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How to do well in History 0470

1) Make notes in class! For all the classes you take please annotate
the slides. This is just a fancy word for “writing in the margins”. For
each World History class I will be putting up a presentation on the
projector. The slides of this presentation will be distributed to you in
class. As we go through the class and go into details about the points
I’ve mentioned on the slides. I would like you guys to fill in details of
our discussions on the relevant slides.

2) Please don’t lose your notes. Trust me by the time you sit for your
exams these notes will be the only thing that will save you. Just a
glance at them will bring back the discussions we had in class. So it
is imperative (basically really important) that you organize them in a
way that they don’t end up catching dust at the bottom of your
backpack. My personal recommendation: write in the margins during
class, go home, scan them using your phone and then put them in a
file or binder.

3) Since there is no set book that I am prescribing for this class, and one
that just does justice to the syllabus, I will be curating the material I
teach you from textbooks, past papers and online materials. I won’t
keep you in the dark though, and have shared some resources that
can be found online which could help you with the course content.
They’re mentioned in the syllabus document. Again your number one
resource are those annotated slides.

4) Whenever you find the time please compare notes with your
classmates. There’s so much we cover in class and often you can’t
remember to write everything. You might miss something that your
classmate didn’t and here you can benefit one another by exchanging
your annotated copies of the poem with them and this should benefit
both of you. This isn’t a competition, don't be greedy about your
notes, but also only share with people who are also making notes.
Freeloading is severely looked down upon in my class.

5) If you have any confusion please send a message to our teams

group for this class. I will respond as soon as I can. Do this early
on, don’t wait for the next class.

6) Hydrate yourselves and get enough sleep.

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