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THE NEWS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 | Year I | Number 51 | CAPITOL EDITION | Price: €3,00

WANTED THE Terror in the House of God



Athorities fail to detain the man and woman resposible for the terror attack against a chatolic congrega-

tion during the 9/11 remembrance ceremony. Already considered by Congressmen as one of the scariest

attacks in the Capitol, the incident leaves the community shocked and devastated. Twelve hours after the
attack the authorities haven’t confirmed nor denied the number of injuries and dead.

NEWS Attack on Chatolics

Righteous Hearts Catholic Congregation attacked
CAPITOL — A men and a women terrorised at least adult 19 members
of Righteous Hearts Catholic Congregation this Sunday, during the
9/11 memorial ceremony, a state police official said, in what is being
described as the scariest terrorist attack in years.
The incident took place just before noon at church, located in the
Righteous Hearts Catholic Congregation complex, where the small
catholic community were preparing for mass. The target group was
composed by 10 priests (ages 45 to 70), 3 nuns (ages 33 to 47) and 7
seminary students (ages 21 to 27).
The man, identified as the white cis male gone missing last month,
was accompanied by a non identified white women. The duo broke the
congregation property complex, and found the 19 victims in church,
during morning prayers. They were both armed, officials says, and
made the 19 elements hostage for 2 hours, until authorities arrive to
the locations.

“They kept us all inside,

shouting incomprehensible
threats! It was horrifying”
As terrified citizens waited for word about the safety of their piers and
law enforcement officials raced to piece together how the attack had
transpired. “This is just evil,” a Capitol resident said of Sunday’s te-
rror attack. His nephew was one of the seminary students. We found
him outside the security perimeter, waiting to hear back from his re-
lative, publishing updated on social media “I’m afraid to know the
worst news one can ever hear at any moment”.
Across the street from the congregation complex, state troopers were
scattered across the church lawn, and an ambulance idled with its
lights flashing. Another Capitol resident, said he assisted mass in this
same congregation just the day before “This could have happened to
me and my family!“ he said.
Officials were looking into whether the attackers, had been targeting
the congregation or whether they ended up there by chance, accor-
ding to a law enforcement official, who requested anonymity to des-
cribe the investigation that he cautioned was still unfolding. Both
attackers appeared to have crashed a pickup truck through a barrier
at the warehouse entrance before heading inside, the official said.

In a brief address from the Presidencial Palace on Sunday night, the

President grew emotional as he reflected on the attack and called for
action to combat terror. “It’s just sick,” he said of the dissident be-
haviour of the attackers “Where in God’s name is our backbone, the
courage and strength to follow the path, and maintain our community
safe! It’s time to turn this pain into action.”
The President later added, “May the Lord be near to the brokenhear-
ted and save those crushed in spirit, because they’re going to need a
Even before much was known about the attackers, their motives or
details about the weapons they used, the attack thrust the debate over
the combat on terror and dissident behaviour back into the forefront Intriguing security camera footage. //RCP
of national attention. //JOHN PALE

Square scars of 9/11

T he 9/11 Memorial & Museum is the prin-

cipal institution concerned with exploring
9/11, documenting its impact, and examining
at the time of the attacks, company or orga-
nisation affiliations (for those working at the
World Trade Center or the Pentagon) and in
its continuing significance. Honouring those response to about 1,200 requests from family
who were killed in the 2001 and 1993. members. Software by Local Projects im-
Located at the World Trade Center in New plemented the arrangement. All names are
York City, the 9/11 Memorial Museum tells stylised with Optima typeface for a “balanced
the story of 9/11 through media, narratives, appearance”.
and a collection of monumental and authen- The museum highlights their online edu-
tic artefacts, presenting visitors with perso- cational toolkit that offers interactive video
nal stories of loss, recovery, and hope. stories of people who were deeply affected
by the attacks and reveal how they respon-
The names of 2,983 victims are inscribed on ded with humanitarian initiatives that stren-
152 bronze parapets on the memorial pools: gthened their local and global communities.
2,977 killed in the September 11 attacks and These stories encourage an understanding of
six killed in the 1993 World Trade Center the facts of this contemporary history and a
bombing. The names are arranged according focus on the extraordinary civic response. //
to an algorithm, creating “meaningful adja- OLGA ERST
cencies” based on relationships —proximity

Combat on Terror CULTURE&SOCIETY

Sexual assault
claims against
Bishop dropped
D ozens of sexual assault claims which had been filed by se-
veral families against Bishop Ludwig Weber have been
withdrawn. The victims, identified in the lawsuit as an infor-
mal group, have accused the bishop of sexual assault incidents
happening in the last 20 years. Bishop Ludwig Weber’s repre-
sentatives said the allegations were false and welcomed the
voluntary dismissal. The claims were pulled earlier this week,
nearly six months after the complainents filed in the Central
District. The voluntary dismissal also removed charges against
all other parties named in the case, including the elements of
several catholic congregassions. “It is not surprising that the
plaintiffs dismissed their complaints against the defendants,” a
representative for Bishop Ludwig Weber said in a statement to
the News Agency last Friday. “Their complaint were full of false
allegations and deficiencies.” One of the plaintiffs, whose story
break the news last June, have originally claimed they had been
left “panicked and terrified” during the alleged incidents, which
they claimed had occurred in the Bishop’s office, more than 15
years ago. They claimed Bishop Ludwig Weber invited them to
his private office after a confession in the church premises, only
to burst in on them when they were feeling unwell, forcing them
to perform oral sex and masturbation. The plaintiff added that
they had “felt pressured” by the Bishop due to his dominance
and his position of power. Bishop Ludwig Weber previously
described the claims as “meritless” and he had not had “any se-
xual encounter” with any of the plaintiffs. //JANE TILL

On and Off depends on
you - the best way to
protect your kids and
your porperty.
Security cameras can dissuade property da- work. Furthermore, managing parties can
mage while reducing crimes like trespassing keep tabs on stock, customer interactions,
and burglary. According to the Authorities, and more even when away.
property crime was 85% of all crimes in the Footage from security cameras can help you
CAPITOL, last year, with around 1 million re- make correct and fair decisions when settling
ported and documented. In a constant trend, disputes, both in domestic as well as profes-
that number in years prior had been consis- sional scenarios. Whether it is dealing with
tently falling and reduced further this year. a situation involving disagreements within
When away from the home or business, the- your family, among your employees, or bet-
re might always be a worry that something ween a customer and your service staff, your
might happen. Especially for parents, doubts can be laid to rest with the help of
thoughts of your family’s condition or how your camera.
your kids are doing with the babysitter might Incorrect, inappropriate or fabricated claims
be weighing heavy on your mind. Surveillan- made by customers or other authorities can
ce, especially indoor security cameras, help to be sorted out when you make your security
provide peace of mind when away from home camera your ally.
by giving the mother or father the ability to Security cameras are an excellent option
make checkups as frequently as needed. Fur- when looking to keep a record of the goings-
thermore, when you own a larger plot of land on in or around a business. Also applicable
or multiple pieces of property, securing the for homes, surveillance easily monitors how
perimeter or general location becomes much events transpire, how accidents or uninten-
easier. Furthermore, modern software allows ded events may go, and can be used as a re-
for phone alerts when a camera detects so- ference for future consideration. Businesses
mething unusual based on specific parame- can use cameras to monitor incoming tra-
ters. ffic, especially with the help of  access con-
Similarly, for business owners, the ability to trol and security turnstiles, while homeow-

regularly check up on daily business practices ners can maintain a record of whom visit
is a regular ability for those with security ca- their property. Furthermore negative inte-
meras. Such an ability allows managers and ractions, unfortunate accidents, or criminal
business owners to be offsite for whatever activity can be recorded for the benefit of a
reason while regular staff can handle onsite legal team. //PETER WHITE


work everywhere, anytime


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