Christian Padilla Short Quiz

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Name: Christian D.

Subject: Philippine Values System
Professor Agustina Montuya

1. Describe the difference between "MORAL Values" and "SPIRITUAL Values" and
provide examples.
2. Discuss properly what makes us unique as a Filipino.
3. How are you going to promote core values in your workplace and what are
those core values?
4. What are the Filipino Values Integrated in team building?
5. Why do you think God allows wicked people to prosper?


1. Moral values are set of principles guiding us to evaluate what is right or wrong. It
helps to shape the character and personality of individuals. Moral values such as
integrity, determination, loyalty, truthfulness, honesty, giving respect to each other etc.
should be inherited by every individual. As stated earlier moral values help us
distinguish between what’s right and wrong, good or bad for you as well as society. So,
as a result, your decision making power improves naturally. Respecting each other no
matter what age of the person standing in front of you helps you gain good relations at
every walks of life, be it family, workplace, or society. It also helps in finding the true
purpose of your life. Moral values are the driving values which push us to action and are
a source of motivation. Moral values, which tend to govern our actions, to constrain
them (if we apply them). What concerns us today are the moral principles, they are
often of the order of duty and this sense of duty depends on our belief systems, our
experiences, our socio-educational heritage, our environment and so on. The moral
values are a good value that means compassion, generosity, honesty, kindness,
integrity, politeness, perseverance, and respect. If a person who possesses these
qualities is considered to be an important citizen of society. The person may not only
lead a disciplined life but also helpful in bringing out the best in those around them. The
person will be dedicated to work and a sense of self-control. The helping nature will be
appreciated by everyone.

Spiritual values in the other hand manifest the values of truth, righteousness,
peace, love and non-violence are found in all major spiritual paths. These spiritual
values are also human values and are the fundamental roots of a healthy, vibrant, and
viable work career. “Spiritual values” implies that they are something that human beings
need to aspire to and hopefully someday achieve. We are well aware that most people
see human nature as anything but spiritual – they typically see it as limited, imperfect,
and so on. However, we know that we are spiritual beings first and foremost and that “to
be human is to be spiritual.” The spiritual values mean the characters or qualities
exhibited when we think on the platform of spirit or soul leaving our bodily difference or
platform apart. Spiritual values are human values. The values of truth, righteousness,
peace, love and non-violence are found in all major spiritual paths.



Examples of moral values include: love of God, Respect for Authority, Love of truth,
respect for dignity of Life, Responsible domination over material things, respect for the
dignity of human sexuality, trustworthy, respect, responsibility, caring and fairness.


Spiritual Values are the integrative values of human soul consisting of altruistic,
humanistic, personal, divine, and affective values leading to spiritual growth of

Altruistic values- refer to values promoting spiritual growth of personality such as

truthfulness, kindness, repentance, reliance on God, modesty, unity, charity and love.

Humanistic values-refer to values guiding our system and we get accustomed to judging
and behaving with ourselves and others. These values are more useful for promoting
humanity such as sincerity, justice, goodness, forgiveness, courage, power, and

Personal values are those values which guide an individual to be perfect and get
reinforced in personal relationships such as self-restrain, selflessness, steadfastness,
humanity, righteousness, forbearance, and fortitude.

Divine values- which help us to love God and are the values for submission to God,
such as piety and compassion.

Affective values- helps to develop peace within self and live in harmony with others,
such as tenderness, gentleness and contentment.

2. We Filipinos are unique compared to other races around the globe because we
Filipinos have the ability to adapt to different cultures and situations. Colonized by a
number of nations, Filipinos have devised a mechanism to cope in one culture to
another. Filipinos can also pass for other nationalities because of multi-racial features.
For example: Some of the citizen here in our country looks like Japanese, Chinese and
other races because of the shape and characteristics of their physical appearance. If
they go to other country they will be mistaken as Japanese or Chinese but they are truly
a Filipino citizen and that’s because of the blend of bloods back then as the colonizers
settled in our country. We Filipinos are also regarded to be have a nice and malleable
tongue. He can speak different language with ease. I would like to think that it is
because we have a neutral accent and not because of colonial mentality. A Filipino also
has an overwhelming resilience to adversity. He has this expert ability to bite the bright
side. We can probably count the fact that he is religious and he can always just look up,
release and relax. Lastly, a Filipino has good grasp of irony in a sense that he has a
scary inclination to neutrality and a black-and-white mentality at the same time. The
Filipino people are extremely unique, not only in Asia, but within the world. They smile
at you on the street. They embrace you as family when you visit them or even just carry
on a conversation with them. They show positivity and love of life even during the
darkest of hours. The Filipino mindset is one of love, and carries in it both traditional and
religious values, and a forward looking and joyful outlook. The Filipinos are some of, if
not the most friendly, positive, and helpful people there are. And that's just one of the
reasons why the Philippines and its people were truly unique over the other races in the

3. Promoting core values in the workplace can be done by conducting activities that
can enhance the relationship and bond with other co- workers for example employee
training programs, it is a perfect opportunity to begin inundating the workplace with core
values. With each new employee, a new chance to promote the core values of the
company arises. Successful training programs of this nature create a core of employees
who not only understand but also adhere to the core values of the work place. If a set of
core values is implemented after the hiring of employees, these employees can be re-
trained under the banner of “professional development” so as to not give the impression
that they require additional training and, thus, the implication that their work
performances are subpar. Another is through team building, it promotes core values in a
collective manner. Team building activities entail games, puzzles, scavenger hunts and
other educational or team-oriented activities designed to create a stronger personal
bond between co-workers. Choosing team-building activities that reflect the core values
of the work place, such as diversity, tolerance or fair business practices, reiterates
values while helping employees internalize them. The collective promotion of core
values creates a culture in which each individual feels as though they must tow the line,
because such situations emphasize the importance of the collective over the individual
and each individual’s role in maintaining the success of the collective. All too often, core
values are written hastily in an altruistic effort to improve the workplace dynamic and are
abandoned as soon as another important project comes up. The truth about your
company's core values is that if no one knows them, they aren’t worth the paper they're
written on. The first step in promoting your core values is making sure all employees
know what they are. Develop a detailed and multi-faceted plan for sharing these with
long-term workers. This plan can include the typical wall posters or some similarly static
communication device, but this shouldn’t be the only piece to your communication
puzzle. Try more creative methods like having a weekly theme song that in some way
relates to one of the core values and playing the song at start of the morning meetings
for that week. Another is employee recognition opportunity it helps to effectively
promote your company's core values, you must provide a means by which employees
can be recognized. Core values are a set of fundamental beliefs, ideals or practices that
inform how you conduct your life, both personally and professionally. These can help an
organization determine how to allocate resources, make important decisions and grow.


Respect, Integrity, Responsibility, Sportsmanship, servant leadership, honesty, open

mindedness, commitment and positivity

4. Filipino Values Integrated in team building are the following: Pakikisama,

Hardworking, Matulungin and Flexibility

5. God allows wicked people to prosper because God loves sinners. He is

compassionate, merciful, and patient with wicked people because He wants them to be
saved. God is slow to anger, abounding in love. He is a compassionate God who gives
certain blessings to all people and who desires all to be saved. His patience with the
wicked is an opportunity for them to be saved. We might want to see the wicked
destroyed immediately, but God has a sovereign plan that needs to move forward. And
in His love and grace, He wants them to be saved. God’s patience with the wicked is an
opportunity for us to pray for them and witness to them so that they will know God’s
heart toward them. We are called to tell the wicked of His wonderful salvation and to
warn them of the punishment that they can expect if they remain hardened toward God
and don’t turn from their stubborn path. It’s natural to wonder why God is gracious and
merciful to people when they do not deserve His mercy—when their hearts are hard and
stubborn. Forgiving our enemies does not come easily. Perhaps we forget that many of
us once were hard-hearted and stubborn. We, too, deserved God’s judgment. But God
extended His love and grace toward us so that we might receive His salvation. By our
very nature we were subject to God’s anger, just like everyone else. But God is so rich
in mercy, and he loved us so much.

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