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Performance of Electric Power Systems

Under Physical Malicious Attacks
Evangelos I. Bilis, Wolfgang Kröger, and Cen Nan

Abstract—This paper focuses on deliberate acts aimed at the electric power infrastructure, have already taken steps toward
disruption of the electric power infrastructure and their impact investigating the above concerns [10], [11].
on its operational capability. Metrics derived from complex net-
Attempts to capture the effect of physical malicious attacks
work theory and social network analysis are used to identify the
important elements of the electric power transmission grid. Using against electric power systems range from lessons learnt
the outcomes of this screening procedure as a guide, a number from historical records and enumeration of the critical points
of physical attack scenarios have been fabricated and applied. of an EPS [12], [13] to the use of game theory concepts,
The nature of these scenarios is either deterministic (targeted where the interaction between the threat and the defender
attacks) or stochastic (sets of elements are randomly attacked).
is envisaged as a game [8], [14]. Some simulation attempts
We appraise the effect of these attacks on the serviceability of
the electric power system by modeling of potential cascading focus on evaluating defense strategies [8], while others take
events through calculation of transmission grid components’ the defense scheme as given and try to quantify the economic
loading, a Monte Carlo simulation of hidden failures, and, impact of a potential attack [15].
finally, operator performance analysis based on a simple human This paper quantifies the effects of postulated attacks against
reliability model. The effect of each attack scenario is quantified
components of the electric transmission infrastructure using a
in terms of the blackout size (electric-power-not-served). To
illustrate the application of the developed model to the security hybrid approach: a complex network theory approach is used
assessment of targeted physical attacks against the electric power to fabricate the attack scenarios on an EPS and a realistic
infrastructure, the Swiss transmission grid is taken as the test model of the latter is used to appraise the effect of these
system. scenarios. Section II debates the characteristics of antagonistic
Index Terms—Cascading failures, centrality metrics, complex attacks against EPSs and whether the latter pose tempting
systems, industrial power system vulnerability, physical attacks. targets. Section III introduces a methodology for identifying
the most critical nodes of a transmission grid. To achieve that,
topological metrics borrowed from complex network theory
I. Introduction and social network analysis are used. The selected nodes
act as the targets in a number of targeted attack scenarios.
NERGY infrastructures have long been subject to de-
E liberate physical attacks in addition to cyber attacks
against their communication and control systems. A large
Section IV analyzes the response of a power system, following
a disruptive attack on a set of its elements. During the
system response analysis, potential cascading events following
portion of these physical attacks were toward the electric
the postulated attack are taken into consideration. Section V
power infrastructure [1]–[8]. Today, with the omnipresent
presents the simulated response of the Swiss transmission
threat of terrorism in industrialized countries, potential de-
system when sets of its components are damaged or destroyed
liberate attacks against electric power systems (EPS) receive
due to malicious physical attacks. The effect of the latter on the
extensive attention. A 2002 U.S. National Research Council
serviceability of the former is quantified. Sections VI and VII
panel stated that “a coordinated attack on a selected set
present the conclusion of the procedure introduced and future
of key points in the system could result in a long-term,
model additions and extensions.
multi-state blackout” [9]. Concerns include the impact on
the electric power infrastructure from a possible physical II. Physical Malicious Attacks Against the
attack, the economic and social consequences of the latter, and Electric Power Infrastructure
finally, discovering ways to impend potential attackers and to
mitigate the effects of such an attack. Many countries, having In the last 15 years, major electric power outages worldwide
realized the consequences of a targeted attack against their emphasized the vulnerability of electric power systems to a
wide range of phenomena and activities: natural disasters,
Manuscript received August 14, 2010; revised October 29, 2010; accepted component failures, erroneous actions by the system opera-
November 1, 2010. This work was supported in part by the Swiss Federal tor(s), and even acts of malicious intent all contributed in one
Office for Energy and Swisselectric Research.
The authors were with the former Laboratory of Safety Analysis, way or another to these wide area blackouts.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich 8092, Switzerland (e-mail: In this paper, however, the physical aspect of acts of; malicious intent will be investigated. This threat has re-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at ceived heightened attention since military campaigns, terrorist
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2012.2223512 attacks, and acts of vandalism or sabotage targeted in one
c 2012 IEEE
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


way or another the electricity infrastructure (e.g., in July 2010, 7) Since the deregulation in the electricity sector, power
Baksanskaya hydro plant in the North Caucasus area was shut grids are operating closer to their limits. This makes
down after an attack on the facility that left two people dead them more susceptible to cascading events and potential
[16]; NATO destroyed portions of the Serbian electric power wide-area blackouts following an initial system distur-
infrastructure in 1999 [4]). But what are the distinguishing bance [19].
characteristics of targeted physical attacks as compared to 8) Materials used in the electric power grids (e.g., high-
other more traditional threats and what makes the electric quality copper for transmission lines) are tempting tar-
power infrastructure a tempting target? gets for scavengers (nondirect threat against the electric
power infrastructure).
A. Deliberate Physical Attacks Against EPSs
To sum up, multiple sources of threats exist for the electric
Physical attacks, in contrast to other threats, e.g., natural power infrastructure (natural hazards, cyber attacks, etc.),
disasters, are deterministic in nature (attackers know which which probably pose a higher risk than physical threats [20],
components to target). Moreover, they share a number of [21]. Nevertheless, the EPSs have been physically attacked in
characteristics that make them stand out. the past and nothing precludes future attempts against them. To
1) They are selective. Does a successful attack affect more quote from [22], “Any legislation on national security threats
than the immediate victims? Does the target have a big to reliability should address not only cyber security threat, but
potential to produce disruptive and/or cascading events? also intentional physical malicious acts (targeting for example,
Is it loosely protected? It is more likely to be attacked critical substations and generating stations).”
in this case [17].
2) They exhibit temporal selectivity. The time of the attack III. Fabrication of Attack Scenarios
is chosen so that the effects are maximized (e.g., in the
case of EPS, launch of the attack during peak time). In this section, a number of attack scenarios against the
3) The effects of a successful physical attack are possible to electric energy infrastructure are fabricated. Complex network
be aggravated either directly (secondary attacks against theory is used to form the sets of EPS elements assumed as
the same target) or indirectly (instilled fear and exposure the salient targets in these scenarios. The selection of high
to an uncommon situation prolongs restoration process). voltage substations (and transmission lines in the random
attack scenarios, as described in Section III-C) as the only
B. EPS’s Vulnerability to Deliberate Physical Attacks potential targets of physical attacks was based on the following
Electric power systems have some inherent attributes that facts and assumptions.
render them tempting to malicious attacks. 1) Lines and substations belonging to the distribution level
1) Since terrorist attacks aim at having the largest impact on usually feed small industries and neighborhoods. As
society, EPSs pose a credible target; besides the direct a consequence, this lowest level of the electric power
economic damage of a massive blackout, lack of the infrastructure poses an unattractive target of attack.
necessary can instill fear in the citizenry [17]. 2) High voltage substations are important points of an
2) EPSs are extensive and usually distributed over a huge electric power grid since they constitute the part of an
geographic area. In conflict situations, remote facilities EPS that is responsible for the routing of electric power.
(e.g., substations), transmission lines, and generators They contain a plethora of critical components (massive
pose tempting targets. step-up/step-down transformers, circuit breakers, control
3) Critical elements are spatially concentrated (e.g., high rooms, etc.) and are mostly unprotected [23]. Partial or
voltage substations) making them susceptible to com- total incapacitation of a high voltage substation affects
mon cause initiating events. all customers within its electric power service area.
4) With the exception of nuclear plants and some gen- 3) In [7], it was shown that 60% of the analyzed ter-
erating stations, most EPS sites are loosely protected. rorist attacks on EPSs targeted lines and towers on
Moreover, as noted by NERC in [18], “Most elec- the transmission level. They pose easy targets since a
tricity sector members do not have in place business big portion of the transmission towers and cables pass
recovery plans that include procedures for dealing with through isolated and uninhabited locations, making the
widespread, well-planned attacks on physical facilities. attack easier. The potential effects of such an attack
Likewise, they do not include procedures for dealing could be disproportionally high. The situation can be
with deliberate attempts to hamper repair and restoration aggravated if multiple transmission lines are subjected
activities.” to coordinated and periodically repeated attacks.
5) Many critical EPS components are stationed in outdoor 4) We make the assumption that nuclear power plants and
locations, where they are vulnerable to a number of generating stations, in general, are well protected, and
threats (sabotage, material scavenging, etc.). are thus less attractive as targets and/or impervious to
6) Spares for some EPS components are rarely available physical malicious attacks.
(due to storage space deficiency or cost). The logistics
following the incapacitation of such a device could be A. Complex Network Theory as a Tool of EPS Analysis
lengthy (for high voltage transformers up to a year or Electric power systems gather some qualifications that al-
more). low their characterization as complex [24]. They are formed
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Although centrality metrics exist for both vertices and links,

in the postulated attack scenarios analyzed in Section III-C,
only high voltage substations (nodes) are exposed to targeted
attacks. Thus, we will present here the node centrality metrics
that were used along with the heuristic procedure implemented
to root out the most important substations.
Centrality is a function f, which assigns a numerical value
to each node in a given graph. We can say that vertex x is more
critical than vertex y if and only if f(x) > f(y) [40]. In the case
of graph representations of EPSs, centrality analysis translates
into locating the nodes (substations) whose incapacitation is
able to influence many others. Under the assumption that
a target is chosen on the basis of maximizing the negative
consequences of the target’s deactivation, these nodes pose
the most attractive targets of physical attacks [41].
During the search of the most suitable centrality metric,
we were faced with several dilemmas. As shown in [33], the
impact of node deletion (blackout size) depended largely on
the metric used as a guide for the targeted attacks (degree
attack, betweenness attack, etc.). In [40], it is shown that,
after stating and calculating different centrality metrics, only
a few of these correlate with a coefficient above 0.9 to other
Fig. 1. Representation of the Swiss transmission grid by a 242-node, 310- centrality metrics. In [42] and [43], the removal of the most
edge graph. Nodes represent substations, loads, or power generating stations. connected nodes (degree centrality attack scheme) did not
Edges represent transmission lines. Node size is analogous to node degree
centrality. necessarily imply maximal network damage, while in [27] it
is shown that for the cascading effects scheme employed, the
by a large number of interacting elements and demonstrate network is fairly robust to most failures, but very vulnerable to
complicated dynamics. failures of the nodes with high betweenness. In [44], electrical
Complex system analysis is mainly supported by three centrality is investigated as a centrality metric of electrical
toolboxes: 1) nonlinear dynamics; 2) statistical physics; and networks, while in [42], [43], and [45], the critical components
3) network or graph theory [25]. Although the surge of of the network are rooted out by considering the network’s
interest in 3) is recent, during the last decade a number performance degradation caused by their deactivation. From
of graph-theoretic approaches attempted to link topological the above, it became obvious that there is no definitive answer
properties of infrastructure networks (among them the electric to the optimum centrality metric. Thus, for the selection of
power sector) to system reliability, resilience, susceptibility the most influential nodes, we opted for the combination of
to cascading phenomena, and collective dynamical behavior five centrality metrics through the process, as described in
[26]–[35]. These approaches are based on the representation Section III-C.
of complex systems by a set of nodes and links, as well as A presentation of the five centrality metrics used follows.
topological metrics such as degree and betweenness. 1) Degree Centrality: For a graph G = (V, E) with n
Here, the transmission level of an electric power system vertices, the degree centrality CD of a node v is defined as
is represented by a simple graph G that is defined by a pair follows:
of sets (V , E), where V is a set of elements called nodes
or vertices and E is a set of unordered pairs of different CD (v) = (1)
vertices, called edges or links. The vertices of the graph show (n − 1)
high voltage substations, generating plants and loads while where deg(v) is the degree of a vertex v (the number of edges
the edges represent transmission lines. The whole graph is that contain v)
described by the N × N adjacency matrix A, where N is the
cardinality of set V. If aij is an element of the adjacency deg(v) = |{y ∈ V |{v, y} ∈ E}| = |ϑ{x}| (2)
matrix, then aij = 1 if vertices i and j are connected and
aij = 0 otherwise. where ϑ{x} is the set of the neighbors of vertex v and |ϑ{x}|
In Fig. 1, the graph representation of the Swiss transmission denotes the cardinality of the set ϑ{x}.
system is shown. Degree centrality can be interpreted in terms of the number
of vertices and edges that are directly influenced by the status
B. Centrality Analysis of Electric Power Transmission of node v.
Networks 2) Eccentricity: For a graph G = (V, E), the eccentricity
In complex network theory, centrality analysis is a graph- CE (v) of vertex v is defined as follows:
based method that is used to rank and identify critical elements
in a network [36]–[39]. CE (v) = max[d(v, y)] (3)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


where d(v, y) is the length of the shortest path connecting Step 1) A given centrality metric is calculated for all nodes
vertices v and y. (substations). The node with the highest value (indi-
Low eccentricity of node v suggests that all other nodes are cation of maximal criticality) is placed on the top of
in proximity. the list linked with the metric and is deactivated. If
3) Betweenness Centrality: For a graph G = (V, E) with two nodes have the same centrality value, the node
n vertices, the betweenness centrality CB (v) of vertex v is to be deactivated is chosen at random. The centrality
defined as follows: metric is then recalculated for all the remaining
nodes. The node with the highest value is placed in
|σst (v)|
CB (v) = (4) position number 2 of the list linked with the metric.
|σst | In this manner, a list comprising the chosen metric
values for all nodes is constructed. The above proce-
where σst is the set of shortest paths from s to t and σst (v) is dure is repeated for all the centrality metrics. In that
the subset of σst that pass through vertex v. way, five lists are created, each one corresponding to
For node v, high CB value means that this node, for certain each one of the centrality metrics used.
paths, is crucial to maintain node connections. Deactivation Step 2) The upper 5% of the nodes in each list is rooted
of v should cause a number of node pairs either to be out. That way, we are left with five lists, each one
disconnected or connected via longer paths [37]. containing the nodes that collected the 5% highest
4) Centroid Centrality: For a graph G = (V, E), the values for the corresponding metric.
centroid centrality CC (v) of vertex v is given by Step 3) A final list is created by selecting the nodes that
CC (v) = d(v) − min[d(y)] (5) appear at least in two of the lists created after Step 3.
y=v Given the discussion in Section III-B, the nodes (sub-
where d(v) is the status of vertex v stations) comprising this final list are good candidates
 for the title of the most important network node.
d(v) = d(v, y). (6)
y∈V D. Attack Scenarios
This centrality metric suggests that a specific node has a The attack scenarios are comprised of: 1) targeted attacks
central position within a graph region, characterized by a high against the most critical nodes (substations); 2) random attacks
density of interacting nodes [37], [38]. against nodes (Swiss substations); and 3) random attacks
5) Radiality: This metric was introduced in [46]. For a against sets of edges (transmission lines).
graph G = (V, E), the computation of this metric is based on In the test case presented in Section V, we investigate
the distance matrix Dvy = d(v, y), where v, y V . The reverse diverse forms of the above attack scenarios.
distance matrix RD is defined as follows: We made the following assumptions when constructing the
targeted attack scenarios on nodes (substations).
RDvy = diameter (G) + 1 − Dvy . (7) 1) The choice of targets relies only on the importance of
the node, as dictated by the list created in Section III-
The diameter of a graph G is the maximum eccentricity of
C. In other words, the target is chosen on the basis of
the graph.
maximizing the negative consequences of the target’s
Given the above, the radiality CR of vertex v is defined as
 2) The cost of disabling any node in the list is the same.
v=y RDvy 3) A targeted attack against a substation results in total
CR (v) = . (8)
(n − 1) damage (complete knockout of the node, along with the
deactivation of all links incident upon this node).
High radiality means that node v is, with respect to the
graph diameter, close to the other nodes. Low radiality can be
interpreted as the node being peripheral. IV. System Response Analysis
The aim of the system response analysis conducted here is
C. A Heuristic Methodology for Rooting out the Most Critical to provide the state of the system that would be seen by an
Nodes operator, after the electric power system is inflicted by damage
From Section III-B, it is obvious that specific centrality caused from targeted or random physical attacks.
metrics are more suitable for different types of graphs (biolog-
ical networks, social networks, infrastructure networks, etc.). A. AC Power Model
Moreover, in the case of targeted attacks, the centrality metric The AC power model developed in [20] is used here. It can
used dictates the attack vector(s) (the sets of nodes that will capture a wide area of interactions and events in a transmis-
be deactivated). sion grid, on many different levels (sympathetic tripping of
Here, we propose a heuristic procedure for the selection of transmission lines due to misoperation of their protection and
the most important nodes of a graph, where the five centrality control systems, checking for abnormal voltages in bus bars,
metrics presented in the previous section are equally weighted checking for overloading in transmission lines, and a simple
and combined. operator model).
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Given certain known quantities, the load flow analysis can

provide the magnitudes and phase angle of voltages, as well as
the active and reactive power flow in each transmission line.
For a system containing n nodes (buses), the load flow
problem reduces to the solution of the system of n equations
Pi = |Vi ||Vk |[gik cos(θi − θk ) + bik sin(θi − θk )] (9)
Qi = |Vi ||Vk |[gik sin(θi − θk ) + bik cos(θi − θk )] (10)
1) Pi is the real power at bus i;
2) Qi is the reactive power at bus i;
3) |Vi is the voltage magnitude at bus i;
4) gik is the conductance of link connecting buses i, k;
5) bik is the susceptance of link connecting buses i, k;
6) (θi − θk ) is the voltage angle difference for buses i, k.
There are several solution methods. For the test case pre-
sented in Section V, the Newton Raphson method was used.
C. Hidden Failures
It has been recognized in [47] that protection and control
systems’ misoperations have been a leading cause of major
blackouts. Nearly 45% of bulk power system disturbances in
North America during 2007 can be attributed to P&C misop-
erations, while almost 30% of the latter comprises P&Cs’
wiring/design/logic/setting errors.
We adopt the terminology of [48], and refer to de-
sign/logic/setting errors of the protection equipment as hid-
Fig. 2. Flowchart implemented in the system response analysis of physical den failures (HF). They can cause intact equipment to be
attacks on electric power systems.
unnecessarily disconnected, following a fault on a neighboring
component [49], [50].
As can be seen in Fig. 2, we followed a quasi-dynamic
D. System Operator Response Analysis
procedure. Each simulation starts from the state of the electric
power system, after the application of a scenario attack. The In EPSs, the human factor comes in the form of the TSOs,
procedure from the time of the attack until the time that no whose role is the overall management and control of the
other alterations take place in the EPS modeled, is broken transmission grid(s). In our analysis, the role of the operator
down to time slots. The duration of each time slot is dictated is triple: 1) check transmission lines for overloading and try
by the time that is needed by the operator to act, given a to alleviate the problem; 2) issue warnings for lines that were
contingency in the power grid. Since in our model, the role of overloaded at some time, but the problem was alleviated before
the operator is restricted to alleviating problems in lines and the line’s protection system kicked in; and 3) issue warnings
issuing warnings for abnormal voltages in bus bars, we make for buses with abnormal voltage (the safety window adopted
the assumption that he has 20 min to learn about and respond for busbar voltage was [0.9Vnom − 1.1Vnom ], where Vnom was
to unplanned events. This time duration is considered realistic the busbar’s nominal voltage).
from a transmission system operator (TSO) perspective. Each In our study, we are treating situations where short-term
time a line is taken out due to erroneous operator handling of response is required, under potentially high stress, with po-
a contingency situation, an algorithm loop takes place. This tentially multiple failure occurrences [51]. The nominal like-
way, events that happen inside loop n are regarded as having lihood of failure of the operator(s) to alleviate possible line
taken place 20 min later than events that happened during loop overheating is assessed using the human error assessment and
n-1. Each simulation stops when during a loop, no lines are reduction technique (HEART) [52]. The estimated value was
taken out due to overloading. approximately 10%.

B. Load Flow Analysis V. Test Case−Swiss Transmission System

Load (or power) flow analysis is called into action when To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach proposed, we
we want to describe the operating state of an electric power particularized it to analyze the consequences of a number of
system. It can be implemented only under the assumption that physical attack scenarios against the Swiss electrical transmis-
the system is operating under balanced conditions. sion infrastructure.
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A. The Swiss Transmission System

Due to the geographical position of Switzerland, in the cen-
ter of Europe, the importance of its high-voltage (280/380 kV)
grid is inversely proportional to its size. In particular, the
380 kV portion is considered an electricity superhighway,
primarily for important transit flows in Europe and Switzer-
land, while at the same time being a platform for European
electricity trading in a Europe-wide liberalized market [53].

B. Centrality Analysis
The Swiss high-voltage grid was represented by an undi-
rected and unweighted graph; the nodes of this graph repre-
sented high-voltage substations, power plants, and loads inside
Swiss borders, as well as substations outside Swiss borders
that were neighbors to their Swiss counterparts. Fig. 3. ENTSO-E grid (purple and orange colored countries). Former syn-
We followed the procedure proposed in Section III to root chronous UCTE grid in purple, with Switzerland highlighted in darker
out the most critical Swiss substations, thus most attractive for purple.
targeted attacks. That left us with eight nodes (substations).
E. Simulations
For security reasons, their names are not disclosed here. We
refer to them as HVS1–HVS8. For each one of the 121 (46 targeted and 75 random) attack
scenarios, we repeated the system response analysis procedure
30 times. The average of these 30 simulating results had been
C. Attack Scenarios taken as the result for the corresponding scenario.
We postulated 46 targeted attack scenarios against the Swiss A number of assumptions and parameter values were used
HV substations. Eight of them targeted each one of the eight during the simulation procedure.
critical nodes, as mentioned in Section III-B, 28 had pairs of 1) Attack against a substation leads to its complete in-
these eight nodes as targets and ten had triplets of these eight capacitation. No redundancy (e.g., spare or alternate
nodes (simultaneous targeted attacks) as targets. This set of transformers) is taken into account.
targeted attacks was followed by a set of 15 attack scenarios 2) Line redundancy (double lines between two terminal
that implemented random node removal in triplets. spots) is taken into account during the system response
Finally, 60 attack scenarios that implemented random link analysis.
(transmission line) removals were simulated. 3) The hidden failure probability was taken equal to
4) It was assumed that only one operator manages the
D. Response Analysis of the Swiss Transmission System whole grid.
Considering its position as a European electricity hub, 5) During the system response analysis, the upper limit of
it was decided to treat the Swiss transmission grid not as the current that transmission lines can carry before the
a stand-alone, isolated system; during the system response automatic protection system trips them was set to 150%
analysis the whole synchronous UCTE network was modeled with respect to the maximum rated current [54].
(Fig. 3). In that way, we were able to capture interactions 6) No abnormal conditions or hidden failures were taken
with the neighboring countries’ transmission networks, i.e., into account for the grids that do not neighbor with a
consequences of potential outages inside the Swiss’ borders on Swiss transmission line or substation.
other countries’ high voltage grids. Moreover, the transmission
lines of neighboring countries could take on part of the F. Results
additional load in case of outages inside the Swiss borders, 1) Targeted Node Attacks: Thirty-six attack scenarios
helping us avoid overestimation of an impact. were investigated. For scenarios HVS1–HVS8, each one of
The input that dictated the initial intact state of the UCTE the critical substations (as dictated by the centrality analysis
grid (and consequently of the Swiss high voltage grid) became described) is deactivated in turn. In every one of the following
available to the authors in the form of UCTE files. They 28 scenarios (HVS1–HVS2 to HVS7–HVS8), the critical sub-
are appropriately constructed to mirror a specific topology stations are deactivated in pairs (e.g., scenario HVS1–HVS2
and loading of the former UCTE transmission network at a represents the deactivation of substation HVS1 and HVS2).
particular point in time. The file used in our analysis was a For each one of the 36 attack scenarios, we repeated the system
so-called reference case snapshot: a merged set of balanced response analysis procedure 30 times. The average of these 30
snapshots of all the UCTE countries, done by Amprion, simulating results is taken as the result for the corresponding
Germany. Two files are created per year. Without going into scenario.
more details, the file used for load flow analysis represented In Figs. 4–6, the mean load lost, generating power lost,
an average load day in winter, close to peak load. and mean imbalance ratio are shown, respectively, for the 36
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Mean load lost (in MW) for each targeted attack scenario.

Fig. 5. Mean generating power lost (in MW) for each targeted attack scenario.

targeted attack scenarios postulated (single substation out or LLCF = 7.73 MW, which appeared for the attack scenario
pairs of substations out). HVS3–HVS7.
These figures, as well the results of the 1080 simulation 3) Overloading of remaining transmission lines arose only
runs, have shown the following. from a few simulations (44 out of 1080). This shows
1) The load flow problem converged to a solution in that the operation of the Swiss transmission grid has
all the attack scenarios. This is a good indica- good safety margins; the remaining transmission lines
tion that no highly unstable/major-blackout conditions are able, in most situations, to take on the additional
emerged from the targeted attack of the most critical load induced by the hypothetical physical attacks against
substations. substations. In almost all the response analysis iterations
2) The effect of cascading failures was very small; the that featured overloaded lines, substation HVS3 was
maximum mean generation and load lost solely due to involved.
cascading failures was, respectively, GLCF = 40.8 MW 4) Frequency stability refers to the ability of an EPS to
and appeared for the attack scenario (HVS4-HVS7), and maintain steady frequency following a severe system
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Fig. 6. Mean power imbalance ratio, following a postulated targeted attack.

Fig. 7. Mean load lost (in MW) for each random attack scenario.

disturbance [55]. We used the safety margins used in cascade and transform into a wide area outage [56]).
[54] that are dictated by the ratio of the total power 2) Random Transmission Line Attacks: Sixty attack sce-
demand to the total power supply as narios were investigated. For the first 30 scenarios, sets of
Total Power Demand ten transmission lines were randomly selected while for the
0.95 > > 1.05. other 30, sets of 15 transmission lines were randomly selected.
Total Power Supply
These sets dictated the sets of transmission lines that were
As can be seen in Fig. 6, many attack scenarios deactivated during the attack scenarios (10L-1 to 10L-30 are
demonstrated a ratio outside the safety margins. This the code names for the ten-line attack scenarios and 15L-1 to
imbalance could potentially lead to some synchronous 15L-30 the code names for the 15-line attack scenarios).
machines tripping and could be translated into a minor In Figs. 7–9, the mean load lost, generating power lost,
underestimation of the targeted attacks’ consequences and mean imbalance ratio are shown, respectively, for the 60
(since historical events show that frequency instabilities hypothetical random attack scenarios.
can cause the tripping of some synchronous generators Comparing the above results with the corresponding results
but protective systems do not allow the disturbance to for targeted node attacks, we can see that the effects of
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Fig. 8. Mean generating power lost (MW) for each random attack scenario.

Fig. 9. Mean power imbalance ratio, following a postulated random attack.

targeted node (high voltage substations) attacks are far greater load lost and mean generating power lost for each scenario
than random link (transmission lines) attacks: 1) generating are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. Comparing the results presented
power lost was greater than 100 MW only in 5 out of 60 in these figures, we can see that the effects of targeted high
random attack scenarios; 2) no scenarios demonstrated load voltage substation attacks are far greater than random high
loss greater than 25 MW; and 3) the power demand/power voltage substation attacks.
supply only in one scenario (10L-5) fell outside the [0.95, 1) In one of the targeted attack scenarios, a convergent
1.05] safety margins. solution of the power flow equations could not be ob-
3) Targeted Versus Random Node Removals: Ten targeted tained (nonconvergence indicates an unstable condition
attack scenarios against triplets of the five most critical nodes and possible wide-area blackout). No such situations
were investigated. This set of simulations was followed by a emerged during the random node-attack scenarios.
set of 15 attack scenarios against randomly picked triplets of 2) Generating power lost was greater than 1000 MW in six
all the node graphs (Swiss substations). The attacks against the out of ten targeted attack scenarios. The same applied
triplets of attacked substations are assumed to be synchronous. only to one out of 15 random attack scenarios.
For each one of the 25 simulated attack scenarios, we repeated 3) Nine out of ten targeted attack scenarios demonstrated
the system response analysis procedure 30 times. The mean load loss greater than 500 MW. The same applied only
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


demand to power supply imbalance.

Due to the availability of free graph analysis software tools
and the quasi-dynamic nature of the system response model,
this method seems to be quite flexible and can be applied to all
electric systems, regardless of the granularity desirable (total
or partial node damage, modeling of only the transmission
grid or the transmission and distribution grid, incorporating
substation redundancy or not). Although the temporal and
spatial prediction of physical targeted attacks to an EPS
is difficult, the methodology proposed here can help grid
operators identify the elements and contingency situations to
which an electrical power system is most vulnerable and assist
Fig. 10. Mean generating power lost (in MW) and mean load lost (in MW)
for synchronous targeted attack scenarios against triplets of substations.
operation planners in choosing the appropriate prevention and
protection measures against physical malicious attacks.

VII. Outlook
The future steps should include the following:
1) attack scenarios combining concurrent targeted node and
random link attacks;
2) targeted attack scenarios against links (transmission
lines) by calculating graph-based, link related metrics;
3) sensitivity analysis of our model by varying the sys-
tem response analysis model parameters (hidden failure
probability, human error probability, etc.);
4) investigation of the impact that a partial node destruction
(HV substation not fully functional after attack) would
Fig. 11. Mean generating power lost (in MW) and mean load lost (in MW)
for random attack scenarios against triplets of substations.
have on the serviceability of the power system.

in one out of 15 random attack scenarios. References

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Wolfgang Kröger received the Doctorate degree Cen Nan received the M.Eng. degree in oil and
in mechanical engineering from RWTH Aachen, gas engineering from the Memorial University of
Aachen, Germany, in 1974, and the Habilitation Newfoundland, Canada, in 2007, and the Doctorate
degree in 1986. degree in process and mechanical engineering from
He has been an Ordinarius of Safety Technology ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, in 2012.
with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, He is currently a Research Assistant at ETH
Zurich (ETH) since 1990 and the Director of the Zurich. His current research interests include the de-
Laboratory for Safety Analysis until his retirement velopment of advanced modeling/simulation meth-
in 2011. In parallel he was the Head of Research on ods for assessing complex behaviors of infrastructure
nuclear energy and safety with the Paul Scherrer In- systems.
stitute, Switzerland, where he was also on the Board
of Directors until he was elected as Founding Rector of the International Risk
Governance Council in 2003. His current research interests include methodical
issues pertaining to modeling, analysis, and optimization of complex technical
systems in view of reliability, risk, and vulnerability. Currently, he is the
Executive Director of the ETH Risk Center.

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