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When reviewing the quality of the IS Departments's devlopement process, the IS

auditor finds that he does not use any formal , documented methodology and Document the informal std. and
1 standards. The IS Auditors MOST appropriate action would be test for compliance

2 What type of control is representative of exception reporting* Processing

remote processing site prior to
The editing/Validation of data entered at a remote site would be perfomed MOST transmission of the data to the
3 effectively at the central processing site.

4 Assumptions while planning an IS project involve a high degree of risk because they are a result of the lack of information

5 The Primary benefit of integrating TQM into a software devlopment project is end-user satisfaction

An IS aduitor reviewing a proposed application software acquisition should ensure that products are compatible with the
6 the current or planned OS.

Default setting is used by vendors to help users get the system up and running . What Indicate well-known settings
7 is auditor's primary area of interest regarding default settings published by the vendor

An organisation planning to purchase a software package asked the IS auditor for a risk
8 assessment. Major risk? Unavailability of the source code

Which of the following is critical to the selection and acquisition of the correct
9 operating system software Hardware-configuration analysis

An existing system is being extensive enhanced by extracting and reusing design and
10 program component. This is example of Reengineering.

Performace of a third party should be compared to the agreed upon services level
11 metrics and must be* reviewed by management

Which of the following is the first thing an IS auditor should do after discovery of trojan Have the offending code
12 horse program in a computer system removed.
capturing of the knowledge and
experience of individuals in an
13 The Greatest benefit in implimenting an expert system is organization.

14 What is the primary objective in problem escalation ensure the correct response

15 why is ongoing system monitoring important* to find inconsistency and error

application presentation session
transport network datalink
16 Which of the following is a list of OSI model levels from the top down physical
17 Which of the following is not a fuction of operating system detection of system penetration

18 What is purpose of Address Resolutaion protocol find the mac address

19 What type of network device directs packets through the Internet routers

which of the following protocol is likely to be used for monitorig the health of the
20 network SNMP

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