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Worksheets on Life & Works of Jose Rizal

A Compilation of Learning Activities Set 2

Presented to
Audi Kondessa Navarro Gortifacion, MA
College of Education, Culture and Arts
St Paul University Surigao

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirement
for the Subject
Life and Works of Jose Rizal



March, 2022
Friendly Reminders:

Your answers with insensible thoughts and expressions must not be given any points. Answers which are
similarly or exactly of the same character with your classmates shall be considered as cheating, and is
subject to exclusion. Submit your work at

Stay safe. God Bless you always.

TASK 13. ESSAY. Instruction: Write an essay with the aim of answering the following: (5 points each)

(a) What is freedom?

• Freedom for me is when we, people, is capable of doing things freely.

Freedom is when there's nothing controlling us from what we are going
to do. Life will just be useless if we don't have any freedom at all. If
there's no freedom, our life will just be dull, boring, and no excitement
felt. We should have freedom because it's life. Life should have
freedom, we should have freedom.

(b) How is the lack of freedom portrayed in the novel?

• Lacked of freedom is portrayed in the novel through the word that

Rizal wrote about how Spaniard want to control us and it was also
included in the novel about the slavery of the Spaniard to the Filipino's.

(c) How is the situation in the novel different from today?

• The novel is conceiving. It cannot write due to life experiences of people
but honestly not all the details. For example, you can read the novel is
about love, as in you were in the scene also when reading it. Why we
can say that it is different to our time now? In real life you really need
to fulfill whatsoever the things you were facing. The novel, it didn't
seem difficult to solve the problem of with it can easily get an idea, when
you compare in real life you needed time to act properly.
TASK 14. CHARACTER ANALYSIS. Instruction: Make a scrapbook-like output and identify the major
characters in Noli Me Tangere that best represents in today’s generation such us celebrities, politicians or anyone
TASK 15. Instruction: After reading the novel, complete the table to create your own ending of the story
of each character. (5 pts each)


Simoun succeeded his plot to free the Filipinos from

Simoun oppression and did not commit suicide. He changed his
plans from using violence into a more peaceful revolt.

Basilio Basilio did not fly away and remained on

Simoun’s side. He helped Simoun in his new approach
of freeing the Filipinos from the cruel Spaniards.

Maria Clara Maria Clara did not become insane but still continued
to stay at the covenant and became a nun.

Padre Salvi Padre Salve was imprisoned for years because of the
commotion he caused.

Kabesang Tales He joined forces with Simoun in his new approach of

TASK 16. Research. Direction: Enumerate and discuss two brilliant writings of Jose Rizal which are living
proofs that “The pen is mightier than the sword.” (10 points each)

1. The Philippines: Century Hence

• It presents a radical prophesy of Rizal of how the Philippines would be through the
• It reflected Rizal’s sentiments about the glorious past of our country and the
deterioration of the Philippine economy.
• This essay, published in La Solidaridad starts by analyzing the various causes of the
miseries suffered by the Filipino people:
a. Spain’s implementation of her military policies
b. Deterioration and disappearance of Filipino indigenous culture
c. Passivity and submissiveness to the Spanish colonizers

2. The Indolence of the Filipinos

• It explains the alleged idleness of his people during the Spanish colonization.
• It enumerates several reasons that may have caused the Filipinos cultural and economic
• He hence enumerates the causes of laziness
• Rizal says that an unwellness will decline if the incorrect intervention is given.
• Rizal enumerates several grounds that may hold caused the Filipinos’ cultural and economic

TASK 17. ESSAY. (10 pts. each)

1. Explain why Rizal concluded that “natives’ supposed indolence was an end-product of the Spanish
• Rizal argued that Filipinos are innately hardworking prior to the rule of
the Spaniards. What brought the decrease in the productive activities of
the natives was actually the Spanish colonization. Rizal explained the
alleged Filipino indolence by pointing to these factors: the galleon trade
destroyed the previous links of the Philippines with other countries in
Asia and the middle east, thereby eradicating small local business and
handicraft industries. The Spanish forced labor compelled the Filipinos to
work in shipyards, roads and other public works thus abandoning their
agricultural farms and industries. Many Filipinos became landless and
wanderers because Spain did not defend them against pirates and
foreign invaders. The system of education offered by the colonizers was
impractical as it was mainly about repetitive prayers and had nothing to
do with agricultural and industrial technology. The Spaniards were a bad
example as negligent officials would come in late and leave early in their
offices and Spanish women were always followed by servants. Gambling
like cockfights was established, promoted, and explicitly practiced by
Spanish government officials and friars themselves especially during
feast days.

2. In your own words, explain the relevance of Rizal’s “The Philippines a Century Hence” to our
country today.
• The relevant of Rizal’s about the Philippines a century hence to our
country today is that the people are awakened and see the changes of
our political, economic, social and educational system. Now still we are
in process of progress but the important is we have the freedom and our
long-awaited independence to do things and make the progress, and
make a remarkable contribution to our nation. And now we are no longer
under the Spain and peacefully have freedom to our land. We must put
to our mind that we are greater than Spain.
TASK 18.. Instructions: Cite one individual who can be a perfect epitome of a hero and justify why. Paste
his/her photo on the other side of the box. (20 pts.)

A perfect epitome of a hero is my Father, A Great Example,

Disciplinary, Protector, supporter and Provider. He will do everything even

it is hard to work just to provide my needs. I really

saw the hardship and sacrifices of my father because even thou he is a single

father, he can do everything just for the both of us. And I am proud of him and

that’s make me more thankful and grateful to have a father like

him. Even thou my mother is not around but he does everything and anything

he can for me. He is my everything, without my father I am nothing. I can’t

afford to lose my father too just like my mother. That’s why I want to finish my

schools and find a good job and help my father of our financial needs. And in

the future, I’ll be the one who will support my father and give everything he


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