NHQ-PNP General Orders No. DPL-18-03 PRO 9

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Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City January 3, 2019 GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 (Approved Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) RESTRUCTURING OF THE POLICE REGIONAL OFFICES 1, Effective this date, all Police Regional Offices (PROs), excluding the NCR Police Office, are hereby restructured to effectively perform their functions as provided under NAPOLCOM Resolution Numbers 93-023 and 98-058, to wit a. Enforce and execute the provisions of laws, decrees, General Orders, Instructions, Executive Orders, City Charters, and ordinances of local application; b. Implement the policies, directives, programs, and projects formulated and adopted by the Chief, PNP in his exercise of the power of administrative and operational control and supervision over the police; ©. Monitor, coordinate, and evaluate the implementation of Philippine National Police (PNP) policies, directives, programs, and projects in the region; d. Exercise the powers of appointment and promotion in accordance with the prescribed rules or make necessary recommendations pertinent thereto; e. Exercise disciplinary powers in accordance with the existing laws, rules, and regulations; f. Issue detailed implementing policies and instructions regarding personnel, funds, properties, records, correspondence, and such other matters as may be necessary to effectively carry out the functions, powers, and duties of the PNP in the region; and g. Perform other tasks as directed by the Chief, PNP or as may be prescribed by law or PNP directives, rules, and regulations. 2. The Command Group of each PRO shall be composed of the Regional Director, PRO (with the rank of Police Chief Superintendent), the Deputy Regional Director for Administration (with the rank of Police Chief Superintendent), the Deputy Regional Director for Operations (with the rank of Police Senior Superintendent), and the Chief of Regional Staff (with the rank of Police Senior Superintendent). 3. All Regional Directors, PROs shall exercise administrative supervision and operational control over the personnel assigned in their respective PROs including the personnel assigned in Police Provincial Offices, City Police Offices and lower units within the jurisdiction of the region. 4. All PRO Headquarters shall maintain nine Regional Staff, namely: a) Regional Personnel and Records Management Division (RPHRDD or R1); b) Regional Intelligence Division (RID or R2); c) Regional Operations Division (ROD or R3); d) Regional Logistics and Research and Development Division (RLRDD or R4); e) Regional Community Affairs and Development Division (RCADD or R85); f) Regional Comptrollership Division (RCD or R6); _g) Regional Investigation and Detective Management Division (RIDMD or R7); h) Regional Learning and Doctrine Development Division (RLDDD or R8); and i) Regional Plans and Strategy Management Division (RPSMD or R9). In addition, each PRO shall maintain the Regional Headquarters Support Unit (RHSU). 5. The organizational structure and staffing patterns of all PRO Headquarters shall be as reflected in Annex B hereof. 6. The prescribed ranks for the different Regional Staff and Operating Units under the PRO Headquarters shall be as follows: PRESCRIBED RANK OFFICES/UNITS A. Regional Staff Personnel and Records Management Division Intelligence Division Operations Division Logistics and Research and Development Division Community Affairs and Development Division Comptrollership Division Investigation and Detective Management Division Learning and Doctrine Development Division Plans and Strategy Management Division B, Operating Units Regional Headquarters Support Unit Regional Mobile Force Battalion Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent Police Senior Superintendent 7. Requisite support pertaining to personnel, logistics, training, facilities, funds, and other resources shall be requested by the Regional Directors, PROs to the concerned Directorial Staff subject to existing PNP policies and procedures as well as the approval of the Chief, PNP. 8. The issuance of this General Orders is in pursuance of the vested powers of the Chief, PNP under Section 26 of Republic Act No. 6975. All directives and issuances in conflict with the provisions hereof are hereby repealed. BY COMMAND OF POLICE DIRECTOR GENERAL ALBAYALDE: iotohs bo A Revised Functional Chart of Police Regional Office B — Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern of Police Regional Offices for Plans Annexes: Distribution: Command Group Directorial Staff Directors, NSUs RDs, PROs IG, IAS. Chief, HRAO- Chief, CPSM ANNEX A to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) FUNCTIONAL CHART POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE (PRO) OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR Ds osibilit Regional Director, PRO (RD, PRO): 1. TheRD, PRO shall have comand, supervision and controlof PNP personnel and units under hither operational jrisclcton which shal include the power to direct andcontal the ‘eccalend stateyicmovements, deployment placements, ring andlor ulzation ofthe pole units and personnel, equipment, facies and other resources within hs tetril json 2. Inadaltion, he shall have the folowing powers and duties: 2. Faithful enforce and exeoute the provisions of Decrees, Laws, General Orders, Instructions, Executive Orders, City Cherters end ordinances ofocal appication; b. Implementthe polices, directives, programs and projects formulated and adopted by the Chef, PNP in hs exercise ofthe power of administrative and operational control and supervision over the police; «Exercise the powers of appointment and promotonin accordance wit the presoibed rules or mak the necessary recommendations pertnent thereto; d. Exercise disciplinary powers in accordance with the existing laws, rules and regulaons; €. 18sue detaled implementing poides and instructions regarding personnel, funds, properties, records, correspondence and such other maior ae may be necessary {o-ffectvey carry outthe functions, powers and duties ofthe Phifppine National Police at tre regional evel and £. Perform other duties/tasks es drected by the Chief, PNP oras may be prescribed bylaw or PNP directives, rules end regulaltons. of th moma ‘Deputy Reglonal Director for Administration PRO: 1. Assist the Regional Director, PRO in supervising, directing, coordinating and controling the PNP units and personnel atthe regional levels far as acinistton and organization re concerned, 2. Advise and assist he Regional Director in he implementation and execution of policies, directives, programs and projects; and 3. As the second in command at the regional level, perfomns the functions as may be delegated by he Regional Director NCRPO or actin the laters absence. rector: rations PI 1. Assistthe Regional Dector, PROin supervising, directing and coordinating the operations ofthe PNP althe Regional Level 2. Advise and assist the Regional Director in the implementation and execution of polices, directives, programs and projects as far as operations atthe regional level ae concerned; and 3. As the third in command atthe regional level, performs other duiestasks as may be delagated by RD, PRO, hiet_of Regional Stat, PRO: 1, Assist the RD, PRO in the general coordination and supervision of the various activities of Regional Staff Divisions and other units ofthe PRO; 2. Direct and supervise the Regional Staff Divisions and Unit Commanders of the PRO in the perorance ofthe especive functions 3. Direct he formulation of of detalledimplementing polices and intucton, regarding personnel, development, inteligence and counter-inteligence projects, fund utlization, Property management, systematic records keeping and such other matters as may be ‘Necessary, and submit the same for approval and signature of RD, PRO; and 4. Perorm other dutesiask as may b directed by RO, PRO. PAGE 1 OF 9 PAGES ANNEX A to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) FUNCTIONAL CHART POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE (PRO) alae] —reobuar REGIONAL HUMAN REGIONAL x REGIONAL REGIONAL PLANS Resource mount | | INTELLIGENCE Communrry | Fouprroueren | MVESTIGATIONA || LEARNING | | REGO ans JANDBOCTRINEDIV| | DIVISION Jarramsano pevr| POMPZROLLERSH) |perecrive waMr| | oOcTRNEDevT | | ANDSTRATEGY ‘VISION OMEN ‘SION ‘Auta gid Pe es Doe | Est nar a AGRA a RO. PRO a natn, ROA Se FAO oe hanes PROwiincpan|ourt" nprhee prio Daas ro agewomes | GemngacinpOsoaes Dees RO oastom, "he Tamale "end | Mousoeateeace *tebsuamsiuneeean riouct nmgiten ae tunratensin GiewiePce* Gmntheeeltcmentes | soem Sconing, ieoes\ ignetiindiaaen caaunaecouae vpeoepeper scare Sour one rants 2 Papen and evsins Umicomaraar sn Cotte |2etcemaaesrayeddagre taneesel aM nal iter sion’ asd summits, Stemee eet ease serene ined eedesinte’ FFesae oH nian ‘Seoneoscnmnioe 2 Sane. Sorncrsé seay FHP Seman Soeana anacamanspeanroe Sitgnee est agape att | (Fen sons Nh 2 pennant 2 Hor se ate gus md eroe_ Scobie ‘etlendance, wave ot absencs —operalnia lancingand poicy of units. ‘and procedures on logistics | Heauanens ‘Operators, Pans and Gudget vsigttonclarmesandother pelea serves, proms. Acute comtinet ruioe ta seh? 9 pene eaeacine tae erent omarn esiecmaasy Savina? Rite ot 3 Eason Placoment/accignmest, Ineigerce oecaions Ceretona over are 3 Respnsti ntepopennin, | oantgadrepmrebyctins pees a NG PAP ond STEEL and, succes RARoirat ie a6 * peat Chance fect, tan afwesuenentges Secelicitat *Semmanewertere: | temeinsaemiae qaiemouuce fenaacams ‘awsome Rca Paramore enunin, “agentes an apes oe Semen | Poca Pony pares Orns 2 Pen Mam rf Oh TR on ee Swatde and jcentnesopatssotbe FRO, tects and gaarca | supplies, eauipnat. eae 14 Cole consid addoumen! Pen od Budgettemcenbe , MManidsaoapseg, petosesvanemy te © oe oar a accion pie. LPR ety asardeber bel | wate pias epondapitins— SSzeinteipnenisinct fr Frojet cevoupont end ly ‘olbe =0. 4 Wsinisin_eoarinatne , ™URNeN st PRO. ‘om bwerunsIrsubnSIOND ¢Pepye rdsntFFO Fugen rest snencinbpamnnand Haplenent_ rules ang ‘obnernen ioc ce PRO. SAaminster as¢ man perient PRO oosonre ‘oka her pre ‘ramantele PR. Minin persone! Hemsonspen 5 Popoe adevtmt a tio. egrets peoare eer 1 Fomulte an inpenent recive, ple. gue ns is arag 1 Fefomanetase sede yRa.PRO ‘SPerherate ts es craced RD PRO. eat eset Cactenad ects eum mn Cet rt ‘other law enforcement eee ane — Scetaaiecnes Posed sau is os Speco raion. Ratatat 2 Sennteoma arpa oe oonemunece « Spare oaie hepopt cso naa sestopacret aces, casnre oe es SrPieesoatnrerte Prepare acasePoPegen cc Sie ie Soprenclemsc 1 Preece ety mm wane ecard 5 atone estat mF Setrpurtot sors = = 5 Regma te petan ‘Spare ase og ur slaresanenet POR 6: ran samp actong fee sam «ca wat ee nj onsen Seevencpecsossns 7 Portevonalaneart SetondonOpmentr PC Face Ot Cy “Skicreprannein Pur fies, Cy Pb 5 Undrak Sona merong, Se td ir Pe Wire nim certiaee sala. TSS {Stecing ervin dies | USN Weebereoschecuty & Prom cberossedacet Somneratiekicine e990 Soriano get 2 curate ser ope te (SAP wlan bo eoeit of Pas Oposrs y eeaten 10eetcosmesnonatn ed ‘usin sang anon he ‘eer im nme fo elton en thoand pia 1 aroma ee dct POR. ® PAGE 2 OF 3 PAGES repli on onetone Inbbabzcorim keg 4 Forma, "supervise, ‘acl td ono heroes Ss Responsbie inthe asolatn, recrding, nae amp taine ‘iter eben Imsfopeond a eaten ‘ann sitore ‘Se rset " Gnacimiensamotna | sehr snes late and plies one § Sapence sales SeomertolPRO meses * congue of presto! aiteameominestoow Sateen Geited esto ane 1, Prove eaten eteaives seed al aaentetsrgge ‘Segment tePRd. ye aanng ett .Proaees edna | 4. Srp ted sare PNP Denis Ate ‘eprmelostaacopoy "std Cpraona Siesta Bates ins conduct 9 O18 perure ota ste ot einen Gece. ‘ebmart ote nena vi een Tang Sreetlnare re Taney Src ‘1 Patomobacaa dnt ore Presented program of 4, Crp cine alas ‘Satstes ate needing tonal ain ‘Bipogar encore 5 ct athe gira Satay ‘Magen Unt wich abe ‘aspartic eat the ‘long tc 2 Feral PRO Stee Pate ancora ‘eau the PRO Wess oo phorus a Sur pearanos pore Daca 6 Pecmeberuse secs yRO PRD ANNEX A to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) FUNCTIONAL CHART POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE (PRO) @) REGIONAL, HEADQUARTERS ‘SUPPORT DIVISION 1. Formulate andimpiement, Camp Defense Plan Fire and Disasters Plan, Contingency Plan and Camp Rules and Regulations. 2. Responsible in the administration securty and maintenance of PRO buildings, PRO quartering, sports and recreational facies, and road nets 3. Provide perimeter guards and conduct foot and motile patrol inside carp anditsimmediate vit. 4. Direct contol and supervise afc and perking management inside PROcampls, 5, Provide uninterrupted water and power services inside camp. 6, Provide refighting equipment and services inside RHQ Camp, 7. Provide garbage disposal and ground beutfication services. 8. Supervise ll constuction and repair projects inside RHQ.camp and itsimmeciat vit. 9, Provie securly escorts and render honors fe visting VIPs/ ‘ignores 10 Renderhonasenices to deceased PNP Prsonnelwin the PRO. 11, Provide personnel and logistical suppor toRHOs during command actives. 42, Supervise and control the operations of PRO concessionaires, 13, Perform other tasks as directed by RD, PRO. PAGE 9 OF 3 PAGES ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 9 3 on OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR 1 an ‘ 3m DEPUTY REGIONAL DEPUTY REGIONAL mRECTOR FoR ‘econ ron ADNAN ‘OPENS 2 ai orrice oF We AEF OF REGIONAL oa REGIONAL | STAFF 2 [ws | as 6 | eo «fis | os fiw + fos os fe 4 Lao es REC REGIONAL REGIONAL REGIONAL REGIONAL a rersonnet || neon | COM, || sores || ceeawrr || | S00. | fares] [mena | | Ramee Jwroneconcs||mtewicence| eros || Reseancne || ‘arramse || | COTO | |"Soctceme| | ‘oocmeme-| |, sTarEcy mmwceret |!""uison | See lloevetornen|oevecorment]| | Se"S!" | liunuasmn | feverormen jacana! MBION m2) a owision || onvision me SION DIVISION DIMBION ) Ray 18) (R) ) ie Pesan pocka4 enccanerens REGIONAL ee ‘suport wwoBiLe FORCE somnsTRATIVE aoinasteanve ey TATA j Mspecrr = | |“ Stewoet | ins ‘urs = py (pmuesmmanemcrmmros Tbe TMTup by! To Be Medea CSimenaremctcaices —ASUs contemed —M.O.8.U8 concerned rocebsa RECAPITULATION: POLICE COMSNED OFFR POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFR NON UNIFORMED PERS tose IBASEDON57 DBM APPROVED sana res Une of picsurr 2 sPos a4 ‘NUPPOSInONS) Ripert untae” Bear 2 seas x ROR are pace under suet 4 Soe 5 so19 a4 the operant corr of Prense 2M sror [2 soe 1 RD.PRO PrsneP = "5 Poo [sa t Pn =o Po > om SIs 2 pe * su \ or ze SoH any Bh ag TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS: 342 sco ‘ TOTAL Nu 868 ° (GRAND TOTAL OF PERS: 409 507 ‘ 560 ote so5 3 864 0 501 0 PAGE 109 OF 192 PAGES ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 9 COMMAND GROUP n OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR {-Reaiowa oREcrTOR reste TCABEDECAMSCTY OFFICER” pone ‘-puoucrrorwanonoencen par 1: AE De caue/SETY< rst (Conair fost DN Cet, Ror 1 SEN DRWER nseos Snare Ars Swett 1 sro 4-aoNen FFE ron? {SeNbeoteco ee TReteo Se i sor i “ADWNIDEW-s.06" ‘aowmanet 501 1 an ‘ an OFRCE OFTHE ORRCE OFTHE DEPUTY REGIONAL DEPUTY REGIONAL DRECTORTOR DRECTORFOR ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS | -DEPUTYREGIONAL RECTOR 1 DePUTYREGONA RECTOR FORAOMIISTRATON poster Fororcanone reset 1-ADUNPNS S 1 ADMIN see Pi ihateser a) 1 ABuABe CADMNADE (ERK "Ste PNA EPIERS. ae REGIONAL POLICE DRUG ENFORCEMENT UNIT Proneh eros PN 1 cASSTUNTOMEr ReoeU pene fa 1 AsmowPnco roe 2 ui 1 EaDENCeAWeNTORY NCO “Spot = comcunnener poem 21 RNS ae OFRCEOFTHE sah ied 2 '5Po3 4 FoNse Sg spo2 4 soo 4 oi spot 3 sors 1 6 pos a sco 2 te ay < t ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS: 18 2 = ‘TOTAL NUP: 5 5 GRAND TOTAL OF PERS: 23 PAGE 119 OF 192 PAGES ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 9 REGIONAL LOGISTICS AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (R4) 2 wn REGIONAL LOGISTICS ‘AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 4- DIMSION CHIEF Pssurt 4 “ASST DIVISION CHEF _ PSUPT A SRADMINPHEO SPO 4S ADMIN AIDE | sot (UNLITY WORKER 1) 1 40 1 on 4 300 4 40 PLANS, PROGRAMS ‘SUPPLY FX REAL PROPERTY & ‘AND RESEARCH MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES, INFRASTRUCTURE ‘SECTION SECTION SECTION MGMT SECTION 4- ¢, PeRS ~pciwsp 1- SEGTION CHIEF -POINSP™ | 1.SEGTION GHEF _-PCINSP 1-C, RPMS =PCINSP 1 PLANS & PROG PNCO __spO3 | GUPPLY OFFOR M-9616") | 1-INSURANCE PNCO -SPOS 1-RPIMS ACTION PNCO— “sPO3 12 STAT RESEARCH PNCO —SpO1 —_1~ ADMIN OFFICER i 1 ELECTRIC & WATER {LAND AND RECORDS PNCO “SPOS 1 PROJECT & FACILITY (SAO) sci BILL PNCO. SPO! 2UTITLING PROCESSOR PNCO-(1) $PO1 INVENTORY PNCO' —- SPo2_t- ASST SECTION CHF 1-RECORDS PCO -PO3 (1) Pos. 1 -ACTION PNCO. igpor ADMIN OFFCRI_ | -SG10 [ADMIN AIDE VI(GLERK i) - Goo)" (SUPPLY OFFICER 1 PETROLEUM OIL LUE. NCO sPo3 1+ FIREARMS & AMMO ACTION NCO -SPO2 1 GENERAL SUPPORT PNcO -sP01 1 CONTRACT ADMIN PNco P01 4. PROCUREMENT PNco P02 2. ADMIN ASST (STOREKEEPER i) -(2) sG09 (ADMIN AIDE Vi (CLERK - S05)" 4 92. LocisTicaL DIRECT ‘SUPPORTUNT 1-UntT GHEE ~PoINSP {CUNITADIEN NCO SPO 2IDRIVERMECHANC “(2 POR 2 DRNERMECHANCG —_@) POS (V-MECHIIC H- S66") (-MecHIvc |- see) 1 WELDER 1 sos 12 ADMIN AIDE 17 8c4 (MECHANIC 1 ore: ‘REOAPITULATION: + = CONCURRENT POSITION s+ 1 TO BE REPLACED BY NUP SUBJECT TO THE pssuer 4 spo 2 [APPROVAL OF THE porr 24 sPos 5 ‘DBM OF THE PROPOSED PONS = spoz 3 ‘ADDITIONAL NUP 7 spot 7 Poo | 6 2 TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS: 30 TOTAL NUP: 7 GRAND TOTAL OF PERS: 37, PAGE 114 OF 192 PAGES POLICE COMMISSIONED OFFRS POLICE NON-COMM OFFRS NON-UNIFORMED PERS (BASED ON 1997 DBM. APPROVED 'NUP POSITIONS) sou sco | sop | 5G3 sce sei ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 9 REGIONAL COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (RS) 2 a" REGIONAL COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION {Sean ents Seon cea! “Ser ‘on onan 9 1 Ed 4 sit 4 210 4 70 roa BUaNS & CRE REFER InrORHAION «uN programs own, secrion ‘seenon caren 1-secrion omer -pomse 1 -secron ner t-scnon oter poms J-omgr caw pout ‘egmce"” Sede” eommemmvancae paea ces coisa vaca CeeMe remco “anos GEnetmmenae ST Sole Oncane 1 SSmuanr enone TID EoApnco: roe BeverAcen""""-pomse "'hetmormme rei spo2 te Se ce A 1-SING orenaton “Pos Set Mror rr [eteacrounco "ees ESisSwE oe “pos 1-ROMNMOE sce {ERB ACTIONS |” SPor Gamconrmoucn p> | Fleas atone P02 1-ROMNABE "Bog | ptauh aeons eRatoceaeE fee sos {MeO ACHoeNco ~ Spor NOTE: GO#DPL04.06 (saLAan pouce cenren ‘SimuareD ave per ornices Ar THE PnO 8 PPOIGPO LEVELS} RECAPITULATION: wore = GONCURRENTPOSTION POLICECOMMISSIONEDOFFRS POLICE NON-CONM OFFRS _NOWUMFORMED PERSONNEL 2D $Obenancacen evr (GaseDon 067 Ds APPROVED fonrecromie moet = sot. 2 uprosmnons) Semowormme pour Se 5 Seworieprorosen fence fe. g Bar Ath oormonat woe a ee ma 5 me OS St p> “ge a ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS: 24 s TOTAL Wu: 5 GRAND TOTAL OF PERSON orca: — pas 1 PAGE 115 OF 102 PAGES ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 9 REGIONAL COMPTROLLERSHIP DIVISION (R6) 2 on REGIONAL COMPTROLLERSHIP DIVISION 7 BWISION CHIEF - pssuPT 4 ASST DIVISION CHIEF ADMO | PSUPT 41 SENIOR ADMIN PNCO = sP08 1 ADMINIFINANCEISUPPLY PHCO _ §PO2 4“ LIAISON PNCO. sP02 3: ACTION PNCO Se sPor (ACCOUNTING CLERK I -sce") (2. COMPUTER OPERATOR |= @) S67" ADMIN AIDE | “Sct (UTITITY WORKER 1 : at i : z A a BUDGET & FISCAL MANAGEMENT PRO NEnene Te “ACCOUNTING rs sane — mows saa ee ae N ae whan Yan RO tee haan eetan clea Rear oes te a oie NOTE: RECAPITULATION; "+ SiNciMAEeOHTON PoLGESOMMEONEDOFFRS FOLGE MENSOMOR wonsnronlen res cioeeera ete eee va APPROVAL OF THE ers. OR + 2 NUP POSITIONS) ner ae se ea Seroreeroroso LS meas ek ee a, Ea eras ee Fmeabeag 5 eee Cra absent i sia 1h ore Sern 3 (CALL PAGE 116 OF 192 PAGES ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 9 REGIONAL INVESTIGATION AND DETECTIVE MANAGEMENT DIVISION (R7) 2 12 REGIONAL INVESTIGATION & DETECTIVE MANAGEMENT DIVISION owsoncier -pssurt {ASST DION OME “rawr 1 Senteapunrnco feos {"ADMIADEM OSIACONTROWLER!) “Soe TCADMINAIDE UMLITYWORERD “Sct 1 a.) 4 wo 4 ” 1 w CRIME RESEARCH investiganow DErECTWVE re cHARGE Women ai auras wonton wanncemen vives TonmiON eee ‘feorion ‘seenon ‘Seorion ‘secTON mn 1-S8STONGHEF -poNGP 1-SEETON REF __-POIS® 1 SECTION GNET FONE 1-PROSECUTIONOFGR PONS 1-SECTON ower pone EReMango” “Sra Hfenousseusaron N°" Suenes “See” abe ancy ON OTR SERS | SShpet Ctersnoanon (eritonon Geaittbes Mason | Stiwtsroaron src | Smawshoaron “set AWACHIONMED A trce Seemicscte)s-speent lansocsx “°°” {-pwesnentou” shot Lavesneatne’ | esct «Avan Taxtrowie +a vs Pencon pes" Ped sot Kiwesncson! nas! Aetson besten arcz rms Se v Seinegnnon roe 1-GRaievepropeniy* +-upune@ oesxenco 100 eo “cet douarenscess sft eco aio” " SS gece Cian CRMES DESK, s-Ashas Desk Pyco Sos ee “Soe 1 Sonate neconas 1ShGuanesnoaon "pes ‘ot Ses ONS Ne. kurEremnoni 8 urenean “sor ACD mRS 01 ESumenetaoe:so0 scree, “S08 ERNST! hatte rensons ouboerny sor “Beteenco "spor IECAPrTULATION wor ConcmReNTrOsimoN POLICE COMM OFFRS POLIGENON-COMM OFFS NOWUNFORMEDPERS fobenerceceo ev hu {GARED on 17 DI APPROVED fooecrrome pst = 1 Oe ‘NUP FOSmONS) Sponoiad OF Te Ror leon Gow ormmernorose> fange $0 Shae sons 4 oomouae a sor | 3 sor lt melt sel Je sft B std Pest TAD} ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERSONNEL: 32 TOTAL NUP. GRAND TOTAL OF PERS: 37 PAGE 117 OF 192 PAGES ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 9 REGIONAL LEARNING AND DOCTRINE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (R8) 2 20 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, REGIONAL LEARNING AND DOCTRINE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 1 - CHEF, RTOD = pssuPT A ASSr CHIEF “psueT 1-SRADMIN PNCO = SPO# 1°MSG.CTR PNCO = POS 4 22 1 20. 1 40 PROGRAM PHYSICALFITNESS ‘TRAINING PROGRAM DU erone EVALUATION & ‘SECTION secTion, DOCTRINE ‘SECTION 1-H TPS: “PCINSP 1. CHIEF, PFS ‘PeINsP 4 - CHIE, OPS Powse 4 TACTICAL PCO. ‘sPO4 2 ACTION PNCO (PFSDS) (7) POS 2. BEDS PNCO *(9) SPose 5" ACTION PNCO. (@ sPo2 (P02 (spor () sor (1 TRAWING sPECIALIST'I- Sa1t") (@) Pos (1 TRAINING ASST - S63 (poz 2- ACTION PNCO —-(1) SPO2 4-UAISON PNCO Po2 (P03 {TRAINING SPECIALIST | “SG11 SCTRAINING ASSISTANT “8G3. Nore: [RECAPITULATION: POLICE COMMISSIONED (OFFRS PesuT 4 pour 4 pone 3 3 ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS: 20 TOTAL NUP: 2 GRAND TOTAL OF PERS: 22 + TOBEREPLAGED BY NUP SUBJECT TO THE [APPROVAL OF THE DOM OF THE PROPO [ADDITIONAL NUP POLICENON-COMMISSIONED NON-UNIFORMED PERS OFFRS (BASED ON 1987 DBN- APPROVED 'NUP POSITIONS) ‘spos 2 'SPO3 1 Sars 2 ot ‘sPo2 3 sate ‘SPO 2 is P03 4 2 Poz 3 PAGE 116 OF 192 PAGES ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-03 dated January 3, 2019 (Pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-009 dated January 3, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 9 REGIONAL PLANS AND STRATEGY MANAGEMENT DIVISION (R9) 2 2 REGIONAL PLANS AND STRATEGICMGMT DIVISION 1 -DMISION CHIEF -PSSUPT {-ASST.OMISIONCHIEFIPLANS | PSUPT. a ase, wanagewen ‘Seon 4 -c.ptanssecnon once 4 -secToNcHEr -ronse 1 “aoanence SESS 2 “StemeUvimwoenenrenco “tnseoe | “Pemiganppmoceausenco “Spas thro! 1 “tan orncen! 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CHIEF REGLHOS Suppor GROUP-PSUPT™ (CONcURENT CHEF ease Pouce 1SRADMINPNOOSHIFTSUPERVCOR -SPO4 ‘CADMINADE WI @LERKH see {ADMINAIDEN(CLER& St 0 a4 1 270 1 220 cAMP ‘SPECIAL CAMP MANAGEMENT SERVICE SECURITY SECTION SECTION SECTION + -sccnoNcHer FONSP 1 -SECTIONGHERSRAGTONPNCO -SPO4 /SECTONGHEE —— -rsuPT 1 ACTIONPNCO WAIVTENANCE” {-RaNGEOFFCERs — “SFOt (CONCURRENT ASST CHEE RSG BEAUTIFICATION, CLEANLINESS & PORE eee p03 UMORTURRY a o2-senTneL ee MAINTENANCE (9 spo SHITTEAMLEADER (9 spo1 ae es {ros SENTINEL (yea TRE a cera Zeet SND Stor SENTINEL! (p02 1 -ADMINAIDE V (CARPENTER Il) - SG5- TARA Acree TCAOMINADENV@nWERT)” “sot, CONDUCTOR, en 4 Ry + : TAOUINAIBE!(UTLTYWoRKeRn “Sci 2-SRBANDMUSIOMN -@) SFOs SoxnpMusicans —“(6)Pos S"SANDMASIGAN! —_“() Poe ‘oe * CONCURRENT POSTON RECAPTULATION: POLICE COMMISSIONED POLICENONCOMMISSIONEDOFFRE _NONUNFORMEDPERS ores sO (@xSED 0N 1067 ODM. APPROVED Pct = 1 sro ‘ue Posmons) rom. 4 soz. 3 ros = 4 sor. 6 soo 2 ees. es ga ses 3 feos sea 2 ee 861 i a : ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS: 65 TOTAL NUP: 6 GRAND TOTAL OF PERS: 72 PAGE 120 OF 192 PAGES

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