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Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Ministry of Basic, Higher & Technical Education

Module Code: LDS-ENG11/12-CNF-Q1-W1-D3


First Quarter/ Week 1 Day 3

Name of Teacher: ________________________________Date: _____________________

WHAT I NEED TO KNOW (OBJECTIVE): Evaluate the theme of a particular text

WHAT’S NEW (Your Lesson for Today): Literary Elements as Techniques to

Develop Themes

Try to discover:
You have now a clear understanding of theme in Modules 1nd 2. The lesson and the practice exercises
help you get the theme by explaining the theme and by predicting the theme.

In The Necklace, the theme is Be happy with who you are and what you have. Did you get it right?
The theme is easy to predict and explain because Guy de Maupassant clearly characterized Mathilde as a
woman who wanted a different life from the life that she had. She did everything just to be one of those
people in the party but in the end she learned a very hard lesson.

In today’s lesson, you will evaluate the theme of a sample text. Here are Guide Questions that you
need to help you in evaluating the theme of a story.

1.What details in the story support the theme of the story?

2.What do you think the author wants you to learn from this story?

3.How did the actions and thoughts of the characters help you determine the theme?

4.Do you agree with the theme of the story?

Evaluating the theme can also be applied in poetry because poems have themes too. In the short poem
in Module 1(see Evaluation), the theme is Youth does not last forever. The theme of a poem relates to a
universal truth about human condition and nature. To evaluate the theme, be guided by these questions.

1.What is the subject?

2. Who is the speaker? (persona)

3.What situation are they in?

4.How do they feel about the subject?

Further Enhancement:
Practice Exercise 1

Directions: Using the guide questions presented, identify the theme and evaluate it by
simply answering this question:

1. Do you agree with the theme? if yes, why? And if no, Why not?


“ALIVE” by Maisha M. Prome

Rain drums,thrums on the rooftop

To a beat that overtakes the one that keeps me alive

And then slowly sings me to sleep at my desk

Tomorrow maybe,I’ll finally get up from the desk

Still can’t go outside but we can go to the rooftop

To look at the sky and remember that it’s good to be alive

All those years when the city was alive

And yet we sat still and studied, glued to the desk

Only the rain knows reason as it rinses the rooftop.

1.What is the subject?


2. Who is the speaker? (persona)


3.What situation are they in?


4.How do they feel about the subject?



Evaluating a theme of a text, whether a story, a poem depends on your understanding of other
side by side those presented in the text and evaluate its truthfulness to human conditions and decide
if it makes sense


Evaluation: Evaluate the theme of this poem. Use your experiences and other people around you
during this pandemic to help you evaluate the theme.

MASKS by Amyra S. Anderson

WE all got used to wearing so many different masks,

That we quite forgot about the literal one, well, until now.

Integrated the Development of the Following Learning Skills:

Communication: Following directions
Critical Thinking: Evaluating the theme of a story
Collaboration: Using one’s and other people’s experiences to evaluate a poem
Character: Self direction.Resourcefulness


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