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Program Keahlian : Semua Program Keahlian
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris /Wajib
Kelas : XlI / 1
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Exercises 1
Read the text carefully and answer the questions!


Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father was a
Kenyan named Barack Obama, Sr (Senior). His mother was a White American named
Ann Dunham. His parents separated when he was two years old and later divorced. His
father returned to Kenya and saw him only once more before he died in an automobile
accident in 1982.
After the divorce, Obama‟s mother then married an Indonesian, Lolo Soentoro.
The family then moved to his stepfather‟s home country in 1967. Obama attended local
schools in Jakarta until he was ten years old.
Obama returned to Honolulu in 1971. He lived with his maternal grandparents
until his graduation from high school in 1979. After that, Obama moved to Los Angeles
and studied at Occidental College for two years. He then transferred to Columbia
University in New York City.
Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. He was selected as an editor of
the law review based on his grade and writing competition. In 1990, he became the first
Black president of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated with J.D. magna cum laude
from Harvard in 1989.
1. What happened in 1982?
a. Obama was born.
b. Obama‟s father died.
c. Obama moved to Indonesia.
d. Obama graduated from high school.

2. The synonym of „died‟ in paragraph 1 line 4 is....

a. Flied away.
b. Passed away.
c. Went away.
d. Threw away.

3. The statements below are true, EXCEPT:

a. Obama‟s father was not an African.
b. Obama was six years old when he moved to Jakarta.
c. Obama was the first Black President of Harvard Law Review.
d. Obama graduated from Harvard Law School with good marks.

4. When did Obama graduate from high school?

a. In 1971.
b. In 1979.
c. In 1982.
d. In 1988.

5. What does „he‟ in paragraph 1 line 4 refer to?

a. Obama.
b. Obama‟s father.
c. Obama‟s mother.
d. Obama‟s stepfather.

Exercises 2
Arrange these jumbled paragraphs into a good text. Paragraph one has been
identified for you. (Menyususn paragraph acak di bawah ini menjadi sebuah teks
biografi yang baik dan benar)

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847, and grew up in Port Huron,
1 Michigan. He attended school for only three months. His mother taught him reading,
writing, and arithmetic.

Edison‟s greatest inventions included an improved telephone, the phonograph, the

2 motion-picture camera, and electric storage batteries. He is best remembered for
inventing a long-lasting light bulb. People liked Edison because he was a down-to-earth
man. His favorite saying was, “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent

In 1876, Edison started the first industrial research laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey.
3 By then, Edison was partially deaf. He worked very hard. He lived in his laboratory and
became rich from his inventions. He got married twice and had six children. But he
worked so much that he spent little time with his family.

In 1862, Edison saved a boy from being run over by a train. The boy‟s father operated a
telegraph machine, which sent coded messages over wire. As thanks, the father taught
Edison how to operate the telegraph. Edison then made improvements to the telegraph.
He earned money from his inventions.

5 In the 1870s, many inventors were trying to make a practical light bulb. Edison wanted
people to have electric light in their homes. So he built the first electric power plants. He
tried hundreds of schemes. Finally he found a filament (thin thread) made of carbon. An
electric spark made the filament glow inside a glass tube. Edison‟s incandescent lamp
was a great success. It burned steadily for more than 40 hours.

Exercises 1
Tuliskan jawaban A, B, C atau D

Exercises 2

Susunan paragraph yang benar adalah:

1 →……→ ……→…….→……..

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