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“Ultimate Irresistible Email
Swipe File”
Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders –
Monthly Recurring Membership

50+ emails that helped generate over $5,000 in

monthly recurring revenue...

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Published by:
BR Marketing
6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
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Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
What shall I call it?
Big Jason Aug 21, 2018, 1:23 PM

Mind giving me some feedback...

I'm trying to come up with a new name for my monthly group email marketing coaching.

Here's what I have so far.

Breakthrough Email Marketing Alliance

Breakthrough Email Marketing Society

Breakthrough Email Marketing Fellowship
Breakthrough Email Marketing Partnership

Breakthrough Email Marketing Tribe

Reply back and let me know which one you think is best.

For a little background...

It's for marketers interested in finding out what works best in their email marketing.

That's my specialty.

I've been doing email consulting for over 22 years now...

Been to every one of MECLAB/MarketingSherpa's email conferences... (spoken twice)

Taken their email messaging optimization, value proposition, and split testing certifications 5x and
more each...

Written emails for some of the most successful marketers and copywriters in the business...

Have actual proven results from my email marketing...

Testimonials from copywriters who have actually tested my advice against email "experts"...

And much, much more.

What I do in this group coaching is daily FB Lives with:

Email critiques... (from my inbox where I know the market, etc)



Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

I also answer questions on:

What not to do...

What to do...

Split testing...


And once a month (last Thursday), I take member email submissions for possible critique.

Plus, I give access to tools like dynamic email and landing page personalization and more.

Anyway, appreciate the reply with your thoughts on the best name.



Sent to


Breakthrough Email Marketing, 6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347, Las Vegas, NV 89103, United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
It shall be "Insiders"
Inbox x

Big Wed, Aug 22, 2018, 9:01

Jason via acems2. PM
to Big

If you replied to yesterday's email and gave your input on what I should
call my monthly email marketing group coaching program, thank you.

Turns out none of my choices won...

"Insiders" won by a landslide of write-in votes.

So, tomorrow I'm going to be re-launching the Breakthrough Email

Marketing Insiders monthly coaching program.

However, I also received quite a few replies with questions about what I'm

Here's my answers:

Question One - Daily? How are you going to keep up with that?

I do it all the time.

Marketers like Sam Markowitz and Caleb O'Dowd (Halbert proteges) have
me on an expensive retainer to get my input whenever they need it.

"Listen. I've hired Big Jason to write emails for several of my


In fact, one of them has paid Jason a monthly retainer for over a year to
get his continued advice on all things email marketing whether it be email
copy, strategy, split testing, deliverability, and more.

I trust his opinion above all others because it's based on more
experience than most and actual results."

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Sam Markowitiz, Gary Halbert's Last Protege

New York, NY

Question Two - Daily? I won't be able to keep up. I'd rather have a PDF
round up that I can print.

Already happening.

Yesterday, I reviewed a last minute sale email.

I did a video review and marked up a PDF version live.

Now, I'll make the following available in the member area.

1) Video replay

2) Downloadable (and printable) PDF of the marked up email and bulleted

recap of what you need to remember when writing your own last minute

3) Comment and Question Form - Ask me as many follow up questions as

you want.

Question Three - What niches have you worked with?

Email marketing, at its core, is the "right message... to the right person...
at the right time".

So, it really doesn't matter what niche you're in right now because I know I
can help your email marketing.

However, in the last 22 years I have worked with wildflowers, mosquito

repellant, mmo, comic books, art supplies, jewelry, non profits, finance,
health, fitness, skin care, basketball, golf, and many others.

Question Four - Cost?

Technically, nothing.

If you take my advice, you'll cover the small monthly investment with just
one email (in my cases).

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Have any other questions?

Reply to this email and let me know.

Otherwise, look for an email tomorrow with the following subject line:

Get Insider Access

Talk soon,
Big Jason

Scott "Mongo" Haines, Sam "Gary's Seeing Eye Jew" Markowitz and
myself having Scott's favorite meal, Gourmet Chocolate Salmon, from his
favorite chef and my wife, Debbie...

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything more about my Breakthrough Email

Marketing Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However,

keep me on your list)

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Shortcut Copywriting

Secrets or anything which could help take your results to the next level,
you can use the link below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Black Panther's little sister helps email "Insiders"
Big Jason Thu, Aug 23, 2018, 8:43 PM

Had a little snafu today, so I'll be launching "Insiders" tomorrow.

However, let me give you a little taste.

I'm doing a complimentary Breakthrough Email Marketing show tonight


As you can see in the image above, this is a show not to be missed.

It's my gift to you.

I'm going to be sharing 5 ways Black Panther's little sister can help you do

Plus, you're going to get a taste of what Insiders is all about just by signing

Get 5 ways Black Panther's little sister can help your email marketing...

Be sure to pay attention on the thank you page.

And don't worry.

A replay will be available, but I won't be able to answer your questions


Otherwise, look for an email tomorrow with the following subject line:

Get Insider Access

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Talk soon,
Big Jason

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email

Marketing Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders...

(However, keep me on your list)


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Shortcut Copywriting

Secrets or anything which could help take your results to the next level,
you can use the link below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Get Insider Access
Big Jason Sat, Aug 25, 2018, 7:17

If you want Insider access to over 22 years of proven email marketing results... over
500+ million emails split tested... and nearly 700,000,000 in sales directly from email,
here's your chance to get Insider access to my brain.

Ask me anything...

Ask me anytime...

Ask me as many questions as you have on your (or your client's) email marketing day
or night...

I'll be sending you daily Insider, no-nonsense updates with email breakdowns, answers
to questions, how to's, swipes, easy-to-use templates and formulas, and so much more.

Get instant access to the online monthly Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group
coaching here...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Big Jason

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep
me on your list)


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Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Sneaky strategy to get your emails opened...
Big Jason Sun, Aug 26, 2018, 4:25

Yesterday I did a Facebook Live Video in the Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders Facebook group...

I demonstrated a simple strategy to increase open rates, get your emails read, boost
sales, and avoid spam filters all at the same time.

The problem is most people blindly follow an "expert" who tells them not to do certain
things in their emails with zero evidence.

If you want to email your list without handcuffs, get on the inside of over 22 years of
proven results.

I'll be sending you daily Insider, no-nonsense updates with email breakdowns, answers
to questions, how to's, swipes, easy-to-use templates and formulas, and so much more.

Get instant access to the online monthly Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group
coaching here...

Big Jason

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
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Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
the eMail Knight rises...
Big Jason Mon, Aug 27, 2018, 7:23

I read a prelaunch email over the weekend that made me want to poke my eyes out...

It got me thinkin about the first prelaunch emails I wrote for Revolution Golf when I
produced their biggest launch in history.

The response was insane.



So many replies to these emails overwhelming the support staff...

Customer service was so pissed at me (Bad Jason, Bad.).

"We've never seen this before!

There's no way we can keep up with the volume of email replies you're generating."

"Well...", I said.

"Sorry to break it to you, but you ain't seen nothing yet!

Wait till we actually launch."

Of course... Tup, the CEO, and Lisa, the COO, we're delirious with joy.


This bunny poop-stained prelaunch email I saw over the weekend got me thinkin I
should share the first 3 prelaunch emails I wrote for Revolution Golf tonight.

Would you like to see the emails that had golf nuts drooling all over themselves leading
to the biggest launch in company history?

Would you like to model these emails for your own launches?

If you write for clients, would you like to model these emails and take the credit?

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Well, hop on over and join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders coaching
program using the link below.

Oh, and I'm not going to just say something like:

"See! Amazing, right?"

I'm going to mark them up live and share the psychology behind everything I did.

The "Big Idea"...

The story telling...

The research...

Plus, I'll answer any questions you have.

Get instant access to the online monthly Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group
coaching here...

Big Jason

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

P.S. The first subject line in the prelaunch series for Revolution was...

"the Black Knight rises..."

If you know what that means, you might be a golf nut.

Tell me what it means after signing up.

If you're correct, I'll throw in a secret bonus email swipe...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
on your list)


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

What you're Not doing in your emails is costing you...

Big Jason Tue, Aug 28, 2018, 8:23

You could be flushing down hundreds, thousands, possibly even tens of thousands
down the toilet every time you do an email promo if you don't do this one thing in
your emails...

What's the one thing?

It's the thing that Clayton Makepeace, the world's highest-paid copywriter, said he was
going to have his team check pronto when I revealed it to him.

You see...

Clayton had me present to his mastermind group, and he was literally texting his team
during the presentation to make sure they were doing it in their emails.

With your permission, I'd like to give you the entire presentation just for trying
the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group.

Plus, I'll answer any questions you have about making sure you'd doing this one thing
in your own emails.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Get instant access to the online monthly Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group
coaching here...

Big Jason

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
on your list)

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What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

3 simple ways to laser-targeted emails...

Big Jason Aug 29, 2018, 6:18

"Wow. How did you know what to say?

Where did you come up with that?"

I was getting asked this tonight during my powerful prelaunch email breakdown.

These were the emails I wrote for Revolution Golf during their biggest launch in

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
history (at the time).

Another Insider remarked:

"That's awesome especially since you knew nothing about golf and hated it."

With all these questions and remarks, I asked everybunny if they'd like a training on
market research.

I offered to give them 3 simple ways to know exactly what your prospects want.

Best part?

You don't have to ask or survey them...

Yet, you'll know exactly what to sell them and what to say in your emails.

This makes it as easy as pie.

You can access this type of training and more when join the Breakthrough
Email Marketing Insiders coaching program.

However, Friday is the last day of August.

Once the clock hits Midnight, all of this month's training gets archived for
current Insiders only.

Another reason to hurry is this.

Thursday is Insider Email Critique day (last Thursday of every month).

You can get one of your emails critiqued by yours truly (Normally, 1k).

Hop on over and submit your email.

Get instant access to the online monthly Breakthrough Email MarketingInsiders group
coaching here...

Big Jason

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
on your list)

What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

And a woman shall lead them...

Big Jason Wed, Aug 29, 2018, 7:12 PM

It's like pulling teeth sometimes to get male copywriters to realize that
many proven direct response strategies for sales letters work like gang
busters in email too.

These are the same direct response strategies they rave about.

However, they're stubborn and believe some email "expert" who told
them not to do it in email.


Who knows.

These experts don't have any real facts to back up the claims coming from
their bumhole.

Anyway, I was thrilled to see a female A+ copywriter using one of these

strategies in her email yesterday.

Was the email perfect?

No, but it was powerful the way she utilized this direct response strategy.

I'm going to do a breakdown in less than an hour on what was powerful

and what could have been better.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

If you hurry and join the Breakthrough Email

Marketing Insiders program, you can watch it live and ask questions.

Get more info on getting the inside scoop of what works best in email marketing...

Big Jason

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email

Marketing Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However,

keep me on your list)


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email

Marketing or anything which could help take your results to the next
level, you can use the link below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

SMH Marketing
6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

eMail critiques only a mother could love...

Big Jason Thu, Aug 30, 2018, 6:17

Ever see an email critique like this?

"Okay. Well, subject line is pretty good. Like it.

Opening is a little weak. I'd get rid of this. I'd get rid of that.

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Maybe tell a story here.

Call to action is pretty good.

Love the P.S..

Okay. Good email."


Makes me want to vomit.

Writing an email is much, much more than "words" or copy.

It's the right message... to the right person... at the right time.

It's about thought sequences.

This why I demand the following when I do email critiques for members
of Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders.

Demand #1 - Tell me about your market?

Demand #2 - Why are they on your list? What's your optin url?

Demand #3 - What's the goal of your email?

Demand #4 - What's the landing page url?

Demand #5 - If this is in a series of emails, show me what comes before and after it.

Then, and only then, will I critique a member's email.

I only do real critiques for members, and I'm doing them later today.

In fact, I could possibly be doing your email if you hurry.

Get on the inside of proven direct response email marketing...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Big Jason

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
on your list)


What's up?

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

No, this isn't your mommy

Big Jason Fri, Aug 31, 2018, 6:08

Remember all the hoo-ha about Obama's email campaigns back in the day?

Then everybody and their momma started using "hey" in their subject line.

Experts tried to twist the results to fit their teachings and a lot of other crap.


Speaking of momma...

Now the latest subject line craze is trying to deceive your list into thinking it's their
momma, other family member or a friend.


Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
I don't know about you, but I want my prospects thinking something along the lines of:

"Oh, hey now. I have to know more about that."

Versus, "Oh, grandma sent me an email. Goody!"

Obviously, there are exceptions and nothing wrong with switching it up once in awhile.

However, the "experts" are telling the masses to write subject lines like this all the

No... thank you.

What makes me say that?

Sales, of course...

Hundreds of split tests...

Not to mention I asked the two people who ran Obama's campaign if they split tested
using "hey" and other "personal" subject lines with other from names and did they do
anywhere as good as Obama.

They responded with: "Yes, we split tested this a lot. And no, they didn't."

In case you we're wondering...

I asked them in person at the MECLABS Optimization Summit in Boston.

Just goes to show you the mistakes you could be making and all the revenue you could
be leaving on the table if you're not on the Inside of Breakthrough Email Marketing.

So if you want to tap into over 22 years of proven results and over 500
million emails split tested, join myself and the rest of the Insiders of email
marketing by Midnight.


Because today is the last day of the month.

This means all of this month's email breakdowns, critiques, and more will be archived
for current Insiders only.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
With your permission, I'd love to start helping
your email marketing get breakthrough results.

Get on the inside of proven direct response email marketing before Midnight...

Big Jason

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep
me on your list)


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Most popular email training [Closing Down]
Big Jason Fri, Aug 31, 2018, 9:40

My winning prelaunch email breakdowns were the most popular training in all of July.

If you'd like to see how I drove customer service crazy with so many replies to emails...
during the biggest launch in a company's history, join the Insiders before Midnight.

Once Midnight strikes, all of July's trainings will be archived for current members only.

Get access to the prelaunch emails, all the critiques, and all the rest of July's training

Get on the inside of proven direct response email marketing before Midnight...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Have a great Labor Day Weekend.


By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
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What's up?

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Email response blues? Try Labor Day "Beer Cure"

Big Jason Sat, Sep 1, 2018, 1:27

If you want to see me review an email about the "beer cure" for seniors with problems
going to sleep, tonight is your night.

I'm going to review Kevin K's first email in a series getting people to click to a VSL
which is doing the heavy lifting.

Should his email be short?


Have a story?

Blind curiosity?

Curiosity + Benefit?

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Is it consistent with the landing page?

Proper thought sequence?

Image or no image?

Multiple links or one link?

Best strategy or way off the mark?

What would I test against Kevin's email?

You can find out all these answers and ask your own questions when you join over
63 Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders in my new coaching program.

Can't make it tonight?

No worries.

You'll get the recording and bulleted recap PDF.


I'm off to the gym.

Here's the details:

Get on the inside of proven direct response email marketing...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.


By the way...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing
Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Bizarre brain scan saves Agora
Big Jason Sun, Sep 2, 2018, 6:02


If you could see a brain scan of Kevin yesterday, you'd see some bizarre images...

His synapses were firing left and right during the critique I gave his email.

Keven is writing an email series for an Agora company and wanted me to help him out.

What did I help him with in his email?

Help #1 - Wrong strategy. Do this instead.

Help #2 - Right thought sequence... Wrong time. Get rid of it.

Help #3 - Change this, that and another thing.

Hep #4 - Test this.

Help #5 - Make sure you have that.

Yes, yes...

I know what I helped Kevin with is vague, but I'm only going to share it with Insiders.

You could get the same type of help whether you write for an Agora company or for

Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders is welcome to noobs and A+ copywriters alike.

Plus, I'll give you the replay of Kevin's critique, a bulleted PDF recap, and answer any
follow up questions you have.

Join us here:

Get on the inside of proven direct response email marketing...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.


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Insiders program, use the link below.

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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Labor day email massacres...
Big Jason Mon, Sep 3, 2018, 6:07

I don't know about you, but I'm spending Labor Day ripping some emails a new one...


Because the amount of wicked-smart marketers taking a dump on their Labor Day
sale emails yesterday stunk up the internet.

There's no need to leave all those email sales lying on the table.

I'm going to break them down and show you some tested and proven strategies for
maximizing the last day of any sale you run -- including Labor Day.

Join us here:

Get proven holiday sale email strategies...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Happy Labor Day,


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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
I say "why not both?" (email strategy question)
Big Jason Mon, Sep 3, 2018, 9:25

Hope you had a fab Labor Day.

Get this...

Richard, an email copywriter asks:

"I've heard two completely different pieces of advice on writing emails to cold
prospects who recently signed up for a free lead magnet.

A) Sell immediately. You could possibly waste years and years on value-building from
the start when you should be selling immediately.

B) Nurture. You need to build a relationship first. Send a value-building series before
starting to sell.

What should I do?"

My response:

Why not do both?

Besides, the majority of people who whine about not making as many sales when they
used to "teach" or just provide value, were doing it wrong.

They like to project their fears, failures, and even sexual inadequacies onto others…

It's like someone trying webinars, failing and then saying webinars don't work.

It's not that webinars don't work or providing value (including hard teaching) doesn't
work either…

It means your strategies don't work.


I'm going to demonstrate to you how to provide value (even with hard teaching) and
make tons of email sales at the same time.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Yes, I'm not just going to tell you with some positional BS I pulled from my bum.

I'm going to show you how to do it — and even provide proof it works.


In the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders private group coaching program.

Join over 70 Insiders here:

Get proven breakthrough email strategies & answers to questions like this...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Happy Labor Day,


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Insiders program, use the link below.

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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Every email must include "this"...
Big Jason Tue, Sep 4, 2018, 6:09

If 22+ years of email marketing have taught me anything, they've taught me this.

To maximize the amount of sales, you must include this one thing in your emails.

Nothing else matters.

I've touched on this subject in several trainings already in

the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders private group coaching program.

Discover what it is and how to use it before you send another email.

Get proven breakthrough email strategies & insider info...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Happy Labor Day,


Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
2 private eMail critiques for Rabbit (Today Only)
Big Jason Wed, Sep 5, 2018, 6:13

Today is my birthday, but you're the one getting the gift.

If you'd like 2 private email critiques from me, join myself and over 74 email marketers
in the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders coaching program today.

You can use these two private critiques (2k Value) any time you want within the next
six months as long as you're an Insider.

Plus, I do group email critiques every Thursday.

That's a lot of input on your email marketing from someone who has been at it for over
22 years.

Anyway, this deal is today only on my birthday.

Get proven breakthrough email strategies & 2 private email critiques...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Happy Birthday To Me,


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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Unsubscribes are good. Right? Wrong...
Big Jason Wed, Sep 5, 2018, 8:18

Perhaps you've been fed the line that all unsubscribes are good...

Sounds logical, yes?

What if many of those unsubscribes (for certain email marketers) were from legit
prospects who just had enough?

What if the claim,

"All unsubscribes are good. They're not targeted prospects anyway."

...was a load of positional bs pulled from someone's bum?

What if there was a way to reduce unsubscribes and make more email sales?


I think not.

I'm doing a live case study and workshop tonight on how to do this proven strategy.

Yes, you heard me.

It's a proven strategy... over and over again.

I'll show you proof from my client and how you can start using it for your own emails.

Get this proven breakthrough email strategy & start using it today...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Happy Birthday To Me (And You),


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Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Never let subscribers opt out

Big Jason Thu, Sep 6, 2018, 6:21

Ever seen an email marketer's preference center with an option to "opt out" of all

Here's how insane having an option like this is...

I was working on a huge product launch about 4 months ago.

Before the launch happened in a couple of months, they wanted me to email their list
with related affiliate offers.

I'm like... no problem.

However, the CEO comes to me and asks why the segment we're emailing offers to is so

I'm like... "no clue, lets ask tech".

Turns out the CEO had forgotten that he asked the tech team to build a subscriber
preference center with the very first option being to "opt out" of all 3rd party

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
They had over 50,000 subscribers check that option...


Never, ever, ever do that.

Do what I demonstrated last night in the Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders group coaching program.

It's the same strategy that brought in over 15k for myself.

It's the same strategy that is working for my current 6-figure per month client too.

But will it work for a smaller company or entrepreneur?

You bet.

This strategy worked like gangbusters the first time a niche ecommerce store let me try

You can see their results below.

Get this proven breakthrough email strategy & start using it yourself...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Happy Birthday To Me (And You),


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Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

SMH Marketing
6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Free email deliverability audit

Big Jason Fri, Sep 7, 2018, 10:28

If you'd like me to audit the deliverability for yourself (or a client of your choice if
you're a freelancer -- while you take the credit), this email is for you.

My buddy Dennis Dayman gave some great insight into what email providers like
Gmail, Yahoo, and (yuck) Hotmail are looking for when it comes to giving
your emails a pass or not.

However, he didn't have the time to go into great detail of how you actually accomplish
the biggest factors.

So... here's what I'm going to do.

When you join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group coaching program by
this Saturday night at Midnight, I'm going to give you the following bonus.

In the next 3 months, you can take advantage of a one-hour deliverability audit (1k

I'll analyze your tech and email marketing (both are important).

Once I do this, I'll give you a checklist of things you're doing right and what you could
be doing better.

Plus, I'll give you a written and video recording of what I'd recommend you do to
optimize your deliverability.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
As long as you're a member, you can take advantage of this bonus.

Get a deliverability audit and join over 77 email marketers...

Have a great weekend,


As I've said in the past...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

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anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

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Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

More emails inboxing = More response (Today Only)

Big Jason Sep 8, 2018, 6:03

In case you missed my email yesterday, I've got a special deal that expires tonight.

Here are the details again:

If you'd like me to audit the deliverability for yourself (or a client of your choice if
you're a freelancer -- while you take the credit), this email is for you.

On yesterday's live show my buddy Dennis Dayman gave some great insight into
what email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, and (yuck) Hotmail are looking for when it
comes to giving your emails a pass or not.

However, he didn't have the time to go into great detail of how you actually accomplish
the biggest factors.

So... here's what I'm going to do.

When you join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group coaching program by
tonight (Saturday) at Midnight, I'm going to give you the following bonus.

In the next 3 months, you can take advantage of a one-hour deliverability audit (1k

I'll analyze your tech and email marketing (both are important).

Once I do this, I'll give you a checklist of things you're doing right and what you could
be doing better.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Plus, I'll give you a written and video recording of what I'd recommend you do to
optimize your deliverability.

As long as you're a member, you can take advantage of this bonus.

Get a deliverability audit and join over 87 email marketers (before Midnight)...

Have a great day,


As I've said in the past...

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

(Closing) Complimentary email deliverability audit

Big Jason Sat, Sep 8, 2018, 9:58

If you'd like a complimentary email deliverability audit, you have until Midnight to join
the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group coaching program.

You'll have 3 months to take advantage of this offer as long as you're a member.

Get a deliverability audit and join over 87 email marketers (before Midnight)...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

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Insiders program, use the link below.

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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Suffer from premature email ejectulation?
Big Jason Sun, Sep 9, 2018, 6:08

"And some of them are probably premature."

This is what Clayton Makepeace said after I shared how most email marketers suffer
from premature email ejeculation.

This was during the presentation I gave his mastermind.

Get this...

Clayton wasn't talking about other marketers.

He was talking about his own emails.

In fact, you can hear him say on the recording,

"I'm going to check our [data and see how we're doing]."

If the highest-paid copywriter in the world thought it was important enough to check
to see if his emails were suffering from premature email ejectulation, perhaps it's
important enough for your emails.

You can discover exactly what I'm talking about when I give you instant access to the
recording of my Clayton Makepeace mastermind presentation.

Just give Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders a try.

Listen, take notes, and stop the suffering your emails from this embarrassing (and
costly) problem.

No little pill needed...

Get the cure for premature email ejectulation...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

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below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Your email read rate (critical)
Big Jason Mon, Sep 10, 2018, 6:03

Do you know what the email read rate is for any of your emails?

As Dennis Dayman discussed Friday during our interview, Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail are

using read rate as a big factor when it comes to your deliverability.

Not only that...

Having a great read rate will improve clicks and sales too.

This is why I'm covering how to improve the read rate of your emails in today's training
in the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group coaching program.

Improve your email read rate and sales here.

Join over 88 email insiders and improve your emails overnight...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

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Insiders program, use the link below.

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anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

weekly roundup update

Big Jason Fri, Sep 14, 2018, 6:01

Just wanted to let you know what's been going on in the world of email marketing.

Here's the trainings and questions I answered last week from Sep 3rd to 9th:

* Starting Our Writing Persuasive Emails For Yourself And/Or Clients?

Do this!

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

* Sell Right Away After Optin Or Nurture First

Richard has heard two completely different pieces of advice on writing emails to cold
prospects who recently signed up for a free lead magnet:

A) Sell immediately. You could possibly waste years and years on value-building from
the start when you should be selling immediately.

B) Nurture. You need to build a relationship first. Send a value-building series before
starting to sell.

Find out which one is the best for you.

* Last Day Holiday Sale Blunders Part 2

How much money are you leaving on the table by making these last day holiday sale

* Raving Fans Can Lead You Astray…

Assumptions can kill your results!

* Unsubscribes are good. Right? Wrong!

How to email your list/s as much as you want (even multiple times a day), reduce
unsubscribes and make more money…

* Insider Email Critiques

We have a podcast optin page for single moms, an Information Security Business for
medium-sized businesses. and 35+ year old females who want to lose pounds and have
a flat belly.

* Deliverability Interview Replay with Dennis Dayman of Return Path

GDPR, engagement, what Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail are looking for from your emails, and
much, much more!

* How long should your subject line be?

* Do you suffer from premature email ejectulation?

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
* How To Track Your Results To Get Those Royalties

I also answered many other questions in the Breakthrough Email

Marketing Insiders group coaching program.

This is your chance to suck the 22 years of experience I have out of my brain

Get access to all this, daily trainings based on actual results, ask questions, and much


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

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Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

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Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

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Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

More clicks = more sales. Right? Wrong!

Big Jason Sat, Sep 15, 2018, 6:03

Yesterday I emailed you a list of trainings I did in the Breakthrough Email

Marketing Insiders group from Sep 2-9th.

Here's what I did from Sep 10th to 14th...

* More clicks equals more sales. Right? Wrong!

* How to easily use segmentation to increase response and sales from all
your emails (I'm doing it right now...)

* Alternative Health Email Critique (Book funnel with affiliate offer)

* My email editing process revealed

* Email formatting... Like a newspaper or like an actual, damn email?

Plus, I answered a ton of questions from Insiders.

You could be asking me email-related questions too.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Just give Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders a try.

Get access to over 22 years of proven email marketing results, not guesswork...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

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Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Email critiques and more

Big Jason Mon, Sep 24, 2018, 6:03

Here's what you've been missing from Sep 15th to 23rd...

* Discover the 3 biggest email split test killers...

* Member email critiques for single moms, inflammation, and diabetes markets.

* Are your emails suffering from premature ejectulation?

* How to increase the amount of emails you send the right way...

* Do you need to come up with a big idea for every email?

* How I structure my client retainer and royalty deals...

* How I track my royalties...

* Here's my email editing process...

* More clicks equal more sales. Right? Wrong.

* This email segmentation mistake could be killing your sales...

Plus, I answered a ton of questions from Insiders.

You could be asking me email-related questions too.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Just give Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders a try.

Get access to over 22 years of proven email marketing results, not guesswork...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

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Insiders program, use the link below.

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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

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Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

How to revive a dead list

Big Jason Fri, Sep 28, 2018, 1:08

If you ever wanted to know how to revive a dead list, I've got some answers.

JD asked this inside the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group.

"I have a client who hasn't emailed their list in ages.

How can I start emailing them again?"

I gave JD some specific strategies yesterday.

You can access this training immediately after signing up.


This training and every training from September gets archived for current members
only soon.

Get access to over 22 years of proven email marketing results, not guesswork...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
How to improve a great email
Big Jason Sat, Sep 29, 2018, 8:53

I'm not talking about a "well-written" email either...

This email by Jake did more revenue for his client than ever before.

So why did Jake submit his client's email for critique in Breakthrough
Email Marketing Insiders if it already did so well?

It's pretty simple.

Jake wanted to know how he could make his client's email even better...

And he knows that's my specialty.


This is your chance to see what changes I recommended to Jake and submit your
own emails for critique.

However, you only have until Midnight tomorrow night to get access to
Jake's email critique and over 30 days of email trainings I've done in September.

On October 1st, all 30 September trainings will be archived for existing Insiders only.

Get access to over 22 years of proven email marketing results, not guesswork...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

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Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
30 email trainings expire tonight
Big Jason Sun, Sep 30, 2018, 2:59

If you want access to the 30 email trainings and email critiques I did this month inside
the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders group, you need to act today.


I'm taking them down at Midnight for existing Insiders only.

30 trainings and email critiques?

Yes, once a day trainings and email critiques every Thursday.

Isn't that information overload?

It could be, but I have a bulleted resource section where you can pick and choose which
trainings to view.

I'm also doing bulleted PDF recaps of every training for those who don't like video.

Again, these trainings go into the archive for current Insiders only.

You have till Midnight.

Get access to all 30 September trainings and more in October (Before Midnight)...


Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

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Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
We listen to everything Big Jason says (Closing)
Big Jason Sun, Sep 30, 2018, 11:18

I wanted to share something Kenrick Cleveland said publicly but let me remind you
real quick...

You don't have much time if you want access to the 30 email trainings
and email critiques I did this month inside the Breakthrough Email Marketing
Insiders group.

Give it a try before Midnight before all of September's trainings are put into the archive
for existing Insiders only.

Get access to all 30 September trainings and more in October (Before Midnight)...


If you're still on the fence, consider what Kenrick Cleveland (one of the top persuasion
experts in the world) said recently:

"If writing persuasive emails is something you need to do, then you're missing the boat
if you aren't listening to Big Jason.

The other day I was using one of his e-mails that generated over 100k in a training that
I was doing to show the power of framing that he was using in that email.

Now I don't know many people that can actually write emails that pull a 100k or more.

But Jason consistently does it over and over again because he knows how to tap into
the market's deepest desires and their deepest fears.

When it comes to getting people to say yes via e-mail by way of taking out their credit
card and actually buying, let me tell you.

That's where Big Jason's ability is second to none.

I'm Kenrick Cleveland with Max persuasion, and I've spent over 40 years perfecting the
strategies of getting people to say yes.

And let me tell you.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
We listen to everything Big Jason says about e-mail marketing, and I suggest you do
You have until Midnight.

Get access to all 30 September trainings and more in October (Before Midnight)...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep
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How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

dEad is (sometimes) better...

Big Jason Fri, Oct 26, 2018, 8:07

"Sometimes dead is better..."

That quote is from the new remake of Stephen King's Pet Cemetery Movie.

The same can be said of your emails.

Here's what I mean.

Sometimes it's better for your emails to have no response or sales...


Because having "some" success gives you a false sense of security.

You're too comfortable with your results, and you just move on to the next email.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

If you had no results, you're more likely to wonder how you could have done better.

There could literally be hundreds to thousands of more sales waiting for you.

If you'd only look to see what you could have done better, the answers are right there.

That's what I do every single day in Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders.

I help email marketers just like you figure out how to get more out of every email you

Ask me as many questions as you want.

Submit your emails for me to critique every single Thursday.

Sign up here.

Get more out of every email you send...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep
me on your list)


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How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

"omg, your email put me to sleep"

Big Jason Mon, Oct 29, 2018, 3:50

My bunny (wife) told me this today in Dublin after she read the subject line of a famous
company's email today:

"Omg, I just fell asleep"

She didn't even get to the email copy because the subject line was so boring.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Here's the thing.

This was the last email in a series of promotional emails.

Tsk, tsk.

Not good.

I'm going to critique this email today for all Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders.

I'll share "why" these type of subject lines and emails make so much less than other
types of emails.

Plus, I'll show you "how to" write emails that wake your prospects up and get them to
pay attention.


You need to hurry.

Today's training and every single day of training in October will be archived at the end
of the month for current Insiders only.

Yep, you'll get all 31 days of training in October... if you join us now.

Best part?

You can ask as many follow up questions as you want.


Submit an email for a real critique every single Thursday.

Here you go.

Get daily, high-level email marketing trainings...

Cheers from Dublin,


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
on your list)


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How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
31 Email Marketing Trainings (Expire Today)
Big Jason Sat, Nov 3, 2018, 1:29

Today is the last day you can get access to all 31 email marketing trainings I did in

Normally, I close access on the last day of each month.

However, I spent the last few days taking my little bunny (wife) to see Andrea Bocelli in
Dublin, Ireland and then flying to Orlando for an event and Disney World.

So, here's the deal.

You can get access to the following trainings if you sign up to Breakthrough
Email Marketing Insiders by tonight at Midnight.

> Oct 1st - How to find the right testimonial for emotional, story-based emails (Part

> Oct 2nd - How to get great email freelancing jobs

> Oct 3rd - Discover these email promotion research secrets (Part 1)

> Oct 4th - Welcome email critique in the diabetes niche

> Oct 5th - How to transform a compelling story into a gut-wrenching,

emotional email which pulls on your prospect’s heart strings and their wallet at the
same time

> Oct 6th - Get the full breakdown and swipe of my gut-wrenching email that did
over $100,000 in the self defense niche.

In fact, Clayton Makepeace said this about it:

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
I just want to point something out to all of the people who were on the call or watching
this video.

If you look at the copy that's on your screen right now, read that.

Jason has infused this with dominant emotion copy. He's identified the dominant
emotion that his customers have about this topic.

And I noticed this right off the bat when he showed us one of the first e-mails. This
thing is just pure raw, gut-wrenching emotion.

This is an excellent, great example of dominant emotion copyrighting.

You notice there are no exclamation points. There's no hyperbole.

He's telling a story but he's using key phrases that hit hot buttons that we all have and
will get you riled up if you're a prospect. It really invokes that and that's the key to
maximum response because people don't buy for logical reasons do they. They buy for
emotional ones.

This this is really excellent."

> Oct 7th - Discover these email market research secrets (Part 2). I give you a
bulleted list of my favorite (and most powerful)

> Oct 8th - How to answer objections with email stories (Part 1). Bonus - Get my
most profitable and proven call to action formula and steal it for your emails.

> Oct 9th - How to set freelance client expectations for a win-win experience.

> Oct 10th - How to setup email copywriting freelancer systems and structures for
maximum profit and peace of mind.

> Oct 11th - Steal my most profitable and proven subject line formula for opens and

> Oct 12th - Never run out of email ideas ever again.

> Oct 13th - Discover how to become a profitable email story teller.

> Oct 14th - Deliverability “expert” scams to kill your email response and what to do

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
> Oct 15th - Sometimes dead email results are better...

> Oct 16th - Test this Gary Halbert email grabber strategy first used in a promotion
for Agora Financial in 2005...

> Oct 17th - How to grab your prospects by your throat and force them to pay
attention and get them interested at the start of your emails (Part 1).

> Oct 18th - What not to do at the start of your next affiliate email promotion and
what to do instead.

> Oct 19th - Discover the worst email follow up strategy to known to man and what to
do instead. (Part 1)

> Oct 20th - Discover the worst email follow up strategy to known to man and what
to do instead. (Part 2)

> Oct 21st - Optimize your next email promotion’s last day strategy.

> Oct 22nd - Get these email split testing secrets and avoid costly confirmation bias
mistake even “experts” make.

> Oct 23rd - Sell the email click without being a douchebag. Discover how to write a
powerful, short email where every word counts without feeling like you need to take a

> Oct 24th - How to write a powerful alternative image tag. Bonus - Give real value
and make sales at the same time despite what email “experts” say.

> Oct 25th - How to write an affiliate email update during your next promotion that
gets their attention and forces them to promote you.

> Oct 26th - Get into the right mindset when writing the very last email of your next
promotion. The right mindset could generate hundreds or thousands more.

> Oct 27th - How to combine your everyday experiences into

profitable emails (Example and exercise included).

> Oct 28th - Discover how to write and optimize a product launch optin
confirmation email for maximum deliverability, response and sales throughout the
entire launch (Live from the airport)

> Oct 29th - How to avoid putting your prospects to sleep and get their attention

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
(plus interest) immediately when they first see your email.

> Oct 30th - What’s an email preheader? How do you use it to increase the response
to your emails and what are some great examples?

> Oct 31st - Do longer emails work better than shorter emails? Which type make
more sales?

Bonus: Join Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders, and I will give you access to this
special email optin process breakdown I did recently for a big shot.

Watch as I critique this A+ copywriter’s entire optin process and emails.

You’ll discover what to do to increase the response of your optin funnel and

Plus, you can ask me as many questions as you want for all these trainings.

You can also submit your emails for me to critique every single Thursday.

Remember, you will lose access to all 31 trainings from October unless you sign up by

Sign up here.

Get access to all 31 email marketing trainings from October...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
on your list)


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
[Closing] Your 31 trainings go away tonight (Hurry)
Big Jason Sat, Nov 3, 2018, 8:16

I'm at Disney World right now (on my iPad Pro), and I wanted to give you one last
chance to get all 31 email marketing trainings from October.

However, your opportunity expires at Midnight.

You can get all of October's trainings and new trainings every single day going
forward... if you act now.

Get access to all 31 email marketing trainings from October [Expires @ Midnight]...

In case you missed my previous email...

Here's why I'm doing this for you.

Normally, I archive all of the current month's content on the last day of the month.

However, I spent the last few days taking my little bunny (wife) to see Andrea Bocelli in
Dublin, Ireland and then flying to Orlando for an event and Disney World.

So, here's the deal.

You can get access to the following trainings if you sign up to Breakthrough
Email Marketing Insiders by tonight at Midnight.

> Oct 1st - How to find the right testimonial for emotional, story-based emails (Part

> Oct 2nd - How to get great email freelancing jobs

> Oct 3rd - Discover these email promotion research secrets (Part 1)

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

> Oct 4th - Welcome email critique in the diabetes niche

> Oct 5th - How to transform a compelling story into a gut-wrenching,

emotional email which pulls on your prospect’s heart strings and their wallet at the
same time

> Oct 6th - Get the full breakdown and swipe of my gut-wrenching email that did
over $100,000 in the self defense niche.

In fact, Clayton Makepeace said this about it:

I just want to point something out to all of the people who were on the call or watching
this video.

If you look at the copy that's on your screen right now, read that.

Jason has infused this with dominant emotion copy. He's identified the dominant
emotion that his customers have about this topic.

And I noticed this right off the bat when he showed us one of the first e-mails. This
thing is just pure raw, gut-wrenching emotion.

This is an excellent, great example of dominant emotion copyrighting.

You notice there are no exclamation points. There's no hyperbole.

He's telling a story but he's using key phrases that hit hot buttons that we all have and
will get you riled up if you're a prospect. It really invokes that and that's the key to
maximum response because people don't buy for logical reasons do they. They buy for
emotional ones.

This this is really excellent."

> Oct 7th - Discover these email market research secrets (Part 2). I give you a
bulleted list of my favorite (and most powerful)

> Oct 8th - How to answer objections with email stories (Part 1). Bonus - Get my
most profitable and proven call to action formula and steal it for your emails.

> Oct 9th - How to set freelance client expectations for a win-win experience.

> Oct 10th - How to setup email copywriting freelancer systems and structures for
maximum profit and peace of mind.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

> Oct 11th - Steal my most profitable and proven subject line formula for opens and

> Oct 12th - Never run out of email ideas ever again.

> Oct 13th - Discover how to become a profitable email story teller.

> Oct 14th - Deliverability “expert” scams to kill your email response and what to do

> Oct 15th - Sometimes dead email results are better...

> Oct 16th - Test this Gary Halbert email grabber strategy first used in a promotion
for Agora Financial in 2005...

> Oct 17th - How to grab your prospects by your throat and force them to pay
attention and get them interested at the start of your emails (Part 1).

> Oct 18th - What not to do at the start of your next affiliate email promotion and
what to do instead.

> Oct 19th - Discover the worst email follow up strategy to known to man and what to
do instead. (Part 1)

> Oct 20th - > Oct 19th - Discover the worst email follow up strategy to known to
man and what to do instead. (Part 2)

> Oct 21st - Optimize your next email promotion’s last day strategy.

> Oct 22nd - Get these email split testing secrets and avoid costly confirmation bias
mistake even “experts” make.

> Oct 23rd - Sell the email click without being a douchebag. Discover how to write a
powerful, short email where every word counts without feeling like you need to take a

> Oct 24th - How to write a powerful alternative image tag. Bonus - Give real value
and make sales at the same time despite what email “experts” say.

> Oct 25th - How to write an affiliate email update during your next promotion that
gets their attention and forces them to promote you.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
> Oct 26th - Get into the right mindset when writing the very last email of your next
promotion. The right mindset could generate hundreds or thousands more.

> Oct 27th - How to combine your everyday experiences into

profitable emails (Example and exercise included).

> Oct 28th - Discover how to write and optimize a product launch optin
confirmation email for maximum deliverability, response and sales throughout the
entire launch (Live from the airport)

> Oct 29th - How to avoid putting your prospects to sleep and get their attention
(plus interest) immediately when they first see your email.

> Oct 30th - What’s an email preheader? How do you use it to increase the response
to your emails and what are some great examples?

> Oct 31st - Do longer emails work better than shorter emails? Which type make
more sales?

Bonus: Join Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders, and I will give you access to this
special email optin process breakdown I did recently for a big shot.

Watch as I critique this A+ copywriter’s entire optin process and emails.

You’ll discover what to do to increase the response of your optin funnel and

Plus, you can ask me as many questions as you want for all these trainings.

You can also submit your emails for me to critique every single Thursday.

Remember, you will lose access to all 31 trainings from October unless you sign up by

Sign up here.

Get access to all 31 email marketing trainings from October [Closing]...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep
me on your list)


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Live optin page critique today
Big Jason Fri, Nov 16, 2018, 7:05

I'm doing a live optin page critique in just a bit.

I typically do them on Thursday, however I'm doing this week's critique today (Friday).


Two things...

#1 - I needed more info.

I don't do half-ass critiques.

I want to see the ad, email, or whatever a prospect sees before landing on this optin

In this case, it's one of three Google ads.

#2 - This is a long-ass optin page written for cold, paid traffic.

I wanted more time to give it the critique it deserves.

If you want to watch and apply what I reveal on this critique to your own optin funnel
and email marketing, become a Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider.

Plus, you can submit your optin funnel or any email you want starting next Thursday.

Get all the details here.

Join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider community...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep
me on your list)


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
email Ignorance is "Costly" not bliss
Big Jason Wed, Nov 28, 2018, 11:04

Before I hop to Vegas tonight, I wanted to share what a friend told me long ago.

"I can do that in my emails? I had no idea."

That's what Tony Flores, Clayton Makepeace protege and top copywriter, told me
during a launch we both worked on in 2009.

Tony didn't know he could increase conversions in emails in untold ways just like he
had been doing for years on sales letters.


Tony listened to "experts" who told him not to do this, that, and the other thing
in emails regardless of how well they worked with sales letters and other mediums.

Well, yesterday I shared 35 things you can do in your emails which "experts" don't even
try because of simple ignorance.

Today, for Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders, I'm going to show you practical
examples I've actually used in the real world.

To see these examples and test them in your emails, simply sign up to be an Insider.

Plus, you get access to the September and October archives (Over 60+ trainings) if you
sign up by this Friday, "Cyber Week".

Not to mention you can submit your email for critique tomorrow (I do critiques every

Get all the details here.

Join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider community...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
on your list)


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

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Your 91 Email Marketing Trainings (Cyber Week Only)
Big Jason Thu, Nov 29, 2018, 3:17

Yep, 91 email marketing trainings are all yours when you become
a Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider by Friday night at Midnight.

This is my Cyber Week offer.

You'll get the following:

#1 - 30 trainings from September ($197)

#2 - 31 trainings from October ($197)

#3 - 30 trainings from November ($197)

You can ask me questions in our private group all day, any day.

Submit your emails for critique every Thursday.

Get brand-new trainings every single day.

Watch them live or via replay whenever you want.

Ask me follow up questions on anything I cover.


You have until Friday night at Midnight to get complimentary access to all the
trainings from September and October included with November.

All the details are below.

Join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider community...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

By the way...

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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Your 30 November Email Marketing Trainings (Closes Today)
Big Jason Fri, Nov 30, 2018, 12:29

Today is the last day you can get access to all 30 email marketing trainings I've done in

This includes the full optin funnel critique I did last night.

Plus, you get all 61 trainings from September and October as part of "Cyber Week".

You have till Midnight.

Join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider community [Deal Closes At Midnight]...

Yep, 91 email marketing trainings are all yours when you become
a Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider by tonight at Midnight.

This is my Cyber Week offer.

You'll get the following:

#1 - 30 trainings from September ($197)

#2 - 31 trainings from October ($197)

#3 - 30 trainings from November ($197)

You can ask me questions in our private group all day, any day.

Submit your emails for critique every Thursday.

Get brand-new trainings every single day.

Watch them live or via replay whenever you want.

Ask me follow up questions on anything I cover.


You have until Friday night at Midnight to get complimentary access to all the
trainings from September and October included with November.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

All the details are below.

Join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider community [Deal Closes At Midnight]...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

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Insiders program, use the link below.

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Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Email pee'ing problems fixed (Closing Now)

Big Jason Fri, Nov 30, 2018, 8:56

I went through a listing of the 30 trainings I've done in November, and I noticed I've
been talking a lot lately about email marketers going pee pee all over their emails.

This is an embarrassing and costly problem.

However, you're in luck.

The remedy is easily applied and available when you join the Breakthrough
Email Marketing Insiders.

Plus, join us by Midnight, you'll get the archives of September's 31 trainings and
October's 31 trainings as part of my Cyber Week deal.

Join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider community [Cyber Week Deal Closes At

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Yep, 91 email marketing trainings are all yours when you become
a Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider by tonight at Midnight.

This is my Cyber Week offer.

You'll get the following:

#1 - 30 trainings from September ($197)

#2 - 31 trainings from October ($197)

#3 - 30 trainings from November ($197)

You can ask me questions in our private group all day, any day.

Submit your emails for critique every Thursday.

Get brand-new trainings every single day.

Watch them live or via replay whenever you want.

Ask me follow up questions on anything I cover.


You have until Friday night at Midnight to get complimentary access to all the
trainings from September and October included with November.

All the details are below.

Join the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insider community [Deal Closes At Midnight]...

Have a great weekend,


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

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I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
So easy even an Uber driver can do it...
Big Jason Thu, Dec 20, 2018, 1:12 PM (12 days

I'm going live later today critiquing an email about a struggling Uber driver who made

As part of the critique, I'm revealing the secret optin sauce I have all my clients do.

In fact...

One 7 figure client couldn't believe the results because this sauce helped them with the

* Lowered their paid traffic costs...

* Improved their deliverability...

* Helped them learn more about their ideal customers...

* Increased sales...

* And much, much more.

And the best part is...

You can submit your own emails for critique, ask follow up questions, and more when
you become a BEM Insider.

Get more info on BEM Insiders and access this email funnel critique...


Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

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Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
oBscure FB hack for irresistible emails
Big Jason Fri, Dec 21, 2018, 12:49 PM (11 days

I'm about to go live with a bonus critique today.

SS wants some feedback for their FB optin funnel.

I'll be taking a crack at their FB ads and optin page.

Plus, I'll be sharing how you can increase the response of your emails and all copy by
using a little-known Facebook hack.

If you'd like to see the critique and the rest of December's trainings, join us in
the Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders Coaching Group.

Get your own optin funnels critiqued, ask follow up questions, and more when you
become a BEM Insider.

Get more info on BEM Insiders here...

I'm off to the movies.

Have a great weekend.


Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

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Insiders program, use the link below.

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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
It must be true
Big Jason Sat, Dec 22, 2018, 11:29 PM (10 days

You ever hear someone say "it must be true" because x number of people believe it?

If a ton of people (especially, "experts") tell you something is true

with email marketing, it's probably a lie...

Don't email on weekends...

Don't email on holidays like Christmas...

Don't launch on a Saturday...

These are just a few of the BS "beliefs" people have.

I've had successful launches and webinars on Friday nights, Saturday mornings,
Saturday evenings, Sundays and popular holidays.

If a lot of marketers are not doing something on certain days, that's the perfect time to
do it yourself.

In fact, I'm launching a product this Christmas called Webinar Response Warrior.

It's all about you maximizing the amount of attendees showing up to your webinar and
buying your offer from your follow up... even if it's the weekend or a popular holiday.

On top of that...

I'll be giving a huge discount to all Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders.

If you want to ask me email marketing questions anytime you want, get
your emails critiqued and get this special discount for Webinar Response Warrior, get
more info on becoming an Insider today.

Get more info on BEM Insiders here...


Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

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Insiders program, use the link below.

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Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Over 27,000 Registered

Big Jason Sun, Dec 23, 2018, 11:28 PM (9 days

See the image above?

That's the email I had to send to WebinarJam support because their system had never
experienced over 27,000 registrants to a webinar on their system.

It was unheard of at that point and nothing to do with "crypto-crap".

I'll be revealing exactly how I got so many people to sign up to my client's webinar in
my new course Webinar Response Warrior.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

And best of all...

I'm going to show you how to get more prospects registered to your webinar and the
webinar of your clients (if you're a freelancer).

The strategy...

The psychology...

The emails...

And much, much more.

I'm launching on Christmas day and giving a huge discount to members

of Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders.

If you want to ask me email marketing questions anytime you want, get
your emails critiqued and get this special discount for Webinar Response Warrior, get
more info on becoming an Insider today.

Get more info on BEM Insiders here...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

By the way...

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Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

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anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Holy crap - Over 10k live attendees
Big Jason Mon, Dec 24, 2018, 7:41 PM (8 days

Back in the day... before crypto got big, a lot of marketers thought getting 10k live
attendees on their webinar was unthinkable.

Well, listen here.

I'm not promising you'll get those numbers.

And don't let those big numbers in the image above scare you.

Not only that...

If you think having 11,480 prospects on a live event is hard to manage, it's not.


If you think anywhere near 10k attendees is needed on your next live event to run a
profitable business, you’d be wrong.


Whether you have a massive list or a tiny niche list, I'm going to do everything in my
power to make sure your next live event has the highest response possible.

I'm going to show you how to get more prospects registered to your webinar and the
webinar of your clients (if you're a freelancer).

The strategy...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

The psychology...

The emails...

And much, much more.

Reply now and let me know if you're interested.

I'll be launching tomorrow, Christmas day, and giving a huge discount to members
of Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders.

If you want to ask me email marketing questions anytime you want, get
your emails critiqued and get this special discount for Webinar Response Warrior, get
more info below on becoming an Insider today.

Get more info on BEM Insiders here...

Hope you have a great Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with your loved ones.


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

By the way...

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Insiders program, use the link below.

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Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
71.86% open rate W 19k+ opens (Crazy)
Big Jason Wed, Dec 26, 2018, 1:43 AM (6 days

It's pretty easy to have a great open rate when you're sending to a tiny segment of your

Heck, 9 out of 10 marketers bragging about great open rates are emailing to less than
500 people.

This is why the numbers in the image above are so significant.


Those are the numbers from the welcome email in the first case study I'm giving you in
Webinar Response Warrior.

Your webinar (or live event) welcome email is the most important for getting people to
attend (based on my 10+ years of webinar and live event experience).

And if you think those numbers are common today, think again.

I'll be revealing the what, why, and the how of maximizing the response throughout
your entire webinar/live event campaigns starting when I go live later today.

I know, I know...

I was suppose to go live on Christmas, but my wife and daughter ended up changing

Family first!


Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Reply back to this email and let me know if you're interested in Webinar Response


If you want to ask me email marketing questions anytime you want, get
your emails critiqued and get a special discount for Webinar Response Warrior, get
more info below on becoming an Insider today.

Get more info on BEM Insiders here...

Talk to you later today,


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Know your audience in 2019 (Or else)
Big Jason Mon, Dec 31, 2018, 12:39 PM (1 day

Or else what?

You're going to leave a lot on the table.

That's what.

And if you think you really know your audience, think again.

Most email marketers (including "experts) do the exact opposite of what you should be
doing to keep learning about your audience.

It's the reason why I cover this topic most weeks in Breakthrough Email
Marketing Insiders.

In fact, check out the following trainings I did for the last 7 days (yes, even on

*** When should you remove prospects from your list? - 12/30/18

SS asks:

"Just wondering when you currently remove people from your email list?

My rule has been "hasn't opened for the last 3 months" but am revisiting this."

Here's my answer.

*** How To Think About Your Subject Lines - 12/29/18

This is important for you and your clients (if you're a freelancer).

Are you writing subject lines with marketer logic or prospect logic?

Here's the difference and how to do it yourself.

*** How Not To Launch A Facebook Live Training - 12/28/18

Here's a critique of someone's first email advertising a FB training.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Here's what not to do and what to do...

*** How Gary Halbert's A-Pile B-Pile Principles Apply To Email Marketing- 12/28/18

Can you use Gary Halbert's direct mail A-Pile B-Pile Principles with your emails?

A marketer who recently ripped off Bond Halbert tried to make a case for A-Pile/B-Pile
in emails...

Do the same principles apply to your emails?

Here's the ones that don't...

Here's the ones that do...

*** How are you transitioning in your emails? - 12/26/18

Do your emails flow?

Are they easy to read?

Do they keep your prospects reading or hitting speed bumps?

What transitions are you using?

Here's some of my favorites that I've used lately.

*** Do you use "power" words in your emails? - 12/25/18

Are your prospects going to sleep or sitting on the edge of their seats when reading
your emails?

Here are some great real-world examples for you to use.

*** Easy way to know your audience and get testimonials for more powerful emails -

Here's an easy way to get to know your audience, get testimonials, and write more
powerful emails.

And most importantly...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
You get access to all 31 email marketing trainings from December (if you join now).


Trainings every day...

Real critiques every Thursday (sometimes I do even more)...

And best of all...

In most of the trainings I cover how to know your audience better than you thought

Here's the details:

Get more info on BEM Insiders here...

Hoppy New Year,


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep
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Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
31 email Marketing trainings (Expires Tonight)
Big Jason 1:33 PM (9 hours

You have until Midnight to get access to all 31 email marketing trainings I did in

Here's a small taste of what I covered every single day (including Christmas):

*** How do you do the "Stop Promo" strategy? - 12/31/18

KM asks: "How do you let people opt out of certain campaigns but still remain on your

I'll show you how to do it in ActiveCampaign and Infusionsoft. It's similar in most esps.

Best part?

"Experts" think this is crazy, but data shows they're full of it.

*** When should you remove prospects from your list? - 12/30/18

SS asks:

"Just wondering when you currently remove people from your email list?

My rule has been "hasn't opened for the last 3 months" but am revisiting this."

Here's my answer.

*** How To Think About Your Subject Lines - 12/29/18

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
This is important for you and your clients (if you're a freelancer).

Are you writing subject lines with marketer logic or prospect logic?

Here's the difference and how to do it yourself.

*** How Not To Launch A Facebook Live Training - 12/28/18

Here's a critique of someone's first email advertising a FB training.

Here's what not to do and what to do...

*** How Gary Halbert's A-Pile B-Pile Principles Apply To Email Marketing- 12/28/18

Can you use Gary Halbert's direct mail A-Pile B-Pile Principles with your emails?

A marketer who recently ripped off Bond Halbert tried to make a case for A-Pile/B-Pile
in emails...

Do the same principles apply to your emails?

Here's the ones that don't...

Here's the ones that do...

*** How are you transitioning in your emails? - 12/26/18

Do your emails flow?

Are they easy to read?

Do they keep your prospects reading or hitting speed bumps?

What transitions are you using?

Here's some of my favorites that I've used lately.

*** Do you use "power" words in your emails? - 12/25/18

Are your prospects going to sleep or sitting on the edge of their seats when reading
your emails?

Here are some great real-world examples for you to use.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

*** Easy way to know your audience and get testimonials for more powerful emails -

Here's an easy way to get to know your audience, get testimonials, and write more
powerful emails.

*** How To Pass Tracking IDs From Your Emails To Your Sales Letter - 12/23/18

This is important so you know what's working and what works best instead of
constantly throwing crap against the wall...

I’m going to show you how to easily (and dynamically) change your order link if you're
using a custom page on your website, thrivecart, or any other shopping cart with
tracking ids.

*** Which Days Should I NOT email my list? - 12/22/18

Any day you don't want money, rapport, relationship or feedback from your list.

What about holidays?

Find out...

*** Little-Known FB Hack For Writing Better Copy - 12/21/18

Did you know Facebook can help you write better copy for your emails, sales letters,
blog posts... and even Facebook posts?

*** Email Critique for Software Sales Career Coaching From Cold Traffic - 12/20/18

I critiqued two versions of their email, optin page, confirmation page,

confirmation email, rewrote a different version of their email, etc.

*** Are you tracking your email clicks correctly? - 12/19/18

You'd be surprised how many email service providers give you bad data.

*** Should you always use metaphors or stories in your emails? - 12/18/18

JB asks:

"Big Jason, any advice on embedding a story/metaphor into an email when you don't

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
have a story handy pertaining to what you're wanting to say?"

You're going to be surprised by my answer, demonstrating an example based on actual

results, and a special bonus...

*** Should make your hyper buyers wait or scroll in emails sometimes… - 12/17/18

An interesting Flakebook thread happened today, and there's a profitable lesson in


I'm going to answer this question with actual data.

*** What makes a successful email? - 12/16/18

Some "experts" say sales are the only thing that matter when it comes to whether
an email was successful or not.

However, most "experts" can't tell you how many sales any one email gets.

Not to mention they're hypocrites and send out prelaunch emails with no link to go buy
anything, emails with a cta to reply to the email, emails with cta to go optin to a list,

So… what makes a successful email?

Here's my answer.

*** Give them something they can use instantly - 12/15/18

Have you ever heard the "positional bs" about not giving away too much free content,
never give away paid content for free, etc?

It's crap.

Here's why with a proven example.

*** How to revive a dead list - 12/14/18

JD asks: "Looking to bring back from the dead a massive list (500k) that has not been
mailed for a year. Anything you would recommend?"

Here's exactly what I'd do...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
*** How to revive a dead list - 12/14/18

JD asks: "Looking to bring back from the dead a massive list (500k) that has not been
mailed for a year. Anything you would recommend?"

Here's what I'd do based on several factors...

*** Self Defense Email Critique - 12/13/18

Here's a bad example of not speaking the prospect's language.

And what to do instead.

*** Are you the Demosthenes of email marketing? - 12/10/18

"Do you remember that in classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the
people said, 'How well he spoke,' but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, the
people said, 'Let us march.' "
--Adlai Stevenson

Do you want to write emails where people remark how "well you write" or how many
sales/conversions your email brings?

Here's what to do...

*** Is buying a third-party email list a good idea? — 12/08/18

Here's my personal experience and thoughts...

*** Would you send a daily promo email or content only email? - 12/07/18

Recently a big marketer asked his followers to change their mind about something:

"If I had to choose between sending a daily sales email or a value-packed content-
only email, I would choose the content-only email.

Change my mind!"

My response was "No, do whatever the hell you want".

Here are my thoughts on the whole topic, etc.

*** Interesting Facts Email - 12/06/18

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Here's an example of an email I wrote with an interesting fact that my client didn't like.

I sent it anyway with great results.

Here's why I sent it...

Here's why it got such great results...

Here's why my client was dead wrong and what I told them before sending...

*** Get it done at all costs? - 12/05/18

You want to get it done, but are you leaving a ton on the table by simply thinking things

Here's what I mean.

*** Two Examples Of Using Quotes In Your Emails - 12/04/18

Here are two ways I used quotes to start emails in an affiliate promotion that crushed it
for my client.

And here's how you can too.

Plus, here's how to find these quotes.

*** Have you tried the stop promo strategy for yourself or your clients yet? - 12/03/18

Here's another proven example I used for a different client.

*** Clean bathrooms and your subject lines - 12/02/18

Yep, clean bathrooms.

Here's what I mean...

*** How many yes(s) do you need to get someone to click a link in your email? -

You need quite a few.

However, it only takes one "No" to stop someone from clicking.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Here's how to get more yes(s) and less no(s).


You get access to all 31 email marketing trainings from December (if you join by


Trainings every day...

Real critiques every Thursday (sometimes I do even more)...

And best of all...

In most of the trainings I cover how to know your audience better than you thought


You have until Midnight to get all 31 of December's trainings.

Here's the details:

Get more info on BEM Insiders here before Midnight...


Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
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Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
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Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
🐮Holy Cow 🐮- 10k (Closing @ Midnight)
Big Jason 7:34 PM (4 hours

The image above is what Ken said about just one post in Breakthrough
Email Marketing Insiders.

If you want me to unlock this one post and give you all 31 trainings I did in December,
join by Midnight.

Give me the post Ken speaks of and all 31 email marketing trainings...

Here's a recap:

You have until Midnight to get access to all 31 email marketing trainings I did in

Here's a small taste of what I covered every single day (including Christmas):

*** How do you do the "Stop Promo" strategy? - 12/31/18

KM asks: "How do you let people opt out of certain campaigns but still remain on your

I'll show you how to do it in ActiveCampaign and Infusionsoft. It's similar in most esps.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Best part?

"Experts" think this is crazy, but data shows they're full of it.

*** When should you remove prospects from your list? - 12/30/18

SS asks:

"Just wondering when you currently remove people from your email list?

My rule has been "hasn't opened for the last 3 months" but am revisiting this."

Here's my answer.

*** How To Think About Your Subject Lines - 12/29/18

This is important for you and your clients (if you're a freelancer).

Are you writing subject lines with marketer logic or prospect logic?

Here's the difference and how to do it yourself.

*** How Not To Launch A Facebook Live Training - 12/28/18

Here's a critique of someone's first email advertising a FB training.

Here's what not to do and what to do...

*** How Gary Halbert's A-Pile B-Pile Principles Apply To Email Marketing- 12/28/18

Can you use Gary Halbert's direct mail A-Pile B-Pile Principles with your emails?

A marketer who recently ripped off Bond Halbert tried to make a case for A-Pile/B-Pile
in emails...

Do the same principles apply to your emails?

Here's the ones that don't...

Here's the ones that do...

*** How are you transitioning in your emails? - 12/26/18

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Do your emails flow?

Are they easy to read?

Do they keep your prospects reading or hitting speed bumps?

What transitions are you using?

Here's some of my favorites that I've used lately.

*** Do you use "power" words in your emails? - 12/25/18

Are your prospects going to sleep or sitting on the edge of their seats when reading
your emails?

Here are some great real-world examples for you to use.

*** Easy way to know your audience and get testimonials for more powerful emails -

Here's an easy way to get to know your audience, get testimonials, and write more
powerful emails.

*** How To Pass Tracking IDs From Your Emails To Your Sales Letter - 12/23/18

This is important so you know what's working and what works best instead of
constantly throwing crap against the wall...

I’m going to show you how to easily (and dynamically) change your order link if you're
using a custom page on your website, thrivecart, or any other shopping cart with
tracking ids.

*** Which Days Should I NOT email my list? - 12/22/18

Any day you don't want money, rapport, relationship or feedback from your list.

What about holidays?

Find out...

*** Little-Known FB Hack For Writing Better Copy - 12/21/18

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Did you know Facebook can help you write better copy for your emails, sales letters,
blog posts... and even Facebook posts?

*** Email Critique for Software Sales Career Coaching From Cold Traffic - 12/20/18

I critiqued two versions of their email, optin page, confirmation page,

confirmation email, rewrote a different version of their email, etc.

*** Are you tracking your email clicks correctly? - 12/19/18

You'd be surprised how many email service providers give you bad data.

*** Should you always use metaphors or stories in your emails? - 12/18/18

JB asks:

"Big Jason, any advice on embedding a story/metaphor into an email when you don't
have a story handy pertaining to what you're wanting to say?"

You're going to be surprised by my answer, demonstrating an example based on actual

results, and a special bonus...

*** Should make your hyper buyers wait or scroll in emails sometimes… - 12/17/18

An interesting Flakebook thread happened today, and there's a profitable lesson in


I'm going to answer this question with actual data.

*** What makes a successful email? - 12/16/18

Some "experts" say sales are the only thing that matter when it comes to whether
an email was successful or not.

However, most "experts" can't tell you how many sales any one email gets.

Not to mention they're hypocrites and send out prelaunch emails with no link to go buy
anything, emails with a cta to reply to the email, emails with cta to go optin to a list,

So… what makes a successful email?

Here's my answer.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

*** Give them something they can use instantly - 12/15/18

Have you ever heard the "positional bs" about not giving away too much free content,
never give away paid content for free, etc?

It's crap.

Here's why with a proven example.

*** How to revive a dead list - 12/14/18

JD asks: "Looking to bring back from the dead a massive list (500k) that has not been
mailed for a year. Anything you would recommend?"

Here's exactly what I'd do...

*** How to revive a dead list - 12/14/18

JD asks: "Looking to bring back from the dead a massive list (500k) that has not been
mailed for a year. Anything you would recommend?"

Here's what I'd do based on several factors...

*** Self Defense Email Critique - 12/13/18

Here's a bad example of not speaking the prospect's language.

And what to do instead.

*** Are you the Demosthenes of email marketing? - 12/10/18

"Do you remember that in classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the
people said, 'How well he spoke,' but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, the
people said, 'Let us march.' "
--Adlai Stevenson

Do you want to write emails where people remark how "well you write" or how many
sales/conversions your email brings?

Here's what to do...

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

*** Is buying a third-party email list a good idea? — 12/08/18

Here's my personal experience and thoughts...

*** Would you send a daily promo email or content only email? - 12/07/18

Recently a big marketer asked his followers to change their mind about something:

"If I had to choose between sending a daily sales email or a value-packed content-
only email, I would choose the content-only email.

Change my mind!"

My response was "No, do whatever the hell you want".

Here are my thoughts on the whole topic, etc.

*** Interesting Facts Email - 12/06/18

Here's an example of an email I wrote with an interesting fact that my client didn't like.

I sent it anyway with great results.

Here's why I sent it...

Here's why it got such great results...

Here's why my client was dead wrong and what I told them before sending...

*** Get it done at all costs? - 12/05/18

You want to get it done, but are you leaving a ton on the table by simply thinking things

Here's what I mean.

*** Two Examples Of Using Quotes In Your Emails - 12/04/18

Here are two ways I used quotes to start emails in an affiliate promotion that crushed it
for my client.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

And here's how you can too.

Plus, here's how to find these quotes.

*** Have you tried the stop promo strategy for yourself or your clients yet? - 12/03/18

Here's another proven example I used for a different client.

*** Clean bathrooms and your subject lines - 12/02/18

Yep, clean bathrooms.

Here's what I mean...

*** How many yes(s) do you need to get someone to click a link in your email? -

You need quite a few.

However, it only takes one "No" to stop someone from clicking.

Here's how to get more yes(s) and less no(s).


You get access to all 31 email marketing trainings from December (if you join by


Trainings every day...

Real critiques every Thursday (sometimes I do even more)...

And best of all...

In most of the trainings I cover how to know your audience better than you thought

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

You have until Midnight to get all 31 of December's trainings.

Here's the details:

Get more info on BEM Insiders here before Midnight...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep
me on your list)


What's up?

How can I help you?

Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
[Last Call] 31 December eMail marketing trainings (Hurry)
Big Jason 9:47 PM (1 hour

If you want access to all 31 trainings I did in December, you better hurry.

I'm putting them all into the archive for existing Insiders only.

[Closing @ Midnight ] Get more info on Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders and all
31 email marketing trainings from December...


If you have any questions, simply reply to this email.

You can also hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing.

By the way...

If you'd rather not hear anything about my Breakthrough Email Marketing

Insiders program, use the link below.

You'll still receive my other emails.

I just won't send you anymore emails about my coaching program.

Stop further emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing Insiders... (However, keep me
on your list)


What's up?

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Simply reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.
Click here if you just want to update your email address...

Or if you truly don't want anymore emails about Breakthrough Email Marketing or
anything which could help take your results to the next level, you can use the link
below to stop my emails.

Just think what's it gonna cost you...

Stop Big Jason's Emails Forever and Ever... =(

Breakthrough Email Marketing

6130 W. Flamingo Rd. #347
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

Copyright ã 2019. BR Marketing. All Rights Reserved.

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