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com Original Research Article


Deepali Danave1, K. V. Ingole2

1Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Government Medical College, Solapur.
2Professor & HOD, Department of Microbiology, Dr.Vaishampayan Memorial Government Medical College, Solapur.

Streptococci produce two haemolysins, Streptolysin ‘O’ and ‘S’. Estimation of antibody (ASO titre) to Streptolysin ‘O’ is a standard
serological procedure for the retrospective diagnosis of infection with Streptococcus pyogenes. The purpose of our study was to
screen patients for presence of ASO, which would aid in the diagnosis of streptococcal infections.


The study was carried for three months in a tertiary care centre; 84 clinically diagnosed cases of streptococcal infections and its
sequelae were chosen. Blood samples were collected from these patients and sent to the laboratory for detection of ASO titres. The
test kits used were IMMUNSTAR (LATEX SLIDE TEST) by Star Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India.

Out of 84 samples tested, we obtained 17 (20.23%) positive samples in our study. Paediatric (14 samples - 82.35%) and female
population (11 samples - 64.70%) outnumbered in positivity.

ASO titres have been used almost exclusively for epidemiological studies and the clinical diagnosis of S. pyogenes infection and its
sequelae such as rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis and reactive arthritis after throat infections. Our study reports findings which
are in agreement with the results quoted in literature.

Determination of ASO in patients is a useful tool for co-relation with the diagnosis of streptococcal infections.

Anti-Streptolysin O (ASO), Streptococcal Infections.
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Danave D, Ingole KV. Utilisation of anti-streptolysin O anti-body as screening test. Journal of
Evolution of Research in Medical Microbiology 2016; Vol. 2, Issue 2, July-December 2016; Page:1-2.
Streptococci produce several exotoxins and enzymes, which The study was carried out from June 2011 - December 2011 in
contribute to its virulence. Streptococci produce two a tertiary care centre. The subjects chosen were paediatric
haemolysins, Streptolysin ‘O’ and ‘S’. Streptolysin O is so called, patients and adult patients visiting the OPDs. These patients
because it is oxygen labile. It is antigenic and anti-streptolysin were clinically diagnosed with acute throat infections,
O appears in the sera following streptococcal infection. rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis and reactive arthritis; 84
Estimation of this antibody (ASO titre) is a standard such clinically diagnosed cases were chosen. Blood samples
serological procedure for the retrospective diagnosis of were collected from these patients and sent to the laboratory
infection with Streptococcus pyogenes. Streptococcal antibody for detection of ASO titres. Sera were separated and subjected
tests are used for the diagnosis of infections caused by Group to latex agglutination test. Testing was carried out as per
A β-haemolytic Streptococci (GABHS) and are particularly manufacturer’s instructions. Positive or negative status of the
useful in the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever and post- samples for ASO was reported. Since this was a screening test,
streptococcal glomerulonephritis.[1] A single titre of more than determination of titres was not done. The test kits used were
200 IU/mL is considered as raised value. Immunstar (Latex Slide Test) by Star Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd.
There is ongoing debate about the real utility of ASO titre Mumbai, India. Descriptive statistics were utilised during the
levels. In India most centres employ only a single ASO titre study.
during first outpatient contact at admission in making a
diagnosis of streptococcal infections. The purpose of our study RESULTS
was to screen patients for presence of ASO, which would aid in Positive samples 17 (20.23%)
the diagnosis of streptococcal infections.
Negative samples 67 (79.76%)
Financial or Other, Competing Interest: None. Total 84
Submission 24-08-2016, Peer Review 11-10-2016, Table 1. Distribution of Total Samples
Acceptance 21-10-2016, Published 19-12-2016.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Deepali Danave, Paediatric Adult
Department of Microbiology, Population Population
Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Males 6 - 6 (35.29%)
Government Medical College, Females 8 3 11 (64.70%)
Solapur. Total 14 (82.35%) 3 (17.64%) 17
Table 2. Age-Wise and Sex-Wise
Distribution of Positive Samples

Journal of Evolution of Research in Medical Microbiology/ Vol. 2/ Issue 2/ July-December, 2016 Page 1 Original Research Article
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Journal of Evolution of Research in Medical Microbiology/ Vol. 2/ Issue 2/ July-December, 2016 Page 2

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