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Phyllis Robinson Snipes

Holly Frilot

62 Knowledge Quest | School Libraries Go Beyond the Four Walls

What Does a School evaluators in the state. During the
Librarian Do? past two years administration of
During the past two years the SLEI has generated opportuni-
As a school librarian, you work administration of the SLEI ties for conversations among school
hard. You are an expert at multi- librarians, principals, teachers,
tasking, and you rarely find time has generated opportunities and an array of patrons and has
to spend a few leisurely moments also promoted the impact of school
enjoying a short break from your for conversations among library services across Georgia.
duties. You serve a diverse multitude
of students, teachers, administrators, school librarians, Perceptions of School
parents, and community members. Librarian Roles and Standards
Time is precious, and your profes- principals, teachers, and Alignment
sional calling consumes your day.
You know the impact of your work;
an array of patrons and In many locales—in many states—
students read more, achieve more, has also promoted the early conceptions of the school
and are actively engaged in future- librarian’s job have not evolved
ready learning because of you. Still, impact of school library over the years even as the duties
sometimes you wonder: have expanded exponentially. The
services across Georgia. fact that in some districts outdated
• Are your peers and colleagues evaluation tools, such as Georgia’s
fully aware of the vast extent of 1990 system, are still used to rate
your contributions to the school 21st-century school librarians is an
network? obvious sign of the misconceptions
the development of meaningful others have about the duties and
• Do your administrators or
standards, and the importance of performance of the school librarian
evaluators know your essential role
collaboration partners in the effort. today. The roles of school librarians
in the preparation of all students to
The authors’ stated goal of bringing and the assessments used to evaluate
be college, career, and community
players to the table to collaborate their performance are often incon-
on library issues to turn theory into gruent.
• Is an up-to-date evaluation practice now has been realized. Two factors seem to contribute to
instrument available that truly
Both Gwinnett County’s early work this incongruence. First, various
captures the scope of your unique
with the Media Specialist Effective- stakeholder groups view the roles of
skill set?
ness Measure (MSEM) and Cobb the school librarian inconsistently;
In the November/December 2015 County’s present implementation therefore, members of the public do
issue of Knowledge Quest, Susan K. of the finalized School Librarian not always apply the A ASL roles of
S. Grigsby, Jennifer Helfrich, and Evaluation Instrument (SLEI) have leader, teacher, instructional partner,
Christa Harrelson Deissler wrote laid a firm foundation for suc- information specialist, and program
a feature article about the Georgia cessfully launching the system in administrator when they define the
School Library Media Specialist other districts inside and outside roles of the school librarian (A ASL
Consortium’s development of ten Georgia’s borders. The design 2009). Second, assessments that
A ASL standards-based, future-ready of the instrument mimicked the have been developed to evaluate
evaluation standards for school format of Georgia’s Teacher Keys school librarians’ effectiveness are
librarians (see figure 1). That article Effectiveness System and the state’s either outdated—and therefore, do
provided insight on the impetus for Leader Keys Effectiveness System not reflect the actual roles of today’s
designing A ASL-based evaluation so that the process for evaluating school library professionals—or they
standards, the process followed school librarians would be similar lack a consistent focus on credible
by the Georgia Consortium in to processes already familiar to school library guidelines. In his

Volume 47, No. 4 | March/April 2019 63

dissertation on school librarian>). It and summative assessments were
standards, job descriptions, and should be noted that, with the 2018 prepared so evaluators could rank
performance evaluations in Florida, update to the earlier A ASL standards, school librarians on the ten SLEI
Aaron Elkins described this incon- members of the Georgia Consortium standards. In addition, criteria were
gruence: did a thorough review of the SLEI set for evaluation of novice librarians,
standards. This review revealed requiring two walkthroughs beyond
School librarianship has evolved that the ten SLEI standards are in the one required thirty-minute
as the nature of education and full alignment with the 2018 A ASL teaching observation of veteran
society’s access to and use of Standards, as the five roles of the librarians. An appeal process was
information has changed. Per- school librarian were unchanged. developed defining parameters for
ceptions of the roles of school objections; this process would be
librarians have evolved more After crafting the ten standards, used in the event of an appeal about
slowly, where some pursue the Holly Frilot, the supervisor of library a designated score on any of the
future of the role while others media education for the Cobb standards. Based on the timeline, the
have yet to turn their gaze from County (GA) School District (and following deadlines were set:
the past. The findings from one of the authors of this article),
this study suggest that pattern developed ancillary materials to • July–August: School librarian’s
continues to this day, with the support the evaluation process for and evaluator’s familiarization
existence of 101 incongruences school librarians. The result was with the SLEI and school librar-
among job descriptions, profes- a seamless, meaningful system for ian’s completion of the SLEI
sional evaluations, and national evaluation that served to educate Self-Assessment Form.
guidelines. School librarians administration and faculty about the
may be most effective in envi- role of school librarians and provide • August–September: School librar-
ronments in which they and a solid framework for evaluation of ian’s establishment of professional
their administrators are clear that role. The system was rolled out learning goals. Pre-Evaluation
about the purpose of the school for the Cobb County School District Conference is held with evaluator;
library program, and when in the fall of 2017. conference includes identifi-
school librarians’ efforts are cation of specific evidentiary
recognized as making important Case Study: Vision to Reality resources to be used to document
contributions to the learning that standards were met and a
community. (2014, 100–101) Process discussion regarding evidence that
is not documentable.
In light of these mixed concepts In the 2016–2017 school year, the
of role definitions and assessment Cobb County School District began • August–January: Formative
inconsistencies, and in an effort to using the SLEI with a pilot group assessment by evaluator (thirty-
address these obstacles, the Georgia of seven librarians and six admin- minute observation) is completed.
School Library Media Specialist istrators. After gathering feedback
and receiving guidance from the • January–February: Mid-year
Consortium developed the School
Cobb County Human Resources conference (school librarian
Librarian Evaluation Instrument
Department, the decision was made and evaluator) is held to review
(SLEI). The ten standards that form
to distribute the evaluation to the progress.
the basis for the system were built
using the AASL Standards for 21st- entire district of 111 school libraries
• January–April: Documentation
Century Learners (A ASL 2007), ALA/ for the following school year. Under
collection continued.
AASL Standards for Initial Preparation Holly’s leadership, the Cobb County
of School Librarians (A ASL 2010), School District Library Media • April–May: Summative conference
and the ISTE Standards for Coaches Leadership Team developed ancillary and assessment. Documentation
(2011). Content of the Future Ready materials designed to support the signed and submitted.
Librarians webpages (Alliance implementation of the ten SLEI
for Excellent Ed. n.d.) was also standards (see figure 1). As the timeline demonstrates, the
considered during development. A final SLEI system consisted of one
A timeline, guidelines, and reme- self-assessment requiring establish-
full description of the development
diation plan were established, along ment of goal(s); three conferences
process can be found in the 2015
with a self-assessment, formative including pre-evaluation, mid-year,
Grigsby, Helfrich, and Deissler
assessment, and summative and summative; one formative
article (available at <https://files.eric.
evaluation forms. Formative observation; and one final written

64 Knowledge Quest | School Libraries Go Beyond the Four Walls

summative assessment to be signed Figure 1.
by the school librarian and evaluator Georgia’s School
and submitted to the school district’s
human resources department. For
school librarians with three or fewer School Librarian Evaluation Instrument
years of experience in the district,
two additional ten-minute evaluator Instructional Partnership Role of Reading
“walk-throughs” were required for
informal observations, as well as the
The school library media specialist collaboratively plans
instruction and develops the library media program using
state and district curricula and standards, instructional
calendars, effective strategies, resources, and data to support
2 The school library media specialist develops a culture
of reading and promotes reading as a foundational skill
for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment.
teachers and address the differentiated needs of all students.

creation of a professional develop-

ment plan that outlined how goals Information & Instructional Leadership
would be met.
Technology Literacy
The school library media specialist fosters the success
of all students by serving on decision-making teams in
The school library media specialist plans and provides the school, designing and delivering professional
instruction that addresses multiple literacies, including learning, and contributing to a shared vision of teaching

Face-to-face training for 117 school information literacy, media literacy, and technology literacy. and learning that leads to school improvement.

librarians and 109 evaluators was

Effective Practices Program Planning
developed and conducted early in and Administration
the school year by Holly. Evaluators 5
for Research
The school library media specialist teaches and
models developmentally appropriate best practices for
6 The school library media specialist develops and
implements a strategic plan and vision for continuous

were trained to look for key focus learning and research.

improvement of the library media program and to support
the learning goals of the school community.

points in the teaching observation.

In addition, they were informed Positive Learning
Collection Development
of essential topics of discussion to 7 The school library media specialist provides a well-managed,
safe, and welcoming environment that supports personalized 8 The school library media specialist supports the
curriculum through selection and management of
resources that meet the needs and interests of
include for the three conferences. learning, includes flexible and equitable access to physical
and digital resources, ensures a well-rounded education, and
encourages respect for all.

Since no set number of artifacts

were required for documentation, Professionalism Communication
examples of various artifacts that 9 The school library media specialist fosters the success
of students by demonstrating professional standards
and ethics, engaging in continuous professional
10 The school library media specialist fosters the success
of all students by communicating and collaborating
effectively with stakeholders in ways that enhance
could be included to address each of learning, and contributing to the profession. student learning and engagement.

the ten standards were shared.
Response to SLEI implementation Created by Holly Frilot on behalf of the Georgia Library Media Association. Permission to use, reproduce, and distribute is granted for educational purposes only. Last update: January, 2018

was very positive at the beginning of

the 2017–2018 school year, partially Figure 2. Holly
due to the strong favorable response Frilot providing
from the previous year’s pilot group. development.
An additional factor contribut-
ing to the positive reception the
new system received was the widely
held view—among librarians and
evaluators—that the previous
evaluation tool did not accurately
assess performance of school
librarians, indicating the new tool
was needed.

Librarians’ Reflections on SLEI

To gauge the impact of the SLEI,
the school librarians’ experi-
ences after implementation of
the system were investigated. An
anonymous survey instrument was
developed based on the content of
the ten standards; the questionnaire
included demographic informa-
tion in addition to both open- and
close-ended response questions

Volume 47, No. 4 | March/April 2019 65

Table 1. March survey data.


Was your SLEI training effective? 60 40 0

Was your EVALUATOR’s training effective? 49 36 1 14

Was the Pre-evaluation Self-Assessment positive? 77 21 2

Was the Mid-year Formative Assessment positive? 83 12 3 2

Was the Observation positive? 80 20 0

Was the Professional Development Plan appropriate? 21 10 4 65

to gain feedback from all levels on WILL do my best to provide “I had the most reflective, inter-
the SLEI process. Input for the documentation. I ask her if there esting assessment conference
survey design was gained from the is anything she wants to see and that I had ever had.”
librarians themselves through focus will make this happen. It all
group discussions and district-level starts with a good relationship “I had a good hour-long
feedback. The decision was made to with your evaluator and clear conference with [my adminis-
administer two surveys using Google expectations.” trator] for my Summative and
Forms. One survey was sent out to we mostly looked ahead at what
all school librarians in March 2018 “My evaluator observed me we want to accomplish in the
with the hope that most participants teaching in December and upcoming school year. I walked
would have completed their formative completed the Formative out of her office feeling positive
assessment. A second survey was Assessment Form (which she and uplifted.”
sent out in late May 2018 during rated me very highly on). That is
all that has happened so far.” “Again, allows [school librarians]
post-planning after all summative
to show admin all of the ways we
assessments should have been
“Principal did not adhere to impact students and staff.”
finalized. Responses to both surveys
were optional. Of those who responded negatively,
Data from the first survey questions some commented that evaluators did
The March survey had a 44 percent
in March are in table 1. not adhere to the timeline or failed
response rate and reflected very
to follow the process for observation
positive experiences with the SLEI The May survey had a 53 percent and conferencing. Several statements
standards and processes. A few response rate. These responses about were made that evaluators still do
school librarians commented that respondents’ interactions with their not fully understand the roles of
the evaluator was lax in following evaluators were extremely positive. the school librarian and what the
the timeline closely, but the large Over 90 percent of the responding school librarian does, so even with
majority reported a very positive librarians indicated favorable reflec- a strong evaluation system and good
experience with their observations tions on the summative conference documentation, administrators can
and conferences. Some example and the SLEI system (see table miss a lot of what the school librarian
comments: 2). These favorable reflections, does behind the scenes. Sample
especially during the first year of comments:
“The SLEI instrument is working
implementation, indicated to us that
fine for me. My admin and I talk
the evaluation process was indeed a “We are being evaluated on things
about it frequently and have an
success. Sample comments: our evaluator knows nothing
open relationship regarding
about. Collection development
the evaluation process. If she
is one example that I had to fully
requests something specific, I

66 Knowledge Quest | School Libraries Go Beyond the Four Walls

Table 2. May survey data.



Was your Summative Conference a positive

experience? 91 9

Is SLEI a positive method of evaluation? 91 9

explain this year, and I still don’t our students. I am invested, but
think she understood how much to do all of this often requires
time this can take.” being here for an average of
9- to 10-hour days…Being here,
“I don’t believe that administra- makes me a part of a team and
tion fully understands our job someone has to do it. The alter-
and how to evaluate it.” native is to leave my colleagues
“Have not had one.”
Data from the second survey
“Didn’t have one…yet.”
responses in May are in table 2.
Another issue often raised was that
of duties and responsibilities of the Putting It All Together
school librarians. The instrument According to Grigsby, Helfrich, and
cannot address the extra duties that Deissler’s 2015 article, one of the
some respondents were required main goals for the establishment
to conduct. The amount of time of the Georgia Consortium was to
available to meet the ten standards at make explicit connections between
an exemplary level was limited when librarian preparation require-
some of the day was spent completing ments and practice in the field. As
duties outside of school library mentioned earlier, the ALA/A ASL
responsibilities. Sample comments: Standards for Initial Preparation of School
“I would like a way to discuss Librarians document (A ASL 2010)
other roles we must fill. I also was used to maintain accurate
think there is a big difference content for librarian preparation
with what can be accomplished requirements for SLEI standards,
when you have a para and when and the 2007 and 2018 A ASL and
you do not. Not really a fair 2011 ISTE standards were consulted
comparison.” to ensure the Georgia standards were
based on realistic content regarding
“There are a lot of things that fall practice in the field. Since these
under ‘other duties as assigned’ guidelines were used to develop the
so in a way it is all a part of ten standards and the rollout of the
the job description. It’s all full system received very positive
enjoyable and for the benefit of feedback, the Georgia Consortium

Volume 47, No. 4 | March/April 2019 67

when in a position to fulfill the is now in place for distribution and
roles set forth in the instrument. use of the evaluation throughout
One goal for the development While the SLEI system implemen- the state. Further feedback from
of the SLEI system was to tation in the Cobb County School districts of all sizes is needed as the
District shows evidence of success, it system is implemented. Likewise,
advocate and demonstrate appears that there continues to be constant review for revisions to keep
a disconnect between what con- the system relevant and reliable for
the powerful contributions stitutes professional duties of the districts of all sizes and locations
school librarian and assignment must be conducted.
the school librarian can of other duties that fall outside
areas of training. Many school The School Librarian Evaluation
make when in a position librarians reported that they still Instrument system represents the
spend a substantial portion of their evolution of strong collaboration
to fulfill the roles set forth work day dealing with non-library- among school library leaders in the
related duties. It is understood state, and was born out of a serious
in the instrument. need for a redefinition of the roles
that educators must sometimes
conduct certain tasks considered and responsibilities of the school
to be outside the regular realm of librarian. The Cobb County School
teaching, leading, etc., but consistent District’s successful implementa-
asserts that a viable system that tion of the SLEI system provided
correlates what is taught in prepara- assignment of tasks that detract
from the ability to perform special- that updated definition and brought
tion programs with what is actually about a more-realistic understanding
needed in practice was developed. ized duties impacts opportunities
to provide professional services for of the countless contributions that
The authors of the 2015 article can be made by a qualified, equipped,
concluded with the focus on school patrons. Furthermore, as the com-
prehensive roles and duties of the supported school librarian.
librarians themselves, who have
been at a “point of frustration” due profession continue to consistently
SLEI documents, including the SLEI
to a need for guidance in the area of expand, evaluation instruments and
itself, complete with rubrics, can
school librarian evaluation (Grigsby, methods must accommodate the shift
be accessed at the Georgia Library
Helfrich and Deissler 2015, 22). in definition and responsibilities.
Media Association website at <www.
The SLEI system, built upon the ten>.
SLEI standards, directly addresses
Moving Forward
this frustration from the field and The SLEI system has been trans-
provides a consistent, current, formative for school librarian
viable method for evaluating school evaluation in the Cobb County
librarians. School District. It has brought about
a more-thorough understanding of
One goal for the development of
what the specific roles of the school
the SLEI system was to advocate and
librarian are, and has provided a
demonstrate the powerful contribu-
platform for strong advocacy for
tions the school librarian can make
the profession in that district. As
more district leaders in the state
inquire about the SLEI system, a
need to train additional personnel
in implementing the system has
arisen. As a result, thirteen of the
sixteen Regional Educational Service
Agencies (RESA) in Georgia have
received SLEI train-the-trainer
instruction. Therefore, a network

68 Knowledge Quest | School Libraries Go Beyond the Four Walls

Holly Frilot is the Phyllis R. Snipes
Works Cited:
supervisor of the Library is a professor of media/
Alliance for Excellent Education.
Media Education school library media in the n.d. Future Ready Librarians.
Department in the Cobb College of Education at program-overview/librarians>
County (GA) School the University of West (accessed December 1, 2018).
Georgia (UWG) in Carrollton. She serves American Association of School
District (CCSD). As president-elect of the Librarians. 2007. Standards for
Georgia Library Media Association (GLMA), on the Georgia Library Media Association the 21st-Century Learner. Chicago:
she serves on its Executive Board. She also (GLMA) Executive Board as GLMA’s liaison
———. 2009. Empowering Learners:
serves on the AASL Innovative Reading Grant with the Georgia Department of Education. Guidelines for School Library Programs.
Chicago: ALA.
selection committee. Holly is a past recipient Phyllis serves the Georgia Association for
———. 2010. ALA/AASL Standards
of Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) Instructional Technolog y as Higher Education for Initial Preparation of School
Librarians. <
Media Specialist of the Year Award. During Representative and was one of the organizers sites/
her time at GCPS, the Georgia Department of the Georgia School Library Media aasleducation/schoollibrary/2010_
of Education recognized her Collins Hill High Specialist Consortium. In 2018 she was the statements_1-31-11.pdf> (accessed
October 16, 2018).
School library as an Exceptional Library UWG nominee for the University System of
———. 2018. National School Library
Media Program. Read her blog about CCSD’s Georgia Regents’ Online Teaching Excellence Standards for Learners, School
Library Media Education Department Award. In 2017 she received a UWG College Librarians, and School Libraries.
Chicago: ALA.
activities at <>. of Education teaching award for work with Elkins, Aaron J. 2014. “What’s
She is a member of AASL. graduate students, and GLMA recognized Expected, What’s Required, and
What’s Measured: A Comparative
her work on the development of the state’s Qualitative Content Analysis
of the National Professional
School Library Evaluation Instrument by Standards for School Librarians,
giving her the William E. Patterson Award. and Their Job Descriptions
and Performance Evaluations
Among her recent publications are a February in Florida.” PhD diss. Florida
State University. <http://purl.flvc.
2018 posting “School Librarian Evaluation org/fsu/fd/FSU_migr_etd-8978>
Instrument: An Option Now in Action” on the (accessed August 4, 2018).
GaDOE Library Media Update webpage Grigsby, Susan K. S., Jennifer
Helfrich, and Christa Harrelson
and a 2017 article “Developing a Meaningful Deissler. 2015. “A Seat at the
Table: K-12 and Higher Ed
Self-Assessment/Evaluation Instrument in Collaboration to Align Evaluation
Georgia” published by School Library Instruments for School Librarians
and Teachers.” Knowledge Quest
Connection. She is a member of AASL. 44 (2): 16–23. <https://files.eric.>
(accessed December 1, 2018).
International Society for Technology
in Education. 2011. “Standards
for Coaches.” <
PDF.pdf> (accessed October 16,

Volume 47, No. 4 | March/April 2019 69

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