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For the continuation of the topic, Mitosis and Meiosis is the development of humans
occurs through a series of cell divisions. The two ways of cell division can happen in
humans and most other animals, it is mitosis and meiosis. Then the Biology of sex, int
the process of reproduction, both the mother and the father contribute equal number of
chromosomes. Thus, every normal individual has 23 pairs, a total of 46 chromosomes.
Sex Determination wherein a normal female has XX sex cells while a normal male has
XY sex cells. The combination of both XX chromosomes from the male and female will
result to a girl baby and if the XY chromosomes pairs, the result is a baby boy. A normal
individual has 23 pairs of chromosomes + XX or XY. Chromosomal Abnormalities occur
when a part of chromosome is missing, switches in pairing with another chromosome or
an extra chromosome is added. The changes are called mutation may lead to death of
the embryo or characteristic disease syndrome. Mongoloid idiocy or Down syndrome
may be the effect of nondisjunction, the chromatids fail to separate during meiosis, and
one chromosome has a pair to the other.
Gregor Mendel: Father of Genetics (1822-1884) share that the idea of particulate
inheritance of genes can be attributed. It was initially assumed that Mendelian
inheritance only accounted for large (qualitative) differences, such as those seen by
Mendel in his pea plants – and the idea of the additive effect of (quantitative) genes was
not realized until Ronald Aylmer Fisher’s (1918) paper, “The Correlation Between
Relatives on the Supposition of Mendelian Inheritance” Mendel’s overall contribution
gave scientists a useful overview that traits were inheritable. His pea plant
demonstration becomes the foundation of the study of Mendelian Traits. These traits
can be traced on a single locus. Heredity is defined as the transmission of genetic traits
or characteristics from parents up to the third line of ancestry. The process begins from
the moment of conception. Within the chromosomes are genes which are the carriers of
the traits manifested by an individual.
Here are the Factors that May Affect the Unborn Child. First is the Maternal size,
weight and nutritional state. Underweight mothers increase the risk of having a smaller
baby. A mother should not double her food intake especially during the first trimester of
pregnancy. Instead she should make good, healthy nutrition choices and remain active.
The food the mother eats can have some impact not only the baby size, but also affect
its metabolism and health - even into adulthood. Next is the Anemia, it does not affect
the baby unless it becomes more severe during the first three months of pregnancy.
This could affect the baby development that may increase the risk of a baby being
preterm or born with loss birth weight. Then the Cigarette smoking and substance
abuse, it can endanger the life of the expectant mother and the unborn baby. Cigarettes
contains dangerous chemicals that significantly increase the risk of pregnancy
complications such as: Early miscarriage and stillbirth, Placental abruption, Placenta
previa, Preterm birth and Low birth weight. Next is the Uterine blood flow, it is when
pregnant woman experiencing an abnormal uterine blood flow has a high risk for
eclampsia. This is a threatening complication that can endanger the life of the expectant
mother that can cause seizures or coma. Heredity and Behavior also affects through
mechanism of heredity regulated by genetic principles. The nature versus nurture
controversy - that is, how much of our behavior is due to inherited factors and how
much to environmental factors – is a question that has a plagued scientist for years and
is still unresolved (Tucker, 2014). Then the Chromosomal Abnormalities wherein cell in
our body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for total of 46 chromosomes. The first 22
pairs are called autosomes. The 23rd pair consists of the sex chromosomes; X and Y.
Females usually have two X chromosomes, and male usually have one X and one Y
chromosome on each cell. All of the information that the body needs to grow and
develop comes from the chromosomes. Each chromosome contains thousands of
genes, which make proteins that direct the body’s developmental growth, and chemical
reactions (Genetic Alliance 2009). Many types of chromosomal abnormalities exist, but
they can be categorized as either numerical or structural. Numerical abnormalities are
whole chromosomes either missing from or extra to the normal pair. Structural
abnormalities are when part of an individual chromosome is missing, extra, switched to
another chromosome, or turned upside down (Genetic Alliance 2009).
Family Coping Techniques for Genetic and Birth Abnormalities. First is Acknowledge
Yourself it is one of the techniques, it is quite natural to feel devastated and sad but you
have to move forward. Talk to yourself and accept what we bestowed on you by the
Almighty above. Speaking to oneself often helps in accepting the situation and it gives
the strength and courage to cope with the difficult circumstances. It is advisable also to
do some research. Take the help of the internet and learn more about the various
available methods and techniques in coping with the predicament. Talk to your partner
because your partner is the only person in the entire world who can relate to your
condition. Knowing your baby’s condition is very important for the parents. Next is try to
get local support. Coping with congenital defects can be very annoying and stressful.
The correct way to handle the changes in your aspirations and expectations is to learn
with other parents facing similar or like circumstances. Then discuss freely about the
birth defects with you family members and friends. Prepare yourself mentally to live with
birth defect in a child. Expressing your emotions will ease your burdened heart and will
also help you in the struggle of coping with the situation. Next step is preparing yourself
financially. Having a child with birth defects is quite challenging both psychologically as
well as financially. Health insurance benefits, lifestyle daily routine, etc. all are affected.
Then the last one is asking the doctor about the helping aids your child might need in
order to be stable and healthy, for example: prosthetic limbs, heart stent or a wheel
chair. Some children need few alterations in the house specially clothes for the easy
access of equipment. So, start saving for larger expenses.
These lesson and topic give us a better understanding about the attitude and how
are we going to answer the given situation if we are in that place. We should have a
better understanding and knowledge so that we know what is the appropriate thing to

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