Copy Read Eng 2014

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The blaze, tapped at 10:23 a.m., was raise to third alarm as the hit of the sun and winds strong fanned the fire
towards the other houses, mostly madde of light materials It took fire fighters some 48 minutes befor fire was
declared control under .

A resident was hurt when he touch a live wire while to trying save her belongings from fire bat he wsa able too
let loose fo th e wier and freed himselffrom possib;e deth

CEBU CITY - At least sixty hoses, mostly made upp of light ma trials, wents up in smowke when a morning
fyre hit yesterday a densely populated are a In sitio almacin, bargy Calamba.

Firefighters from as far as mandaue city and talisay City augmented the personnel of the cebu City Fire
Department but failed to penetrate sitio Almacin, resulting in the total destruction off at list 60 houses & some
P4.8 million worth of property

The firefigthers sang and dance before they went ahead to stop the fire.

Fire investigators say the blaze started

at the hous of 1 rosenell Cabasa. Codilla said no 1 is inside the house he when fire out broke.

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Ploice regional Office 4-A director, ChiefSupt. Perfecto p. palad said Pfc Gerald Cordova of the army’s 9 th infantry Division
based in Pili camarines Sur was kill after being pinned by the bus

her colleague Pfc. Erickson jay dunken sa w also wonded in the accident. 4 occupants of the school bus operated by the
blessed Hope Chri
stian academy in tagkawayan identified as teacher emma formelosa, 44, wer also wunded and taken to the tagkawayan
District Hospital for treatment

An Army soldier died while 5 others were injure after a schl bus rammed a military truck that got stalled along a hiway in
tagkawayan Quezon after developing engine trouble erly Sunday morning, police said.

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An alleged member of the batang city jail gang was arrest for allegedly stealling 8 derssed chickens
from a market stall in manila.

Police identified the suspect as louie lesigas, 30, of Trese de agosto street in paco manila.

Lesigas Was placed under thecustody of the manila police district (MPD) station 5 (Ermita) ff the
complaint of paco market stall owner Victorina Mirabuenos,36, of bacoor cavite .

A investigation revealed that the alledge occure theft at 12:45 a.m. on Tuesday at stall 120 of the Paco
Market on A. Linao Street.

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