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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting April 12, 2022

Present: Clark Ahlden, Sharon Hecht, Susan Johnston, Chance Riggins, and Judy Seyb.

Recording: Judy Seyb

Call to order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The minutes of the March 16th, 2022
meeting were read. Clark moved to accept the minutes as presented. Sharon seconded. The motion

Update on Dues Paid: Susan reported that all annual assessments are now paid. One late fee of $25
was paid by Jameel Alsaqri, though his check was received after the date indicated for a second late

Treasurer’s Report: Chance reports that the insurance has been paid and all other obligations are up
to date.

Lake Commons Maintenance: Sharon reports she spoke to Country Arbors to let them know we have
decided to have them do the work for the bed at the northwest corner of the lake. No dates for the
work have been set. Susan reports that eggs from three nests were addled last Friday, with a total of
20 eggs. Another round of addling will take place at a later date. Susan reports it is time to prepare for
treating the lake. She will buy the necessary chemicals. Sharon will let Vicki know which ornamental
grasses need to be cut back.

Website: Lee reports via Susan that no new emails or contacts were received.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 17th, at 6:30 pm on Sharon’s property.

Susan adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Seyb

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