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Actividad de aprendizaje 11

Evidencia 4: Compliance with foreign law


Angie Giesel Guzmán Ávila

Centro para la industria de la comunicación grafica
This work is based on the text Foreign law and Regulations and is done in
order to learn more about the regulations that exporters must take into account
when selling their product to the foreign country since it is important to have
knowledge of the current laws. and thus avoid possible sanctions

Assessment evaluación
Customer cliente
Dearly caro

Foreign law and Regulations

In order to export any American company to know the laws that can influence the process, I don't usually trust
the information that the customer may have. Incorrect information. I had a problem for the exporter to bring
consequences of his problem not being such, but that it is necessary to have clear requirements. Such as:

industry standards: It is necessary to be able to identify the minimum standards required in the manufacture of
the product before shipment, such as the directives that the European Union community has put into some
products such as toys, machinery, medical devices, etc. In the event that the product does not meet the
minimum requirements, seizures may occur or fines may be generated that harm operating profits. ISO quality
standards are increasingly important for European sales. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the entities that
contains or group the rules of foreign governments by product.

Foreign customs laws: some countries have rules such as the amount of products entering their country,
customs duties according to tariff classification, anti-dumping confirmation If these rules are violated, fines
such as double the value of the merchandise (France), five times the value of this (India) or confiscations as in
China can occur, that is why in the least doubt that is obtained on the Export an administrative decision is
sought from the foreign customs agency.

State contracting: Any sale made to government agencies involves special procedures and documents,
although they may also qualify for customs duties or import license exemptions.

Buy the US equivalent: the laws of foreign governments promulgate regulations that grant special treatment to
products from their own country, so it is necessary and mandatory to verify if the products in the process of
sale are in said regulations.

Exchange controls and import licenses: Many countries limit the amount of money that can be used for the
purchase of foreign products, it is important to determine if an exchange control system exists and if it is
necessary in the country to which you are going. export and the conditions for obtaining those licenses.

Value added tax: These taxes are applied to imported goods, therefore, customs duties plus value added must
be paid. When the importer marks and resells the goods, he collects the tax from the buyer, which he must
remit to the tax authorities after taking a credit for the taxes owed on the import.

Specialized Laws: Some United States regulations govern all products manufactured prior to entering into a
sales agreement, quotation, or delivery dates to a customer

esquema gráfico

 Carry out the

corresponding negotiation

with the buyer


Foreign law and Regulations * Generate commercial and

export documentation


 generate non-tariff regulrements

sanitary controls

 compliance with technical standards required


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