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Assessment Response Sheet

DP1 Economics SL & HL H(HS) – Teacher: Mark Harmel

Room # 216

Paper 2 & 3 Type Practice Questions:

This is a Formative Assessment.

Use your knowledge and understanding and diagram skills to respond to the two
questions presented below.
*Note: You can edit this document.

AO2. Demonstrate application and analysis:

Mastery Proficient Developing Emerging Insufficient Command Term

Thoroughly Applies most Applies some Limited ability in No relationship between Analyze
applies relevant relevant knowledge to establishing links research/ stimulus/ Apply
knowledge to knowledge to the research/ between the research, question and relevant Comment
the research/ the research/ stimulus/ stimulus, question concept(s) exists. Describe
stimulus/ stimulus/ question, and concept(s). Demonstrate
question, by question, by and/or vaguely Distinguish
developing developing develops Explain
concept(s) appropriate concept(s), with Interpret
effectively in concept(s), vague/poor Suggest
detail, making making links to the
explicit links to pertinent links context
the context to the context provided.
provided. provided.

AO4. Demonstrate a variety of appropriate skills:

Mastery Proficient Developing Emerging Insufficient Command Term

Accurate Accurate Appropriate but Inappropriate Response presents no Calculate

application of application of inconsistent application of appropriate application of Complete
appropriate appropriate application of knowledge, skill, knowledge, skill, graph, or Draw
knowledge, skill, knowledge, skill, knowledge, skill, graph, formula, ratio to a real-world Construct
graph, formula graph, formula graph, formula, or ratio to a situation. Determine
or ratio to or ratio to or ratio to real-world Label
critically critically critically situation. Plot
analyze a real- analyze a real- analyze a real- Prepare
world situation. world situation. world situation.

Question 1.3
Assessment Response Sheet
DP1 Economics SL & HL H(HS) – Teacher: Mark Harmel
Room # 216

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