Reflection Paper - Chan, Bea Jorisse - 7957P - Fit Aq

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Bea Jorisse Chan September 08, 2022

7957P_FIT AQ

Reflection Paper

Health and fitness are critical to a long, active, pleasant life. Being healthy
and fit allows us to live our lives to the fullest without significant medical or
physical issues. To achieve and maintain a healthy and fit body, we must
develop an active lifestyle that includes physical exercise/activities.

FIT Aquatics is a general education course that introduces us to swimming

as an excellent form of physical activity to achieve a healthy and fit body. As an
aerobic physical exercise, swimming provides a full body workout that
strengthens everything from our core to our arms and legs, including the
cardiovascular system, without increasing stress on the body's skeletal system,
joints, and muscles. Swimming also plays a part in strengthening our mental
health as it is one of the physical activities that has been known to reduce the
symptoms of anxiety or depression in adults.

Indeed, swimming is an excellent physical activity for lifelong fitness and

wellness of the mind and the body; however, it is not only intended for
recreational or physical exercise. This course also introduces us to the role of
swimming in survival. Learning to swim, and being confident and familiar with
water, are essential for everyone's survival. Swimming skills, particularly among
children, are fundamental to every individual's safety to ensure survival in and
around the water. The FIT Aquatics course also integrates fundamentals, and
basic skills in swimming, including swimming strokes, breathing, and floating,
which would be integral in learning how to swim.

As a non-swimmer lacking aquatic experience, I expect this course will

help me appreciate swimming more as physical activity and enable me to learn
the fundamentals of swimming. Moreover, I hope this course will help me
develop a more active and consistent lifestyle with swimming as a workout.

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