Ingles 2022 Con Respuestas

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INGLES 2022 @preguntas_icfes 3165566659

Parte 1
Places and transportation
0. You need these to get on trains
Respuesta w

Descripciones Palabras

71. Yo go to these places when you’re sick. A. apartments

72. People go there to buy vegetables. B. Buses

73. Some people live and sleep in these homes. C. Hospitals

74. Some children take a ride on these to D. Libraries

go to school.
E. Parks
75. People can go there to run or walk their dog.
F. Planes

G. Supermarkets
H. Tickets
Parte 2

0. Clever cats: A. In a supermarket

The best food B. In an elevator
for your pet C. In a hospital
Respuesta :

76. -30% on hats and A. In a garden

2x1 B. On a beach
Coconut drinks C. At a zoo

77. Make it with milk A. On a cake box

And eggs. B. On a fruit box
Enjoy! C. On a burguer box

78. Come with your kids A. In a toy shop

and read beautiful B. In a bookshop
stories with us . C. In a computer room

79. Put crayons and A. In a school

Colored pencils B. In a playground
In the box. C. In a store

80. For one-year-old girls A. On a clock

B. On a ball
C. On a dress
Parte 3

81. The temperature is below zero here A. Let’s go inside.

B. Take off your coat.
C. It’s downstairs.

82. I couldn’t finish my homework, Lily! A. Very often!

B. That’s terrible!
C. Wait for it!

83. Let’s go to the zoo tomorrow! A. It is closed

B. How many?
C. Nice monkey!

84. May I have the Bill? A. Not cool.

B. A hot drink?
C. Sure.
85. Why is she working in the city center? A. Fine!
B. Come on!
C. No idea!

Parte 4

Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran is an english pop Singer whose journey to the top (0)_____ only five
years. He became famous (86)_____ the success of his first song.

Ed (87)_____ play instruments like the drums from a Young age, and in 2006 he
designed the cover of his first album (88)_____. Two years later, he made (89)_____
popular songs, but he was not a star yet; he (90)_____ played at small places until
2011. That year, his song ‘The A Team’ became available for download.

With his third album, he got back on the popular song lists (91)_____ tan ever. Ed
has had many successful years and now, (92)_____ taking a break from recording,
he is preparing for a new Project: a musical show he was (93)_____ to perform in
the US.

0. A.took B. take C . taken

86. A. after B. along C. across

87. A. Shall B. Could C. must

88. A. herself B. themselves C. himself

89. A. several B. another C. each

90. A. almost B. exactly C. actually

91. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest

92. A. so B. while C. if
93. A. asked B. asks C. ask

Parte 6

lt's been over a year now since I have phoned my family, connected to a social
network, sent text messages, checked e-mails or taken photographs. During that
time. I’ve been living and working on a farm without electricity. Last year taught me
a lot about the natural world, society, and what it means to be human at a time
when the differences between mankind and machines are being eliminated.

This country way of life is often described as “the simple life". But looking at it
carefully, it's far from being simple. In fact, this life is actually quite complicated,
made up for a thousand small, basic things. By comparison, my old urban life really
was quite “simple” too, but made up of a thousand small, repetitive and boring
things. With all Of the electronic objects, websites and applications, there was
almost nothing left for me to do by myself, except the one thing that earned me the
cash to pay for my Other needs — my job.

Though "living without technology" sounds like a sacrifice, it can be a better option
for you. When you're connected to websites, you're disconnected from life. You
need to decide between the machine world and the living, active world. There are
important things that most of us can do. I propose not spending more money than
you should not accepting all technological inventions, and living with simple things.

I love the simple-complex life. While it is not a realistic solution for the majority of
people now, we should stop using more electronic stuff, more dehumanizing, tiring
technologies and more of the same. This may possibly be a solution for those who
will experience what will happen in the coming years
101. What is the writer doing in the text?
A. exploring strategies to make people lives longer.
B. influencing people to sell all their electronic objects.
C. emphassing that people should stop doing things by themselves.
D. Inspiring people to enjoy simple things and reconnect with nature.

102. What can a reader find in this article?

A. suggestions about promoting natural and technological activities.
B. ideas for purchasing technological ítems to enjoy nature.
C. regrets about the writer’s active life without technology.
D. recommendatios to do simple daily activities without using technology.

103. In pararaph 3, the writer suggests that when people are using technology, they
A. sacrifice new inventions.
B. are not living their lives fully
C. are actively involved in life.
D. have not had financial problems.

104. According to paragraph four, the autor loves "the simple-complex life" because it
A. can be an effective solution for the future.
B. will affect most people's lives now.
C. is a realistic option for most of us.
D. identifies ways to make technology exciting.

105. The advice that the writer would probably give someone is to
A. experience simple, urban life without technology.
B. live in the countryside with many comforts.
C. leave technology behind and live a simple life.
D. do complicated things and make more money.

Parte 7

Charlie Chaplin was a comedy actor and director
(0)_____as the best in the silent film era. His first
(106)_____ took place when he was 5 years old: as
the company’s youngest actor, he had to replace his
mother. He was (107)_____ by his boss to sing a song
that his mother couldn’t. (108)_____, she had
become ill at the time of the show. (109)_____
Chaplin was about to turn ten years old,he had to
take (110)_____ of himself and his brother, the
sudden illness of his mother and the early death of fhis father made this

Chaplin wanted to become an artist. At (112)_____, he went to New York in 1920.

Later, he (113)_____ his studios built in Hollywood. There, he came to (114)_____
that it was the right place for anyone tryingto turn (115)_____ a profesional artist.
Chaplin’s movies are still popular because they continue sending positive thoughts.
0. A. recognized B. supported C. approved D. recommended


106.A. display B. exhibition C. performance D. introduction

107.A. noticed B. requested C. insisted D. attempted

108.A. Obviously B. Seriously C. Honestly D. Unfortunately

109.A. Wherever B. When C. Whereas D. Whether

110.A. up B. care C. away D. place

111.A. basic B. independent C. principal D. necessary

112.A. all B. least C. first D. present

113.A. had B. asked C. let D. helped

114.A. realize B. guess C. imagine D. consider

115.A. down B. into C. off D. on

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