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The best technologg within Aour reach

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The best technologg within gout reach

Wide vision in patient monitoring

The thermal-neutral environment is the main factor for the treatment

of premature patients and the y/s/O/V@ ADVANCED 2286 incubator
provides to the newborn a micro-climate of great stability and
uniformity in the whole area of the mattress, by incorporating
technological innovations to treat and monitor the patient without
removing him from his bed, with minimum handling, in low
luminosity environments and reduced noise levels, in accordance
with the most modern and efficiant incubation techniques for critical
premature babies.

By an extremely silent operation, offeriig the least annoyance for

the patient, this incubator also enables the function of high relative
air humidity, with temperature servo-control, and the oxygen
concentration high-precision pulse oximeter and for low perfusion,
in-bed radiotransparent scale and elevated and rotary control panel
that synthesizes all the adjusting and monitoring options, for 8.6"
color display in TFT (Thin Film ,Transistor), with function graphics for
treatment and diagnosis through interactive menu and rotaring
bottom (Spinknob).
l.V. pole holder with adjustable height (option)

Auxiliary illumination by cold white light LEDS with high

intensity that does not interfere in the temperature of the
newborn and do not need the use of auxiliary focus.
Electrical connection for BILITRoN@ phototherapy in the
incubator (optional)

Elevated and rotary control

panel, with TFT type 8.5" color
display, provides the
visualization and operation from Functional rotary tray (option)
the most convenient position
for the operator.


Rotary bottom for fast selection

and start functions,4 complementary keys

lntelligent Control Unit - ?2A6

O Air temperature control :

O Skin temperature control

O Servocontrolled humidity

@ Servocontrolled oxygen concentration (optional) User-friendly control panel that allows fast identification of
commands and registered data. Graphic presentation (TREND)
o Pulse oximeter and heart rate (optional) adjLjstable for 4,8 and 24 hours for air, skin and peripheral
temperatures. Oz concentration, relative humidity, heating power

@ n-bed scale -'10 Kg (optional) and levels of bilirubinemy. Relative gains for the patient weight
deviations with memory for 8 days, accordingly to the installed
optional accessories. Patient identif ication, clinical data and
O Alarms with toned sound levels

O Menu

O Parameters trends for monitoring and diagnosis

Total visibility of parameters at

@ Prevwntive maintenance the operator's height

(p Patient data

(B Alarm disable

(p Keyboard lock

@ Auxiliary keys
Display for setting and controls

(p Rotary adjust bottom (spinknob)

Comfort and safetg for the newborn

Wide sliding and radiotransparent bed G'

Continuous and smooth manual adjust of inclination (+/-1 Zo) system (with electric option)
of the bed in Trendelenburg, Proclive and high and low Horizontal position. The drawer for
radiographic chassrs prevents that the patient stay in contact with cold surfaces during the
X-Ray procedure$. l

Heated air circulation system l++_.-'\

It allows the temperature equalization of the air enriched with oxygen
high relative
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humidity with low velocity to minimal the heat loss and the insensible loss of water.
Temperature controls of ATC and lTC, besides the peripheral temperature monitoring by
the optional auxiliary probe. Patient temperature monitoring even outside the incubator
(Kangaroo Method).

Servocontrol led Oxygen

Servo-control and monitoring system fo1 oxygen concentration in the patient's chamber,
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easy to operate and fast calibration, automatically controls the input flow in a continuous
and accurate mode. (optional).
ln-bed scale
It makes easy the measurement of weight in heated and protected environment of the
incubator, without tactic stimulus,'avoiding events of hipoxemy and hemodynamic changes
Heated Air Circulation
in the intubated patient and without riks of circuit disconnection. The minimum handling
also contributes to stress reduction and limits the possibilities of cross-infections. (optional).

Suitable for premature babies, correctly actuating in critical conditions of low perfusion
combined with ivoluntary displaceinents by the patient, presenting pletismographic curve
and measurement reach of 1% to 100% for SpO2 and 20 to 250 bpm for heart heart
rate. (optional). \\ \
Total access for qleaning
The pieces of the incubator can be manually removed and do not need the use of tools, Bed whit X-ray and Scale
providing wide access to cleaninQ and asepsls of the newborn's compartment. All elements
in the incubator are made of nonferrous fnaterial.

Servo-active humidification contiol

Accurate monitoring and control system that minimizes the heat loss caused by evaporation,
mainly for premature babies, with reduction of hydroelectrolytic disturbances. Removable
water reservoir, made of autoclavable plastic (1 21o) for sterilization with total water .1,
deplention of the systern after use.

Humidification Unit
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The best technologg within goup reach


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Front and Rear Access Ports

It reduces the need of annoying displacements for the

patienr and allows two operators to act at same time in
very critical and special procedures. Eight gro'mmets for
the access of cables and circuit in the four hood corners,
with the best positioning for devices and the newborn
baby Five oval ports with non-toxic Aasket and one iris
type port in the headside.
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Wide and ergonomic hood

It is made of acrylic of excellent optical quality and

double walls in the f rontal, rear and superior parts
to reduce the heart loss caused by irradiantion, mainly
for very critical newborn babies.

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Easy front and Rear Access
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The best technoloEg within Aout neach

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Technical Specificati ons

Mattress dimension cm
34x 63 13,4x24,8in Measure range 18to 100%
Access Panel Heighl 21 cm 8,3 in Control range 2l to 65%
Display resolution
I )0/
Air mode control range 20 - 39"C Controi accuracy

Air mode surpassing > 370C Probe with two cells of O,

Concentration alarm +l- 3o/o
Sk n mode control range 34 - 3B"C
Displacement probe alarm
Skin mode surpassing > 37oC
oc Probe failure alarm
Temperature resolution 0,1
Required oxygen calibration alarm
Precision of Skin/Air temperature 0,2c
Ca ibration fai ure a arm
Temperature increase < 40 minutes
Propotional heating ind cat on
Weight imit 10 Kg
Display reso ution 2g
5kin Temperature Limits +l 1,00C (adjustab e up to 0,5"C)
Air Temperature Limits +l- 1,50C I - 3,00C (adju(able up to 0,5"C)
Accuracy 4 I
Air Temperature (Limit) 40,00C for Air Temperature > 37oC
Measure range of Sp02 I to 100%
39,0"C for A r Temperature < 37oC
Pulse frequency measuring range 20 to 250 BPM
Heating failure
Wrth D-YS reusable probe and adhesive box
Disconnection/Failure in Skin Probe
Complete range of alarms
Air Circulation Failure
Power supply fa lure
Oxygen Microfilter 0,5p
System failure
Air Microfilter 0,5p
A r probe fa lure
Removab e particles dimens ons 99,80k ol efficiency
CO2 levels <0,5%
Measure range 20 to 1 00%
lnternal noise level < 50 dBA
Reservoir capacity 1 llter
Keyboard lock
Refilling time 24h@ 850/"
lnsulation Class I
System Accuracy +l- 5%
Applied Part Type BF
Display resolution 1%UR
Protection Against Explosive Atmosphere Non AP / Non APG
Adjuts range 30 to 95%UR
Protectron against Water Penetration lPX4
High humidity alarm + 5ok
Water loss alarm
Disolacement probe a arm
0perating Temperature 20 - 30"C room temperature

Probe failure alarm

Storage Temperature 0' 60oC room temperature

Operating Humidity 5 - 99% RH non-condensing

Storage Humidity 0 - 99% RH non-condensing

Environment up to 85%
0perating temperature for UR probe 20 - 420C
Input va ve that a lows high conrentratons wth ow flqws
Pre-heating till the internal air
Operating temperature for 02 probe 20 - 42C
Ca ibrat on pressure of 02 probe 600 - 900 mmHg

WeightLmitforlV pole 5K9

Weight Limit for Rotary trays 10 Kg/shef
Ootional Accessories The best technolagg within gout reach


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AuxilBty temperature prabe

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I nteg ra ded pu Ise oxim eter Ln id ria!/iEd sta,E

Ref : 094 051.600 - Right Tray (Fixation rod without shock absorber)
41n Ref : 094.052 600 - Right Tray (Fixation rod with shock absorber)

Ref.: 094.054.600 - Right Tray (Rotary tray G3)

Ref : 094 053 600 - LV Pole holder - Adjunable height

Ref.: 158,101.500 - Cylindertype E for Oz DOT 34 norrn

& Ref : 000 AOt OZO - Reducer valve
Resuscitatar set with a. rservair - madel A2A
Ref: 090.256.301 - Cylinder holder lrajlrf irfJ rn.ODfr - ,1,,n rr Jli

Ref : 093.063,600 - Ho der set for rnfusion pump

Ref : 090 242321 - S licone mattress 630 x 340 x 9mm

Ref : 090.099.900 - Net commun cation set far 2286

Ref :007.123.600 - Newborn piLlow n@ 1(72x182mm Di/De) - 5 pieces set

Ref : 007 124.600 - Newborn pi low n@ 1 (72 x 1 82mm DiiDe) - 25 pieces set
*r-. Ref.: 092, 1 62,600 - Disposable probe for skin temperature (Package w th 50 un ts)
o Ref: 092 161 600 - Disposable probe for skin temperature (Package wth 100 units)
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4drolcr/ l.Y Ebnr;t nq !r.u,! sho(k ibrorbart
R.f.r 094,05!.600 5urcundng
Ral.r 094,055.600 Side (2x)
Re1 094 001 700 127V150-60H2
Rel 094 001 800 22AV /50-60N2
Rel 094 001 850 24AV 150 -60H2

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Ai.lrriirEr !. ji rr ixr{,c 8r\ //,llr
. l -iL} lrrrb , 6 J!., rri! jrxleu Jcl Acrylic helmets model 016 Reusable prcbe for SpOl Babv-Card (100 un.)
Ref.: 094.100.340 - b/ue
Re{.: 094,101.340 - pDk

The best technologg within Aout reach

Holder options


Ref.: 090.079.600 - Two drawers set - GG Ref.: 090.078.600 - Large drawers set Gy

Fixed height holder Variable height holder by electric pedals

Ref: 090.058.700 - 121V/5o-60H2

Ref: 090 058 aOA 22A-24AV|5A-60H2

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Ref : 090 083.600 - l2,rvl50-60Hr
l--!1- Ret.. 090.052.700
Rel 090 052 tl00
r- t- 220-240V/50-60H2

Assembled with 2 drawers tElJitJ

r\ ,'t Assefrbled wjth 2 tltawers
and 1 large drawer dnd I latge drawel

wtdth 96 cm 31,8 | width 96 cm 37,8 in

Depth 5l cm 20,1 i Depth 5l .m 20,1 n
Helght 137 cn 51,9 n Height 121/141 cn 50,0/57,9 n
Weight 90 Kg r98,5 b5 Welqht 9J Kq 205 I bs

Rotary caiors w th brake 10,16.m !.1

Opt on for rotary castoE l? 7i.m i .

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IH# 'nu*,o",
NBR tEC 5050t.t

Av. Gal. Ataliba Leonel,1790
CEP 02033-020 - Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil
Reqistered with the Ministry af Health
NBR tEC 6060t.t.2
NBR tEC 6060t.2.t9

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Technical specification my be altered by Fanem without prior notice.

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