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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting June 21, 2022

Present: Clark Ahlden, Lee Alexander, Sharon Hecht, Pete Fernandes, Jimmy Kaiser, and Susan

Recording: Susan Johnston

Call to order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The minutes of the May 17, 2022 meeting
were read. Clark moved to accept the minutes as presented. Pete seconded. The motion was carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Chance will forward a copy of his treasurer’s report to all members.

Lake Commons Maintenance: Sharon is making phone calls to identify someone to do weeding and
plant maintenance around the dock areas. She has a recommendation she is following up on. We will
continue with Vicki for the other planting beds for now and see what the new person might be able to
do for us. The work by Country Arbors on the bed at the northwest corner of the lake is scheduled to
be done on August 1st. In the meantime, we will need to pull the existing brick border from around the
bed and stack it at Susan’s house. Susan will ask for help with that task in late July. Susan and her
husband have sprayed for algae and have dyed the lake once. A second dose of dye will be applied

Website: Lee reports no new contacts through the website or email address. Susan will forward
approved minutes to Lee to bring the website up to date.

New Business: Lee attended the Glenshire HOA meeting. At that meeting it was explained that a
referendum will be on the primary ballot to increase the taxation for our local fire protection district. If
the referendum fails, we may lose fire protection, which could cause the city to annex the

Also at the HOA meeting, neighbors raised concerns about the annual fireworks show at a home on
Danbury Drive. The professional-level fireworks are a potential fire hazard to homes nearby. The HOA
president Judy Dalton has called Susan, and Susan agreed to go with Judy to speak to the neighbor.
Susan will report the results back to the board. This board is divided on the issue of the fireworks;
some enjoy the show while others share the concerns expressed at the HOA meeting.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 16th, at 6:30 pm at Sharon’s home.

Susan adjourned the meeting at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnston

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