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Starters, Movers and Flyers

Starters, Movers and Flyers exams are designed to help

children achieve internationally recognised standards of
English. The three exams are aligned to the Council of
Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference
(CEFR) at Levels Pre A1, A1 and A2.

Results for the exams are mapped to the Cambridge

English Scale. The Cambridge English Scale is designed
to complement the CEFR.

There is no pass or fail in Starters, Movers and Flyers. All

children receive a certificate which shows how many
shields they receive in each skill (speaking, reading &
writing and listening). The maximum score is five shields.

The table below provides examples of young learners’ typical English language abilities at the Pre A1 to A2 levels of the CEFR:

Listening and Speaking Reading and Writing

CAN understand instructions given in
more than one sentence. CAN understand simple written descriptions
of objects, people and events.
CAN understand simple spoken
A2 descriptions of objects, people and CAN understand simple, short stories
120-139 events. containing narrative tenses.
CAN understand simple CAN read and understand short texts, even if some words are
conversations on everyday topics.
CAN ask basic questions about unknown.
everyday topics. CAN link phrases or sentences with connectors
CAN tell short, simple stories using
pictures or own ideas. like ‘and’, ‘because’ and ‘then’. CAN write
CAN give simple descriptions of simple descriptions of objects, pictures and
objects, pictures and actions. CAN actions.
talk briefly about activities done in
the past. CAN write a short, simple story using pictures or own ideas.

Poate sa inteleaga instructiuni Poate sa inteleaga in scris descrieri simple de obiecte,

oferite in mai mult de o propozitie. persoane si evenimente
Poate sa inteleaga descrieri verbale Poate sa inteleaga povesti simple, scurte continand timpul
simple de obiecte, persoane si narativ;
evenimente. Poate sa citeasca sis a inteleaga texte scurte, chiar daca
Poate sa inteleaga conversatii anumite cuvinte sunt necunoscute;
simple despre subiecte de zi cu zi; Poate sa lege fraze sau enunturi cu conectori precum `si`,
Poate adresa intrebari de baza `pentru ca` si `apoi`.
despre subiecte familiar; Poate sa scrie simple descrieri de obiecte, poze si actiuni;
Poate sa spuna povesti scurte, Poate sa scrie o poveste scurta, simpla, folosind ilustratii sau
simple folosind fotografii sau idei propriile idei;
Poate oferi simple descrieri de
obiecte, fotografii si actiuni;
Poate vorbi pes curt despre activitati
facute in trecut;

CAN understand very simple spoken CAN understand some simple signs and notices.
dialogues about familiar topics with the CAN read and understand some short factual texts with the
help of pictures. help of pictures.
CAN understand very simple spoken CAN read and understand some short, simple stories about
descriptions about people and objects. familiar topics with the help of pictures.
A1 CAN express agreement or disagreement
100-119 with someone using short, simple CAN write short, simple phrases and sentences about pictures
phrases. and familiar topics.
CAN respond to questions on familiar CAN write simple sentences giving personal details.
topics with simple phrases and sentences. CAN write short, simple sentences about likes and dislikes.
CAN give simple descriptions of
objects, pictures and actions. CAN
tell a very simple story with the help Poate sa inteleaga anumite semne si notite simple;
of pictures. Poate sa citeasca si sa inteleaga anumite texte scurte reale cu
CAN ask someone how they are and ask ajutorul fotografiilor;
simple questions about habits and
preferences. Poate sa citeasca si sa inteleaga anumite povesti scurte,
simple despre subiecte familiar cu ajutorul pozelor.
Poate sa inteleaga dialoguri foarte simple Poate sa scrie fraze simple, scurte si enunturi despre fotografii
despre subiecte familiare cu ajutorul si subiecte familiar.
fotografiilor; Poate sa scrie enunturi simple oferind detalii personale.
Poate sa inteleaga descrieri verbale foarte Poate sa scrie enunturi scurte, simple despre simpatii si
simple despre oameni si obiecte; antipatii;
Poate sa exprime acordul sau dezacordul
cu cineva folosind fraze simple, scurte;
Poate sa raspunda la intrebari pe subiecte
familiare cu fraze si enunturi simple;
Poate oferi descrieri simple de obiecte,
ilustratii si actiuni;
Poate sa spuna o poveste foarte simpla cu
ajutorul pozelor;
Poate sa intrebe pe cineva despre starea
sa, despre obiceiuri si preferinte;

CAN understand letters of the English

alphabet when heard.
Pre A1 Poate sa inteleaga literele alfabetului
Below 100 CAN read and understand some simple
englezesc atunci cand le aude. sentences, including questions. CAN
CAN understand some simple spoken follow some very short stories written in
instructions given in short, simple phrases. very simple language.
CAN write the letters of the
English alphabet. CAN write
Poate sa inteleaga anumite instructiuni name using the English
verbale scurte date in fraze scurte, simple. alphabet.
CAN copy words, phrases
CAN understand some simple spoken and short sentences.
questions about self – such as name, age, CAN spell some very simple
favourite things or daily routine. words correctly.
Poate sa inteleaga intrebari verbale
simple despre sine- cum ar fi nume,
varsta, lucruri preferate sau rutina zilnica.

CAN understand some very simple spoken

descriptions of people – such as name,
gender, age, mood, appearance or what they
are doing.

Poate sa inteleaga anumite descrieri de Poate sa citeasca si sa

persoane- cum ar fi numele, genul, varsta, inteleaga anumite propozitii
starea, aspectul fizic sau ceea ce fac simplec inclusiv intrebari.
CAN understand some very simple
spoken descriptions of everyday objects Poate urmari anumite
– such as how many, colour, size or povesti foarte scurte,
location. redactate intr-un limbaj
Poate sa inteleaga anumite descrieri foarte simplu.
simple verbale ale unor obiecte de zi cu
zi- cum ar fi cantitatea, culoarea, Poate sa scrie literele
marimea si localizarea.
alfabetului englezesc.
CAN understand some very short
conversations that use familiar
questions and answers. Poate sa scrie nume folosind
alfabetul englezesc.
Poate sa inteleaga anumite conversatii
foarte scurte care folosesc intrebari si Poate transcrie cuvinte,
raspunsuri familiar
fraze si enunturi scurte.
CAN name some familiar people or things
– such as family, animals, and school or Poate sa scrie correct
household objects.
Poate sa numeasca anumite persoane si cuvinte foarte simple.
lucruri familiar s- cum ar fi familia,
animale si obiecte scolare sau casnice.
CAN give very basic descriptions of some
objects and animals – such as how many,
colour, size or location.
Poate sa ofere o descriere de baza a unor
obiecte si animale- cum ar fi cantitatea,
culoarea, marimea sau localizarea.
CAN respond to very simple questions
with single words or a ‘yes/no’ response.
Poate sa raspunda la intrebari foarte
simple prin cuvinte usoare sau printr-un
raspuns de tip da/nu;

We are Cambridge Assessment English. Part of the University of Cambridge, we help people learn English and prove their skills to the world.

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