A1..ConceptMap Group9.DesManLea

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In-site environment Online environment

It is a more interactive experience where Students have to motivate themselves to
there is more engagement from the students. learn as there are no direct stimuli.
The learning process is more personalized The levels of engagement tend to be
and the teacher can have a better idea of how somewhat low. The teacher, in order to fight
their students feel about the class and the this, needs to communicate with the students
contents by seeing body language, engaging and learn from them to catch their attention.
in conversations and socializing through class
It is pretty flexible, as students are able to
and play.
connect and work from anywhere they are at
It is easier for students to feel engaged in any time.
what is being taught, there are fewer
There is more independence between the
distractions, increased concentration, etc.
teacher and the students. As the teacher isn't
It is more standardized, as there is a stronger always available, students may need to seek
sense of compromise with the planning, other means to do homework, resolve doubts,
making it more strict. etc.

Despite their differences, there are still some similarities that can be found:
Both online and conventional learning need a significant amount of effort.
In any situation, the difficulties and rewards are the same.
Both require students to effectively manage their time.
In both situations, giving and receiving feedback is critical.

Central Michigan University. (s. f.). Characteristics of Online Learner | CMU Online | Central Michigan
University. CMichSitefinity. Recovered June 5th, 2022, de https://www.cmich.edu/admissions-aid/global-

Hunter, I. (Jan 23rd, 2022). What Are The Similarities Between Online and Traditional Education? Mentor
Pro. Recovered June 5th, 2022, de https://www.mentorpro.org/what-are-the-similarities-between-online-

Pediatric Care Group. (September 7th, 2020). Online vs. In-Person Learning. Pediatric Care Group, P.C.
Recovered June 5th, 2022, de https://pcgkids.com/online-vs-in-person-learning/

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