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Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Ministry of Basic, Higher & Technical Education

Module Code: ENG11/12-21STCL-Q1-W1-D1

MODULE IN 21st Century Literature from the Philippines to the World

First Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 1

Name: _______________________________________________ STRAND___________________

Name of Teacher: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________

 Explicates the genres and elements of literature.


Literature is a form of human expression.

Basically, writing speaks to the way of life and convention of a language or a people. The idea is hard to definitely
characterize, however many have attempted; unmistakably, the accepted definition of literature is continually changing
and advancing.

Students like you will typically encounter forms of literature for most of what they read and
write about in school. So, it’s important for the students to be able to recognize these forms and
know their key characteristics. Then, are you ready on a very interesting lesson?

It seems that there is an infinite amount of genres in literature, but in reality, there are
actually many sub-genres. These sub-genres stem from the three primary forms of literature: Poetry, Drama, and Prose.

1. Poetry is the most intense form of writing. It allows 2. Drama is a literary work written to be performed in
the writer to express his or her deepest emotions and front of an audience. It contains dialogue, and actors
thoughts in a very personal way. It relies heavily on impersonate the characters. It is usually divided into acts
figurative language, rhythm, and imagery to relay its or scenes, and relies on props or imaginative dialogue to
message to readers. create a visual experience for the audience.

Primary Sub-Genres of Poetry Primary Sub-Genres of Drama

Ballads is a song, originally transmitted orally, which Tragedy - series of sorrowful or tragic event encountered
tells a story. by the character
Lyric -is a comparatively short, non-narrative poem in Comedy - drama that aims to make the audience laugh.
which a single speaker presents a state of mind or an Its tone is light and it mostly has a happy ending.
emotional state Melodrama - drama in which everything is exaggerated
Epic - a long narrative poem usually about heroic deeds to awaken feelings.
Dramatic - a highly emotional poem about a certain
topic with dialogues with rhyme
Narrative-a poem that tells an entire story
3.Prose is the most common form of writing. It is not restricted by rhythm or dialogue, and it most closely
resembles everyday speech. It is usually straightforward, and may utilize figurative language, dialogue, characters,
and imagery.
Prose writing is often divided into two primary categories:
Fiction is narrative writing that originates from the Nonfiction is writing that is based on true events, people,
author’s imagination. It is designed to entertain, but it can places, and facts. It is designed to inform, and sometimes
also inspire, inform, or persuade. to entertain.
Primary Sub-Genres of Fiction: Primary Sub-Genres of Nonfiction:
A. Novel - a book-length work of fiction A. Autobiography -an account of a person's life written
B. Novella -short novel is a work of narrative prose by that person.
fiction, longer than a short story but shorter than a novel B. Biography - an account of someone's life written by
C. Short Story - is a piece of prose fiction that typically someone else.
can be read in one sitting. C. Essay - a short piece of writing on a particular subject.
D. Myths-a traditional story, especially one concerning D. Diaries and Journals - a book in which one keeps a
the early history of a people or explaining some natural daily record of events and experiences.
or social phenomenon, and typically involving
supernatural beings or events.
E. Legends -tackle how things were created with an aim
to give an explanation to things
F. Fables -a short story, typically with animals as
characters, conveying a moral.

Pause for a moment and envision assembling a house. What is the portion of the things
that you would completely need to remember for request to make a house?

A portion of those non-debatable components are a rooftop, dividers, a kitchen, and a

washroom. On the off chance that you didn't have these components, you wouldn't have a
house. Hence, you probably won't have a structure!

A literary elements definition is really comparable. Literary elements are the things that all writing—regardless of
whether it's a news story, a book, or a sonnet—completely must have. Much the same as a house, the components may be
organized marginally differently...but toward the day's end, they're normally all present and represented. Literary
elements are the essential structure of composing, and they assume a significant job in helping us compose, read, and get
You may even say that Elements of Literature is the DNA of writing.

Elements of Prose(fiction/non-fiction) and Drama

Plot: is the serial arrangement of incidents, ideas or events. In literature, the plot encompasses all the incidents and
provides aesthetic pleasure. The story of the novel progresses through various plots and conflicts. Plots of dramas are
divided into "Acts" and "Scenes". Drama has five essential parts. These are:
A. Introduction of the story where the characters and setting are introduced
B. Rising action -The main character is in crisis and events leading up to facing the conflict begin to unfold.
C. Climax-The most action, drama, change, and excitement occurs here.
D. Falling action-The story begins to slow down and work towards its end
E. Denouement- The concluding paragraph that resolves any remaining issues and ends the story.
Playwrights use dialogue to develop their plots. They reveal information about their characters such as their background
and personality.
Character: Character plays a pivotal role in a drama, novel, short story and all kinds of narratives. In drama, character
reflects the personality of the protagonist and other related characters.
The method of conveying information about characters in art is called characterization.
Characters can be fictional or based on real, historical entities. It can be human, supernatural, mythical, divine, animal or
personifications of an abstraction.
There are
A. round characters- is more complex, and like a real person, the character has depth and emotion.
B. flat characters- character in fiction that does not change too much from the start of the narrative to its end, no emotional
C. stereotypical stock characters- characters that are often seen in stories that acts predictably.
Setting- It refers to geographical location of the story, time period, daily lifestyle of the characters and climate of the
Theme- contains the central idea of all literary forms
Point of view- through which a writer tells the story. Authors use first-person point of view or third-person point of
view. First-person point of view indicates that the main character is telling the story, whereas the third-person point of
view directs that the narrator is telling the story. A novel can be written in the
A. first-person narrative -the character is telling the story. You will see the words "I," "me," or "we" in first-person point
of view. This point of view is commonly used for narratives and autobiographies.
B. third-person narrative -has an external narrator telling the story. The words "he," "she," "it," or "they" are used in this
point of view.
C. omniscient point of view -the narrator knows all of the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story
D. limited omniscient point of view -the narrator relates only their own thoughts, feelings, and knowledge about various
situations and the other characters.
E. stream of consciousness - method of narration that describes happenings in the flow of thoughts in the minds of the
Conflict-Be it a short story, drama or novel, conflict is the essential element of all these literary forms. A plot becomes
interesting and intriguing when it has its share of inbuilt conflict and twists. Conflict can be internal conflict or external. It
can take place between two men, between the character and his psychology, between the character and circumstances or
between character and society.
Diction-A playwright exhibits the thoughts of characters through dialogue. "Dialogue" has come from the Greek word
"dialogosa" which means "conversation".
Foreshadowing-applied as hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the story. It creates suspense and encourages
the reader to go on and find out more about the event that is being foreshadowed.

Elements of Poetry
Alliteration is a repetition of the same consonant sounds in a sequence of words, usually at the beginning of a word or
stressed syllable
Assonance is the repetition of similar internal vowel sounds in a sentence or a line of poetry
Figurative language is a form of language use in which the writers and speakers mean something other than the literal
meaning of their words
_A simile involves a comparison between unlike things using like or as
_A metaphor is a comparison between essentially unlike things without a word such as like or as
_Synecdoche is a type of metaphor in which part of something is used to signify the whole
_Metonymy is a type of metaphor in which something closely associated with a subject is substituted for it
Imagery is the concrete representation of a sense impression, feeling, or idea that triggers our imaginative re-enactment of
a sensory experience.
Rhyme is the repetition of identical or similar concluding syllables in different words, most often at the ends of lines
Rhythm is the term used to refer to the recurrence of stressed and unstressed sounds in poetry. Poets rely heavily on
rhythm to express meaning and convey feeling.
Stanza is a grouping of lines, set off by a space, which usually has a set pattern of meter and rhyme.
Tone conveys the speaker’s implied attitude toward the poem’s subject.


Is today’s lesson clear? If not, then you may go back to our discussion and the given examples.


There are 15 key words hidden in this puzzle. Look for it, then identify if it is a genre or an
element of literature.
Example: essay-genre


Interview a parent, grandparent, or other adult you know. See if you can learn
something you didn't know about them. Write their short biography based on your interview.
Don’t forget to paste their picture to make their biography more interesting.

10-8 7-5 4-1

Content indicates synthesis of Content indicates thinking and Shows some thinking and
ideas, in depth analysis and reasoning applied with reasoning but most ideas are
evidences original thought and original thought on a few underdeveloped
support for the topic. ideas.


Write a short letter to yourself about from what you have learned in this module. How do you
think literature can help you deal cope with this pandemic?

Dear self,

10-8 7-5 4-1

Content indicates synthesis of Content indicates thinking Shows some thinking and reasoning
ideas, in-depth analysis and and reasoning applied with but most ideas are underdeveloped
evidences original thought original thought on a few
and support for the topic. ideas.


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