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The dog nibbling on his fingers like hot dogs By Willie Warren

Willie Rahkeed Warren

English 101, Post University

Course Number: English 101

Carla trueheart

September 11,2022

The dog nibbling on his fingers like hotdogs, all Willie wanted was a hamburger

 He had a concern with concept mind personification as a black adolescent had to

have genuinely heart .with my mind in no fruition doing bad could conceive when

you don’t get your way. In a mind I the person has to love himself. We ,On and in

to the end! His rumbling of stomach swole from malnutrition bumping like it

moved to protect it’s love the child knew his amazed life was more than a good

joke. His momma switched with the old ladies conjecture of what her sunshine

would be. She jested but he took it as the form. Life in mounted jackles peeped he

had to bring himself to rise above dope then the streets then the man pumping that

bull whip like his word said so .if he had that manifestation to stop the frothy

blood from his ulcers and his dog would stop quit . He would eat more spagettios

than chips that day.but his dog knew motions not like a square but spear who had

motion to inclining of whom they where who they be and what mind reality they

would project on to the little mind he himself holed like the dog would! Biting his

teeth from murdering that N . Thinking it’s all fun and games play with dolls .

This is not a game my name brings peace and long enough smiles to have a warm

heart bring pound cake cherishing love until he menarche through the block ! The

dog spoke in breed whispers and he growl domination from his teeth to unearth

truth he let it be that the person had no crew he had purpose for his love soon to

be his heart . He laughed with Richard and mlk and even felt real with Malcolm

he could enough nuff about the yesteryear of him getting snuffed is face and

losing his lunch about seeing a gun he'd would bring peace with a smile and

program unprogramable deal to reflect humbleness for E.BT necessities minus


30percent and a spot or the white man who wonders who’s getting hired he could

and he made his lasting a soldier not knocked down by breath but less hate and

pursuit of love with his even all around haircut. The dog proceeded with

confidence . It knew what was up his body moved chemicals like it was a sweet

line from a l.a rappers note walking past chemtrails .he would talk to stand byers

walking slow saying bruh you headed nowhere fast his Dr. Knew he be having his

number called until it was from now until then he would hit hard to peace

projection thinking every move was a risk but worth the lugging latching of

connecting this block thinking process for you and your Dog! He growl but I put

is his character love is the best way manifestation to this. Oh I’m a cat person by

the way but love God and all the animals in his whole world. I try not to eat meat

or bump DMX loud from my speaker box I heard something about me being

capable of being a proud father and less than warrior . I trade his love less his

blood disdain and ask what can bring that lost you to my kind hand and peace

with you? Yes I love Jesus and my momma she will show me how to treat a

queen to her sunshine and home! Rest assured I hope to see your jow with the day

so many dark sunshines ahead but hope awaiting! Rip to Nipsey Russell DMX

Tupac biggie jamaster Jay my dude the guy from the Bronx who made fast rap

style in the 90s anybody who died hoping a better day . As well as my grandma

looking and peeping the scenario! Shorty say the dude ain’t talking bout nothing

really nothing the fool pulling nothing really nothing. She say she with peace

thanks for reading! Oh and please listen to my man prodigy bless you.


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Ruff Riders anthem › videoDMX - Slippin' (Official Music Video) from

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