Lingvokr Sem IZ Ekz

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Seminar I
Ancient Britain. Conquests of Britain
1. Ancient Britain.
2. The Roman conquest: invasion of the Romans, the rebellion under Boadicea,
Britain under the Romans (Roman roads and walls), Britain becomes
Christian, the withdrawal of Romans from Britain.
3. The Anglo-Saxon conquest: the Saxon invasion, the settlement of Angels,
Saxons and Jutes, the resistance of Britons, the survival of the Britons.
4. Unification of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms – the establishment of the
Kingdom of England.
5. Danish invasion: the coming of the Danes, Alfred, the last century of the
Anglo-Saxons, development of feudal relations, the King Cnut (Canute).
6. The Norman Conquest: William, Duke of Normandy, Earl Godwin, King
Harold, the Battle of Hastings, strengthening of the royal power, the Feudal

Dates to remember
1900-1600 BC – Stonehenge was built
500-600 BC – the Celts settled in Britain
43-410 AD – Roman invasion
61 AD – Rebellion of Boadicea
120 AD – Hadrian’s Wall
313 AD – Conversion of Britons to Christianity

Seminar II
Middle Ages (XI-IV centuries). Feudal Britain
1. Medieval Britain.
2. The Plantagenets. King Richard I the Lion Heart.
3. King John and Magna Carta (Charta): Causes producing the Great Charter. The
Importance of Magna Carta.
4. The Hundred Years War.
5. Plague (Black Death).The Peasants Revolt of 1381.

Dates to remember

1154-1189 – the reign of Henry II

1215 – King John was forced to sign the Magna Charta
1338-1453 –Hundred Years' War
Seminar III
Britain in XV-XVI Centuries. The War of Roses. Colonial Expansion.
Church Reformation. The Renaissance
1. The War of Roses.
2. The Beginning of Parliament. The Great Council and Taxation. The Reign
of Henry III.
3. Colonial Expansion. The War with Spain and its Consequences for
4. The Renaissance in Britain. Language and Culture.
5. Travelling and discoveries.

Dates to remember

1455-1485 – Wars of the Roses

Seminar IV
Britain XVII Century. Crown and Parliament
1. The Civil War.
2. Levellers and Diggers.
3. The English Republic. Oliver Cromwell. Parliament’s dissolution.
4. The restoration of monarchy.
5. The Glorious Revolution. The Bill of Rights.

Dates to remember
1642-1646 – Civil War
1649-1660 – the English Republic
1666 – the great Fire of London
1688 – Glorious Revolution
1689 – Bill of Rights
1707 – The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is formed

Seminar V
Victorian Britain. Industrial Revolution. Chartist Movement. Britain in XX
Century. World Wars I and II. Collapse of the British Empire
1. The Industrial revolution.
2. Britain in the Period of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.
3. Chartist Movement (Chartism).
4. Britain in the World War I. Consequences of the war. The Years of
5. Britain in the World War II.
6. The Collapse of the British Empire. The British Commonwealth of

Dates to remember
1805 – Trafalgar battle
1837 – People’s Charter
1899-1902 – Boer War
1914-1918 – World War I
1939-1945 – World War II
1947 – End of the British Empire

Seminar VI
Present Britain
1. The British State System. The Monarchy. The Government. Parliament.
2. The economy. Industry and trade. Finance and investment.
3. Social security and services. The National Health Service.
4. The Arts. Theatre and cinema. Music. The fine arts.
5. Sports in Britain.

Джерела для опрацювання

1. А.Б.Гапонів, М.О.Возна. Лінгвокраїнознавство. Англомовні країни. –
Вінниця: Нова книга, 2005.
2. Y.Golistinskiy . Great Britain . – St. Peterburg, Karo, 2006.
3. James O’Driscoll . Britain. The Country and Its People. – Oxford
University Press, 1995.


1. D.McDowall . An Illustrated History of Britain. – Longman, 2000.

2. I.Burova. The Monarchs of England . – St.Peterburg, 1997.
3. J.J. Bell. The History of England . – St. Peterburg, 1995.
4. S.D. Zaitseva. Early Britain . – Moscow, Prosveshcheniye, 1975.
5. V.Oshchepkova, I. Shustilova. Britain in Brief . – Moscow, Novaya
Shkola, 1997.
6. M. Vaughan-Rees. In Britain. – Chancerel International Publishers, 1995.
7. N. Pisarevskaya. Great Britain. – Donetsk, 2001.
8. V.L. Polupan, A.P. Polupan. English-speaking Country. A Cultural Reader
and a Workbook . – Kharkiv, 2000.
9. E. Kostina. About the United Kingdom . – Moscow, 2001.
10.I.Burova . The History of England. Parliamentary Monarchy . – Peter Press,
11.I.Burova. The History of England. Absolute Monarchy . – Peter Press,
12.L. Manerko. English Etymology Through the History of the British People .
– Ryasan, 1998.
13.Moscow History Encyclopedia. – Moscow, Avanta plus, 1995 .
14.Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь. – 3-е изд.,
стереотип. – М.: Рус.яз., 2002.
15.Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь: Литература. Театр.
Кино. Музыка. Танец. Балет. Живопись. Скульптура. Архитектура.
Дизайн. СМИ. – М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство
Астрель», 2001.
16.Е.В. Яковлева, Е.Ю. Вершинина «Об англоязычной культуре на
английском языке», Московский лицей, 1997.

Підготувати презентацію (15-20 слайдів) до одного з семінарських



1. The name of the country and its history. Symbols of the country.
2. The Land (physical background).
3. Composition of the country (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland).
4. Population (demographic background). Languages and nationalities. Religion.
5. Ancient Britons.
6. The Roman conquest.
7. The Anglo-Saxon conquest. The establishment of the Kingdom of England.
8. Danish invasion.
9. The Norman Conquest.
10.Feudal Britain. William the Conqueror.
11.The Hundred Years War.
12.The Plantagenets. King Richard I the Lion Heart.
13.King John and Magna Carta (Charta). The Hundred Years War. Plague (Black
14.The Peasants Revolt of 1381.
15.The War of Roses. The Rise of New Monarchy: the Tudors.
16.Henry VIII. Reformation of Church in Britain. The Catholic – Protestant
17.The Beginning of Parliament. The Reign of Henry III. Edward’s Parliament.
18.Colonial Expansion. The War with Spain and its Consequences for England.
19.The Renaissance in Britain. Language and Culture.
20.Travelling and discoveries.
21.Britain in XVII century: general conditions for economic and political
development, industry and trade.
22.The Stuart House. Crown and Parliament. Religion disagreements. Puritans.
23.The Civil War (1642-1646). Levellers and Diggers.
24.The English Republic (1649-1660). Oliver Cromwell. Parliaments dissolution
(1653). The restoration of monarchy. The Glorious Revolution (1688). The Bill
of Rights (1689).
25.Victorian Britain. The rise of the royal house of Hanovers.
26.The Formation of the British Colonial Empire.
27.The Industrial revolution.
28.Britain in the Period of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.
29.Chartist Movement (Chartism).
30.Britain in the World War I. Consequences of the war. The Years of Depression.
31.Britain in the World War II.
32.The Collapse of the British Empire. The British Commonwealth of Nations.
33.British Constitution.
34.Political Parties in Great Britain..
35.British electoral system.
36.The British State System. The Monarchy. The Government.
37.The British State System. Parliament.
38.The economy. Industry and trade. Finance and investment.
39.Welfare. Social security and services.
40.The National Health Service.
42.British Mass Media.
43.The Arts. Theatre and cinema. Music. The fine arts.
44.Sports in Britain.
45.Holidays and special occasions.
46.School education in Great Britain.
47.Admission to the universities. Types of universities. Further education.

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