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PE 3 -

Aljhun O. Vergara

Physical Education 3 – Ballgames and Sports has been prepared as useful guide and resource for
student and teachers of college Physical Education course.

Physical Education is an essential part of the holistic education process of all students and it is that
phase of the General Education (GE) program that contributes to the total growth and development of each
student primarily through movement activities, exercise and sports.

The emphasis of the module is to prepare and motivate all students to engage in ballgame activities,
individual and dual sports in order to promote their health and physical well-being. The module also aims to
help students experience a variety of movement activities, become competent in various motor skills and
develop understanding of movement principles.

The author’s utmost hope is that this module will enable students to become more active, learn
important motor skill, develop good values and social skills, and maintain a positive self-image and healthy
lifestyle habits.
Module Description

This module is designed to expose students to various motor skill activities and develop social
participation among their peers and develop camaraderie. By the end of this module, the students will
demonstrate the ability to perform basic skills of ballgames and other individual and dual sports.

Module Objective

At the end of the lesson the student should be able to;

1. Recall and reflect the previews lesson in Physical Education 1 and 2.
2. Understand the nature and the meaning of Physical Education.
3. Identify the different foundation of Physical Education.
4. Explain the personal (own) definition of Physical Education.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________Score: ____________
Subject and Section: ___________________________________________________________________________Date: _____________

ESSAY: Reflection on Your study of Physical Education 1 and 2.

1. What is your insight in studying PE1 (Gymnastics and Physical Fitness) and PE 2 (Folk Dancing)?

2. How it affected your perspective in Physical Education?


3. What would be your expectation to our subject?

Lesson 1: The Nature and Meaning of Physical Education
To define Physical Education, we need to say that it is an educational process that aims to improve
human development and performance through physical activity. It tends to take place at school through
formal lessons, but it also includes informal activity such as play.

Physical Education is a process of learning, the context being mainly physical. The purpose of this
process is to develop specific knowledge, skills and understanding and to promote physical competence.

Different sporting activities can and do contribute to this learning process, and the learning process
enable participations in sports. The focus, however, is on the child and his or her development of physical
competence rather that activity.

Physical Education is an area in which physical activity is valued and integrated into daily living. It is
anchored in three fundamental axioms that lead to these guiding principles:

➢ Individual – It recognizes that people are active for all sorts of reasons, work, play, challenge and
achievement, health and personal development.
➢ Social – It focuses on the individual but it also recognizes that social norms and values, available
resources, influential learners and other factors affect our choices and opportunities for
➢ Inclusive – It provides essential ways to express who we are as individuals or groups. It is a right of
all, regardless of ability, age, gender, race, ethnic background, religion, socio-economic status or
educational achievement. (Jamaica Gleamer 2015)

After learning what Physical Education really is, now it’s your turn! What Physical Education to you?
Create your personal definition or understanding of his discipline or subject in just one sentence.

My Personal Definition of Physical Education in One Sentence:


3 – Full Accomplishment – Students definition of Physical Education in one sentence in a clear and
consistent manner.
2 – Substantial Accomplishment – Students definition of Physical Education in one sentence and do so in a
somewhat consistent manner
1 – Little Accomplishment – Students have difficulty defying Physical Education in one sentence

Lesson 2: The Foundation of Physical Education

The foundations areas of Physical Education are its sociocultural, scientific and pedagogical

The cultural foundations of Physical Education are sports history and sport philosophy. These
include our heritage in though and deed, our philosophy, our history, our art, our literature.

The social foundations of Physical Education are sports sociology, exercise and sports psychology.

The scientific foundations are concerned with social phenomena. Along with the science areas are
motor behaviour, which branches from psychology but includes aspects of the scientific foundations,
biomechanics and exercise physiology. (“The Academic Foundations of Exercise Science and Kinesiology”,

A quality Physical Education programs must be built on a strong pedagogical foundation. The
curriculum for PE builds on the prior knowledge and skills that the students will have obtained through the
Basic Education PE Curriculum. The PE Curriculum will help also promote the development of a life-long
interest in sports participations. (“Framework for Physical Education, 2014”).

The Sub-disciplines of Physical Education Program

1. Exercise Physiology is devoted to how the body functions during exercise.

2. Sports Biomechanics is concerned with the effects of natural laws and forces on the human body
during sporting activities.

3. Sport Psychology covers two areas of interest: motor skill learning and motor performance. At issue
are the psychological factors affecting the learning and performance of physical skills and the impact
of both internal and external factors on individual.
4. Motor Behaviour deals with the learning and improvement of physical skills.

5. Sport Philosophy attempts to define and clarify sports and the sporting experience to determine the
place and meaning of sports in our lives.

6. Sport History is the critical examination of the past, with a focus on events, people, and trends that
influenced the development and direction of the field.

7. Sport Sociology is concerned with the social behaviour of people in the sport setting, both
individually and as a group.

8. Movement Pedagogy is concerned with teaching, particularly teaching play and the skills used in
sporting situations. It includes the study of the teaching methods and many other elements tied to the
concerns of the profession of Physical Education.


Identify the foundations and sub-disciplines of Physical Education that described in the following phrases.
Write the correct answer in the space provided.

______________________________ 1. Concerned with social phenomena.

______________________________ 2. Sports sociology, exercise and sports psychology.

______________________________ 3. Build on prior knowledge and skill that the students will have to obtain.

______________________________ 4. Include our heritage in thought and deeds.

______________________________ 5. Concerned with teaching, particularly teaching play and the skills.

______________________________ 6. Concerned with the social behaviour of the people in the sport setting.

______________________________ 7. Focuses on events, people and trends.

______________________________ 8. Deals with the learning and improvement of physical skills.

______________________________ 9. Determine the place and meaning of sports in our lives.

______________________________ 10. Devoted on how the body functions during exercise.

Explain the importance of P.E 3 as your subject?



3 – Full Accomplishment – Students identified foundation and sub-discipline of Physical Education and
answering the essay question in a clear and consistent manner.
2 – Substantial Accomplishment – Students identified foundation and sub-discipline of Physical Education
and answering the essay question in a somewhat consistent manner
1 – Little Accomplishment – Students have difficulty in identified the foundation and sub discipline of
Physical Education and answering the essay question consistently.


Physical Education and Related Activities, Maynard L. Ballecer, Wilfredo G.Faustino Jr.

College P.E 3 – Individual and Dual Sports, Nenita J. Dimapilis MAT, Lorna A. Espeso MAT, Myrna N. Alvarez
MAED, Ariel B. Ramas

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