Minutes 2022 07 19

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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting

July 19, 2022

Present: Clark Ahlden, Lee Alexander, Susan Johnston, Jimmy Kaiser, and Judy Seyb.

Recording: Judy Seyb

Call to order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The minutes of the June 21, 2022 meeting
were read. Jimmy moved to accept the minutes as presented. Clark seconded. The motion was

Treasurer’s Report: Chance provided a Treasurer’s Report for the meeting and Susan presented it.
Jimmy moved to accept the report as written. Clark seconded, and the motion carried.

Lake Commons Maintenance: Susan reported that Sharon may have found someone to do
maintenance around the docks, and, if possible, the planting beds. Susan reports that we may need
some light tree trimming work done. The bricks will need to be removed from the bed at the
northwest corner of the lake in the next two weeks. Susan will put out a call for help to do this. Susan
moved to spend $200 for restocking fish, dividing the funds equally between bluegill, hybrid sunfish,
and catfish. The medium size fish will be selected. Clark seconded, and the motion carried. Susan
dyed the lake for the second and final time this season. She will send postcards as necessary to remind
homeowner in violation to mow the commons to control the grass and weeds.

Fireworks Concerns: Prior to July 4th, Susan accompanied HOA president Judy Dalton to the home on
Danbury Drive that has an annual fireworks display. Judy Dalton wanted to share with the homeowner
the concerns shared by HOA members at the annual meeting. She asked the homeowner if he obtains
the license, insurance, and permits required, and he replied that he does not. He said that he is not
planning to use fireworks this year, as the month of June has been very dry. Ms. Dalton reminded him
to consider, in the future, getting the proper permits and insurance.

Website: Lee reports four visitors to the website in the last month. Susan will forward approved
minutes to Lee to bring the website up to date.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 16th, at 6:30 pm at Sharon’s home.

Susan adjourned the meeting at 6:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Johnston

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