2024 Midterm Criminalistics 3

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 Forensic serology is the identification of bodily fluids, usually in the form of stains on clothing or other crime scene
 Precipitin Test- this examination determines whether the origin of blood belongs to human or animal source.
 Red blood cells (ERYTHROCYTES) cells make up almost 45 percent of the blood volume. Their primary function is to
carry oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body.
 Drug is a substance other than food intended to affect the function of the human body.
 Semi-synthetic drugs – products derived from natural sources but they have to undergo a chemical process
 White blood cells (LEUKOCYTES) only make up about 1 percent of blood, but their small number belies their immense
importance. They play a vital role in the body’s immune system—the primary defence mechanism against invading
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
 Hair is one of the most common type of trace evidence found at the crime scene.
 Drug Test – the process of determining the presence of a drug and its metabolites in body fluids.
 Physiological antidote – sometimes called “antagonist”. An agent that acts upon the system so as to counteract the effect
of the poison. It merely masks the symptoms produced.
 Albumen is the most abundant protein in the blood. It binds with many drugs. Globulins has an important role in the
immune mechanism of the body. It carries drugs as well as sex and thyroid hormones, lipids and iron.
 Cathartics – agents that produce intestinal evacuation.
 POSOLOGY – a branch of science that treats the form and quantity of medicine to be administered within a certain
 PLASMA- The fluid portion of blood where the cells are suspended. It is principally composed of water ((90%), solid
(10%) which is largely protein in nature and consists of albumen, several globulins and fibrinogen.
 Idiosyncrasy – a term applied to individuals who exhibit unusual reactions to certain substances.
 Accidental Poisoning – those in which the poison was taken without intention to cause death. It may be taken by mistake
or without knowing that it is poison.
 Blood has been called the circulating tissue of the human body. It is referred to as highly complex mixture of cells,
enzymes, proteins and inorganic substances.
 Dangerous Drugs -Any substance listed in RA 9165. A substance affecting the Central Nervous System which when
taken into the human body brings about physical, emotional or behavioral changes in a person taking it.
 Mydriasis (an excessive dilation of the pupil due to disease, trauma, or the use of drugs) are observed.
 Yarn is composed of numerous fibers which are spun, twisted, or drawn together to prepare the unit for weaving or
knitting. A yarn is sometimes called a thread by the layman.
 Hallucinogens (psychedelics) (Marijuana, LSD)any of a group of substance that alter consciousness, also called
 Drug evidence consists of any legal or illegal substance controlled by law. The evidence may consist of large quantities
of the drug, or trace amounts such as powder on a spoon. It also includes evidence of the use, ingestion, manufacture or
distribution of controlled substances.
 LIMB HAIRS- Hairs from the legs and arms constitute limb hairs. These hairs are shorter in length, arc-like in shape,
and often abraded or tapered at the tips.
 Medulla or Core – is the central canal of the hair shaft. It could be continuous, fragmented, interrupted or absent and
begins more or less with the root.
 Mild hallucinogenic effects. Increased physical energy and emotional closeness to others (empathy), the senses being
enhanced and mood lightening. It facilitates communication and increases sociability.

1. True- designer drugs are also called controlled substance

2. True- Hallucinogens influence people to see images that seems real but are not
3. False- Fat soluble drugs are excreted quickly with water.
4. False- Diluted a specimen that is not normal physical or physiological
5. True- substance abuse- is a compulsive need for particular substance or activity
6. True- the most serious drug addiction of all involve psychoactive drugs
7. False- Drug when absorbed thru the blood stream is capable of noxious effect
8. False- Chloroform is an example of non-volatile poison and those isolated by distillation
9. True- Chronic poisoning – kind of poisoning in which there is gradual deterioration of the function of tissues and may or
may not result in death
10. True- Mechanical antidote – an agent that removes the poison without changing it or coats the surface of the organ so
that absorption is prevented.
11. False- smallest cells in the blood are leukocytes
12. False- Clotting is faster on irregular surfaces and at cooler temperatures.
13. True- antagonist”. An agent that acts upon the system so as to counteract the effect of the poison. It merely masks the
symptoms produced.
14. False- Wet garments with a wet bloodstain can be sealed in or sealed air tight container.
15. True- follicle is a tiny but powerful factory which throughout many people’s lifetime continues to produce hair.
16. False- Cortex contains the most information about the hair
17. True- DNA examination will give a reliable finding as to the origin of the hair.
18. True- Black and brown hair differs only on the amount of melanin
19. True- fiber or filament is the smallest single unit forming the basis of the textile yarn
20. True- Plant fibers serve in the manufacture of paper and cloth.

Reasons for Negative Results of the Toxicological Examination

1. Some poisons maybe rapidly altered in the body to a form that is not detectable by the methods of analysis employed.
2. Some poisons with or without previous chemical change maybe rapidly excreted although its toxic effect remains and may
only be detectable in the urine but not in the body tissue or organ.
3. Sometimes symptoms of poisoning may appear, which may be fatal following the administration of even small and
ordinarily harmless quantity of a substance as poison.

Why is it necessary to study of blood contaminants be made in relation to the forensic blood examination?


1. As circumstantial or corroborative evidence against or in favor of the perpetrator.
2. As evidence in case of disputed parentage.
3. As evidence in the determination of the cause of death and the length of time the victim survived the attack.
4. As evidence in the determination of the direction of the victim/assailant.
5. As evidence in the determination of the origin of the flow of blood.
6. As evidence in the determination of the approximate time the crime was committed.
Blood as Evidence

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