Strategies To Enrich English Vocabulary For The 4th - Grade Students From Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci

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Strategies To Enrich English Vocabulary For The 4th- Grade Students From Gimnasio

Francesco Tonucci

Erica Mendoza, Valeria Barrera, and Luz Cervera

Fundación Universitaria Colombo Internacional Unicolombo


Strategies to Enrich English Vocabulary for the 4th- Grade Students

from Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci.

This research project was focused on identifying the English teaching strategies that

had been implemented in a group of fourth-grade students at Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci.

Nevertheless, the project was interested in knowing what strategies were generating

shortcomings easily, related to the acquisition of English vocabulary in those students. To

address this problem, a need analysis was carried out by applying different research

techniques and tools such as surveys, interviews, and class observation. All the techniques

mentioned before were useful to collect information that allows us to solve the problem.

After all the research process and applying the techniques to help fourth-grade students to

enrich their English vocabulary and improve their speaking skills. Students showed an

improvement in their acquisition of vocabulary through the use of images and flashcards

which were the strategies suggested to the teacher to implement in the classroom.

Keywords: Acquisition, English vocabulary, Images and flashcards, Shortcoming, Teaching


Strategies to Enrich English Vocabulary for the 4th- Grade Students

from Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci.

The Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci in Cartagena has been chosen as the context where

the project was developed. The school is located in Cartagena in Urb. 5 de Nov. Calle 30C

N° 58 A 72 – Las Gaviotas, 5 minutes from the Ejecutivos shopping center. Currently, we

carry out our internship process in this institution. This is a private school that works until

primary education (fifth grade), it was founded on February 5 of 2011, as Baby's House, by

the Psychologist Piedad Camargo Merchán, Specialist in Management of Educational

Institutions and Master in management and direction of Educational Institutions. This

institution stands out in its teaching methodology, emphasizing arts and music, with programs

and workshops developed with the highest quality standards that allow you to develop your

emotional and intellectual capacities through personalized attention based on love and

respect. making children independent, self-confident, and capable of successfully facing the

next stages of their lives.

Regarding the mission of the Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci, the following statement is


"Following the thoughts of Francesco Tonucci, his mission is that the school should be the

place where children learn to manage and use new technologies well, where a method of

work and scientific research, foster critical knowledge and learn to cooperate and work as a


Following the vision of the institution we can also read the following statement:
"Its vision is to provide a comprehensive education to its students, encourage their affective

and intellectual abilities through personalized attention, achieving independent boys and

girls, self-confidence and capable of successfully facing the next stages of their lives".

The school is always trying to improve its pedagogical practice by implementing

strategies that allow it to train students capable of expressing themselves and managing new

technologies. Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci is a trilingual school where students learn

different languages such as Italian, English, and Spanish.

Fourth-grade students were chosen as the target audience for this project that is being

worked on. This grade in our school is in puberty, wanting to explore and learn about various

alternatives or learning tools that help them reach their expectations, which is why when

learning another language, strategies must be innovated so that students grasp and learn easy

to understand learning a second language.

The Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci works with a single fourth-grade classroom that is

made up of eighteen students, eleven boys, and seven girls.

Problem statement

Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci located in Las Gaviotas is a private school in Cartagena,

Colombia. Its levels of teaching go from Kindergarten to 5th grade. It is a trilingual school

where students learn different languages such as Italian, English, and Spanish. The teaching

methods implemented at the school are based on Francesco Tonucci’s thoughts.

During class observation at the school, it was noticed that students do not have a lot of

varied knowledge about English vocabulary that they need to at that grade. All the previous is

taking into account the main character of the school “it is a trilingual school”. The problem

proposed is related to 4th-grade students’ speaking skills considering that they don’t have
enough vocabulary knowledge and consequently they are not able to express a complete idea

in the target language.

Therefore, They need to enrich their vocabulary. To achieve this it is necessary to

appeal to a series of strategies, tools, or techniques that can help students to enrich their

English vocabulary and improve their speaking skills by identifying which are the specific

factors that are generating the shortcomings of fourth-grade students at Gimnasio Francesco

Tonucci in the acquisition of English vocabulary. Furthermore, it will mention what are the

strategies that the English teacher uses in class with the 4th grade students. Then, it will be

chosen which strategies work to improve the lack of English vocabulary and suggest some

tools that allow 4th-grade students to achieve the English standards established by the

Ministry of National Education.

Teaching strategies are a means of a variety of ways that the teacher can use to teach

to its students. This means of teaching strategies are more than one way to teach someone

such as games, books, songs, flashcards, images, and more. The teaching strategies are used

to adapt the teaching process to the students, also they are flexible tools to catch the student’s


As a view of teaching, teaching strategies are the connection with each student, as is

known, every student has a different way of learning, and also they have different preferences

about those strategies during their learning process.

The most common example of a strategy that catches students’ attention is the use of

flashcards. Our students need to pay attention to the words on the card and also have to

remember the information explained by the teacher about the content that is presented during

the class.
The last belief is according to the school and the thoughts of “Frato” the students can

learn by every single thing that they do in their daily life and for that reason, they don’t need

to be always reading a book or writing an essay to learn something inside or outside of the


Our research problem to be solved and developed with 4th-grade students at the

Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci is the one mentioned below:

The observer varies classes we could see how on several occasions the teacher asked

his students questions and they fell short when speaking, also that the students were not

captivated by the class they preferred to do another type of activity, that is why it was

evidenced that there is a lack of various strategies to enrich the English vocabulary of the

4th-grade students of the Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci and also to catch their attention.

Research Question

Our research question aimed at the 4th-grade students of Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci

in this research process is:

RQ: What are the strategies that are carried out during the English class in the 4th-

grade students at the Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci school?


Many teachers and educators through the years have been analyzing appropriate

strategies that allow children to learn a language in a better way. One of the most

fundamental parts of expressing oneself is the knowledge of a large amount of words.

Besides this, teachers are always trying to implement new strategies to help students to

understand a complete idea. It can be said that some of the most common strategies used in a
classroom to enrich English vocabulary are brainstorming, images and flashcards, and

storytelling, allowing students to improve their English speaking skills. Initially, if we talk

about brainstorming, it can be said that it is a quality strategy to use in a classroom taking

into account that it gives students the opportunity to practice their speaking skills and learn

some new words depending on the topic that the teacher gives them. 

According to Kayi, H (2006) 

“On a given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited time. Depending on

the context, either individual or group brainstorming is effective and learners

generate ideas quickly and freely. The good characteristics of brainstorming is

that the students are not criticized for their ideas so students will be open to

sharing new ideas” (p. 4). 

Even though, brainstorming is such a good way to communicate ideas and explain

them with our own words. But also, the students will be able to develop their creativity and

their speaking skills.

The use of images in teaching vocabulary is such a quality technique taking into

account that it gives students a better idea about what the teacher is explaining. According to

Shamiyeva (2018) “Visual images work as a sort of temporary content; it fixes the physical

form of the word, makes it more resistant to forgetting and provides a way of recalling the

words via images when you need it” (p. 42). This technique can be helpful for teaching

vocabulary, considering that students would link words or ideas with those pictures that they

should have learned in class which will make the acquisition of new vocabulary easier.

Therefore, the use of images in the classroom will be a funny way to catch kids'

attention which will facilitate the English teaching learning process at the same time. We
have to claim that this is not the only technique that can be used for teaching vocabulary, also

we have flashcards, which works in a similar way as images. 

Flashcards as elements to teach new words is one of the several ways to increase the

students' vocabulary. Using flashcards the students can associate the word with an image and

all of that information with their context to develop their communication skills. Furthermore,

considering the importance of the vocabulary in the English language is important for the

teacher to implement strategies that all of the students can understand, it can be an easy, and

interesting way to earn knowledge. Using flashcards as teaching tools can help students to

develop more than one skill. According to Supriatin and Rizkillah (2018) “Words can be

learnt verbally and visually; since verbally refers to the old-fashioned way  of  learning 

vocabulary  like  reading  and memorizing,  most  attention  has  been  drawn  on visual 

techniques  like  pictures,  flashcard-based  instruction,  photographs,  word  pictures,  and

wordlists” (p. 479-485).

In addition, the teachers can make their students more active during the class because

with the flashcards they can give the instructions to the students and they follow the rules of

the game, because is easiest for a student learn instructions for a game instead of learn by

heart a couple of words that don’t have any sense for them.

The effectiveness of visual materials for teaching vocabulary is essential since it

expresses messages through images, even the one that is combined with the written word and

with real objects existing in a certain space. That is why it is considered that for the learning

of a second language, teachers must provide their students with visual materials that allow

them to enrich their previous knowledge as well as what they are acquiring in the classroom.

Vocabulary teaching is a very important factor at the primary level. It is a fact that the
knowledge acquired by the student at an early stage is permanent and lasting. Therefore,

students must have a good knowledge of the vocabulary.

Other authors explain the following ideas:

“It is widely recognized that audiovisual materials are the devices that can be

used in teaching due to their attractiveness to the ear and the eye. Students

need help to understand at each stage of the lesson. This help is provided in

two ways. First, appropriate examples should be given. Second, through the

use of audiovisual materials, these examples increase the effectiveness of

learning because they help students understand the idea more clearly. They

make classroom activities more meaningful and interesting” (As Bhatti ,2017.,

and Haq, 1994., p. 119).


RO1: Demonstrate that games and didactic activities as a learning strategy are fundamental

for the enrichment of language vocabulary in 4th graders at Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci.

RO2: Mention what are the strategies that the English teacher uses in class with the 4th-

grade students.

RO3: Describe the importance of images as learning strategies for the enrichment of English

vocabulary in 4th-grade students at Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci School.

RO4: Suggest to the teacher some of the strategies that are considered effective to enrich the

English vocabulary of 4th-grade children at Gimnasio Francesco Tonucci school

Theoretical Framework

As the world evolves, education must also evolve, which is why teachers must be able

to innovate and seek the best learning strategies for their students to capture knowledge. As a

result of the above, images are a good learning strategy in English or another language, since

they allow concentration and the relationship of events with the images, thus allowing the

child to learn and retain as much information as possible from the beginning.

This research focuses on the importance of children learning a quantity of vocabulary

from the beginning of school, as well as the use of images as a didactic tool for learning.

It is important for children to learn as much vocabulary in English as possible and

retain it so that they can develop skills in a second language, making it easier for them to

connect, interact and understand another language other than their mother tongue.

Researchers such as Laufer and Nation (1999), Maximo (2000), Read (2000), Gu (2003),

Marion (2008), and Nation (2011) and others have realized that the acquisition of vocabulary

is essential for successful second language use and plays an important role in the formation of

complete spoken and written texts. In English as a second language (ESL) and English as a

foreign language (EFL) learning vocabulary items play a vital role in all language skills (i.e.

listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Nation,2011). Rivers and Nunan (1991),

furthermore, argue that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful

second language use because, without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the

structures and functions we may have learned for comprehensible communication.

It is considered essential that children learn a lot in primary school since they are in

their full development and it is the most appropriate age to learn, according to Marta Ferrero

(2017), author of the study The Learning Ages, considers that even at 6 years of age the child
configures their psychomotor, cognitive, linguistic, affective and social skills, from the age of

6 to 11 the child begins to develop more skills thus allowing interaction and interest in

knowing and knowing more every day. As a result of the previous study mentioned above, it

leads us to consider that we should take advantage of childhood to increase the child's

learning of English vocabulary.

On the other hand, it is necessary to add that the images as a tool to improve

vocabulary in the students is a good idea to improve their vocabulary using their perception.

According to Krčelić and Matijević (2015):

“Visual tools can be used for a wide range of activities, from speaking and

writing to enhancing students' vocabulary and grammar skills. They can be

used as warmers, to get the students to start thinking about the topics that will

be introduced or to initiate classroom discussion and debate, which can

sometimes be difficult to achieve” (p. 111)

The images are part of students’ daily life. They are looking at images everywhere,

for that reason it is easier for them to associate a word with a thing, but what happens when

they don’t have that object? They can use images with a variety of objects to learn new words

or just to identify the meaning of something. In addition, for a better understanding or

interpretation of some definitions it is important to have one or more strategies to apply, one

of those are the images that the students can use as examples.

Learning strategies in the English language are very necessary since they help to

strengthen and grow English vocabulary, according to what Asma Al Rashidi (2021)

expresses in her article Use of mixed techniques and strategies to enrich and improve L2

vocabulary learning, teachers need to develop more effective and principle-based vocabulary
instruction to make the vocabulary learning process much easier. In addition, teachers must

educate their students with the use of vocabulary learning strategies so that they are

independent learners and acquire English vocabulary more effectively. There is a need to

combine various methods to obtain the most efficient result. Good teachers often use several

methods or techniques and change them according to the level of the language and the age of

the students. Younger students and beginners remember new words more easily when the

teacher uses real objects, pictures, gestures, and flashcards during the explanation of new

words. Adult learners memorize new words better when they understand these new words

from context or remember them as synonyms.

As a result of the problem of the lack of English vocabulary, various teachers and

researchers have long felt the need to further investigate the various ways of teaching English

vocabulary to students, which is why Tricia A. Zucker, Sonia Q. Cabell, Danielle L (2021)

Peak in their research, Going Wild About Words: Recommendations for Teaching Academic

Vocabulary to Young Students, argue that a broad knowledge of academic vocabulary is

essential for success in school. The early childhood grades are the perfect time to spark

children's enthusiasm for word learning. We suggest strategies for directly teaching

individual words and promoting children's word awareness. Challenge yourself to use several

suggested strategies to improve the quantity and quality of academic vocabulary instruction

from kindergarten through first grade. As you take action, consider how school models could

be even more effective (Ebbers & Denton, 2008). Resources exist for vertical planning of

what words to teach in early and later grades (eg, Biemiller, 2010) to ensure that children

develop increasingly strong academic vocabularies.

It is considered that one of the best strategies to learn vocabulary is through

illustrative stories since it allows the interaction of stories with images, which can cause more
retention in students. In the article by Safdar, M., Arshad, A., Mukhtar, R ( 2020) called

Improving Vocabulary Through Short Stories at Elementary Level, he makes two learning

references, one by stimulation that has to do with the part of the stories and one without

stimulation which is the one used routinely, therefore it is an undeniable reality that short

stories are a perfect means for elementary-level students to improve vocabulary. It was

concluded that when a teacher creates a learning environment in the classroom by using

interesting short stories then naturally the students' response is positive.

The need arises to implement various forms of learning in primary school students

since in this stage of schooling students retain more and are able to identify with some subject

depending on the learning that is provided, which is why from the English vocabulary

learning point I Gede Yoga Permana ( 2020) in his research Vocabulary teaching for

elementary students, emphasizes that vocabulary is an important point in the language

learning process. Teachers are required to use effective strategies to help students enrich their

vocabulary. The strategies used by teachers should be fun, encouraging, and motivating for

students. The use of interactive media such as pictures, games, and songs has been studied to

be beneficial in creating a positive learning environment and fun ways of learning.

According to Yongqi Gu (2010) a porta in his article Learning Strategies for

Vocabulary Development, one of the learning strategies that a teacher can use in the

development of his English classes to promote vocabulary in English, his proposed strategy is

through VLS that are an indispensable tool in describing and explaining the development of

the vocabulary of a foreign language. VLS are also a tool to empower learners to make wise

decisions in terms of what to learn and how to learn. It is considered that this article
contributes one more strategy to this research that seeks to show various learning strategies

that allow for improving the level of English vocabulary that must be had in primary school.

The teacher as a trainer of knowledge in various areas must be at the forefront of

preparation and analyze the various strategies that are implemented in class in order to

improve or discard those that do not give results, according to Mary Renck Jalongo, Michelle

J. Sobolak (2011) in their article Supporting Young Children's Vocabulary Growth: The

Challenges, Benefits, and Evidence-Based Strategies, it is important for early childhood

educators to understand the two types of vocabulary knowledge that students possess. In

addition to understanding the differences between expressive and receptive vocabulary, the

role of Level 2 vocabulary in students' listening and future reading comprehension should not

be underestimated. Vocabulary growth is key to access to literacy, particularly for those from

low-income backgrounds, and for English language learners because these populations are at

high risk for underdeveloped vocabulary skills. However, a research-based literacy

curriculum is not just for special populations. Vocabulary development can have a positive

effect on the growth of literacy for all students. The use of dialogic reading, active

participation, and meaningful word repetition should be part of every classroom vocabulary

routine to ensure that all students acquire the appropriate vocabulary.

Today there are various trends of learning strategies or methods implemented by experts or

teachers who seek to provide better education to their students, taking into account what

various authors such as Wei - Wei Shen (2003) In their research Current Trends of

Vocabulary Teaching and Learning Strategies for EFL Settings, it can be argued that it is

important to focus on students' learning techniques or strategies that can help them

"understand, learn or retain new information" (O'Malley et al. Al Chamot 1990: 1). Perhaps
the most important thing in teaching vocabulary is not to judge which single strategy will be

best for students, but rather to inform or train students in the judicious use of a variety of

different strategies. This would allow for a variety of individual approaches to learning, but

also expand the range of strategies available to students. Therefore, effective teaching may be

based more on the development of skills and practices than on knowledge and content

(Bialystok 1985), and help students achieve metacognitive awareness of strategic choices. As

Sternberg (1987) argued, one of the main functions of vocabulary instruction should be to

teach students to teach themselves. He said: No matter how many words we teach them

directly, those words will make up only a small fraction of the words they will need to know,

or will eventually require. They really are a drop in the bucket of vocabulary. It really doesn't

matter much how many of those few words students learn, or how well they learn them.

In an investigation by Like Raskova Octaberlina, Ida Fitri (2020) Anggarini called

Teaching Vocabulary Through Picture Cards in Islamic Elementary School A Case Study in

Nida Suksa School, Thailand, it can be seen that the most comfortable way of teaching

vocabulary in Islamic elementary schools is through the use of creative half. Picture card is

an exciting medium that can be implemented for students in Islamic primary schools to

ensure student engagement and enable them to master vocabulary. Therefore, by

implementing picture cards, the vocabulary teaching process will be more advanced and

direct. It is proven that through cards or images, students can acquire much more vocabulary

in English and the most important thing is that they will be able to retain, relate and

remember it easily.

The memory of human beings tends to store more information that has to do with

illustrations than just store content that tends to be forgotten over the days, instead the images
can be related to any event that has occurred. Munassir Alhamami (2016) in his article

Vocabulary Learning through Audios, Images, and Videos: Linking Technologies with

Memory, also believes that human memory contains a set of nodes connected by links. Nodes

containing images were found to be significantly connected to nodes containing word

meanings in the participants' native language. The connection between the nodes containing

videos and audio and the meanings of the words was not significant. This leads to the

conclusion that students will better remember the meanings of words in their L1 when they

are associated with images rather than videos and audio.

Education in children is fundamental, that is why it is essential that classes be

developed dynamically with various strategies that allow children to enjoy and create a good

impression and retention of content, in this case, retention of the largest vocabulary in

English that can, according to Narodom Kittidachanupap, Jatsada Singthongchai, Ekkachai

Naenudorn, Neunghathai Khopolklang, and Suphakit Niwattanakul (2012) in their research

Development of Animation Media for Learning English Vocabulary for Children, they

consider it remarkable that created animation media can promote students better remember

more vocabulary words. It may be due to the variety of content including cartoon animation

design coming from preferable basic ideas for children in their daily life. The shape of the

cartoon characters also stimulates children's imagination, and the virtual reality of the

movement of the cartoon characters with bright colors and complementary sounds can make

the images more interesting than normal for children. This research is a useful and beneficial

idea for educators to apply the principles and methodology in the development of animation

media for teaching and learning in early childhood and primary education. This is to

encourage and problem-solve the student in achieving skills and proficiency in various

subjects such as science, math, foreign languages, etc.

Our literature review is about strategies that teachers should implement to help

students to enrich their English vocabulary. Those articles mentioned that teachers should

develop more principled and effective vocabulary instruction to make the vocabulary learning

process much easier. Also, teachers need to educate their students with the use of vocabulary

learning strategies to be independent learners and acquire English vocabulary more

effectively. Some of the strategies that can be used are real objects, pictures, flashcards, and

also short stories during the explanation of new words or topics.

According to the PEI, area plan, and lesson plan of the school, mentions the topics to

be worked on, the level of performance that the student must have, the vocabulary that must

be acquired, the strategies that will be used in class, the moments and time spent, the

educational resources available to the institution and the model they use based on the new

school. Having said the foregoing, the institution is committed to fully complying with it for

being a trilingual school and complying with all the standards and protocols that an institution

requires in Law 115 of 1994.

After reading all the institutional documents and the articles, it was noticed that the

school has a lot of material that teachers and students use in class. Some of these materials or

tools are Books, stories, board games, puzzles, images, geometric figures, cardboard,

flashcards, etc. It is through all those tools mentioned before that teachers create strategies to

enrich students' English vocabulary. That is why it is considered that the PEI, area plan and

lesson plan are related to the articles that we read since the articles mention that the best way

to teach is through palpable resources and playful activities. For instance, games where you

get involved with the theme to work on, images or objects that they are seeing or using on a

daily basis, tales or stories that go with an adequate vocabulary, etc. It is worth mentioning

that elementary school is when students should be taught more vocabulary so that they can

express themselves and develop their ability of the English language more easily.
Nevertheless, the school bases its teaching-learning activity on the New School pedagogical

model as a strategy that enables the necessary space and appropriate techniques for the self-

training and comprehensive development of the subject, which is related to the articles since

they claim that teachers should teach their students how to be independent and acquire new

vocabulary applying all the learning strategies in their every day live and in every context,

giving students the possibility to have a large amount of words that is needed in a language.

The articles and the institutional documents for the English subject such as the lesson

plan, study plan, and the PEI demonstrated that the school has the organization and clear

information for the English class. But also, it is important to say that if a new English teacher

arrives at the school to teach, it will have the full information and the instructions to start.


This study was based on qualitative research, According to King et al. (1994)

“Qualitative research uses a variety of methods, such as intensive interviews or in-depth

analysis of historical materials, and it is concerned with a comprehensive account of some

event or unit” (p. 4). This type of research was used because it is the most consistent with the

objective proposed during the development of this research.

Furthermore, with the qualitative methodology, the techniques used to obtain

information to follow with the research were interviews with the students, teachers, and the

academic coordinator; the questionnaires were an important part of this investigation because

were an excellent opportunity to have the written version of the population opinion; and also,

the observation was the fundamental part to verify the effectiveness of the written and the

audio material.
During the development of the questionnaires that were provided to teachers,

students, and coordinators, they were asked the following questions:


1. What are your favorite activities in English classes? why?

2. Would you like to use picture cards to learn English words during classes? If your

answer is no, then how do you want to learn English?

3. English classes are important for your learning. Do you remember an English class

that you liked a lot? Why did you choose that class?

About eighteen students answered these questions. They really like to take quizzes

and play games. Also, they would like to use images and flashcards during English classes,

because it is a funny way to learn. Finally, they remember an English class that they really

enjoyed, it was with a game called Mr Wolf, because they laugh and have fun with the

teacher while they are learning new vocabulary.


1. Of the strategies used in class, which has been the most effective in the teacher's

teaching process in English? why?

2. The teaching strategies used by English teachers have allowed seeing an

improvement in student learning? how?

3. Of the strategies implemented by the English teacher, which of them has been

successfully implemented by most of the student population? What factor has made it

The coordinator mentioned games as the most common strategies used in class,

because they have seen the effectiveness of this type of strategies in the fluency, vocabulary

and in general, in the acquisition of the English language. She also said that songs, games and

board games are strategies that help students to obtain significant knowledge.


1. Of the strategies used in class, which has been the most effective in the teaching

process? Why?

2. In case of implementing new strategies for the teaching process of the students,

what would be the most appropriate? taking into account the student context of the


3. Would you be willing to implement the use of flashcards as a teaching method in

the classroom? why? Do you have another strategy in mind to use?

The teacher answers the questions by saying that the effective strategies he used in

class are games because it is a good way for students to acquire significant knowledge. Also,

he mentioned some of the strategies that he would like to implement in the classroom, which

are: songs, conversations, flashcards, crossword puzzles, and other board games.

The results obtained through the application of the various techniques were favorable

since the chosen population considers important the use of various learning strategies that

seek the enrichment of vocabulary in English, it is worth mentioning that on the part of the

student's enthusiasm was noted when referring to another type of strategies to learn, in terms

of the teacher and the coordinator show willingness to implement other resources that are

effective, it is worth mentioning that they contribute to great success in learning through

playful activities, images, and songs.


After all, mentioned above, it can be said that the learning strategies used in class are

quite important, considering that students need to understand what they are learning. Since

teachers use didactic strategies, tools, and methods to achieve significant knowledge and

enrich their vocabulary, they need to explain to students in the easiest way possible.

The coordinator, teacher, and students agree that didactic resources are the most

effective way to teach and learn a second language, taking into account that students do not

get bored in class, but instead have fun together and learn at the same time.

Analyzing the results, it can be seen that there is a willingness on the part of the entire

population, the students want to innovate and are very committed to their learning, on the part

of the teacher and the coordinator they are very open to implementing other types of

strategies or didactic resources that allow them to improve or enrich those deficiencies that

the students have. It is important to know that the more didactic resources there are, the better

the learning will be. Since we would be working on the different learning models that

students have, we must remember that not everyone learns in the same way. therefore It is

necessary that the institution and the teachers are willing to open up to new theories or forms

of teaching that give results.

As researchers, we consider that images, flashcards, crossword puzzles, songs,

storytelling, and any other board game are strategies that work in the classroom and for

students to acquire better knowledge. Therefore, students go to school to learn it does not

mean that they can not do it through games.


Alhamami, M. (2016). Vocabulary learning through audios, images, and videos: Linking

technologies with memory. Call-Ej, 17(2), 87-112.

AlRashidi, A (2021). Using Mixed Strategies and Techniques to Enrich and Enhance L2

Vocabulary Learning, International Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.9,

No.4, pp.36-46



Bhatti, M. S., Mukhtar, R., Mazhar, S., & Touqir, I. (2017). Investigating the Effectiveness of

Visual Materials for Teaching Vocabulary at Primary Level. IJASOS-International E-

journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 3(7), 117-121.

Gu, Y. (2010). Learning strategies for vocabulary development. Reflections on English

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Questionnaire 1: English teacher

Questionnaire 2: Academic Coordinator

Questionnaire 3: Student 1 and 2

Questionnaire 3: Student 3 and 4

Questionnaire 3: Student 5

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