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CM. Recto Avenue, Lapasan Cagayan De Oro City, Philippines

College of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Architecture


Quiz 1
Eliza Mae S. Ocate
BS Arch 4C_A3

The three studies display different approaches or methods in research but in the same field of
Architectural studies. According to Arturo Valladares' research, role-playing allows people to
explore and understand how they feel about space while allowing communities to participate in
the decision-making process. The Community Architect Program's participatory design method,
on the other hand, was established within Cuba's and Old Havana's highly centralized and illiberal
decision-making processes. As a result, low-income people's ability to design and build dwellings
is severely limited in cities.

Yingzi Zhang and Tao Wei discusses the spatial compositions and features of sacred sites and
surrounding pilgrimage areas in Lhasa, Tibet. The physical and social positions of the city's urban
religious sites have evolved in recent decades because of the city's modernization and
urbanization. The study aims to employ typological analysis to reveal the characteristics and
socioeconomic values of diverse religious venues that have changed.

Anastasia D. Stavridou’s research studies air, fluid dynamics, and natural ventilation of structures
as a method of approaching the architectural synthesis process. It examines the many
approaches for evaluating the effects of wind on building design and showcases several
architectural interior and outdoor environmental designs that use computational fluid dynamics
(CFD). The study of natural ventilation in buildings yields information and data that influence
architectural design in four ways: (1) inspiration and analogy, (2) initial conception of the main
idea using computational fluid dynamics (digital design), (3) development of the main idea through
an investigatory process toward building form optimization, and (4) form configuration, shape
investigation, and other morphogenetic ability.

Stavridou, A. D. (2015). Breathing architecture: Conceptual architectural design based on the

investigation into the natural ventilation of buildings. Frontiers of Architectural Research
2015, 127-145.

Valladares, A. (2017). Successes and failures of participation-in-design: Cases from Old

Havana,Cuba. Frontiers of Architectural Research 2017, 401–411.

Zhang, Y., & Wei, T. (2017). Typology of religious spaces in the urban historical area of
Lhasa,Tibet. Frontiers of Architectural Research 2017, 384–400.

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