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Business Ethics and



Quarter 3 – Module 2.2

Impact of Belief Systems on
Business Practices
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the impact of belief systems to business practices. The scope of this module permits it
to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into three lessons, namely:
● Lesson 1 – Major Belief Systems of the World
● Lesson 2 – Doctrine and Faith of Different Belief System
● Lesson 3 – Impact of Different Belief System to Business Practices.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the major belief systems of the world;
2. differentiate the doctrine and faith of different belief system;
3. explain the impact of the different belief system to business practices; and
4. appreciate the value of learning the effect of different belief systems on
business practices
What I Know

What is your religion? How deep you understand on your own religion? Let us check if
you also know the different belief systems in the world and their effects to business
practices by accomplishing the task below.

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is not included to the major belief system of the world?
a. Buddhism
b. Christianism
c. Taoism
d. Hinduism
2. Which religion believes that Jesus Christ is a son of God and sent to us
to redeem our sins?
a. Buddhism
b. Christianism
c. Islam
d. Hinduism
3. What religion believe in the Eight-fold path s of life?
a. Taoism
b. Confucianism
c. Buddhism
d. Judaism
4. Which religion call their God as Allah and Muhammad is their prophet?
a. Islam
b. Buddhism
c. Judaism
d. Hinduism
5. Who is the founder of Buddhism?
a. Muhammad
b. Moises
c. Buddha
d. Jesus
6. What is the holy book of Muslims?
a. Bible
b. Torah
c. Vedas
d. Qur’an
7. What do they call the holy day of the Jews?
a. Service Day
b. Sunday
c. Sabbath
d. Someday
8. Which is not included in the Five Pillars of Muslims?
a. Zakat
b. Sulat
c. Shahada
d. Siyam
9. How do Buddhist pray?
a. Eucharist
b. Salat
c. Puja
d. Meditation
10.Which of the following religion believes in karma and reincarnation?
a. Christianism
b. Buddhism
c. Hinduism
d. Judaism
11.Their religious belief thought them to employ people and give them necessary
wages while the employer benefit was work is done. Which religion is being
describe by the first statement?
a. Judaism
b. Confucianism
c. Buddhism
d. Christianism
12. Which of the following is a Halal product of Muslims?
a. Compiled Pornographic Videos
b. Affordable Imitation Bags
c. Fresh Pork Meat
d. Genuine Model of Cellular phones
13. What is a cast system?
a. Social hierarchy by classes rather than by merit or talent.
b. Social hierarchy of human needs and satisfactions.
c. Organizational distribution of people and positions.
d. Organizing computer generated system
14. Which is not common to all the major religion of the world?
a. Justice
b. Industry
c. Honesty
d. Stewardship
15. What rule is common to all religion of the world?
a. Golden Rule
b. Golden Mean
c. 10 Commandments
d. Eight-Fold Path
Statistics shows that about three-fourths of the world population believes in a form of
religion. And while many people may practice separate religious and professional lives,
many of the values taught in their chosen belief system are applied in how they work
and operate in their organizations. In this lesson, you shall touch on some of the
biggest religious denominations and how their teachings affect the business world.

What’s In

Are you familiar with the game 4pics, One word?

Activity 2.2.1: 4 Pics 1 Word

Mechanics: Given four different pictures identify the word that is common to them.
Use the set of letters below the pictures to complete the correct answer.
What’s New
After identifying the five major religion of the world. Let’s go deeper to the differences
and commonalities they have by doing the next activity.
Activity 2.2.2: Graphic Organizer
Direction: Given the category on the first column complete the table of the five major
religions of the world below by using the given words from the box of choices.
Table 2.2.1
Belief and Doctrine of the Five Major Religion of the World
Category Christianity Islam Buddhism Judaism Hinduism
1. God/Founder Many Gods
2. Sacred Bible
Book/ Text
3. Teachings Reincarnation
4. Worship Place Temple
5. Type of Meditation
6. Priest/
Religiou Pastor
s Leader
7. Denomination Sunni
8. Members Muslims
Box of Choices
Categor ● One God/ Jacob Categor ● Sabbath
y1 ● God the Father/ Jesus Christ y5 ● Eucharist
● Buddha/ Siddharta Gautama ● Puja
● Allah/ Muhammad ● Salat & Siyam
Categor ● TaNaCH Categor ● Monks
y2 ● Tripitaka and Mahayana y6 ● Rabbis
Sutras ● Imam
● Qu’ran ● Brahmans
● Vedah
Categor ● Halakhah Categor ●Vaishnavism; Shaivism;
y3 ● Eternal Life and Saints y7 Shaktism
● Noble 8 Folds Path / Karma ● Roman Catholic, Orthodox; &
● Qada & Qadar Protestant
● Orthodox; Reform;
and Conservative
● Theravada; Mahayana; &
Category ● Synagogues Category ● Christians
4 ● Church 8 ● Hindu
● Mandir ● Buddhist
● Mosque ● Jewish
What is It
The aim of the discussion is not to compare which religion is better or worst. Neither
do we promote one religion nor belittle another. On the contrary, amid the apparent
differences among these religions we will attempt to find their possible commonalities
that would be helpful in the conduct of ethics in business, an institution that may not
be as particular about religious affiliations and orientations.

The Impact of Belief Systems to Business Practices

1. Christianity
● In Producing Goods
- God has intended mankind to develop Earth, Christians are taught
to avoid selflessness and greed. Producing harmful, evil or
destructive work, such as drugs or pornography must be avoided.
● In Employing People and Being Employed
- In the Bible Jesus taught that laborers deserve wages and
employers also benefit by having the work done. Employers must
exercise caution not to oppress and be unfair. While employees
must exercise caution to avoid carelessness in work, laziness,
jealousy, bitterness, dishonesty, theft or rebelliousness.
- Max weber explained that by engaging in these activities, the
chances of succeeding in business are higher – a sign of grace
from God. So, they embody these ethics to reach salvation
● In Buying and Selling
- Commercial transactions are in themselves good because the
community is able to help and fulfill each other’s needs. Amassing
wealth at the expense of the other people is not a Christian way.
● In Earning Profit
- The bible teaches about stewardship – expanding or multiplying
the possessions God has entrusted mankind. Seeking profit is
fundamentally good, however, caution must be able that the
profits are not acquired through exploitation of others or due to
unfair business practice.
2. Islam
● Practice Freedom of Enterprise
-Muslims are free to choose a way to earn a livelihood with in the
limits st by the Islamic Shari’ah. One must operate with a sense of
responsibility to pursue lawful and just businesses.
● Be Honest and Truthful
- Qu’ran disapproves any wrongdoings. One must strive to earn
through legitimate transaction and interest. Islam encourage
sincerity and purity of intentions. Avoid fraud deception,
dubious means to sell products.
● Trade Through Mutual Consent
- Sales under coersion are not acceptible in Islam. Taking
advantage of other’s plight and usury is ecploitation and, therfor,
● Treat Workers Fairly
- Islam encourage the spririt of brotherehood (showing care)
between employee and employer.
● Keep One’s Word
- Muslims should honor business obligations as promised.
● Be Humble
- Cunduct of life should be in accordance to the teaching of Allah.
Muslins should avoid extravagance and must exhibit good will
in all transactions.
● Seek Halal Earnings
- Muslims are obliged to earn halal money, they should not deal
with haram (unlawful) items such as dead meats, pigs and idols; as
well as stolen goods, liqour and so fort.
3. Buddhism
● Minimalistic World View
- Free oneself from worldly attachement
● Eightfold Paths
- It states that one must see reallity unfiltered, say the truth,
practice non-harmin words and actions, and commit no
- Free from temtations, craving and distraction
● To be mindful and calm
- Nothing is permanent, one has to be adaptable and flexible,
both necessary to find happiness and to avoid dissapointment
and sufferings.
● Nonexploitation
- Buddhist believe that one must find work that will do no harm. As
an employer, one makes use of the labor and the skills of
employees but also takes responsibility so that needs are met. As
n employee, one works to the best of one’s ability.
4. Judaism
● Business in good faith
-Business activity is in itself a holy activity and one should seek to
conform to Jewish laws should be honest.
● Treatment of workers
- Jewsih law states that everyone must be treated with respect
and dignity , approptiate wages must be given on time, mocking
or embarrassing workers are prohibited.
● Trading
- Within two centuries, Jews have monopolized the trade in Europe
and Asia, At one time they monopolized spice trading.
5. Hinduism
● Cycle of Life (Reincarnation)
- All living things undergo cycle of birtth, death and rebirth
untill they are liberated from the cosmic journey. Asceticism
(self-discipline) is helpful in liberation from the cycle of life.
● Desired for wealth’
- Is a positive outlook towards business
● Karma
- Treat stakeholders with honesty and integrity so that it will
come back to you as good Karma or blessings.
● Cast System
- Social hierarchy by classes rather than merit or
talent (CEO down to worker)
Commonalities of Religion into Business Conduct
The table below shows the Interfaith Declaration: A code of ethics on International
Business from Christians, Muslims and Jews. Hinduism and Buddhism is added
for additional information.
Commonalities Christians Muslim Judaism (Hinduism) (Buddhism)
1. Justice 10 command Halal Earnings 613 mitzvot Abolish Cast Eightfold
-ments (command System Paths
-ments) (1976)
1. Mutual So, do to None of What is hateful This is the Hurt not
respect others you[truly] to you, do not sum of duty: others in ways
and love whatever believes until to your fellow do not do to that you
you would he wishes for man. This is others what yourself would
that others his brother the law: all the would cause find hurtful.
(Golde do to you: what he rest is pain if done - Udana-Verga
n Rule) There you wishes for commentary. to you – 5:18
have the himself. Talmud, Mohabharata
Law and Number 13 of Shabbat 31a 5:1517
Prophets. – Imam “Al-
Bible, Nawawi’s
Mathew 7:12 Forty Hadiths
2. Stewardship Agree Agree Agree Does not agree because for
them God and Earth are
3. Honesty Agree Agree Agree 10 Vedic 8-fold path
Restraints or – The right
Yama (2nd- of livelihood
to business

What’s More
Whatever religion you are into don’t feel guilty but instead feel privilege that you have
probably called to a lifelong commitment of being in a position to improve the society.
Here is a case study for you to apply your understanding to different belief system and
their impact to business practices.
Activity 2.2.3: Case Study Analysis
Direction: Analyze the following the case studies below and answer the questions that
follows in a separate sheet of paper.
Case Study 1: Christianity
Hobby Lobby is a chain of craft stores in the United States. Since the owners
are Christian, all its stores open daily, except during Sundays. This is to allow its
employees to have time to practice their faith and be with family even though it means
lesser sales.
1. Do you think that many businesses in the Philippines are closed on Sundays
due to the fact that Philippines is largely a Christian country?

2. If you were a business owner, would you require your employees to work on
Sundays? Explain your answer.

Case Study 2: Islam

In a Halal and healthy forum, an American Muslim commented that while Halal
meat stores were growing in number in their area. He noticed that a lot of store
keepers did not follow the health code, and that the customer were treated rudely
The article notes that the buying power of Muslims are expanding but the owners need
to understand what obligations Muslim businesses have to the Muslim community.
The writer further advises that by Making Allah the goal, and implementing Islamic
rules of honesty truthfulness and good behavior with customers, any Muslim business
is bound to boom.
1. Is adhering to the teachings of Allah beneficial or detrimental to business as
describe in the article? Explain your answer.

2. Are the practices of treating customers well and following the health code
applicable to any business owner?

Case Study 3: Buddhism

Chokdee Rutirasiri, the founder of Story and Structure, a design firm, is an
advocate of applying Buddhist teachings in the business world.
In the core values of the company, he incorporates Right Intentions, which
means really listening to the needs of the clients, and then coming up with solutions
that they can easily implement
(refer to
1. In the Eight-Fold Path, what do you think is one teaching that you can apply to
a business? Explain your answer.

Case Study 4: Judaism

Bob Diener, founder of, credit his business success to the following
Jewish teachings. One of his challenge was dealing with employee issues. According to
him, the Torah taught him to treat employees equally and fairly. (e.g. “You shall not
abuse a needy or destitute laborer, whether a fellow countryman or a stranger” Deut.
1. Among the practice of the Jewish people, what do you find most applicable to
business? Give an example of its application.

Rubric (ESSAY)
Criteria GE SE N
Legend: GE – To a great extent; SE – To some extent; N – Not at all (2) (1) (0)
Rating: GE – 5-6; SE – 2-4; N – 0
1. The answer demonstrates an understanding of the question and
applied concept or ideas from the lesson as needed
2. The answer is coherent and cohesive. Transitions and cohesive devices
are used for the smooth flow of ideas.
3. The paper is free from grammatical errors.

What I Have Learned

In the midst of diversity there is no other way but to understand each other belief
system. And never forget the following;
1. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are among the major
religion of the world.
2. Despite the many differences with regard to beliefs, rituals and practices among
the major religions, we can still find commonalities among their ethical values
in relation to the conduct of business – to do good. You must respect that the
ways to do so takes different forms for each system. It could be Shari’ah for
Muslims, Eightfold Paths for Buddhist, imitation of God’s example for the
Christians, the Halakhah for the Jews.
3. Our search for commonalities with regard to ethics is not an attempt to unify
all religion. Rather, it is an attempt for interreligious harmony and respect.
4. In the Interfaith Declaration which is a Code of Ethics for International
Business among Christians, Muslims, and Jews, four ethical commonalities
among the monotheistic religions were agreed upon: justice and fairness;
mutual respect (love and consideration); stewardship and trusteeship; and
honestly or truthfulness.
5. These four ethical commonalities are also observed to other major religions:
Hinduism and Buddhism. For example, the golden rule can be observed in all
major religion of the world.
6. Your belief itself manifests itself in your attitude towards your job and behavior,
influence your decision0-making, and provide emotional strength and stability
to combat problems and work stress. In the end, all the actions you make in life
and business will be part of the larger community and the world. Through your
adherence to religious teachings and ethics, you can create a better world and
reach ultimate redemption.

What I Can Do
Concepts organizer are best way to use in remembering lessons. For you to be guided
try to do the next activity.
Activity 2.2.4: Graphic Organizer
Direction: Complete the chart below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
You are doing well so far. Can you show more how well do you know about the impact
of belief system into business practices by answering the quiz below.
Multiple Choice
I. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is not part of Christianism?
a. Recognized saints who lived particularly good and holy lives.
b. Believes that humans are reincarnated if they are good.
c. Uphold the 10 Commandments of God.
d. Praise and glorify God on churches.
2. How can Buddhism belief unique from other religious belief?
a. They pray on holy place to their God.
b. They believe in the cycle of death and rebirth and state of nirvana.
c. They practice goodness to avoid bad karma.
d. They use meditation to relieve from sufferings and achieve enlightenment.
3. Which of the following does not describe Islam faith?
a. There are five pillars of Islam
b. They believe to Allah (God) and Muhammad (Prophet).
c. They believe with angels who only obey and glorify God.
d. Denomination of Islam are Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism
4. Which is not true about Jewish people?
a. They have one God.
b. Torah is part of the Hebrew bible.
c. Imam are their religious leader.
d. They are all descendants of “Jacob”.
5. How can you totally differentiate Hinduism to other religious belief?
a. They have many Gods.
b. They have a holy book called Vedas.
c. They believe in Karma.
d. They believe in reincarnation.
II. Identify what religious belief system are the following impact to
business practices. Choose the letter of your answer from the choices
a. Christianism
b. Islam
c. Buddhism
d. Judaism
e. Hinduism

6. Their holy book taught them that hiring people is not exploitation;
laborers deserve wages and employers also benefit by having work
7. Their teaching strike balance between toiling and overworking.
Practicing mindfulness can be a key to good business.
8. They are obliged to earn halal money, and not just earn from any
9. Treating their stakeholders with honesty and integrity free them from
bad karma.
10. The religion reminds them to be mindful and calm in doing business
transaction to achieve happiness and avoid disappointment.
11. They have the opportunity to imitate God’s attributes of love for others
more than earning profit alone.
12. Business activity is in itself a holy activity, they are prohibited to
commit fraudulent actions in buying and selling goods.
13. They are free to choose to earn a livelihood with the set limits and have
a sense of responsibility to pursue lawful and just business.
14. Their desired for wealth gives them a positive outlook towards business
15. They monopolized the trading and one time specially with spices.
Additional Activities

Applying what you have learned into real life situations will give you a thorough
understand of it. Here is a case study for you to analyze, and where you can apply
your learnings from today’s lesson.
Direction: Read the case study below and answer the questions that follows in a
separate sheet of paper.
Activity 2.2.5: Case Study Analysis
Between Religion and Labor Rights
You are a member of a religion that does not allow you to join labor union. You found
out the employer violates many labor laws that have, in turn, affected you and your
coworkers. You wanted to join the labor union in your company. Your colleagues also
encourage you to join them.
1. Considering this situation, do you think you are justified in joining the labor
2. If you are really convinced to join, what step would you take so that your
religious beliefs and your labor rights will meet halfway?
3. If you are convinced that your religious responsibilities are greater than your
labor rights, what actions can you in order to contribute in the resolution of
your company’s labor problems?

Rubric on Essay/Case Study Answers

Criteria GE SE N
Legend: GE – To a great extent; SE – To some extent; N – Not at all (3) (2 (1
Rating: GE – 9-12; SE – 7-9; LE – 4-6; N – 3 and below ) )
1. The essay demonstrates an understanding of the question
2. The essay applied concept or ideas from the lesson
3. The paper is coherent and cohesive. Transitions and cohesive devices
are used for the smooth flow of ideas.
4. The paper is free from grammatical errors.
Answer Key

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