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Year 4 (Chapter 6)

Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and
can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear.

❑ A form of energy
❑ Sound waves need medium to travel
❑ The mediums are air, solid and liquid.
❑ Sound travel faster through solid than
❑ Sound cannot travel through a vacuum.
Vibration and sound Knocking
Blowing Bowing


Characteristic of sound
Sound travels in Sound can be
all direction reflected

When sound hit a hard

surface. It is reflected
People inside the car, or
outside the car can hear the
sound of the car.
Phenomena of reflection of sound
An echo is a sound produced when a
sound is reflected on a hard surface.

The echo works best when it is reflected from a flat,

The sound wave bounces back from the hard surface like a stone wall because it absorbs
wall and the boy hear it within seconds small amount of energy and the sound waves are
after hearing the original sound. reflected in the same direction.
Phenomena of reflection of sound
Ultrasound is a sound that cannot be heard by human but can
be heard by animals such as bat dolphins, and whales to
navigate and detect the location of their prey.

Bats use sound reflections to hunt

insects in the dark
Dolphins use sound reflections to help in their
movement and communicate with each other
Phenomena of reflection of sound
Sonar is a technology that
reflects ultrasonic sound to
detect objects in water.
Sound waves
from ship
Sound waves
reflected back
to ship from
school of fish

Estimating the Identify the existence of Identify the existence of

depth of the sea. fish groups in the sea shipwreck in the sea
Useful and harmful of sound
Advantages Disadvantages
A noisy environment
Musical sound can makes it difficult for Noises from vehicles
be entertaining us to communicate can cause
disturbance and
Sounds allows us stress
to communicate
The siren of the
ambulance indicates an
emergency alert The ringing of the Frequency of
phone provides excessive loud noises
notification on can cause hearing
incoming calls problems.

The unit for measuring the loudness of sound is decibel (dB).

Loud noise that exceeds 85 dB can damage our hearing
Reducing sound pollution

Used ear protector to prevent ear

damage from excessive noise.

Used sound absorbers such as

carpets, curtains and windows Other Acoustic studio walls as
reduce sound vibration. examples a sound absorber

Plants as sound Sound absorbent Sound absorber

absorbers materials walls

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