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Time left 0:02:49

Question 1 Which of the following diuretic blocks aldosterone receptor

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Amiloride
b. Triamterene
c. Hydrochlothiazide

d. Furosemide
e. Spironolactone

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Question 2 The mastoid antrum is only separated from the middle cranial fossa above it by:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Tegmen tympani
b. Round window
c. Pyramidal eminence
d. Oval window
e. Promontory

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Question 3 The main arterial supply to rectum comes from

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Inferior mesenteric artery
b. Celiac trunk
c. Renal artery
d. Superir mesenteric artery

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Question 4 The stapedius muscle takes its motor innervation from:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Glossopharyngeal nerve
b. Maxillary nerve
c. Facial nerve
d. Mandibular nerve
e. Vestibulocochlear nerve

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Question 5 A 70- y-old patient was su!ering from age related sensorineural hearing loss. Where is the suspected site of the pathology?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Scala media
b. The semicircular canals
c. The utricle
d. Scalavestibuli
e. Scala tympani

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Time left 0:02:40

Question 6 The following family pedigree indicated X-linked recessive inheritance. Which of thefollowing individuals are obligate carriers?
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Marked out of

a. Individuals I.1 and II.2

b. Individuals II.2 and II.3
c. Individuals I.2 and II.2
d. Individuals I.2 and II.3

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Question 7 A 22-y-old woman with repeated attacks of bizarre movement of upper limbs and cloudy consciousness since one year ago.
Answer saved She was diagnosed as a temporal lobe epilepsy. The best long term antiepileptic treatment is
Marked out of
1.00 a. Diazepam
b. Magnesium sulfate
c. carbamazepine
d. pregabalin as monotherapy

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Question 8 The spinal tract that controls posture and rhythmic movements is:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Ventral corticospinal tract
b. Lateral corticospinal tract

c. Reticulospinal tract
d. Rubrospinal tract
e. Tectospinal tract

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Question 9 Which of the following is the most common cause of hypothyroidism?

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Hashimoto’s disease
b. Acute thyroiditis
c. Thyroidectomy
d. Radioactive iodine exposure

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Question 10 E!ects of glucocorticoids DO NOT include
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Increased skin protein synthesis
b. Reduction of circulating lymphocytes
c. Inhibition of leukotriene synthesis
d. Altered fat deposition
e. Increased blood glucose

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Time left 0:02:32

Question 11 An increased dopamine level in schizophrenia that causes positive symptoms occurs in the:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Corpus striatum
b. Mesolimbic pathway
c. Mesocortical pathway

d. Hypothalamus

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Question 12 Which of the following pathways do not decussate?

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Ventral corticospinal tract
b. Lateral corticospinal tract
c. Gracile fasciculus
d. Spinothalamic tract
e. Cuneate fasciculus

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Question 13 A 55-y-old woman with tremor, rigidity, and hypokinesia for 3 years. Clinical findings were consistent with Parkinson disease.
Answer saved She had a history of raised intraocular pressure. Which of the following antiparkinson drug is contraindicated?
Marked out of
1.00 a. Tolcapone and entacapone
b. Ropinirole
c. L dopa
d. Pergolide
e. Orphenadrine

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Question 14 The speed of conduction of action potentials along a nerve is high in:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Heavy myelination
b. Small cell body size
c. long nerves
d. Small diameter

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Question 15 A 60-y-old man comes to the emergency department with severe chest pain. ECG revealed ventricular tachycardia with
Answer saved occasional normal sinus beats, and ST-segment changes suggestive of ischemia. A diagnosis of myocardial infarction is made.
Marked out of He is admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit. His arrhythmia should be treated immediately with:
a. Verapamil
b. Lidocaine
c. Adenosine

d. Digoxin
e. Quinidine

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Time left 0:02:24

Question 16 The visual field defect is most congruous if the lesion is located at the:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. lateral geniculate body
b. optic chiasm
c. retina

d. anterior part of the optic radiation

e. upper bank of the calcarine sulcus

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Question 17 A 27-y-old man presented with increasing tiredness and shortness of breath. A macrocytic anemia with reticulocytosis was
Answer saved evident on blood test. A genetic analysis revealed a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. The most likely cell type to
Marked out of be seen on the blood smear is:
a. Target cells
b. bitten cells
c. Elliptocytes
d. sickle cells

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Question 18 Which of the following immunoglobulins does mediate Type I hypersensitivity reaction?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. IgA
b. IgG
c. IgD
d. IgE
e. IgM

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Question 19 Which organelle contains digestive enzymes?

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
b. Golgi apparatus
c. Mitochondria
d. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
e. Lysosome

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Question 20 Which of the following agents should be administered to achieve rapid control of the severe ketoacidosis in a diabetic patient?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. NPH insulin
b. Crystalline zinc insulin
c. Insulin glargine
d. Tolbutamide
e. Glyburide

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Time left 0:02:17

Question 21 Low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue are characteristic features of:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Osteoarthritis
b. Osteoporosis
c. Bone fractures

d. Gout
e. Rheumatoid arthritis

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Question 22 A patient with Broca’s aphasia:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Can’t interpret language but can express himself.
b. Can’t interpret language but can express himself by writing only.
c. Can’t interpret language but can express himself by speech only.
d. Can interpret language but can express himself by writing only.
e. Can interpret language but can’t express himself.

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Question 23 A mother carrier for a Robertsonian 21q; 21q translocation, the probability to have normal children is:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. 0/2 gametes
b. 1/6 gametes
c. 1/2 gametes
d. 0/6 gametes

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Question 24 A 10-y-old boy on insulin for his diabetes mellitus, was presented to the hospital complained of fatigue, fever, thirst, and
Answer saved frequent urination. He has nausea and has vomited twice. On examination, he appeared pale, dehydrated, and is
Marked out of hyperventilating. Examination of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are normal. An arterial blood, urine, and blood
1.00 samples are sent to the laboratory for analysis. Which one of the following is strongly suggested DKA:

a. Dehydration

b. Vomiting
c. Thirst
d. Hyperventilation
e. Fatigue

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Question 25 Which muscle contributes to the formation of the pelvic floor
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Obturator internus
b. Obturator externus
c. Superior gemellus
d. Piriformis
e. Levator ani

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Time left 0:02:03

Question 26 A 30-year-old primigravida presented to the labour room with uterine contractions and cervical dilatation of 6cm.Which of the
Answer saved following best describes the patient's condition?
Marked out of
1.00 a. She is in the third stage of labour
b. She is in the active phase of the first stage of labour
c. She is in the latent phase of first stage of labour
d. She does not start true labour yet
e. She is in the second stage of labour

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Question 27 The external hydrocephalus can be resulted from:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. thalamic tumor
b. choroid plexus tumor
c. blocked foramen of Magendie
d. failure of arachnoid villi
e. stenosis of cerebral aqueduct

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Question 28 Which of the following is NOT a preventive measure of COVID-19 ?

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Antibiotics
b. Vaccination
c. Face mask
d. Hand washing
e. Distancing

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Question 29 A 10-y-old boy fell at the school and scrapes the palms of his hands. The wounds are cleaned and covered with sterile gauze.
Answer saved Which of the following terms best characterizes the healing of these superficial abrasions?
Marked out of
1.00 a. Regeneration
b. Granulation tissue
c. Secondary intention
d. Primary intention

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Question 30 Which of the following is an inhibitory neurotransmitter found in the spinal cord:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Acetylcholine
b. Glutamate
c. Dopamine
d. Adrenaline
e. Glycin

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Time left 0:01:54

Question 31 Which of the followings is NOT a sign of upper motor neuron lesion:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Babinski signs.
b. Atrophy.
c. Hyperreflexia.

d. Clonus
e. Spasticity.

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Question 32 In female reproduction ALL the following are TRUE EXCEPT:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. In antral follicles thecal cells produce androgens .
b. Oogonia are diploid cells .
c. In the adult female human one ovum is normally produced each reproductive cycle
d. Ovulation is preceded by the completion of meiosis II
e. .In the antral phase granulosa cells have receptors for FSH, thecal cells for LH .

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Question 33 A 10-y-old boy developed severe abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea after a farm visit. He had oliguria and fluid retention.
Answer saved Serum Creatinin was 200 μmol/l (RV: 60-125). The most likely diagnosis is?
Marked out of
1.00 a. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
b. acute glomerulonephritis
c. thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
d. hemolytic uremic syndrome

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Question 34 Which drug accumulates in parietal cell canaliculi and undergoes conversion to a derivative that irreversibly inhibits H+/K+
Answer saved ATPase?
Marked out of
1.00 a. Cimetidine

b. Metoclopramide
c. Diphenoxylate
d. Sulfasalazine
e. Esomeprazole

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Question 35 Which joint in the body has widest range of movement?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Atlanto-axial joint
b. Shoulder joint
c. Knee joint
d. Ankle joint
e. Hip joint

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Time left 0:01:44

Question 36 Patients on allopurinol can exhibit extreme bone marrow suppression and other forms of drug toxicity when exposed to:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Alemtuzumab
b. mycophenolate mofetil
c. Cyclosporine

d. prednisone
e. Azathioprine

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Question 37 One of the following is a histopathological feature of bronchogenic carcinoma

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Small cell type is the most rapid growing tumour
b. Cavitation is rare with the squamous type
c. Late mediastinal Lymph nodes spread
d. Peripheral tumours are usually small at the time of diagnosis

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Question 38 When K+ ion tries to reach its equilibrium, this is called:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Hyperpolarization.
b. Refractory period
c. Latent period.
d. Sub-threshold potential.

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Question 39 A 3-y-old boy stands on one side of a large sculpture and is asked to describe what he sees. When he is asked to describe what
Answer saved a person on the other side of the sculpture sees, the child answers that the person sees just what he does. This kind of logic,
Marked out of normal in early childhood, is called
a. Autistic thinking.
b. Concrete thinking.

c. Object constancy
d. Egocentrism.
e. Primary process.

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Question 40 A drug lacking vasodilator properties that is useful in angina is
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Metoprolol
b. Nifedipine
c. Isosorbide dinitrate
d. Nitroglycerin
e. Verapamil

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Time left 0:04:39

Question 41 A 40-y-old man, a known case of non-Hodgkin lymphoma on treatment, recently develops anemia and jaundice with palpable
Answer saved spleen. Blood film showed many spherocytic cells, high reticulocyte count with right shifting osmotic fragility test. The most
Marked out of important investigation to be done is:
a. Hb electrophoresis
b. Bone marrow examination
c. Serum iron indices

d. Direct coomb’s test

e. Sickling test

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Question 42 Which of the following patients would not benefit from beta blockers?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. patient with recurrent attacks of supraventricular tachycardia .
b. patient with cardiogenic shock .
c. patients with chronic heart failure that is stable.
d. patient with angina pectoris .
e. patient with hypertension .

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Question 43 The spinal cord neuronal centers are:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Under continuous excitation from higher centers
b. Only dependent on cerebral cortex
c. Independent to higher centers
d. Under continuous inhibition from higher centers

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Question 44 A patient on immune-suppressive therapy is given tacrolimus as a part of their drug regimen. The most likely side e!ect of this
Answer saved drug is:
Marked out of
1.00 a. Hypotension

b. profound myelosuppression
c. renal toxicity
d. Hypoglycemia
e. Hypokalemia

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Question 45 Which of the following is the main inhibitory neuronal pool on the motor nervous system?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Medulla oblongata
b. Cerebellum
c. Basal ganglia
d. Limbic system
e. Cortex

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Time left 0:04:29

Question 46 Which of the followings is NOT a feature of cerebellar injury?

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Intention tremor
b. Static tremor
c. Wide base steps

d. Nystagmus
e. Adiadokinesia

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Question 47 Paralysis of deltoid muscle and loss of sensation over the tip of shoulder indicates:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Radial nerve injury
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Ulnar nerve injury
d. Axillary nerve injury
e. Shoulder dislocation

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Question 48 Select the most appropriate anti-hyperlipidemic drug for a patient with raised LDL-cholesterol level but normal triglyceride
Answer saved level
Marked out of
1.00 a. Combination therapy of statin plus fibric acid derivatives
b. A fibric acid derivative
c. A HMG – CoA reductase inhibitor
d. Nicotinic acid
e. Omega-3

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Question 49 One of the following is not primary prevention?

Answer saved
Marked out of a. National immunization days
b. BCG vaccination
c. Vitamin A supplementation
d. Breast self-examination for tumor
e. Safe water supply

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Question 50 Which of the following drugs acts through a cytosolic receptor?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Cromolyn sodium
b. Omalizumab
c. Beclomethasone
d. Zafirlukast

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Time left 0:04:19

Question 51 Kadhim cheats on his tax returns and justifies himself with the thought that the government wastes most of the tax money
Answer saved anyway. This is an example of defense mechanism called:
Marked out of
1.00 a. Identification with the aggressor.
b. Sublimation.
c. Acting out.
d. Anticipation.
e. Rationalization.

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Question 52 Which of the following drugs is taken during the first part of a meal for the purpose of delaying the absorption of dietary
Answer saved carbohydrates?
Marked out of
1.00 a. Pioglitazone
b. Glipizide
c. Exenatide
d. Acarbose
e. Repaglinide

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Question 53 The enzyme-rich pancreatic secretion is induced by

Answer saved
Marked out of a. CCK
b. YY peptide
c. Histamin
d. Secretin
e. Gastrin

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Question 54 What is the most significant adverse e!ect of opioid agonist and a hallmark of toxicity?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Respiratory depression
b. Urinary retention
c. Hallucination
d. Addiction

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Question 55 A 68-y-old male presented to the hospital with lower backache. X-Ray showed lower vertebral lytic lesions. The patient looked
Answer saved pale and initial investigation revealed: Hb 9.0 g/dl (RV:12-15), WBC 4.6 × 109/L (RV: 4-10 ×109), platelets 112 × 109/L (150-400).
Marked out of Blood film morphology exhibited normocytic normochromic red cells with marked Rouleaux formation. Bone marrow
1.00 examination demonstrated plasmocytosis. Which of followings is a common complication in this patient?

a. Acute renal failure

b. Cardiomyopathy
c. Diarrhoea
d. Pulmonary fibrosis

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Time left 0:04:07

Question 56 Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the :

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Jejunum
b. Ileum
c. Oesophagus

d. Stomach
e. Duodenum

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Question 57 The unconscious proprioception is mediated by which of the following pathways:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Spinothalamic tract
b. Spinocerebellar tract
c. Dorsal column- medial leminscal tract
d. Spinoreticular tract

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Question 58 Which factor below might NOT be a feature of a rehabilitation program for coronary heart disease ?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Improving diet.
b. Housing
c. Modifying behaviour.
d. Exercise
e. Avoiding smoky environments.

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Question 59 Following a large group of cigarette smokers for a period of 10 years to determine the occurrence of chronic obstructive
Answer saved pulmonary disease (COPD), coronary heart disease, and various forms of lung cancer would be an example of:
Marked out of
1.00 a. Cohort study

b. Randomized clinical trial

c. Cross-sectional study
d. Case-control study
e. Prevalence study

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Question 60 Secondary prevention includes:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Screening
b. Proper nutrition
c. Breast feeding
d. Immunisation
e. Health education

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Time left 0:03:57

Question 61 Which of the following is the main function of dendretic cells?

Answer saved
Marked out of a. cytokine production
b. cytotolysis
c. chemotaxsis

d. antigen presentation
e. phagocytosis

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Question 62 The attention deficit (neglect syndrome) could be seen in a lesion of the:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. parietal lobe.
b. cerebellum.
c. occipital lobe.
d. temporal lobe.
e. frontal lobe.

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Question 63 Which of the following is the best-documented mechanism of beneficial action of cardiac glycosides?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. A modification of the actin molecule
b. An increase in ATP synthesis
c. A decrease in calcium uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum
d. An increase in systolic cytoplasmic calcium levels
e. A block of cardiac β adrenoceptors

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Question 64 A 53-y-old man presented to our neurology center because of sudden onset of right sided involuntary movement which was
Answer saved forceful and bizarre a!ecting mainly the shoulder, interfering with his daily activity and becoming less and occasionally
Marked out of disappear during sleep. Where is the most likely pathology localization for his problem ?
a. Cerebellum.
b. Pyramidal tract .
c. Sub thalamic nucleus.
d. Cortex.
e. Nigrostriatal system.

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Question 65 The dangerous triangle of the face includes one of the following parts:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Chin
b. Lower lip
c. Upper lip
d. Cheeks
e. Eyelids

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Time left 0:03:49

Question 66 A 10-y-old girl was diagnosed recently with celiac disease. She looks pale with no jaundice, no organomegaly or
Answer saved lymphadenopathy. Initial investigations showed moderate degree of anemia of hypochromic red cell morphology on
Marked out of peripheral blood. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Aplastic anemia
b. Anemia of acute blood loss
c. Anemia of chronic disease

d. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

e. Iron deficiency anemia

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Question 67 Nicotinic acid reduces one of the following

Answer saved
Marked out of a. HDL
b. Both HDL and LDL
c. Blood glucose

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Question 68 The measure of central tendency that is a!ected by extreme value is

Answer saved
Marked out of a. range
b. standard deviation
c. mean
d. mode
e. median

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Question 69 The frontal paranasal sinus drains into:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Inferior meatus
b. Frontonasal duct
c. Sphenoethmoidal recess
d. Superior meatus
e. Middle meatus

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Question 70 What are the columns of Bertin?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. The collecting ducts
b. Extensions of renal medulla between the pyramids
c. Extensions of renal cortex between the pyramids
d. Cortical extensions between renal lobules

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Time left 0:03:42

Question 71 Descriptive studies presented in :

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Meta-analysis
b. Case-control studies
c. Cohort studies

d. Case report studies

e. Clinical trials

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Question 72 To reduce the selection bias in a case control study we do:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. matching
b. placebo
c. sensitivity analysis
d. randomization
e. blinding

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Question 73 A 47-y-old woman presented to you with headache, fatigue, recurrent infections and petechial rashes on her arms. On
Answer saved examination, there is no organomegaly. Blood test revealed a MCV 105 (RV: 82-100), a pancytopenia with bone marrow
Marked out of appearing hypocellular on biopsy. The most likely diagnosis is.
a. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
b. Aplastic anemia
c. Chronic myeloid leukemia
d. Iron deficiency anemia

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Question 74 When FEV1 and FVC are decreased and the FEV1/FVC is normal the respiratory function status is
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Both obstructive and restrictive
b. Restrictive
c. Obstructive
d. Normal

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Question 75 A 38-y-old woman consulted you for a 6-month history of heat intolerance, palpitations and weight loss despite a normal
Answer saved appetite. Examination revealed a fine tremor and sinus tachycardia. Biochemical investigations revealed a low TSH level (<
Marked out of 0.05 mu/L) with elevated free T4 concentration. TSH receptor antibodies are detected in serum of the patient. What is the
1.00 most likely diagnosis?

a. Toxic thyroid adenoma

b. Secondary thyrotoxicosis due to a pituitary tumour
c. Toxic multinodular goiter
d. Factitious thyrotoxicosis
e. Graves' thyrotoxicosis

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Time left 0:03:34

Question 76 A significant number of patients started on ACE inhibitor therapy for hypertension are intolerant and must be switched to a
Answer saved di!erent class of drug. What is the most common manifestation of this intolerance?
Marked out of
1.00 a. Glaucoma
b. Lupus-like syndrome
c. Vomiting
d. Constant cough
e. Diarrhea

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Question 77 Regarding the Gram staining of bacteria, Vibrio cholerae is a:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Gram –ve bacillus.
b. Gram +ve coccus.
c. Gram –ve coccus.
d. Acid fast bacillus.
e. Gram +ve bacillus.

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Question 78 Which of the following statements are FALSE regarding precocious puberty?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. All girls who are 12 years with menarche must be evaluated for precocious puberty
b. Girls with isolated premature thelarche or pubarche must have a bone age and follow up.
c. girls with isolated premature thelarche or pubarche at least need History and physical and bone age follow up.
d. All girls less than 6 years with either thelarche or pubarche requires evaluation.
e. All girls less than 8 years with both thelarche or pubarche requires evaluation.

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Question 79 In malignant diseases, the most vascular spread to the liver through the portal vein comes from:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Osteosarcoma
b. Lung carcinoma
c. large intestine carcinoma
d. Gastric carcinoma

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Question 80 Within the motor cortex, which of the following localization has the larger area of representation?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. The trunk of the body
b. The eyes and forehead
c. The feet
d. The lips and tongue.

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Time left 0:03:25

Question 81 The trigger of cytokine release in acute sepsis caused by Niesseria meningitides is:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. peptidoglycan
b. teichoic acid
c. lipo-oligosaccharide

d. lipo-polysaccharide
e. lipo-teichoic acid

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Question 82 Fatima is 9-month-old girl, previously very friendly with everyone, now bursts into tears when she is approached by an
Answer saved unfamiliar adult. Her behavior is most likely due to
Marked out of
1.00 a. Stranger anxiety.
b. Separation anxiety.
c. Depressive position.
d. Insecure attachment.
e. Simple phobia.

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Question 83 The opening in septum secondum is called

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Ostium primum
b. Foramen ovale
c. Ostium secondum
d. Fossa ovale

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Question 84 Glucose reabsorption occurs in the

Answer saved
Marked out of a. distal tubule
b. cortical collecting duct
c. medullary collecting duct
d. proximal tubule
e. loop of Henle

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Question 85 A 6 years old child with generalized tonic clonic convulsions for 5 minutes. The condition didn't respond to treatment. His
Answer saved condition was consistent with status epilepticus. Which of the following drugs is better to start with
Marked out of
1.00 a. Diazepam infusion
b. Ethusoximide
c. Carbamazepine

d. Corticotropin
e. valproate

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Time left 0:03:14

Question 86 A 30-y-old woman is treated for ovarian cancer develops high frequency hearing loss and declining renal function in response
Answer saved to anti-cancer therapy. Which of the following drugs is the most likely cause?
Marked out of
1.00 a. Doxorubicin
b. Bleomycin
c. Paclitaxel
d. Cisplatin
e. 5-fluorouracil

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Question 87 Which of these cells is present in central nervous system and absent in loose connective tissue?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Fibroblast
b. Microglia
c. Mast cell.
d. Histiocyte
e. Plasma cell

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Question 88 A 23-y-old woman is presented to the hospital with swollen painful joints and anemia. Her CBC showed WBC 4.5 × 109/l (RV:4-
Answer saved 10x109 ), Hb 8.3 g/l (RV:12-15), MCV 93 fl (RV: 82-100), reticulocyte count 50 × 109/l (50–100) and platelet count 151 × 109/l (150-
Marked out of 400 × 109). Her blood film showed normocytic normochromic red cells. She is found to have antinuclear activity and anti-
1.00 double stranded DNA antibodies. Creatinine is 135 μmol/l (RV: 60–125).The most likely cause of the anemia is:

a. Anemia of chronic disease (anemia of inflammation)

b. Pure red cell aplasia
c. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
d. Megaloblastic anemia

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Question 89 Which of the following body sites is the most likely location for Staphylococcus aureus:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Nose
b. Colon
c. Throat
d. Gingival cervices
e. Vagina

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Question 90 Which of the following measures does not help to prevent diabetes complications?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Eliminating all carbohydrates from the diet
b. Controlling blood pressure and blood lipids
c. Controlling blood glucose
d. Prompt detection of diabetic eye and kidney disease

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Time left 0:03:05

Question 91 The third embryonic pharyngeal arch is innervated by:

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Vagus nerve
b. Accessory nerve
c. Facial nerve

d. Glossopharyngeal nerve
e. Trigeminal nerve

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Question 92 Why are pregnant women more susceptible to urinary tract infections?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Due to physiologic hydronephrosis and decreased ureter motility
b. Due to an increase in kidney size
c. Due to physiologic hydronephrosis and increased ureter motility
d. Due to increased glomerular filtration rate
e. Due to changes in mucosal pH levels

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Question 93 One of the following is a poor criterion in pneumonia

Answer saved
Marked out of a. Age more than 50 years
b. Respiratory rate of 32/min
c. High BP
d. Increased blood sugar

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Question 94 Which one of the following structures forms the right margin of heart shadow in posteroanterior radiograph of the thorax?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Left auricle
b. Pulmonary trunk
c. Left ventricle
d. Superior vena cava
e. Arch of aorta

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Question 95 A 8-y-old boy su!ers an upper respiratory tract infection, abdominal pain and palpable purpura of his buttocks and shins.
Answer saved There are also small numbers of petechiae. His mother reported that he has passed red urine. Hemostasis screening tests are
Marked out of normal and tourniquet test positive. The most likely explanation of the purpura is:
a. Henoch–Schonlein purpura
b. Post-infection thrombocytopenic purpura
c. Disseminated intravascular coagulation

d. Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura

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Question 96 Stimulation of which of the following brain area can modulate the sensation of pain?
Answer saved
Marked out of a. Superior olivary complex
b. Periaquaductal gray
c. Locus ceruleus

d. Amygdala

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Question 97 A 9-y-old boy su!ered from a deep laceration over his right eyebrow while playing ice hockey. The wound is cleaned and
Answer saved sutured. Which of the following describes the principal function of macrophages that are present in the wound 24 to 48 hours
Marked out of after injury?
a. Wound contraction
b. Antibody production
c. Deposition of collagen
d. Phagocytosis

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Question 98 A 13-y-old girl presented with a history of high grade fever, axillary lymphadenopathy and palpable spleen. Initial investigation
Answer saved showed leukocytosis, lymphocytosis with many reactive lymphocytes. Which of the following is most likely associated with her
Marked out of condition:
a. Monospot test usually is used to detect the presence of Heterophil antibody
b. Bone marrow examination is usually recommended
c. Most of lymphocytes are blast cells
d. Reactive lymphocytes is related to a malignant process

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Question 99 Cell volume and pressure is mainly dependent upon activity of:
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Marked out of a. Na-Ca exchanger
b. Na-K pump
c. glucose transporter
d. Na glucose co-transporter

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Question 100 Aldosterone acts on the:
Answer saved
Marked out of a. proximal convoluted tubule
b. distal convoluted tubule
c. glomerulus
d. loop of henle
e. nephron loop

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