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Pei moved to the United States at the age of 17 to pursue his passion for architecture. At first he
got admission at the University of Pennsylvania but its emphasis on fine draftsmanship could not
go in accordance with Pei’s interest with structural engineering so he got enrolled at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and received his degree in Bachelor of
Architecture in 1940. In 1942 Pei started attending the Harvard Graduate School of Design and
completed his M.Arch in 1946. Along with that he started serving as an assistant professor in the
same campus and stayed there from 1945 to 1948.
He began as a junior designer with a New York developer, and made his name after winning the
commission to design the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, shortly after
Kennedy's assassination in 1963.  Pei built his reputation on epic projects like the entrance to the
Louvre museum in Paris, the East Building of the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. and the
Museum of Islamic Art in Qatar.  In fact, at age 80, Pei was still traveling the Middle East to
seek inspiration for the museum. His unapologetic use of geometric shapes, plain surfaces and
natural light throughout the years made his works structurally and visually impressive.
His extensive portfolio includes several important commissions in upstate New York, including
the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse as well as Wilson Commons at the University of
Rochester. Pei was hired for the UR job in the late 1960s. 
According to ArchDaily, as  a student of Le Corbusier, Pei embodied the core belief of
modernism that form follows function, and added his own interpretation. Pei believed that
form follows intention (which incorporates function). His work reflects this philosophy by his
incorporation of functional symbols into all his works. His signature style was geometric patterns
and it's what makes his buildings instantly recognizable. He considered the role of geometry in
planning and designing buildings by using a variety of lines and polygons. Pei's signature
pyramids can be enjoyed at the National Gallery of Art East Building in Washington, DC. and
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. When you see his pyramid at the Louvre you
know that is Pei. 

Designers all know that the pain-staking detail of the process can be unforgiving and thankless.
Being resilient in the face of adversity is a skill every successful designer must master.  Pei
struggled in the early years of his own career to fix the John Hancock Tower in Boston, after the
glass facade of the 60-story block had design issues that led to delays and cost overruns. He later
faced criticism over the glass pyramid in the courtyard of the Louvre.  During a NPR interview
Pei said, "I couldn't walk the streets of Paris without people looking at me and saying, 'There you
go again. What are you doing here? What are you doing to us? What are you doing to our great
Louvre?"  According to Pei "Success is a collection of problems solved;" 
This expressed goal of Pei should be the mantra of every designer or design studio.  Draw it
on your white board or hang it on your wall.  Pei's simplicity and use of negative space are
hallmarks that draw you into his structures. "You cannot defend your design without knowing
what you're designing for," said Pei.  This devotion to craft and selling a vision make this design
legend someone the world will sorely miss.

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