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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark
the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. People who work in emergency 103. _____ financial forecasts, the German
services must be ready____ at the moment’s economy is expected to recover strongly
notice. during the third quarter.

(A) act (A) Due to

(B) acting (B) According to

(C) acted (C) Related to

(D) to act (D) In case of

102. It is becoming_____ more difficult for 104. New gym members should
young people to afford to invest in property. confirm____ personal details at the front
desk before working out.
(A) progressing
(A) them
(B) progression
(B) themselves
(C) progressive
(C) their
(D) progressively
(D) theirs

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

105. The toy store needs_____ staff over the (C) now that
holiday season, as this is by far its busiest
time of the year. (D) within

(A) adding 109. Customers must provide_____ that they

have sufficient income to meet their monthly
(B) additive payments.

(C) additional (A) identifications

(D) additionally (B) evidence

(C) criteria

(D) circumstance

106. Metal reinforcements will be used as a

_____ measure until a new wall can be built.

(A) virtual
110. The largest______ in venture capital in
(B) temporary all of North America is Vero one president,
Bob Hawker.
(C) standard
(A) invests
(D) recent
(B) investor
107. Employees require_____ from their
immediate supervisor to take part in the (C) investing
leadership training.
(D) investment
(A) suggestion
111. The position of administrative manager
(B) admission has a number of key responsibilities, ______
handling all client records and company
(C) permission data.
(D) supervision (A) so that
108. Customers must file car insurance (B) such at
claims_____ 3 months of the date of service.
(C) aside from
(A) until
(D) as of
(B) up to
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112. Yom Kippur, which generally fails in (C ) disposal
late September, is a day of great_____ in
Jewish culture. (D) to dispose

(A) signifies 116. Several prominent business people in

the Dunbar region____ together to form the
(B) significant Dunbar Chamber of Commerce.

(C) significance (A) has joined

(D) significantly (B) have joined

113. the map that_____ this guide book will (C) joining
help tourists find their way around the city
center. (D) be joined

(A) appoints 117. Because of the economic recession,

many small businesses are having
(B) accompanies difficulty_____ their budget.

(C) addresses (A) manage

(D) alleviates (B) managing

114. Ms. Sykes is an_____ manager who is (C ) to manage

always able to get the best out of her
employees. (D) management

(A) imaginary 118. Ms. Rudders will be_____ looking

through all job applications to make sure we
(B) exclusive select the best person.

(C) inactive (A) care

(D) effective (B) caring

115. Environmental activists encourage (C )careful

people to recycle food waste instead of
_____ of it with the general trash. (D) carefully

(A) disposed 119. A year-long_____ to Gardeners’

Monthly magazine costs just $85.50, and it
(B) disposing comes with a free pair of gardening gloves.

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(A) subscription 123. Most participants found the 3-day
workshop exhausting____ very useful for
(B)entry their careers.
(C )warranty (A) and
(D) membership (B) or
120. Because Internet security is such a (C) but
dynamic field, systems that are only a year
old may_____ be outdated. (D) nor

(A) already 124. The personnel manager_____ the task

of writing and posting the job advertisement
(B)previously to Jane Phillips
(C) promptly (A) delegated
(D) lately (B) consented
121. Please mail your loan application form (C ) forewarned
to Forbes Bank_____ the envelope enclosed
with this letter. (D) encouraged

(A) on 125. The Berrington Medical Center offers

services to low income residents at a_____
(B) at rate.
(C ) in (A) diminishing
(D) by (B) reduced
122. The New South Wales premier is_____ (C ) little
to visit Newcastle tomorrow afternoon to
reopen the remodeled City Library. (D) compact

(A) like 126. Applications for the position must be

submitted to the personnel
(B) likely department______ or before March 14
(C) likeness (A) in
(D) likewise (B) at

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(C) on because delays, cancelations and other
changes can occur.
(D) during
(A) advise
127. For more_____ on how to install the
software, pleases visit our website at (B) advising
(C ) advised
(A) informed
(D) to advise
(B) informing
131. The shoe retailer’s market share has
(C ) informative increased dramatically_____ the beginning
of the financial year.
(D) information
(A) while
128. Mark Caldwell has a lot of practical
experience, _____ Lily West has impressive (B) after
academic qualifications.
(C ) since
(A) whereas
(D) along
(B) as
132. the cost____ provided by the building
(C) despite contractor for the rnovation work was much
higher than we anticipated.
(D) if
(A) proportion
129. Dan Willis will_____ the title of
Marketing Director once hic promotion is (B) estimate
approved by the CEO
(C ) deduction
(A) engage
(D) measurement
(B) suppose
133. the new accounting software will
(C ) assume enable us to track our expenditure much
more_____ in the future.
(D) simulate
(A) wholly

(B) highly
130. West Passage Trains customers
are_____ to check the schedule frequently (C) thoroughly

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(D) originally (B) would operate

134. _____ the weather is nice, Mr. Gordon (C ) has been operating
and his teammates go to the park during
their lunch hour. (D) will have operated

(A) Wherever 138. _____ your interest, I have attached a

copy of the report on the effectiveness of our
(B) However recent advertising campaign

(C ) Whenever (A) From

(D) Whoever (B) In

135. the finding from the company’s market (C ) For

research were not_____ enough to justify a
change in strategy. (D) To

(A) clear

(B) clearly

(C ) clearing

(D) clarity

136. there will be a____ of theater

productions playing at the Maddon Concert
Hall this spring.

(A) news
139. The government agency_____ an
(B) ceremony inquiry following several complaints about
(C ) series the attitude of staff towards members of the
(D) venue
(A) launched
137. The Plunket Society_____ for 50 years
by the time it merges with the Child Support (B) rose
Foundation next month. (C) dispatched
(A) will operate (D) presented

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140. It is essential that we draft a_____ plan (B) contingency
in case there are unforeseen problems with
the organization of the event. (C ) suspension

(A) subordination (D) verification


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of sentences. Select the best answer to complete
the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Question 141- 143 refer to the following instructions.

Dear Conference Presenter,

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Thank you for agreeing to present a talk at this year’s Emerging Markets Conference on
September 14. To help the event run as____ as possible, please read the following information.

141. (A) smooth

(B) smoothly

(C ) smoothness

(D) smoothing

Firstly, you need to send an electronic copy of the presentation to the conference organizing team
at least 48 hours prior to the even. If you do so, the team will be able to check the audio- visual
systems in advance and ensure there are no glitches on the day of the conference.\

Secondly, the conference organizers will cover yours travel and accommodation_____.

142. (A) inconveniences

(B) plans

(C) expenses

(D) invoices

Please get in touch with the Conference World administrator, Julia Parkers, who will make the
arrangements for your stay.

Finally, please note that you are not require to attend the rest of the conference sessions.
However, it is hoped that you can make every effort to stay. This____ generate a more lively,
enjoyable and

143.(A) help

(B) will help

(C ) helped

(D) helping

Interesting atmosphere throughout the event


The Team- Conference World

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Question 144-146 refer to the following announcement.

The World’s Wildlife Need Your Help

The Halberg Trust is offering $500,000 towards any charity or other organization involved in
wildlife____. If you or your organization are planning to help endangered species,

144. (A) detection

(B) collection

(C ) inspection

(D) protection

Then you should consider applying for funding.

All applications should be made to the Halberg Trust by April 4, 2011. All the necessary
documentation must include a detailed description of who you and your organization are, what
you documentation must include a detailed description of who you and your organization are,
what you plan to do, and why the work is important. Moreover, do not forget_____ a detailed
outline of the

145 (A) incorporating

(B) to incorporate

(C) incorporated

(D) is incorporated

Anticipated costs associated with your project.

Members of the Halberg Trust Board will meet in mid- April to assess the applications.
Successful applicants will be informed by mail, and then the grants will be_____.

146. (A) forecast

(B) interpreted
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(C ) distributed

(D) approved

The Halberg Trust

Question 147- 149 refer to the following email.

From: Darlene Palin, Harvington& Green

To: Derek Winters, Winters Language Academy

Subject: Review

Dear Mr. Winters,

I have finished my review of your company’s financial arrangements. Fortunately, there are a
number of measure I believe you can take in order to improve the profitability of your business.
Most importantly, due to the low_____ at both your downtown and midtown academies, I think

147. (A) enrollment

(B) employment

(C ) containment


should merge these two facilities.

The other major change I recommend is to move to an incentive-based payment scheme for
teachers. I feel that implementing this system will encourage teachers to be more innovative and
dynamic in the classroom,____ more customers for the business.

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148. (A) attracts

(B) attracted

(C ) attracting

(D) will attract

I have attached a full copy of the report to this email. For clarification____ any of the matters

149. (A) with

(B) to

(C ) on

(D) by

covered in the report, please to this email, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Darlene Palin

Business Strategy Consultant- Harvington& Green

Question 150-152 refer to the following article

Possible Breakthrough in Renewable Energy

Plant scientists at the University of Michigan_____ an intriguing breakthrough. They are excited

150. (A) make

(B) had made

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(C ) have made

(D) would make

About a new breed of plant that can produce very high energy yields. The plant, which is a cross-
breed of corn, wheat and barley, was originally made for another_____.

151. (A) option

(B) purpose

(C ) extent

(D) device

The scientists were initially trying to develop a new feed crop for cattle. While the crop was a
failure as cattle feed, additional testing showed that it had excellent biofuel properties.

Currently, the crop is in the experimental stage. Scientists need to do _____ work to determine

152. (A) later

(B) further

(C ) total

(D) near

Under what conditions the plant grows best. This testing will be finished soon, and the plant
should be out of the laboratory and in field trials by the end of the year.

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Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Question 153-154 refer to the following announcement

The Landlum Public Library has an exciting new feature for young children and their parents. At
9 am every Thursday, range of exciting, colorful and enjoyable stories. Story Time will take
place in the Molonglo Room on the eastern side of the library, next to the reference book section.
The story reading session will last for around 45 minutes, after which there will be an activity
session related to the stories and themes of the day. Activities will include things like coloring
exercises, puppet shows, and lots more. Then, at 10:30, children will be able to enjoy a healthy
morning snack with seasonable fruits and vegetables, while parents can have tea and coffee.

153. Where will Story Time be held? 154. What will happen at 10:30 am each
(A) Next to the children’s book section
(A) Stories will be read
(B) Inside the Molonglo Room
(B) Authors will sign books.
(C) In the reference book section
(C) Refreshments will provided.
(D) In front of the eastern entrance
(D) Activities will be available.

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Question 155-156 refer to the following notice.

Congratulations, Judy!

The management at Turnbull Motors is pleased to inform everyone that Judy Chan, the chief
engineer in the R&D department, has just won the prestigious Auto,otive Design Award, Judy
won the award for the work she did on the new Carovius Minivan that we will be releasing this
summer. Judy spent 2 years working on this design with her team, and we expect it to be a top-
seller when it hits the market. The Carovius has a number of stunning features, including a
specially designed aluminum frame which makes the vehicle very light and fuel-efficient.

The management would like you all to join us in congratulating Judy on this fantastic honor. A
small celebration will be held in the employee lounge this afternoon at 4 pm. We hope to see you

The Management

Turnbull Motors

155. what is the purpose of this notice? (B) To report on the achievement of an
(A) To inform employees of a rescheduled
event (C) To announce the release of a new
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(D) To introduce a new engineer to the staff (C) She presented an award at an industry
156. What is indicated about Ms. Chan?
(D) She launched the marketing strategy for
(A) She developed a new lightweight vehicle the Carovius.

(B) She designed a top-selling minivan


Question 157-158 refer to the following email

From: Lesley Lane, Administrative Assistant

To: Noah Vamos, Sales Manager

Subject: Accommodations

Date: July 2

Dear Noah,

As instructed yesterday, I have booked your accommodations at the Bourne Motor Inn for your
business trip to Pennsylvania. I reserved an executive suite for you from July 7 to 1. To view
picture of the room and the other hotel facilities, you can visit
In accordance with the hotel’s policy, you should call 24 hours before your arrival to confirm the
booking. If you fail to do this, the hotel may assign your room to another guest.
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Also, please note that you will need to pay in full on arrival. Be sure to retain all of your receipts
so that you can claim reimbursement from the accounting department when you return. All
reimbursement claims must be filed within 3 weeks of the original expenditure. If you do not
know how to file a claim, please see the instructions in the employee manual.

I wish you an enjoyable and successful trip.



157. When will Mr. Vamos probably leave 158. What is Mr. Vamos advised to do?
for his trip?
(A) Use a company credit card
(A) July 1
(B) File a reimbursement claim in advance
(B) July 2
(C) Keep the original receipts
(C) July 7
(D) Bring a copy of his employee manual
(D) July 11
159. What is indicated about the Bourne
Motor Inn?

(A) It takes bookings 24 hours a day.

(B) It currently has no vacancies

(C) It charges an online booking fee.

(D) It maintains a website

Questions 160-163 refer to the following letter.

Dear Carlton-Greenlane resident,

Carlton-Greenlane mayoral election is coming up on July 1. Make the right choice this year and
vote for US Liberals candidate Ben Fraser.

Mr. Fraser is the only candidate who can be trusted to keep the Carlton-Greenlane economy
strong. He has the full endorsement of the outgoing mayor, Genevieve Lang. Mayor Lang, who

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was the successful and highly popular US Liberals mayoral candidate in the last two elections,
has worked with Mr. Fraser for over a decade on city business. She firmly believes that Mr.
Fraser is a hardworking, intelligent and resourceful person with outstanding leadership qualities.

Mr. Fraser is committed to making the city of Carlton-Greenlane a better place. He has lived in
the region his whole life, so he fully understands the city’s people and their needs. He is also a
qualified public administrator with over 30 years experience in municipal and city government.

If you’d like to learn more about Ben Fraser, please visit his blog at He regularly updates this web page with information about new
ideas and strategies for Carlton-Greenlane, as well as information about his public appearances
on the campaign trail.

This mayoral election, vote for Ben Fraser to ensure the city of Carlton-Greenlane remains in safe


Sandy Richmond

US Liberals Campaign Manager

160. What is the main purpose of this letter? (C ) Mr. Fraser’s campaign manager

(A) To remind residents to vote in an (D) The leader of the US Liberals party

(B) To assess the main contenders for city


(C )To report on political developments in

the region 162. What is NOT mentioned about Mr.
(D) To promote a political candidate Fraser?

(A) He is running for mayor

161. Who is Genevieve Lang? (B) He has worked in local politics for many
(A) Mr. Fraser’s main rival
(C ) He was raised in Carlton- Greenlane.
(B) The mayor of Carlton- Greenlane

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(D) He owns a successful business in the (B) To contribute to his political campaign
(C ) To find out about his policies
163. What is mentioned as a reason for
visiting Ms. Fraser’s blog? (D) To learn more about his political party

(A) To give him feedback on his ideas

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Question 164-166 refer to the following email

From: Lionel Berman

To: Vanessa Pim

Subject: A problem

Dear Ms. Pim,

I’m emailing to inform you that the service elevator is currently out of order. It stopped working
at 9 am this morning while moving firm employees were transporting some new desks and chairs
to the 14th floor.

At present, the workers are using one of the main elevators in the building. But this temporary
solution is not ideal for two reasons. Firstly, it is not a good image to present to client visiting the
building. It looks very disorganized and unprofessional. Secondly, it may cause some damage to
the main elevator. Not only might the movers scrape and scratch the interior, but there are some
painters coming at 2:00 pm today to work on the renovations on the second floor, and they may
drop paint and other chemicals inside.

Accordingly, I think it is essential that we get the service elevator working again as soon as
possible. I have called the elevator maintenance firm, and the representative there told me it
might take until this evening for some workmen to come over and fix the problem. As chief
executive of the company, I was hoping you might be able to call back and put more pressure on
the company to act sooner. The company is Elevation Inc., and the phone number of their
customer relations manager is 807-908-908.

If you need more information about the situation, please let me know.



164. What is this email mainly about (A) anunprofessional employees

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(B) a changed moving schedule (C ) some clients will visit the building

(C ) a delayed construction project (D) the main elevator will shut down

(D) a broken down amenity.

166. what the Mr. Berman ask Ms. Pim to do

(A) Assesses the damage to the property

165. what is scheduled to happen this (B) find a new contractor to handle the job
(C ) reschedule the renovation work
(A) moving firm employees will arrive
(D) contact the maintenance firm directly.
(B) the second floor will be repainted

Questions 167-168 refer to the following article.

Bridge Repair Work Delayed

The Minister for infrastructure, Barry Smeltz, announced to day that work on the Norwell Brigde
will not starrt until March 18. The repair work was originally scheduled for December. However,
the minister said that the construction contractor advised him that severe winter weather would
make the work extremely difficult. Instead, the contractor suggested that it would be better to
wait for icy and snowy conditions of mid-winter to pass before beginning the work. Once
commenced, the repair work is expected to take around 6 weeks.

For residents of the Norwell region, the delay means that they will need to keep using the back
roads rather than going across the brigde. The minister promised that assitional efforts will be
made to clear these back roads of snow and ice during winter so that residents can continue to
travel in and out of the region safely and easily.

167. What is mainly discussed? (B) An infrastructure work schedule

(A) A bridge collapse In the Norwell
region (C) Cold weather approaching the area
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(D) A proposed extension of a state (B) The work should take 6 weeks to
highway complete.

(C) Residents currently have to take

alternative routes.
168. What is NOT mentioned in the
article? (D) Winter conditions will prevent travel
along back roads.
(A) The construction contractor’s advice
has been accepted.

Questions 169-172 refer to the following memo.

The purpose of this memo is to let you know that some technicians from the IT team will come in
at 11 am this morning to check the cables on this floor. In order to do this, they will need to
rearrange some of the office furniture. As a result, there may be some disruption to activities on
this floor.

This work is being done in response to a number of complaints from employees on this floor
about the poor quality of their Internet service. To ensure there are no further problems, the IT
technicians will need an hour or so to do this work properly. I suggest that safes and marketing
staff use this opportunity to take an early lunch break. For those of you with urgent work that you
need to carry on with at this time, it may be more efficient to borrow a company laptop from the
supplies room and use one of the conference rooms on the 2nd floor.

I apologize for any inconvenience this causes, and I hope it can improve the quality of the
Internet service on the 4th floor. Please let me know whether the service improves. If you
continue to suffer dropouts or other problems with the speed and reliability of your service, you
should contact me right away.



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IT Team Leader

169. What will happen at 11 am? 171. What recommendation is made to

(A) The Internet will be disconnected.
(A) To attend a meeting in the
(B) Technicians will begin some work. conference room
(C) The sales team will have a meeting. (B) To have lunch earlier than usual
(D) A new server will be installed. (C) To shift the furniture on the 4th floor

(D) To bring their own laptop computer

170. What is suggested about the
marketing department?
172. What does Ms. Dwialita request?
(A) It works on the 4th floor.
(A) Details about inconvenience
(B) It has merged with the sales team. experience during the change
(C) Its Internet service was installed (B) Information about employees who
recently. urgent work
(D) Its manager requested some IT work. (C) Updates regarding the quality of the
Internet service

(D) Reports on supplies required by


Questions 173-175 refer to the following Information.

Having operated for over 4 decades. Escape has developed a strong reputation for safety and
quality. The management and staff of Escape encourage an passengers to review the following

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Escape passengers are asked to familiarize themselves with the carrier's federally approved safety
measures by reading the card stored in the pocket of the seat in front of them. This card includes
information on finding aircraft exits, using oxygen masks and inflatable vests, and following
emergency procedures. Even experienced travelers should review this document, as procedures
do change from time to time. Passengers should also pay attention to the in-flight demonstration
provided by members of the cabin crew.

If passengers have any urgent personal safety concerns while on board, they can contact a
member of the cabin crew by pressing the assistance button on the panel above their seat. Escape
asks that passengers only push this button in case of an emergency.

Thank you!

173. What is Escape? (C) Touching any of the safety

(A) A tour operator
(D) Speaking to cabin crew members during
(B) An airline takeoff
(C) A train company 175. What is said about Escape?
(D) A travel agency (A) It has recently started operating in
174. According to the information, what the region.
should passengers refrain from doing? (B) It includes more security features
(A) Damaging safety demonstration than its competitors.
cards (C) It requires customers to fill out
(B) Pressing the assistance button detailed documentation.
without cause (D) It provides safety information in
verbal and written form.

Questions 176-180 refer to the following article.

Weekly Magazine to Hit Shelves Stanwell Inc. is launching a brand new

publication next week. The magazine, titled

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Information Today, will be an essential read contrast, Information Today is dedicated
for all people who work in the IT industry. It specifically to employees who work in the
will feature articles about new technologies, IT industry, as StanwellInc's research has
systems, and developments that are likely to indicated that this is an important and
affect the way IT professionals do their underserviced market. Company
work. There will also be a number of regular spokespeople are enthusiastic that
columns, with opinions, humor and gossip Information Today will become a successful
about the world of IT. publication, unlike its unstable predecessor.

In line with the needs and expectations of 176. What is the main topic of this article?
modem IT workers. Information Today will
be available in both print and online (A) A recent magazine article
versions. The online version will also (B) A new business publication
include interactive forums where subscribers
can discuss their own problems/ experiences (C) An upcoming industry event
and opinions in a lively fashion. A
(D) A successful publishing company
subscription will cost $120 per year, paid
either in one lump sum or in smaller 1 177. What is NOT mentioned about
installments. There will be a 10% discount Information Today?

(A) It will cover IT developments.

(B) It will be available in print.

(C) It will list IT job postings.

for registered members of the United States (D) It will have a variety of features.
Information Workers Association. To
celebrate the launch of the magazine, the 178. What can readers get by visiting the
first edition will be available to view for free website?
online. For future editions, readers can easily
(A) A year’s subscription for free
buy a subscription a the magazine's newly
created website at (B) Promotional gifts and prizes
(C) A preview of the magazine’s features
Information Today replaces Stanwell Inc.'s
previous flagship IT publication, Modem (D) Complimentary access to a magazine
Computing. Modern Computing was a more edition
general magazine, aimed at regular business 179. What is true about the cost?
customers with an interest in IT issues. In

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(A) It must be paid in one lump sum. 180. What can be inferred about Modem
(B) There is a reduced rate for those who
register soon. (A) It was aimed at IT executives.

(C) There is a 10% discount for new (B) It didn’t perform well.
(C) It was bought out by Stanwell Inc.
(D) It is cheaper for association
members. (D) It is currently a flagship publication

Questions 181 -185 refer to the following customer feedback form and product brochure.

Marina is always keen to get information from customers about the performance of our products
in real conditions. That is why we have mailed out this customer feedback for to thousands of our
local customers. We thank you for taking the time to fill it out. After completing the form, simply
drop it in the customer feedback box by the Marina display at your nearest supermarket or
grocery store.

Customer: Gee no Wallis__________________________________________________________

Product: Marina Deluxe Laundry Powder_____________________________________________

Why did you first purchase this product?

I bought this product because I was dissatisfied with the laundry powder brand I had been using. I
happened to come across this product in the supermarket, and decided to give it a try__________

How does it perform?

Compared to other laundry powders, it is very good. My clothes and sheets come out ofthe wash
very clean. But just as importantly, the powder doesn't make the colors fade or change, so the
laundry still looks bright.________________________________________________________

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How do you think it can be improved?

I feel that the packaging should be changed. The powder comes in o large plastic container,
which is very bad for the environment. It would be better if you could package the powder in
cardboard boxes_____________________________________________________________.

Are there any other Marina products you would like to try?

I will try the fabric softener next time.___________________________________________

Are you sick of laundry powders that either don’t clean properly, or make all your colored
clothing look faded and worn? Try Marina Deluxe Laundry Powder!

Marina Deluxe is specially formulated to provide the best clean possible for your clothes, sheets,
towers, and blankets. Your laundry will look sparkling and bright after a wash with Marina
Deluxe. It will smell fresh and clean, too, thanks to the products pleasant gentle odor. And best of
all, you will be able to help the environment by switching to Marina Deluxe Unlike other laundry
powders and detergents, Marina Deluxe is made from natural ingredients, so it does not pollute
waterways with dangerous chemicals.

For the best choice for your family and for the environment, purchase Marina Deluxe, todaqy. It
is available in all super markets and grocery stores.

181. What most likely will Ms. Wallis do (A) She spontaneously decided to try
with this form? something new.

(A) Fax it to company headquarters (B) She had seen it advertised elsewhere.

(B) Give it to a customer representative (C) She received information about it in

the mail.
(C) Put it in a box at a store
(D) She saw it was on special at the
(D) Mail it to the address provided supermarket
182. According to Ms. Wallis, why did she 183. What did Ms. Wallis find impressive
initially buy this product? about the product?

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(A) Its environmentally friendly nature (C) She also uses the same fabric
softener brand.
(B) Its cost compared to rival brands
(D) She is concerned about the
(C) Its capacity to remove oil stains environment.
(D) its ability to clean without causing 185. What is NOT mentioned about the
fading product in the brochure?
184. What is indicated about Ms. Wailis? (A) Its odor
(A) She needs to upgrade her washing (B) Its ingredients
(C) Its packaging
(B) She usually uses a dry-cleaning
service. (D) Its effectiveness

Questions 186- 190 refer to the following email and advertisement

From: Jane Robert

To: Winston Lavea

Subject: Caterering service

Hi Winston,

I understand that you are in charge of organizing the company's AGM next month. If will be a
really big occasion, so I imagine you will have a very busy schedule over the next few weeks If
there is anything I can do to help with the preparations, please let me know.

One thing you may want to think about organizing early is the catering. In my experience, it is
very important to make sure that attendees enjoy the food. There will be o wide variety of people
at the AGM, including top executives, investment fund managers, and small shareholders. You
have the difficult Job of trying to please them all!

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

I used a new catering service called Cater Gourmet last month for the Research and Innovations
Conference that we held. I thought the food was excellent, and all of the attendees seemed
satisfied. I went by your office this morning to show you the company’s advertising flyer so you
can see what it has to offer. You weren't there, so I left o copy of the document on your desk.

Hove o good weekend!



Cater Gourmet
Do you have an event that you need cttered? Then consider using Cater Gourmet! From weeding
and birthaday parties to conferences and black-tie dinners, we can provide the right range of
dishes to suit your event.

At Cater Gourmet, we specialize in a range of cuisines, including Mediterranean, Pacific, and

Indian. Whether you are after simple, traditional fodd or fancy sishes that will impress yor special
guests, we can meet your needs. Moreover, we can cater for meat lovers or vegetarians, fussy
eaters and people with food allergies. Whatever you need, wecan do it!

Please note that we do not promise standard “package” offers. This is because our prices vary
depending on whether ingredients are in season or not. We refuse to use processed of frozen
foods. We use only fresh and organic ingredients, so you can be sure our food is as nutrious as it
is tasty. To discuss catering options and get a quote, please call us at 0-800-979-864.

186. What is the main purpose of Ms. (B) To offer her catering services to Mr.
Robert’s email? Lavea

(A) To make a recommendation to Mr. (C) To invite Mr. Lavea to an event


TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) To congratulate Mr. Lavea on his 189. Why might Mr. Lavea find Cater
promotion Gourmet’s service particularly appealing?

187. What is indicated about Ms. Robert? (A) It specializes in Indian cuisine.

(A) She will attend the upcoming AGM. (B) It also caters for family events.

(B) She has experience coordinating (C) It Is more affordable than other
events. services.

(C) She is responsible for arranging the (D) It can satisfy a range of people.
190. What is NOT mentioned about Cater
(D) She will be unable to assist Mr. Gourmet?
Lavea later.
(A) It offers a variety of standard
188. Where most likely will Mr. Lavea packages.
come across this advertisement?
(B) It provides quotes over the phone.
(A) In a newspaper
(C) It exclusively uses natural
(B) At his workstation ingredients.

(C) In his email inbox (D) It caters for different kinds of events.

(D) On an office bulletin board

Questions 191- 195 refer to the following article and letter.

New Plan for Gallery Design

Officals from the Arizona stae government announced that there will be an architecture design
competition for the new Tucson Modern Art Gallery. The competition is the first stage of the
construction of the gallery, and it is expected that the whole project will be finished by 2014. The
gallery, which will be built on the site of the old town hall, is the focus of the state government’s
push to make Turcson and surrounding region a tourisrt center for arts and culture.

Government officials are confident that the competition will attract a number of bold and
innovation designs. Thay have invited architects from across the country and from overseas to

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

participate. Archirect will send a copy of the propsed design along with a letter expaling their

The competition close on December 12 this year, after which a panel of experts will review the
entries and pick a winner. The public’s oppinion will also be taklen into account, as all entries
will be published a website wher people will be able to cast a vote for their favorite design

Design Competition Selection Committee

Arizona State Government

PO Box 9817

Tucson, AZ

Dear Selection Committee members.

Thank you for the opportunity to enter this design contest. I think this is a bold and exciting and
I'm sure you will end up commissioning a brilliant new gallery for Tucson. I can only hope you
choose my entry among all the excellent designs you will surety receive.

As a resident of Tucson, I feel I understand this region very well, which is why I think my design
an edge. As anyone living in Tucson knows, this region has an extremely hot and dry climate. # I
want to do is provide a refreshing change from that environment. Accordingly, the main conceof
my design is the idea of an ice cube. Using just light blue and white walls, and clear panes and
windows, my design creates a fantastic visual appeal. From inside the lobby, gallery visitors'
actually have the illusion of being inside a block of ice!

I hope you can take the time to view this design in more detail. I’m sure you will agree that it is
impressive and interesting approach.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


Kelly Matthewson

191. What is the main purpose of the article? 193. Who is Ms. Matthewson?

(A) To explain a state’s construction (A) A government official

(B) An artist
(B) To announce a design competition
(C) A gallery employee
(C) To report on a facility's opening
(D) An architect
(D) To discuss a gallery design proposal
194. The word “edge” in paragraph 2, line
192. What most likely is enclosed in this 2 of the letter is closest in meaning to
(A) style
(A) A design proposal
(B) extension
(B) A company brochure
(C) limit
(C) A resume
(D) advantage
(D) An entry form
195. What is suggested about Ms.
Matthewson's design?

(A) It will include environmentally

friendly materials.

(B) It will be made entirely of ice.

(C) It will be visually interesting for


(D) It will feature contrasting colors.

Questions 196-200 refer to the following emails.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

From. Vincent and Chambers

To: Chloe Suae

Subject: Confirmation of order

Date: October 14

Dear Ms. Suae.

Thank you for placing a phone order with Vincent and Chambers. Please check the following
information to make sure that the details of your order have been recorded correctly.

 14 adjustable computer chairs, dark $26 each

blue upholstery
$48 each
 14 wooden computer desks, natural
finish $94 each
 3 large filing cabinets, black
 3 large bookcases, black $76 each

Total Cost (inclusive of value-added tax and delivery fee) $1,160

According to Vincent and Chambers policy, bills are directly debited from the client's account
too working days after a confirmation email has been sent. Should you have any inquiries about
the details of this bill, please email the Vincent and Chambers accounts manager, Bob


The Team—'Vincent ond Chambers

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

From: Chloe Sucre To: Bob Henderson Re: Confirmation of order Date: October 15

Dear Bob,

I was surprised by the confirmation email I received last night after placing a phone order with
your company yesterday. Rather than ordering 14 chairs and desks. I actually only asked for 4 of
each. The Person who wrote down my order must have misheard me. Accordingly, the bill should
be much lower than $1.760. It’s a big relief that I managed to check this before the money was
debited from my company account!

I hope to receive a second confirmation email later today. When you send this to me.would it be
possible you to also itemize the additional costs in the order? For my company’s accounting
records, it is important for me to report on the costs of shipping and sales lax separately. I hope
this is not too much trouble.

Thank you.

Chloe Sucre

196. What is indicated about Vincent and 197. What information is included in the
Chambers? first email?

(A) It is a contracting firm. (A) An order number

(B) It is an importing company. (B) Shipping information

(C) It sells office furniture. (C) Account details

(D) It customizes office equipment. (D) A suitable contact person

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

198. What does Ms. Sucre suggest the (C) October 16
problem was?
(D) October 17
(A) An inefficient ordering system
200. The word “itemize’ in line 2,
(B) An accounting error paragraph 2 of the second email is closest in
meaning to
(C) A simple miscommunication
(A) enter
(D) A technical glitch
(B) list
199. When will the money probably be
debited from Ms. Sucre's account? (C) appoint

(A) October 14 (D) buy

(B) October 15

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer
choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence.
Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Anyone who enters the factory floor 103. The organizers expect between 40.000
should wear the helmet and safety vest at _____ 50.000 people to attend the day- long
_____ times. music festival.

(A) any (A) Or

(B) all (B) And

(C) every (C) Both

(D) each (D) Either

102. The speaker decided to _____ talk 104. _____ information about the
about the company’s history before department’s expenditures is available in the
explaining his plans for its future monthly report.

(A) Brief (A) Detail

(B) Briefs (B) Details

(C) Briefly (C) Detailing

(D) Briefing (D) Detailed

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

105. Due to mechanical problems there will (D) After
be a two- hours_____ to the departure of fly
309 109.Ms. Corbett’s generous______ gave the
organization enough money to build a new
(A) Delay community hall.

(B) Pause (A) Attribute

(C) Cancellation (B) Effort

(D) Stopover (C) Asset

106. The Daily Star sent a journalist to Iran (D) Donation

to ______ on the election in that country.
110.A growing ______ of countries have
(A) Account signed the international agreement to
reduces emissions of greenhouse gases
(B) Inform
(A) File
(C) Report
(B) Numeral
(D) Cover
(C) List
107. Beginning March 31, Western Service
will regularly ______ two new bus routes (D) Log
along Hathfield Avenue
111. To become skilled in martial art like
(A) Operate karate requires extensive______ and
constant dedication.
(B) Operating
(A) Train
(C) Operated
(B) Trained
(D) Operative
(C) Training
108. ______ company executives and union
members will reach an agreement, the (D) To Train
worker will go on strike.
112. Visitors to the Canadian History
(A) If Museum should use the side entrance while
the front entrance______
(B) When
(A) Is renovating
(C) Unless

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) Is being renovated 116. The incoming chief executive knows
the actions_____ need to be done to turn
(C) Has renovated around the company’s performance
(D) Has been renovated (A) Why
113. Industry analysts were surprised by (B) That
how______ the economy recovered from
recession (C) Who

(A) Quick (D) What

(B) Quickly 117.When the Budget is announced,

MrWateable will determine whether to add
(C) Quicker another employee to_____ team
(D) Quicken (A) He
114. Passengers with over 20 kilograms of (B) His
luggage will have to pay an______ fee of
10$ per kilogram. (C) Him

(A) Assessable (D) Himself

(B) Inevitable 118.No one else_____ the building janitor

has access to Mr. Mckenzie ‘s office on the
(C) Irrational 10th floor
(D) Additional (A) Without
115. A good manager has the ability to take (B) Except
_____ of any situation and help the
employees to focus on their own tasks (C) From

(A) Fee (D) On

(B) Bet 119. All work station should be property

______ with a desk, computer, mornitor,
(C) Duty lamp and telephone
(D) Charge (A) Equip

(B) Equipped

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) Equipping (A) Regulated

(D) To equip (B) Regulates

120.Bisworth Travel customers can adjust (C) To regulate

their booking at_____ extra cost provided
that they do so at least 7 days prior to (D) Is regulating
departure 124. To reach N-Tech’s head office turn left
(A) None at Godfrey Lake and keep going_____ the
botanical garden.
(B) Not
(A) With
(C) No
(B) For
(D) Travel
(C) Past
121. The company______ a new policy on
employee Internet usage at the start of the (D) On
125. The Australian Company Core Ltd is
(A) Formatted the______ exporter of coal and iron in the
southern hemisphere.
(B) Coined
(C) Implemented (A) Large

(D) Adsorbed (B) Larger

122.Ms. Roges_____ failed to carry out her (C) Largest

duties in a professional and acceptable
(D) Largely
126. There have been_____ complaints
(A) Believably
resident about the noise generated on the
(B) Impossibly construction site at Garber Lane.

(C) Repeatedly (A) Decent

(D) Realistically (B) Careless

123. The decision______ the fishing (C) Relative

industry more strictly came about because of
(D) Frequent
concerns about the marine environment

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

127. The members of the hiring committee (C) Toward
a______ that Maria Gomez was the best the
position (D) Among

(A) Terminology 131. Library members_____ to use the

computers on the first floor should register
(B) Consensus at the front desk

(C) Diagnosis (A) Want

(D) Formulation (B) Wanting

128. The advent of the Internet has_____ (C) Wanted

attended the way people do business across
the word (D) To want

(A) Deliberately 132. As_____ as Leanne gets back to the

office, she will start work on the new
(B) Periodically advertising project

(C) Radically (A) Much

(D) Considerately (B) Soon

129. Mark Turner earned a promotion due to (C) Far

his_____ strong performance as regional
sales manager. (D) Many

(A) Consist 133. ______ interior décor is one of the

most important feature that customers look
(B) Consisting for in the café or tea room

(C) Consisted (A) Attract

(D) Consistently (B) Attracting

130. The book series Werewolf Mysteries is (C) Attracted

extremely popular______ teenager and
young adults. (D) Attraction

(A) Throughout 134.The member of the social committee

_____ one a month to discuss upcoming
(B) Within activities and events

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(A) Meet (C) Perspective

(B) Met (D) Potential

(C) Is meeting 138. The university’s new research _____

houses a large amount of modern
(D) Meeting equipment, including high-powered inserts
and telescopes
135. Because the projects involves so many
different individuals and organizations, (A) Facility
the_____ of it will be particularly
challenging (B) Facilitates

(A) Coordinate (C) Facilitating

(B) Coordinator (D) Facilitated

(C) Coordinated 139. CSP Solution offers an_____ of

financial services to meet the needs of small
(D) Coordination and medium-sized business.
136.It is recommended that any woman over (A) Output
the age of 50 annually_____ the Breast
Cancer Screening Center (B) Array
(A) Visit (C) Estimate
(B) Visits
(D) Opinion
(C) Visited
140. The council ______ a monument in
(D) Visiting Civic Square, honoring the soldier who
fought and died in World War II
137.Store manager employ mystery
shoppers to determine what the service (A) Extracted
encounter feels like from the
customer’s_____ (B) Located
(A) Intention (C) Commissioned
(B) Complexion
(D) Persuaded

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of sentences. Select the best answer to complete
the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following notice.

The following rules must always be obeyed by the Santos Pizzas staff

- Staff members must put on a hat or hairnet and wash their hands before entering the
- Staff members must wear disposable gloves while handling food items. Please make an
effort to change gloves on a regular______.

141. (A) session

(B) occation

(C) period

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) basis

- Before using any food item, please check the expiration date on the packet, tin, or carton, and
inspect the contents carefully. Spoiled food must______, and a note should be left to explain

142.(A) discard

(B) discarded

(C) be discarding

(D) be discarded

when, why, and by whom it was thrown out.

- Make sure fresh food items are stored in the refrigerator, and carefully wrap any items
that have been opened
- The kitchen are should be kept as clean as possible. Please clear up any spills
The management would like to thank you all for following these_____. By doing so, you help to
143. (A) gauges
(B) measures
(C) rates
(D) degrees
ensure that the food served at Santos Pizzas is always clean, fresh, healthy, and tasty.

Questions 144- 146 refer to the following email

From: Keith
To: Emily Rhodes
Subject: Shipping Conference

Dear Ms. Rhodes

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

I am emailing to update you on the preparation for the 4th Annual Shipping Conference that your
organization asked me to handle ______ the arrangement are in order, including speaker and
144. (A) Some
(B) Almost
(C) Little of
(D) Most of
invitation event marketing and media publicity
Although the planning is nearly complete, there is one issue that concerns me. That is the value
for the event. You previously indicated a strong preference for holding the event at the Spencer
Hotel in Wiland. Unfortunately, the west wing of the hotel is currently being rewarded. I am
worry that there may not be_______ space in the hotel to accommodate all of the out-of-town
145 (A) Adequate
(B) Permissive
(C) Variable
(D) Accurate
Accordingly, I think it could be best to consider alternative venues for the event, I would be
happy_____ the options and present you with the list of possibilities. I hope this solution will
acceptable to you.
146.(A) Evaluate
(B) Evaluating
(C) Evaluated
(D) To evaluate
Kind regards,
Keith Rogers
Director, Bright Conference

Questions 147- 149 refer to the following letter

October 15, 2010

Janice Little

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

14B Freemantler Road
North River
Perth, WA
Dear valued member,

According to our customer information, your gym membership with Jabury Fitness Center is due
to expire next month, we hope that you will______ this subscription so that you can continue to
147. (A) Upgrade
(B) Redo
(C) Renew
(D) Terminate
Our top-class facilities and seek the expert advice of our trainers.
To reward your loyalty as a member, we would like to make you a special offer …………this
148. (A) At
(B) On
(C) In
(D) For
Only, you will have the opportunities to sign up for an additional 12-month contract at a cost of
just $380 per month. That is 30% of the standard price we charge new members. What’s more,
we will also provide you with a…………gym training bag.
149. (A) Mobile
(B) Complimentary
(C) Successive
(D) Comparable
You can make the most of this opportunity by calling us at 1-8800-897-567 or by visiting
Janbury Fitness Center and speaking with one of our employees.
The team, Janbury Fitness Center

Questions 150- 152 refer to the following article.

The summer Theater Festival ………..with the performance of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer


TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

150. (A) Beginning

(B) Began

(C) Would begin

(D) Will begin

Dream at Holbert Park, the show, which is sent to start at 1.30 this evening, is the perfect way to
open the popular annual festival. This summer theater festival will continue every evening
throughout the rest of the week. The schedules of events_______ performance of different plays
at Grant Lake and

151. (A) Presents

(B) Includes

(C) Expresses

(D) Objects

The Busy Theater

The Summer Theater is now in its fourth year. Each year, it has grown in popularity. Festival
organizers are expecting this year program______ features more outdoor performances, to be
even better

152. (A) That

(B) What

(C) Which

(D) This

Those hoping to attend performances should visit the website at for
more details.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following notice.

Are you interested in Becoming a Health Care Professional?

What: Carrie in Health care

When: 9am to 12am 13 August

Where: The Magnus Event Center, Elliot Street

Health care professionals have interesting, fulfilling, and enjoyable careers, and they are well
respected in the community. If you want to really make a different in the world, you should come
along to the Careers in Health Care will give you an opportunity to learn more about the
potential benefits of a job in this industry.

At the event, health care practitioners will be there to talk to you about what their job involves.
As well as doctor and nurse, there will be also be hospital administrations, physiotherapists,
massage therapists, speech and language therapists, optometrists, and many, many more. In
addition, industry educator from colleges likes St. Clair’s and Harbor University will be on hand
to help you plan a career in your chosen health care field. We look forward to seeing you there.

153. What is the purpose of the event? 154. What is mentioned about the event?

(A) It will take place inside the hospital

(A) To welcome health care professionals
(B) It is scheduled to last all day
(B) To promote certain health services
(C) It is feature workers from various fields
(C) To discuss health workforce shortages
(D) It is targeted at people with a college
(D) To promote canners in health care education.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 155- 156 refer to the following information


Vernon is the latest animated film from Hollywood powerhouse Fortrek Picture. The story is
about Vernon, a lovable young goose who gets lost on the fight south for the winter. The plot
follows Vernon as he tries to get back to his family. He makes new friends and enjoys a wild
adventure in the process; Vernon is the second animation from director Giles Redpath, whose
first effort, Mighty Mouse, was popular with audiences and critics across American and Europe.
The voice of the little character is provided by Hollywood star bench road, one he is supported
by an excellent back-up cast including Penny Weinstein, Roca Menditez and XaviesMarshall.
The movie is sure to be a big hit with children, with it engaging story and funny episodes,
Parents too, will enjoy the wetly script and fast-paced action.

155. What type of information is this? (A) He wrote the film script by himself

(A) A film festival preview (B) His previous work has received praise

(B) A book report (C) Vernon is his first major production

(C) A television guide (D) He is the voice actor for the main
(D) A movie review

156. What is mentioned about Mr. Redpath?

Questions 157- 159 refer to the following email

From: Kelly Simpason

To: Fishpond Travel

Subject: My Experience

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Dear Fishpond Travel representative,

I am emailing to congratulate Fishpond Travel on the excellent service that this company
provides. My initial contact with the company came after I saw an advertisement in a store front
window for fights to Thailand for just $665 per person. My husband and I were about to
celebrate our 15th anniversary and I thought a trip to Thailand would be the perfect way to spend
this special occasion. I immediately booked our flights with the help of one of the friendly
Fishpond Travel assistant at the Civic branch.

However, two days before we were due to leave, my husband become ill and we had to cancel
the trip, I canceled Fishpond Travel to let them know, expecting that we would still be charged
the full price, as this has been my experience with other travel agencies. But the people at
Fishpond Travel were much more understanding. We were given the chance to rebook our trip
two weeks later for no additional charge. We later went to Thailand and had a fabulous vacation.

Thanks once again to the wonderful staff of Fishpond Travel, I will spread the word about your
outstanding customer service.

All the best,

Kelly Simpson

157.What is the main purpose of this email? (C) Through an online service

(A) To make a customer service complaint (D) By email

(B) To congratulate on winning an award 159. Why was the woman surprised?

(C) To request a special service (A) The booking service was fare

(D) To express gratitude to a company (B) She was not charged for cancelling

158. How did Ms. Simpson make a first (C) There was no other flights available
(D) She was given a fund refund
(A) In person

(B) By post
Questions 160- 162 refer to the following letters

September 17, 2010

Ms. Roseanne Hawthone
32 Danion Street
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
Kaleen 2231
Omaha city

Dear resident,
This is an important notice from the Ohama City Government. Please note that there will be
changes to the garbage collection schedule in many suburbs of Ohama City. The changes are as
- Current schedule:
Downtown- Midtown- Uptown Monday and Thursday
Oscar- Alexander- Salisbury Tuesday and Friday
Kaleen- Marlborough- Exeter Wednesday and Saturday
- Schedule as of 10/01/2010
Downtown- Midtown- Uptown Wednesday and Saturday
Oscar- Alexander- Salisbury Monday and Thursday
Kaleen- Marlborough- Exeter Tuesday and Friday
Recycling collection for cardboard, plastic, glass and aluminum waste occurs simultaneously.
We request that citizen make every effort to recycle organic waste, as well. For tips on how to
recycle organic waste, including advice on how to produce compost for your garden, please visit
our website at www.emahacitygovrecycling.

160. What is the main purpose of the letter? (D) Thursday

(A) To explain a new recycling policy 162. What can readers find on the website?

(B) To warn about in appropriate waste (A) Information about when to put waste out
disposal for disposal

(C) To inform about a schedule revisions (B) Advice about clearing garden waste

(D) To promote a new garbage collection (C) Recommendation on reusing organic

service waste

161. From October 1, when will (D) Tips on recycling plastic.

Ms.Hawthone’s garbage be collected?

(A) Monday

(B) Tuesday

(C) Wednesday

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 163- 166 refer to the following letter

Small Business Division

Qusrie Banking
Fendalton Building
1 High St
CBD, Oakland

September 14, 2010

Lily Putnik

121 Sandringham Road

Mount Albert, Oakland

Dear Ms. Putnik,

I am writing in relation to your application for a loan of $20000, dated August 29, to start a new
venture in online education. After reviewing your personal credit history, your business plan, and
the current market situation, we have decided to approve the application. Please note that this
approval comes with a number of terms and conditions.
Firstly, the Interest rate at which the loan will be charged is set at a fixed rate of 6.5% for the
first 6 months. Beyond that, the interest rate will be paired to the standard floating rate. The
current floating rate is 6.7%.
Secondly, you have opted for fixed- term interest only repayment. This means that, for the first 3
years, you will only be able to pay back the interest on the loan. After that, you will be expected
to start paying off the principal as well.

Finally, at Quarie Banking, we regard entering into a loan agreement as the start of a business
relationship. As a Quarie Banking business customer, you are now able to make use of our free
business mentoring program. You can also access a range of online resourcesn about business
management on our website at


TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

John Schmidt

Manager, Small Business Division

163.What is the letter about? (A) The present market conditions

(A) A financial review (B) The future plans for Ms. Putnik’s
(B) A successful business center
(C) The past financial performance of Ms.
(C) A business bank account Putnik’s film
(D) A loan application status (D) Ms. Putnik’spersonnal financial history
164. What is Mr. Putrik required to do? 166. What benefit is available to Ms.
(A) Repay the debt within 3 years Putnik?

(B) Make no repayments in the first 6 (A) An advisory service

months (B) Online banking
(C) Select between a fixed or floating (C) Tax-free start-up fund
interest rate
(D) Free foreign exchange transactions
(D) Cover the interest only in the initial

165. What information did not influence the


Questions 167- 169 refer to the following email

From: Fiona Parsona

To: Jerome Patel

Subject: Delivery

Dear Mr. Patel,

Thank you for calling me to let me know that the building supplies you ordered have not yet
arrived. I am sorry for this delay, and I hope it does not cause you too much inconvenience.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

I was very surprised to hear the message you left on my voicemail this morning. I called the
delivery company immediately afterwards and spoke to a representative there. She said that a
mechanical fault with one of the trucks has caused a backlog, and she promised that your
delivery would be make top priority. They expect to get the supplies to you by this afternoon. If
the delivery does not arrive by the end of the day, please inform me so I can follow up on the
matter once again.

At Online Building Depot, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. So, as a result
of this problem, we would like to offer you compensation to show that you are a valued
customer. I suggest that the delivery fee be waivedfor this order and that your company get $100
worth of vouchers to use on your next purchase. Does that sound fair?

I look forward to hearing back from you.



Customer Liaison, Online Building Depot

167. When did Ms. Parsons most probably 169. After hearing the telephone message,
write this email? what dirMs.Parsons do immediately?

(A) Straight after Mr.Pattel made the order (A) Call Mr. Patel back

(B) Before speaking to the supplier (B) Hire a new truck

(C) Sometime after the due shipping date (C) Approve the shipment

(D) Before signing off on the delivery (D) Contact the delivery film

168. What will Mr. Patel receive?

(A) 100$ rebate on the purchase

(B) A reduced delivery fee

(C) A credit on the next order

(D) Some complimentary supplier

Questions 170- 171 refer to the following article

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
Wednesday, March 14 TheMartinborough Gazette

Former Martinborough Music Academy student Paul Cohen has won the 1020 National Jazz
Award. Cohen was among four of Canada’s leading jazz musicans who competed for the award
at the Ontario Center on Monday evening. To win the contest, Cohen, a jazz guitar specialist,
performed an ensemble that he had written himself. The judges, including jazz legends such as
Leo Claire, Noel Chambers, and Dusty Jones, unanimously picked Cohen as the winner. They
agreed that his performance displayed an outstanding balance of technical skill and creative

For his prize, Cohen has won a year- long scholarship to the prestigious School of Music in New
Orcleans, where he will train under the guidance of some of the world’s most famous jazz artists
Cohen told reporters that he felt “ surprised and honored” by the award, and that the scholarship
to the School of Music was the “ opportunity of a lifetime”. Cohen is expected to head to New
Orleans in September this year

170. What is this article mainly about? 171. What is Ms. Cohen going to do in
(A) An upcoming musical tour
(A) Begin studying at the school of Music
(B) A new college for music students
(B) Perform at a concert in New Orlears
(C) A performance at the music concert
(C) Enter a National music competion
(D) A winner of a prestigious sward
(D) Return from a tour overseas

Questions 172- 175 refer to the following advertisement.

Gourmet Getaways with Cari- Trek!

Most tourist visit the Caribbean for its sun and surf, but the region also has a fantastic range of
cuisines guaranteed to excite even the biggest food critic. Here’s just a small selection of
culinary tours that the team here at Cari- Trek has identified.
Seafood Safari
Travel to the beautiful island of Antigua and enjoy gorgeous seafood. From mussels and lonster
to scallops and oyster, this island paradise has it all. Taken straight from the beach to your plkate,
the seafood is so fresh you won’t believe it!
Total Package: $3400 per person

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Includes: Round- trip flighta from La Guardia Airport
3 nights at the Antigua Royal Hotel
Activities such as scuba diving and snorkeling
Europe in the Jungle
Enjoy delicious European cooking in tropical Guyana. Guyana cuisine combines the best in
French and Spanish styles and flavors with a twist of Caribbean spice and flair. Best of all, you
get to enjoy this food in a breath- taking jungle setting.
Total Package: $4500 per person
Includes: Round- trip flights from La Guardia Aiport
4 nights at La Cote D’Emerald Resort
Standard massage and spa services available
A Coffee Conquest
Jamaica is world- famous for its coffee beans. Grown in the lovely Blue Mountains, these beans
have an aroma like no other. As well as waking up to a wonderful coffee smell, you can enjoy
other coffee- based products like coffee cakes, coffee bean chocolates, and refreshing espresso
ice cream.
Total Package: $3700 per person
Includes: Round- trip flights from La Guardia Airport
4 nights at the Blue Mountains Inn
Tour of Blue Mountains Espresso Factory
For more amazing deals, visit or call us at 1-800-980-980

172. What is Cari- Trek? 173. What is suggested about all of the
services offered?
(A) A vacation Resort
(A) They cost the same on the per night
(B) An airline basis
(C) A tour operator (B) They involve the same activities
(D) A ticket agency (C) They go to the same Caribbean Island

(D) They have the same departure point

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
174. Where can customers enjoy a spa? (A) The region is famous for its sun and surf

(A) Antigue (B) The deals mentioned are not the only
ones available
(B) The Blue Mountain
(C) The costs listed are inclusive of all
(C) Jamaica meals
(D) Guyana (D) The accommodations have already been
175. According to the advertisement, what is arranged
not indicated about the tour?

Questions 176-180 refer to the following information.

Newcomer Win Salesperson of the year Award

Jessica lower, a 29-year-old mother of two, was crowned Cameroon Realty Salesperson of the
year at the company gala in Bristol last weekend. Ms. Lovell sold over 24 properties during
2010, for a combined value of 518 millions. This was a biggest total ever recorded in a single
year since Cameroon Realty begun keeping records in 1974. However, she was just 51 million
clear of her nearest rival, three times Salesperson of the Year Winner Michael Durante

Incredibly, Ms. Lovell only joined our company at the beginning of the year after being out of
the workforce since the bird of her first child, Sam, 4 year old. She had previous experience
selling real estate in Leeds, but it was not expected that she would make such a big impact in her
first year at the film

Cameroon Realty Chairman, David Forbes, who presented the award, said that Ms. Lovell was
an inspiration to the rest of the team” she has known everyone what can be done through hard
work and dedication. I congratulate her on this outstanding achievement.”

As her price, Ms. Lowell won a specialty engraved plaque and a check for $10.000. she said that
the money would go towards a well-earned vacation for her young family. During her acceptable
speech, Ms Lowell thanked her family members and close friends for their help. She especially

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

signed out Peter McRobe, the manager of the West Vale Cameroon Realty branch at which she
works, for giving her the initial opportunity and for supporting her all every state.

176. Where can this information be found? (C) He presented the award to the recipient

(A) In a product advertisement (D) He held the sale record once

(B) In a company newsletter 179. What did Ms. Lowell receive from the
(C) In a real estate catalog
(A) Engraved jewelry
(D) In an award program
(B) A family vacation
177. What is Not mention about Ms.
Lowell? (C) A big promotion

(A) She has the young family (D) A money price

(B) She broke the sale record 180. The phrase “singled out” in paragraph 4
is closest in meaning to
(C) She had no experience in realty
(A) Freed
(D) She work in a West Vale branch
(B) Unified
178. What is said about Michael Durante?
(C) Identified
(A) He is Ms.Lowell’s supervisor
(D) Appreciated
(B) He works for the same company as

Questions 181-185 refer to the following letter and form

Dear Mr. Knight,

Thank you for joining Quest Health Insurance. According to our record, you signed up for the
Gold Civerage policy on December 7. Gold Coverage allows you to claim full compensation for
any treatment or service provided at an accredited hospital or doctor’s clinic, including
ambulance services, hospital accommodation charges, and surgery fees. * For a full list of
accredited facilities, please visit our website at

To file a claim, please fill out a Quest Health Insurance Claim Form and mail it to the address
listed below. Forms can be downloaded from website or picked up from your local Quest Health
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
Insurance branch. All claims must be accompanied by the original receipt signed by the health
professional who provided the service or treatment. Please send forms to:

Quest Health Insurance

PO BOX 354

Seattle, WA

We pride ourselves on being responsive to customer needs, so please rest assured that we will
always do our best to provide you with friendly, helpful, and efficient service. Should you have
any queries or concerns about Quest Health Insurance or your particular policy, please do not
hesitate to contact the Quest Health Insurance customer helpline at 1-800-007-008.


Hayley West

Customer Relations Manager

Please note that a mandatory 12-month waiting period applies for all pregnancy and dental
services. This means that in the first 12 months of your policy, you will not be eligible to claim
on treatments and services related to these medical issues.

Quest health Insurance Claim Form

Customer Number: 128897

Customer Name: Gregory Knight

Customer Address: Apt.19c The Walton , 18-22 Burnside land, Western, Eugene,

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Mention service: Routine health check up

Date received: January 11-2010

Name of Hospital: Lotus Medical Center

Name of Health Professional: Dr. Carla Johnson

I guarantee that the above details are accurate to the best of my knowledge

Customer signature: Gregory Knight

Date signed: January 14 2010

(B) By browsing the website

181. What is the main purpose of the letter? (C) By going to the branch office

(A) To advertise the health insurance policy (D) By reading the contract

(B) To reject the claim of a policy holder 184. Who most likely signed the receipt
Mr.Knight handed in with the claim form?
(C) To explain the policy rules to a new
customer (A) Quest Health Insurance

(D) To outline a new package offered by the (B) Hayley West

(C) Loftus Medical Center
182. According the letter, what is not
covered in the first year? (D) Carla Johnson

(A) Surgery 185. How can Mr. Knight find out about
participating treatment facilities?
(B) Accommodation
(A) December 7
(C) Dental work
(B) December 12
(D) Ambulance services
(C) January 11
183. How can Mr. Knight find out about
participating treatment facilities? (D) January 14

(A) By calling the helpline

Questions 186-190 refer to the following notice and email

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Book lovers of Adelaide,

The Adelaide book club has managed to secure an excellent venue for the annual Writing and
Reading Festival. Due to a recent cancellation, a vacancy opened for a booking at the ever-
popular Kennedy club on Jervois Street. The Writing and Reading Festival will be held on the
18th October from 10am to 10 pm.

This year’s event will be the best ever. Famous writer from across Australia and New Zealand
will read passages from their latest plays, poems, and novel on the main Stage. Attainder will
also have an opportunity to present their own work on the Open Stage. In addition, free
workshopswill also be presented by facility from the prestigious School of Fiction based at
Southern University.

Ticket cost just 15$ for adults and 10$for students and should be paid on entry. All attendances
will receive an event poster as well as a DVD documentary about famous local author. To find
out more about the event,visit or call us at 090-880-667.

Ariana Jacobs

President, Adelaide Book club

From: Stu Onions

To: Ariana Jacobs

Subject: Writing and Reading Festival

Dear Ms. Jacobs,

I recently saw the notice about the Writing and Speaking Festival I am a writer who has just
moved to the region from the UK and I am excited to learn that there is a thriving literally
community here.

I understand that there is an opportunity for attendees to present their work. However, as a
published author, I wonder if it might be possible for me to present at the Main Stage. I feel that
there is likely to be a bigger audience at this stage, so I will be able to show my work better. I’ve
attached a sample of my writing so that you can see the quality for yourself. If you’d like, I can
send you a copy of my resume with lists my publications. Please let me know if this is necessary.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Stu Onion.

186. What is the purpose of the notice? (D) Book a time slot on the Open Stage

(A) To review a festival 189. What accompanies Mr. Onion’s email?

(B) To publicize an event (A) A list of publication

(C) To promote a beak club (B) A writing sample

(D) To advertise a new book (C) A resume

187. What is implied about the Kennedy (D) A letter of recommendation

190. According to the notice, what will
(A) It is exclusively for members attendees be given?

(B) It is where the festival in normally (A) Free book

(B) A documentary film
(C) It was not a first choice of venue
(C) Membership to the club
(D) It frequently hosts functions
(D) Free classes of Southern Cross
188. What is Mr. Onion hope to do? University

(A) Present alongside other professional


(B) Take part in one of the free workshop

(C) Attract the attention of book publisher

Questions 191-195 refer to the following emails

From: Curtis Gordon

To: Sally Wright, Ben Lumis, Javier Sachez, KristinaStolkovic

Subject: CRT next week

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
Hello everyone,

This is message for all department managers. After receiving numerous complaints from patients
about the attitudes of the staff over the past few months, I have decided to run a customer
relation training workshop next week. I have hired a consultant, Vladimir Olska, who is an
export in client relations, to instruct these sessions. The workshop will run once a day from 10am
to 12am and will include the same contents daily. In each session, employees will watch films
and take part in role-play exercises. It is hope that this measures will help to improve our level of
customer service.

All staff, including doctors, nurses, psychologists, and counselors, are required to attend at least
one of the sessions. Please make attraction to the work schedule for next week to ensure that the
employees can meet this important obligation. If you have any question or concerts, feel free to
email or call me.


Curlis Gordon

CEO, Langford Hospital.

From: Ben Lumis

To: Curtis Gordon

Subject: Re: CRT next week

Dear Curtis,

I think the CRT workshop sounds like an excellent proposal. A lot of the problem we have with
patients in the emergency department come as a result of poor customer service skill, and I am
sure my employees will benefit immensely from Mr. Clack’s advice.

However, the timing of the workshops concerns me. Next week, several members of my staff are
going to Seattle for a conference on emergency medical management. This means that the
remaining employees will have to work overtime to cover for their absence. I do not think we
can afford to send any clinical staff to this training event because we will urgently need them in
the ED.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

In light of this, would it be possible to reschedule the training for the following week? By then,
we should have all our staff on board and it should be possible to balance the work roster.


Ben Lumis

Head of the Emergency Department, Langford Hospital

191. What is the main topic of the first (C) To propose a management meeting
(D) To object to the CEO’s idea
(A) Customer complaints
194. According to Mr. Lumis, what will
(B) Patient management skills happen next week?

(C) Changes to a policy (A) He will be away at a conference

(D) Upcoming training (B) His employees will attend a

192. What is mentioned about the
workshops? (C) He will have to work overtime.

(A) They are mandatory for all hospital (D) His department will be short-staffed.
195. What does Mr. Lumis suggest?
(B) They will be outsourced to a
consultant (A) Revising next week’s work schedule

(C) They will run 10 hours per day (B) Postponing the training workshops

(D) They will be filmed for later use. (C) Reassigning staff to the emergency
193. Why did Mr. Lumis send this email?
(D) Coming up with an alternative to the
(A) To raise a problem with the plan sessions.

(B) To provide feedback on the sessions

Questions 196-200 refer to the following email and schedule.

From: ACA Events

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

To: Greg Underwood

Subject: Registration for the ACA Business Management Seminar

Dear Mr. Underwood,

You have successfully signed up for the ACA Business Management Seminar at the Harwood
Hotel, Boston, on March 14. Your details are recorded in our files as follows:

Name: Greg Underwood

Position: Retail Manager

ACA Member: No

Registrations Fee Paid

Booking Number 77609

Accommodation: Booked

If there are any errors problems with this information, please email
and let us know.

Please find attaced a schedule of events. As the date of the seminar approaches, you will be
forwarded copy of the seminar materials. It is hoped attendees will all make an effort to read
these materials so that discussion at the event can be as engaging as possible.

The ACA Events Team

ACA Business Management Seminar

Harwood Hotel, Boston

March 14, 9 am to 5 pm

8:30 am Registration and Coffee

9:00 am Welcoming address from ACA Chairwoman, Clara Francois

9:20 am Business planning with Doug Roster, CEO Roster Industries

10:40 am Morning Tea

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
11:00 am Managing a Budget with Elaine Harrison, CEO P-Tech

12:30 pm Lunch in the Harwood Hotel Lounge

1:30 pm Handling Employment Issues with Doug Roster

3:00 pm Afternoon Tea

3:30 pm Cutting Costs with Elaine Harrison

4:30 pm Feedback from Attendees

5:00 pm Closing Remarks from Clara Francois

All sessions will be held in the Stanner Conference Room just inside the main entrance

* Please note that a lunch is only available for full members of the ACA without any extra
charge Non- members should pay an additional $20 for the meal.

196. What is the main purpose of the email?

(A) To confirm a seminar registration

(B) To request additional customer information

(C) To remind a customer about an event

(D) To publicize an upcoming conference

197. The word “engaging” in paragraph 2, line 3 of the email is closest in meaning to

(A) Connected

(B) Interesting

(C) Winning

(D) Preoccupied

198. What is Mr. Underwood unable to receive?

(A) Reading materials

(B) Accommodation

(C) A free lunch

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(D) A copy of the schedule

199. What is suggested about the event?

(A) The ACA chairperson will perform the host duties

(B) Employment issues will be discussed in the morning

(C) Ms. Harrison and Mr Roster will copresent several sessions

(D) The executive from P- tech will make the closing address

200. What is NOT included on the schedule?

(A) Where the sessions will be held

(B) Who will deliver each talk

(C) What will be served at morning tea

(D) When lunch will be taken

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts,

and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

105. The president will meet with several important dignitaries

101. Sandra’s method proved to be ____ in handling multiple tasks at
during his official _____ to Hong Kong next month.
(A) visit
(A) efficiency
(B) visiting
(B) efficiencies
(C) visited
(C) efficient
(D) visitor
(D) efficiently
106. The customer relations manager received praise for _____
102. Please note that ____ personal checks nor credit cards are
handling stubborn customer complaints.
accepted at Crawford House Catering.
(A) generally
(A) neither
(B) dependently
(B) either
(C) skillfully
(C) both
(D) currently
(D) whether
107. Ms. Wilkinson is always willing to do extra work by _____If no
103. You will not receive the bonus payment ____ the end of the
one else can help.
next fiscal year.
(A) she
(A) during
(B) her
(B) until
(C) hers
(C) as
(D) herself
(D) since
108. The Gold Health Clinic is widely recognized for _____ being to
104. Anyone planning to _____ in this workshop should contact
looking after the well-being of
Jenny Forbes at 021-555-908 before June 2.
all its clients.
(A) participate
(A) supportable
(B) attend
(B) dedicated
(C) register
(C) provided
(D) complete
(D) serious profit of over $200 million.

(A) performed
109. WRI Bank’s online service allows customers to see_____ how
much money they have in their account.
(B) behaved
(A) carefully
(C) conducted
(B) particularly
(D) encouraged
(C) correctly
114. The ______ weather conditions meant that Flight WX103 to
Amsterdam had to be delayed.
(D) exactly
(A) unfavorable
110. The new online ordering system is____ more convenient than
the old pen-and-paper catalog.
(B) infrequent
(A) substance
(C) contentious
(B) substantiate
(D) purposeful
(C) substantial
115. _______ the CEO's decision to step down, the company’s share
(D) substantially
price dropped by nearly 2 percent.
111. At Go Flight Airline this weekend, you can get a return trip to
(A) In order to
Paris for two for the same price ___ a single ticket.
(B) As a result of
(A) on
(C) According to
(B) with
(D) By means of
(C) to
116. Before the start of this year, Ms. Gillard__________ about the
(D) as
possibility of running the company as the CEO.
112. The recent upsurge in industrial activity should 118 help reduce
(A) does not think
the Zimbabwean government’s ____ on foreign aid.
(B) was not thought
(A) relies
(C) will not think
(B) reliant
(D) had not thought
(C) reliance
117. It the merchandise does not arrive ________ Friday, please inform
(D) reliability
the customer service representative about the delay.
113. The company_____ very strongly in the third quarter, earning a
(A) at
(B) by (D) opens

(C) with 122. Rest assured that all personal details collected by AMI Insurance
will be kept ________ on the company's private database.
(D) in
(A) deliberate
118. The Napier Municipal Government _______ consults with
members of the community before making major policy decisions. (B) appreciative

(A) regular (C) diverse

(B) regulate (D) secure

123. The ankle injury that tennis star Basil Muller sustained
(C) regularly yesterday may____him from taking part in the Austrian Open next
(D) regulation
(A) relieve
119. Starmart has over 100 stores _______ located in shopping malls
and business districts throughout the state. (B) exceed

(A) acceptably (C) conflict

(B) totally (D) prevent

(C) conveniently 124. Information brochures are _______ available for all tourists in
hotel lobbies, visitor centers, and 1; airport terminals.
(D) approximately
(A) readily
120. Several students have complained that the noise from the
construction site outside is distracting ______ lectures and tutorials. (B) precisely

(A) while (C) busily

(B) during (D) formerly

(C) toward 125. Doctors say that people can dramatically reduce their risk of heart
disease by quitting smoking and adopting an ____ lifestyle.
(D) whenever
(A) acting
121. Freshco Supermarkets succeeded in ________12 new stores in
Georgia, Alabama, and North Carolina last year. (B) active

(A) open (C) action

(B) opened (D) actively

(C) opening 26. The Walter Foundation has received over $40,000 in donations
from local residents since it _____ its fundraising campaign.
(A) begins
(B) either
(B) began
(C) so
(C) has begun
(D) too
(D) will begin
131. The senior manager, Mr. Valerie, _________all of the employees
filled in their timesheets accurately and submitted them to the payroll
127. Medibank now offers customers greater ______, allowing them
to customize their health-insurance policy. (A) ensure

(A) return (B) ensuring

(B) flexibility (C) ensured

(C) insight (D) to ensure

(D) effect 132. Most consumers found it impossible to ______ bottled water from
tap water during the experimental taste tests.
128. Kelly Waterson______ Jenny Jones on yesterday’s interview
panel because Ms. Jones had to handle some urgent business in Prague. (A) anticipate

(A) replaced (B) interpret

(B) replacing (C) distinguish

(C) replacement (D) acknowledge

(D) replaces 133. All of the products at Wally’s Discount Furniture

require_____, but detailed instructions and essential tools are
129. There are lots of interesting tourist sites, souvenir shops, and
restaurants___ walking distance of the conference center. (A) assembly

(A) on (B) support

(B) at (C) reference

(C) across (D) development

(D) within 134. Passengers may retrieve their items from the overhead locker
_____ the safety belt sign has been switched off.
130. Hellfire director Steve Brock won a National Film Commission
Award, and _______ did the film’s main actor, May Hong. (A) meanwhile

(A) same (B) under

(D) qualifications
(C) although
138. The developers at Virtech have made several ___to the LTO
(D) once Smartphone based on feedback from customer focus groups.
(A) convictions
135. The Food Service Workers’ Union is an organization that helps
individuals_______ in the hospitality industry. (B) modifications
(C) accreditations
(A) employ
(D) considerations
(B) employed

(C) employing 139. One member of the board expressed______ about the
company’s plan to expand into Southeast Asia.
(D) employment
(A) reservations
136. Watson Beachside offers members of its Elite Club fantastic
(B) possibilities
services and great discounts _______in its network of resorts.
(C) responses
(A) altogether
(D) qualities
(B) everywhere
140. As a leader, Ms. Gomez is always _____ to new ideas and
(C) beyond
suggestions from members of her team.
(D) alongside
(A) willing
137. Among the job candidate's list of relevant ______ are a Masters
(B) receptive
In Planning and a Graduate Diploma In Management.
(C) approachable
(A) qualified
(D) comprehensive
(B) qualifying
(C) qualifies

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of sentences.
Select the best answer to complete the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141 -143 refer to the following memo.

Attn: All Staff

The purpose of this memo is to warn you about a disruption to the company s Internet service. From 12 pm to 6 pm on Wednesday the IT
team_______ a new server for the entire network.
141.(A) will be installing
(B) would install
(C) will be installed
(D) has been installed

The new server should allow us to store larger amounts of data more reliably, so it is a valuable change____, this means that you will not be able to
access the Internet from your work
142.(A) Moreover
(B) Otherwise
(C) However

(D) Likewise

computer on Wednesday afternoon.

For some employees, such as sales staff and customer relations managers, Internet access and email are essential. Those employees will be
given permission to work from home on that afternoon.

For all other staff, please be sure to prepare offline tasks to carry out during this time. We thank you for your understanding and hope that the
upgrade does not cause too much_______ for employees/

143.(A) dependence
(B) hassle
(C) patience
(D) cooperation

Naomi Lyneham, General Manager

Questions 144- 146 refer to the following email

To: Carl Webb

From: Manu Tuariki
Subject: Follow up Date: October 26

Hi Carl,

I'm sending this email to follow up on our meeting last week about the work schedule for next month. I’m nearly finished with the work plan, but I just
need to______ a couple of things.
144.(A) confirm
(B) deliver
(C) administer
(D) reform
Firstly, thank you for your __ that Mike Wallis take care of the Anderson Steel project. Mike has
145. (A) admission
(C) suggestion

previous experience consulting for the construction industry, so he should have the skills to handle this well.

Secondly, further to our discussion about conducting a financial audit next month, I think that the accounting team may need some outside support. I
would like to outsource some of the work to Vincent & Co. Accountants. Their work for us on aligning the 2009 budget was outstanding, and I’m sure
they_______ excellent service this time as well. Would you like me to go ahead and arrange this?
146. (A) are providing
(B)have provided
(D)will provide

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Questions 147- 149 refer to the following

Dear New Haven resident,

_______ the New Haven Children’s Foundation, I would like to cordially invite you to the 2nd Annual
147. (A) According to
(B) On behalf of
(C) As to
(D) Instead of

Kids Chorus Concert. The concert offers a chance for children and young people all around the region to sing and perform in front of a large audience.
Last year’s inaugural event was extre melysuccessful, raising over $50,000 for the foundation. This money was invested in resources orchildren,
including a brand new skateboard park on Harris Street.

Over 2,000 patrons watched the first Kids Chorus Concert last year at Verity Hall. Attendance at this year’s event is to be even higher, so we’re
moving to a larger venue. The concert will be in
148. (A) projects
(B) projected
(C) projecting
(D) to project

the Watford Amphitheater at 5:30 pm on Monday, August 16. Tickets cost just $25 per person.
I encourage you to make a big contribution to the local community by showing support for this
149. (A) impotent
(B) offensive
(C) enthusiastic
(D) absent

event The children and young people of New Haven will thank you!

Kind regards,

Ben Hilman
Chairman, New Harven Children’s Foundation
Questions 150- 152 refer to the following article

Cold Snap Predicted

The citizens of Chicago are getting ready for a service winter storm that________ to hit the area

150. (A) is expecting

(B) is expected
(C)will be expecting
(D)will be expected

Overnight. The cold weather system, which has moved down from Canada, will bring freezing temperatures, increased moisture, and high winds to the
city and surrounding regions. Forecasters are predicting that the city may receive more than 50 cm of snow in the next 24 hour______ this

151. (A)Should

Prediction proves correct, it will be the heaviest snowfall in the city for more than 50 year

The city’s emergency services are already on alert, and the fire department and city hospital have called in extra staff. Residents are advised to stay
indoors until the storm dies down, and to check on elderly or sick friends and relatives. By talking proper care of themselves and their loved ones, they
may be able to_____ the demand for emergency services.
152. (A) increase
(B) lessen
(C) meet
(D) exclude
Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles letters, and advertisements. Each text is
followed by several question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-> 154 refer to the following announcement

Buyone, set one free!

This month only at Craig's Outdoors you can buy any mountain bike in the store and get a second one, valued at $499, absolutely free. That's an
amazing discount! We have a fantastic range of new bikes to choose from, including great brands like Franco, Marconi, Alpine and more. To view
what we have in stock, simply visit our website at Or you can come into your local Craig's Outdoors store and speak to one
of our friendly and professional sales representatives. They can explain the full details of each model on display, and you'll even be allowed to take the
bike out for a test ride before making a purchase. So, get out and about on your bike this summer with Craig’s Outdoors. This fantastic deal ends
Sunday, the 31st of March.

153.What is the purpose of this announcement? 154. What is NOT indicated about Craig’s Outdoors?
(A) To publicize a store opening (A) It stocks a range of famous brands.
(B) To introduce a change in store policy (B) It encourages people to take test rides.
(C) To advertise a special offer (C) It provides free repair service for a year
(D) To promote a new bike brand (D) It showcases its stock on a website.

Questions 155-156 refer to the following email.

From: Marty Keiler<>
To: Sales Staff <>
Subject: Expenses

According to the accounting manager, only half of the sales employees have applied for reimbursement for expenses in the last 3 months. Please remember that you are
all entitled to compensation for money spent while visiting or entertaining potential clients. This is not a cost that you should have to bear yourself.

To claim reimbursement, you need to fill out an Expense Report Form and file it with the accounting department within 2 months of the original expenditure. You are
also required to include original receipts with all applications. Provided that your claim is accepted, you should receive the money in your account within two weeks of

For sales employees who are still confused about the process, please do not hesitate to ask me personally for any help.

Marty Keiler Sales Director

155. What is the main purpose of this email? 156. When can employees expect to receivecompensation?
(A) To describe a change in a company policy (A) Around 2 months after the original expenditure
(B) To remind employees to claim their entitlements (B) In two weeks or less after making a claim
(C) To encourage employees to reduce paperwork (C) Three months after contacting the accounting department
(D) To clarify the rules on entertaining clients (D) Within a couple of days of submitting the paperwork

Questions 157- 159 refer to the following Information.

The Kimberley
The Kimberley region is one of the most beautiful parts of the world. To get the best of this experience, you should aim to spend at least a week here.
But please be aware that the Kimberley is a dangerous environment. Tourists are advised to take necessary precautions when traveling

For the adventurous tourist, the Kimberley is an amazing place to explore independently. It is one of the most remote places in the world, with only
38.000 people living in an area the size of Germany. To get there, take a flight to Broome, and then hire a car from one of the rental agencies based
there. Broome is the main town in the Kimberley region, so it is also a good place to stock up on supplies like food and water From Broome, you can
cither travel north along the coast, or go inland through the desert. Both have interesting features and charms, including isolated local communities,
rugged landscapes, and endless sunshine.

There are also a number of operators that run guided tours of the region. For more information on these tours, visit

157. Where does this Information probably appear? (A) It has an attractive coastline.
(A) In a guide book (B) It Isa remote area.
(B) In a tour program (C) It shares a border with Germany.
(C) In a travel Itinerary (D) It features Interesting scenery.
(D) In a flight manual
159. What are readers particularly advised about?
158. What is NOT mentioned about the region? (A) Access problems
(B) Peak seasons (D) Potential hazards
(C) Discount packages

Questions 160-162 refer to the following notice.

Thank you for choosing the Anderson Resort. We cater for a variety of different tastesand budgets. Please talk to the frontdesk if you are interested in upgrading to a
superior room

Junior Suite
Junior suites are our most affordable option. They are equipped with standard facilities such astelevision, free Internet, and air conditioning,junior suitesare located in
the west wing. They enjoy a view of the golf course.

Executive Suite
Executive suiteshave all of the same features as junior suites, but they also have a balcony.
Executive suites are in the south wing and overlook the pool area

Family Suite
Family suites are equipped with all standard features. They also have an extra bedroom, at well as a small kitchenette with a microwave, stove, and refrigerator. Family
suites overlook Anderson Beach from the north wing.

Deluxe Suite
Deluxe suites provide visitors with a luxurious stay. On top of standard features, deluxe suites also have a balcony and outdoor Jacuzzi, allowing guests to relax under
the stars. Deluxe suites have a superb ocean view from the east wing.
160. What is the purpose of this notice? 162. What is only available in a deluxe suite?
A. To explain the upgrade policy A. An ocean view
B. To outline the types of rooms available B. An outdoor spa bath
C. To provide information about the room rates C. A balcony
D. To describe the hotel's common facilities D. A kitchenette
161. For whom is the notice most likely intended?
A. People planning a vacation
B. Current guests at the hotel
C. Employees of the resort
D. Prospective business travelers

Questions 163- 164 refer to the following information

Item #60982
TuiHomeware Walt Unit

The TuiHomeware Wall Unit is an essential item for any modern living room. Made from hardwood and available in black, white, or a natural wooden finish, this unit
is extremely stylish and attractive. It features a large central cavity, perfect for a widescreen wall television or large artwork. Underneath this, there are smaller spaces for
storing a set- top box, DVD player, stereo player, and gaming system. Along both sides of the unit there are 5 adjustable shelves that provide ample storage for books,
DVDs, and CDs. The whole unit is 65”x50”x7”.

Unit Price: $465

Shipping: $45
Total: $510

163. Where would this information most likely appear?

A. In product manual
B. In a home renovation guide
C. In a decorating magazine
D. In a furniture catalog
164. What la NOT mentioned about the unit?
A. It has a apace for a large television.
B. It features adjustable shelving.
C. It Is available in two colors.
D. It can accommodate several device

Questions165-167 referto the following announcement.

Application deadline for MBS Master of Business Administration is Fridays!

The MBS Master of Business Administration course is one of the most respected of its kind in the world. Many of our students have gone on to
become successful executives at Fortune 500 companies, and they often credit their success to the training they received at MBS. We have a superb
faculty with a huge amount of practical experience and academic knowledge, as well as first-class facilities and an excellent support staff.

Applications for spots in our 2011 intake close on Friday. As ever, entry to the program will be highly competitive, and we have already received over
3,000 applications from qualified applicants for just 600 available places. If you think you have what it takes, consider submitting an application.
Please be aware that we've also had to turn away an additional 2,000 expressions of interest this year from talented people who did not fulfill the
requirements, so please check these thoroughly before sending an application. They are posted on our website at

Please note that an application fee of $250 will be charged to all overseas candidates. Domestic candidates need to only pay $150. Those who submit
an online application should pay over the Internet using a credit or debit card. Those submitting a paper application should enclose a check payable to
Milton Business School.

165. What is mentioned about the MBS Master of Business

Administration program?
A. It has a successful track record.
B. It is sponsored by famous companies
C. It is a newly founded elite course.
D. It specializes in international business.
166. How many new students will be accepted into the program this 167. What is indicated about the application fee?
year? A. It only applies to paper applications.
A. 500 B. It is higher for foreigners than locals
B. 600 C. It must be paid by check.
C. 2,000 D. It does not apply to domestic students.
D. 3,000

Questions 168- 171 refer to the following article

New Viola Coffee to Open at Harborside

If you are a coffee lover who live or works nearHarborside then you are in for a treat! A new coffee shop is opening up in your area. Viola Coffee, the
successful cafe chain founded by Keiran Anderson, in set to open a new branch at the popular Harborside shopping mall. The café will be managed by
Mr. Anderson's brother-in-law, Neil O'Connor. Mr. O'Connor has over 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry, having previously owned and
run a small restaurant in Devonport from 1999 to 2008.
Unlike some of the larger Viola Coffee shops, the new store will not include a delicatessen or baked goods section. Mr. Anderson told reporters that he
wanted the new branch to concentrate on making and selling coffee as he believes that there is a gap in the market at Harborside for high-quality
espresso. However, he indicated he would consider expanding the store in future, if there is demand for it
Viola Coffee is expected to open at Hart next Saturday. In order to attract publicity for the new store, there will be a grand opening ceremony starting
at 10 am. Mr. Anderson will attend the ceremony, where he will give away free prizes including Viola Coffee travel cups, bags of freshly roasted Viola
Coffee espresso beans, and Viola Coffee espresso makers. Moreover, for the first week only, customers will be able to get a 30 percent discount on all
beverages at the new store

168 Where does the article most likely appear? 170. Why has Mr. Anderson chosen not to put a delicatessen in the
A. In an industry magazine
A. He wants to focus on selling coffee.
B. In a local newspaper
B. He does not believe there is demand for it
C. In a restaurant review
C. He has no experience in that area.
D. In a business publication
D. He does not think there is enough room for it.
169. What is stated about Mr. O'Connor?
171. What will NOT be given out at the function?
A. Me is a competitor of Mr. Anderson.
A. Coffee makers
B. He currently works in a restaurant in Devonport.
B. Discount vouchers
C. He will manage a Viola Coffee outlet.
C. Coffee beans
D. He will take over the management of a cafe chain
D. Branded mugs
Questions 172-175 refer to the following letter.

The Baby and Toddler Care Association

12 Hathfield Avenue. Vernon, Durham

Dear Vernon resident,

The Baby and Toddler Care Association is proud to present the 2010 Baby and Toddler Market. The market will be held on the 17th of July, from 8:30
am to 12:30 pm, at the Vernon Exhibition Hall on Darling Lane. Entry to the market costs $5 per person, or just $2 for those who also sign up for a free
membership to the Baby and Toddler Care Association. Parking is an additional $1 per vehicle. Parking space at the hall is strictly limited, so attendees
should carpool or take public transport if at all possible.
The market is an opportunity to buy second-hand clothes, toys, and furniture for babies and toddlers at bargain prices. Plus, shopping at the market will
support a good cause, as all proceeds from the event go towards a children's cancer charity.
The items in stock arc inspected by our team of experienced volunteers to ensure they are of the highest quality. For those interested in donating items
for sale at the market, please contact event coordinator Jarred Hayne at 555-0152 to discuss the procedures we have in place.
Items are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note also that the hall is expected to become very crowded, particularly between 9 am and 11
am. During this time, customers are asked to refrain from bringing strollers into the hall, as they will contribute to the clutter and prevent people from
browsing freely. For more details about the market, please visit

The 'Baby and Toddler Care Association

172. What is the purpose of this letter? 174. According to the letter, when are strollers forbidden in the hall?
A. To Inform a newcomer of a residence policy A. 8:30 am
B. To promote a fundraising event B. 10:30 am
C. To ask for cash donations from residents C. 11:30 am
D. To encourage someone to join an association D. 12:30 pm
173. What is NOT charged for? 175. Why might a reader contact Mr. Hayne?
A. Vehicle parking A. To reserve the best bargains
B. Used merchandise B. To get more details about the market
C. Event admission C. To make a direct donation to the charity
D. Association membership D. To inquire about providing an item for sale
Questions 176-180 refer to the following document.

Organization: Alberta Wildlife Fund

Contact: Jasmine Ying (
Date: 12/07/2010
Title: Good News for Burmester Grasslands Restoration Project

The Burmester Grasslands Restoration Project received a major boost today with the announcement of a major new sponsorship deal. Neon Mountain
will provide over $500,000 to the project over the next two years. The money contributed by Alberta’s largest clothing manufacturer will be used to
restore and maintain this wonderful natural feature.

The funds provided by this corporate sponsorship deal will allow the Alberta Wildlife Fund to continue on with plans to replant native grass seeds
along theBurmester Plain near Halifax. The native flora and fauna in this area have previously been affected by industrial activity in the area,
especially mining. The goal of the Burmester Grasslands Restoration Project is to encourage regeneration of native plants in the area. It is hoped that
this, in turn, will attract the insects and birds that once flourished there.

Neon Mountain chief executive Pero Martinez is excited about having the opportunity to support the environment. In a statement made earlier today,
he said: “Neon Mountain is a brand that the community associates with Canada's great outdoors. But our great outdoors is actually under threat. We
see this as an opportunity to help restore the natural environment so that future generations can continue to enjoy it. That’s why we have committed
substantial funding to this vital project.
176. What is this document discussing?
(A) An investment opportunity
(B) A completed project
(C) A sponsorship arrangement
(D) An environmental regulation
177. What is Neon Mountain?
(A) An environmental group
(B) A government agency
(C) A mining corporation
(D) A clothing company
178. What is said about the Burmester Plain?
(Ạ) It is a profitable industrial zone.
(B) It used to have a thriving ecosystem.
(C) It is an attractive tourist site.
(D) It is a hazardous environment.
(B) compelied
(C) performed
179. What is suggested about Mr. Martinez? (D) caused
(A) He is a regular supporter of key environmental causes.
(B) He is the person who initially proposed the project
(C) He wants to raise environmental awareness in the global society
(D) He believes his company is making an important investment
180. The “word “committed” in paragraph 3, line 5 is closest in
meaning to
(A) given

Questions 181- 185 refer to the following emails

From: Leslie Wade
To: Gregor Slavic
Subject: Design Competition

Hi Gregor,
I just received word about an upcoming design competition for the new convention center in Vancouver. If you haven’t heard about it already, please
visit for more details. The city government, which is commissioning the project, is looking for a bold and innovative
design. I immediately thought of you when I read the specifications, as you’re a talented young architect with a unique style and vision. I know you
don’t have much experience with this sort of contest, but I’m sure you can produce a winning design. This could be a major contract forour firm so, if
you can succeed, it might also take your career to the next level.
The closing date for entries is Friday, the 19th of September. I know you are currently working on the project headed by Gary Hutchinson to redesign
the Edmonton Shopping Mall, but I think you should still have plenty of time to put together a good design. If you want to meet with me to brainstorm
ideas, just let me know.
Lesley Wade

From: Gregor Slavic

To: Leslie Wade
Subject: Re: Design Competition
Dear Ms. Wade,
Thank you for alerting me to this exciting opportunity. It sounds like the organization running the competition is looking for something new and fresh.
That’s an interesting challenge for an architect, and I would relish the opportunity to work on an entry.
Unfortunately, however, that may not be possible. The work on the Edmonton Shopping Mall project has been delayed by several weeks due to a hold-
up in the building consent process. We are working as fast as we can, but it is very frustrating. To be honest, I think the only way I will be able to
produce a competition- winning design is if another associate at the firm takes my places on the Edmonton Shopping Mall project. That way, I can
concentrate all my effort on the Vancouver convention center. Perhaps you should talk to the project supervisor to work out a solution.

I look forward to hearing back from you about this

Kind regards,
Gregor Slavic

181. What is the purpose of the first email?

(D) His efficiency
(A) To remind a colleague about an upcoming deadline
183. What does Mr. Slavic imply about the competition?
(B) To inquire about the progress of a project
(A) He is not interested in taking part.
(C) To suggest a new opportunity to a worker
(B) He will not be able to meet the deadline.
(D) To urge an employee to attend aconference
(C) He does not feel he has the talent to win.
182. What does Ms. Wade admire aboutMr Slavic?
(D) He has already started working on an entry.
(A) His creativity

(B) His experience 184. What Is Mr. Slavic frustrated about?

(C) His ambition (A) Project delays

(B) Schedule clashes (A) Take his place on his current work team

(C) Management policies (B) Ask another associate to enter the competition

(D) Client relations (C) Contact Mr. Hutchinson to discuss the matter

185. What does Mr. Slavic suggest that Ms. Wade do? (D) Cancel the Edmonton Shopping Mall project

Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement and email.

Do you want to look great in a bikini next summer? Then become a member at the Bernadine Clinic. The Bernadine Clinic is a fitness and well-
being center that caters specifically to the needs of the modem woman. Our facilities are state-of-the-art, including running machines, exercise
bikes, weight machines, and free weights, as well as an 8-lane 25-meter swimming pool. We also offer a range of exercise classes, from yoga
and Pilates to jazz and hiphop dance.

As well as providing you with the best possible facilities and opportunities, we also help you develop the organizational skills and willpower to
stay fit and healthy. We understand that you have to balance work, family, and social commitments. There are only 24 hours in a day, and you
might find it hard to make time for exercising and eating well. That's why each and every member has a close relationship with a personal
consultant. Your personal consultant will not only develop a healthy eating plan for you to follow, she will help plan your schedule effectively
so that you have time to work out every day

Call 555-0890 or email membership@bernadineclinic.comto inquire about becoming a member today!

From: Margaret Jones
Subject: Query

My name Is Margaret Jones, and I am interested in becoming a member of the Bernadine Clinic. I was able to learn about the facilities and
services on offer for members via your website, and it sounds like exactly the sort of help I need to get in shape.

However, I am concerned about the cost of membership. According to the website, I would have to sign up for a minimum of 24 months, at a
cost of nearly $250 per month. I am only earning a modest salary, so this would be a major cost for me. I was wondering if it might be possible
to| commit to a shorter trial period at a reduced price. That way, I can determine for certain whether becoming a full-time member would be a
good investment.

I look forward to your reply on this matter.

Margaret Jones

186. What is NOT included in the subscription? (A) Access to gym machines
(B) Nutritional advice (D) It operates 24 hours a day.
(C) Entry to classes
(D) Personal trainers 189. Why did Ms. Jones send this email?

(A) To request a free trial period

187. What is the role of a personal consultant?
(B) To inquire about the membership policy
(A) Explaining policies to new members
(C) To set up a fitness center subscription
(B) Helping members establish a healthy lifestyle
(D) To ask a question about the facilities
(C) Advising customers on membership options
190. What does Ms. Jones hope to do?
(D) Teaching members weight training techniques
(A) Join on a trial basis only
188. What is implied about the Bernadine Clinic?
(B) Spread her payments over 24 months
(A) It recently opened for business.
(C) Sign up for an extended period .
(B) It is exclusively for women.
(D) Inspect the facilities in person
(C) It is cheaper than its competitors.

Questions 191- 195 refer to the following invoice and email

Quartz Plumbing Service
Client Number: #3675
Client contact: Jessica Rhodes
Item Date Cost
Fixing leak in bathroom pipes 07/23 $600
Replacing bathroom pipes 07/25 $400
Maintenance on kitchen unit 07/25 $150
Total cost (inclusive of 10% value- added tax) $1265

Payment Due: 08/28

Billing Code: 403980

Thank you for using Quartz Plumbing Services. Feel free to contact us at billing@quartz.comfor any questions or complaints.

*After-hours service: Any service provided outside normal business hours (9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public
holidays) accrues an additional $200 call-out charge

From: Jessica Rhodes

Subject: My Account
Date: 08/17


Firstly, I'd like to thank the staff of Quartz Plumbing Service for their excellent and professional attitude. My bathroom pipe sprung a leak in
the middle of the night. I catted your company right away, and the workers were at my house fixing the problem within just a few minutes.
Their efforts ensured that there was only a small amount of damage to the bathroom coiling and the wooden panels w the wall. I truly value the
service you provide.

However, I recently received the invoice for the plumbing services I requested last month. Most of the bill seems to be in order, but I am a little
surprised about one aspect. 1 did not realize that the prices, quoted to me over the phone did not include tax. I’m still willing to pay the full
amount, but i think in the future you should tell customers the total extent of the cost before agreeing to provide your services. I hope you will -
consider changing your policy in this regard.

Jessica Rhodes

191- What is indicated about Quartz Plumbing Service? 193. What was Ms. Rhodes impressed by?

(A) It operates late at night. (A) The discount prices

(B) It caters to corporate clients. (B) The friendly attitude

(C) It is unavailable on public holidays. (C) The efficient service

(D) It penalizes late payments. (D) The fair policy

192. How much would it have cost Ms. Rhodes to fix the leak 194. According to Ms. Rhodes, what happened to her property?
during business hours?
(A) It had a broken kitchen unit
(A) $150
(B) It sustained minor damage
(B) $200
(C) It was badly damaged
(C) $400
(D) It has dropped in value
(D) $600
195. Why is Ms. Rhodes surprised?
(A) She did not ask for the bathroom pipes to be replaced (D) She thought the price would be lower than she was

(B) She cannot recall the maintenance work to kitchen. billed.

(C) She was unaware of the after- hours service charge

Questions 196- 200- refer to the following flyer and article

Hoovers Bookstore Big Event

Book Signing
Madhu Gupta

Hoovers Bookstore, corner of Masby St. and 3rd Ave, from 6 pm to 7 pm on May 13

World-renowned Indian author Madhu Gupta will be in the store to sign copies of her much-anticipated autobiography. The book, entitled
Madhu, traces her life from the streets of Mumbai to her success as a novelist. It gives readers a chance to see inside the mind of this creative
Ms. Gupta will deliver a short speech at the start of the event. She will then be available to sign copies of the book and chat with her fans.
Tickets for this event are limited, so please visit Hoovers Bookstore to reserve yours right away.


Madhu Gupta’s long-awaited autobiography lives up to all expectations. She promised to write the book nearly a decade ago, but continued
putting off the project because she claimed it was too difficult to-write. Now that it is finished, it is not hard to see why she felt this way. The
early chapters show that she had a very troubled childhood. As a homeless orphan in Mumbai, she was in a desperate and dangerous situation.
Her life changed when she was adopted by a kind elderly couple. Her new parents, Sanjeev and Sunita, taught her how to read and write, and
she discovered a passion for language and literature.

Madhu is a deeply moving story. Like Gupta's best works of fiction, it features vivid descriptions of particular scenes. The characters are also
very clearly and cleverly described. What the story lacks, however, is Gupta’s famous sense of humor, especially in the first half of the book.
There are no light or amusing episodes to keep the reader entertained. At a recent book signing at Hoovers Bookstore in New York, Gupta
admitted that she had intentionally made the tone as heavy and serious as possible because she wanted the book to be an intense emotional I
experience. She has certainly succeeded in her aim.

Madhu is not the sort of book you can pick up for a quick read. It is, however, a book that will challenge you and make you think deeply. In my
opinion, Madhu is the best work of non-fiction published so far this year.

196. What are customers allowed to do at the event?

(A) Speak personally with the author (C) She often got into trouble with the authorities.

(B) Purchase copies at a discount (D) She grew up in a Mumbai orphanage.

(C) Get a limited edition of the book 199. What did Gupta say at the event in HooversBookstore?

(D) Take photos of the famous writer (A) She hoped the book would have an emotional impact.

197. The expression "lives up to” in paragraph 1; line 2 of the (B) She wished she had written the book earlier.
article is closest in meaning to
(C) She found this book especially difficult to write.
(A) exists
(D) She was not sure whether the book would be successful.
(B) settles
200. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as atypical
(C) gathers feature of Gupta’s style?

(D) matches (A) Vivid scene descriptions

198. What is indicated about the author's childhood? (B) Detailed character portrayals

(A) She was neglected by her adoptive parents. (C) Amusing sense of humor

(B) She survived alone on the city streets for a white. (D) Thrilling plot development

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark
the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. The accounting department

will______ aninternal audit into the
company's expenditure over the last two

(A) conduct (C) offend

(B) conducted (D) offender
(C) conducting 103. Ms. Long is preparing for______
(D) be conducted meetingwith the executives from Western
Technology Institute on Thursday.
102. Police officers caught the_____ outside
ashopping center on the afternoon of March (A) she
14. (B) her
(A) offence (C) hers
(B) offensive (D) herself

104.Mr. Bill’s_____ of the job offer at the

Department of Defence Is dependent on his
receiving a security clearance.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(A) accept (D) preserve

(B) acceptable 108. The law prohibits hospitals and

medical practices from distributing a
(C) accepted patient's ______ Information to any third
(D) acceptance party.

(A) person

105. The independent report on (B) personal

governmentinfrastructure contains_____ (C) personally
reviews of theroad and rail networks.
(D) personality_
(A) prompt
109. Although some bus drivers have
(B) capable signed the collective pay agreement, there
(C) extensive are many ______ are refusing to do so.

(D) spacious (A) what

106 .____the start-up venture is risky, (B) which

Mr. Skinneris still willing to invest $2 (C) who
million of his own money In It
(D) when
(A) Even though
110. Several important diplomats
(B) Despite were______theguests attending the
(C) Because president's 50th birthday celebrations at his
home in Bolivia.
(D) Whenever
(A) prior
107. It looks as though Ms. Poidevan will
not_____ the company at the tradeshow (B) among
because she is feeling unwell. (C) throughout
(A) represent (D) selected
(B) demonstrate 111. With Netwise Bank, you will not be
(C) expand chargedany additional fees for online

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(A) deficits 115. Ms. Suarez______ for Chair of the
Board inDecember 2009, and took up the
(B) transactions position in March of the following year.
(C) expenses (A) was nominated
(D) providers (B) was nominating
112. Sales of our car models have risen by (C) had nominated
around50 percent______ to the results last
quarter. (D) will be nominated

(A) matched 116. The hotel management trains all its

staffmembers to deal with guest
(B) evaluated inquiries______.
(C) compared (A) courtesy
(D) weighed (B) courteous
113 .______attending a conference on (C) courteously
regionaldevelopment today, the mayor will
hold a press conference to discuss the (D) more courteous
117. The ski season is______ over, so
(A) According to many peoplewill head up to the mountains
this weekend for one last time.
(B) Seeing as
(A) gradually
(C) Instead of
(B) nearly
(D) Due to
(C) severely
114. The findings from our market
research are_____unexpected that we must (D) formerly
conductanother test to confirm them.
118. The attorney's______ to the shipping
(A) as company_____ is to sue the port authorities
for causing a loss of profit.
(B) too
(A) judgment
(C) so
(B) recommendation
(D) very

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) activity 122. At the end of thetour, travelers are
required to meet_____ the front steps of the
(D) progression hotel to be picked up.
119. Mr. Lyall______ to the waiter at (A) at
Mere!Beaucoup that his steak had been
overcooked. (B) in

(A) congratulated (C) to

(B) complained (D) out

(C) resisted 123.______ next month, employees will

have to log in on the company intranet when
(D) demanded they arrive at work.
120. The Customers’ Institute website is (A) Starting
normally a _____ primary source of
information about new products. (B) Having

(A) rely (C) Taking

(B) relying (D) Doing

(C) reliable 124. It remains to be

seen_____Virotech'sdecision to acquire BHI
(D) reliably Industries will result in increased profits.

(A) whether
121. ____scientists to develop n vaccine (B) in order that
for the bird flu virus, they could potentially
help save millions of lives. (C) whereas

(A) If (D) that

(B) Should

(C) Were 125. Entries lor the design competition

will be accepted______ the month of April.
(D) Unless
(A) at

(B) along

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) throughout 129. The latest figures show that the
unemployment rate is at its____ level since
(D) white the oil crisis of the 1970s.
126. It is expected that HX Industrial (A) high
Bank will ______ become the biggest player
in local banking market. (B) highly

(A) eventual (C) higher

(B) eventually (D) highest

(C) eventuate 130. The news about the deadly terrorist

attacks in Dubai______ people around the
(D) event world.
127. The proposed reduction in Interest (A) astonished
rates will_____ influence the housing market
and other key economic areas. (B) incorporated

(A) adequately (C) exclaimed

(B) positively (D) remarked

(C) previously 131. Goods and services are less ______

in North Carolina and Mississippi than they
(D) exactly are in other parts of the country.
128. The beachside resort only______ (A) assumed
capacity in the busy vacation period from the
end of May to the beginning of August. (B) proficient

(A) sets (C) apparent

(B) reaches (D) extravagant

(C) makes 132. It Is very difficult for non-

governmental organizations to measure
(D) provides the_____ of the aid they supply to
developing nations.

(A) finding

(B) satisfaction
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(C) accuracy 136. The new CEO's unconventional
approach to the job______ some members of
(D) effectiveness the board of directors.

(A) concern
133. The company keeps______ on all (B) concerns
business deals, accounting processes, and
employment matters. (C) concerning

(A) documentation (D) is concerned

(B) encouragement 137. CFD Packing and Moving wraps

each of yourhousehold items individually to
(C) dependence ensure they are not damaged ______ transit.
(D) institution (A) with
134. Even if you have a fear of public (B) in
speaking, you should still force_____to
make presentations. (C) on

(A) you (D) for

(B) your 138. The airline announced that it_____

refunds to customers because of delays
(C) yours caused by inclement weather.
(D) yourself (A) will not have been offering
135. ______ from Angelica Diaz, none of (B) will not be offered
the conference presenters had previous
experience speaking at big industry events. (C) would not be offering

(A) Along (D) would not be offered

(B) Away 139. The manager of the grocery

store_______ positioned the snacks and
(C) Aside candy bars near the cash register.
(D) Ahead (A) supposedly

(B) strategically

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) analytically (A) authorization

(D) formidably (B) determination

140. The hiring committee will make the (C) consent

final______ about who to appoint as the new
purchasing director. (D) conviction


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of sentences. Select the best answer to complete
the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Question 141- 143 refer to the following email

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

From: Tom Evans

To: All attendees

Subject: Conference program

Dear attendees.

Thank you very much for______ the 3rd Annual Trade Marketing Conference. This promises to
be an

141. (A) reaching out to

(B) signing up for

(C) looking back on

(D) moving away from

exciting and Informative event, and I look forward to seeing you all there.

One of the highlights of the conference will be the keynote address by Inter nation ally-renowned
trade marketing guru Gus Hobson.______ his presentation, you will all have the opportunity to
speak to him

142. (A) Following

(B) Later

(C) Further

(D) Considering

during our open Question and Answer Forum. In addition, there will be a number of other
stimulating talks.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

I_______a full copy of the program for your interest, outlining all session times and breaks.

143. (A) be attaching

(B) would attach

(C) have attached

(D) was attached

take the time to look over these details as soon as you can.


Tom Evans Conference Manager

Questions 144- 146 refer to the following article

Property Market Downturn

Over the first quarter of_____ year, there has only been $50 million of turnover in the local real

144. (A) that

(B) each

(C) every

(D) this

market. This compares unfavorably with the $90 million recorded at the same time last year.

Beverley Hauritz, the chair of the Professional Realty Association, told reporters that she was not
surprised by the figures, which she believes are a result of the global financial crisis_____, she is

145. (A) However

(B) In fact

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) Nevertheless

(D) Even so

anticipating an even bigger decrease next quarter, as Investors look to reduce spending even

Although there has been talk among______that property prices may continue falling throughout

146. (A) analysis

(B) analyses

(C) analytical

(D) analysts

rest of the year, Ms. Hauritz remains confident that the property market will begin to pick up
again in the future. Her prediction is that prices will return to their previous levels by the end of
the year.

Questions 147- 149 refer to the following notice

The Formica Family and Community Club is proud to bring you the annual Formica Season of
Fun. Beginning on February 3 and finishing on February 23, the Season of Fun provides local
residents with a fantastic______ of exciting and educational events.

147. (A) line

(B) total

(C) approach

(D) range

The program includes a Teddy Bears’ picnic at Holden Park, an Adventure Playground Challenge
at the same venue, free street theater in the central city, and a Community Fun Run through the
Vira Marine Reserve.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

______ of the scheduled events will be open to all-comers. However, those interested in the

148. (A) Most

(B) All

(C) Some

(D) One

playground challenge will need to register in advance because space is limited. To find out more
about the program for this upcoming festival, visit the Formica Family and Community Club
website and_______on the link to the Formica Season of Fun.

149. (A) click

(B) clicked

(C) clicking

(D) clicks

Mr. Matthew Palmer Elevit Community College PO Box 114 Brandeis, WA

Questions 150- 152 refer to the following letter

Mr. Matthew Palmer

Elevit Community College

PO Box 114

Brandeis, WA

4 December 2010

Dear Mr. Palmer,

I'm writing in regard to the order you made with us on November 29. Our client information
records indicate that you ..a dozen new desktop computers and a dozen 17-inch LCD monitors.

150. (A) refunded

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) returned

(C) requested

(D) recalled

Before we can make this shipment, you will need to pay a deposit of 5% of the value of the order,
which comes to $600. You can submit this payment by placing a check in the addressed envelope
with this letter.

151. (A) sealed

(B) separate

(C) enclosed

(D) complete

Once this deposit has been processed, I will authorize the shipment. The remainder of the bill Is
____to our account on receipt of the goods.

152. (A) to pay

(B) to be paid

(C) paying

(D) being paid

For questions or concerns about the billing process, please contact me directly at

Kind regards,

Tim Gavins

Sales Manager — Computer Wholesaler

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153- 154 refer to the following email

From: Grace Sylvester

To: Kevin Malone

Subject: Recent Appointment

Dear Mr. Malone,

Thank you for visiting the Madison County Medical Clinic on Monday. I hope that you were
satisfied with the level of service and care that you received. As you requested in our recent
phone conversation, I have included a scanned copy of the medical certificate, signed by Dr.
Edwards, as an attachment to this email.

Should the electronic copy of this document be unacceptable to your employer, I will post the
original document to them directly. Please let me know if this is necessary. Please note that, in
the future, I recommend that you request a copy of your certificate when you see the doctor. This
is much simpler and more convenient for everybody.


Grace Sylvester

Secretary — Madison County Medical Clinic

153. What is the purpose of this email? (A) To forward a document

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) To request a payment (A) Keep all documentation and receipts
(B) Obtain a certificate during the
(C) To postpone an appointment consultation
(D) To renew medical insurance (C) Make an appointment at a more
convenient time
154. What is Mr. Malone advised to do (D) Submit the electronic copy to the clinic
next time?

Questions 155-156 refer to following instructions

Maintaining Your Jazzax DVD Player

There are a few measures that you can take to ensure that your Jazzax DVD Player stays in top
condition for as long as possible. For the best performance, please abide by the following

- Store the machine on a flat surface and in a dry area.

- To protect the electrical circuit, do not leave the machine on standby for long periods.
Unplug it from the electrical outlet when you know you will not be using it in the near future.

- Always use the eject button when opening and closing the machine. Handling the
machine manually may cause damage to the components.

- If the machine becomes dusty or dirty, clean It gently with a damp cloth. Do not use any
chemical agents.

The Jazzax DVD Player is under warranty for a maximum of 3 years. If you experience an
problems with the machine, visit the Jazzax website for common troubleshooting problems and
advice. Or, if the information on the website does not meet your needs, you can call theJazzax
service center at 1-800-555-0786 and one of our technicians will come and ta care of it.

155. What are customers told to do? (B) Clean the machine with gentle
(A) Read the warranty carefully

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) Refrain from closing the machine by (A) Troubleshooting advice
(B) A repair service
(D) Dry the machine after cleaning
(C) A routine maintenance check
156. What can customers receive from the
service center? (D) An extended warranty

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 157- 159 refer to the following advertisement

Business Solutions has been voted the best firm in small-business banking at the Regional
Banking Awards for the 5th time in a row. What is the secret to our I success? The answer lies in
our responsive and professional service. We realize that j entrepreneurs are extremely busy, and
that they have highly specialized needs, So we tailor our services accordingly.

Business Solutions also offers a highly advanced online banking service. You can transfer funds
between accounts, exchange foreign currency, and apply f0r emergency loans all with the click of
a few buttons.

Moreover, every firm that Joins Business Solutions gets its very own Solutions Manager.
Solutions Managers not only get to know their customers personally, they also develop an
excellent understanding of their customers' businesses, so they can give fast and well-considered
advice on all banking matters. Solutions Managers are available and at your service 365 days a
year, so you can call them when it's convenient for you, and not the other way around.

Try Business Solutions for a banking service that caters to the needs of your business!

157. For whom is this advertisement most (A) It offers advanced online services.
likely intended?
(B) It is an award-winning company.
(A) Small-business owners
(C) It can provide urgently-needed funds.
(B) Banking executives
(D) It offers training for entrepreneurs.
(C) Financial advisors
159. What is indicated about Solutions
(D) Investment fund managers Managers?

158. What is NOT mentioned about (A) They give advice on starting a
Business Solutions? business.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) They are on call all year round. (D) They have excellent Interpersonal
(C) They have an extensive network of

Question 160- 162 refer to the following invitation

Dear Business Leader

Thw Walton Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to a special function on the evening of
November 23. Charlton Greig, previous CEO of IHB Securities, will deliver a talk at the
exclusive Marleybone Club. Mr. Greig has won a number of business awards, including the
prestigous World Commerce Federation Gold Star. At the event, he will share his amazing
personal story with you, outlining how he overcame a childhood of poverty to become a leading
business executive. He will also express his opinions on some of the most umportant issues in
business today. In assition, attendees will also have the opportunity to chat with Mr. Greig over
dinner afterwards.

Bear in mind that space at this premier at this premier event is extremely limited. The
Marleybone Club has room for only 50 attendees, so please contact the Walton Chamber of
Commerce secretary, Mary East, at 021-990-779 as soon as possible if you are interested in
attending. Entry to the event costs $250 per person. A three- course dinner is included in the price
of admission.

We look forward to seeing you there! The Walton Chamber of Commerce

160. What will take place on November


(A) A meeting of the chamber of


(B) An Industry awards ceremony

(C) A speech by a prominent

businessman 161. According to the Invitation, what is
(D) A charity fundraising event remarkable about Mr. Greig?

(A) He founded a famous company.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(B) He has a lot of experience abroad. (A) It requires guests to register in
(C) He is from a poor background.
(B) It will feature a formal meal.
(D) He established many business awards.
(C) It will be held at an exclusive club.
162. What is NOT indicated about the
function? (D) It has already sold out.

Questions 163- 166 refer to the following article

Showcase for Dutch Film

Much to the delight of local cinema buffs, attend screenings are advised to book early,
Dutch Film Week is coming to Ithaca next as demand for tickets is expected to be high.
week. The series will kick off on Friday
night with a viewing of Theo van Saar's
thriller The Badlands. This movie won Dutch Film Week will not only showcase a
prizes for Best Director and Best Original unique type of cinema, it will also celebrate
Screenplay at the 2010 International Film Dutch arts and culture. Accordingly, the
Awards. Other films that willscreen Ludo will host an opening ceremony to mark
throughout the week include the comedy the opening of this exciting festival. As well
Keeping up with the Van Dijk's from as local film enthusiasts, the function will
director RuudiHuyt, and Marco Gullit’s also be attended by prominent members of
tragedy The Night to End All Nights. the Dutch community, including
All of the films will screen at the Ludo Ambassador Paul Haajer, who is expected to
Theater on Justin Street. A copy of the make a short speech. While tickets to the
program can be downloaded from the first screening are still available, the opening
Ludo’s website, or you can pick one up from ceremony is an invitation-only event.
outside its ticket office. Those wishing to

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

163. What is this article mainly about? (C) An award-winning director

(A) A recent show (D) A renowned film critic

(B) A film festival 165. What is mentioned as something

readers can find online?
(C) A live production
(A) Tickets to events
(D) An upcoming movie
(B) A detailed schedule
164. Who is Theo van Saar?
(C) A series of film reviews
(A) A local cinema buff
(D) Their booking confirmation
(B) A theater operator
166. What will happen at the function?

(A) A political figure will speak.

(B) Tickets will be available for purchase.

(C) An exhibition will be showcased.

(D) People will watch a Dutch performance.

Questions 167- 168 refer to the following schedule

Stanley Inc.

Orientation Program

March 14

Time Event Venue

8: 45 am Introductions and administration Main Lobby
9:00 am CEO’s welcoming address Main Conference Hall
10:00 am Seminar on company history Main Conference hall
11:00 am Morning tea Employee Lounge
11:20 am Briefing on employee guidelines Seminar Room 3
12:00 am Briefing on administrative Seminar Room 3

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

12:40 am Lunch** Hedley Suite
1:40 pm Complete tour of facilities

* Light refreshments will be provided, including tea, coffee, juice and fresh fruit.

** A sit-down lunch will be provided.

Please arrive at 8:45 promptly for the start of the proceedings, when you will be given a name tag
and an orientation folder. You will also have a chance to chat informally with the other recruits
before the CEO’s address. Personnel manager Boris Hanson is in charge of the orientation program.
Any questions or queries about the schedule should be directed to him at

167. For whom is this schedule probably (A) Participants will eat a meal.
(B) A tour of the facilities will start.
(A) New employees
(C) Light refreshments will be made
(B) Personnel staff available.

(C) Event organizers (D) Attendees will receive some

(D) Company shareholders

168. According to the schedule, what will

happen in the Main Lobby?

Questions 169- 171 refer to the following memo

On behalf of the workplace issues committee, I would like to remind you all about the
importance of energy conservation. By reducing our energy usage in the office, we can not only
save thousands of dollars on electricity bills, but we can also help the environment. Moreover,
being energy efficient will help boost our image in the community.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

At last month's meeting of the workplace issues committee, we came up with a list of simple
measures that individual employees can take to help conserve energy. Please read the following
ideas, and try to put them into practicel

 Switch off your computer and monitor when you take your lunch break.

 Do not use a screen saver on your computer.

Leave the blinds open so that artificial lighting can be kept to a minimum.

 Dress appropriately for the conditions so as to reduce usage of heating and air conditioning.

Take the stairs rather than the elevator whenever possible.

This list is an excellent start but it is far from exhaustive. If you have any suggestions to add,
please do so. Whether you are a senior manager or a junior office clerk, your input is equally
valuable! You can post suggestions on the workplace issues web page on the company intranet.
We will then discuss your suggestions at next month's meeting of the workplace issues

Kind regards.

Bethany Willets

169. What is implied about the workplace (D) Its main purpose is to boost the
issues committee? company's image.

(A) It is comprised of
environmental activists.

(B) It was initiated to save on

overhead costs.

(C) It meets on a monthly basis.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

171. What is NOT a suggestion made by
the committee to each employee?

(A) Turning off computers

170. How can readers contribute ideas? whenever possible
(A) By attending a committee (B) Reducing dependence on
meeting artificial lighting
(B) By contacting their manager (C) Installing a screen saver on
(C) By emailing Ms, Willets their computer

(D) By posting comments on a web (D) Using the stairs instead of the
page elevator

Questions 172- 175 refer to the following email

From: Tony Cahill

To: All

Subject: Important Notice Everybody,

The IT team will be restarting the company server tonight from 9 pm until 12 am. This is a routine
maintenance procedure to ensure that our network continues to perform to a high standard.
Restarting the server removes a lot of the excess cache that can slow the network down. You should
notice improved Internet browsing and file download speeds from tomorrow.

However, this means that you cannot work on office computers after 9 pm this evening, nor will you
be able to access any company databases from anywhere else during this period. The other
important point to note is that you should log off your office computer before you go home this
evening. If you fail to do so, the procedure may erase all of the files stored on your computer. IT
technicians will also go around the building tonight double-checking that all employees are logged
off, as this is crucially important.

Should you have any questions or concerns about this procedure, please call the IT desk for support
at extension 409. One of our technicians will be there to respond to your inquiry.


TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Tony Cahill

IT Director

172. What is the main purpose of this email? (D) Check work spaces

(A) To warn employees about 174. What are employees asked to do?
server maintenance
(A) Work remotely from home
(B) To Inform employees about a
new IT policy (B) Log off their computers

(C) To explain a glitch In the (C) Stay late to help IT staff

computer network (D) Erase excess files on their
(D) To solicit feedback on recent desktop
IT changes 175. The word "support" in paragraph 3,
173. What will technicians do this evening? line 1 closest in meaning to

(A) Explain procedures (A) protection

(B) Contact employees (B) aid

(C ) Install computers (C) sympathy

(D) encouragement

Questions 176-180 refer to the following letter.

Parker & Hobbes

PO Box 4399
Brisbane, Australia

October 11,2010

Lynette Gallagher

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Acton Industry
Level 12, Fraser Place
Cairns, Australia
Dear Ms. Gallagher,
Thank you for contacting Parker & Hobbes on October 2 to register your interest in our services. My
name is Jamal Yee and I will be your point of contact at Parker & Hobbes. You can get in touch
with me by email, phone or fax. My contact details are recorded at the bottom of this letter.
I would be delighted to develop accommodations solutions for your company in the Cairns area. As
you are probably aware, our headquarters is based in Brisbane, but we do conduct a substantial
amount of business in Cairns and the surrounding region. Therefore, I am confident that I can
arrange to design and build adequate housing for your workforce in this area. Please allow me to
explain the procedure from here.
As I understand from the initial request you sent, Acton Industry intends to begin work on the
Toowumba mine, 50 kilometers southwest of Cairns, in early 2012. With that deadline in mind (and
please let me know immediately if this information is incorrect), I hope to submit detailed plans of
the housing complex by March 2011 for your approval. As soon as the plans have been settled, the
construction process should take around 6 to 8 months.
I look forward to working with you closely on this exciting project.
Jamal Yee
Project Manager — Parker & Hobbes

Office: 03-888-9077

Cell: 012-908-907 - Fax: 03-888-9078

176. What is the purpose of this letter? 177. What sort of business is Parker &
Hobbes involved In?
(A) To promote a business opportunity
(A) Mining
(B) To respond to a client inquiry
(B) Investment
(C) To advertise a firm's services
(C) Housing
(D) To confirm a delivery

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) Resorts (B) To request Mr. Yee’s personal contact
178. What is indicated about Acton
Industry? (C) To provide feedback on the designs

(A) It is a brand new business venture. (D) To point out an error in Mr. Yee's
(B) It will close its Toowumba site.
180. According to Mr. Yee, what will
(C) It is headquartered in Brisbane. probably happen soon after March 2011?
(D) It will launch an operation near Cairns. (A) Construction work will begin.
179. Why might Ms. Gallagher reply right (B) A draft plan will be devised.
(C) A mining facility will open.
(A) To register interest in the firm’s
services (D) The complex will be relocated.

Questions 181- 185 refer to the following article and web page

Farmers’ Market Takes Off

New Patronage figures show that the Dayton Farmers’ Market has become a big success. The
weekly market, which was launched at the start of the year, attracts on average 4000 people
every Sartuday. That is more than double the attendance that was initially projected.

Observers have been very surprised by the market’s popularity. Prominent local businessman
Jerome Leiter believes the market is doing so well because it provide a huge variety of fresh
foods, from free range eggs and meat products to vegetables and fruits. He also thinks thgw
quality of the food is outstanding, so many people are choosing to shop at the market rather than
at their local grocery store. Heather Foster, who was the main champion of the farmers market
concept, thinks it serves an important community- building function, too. Foster says the market
has become an important meeting place for people to get together and talk.

Whatever the reason, the Dayton Farmers Market looks set to keep growing. There are even
suggestions that it may open both days of the weekend in order to cater for the increasing

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

The Dayton Farmers’ Market

Get your groceries as fresh as possible from the Dayton Farmers’ Market. You can buy fresh
produce, enjoy free food samples, and have delicious snacks and coffee from the market food
stalls. Here's a list of stalls and sellers:

- Maggie’s (specializing in apples and pears)

- Mushroom Medley (with mushrooms of all shapes and sizes)

- Rennie’s Meat and Poultry (enjoy fine cut meats here)

- Eggtastic! (get excellent free range eggs)

- Assorted Produce (featuring seasonal fruits and vegetables)

- The Marketplace Café (the best espresso coffee in the city)

- Taste Sensation (with a fabulous brunch menu)

The Dayton Farmers’ Market is held at the County Show Grounds every Saturday from 8 am to
1 pm, and every Sunday from 9 am to 12 pm.

181. What is the purpose of the article? (A) The range of food

(A) To promote an upcoming community (B) The sense of community

(C) The affordable prices
(B) To report on the profits of a local
company (D) The quality of the produce

(C) To publicize a local fundraising effort 183. Who most likely is Heather Foster?

(D) To describe the success of a business (A) A prominent business person

venture (B) A local farmer
182. What is NOT mentioned as a reason (C) An advocate of the market
for the market’s popularity?

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) A business journalist 185. According to the article and web page,
what has changed about the market?
184. Where can customers purchase meals?
(A) The opening hours
(A) The Marketplace Café
(B) The venue
(B) Taste Sensation
(C) The stall owners
(C) Eggtastic!
(D) The selling items
(D) Maggie’s
Questions 186- 190 refer to the following emails

From: Lee Wang

To: Walhurst Group CC: Kim Alba

Subject: FW: Getting Fit

Dear all,
This is a message from Kim Alba at Global Fitness. I’ve forwarded it to everyone in the office.
Lee Wang
From: Kim Alba
To: Lee Wang
Subject Getting Fit

Dear Mr. Wang,

My name is Kim Alba and I am a client consultant at Global Fitness. I have an offer that I would
like you, as personal development manager at Walhurst Group, to extend to all employees at your
firm. Global Fitness will allow Walhurst Group staff to have a 30% discount on our annual
membership fees. Instead of paying $1,200 per year for a subscription, Walhurst Group employees
can pay just $840. That’s a saving of $360!

Members are entitled to full access to all our services and facilities. These include a 4-lane
swimming pool, weight and fitness machines, personal trainers, exercise classes, nutritional advice

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

and much more. I have attached a copy of our online brochure so those interested in joining Global
Fitness can see the full range of services that we offer.

As a special bonus, I will even let Walhurst Group employees try out the facilities for free. Walhurst
Group staff members can take out a 1 -month trial membership at no charge. You can’t beat that for


Kim Alba

From: Christine Strauss

To: Kim Alba

Subject: Re: FW: Getting Fit

Dear Kim,

I was interested in getting ỉn shape for the summer, so I decided to capitalize on the offer you made
Walhurst Group employees. I have been going to Global Fitness almost every day for the last
month, and I am impressed by the amenities. However, for my own workout needs, I do not think
that I will have much use for weight machines and personal trainers. I only want to use your
swimming pool and take jazz dance classes. As such, I'm unwilling to pay $840 per year for the few
services and facilities I will use. However, I would be happy to pay a smaller amount. Can you make
exceptions for people in my situation? Please let me know if this is possible.


Christine Strauss

186. What is the main topic of the first (D) An exercise machine
187. What accompanies Ms. Alba’s email?
(A) A business opportunity
(A) An endorsement from Mr. Wang
(B) A special offer
(B) An information flyer
(C) An innovative diet program
(C) A discount coupon
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(D) A program schedule (D) She took advantage of the trial
188. According to Ms. Alba, what is the
standard subscription cost per year? 190. Why does Ms. Strauss make a special
(A) $360
(A) She cannot afford the full gym
(B) $840 subscription.
(C) $1,200 (B) She does not want a year-long
(D) $1,560 membership.

189. What is indicated about Ms. Strauss? (C) She will not make use of all the
(A) She will join the Walhurst Group in
the summer. (D) She needs special help using some
(B) She is an experienced fitness trainer.

(C) She is a professional development


Questions 191- 195 refer to the following notice and email

Attention, please!

Thank you for visiting Kent Hospital. There are a few simple rules that we ask visitoors to abide by

 Visitations are only allowed between 9 am and 8 pm. Visits outside these hours may be
permitted in special cases. To request an offer- hours visit, please fill out a form at the front
desk and speak to the receptionist.
 In general, each patient will only be allowed to receive three visitors at a time, if you are part
of a larger group, please seek approval from the receptionist beforehand.
 Be courteous to other hospital patients during visits. Try to keep your voice down and refrain
from working up or disturbing others.
 Hygiene is very important at hospitals. To avoid the spread of dangerous infections, make
sure you wash your hands thoroughly when you enter and leave the hospital.


TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

The Staff- Kent Hospital

From: Leanne Holmes

To: Barry Edwards X

Subject: Visitors

Dear Mr. Edwards,

I’m emailing you in regard to the rules for visitors to the hospital. The main problem is that many
visitors are not following the regulations, and this is causing problems on the medical wards.
Especially, there have been frequent reports about large groups of visitors that make a lot of noise
and cause disruption. This is neither fair to the other patients at the hospital, nor to the nursing and
medical staff.

I very rarely have visitors come up to my desk to request an after-hours or group visit. So, I think
the problem is that people are unaware of the rules. Perhaps we should try to place the signs more
prominently around the hospital. I’m sure you will have other ideas about how we can make
improvements in this matter.


Leanne Holmes

191. What is the notice mainly about? (A) Contact a staff member

(A) The new rules related to hospital staff (B) Have a health check

(B) The hospital’s emergency procedures (C) Fill out a form

(C) The regulations governing hospital (D) Clean their hands


(D) The hospital patients’ rights

192. What are visitors asked to do before

entering the site?

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) People visiting the hospital late at

(C) Excessively strict guidelines on

193. Who most likely is Ms. Holmes? (D) Disruption caused by loud visitors
(A) A nurse 195. What recommendation does Ms.
(B) A receptionist Holmes make?

(C) A patient (A) Changing visitation procedures

(D) A visitor (B) Reassessing the regulations

194. What is Ms. Holmes particularly (C) Repositioning the notices

concerned about? (D) Informing hospital patients again
(A) Patient complaints about hospital staff

Questions 196- 200 refer to the following email and advertisement

From: Lisa Forsyth

To: Ben Rhodes

Subject: Buying a car

Dear Mr. Rhodes,

I am contacting you on the recommendation of my close friend, Dallas West, who bought a vehicle
from you earlier thgis year. The car I own now- a 1999 Datsun 350 hatchback- keeps breaking
down, so I am looking to replace it. I hope you can help me find something suitable art a reasonable

While my Datsun 350 has served the well, I really want to upgrade to a largest vehicle. I am an
events coordinator so I often have to transport audiovisual equipment and other cumbersome items
in my car. Accordingly, I would prefer something with a lot of trunk space, like a wagon or SUV.
But at the same time, I’m concerned about the environment, so I’d like the car to be fuel- efficient.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Finally, my experience with the Datsun 350 has taught me that older vehicles often have mechadical
problems. This time, I want to get something more mordern, even if it is more expensive.

If you find any cars that may interest me, please let me know.


Lisa Forsyth

1999 Jervais XTL, $13,000

You won't find a top-quality SUV for a better price than this. It comes with power steering, electric
windows, a sunroof, a powerful sound system and a spacious trunk. It has a metallic silver exterior
and trendy black leather upholstery. Don't be fooled by this vehicle's age. It is an ex-rental car that
received regular servicing. It will outperform a car. 5 years younger, guaranteed. Moreover, the
Jervais XTL is incredibly cheap to run. It does nearly 15 miles per gallon, meaning it consumes 30%
less gas than most SUVs. For a car that looks great, drives well, and won't let you down, call Rhodes
Motors at 03-778-909.

196. What is the main purpose of Ms. (D) Her current car is unreliable.
Forsyth’s email?
198. The word “cumbersome" in paragraph
(A) To attempt to sell a second-hand 2, line 2 of the email is closest in meaning to
(A) bulky
(B) To place an order for a vehicle part
(B) mechanized
(C) To describe the kind of car she is
looking for (C) fragile

(D) To request a mechanical service (D) technical

197. What is suggested about Ms. Forsyth? 199. What can be inferred about the
advertised vehicle?
(A) She is knowledgeable about cars.
(A) It has recently been reupholstered.
(B) Her employer will pay for her vehicle.
(B) It has additional unlisted accessories.
(C) She is planning to buy her first
vehicle. (C) It was manufactured 5 years ago.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) It has been well maintained. (B) Its size

200. What feature of the advertised vehicle (C) Its fuel efficiency
may be a problem for Ms. Forsyth?
(D) Its price
(A) Its age

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark
the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. If you notice the device emitting (A) thorough

smoke orsparks,_______ it off immediately.
(B) more thorough
(A) turn
(C) thoroughly
(B) turns
(D) thoroughness
(C) turning
104. The company’s new headquarters
(D) to turn office basedat Canary Wharf is____larger
than the oldone.
102. If you come across any errors in the
articleduring proofreading, please (A) considerably
report______tothe managing editor.
(B) notoriously
(A) It
(C) additionally
(B) itself
(D) optionally
(C) them
105. Because she can speak some
(D) themselves Japanese, Mary was_____ to the task of
showing the visitors from Japan the firm's
103. Out of courtesy to other kitchen facilities.
users, allitems must be cleaned____after use.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(A) assigned (D) respondents

(B) linked l09 Michael Whittaker's new blockbuster

From Hen to Etemtty has received favorable
(C) afforded from most film critics.
(D) revised (A) reviews
106. For all the__news headlines from (B) articles
Britainand around the world, visit
www.britaintoday. com today. (C) reports

(A) late (D) summaries

(B) later 110. Over 2 million customers_____ to

GeckoVision, a popular cable television
(C) latest service based in Lahore.
(D) lately (A) subscribe
107. Customers can contact a (B) relate
companyrepresentative to discuss their
bill_____ by (C) limit

phone or by email. (D) apply

(A) and 111. Highway 61 will be closed from

Saturdayevening until Monday
(B) either morning,___motorists should use an
(C) both alternative route.

(D) nor (A) but

108. Few of the survey.......indicated that (B) so

theywould be willing to participate in an in- (C) for
depth interview afterwards.
(D) even
(A) respond
112. The civic library stocks a wide range
(B) responses of_____materials, including books. DVDs,
(C) responsive and CDs.

(A) educate
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(B) educated 116. The management would like to
inform patronsthat the ATM on the second
(C) education floor is currently out of _____.
(D) educational (A) line
113. The financial consultant (B) control
made__suggestions about how we could
improve our overall performance. (C) order

(A) every (D) date

(B) several 117. The manager of the building

materials supplyfirm is hopeful that the
(C) most shipment of goods will arrive__ on time.
(D) much (A) exact
114 ._____Carl and Jenny, none of the (B) exacted
otheremployees has had any formal first-aid
training. (C) exacting

(A) Yet (D) exactly

(B) Towards 118. A few of the local

residents___uncertainabout the multinational
(C) Besides company's plans to build a chemical factory
(D) Among in Lownes.

115. In order to increase___ the (A) Is

financemanager began selling off some of (B) are
the company's assets.
(C) be
(A) interval
(D) being
(B) revenue
119 ._______the economy was In recession
(C) interest last year,several manufacturing firms in this
(D) margin region filed for bankruptcy.

(A) While

(B) During
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(C) Beyond (A) attaches

(D) However (B) attached

120. Since we installed the automatic (C) attaching

garbage Incinerator, we have been producing
much _____ household waste. (D) attachment

(A) fewer 124. The 50th anniversary is a______that

very fewcompanies actually manage to
(B) little reach.

(C) less (A) commitment

(D) low (B) milestone

121. Chinese government officials plan to (C) variation

invest in renewable energy to reduce the
country's _on fossil fuels. (D) yield

(A) depends 125. Ms. Ingrid Harper takes a

somewhat_____ approach to the
(B) depending management of herinvestment portfolio.

(C) dependence (A) cautious

(D) dependent (B) vertical

122. Residents ___wish to sign up for (C) visible

theNeighborhood Watch group should
contact Sally Livingstone at 018-990-987. (D) prospective

(A) what 126. Mr. McCathy____the purchase

ofbrand new Gyro XT photocopiers from
(B) which office machinery supplier.

(C) who (A) specialized

(D) whom (B) adjoined

123. You can find out more about the (C) agreed
KingstonCharity's operations if you view
the____ report (D) authorized

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

127 ____donating funds to the (C) evacuated
ReidEnvironmental Agency, you are helping
to I protect native plant and animal species (D) renovated
fr07l I extinction. 131. Please leave a short note with your
(A) Around name and contact details and we will get
back to you_____.
(B) With
(A) outwardly
(C) By
(B) previously
(D) For
(C) truly
128. Worldwide sales of the new SUV
model were Iextremely_____last year (D) promptly
considering theglobal financial recession. 132. The business management team will
(A) strength preparea report_____ our strategy for the
next fiveyears.
(B) strong
(A) outlines
(C) strongly
(B) outlined
(D) strengthen
(C) outlining
129 .____the manager has finished
theperformance reviews, she will forward (D) be outlined
the results on to the executive board. 133. Weather forecasters expect it to
(A) Once rain_____ allday on Sunday, before clearing
up on Monday.
(B) Until
(A) heave
(C) Should
(B) heavy
(D) Despite
(C) heaviness
130. The building contractor has _____
over 15 properties, including famous hotels (D) heavily
Le Ranch. 134. There is a lot of opposition in
(A) desired Congress_____ the President's proposal
regarding health care.
(B) alleviated
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(A) for (C) imitating

(B) to (D) to imitate

(C) within 138. A result of 800 out of 1,000 in the

aptitude testis just__the average score
(D) as achieved byour graduate recruits.
135. The tour guide gave members of the (A) below
group a chance to explore the ancient castle
on _______. (B) among

(A) theirs (C) toward

(B) them (D) on

(C) themselves 139. The TeAnau region is______

populated, withapproximately only 1 person
(D) their own for every 4,000 hectares of land.
136. If employees are late or miss work (A) regularly
without providing prior notice, they must
provide a valid_______ to their supervisor. (B) famously

(A) permit (C) sparsely

(B) intensity (D) practically

(C) perspective 140. Although the senator is very____, he

1snot always able to communicate his ideas
(D) justification successfully to his constituents.
137. German engineers are developing a (A) deliberate
robot that_____ the behavior and emotions
of humans. (B) envious

(A) imitates (C) articulate

(B) imitated (D) probable

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of sentences. Select the best answer to complete
the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following notice.

The Lafette Management Workshop Series continues on Monday next week. At Gadsby Hall
inNew Brunswick, there will be a seminar on improving_____ in the office. If you want to get

141. (A) productivity

(B) recruitment
(C) accountability
(D) venture
employees working more efficiently, then you need to attend this event.

The seminar will be led by Lois Potter of Potter and Knight Consulting. Ms. Potter has over 20
years ___of Industry experience, including over 10 years as CEO of Western Telecom. She is a

142. (A) worth

(B) worthy
(C) worthwhile
(D) worthless
world-renowned expert In handling interpersonal dynamics In the workplace.

As usual, this seminar is completely free for all attendees. The event_______by Lafette, the

143. (A) is supporting

(B) is supported
(C) was supporting
(D) was supported

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

fastest-growing investment management fund in the United States. To find out more about
Lafette’s services, please visit the Information booth outside the seminar venue

Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement

Why pay an expensive fitness center subscription fee? Why waste time and energy going to a
publicgym?_____. you can get a complete workout at home by buying a CDX Home Gym.

144. (A) Moreover

(B) Accordingly
(C) Instead
(D) Despite
The CDX Home Gym is a total workout system. It has over 10 fully_______ weights and
settings. What

145.(A) reliable
(B) adjustable
(C) measurable
(D) tradable
this means is that you can set up the machine to match your own unique workout needs. The
CDX Home Gym also comes with a complementary workout DVD with fitness guru Mark Shaw.

The CDX Home Gym is available for just $450, plus $25 for_. Assembly is required, with all

146. (A) shipping

(B) installation

(C) building

(D) compilation

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

parts, tools, and instructions included in the delivery.

Questions 147-149 refer to the following email.

From: Keiran Henderson

To: Sharon Master
Subject: Olivia Wright
Dear Ms. Hasler,

I'm writing to congratulate you on your hiring of Olivia Wright. Olivia has been an excellent
employee here at San Francisco Advertising, and I’m sure she will do a great job for you in
London. _____the
147. (A) At
(B) Because I
(C) Since I
(D) To
day she first started with us, Olivia has stood out as a talented and hardworking individual. She
has I now developed her skills and experience, too.

Please know that Olivia has left our company on the best of terms. Her husband is British and
they I had been looking for an opportunity to move to England for a few months. I _____ losing

148. (A) expect

(B) regret

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) depress
(D) forget
after working with her for so many years. However, I am delighted that she has found a suitable I
position at your high-profile and well-respected agency.
Olivia_____a superb addition to your company. I wish you both all the best in the future.
149. (A) has been

(B) win be
(C) would have been
(D) is being
Keiran Henderson

Questions 150-152 refer to the following letter.

Ms. Natalia Servoski

Odvik Industries

Olag. Ukraine

Dear Ms. Servoski,

I am writing to express my gratitude for your generous hospitality last week. I very much
enjoyedhaving the opportunity to____ your company’s operations. I learned a lot about how to
run a
150. (A) observe
(B) trial
(C) integrate
(D) outsource
manufacturing business from my visit From what I could see, you have very efficient procedures
andan excellent workplace culture. This explains __you are one of the leading manufacturing

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

151. (A) whether
(B) which

(C) why

(D) when

in Eastern Europe. I am sure that your company will continue to enjoy solid growth over the
coming years.
I would like to extend an invitation for you____ to our headquarters in Detroit That way, you can
152. (A) come

(B) came

(C) coming

(D) to come
get a chance to see how we operate. Please let me know what you think of this suggestion.
Terry Wells


Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following notice.

Dear Residents.

The Holt Towers Residents1 Association will hold Its monthly meeting next Monday
evening at 71 pm. The event will take place in the conference room on the first floor of the
main building. Please aim to arrive 10 minutes in advance, so that the meeting can begin on
time. A brief agenda of I items to be discussed is included below.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

- Security: Several residents have expressed concern about security guards being inattentive
while on duty. Possible solutions to this problem will be discussed at length.

- Playground: The children's playground in front of the north tower is in need of repair.
Attendees will review plans for a renovated playground.
- Association fees: The annual review of the association's fees will take place.

153. What are readers asked to do? 154. What is suggested about the
(A) Confirm their attendance apartment's security service?
(B) Suggest ideas for the agenda (A) It is performing poorly.
(C) Get to the venue by 6:50 pm
(B) It is currently understaffed.
(D) Read the minutes of a
(C) It is due for its annual review.
(D) It is expected to expand In

Questions 155-156 refer to the following letter.

Ms. Pamela Jenkins

145 Hardwood Drive
Alton, MA 02187
August 15, 2010

Dear Ms Jenkins,

According to our records, your subscription to the Alton Herald is due to expire at the end of this
month. Unless you renew your subcription within the next two weeks, the newspaper will no
longer be delivered to your premises

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Subscriptions are all handled online now, so in order to renew, please visit our website at . By clicking on the “renew” button in the top right corner and following
the simple instructions, you will ensure that you continue to receive a hard copy of the paper
every day. Moreover, you will also be entitled to view premium news content on our website,
such as exclusive pictures and videos, expert opinion and analysis, and much more.


The Team- Alton Herald

155. What is the main purpose of this letter? (D) To advertise a newly launched
(A) To double-check a subscriber’s
personal details 156. What is available via the website?

(B) To remind a subscriber to renew a (A) Breaking news

(B) Current affairs links
(C) To explain a change to the
subscription service (C) Email updates

(D) Special content

Questions 157- 159 refer to the following article

Local dance enthusiast are in for a special treat this spring. The Jacksonville Ballet
Company will perform The End at Polygon Hall from the 1st of March. The season is set to
run for three weeks, ending on Saturday, March 21. As in previous years, tickets to the event
are expected to sell out quickly.

The End is a sad and absorbing tale written by Russian choreographer and composer Dmitri
Valos. Set against the backdrop of World War I, it depicts a tragic love story between a
German soldier, Hans, and a young Russian woman, Kristina. Up-and- coming star Nathan
Hinds will play the role of Hans in the production, while the role of Kristina has gone to an
amateur, local woman Mariana Ostev. Overseeing the production will be experienced
director Heather Lynwood.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Ms. Lynwood was unavailable to comment on her plans for the production. Although
Lynwood is renowned for her unique production style, it is understood that she will adopt a
traditional approach for The End.

157. What is indicated about the event? (D)A choreographer

(A) It is the company's first production. 159. What is NOT mentioned about Ms.
(B) It is expected to be popular.
(A) She has directed ballets before.
(C) It will run until the end of the year.
(B) She is famous for her unusual
(D) It will be warm and uplifting. approach.
158. Who is Mariana Ostev? (C) She is running her own production
(A) A dancing star agency.

(B) A novice ballerina (D) She wasn’t able to reveal anything

about the production.
(C) A ballet director

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 160-162 refer to the following email.

From: Glenda Hughes

To: All

Subject: Training opportunity

Hello everyone,

I'm sending this email out to inform you all of on excellent training opportunity. The
professional development team is holding a special workshop on Friday afternoon to which
you are all invited. The session will cover public speaking skill, discussing basic principle
and special techniques that can help people improve their ability to deliver presentations. I
know that public speaking can be a difficult challenge for many people. If you're in that
category, then this la nr excellent chance to work on an area of weakness.

The session will be led by Dana Forbes, a former employee of this company who has set up
his own consulting business. Dane has delivered hundreds of presentations over the course
of his career, so he brings a lot of knowledge and experience to the workshop. There will
also be an opportunity for attendees to discuss their own experiences with public speaking.
Attendees should bring along a pen and some paper in order to take notes end complete
some basic exercises.

The workshop will take place in Conference Room 2 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm on Friday. I
hope to see you there.


160. Who most likely will attend the (C) Workers who need help with writing
workshop? skills

(A) Stan members who regularly deal (D) Employees with poor presentation
with the public skills

(B) Managers with poor communication 161. What is mentioned about the
skills workshop leader?
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(A) He to or the professional 162. What are participants instructed to
development team. do?

(B) He has run the workshop hundreds of (A) Write about their own experiences
(B) Hike wrung materials to tho event
(C) He is no longer employed by the
company. (C) Register for the workshop in advance

(D) He used to find public speaking (D) Complete some exercises beforehand

Questions 163-166 refer to the following memo.

Attn: Research staff

As part of our initiative to engage more vigorously with our consumers, we have decided to
conduct a number of focus groups over the next couple of weeks. Participants in the focus
groups will provide feedback on issues such as our branding, our new range of products and
our prices. We hope this research work will generate a lot of ideas that we can then use to
improve our products and boost sales. However, in order to run the events smoothly, we
need some of you to volunteer your services.

The focus groups will run in the evenings, from 7 pm to 9 pm. Given time constraints, we
hope to run five tables concurrently each evening. We will need a facilitator and a
transcriber at each table, which is where you come in. We hope that you will make the most
of this interesting opportunity.

The facilitator’s main tasks are to keep the conversation on track and make sure everyone in
the group is contributing. Accordingly, facilitators need to have excellent interpersonal
skills. Transcribers, on the other hand, will be responsible for recording the focus group
participants' ideas and suggestions. Therefore, transcribers require good listening skills and
the ability to take lots of notes quickly. If you feel you are suited to either of these roles,
please email Jenny Richards at to let her know.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

163. What is NOT indicated about the (A) Someone with previous
focus groups? experience

(A) They will be facilitated by (B) A worker with good people

employees. skills

(B) They will be recorded on (C) A person who can handle

devices. complex tasks

(C) They will be held in the (D) An employee who can take
evenings. notes quickly

(D) They will be used to generate 166. Why should readers contact
ideas. Jenny Richards?

164. How many workers are (A) To find out more about the
needed? positions

(A) 5 (B) To sign up for a specific task

(B) 7 (C) To discuss their regular job

(C) 9
(D) To nominate colleagues for
(D) 10 the available jobs
165. Who might be an appropriate

Questions 167- 168 refer to the following promotion flyer

Are your curtains or blind dusty and dirty? Don’t waste time trying to take care of them yourself.
Get professional help instead- call Blinkers!

Blinker is a company that Texans have trusted for over 50 years. Blinkers service homes, offices
and even factories, classrooms and laboratories, all for a reasonable price. The company’s
experienced and trained professionals will have your blind looking clean and new again in no
time. In addition, Blinkers guarantees service within three working days of the initial request. If
your needs are not met within that time frame, the service will be provided completely free of

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

167. What is being advertised? 168. What is NOT said about Blinkers’
(A) A curtain and blind store
(A) It is very prompt.
(B) An upholstery retailer
(B) It is of a high quality.
(C) A window treatment cleaning service
(C) It is quite affordable.
(D) A repair service for blinds and
curtains (D) It is free the first time.

Questions 169- 172 refer to the following email

From: Gemma Hutchison, GMO

To: Paolo Santos, Hilton Financial

Subject: Delivery

Dear Mr. Santos,

First of all, I’d like to apologize for the mlx-up with your company’s order yesterday. As I
understand it, you received 10 ink cartridges fewer than you requested and an additional
box of printer paper, as well.

At GMO, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail, so I immediately began an

investigation. It turns out that a member of the administration team caused the problem. He
confused your order with that of another firm with a similar name, Hillman Finance. This
sort of mistake is unacceptable, and I have given that employee an official warning about
his performance. I can assure you that all staff members will take the utmost care to ensure
your order is processed correctly in future.

The good news is that the correct shipment is now on its way. It should arrive sometime
tomorrow afternoon. Please make sure a company representative is on hand to sign the
delivery invoice at that time.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

I understand that our error has caused your firm significant distress, since you are now
running low on stationery supplies. As compensation, I am willing to offer a 30% rebate on
this order, as well as a $50 credit on your next order with us. I hope that these terms are


Gemma Hutchison — GMO

169. Where most likely does Ms. (C) Hand over a copy of the
Hutchison work? original ¡nv0,v* the courier

(A) A finance company (D) Sign some documents that will be

(B) A post office
172. What will Mr. Santos
(C) A printing shop receive?
(D) An office supplies firm (A) A discount coupon
170. What led to the mistake? (B) Free shipping
(A) A computer malfunction (C) Some money back
(B) A mix-up over names (D) Complimentary goods
(C) A shipping delay

(D) A procedural problem

171. What is Mr. Santos asked to


(A) Ensure someone is there to

receive tht delivery

(B) Reenter the details of his

request WOH ordering system

Questions 173-176 refer to the following information.

Floral Festival

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Visitors can now come and enjoy the annual Floral Festival at Gleeson Park. The Floral
Festival features beautiful flower gardens with sunflowers, petunias, daffodils and much,
much more. As well as gorgeous flower beds, the Floral Festival also has regular special
events like music concerts, film screenings, and opera performances. To view a full
program, visit at the Floral Festival is free, though
donations will be accepted at the gate.

How to Get There

■ By Car
Parking in and around Gleeson Park is strictly limited. Visitors are advised not to bring
their cars unless completely necessary.
■ By Bus
Visitors can catch a bus from anywhere in the city to the downtown terminal. From there,
it is a short stroll to Gleeson Park.
■ By Bike
Bicycle parking racks are provided at Gleeson Park. The racks are secure and cost nothing
to use.

173. What is the purpose of the Information? (C) It is illegal to ride a bike there.

(A) To publicize a community event (D) It will be turned into a bus terminal.

(B) To solicit donations for a special 175. What are readers asked to do if
cause possible?

(C) To ask for public feedback on a (A) Avoid driving to the venue
(B) Collect donations at the gate
(D) To announce a program change
(C) Refrain from damaging the flower
174. What is suggested about Gleeson Park? beds

(A) It has ample vehicle parking. (D) Make suggestions about the program

(B) It is close to the city center.

Questions 176-180 refer to the following newspaper article

Museum Keeping Up with the Times

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Graham Roux, director of the Lyall Bay Museum, announced today that the facility will
undergo a major renovation over the next two years. The museum was initially built in
1974 and has received no significant structural upgrades since that time. Mr. Roux unveiled
the redevelopment proposal at an official ceremony yesterday. During his speech, he
indicated that, in its current stale, the museum is too ordinary and lacks notable features to
attract local visitors and foreign tourists.

Mr. Roux has been working on the project since he was appointed lost June. Although his
ideas quickly generated enthusiasm in the community, raising the funds to carry out the task
proved extremely difficult. His initial plan to charge admission to the museum met with
fierce opposition. Instead, he finally managed to secure $20 million from private sources, as
well as a $4 million grant from the Lyall Bay Municipal Government, to fund the
redevelopment project.

The plans for the renovated museum are ambitious. There will be a new atrium decorated
with traditional arts and artifacts. In addition, the area in front of the main entrance, which
is currently a concrete square, will be changed to include a lawn and gardens, creating a
pleasant atmosphere for visitors. The plans also show an extended eastern wing. This will
house a new exhibit called the “21st Century Collection” where objects and symbols
popular in today's world will be on show. The aim of the exhibit, Mr. Roux says, is to show
visitors that 'history is being made every day.” Members of the public can view the plans
either at the museum reception desk, or online at

176 What is the article mainly about? 177. According to Mr. Roux, what
is currently the major issue of the
(A) A museum opening museum?
(B) A facility upgrade (A) Its design is too modem.
(C) A public works grant (B) It looks unimpressive.
(D) An urban renewal project

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) It is in need of repair. (A) Traditional artifacts

(D) Its display space is limited. (B) Contemporary items

178. How did Mr. Roux raise (C) Local images

(D) Futuristic visions
(A) Through an increase in the
admission fee 180. What is NOT mentioned
about the plans?
(B) By encouraging companies to
invest in the facility (A) An atrium will be added.

(C) Through a combination of (B) A public square will be

public and private donations constructed.

(D) By holding a range of special (C) One wing will be expanded.

fundraising events (D) A green outdoor area will be
179. What will be featured in the created
new exhibit?
Questions 181-186 refer to the following electronic invoice and email

Robbie’s Flower
442 Hyde Lane
Anderton, Michigan 48169
Order No: 111902
Date of order: Nobember 14

Customer: Helen Botham

Delivery address: 11- 16 Carter Plaza
Carter Road
Anderson, Michigan
Contact No: 231-708-7807

Order Details: 10 dozen red roses $220

10 dozen white lilies $380
8 dozen tulips $210
20 dozen daisies $210
Arrangement fee $460
Delivery fee $65

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Value-added tax $152.50
Please note that, unless a specific request is made, all deliveries occur the day after the intial
order is made. If you require a rush service, and you have not already indicated this preference
while placing your order online or over the phone, please contact Robbies’s Flowers immediately
at 231-809-8772. For all other inquiries, email

Subject: Invoice
I placed an online order through the Robbie’s Flower website early this morning. I received the
delivery just a few moments agoi. I am always impressed at your speedy service. I know I can
rely on Robbie’s Flower for last- minute jobs, which is great.
However, there was a problem with this particular delivery. You have charged me for an
arrangement fee, but all of flowers came unarranged. This could potentially have been a big
problem for me, as I am currently preparing for a big corporate function this evening. Luckily,
though, I have a large learn of workers here who are able to take care of this task.
I hope that I will be compensated for the cost of arranging the flowers. I also exoect that you will
investigate this situation to find out why the error occurred. Unless you can reassure me of the
quality of your service, I will hesitate to use your service in the future.
Helen Botham

181. Which item is the cheapest per unit? (A) To thank a firm for fast delivery

(A) Rose (B) To cancel an order

(B) Lilies (C) To point out an error

(C) Tulips (D) To ask for a new invoice

(D) Daisies 183. What is implied about the order?

182. What is the purpose of Ms. Botham’s (A) It was requested as a rush service.
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(B) It was Ms. Botham's first with the (D) occupation
185. What does Ms. Botham request?
(C) It was made over the phone.
(A) A store credit
(D) It was adjusted at the last minute.
(B) A partial refund
184. The word “function" in paragraph 2,
line 3 of the email is closest in meaning to (C) A sincere apology

(A) purpose (D) A free delivery

(B) gathering

(C) operation
Questions 186-190 refer to the following emails.

From: Darlene Harvey

To: Joe Lincoln
Subject: Details
Dear Mr. Lincoln,
Thank you very much for agreeing to speak at the Sales Managers’ Conference on June 21. As I
told you over the phone, we will be happy to pay for your flight to San Francisco and your
accommodations in the city. Our policy is to allow speakers to make their own travel
arrangements, and then compensate them afterwards. We find that this is more convenient for
everyone involved. Please retain all documentation relating to your trip, and send it to me so I
that you can be fully reimbursed.
The conference will be held at the Harborside Convention Center, which is around three miles
from the center of the city and is within walking distance to restaurants, shops, and a small park.
There are a few hotels in the surrounding area that might suit you. Often, conference speakers
like to stay at The Swanson, which is just across the road from the convention center. Another
popular venue is Wilkin’s Hotel, as it is close to the busy and interesting Chinatown area of the
city, If this is your first visit to San Francisco, that might be a nice place to stay. Finally, Hotel
Aurelia on Monaco Boulevard is where many conference speakers and guests choose to stay, as it
has a lovely view of the harbor. Of course, these are just some suggestions, and you are welcome
to stay wherever you like.
If there is anything at all I can do to help with your preparations for the conference, please let me
know. We look forward to seeing you In June.
Darlene Harvey - Conference Administrator, Get Together

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

From: Joe Lincoln
To: Darlene Harvey
Subject: Re: Details
Hello Darlene,
Thank you for your email last week. If I were unfamiliar with San Francisco, It would certainly
have been useful information, so I appreciate it. However, I actually grew up in the city, and I
still have relatives in the region. While at the Sales Managers’ Conference, I intend to stay with
my aunt so that I can catch up with her. Therefore, I won't require compensation for my
Instead, there is something else I want to inquire about. My aunt's house is in the suburbs, so I
will need to catch a cab from there to the convention center in order to make it to the conference
on time. Can Get Together reimburse the cost of the cab for me? I'm sure you will agree that this
is much more cost-effective than having me stay at a hotel. Please let me know your answer soon.
Joe Lincoln

186. What is the main purpose of Ms. (C) Directions to the event location
Harvey’s email?
(D) Instructions for receiving
(A) To ask an expert to speak at an event compensation

(B) To provide information to a speaker 188. What is a special feature of Wilkin’s

(C) To remind a presenter about an
obligation (A) It is normally very busy.

(D) To confirm the details of a (B) It is close to the conference venue.

conference delegate
(C) It has an attractive view.
187. What sort of information is NOT
included in the first email? (D) It is near a tourist destination.

(A) Amenities in the neighborhood 189. Where will Mr. Lincoln stay in San
(B) Suggestions for accommodations
(A) In an apartment downtown

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) In a harborside resort (A) Compensation for a taxi ride

(C) In a city hotel (B) A fee for speaking at the event

(D) In a suburban home (C) Additional funds for

190. What special request does Mr.
Lincoln make? (D) A dally travel allowance

Questions 191-195 refer to the following advertisement and email.

Munez Realty

Apartment For Rent — $430 per week

A three-bedroom apartment in the popular Dupris Building on Whiteheart Lane is now available.
The apartment is fully furnished, including air conditioning and a dishwasher. It has a large open-
air balcony, two bathrooms, and a recently renovated kitchen. It comes with a single parking
space. This property is not expected to be available for long, so prospective tenants should act
now. A six or 12 month lease is preferred. Those interested in the apartment should call Javier
Munez at 212-409-7880, or email him at javier@munez.comto arrange a viewing time.

From: Linda Rirtridge

Re: Apartment to Let
Dear Mr. Munez.
I'm emailing about the three-bedroom apartment in the Dupris Building advertised in this
morning's newspaper. If possible, I would like to view the property this evening with my husband
and our two children. Please email me back or contact me at 516-990-5376 to arrange a specific
The apartment is just what we're looking for. We have several friends in the Dupris Building, and
they have told us that it is an excellent place to live. It is close to great amenities like Dupris
Park, the local shopping center and the subway station. Although $430 a week is slightly above
what we hoped to pay, we are willing to stretch the budget for such a great place.
If we are given the opportunity, we will be model tenants. In fact, we were homeowners
ourselves recently, so we certainly know how to take care of a property. I should also note that
we are only in I of a short-term lease, as we are moving to California in three months tours.
Linda Partridge

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

19l What is NOT stated about the (C) To make an offer on an apartment
(D) To express interest in a property
(A) It is in a popular complex.
194. What does Ms. Partridge say about
(B) It is up for sale. the apartment?

(C) It comes furnished. (A) It will cost more than she initially
(D) It has a single parking space.
(B) It is owned by good friends of hers.
192. What part of the property has been
changed recently? (c) It is situated in a remote area.

(A) The furniture (D) It reminds her of her old home.

(B) The balcony 195. What is potentially a problem for

(C) The kitchen
(A) The location of the complex
(D) The bathroom
(B) The size of the apartment
193. Why did Ms. Partridge send the
email? (C) The amenities in the unit

(A) To confirm a viewing appointment (D) The length of the lease

(B) To ask for some details about the


Questions 196-200 refer to the folowing report and email.

A massive flood caused by heavy monsoon rains has devastated large parts of Bangladesh.
Representatives o9f relief agencies such as the Red Cross are estimating that as many as 5 million
people have been affected by the flooding. Temporary shelters construced by UN authorities just
outside the capital of Dhaka have filled with thousands of refugees whose homes have been
destroyed. Power lines, roads and other infrastructure have sustained major damage as well.
Hundreds of people have been killed in the initial flood, and there is concern that thousands more
will die due to water- borne diseases and other hygiene- related health problems.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

The Bangladeshi government is appealing to the international community for increased aid. The
basic clean- up operation is expected to take months, if not years. Observers say it could even
take decades for this developing nation to fully recover from this disater

From: Jamie Peterson

To: HitroVagana
Subject: Flood
Dear Mr. Vagana,
As I'm sure you have seen on the news, the people of Bangladesh are struggling to recover from a
massive flood. I think it would be a good idea for us to make a small gesture for the people
suffering in this terrible tragedy. Instead of holding our annual office fundraiser to help out local
community projects, how about we donate the proceeds to one of the agencies that is working to
aid the Bangladeshi people? I think this is a more appropriate and deserving cause, given the
I have a number of thoughts about what sort of fundraising event we might like to hold. I’m sure
other employees have interesting suggestions as well. I think it would be a good to post
something on the company intranet about this and get people to contribute their ideas.
I look forward to hearing your response on this matter.
196. According to the report, what are (C) recovered
people worried about?
(D) suffered
(A) The lack of International aid
198. What is the main purpose of Mr.
(B) The absence of infrastructural Peterson’s email?
(A) To raise awareness of a humanitarian
(C) The potential for diseases to spread crisis

(D) The damage to historical buildings (B) To make a suggestion about a

fundraising activity
197. The word "sustained” in paragraph 1,
line 5 of the report is closest in meaning to (C) To inquire about company
sponsorship funds
(A) maintained
(D) To recommend that employees do some
(B) survived charity work

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

199. Where would Mr. Peterson most 200. What does Mr. Peterson suggest?
likely prefer to direct proceeds?
(A) Raising the issue with the board
(A) To the Bangladeshi government
(B) Meeting with Mr. Vagana
(B) To the Red Cross
(C) Presenting ideas online
(C) To UN authorities
(D) Setting up an informal network
(D) To local community groups

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark
the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. When______the room during a fire (C) so

drill, pleaseproceed calmly but quickly.
(D) and
(A) exiting
104. Conference Room A will temporarily
(B) to exit close until ______.of the adjacent wing has
been completed.
(C) exited
(A) construction
(D) exits
(B) constructing
102. The teacher needs to learn how to
explaindifficult concepts more_____. (C) construct

(A) simple (D) constructed

(B) simply 105. The new anti-cholesterol drug is the

_____ ofyears of research and countless
(C) simplicity safety trials.
(D) simplest (A) production
103. Officers will not allow visitors to (B) produce
enter______ they are not wearing a guest
pass. (C) product

(A) yet (D) producer

(B) if

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

106. The Hannaford Holding (C) suggests
Firm_____last weekthat it will not meet its
earnings quota for the next quarter. (D) offers

(A) announces 110. Responding to an increase in demand

for____soy-based products, corporate
(B) is announced
executives decided to lower prices.
(C) announced
(A) them
(D) was announced
(B) their
107. The blueprints that were to be
delivered to the contractor today were (C) theirs
mistakenly left____ the architect's office. (D) themselves
(A) at 111. A successful employee volunteer
(B) from program willhelp____a positive public
image for thefirm.
(C) on
(A) create
(D) for
(B) creating
108. All interested students are invited
to______ the pottery workshop that will be (C) creation
held in the art room this Saturday. (D) creatively
(A) participate 112. A delay in construction_____
(B) arrive adverse weatherconditions has put the entire
project behind schedule.
(C) appear
(A) due to
(D) attend
(B) because
109. The fact that unemployment figures
continueto be high____that real recovery is (C) in order to
stillmonths away. (D) since
(A) recommends 113. Ricky Luis, a company salesman,
(B) advises was____ by the CEO for his record-breaking
May figures.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(A) congratulated 117. It is safe to say that, thus far, second-
quarter earnings have far surpassed
(B) entrusted shareholder_____.
(C) realized (A) expected
(D) demonstrated (B) expectations
114. The committee's______ of the cause of (C) expectantly .
the accident determined that no one was at
fault. (D) expects

(A) variety

(B) suspicion 118. Despite the recent financial troubles

of itsgovernment, Greece remains as popular
(C) analysis a destination for honeymooners______ Italy.
(D) formula (A) In

(B) as
115. Experts are unsure whether a______ for (C) than
fullyelectric cars will succeed in America.
(D) more
(A) reaction
119. Homebuyers must pay attention to
(B) market several-features of a property, including
(C) purchase _______ location and resale value.

(D) fuel (A) specific

116. When the Jones Brothers Bakery (B) reluctant

produced asurplus, it used to_____ make (C) accountable
deliveries ofthe extra food to a homeless
shelter. (D) qualified

(A) regular 120. Surveys show that consumer

spending on Junk food_______ increases
(B) regularly during economic recessions.
(C) regulates (A) frequently
(D) regularity
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(B) approximately company payouts to employees' retirement
(C) mistakenly
(A) terminate
(D) gratefully
(B) terminating
121. Diana Lee wants the corporation to
pursuean even______ market than it has in (C) terminally
the past.
(D) to terminate
(A) wider

(B) wide
125. According to state law, an_____ of
(C) widened 15 units in the apartment complex will be set
aside as low-income housing.
(D) widely
(A) allotment
122. Students who complete the quiz on
economic theory_______ referring to their (B) opportunity
notes will receive 10 extra points.
(C) evidence
(A) despite
(D) index
(B) whereas
126. A federal safety inspector ordered
(C) without that the_____ malfunctioning valve sensor
on the mining machine be replaced.
(D) because
(A) eventually
123. A representative from the client's firm
will oversee the work to ensure that all (B) routinely
______ of the project are met
(C) sensitively
(A) specified
(D) difficultly
(B) specifications
127. Artist George Sheffield was recently
(C) specifying featured in a daring postmodern art____ at
the Wilkes Museum.
(D) specifies
(A) exhibits
124. After much discussion among the
board, the decision has been made______ (B) exhibited

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) exhibition (A) optimistic

(D) exhibiting (B) alarmed

128. A group of neighbors______ the fire (C) familiar

burning in the building by the time
emergency responders arrived on the scene. (D) rewarding

(A) had extinguished 132. Under continual pressure from

workers, the manager is considering _____
(B) extinguished eight marketing department trainees instead
of just six.
(C) extinguishes
(A) to hire
(D) will have extinguished
(B) the hiring
129. A personal scandal forced the politician
to drop out of the race in the _____ stages of (C) hires
the campaign.
(D) hiring
(A) Initialed
133. Release of an update packed with
(B) initially new features for last year's Fantasy World II
is sure to please gaming____.
(C) initialize
(A) enthusiastically
(D) Initial
(B) enthusiasm
130. Fewer open positions within the
company mean that the application and (C) enthusiastic
interview processes have become_____
competitive. (D) enthusiasts

(A) nearly 134. A new high-security online system

______ city residents to renew their auto and
(B) highly boat registrations over the Internet.

(C) usually (A) affirms

(D) hardly (B) contains

131. The entrepreneur is______ but his (C) enables

investors are beginning to doubt the business
will remain profitable. (D) rejects

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

135. Mr. Singh has requested that the (C) Following
board_____ to reinstate him as the
company’s chief financial officer. (D) With

(A) choose 139. The manager cited Mr.

Aman's______ performance in both the sales
(B) chooses and human resources departments when
presenting him with the award.
(C) chosen
(A) divergent
(D) had chosen
(B) customary
136. Dr. Wu_____ presented his
argument for making a monetary (C) resultant
contribution to the children’s charity.
(D) exemplary
(A) passionately

(B) passionate

(C) passions

(D) impassioned
140. While the intentions of the new vice
137. ______ of the two subjects in the president are_____, he has demonstrated
experiment realized that they were being poor execution.
given placebos instead of the real
medication. (A) laudable

(A) Most (B) notorious

(B) Either (C) effective

(C) Several (D) desperate

(D) Neither

138. _____ over 30 years of experience in

the legal field, Dr. Hicks knows how to win
for you.

(A) Regarding

(B) Between

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of sentences. Select the best answer to complete
the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter.

Michelle Stevens

4121 Moss St.

St. Petersburg, FL 59340

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Dear Valued Banking Customer:

We here at Florida National Bank have always promised to put you and your banking needs
first.Now, we are happy to introduce a policy change that we think_____ the International
transactions of

141. (A) has facilitated

(B) will facilitate

(C) facilitating

(D) had been facilitating

our customers.

Starting next month, we will begin .......all bank fees on both incoming and outgoing wire

142. (A) waiving

(B) handling

(C) doubling

(D) deleting

for international banking transactions.

In the current economic climate, we believe it is wise to encourage our clients to deal
internationally, not discourage them. This fee cancellation should do just that, and it’s another
example of how we’re working_____ our customers.

143. (A) to satisfy

(B) satisfactorily

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) satisfying

(D) satisfaction

Thank you for your continued support,

Dick Johnson

CEO, Florida National Bank

Questions 144-146 refer to the following announcement.

The World Hunger Council is committed to doing all we can to fight the problems of hunger and
poverty in our world. To this end, we are putting on a “Race Against Hunger” event on the
weekend on August 21st. The primary _____of this event is to raise money for the council’s
upcoming charity

144. (A) shot

(B) concern

(C) sign

(D) goal

drive for Africa, where we will be partnering with the organization Food Relief to deliver food
supplies to rural African villages. We______ with Food Relief many times in the past and are
quite confident in

145. (A) will cooperate

(B) cooperates

(C) would be cooperating

(D) have cooperated

their ability to help us in this endeavor.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Anyone interested in participating in the race should register at Also, all
racers will be required to raise $150,100% of which will go towards ending hunger In Africa.
Questionsabout the event can be directed to Pam Smith, charity______ for the World Hunger
Council, at

146. (A) coordinated

(B) coordination

(C) coordinating

(D) coordinator


Thank you for fighting with us to make the world a better place, and see you at the racel

Questions 147- 149 refer to the following pamphlet

Welcome to Camden Provincial Park, one of the country’s oldest and most celebrated natural
spaces!The 745 acres of the park were______ to the provincial government by entrepreneur and

147. (A) programmed

(B) granted

(C) assumed

(D) revealed

naturalist John Camden in 1899. Since then, the area has been instrumental in the preservation of
theyellow-petaled sprite flower and the western brown shrub bush. These species grow_____ in

148. (A) even

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) quite

(C) enough

(D) only

region and no other in the world.

In modern times, the park has added recreation facilities to encourage people to visit and
appreciate this unique landscape. Over 25 miles of hiking trails await you, and there are 16
primitive campsitesavailable to guests. Please remember to follow_____ park rules at all times,
and enjoy your time

149. (A) posting

(B) posters

(C) post

(D) posted

in Camden Provincial Park !

Questions 150-152 refer to the following email



Subject: RE: reservation request

Dear Ms. Brogen,

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Thank you for your interest in our hotel. You have requested one double room for check-in on
June 7and check-out on June 13. I'm pleased to report that we do have ____ on these dates, and

150. (A) complaints

(B) availability

(C) organization

(D) guarantees

reservation has been made.

When you arrive at the airport in Cuzco, there are two ways to get to the hotel. The first is to
arrangeyour own taxi. Simply tell the driver you are staying at the Inca Hotel on San Bias
Plaza.__, we

151. (A) Alternatively

(B) Subsequently

(C) Immediately

(D) Accordingly

can send our own driver to pick you up, for the small cost of 10 USD. If you would like to take
_of this service, please let us know at least 48 hours In advance.

152. (A) advantageously

(B) advantages

(C) advantageous

(D) advantage

We look forward to your stay with us.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following note.

TO: Jenny Wong

Greetingsl According to our records, it's time for your annual vision checkup. Yearly checkups
are recommended to ensure that your glasses prescription has not changed. Wearing glasses with
an improper prescription can lead to headaches, eye strain, and further vision loss. As you know,
Thompson Vision Care operates three clinics around the city. Please call us to set up an
appointment for the time and place most convenient to your schedule. We look forward to your

Thompson Vision Care team –

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

153. Why did Ms. Wong receive this 154. What is indicated about Thompson
note? Vision Care?

(A) To thank her for her continued (A) It has more than one location.
(B) It specializes In treating eye strain.
(B) To inform her of the results of a
medical test (C) It offers annual checkups for free.

(C) To remind her to schedule an (D) It is a new clinic in the city.


(D) To ask her to pick up her new glasses

Questions 155-156 refer to the following email.

From: Admin department

To: All employees

Don't forget that this Friday is the company's 15th anniversary 11 celebration. The event will be
held downtown at the FarmersAuditorium, 205 Main Street, starting at 6:15 pm and lasting |
approximately three hours. Due to limited parking options I downtown, the company will be
operating shuttles from our offices to the auditorium and back. You do not need to register for the
shuttle—there will be plenty of room for everyone. Buses will leave from outside the main
building entrance starting at 5:00, and after the ceremony they will bring everyone back. Please
direct all questions to the Administration Department. See you on Friday!

155. Where will buses take employees after the event?

(A) To a parking garage

(B) To the auditorium

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) To the office building

(D) To the anniversary celebration

156. Which information is NOT provided about the event?

(A) Its starting time

(B) Its location

(C) The menu for dinner

(D) The means of transportation

Question 157-158 refer to the following email

From: Seth Anderson, Head of Sales

To: Sales team

Subject: Survey results

Team, we have received the results from our most recent customer survey. What follows is a
brief overview of the key findings:

* Our most popular product by far is still the Steelman Professional wristwatch. Customers
love its sleek, sophisticated look, and they also report that the digital features are easy to program
and extremely useful.

* We are also getting good feedback about the new Timekeeper wristwatch. Most people
who responded to the survey regarding this model pointed to its reliability as the main reason
why they liked it.

* Despite our best efforts, the Steadfast Super Sport watch still isn't selling. Customers say
that it has so many functions that it is difficult to use. When selling this watch, I recommend that
you emphasize its durability instead of its functionality.

157. What is the purpose of the email?

(A) To get feedback on a customer survey

(B) To introduce a new product

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) To explain better sales techniques

(D) To summarize a set of data

158. What do customers think of the Timekeeper watch?

(A) They feel it should be more durable.

(B) They find its functions difficult to use.

(C) They appreciate that it is dependable.

(D) They like its sophisticated design.

Questions 159- 161 refer to the following itinerary

Itinerary- Travel Plus Tour Company

Tour: City Highlights Tour, Barcelona

Date: April 24, 2011

All tours begin at the Travel Plus Tour office, on the first block of La Rambla. Please arrive at
least 15 minutes prior to the first time listed on this itinerary.

8: 15 Meet at tour office, introduction of guide

8:30-10:00 Walk to and tour the gothic cathedral, including 30 minutes of guided
explanation inside and 30 minutes free time. No food or drink inside!
10:00-10:45 Tour nearby ruins of the ancient Roman site of Barcino
10:45-11:45 Visit the Pablo Picasso Museum.
Please note: the museum is quite large, so budget your time to see only those
exhibits in which you are most interested
11:45-1:00 Walk to a nearby restaurant for a traditional Spanish lunch. The cost of the
meal is NOT include in the price of this tour
1:00-2:30 Take the metro to the SagradaFamilia cathedral and tour the structure
2:30-4:30 Take the metro to ParcGuell and tour the fountains, sculptures, and grounds
4:30-5:00 Take the metro back to the tour office, or depart from the group at ParcGuell.

159. When should tourists arrive at the (A) 8:00

tour office in the morning?
(B) 8:15

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) 8:30 161. What is NOT mentioned about the
(D) 10:00
(A) Participants must pay for lunch
160. Which is true about ParcGuell themselves.
according to the itinerary?
(B) Only a selection of Picasso’s work
(A) It is near the tour office. willb viewed.
(B) It features artwork. (C) Food and beverages are prohibited in
(C) It is surrounded by skyscrapers. the gothic cathedral.

(D) It is modeled on the SagradaFamilia. (D) Tour members must return to the
company's office at the end.
Questions 162-165 refer to following notice

Drimbal Information Systems is an exciting place! As usual, there are many events, updates, and
opportunities taking place in the coming month. Below are a few that pertain to all employees.
Please notify Gail McPherson in Human Resources if you have any questions.

* The company's annual softball tournament is scheduled for the weekend of June 11. Due
to an increase in interest last year, we're going to be requiring everyone who wants to play to
register. This cannot be done online—you must fill out the proper form and deliver it to Bob
Billing, the event coordinator, at least one week before game day. Forms can be found in Mr.
Billing's office.

* As Drimbal continues to grow, we are taking on more and more international contracts.
With this comes the need to modify our business practices to take into account the needs of
foreign clients. Helen Daniels from sales will be giving a lecture on this topic on Tuesday. June
14. in Conference Room B. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

* And finally, you've probably noticed that the employee website has beenupdated. New
features include recent sales figures, upcoming building maintenance Information, and a quote of
the day from our CEO. We'd love to hear whot you think—share your feedback with Arthur
Mainz in IT!

162. Why was this notice mainly created? (B) To report the results of a softball
(A) To inform the staff of the month’s
events (C) To introduce newly hired staff

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) To encourage workers to use the new (B) It is recommended to be made online.
(C) It should be submitted a week in
163. Who is most likely an expert on advance-
foreign business relations?
(D) It is being organized by Human
(A) Arthur Mainz Resource.

(B) Bob Billing 165. What is NOT found on the updated

(C) Gail McPherson
(A) Scheduling details for repair work
(D) Helen Daniels
(B) Feedback from employees
164. What is mentioned about softball
registration? (C) Inspiration from the CEO

(A) It will begin the weekend of June 11 . (D) Updated company sales information

Questions 166-168 refer to the following email.

Lee Bright
Fillmore Bank
RE: Account fee

Dear Mr. Bright:

Thank you for your email dated Oct. 14 regarding a fee charged to your checking account. In
answer to your question, the fee of $25 was charged because your average daily balance for the
month of September dropped below $5,000. This is In line with the policy that governs your
account, which is a Privilege Plus account.
To avoid this fee in the future, please maintain an average daily balance of $5,000 In the account.
Or, you can switch to a different type of checking account. The Privilege Basic account, for
example, has no minimum balance requirement. Of course, It also does not entitle you to the
benefits of Privilege Plus status: free checks and debit cards, enhanced online security, and online
banking services at no charge.
If you would like to make a change, you can contact a customer service representative at 555-
2904. Also, because you are such a valued customer, we will go ahead and refund the fee in
question. However, this is a one-time action; in the future, any fees will be applied to your
account So we encourage you to take the necessary steps to ensure that your account remains In
good standing.
As always, thank you for banking with us.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

166. Why was this email written? (C) They require customers to pay
monthly fees.
(A) To respond to a customer inquiry
(D) They aren't penalized for low
(B) To announce a policy change balances.
(C) To advertise to a new customer 168. What does the bank agree to do?
(D) To apologize for an error (A) Change Mr. Bright's account type
167. What la mentioned about Privilege (B) Provide Mr. Bright with new checks
Basic accounts? at no cost
(A) They aren't able to be used with (C) Give Mr. Bright another chance
(D) Alert Mr. Bright prior to charging
(B) They are more popular than Privilege more fees

Questions 169- 172 refer to the following article

This past Thursday, more than 400 people Wallace have issued multiple apologies to
showed up to the Stinson Auditorium for the people of Stinson, assuring the the error
Professor John Wallace wasn’t among them. was an accident.
It was not until after everyone had taken
their seats in the auditorium that they learned Thus far, it appears as if they have forgiven
the professor would not be able to make it. him. Tickets for his rescheduled Stinson
appearance, this coming Saturday afternoon,
Early reports indicate that a scheduling mix- have already sold out. It is likely that
up kept the professor from making his attendees are most excited to hear the
appearance. At the time when he was professor talk about his latest bestselling
supposed to be speaking to a crowd here in novel, The Artificial Writer. But he has
Stinson about literary history, he was giving made it clear that this is not a press tour.
a lecture on modern journalism at an event Instead he will stick to his planned talk on
in Pittsbutgh. Representatives for Professor the history of the novel in Western literature.

169. What is the article mostly about? (A) A disturbance on a college campus

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) The rescheduling of a speaking event 171. What did Professor Wallace talk
about in Pittsburgh?
(C) A recently released book about
writing (A) Current journalistic issues

(D) The reason a planned book signing (B) The development of the Western
was canceled novel

170. What is likely to happen on (C) A historical aspect of literature

(D) His latest novel
(A) Four hundred people will travel to
Pittsburgh. 172. What Is implied about Professor
(B) No one will show up to see Professor
Wallace. (A) He is unapologetic about his mistake.

(C) People from Thursday’s event will (B) His speeches are in high demand.
demand a refund. (C) He enjoys speaking about his books.
(D) Professor Wallace will speak to a full (D) He did not want to speak at the Stinson
auditorium. Auditorium.

Questions 173-175 refer to the following letter.

5904 Oakdale Way Dallas, TX

Dear Mr. Yolis.

Thank you for your order placed on March 2nd, which included two paperback murder mysteries
by author Anne Stevenson. Our records indicate that this was the 20th order you've placed with
us here at Mail-Away Books! We can’t thank our loyal customers like you enough, and we hope
you'll accept the enclosed gift of the crime thriller A Dangerous Time, by Frederick Sutherland.

We'd also like to extend to you an otter to join the Mail-Away Books Champion Customer Club.
Membership is entirely free for you—only our best customers are invited to join! As o member,
you'll receive special discounts on bulk orders and advance notification of upcoming book
releases. Plus, you'll be entered Into our annual Champion Customers Club raffle, for a chance to
win o $500 gift certificate to Mail-Away Books! All you have to do lo join is fill out and mail
back the form enclosed. We hope you'll consider becoming a Mail-Away Books Customer

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Deborah Deloux
Founder. Mail-Away Books

173. What is the purpose of the letter? (C) ZivYolis

(A) To offer Mr. Yolis a gift certificate (D) Frederick Sutherland

(B) To confirm Mr. Yolis’s recent order 175. What do Champion Customer Club
members NOT receive?
(C) To inform Mr. Yolis that he has
placed more than 20 orders (A) A collection of mysteries

(D) To invite Mr. Yolis into a customer (B) Previews of new books
loyalty program
(C) Large orders at lower prices
174. Which author’s book will accompany
this letter? (D) A spot in a raffle drawing

(A) Anne Stevenson

(B) Deborah DeLoux

Questions 176- 180 refer to the following information.

Perfect community living is here, and its name is Green Cliff! Construction has been slow,but we
wanted to get everything just right. And now we have 58 units of stylish, modemliving spaces
available in a variety of sizes and rent levels. You have to see them to believethem!
Our pre-registration period ends today, May t. Over half of the apartments are already filled, and
to show our gratitude to these early leasers, the Green Cliff community is| throwing a public
barbecue party on Friday, May 15. There will be free food, drinks, and even a temporary
swimming pool that we’re renting for the day! For those of you who are thinking about moving
into Green Cliff but haven't decided yet, this is the perfect opportunity for you to come see what
it’s all about! The party runs from noon to 6:00 pm and is open to the public.

We know you’ll be impressed by this complex and community like none other. Our central
garden offers a place for residents to get together and relax in the shade of tall palm trees.

The community gym is free of charge for resident use and features all of the most modem

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

exercise equipment. And our security can’t be beat Still not convinced? Sign a lease ^before May
31 and we’ll pay your first month’s stay. What are you waiting for?

176 Where would the information most (C) It is open to all community members.
likely appear?
(D) Organizers have not finished
(A) In a city planning manual planning it yet.

(B) In a home design magazine 179. What is NOT listed as a feature of

Green Cliff?
(C) In an advertising brochure
(A) A community security system
(D) In a book of coupons
(B) A resident- only swimming pool
177. In paragraph 1, line 2, the word
“just" is closest in meaning to (C) A contemporary design style.

(A) fairly (D) A central meeting area.

(B) exactly 180. What is offered to those who secure a

lease before the end of the month?
(C) only
(A) Lower monthly payment
(D) nearly
(B) Homemade barbecue
178. What is said about the event on
Friday? (C) One free month of rent

(A) It will last all day. (D) An exercise machine.

(B) Advance registration is required.

Questions 181- 185 refer to the following emails

Date: 01/15/2011 From: Edna Perth To: Alex Young

Subject: Facilities at the Grand


As requested, I toured the facilities at the Grand International Hotel a week ago. Their two first-
floor ballrooms should be large enough to accommodate the main conference events. Also, just
down the hall are several smaller meeting rooms where we can stage the panels and seminar

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Unfortunately, our options for dining are not as conveniently positioned. The hotel runs an open-
air courtyard café just outside the main ballrooms, but there isn’t much seating space—only about
100 chairs. A more spacious and elegant choice would be the Grand International Restaurant, but
it’s on the third floor, on the other side of the hotel. I'll leave it to you to decide which location
would be best for the introductory luncheon on the first day.

And, of course, I still haven't heard when exactly the conference will be held. Haven’t you picked
a weekend yet? As soon as you do, please contact Regina Lim, the events coordinator at the
Grand International. Her number is 555-6392.

Date: 01/24/2011

From: Alex Young

To: Edna Perth

Subject: RE: Facilities at the Grand


Edna, thanks for your email, and I apologize for my delay In getting back to you.

To answer your last question—yes, a date for the conference has been set. It will run from Friday
February 16, to Sunday, February 18. I've already called Regina, and everything is arranged.

As for Friday's luncheon, I believe the outdoor dining area will be adequate. We don't expect
mow than 80 participants to be there for the introductory event. Then, for the group lunch on
Sunday can use the hotel's main restaurant.

Have you started preparing your presentation? I just spoke with Bill Waters, who’s giving
keynote address on Sunday, and he was quite nervous. In fact, I should go help him with it now.

See you soon,

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

-A lex

181. According to the first email, what is (B) January 15

uncertain about the conference?
(C) January 24
(A) Its focus
(D) January 31
(B) Its location
185. Where will Friday’s luncheon most
(C) Its attendance likely be held?

(D) Its starting date (A) In one of the smaller meeting rooms

182. What has Mr. Young already done? (B) At the Grand International
(A) Hosted a luncheon with conference
participants (C) In one of the main-floor ballrooms

(B) Led a tour of the hotel’s facilities (D) At the open-air courtyard cate

(C) Confirmed the conference date with

the hotel

(D) Prepared a speech for Mr, Waters

183. Who works for the Grand

International Hotel?

(A) Bill Waters

(B) Regina Urn

(C) Edna Perth

(D) Alex Young

184. When was Ms. Perth at the hotel?

(A) January 8

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 186- 190 refer to the following advertisement and email

Available for a Limited Time Only!

Fine Foods Delivered, the highest- rated gourmet caterer in Scarborough, is currently
offering its biggest sale ever. When you order a minimum of three platters of our new and
improved Asian appetizers, you’ll get half off the rest of your order- no matter how large!
And, as if that weren’t enough, we’re waiving delivery costs on all orders in the
Scarborough area! All you need to do is email us and provide the promotional code found
at the bottom of this page. Go ahead- Fine Foods await!

To: Fine Foods Delivered

From: Stan Manala
Subject: Your promotion
Hello, I am Interested In taking advantage of promotion CVX-194, which I saw advertised by
your company. I am putting on a dinner party for friends and colleagues at my home next month,
and my original idea was to order three platters of your traditional appetizers, plus six entrée
items and four desserts. Obviously, though, I would like to save on my order, so I am now
thinking of getting the Asian appetizers instead of the traditional ones. Can you tell me what type
of appetizers come on the platter? Also, is the size the same as that of the traditional appetizers?
Additionally, I’m still unsure exactly how many people will be attending the event, but I’m fairly
certain it will be between 10 and 15. Is the amount of food I described enough for a maximum of
15 people, or would you recommend another entrée? Ideadlly, I would like to place my order in
the next few days, and then call in and add more if I learn that more people are coming.
Wouldthis be possible?
I eagerly await your reply.

Stan Manala

186. What is being advertised? (D) Reduced prices on catering

(A) A delivery service in Scarborough 187. What is indicated about delivery in the
Scarborough area?
(B) Gourmet food at a local restaurant

(C) A newly created catering dish

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(A) Only local residents are eligible for (A) advertising
(B) evaluating
(B) It will be provided at no cost.
(C) performing
(C) The company has never charged for
it. (D) hosting

(D) Rates have been cut by half. 190. What is implied about Mr. Manala's
188. What does Mr. Manala NOT inquire
about? (A) It is a formal business function.

(A) What Asian appetizers are (B) At least ten people will attend it.

(B) The deadline for placing an order (C) Its purpose is to celebrate Asian
(C) If he can modify his order later
(D) He has participated in it several times
(D) The amount of appetizers per platter in the past.

189. In the email, the phrase ‘putting on'

in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning

Questions 191- 195 refer to the following letters

Dear Mr. Cobb.

I am writing to express interest in the advanced graphic design position your company has
advertised on the website After reviewing in detail the specifications for the job,
I believe I am an eligible candidate.

My 12-year career in graphic design began with the firm Vista Solutions, where I interned as a
recent 1 college graduate. For two years, I gained practical experience working with the top
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
graphic software programs in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment. From there, I moved
on to an associate designer position with FDM Graphics. I remained with this company for six
years. during which l earned the Employée of the Year award twice. Most recently, I worked for
your competitor. New Salem Design, as a senior graphics editor for four years.

You can find more details about my work history in my resume, which is enclosed. Also, I am
including a small portfolio of some of my most successful projects. I would love the opportunity
to discuss this material with you in person.


Lena Fitch

Dear Mr Fitch,

Thank you for your interest in working with us here at Belfry GD, and for submitting the cover
letter and resume. After carefully reviewing your portfolio and work experience, I agree that you
would be a tremendous asset to our company.

The next step is for you to come in for a personal interview with me and a few of my colleagues
in the advanced graphic design department. In particular, I am interested in hearing more about
the récognition you received during your time with FDM graphics.

We have allotted Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, for interviews.
Please contact our human resources director, Isaac Reginatti, at 555-1959 to reserve a lime slot
for your Interview.
I look forward to making your acquaintance and discussing this opportunity further.
T.M. Cobb
Director, Advanced Graphic Design
Belfry GD

191 How did Ms. Fitch hear about the (D) At a university job fair
192. What accompanies the first letter?
(A) Through an online posting
(A) A copy of Ms. Fitch's schedule
(B) In a letter from Mr. Cobb
(B) A list of job requirements
(C) From a competitor
(C) Ms. Fitch’s educational history
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
(D) Samples of graphic design work (A) Associate designer

193. What is the purpose of Mr. Cobb’s (B) Graphic design intern
(C) Senior graphics editor
(A) To explain the schedule of a part-
time job (D) Advanced graphic designer

(B) To describe the duties of an open 195. What is Ms. Fitch asked to do?
position (A) Send in a resume and cover letter
(C) To invite a job applicant for an (B) Contact Mr. Cobb's colleagues
(C) Apply for a human resources position
(D) To request more information from a
candidate (D) Choose an appointment time

194. Which of Ms. Fitch’s assignments is

Mr. Cobb interested in hearing about?

Questions 196-200 refer to the following schedule and email.

Classical Events presents cellist Daniel Leesburg, live in concert with a limited number of
appearances over the next few months. Leesburg's popularity is such that some of the shows have
already sold out, and tickets for the rest are going fast. You don't want to miss this once in a-
lifetime opportunity to see Daniel Leesburg perform at a concert venue near you. Reservations
can be made at

Date Location Ticket price Notes

Jul-7 Danville $350- $ 180 Already sold out
Jul19 Elmwood Heights $45, all seats Just 10 seats left!
Aug 1 Mill Valley $25- $400 Already sold out
Aug 7 Eagleton $20- $ 120 Only $120 tickets
Aug 16 Corwin Spring $40-$230 Plenty of tickets
remaining in all
From: Tara Marcum

To: Evan M. Huang

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Subject Daniel Leesburg

Evan, have you seen the schedule of Daniel Leesburg's performances in our area? I know we've
talked in the past about going to see him play if we ever got the chance, and this seems like the
perfect opportunity! Can I assume that you’d be interested in catching one of these concerts?

Unfortunately, two of the shows are already sold out, so our options are somewhat limited. My
first,choice would have been to attend the performance in Danville, as that is the closest venue to
both I our homes, but there are no tickets remaining. Whatever we decide, it needs to be soon
because it looks like the shows that haven't sold out might do so soon!

I propose that we opt for the Corwin Springs performance, as this is only an hour’s drive away
and there appear to be a variety of reasonably priced tickets available. If you agree, we need to
set our budget and find out what types of seats we could afford with that. I've never been to the
Corwin Springs venue, so it might be worth a call to earn more.

I know you’re busy these days, but in the interest of obtaining the best seats possible, let’s move
on this quickly!

Your friend.


196. Which city is NOT offering variable- (C) Soliciting information about a
priced ticketing? performance venue

(A) Mill Valley (D) Organizing the purchase of concert

(B) Elmwood Heights
198. In the email, the word “catching" In
(C) Danville paragraph 1, line 3, is closest in meaning to
(D) Eagleton (A) contracting
197. What is Tara’s email mainly about? (B) holding
(A) Asking an acquaintance to purchase (C) attending
some tickets
(D) trapping
(B) Introducing a friend to a classical

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

199. How much might Tara have paid for
a ticket to her first-choice concert?

(A) $25

(B) $100

(C) $230

(D) $400

200. What does Tara NOT Imply about

Corwin Springs?

(A) Its tickets are likely to sell out


(B) It still has affordable tickets left.

(C) It is a reasonable distance from her


(D) Its concert venue is one of the nicest

in the area.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark
the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Receipts for all travel-related expenses must be submitted to the accounting department __than

(A) no more

(B) no less

(C) no later

(D) no further

102. Even though the manager stressed that the task was_, it was not completed on time.

(A) beneficial

(B) urgent

(C) evident

(D) complicated

103. The Alito family had_______ a good time on their family vacation to Florida that they immediately
rebooked the resort for the following year.

(A) such

(B) very

(C) so

(D) much

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

104. Mr. Jennings________ his post at the state university to pursue a career In the private sector just
three years ago.

(A) leaves

(B) Is leaving

(C) left

(D) has left

105. Managers will announce a new commission-based payment model in & attempt to stimulate

(A) organization

(B) reluctance

(C) discipline

(D) motivation

106. Saphlre Publishing's Innovative storage and shipping system has enabled it to keep costs down
and maintain a________ edge over other firms.

(A) competitively

(B) competition

(C) competitive

(D) competing

107. PhD programs are demanding, and fewer than half the students who set out to earn doctorate
actually______ one.

(A) attain

(B) affirm

(C) applaud

(D) affix

108. Charity officials are concerned that volunteers will not be able to distribute______ the victims of
the earthquake.

(A) overall

(B) enough

(C) all

(D) full

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

109. Kimberly requested that the contractors fax the construction estimates to______ as soon as they
were finalized.

(A) herself

(B) hers

(C) she

(D) her

110. The budget airline does not provide refunds for canceled flights,_____ does It offer overnight
accommodations for stranded passengers.

(A) nor

(B) and

(C) whether

(D) that

111. Reporters at Channel 6 News should have worked harder to confirm the scandalous story
before______ it to the world as fact

(A) announcing

(B) announced

(C) announces

(D) announcement

112. Academic performance and participation in extracurricular activities are both important
factors______ determining which students are awarded scholarships.

(A) at

(B) in

(C) of

(D) by

113. The photographer timed his visit to Indonesia to______ with the harvest festival that takes place
each year throughout the country.

(A) coincide

(B) adjust

(C) agree

(D) conform

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

114. Formal work attire has been mandated by management In order to foster an atmosphere
of_______ in the office.

(A) hospitality

(B) morale

(C) immediacy

(D) professionalism

115. The Environmental Waste Management Department has failed to find _ trace of the toxins that
were spilled into the river.

(A) others

(B) no

(C) any

(D) none

116. Questions______ online checkouts should be directed to the librarian on duty at the virtual help

(A) related to

(B) considering

(C) upon

(D) according to

117. Employees in the sales department are encouraged to familiarize______ with the new
promotional materials before they go out into the field.

(A) their

(B) theirs

(C) them

(D) themselves

118. The instructions, though admittedly__, provide enough information for the average consumer to
complete the task of assembly.

(A) thorough

(B) vague

(C) surreal

(D) detailed

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

119. Play in the baseball game will___as soon as the field has been cleared of the garbage thrown
down by fans.

(A) halt

(B) resume

(C) excite

(D) develop

120. The political candidate promptly reorganized his staff ____his landslide defeat in the primaries.

(A) follows

(B) followed

(C) following

(D) to follow

121. It is the belief of the board that implementation of the new software protocols will not be finished
this month______ even by next month.

(A) mostly

(B) ever

(C) nearly

(D) overlap

122. The chairman, speaking at length and______ to the rest of the committee, finally persuaded them
to endorse his plan.

(A) convincingly

(B) remarkably

(C) subtly

(D) anxiously

123. Celina was_______ for creating the advertising campaign responsible for a 220% jump in the
sales of household cleaning products.

(A) ensured

(B) commended

(C) incorporated

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) reprimanded

124. Since the training course, over 30 employees have exceeded their quotas, _____previously only
around 20 had done so.

(A) despite

(B) whereas

(C) unless

(D) because

125. When the delayed train finally arrives, Irritated passengers g on the platform for nearly six hours.

(A) have been waiting

(B) will be waiting

(C) have waited

(D) will have been waiting

126. Negotiators for the two corporations have been mired in discussions for weeks but are now said to
be_______ to finalizing an agreement.

(A) closed

(B) closing

(C) closest

(D) close

127. The machine must be kept within a temperature range of 50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit to
achieve_______ performance.

(A) diverse

(B) optimal

(C) sequential

(D) relative

128. For over 30 years, Belinda Davis has demonstrated her passionate_______ to this community,
and she deserves to be elected its mayor.

(A) commitment

(B) communication

(C) committee

(D) commission

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

129. Ms. Park has proven herself quite________ performing tasks for teams in each of the company’s
eight departments.

(A) versatile

(B) ordinary

(C) resilient

(0) substantial

130. Temple Motors, maker of the once-popular Rabbit Coupe, is ceasing production of the model,
______ due to declining sales.

(A) reports

(B) reported

(C) reporter

(D) reportedly

131. Without a_____ from a receiver, the delivery person is not permitted to leave the package
unattended outside of the building.

(A) recommendation

(B) signature

(C) certificate

(D) stature

132. Located in the center of East St Louis, the McKinley Mansion provides a rare link to the past in
this_______ modem city.

(A) otherwise

(B) previously

(C) variously

(D) instead

133. Sales of plastic water bottles dropped______ ,from 590 a month to just 110 a month, because of
the report on plastic toxicity.

(A) sharply

(B) meanly

(C) gradually

(D) hardly

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

134. Corporations should submit quarterly earning predictions and profit statements to news services
because_______ should be easy for ordinary investors to track their activities.

(A) who

(B) it

(C) that

(D) they

135. Data Processing, Inc. Is expected to_ a new line of state-of-the-art computer processors during
next month’s Information and Technology Industry Fair.

(A) remodel

(B) fabricate

(C) unveil

(D) solicit

136. Had Michelle not anticipated the supply shortage and put in an early order, the company
surely______ the contract.

(A) would have forfeited

(B) would forfeit

(C) had forfeited

(D) forfeits

137. _in the costs of basic materials, including copper, cement, and even plywood, have made it
virtually impossible for construction firms to accurately forecast their spending.

(A) Invitations

(B) Exposures

(C) Fluctuations

(D) Allowances

138. Mr. Reynolds systematically rewarded the employees who had done favors for him In the past,
while simultaneously discriminating against_______ who had not

(A) those

(B) them

(C) theirs

(D) these

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

139. The Pinnacle Tower, which stands at 111 Broad Street, is the building_______ the accounting
firm Finewell & Sons keeps its main office.

(A) what

(B) which

(C) where

(D) who

140. Urban Apparel, Ltd. has assured the public that ■_from the sale of its “Save New Orleans" T-shirts
will go directly to survivors of Hurricane Katrina.

(A) benefits

(B) proceeds

(C) savings

(D) supplement

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of sentences. Select the best answer to complete
the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following advertisement.

Now, more than ever, business success means keeping up not only with commercial and economic
developments, at the local and national levels, but also around the world. At International Business Daily
(IBD), we pride_in offering just that.

141. (A) it

(B) ourselves

(C) those

(D) us

IBD has been the most trusted source for International business news since the middle of the last

century. For almost that long, it has been considered_reading for business executives and is

142. (A) required

(B) requires

(C) requiring

(D) requirement

delivered to over 5,000 boardrooms around the world each day. And. since the advent of in 2001,
our subscribers have enjoyed online access to all feature articles, Interviews, and news updates at no
extra cost. If IBD sounds like something you can't live without, you're in luck. Call us at 1-800-555-3009
and I we'll send you a week's worth of free____. If you like what you see, you can take advantage of our

143. (A) issues

(B) Entries

(C) versions

(D) materials

new subscriber special and receive a year's subscription to IBD for just $99,991 You won’t find• better
deal than that anywhere.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Lambert,

Our records show that you registered as a user of the Bradford Town Office website within the last six
months. We at the town office are continually working to improve the website and the services it provides.
To this_, we hold random draws to select new users to participate in our citizen

144. (A) stop

(B) end

(C) final

(D) close

feedback sessions. You were selected for such an invitation in our most recent draw. I'm not sure how
much time you have been able to spend on the site, but it_as a one-stop

145. (A) had been creating

(B) is created

(C) will create

(D) was created

resource for the citizens of Bradford. Users can monitor and pay utility bills, schedule bulk trash pickup,
apply for budding permits, and much, much more. Of course, you need not have used any of these
functions to attend the feedback session. We are simply interested in learning about your _ with the site
so far.

146. (A) delicacy

(B) fulfillment

(C) aspiration

(D) experience

The session will take place during the town meeting on Tuesday, October 4, at 7:30 pm. If you plan on
attending, please call to RSVP at 555-2930 by October 1.

Thank you,

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Shirley McAdams

Online Director, Bradford Town Office

Questions 147-149 refer to the following advertisement.

Is your car running a little rough these days? Has your “check engine” light been on for longer than you
can remember? Are your tires wearing thin? Harrison Auto Center can help you with these and any other
automotive problems, no matter how big or small. Harrison Auto Center is one of the few_independently
owned repair shops in the city. Since

147. (A) sustaining

(B) appearing

(C) remaining

(D) inquiring

1975, we've been working on cars, trucks, and motorcycles with a high level of expertise and a low price
point. Our commitment to excellence_______ us the loyalty of a large and growing customer

148. (A) will earn

(B) could be earning

(C) will have earned

(D) has earned

base. In 2010, we were even named “Best Automotive Repair Shop” by the Daily Buglel,We welcome you
to stop by today and find out what makes us better than the rest. We’ll sit you down in our comfortable
waiting room, complete with complimentary coffee and magazines, and ____

149. (A) diagnose

(B) afford

(C) implement

(D) orient

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

your auto trouble In record time. What's more, we'll tell you what's worth spending the money to fix and
what's not! Clearly, we're not your average mechanics!

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 150-152 refer to the following email.

TO: Molly Takeshi

FROM: Hereford Books Net

SUBJECT: Order Confirmation ftP-X-240-2

Congratulations, Ms. Takeshi—your order Is confirmed! Please review the_______ of your order below:

150. (A) contents

(B) transactions

(C) belongings

(D) preferences

Title Price

Collection of Poems. 2010 1 $14.95

A Dark and Stormy Night i $19.34

Four Short Stories of Horror 2 $36.18

How to Start a Garden 1 $28.90

You have selected the "Standard Delivery” option, and these items are scheduled to be delivered on June
10.2011, In a single package. Please note that you have also chosen the "Signature Required" option, so
if_____ is home to receive the delivery, a notice will bo left and you will need to retrieve

151. (A) nothing

(B) anything

(C) no one

(D) anyone

the package from your local post office. Additionally, as part of our new commitment to environmentally
friendly policies, no paper invoice will accompany your order. Instead, please keep this email to serve as a
receipt for your records. Or. If you require a_______ invoice, you can request one from the "My Accounts"
tab on our website.

152. (A) raditional

(B) digital

(C) duplicate

(D) revised

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following notice.

Attention, residents of Fairfax. The city is planning to undertake major roadway renovations in the
downtown business district beginning next month. As we have been reporting for over a year
now, the sewer, electrical, pedestrian access, and other systems in the area are sadly outdoted
and in desperate need of an overhaul. Therefore, w© were happy to hear the city council
announce at their most recent meeting, on April 19. that repair work had been approved.

The project is officially scheduled to run from May 8 through August 31. though administrators are
already admitting that work could spin Into September and beyond. Access to many downtown
businesses will be disrupted during this time, but assurances have been given that every effort
will be made to minimize Inconveniences.

153. Where would me notice most likely 154. What aspect of the construction project
appear? is admitted to be uncertain?

(A) In a public safety report (A) What will be renovated

(B) In a trade journal (B) How long it will take

(C) In city council minutes (C) Who win do the work

(D) In a local newspaper (D) When it will start

Questions 155-156 refer to the following announcement.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

It has recently been brought to the attention of management that employees are abusing the privilege of
access to our on-site cafeteria. Many workers have been reported spending inordinate amounts of time
eating snacks and socializing in the café when they should be upstairs being productive. Faced with these
circumstances, company executives have no choice but to institute oversight of how much time
employees spend away from their desks.

As of tomorrow, everyone will be required to swipe their security badges outside the entrance to the
cafeteria whenever they enter and exit the facility. Any time spent in the cafeteria in excess of that
provided for by the company's employment contract (a 15- minute morning break, hour- long lunch, and
15-minute afternoon break) will be docked from employees’ pay

155. What does the announcement 156. How long each day are workers
introduce? permitted to spend in the cafeteria?

(A) A punitive policy (A) 15 minutes

(B) A security system (B) 30 minutes

(C) A cafeteria renovation (C) 1 hour

(D) A companywlde pay cut (D) 1 hour and a half

Questions 157 -159 refer to the following information

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

157. Where would the information most llkely (D) It is used ln the offices of Bryson
ba found? Electronics.

(A) ln a product user manual 159. What is NOT mentioned as a reason to

register on the website?
(B) On the company’s website
(A) To hear about sale offers on companion
(C) ln an electronics magazine products
(D) ln a shipping box (B) To get advice on how to make use of
158. What is stated about the Office Helper?
(C) To solicit assistance to correct a
(A) It is often damaged during shipping. malfunction
(B) It can carry out the functions of three (D) To apply for a rebate on the product
different devices. purchased
(C) Its installation is detailed on the back of
the page.

Questions 160-161 refer to the following form

County First Construction and Remodeling Project Estimate

Customer. Ted WhrtefieW Address: 491 Juniper Way, Fort Davis Pate of estimate: 03/14/2011

Description of work and services to be performed:

1. apply for and oversee the completion of building permits with the city of Fort Davis

2. demolish existing front porch, including stairs, railing, stoop, column supports, and roof overhang

3. dig post holes and pour cement for new porch wooden beam supports

4. construct new porch stoop (9’x4’) from recycled wood pulp EcoStar beams

5. construct new code-compliant railing along stairs to sidewalk

6. construct new wooden support beams and roof overhang to match existing roof style.

Total project cost: $3,890

Deposit (due upon signing of this form): $1,945

Secondary payment (due upon delivery of major materials): $972.50

Final payment (due upon completion, pending customer satisfaction): $972.50

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Estimated completion date: 20 days from the signing of this form, excluding any weather delays

Customer approval of these terms: ___ Date:___

160. What ts the purpose of the form? 161. How much would Mr. Whitefield have paid
in total when the project materials arrive?
(A) To ascertain the value of a
customer's porch (A) $972.50
(B) To bill a customer for construction (B) $1.945
work completed
(C) $2.917.50
(C) To establish the details of an
upcoming renovation (D) $3,890
(D) To describe the damages
sustained by a customer’s property

Questions 162-164 refer to the following email

To: Customer Service Team

From: Eileen Nix. Customer Service Manager

Subject: New protocols

Following the launch last month of our latest round of software updates, which affected our entire suite of
office productivity programs, we have seen a steep increase in customer complaints. Mostly, the public is
having a difficult time understanding the changes we made to functionality, security, and the general
appearance of the programs. In monitoring random instances of communication between customers and
this department. I’ve encountered several recurring problems that need to be addressed.

The first thing you should always do when you receive a complaint over the phone or by email is to
reassure the customer that the changes were made to facilitate their use of the programs. This helps put
them at ease and leads to an overwhelming success rate in such interactions. Secondly, you must never
leave the customer with the impression that the company is taking the blame in any way. This simply
encourages them to take more drastic actions, such as demanding a refund or avoiding our products in
the future.

The points above represent general guidelines that all customer service personnel should bear in mind.
Additionally, I will be meeting with select individuals to discuss specific 3 strategies that I feel have been
lacking in their handling of the recent influx of complaints.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

162. Why did Ms. Nix write the email? 163. What are workers told not to do?

(A) To alert team members to an approaching (A) Become frustrated

policy change
(B) Admit fault
(B) To deliver instructions for handling
displeased customers (C) Process customer refunds

(C) To instruct workers on how to provide (D) Complain about customers

technical support
164. What will happen next?
(D To show appreciation for the effort her team
has made (A) All team members will attend training.

(B) The company's software will be updated.

(C) The customers will receive apologies.

(D) The manager will address issues case

by case.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 165-167 refer to the following advertisement.

Traveling to Mexico is expensive and time-consuming, and in some areas it can even be life-threatening!
So why go all the way there to shop when you can find the same great artisan crafts at similar prices right
here in Webberville?
At South of the Border, our acquisition agents are the best in the business. They scour the entire country
to find the most unique woven textiles, the most authentic furniture pieces, and the most stunning art
pieces to bring back to customers in the Webberville area! Not only that, but at South of the Border we are
committed to stocking products that are made according to the principles of fair trade. In fact, over 50% of
our inventory is certified by the Commission on Fair Trade Goods, the only international body authorized
to disburse such distinctions. So when you shop at South of the Border, you know you're not only going to
get authentic, high-quality merchandise, but you'll also be helping support hard-working artisans from all
over Mexico!

165. Whet is being advertised? (C) Produce fair trade goods

(A) A specialty home décor shop (D) Evaluate Mexican products

(B) A travel agency in Webberville 167. What is mentioned about fair trade?

(C) A fair trade certification business (A) Its main function is to ensure authenticity.

(D) A Mexican tourism authority (B) It Is most prevalent among Mexican

166. What do South of the Border acquisition
agents NOT do? (C) It applies to nearly the entire inventory.

(A) Transport merchandise (D) It is judged by a single organization.

(B) Travel to Mexico

Questions 168-171 refer to the following article.

University textbooks cost an arm and a leg. This is seen not as opinion but as fact by all
parties involved—students, professors, university bookstores, and even textbook
publishers themselves. Depending on which studies you cite, the average college student
will spend about $1,000 on classroom texts this year. That's a big jump from $900 two
years ago and an increase of a whopping 40% since 2000, when figures were around $700.
In some cases, students attending low-cost community and state colleges are actually
spending more on books than they are on tuition each semester.
Fortunately, though, efforts are being! I made to ease the textbook burden for students—
and their parents, who are often responsible for paying the bills. A law was passed during
the last legislative session aimed at providing reduced-cost textbook alternatives. For
example, the law I dismantles so-called textbook -packages.’ which include DVDs,
workbooks, and other superfluous material, requiring publishers to also offer the book for
sale by itself. In addition, publishers must send professors updated pricing information
before each semester begins, so that they may decide on essential readings taking into

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

account the economic strain on students.
New businesses are also stepping in to provide relief. Textbook rental agencies lend out
new or lightly used books to students for the semester for sometimes less than half of the
purchase price. Also, many publishers are starting to offer e-book versions of their texts,
available chapter by chapter.

168. What is the article mainly about? 170. Under the new law what must publishers
(A) The most recent textbook price hikes
(A) Offer cheaper DVDs and workbooks
(B) Textbook costs exceeding tuition costs
(B) Sell books individually
(C) A law to make textbooks more
affordable (C) Provide discounts to professors

(D) Responses to elevated textbook costs (D) Communicate with parents

169. How much have annual textbook costs 171. What can a book rental shop do to help
risen since 2000? students save money on textbooks?

(A) $300 (A) Offer them a loan to buy books

(B) $700 (B) Sell them a portion of an e-book

(C) $900 (C) Lend them books at a reduced price

(D) $1,000 (D) Convince professors not to change


Questions 172-175 refer to the following memo.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

172. What is mainly discussed in the memo? 174. What is indicated about Myers-Lawson?

(A) Efforts to secure a contract (A) It experienced substantial expansion.

(B) The reasons a contract was won (B) Its assets are being devalued.

(C) Advice for securing international (C) It is worth almost as much as WBP.
(D) Its business is only conducted overseas.
(D) A company's reaction to winning a
contract 175. What will happen starting October 5?

173. The word “concerns” in paragraph 1, line (A) The board will meet to discuss a merger
4, is closest in meaning to with Myers-Lawson.

(A) companies (B) Ideas regarding the handling of the

restructuring will be considered.
(B) worries
(C) Some members of the consulting
(C) affairs department will be transferred.

(D) problems (D) Employees will be expected to arrange.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 176-180 refer to the following article.

A record number of people are out OÍ work in Westfield County due to the recession. And that means a
record number of Westfield County residents are looking for a job, sometimes in a field utterly different
from the one they have been trained for. This is exactly what Angelina Caruthers, founder and director of
Westfield Bee Services, is counting on.

*lf you're out of work and looking for a way to start with a clean slate, beekeeping is likely the perfect
answer," Caro there says. "The market for domestic honeybee pollination services among Westfield
farmers is healthy, and it's nowhere near to being adequately filled. That's a recipe for business success."

To capitalize on this scenario, Caruthers's company has announced a series of beekeeping workshops, to
be held every Wednesday and Saturday at the office of Westfield Bee Services in Becksburg. After
attending just three sessions and successfully completing a certification exam, j anyone who chooses to
can become a licensed beekeeper, purchase a colony and launch their very own bee service startup. The
cost of the three-class course is $220, paid up front and in full, and registration forms are available from
the Westfield Bee Services website.

"It's really a win-win situation," Caruthers continues. "The unemployed get an opportunity to create and
run their own business, county farmers get access to more pollination providers, and the general public
gets an increase in the amount of fruits and vegetables grown in Westfield

176. What is the main idea of the article?

(A) A company is offering a training service.

(B) The demand for pollination in Westfield is In decline.

(C) Unemployment figures continue to rise.

(D) Beekeeping is the fastest growing industry in Westfield.

177. The word “counting" in paragraph 1, line 8, Is closest in meaning to

(A) depending

(B) measuring

(C) waiting

(D) leaning

178. Who is Angelina Caruthers?

(A) A pollination scientist

(B) A farmer

(C) A job seeker

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) An entrepreneur

179. What must someone do to become a licensed beekeeper?

(A) Take three weeks of classes

(B) Pass a specialized test

(C) Subscribe to a website

(D) Purchase a colony of bees

180. According to the article, what is NOT a benefit of the beekeeping course?

(A) A boost to the Westfield economy

(B) A larger stock of produce for consumers

(C) Entrepreneurial potential for Job hunters

(D) More services available to local growers.

Questions 181-185 refer to the following article and email .

From: Evelyn Arenett

To: Maria Santos
Subject: Just read the news

Maria, what a terribly pleasant surprise it was to find the WonTech press release in my
inbox this morning. Why didn't you tell me the news earlier?! who would have thought
fifteen years ago, when we were both struggling to get ahead at Datadym Industries, that
you would one day be CFO of WonTech International? I'm so proud of you.
And, I have another reason to be happy—it sounds as if you'll be in Vancouver this week!
I'm sure you remember that I moved here last year to take a job with the nonprofit
investment firm of Davis&Lee. I haven't had many chances to explore the city, as they're

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

keeping me pretty busy at work, but I do know some great spots to grab lunch or perhaps
lake in some sights. Should you have any time to spare during your visit, there's nothing I
would enjoy more than getting the chance to catch up and congratulate you in person.
You must be so excited about this opportunity, and I know you're up to the task. I had the
pleasure of meeting Mr. Mata several years ago at a conference, and he seemed very
capable. I'm sure he's left the office in good shape for you. I've also had positive dealings
with your boss here in Vancouver. I only hope your replacement is able to fill your shoes
in Sydney—I'm sure you'll be missed there!
Looking forward to seeing you,
- Eve

181. What Is mentioned about Ms. (B) To congratulate her on her

Santos? promotion

(A) She will relocate from (C) To invite her to a symphony

Vancouver to Sydney. performance

(B) She runs the company’s (D) To request information about her
second-largest office. job

(C) She often attends musical 184. What would Ms. Arnett like to do
performances. this week?

(D) She has a reputation for being (A) Reminisce with a friend
overly strict.
(B) Explore more of the city
182. In the press release, the word
"assume" In line 9 is closest In meaning (C) Attend a business luncheon
(D) Participate in a group tour
(A) transform
185. Who does Ms. Arnett NOT know
(B) believe personally?

(C) seize (A) Maria Santos

(D) undertake (B) Kevin Bright

183. Why did Ms. Arnett write to Ms. (C) Roger Mata
(D) Kenneth Song
(A) To offer her a position at a
nonprofit organization

Questions 186-190 refer to the following emails.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

From: Sam Gentry

To: Bridgette Kuhn

Subject: For the "Get to Know Us" section of the website

Hi Bridgctte,

I've been put in charge of building the "Get to Know Us" page on the new website, and I came up
with the idea of including a personal photo and favorite quote for everyone. I've enlisted the j help
of Janet Derbish to collect this material, and she's already spoken with more than 20 people.
However, what she's found is a lot of them don't have any personal photos available that the/d I
like to post on the website. So, I thought that we might have a group photo shoot one day this I
week to collect images of everyone in the office. Someone mentioned to me that you have a
degree | in photojournalism, and I was wondering if you might be interested in taking charge of the
shoot Please let me know soon if you're able to do this.

- Sam

From: Bridgette Kuhn

To: Sam Gentry

Subject: Re: For the “Get to Know Us" section of the website

Hi Sam,

What a great idea about posting photos of everyone on the new website! I think that will give it a
real personal touch. To answer your question, though. I actually studied journalism in college not
photojournalism. In fact, the only camera I own Is the one on my phone! So I don't think I’m the
best person to spearhead the photo shoot But if you’re still looking for someone. I can recommend
one of my colleagues here in the IT department: Jorge Morales. He Is a gifted amateur
photographer and runs an online shop in his spare time through which he sells his photos. His
extension is 204 If you'd like to talk to him yourself, or I can have him call you.

Also, I haven't been contacted by Ms. Derbish yet, but I do have a personal photo that I wouldn't
mind contributing to the webpage, which I’ll attach to this email. And here is my favorite quote- |
by William James: The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.” Let me know if you need
anything else.


186. How do Mr. Gentry and Ms. Kuhn (A) Ms. Kuhn is Mr. Gentry’s IT
probably Know each other? client.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) They are employees of the (D) To explain how she met an
same company. acquaintance

(C) They went to the same 189. What does Ms. Kuhn suggest
university. about Mr.Morales?

(D) Mr. Gentry is an old friend of Ms. (A) He was recently hired by an IT
Kuhn. company.

187. Who is in charge of gathering (B) He earned a college degree In

quotes? photojournalism.

(A) Sam Gentry (C) He is working a second job to

make ends meet.
(B) Bridgette Kuhn
(D) He has more experience with a
(C) Jorge Morales task than she does.

(D) Janet Derbish 190. What information is NOT

included in Ms.Kuhn’s email?
188. Why does Ms. Kuhn mention
that she studied journalism? (A) Who her favorite author is

(A) To correct a misunderstanding (B) A way to reach Mr. Morales

(B) To prove her qualifications for a (C) How to find her picture
(D) Her chosen words of wisdom
(C) To elaborate on her educational

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 191-195 refer to the following invoice and form

Order Summary #350-60*30900

Customer name: Edgar West Summary date: Jan. 17 Shipping date: Jan. 23 Estimated delivery
date: Jan. 27

Hartford Office Supply customer policies:

* All orders are shipped via certified express mail, at customer's expense.

* Returns are accepted on all non*customized products within 30 days of customer's receipt
To request a refund or exchange, a customer must complete the return form found on the back of
this page and mail the product(s) In question, at his/her expense, to the following address:

Hartford Office Supply

Customer Returns Dept.

2305 Warehouse Rd.

Toronto, ON Canada

Any questions, concerns, or complaints should be directed to the Hartford Customer Service Dept
at (416) 555-1200.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Product Retum Form

Description of product(S) being returned: Divergex paper cutter, model #DX-15

Type of return requested: x_____ exchange_____ refund

Reason for return: The product appears to have suffered some damage during shipping. The
cutter arm has been bent just above where it attaches to the cutting platform, so it is impossible to
bring the arm down straight onto the platform. Also, there are several deep scratches on the
surface of the platform, and some of the point on the arm has been chipped off._

Further comments: I’m unable to reuse the original packaging material, as the box has also been
severely damaged. Instead, I’ve found another box of roughly the same dimensions. I hope this is

How may we reach you with any potential questions? By phone ie the easiest: 555-3201_

Please include this form along with the produces(s) being returned, package them in the original
product container, and affix a computer-printed address label with the address listed on the
opposite side of this page.

191. Which single Item In Mr. West’s 192. What kind of items cannot be
order is the cheapest? returned?

(A) A box of pens (A) items that have been

(B) A box of pencils
(B) Items damaged during shipping
(C) A set of stationery
(C) items unaccompanied by an
(D) A box of staples original receipt

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) items ordered more than a (B) He does not know how to
month ago properly use the paper cutter.

193. What is Mr. West attempting to do? (C) He is a repeat customer of

Hartford Office Supply.
(A) Submit a review of a product
(D) He must pay the shipping cost
(B) Request a replacement product for the return.
(C) Inquire about the policy for 195. Which policy is Mr. West NOT
returns going to follow?
(D) Receive a refund of $30.00 (A) Contacting a customer service

(B) Printing a correct address label

194. What is implied about Mr. West?
(C) Using the original container
(A) He can return his order any time
after February 17. (D) Completing the return form

Questions 196-200 refer to the following emails.

From. Business Strategies Seminar

Subject: Registration

Greetings. You are receiving this notice because you have submitted a registration form to attend
ihe 6th annual Princeton Business Strategies Seminar, put on by the Princeton League of
Business leaders. To our delight, we have received more than twice as many registrations this
year as we had for previous seminars. If this participant count is correct, it will warrant the
switching of event facilities from the conference room at the Princeton Town Office, where the
seminar is normally held, to somewhere that offers more space. Before we commit to such a
change, we are asking all registered participants ¡0 please reconfirm their intention to take part in
the Princeton Business Strategies Seminar, August 16-19. 1

Regardless of how many participants attend, the seminar program will not change. The keynote
presentation, titled 'Expanding Your Business Reoch Using Social Media,” will be given by
Pamela Amen, chairperson of the Princeton League of Business Leaders, on the closing day of
the event. Other! distinguished speakers will include Jutia Mooney, Lynne Bialek, and Charles
Fang, addressing the issues of international branding, responding to unexpected supply
shortages, and economic forecasts in the age of global warming, respectively, Clearly, you're not
going to want to miss this one!

From: Jared Fuller

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

To: Business Strategies Seminar

Subject: Re: Registration

Dear seminar staff,

My name is Jared Fuller, director of overseas marketing with Wishbone Entertainment, and I
submitted my original registration for the event on July 17. Per your request, I am writing to
confirm my plans to attend the 6th annual Princeton Business Strategies Seminar.

However, in the interest of helping you better estimate the total number of participants, I should
inform you that I will only be present during the first two days of the seminar. My colleague at
Wishbone, Sarah Waitsfield, will take my place for the remainder of the event. She has submitted
a separate registration, but I suppose for your purposes you may count the two of us as one
participant, since we will not both be attending at the same time.

Thank you, and I look forward to the conference.

- Jared Fuller

196. What is the purpose of the first


Ạ)To announce the program of a

business conference

(B) To request that individuals verify

their plans

(C) To encourage businesspeople to

register for an event

(D) To report on the success of a

professional seminar

197. In the first email, the word “warrant”

in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to

(A) consider

(B) support



TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

198. What is indicated about this
year’s Princeton Business Strategies

(A) It will be held at a new venue.

(B) It has attracted more interest

than expected.

(C) It will feature more speakers

than it did last year.

(D) H experienced some problems

with its registration process.

199. Whose presentation would Mr.

Fuller likely be most interested In?

(A) Lynne Bialek

(B) Charles Fang

(C) Pamela Amen

(D) Julia Mooney

200. What does Mr. Fuller say about

Ms. Waitsfield?

(A) She has decided not to

participate in the event.

(B) She plans to deliver a speech at

the seminar.

(C) She failed to send in her

registration request.

(D) She will attend the second half

of the seminar.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark
the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Due to her attendance at the annual librarians'conference, Ms. Monroe will be out of the office

(A) before

(B) since

(C) until

(D) behind

102. Despite a decline in its housing markets, thecountry's economic growth has held steady at 3.4%
for the_____ three years.

(A) past

(B) usual

(C) upcoming

(D) late

103. Altech Computer is looking for a__computer technician to loin its damage prevention and repair

(A) qualifier

(B) qualify

(C) qualification

(D) qualified

104. With the most recent figures pointing to an 8% loss of market share, the promotional campaign
was deemed a __failure.

(A) normal

(B) frequent
(C) complete

(D) superficial

105. In order to take advantage of the sales taxrebate, travelers are____ to present all receipts for
purchases made in the country.

(A) confirmed

(B) determined

(C) acquired

(D) supposed

106. According to the sales flyer, this week onlythereto_______50 percent off everything instock at
Godfrey's Fabric store.

(A) off of

(B) up to

(C) aside from

(D) because of

107 .__working for TLM, Inc. indicate thatcustomer receptiveness to traditional forms cf advertising to on
the wane.

(A) Markers

(B) Marks

(C) Marketers

(D) Markets

108. Because employees were forced to arrive atwork_____ than usual this morning, theybe allowed to
leave at 4:00 pm.

(A) early

(B) earliness

(C) earliest

(D) earlier

109. A professional tailor can take more precise____ of your body, ensuring your outfit is with a perfect fit.

(A) measurements

(B) precautions

(C) calculations

(D) affirmations

110. The new Metro Red Line, running fromLeander to Austin, provides a hassle-free way for

(A) commuted
(B) be commuting

(C) commute

(D) to commute

111. Mr. Takeshi ______to boost sales by 40% inthe third quarter by implementing a policy of free
shipping on all orders over $50.

(A) targets

(B) fulfills

(C) aims

(D) counts

112. As a result of overwhelming demand,customers can expect shipping ___of atleast two weeks
through December.

(A) agents

(B) Invoices

(C) delays

(D) receipts

113. Though____scheduled for August 1, theband's concert has been postponed twice and is now
slated for September 16.

(A) origin

(B) originate

(C) original

(D) originally

114. All employees are encouraged to ... as frequently as possible with the 30 interns who will be
spending the summer at the company.

(A) activate

(B) familiarize

(C) assist

(D) interact

115. Any customer complaints received by email should be forwarded____ to Mr. Williamsand no
one else In the customer service department.

(A) solely

(B) mainly

(C) nearly

(D) closely
116. A thorough analysis of all of theworker-generated marketing ideas_____Inthe annual shareholder
report distributed last Friday.

(A) was included

(B) Includes

(C) were included

(D) for inclusion

117. _____CEO Ken Chung sold his majority stakeIn the company's stock, it was trading for a record-
high of $4.14 a share.

(A) On the other hand

(B) At the time

(C) In addition that

(D) However much

118. As her colleague's plane failed to arrive ontime, Kim Martinez was forced to deliver the

(A) her

(B) hers

(C) herself

(D) her own

119. The_____ on the part of governmentregulators to implement stricter pollution rules is allowing
thousands of tons of carbon dioxide to be dumped into the atmosphere.

(A) hesitation

(B) remainder

(C) uniformity

(D) malfunction

120. If airport authorities consider it____to shutdown the entire terminal for security reasons, they should
be allowed to do so.

(A) necessity

(B) necessitate

(C) necessary

(D) necessarily

121. Officials_____ a press conference as soon as more information about the capture of the suspected
criminals can be gathered.

(A) have conducted

(B) will conduct

(C) had been conducting

(D) conduct

122. The package can be tom by pulling on the red tab located at the top left comer of the box.

(A) open

(B) opens

(C) opened

(D) opener

123. The purpose of the quality assurance staff is to inspect every product before it leaves the
warehouse and make sure no____ merchandise reaches customers.

(A) guaranteed

(B) perceptible

(C) defective

(D) avoidable

124. Even though the meteor shower was less intense than experts had predicted, astronomers
participated in the viewing.

(A) somewhat

(B) highly

(C) sooner

(D) abruptly

125. Company executives hope that the Increased efficiency and stylish design of their latest
automobile will____ for Its lack of power.

(A) reimburse

(B) offset

(C) compensate

(D) account

126._____ of the passengers were Informed thatrefunds would not be granted for tickets purchased
during its international destination sale.

(A) Never

(B) None

(C) Not

(D) No

127. Several workers have complained to the human resources department that the company’s dress
code is being enforced too

(A) applicably
(B) rigorously

(C) confidently

(D) preferably

128. Carter Manufacturing announced its plans to acquire TaYo Industrial Services, ______ will make
Carter the largest construction materials manufacturer In the Southern Hemisphere.

(A) which

(B) that

(C) what

(D) then

129. Only a small and select group of electrical engineers was shown the designs for the
microprocessors in order to ensure_____

(A) confident

(B) confidential

(C) confidentially

(D) confidentiality

130._____ the dozens of netbook models currently on the market, the 8.6-inch E-Book Light made by
New Age Machines has been rated the most dependable.

(A) From

B) Of

(C) Out

(D) Near

131. Account information will only become___to customers once they correctly provide the answers to
previously assigned security questions.

(A) beneficial

(B) responsible

(C) equitable

(D) accessible

132. If used , even the most poorly designed cell phone should be able to function for at least three

(A) continuously

(B) sparingly

(C) fortunately

(D) uncertainly
133. the presentation of the film, ambient noise from neighboring theaters made It very hard for the
audience to concentrate on what they were watching.

(A) into

(B) Within

(C) Along

(D) Throughout

134. Many feel the governor should be more _____of Ms. Gabardo’s efforts, seeing as how she was
integral in launching his political career.

(A) doubtful

(B) appreciative

(C) wary

(D) considerable

135. No one doubts______ Mr. Smith is a gifted actor, but critics are saying it will take more than acting
talent to salvage the dreadful script

(A) who

(B) which

(C) that

(D) it

136. ___all of the members raise $1,000 as asked, the organization will be able to afford the building
maintenance work that is so desperately needed.

(A) Provide

(B) Provisional

(C) Provided

(D) Provides

137. Questioning the_____ of convincing the board to hire 10 new workers, the manager instead opted
to ask for volunteers to work overtime for the next three months.

(A) admission

(B) similarity

(C) likelihood

(D) sustainability

138. Employees of Waterman Tech, Inc., only one of has any sort of sports background, placed last in
the regional softball league.

(A) whom

(B) theirs
(C) what

(D) them

139. The standard writer's contract features two-tiered compensation, including an ..issued upon
completion of the work, followed by a share of the revenues earned by sales.

(A) advance

(B) assessment

(C) allowance

(D) incentive

140. Though the bidder had been determined to win the item at the beginning of the auction, he had no
choice but to___ from the proceedings when the going price topped $10,000.

(A) maneuver

(B) associate

(C) withdraw

(D) elicit
Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of sentences. Select the best answer to complete
the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 141 -143 refer to the following announcement.

This announcement is for all Iverson, Inc. employees. We are happy to share with you that
theemployee_____with the Iverson Gold Standard Award at this year's company banquet is none

141. (A) is honoring

(B) will be honored

(C) has honored

(D) to be honored

other than Ms. DanlelaTela.During her 25-year tenure with Iverson, Ms. Tela has demonstrated a firm
commitment to the ideals and values we hold so dear. What's more, she exemplifies the tremendous
potential for__

142. (A) advancement

(B) ingenuity

(C) affordabffity

(D) innovation

In our company. Ms. Tela started with Iverson as a summer Intern In 1986 and has risen to her current j
post of executive vice president In record time.

The Gold Standard Award, as well as several other employee honors, will be presented during the
banquet this Friday, June 11. If you have not received a formal invitation with details about the location,
time, and program, please contact Eva Sandoval in Events Planning at extension ; Congratulations to
Daniela Tela and all of our other award , and we'll see you on Friday.

143. (A) receivers

(B) receipts

(C) receives

(D) recipients

Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter.

Dear Dr. Rice,

I was fortunate enough to be in attendance at the CLM Industries Tech Conference last week, where I
thoroughly enjoyed your presentation on technology-based solutions to common office problems. And it
wasn't just me; everyone I spoke with afterward agreed that the innovative material you coveredprovided
them with many ideas to apply to their own efforts at increasing workplace_____.
144. (A) sufficiency
(B) formality
(C) community
(D) efficiency
Accordingly, I'm writing now to ask whether you might consider presenting once again, this time at an
intra-company workshop my firm is putting on at the end of the month. The theme, obviously, will
beimproved utilization of time and resources in the workplace. We_to invite anyone from outside
145. (A) had not planned
(B) will not be planning
(C) do not plan
(D) are not planning
the company to speak, but I feel your insights would be invaluable to us.Based on the overwhelmingly
positive____ to your presentation at CLM, I suspect you might be
146. (A) responsively
(B) responds
(C) responsive
(D) response
receiving several inquiries like this one. But If there’s any way you can make an appearance at our firm we
would be very grateful. You can contact me at 555-2059 to discuss the event further.
Carla White

Questions 147-149 refer to the following memo.

TO: Employees

A major renovation project is being undertaken here at Lehman Consulting. Beginning on the 16th of this
month, the cafeteria on the ground floor of our building will be undergoing changes to modernize kitchen
equipment and streamline the services provided. We realize the potential for inconvenience the project
creates for our 400 employees, the majority of whom depend on the cafeteria for their daily lunches.
However, we've come up with a solution we feel will _ the loss of this facility.
147. (A) comprehend
(B) accord
(C) mitigate
(D) systematize
For the______ of the remodeling, we will be contracting with a local mobile catering service to
148. (A) management
(B) duration
(C) complexity
(D) assistance
send one of their food trucks to our building during lunchtime. The truck will be stationed outside the | man
entrance from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The company. Cooks in a Cart, prepares
food on-site and serves Mexican treats like tacos_______ traditional American hamburgers
149. (A) prior to
(B) except
(C) along with
(D) throughout
and sandwiches.
Of course, this option can provide neither the variety nor the capacity of our cafeteria, but It Is better than
forcing everyone to bring their own lunches or travel into town to eat.

Questions 150->152 refer to the following email.

Dear Ms. Reyes,

Thank you for your email of introduction to your volunteer organization, American Hope. It sounds as If
you and your associates are doing outstanding work in the field of poverty reduction, and I am honored
that you have turned to my firm____your public relations needs.
150. (A) to handle
(B) handling
(C) handles
(D) the handle
Let me say immediately that, yes, we are Interested in working with American Hope. I’m sure you are
aware that we offer reduced rates on the services we provide to nonprofit groups like yours.
Therefore, I know we can reach an agreement that will be_to both our organizations.
151. (A) irreplaceable
(B) lucrative
(C) simplistic
(D) profitable
The first step is to meet and discuss your outreach goals In greater detail.___ this is done face to
152. (A) Contrarily
(B) Fortunately
(C) Surprisingly
(D) Ordinarily
face, but considering that you reside outside of the country, I believe we can arrange a video conference
that will suffice. I’d ask you to choose the date and time that works best for you, and we can try to
accommodate your preference. In addition, I encourage you to ask me any other questions you may have
about my firm or the services we offer.
I look forward to speaking with you soon,
- Dan Cicero

Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following advertisement.

Jessica's Is a recently opened exciting new oddirtonrorheronks of the Crossrown Moil.

WeVegorrheelegonr accessories you need to dress up ony old ourfir. From morher-of-pearl necklaces
rosreriing silver rings ond bracelets. there's no look or style we con’r create. And. for you moms our there,
we even have achildren's video comer so your kids con have some fun while you shop! Come down to
Crossrownond see us today. We're locored on the second floor of the east wing, between Stevenson’s
Shoes ond the stationery shop. To sweeten rhe deal, bring in rhispoge and we'll knock 10% off your first

153. What Is NOT mentioned about Jessica's? 154. How can customers receive a discount?

(A) It carries children’s games. A) By bringing in their children

(B) It sells a variety of jewelry. (B ) By purchasing multiple items

(C) It started its business lately. (C) By showing an advertisement

(D) It is next door to an office supply store. (D) By attending the grand opening

Questions 156-156 refer to the following notice

Attention: Registered participants of the Davidson Woodworking Workshop

On September 2, a notice was sent out to everyone who had registered stating that the date of the
workshop had been changed from Saturday, October 5 to Saturday, September 28—one week earlier.
Unfortunately, this information is incorrect; the date has actually been pushed back one week. None of the
other event details have been altered. The workshop will still be held on the Davidson Community College
campus from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, with a one-hour break for lunch. We apologize for this n '«convenience
and hope to see you there.

155. What is the purpose of the notice? 156. When will the workshop be held?

(A) To encourage registration (A) September 2

(B) To correct a mistake (B) September 28

(C) To announce a workshop venue (C) October 5

(D) To provide event details (D) October 12

Questions 157 -158 refer to the following announcement.

After twenty years of excellent service, but an unfortunate decline in revenues during the last two, Kat’s
Restaurant is undergoing a change of ownership. The founder and original owne, Katrina Adam, has
plans to open a new upscale Italian restaurant, in contrast to the low-budget cuisine Kat’s has become
famous for. Taking her place is restaurateur Patrick Abbas, owner of five other restaurants in the Hype
Park area. He has indicated that the menu will remain largely the same, though he is sketching out plans
to fit more tables into the somewhat limited space of the restaurant. Kat’s will close its door December 1
and will reopen as Pat’s Place sometime in February.

157. What aspect of the restaurant is being 158. What is suggested about Mr. Abbas?
(A) He runs other Italian restaurants.
(A) Its staff
(B) He is a professionally trained chef.
(B) Its cuisine
(C) He wants to increase seating capacity.
(C) Its location
(D) He is a newcomer to the restaurant
(D) Its name business.

Questions 159-162 refer to the following email.

Dear Mr. Simon,

I am writing to you after discovering your entertaining and informative travel website. Around the World. I
am not ashamed to admit that I spent a solid two hours perusing your articles on foreign customs and
amazing cultural sites, even though I originally stumbled onto it while doing a search for study abroad
programs. I feel you've done a wonderful job creating content that appeals to a wide variety of people
eager to discover new things about the world. Congratulations!

I am a writer by profession, and I recently published my debut work, entitled Lost in France. The story
deals with an earty travel experience I had in the country and how my memories of it changed when I
returned later as an adult. I noticed that your site features several book reviews, and I was wondering If
you would consider posting your impressions of my work. I am not looking for a guarantee of praise; your
honest opinion is all I ask.

If this is a proposition that interests you, I would be happy to send you a copy at my own expense.

I only ask that you contact my publisher prior to posting a review so that they may anticipate the publisher
prior to posting a review so that they may anticipate the publicity.

Thanks for your consideration.

- KimiMatsury
159. Why is Ms. Matsuri writing to Mr. (D) International learning opportunities
161. What Is indicated about Lost in France?
(A) To submit a story for publication
(A) It is a work of nonfiction.
(B) To congratulate him on the launch of his
website (B) It is a sequel to Around the World.

(C) To request a review of her book (C) It is Mr. Simon's first novel

(D) To complain about an unfair review (D) It is critically acclaimed.

160. What subject was Ms. Matsuri initially 162. What does Ms. Matsuri offer to do?
(A) Ship the book
(A) Cultural sites around the world
(B) Contact the publisher
(B) Travel book reviews
(C) Review the website
(C) Customs of foreign countries
(D) Travel with Mr. Simon

Questions 163-165 refer to the following article.

Officials at the McNeil Museum of International Art are announcing that the museum’s March exhibition it
going to be something special. It’s all thanks to Mr. Antonio Garcia, one of the museum's I most active
members and a man who has donated generously I during fundraisers in the past.

His most recent contribution, however, has come not in the form of money but rather art itself. For most of
his adult life, Mr. Garcia, a native of Colombia, has been collecting both traditional and contemporary
works from around South America, including

! several hundred indigenous weavings from Bolivia. Now, he has gifted a significant portion of these,
along with pieces from Peru 8 and Ecuador, to the McNeil. The March exhibition will feature I these new

Additionally, Tom McClosky, the museum's general curator, has organized a unique experience for
museum members. On February 26, a guided tour will be provided by Mr. Garcia, who will share details
about the artwork as well as personal stories of how he acquired it. The exhibition, titled “Andean
Artscapes." is scheduled to open to the general public on March 2.

163. What is said about Antonio Garcia? (D) He Is the newest member of the
(A) He is the museum’s general curator.
164. Which country’s artwork will NOT be
(B) He recently made a large monetary included in the March exhibition?
(A) Peru
(C) He has presented the museum with his
collection. (B) Colombia

(C) Ecuador
(D) Bolivia (B) They will see the exhibition before the
general public.
165. What Is mentioned about museum
members? (C) They are expected to donate money in
return for a tour.
(A) They must renew their membership
each month. (D) They will visit the museum together on
March 2.

Questions 166-168 refer to the following email

From: Sue Yi

To: Carlton Cheevers

Subject: Inspection, D4 toaster

Carlton, I’m doing a product testing on the ToastMaster D4 Bread Toaster this week, and I’ve encountered
a unit that gives me cause for concern. The product number is D4-230943-F, and I’ve found that when all
four toaster slots are in use, the unit overheats to dangerous levels. Clearly, there is a problem with the
temperature control apparatus, because according to the product specifications, the maximum heat yield
should be well within safety limits.

I see here that an inspector from your department, Elisa Chow, signed off on this unit when it came
through her station last week. I’d like for you to speak with Mr. Chow and find out how this defect
managed to make it past her scrutiny. I’ve already talked to Marshall Lander, the product designed, and
he feels this is probably an isolated incident. But we need to get to the root of the problem before we send
these toasters out into the market.


166. What is the purpose of the email?

A. To request that a product’s sales be inspected

B. To suggest a change to the inspection process.
C. To report a problem with product
D. To inquire about the specifications for a product

167. Who most likely is in charge of the inspection team?

A. Sue Yi
B. Marshall Lander
C. Elisa Chow
D. Carlton Cheevers

168. What is suggested about the ToastMaster d4 Bread Toaster?

A. Its use has resulted in several injuries to customers.

B. It was revealed to have commonly known defects.
C. It was not designed to toast four slices at once
D. It is not yet available in stores
Questions 169-171 refer to the notice

Attention, employees. As your supervisors should informed you by now, the building’s electrical system
will be undergoing renovations this weekwnd. The main purpose of the work is to replace all emergency
circuit breaker with more mordern version to ensure the safety of all workers. In addition, the system will
be upgraded to accommodate the increase in power necessitated by the opening of our new wing of
offices nextmonth.Supplementaryelectrical outlets will also be added in equipment rooms and near all
high- use devices, such as printers and copiers.

Due to the nature of the work, power to the building will to be switched off and on several times over the
weekend. This could potentially damage any equipment connected to the power grid, so we are asking
everyone to unplug all devices, from pencil sharpeners to computer monitors, before they leave for the
day. Additionally, there will be no overtime work performed at our offices this weekend. Anyone who has
applied for and received permission for overtime hours should carry out their work at home.

Please contact Ms, Suzuki in the tech department with ant questions. Thank you.

169. What change Is NOT involved in the 170. What is expected to happen next
scheduled work? month?

(A) The installation of new power outlets (A) Updated office equipment will be
(B) Raising the capacity of the electrical system
(B) An electrical system will be repaired.
(C) The replacement of old emergency
circuit breakers (C) Electrical power will be turned off.

(D) Redesigning the offices of the tech (D) The company’s workspace will be
department expanded.

171. What are employees instructed to do


(A) Visit the tech department

(B) Apply for overtime permission

(C) Disconnect electrical devices

(D) Turn their monitors off and on again

Questions 172-175 refer to the following letter.

Dear Ms. Amanda Parker,

Thank you for your interest in attending the 63rd annual Southeast Regional Salesperson Conference, to
be held July 12 through July 14 in the ballroom of the Inter-Regency Hotel Enclosed is a registration form
for you to fill out and send back to reserve a seal.

Please note that the registration cost has increased 10 $150 from last year * fee of $120. The change is in
response to a sharp rise in registrations last year. If we see the same percentage of increase this year, we
will not have enough space to accommodate everyone, so it was felt that the higher fee would keep the
number of registrants within reason.

The deadline for registration is June 15. Please have your form postmarked by that date to participate in
regular registration. After June 15, an additional fee of $40 will be applied for expedited registration. And,
as always, all registration fees include a non-refundable $50 deposit to protect against cancellation. By
affixing your signature to the registration form, you agree to abide by these and all other terms governing
the Southeast Regional Salesperson Conference, which can be found on the back of the form.

Sincerely yours,

Maxine Stinson, Conference Organizer

172. Why did Ms. Stinson send this letter? (D) Its registration deadlines are flexible.

(A) To notify conference participants of a 174. What happens after June 15?
recent fee Increase
(A) Registrants are given special status.
(B) To detail the policies pertaining to
conference attendance (B) The cost of registration goes up.

(C) To report a problem with Ms. Parkor's (C) Registrations will no longer be accepted.
registration stat
(D) A different registration form will be use
(D) To encourage conference members to
register early 175. How much will participants lose if they
cancel their registration?
173. What is indicated about the conference?
(A) $40
(A) It has been held continuously for
decades. (B) $50

(B) Its location is different from last year's (C) $120

(C) It will have more sessions this year. (D) $150

Questions 176-180 refer to the following article.

It has been just over a year now since the city of Talbot partnered with local firm Construction Waste
Processing (CWP) to undertake a massive cleanup project in the warehouse district and other
underutilized urban areas. CWP is nationally recognized as a leader in the field of industrial waste
recycling, having developed and patented a method of reprocessing concrete, steel, synthetics, and other
materials that result from building demolition.

Still, at the one-year mark the Talbot City Council called in an independent agency, Waste Management
Watchdogs (WMW), to analyze CWP's progress thus far. The results were released yesterday, and CWP
earned a phenomenal score of 29 out of 30. Specifically, WMW judged their cleanup of demolished
structures in the warehouse district as "excellent.“

This comes as good news for the city council, for it means the unprecedented investment of $45 million in
the cleanup was wisely spent CWP will be on the job for another two years, after which time a designer
will be chosen to I re-imagine and revitalize the warehouse district I and downtown Talbot Talks with
several firms I have already begun, most notably with the I celebrated Canadian organization Celsus
Urban Planners.

Regardless of the outcome, however, residents of Talbot can be proud that homegrown Construction
Waste Processing has performed so admirably, helping the environment at the same time as helping to
put Talbot on the industrial services map.

176. What is the article mainly about? (B) Construction Waste Processing

(A) Plans to revitalize a downtown area (C) The Talbot City Council

(B) A method for reusing industrial waste (D) Waste Management Watchdogs

(C) Problems with the Talbot city budget 179. The word "unprecedented” in paragraph 3,
line 2 is closest in meaning to
(D) The progress of a recycling project
(A) moderate
177. What is happening in the warehouse
district? (B) approved

(A) Modem designs are being experimented (C) unfortunate

(D) exceptional
(B) A new company is opening a factory.
180. What Is planned to occur in two years?
(C) Waste from other projects is being
dumped. (A) Urban areas will be renovated.

(D) Old buildings are being torn down. (B) CWP’s contract will be renewed.

178. Which organization was responsible for (C) A design firm's work will be assessed.
rating the work completed?
(D) Urban planners will solicit public
(A) Cetsus Urban Planners opinions.
Questions 181-185 refer to the following emails.

From: Wendy Thackeray

To: Customer Service Department, One Star Telecom

Subject: My May phone statement

Customer Service:

I signed up for a cell phone plan with One Star this past March. According to the contract I signed, l was to
be charged a base fee of $59 per month for unlimited Internet use and up to 600 minutes of call time.
Anything over 600 minutes would be billed at a rate of 20 cents per minute. I chose this plan because I
knew I would never surpass the regular minutes. However, in my May phone statement, it clearly shows
that only logged 479 minutes of call time during the month. Yet the total in the "amount owed" column,
before taxes, is listed as S69. Can you explain this discrepancy?

I have heard horror stories from friends who receive service from other phone companies about j sudden
and unannounced rate hikes. I chose One Star specifically because 1 was led to believe this I would never
happen. I hope I wasn’t mistaken in that assumption.

•Wendy Thackeray

From: John Ming, Customer Service Representative

To: Wendy Thackeray

Subject: Re: My May phone statement

Dear Ms. Thackeray,

Let me begin by thanking you for bringing this issue to our attention. As you may have guessed, there was
an error in the processing of your bill for the month of May. One star is deeply sorry for the inconvenience,
and I assure you that the overcharged amount will be credited to your account as of the June billing cycle.
You are correct in believing that One Star will never increase your monthly rate without your knowledge-
this was simply the result of the computer glitch.

Please allow us to make this up to you and restore your faith in our company. To demonstrate our
sincerity, we will immediately raise your monthly call time limit to 700 minutes and throw in unlimited
texting. All other details of your plan will remain the same, including the low monthly cost of $59. Also, I
recommend that you visit our website and click on the “Customer Survey” button at the top right corner.
This will give you a means to provide more details about your experience and help us better serve you
and our other customers in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and for choosing one Star Telecom.

John Ming, Customer Service Representative

181. What is the purpose of the first email?

(A) To complain about a defective phone

(B) To request a review of information (B) $10

(C) To ask for an account to be modified (C) $59

(D) To terminate a phone contract (D) $69

182. What is suggested about Ms. 184. What will Ms. Thackeray receive?
(A) A new One Star phone
(A) She is going to file a complaint against
One Star Telecom. (B) A discounted monthly rate

(B) She has had negative experiences with (C) A refund of $59
other phone companies.
(D) A free account upgrade
(C) She expected to pay the same rate for
phone service each month. 185. What does Mr. Ming encourage Ms.
Thackeray to do?
(D) She does not feel it is fair to charge for
phone calls by the minute. (A) Try out a new service package

183. How much money will be added to Ms. (B) Visit an updated website
Thackeray's account?
(C) Talk with other One Star customers
(A) 20 cents
(D) Complete a questionnaire

Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement and email

Introducing Stetson Village, the newest residential-commercial zone in the greater Camden area! Phase 1
construction is nearly complete, which means it's time to reserve your spot in this unique live-and-shop

As you can see in the map below. Stetson Village is divided into four triangular "blocks," each with its own
dedicated purpose. Block 1 is where the nearly 500 new residents of the village will call home! This is
where our 160 modern, fully equipped condominiums are located, offering a variety of floor plans from
studios to four-bedroom, three-bath family units. Block 2 is where our retail providers will be located. We
have already arranged for Camden Organic Grocery to open a new store here, and they will likely be
joined by clothing boutiques, sports outfitters, electronic shops, and much more.

Block 3 is where Stetson Village residents and others from the surrounding community will come to play—
it's the village park, complete with sports fields, logging paths, a duck pond, and two playgrounds! And,
perhaps most excitingly. Block 4 has been agreed on as the future site of the new Wells Children's
Hospital. The result is a real 'village' in the middle of the city. Once you're here, you'll never need to leave!

Stetson Village is conveniently located on the Metro's blue line and is within walking distance of two stops
on bus routes 14 and 161. Join us for our Village Open House event on April 2—both potential residents
and retailers are welcome to stop by!

From: Edgar Lee
Subject: Village Open House

Hello, I saw your advertisement in the Camden Current this week. Stetson Village sounds like an amazing
concept; if I didn’t already own a home in North Camden, I would seriously consider a condo in your
For the past five years, I’ve been running my own law firm. It has grown faster than I expected, and we’ve
taken on so many partners now that our offices in North Camden can no longer accommodate us. Even
though it would mean a longer commute for me, Stetson Village would be an ideal place to relocate. I’m
looking for a space of approximately 1,500 square feet that can be divided into several different offices for
my partners and me. If you have something like this available, please let me know and I will attend the
open house event to have a look.
Edgar Lee, Attorney at Law

186. What is indicated about Stetson Village? (B) Most of them have four bedrooms.

(A) It is the first of its kind in Camden. (C) They will accommodate a total of 500
(B) It has sold the majority of its condos.
(D) Many feature a spacious floor plan.
(C) Its construction has been completed.
189. Why did Mr. Lee write the email?
(D) It is accessible by public transport.
(A) To inquire about office space
187. According to the advertisement, what
has NOT been confirmed as a feature of Stetson (B) To express interest in buying a condo
(C) To advertise his legal services
(A) A medical facility
(D) To ask about the open house
(B) A grocery chain
190. What section of Stetson Village most
(C) store likely interests Mr. Lee?

(D) A leisure area (A) Block 1

188. What is suggested about Stetson Village (B) Block 2

(C) Block 3
(A) They are located adjacent to a city park.
(D) Block 4

Questions 191-196 refer to the following form and email.

Greetings, investment enthusiast! Our records tell us that you recently purchased an issue of Queensland
Business Weekly from a local TMM Books outlet- We hope you'll take a moment to tell us what you
thought of QBW in the comments field below.
Queensland Business Weekly has been called "the best source of investment information in northeastern
Australia" by Each week, we bring readers the top headlines from the world of
Investment banking, interviews with successful venture capitalists and up-and-coming small business
owners, and lucrative Investment picks from our highly experienced editorial staff.

Did you know that a year subscription to QBW can save you up to 60% off the newsstand price? To
receive your one-year subscription for the low price of $39.99, simply fill out the information below and
mail this form to our subscription office. Or, to find out more, call us at (07) 555-0200, or send us an email
Address: _______________________________________________
Credit Card:____________________________________________

From: William Hillary

To: Subscription Office, QBW

Subject: Subscriptions

To Whom It May Concern

My name is William Hillary, and I received your subcription form in the mail last week. I must say, I was
impressed with issue #17-A, which I purchased at TMM Books. I particularly enjoyed the interview with the
CEO of Righters Bank, Thomas Mansfield. He has been one of my personal inspirations ever since I got
into the investment banking business, and I’ve read a few pieces in which he presented his philosophy so
clearly. And after hearing more about QBW, it does seem to be a high- quality publication.

Unfortunately, I am ujnable to commit to a year’s subcription at this time, as I already subcribe to a

number of other business journals. I would, howerver, be interested in learning if you offer subscriptions
for shorter durations-say, three or six months. Alternatively, I would like to know if you publish any online
content and, if so, whether it is offers free of charge or if there is a subcription fee associated with it as
well. And finally, I am curious whether you offer single issues for sale at prices below those found at
outlets like TMM Books.


191. Why did Mr. Hillary receive the form? (B) Subscriptions are too expensive.

(A) He is a regular customer of a bookstore. (C) A store’s service was impressive.

(B) He Is a small business owner. (D) Mr. Mansfield seems intelligent.

(C) He ordered a subscription. 194. What does Mr. Hillary NOT ask about?

(D) He bought a magazine. (A) Individual issue purchases

192. What is mentioned about Queensland (B) Discounts on year-long subscriptions

Business Weekly in the form?
(C) The existence of oniine material
(A) It features interviews with editorial staff.
(D) Different subscription options
(B) Its subscription cost has been
discounted. 195. In tha form, the word “fleld” In paragraph
1, line 3, is closast in meaning to
(C) It provides specific financial advice.
(A) profession
(D) it was founded by an investment banker.
(B) section
193. What feedback does Mr. Hillary provide?
(C) subject
(A) An interview was insightful.
(D) scene

Questions 196-200 refer to the following emails.

From: Stephanie Drugan

To: Amani Rios, General Contractor

Subject: How do these look?

Hi Amani,

As requested, I have done some research into the prices and styles of tiles available for the shower walls
and floor in the bathroom. For the walls, the best option seems to be a three-inch square ceramic tile,
made by American Tile. It is sold by the distributor Thompson Tile Exchange in white at $3.50 per square
foot. As for the grout that’s spread between the tiles, I’m not sure which color would go best with the white
tile. Thompson offers a non-sanded grout in four colors: white, light gray, dark gray, and black. Since you
know the customer better, which would you recommend?

For the floor, I like the 12x12 marble-style porcelain product that Tile Co. makes. According to their
website, I can get it for just $2.99 per square foot, directly from the manufacturer, which seems like a good
deal. Let me know if I’m wrong.


From: Amani Rios

To: Stephanie Drugan

Subject: Re: How do these look?


It sounds like you’ve gathered a lot of good information. I have only a few comments. First of all, $3.50 for
the shower tiles seems a bit high to me. It might be expedient for you to try to find them through a different
distributor, maybe The Tile Guy. If their prices aren’t any better, I can still get you a 15% general
contractor discount on the order. Just give them my name and business number when you place it.
Regarding the grout, I would advise against the two darker colors, but plain white is not a good idea either,
as it will get dirty easier. And everything looks good with the floor tile, so you can order those at your

Once you receive all the materials, we can schedule a specific date for you to tear out the old bathroom
tiles and install the new stuff. As per our contract, It should take approximately 10 days from the start of
work to complete the project. If you have to alter the schedule, or if you need any help placing the tile
order, please let me know.


196. Why does Ms. Drugan write to Mr. Rios? (C) An order for floor tiles should be placed.

(A) To hire his contractor services (D) Stephanie should contact The Tile Guy.

(B) To place an order for supplies 199. Which color of grout does Mr. Rios
(C) To report on materials options
(A) Black
(D) To ask for a product discount
(B) White
197. What does the company Tile Co. do?
(C) Light gray
(A) Provide price comparisons on tiles
(D) Dark gray
(B) Distribute other companies' tiles
200. What does Mr. Rios indicate about the
(C) Arrange tile installations bathroom project?

(D) Manufacture floor tiles (A) Its terms have already been agreed to.
198. What recommendation does Mr. Rios (B) It does not include demolition of the
NOT make? existing tiles.
(A) A professional discount should be (C) It will take longer than expected.
(D) Its cost is dependent on fluctuating tile
(B) Amani should demolish the old tiles. prices.

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark
the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.


101. According to the specifications, the

two products are intended for two
differentuses, though at first glance they
look_____ identical.

(A) near 103. Every Item that leaves our warehouse

(B) nears isguaranteed to meet the highest______ set
byour internal quality control team.
(C) nearing
(A) standards
(D) nearly
(B) appeals
102. All factory workers are required to
report tothe auditorium____ Tuesday (C) classifications
morning for anauxiliary training session. (D) results
(A) on 104. Mr. Aldridge______to chair the
(B)of committee onethics reform although he has
no experience in such a leadership position.
(A) proposed

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) insisted (B) absolute

(C) advised (C) exact

(D) supported (D) detailed

108. A little over 6,000 prominent news

journalists have come together____ the
eighth annual Outstanding Achievement in
Newscasting award ceremony.

105. The budget committee performed (A) to attend

an_____ review of Dr. Gamer’s grant (B) attendant
application and ultimately decided to
provide him with full funding. (C) attendance

(A) extending (D) attend

(B) extension 109. No one will be admitted to the briefing

room during Ms. Palmer’s speech, so it is
(C) extensive important that you arrive prior_____ the
(D) extensively scheduled start time of 3:30.

106. To submit the change of address (A) to

form, simply_____ the bottom portion from (B) than
the rest of thepage, sign it, and mail it to the
address shown. (C) from

(A) gather (D) at

(B) enclose 110. Unfortunately, the director of

FanTech’s marketing department will be
(C) attach unable to be present at the meeting due to a
(D) detach scheduling____

107. Members of the board have (A) conflicts

expressed _____ confidence in the new (B) conflicting
CEO’s ability to come up with a profitable
production model. (C) conflicted

(A) resolved (D) conflict

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

111. AH forms of household waste_____ (B) fragile
those listed on the side of the bln can be left
at the curb for the municipal recycling (C) cautious
pickup service. (D) helpless
(A) despite 115. Carla Tran, Mr. Fitch’s boss at the
(B) considering recycling plant, asked that _____ monitor
the central processing core carefully over the
(C) throughout next few days.

(D) except (A) himself

112. _____of food and other vital supplies (B) him

to victims remains hampered as a result of
road damage caused by the storm. (C) his

(A) Distribution (D) he

(B) Assertion 116. Sales of the software package have

not been______ impressive, owing in part to
(C) Nomination a number of unfixed bugs that carried over
from previous versions.
(D) Recognition
(A) well
113. A leader in shipping for over 60
years, Hansen Cargo & Freight_____day (B) even
and night to any location in the greater San
Fernando metropolitan area. (C) very

(A) delivering (D) soon

(B) delivers 117. It may have been a_____ decision for

Mr.Sheridan to open his coffee roasting
(C) deliveries business at a time when world prices for
beans are at an all-time high.
(D) to deliver
(A) minimal
114. YTL reminds its customers that
electronic products are quite______ and (B) slim
should always be handled with care to
ensure proper operation. (C) poor

(A) available (D) delicate

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

118 .______construction of the ski resort is (A) one
lagging a full month behind schedule,
investors are confident it will be completed (B) those
before the first snowfall. (C) others
(A) Although (D) anybody
(B) Whereas 122. The hiring committee reported that the
(C) Since candidate's______ experience with
publishing was the reason they denied him
(D) Until the position.

119. The sellers prefer that the open (A) least of all
house_____ until they finish painting the
exterior trim and Installing the new (B) so little
landscaping. (C) hardly any
(A) has been postponed (D) lack of
(B) will postpone 123. Cartwright Publications is seeking a
(C) be postponed highly qualified graphic designer to_____
the look of its rather outdated corporate
(D) postpone logo.

120. Fourth-quarter figures for Lee & (A) describe

Wang Manufacturing were up 3.6% from the
previous year, but they still failed to______ (B) illustrate
analysts' predictions. (C) enhance
(A) introduce (D) increase
(B) meet 124. Investment consultants have always
(C) acquaint maintained that it is more____ to diversify
one's portfolio than to focus on only one or
(D) associate two stocks.

(A) advantageously

121. Ms. Adams is the ______ who picked (B) advantages

up the packet of promotional materials that
came yesterday. (C) advantageous

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) advantaged (A) had been doubling

125. Reports of problems with any of the (B) could have doubled
machinery on the assembly line should be
forwarded ______ to the maintenance (C) will double
department. (D) should double
(A) directly 129. Anyone interested in participating in
(B) openly the forum discussion on climate change can
register for the event online ______ do so by
(C) strongly phone at 555-2396.

(D) importantly (A) and

126. Records show that the federal (B) or

government is the _largest purchaser of the
firm's advanced aerospace technologies. (C) but

(A) later (D) nor

(B) tingle 130. Due to ______ beyond the airline’s

control, a flights out of our hub in Frankfurt
(C) once have been canceled until further notice.

(D) every (A) circumstances

127. Workers who can multitask— (B) episodes

undertaking up to five activities at one time
and successfully managing all of them—are (C) qualifications
in demand now more than______ (D) instances
(A) whenever 131. Employees are encouraged to support
(B) ever the greening of the home office in ______
ways they feel most comfortable.
(C) just
(A) whenever
(D) then
(B) whichever
128. If Assam Motors had opened its new
facility on schedule. it____ its output before (C) however
the close of the 2010 fiscal year. (D) wherever

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

132. The workers who prove themselves IT expert cannot be reached for assistance In
to be the most_____ are those who have the a timely fashion.
best chance at advancement within the
company. (A) only if

(A) residual (B) soas

(B) utmost (C) rather than

(C) comprehensive (D) in order that

(D) industrious 136. Senator Reynolds says that an

emergency legislative session can be
convened on Wednesday morning at 8:30
133. A customer feedback campaign
conducted last year with great success (A) necessity
and______ this year with equally positive
results is providing our marketing staff with (B) necessarily
invaluable data. (C) necessary
(A) yet (D) necessities
(B) prior 137. The business venture, presented as
(C) seldom both risky and only______ profitable, was
deemed unworthy of support by the elite
(D) again group of financial backers.

134. In a shrinking economy, consumers (A) improbably

are unlikely to continue purchasing luxury
goods like hotel stays and travel packages, (B) marginally
increase their spending on them. (C) simplistically
(A) so much (D) ineffectively
(B) much less

(C) no less than

(D) more or less

135. You should attempt to correct

problems with your work computer_____ an

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

accidents over the past decade has
contributed to the company's excellent safety
138. The mayor’s office has issued (A) a few
a______ that the police department
concentrate on preventing violent crime (B) very few
instead of concerning itself with minor
traffic violations. (C) fewest

(A) report (D) the few

(B) prospect 140. The anti-cholesterol drug Phisor has

yet to be approved for use in______ with
(C) mandate pharmaceuticals that treat heart disease.

(D) conference (A) partnership

139. The fact that Fielding Farm (B) accordance

Equipment has experienced_____ industrial
(C) teamwork

(D) conjunction

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of sentences. Select the best answer to complete
the text then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following advertisement.

Got the most out of Travis Lake with the newly renovated Travis Lake Resort. For over 35 years,
we____ the greater Travis area with the best in overnight accommodations, dining, and

141. (A) were providing

(B) have been providing

(C) provide

(D) will provide

activities on the water. And now is the best time to pay us_____. To celebrate the start of

142. (A) visitors

(B) to visit

(C) a visit

(D) visiting

the resort is announcing a 20%-off sale throughout the entire facility. That means you save on our
modern and well-appointed guest rooms, the menu at our four-star Lakeview Restaurant, and the
day-use fees for access to our beach and water park areas.

But we’re not stopping there. Book a stay with us for this summer by May 31 and you'll receive
an______ 10% off our already reduced room rates!

143. (A) approximate

(B) attractive

(C) additional

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) affordable

Whether you’re into fishing, boating, swimming, or just relaxing with a view, Travis Lake Resort
is the place for you

.Questions 144-146 refer to the following email.

Dear Mr. Kaminski,

Congratulations on joining the premier discount club on the web, Savvy Shoppers Unlimited. As
a member of this group, you will enjoy access to overstock and clearance sales, new product
discounts, and other bargains that are never announced to the general public. Whenever big
companies have a special____, they offer it to members of Savvy Shoppers Unlimited first.

144. (A) promotion

(B) update

(C) initiative

(D) allowance

For example, last month Alpine Gear Unlimited, makers of high-end camping, mountaineering,
and other outdoors-related merchandise, Instituted a secret sale on all of their 2010-model tents.
Savvy Shoppers were the only consumers to have knowledge of this incredible offer, saving in
some instances as much as 75% on a factory-sealed, top-of-the-line tent! Clearly, your Savvy
Shoppers Unlimited membership_____ for itself before you know it.

145. (A) will begin paying

(B) begin paying

(C) has begun paying

(D) began paying

You will find a document containing your member number_____ to this email. This is important,

146. (A) attaches

(B) attachment

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) attached

(D) attaching

for you will need it to access the Weekly Bargains list on our website, as well as to make
purchases on the site. Congratulations again, and welcome.

Questions 147-149 refer to the following Instructions.

The new Brite-X 400L dishwasher soap is a product of years of research on the part of scientists
working on the Brite-X team and is sure to make your dishwashing less stressful. Designed
specifically for use with vintage cast-iron pots, nonstick pans, delicate ceramics, and other
cookware that should not .In the dishwasher, 400L soap has the strength to get the job done In
one go.

147. (A) place

(B) have placed

(C) have been placing

(D) be placed

Simply fill your sink with hot water from the tap and mix in approximately two tablespoons of
Brite-X 400L dishwasher soap. The_____ amount may vary depending on the mineral content of

148. (A) guaranteed

(B) optimal

(C) basic

(D) entire

tap water, so experiment with different quantities to find what works best.

For everyday cleaning, no_____ is necessary. Simply wet the dish and wipe the surface quickly

149. (A) immersion

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) performance

(C) addition

(D) formula

with a sponge. For more stubborn stains, leave the dish to sit in the soapy water for 10 minutes.
Then, take it out. rinse it off. and it is sure to be as dean as new!

Questions 150-152 refer to the following article.

Friday’s trading session ended after small gains followed by similar losses left the market in
nearly the same spot as where it started. Following one of the worst weeks in global trading
history, it was good news for the day, perhaps, but it failed to_____ investor fears.

150. (A) catch

(B) ease

(C) hold

(D) rest

Worldwide markets are down an average of 13.1% since Monday, one of the largest single
weekly I drops ever recorded. Europe led the fall, losing a combined 19% among its member
states. East Asian markets seemed to suffer the least damage.

Experts are looking to America to somehow quicken its economic recovery and send more I j
confidence and capital into the global system. Without this, we’re unlikely to see much
improvement. Several nations have a bank holiday for the coming Monday. This will give
investors a

151. (A) declared

(B) asserted I

(C) Implied

(D) reclaimed ,

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

three-day weekend to calm themselves and avoid more panicked sell-offs next week. The break
intrading willbe___to many, although it may bo short-lived. Analysts worry that this move will

152. (A) desperate

(B) sympathetic

(C) interesting

(D) welcome

simply postpone the Inevitable.

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Directions: in this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several question and mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following flyer

Financial independence—and confidence—is an important part of modem life. But how does one
achieve it? With an increasing number of investment options, saving plans, and retirement
accounts out there, how do you find the methods that best suit your lifestyle?

Answering these questions will be the focus of the spring session of continuing education at
Wilson Community College, to be held April 22. Participants will hear from a panel of highly
regarded financial planning experts, followed by group learning exercises and a QAA session.
Those interested have the chance to register before April 10 for the reduced price of $20. Regular
registration will continue thereafter, with the cost being $30. We hope to see you there!

153. What Is the flyer promoting?

(A) An economics lecture at a school

(B) A meeting of local investors

(C) A college's business degree program

(D) A financial management class

154. According to the flyer, what happens on April 10?

(A) The continuing education event takes place.

(B) Financial education Information is distributed.

(C) Early registration comes to a close.

(D) The spring semester at Wilson Community College begins.

Questions 155-156 refer to the following restaurant review

Prior to my visit last weekend to Hanguk Palace, our community’s first and only Korean
restaurant, I had low expectations. How good could a Korean restaurant in Smithdale really be?

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

And the exterior of the establishment, located in the North Cross Shopping Plaza, certainly
doesn't impress.

However, my experience changed as soon as I stepped inside. That's when I was greeted warmly
by Dae-Ho Lee, the youngest son of the family who immigrated to Smithdole last year and
opened the restaurant. Doe-Ho led me to my table, equipped with o traditional Korean charcoal
grill In the center. It was recommended that I try the bulgogi, a popular barbecue dish, but I opted
for the kimchi stew and o side order of squid fried rice instead. For desert, I was served a
complimentary helping of fresh pear. The food was as impressive as the service, and I’m sure I’ll
be returning to Honguk Palace soon.

155. What is mentioned about HangukPalaoe?

(A) Its exterior is stylishly decorated.

(B) All of its tables are equipped with grills.

(C) It is family-owned and operated.

(D) Most of its patrons are Korean.

156. Which dish did the writer NOT eat?

(A) Fresh pear

(B) Korean barbecue

(C) Fried rice

(D) Kimchi stew

Questions 157-159 refer to the following article

If you ask residents of West Yarmouth to share their stories of the housing market crisis currently
being experienced in the country, chances are they won’t have any. That’s because West
Yarmouth is one of a handful of metropolitan areas that has actually seen home prices increase
over the last few years.

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Local economist Terry Andrew explains this surprising fact by looking at local industries. “West
Yarmouth has been very active this decade in attracting large, diverse, and technologically
modern employers. We now have more than ten companies with their corporate headquarters
here in West Yarmouth. “ says Andrews. And that corporate presence, he maintains has kept
local employment levels much higher than the national average. This, in turn, has kept mortgages
paid and homes occupied. Talking with real estate agents, entrepreneurs, and other experts, one
thing is clear: they are optimistic. There is a general feeling that West Yarmouth will keep riding
this wave of economic growth straight out of national recession.

157. What is the article mainly about?

(A) The causes of a housing market crash

(B) An exception to a national economic trend

(C) The city's attempts to attract businesses

(D) The progress of a local economic recovery

158. Who is Terry Andrews?

(A) A financial analyst

(B) A real estate agent

(C) A local entrepreneur

(D) A corporate executive

159. What is true about West Yarmouth?

(A) Its employment rate is lower than the national average.

(B) Its economic forecast is positive.

(C) Its mortgage rates have reached record lows.

(D) Its housing market is finally stabilizing.

Questions 160-161 refer to the following notice.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

To Whom It May Concern:

The start of the New Year brings with it a host of policy changes from the Clarkston Business
Authority. As a local business owner, you should have already received a packet detailing these
changes. Some of the most important include:

* The cost of a new business license has been increased from $55 to $75.

* The cost of extending an existing license has also been raised.

* As part of our new eco-policies, business owners will receive notices electronically
instead of through the mail.

If you have any questions about the changes, or if you did not receive an information Jacket,
please contact us at 555-6965.

160. What information is NOT Inducted in the notice?

(A) What the license renewal fee is?

(B) When the changes win take effect?

(C) How to request an information packet?

(D) How much a business license used to cost?

161. What is indicated about the Clarkston Business Authority?

(A) It accepts payments over the telephone.

(B) It will mail out more information in the new year.

(C) It win no longer distribute paper notices.

(D) It no longer grants license extensions.

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Questions 162-164 refer to the following email

From: Sarah Pannelli

To: Jorge Ruiz

Jorge, in light of the new budget mandates we received from the corporate office last week, I’d
like to call a gathering of the entire financial department. With everyone together, you and I can
introduce the directives and we can all discuss how best to implement them. Shall we divide the
duties? I can prepare a presentation on the changes regarding overtime pay, bonuses, and other
wage issues. In that case, would you mind taking on those that have to do with advertising
contracts? I can ask my assistant to help you analyze them if you’re short on time.

My original thought was to hold this meeting next Friday, January 20. But now that |’ve started to
get more specific about our plans, I’m worried we might have to push that back another week.
What are your feelings on the matter? Is this something we need to do as soon as possible, or can
it wait till the 27th? I’m open to your suggestions.

- Sarah

162. Why did Ms. Pannelli write the (C) Changes to the overtime policy
(D) The company’s marketing agreement
(A) To thank a colleague for his
assistance 164. Which opinion does Ms. Pannelli
(B) To explain new corporate directives
(A) The financial department should
(C) To report on the success of a gather on the 20th.
(B) Her assistant should be responsible
(D) To propose a departmental meeting for running the meeting.

163. Which topic is Mr. Ruiz asked to (C) The mandates issued by the corporate
research? office are unfair.

(A) Possible ways of cutting wages (D) Preparation will take longer than she
first assumed.
(B) The firm’s current hiring plans

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

Questions 166-168 refer to the following article

Mike Johnson's new book. Catching the calculate an average annual savings for a
Rain: A Guide to Residential Rain Barrel family of four of $120 as a result of rain
Use, debuted at the top of bestseller charts barrel use. Johnson’s conclusion is that,
last week. For those who are unfamiliar with since most barrel systems only run around
rain barrel technology, it utilizes a system of $300, the purchase begins to generate
50-gallon plastic barrels to capture rainwater savings sometime during the third year.
running off a house's roof. Making use of
rainwater is an ancient practice, but it has
been reinvented in recent decades as an Of course, anyone who's the least bit
Integral component of the green living environmentally minded knows that using
movement. rainwater to water plants and lawns is also
good for the Earth. And Johnson devotes
two chapters of the book to explaining why.
As Johnson describes in his book, the most Other topics covered Include how to
attractive aspect of rain barrel systems for property install a rain barrel system and how
many people is the potential monthly to find bargains on used rain barrels. In this
savings on water and wastewater bills. He writer's opinion, Catching the Rain is a
goes Into great detail on this point, analyzing must-read for every creative, responsible
real-world data from the past 20 years to homeowner.

165. What is the main advantage of a rain (A) Capture the Rain Is Mike Johnson’s
barrel system? debut work.

(A) It benefits the Earth by recycling (B) The barrels collect water as it drains
water. from the roof.

(B) Its efficiency Increases in areas with (C) A family's one-year savings is
little rainfall. greater than the coat of the barrels.

(C) It utilizes technology that is centuries (D) The author is unconvinced of the book's
old. value.

(D) It results in lower utility payments. 167. The word “covered" in paragraph 3,
line 6, is closest in meaning to
166. What Information is given in the
article? (A) put on

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(B) spread out (A) Saving money on a rain barrel
(C) extended over
(B) Ecological considerations of rain
(D) Dealt with barrels
168. What issue is NOT addressed in the (C) Constructing your own rain barrels
(D) Setting up rain barrels

Questions 169- 171 refer to the following information

Welcome to the official website of Cartwight Island, providing you with information on the
northwest coast’s premier destination. Follow the links at the top of the page to learn about the
island’s history as a center of the fishing industry and a sheep farming community. You can also
see a calendar of events and activities. Or continue reading for directions and other practical
information for reaching the island.

Cartwright Island is connected to the mainland by ferry services operated by the Provincial
Transportation Bureau, which run from Lincoln Harbor to the island’s main dock. Lincoln Harbor
is located approximately 140 km west of Dover via Highway 12A. You can also het there on
Coastal Route 190 from points north and south. The ferry port stands at 593 Main Lincoln

Ferry timetables very according to season, but typically there are between six and eight roundtrip
services to Cartwright Island on weekdays, and up to 12 each Saturday and Sunday. Current
timest can be found by clicking the “Ferry Schedule” link above.

169. What information is NOT included (D) Facts about the island's economic past
on the website?
170. What is indicated about Lincoln
(A) Pricing details for the ferry service Harbor?

(B) Monthly events being held on the (A) Its main street runs along the coast.
(B) Tourists will find its history
(C) Driving directions from different interesting.

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(C) Dover lies about 190 kilometers to its (B) It runs more frequently on weekends.
(C) It is one of several ways to reach the
(D) A bridge connects it to Cartwright island.
(D) It does not function during the winter
171. What is true about the ferry service? months.

(A) It is controlled by a private company.

Questions 172-175 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Bak,

Congratulations on being selected for a managerial post at our Southeast Asian headquarters in
Singapore. CML Technology Services recognizes that you are one of the best in your field, and
we are lucky to count you among our employees. As such, we are happy to fund your move to
and stay at your new overseas posting.

Your assignment In Singapore officially begins on January 1, but you win find it expedient to
visit he city on two occasions prior to this date. We have booked you tickets on Pacific Airways
for the first of the two, from November 6 to 15. This will give you a chance to locate an
apartment or other type of residence for yourself for the coming year. Then, you will return in
mid-December for a week to meet your coworkers and familiarize yourself with the office and its
procedures. Finally, your final flight departs on December 30, giving you a full day to acclimate
before beginning your duties. Information for all of these flights Is included with this letter.

Everything mentioned above, in addition to a daily living allowance of $60, will be provided for
at the expense of CML. However, there are other recommended expenditures that you will be
responsible for. These include the purchase or long-term rental of whatever type of transportation
you may require. Also, we strongly advise that you enroll In a Chinese language course. While
this win not bea requirement of your posting, it will most certainly come in handy.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities


Edmund Burke. Overseas Coordinator

172. What Is the main purpose of the (D) value

174. What will Mr. Bak do in Singapore
(A) To present an achievement award to in December?
a worker
(A) Begin his job as a manager
(B) To explain an employee's process of
relocation (B) Introduce himself to colleagues

(C) To offer advice on living in a foreign (C) Look for a place to live
country (D) Enroll In a language class
(D) To inform an executive of a potential 175. What will CML Technology Services
merger NOT provide money for?
173. The word "count" in paragraph 1. (A) An automobile
line 3. Isclosest in meaning to
(B) An apartment
(A) measure
(C) Airline tickets
(B) include
(D) Living expenses
(C) confirm

Questions 176-180 refer to the following article.

An emergency board meeting at the cor-porate headquarters of Ellison Monroe lasted longer than
anticipated yesterday afternoon, as members struggled to reach a consensus on who should take
over the post of CFO. Two weeks ago, everyone including the board thought the decision had
been made. But just two days ago it was leaked to national news media that the board's first pick,
Alejandro Stamos, had turned down the position, citing health is- sues. But, after a grueling eight-
hour session in the boardroom, a new name was r agreed upon: Linda Robinson.

Ms. Robinson comes to Ellison Monroe with an impressive track record. She was formerly vice
president for finances with themultinational Johnson & Edwards, based out of Hong Kong. Her
ex-boss, CEO Tay Wan, was quoted as saying Robinson was the cleverest, most innovative
executive he’d ever had the pleasure of working with. And that's just what Ellison Monroe needs.
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
For seven straight quarters now, they've watched their stock value sink in the face of stiffer
competition from overseas firms and a general tightening of the construction materials market.
Robinson appears to understand the challenges, however. Upon being informed of the board's
decision j last night, she told reporters, "Bring it on." Time will tell whether her self-confidence is
well-founded or foolish.

176. What is the article mainly about? (C) The CEO of Johnson & Edwards

(A) An upcoming meeting of a corporate (D) An ex-candidate for CFO

179. What is NOT mentioned about Ms.
(B) A firm's recent financial troubles Robinson?

(C) The appointment of a company (A) She is sure of her abilities.

(B) She is critical of Tay Wan.
(D) Ellison Monroe's annual performance
assessment (C) She was awarded a position
177. What happened two weeks ago?
(D) She is regarded as intelligent.
(A) A personnel selection was finalized.
180. What is indicated about Ellison
(B) An employee’s health issue was Monroe?
(A) They have left the construction
(C) A CFO resigned his post. materials Industry.

(D) A news story was leaked. (B) They are hoping to expand their
178. Who is Alejandro Stamos?
(C) They are considering relocating
(A) The old CFO of Ellison Monroe overseas.
(B) A former boss of Ms. Robinson (D) They have lost a lot of market share.

Questions 181-185 refer to the following advertisement and letter

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

It doesn’t matter whether you're a professional house painter or an aspiring artist looking to pick
up your first set of acrylics-TP Painters Warehouse has what you’re looking for. One thing that
distinguishes us from the competition is our selection. We carry over 6.000 products, with more
being added each month. Current hot Items include the Fairpoint line of eco-friendly, designer
color home interior paints, which are on sale for 20% off the list price. Also check out our fabric
paints, which are fun for all ages! And If you don’t see a specific product in our store, we can
order It straight from the manufacturer at no extra charge.

Even more impressive than our Inventory, however, is our service. Each of our 26 team members
has received extensive training in everything from color theory to Industrial design. As soon as
you enter our store, you'll be met by an expert who won't quit until all of your needs have been
met. You can even schedule a consultation before arriving. This service is available from 9:30 am
to 6:00 pm. Monday through Saturday. To ask a general question, or to place an order, call us at
555-6540. You can also download and mal in an order form from our website,

Dear Sales Staff

I am the proud owner and operator of a small local house painting business. The company
is still young, and I am always looking for ways to save money on supplies. Thus, I was very
pleased when I visited your website and saw the prices you charge for name-brand interior house
paints. I have yet to find better deals anywhere, either online or in the stores. As suggested in
your advertisement I've downloaded and filled out a form, which you can find enclosed.
Moreover, as my business grows. I would be very interested in discussing with you the idea of
establishing some sort of contract for monthly supply purchases. Please let me know if this is
something offered by your company. You can reach me at 555*3498.


Dale Peterson

181.what does the advertisement claim about (B) It has more clients than any of its
TP punters Warehouse? competitors.

(A) Its prices are always 20% lower than (C) Its inventory is larger than other
anyone else's. companies'.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) It specializes in interior and exterior 184. What will accompany the letter?
house paints.
(A) Mr. Peterson’s business card

(B) A completed order form

182. What promotion is mentioned in the
advertisement? (C) A copy of Mr. Peterson's contract

(A) A sale on fabric paints (D) A price list of painting services

(B) A special price for consultations 185. What does Mr. Peterson request
details about?
(C) A discount on a specific paint brand
(A) Advice on starting a painting business
(D) An extension of store hours
(B) How to schedule a professional
183. What is Indicated about the staff at consultation
TP Painters Warehouse?
(C) The possibility of a business
(A) They have earned university degrees arrangement
in art.
(D) Advertising on the company's
(B) They do not provide consultations on website

(C) They are increasing in number.

(D) They can be communicated with via the

Questions 186-190 refer to the following note end email.

Emil, here is the itinerary for your upcoming trip. Please contact me with any questions.
Date: Oct. 2
Travel: Depart Cincinnati 6:15 am, arrive Boston 8:20 am
Company: Sanford East
Contact: Winston Lee, office manager
Objective: Meet to discuss renewal of their paper goods contract. Offer a 2.5% annual
discount If necessary.
Date: Oct. 3
Travel: Depart Boston 9:45 am, arrive New York 10:50 am Company: WKJ Construction
Contact: Jack Wright, supply chief
Objective: This is a potential new client interested in our discounted cardboard containers.
Try to secure a month-to* month contract. You have an extra day allotted for this stop.
TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities
Date: Oct 5
Travel: Depart New York 6:04 am. arrive Los Angeles 7:32 am
Company: Davidson Wholesale
Contact: Cynthia Banda, merchandise acquisitions
Objective: Cynthia is looking to expand her contract with us. She is most interested in our
new offerings on printer paper.
Your return flight to Cincinnati leaves at 8:20 am on Oct. 6. Flight information will be sent
in a separate correspondence

Date : Sept. 20

From : Emil Rodriguez

To : Ariel Arthur

Subject: Sales trip schedule

Hi Ariel. Thanks for giving me the itinerary. I've been talking today with Mel Nguyen, the sales
associate we hired on a few months ago from Calsey Electronics. He tells me he is supposed to be
in California for the entire month of October, building up relationships with new clients. I wonder
if he might be able to attend the Los Angeles meeting in my place. I know he is only a junior
associate, but I feel confident he will be able to fulfill the objective. This would allow me to
return to Cincinnati on the 6th and begin preparing for the annual sales conference that’s taking
place on the 12th. I'm sure you know that I’m one of the presenters at the conference, and to be
honest I could use the extra time to organize my materials.

Also, I have yet to receive a detailed flight itinerary bom you. Please send that as soon at possible
BO I can add the miles to my frequent flyer account.

Thank you,


186. Where is Mr. Rodriguez most likely (B) At a construction company

(C) At a corporate consultancy firm
(A) At a travel agency
(D) At an office supplies provider

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187. Who currently does NOT have a 189. Which company does Mr. Rodriguez
business relationship with Mr. Rodriguez's suggest that Mr. Nguyen meet with?
(A) CalseyElsctronics
(A) Jack Wright
(B) WKJ Construction
(B) Winston Lee
(C) Davidson Wholesale
(C) Ariel Arthur
(D) Sanford East
(D) Cynthia Banda
190. Why does Mr. Rodriguez want to
188. Why did Mr. Rodriguez mainly write return early?
the email?
(A) He needs to get ready for a
(A) To request customer information professional event.

(B) To inform Ms. Arthur of a (B) He is worried the itinerary is too

conference date demanding.

(C) To offer praise for one of his (C) He would like to attend an annual
colleagues sales conference.

(D) To seek permission for a schedule (D) He feels he should prepare for his
change sales trip.

Questions 191-195 refer to the following emails

TO: Managerial Staff. Arbiter Systems

SUBJECT: Monthly Updates, June

Greetings, managers. There have been many exciting happenings over the last month. Let me
begin by thanking you an for promptly completing and returning the managerial questionnaire as
requested. The administrative department is reviewing the results as we speak, as part of its
process of overhauling our organizational structure. Hopefully they’d have an update for us in
time for next month's email!

Our most important news item for June, though, is the addition of Textile Publishing 3.5 to our
suite of office software. This will replace our current publishing software, recognized by many of
you as outdated, and should help us perform better in the increasingly fast-paced environment in

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

which we find ourselves. The tech department is planning to undertake a company-wide
installation of the software on the evening of Tuesday, June 10. You and everyone on your teams
should leave your computers switched on when you leave for the day, so that technicians can
complete the job in a timely fashion.

Also taking place in June will be the annual awards dinner for the department of sales and
marketing. Obviously, this is an event intended for sales and marketing staff, but managers from
other departments are welcome to attend. And at the end of June, we will be Introducing the
newest addition to our managerial team, Edward Jones. Mr. Jones will be coming on board as a
manager with the human resources department.

FROM: Mllly Gibson, Administrative Department

TO: Managerial staff. Arbiter Systems

SUBJECT. IMPORTANT - Last-minute change

Sony for the inconvenience, everyone, but Dan Walsh has lust Informed me that his department
has changed the schedule of the software installation. It will take place on Monday, June 9th,
instead of the 10th- Again, your teams must leave their computers turned on and logged in when
they leave on this day. If you have any questions, contact Dan directly at extension 23.

Thanks for your cooperation.


191. What Is Indicated about the (D) They should report to the
managers of Arbiter Systems? administrative department.

(A) They filled out a survey. 192. In the first email, the word "perform"
in paragraph 2, line 3, is closest in meaning
(B) They should update their software. to
(C) They have been nominated for an (A) entertain
(B) succeed

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(C) function (B) Its installation has been changed to
the 9th.
(D) obey
(C) It should increase workplace
193. What is said about the human efficiency.
resources department?
(D) It will be used by multiple
(A) Members will work late next departments.
195. In which company department does
(B) One of its managers is leaving. Dan Walsh probably work?
(C) Its staff will be increased. (A) Human resources
(D) It will hold an internal gathering. (B) Administrative
194. What is NOT mentioned about (C) Sales and marketing
Textile Publishing 3.5?
(D) Tech
(A) It is seen as out of date by managers.

Questions 196-200 refer to the following article and email.

£ There has been a lot of activity recently in the Hodgson Desert. About 35 miles off Highway 2,
dozens of miles from the nearest town, British firm Illuminated Solutions is constructing a state-
of-the-art power generation facility using the latest in photovoltaic solar technology. When
completed, the facility, dubbed ECV-12 by government planners, will provide up to 75% of the
electricity needs to every home, office, and store within a 400-mile radius. Power generated at the
station will be distributed to the regional electrical grid by a series of buried transmission lines.

In many ways, the Hodgson Desert is the perfect site for such a project. Its lack of inhabitants
means that construction and operation of ECV-12 will not be disruptive, and its hot, dry climate
ensures a high solar energy output. However, there have been concerns raised by local
environmental groups about the potential for damage to the desert ecosystem.

The plants and animals that live in the Hodgson Desert, they say, depend on a very fragile
balance of natural conditions. The increased traffic that ECV-12 will bring into it threatens to
upend that balance. On the whole, though, environmentalists say they are pleased to see such 4
serious investment being made in clean, renewable solar energy.

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

From: T. Patil. Illuminated Solutions

To: Editor, Hodgson Press Herald

Subject: May 7 article

Hello, my name is Tim Patil, and I am a public relations officer with Illuminated Solutions. I
want to thank you for your article of May 7 introducing the ECV-12 project to your readers.
While reading, though, I did note a few issues I feel need to be addressed. For Instance, you say
the project will utilize photovoltaic solar technology, but this is incorrect. The primary
technology to be featured at the ECV-12 facility will be thermoelectric. Also, new estimates
recently confirmed by government scientists suggest that the electricity generated will provide for
as much as 80% I of the region's electricity needs.

And finally, I was most troubled by your mention of negative reactions on the part of
environmental groups. The people who have expressed concerns about damage to the desert
ecosystem represent a very small minority, and most environmental organizations have endorsed
our efforts. I hope you will take this information into consideration and print either a follow-up
article or an addendum to the original.

Sincerely yours,

Tim Patil, Public Relations Officer

196. What does the article indicate about (D) It will send out power via
ECV-12? underground cables.

(A) it will replace the regional electrical 197. According to the article, what do
grid. some worry the Illuminated Solutions
project will do?
(B) It lies 400 miles from the nearest road
system. (A) Generate too little power

(C) It is based on a power station in (B) Harm desert species

(C) Malfunction under high temperatures

TOEIC opens excellent job opportunities

(D) Disrupt the beauty of nature

198. In the article, the word “raised" in

paragraph 2, line 4, is closest In meaning to

(A) lifted

(B) built

(C) created

(D) brought

199. What is the purpose of Mr. PafiPs


A) To thank the newspaper for Its


(B) To request that information be


(C) To introduce his company to the


(D) To question the safety of a

construction project

200. Which point Is Mr. Patil NOT

concerned about?

(A) Coverage of environmental


(B) The article's figure of 75%

(C) Technical terminology related to the


(D) The article's doubts about solar

power output

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