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What I learned from this activity is that "an" is used when the word that
precedes it begins with a vowel sound, and "a" is used when the word
that precedes it begins with a consonant sound.
With this activity I learned that liquids, flour, butter, sugar, honey,
among others, are uncountable because their quantity cannot be
determined in units, that the uncountable ones do not have a plural
form therefore indeterminate articles cannot be used (a / an) in front of
them and that some of the characteristics of accountants is the letter
"s" at the end of the word, that they have a plural and singular form,
and that if indeterminate articles can be used (a / an) in front of them. Blue Level Quiz #3 - Words Used
with Count and Noncount Nouns

Part A. Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct form of

the verb "be." (10 points)

1. There is some time before the game.

2. There are two people looking at the house.

3. Is there a good movie showing at that theater?

4. Are there any good restaurants near here?

5. Why are there police officers outside that house?

6. There is a hat on the table.

7. Are there enough chairs for everyone?

8. Is there a pillow on the bed?

9. There are seven days in a week.

10. There are ten students in the classroom.

Part B. Directions: Complete each sentence with "much" or "many."

(10 points)

1. How much time is there to finish our work today?

2.  There aren’t many students in class today.

3.  I like her very much.

4.  How much money do you have?

5.  Are there many cars in the parking lot?

6.  You don’t make many mistakes, do you?

7.  There isn’t very much tea left in the teapot.

8.  She doesn’t like too much meat in the sauce.

9.  How many people do you know in your building?

10.  There isn’t very much oil left in the world.

In this lesson I identified and learned that only countable nouns can
take a number while non-countable nouns do not use numbers.
In addition to learning words and phrases that can be used with
countable and uncountable nouns.
Diet Activity

My diet consists of eating an apple, banana and some nuts in

the morning, for my breakfast I prepare some eggs or a
sandwich along with a glass of oatmeal or coffee, my food is
mostly beef or chicken broth, pasta, vegetables, soups or
meats and my dinner is a glass of milk with bread or cereal.
During the day I drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and eat
some candy, cookie or ice cream to level my sugar levels
during my meals.
This activity helped me more than anything to listen to the
pronunciation and learn it. And to be able to identify when the an,
a, some and any is used.

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