuals to spend their money in
ability action plan, the procurement of low-­ new ways, like using decarbonised heating for
carbon materials, the investment in on-site homes and using alternative modes of transporta-
renewable energy, the purchase of renewable tion such as electric automobiles and motorcy-
energy credits (RECs), the construction of net-­ cles. Simultaneously, changes in government
zero factories and the return of products at the expenditure and new fiscal incentives are required
end of their useful lives (Bureau 2021). to spur the development of breakthrough zero-­
Many of the adjustments required to establish a carbon technologies, improve building energy
carbon-free world would have an initial cost on efficiency, modify farming methods and create
various economic sectors. When zero-carbon sustainable energy grids.
economy infrastructure is developed, and legisla- Carbon emissions that originate from individ-
tive incentives are implemented, high-carbon busi- uals or companies can be exposed to economic
nesses are expected to lose market share throughout sanctions such as emission trading systems as
the transition. With the adoption of climate poli- well as carbon taxes. Even though this system
cies, a study by Malerba and Wiebe suggests that can provide equal pay, low-incomers can be
Germany will experience the highest job increase affected disproportionately by these measures
in the EU. However, some other countries world- (Abdallah et al. 2011). Favourably, this problem
wide, such as Japan and the USA, will have a may be addressed by rebate programmes that
higher increase of available jobs. The study also return at least part of the collected earnings to
concluded that there is no correlation between lower-income individuals. Calculations of the
poverty rates and proportional job increases. A precise future costs of adaptation generate a wide
country with a high portion of its population living range of outcomes, as they are highly dependent
in poverty may witness a high proportional job on the level of future greenhouse gas emissions,
increase, while another country with similar popu- how the climate system will respond to them in
lation characteristics experiences a low propor- various locations and if they are effective. As a
tional job increase. For ­example, Brazil experiences result, estimating the economic costs and benefits
a high increase of 0.8%, and India experiences a of adaptation is extremely challenging. However,
low increase of 0.3% (Malerba and Wiebe 2021). adapting without attempts to mitigate climate
Another study found that if the measures to restrict change would be prohibitively expensive
global warming to 2 °C become in charge, avail- (Imperial College 2021).
able jobs will increase 0.3% more compared to According to the World Bank, developing
current measures (Montt et al. 2018). This study countries can face economic damages of approxi-
also found that Bulgaria, Indonesia and Taiwan mately 75–100 billion dollars per year because of
will experience the highest proportional job the 2 °C warming until 2050. However, it is con-
increases of 0.9%. The study suggests that there sidered that these values are pretty low. In the
434 15  SDG-13: Climate Action

meantime, the UN Environment Programme to more than one SDG and it can make use of
(UNEP) estimates this loss can approach 280– multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
500 billion dollars each year until 2050. If global umn, we present the company name, the origin
warming continues to rise beyond this point, the country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
costs of adapting will skyrocket (Fankhauser gies that are included. The companies and use
2019; Olhoff et al. 2015; World Bank 2010). cases are listed alphabetically.1
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), reducing global warming
to 2 °C would lower yearly per capita global con-
sumption growth by 0.06 percentage points relative 1

to growth in a hypothetical future without climate

change (Onencan et al. 2016). The Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

(OECD), on the other hand, claims that if climate company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
change is taken into consideration in reform and Online – 2.1.2022):
budgetary plans, this consideration will create a 1%;; http://flash-;; http://geyserbatteries.
and 2.8% increment to GDP in G20 nations for com/;;
2021 and 2050, respectively (Organisation for sg/;;;
Economic Co-operation and Development 2017).;;
Investing in adaptation is critical for limiting;
the adverse effects of climate change on human;;
society. Every efficient policy for combating cli-;; https://
mate change, on the other hand, must decrease;; https://seabenergy.
emissions to prevent future warming while also com/;;
adapting to the unavoidable effects of climate; https://www.bloomenergy.
change. According to the Global Commission com/;; https://www.
on Adaptation, climate change will affect peo-
ple despite the most effective strategies. As a html;; https://www.;; https://
result, reducing emissions is “the best form of;;
adaptation” (Global Commission on Adaptation; https://www.crowd4cli-
2019).;; https://www.;
power/future-of-energy/carbon-capture-storage; https://; https://www.harvest.lon-
15.1 Companies and Use Cases don/;
chain-labs-inc;; https://www.
Table 15.1 presents the business models of 52;; https://www.;;
companies and use cases that employ emerging; https://www.samsungsdi.
technologies and create value in SDG-13. We com/business.html;;
should highlight that one use case can be related
Table 15.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-13
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Aker Carbon Capture It is a company that provides They provide services to reduce the An increase in the carbon tax will
Norway modular carbon capture technology amount of CO2 emissions caused by increase the production costs of many
13 services to its customers. production facilities during production companies. By using this service, the
Carbon capture & storage that spread to the atmosphere. This amount of CO2 emitted into the
system, which has a modular structure, atmosphere during cement, bio/
is delivered to the field to capture CO2 waste-to-energy, steel gas-to-power
in the regions where this service is production can be reduced. This way,
needed. the amount of tax that companies have
to pay due to CO2 emissions is reduced.
15.1  Companies and Use Cases

Thanks to this service, the negative

environmental effects caused by
production are also reduced.
2 AlgaePro They use biowaste from municipal They recycle biowaste from municipal Savings are captured through low-cost
Norway waste management, as well as waste management to grow microalgae microalgae use in fish farms and help in
13 carbon dioxide and waste heat from in large ponds or a device named climate action through microalgae use
Biotech & biomanufacturing, industrial sources, to develop photobioreactor. The grown microalgae as a sustainable feed in the fish farming
recycling microalgae in a circular can be used as a sustainable feed in fish sector.
bioeconomy. farms as they contain marine proteins
and omega-3 fatty acids.
3 Aphea.Bio The company develops They look for microorganisms that are Reduction of fertiliser applications and
Belgium microorganisms that are beneficial naturally existing and have desirable fungal diseases’ control are obtained by
2, 13, 14, 15 for plant growth for reducing characteristics for promoting plant developing agricultural biologicals.
Biotech & biomanufacturing synthetic fertiliser application and development and health. The Yield and health of crops can be
controlling fungal diseases. component bacteria are then isolated enhanced by using agricultural
and grown into pure colonies from the biologicals.
ambient samples.
Table 15.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
4 AT&T It is a telecommunications company AT&T Multi-Access Edge Computing The company moves computer capacity
USA providing connectivity solutions and (MEC) is a sophisticated traffic closer to the edge of the on-premises
7, 9, 12, 13 numerous other services. controller and data processor that is wireless network, allowing for
5G, edge computing installed on-site. It connects certain near-real-time data processing. AT&T
devices to the cellular network and MEC, which is powered by AT&T 5G
directs data flow according to business cellular connection, is a cost-effective
specifications. AT&T MEC may be approach to improve the capabilities of
designed to operate as a data bridge an existing private network via
across cellular and landline networks intelligent data routing and traffic
since it is data smart. prioritisation. Additionally, edge
computing improvements and enhanced
capacity to undertake data processing
tasks, such as artificial intelligence (AI)
and data analytics, cause devices to
function more efficiently, resulting in
lower GHG emissions.
5 Bamomas Modern internet of things (IoT) The system monitors the batteries’ The company increases revenue by
Finland connection and superior battery consumption, performance and increasing battery longevity and
7, 13 modelling enable a cloud-based condition in real time. Using IoT, guaranteeing operational continuity by
AI, big data, energy storage, intelligent battery management real-time data may be accessible adhering to maintenance
cloud computing, internet of solution. through the internet or a mobile recommendations.
things dashboard. Regular reports, warnings
and notifications are supplied, as well as
system optimisation and big data. The
solutions combine a contemporary
cloud infrastructure with AI-powered
battery modelling.
6 Biome Makers It is an AI-based agricultural The company measures the crop quality Value is created by improving efficiency
USA technology company that models and delivers agronomic insights such as and sustainability and allowing the
2, 13, 15 soil functionality to improve arable disease risks, yield improvements and traceability of agricultural products by
AI soil productivity. terroir characterisation to optimise farm using AI.
15  SDG-13: Climate Action
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
7 Bloom Energy It is a company that develops The fuel (hydrogen, natural gas or Hydrogen technology provides more
USA products that convert natural gas, biogas) is converted into electricity by widespread use of renewable energy
7, 13 biogas and/or hydrogen into electrochemical methods without the technologies. Thanks to this technology,
Hydrogen electricity without a combustion combustion process by using the increasing renewable energy systems
process. developed solid oxide fuel cell. The provide an environmental value by
developed solid oxide fuel cell has a reducing the amount of CO2 emissions
modular structure and can be scaled resulting from energy production.
according to the customer’s request.
8 BlueNalu It is a cell-cultured seafood The company manufactures seafood It can prevent overfishing, and thus,
15.1  Companies and Use Cases

USA company, satisfying the global using cellular agriculture technology marine life can be restored and the
2, 13, 14 appetite for seafood in a fresh, and fish cells. Living cells are isolated amount of CO2 absorption provided by
Cellular agriculture sustainable and humane way. from fish tissue, placed in culture media the plants in the sea can be increased.
for proliferation, and are thus turned
into seafood.
9 C-­Combinator The company biomanufactures They’ve created a model for a cascading Environmental value is captured by
USA bioplastics, fertilisers and cosmetics Sargassum seaweed biorefinery that can reducing and balancing GHG emissions
13, 14, 15 from seaweed. produce a variety of goods for caused by fossil fuels or conventional
Bioplastics, biotech & agricultural, textile, personal care and plastics.
biomanufacturing cosmetics and bioplastics.
10 C:aire It is a filter producer that eliminates Plants are grown on a statue-like filter. The bacterium captures environmental
Austria unhealthy particles in the air with The unclean air that goes through the value by degrading up to 98% of the
3, 11, 13 the help of bacteria. hole in the filter becomes purified and target contaminants over time.
Biotech & biomanufacturing odourless, thanks to the degradation of
unhealthy particles by bacteria that live
in the soil under the plants.
Table 15.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
11 Carbfix It is a company that converts CO2 Carbon is naturally stored in large It provides safe underground storage of
Iceland into stone underground to give a amounts in rocks. The company mimics CO2 with low investment costs. In this
13 natural and permanent storage and accelerates natural processes in way, the amount of CO2 released to
Carbon capture & storage option. which carbon dioxide is dissolved in nature is reduced.
water and reacts with reactive rock
formations like basalts to generate
stable minerals that serve as a long-term
carbon sink. CO2 is captured and
permanently removed using the
company’s technique. The method
offers a comprehensive carbon capture
and injection solution, in which CO2
dissolved in water – Sort of like
sparkling water – Is pumped into the
subsurface, where it combines with
suitable rock formations to produce
solid carbonate minerals via natural
processes in approximately 2 years.
12 Carbon Clean It is a company that provides Classical carbon capture technology has This technology provides value creation
UK solutions for carbon capture in a been developed and modularised. for carbon capture technology with its
9, 13 modular structure. Thanks to this modular structure, the fast installation and scalability features.
Carbon capture & storage application area of this technology has Thus, this technology becomes more
been expanded and it has been turned accessible for many industries and
into a system suitable for small-medium users. By absorbing CO2 from the
or large scales, suitable for fast atmosphere, it also reduces existing
installation. emission values, thus creating an
environmental value.
13 Carbon Cure It is a construction material firm that They source CO2 from industrial Concrete producers using this
USA uses CO2 in concrete production by production. The used CO2 gas is technology can produce high-quality,
13 using absorbed CO2 from the collected, purified and distributed by strong and more sustainable concrete.
Carbon capture & storage atmosphere. established suppliers. The CO2 delivered Concrete can be produced for green
to the concrete plant is used and building applications, and value
injected into the concrete mix. Injected production is realised by developing the
CO2 reacts with calcium ions, and as a customer portfolio. Environmental
result of this reaction, the concrete value is captured by using CO2 captured
produced becomes stronger. from the atmosphere.
15  SDG-13: Climate Action
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
14 Charm Industrial The company uses plants to capture Their pyrolyzers break down biomass They convert biomass into a stable,
USA CO2 from the atmosphere. into bio-oil, a liquid rich in carbon but carbon-rich liquid and then pump it
13 low in energy content. This bio-oil is deep underground. Environmental value
Carbon capture & storage then injected into EPA-regulated is captured by removing CO2
injection wells, where the bio-oil sinks permanently from the atmosphere.
and solidifies in place for permanent
15 Checkerspot It is a biomanufactured advanced Sustainable, superior performance Environmental benefits are captured via
USA materials company for lightweight advanced materials are obtained by low raw materials input, high durable,
15.1  Companies and Use Cases

13 and high-performance applications. designing and manufacturing biodegradable and non-petroleum-based

Advanced materials, biotech convenient raw materials. advanced materials.
& biomanufacturing
16 Climate Data Hub The platform provides rapid access They’re working on a dataset Environmental revenue is captured
USA to information about climate exploration and discovery tool that uses through the acceleration of the
7, 13 through data hubs and AI. artificial intelligence, semantic search production of solutions for
AI, Datahubs and intuitive visualisations to help entrepreneurs and innovators via
technologists and data scientists quickly datahubs against the climate crisis.
find relevant datasets, explore
whitespace and see datasets in their
geospatial, bioregional, social and
economic contexts.
17 Cling Systems It is a global B2B market platform Their B2B used battery marketing The recyclability of lithium batteries is
Sweden that enables the circularity of used platform connects workshops/battery streamlined by establishing trusted and
7, 13 rechargeable lithium batteries and dismantlers, recyclers, remanufacturers safe connections between users,
Recycling their materials by connecting users, and OEMs. Used batteries are listed in manufacturers and recyclers. This way,
manufacturers and recyclers. the platform by used battery owners enormous amounts of toxic lithium
with all relevant data, verified buyers batteries can be safely transported and
make bids to batteries or battery reused.
materials, the buyer, who proposed the
highest price, places the order and cling
ensures safe transport of sold goods.
Table 15.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
18 Crowd4Climate The platform provides a way to People can select and invest in climate Environmental revenue through
Austria make an investment directly in solar actions and sustainable energy projects expansion of utilising renewable energy
7, 13 energy and climate action projects. that are selected based on ecological resources and decreasing greenhouse
Crowdfunding and social criteria by using the gases with a crowdfunding platform.
crowdfunding platform.
19 Deep Branch It is a carbon dioxide recycling CO2 is captured and converted into Producing sustainable animal products
UK company that uses microorganisms proton, a single-cell protein that has with up to 60% fewer greenhouse gas
13 to convert clean CO2 into high-­ been optimised for animal feed. They emissions adds economic and
Advanced materials quality products to enable global collaborated with market-leading feed environmental benefits. Proton-based
sustainable animal nutrition. suppliers to create proton-based feeds. feeds may be made with 90% reduced
carbon intensity using locally obtained
20 Divergent It is a car manufacturing company Divergent adaptive production system Part productions are optimised with 3D
Us that aims to develop fully 3D (DAPS™) aims to transform auto printing, reducing material waste,
13 printed automobile production manufacturing economic and process length and complexity, so
3D printing methods environmental impact using a data-­ manufacturing operations consume less
driven approach for designing and energy, leaving less carbon footprint.
building vehicle structures Automobile parts are also optimised to
have the least material, reducing the
weight of the vehicle and therefore
carbon emission of the car
21 Emrod They provide long-range wireless Emrod’s patented beam shaping, Monetary and business value is captured
New Zealand power transmission for electricity metamaterials and rectenna by reducing outage risks caused by wire
7, 11, 13 distribution companies. technologies are used to transport damages and providing lower
Advanced materials, wireless energy across vast distances utilising infrastructure deployment and
power transfer electromagnetic waves. Tele-energy is a maintenance time and costs. Remote
technology that allows for safe, locations in Africa, the Pacific Islands
dependable and cost-effective long-­ and other distant communities are
range wireless energy transfer. supplied with affordable and sustainable
energy to power schools and hospitals.
22 EnerVenue The company develops and provides They propose affordable and durable Metal-hydrogen batteries’ high cycle
USA metal-hydrogen batteries for energy storage solutions with metal-­ rate, durability, zero-maintenance cost,
7, 13 heavy-duty energy storage problems hydrogen batteries. Since the usage is non-toxic and fire-free characteristics
Energy storage, hydrogen with more affordable manufacturing limited with aerospace and military are both user and environmental
solutions. applications, the company aims to friendly. Also, products are highly
supply demilitarised, low-cost and safe sustainable with a 99% recycling rate.
product options.
15  SDG-13: Climate Action
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
23 Flash Forest It is a drone reforestation company Drones, rather than people, reforest Automation of the reforestation process
Canada that reforests the earth through UAV post-harvest or post-wildfire regions, by using drones in planting seeds
13, 15 hardware, aerial mapping software, which speeds up the process by ten decreases the time required for the
Drones automation and biological seed-pod times. They work with botanists to find regrowth of trees.
technology. optimum planting locations and give
vital follow-up data on ecosystem
health using multispectral mapping
UAV technology.
24 Freight Farms It is a vertical hydroponic farm The greenery S includes a cutting-edge Revenue is generated by employing
15.1  Companies and Use Cases

USA company designed and built entirely controlled environment system that artificial intelligence to build containers
7, 13 inside a shipping container. allows you to have complete control with improved plant quality, fewer
AI, soilless farming over the elements. Farmhand software resources, higher yields and 365 days of
employs IoT-connected sensors and production.
auto-updating video feeds to provide
full insight into the farm operation,
allowing you to grow food 365 days a
25 Full Cycle Bioplastics It is a biotechnology company that They generate polyhydroxyalkanoate Revenue is captured through producing
USA tackles plastic pollution and climate (PHA) biopolymers from organic waste polyhydroxyalkanoate and then the
9, 13 change by upcycling organic matter using bacteria-powered alchemy. PHA production of highly adaptable,
Advanced materials, biotech into a compostable alternative to is a naturally occurring polymer with non-toxic and compostable products.
& biomanufacturing, recycling oil-based plastics. material properties similar to those of
petroleum-derived polymers, making it
a versatile, non-toxic and biodegradable
alternative to oil-based plastics.
26 General Electric It is a long-established company The company develops an advanced The high raw material efficiency of 3D
USA that provides solutions in energy carbon capturing and storage facility printed part manufacturing will lower
13 technologies and carbon capture and with the collaboration of UC Berkeley. the carbon footprint and eliminate the
3D printing, carbon capture storage (CCS) methods. CCS knowledge of GE and 3D printing costs of conventional parts
and storage studies of UC Berkeley labs will be manufacturing methods in CCS facility
merged to actualise a fully 3D printed installations.
carbon capture facility.
Table 15.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
27 GeoPard Agriculture It is a company that offers smart The multispectral analysis performed by The efficiency and sustainability of
Germany farming solutions based on AI for AI-based algorithms displays the degree farming in fertilising, seeding and
2, 13, 15 the discovery of the potential of of absorption or reflection based on irrigation applications are increased
AI agricultural areas and the identified wavelengths to offer data on with the assistance of AI-based
improvement of agricultural plant vitality, allowing users to see prescription maps, thus helping the fight
decisions. which crops are thriving and which are against the rise of carbon footprint
failing. It enables near-real-time field resulting from conventional farming
monitoring and condition evaluation. methods.
28 Geyser Batteries The firm offers water-based The batteries are made from common Due to the use of an aqueous electrolyte
Finland electrolyte-based high-power chemical components and use water as in the manufacturing process, the
7, 13 heavy-duty energy storage an electrolyte solvent. Due to the use of batteries are carbon-neutral.
Energy storage technologies. aqueous electrolytes, the batteries take Furthermore, their batteries can
less energy to manufacture than li-ion withstand over a million charge-­
batteries and superconductors. Their discharge cycles, making them resilient
batteries are built with a bipolar and, as a result, producing less waste
architecture that ensures consistent over time.
current density on electrodes.
29 h2arvester It is a circular energy model The company provides a comprehensive Farmers can utilise their agricultural
Netherlands company manufacturing energy system of sun harvesting with fields for sun harvesting, gain
7, 13 autonomously moving solar panels autonomously moving PV matrices over independence from the grid and sell
Autonomous vehicles, and hydrogen storage technologies arable fields and hydrogen generation excess power to other locals. Also, they
hydrogen for local and/or agricultural for energy storage in fully independent can store energy in hydrogen form for
economies. rural microgrids. sunless and windless days.
30 Harvest London It is a soilless and vertical farming They farm in a controlled environment, They work directly with customers to
UK firm with the goal of producing ensuring that crops receive just the right produce herbs and vegetables that are
12, 13 sustainable food ingredients. amount of light, water, nutrients and hard to source locally in the
Soilless farming humidity to grow. This enables UK. Thanks to the controlled system,
year-round production of vegetables at a the production efficiency increases, thus
scale not achievable in fields, without minimising the climate effects.
the use of pesticides and with waste
reduction at every stage.
15  SDG-13: Climate Action
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
31 IBM Energy Blockchain Labs It is a climate change-focused tool They established an efficient, It enables enterprises to fulfil
USA for monitoring and purchasing transparent platform using Blockchain government-mandated carbon emission
7, 13 carbon credits in the green energy technology that allows high-emission reduction targets in a more effective
Big data, blockchain markets. firms to track their carbon footprints manner, and as the organisation’s usage
and satisfy regulations by purchasing of IBM Blockchain technology evolves,
carbon credits from low emitters. carbon asset creation timeframes and
costs will decrease even more.
32 Ligna Energy It is an organic material-based The firm has been working on The reuse of raw battery materials and
Sweden battery manufacturing company that innovative electrical energy storage the manufacture of organic products are
15.1  Companies and Use Cases

7, 13 uses organic electronic polymers technologies and products. Forest waste used to generate revenue.
Energy storage and biopolymers, which are used materials and organic polymers are
throughout the lifetime of the combined with a water-based electrolyte
energy storage and then recycled to create the battery technology.
and burned as biofuel.
33 Mango Materials They create a naturally occurring They use methane captured at landfills, When left in the wild, YOPP BioPlastics
USA biopolymer from waste biogas wastewater treatment plants or contribute to the natural carbon cycle.
13, 14, 15 (methane) that is cost-effective agricultural facilities. Methanotroph After being decomposed by
Bioplastics, biotech & when compared to traditional bacteria consume methane to produce microorganisms, they do not leave
biomanufacturing oil-based polymers. PHA material. Then, they utilise this behind microfibers or microplastics.
PHA as a raw material for their Approximately the maritime
biodegradable YOPP BioPlastic environment, YOPP fibres biodegrade in
material. 6 weeks.
34 Meatable It is a company that produces To carry out meat production, a sample It decreases the time required to
Netherlands animal-free meat with cellular is taken from a cow or pig before produce meat from 3 years to 1 week.
2, 12, 13 agriculture technology. production is made. Natural muscle and Environmental value is created by
fat growth processes are then copied, significantly reducing the amount of
Cellular agriculture
and these products are produced. Then, CO2 produced in the meat production
these two products are mixed to produce process.
35 Omniply It is a flexible electronic production Thin-film solar cells with great Value is created via cost-effective, easy
Canada company for solar cells, smart performance may now be readily to integrate, lightweight and
7, 13 packaging, automotive and the like. incorporated into ordinary things, controllable technologies
Flexible electronics & thanks to advances in technology.
Table 15.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
36 Ossia The company manufactures Cota revolutionises wireless power by The ability to charge multiple devices at
USA equipment that charge multiple reliably supplying remote, focused a distance reduces the amount of cable
7, 13 devices at the same time with energy far devices. It automatically materials (plastics and copper) used,
Wireless power transfer wireless electricity transfer. charges numerous devices without the resulting in declined carbon emissions.
need for human involvement, allowing
for a more efficient and totally wire-free
37 Polybion It is a BioTechnology company that The company recycles agroindustrial Value is captured through keeping the
Mexico aims to develop substitutable food waste and manufactures CO2 footprint and impact on the
6, 9, 12, 13 alternative leather and organic foam biomaterials that could substitute environment low, such as being
Advanced materials, biotech material by recycling agroindustrial animal and synthetic leather and plastic-free and animal-free. The
& biomanufacturing, recycling food waste with microorganisms. commonly used petroleum-derived manufacturing process is carbon-­
synthetic polystyrene and polyurethane neutral, cost-efficient and circular.
foam materials. The product, Fungicel,
is a biomaterial that is capable of
replacing synthetic foams in
applications such as insulation and
38 polySpectra It is a 3D printing company that COR alpha, the company’s superior 3D PolySpectra COR alpha has less carbon
USA develops advanced printer filaments printer filament material, outperforms footprint than ABS, nylon 6 and epoxy
13 and prints’ durable parts for medical conventional 3D materials in terms of thermoset 3D printing materials. The
Advanced materials, 3D and dental devices, aerospace durability, application sectors and rugged structure of the material
printing components, automotive parts, carbon footprint. The material’s constitutes a considerable substitution
robotics effectors and electrical resilience might lead to it being used for even high-end demanding industries
connectors. instead of traditional moulded plastics, such as aerospace, medical and robotics
which require lengthy manufacturing and dispenses the need for energy- and
procedures. In addition, traditional time-consuming, unclean conventional
production processes use more energy moulding and CNC methods.
and have a bigger carbon impact.
39 Poseidon It uses AI and blockchain to analyse This company analyses the carbon Carbon credits have the ability to
Singapore the carbon footprint of any product footprint of any goods or service using overcome the emissions gap and reach
13 or service. AI and Blockchain and then processes the 2 °C limit by pricing CO2 emissions
AI, blockchain carbon credits in small fractions to as well as environmental and social
rebalance the product or service at point costs of products.
of sale.
15  SDG-13: Climate Action
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
40 Raise Green It is a crowdfunding platform that Crowdfunding allows citizens to Revenue is created via decreasing
USA gets funding for clean energy and participate in renewable energy energy use, enhancing access to locally
7, 13 off-grid power need projects. solutions such as solar energy grown food and increasing energy
Crowdfunding applications. battery and solar panel systems by
supporting the projects.
41 Riversimple It is a vehicle manufacturing The rasa is a water-emitting electric Hydrogen-powered cars create value by
UK company that produces hydrogen-­ automobile that runs on hydrogen rather shortening the fuel filling process
11, 13 powered cars. than batteries. The hydrogen is injected compared to battery-powered electric
into a fuel cell, where it reacts with vehicles, which is another
15.1  Companies and Use Cases

oxygen in the air to generate electricity. environmentally friendly option. In
This electricity powers small, addition, it creates environmental value
lightweight electric motors in each of by preventing the emission of CO2
the car’s four wheels, giving it caused by internal combustion engine
four-wheel drive. vehicles.
42 Sadako Technologies It is an AI-based waste segregation Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms With the company’s technology, its
Spain start-up for the waste and recycling can “see” things in highly complicated products can distinguish between pet
12, 13, 14, 15 industry. waste streams in real time, allowing trays and pet bottles and learn to do this
AI, recycling, robotics robots to sort and manage waste flows even better with feedback and
and waste treatment plants to recover AI. Further value is captured
more and better from urban rubbish. by improving the efficiency of recycling
They’re pushing the frontiers of what plants, reducing plastic manufacturing.
can be recycled cost-effectively with AI.
43 Samsung SDI The battery systems production With improved, high capacity, With a single charge of the battery, the
South Korea company offers efficient battery lightweight, slimness and cell available distance is around 7–80 km,
7, 13 solutions by developing advanced arrangement, the number of utilised and a single recharge costs 100 won.
Advanced materials, energy polymer-based materials and cells in the battery system decreases. Because this is a non-fossil fuel mode
storage different types of configurations like The inclusion of Bluetooth to the of transportation, it has no carbon
cylindrical and prismatic. battery pack allows customers to check impact. It also offers a number of
residual battery, remaining mileage and benefits, including being
other data on their smartphones while environmentally friendly and cost-­
riding bicycles. effective and improving one’s health, as
well as allowing users to avoid traffic
congestion and get some exercise by
Table 15.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
44 SEAB Energy It is an on-site containerised energy Flexibacter technology is designed to Flexibuster technology ensures that the
UK producer from waste through generate energy from food waste. The garbage produced in the field is
7, 13 anaerobic digestion. containerised anaerobic digesters eliminated and this garbage is converted
Recycling produced are fully automatic and can be into a value, namely, energy. In this
monitored remotely. The wastes are way, while protecting the environment,
transferred to the system, and biogas renewable energy is produced
production is realised, thanks to the cost-effectively.
processes performed here. Biogas is
then used to fuel a combined heat and
power (CHP) system engine to provide
electricity and heat. Thanks to its
built-in pasteurisation process, this
system can process various feedstocks
in a completely safe and odourless
45 Solar Foods It is a food tech company that The method, also known as a Environmental value is captured by
Finland develops solutions for food bioprocess, takes a single bacterium and reducing the land and water used for
2, 12, 13 production, such as developing a grows it by fermenting it. The food production. In this way, CO2
Bioech & biomanufacturing, bioprocess for Solein, a natural microorganism is fed in the same way emissions due to food production are
cellular agriculture protein. that a plant is nourished, except instead also reduced.
of water and fertiliser; it is fed just air
and electricity. This is a 20-fold
increase in efficiency over
photosynthesis (and 200 times more
than meat). Unlike traditional protein
manufacturing, Solein requires only a
fraction of the water found in the air to
generate 1 kg.
15  SDG-13: Climate Action
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
46 SP Group In Singapore and Australia, the Grid digital twin is a virtual depiction Improved network planning analysis
Singapore company owns and manages of the actual power grid assets and and remote monitoring of asset status
7, 9, 11, 13 electricity and gas transmission and network that uses real-time and are key advantages of the grid digital
Digital twins distribution operations, as well as historical data to function. It consists of twin, which saves labour resources by
sustainable energy solutions in two main models. The asset twin can reducing the need for lengthy physical
Singapore and China. remotely monitor and analyse asset inspections. Because the grid digital
health and performance, allowing for twin gives a more holistic view of the
early detection of possible grid threats. grid, it may help with infrastructure
As a result, informed decisions on design for a variety of purposes, such as
15.1  Companies and Use Cases

renewal and maintenance plans may be installing electric car chargers and
made. The network twin uses modelling connecting solar PV and energy storage
and simulations to assess the grid’s systems. GHG emissions would
response to new demands (such as gradually drop as renewable energy
electric car charging) and distributed sources and electric vehicles become
energy resources (such as solar more commonly used.
photovoltaics and energy storage
47 Space4Good They develop AI-based detection, The portfolio of the company comprises Disaster prediction and analysis suggest
Netherlands estimation and prediction detecting and predicting illegal logging precautions for governments and
9, 13 algorithms for events or states such activity, fire detection and risk people, so lives and valuables are
AI as deforestation and fire by using assessments and monitoring protected. Detecting and predicting
satellite image data. groundwater storage. Time-series illegal deforestation and wildfires can
satellite image data is fed to custom AI trigger counter actions.
algorithms of the company. Any visible
disaster related to climate change such
as floods or droughts can be monitored
and predicted as well.
48 Utilis Utilis transforms satellite-based The firm finds essential subsurface Emissions of carbon dioxide have
Israel synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data water near infrastructure such as water decreased by 14,500 metric tonnes. By
6, 9, 13 into large-scale decision-making and sewer pipelines, motorways and 2021, there will have been 36,000+
AI, spatial computing tools. railways, dams and embankments using leaks discovered and validated, saving
microwave imaging from a satellite to 9200 million gallons of potable water
assist estimate failure risk, mitigate and 21,800 MWH of energy each year.
before a break and limit water loss or
Table 15.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
49 Verv Energy Customers may acquire real-time The Verv isolator incorporates Verv’s EnergyGenius AI shows energy insights
UK power and energy statistics, as well high-resolution predictive energy of the performance of the unit, how
7, 13 as product usage data, from this insights and predictive maintenance efficiently it is running and where and
AI, internet of things firm, which helps them manage technology, which identifies how energy and carbon reductions can
their energy consumption and waste irregularities in the AC’s performance. be made. Using real-time monitoring,
more effectively and move closer to All of the data may be supplied to any Verv can identify signs of component
their net zero goals. NetZero or carbon monitoring reporting fatigue and locate faults that are
tool via APIs or directly from the occurring or are about to occur, in the
platform. Each proposal is based on utmost detail.
data-driven decision-making for
maximising the use of air conditioning
across a facility. It detects symptoms of
component fatigue and locates defects
that are occurring or about to occur
using real-time monitoring.
50 VYTAL It is a company that provides a Their reusable containers can be Containers are made from durable and
Germany digital reusable packaging system purchased and used from participating recyclable materials and they are reused
12, 13 that offers people an affordable and system partners without payment. (the for food and beverage deliveries that
Advanced materials, recycling sustainable alternative to disposable reusable system is smart and digital). reduce the carbon footprint.
and plastic waste.
51 Wingtra They create high-precision vertical Their drone WingtraOne can work in It helps climate change researchers in
Switzerland take-off and landing (VTOL) drones narrow spaces and rough terrain due to places that are hard to be inspected by
9, 13, 15 that collect survey-grade aerial data its VTOL design. Also, the VTOL humans, such as Antarctica, to analyse a
Drones and sell them. design protects the camera from being wide area in a relatively short time.
scratched as the camera does not Also, it is used to investigate wildfires’
contact the ground. It can map eight consequences from the air. Furthermore,
times faster than a conventional it is used by infrastructure and
multi-copter drone since it can carry a construction planners to map the
camera with higher-resolution and fly at construction zone to shorten the time
roughly two times higher altitude than a needed by conventional mapping
multi-copter drone. methods.
15  SDG-13: Climate Action
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
52 Woodland Biofuels It is an energy company that To produce ethanol, wastes such as Value is created by decreasing the
Canada produces low-cost ethanol using forest industry wastes, agricultural automobile fuel cost by using non-food
7, 13 waste biomass. waste, etc., which are continuous and waste biomass. Environmental value is
Biotech & biomanufacturing, abundant non-food wastes with low captured by producing an alternative to
recycling cost, are collected. Then, the gasoline.
gasification process of these collected
organic wastes is carried out. After this
process, catalysts and catalysed
processes are carried out and distillation
15.1  Companies and Use Cases

technology is used to purify the

produced ethanol.
450 15  SDG-13: Climate Action

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EPSRC, 2003. Building Knowledge for a Changing
Development (ed.), Investing in Climate, Investing in
Climate the Impacts of Climate Change on the Built
Growth (OECD, Paris, 2017)
SDSN, Goal 13, in Take Urgent Action to Combat Climate
European Commission (ed.), Energy Roadmap 2050,
Change and its Impacts – Indicators and a Monitoring
Energy (Publications Office of the European Union,
Framework [WWW Document], (Sustain. Dev. Solut.
Luxembourg, 2012)
Netw, 2021) URL­
European Floods Are Latest Sign of a Global Warming
13/. Accessed 8.9.21
Crisis, 2021. N. Y. Times
S. Solomon, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
Fankhauser, S., 2019. The costs of adaptation  –
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds.),
Fankhauser – 2010 – WIREs climate change – Wiley
Climate change 2007: The physical science basis:
online library [WWW document]. URL https://wires.
Contribution of working group I to the fourth assess-
ment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate
Accessed 9.9.21
change (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge/New
Global Commission on Adaptation, Adapt Now: A Global
York, 2007)
Call for Leadership on Climate Resilience (World
UNDP 2021. [WWW Document] ­
Resources Institute, Washington, DC, 2019). https://
UNESCAP, 2019. SDG13 Goal Profile | ESCAP [WWW
IEA, SDG7: Data and Projections [WWW Document]
Document]. URL
(IEA, 2020) URL­
sdg13-­goal-­profile-­0. Accessed 10.24.21
data-­and-­projections. Accessed 7.31.21
UNFCCC, 2021. What Is the United Nations Framework
Imperial College, L., How Will Acting on Climate Change
Convention on Climate Change? | UNFCCC [WWW
Affect the Economy? [WWW Document] (Imp.
Document]. URL­and-­
Coll. Lond, 2021) URL
grantham/publications/climate-­c hange-­f aqs/how-­
framework-­convention-­on-­climate-­change. Accessed
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United Nations, 2021a. Goal 13 | Department of Economic
R.J.T.  Klein, Climate change 2014: Impacts. Adapt.
and Social Affairs [WWW Document]. URL https://
Vulner. 34 (2014) Accessed 10.24.21
D.  Magnay, Siberia Battles Wildfires After Hottest and
United Nations, Take Urgent Action to Combat Climate
Driest June for 133 Years – Releasing High Amounts
Change and its Impacts (United Nations, 2021b)
of Carbon into the Atmosphere (Sky News, 2021)
References 451

United Nations, The Sustainable Development Goals of pathways of change and response. Glob. Environ.
Report: 2021 [WWW Document] (U. N, 2021c) URL Change 28, 325–336 (2014).­1 3/. gloenvcha.2013.12.002
Accessed 7.31.21 World Bank, Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change:
R.M.  Wise, I.  Fazey, M.  Stafford Smith, S.E.  Park, Synthesis Report (World Bank, Washington, DC,
H. Eakin, E.R.M. Archer Van Garderen, B. Campbell, 2010)­
Reconceptualising adaptation to climate change as part adaptation-­climate-­change-­synthesis-­report

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SDG-14: Life Below Water

Abstract Oceans covering nearly 3/4 of the planet’s surface

contain 97% of the planet’s water and account for
Global systems and processes that assure the 99% of living space by surface area. Nonetheless,
supply of rainwater, drinking water and oxy- nearly 95% of the ocean remains unknown, 91%
gen are regulated by oceanic temperature of oceanic species are still unclassified, and a
chemistry, currents and life. Pollution, dimin- large number of fish species (1851 as of 2010) are
ished fisheries and the loss of coastal habitats threatened with extinction. Even though human
all have negative impacts on the ocean’s sus- beings live mostly on continents, they are heavily
tainability. Such activities have severely reliant on the oceans. Oceanic processes and bio-
impacted around 40% of the world’s oceans. diversity generate various ecological functions,
SDG-14, Life Below Water, aims to conserve enabling many species to live on the Earth.
marine ecosystems by establishing regulations Moreover, coastal and marine resources contrib-
for removing pollutants from the sea, decreas- ute a total of US$28 trillion to the global economy
ing sea acidification and regulating the fishing on an annual basis. Noticeably, oceans absorb
sector to ensure sustainable fishing. As a approximately 40% of the carbon dioxide emitted
result, the major incentive for this goal is to by humans, thereby mitigating the effects of
protect and utilise marine ecosystem services global warming. Moreover, the oceans are the
sustainably. This chapter presents the business world’s primary protein resources, with nearly 3
models of 36 companies and use cases that billion people relying on them. The estimated
employ emerging technologies and create market value of such marine and coastal resources
value in SDG-14. We should highlight that and industries is approximately US$3 trillion per
one use case can be related to more than one year. On the other hand, the quality and biodiver-
SDG and it can make use of multiple emerg- sity of marine ecosystems are rapidly declining.
ing technologies. Because of primarily human-caused activities, it
may be too late to save the oceans if action is not
Keywords taken quickly. As a result, countries must take pre-
cautionary measures to protect marine ecosys-
Sustainable development goals · Business tems and improve the quality of biodiversity
models · Life below water · Sustainability. beneath the sea.

© The Author(s) 2022 453

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
454 16  SDG-14: Life Below Water

Global systems and processes that assure the lapsing, with another 26% facing a longer-term
supply of rainwater, drinking water and oxygen risk of collapsing (Nicklin and Cornwell 2020).
are regulated by oceanic temperature chemistry, In addition to the coral reef problem, overfishing
currents and life. Pollution, diminished fisheries and decreased fish stocks are threatening future
and the loss of coastal habitats all have negative ocean development in many parts of the world
impacts on the ocean’s sustainability. Such activ- (Franco et al. 2020). The value of lost economic
ities have severely impacted around 40% of the gains from the fishing industry is estimated to be
world’s oceans. There is also the economic over $50 billion per year. Poor ocean manage-
impact. Ocean fisheries are now generating $58 ment practices are estimated to cost the global
billion less per year than they could be due to economy at least US$200 billion each year,
unregulated fishing (Pandey et al. 2021). Many of according to the United Nations Environment
today’s and future concerns, such as food secu- Programme. Climate change will increase the
rity and climate change, as well as the availability cost of ocean damage by an additional US$322
of energy and natural resources, are recognised billion per year by 2050 if no mitigating mea-
as dependent on the oceans (Franco et al. 2020). sures are taken (Nicklin and Cornwell 2020).
By increasing fish catches, income and improved SDG-14 aims to conserve marine ecosystems
health are two ways that Marine Protected Areas by establishing regulations for removing pollut-
help ease poverty. They also contribute to gender ants from the sea, decreasing sea acidification
equality because women own many small-scale and regulating the fishing sector to ensure sus-
fisheries. The maritime environment is also home tainable fishing. As a result, the major incentive
to a wide variety of magnificent species, ranging for this goal is to protect and utilise marine eco-
from single-celled organisms to the world’s larg- system services sustainably. SDG-14 also intends
est animal  – the blue whale. Moreover, coral to restrict fishery subsidies that lead to overfish-
reefs, which are among the world’s most diversi- ing in specific areas. Several fish species are
fied ecosystems, also lie within the oceans being rapidly depleted as a result of uncontrolled
(Nicklin and Cornwell 2020). The utilisation of and subsidised fishing. There is greater competi-
the sea and its resources for long-term economic tion in markets with limited resources to catch as
development (blue economy), which contributes many fish as possible. Therefore, member states
to today’s and tomorrow’s prosperity, is growing must develop and implement legislation to
rapidly; however, the oceans are under stress. restrict fishing operations to ensure the fish
They are already overexploited, contaminated stock’s long-term viability. States must coordi-
and threatened by global warming (Franco et al. nate to control fishing operations in regions
2020). Debris levels in the world’s oceans are ris- where the coast is shared by more than one state.
ing, causing a severe environmental and eco- Pollution from land-based activities poses a dan-
nomic threat. Entanglement or swallowing of ger to coastal life. If pollution from the land is
trash by organisms negatively influences biodi- poured into the sea without being treated, it will
versity, as it can kill or prevent species from produce eutrophication, characterised by exces-
breeding (Nicklin and Cornwell 2020). The sive algae development. While eutrophication
ocean has absorbed a considerable amount of may appear to be a natural process, it deprives the
carbon dioxide as carbon emissions have gone up water of oxygen, which breaks the fish bio-chain.
significantly, causing acidification. Rising sea As a result, eutrophication may result in the
levels and temperatures are causing biodiversity extinction of living species in the coastal area.
and habitat loss and changes in the composition Another major issue is ocean acidification. The
of fish stocks. Furthermore, approximately 20% origins and consequences of ocean acidification
of the world’s coral reefs have been seriously are still a source of scientific dispute. However, it
damaged, with no signs of recovery. Due to is impossible to predict exactly how the ocean
human pressures, approximately 24% of the food chain would be affected in terms of life.
remaining reefs are in impending danger of col- What we do know is that some micro-species are
16  SDG-14: Life Below Water 455

more susceptible than others. As a result, the and vital to many of the world’s population. The
future of these micro-species may be jeopardised. yearly market value of coastal and marine sources
We need to develop immediate ways to mitigate and businesses is estimated to be $3 hundred bil-
abnormal levels of acidity as the rate of ocean lion or approximately equal to 5% of total global
acidification rises. According to the United GDP. Nonetheless, human activities, such as pol-
Nations, at least 10% of marine and coastal habi- lution, reduced fisheries and coastal habitat loss,
tats should be legally protected (Gulseven 2020). are harming up to 40% of the seas. The oceans
The long-term benefits largely compensate for are the planet’s largest source of protein, with
the short-term costs of acting. However, while over 3 billion human beings dependent on them
progress is being made, substantial obstacles as their main resource. Nonetheless, the propor-
remain. According to the Convention on tion of stocks fished at unsustainable levels was
Biological Diversity, scaled-up efforts to sustain 28.8% in 2011: a slight reduction from the previ-
the global ocean need a one-time public expendi- ous high of 32.5% in 2008 but still cause for con-
ture of US$ 32 billion and ongoing expenses of cern. Fisheries, food, aquaculture and the tourism
US$ 21 billion each year. Apart from the need for sector are particularly dependent on clean oceans
considerable multi-year fundraising to reach the and coastal areas. They play an important role in
level of ambition, the ongoing negative aspect of dealing with problems to the well-being of our
climate change; inadequate industrial, agricul- oceans and coastal regions. Notwithstanding, if
tural and household waste management; chemi- natural coastal flood protection is destroyed or
cal and plastic pollution; corruption; and a lack of food security is jeopardised, all sectors may suf-
effective governance activities, the alarming rate fer, and all may contribute to reducing marine
of biodiversity loss in ecosystems and wilful pollution or the maintenance of sustainable fish-
ignorance of scientific evidence must all be eries (PwC 2021).
resolved (Nicklin and Cornwell 2020). Imagine The ocean is a massive economic resource.
how powerful it would be if we collectively har- Ninety percent of the planet’s commodities are
nessed “the ocean in us” as a driving force to traded throughout the seas. Millions of people
increase ocean ambition and enhance ocean operate in fishery and mariculture, shipping and
action as our planet’s “Blue Lung” as we need to docks, tourist industry, offshore energy, medi-
see the nexus between the ocean and sustainable cines and cosmetics, which all depend on marine-­
human, social and economic development related sources (Stuchtey et al. 2021). The ocean
(Nicklin and Cornwell 2020). Figure  16.1 food industry itself supports up to 237 million
­summarises the targets and sub-targets of SDG- employment, encompassing fishery, mariculture
14 for 2030, which the United Nations present. and processing. Thousands of people operate in
The oceans encompass more than 70% of the other ocean industries, such as shipping, docks,
Earth’s crust. Oceans create more than 50% of energy and the tourist industry, and many others
the planet’s oxygen. They help regulate the cli- are indirectly related to the marine sector and
mate and offer vital habitats for a wide range of economy. Coastal ecosystems protect millions of
marine and coastal organisms. Oceans also con- people, foster wildlife, detoxify pollutants that
tribute to the global economy and regional life by run off the land and serve as nursery grounds for
serving as a means of transport and trading (Kan fisheries, boosting food supply and giving jobs.
et al. 2020). Marine fisheries employ 57 million They additionally serve as a source of money.
people worldwide and are the major protein Coral reefs on their own generate $11.5 billion
source for more than half of the population in worldwide tourism each year, supporting more
LDCs, with over 3 billion people relying on than 100 nations and giving food and employ-
oceans and terrestrial biodiversity for a living. ment to the locals (Stuchtey et al. 2021).
That’s why the health of the oceans, the world’s Investing in a healthy ocean economy benefits
water resources and the life below water is impor- more than simply the ocean. They are a fantastic
tant as a matter of being an economic resource business prospect. Putting money $2.8 hundred
456 16  SDG-14: Life Below Water

Fig. 16.1  Targets of SDG-14. (UNDP 2021)

16  SDG-14: Life Below Water 457

billion presently within only four ocean-based and 31.4% were fished at biologically unsustain-
solutions – offshore wind production, sustainable able levels. With a projected worldwide popula-
ocean-based production of food, international tion of 9 billion people by 2050, overfishing has
logistics, decarbonisation and mangrove restora- major consequences for the overall health of
tion and production – would yield a real earning marine ecosystems, poverty reduction and food
of $15.5 hundred billion by 2050, a benefit-cost security. Millions of livelihoods might be lost if
ratio of more than 5 (Stuchtey et al. 2021). One threats to oceans and the services they provide
single source of stress, like overfishing event pol- are not addressed, and many people could lose
lution, can cause significant harm. Moreover, access to a food staple that they rely on to survive
single stressors regionally reinforce each other, (Steinbach et  al. 2017). Effects of the climate
with devastating effects on the ecosystem. If changes on the oceans, such as sea-level rise,
nothing is done, these issues might cost the world storms and consequences on fisheries, are
economy more than $400 billion per year by expected to cost between US 600 million and US
2050. The yearly cost might reach $2 trillion by 2 trillion dollars by 2100. SIDS and coastal com-
2100 (Stuchtey et al. 2021). munities in developing countries are threatened
The “Blue Economy (BE)” or “Oceans/ by climate change, which poses a threat to their
Marine Economy” has been extensively sup- well-being and survival. For example, the climate
ported by a variety of relevant stakeholders in crisis is expected to boost the intensity and fre-
recent years as a paradigm or strategy for protect- quency of disasters such as floods and hurricanes,
ing the oceans and water sources. The notion of which has already started to cost several small-­
BE arose from the 2012 United Nations island developing countries more than 20% of
Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio their GDP (gross domestic product). Almost a
de Janeiro. The concept “Blue Economy” is quarter of the world population is particularly
being used in a variety of contexts, and related vulnerable since at least 20% are still categorised
topics such as “ocean economy” or “marine as least developed countries (LDCs) (Recuero
economy” are used without clarity (Lee et  al. Virto 2018).
2020). SDG-14 advocates for the sustainable use and
Approximately 820 million people rely on conservation of marine resources, oceans and
fisheries for income, both directly and indirectly, seas and achieving sustainable development
to ensure food security (Steinbach et  al. 2017). (Steinbach et  al. 2017). SDG-14 indicators rely
Furthermore, fisheries offer 20% of the protein on present short-term relationships. They will
consumed by more than three billion people. Fish undoubtedly benefit society in the long run, while
accounts for 50–60% of total dietary protein in building marine protected areas, reducing harm-
several regions of our planet, including South ful fishing subsidies and ending overfishing may
Asia, Southeast Asia, West Africa and SIDS incur short-term costs for individuals. Through
(small island developing states). Over the last suitable mechanisms, policies can be made to
five decades, the worldwide fishing sector has reduce these costs. As a result, these trade-offs
experienced tremendous growth. The yearly fish may be spurious, and achieving decent work and
caught globally increased from approximately 20 economic growth does not always require giving
metric tonnes in 1950 to more than 90 metric up aquatic life (Gulseven 2020).
tonnes in 2014. Annual per capita fish intake For the future, new data science and engineer-
increased from roughly 10 kilogrammes in the ing approaches offer optimism that data will be
1960s to nearly 20 kilogrammes in 2013. acquired for a certain purpose in the first place
Production and consumption of fisheries have but subsequently used for various assessments
increased at a cost. According to the FAO (Food other than the original one, following the princi-
and Agriculture Organization), solely 11% of ple of “collect once, use many times”. By com-
world fish stocks were under-fished in 2013. On bining data from various old and new sources,
the other hand, 58.1% were completely fished, researchers will be able to use artificial intelli-
458 16  SDG-14: Life Below Water

gence techniques, such as machine learning (ML) umn, we present the company name, the origin
to acquire fresh perspectives on ocean dynamics. country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
New algorithms have become an effective and gies that are included. The companies and use
efficient tool for accurately analysing oceano- cases are listed alphabetically.1
graphic and environmental datasets. Prediction of
ocean weather and climate, habitat modelling, For reference, you may click on the hyperlinks on the

distribution, species detection, coastal water company names or follow the websites here (Accessed
observation, marine resource management, iden- Online – 2.1.2022):
tification of oil spills and pollution and wave;; http://www.;;;
modelling are the key applications of machine; https://dronesolutionser-
learning in oceanography. Nonetheless, future;; https://
advances are projected to expand the number of;; https://ocean-
users and lead to their integration into daily data;; https://shellcatch.
com/;;; https://
administration (UNESCO 2020).;
html;; https://www.; https://www.aquaponicsiberia.
16.1 Companies and Use Cases com/?lang=en;; https://; https://www.blueplaneteco-;; https://www.
Table 16.1 presents the business models of 36;; https://www.
companies and use cases that employ emerging;;
technologies and create value in SDG-14. We; https://;; https://
should highlight that one use case can be related;; https://
to more than one SDG and it can make use of;;
multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
16.1  Companies and Use Cases 459

Table 16.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-14

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Apium It is a software developer The swarm software they A high number of
USA that provides swarm provide enables more than autonomous devices
14 software for any one autonomous device to works like one device,
Autonomous autonomous device. recognise each other’s which in turn saves time
vehicles, internet movements and work as a and money during the
of things whole system. processes.
2 Aquabyte It is a company that applies The company’s solution Revenue creation is
Norway machine learning and consists of a camera module achieved by making the
14 computer vision to make and software platform. The process easier and more
AI aquaculture more efficient camera is used for detecting sustainable with higher
with less environmental sea lice, biomass estimation profits. Machine learning
pollution. and appetite detection. The provides greater accuracy
feed optimisation process is of the information on
also conducted with data which to make decisions.
that is processed by machine
learning. All data can be
monitored on the software
3 Aquaponis Iberia With the help of They created aquaponics, a It creates an
Portugal biomanufacturing and product that combines environmental impact by
14 recycling, they created aquaculture and continuously recycling,
Biotech & productive ecosystems that hydroponics, or plant preserving marine
biomanufacturing, utilise sustainable production on water. It’s biodiversity and installing
recycling technologies. They aim to made from fish faeces and their specialised food
become pioneers for gives ocean plants production technique that
spreading aquaculture nourishment. As a result, the compounds aquaculture
awareness and technologies. water is cleaned, and the and hydroponics.
fish have a healthier habitat
to thrive sustainably.
4 Bioceanor It is a company that The company offers two The utilisation of
France produces underwater different stations for modules helps the fishery
14 weather stations for customers’ needs. The first become more efficient by
real-time and predictive one is a fixed module and generating revenue via
Big data, cloud
water quality monitoring in the other one is floating. savings. Modules may
internet of things pounds, open-sea cages, Both modules are IoT-­ also be used to monitor
rivers, lakes and beaches. based, can detect up to 14 coral reefs, which adds to
different parameters, and are the biosphere’s
autonomous in energy, environmental value.
thanks to solar panels. As a
communication protocol,
devices use LoRaWan
technology to transfer
gathered data from modules
to servers and clouds.
460 16  SDG-14: Life Below Water

Table 16.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
5 Blue Ocean Gear It is a company that provides From IoT devices, they Their IoT devices enable
USA real-time tracking and capture data such as faster and more efficient
14 monitoring for deployed temperature, depth and fishing to help
Internet of things fishing gear by using acceleration that can be later fisherpeople save money
IoT. They have created assessed and analysed via while protecting the
internet-connected buoys their cloud-based web ocean environment.
that can track gear in the interface or API. The
marine environment, customisable alert system
including detecting and helps clients easily detect
locating lost or entangled the problem on the gears.
fishing gear.
6 Blue Planet The company engages in Through the creation of a By decoupling the
Ecosystems decoupling fish protein from natural ecosystem in production of animal
Austria traditional agricultural three-layered fish tanks protein from the ocean
14 supply chains to allow local which are capable of turning and the agriculture itself,
AI, big data, and environmentally sunlight into a food chain the dependence on
internet of things friendly fish production for fish, the production is fishmeal, soybean and
through land-based decoupled from marine rain is removed. This
automated recirculating sources. Water quality enables sea-food
agriculture. sensors, computer vision production to become
and machine learning help more sustainable as it is
maintain the optimal less resource-intensive
physical, environmental and and independent of the
biological conditions of natural ecosystems and
organisms in the ecosystem, potentially limits the
thereby constantly impact caused by fishing
informing the process of activities on marine
production. ecosystems.
7 Bureo It is a company that collects Discarded fishing nets are More than 3.4 million lbs.
USA discarded fishing nets from collected. After cleaning of discarded fishing nets
14 oceans and recycles these and separating by the are removed from oceans.
Recycling nets and produces material process, these nets Collected nets are
sunglasses, skateboards and are shredded and melted recycled and our oceans
hats using these recycled into recycled pellets. Then are protected.
plastics. these recycled pellets are
formed into products such
as sunglasses, hats,
skateboards, etc..
8 CageEye The company specialises in The company uses It allows you to follow
Norway measuring and hydroacoustic technology to the fish’s natural
2, 14 understanding fish behaviour observe fish behaviour and behavioural patterns and
to optimise feeding in to objectively measure fish routines and carry out
sustainable aquatic food appetite. The technology feeding in line with the
production. then decides on the feeding fish’s appetite so that the
amount via optimising feeding is as efficient as
algorithms calculated with possible.
deep learning.
16.1  Companies and Use Cases 461

Table 16.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
9 CalWave They enable the ocean Ocean waves have a 20–60 Wave energy has the
USA internet of things (IoT) by times higher energy density potential to satisfy
7, 11, 14 providing power storing, and are more predictable. 20–30% of global energy
Digital twins, shipping, deploying and The platform uses edge demand, and forecasts
internet of things accessing data offshore. computing to construct a show that ocean energy
digital duplicate of wave can reduce/sequester the
farms, estimates the energy equivalent of 1.38
of ocean waves and converts gigatons of CO2.
that energy to electricity, Assuming wave energy
providing clean, dependable development follows a
and local power to coastal trajectory similar to
communities. offshore wind, production
can increase to meet our
target of displacing 500
million tonnes of GHG
equivalent annually by
11 Digital Twin It is a system provider that Using sensors and proper Digital twins provide
Marine creates a digital twin of any devices, the team creates a better management of any
USA vessel and provides digital twin of the system project, and a well-­
14 necessary training to the and provides customers with maintained vessel has less
Digital twins user training to use and chance of crashing in the
understand the digital twins sea, which is catastrophic
program. for the ocean wildlife.
12 Drone Solution Their product “waste shark” Autonomous real-time data It creates value by
Services is a drone that removes harvesting, GPS tagging for conserving our waters by
Singapore plastic waste from beneath accurate measurement, removing plastic waste
14 the water’s surface. It also online live-data portal and biomass. Moreover, it
Drones gathers real-time data and access and data sensors produces no emissions.
produces no greenhouse enable the drones to be
emissions. easily monitored.
13 ECOncrete They created a concrete They created a product to With their concrete
Israel production technology that lessen the impact on the production technology,
14 meets industry standards ocean environment by they offer shoreline
Advanced while also providing providing a solution for protection for erosion
materials biological, ecological and urban, coastal and marine control, flood protection
economic advantages. infrastructure. Its products and coastal armouring;
are bio-enhanced concrete waterfront infrastructure
additives that assist the for ports, marinas and
ecosystem in thriving and urban waterfronts; and
prospering by replacing the offshore applications for
ordinarily drab waterfront cable armouring,
and coastline with foundations and scour
blue-green infrastructure. protection.
462 16  SDG-14: Life Below Water

Table 16.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
14 Ellipsis Earth The company uses drone Drones take several Environmental value is
UK imagery and machine thousand images, and captured through the
14, 15 learning to identify and track artificial intelligence (AI) reduction of plastic waste
AI, drones plastic pollution. software then blends where specific software
multiple photos into a can identify plastic with
master image. It then 93% accuracy and 95%
provides a global heatmap certaintyl
of plastic waste that can be
filtered and overlaid against
existing data sets and
compared geographically
and over time. This
global-scale resource is
continually updated with
new imagery from the
worldwide data libraryl
15 Icoteq By providing tracking They use an array of By designing a connected
UK systems using IoT sensors, internet-connected tag to track aquatic
6, 14 they monitor aquatic animals environmental sensors such animals such as green sea
Cloud computing, and the path of discarded as temperature, pressure and turtles at a meagre cost,
internet of things plastic. They also develop humidity sensors. Data they monitor endangered
cloud repositories and gathered from sensors are species. They can also
visualise the captured data then transferred to cloud visualise these data in
using Amazon web Services platforms, and then these their cloud platform.
(AWS) or Google cloud data are processed to
tools. visualisations and cloud
16 MarineLabs It is a company that aims to They provide data-as-a-­ Coastal engineers
Canada optimise how society service (DaaS) from fleets quantify the marine
14 interacts and adapts to the of their cloud-connected domain around projects,
Internet of things changing ocean. Their IoT buoys for groups who need gain certainty in design
devices enable real-time to know marine conditions. loads assessments and
coastal intelligence which With MarineLabs, marine minimise the risk of
quantifies marine hazards operators complement design failures while
and optimises clients’ existing marine domain meeting project budgets.
decisions. awareness systems with Researchers measure
real-time data from multiple their parts at higher
locations. resolution, reduce marine
operations costs and
achieve research goals.
17 MonitorFish It is an AI-based fish health It is a cloud-based fish It automates fish health
Germany diagnosis company. welfare monitoring system. analytics so that it
2, 14 It offers real-time analysis ensures optimal living
AI, cloud of critical fish growth conditions. This results in
computing, parameters and water the reduction of fish
healthcare parameters to detect any mortality in ponds so that
analytics abnormal development the farmers’ investments
among the fishes, and are secure.
AI-based decisions suggest
recommended actions to the
fish farmer.
16.1  Companies and Use Cases 463

Table 16.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
18 Ocean Diagnostics The company collects In situ sensors can be Tracking microplastic
Canada microplastic data by IoT deployed in the desired area, data is critical for any
3, 13, 14 sensors and creates a and that sensor displays blue action, and making it
Big data, internet database for microplastics in real-time microplastic data. automated by deployed
of things oceans. Gathered data is stored in sensors and storing the
databases and is available data saves effort for
for any customer. anyone interested in
taking blue steps.
19 Oceanium It is a seaweed farm They use biotech and new Sustainable seaweed
UK company that grows fertilising techniques to farming and seaweed-­
12, 13, 14 seaweed by using biotech to improve the quality of their based products offer a
Biotech & make it efficient and supply seaweed. The crop they systemic answer for
biomanufacturing its product to various produce becomes raw dealing with climate
industries. material for various sectors change, ensuring food
such as pharmacy and the security and providing
food industry. “blue” jobs and
alternative livelihoods for
fishing communities.
20 Project.BB It is a company that The robot uses a It creates environmental
Netherlands produces autonomous robots convolutional neural value by cleaning beaches
14 programmed with AI to network (CNN), a and parks from litter,
AI, autonomous efficiently map and collect self-learning algorithm that especially cigarette butts
vehicles, drones small pieces of litter on can make connections in which can pollute the
beaches and parks. terms of AI. A good and water extensively.
large amount of training
data is provided to improve
the algorithm. It also uses a
probabilistic algorithm to
indicate litter precisely.
10 Ranmarine The company produces aqua Autonomous surface vessels Environmental value is
Netherlands drones that fight plastic (ASVs) named DataShark captured by efficiently
14 pollution and gather are designed to operate in a removing 500 kilograms
Autonomous environmental data. path that requires waste or of waste per day from all
vehicles data collection. In addition, types of waterways.
the drones use GPS routes
to navigate to the desired
areas and to return home.
21 Reef Support Reef.Io, the company’s Users upload images of the It creates environmental
Netherlands service, is a digital coral reefs to the web value by helping protect
14 monitoring and predictive application of the company. coral reefs.
AI, big data maintenance platform that The web application uses
uses AI, satellite imagery benthic data collection
and user-driven data to through machine learning
support coral reef health, algorithms and delivers the
sustainable and profitable analysed results, categorised
aquaculture and seafood by area, time and
management. biodiversity indicators.
464 16  SDG-14: Life Below Water

Table 16.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
22 Saildrone The company provides Saildrone vehicles gather It offers not only
USA systems like marine security, data and inform the users cost-effective solutions to
14 carbon cycling and weather about maritime domain its customers but also
AI, autonomous forecasting which utilises AI awareness, ocean mapping creates value for marine
vehicles, drones and autonomous vehicles. and ocean data. Advanced environment protection
maritime intelligence is by operating in low or no
used in maritime domain carbon footprint
awareness while approaches.
autonomous single- and
multibeam data collection is
used in ocean mapping.
23 Seakura It is a company that created Seawater is piped into This method allows the
Israel a way of farming land-based enormous pools, where company to farm at a
14 seaweed in order to develop seaweed grows before being high density all year
Biotech & a sustainable system that released to the sea. Since round and support the
biomanufacturing provides nutritious options the pools are placed along local economy. Locals
without damaging the ocean. the coastline, they help can consume fresh
protect the marine seaweed. This business
ecosystem. The seaweed is model also has a positive
planted in organic pools of environmental impact
nutrient-dense seawater, since it decreases the
retaining its nutritional volume of transportation.
24 Shellcatch It is a company whose Their three products are Offering an efficient and
Chile purpose is to make millions eMonitoring, eReporting effective method of
14 of fishermen’s lives better by and eCommerce. In these fisheries management
AI, internet of introducing them to a camera-integrated products, generates revenue.
things sustainable and efficient users can track the devices Fishermen can keep track
chain of certified ocean through IoT-based of species data and
tracking systems. applications. With this, configurations.
certain occurrences related Environmental value is
to the fishery issues can be captured by showing the
automatically detected with responsible fishing
AI. practices to end
25 It is a digital HUB that It helps the shipping Value is captured by
France gathers, analyses and industry use their data enabling the shipping
14 monitors complex maritime combined with AI industry to optimise ship
AI, Datahubs data on one platform. algorithms to tackle their arrivals, better allocate
key challenges, such as resources and drive
vessel route optimisation or operational efficiency
waiting times reduction.
26 Sofar Ocean It is a company that uses With the severity of the Products that estimate
Technology ocean technologies to world’s largest collection of data can promote safer
USA provide insight into ocean open ocean weather sensors maritime traffic and more
14 ecosystems and enables the and real-time data, weather accurate storm
Big data, digital creation of a comprehensive forecasting is made along forecasting; sensors can
twins ocean data network. the routes. Also, a digital monitor mariculture and
twin is constructed for the collect metocean data.
fuel and safety profiles for
each vessel.
16.1  Companies and Use Cases 465

Table 16.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
27 SymbyTech It is a company that uses All maintenance processes Enabling maritime
South Africa drones for all maritime such as troubleshooting and maintenance efficiently
14 maintenance and also cleaning are done by drones decreases the chance of
Digital twins, creates a digital twin of the and digital twins created to any marine accidents that
drones vessel. provide a way to visit an would cause enormous
asset without the need to go harmful effects on sea
to it. life.
28 The Ocean It is a non-profit They create AI models that They clean up the oceans
Cleanup organisation developing and give information about the to protect underwater life.
Netherlands scaling technologies to rid massive plastic garbage To increase societal
14 the oceans of plastic. locations in the ocean. They awareness, they recycle
Recycling capture the waste, store plastic waste and create
them in the ship, recycle this design products.
plastic garbage and create
valuable materials which
people would want to buy.
29 Umitron They deliver a long-term They integrate IoT, satellite To install sustainable
Singapore solution to the well-known remote sensing and AI to aquaculture on earth, they
14 challenges of minimising create user-friendly data utilise IoT and satellite
AI, internet of environmental risk, platforms for aquaculture. remote sensing. Further
things increasing corporate profits Their technology aids value is captured by
and improving fishing farmers in increasing farm using Machine learning–
efficiency by adopting IoT, efficiency, reducing integrated smart feeders,
an AI-driven platform and environmental risks and intelligent cameras to
remote satellite sensing. increasing profits. Their increase seafood
They aim to transform ultimate goal is to use production.
agriculture to increase food computer models in
security and safety by conjunction with
developing humane and aquaculture to assist the
environmentally friendly globe in producing protein
fish farming alternatives. sustainably and efficiently
that is both human and
environmentally friendly.
30 Upstream Tech By enabling informed water An AI-powered streamflow They create value in time
USA market transactions, the forecast system enables and cost savings by
14 intelligent solutions they optimising source planning offering hydro forecast
AI, Datahubs built promote freshwater while creating a powerful and AI-based landscape
conservation. They empower workflow for monitoring monitoring systems.
decision-making to become with aggregated satellite,
more efficient as more data aerial and environmental
is provided, resulting in data.
lower costs and more
31 USV Company It is a company that uses Wind-powered, totally Revenue is created
Sweden wind-powered autonomous autonomous sail drones are through more efficient
13, 14 sail drones to transport used in logistics. It allows logistics. It also creates
Autonomous goods with zero emission. remote monitoring that environmental value by
vehicles, drones operators can oversee and reducing its carbon
control the USV (unmanned footprint. Since sail
surface vehicles) company drones are wind-powered,
fleet. It is also possible to no waste is dumped into
equip USVs with solar water resources, making
power propulsion and seas and oceans cleaner.
sensors to allow a larger
spectrum of operations.
466 16  SDG-14: Life Below Water

Table 16.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
32 Vertical Oceans It is a company that provides Ocean water recirculates in Revenue creation is
Singapore sustainable protein using AI a balanced ecosystem where achieved via savings. By
14 and IoT-based aqua towers shrimp, fish and algae the use of IoT and AI
AI, internet of to the people living in the coexist. Data from sensors algorithms, aqua towers
things cities without using any and IoT devices flows into consume less energy. The
chemicals or antibiotics. AI algorithms to optimise company also creates
growth, water quality, environmental value by
microbiology and energy reducing carbon footprint
usage. The company also since food miles are
reformulated the feed to decreased, in comparison
minimise nutrient loss, with aqua towers based in
using only sustainable cities.
ingredients for the feeding
33 It is a platform that It delivers water level A comprehensive set of
France measures the level of measurements of small rivers contributing
6, 11, 14 hydrological systems and hydrological systems in real to flooding events are
Drones, internet of alerts communities using time, with high frequency monitored on a budget
things remote sensing instruments. and precision close to the with the help of
centimetre, using non-­ drones – a new effective
invasive remote sensing way of addressing climate
sensors based on the small change and flood risk
space-based altimeter. within the big water
34 We4Sea It is a company that offers The company designs a Revenue is created
Netherlands solutions to remotely scientifically supported, through savings. The
14 measure, manage and report algorithm-based digital twin company claims that,
Big data, digital fuel consumption and for every monitored ship. powered by the digital
twins related emissions of The algorithm uses over 80 twin, the speed advisor
chartered vessels – In unique characteristics of the informs you on the
real-time by using digital vessel to create this digital optimal speed to reach
twin technology, without twin model, which is fed your destination,
investing in onboard with real-time position and balancing route, ETA,
monitoring equipment. weather data, with up to 480 charter rate and fuel
updates per day and a costs. This can save 5 to
> 95% global position 10% in voyage costs. It
coverage. It brings full also creates
transparency and the environmental value by
possibility to benchmark helping vessels lower fuel
consumption. consumption and related
35 Whale Seeker Since the company is They track the whales with To provide sea mammals
Canada formed to evaluate the health their aerial tools, satellite a healthy life, they give
14 of the ocean and analyse its systems and infrared valuable and fast-­
changes, detection and imaging technologies. They accessible information to
AI, drones
monitoring techniques are collect the essential data via environmental
essential. They enable image processing through organisations. They create
decision-makers to AI and provide them in real ecological, social and
implement policies and time with the economic value to the
measures to protect marine decision-makers. marine ecosystem.
mammals by providing
access to quick, accurate
References 467

Table 16.1 (continued)
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
36 XpertSea They developed an They use artificial Revenue is created
Canada AI-driven management intelligence to assist farmers through an AI-powered
14 system that focuses on in modernising their app that enables farmers
AI making aquaculture more operations and increasing to optimise aquacultural
efficient and sustainable by earnings by delivering quick operations. The app also
providing real-time data. payments, useful production uses data to point out
The start-up’s mission is to information and verified problems early while
solve the industry’s most networks of suppliers and supporting SDG-14.
challenging problems, such buyers.
as when to harvest and how
to stop a disease from

PwC, SDG 14: Life Below Water Conserve and

References Sustainably Use the Oceans, Seas and Marine
Resources for Sustainable Development (PwC, 2021),
I.  B. Franco et  al. (eds.), Actioning the global goals for p. 12. Available at:
local impact: Towards sustainability science, pol- L.  Recuero Virto, A preliminary assessment of the indi-
icy. Education and Practice. Singapore: Springer cators for sustainable development goal (SDG) 14
Singapore (Science for Sustainable Societies). (2020). “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and­981-­32-­9927-­6 marine resources for sustainable development”. Mar.
O. Gulseven, Measuring achievements towards SDG 14, Policy 98, 47–57 (2018).
life below water, in the United Arab Emirates. Mar. marpol.2018.08.036
Policy 117, 103972 (2020). D.  Steinbach, E.Y.  Mohammed, P.  Steele, A sustainable
marpol.2020.103972 future for fisheries: How fiscal policy can be used to
D. Kan, E. Meijer, PRé Sustainability, Linking LCA and achieve SDG 14. (2017).
SDG 14 (UNEP Life Cycle Initiative, 2020), p. 14 RG.2.2.21208.49929
K.-H.  Lee, J.  Noh, J.S.  Khim, The blue economy and M.R.  Stuchtey, et  al., Ocean Solutions That Benefit
the United Nations sustainable development goals: People, Nature and the Economy (2021). oceanpanel.
Challenges and opportunities. Environ Int 137, 6 org, p. 32
(2020). UNESCO, Global Ocean Science Report 2020: Charting
S. Nicklin, B. Cornwell, SDG14 - a holistic approach to Capacity for Ocean Sustainability (UNESCO, 2020).
sustainable development (2020), p. 110
U.C. Pandey et al., Introduction, in SDG14 – Life Below UNDP 2021. [WWW Document]
Water: Towards Sustainable Management of Our goals/goal14
Oceans, (Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021), pp. 1–15.­1-­80071-­709-­120211004
468 16  SDG-14: Life Below Water

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SDG-15: Life on Land

Abstract caused by human activities is so high that even

conservative estimates suggest humankind has
Population increases, industry, urbanisation, entered the sixth major extinction event
infrastructure development and agricultural (Bradshaw et  al. 2021). Earth had had a non-­
expansion influence landscapes, lowering aquatic environment throughout its geological
total habitat size and quality and resulting in history, except when its entire surface was cov-
ecological degradation. SDG-15, Life on ered with water. Non-aquatic generally means
Land, aims to maintain, restore and enhance terrestrial environments. Nevertheless, even an
the utilisation of the terrestrial environment entirely aquatic environment like lakes encom-
and forest management sustainably, struggle passes a broad range of mixed habitats where
with desertification and stop and reverse land aquatic and terrestrial areas evolve and interact
degradation, as well as the loss of biodiversity. throughout time (Beraldi-Campesi 2013).
This chapter presents the business models of Terrestrial ecosystems provide goods and various
45 companies and use cases that employ ecosystem services such as carbon capturing,
emerging technologies and create value in preserving soil quality, protecting biodiversity,
SDG-15. We should highlight that one use decreasing the risk of natural disasters by regulat-
case can be related to more than one SDG and ing water flow, controlling erosion and preserv-
it can make use of multiple emerging ing agricultural systems. Therefore, protecting
technologies. terrestrial ecosystems significantly contributes to
tackling the climate crisis and adaptation efforts.
Keywords In 2015 United Nations established SDG-15,
which is about “Life on Land” to maintain,
Sustainable development goals · Business restore and enhance the utilisation of the terres-
models · Life on land · Sustainability trial environment and forest management sus-
tainably, struggle with desertification and stop
and reverse land degradation, as well as the loss
of biodiversity (Ishtiaque et al. 2020). These ini-
Population increases, industry, urbanisation, tiatives aim to ensure that the advantages of land-­
infrastructure development and agricultural based ecosystems, such as sustainable livelihoods,
expansion influence landscapes, lowering total are maintained for future generations (UNEP
habitat size and quality and resulting in ecologi- 2021). The notion that the management of terres-
cal degradation. Overall, the pace of extinction trial ecosystems, especially forests and varied

© The Author(s) 2022 469

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
470 17  SDG-15: Life on Land

biodiversity, is critical for long-term develop- have a crucial role in people’s livelihoods and
ment has gained widespread acceptance. well-being, particularly among the rural poor,
However, the demands of population expansion, young and women. Forests support roughly 1.6
development of the economy and greater con- billion people, including over 2000 indigenous
sumption will only exacerbate the difficulties of cultures, in addition to providing shelter, income
maintaining life on land (Sayer et  al. 2019). and security for forest-dependent communities
SDG-15 has a vital role in dealing with these (Kleymann and Mitlacher 2018).
problems. As shown in Fig. 17.1, there are 12 tar- Member States of the United Nations stated at
gets within the context of SDG-15, and they are the Rio+20 Conference in 2012 that they recog-
measured with 14 indicators. nise the social and economic importance of good
As explained earlier, SDG-15 targets preserv- land use planning, including soil, especially its
ing, restoring and encouraging the use of terres- help to economic growth, biodiversity, sustain-
trial ecosystems in a sustainable manner, able agricultural production, poverty eradication,
sustainably managing forests, fighting desertifi- women’s empowerment, climate change mitiga-
cation and preventing the loss of biodiversity and tion and enhanced water accessibility. They high-
soil deterioration. According to the Millennium light that desertification, land degradation and
Ecosystem Assessment, the ecological impact of drought are worldwide concerns that continue to
agriculture has grown substantially. As a result, pose major threats to all nations’ sustainable
food production is a major contributor to these development, particularly developing ones. They
problems: Expanding agriculture has resulted in also underlined the need of taking immediate
habitat loss for 80% of endangered animals action to reverse land degradation. In light of this,
(Måren 2019). More than 80% of the human diet we shall work to build a land degradation-free
is made up of plants, and up to 80% of people in world in the context of long-term development.
developing nations’ rural regions depend on tra- This should operate as a catalyst for mobilising
ditional plant-based medicines for basic health- financial resources from both public and private
care. Approximately 2.6 billion people rely sources (The future we want, 2012).
directly on agriculture for their livelihoods, and Forests and biodiversity will almost certainly
about 1.6 billion people rely on forests for their face challenges in the future years. As a result of
livelihoods; forests occupy around 30% of the this issue, additional protective and long-term
Earth’s surface, and they are home to nearly 80% strategies should be developed  – all efforts to
of all terrestrial animals, plants and insect species achieve long-term sustainability influence land-­
(UNEP 2021). based life. The solution-oriented issues discussed
Forests assist in preventing climate change by will be a big step towards these challenges. There
removing CO2 from the atmosphere; supporting will be a decline in the use of wood for liveli-
the balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide and hoods, especially if the economy continues to
humidity in the atmosphere; and conserving expand, and therefore the problem of poverty
watersheds, which provide 75% of the world’s may be reduced to a minimum. Health and edu-
freshwater. Natural catastrophes, such as floods, cation level will be positively affected by this
droughts, landslides and other severe occur- situation. As long as forests and wetlands are pro-
rences, are also reduced (Kleymann and Mitlacher tected, the services and opportunities offered will
2018). The loss of forested areas has a detrimen- also result from these sustainable development
tal impact on rural populations’ lives since it goals. If plans progress as intended, the following
leads to increased carbon emissions, land degra- will occur (Sayer et al. 2019):
dation (which affects 74% of the world’s poor)
and biodiversity loss (“SDG 15” 2021). Forests • There will be a greater displacement from
are one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the rural to urban regions.
planet, supporting more than 80% of all terres- • By emphasising agriculture, more mechanised
trial animal, plant and insect species. Forests farms will be developed. Industrial agriculture
17  SDG-15: Life on Land 471

Fig. 17.1  SDG-15 targets and indicators. (UNEP 2021, p. 15)

will increase trees and forests and improve decrease, and the consumption of meat and
efficiency (Laurance et al. 2013). dairy products will increase.
• As the purchasing power increases, the • To access mineral resources, infrastructure
demand for agricultural products will will be expanded into forest regions.
472 17  SDG-15: Life on Land

• The desire to be near nature and forest regions forests are important from an economic point of
will raise the value of biodiversity and the view. SDG-15.1 aims to protect ecosystems and
ecosystem it supports (Tyrväinen et al. 2005). their economic values (Dempsey 2016). Payments
• Countries will transition to a green economy, for ecosystem services (PES), an economic and
and expanding forest lands will be added as a environmental approach, aim to protect biodiver-
result. sity by internalising the real value of biodiversity
• Timber harvests from natural forests will be (Pirard 2011). With this approach, the protected
reduced. ecosystem will provide more services and be
• Forest monitoring with remote sensing and good for both the economy and biodiversity in
“Internet of things” applications will become the long run (Pirard 2011). To sustain the busi-
more common as new technologies emerge. ness world fed by natural resources, it is neces-
• Initiatives to address climate issues will sary to protect the ecosystem. Since institutions
increase as forests are protected and restored. take over ecosystems, the focus is on generating
• There will be solutions developed to address income from biodiversity rather than protecting
the issue of forest fires induced by climate it. The forestry sector is a good example of this
change. situation. The environmental standards deter-
mined to protect the ecosystem in public institu-
By 2030, significant progress will be made, tions and companies have been stretched under
even if these targets are not finished. Ongoing the name of economic incentives (Lovera 2017).
studies and practices will ensure that life on land Current business models and economic
is protected (Sayer et al. 2019). When conducting approaches are not sustainable. Evaluating, opti-
these applications, an integrated and systematic mising and minimising the effect and dependency
strategy is necessary (Tremblay et al. 2020). The of businesses on the land and ecosystems is a
working principle of integration is used horizon- direct way for businesses to support life on land
tally across policy domains, vertically from the (“SDG 15” 2021). Integrating socio-economic
global to the national and local levels and region- development activities into protection plans as a
ally across local governments (Kanuri et  al. method of ensuring long-term resource utilisa-
2016). Localisation refers to the implementation tion necessitates a thorough knowledge of the
of SDG practices at the local level. The methods interconnections between humans and natural
adopted to accomplish global, national and sub- processes (Bridgewater et al. 2015).
national objectives and the process of monitoring
these strategies are referred to as SDG localisa-
tion (Losada 2014). Although scientific research 17.1 Companies and Use Cases
on cities and SDGs is growing (Barnett and
Parnell 2016; Bibri and Krogstie 2017; Graute Table 17.1 presents the business models of 45
2016), there is still a knowledge vacuum about companies and use cases that employ emerging
how to best apply them at the local level (Fenton technologies and create value in SDG-15. We
and Gustafsson 2017; Krellenberg et al. 2019). should highlight that one use case can be related
Together with SDG-15, it is aimed to integrate to more than one SDG and it can make use of
the international conventions and agreements multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
made for the continuation of life on land with umn, we present the company name, the origin
other targets (Sayer et al. 2019). Ecosystems and country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
Table 17.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-15
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Aerium Analytics The company is a provider of Drones and AI-based RoBird detects Using a mix of AI and drones,
Canada bird-shaped remotely piloted aircraft animal activity, locates nesting environmental value is generated by
9, 15 system (RPAS) solutions, RoBird, for locations, avoids human-wildlife enabling human tasks to be carried
AI, drones wildlife management with drones. It confrontations and keeps industrial out without hurting animals.
creates real-time and deep data zones safe.
analytics solutions using artificial
intelligence (AI) to use geospatial data
to make more informed business
17.1  Companies and Use Cases

2 The company, which is the developer Ecotoxicologists and other scientists can Collecting environmental data using
Germany of the insect measurement system, get data on the activity and collection the honey bee generates income from
15 aims to preserve biodiversity by using behaviour of bees/bumblebees using the the impact of decisions in urban
AI, Internet of Things honey bees as biosensors to collect monitoring devices, which can then be development and agriculture on the
data that causes the extinction of analysed. The device captures video at ecosystem.
insects using AI and Internet of Things the hive’s entrance to identify
(IoT). individuals, their movement patterns
and the amount of pollen delivered into
the hive. In comparison to prior
methodologies, AI-based analysis of
recorded picture data from semi-field
and field trials provides advantages.
3 Beewise The company has developed a gadget The system tracks the behaviour and By using AI and robots to protect
Israel that uses robotics and AI to remotely motions of bees using AI and robotics. generations of bees and reduce
15 control beekeepers’ hives while also It automatically intervenes in the event beekeeper labour, environmental
AI, robotics providing the essential medication and of a problem, but if the issue is not value is obtained.
care for bees. rectified, the device issues a warning. It
also saves and recognises frames that
are ready to be harvested inside the
device. The harvested honey must be
dumped after the capacity is filled.
Table 17.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
4 Breeze Technologies The company is a provider of With an environmental analytics cloud Value is created by generating
Germany small-scale IoT-based air sensors that platform, sensors gather real-time data insights about buildings, cities and
15 can be installed indoors and outdoors from air quality sensors as well as communities, achieving an arbitrarily
AI, big data, Internet of measuring common pollutants, air external data sources. Adaptive Cloud high data resolution, providing data
Things quality data and air quality analytics Calibration Engine increases data to environmental scientists and
software using AI and big data. reliability and accuracy. Environmental governments to help cities and
Intelligence Cloud uses advanced businesses create better clean air
algorithms for sensor calibration, action plans and predicting potential
predictive maintenance and data problems.
analytics accessing real-time and
historic air quality data from your
sensors and additional insights.
5 Cloud Agronomics The platform provides real-time Hyperspectral imaging aircraft acquire Revenue is captured by enabling
USA analytics and predictive insights on information on soil, disease activity and farmers to surgically remove or treat
2, 13, 15 crop performance using AI and IoT to crop performance. A global geospatial the disease before it spreads by
AI, Internet of Things optimise agriculture. dataset is created using local and detecting them with AI.
satellite data. AI provides real-time
carbon monitoring and extracts insights.
The grower uses knowledge to produce
food in a more sustainable manner. The
index can be used by carbon credit
exchanges to incentivise carbon
6 CoverCress The BioTechnology company They develop a new oilseed crop named Environmental revenue is captured
USA manufactures oilseed crops for food, CoverCress which grows over winter by preventing erosion and improving
7, 15 bioenergy and cattle feed. between normal full-season corn and soil health with roots, diversifying
Biotech & biomanufacturing soybeans. It acts as a cover crop while products for food and biofuels.
also producing oil and high protein feed
that can fit markets similar to canola.
17  SDG-15: Life on Land
7 Daumet It is a material science company that Gold is mixed with tungsten, which is The advanced material provides less
France creates an alloy of white gold as an the hardest and has the same density as need for gold as raw material and
6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15 alternative to gold. gold. With this method, an alloy with reduces the use of rare elements used
Advanced materials better properties is obtained without in the gold industry. It creates a
coating with rare elements such as positive environmental and social
rhodium and palladium. impact by ensuring the conscious
consumption of raw materials and
reducing ecosystem destruction,
carbon emissions and water
consumption caused by mining
17.1  Companies and Use Cases

8 Dendra The company provides integrated It uses custom-built drones and AI for Environmental value is captured by
UK analytics and planting solutions for reforestation. Drones enable the helping the natural resources
13, 15 large-scale ecosystem restoration. reforestation of regions across the world companies in the world to clean up
AI, drones that have been destroyed by mining, and replant the degraded land.
intensive agriculture, fires or other
disruptive factors using a combination
of ecological expertise, AI and technical
9 Descartes Labs The AI and Big Data-based geospatial The software as a service platform The technology developed produces
USA intelligence platform uses scientific analyses the collected mineral data and nitrogen fertiliser on the farm, by
15 analysis of physical world events for performs mineral screening by using fixing nitrogen from the air and
AI, big data the benefit of organisations. Big Data. Ground stability risks in reacting with ammonia in manure.
mining are reduced with models and The reaction stops the ammonia
methodologies that apply deformation losses, increases the nitrogen content
studies on a large scale. and provides the farmer with
essential nutrients for growing crops.
10 Desert Control The company is a climate technology LNC increases crop yields, biomass Environmental value is captured by
Norway company that specialises in reclaiming production and carbon uptake while using LNC which increases crop
2, 13, 15 degraded soil and turning desert sand reducing water and fertiliser yields, biomass production and
Biotech & biomanufacturing into fertile soil by using Liquid consumption. The mix, whose name is carbon uptake while reducing water
NanoClay (LNC). Liquid NanoClay, sinks into the soil, and fertiliser consumption.
creating a 40–60 cm deep layer, which
retains the water like a sponge. This
layer stops water from evaporating and
ensures optimal growing conditions for
anything planted in it.
Table 17.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
11 DroneSeed The company offers forestry The company uses drones for fast, Environmental value is captured
USA management services using drones efficient, cost-competitive reforestation through better forestry management
15 instead of sending out manual work operations. They offer vertically and fast recovery after forest fires.
Drones crew. integrated reforestation services across
seed collection and procurement,
seedling growth, aerial enhanced
seeding with drones, traditional
replanting on the ground and funding
for reforestation projects from carbon
12 Drylet It is a bioremediation technology It works by combining selected Generating solutions to biosolid
USA company producing dry-to-the-touch microbes with a superporous particle, accumulation improves operations,
15 nano bioreactor products whose accelerating microbial activity and reduces environmental impacts and
Biotech & biomanufacturing proprietary biocatalysts optimise converting mass to gas in biological positively impacts the bottom line,
biological processes in wastewater, processes. Solids, foaming, odour and using no genetically modified
lagoon systems and waste-to-energy other irritating problems in pits and organisms or chemical ingredients
facilities via biotechnology. lagoons are avoided so that the fertiliser that do not pose any danger to
is consistent and suitable for field humans, animals and aquatic life,
application. reducing odour and hydrogen
sulphide emissions.
13 Ecording It is a social enterprise that offers Seed balls increase seed germination in The firm contributes to carbon
Turkey drone solutions for the afforestation of natural circumstances and reduce the sequestration, biodiversity
10, 12, 13, 15 hard-to-reach areas that need to be negative impacts that seeds may preservation and the avoidance of
Drones afforested. encounter throughout their global warming, by deploying
transformation into trees. Drones are drones, and captures social value by
used to drop seed balls in hard-to-reach hiring women in rural regions to
locations that need to be reforested. reduce gender inequities.
17  SDG-15: Life on Land
14 Green City Watch An open-source collective, geospatial TreeTect is an open-source programme Value is captured by tracking health
Netherlands AI (geoAI) builds geospatial software that gathers data on the number and and numbers of urban trees by using
11, 15 to map, monitor and manage urban health of urban trees and tree canopy AI and storing their data with cloud
AI, cloud computing, drones, trees. using satellite images and machine computing for further applications.
Internet of Things learning (ML) and allows users to
generate an AI-enabled digital tree
inventory. TreeTect can scan extensive
regions of metropolitan topography
using very high-resolution (VHR)
satellite images to monitor both the
17.1  Companies and Use Cases

number and quality of green space in

cities. The tree-detection algorithm can
figure out not only where the city’s
parks are but also if they’re looking at a
green tree, shrubs, bushes or a green
garden shed, thanks to this technology,
which can measure down to each square
metre of land. This means it can detect
the position, size, form and even health
of individual trees in real time.
15 Green Praxis The company provides a solution that A diagnosis of a bIoTope is made based The AI-based solution creates
France enables reliable identification of on the collection of public and private environmental and economic value
15 options available to a land or forest information verified in all dimensions: by providing viable options for
AI owner. Furthermore, it restores viable geography, climate, plants, animals, degraded natural environments and
ecosystem balances in degraded demographics and regulations. A viable optimal project planning for land and
natural environments. economic and ecological project is forest owners.
structured based on proven and
compatible scenarios. The options
determined using AI meet both the
requirements of the field and the project
Table 17.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
16 Hortau The company develops a wireless and The company places multiple sensors in The IoT-based irrigation
USA web-based irrigation management the root zone at different depths to management solutions system
2, 15 system that uses IoT. monitor water movement and plant detects plant stress in real time which
Internet of Things uptake in real time. The application lets improves the yield and reduces
the customer view where necessary water/energy use.
action is required and where their crop
is in good health. They get quick access
to the data to view details about their
crops’ water needs and, during
irrigation, monitor its uptake.
17 Internet of Trees The company develops an early The system is made of Internet-­ Preventing and slowing deforestation
UK warning system that protects assets, connected modules installed in the by combining IoT and environmental
15 monitors forests and prevents the forest to detect temperature and air data and building a team to help in
Internet of Things spreading of fires via IoT-based humidity variations, which are analysed the fight to protect trees, people’s
environmental sensors. by an algorithm that then compares the lives and their assets while remaining
current readings with the ones taken sustainable creates value.
before, also comparing them with data
from external weather sources to
validate if the area has caught fire or
18 Jupiter Intelligence It is a global climate modelling The company uses various data sources Value is generated by providing a
USA solution that predicts physical climate to compute probabilistic modelling for range of analytics critically impacted
13, 15 risk from catastrophic weather events predictions via ML using their data and by climate change which are used for
AI, Internet of Things using IoT and AI. analytics services. capital planning, enterprise and
portfolio risk management,
infrastructure resilience engineering,
pricing and underwriting, safety and
operations and shareholder and
regulatory response.
19 Land Life Company The drone- and AI-driven reforestation Using drones and AI, the company Environmental revenue is captured
Netherlands company offers corporations and attempts to minimise carbon dioxide through reforestation projects with
15 organisations a sustainable and emissions by detecting and reforesting drones and AI by regreening the
AI, drones transparent way to take climate action regions that have been damaged due to lands that are damaged
and compensate carbon emissions over-farming, urbanisation and natural
through nature restoration. disasters..
17  SDG-15: Life on Land
20 N2 Applied The company creates a closed-cycle The technology is developed to produce BioTechnology enables farmers to
Norway and on-farm system to produce a nitrogen fertiliser on the farm, by fixing recycle and obtain fertiliser at a
2, 6, 12, 13, 15 nitrogen fertiliser using biotechnology. nitrogen from the air and reacting with lower cost while generating higher
Biotech & biomanufacturing ammonia in manure. The reaction stops yields using livestock manure, air
the ammonia losses, increases the and renewable energy.
nitrogen content and provides the
farmer with essential nutrients for
growing crops.
21 NanoFex It is a biotech company that intends to The company’s services produce Value is created through breaking
USA develop a proprietary and cellulose nanospheres using a down groundwater contaminants
17.1  Companies and Use Cases

15 environmentally sustainable customised spray dryer process to more efficiently and cost-effectively
Biotech & biomanufacturing microparticle formulation that produce a nano-particle powder that can than current remediation techniques.
sequesters and breaks down be injected into the ground, enabling
groundwater contaminants more users to get cleaner groundwater.
efficiently and cost-effectively than
current remediation techniques.
22 Nofence The company produces a virtual Animals can be tracked via GPS using Environmental value is captured by
Norway fencing system with IoT for cattle, the app, making them easy to locate and increasing the productivity of
15 sheep and goats. monitor. It uses audio warnings and a pastures and livestock by working
Internet of Things potential electrical impulse to keep with the plant’s natural growth
livestock inside the Nofence pasture. pattern.
23 OptiRTC It is a platform that combines cloud With their system, rain is collected from This system enables stormwater
USA computing and IoT which enables roofs and stored in basement cisterns. management by data analysis and
6, 15 Continuous Monitoring and Adaptive When the weather forecast calls for rain, increases retention times and
Cloud computing, Internet of Control (CMAC) of stormwater by intersensory communication, water is infiltration by using sensors,
Things storage assets. automatically discharged from these reducing downstream erosion and
cisterns to accommodate the oncoming improving water quality. Also, they
run-off. The water that’s been collected reduce operating and capital costs.
can be reused for agriculture during dry
Table 17.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
24 OroraTech The company provides real-time They have developed a nanosatellite Detecting wildfires earlier by using
Germany information services for early detection constellation equipped with satellite imaging and AI prevents the
3, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 of wildfires with AI and monitoring multispectral imagery in the thermal spreading of these fires in huge areas
AI, Internet of Things them by using satellites and sensor infrared and visible light range. By and provides a chance in controlling
technologies. combining CubeSat framework with a wildfires safely.
customised optical system and on-orbit
pre-processing capabilities, they will
deliver high-quality satellite images and
create real-time information for wildfire
detection and mapping, severe weather
forecasting and many other applications.
25 Project Canopy The data-driven firm interacts with The project gathers, transforms and The company’s big data platform,
Switzerland Congo Basin conservationists to communicates the data organisations analytics and newswire provide their
15 provide them with the insights they need to end defaunation, deforestation audiences with the building blocks
Big data need to make better-informed and associated carbon emissions in the they need to make the most impactful
decisions. Congo Basin rainforest. programmatic and policy decisions.
26 Robin Radar Systems The company develops radar systems They detect, classify and track birds and Value is captured by increasing
Netherlands that are specifically designed to track drones with advanced radar technology, safety for both humans and wildlife.
15 small objects like birds, bats (aviation AI and software to prevent serious They provide actionable
AI, drones safety and wind farms) and drones incidents. Their products, IRIS and management information for wind
(security). ELVIRA, can detect larger fixed-wing farm operators, airports and
targets at a range of up to 5 kilometres, researchers and keep safety via drone
with smaller multi-rotor drones detected detection by distinguishing drones
at up to 4 kilometres. from birds.
27 Robotto The company uses AI-powered The autonomous wildfire recognition Value is created by saving hours
Denmark autonomous smart drones to offer and analytics drone, AWRA, will spent in operation and on land that
13, 15 incident controllers with real-time data provide the user with accurate data otherwise would have been
AI, drones on the magnitude, position, direction gathering and monitoring of the destroyed, making sure emergency
and local weather of wildfires. wildfire. The user will utilise a tablet to services make the right call, giving
mark an area for the drone to search in the firefighters back the initiative and
and will receive real-time feedback allowing them for faster smarter
regarding the location, size, intensity decision-making, ultimately
and direction of the wildfire. extinguishing the wildfires faster.
17  SDG-15: Life on Land
28 Satelligence The company uses satellite data, With AI-powered predictive modelling Revenue is captured by using AI to
Netherlands proves insights about the operation of and remote sensing to monitor drive key sustainability insights to
15 agricultural production and detects deforestation, the company identifies minimise global environmental
AI supply chain risks, such as environmental risks. Furthermore, footprint, monitor deforestation
deforestation, land degradation, forest where emissions from land-use change real-time and protect biodiversity,
fires and carbon stock loss through AI. are occurring, it reduces and offsets identify the highest-risk farms and
carbon emissions and monitors carbon sourcing areas and help make
stock changes in the supply chain with sourcing and investment decisions.
data for historical and current
grievances to react to deforestation
17.1  Companies and Use Cases

claims, in real time.

29 SeeTree The company develops an intelligence Each tree in the land is assessed for its Environmental revenue is generated
Israel network that leverages drones, AI and health and growth rate, and planting through the tree farming revolution
15 sensor technologies to give farmers plans are created for each tree variety. with the intelligence-per-tree by
AI, drones actionable insights to assist users in This is performed via the analysis of providing farmers with an end-to-end
monitoring the crops and assessing the high-resolution photos and data service to manage and optimise the
health of the trees. captured by drones and AI. health with AI and productivity of
their trees.
30 Skymining The company is a producer of grass A forest is established from C4 grass on By capturing carbon, the biosphere is
Sweden that regenerates degraded soil and degraded or marginal lands. The grass restored, filling the soil with carbon
8, 9, 12, 15 facilitates environmental recovery by grows up to 4 metres in 120 days and and nutrients. Reclaiming degraded
Carbon capture & storage releasing atmospheric carbon into the captures and stores atmospheric carbon. land creates new, arable land and
soil. relieves pressure on deforestation.
31 Spinnova It is a sustainable material company The business has developed a method The firm has aided in the resolution
Finland that utilises wood, textile waste and that uses a mechanical process to of many important environmental
15 agricultural waste such as wheat or convert cellulosic fibre into textile fibre. issues. For example, stubble is often
Advanced material barley straw in fibre production. burnt on-site in agriculture, resulting
in pollutants and a health concern.
32 Spoor The company provides software as a The company is leveraging existing Environmental benefits are captured
Norway service solution that enables infrastructure and computer vision by detecting and preventing dangers
15 continuous monitoring of wildlife for coupled with AI to provide valuable that are threatening both biodiversity
AI offshore wind farms, pre- and environmental insights with higher and being environmentally
post-construction. accuracy, resulting in informed sustainable.
decision-making, planning and
Table 17.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
33 Sylvera The carbon offsets monitoring firm Raw carbon performance, attachability, The ML-based platform creates
UK leverages AI to scale carbon markets. permanence, co-benefits and risk are all value by providing transparent,
13, 15 offered for nature-based offset actionable data on nature-based
AI, carbon capture & storage initiatives. Their own ML-based scoring projects to make decisions quickly
system is used to grade projects. and confidently while reducing
Projects are reviewed, markets are carbon emissions.
scaled, and their performance is
enhanced over time by tracking their
34 Terramera The company is an AI-based targeted To produce natural, plant-based The targeted performance technology
Canada performance technology provider that products, many active components are creates environmental value by
2, 15 makes organic inputs more efficient. explored. By delivering active chemicals preventing water and soil pollution
AI, biotech & This technology increases the effects directly into target cells, tailored caused by fertilisers by ensuring that
biomanufacturing of plant-based organic activities and performance technology improves their most of the fertilisers produced from
provides more efficiency than synthetic efficacy. Laboratory activities, quick bioactive components are absorbed
chemical pesticides and fertilisers. phenotyping and chemical discovery are by the cells.
made easier by software, machine
learning models and robotics.
35 TerViva The food and agriculture company Pongamia genetics, which has been Revenue is generated by restoring
US uses biotechnology and patented, uses sophisticated breeding farmland to productive use with
2, 15 biomanufacturing to produce delicious methods to generate more sustainable Pongamia trees, helping farmers
Biotech & biomanufacturing and healthy plant-based food food and agriculture with biotechnology produce sustainable food.
ingredients from the Pongamia tree. and biomanufacturing.
36 Tesera Systems The company is a provider of Data aggregation and analytics supply AI and Big Data help forest
Canada data-driven cloud applications for the clients with the ability to discover managers improve forest
13, 15 forest management that are powered hidden and sustainable opportunities management, landscape design,
AI, big data by AI and big data. and realise new value from their forestry harvest timing and ecosystem
assets. services.
37 Tesselo It is an AI-driven satellite mapping Various raw data are absorbed from AI and time-sensitive classification
Portugal company that creates near real-time satellites, drones, radars and multispectral models facilitate value creation by
15 satellite imagery to identify imagery. Clear composite images are detecting tree species, habitat and
AI environmental challenges, patterns, created from many photos, eliminating infrastructure in a dynamic
exposure and risk factors by tracking clouds and shadows and adjusting each environment.
incremental image changes over time. pixel to atmospheric conditions. Satellite
images are created with AI that detects
specific problems. Incremental changes
over time are tracked: patterns, exposure
17  SDG-15: Life on Land

levels and risk factors.

38 The Bee Corp Verifli is a firm that develops an The business is working on Verifli, a By supporting beekeepers in
USA impartial and objective hive grading hive grading system that uses Artificial improving pollination quality,
15 system. They utilise infrared image Intelligence to analyse thermal data maintaining food security and
AI analysis to help growers and included in an infrared (IR) image and assisting farmers in lowering costs,
beekeepers price pollination by using translate it into hive strength data while value is produced.
AI and count the number of bees in a accounting for meteorological variables
hive and monitor hive health. at the time and place of each image.
39 Timbeter The forest tech company specialises in Customers may use their smartphone or A combination of AI, IoT and cloud
Estonia timber measuring by using IoT, AI and tablet to measure log diameters, log computing, the platform creates
11, 15 the management of data that are stored count and log pile density. value for the forestry industry by
17.1  Companies and Use Cases

AI, cloud computing, Internet in clouds. Measurements are saved in the cloud, eliminating illegal logging and
of Things allowing for a real-time overview of improving timber supply for tree
data. Customers can use the storage to buyers and sellers.
evaluate and share their measurements.
They have access to inventories, active
storage statuses and the ability to
generate real-time reports.
40 Treevia The company is a digital solution They have patented an IoT device that Revenue is generated by increasing
Brazil provider that uses AI, IoT and big data allows precision forest management by the scalability and reliability of
13, 15 to monitor and measure forestry. remotely monitoring growth, quality nature-based solutions, reducing the
AI, big data, Internet of and forest health, with a series of risk of work-related accidents by
Things environmental variables. working remotely and assisting
forest managers by collecting
environmental variables such as
humidity, precipitation and
temperature using ML and AI
41 Virotec The company has developed The technology re-engineers the residue Value is captured by creating a
Australia technically engineered solutions called from alumina, refining process into their positive impact on ecosystem health,
15 Basecon and Bauxol to environmental product enabling it to neutralise acid biodiversity, heritage, water quality,
Recycling and industrial waste, derived from and reduce the concentration of community, economy and
utilising and augmenting the specific environmentally hazardous heavy governance. Further value is captured
physical and chemical properties of metals. It works by re-engineering the by commercialising environmental
alumina refinery residues by recycling. minerals present and recrystallising remediation and waste treatment
them to form new minerals which are technologies derived from the
safe and stable. conversion and safe reuse of ARR.
Table 17.1 (continued)

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
42 WasteHero The company is a provider of The company tracks individual Value is captured by reducing CO2
Denmark end-to-end IoT solutions that optimises container locations, fill levels and emissions, more efficient waste bin
9, 11, 12, 15 waste collection processes using weight information while documenting collections and increasing financial
AI, 5G, Internet of Things, Machine Learning. all past activities associated with assets. savings on collections, thanks to the
recycling Then, they import historical weight data automated system based on AI and
to optimise route schedules. Automated IoT.
collection routes are created by using AI
while optimising based on economic,
environmental or service parameters to
meet customers’ organisational key
performance indicators (KPIs) with
waste management software.
43 Watergenics The firm makes water quality sensors An affordable, accurate and autonomous Revenue is captured through
Germany for aqua farming, which use IoT and sensor network is offered to measure environmental compliance
14, 15 AI to detect chemical nutrients in water quality. These sensors, using IoT monitoring using IoT and AI for
AI, Internet of Things surface water and groundwater in and AI, provide agricultural and product optimisation and ecosystem
plants, fisheries and agricultural aquaculture systems with water quality conservation.
drainage systems. data, actionable insights and predictive
44 Wipsea The company develops AI-powered The platform develops image analysis Revenue is captured from accessing
France software that analyses massive software in a variety of computer ultra-high-resolution images to
15 amounts of animal imagery captured programs, and specialist biologists use generate distribution maps and
AI through camera traps or aerial surveys AI to detect the features of living extract relative population abundance
(planes or drones). objects. using AI to automate detection and
45 Xampla The company offers non-synthetic The company invents vegan spider silk, By substituting biodegradable
UK plant protein materials to replace which is very similar to vegetable polymers for conventional plastics,
2, 14, 15 microplastics and single-use plastics protein and contains non-covalent environmental value is captured. In
Advanced materials, for commercial use. hydrogen bonds between its proteins, to addition, the pace at which poisons
bioplastics, biotech & replace single-use plastics. A naturally accumulate in the food chain is
biomanufacturing strong, flexible and transparent polymer slowed.
material is made from 100% plant
protein. This material is produced by
exposing a plant protein to concentrated
vinegar, heat and energy without
chemical crosslinking.
17  SDG-15: Life on Land
References 485

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SDG-16: Peace, Justice and Strong
Institutions 18

Abstract Institutions and organisations must give due

importance to the rule of law, the sanctity of
Institutions and organisations must give due human rights and the effect of stability to ensure
importance to the rule of law, the sanctity of sustainable development. Societies that have
human rights and the effect of stability to grown and prospered in the last 300  years are
ensure sustainable development. SDG-16, those that adhere to the requirements of democ-
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, aims to racy, respect human rights and have adopted
strengthen justice and strong corporate culture inclusive economic institutions (Acemoglu et al.
to achieve sustainable development and social 2012). In governments where peace and social
peace. Greatly reducing crime and conflict reconciliation cannot be achieved, justice is jeop-
through justice and strong institutions, uphold- ardised, and eventually, conflict and fear domi-
ing the rule of law and strengthening the pres- nate. In places with this order, where institutions
ence of developing countries in global and justice are not strong, violence and crime
governance institutions are essential topics for rates are high, abuse and exploitation are com-
SDG-16. This chapter presents the business mon, and corruption and bribery are common.
models of eight companies and use cases that This is a problem that exists in many places in the
employ emerging technologies and create world and must be solved. In an increasingly glo-
value in SDG-16. We should highlight that balised world, conflict and instability in one
one use case can be related to more than one region can also affect many parts of the world.
SDG and it can make use of multiple emerg- SDG-16 aims to strengthen justice and strong
ing technologies. corporate culture to achieve sustainable develop-
ment and social peace. Greatly reducing crime
Keywords and conflict through justice and strong institu-
tions, upholding the rule of law and strengthen-
Sustainable development goals · Business ing the presence of developing countries in global
models · Peace, justice and strong institutions governance institutions are important topics for
· Sustainability SDG-16 (United Nations 2021).
The UN’s Department of Economic and Social
Affairs defines four different indicators that are
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri-
observed as a crucial decrease in violence and
butions of Ulaş Özen, Eren Fidan, Uğur Dursun, Büşra
Öztürk, Asya Nur Sunmaz and Muhammed Emir Gücer in related death rates worldwide, in Target 16.1. The
completing of this chapter. first indicator is the total number of intentional

© The Author(s) 2022 487

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
488 18  SDG-16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

homicide victims divided by the entire popula- recognised conflict resolution mechanisms, is a
tion, expressed per 100,000 people. The total percentage of all victims of violent crime in the
number of conflict-related deaths divided by the previous 12 months. Second, on a specified date,
entire population stated per 100,000 is stated as the total number of persons held in detention who
the second indicator. Third, the total number of have not yet been sentenced is a percentage of the
people who have been victims of physical, psy- total number of persons held in detention. Third,
chological or sexual violence in the past by type of mechanism, the number of persons
12 months is a percentage of the overall popula- who experienced a dispute during the past 2 years
tion. The fourth indicator measures the percent- who accessed a formal or informal dispute reso-
age of adults who feel comfortable travelling lution mechanism is a percentage of all those
alone in their community (The World Bank who experienced a dispute in the past 2  years.
2021a). These indicators are followed by the These indicators are followed by the United
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC),
the Office of the United Nations High United Nations Development Programme
Commissioner for Human Rights. (UNDP) and Organisation for Economic
Three separate indicators are observed under Cooperation and Development (OECD) (SDG
Goal 16.2, which is to end child abuse, exploita- Tracker 2021).
tion, trafficking and all kinds of violence against Under the SDG-16.4 target, organised crime
and torture of children. These are defined in the and terrorist organisations continue their exis-
United Nations Department of Economic and tence by creating fear and insecurity in society.
Social Affairs metadata. The first measure, the While organised crime organisations are for eco-
percentage of children aged 1–17  years who nomic profit, the target of terrorism is ideological
experienced physical punishment and/or psycho- and political (Bovenkerk and Chakra 2004). Such
logical aggression by caregivers in the previous organisations illegally finance the revenue
month, is now being defined as the percentage of sources of their actions. For a stronger, more
children between the ages 1 and 14  years who peaceful society, it is essential to have justice and
experienced physical punishment and/or psycho- strong security institutions. To achieve this, the
logical aggression by caregivers in the previous security forces’ fight against all kinds of crimes is
month. The second indicator is defined as the one of the top priorities for social peace. This
ratio of total victims of human trafficking found struggle has reached even more advanced levels
or residing in a nation to the population resident with the development of technology, for exam-
in the country, expressed per 100,000 people. ple, Cybersecurity.
Thirdly, the percentage of young women and Under SDG-16.5, corruption negatively
men aged 18–29 who had experienced sexual affects economic growth and society’s trust in
assault by the age of 18. The United Nations institutions (Brouthers et  al. 2008). Corruption
Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United and bribery disrupt the functioning of an institu-
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) tion by doing what is asked instead of what needs
both monitor these metrics (The World Bank to be done. Institutions that do not comply with
2021a). such laws and regulations have an order domi-
Three different indicators are observed under nated by the powerful. They cause an increase in
Target 16.3, promoting the rule of law at the inequalities and a loss of a sense of justice in
national and international levels and ensuring society. This corruption in authorities and institu-
equal access to justice for all. The UN’s tions causes a public reaction and damages the
Department of Economic and Social Affairs culture of democracy.
defines these in their metadata. The first indica- Under SDG-16.6, making participatory, inclu-
tor, the number of victims of violent crime in the sive decisions with the participants at all levels is
previous 12 months who reported their victimisa- one of the ideals of democratic culture.
tion to competent authorities or other officially Participatory democracies can increase their
18  SDG-16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 489

understanding of politics and their dialogue with constitutional, regulatory and political measures
each other, no matter how difficult it is to cope to guarantee public access to information is
with today’s challenges (Collins 2019). In a essential (Cling et al. 2018). Another indication
world where inequality is significantly reduced of SDG-16.10 might be to evaluate if public offi-
and women and minorities are more participa- cers are completely and effectively using the anti-­
tory, it is obvious that the decisions taken will be corruption instruments and structures to combat
more permanent and more just and will serve corruption (Bolaji-Adio 2015). SDG-16.10 thus
more peace. For this to happen, a social consen- plays a key role in ensuring accountability in the
sus and social peace affect each other positively context of the SDGs so that they may be
in a two-way manner. effective.
Under SDG-16.7, birth registration implanta- Target 16.a is to strengthen relevant national
tion ensures that children can access justice and institutions including through international coop-
social services and protect children. However, eration, for preventing violence and combating
data from 2010 to 2019 shows that one in four terrorism and crime. In compliance with the Paris
children in all populations who are under the age Principles, independent national human rights
of 5 were never officially recorded by states institutions could be stated as an instance for the
(United Nations 2021). In 2020, the registration target. Appraising the effectiveness of the
rates of children under the age of 5 in sub-­Saharan national institutions in terms of the resources
Africa (46%) and underdeveloped countries (human, financial and logistics) that have been
(44%) were well below the world average (74%) involved in intra- and inter-state conflict resolu-
(UNICEF DATA 2021). tion supports the increase of such actions for the
Under SDG-16.8, there is an aim to increase target (Bolaji-Adio 2015).
the voting power of developing countries. Target 16.b deals with promoting and enforc-
According to the World Bank, the USA, Germany, ing non-discriminatory laws and policies.
UK, France and Japan have 35.21% of all voting Undoubtedly, non-discrimination must be worked
power in global economic institutions. However, on for the welfare of the world and fair, equitable
developing countries don’t have enough power in and timely access to justice. Promoting and pro-
economic institutions (The World Bank 2021b). tecting the rights of permanently disadvantaged
Under SDG-16.9, human rights institutions or vulnerable groups, including but not limited to
ensure that justice systems are processed fairly in internally displaced persons, refugees and per-
countries. In 2019, 40% of countries in the world sons with disabilities, is the primary target of
had human rights institutions that audit the offi- 16.b (Bolaji-Adio 2015). When identifying vul-
cial institutions of governments. Human rights nerable groups, transparent, participatory and
institutions comply with Paris Principles accountable processes leading would help
(European Union Agency for Fundamental achieve this target. Assessing the effectiveness of
Rights 2012). Seventy-eight countries in Eastern the measures and sharing details of any violation
and South-Eastern Asia, Latin America and the and reports available are important for the accu-
Caribbean, Oceania and sub-Saharan Africa still rate determination of the next policies.
have difficulty accessing human rights institu- Figure 18.1 illustrates the targets and sub-targets
tions (United Nations 2020). of SDG-16.
Under SDG-16.10, ensuring public access to Achieving sustainable development goals
information and protecting fundamental free- requires peaceful, fair and inclusive communities
doms under national legislation and international (SDGs). Regardless of their race, religion or sex-
agreements are focused on specifically. SDG-­ ual orientation, people everywhere deserve to be
16.10 tries to increase the extent of the state’s free from fear of violence and feel secure going
respect and protection besides citizens’ access to about their daily lives. Many studies have shown
information rights (Bolaji-Adio 2015). To that peace and development go together. As an
achieve the target, adopting and implementing example, research by the World Bank and the
490 18  SDG-16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Fig. 18.1  Targets of SDG-16. (United Nations 2021)

United Nations shows that instability and war are nomic growth by reducing international invest-
key development problems that can stall prog- ment and the financial environment. According to
ress. According to the IEP, increased levels of the study’s authors, this has an impact on poverty
violence have a detrimental influence on eco- and economic development, expected lifespan
18  SDG-16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 491

and educational achievements and characteristics high average child mortality rates per 1000 births
critical for long-term development, such as new- (UNICEF DATA 2019). As a result, SDG-16
born mortality and availability of services. serves as a foundation for the other 16 SDGs,
The 2030 Agenda says and maintains that “there which all depend upon inclusive institutions
can be no sustainable development without peace”. which can have a responsibility towards public
Along with people, wealth, the environment and demands in an open and accountable manner.
cooperation, peace is regarded as one of five essen- The SDG-16 targets reflect human rights com-
tial areas for humankind. The 2030 Agenda empha- mitment, accountability, transparency and jus-
sises the importance of building peaceful, just and tice, which would be essential for an environment
inclusive communities centred around human where people can have liberty in life and be safe
rights (along with the right to improvement), an and prosperous. SDG-16 impacts many elements
efficient judicial system and effective governance of society and the 2030 Agenda, from anti-­
throughout all degrees while also transparent, effi- corruption and the judicial system to participa-
cient and responsible institutions. Political goals, tory policy planning, violence minimisation and
such as guaranteeing inclusiveness, strengthening peace encouragement.
effective governance and ending violence, were By 2030, the blue planet we live on will not
seen as equally important as economic, social and keep up with the increasing population and crisis.
environmental goals. It was then that the 2030 As stated by Wahba, 80% of the world’ inhabit-
Agenda’s SDG-16 arose as an “enabler”. As a ants will be living in difficult and dangerous con-
result, SDG-16 is a critical component of the trans- ditions (Wahba 2019). The need for SDG-16 will
formational 2030 Agenda. This holds true for all increase further in the coming years. According
objectives, including those linked to climate to Sugg, investment in SDG 16+ should be
change, health, education, economic growth and so viewed and emphasised as an investment in the
forth. Development achievements will be undone 2030 Agenda as a whole. Civil liberties are dwin-
in the absence of long-term peace, which includes dling worldwide, with 181 limitations put on
respect for human rights and the judicial system as non-governmental groups in 82 countries since
well as the absence of violence. Inequalities in pov- 2013. Failure to address these issues and invest in
erty reduction and socio-­economic development SDG16+ leads to further violence, injustice and
will rise without having access to justice for all and exclusion. This will result in a reversal of devel-
inclusion, and governments’ promises to leave no opment progress in all SDGs, such as education,
one behind will not be realised. health and climate action.
We may use one of the objectives as an exam- SDG-16, among other things, entails a variety
ple to show how important SDG-16 is in accom- of measures aimed at improving the lives of peo-
plishing the SDGs and attaining comprehensive ple with disabilities. Metropolitan areas are pre-
sustainable development. Target 16.5 aims, for dicted to house around 6.25 billion people by
example, to “significantly eliminate bribery and 2050, with 15% of them being disabled people
corruption of any kind”. An atmosphere of excel- (DIAUD 2018). Governments began to create
lent governance, security and peace is ideal for conditions to eliminate discrimination between
sustainable development. On the other hand, cor- people and create an inclusive society. According
ruption has a negative influence on long-term to Radović (2019):
growth and frequently results in civil unrest and It is informative to mention positive examples from
insecurity. Overall, the empirical evidence and practice related to the New Zealand Disability
sustainable development measures demonstrate Strategy 2016–2026, developed by the Office for
that countries with high rates of corruption have Disability Issues in consultation with other govern-
ment agencies and the disability sector (supported by
low rates of growth, average life expectancy, an Outcomes Framework and a Disability Action
mean years of schooling and public policy effec- Plan), and the Australian National Disability Strategy
tiveness while having high rates of poverty as which includes trend data indicators against each of
well as a high number of maternal deaths and the focus areas and reports every two years.
492 18  SDG-16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

It is on the agenda to apply machine learning both developed and developing countries will
(ML) while making SDG-16 reach its future face considerable resource constraints because of
goals. According to Dasandi and Mikhaylov, the SDGs. Estimates range from US$3.3 trillion
given the limited resources available to help poor to 4.5 trillion for basic infrastructure (roads, rail-
and developing countries achieve the SDGs, roads, and ports; power plants; water and sanita-
understanding the interrelationships between the tion), food security (agricultural and rural
many parts of SDG-16 and other SDG objectives development), climate change mitigation and
is particularly crucial (Dasandi et  al. 2019). If adaptation, health and education. Only in unde-
these links are appropriately identified, further veloped nations does it fluctuate between US
country-specific assistance to SDG success can Dollars (Kempe Ronald Hope Sr. 2019).
be targeted. Supporting success on some aspects According to the United Nations Conference
of SDG-16  in one nation, for example, might on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and oth-
result in advances on other SDGs in that country. ers, there is a total yearly finance gap of roughly
Machine learning may be used to assist and better US$2.5 trillion in impoverished countries with
grasp such linkages in a variety of ways. This will present levels of public and private investment in
enable the identification of SDG-16 indicators SDG-related industries. Considering the global
that influence the changes in other SDG indica- GDP of over US$115 trillion and what attaining
tors such as those related to health, education and the SDGs entails for unlocking human and eco-
poverty. Second, multilayer network models may nomic potential and ensuring planetary security,
be utilised to uncover causal linkages between closing such a gap is a massive task (UNCTAD
indicators for SDG-16 and other SDG objectives. 2014). In the United States, funding for public
In other words, thanks to machine learning, it can goods and key services is unquestionably critical.
better understand how governments and institu- By pursuing fiscal reforms, African nations, for
tions affect issues such as health and education example, might increase their fiscal space by
(Dasandi et al. 2019). 12–20% of GDP.  Fiscal policy in the form of
Like the SDG’s aims, their finance must be taxes has been a critical component for long-term
long term if their goals are to be realised, growth and equity in the Asia-Pacific region.
­particularly in developing nations. According to However, both wealthy and developing nations’
Kempe Ronald Hope Sr., funding is critical for public financing sources are insufficient to meet
the implementation and success of the 2030 the SDGs. As a result, private finance is a critical
Agenda, as it is for other development pro- component of the 2030 Agenda’s funding. To
grammes (Kempe Ronald Hope Sr. 2019). To address the SDG-16 funding gap, governments
begin with, data on SDG-16 objectives shows must reallocate resources from crisis response to
that violence and war (including persecution and violence prevention while boosting investment in
human rights abuses) resulted in the forced relo- justice and inclusion and lowering resources
cation of roughly 70.8 million people globally by wasted due to corruption and illicit flows
2018, with the global economic cost of violence (UNCTAD 2014). Improved governance will
projected to be over $1 trillion. In purchasing boost local resource mobilisation while also
power parity terms, it will be $14.1 trillion, or improving the efficiency of using resources on
11.2% of world GDP.  Second, according to the the SDGs.
Economic Impacts of Child Marriage project’s
most recent research, child marriages would cost
more than $560 billion in welfare losses by 2030. 18.1 Companies and Use Cases
Finally, the International Monetary Fund esti-
mates that bribery costs US$1.5–2 trillion, or Table 18.1 presents the business models of eight
around 2% of GDP, with far higher economic and companies and use cases that employ emerging
social costs when other kinds of corruption are technologies and create value in SDG-16. We
considered (The World Bank 2017). Overall, should highlight that one use case can be related
Table 18.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-16
No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 BitGive Foundation The institution provides people with With the GiveTrack project, donations The institution enables donations made
USA reliable and transparent service in the made by donors are recorded in blocks with a transparent system that does not
1, 2, 10, 16 use of funds, with the ability to track for charity work. In addition to the require trust against traditional donation
Blockchain, crowdfunding and audit their donations using Bitcoin donation information transferred to the systems with blockchain technology to
and blockchain technology. blockchain, the movements of the have a verifiable impact. By eliminating
donation and the results of the project are intermediary institutions, it provides a
added to ensure the traceability of the faster, less costly and more reliable
donation. Thanks to the distributed process.
application, it cannot be manipulated or
18.1  Companies and Use Cases

changed by the authorities.

2 Blackbird.AI It is a threat and perception intelligence It is utilising a variety of artificial Value is captured by identifying which
USA platform that enables organisations to intelligence (AI) technologies to address voices are important and which are not,
16 proactively protect against the problem of filtering and systematically addressing threats,
AI misinformation, enhance content safety understanding emergent narratives from getting down to their roots and networks
compliance across digital platforms and across the Internet in order to identify to prevent their repetition, detecting
uncover the forces behind major events. misinformation threats aimed at its signals of misinformation early before
consumers. they have a chance to make an.
3 E-­Residency Estonia The Estonian government’s blockchain-­ Using blockchain’s distributed ledger It enables companies and enterprises to
Estonia based system allows companies and system, the program keeps records of integrate into the European Union
8, 16 entrepreneurs, regardless of their transactions made in its blocks in an market more quickly and with less cost,
Blockchain location, to run their businesses on efficient and verifiable way. It ensures by saving them from European Union
digital platforms, and provide that all transactions are made from a customs duties and giving the rights of
consultancy or SaaS services, to single platform by keeping the EU companies.
establish a business in the European individual’s data, contracts such as
Union market by granting digital insurance and rent in these blocks and
Estonian citizenship. accepting them as a signature used in the
digital environment.
4 ID2020 The company provides digital identity The digital identity is turned into a digital It gives millions of refugees and
USA using cryptography and blockchain fingerprint with the letter and number unidentified individuals the right to be
1, 9, 10, 16 technology, especially for anonymous series algorithm of blockchain recognised by official authorities and
Blockchain people and refugees who are not technology called a hash. The access to their basic needs. It enables
recognised by official authorities in the individual’s data is recorded in these them to use their many rights such as
world. hashes, and the accuracy of the citizenship, voting and access to social
information is checked by many nodes. services and integrate them into the
modern world.
Table 18.1

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
5 Jigsaw The company conducts research and With the Perspective project, the It increases Internet literacy by fighting
USA develops products using AI, machine company uses AI to identify bad content against censorship, disinformation and
9, 10, 16 learning and cybersecurity technologies on the Internet and scores it according to violence against open societies, by
AI, cloud computing, to ensure freedom of expression, the harm rate. Accordingly, it allows the increasing free societies and access to
cybersecurity cybersecurity and access to accurate user to filter the contents according to the accurate information.
information. damage score. Another project, Project
Shield, caches user configuration settings
and proxy traffic of institutions and
NGOs that play an important role in
accessing accurate information with
cloud computing and absorbing
malicious traffic, thus providing
Cybersecurity against DDoS attacks.
6 Justice Chatbot It is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) They provide a conversation with an The chatbot, which was constructed
Uganda platform providing AI-powered AI-based bot in a social media channel’s using AI, captures value by providing
1, 16 chatbots for organisations and messaging app. Several legal issues can quick and easy legal consultation
AI individuals to solve their simple legal be solved by talking with the bot via this services to a larger number of
issues. messaging app, either individually or individuals. They also add societal value
from a corporate perspective, and if by providing free legal services to a
required, a meeting with the most large number of individuals.
appropriate attorneys can be organised at
the client’s location.
7 Kleros It is an online settlement and The distributed data structure of In addition to many transactions and
France commercial dispute resolution platform blockchain technology ensures that the disputes that the judiciary cannot reach,
9, 16 for consumers that resolve authorities evidence is protected in a transparent and it contributes to the need for quick justice
Blockchain in different jurisdictions using impartial manner and that the juries to be of individuals and companies by filling
crowdsourcing and blockchain selected for the resolution of the case are the justice gap with a fast, independent
technology. selected independently from any and efficient solution method against
authority with smart contracts. traditional dispute resolution.
8 Provenance The company transparently presents the It records the production and supply By making the social and environmental
UK production stages of the products chain mapping data of the product on impact of the product more accessible
3, 12, 16 offered for sale and the impact it creates blocks with the immutable data ledger and reliable, it creates an awareness in
Blockchain on the consumers using the distributed feature of the blockchain, allowing the the consumer and the producer whether
data ledger of blockchain technology. data to reach the consumer in a the product produced harms the
transparent way without allowing the environment and society. It reduces the
company to be manipulated. consumer’s indifference towards
inaccurate and opaque supply chain
18  SDG-16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

methods, especially in the food and

fashion industry.
References 495

to more than one SDG and it can make use of (Global Network on Disability Inclusive and Accessible
Urban Development, 2018). Available at: http://dis-
multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-­content/uploads/2016/11/
umn, we present the company name, the origin The_Inclusion_Imperative__Towards_Disability-­
country, related SDGs and emerging technolo- Inclusive_Development_and_Accessible_Urban_
gies that are included. The companies and use Development.pdf. Accessed 2 Nov 2021
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, F.,
cases are listed alphabetically.1 Handbook on the establishment and accreditation of
National Human Rights Institutions in the European
Union (2012).
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tutions: Overcoming challenges to the implementa-
tion of Sustainable Development Goal 16. Sci-Hub:
D. Acemoglu et al., The environment and directed techni-
Glob. Chang. Peace Secur., 1–21 (2019). Available
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at: https://sci-­
doi/abs/10.1080/14781158.2019.1667320. Accessed
A.  Bolaji-Adio, in European Centre for Development
2 Nov 2021
Policy Management Discussion Paper. The Challenge
V. Radović, SDG16 – Peace and Justice, Concise Guides
of Measuring SDG 16: What Role for African Regional
to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Frameworks? (2015). Available at:
(Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, 2019). https://
dp175. Accessed 2 Nov 2021
F.  Bovenkerk, B.A.  Chakra, Terrorism and Organized
SDG Tracker, Goal 16 (2021). Available at: https://
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Terrorism_and_organized_crime. Accessed 2 Nov
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Countries Trillions of Dollars by 2030, Says World
K.D. Brouthers, L.E. Brouthers, S. Werner, Real options,
Bank/ICRW Report (2017)
international entry mode choice and performance.
The World Bank, DataBank: Metadata glossary (2021a).
J.  Manag. Stud. 45(5), 936–960 (2008). https://doi.
Available at:
J.-P.  Cling, M.  Razafindrakoto, F.  Roubaud, SDG 16 on
VC.IHR.PSRC.MA.P5. Accessed 2 Nov 2021
Governance and its Measurement: Africa in the Lead,
The World Bank, International Bank for Reconstruction
Working Papers (2018). Available at: https://ideas.
and Development Subscriptions and Voting Power Of Accessed 2
Member Countries Total Subscriptions Voting Power
Nov 2021
Member Amount (*) Percent Of Total No. Of Votes
P.H.  Collins, The Difference that Power Makes:
Percent of Total (2021b)
Intersectionality and Participatory Democracy, in
UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2014 New York and
The Palgrave Handbook of Intersectionality in Public
Geneva, 2014 Investing in the SDGs: An Action Plan,
Policy, (Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019), pp. 167–
in (2014)
UNICEF DATA, Maternal mortality rates and statistics
N.  Dasandi, Slava, †, J.  Mikhaylov, AI for SDG 16 on
(2019). Available at:
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maternal-­health/maternal-­mortality/. Accessed 2 Nov
Progress and Assessing Impact * (Sjankin, 2019).
Available at:­sdg16.
UNICEF DATA, Birth registration (2021). Available at:
pdf. Accessed 2 Nov 2021­protection/birth-­
DIAUD, The Inclusion Imperative: Towards Disability-­
registration/. Accessed 2 Nov 2021
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United Nations, Economic and Social Council: Progress
Recommendations for an Inclusive Urban Agenda
towards the Sustainable Development Goals (2020).
Available at:
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company names or follow the websites here (Accessed (2021). Available at:
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496 18  SDG-16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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SDG-17: Partnerships for the Goals

Abstract sequences such as wars, natural disasters, climate

disasters and humanitarian crises does not come
Global partnerships have been rapidly from a single location, but it is a global cause. In
increased due to the transition to digitalisa- this respect, world leaders are now meticulous
tion, and an event at one end of the world about whether a problem is local or global. It was
causes different circumstances in many other accepted that global partnership and cooperation
regions. SDG-17, Partnerships for the Goals, in line with such sustainable development goals
fundamentally calls for strengthening the can only be achieved through close solidarity
global cooperation on sustainable develop- (MacDonald et al. 2018). At this point, developed
ment goals in the agenda 2030. SDG-17 has a countries have committed to helping other coun-
crucial role in advancing the global partner- tries where they are strong. They even aim to
ship and implementation tools in reaching the increase development aid to enhance growth and
solutions to social and ecological problems. welfare in many countries. Based on these, the
This chapter presents the business model of development of international trade and financial
one company and use case that employ emerg- restructuring of less developed countries can be
ing technologies and create value in SDG-17. given as examples to implement the global part-
nership for the goals.
Keywords SDG-17 fundamentally calls for strengthening
the global cooperation on sustainable develop-
Sustainable development goals · Business ment goals in the agenda 2030. SDG-17 has a
models · Partnerships for the goals · crucial role in advancing the global partnership
Sustainability and implementation tools in reaching the solu-
tions to social and ecological problems.
Regarding the goal, partnerships between gov-
Global partnerships have been rapidly increased ernments, the private sector and civil society are
due to the transition to digitalisation, and an event planned to be deepened and coordinated.
at one end of the world causes different circum- Additionally, the need to ensure the consistency
stances in many other regions. The cause of con- of the policies of the sustainable development
goals at the domestic and international levels is
The author would like to acknowledge the help and contri- met within the SDG-17. SDG-17 could be con-
butions of Ulaş Özen, Eren Fidan, Uğur Dursun, Büşra
Öztürk, Asya Nur Sunmaz and Muhammed Emir Gücer in sidered a bridge for achieving all SDGs. In other
completing of this chapter. words, it is extremely necessary to fulfil the

© The Author(s) 2022 497

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
498 19  SDG-17: Partnerships for the Goals

objectives and goals of SDG-17 for successfully plan to sustainable development goals. According
advancing and executing the SDGs at all levels to OECD, official development assistance (ODA)
(Franco and Abe 2020). SDG 17 has 19 selected has reached 161 billion dollars in 2019 (OECD
targets to be achieved upon the 2030 agenda. Statistics 2021).
While the 19 targets covered a vast range of Trade targets 17.10–17.12, draw attention to
affairs, these are mainly associated with the tar- the importance of rules-based and equitable trad-
gets from SDG-16 and SDG-9 (Maltais et  al. ing and seek to increase the share in international
2018). This relation is in terms of enhancing the trade by developing countries through the use of
quality of government and public administration multinational organisations and frameworks.
and access to technology, respectively. To Targets 17.13–17.15 focus on policy and institu-
increase the possibility of implementation of the tional coherence to enhance macroeconomic sta-
targets, the objectives of SDG-17 are classified bility and sustainable development, intertwined
into more detailed key themes in the studies. with an approach that respects country-specific
Revitalising global partnerships in five broad cat- modalities. Targets 17.16 and 17.17 address the
egories such as finance, technology, capacity necessity of multi-stakeholder partnerships for
building, trade, policy and institutional coher- coordinating and sharing resources, knowledge,
ence is the most common classification for tar- expertise and technology in support of the SDGs,
gets of SDG-17 (United Nations 2017). Finance, in developing countries. Targets 17.18 and 17.19
encompassing targets 17.1–17.5, focuses on cover data, monitoring and accountability, sup-
developing countries partnering with and assist- porting and enhancing countries’ capacity to
ing developing countries in revenue collection, increase the availability of high-quality data and
mobilising aid, long-term debt sustainability and developing countries’ statistical capacity (United
promoting investment. Nations Sustainable Development 2021).
The targets of SDG-17 between 17.6 and 17.8 Figure 19.1 presents the targets and sub-targets of
are about technology which focuses on the tech- SDG-17.
nological distinction between North and South. While introducing all the sustainable develop-
The divide includes enhancing global partner- ment goals, achieving the goal in collaboration
ship, improving coordination to accessing tech- stands out as the real challenge. The core of the
nology and innovation and improving sound UNDP SDGs is reducing a variety of inequalities
technologies to enhance information and com- within different nations and areas while trying to
munication technology usage. According to keep the world healthy and able for the next gen-
World Bank data, the average world fixed broad- erations who will be suffering from past and cur-
band subscription per 100 people is 15.87. rent mistakes of humanity about the world and
However, the average of the least developed the environment. Sustainable development goals
countries is 1.39 per 100 people (International from 1 to 16 all try to achieve this core philoso-
Telecommunication Union Database 2020). So, it phy while focusing on different needs and
is understood that people of the least developed grounds. Goal 17, on the other hand, acts as the
countries cannot regularly reach an Internet infra- backbone for all others. To fully integrate sus-
structure. But fixed broadband subscriptions are tainable development goals into real-life func-
increasing year by year. During the COVID-19 tioning improvements, establishing partnerships
pandemic, the Internet connection has been cru- among governments, both the public and private
cially important for people. A lack of Internet sector and the society itself, is crucial. At all
infrastructure has a high cost for the least devel- degrees that SDG applications take place, strong
oped and developing countries, especially in and mutually generated partnerships are required
health, economic and social life. that evolve around prioritising people and the
Under the SDG-17.9 target, it aims to build environment (Earth Changers 2020).
capacity in developing countries and enhance This sustainable development goal aims to
international support for adapting their national secure the collaborative act of these partnerships
19  SDG-17: Partnerships for the Goals 499

Fig. 19.1  Targets of SDG-17. (United Nations 2021)

500 19  SDG-17: Partnerships for the Goals

Fig. 19.1 (continued)
19  SDG-17: Partnerships for the Goals 501

mentioned above where they do not have to per- ing to take on the task of beginning a transforma-
form or handle the possible crisis about poverty tive journey. The need for global collaboration
and environmental degradation by themselves. has never been more conspicuous than in the year
As well as promoting collaboration at all degrees 2020. The spread of the COVID-19 virus was
(global, regional, national and local), SDG-17 global, and its effects were felt globally, but this
also promotes the need to obtain new financial virus shed light on the interconnectedness of the
resources to accomplish the rest of the SDGs. It world. Goal 17 of the sustainable development
would be very hard to execute the other 16 SDGs goals, the necessity of partnerships for the goals,
without significant progress on SDG-17. was further highlighted by the crisis. Partnering
Governmental collaborations with a range of with governments, the business sector and civil
public, private and civil society associates might society is a requirement for the first 16 objec-
help raise funds for various developments and tives, according to SDG-17 (Pierce 2018;
encourage greater inclusivity all through their European Commission 2021). The COVID-19
execution (ICLEI 2015). The nature of the goal pandemic is a stark warning that achieving the
might be explained as: It encourages wealthier 2030 agenda would need a concerted and coop-
nations to take on more responsibilities, such as erative effort. Today, multilateralism and global
influencing cohesive decision-making (SDG-­ cooperation are becoming more and more vital.
17.14), endorsing infrastructure construction in The SDGs can only be accomplished via
developing states (SDG-17.9) or enhancing strong global partnerships and collaborations;
developing states’ access to sustainable and thus, the SDGs must collaborate. “A successful
greener technology (SDG-17.9) (ICLEI 2015). development agenda requires inclusive partner-
In a world where working together has become ships—at the global, regional, national, and local
more important in recent years, it was inevitable levels—built upon principles and values, and
for the SDGs to work together. The globe is more upon a shared vision and shared goals placing
interconnected than ever before because of the people and the planet at the center” (United
Internet, travel and global organisations. The Nations Sustainable Development 2021). Many
need to act together to combat climate change is nations require official development aid to boost
becoming increasingly obvious. The sustainable growth and trade. Nonetheless, assistance levels
development goals are also a big deal. 193 nations are declining, and donor nations are failing to
agreed upon these goals. The ultimate objective achieve their pledges to boost development
establishes a framework for nations to collabo- money. For nations to recover from the pandemic,
rate to obtain all other goals (United Nations rebuild properly, and accomplish sustainable
2021). Transformative change is needed around development goals, strong international collabo-
the globe and by multi-stakeholder partnerships. ration is needed today more than ever before.
Many partnerships have emerged expressly to The European Union (EU) is the world’s larg-
solve international problems in recent years, est source of official development aid (ODA),
resulting in literally hundreds of ­multi-­stakeholder providing more than half of all ODA to develop-
collaborations worldwide. Finding and develop- ing nations. In 2018, the EU’s total ODA was
ing transformational collaborations provides the $74.4  billion. The EU and its member states
best chance to tackle these issues and drive sig- raised their assistance for local revenue mobilisa-
nificant shifts successfully. tion in developing countries considerably in
Consequently, the United Nations has called 2016, boosting pledges from €112.7  million in
2018 the “Decade of Action” devoted to deliver- 2015 to €197.9  million in 2016 (European
ing on the 2030 agenda and SDGs (Li et al. 2020). Commission 2021). The EU and its member
We need fresh dedication and investment to states promote sharing information for tax rea-
achieve the SDGs and take meaningful action on sons, anti-corruption, tax evasion and illicit
climate change. Nevertheless, multi-stakeholder flows. With its contribution to the World Bank’s
partnerships can only be effective if they are will- Debt Reduction Trust Fund, which funds the
502 19  SDG-17: Partnerships for the Goals

High Debt Poor Countries program, the EU ability and sensitivity to their populations. The
stands at the forefront of debt relief. Until the end EU has created dialogues with partner nations to
of August 2016, the EU’s collective funding debate and evaluate progress on the SDGs. The
accounted for 41% of the overall contribution success of the SDGs depends on the development
throughout this time. In absolute terms, remit- of multi-stakeholder partnerships that exchange
tances constitute a far greater source of develop- information, experience, technology and finan-
ment funding than ODA.  There is a concerted cial assistance. Therefore, SDG-17 is essential to
effort by the European Union and its member accomplishing all 16 SDGs and the aims of Addis
states to boost the impact of remittance. As a Ababa’s2030 Agenda for Sustainable
result, remittance fees are reduced. The European Development (European Commission 2021).
Union also encourages research and develop-
ment. A Research and Innovation Partnership in
the Mediterranean Region has been formed to 19.1 Companies and Use Cases
strengthen cooperation with emerging nations on
research, technology and innovation. It supports Table 19.1 presents the business model of one
sustainable food systems and integrated water company and use case that employ emerging
management through creative solutions. In 2017, technologies and create value in SDG-17. We
the EU established the EU-CELAC policy advi- should highlight that one use case can be related
sory mechanism in research and innovation to to more than one SDG and it can make use of
assist Latin American and Caribbean nations in multiple emerging technologies. In the left col-
meeting the Sustainable Development Goals umn, we present the company name, the origin
(European Commission 2019). Facility for policy country, related SDGs and emerging technolo-
discourse E-READI supports EU-ASEAN scien- gies that are included. The companies and use
tific and technology collaboration. Capacity cases are listed alphabetically1.
building is an essential component of nearly all
development cooperation. The EU helps develop-
ing countries build their capacity to create and For reference, you may click on the hyperlink on the

execute inclusive sustainable development poli- company names or follow the website here (Accessed
Online – 2.1.2022):
cies at the national level and improve account-
19.1  Companies and Use Cases

Table 19.1  Companies and use cases in SDG-17

No Company info Value proposal (what?) Value creation (how?) Value capture
1 Stambol It’s a creative technology studio that Through Virtual reality (VR) for Value is created by easier, cheaper and faster
Canada specialises in extremely immersive architecture and real estate services, remote meetings and partnerships via enhanced
17 content and interactive apps to help the company enables remote collaborations with VR and AR. Furthermore,
Spatial computing businesses innovate by combining collaboration via VR and environmental value is captured by reducing travel
creativity with the disruptive force of Augmented Reality (AR) at home and hence resulting in a reduced carbon footprint
504 19  SDG-17: Partnerships for the Goals

References A. MacDonald et al., Multi-stakeholder Partnerships (SDG

#17) as a Means of Achieving Sustainable Communities
and Cities (SDG #11), in World Sustainability Series,
Earth Changers, SDG 17 Global Partnerships Purpose
(Springer, Cham, 2018), pp.  193–209. https://doi.
Tourism For Sustainable Development (2020),
Available at:­
A. Maltais, N. Weitz, Å. Persson, SDG 17: Partnerships
pose/partnerships. Accessed 1 Nov 2021
for the Goals (Stockholm Environment Institute,
European Commission, Progress of the EU and its
2018). Available at:­content/
Member States-Goal by Goal. Brussels (2019),
uploads/2020/01/sdg-­1 7-­r eview-­o f-­r esearch-­
Available at:
needs-­171219.pdf. Accessed 1 Nov 2021
public/dgreports/. Accessed 1 Nov 2021
OECD Statistics, Total Flows by Donor
European Commission, Partnerships for the Goals |
(ODA+OOF+Private) [DAC1] (2021),
International Partnerships (2021), Available at:
Available at:­partnerships/sdg/
aspx?DataSetCode=TABLE1. Accessed 1 Nov 2021
partnerships-­goals_en. Accessed 1 Nov 2021
A. Pierce, Why SDG 17 is the Most Important UN SDG?
I.B. Franco, M. Abe, SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals,
(2018), Available at:
in Actioning the Global Goals for Local Impact,
spectives/sdg17-­most-­important-­sdg. Accessed 1 Nov
(Springer, Singapore, 2020), pp. 275–293. https://doi.
United Nations, General Assembly: Work of the
ICLEI, ICLEI World Congress 2015 Report: 25 years
Statistical Commission pertaining to the 2030 Agenda
of impact  – one world of local action, in Local
for Sustainable Development (2017), Available at:
Governments for Sustainability, ed. by E. O’loughlin
et al., (2015). Available at: Accessed 1
Accessed 1 Nov 2021
Nov 2021
United Nations, The Sustainable Development Goals
International Telecommunication Union Database, Fixed
Report (2021), Available at:
broadband subscriptions | Data (2020), Available at:
sdgs/report/2021/The-­S ustainable-­D evelopment-­
Goals-­Report-­2021.pdf. Accessed 1 Nov 2021
Accessed 1 Nov 2021
United Nations Sustainable Development, Partnerships
S. Li, E. Gray, M. Dennis, How Partnerships Can Turbo
for the Goals (2021), Available at: https://www.
Charge Progress on the SDGs (2020), Available at:­partnerships-­can-­
Accessed 1 Nov 2021
turbo-­charge-­progress-­sdgs. Accessed 1 Nov 2021

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Abstract emerging technologies step forth as remedies for

this challenge. On the other hand, entrepreneurs
This chapter brings a concise conclusion for foster innovative solutions and utilise these
the book by presenting the list of 34 emerging emerging technologies to create novel products
technologies, 17 United Nations (UN) and services to support sustainable development.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Some traditional jobs and businesses will be
countries and number of companies that are phased out and replaced by these novel ones. At
included in this book, the distribution of 650 this point, we believe it is imperative to present
companies in the world, emerging technology “a guidebook” to illuminate how all these efforts
use cases per each sustainable development came true so that others can learn, reflect and
goal, the share of emerging technology use even advance in the business development with
cases and the share of sustainable develop- emerging technologies to help contribute to a
ment goals number of applications. The chap- sustainable future.
ter also includes a brief discussion about the This book first presents an in-depth assess-
findings of this book. ment of the innovation concept, funding and
financing, supporting mechanisms for innovation
Keywords and an impact assessment from various perspec-
tives. The second chapter includes information
Sustainable development · Emerging tech- on 34 different emerging technologies with mar-
nologies · Value creation · Use cases · ket diffusion. This means we deliberately
Business and Model excluded the technologies either in the research
and development phase or the ones not commer-
cially available in the market. We then continue
with the 17 United Nations Sustainable
Tackling climate change, building a sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With each SDG, we
future, protecting economies and creating new present a brief introduction about the concept and
jobs are the common desires of academia, indus- then provide a company and use cases table. The
try, business and policymakers. We all know that tables include companies worldwide that utilise
this is not an easy task. There are numerous chal- 34 emerging technologies and create economic,
lenges and barriers to achieving this radical trans- environmental and social value to reinforce sus-
formation from a traditional carbon-based tainable development. The 34 emerging technol-
economy to a sustainable one. At this point, ogies and 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable

© The Author(s) 2022 505

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
506 20 Conclusions

Table 20.1  List of 34 emerging technologies

Natural language
3D printing Blockchain Drones processing
5G Carbon capture & Edge computing Quantum computing
Advanced materials Cellular agriculture Energy storage Recycling
Artificial intelligence Cloud computing Flexible electronics & Robotic process
wearables automation
Autonomous vehicles Crowdfunding Healthcare analytics Robotics
Big data Cybersecurity Hydrogen Soilless farming
Biometrics Datahubs Internet of Behaviours Spatial computing
Bioplastics Digital twins Internet of Things Wireless power transfer
Biotech & Distributed computing

Table 20.2  List of 17 United Nations (UN) sustainable Table 20.3  List of countries and number of companies
development goals (SDGs)
Country and number of companies
1 No Poverty USA 245 China 8 Costa Rica 1
2 Zero Hunger UK 57 Italy 8 Czechia 1
3 Good Health and Well-being Netherlands 42 Austria 7 Ghana 1
4 Quality Education Germany 33 South 7 Greece 1
5 Gender Equality Korea
6 Clean Water and Sanitation France 27 Belgium 5 Guinea 1
7 Affordable and Clean Energy Israel 25 Kenya 5 Iceland 1
8 Decent Work and Economic Growth Canada 24 Japan 4 Ivory 1
9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Coast
10 Reduced Inequality India 14 Nigeria 4 Lebanon 1
11 Sustainable Cities and Communities Norway 13 Portugal 4 Malawi 1
12 Responsible Consumption and Production Sweden 13 Estonia 3 Malaysia 1
13 Climate Action Finland 12 Slovakia 3 Mexico 1
14 Life Below Water Switzerland 11 Ukraine 3 Pakistan 1
15 Life On Land Denmark 10 Brazil 2 Romania 1
16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Turkey 10 Ireland 2 Slovenia 1
17 Partnerships for the Goals Spain 10 New 2 South 1
Zealand Africa
Singapore 9 Cambodia 1 Taiwan 1
Development Goals (SDGs) that we review are Australia 8 Chile 1 Thailand 1
listed in Tables 20.1 and 20.2, respectively. Uganda 1
We made a comprehensive review and mar-
ket scanning and inspected thousands of compa- Table 20.4  SDGs and number of companies
nies worldwide. Finally, we managed to compile
650 noteworthy and innovative companies from 39 40 55 49 16 36
51 countries. This does not mean that the com- SDG-­ SDG-­ SDG-­ SDG-­ SDG-­
panies presented here are the only interesting 7 8 9 10 11
and innovative ones in the world. Indeed, we 60 37 59 21 50
cannot claim that we reviewed all companies in SDG-­ SDG-­ SDG-­ SDG-­ SDG-­ SDG-­
the world due to time and labour constraints. 12 13 14 15 16 17
46 52 36 45 8 1
Moreover, there are many companies, which
have similar business models to the ones on our
lists. We had to exclude these due to the space of the corresponding number of companies.
the book. Table 20.3 shows these countries and Similarly, Table 20.4 gives the SDGs and num-
20 Conclusions 507

Fig. 20.1  Distribution of 650 companies in the world

ber of companies that are inspected in each located either in North America or in Europe,
field. Figure  20.1 illustrates the distribution of especially in Western and Northern Europe.
these companies on a world map. Figure  20.2 Language could be one of the barriers. For exam-
summarises the emerging technology use case ple, we wanted to inspect one Japanese company
distribution per each sustainable development to see how they work on innovative solutions by
goal on a matrix. Figures 20.3 and 20.4 are pie using advanced materials and biotech and bio-
charts showing the distribution of use cases per manufacturing. Nonetheless, the company’s web-
emerging technologies and sustainable develop- site does not provide sufficient information in
ment goals English; thus, we did not include any of the prod-
The USA turned out to be the most innovative ucts or services from them.
country on our list by far, with 245 companies out The matrix shown in Fig. 20.2 summarises our
of 650. The UK and the Netherlands follow the findings in this book. We can see each technolo-
USA, and Nordic countries also perform excep- gy’s number of use cases per SDG here. Artificial
tionally well. All these countries are well-known intelligence (AI) tops as the most utilised emerg-
for their vivid innovative and entrepreneurial ing technology with 473 use cases. Similarly,
ecosystems. There is no surprise that these coun- SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure is
tries take the lead in adopting emerging technolo- the most preferred field with 240 applications.
gies and converting these into business cases. On the other hand, Internet of Behaviours and
Perhaps we should mention Germany here as one SDG-17: Partnerships for the Goals have the
might expect a “better performance” in business least number of use cases. This matrix shows
and value generation with technology. However, which technology is concentrated in what field
we might state that there is an ongoing debate and which technologies have no application in
about Germany’s success with digitalisation in what fields. To better articulate these findings, we
general. Thus, we might claim that Germany prepared the following figures.
could and should do much better, especially with As seen in Fig. 20.3, more than one-third of all
digital technologies. We acknowledge that the use cases are done with AI, IoT (Internet of
distribution of companies worldwide might be Things) and big data. One might argue that these
“western biased” as most of the use cases are technologies are no longer emerging ones;
508 20 Conclusions

Fig. 20.2  The emerging technology use cases per each sustainable development goal

instead, they are mature technologies. However, Figure 20.4 shows us that some SDGs are
we should remember the definition of emerging popular among technology companies,
technologies: “development and application whereas some have limited applications.
areas are still expanding rapidly, and their techni- These are SDG-­ 7 : Affordable and Clean
cal and value potential is still largely unrealised”. Energy, SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and
We are positive that AI, IoT and big data’s appli- Infrastructure, SDG-12: Responsible
cation areas are still expanding rapidly, and their Consumption and Production and SDG-13:
technical and value potential is still largely unre- Climate Action. Of course, it is unrealistic to
alised. We will be seeing fascinating and promis- expect an even number of applications at each
ing developments with these 34 technologies, SDG. However, we hope that the technology
some of which are still at their initial stages of providers will focus more on SDG-5: Gender
market diffusion. Equality, SDG-10: Reduced Inequality and
20 Conclusions 509

Fig. 20.3  The share of emerging technology use cases

SDG -16: Peace, Justice, and Strong rather than the companies’ revenue models. This
Institutions. way, entrepreneurs and other companies who
This book attempts to compile as many rele- wish to expand their businesses into one of the
vant innovative business models as possible in sustainable development goal fields can check
employing emerging technologies to create value and inspect how emerging technologies create
for sustainable development. However, it is value for fostering sustainability in general. We
impossible to present all valuable companies and hope that this book will be helpful as a guide for
use cases here. Besides, our aim is not to adver- those interested in innovation, emerging technol-
tise technology companies. Instead, we solely ogies, new business models, value creation and
focused on the value captured by technologies sustainable development.
510 20 Conclusions

Fig. 20.4  The share of sustainable development goals number of applications

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Affordable and Clean Energy, 2, 305, 506, 508 Life below water, 2, 230, 290, 453–467, 506
Life on land, 2, 230, 469–485, 506

Business model, 1, 2, 4, 5, 9–15, 35, 36, 43, 58, 138, N
153, 155, 195, 214, 233, 259, 282, 293, 310, 335, No poverty, 2, 191–208, 230, 282, 430, 506
336, 345, 353, 377, 386, 390, 412, 414, 421, 434,
458, 464, 472, 492, 502, 506, 509
Partnerships for the goals, 2, 497–504, 506, 507
C Peace, justice and strong institutions, 280, 487–495
Clean water and sanitation, 2, 289–303, 506
Climate action, 2, 419, 429–450, 478, 491, 506, 508
Quality education, 2, 144, 255–274, 280, 381, 506
Decent work and economic growth, 2, 280, 331–346,
457, 506 R
Reduced inequalities, 2, 280, 371–383, 506, 508
Responsible consumption and production, 2, 410, 412,
E 427, 506, 508
Emerging technologies, 1, 2, 5, 36, 41, 53, 54, 58, 87, 90,
108, 112, 117, 118, 120, 124, 145, 195, 214, 233,
259, 268, 278, 282, 293, 310, 329, 335, 353, 377, S
383, 390, 414, 434, 458, 472–485, 492, 495, 502, Sustainabilities, 1, 22, 23, 26, 28, 31, 35, 75, 144, 192,
505–509 197, 201, 204, 210, 214, 226, 256, 258, 268, 272,
292, 324, 332, 341, 345, 346, 364, 374, 376, 386,
387, 389, 393, 396, 402, 404, 410, 413, 418, 433,
G 436, 442, 454, 470, 481, 498, 509
Gender equality, 2, 256, 258, 277–287, 332, 352, 454, Sustainable cities and communities, 2, 385, 386, 506
506, 508 Sustainable development, 1, 2, 7, 70, 75, 144, 210, 212, 213,
Good health and well-being, 2, 229–252, 506 229, 230, 232, 255, 256, 258, 278, 290, 292, 308,
332, 336, 349, 351–353, 374, 385, 386, 389, 409,
410, 432, 457, 470, 487, 491, 498, 501, 502, 505, 509
I Sustainable development goals (SDGs), 2, 7, 16, 19, 24, 30,
Impact assessment, 1–36, 505 36, 109, 192–195, 210, 213, 214, 230, 232, 233, 255,
Industry, innovation, and infrastructure, 282 256, 258, 259, 277, 278, 280–282, 289, 290, 293,
Innovation, 1–36, 41, 43, 64, 70, 96, 126, 164, 167, 195, 305, 308, 329, 332, 333, 335, 350, 352, 353, 371,
199, 217, 230, 292, 298, 302, 314, 332, 333, 374, 376, 377, 383, 385, 386, 389, 390, 409, 410,
349–350, 352, 353, 364, 375, 386, 498, 502, 412–414, 416, 430, 434, 458, 470, 472, 488, 489,
505–509 491, 492, 495, 497, 498, 501, 502, 505–510

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2022 511

S. Küfeoğlu, Emerging Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals Series,
512 Index

Use cases, 1–3, 36, 98, 100, 153, 157, 195, 214, 216, Value creations, 1–36, 197, 202, 302, 311, 336, 341, 354,
233, 259, 282, 284, 293, 300, 310–329, 335–346, 378, 379, 391, 415, 422, 425, 435, 438, 459, 473,
353–368, 377–383, 390–405, 414–428, 434–449, 482, 493, 503, 509
458–467, 472–485, 492–495, 502, 503, 505,
Zero hunger, 2, 209–227, 430, 506

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