Success Examples of Sarvatobhadra Chakra Based Forex Predictions

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You are on page 1of 14 The only bookmark on Astrology you'll ever need Testimonials Contact Products Site-map Home jew the Forecast Here-in-below are the links to some emails and text messages received with regard to our forecast of various major currency pairs, with the help of Sarvatobhdra Chakra the mysterious and secret, technique of ancient Jyotish, which very few astrologers know properly and apply in their predictions. Our one month's Forex predictions (for the month of September 2021) were minutely checked for every move of the concerned currency in the real world by a seasoned European forex trader, Mr. Rafik, for six currency pairs. He painstakingly noted down his observations and sent them to me. His validation is seen summed-up in following lines, which he wrote in his first two emails (about CAD/JPY and GBP/CAD). MAZING is not enough to say..." "This is very very precise..." "No words..." Here-in-below are his six emails: Feedback by Mr. Rafik about forecast on CAD/JPY - for Sept. 2021 Total obsrv: 9 Correct: 8 Wrong: 1. Success: 89% Feedback by Mr. Rafik about forecast on GBP/CAD - for Sept. 2021 Total obsrv: 7 Correct: 7 Wrong:0 Success: 100% Feedback by Mr. Rafik about forecast on EUR/AUD - for Sept. 2021 Total obsrv: 9 Correct: 7 Wrong: 2 Success: 78% Feedback by Mr. Rafik about forecast on USD/CAD - for Sept. 2021 Total obsrv: 14 Correct: 11 Wrong:3 Success: 79% Feedback by Mr. Rafik about forecast on GBP/AUD - for Sept. 2021 Total obsrv: 8 Correct: 6 Wrong: 2 Success: 75% Feedback by Mr. Rafik about forecast on AUD/USD - for Sept. 2021 Total obsrv: 12 Correct: 10 Wrong:2 Success: 83% ‘¥ Testimonials Contact \ Ss We Products Site-map Currency pair - AUD/USD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 Notebook: Courses Classes Workshops Conferences 20/11/2021 19:42 Updated: 19/01/2022 19:49 Shyam S Kansal Astro Conference AVG-2021 / Arsha Jyotish, Introductory Online meet to explain Currency pair - AUD/USD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 ACTUAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE AUD/USD PAIR DURING Sept. 2021: Feedback by a Currency Trader from Europe: My one month's Forex predictions (for the month of September 2021) were minutely observed for every move of the concerned currency in the real world, on day-by-day basis, by a seasoned European forex trader, Mr. Rafik Ennaoui, for six currency pairs, in which usually trades. He painstakingly noted down his observations for the whole month and thereafter sent them to me through six separate emails. His one such mail, concerning his observations regarding the currency pair being discussed here, is shown below: M Gmail AuD/USD afk enrac ui NIN eu <1afk 20720. CNN 22> 17 October 2021 at 20.11 To: "kansal shyaam@gmall com Hoy sk He isthe Srd analysis of mine ‘st September 2021 - 3rd September 2021 - Overall UP move Based onthe tale you provided 4th September 2021 - 6th September 2021 -No el ton, Troe, The number inthe table suggest tha. Tih September 202 Sth September 2021 - ith September 2021-No clear direction nis! 42th September 2021 - {3th Septembei 2021 -Abit DOWN. Correct ‘4th September 2021 -A bit UP. Correct, 15th September 2021 - 17h September 2021 -No clear direction Confusion A bit incorrect 4801 Soptomber 2021 20th Sopiombo: 2021 -Abit DOWN. Corract, 21th Septomber 2021 22th September 2021 -No alear direction Correct °) 23th September 2021 - 2th September 2021 -Amove UP. Correct 25tn September 2021 -27th Soptomber 2021 -AbR UP. Correct 28th September 2021 - 30th September 2021 -No clear rection Incorrect ‘Alltho best, Retk Total observations: 12; Correct: 10; Wrong: 2; Success: 83% View SBC Strengths Master table prepared for the six major currencies for Sept.2021 Astrological strenaths of various World Currencies during Auaust 2021 * Index of points for my presentation in AVG Conference-2021 . lk in Vari fi in astrology Currency pair - GBP/AUD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 Notebook: Courses Classes Workshops Conferences 10/11/2021 19:41 Updated: 19/01/2022 19:49 Shyam S Kansal Astro Conference AVG-2021 / Arsha Jyotish, Introductory Online meet to explain Currency pair - GBP/AUD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 ACTUAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE GBP/AUD PAIR DURING Sept. 2021: _ Feedback by a Currency Trader from Europe: My one month's Forex predictions (for the month of September 2021) were minutely observed for every move of the concerned currency in the real world, on day-by-day basis, by a seasoned European forex trader, Mr. Rafik Ennaoui, for six currency pairs, in which usually trades. He painstakingly noted down his observations for the whole month and thereafter sent them to me through six separate emails. His one such mail, concerning his observations regarding the currency pair being discussed here, is shown below: ™M Gmail GEFIAUD ‘afikennsoula ‘afk £00200 a 0u> 17 October 202% at 20:28 To: “kaneal shyaam@ malcom” Hey ‘his isthe 4th Analysis.) 4s! September 2021 - 3rd September 2021 - Move DOWN! Corset) 4) Seplermber 2021 - 7th Septerbst 202% - No clear dligetion Correct th Soptombsr 2021 - 4th Soptombor 2021 - Move UP. Comoct ‘bth September 2021 - 16th September 2021 - Move UP. Correct ‘ith September 2021 - 20th September 202% - Move UP. Correct, 2ith September 2021 - More UP Incorrect 22th September 2021 - 27th September 2021 - No clear direction, Incorrect. 2&th Saptembor 202% - 36th Saptambor 2021 - Move DOWN! Corrct Allthe bast Rafik Ennaoui Total observations: 8; Correct: 6; Wrong: 2; Success: 75% View SBC Strengths Master table prepared for the six major currencies for Sept.2021 : Astrological strenaths of various World Currencies during August 2021 * Index of points for my presentation in AVG Conference-2021 * Examples of SBC in Various Aspects of life, Muhurta, Mundane matters and Financial astrology Currency pair - USD/CAD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 Notebook: Courses Classes Workshops Conferences 10/11/2021 19:41 Updated: 19/01/2022 19:50 Shyam S Kansal Astro Conference AVG-2021 / Arsha Jyotish, Introductory Online meet to explain Currency pair - USD/CAD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 ACTUAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE USD/CAD PAIR DURING Sept. 2021: Feedback by a Currency Trader from Europe: My one month's Forex predictions (for the month of September 2021) were minutely observed for every move of the concerned currency in the real world, on day-by-day basis, by a seasoned European forex trader, Mr. Rafik Ennaoui, for six currency pairs, in which usually trades. He painstakingly noted down his observations for the whole month and thereafter sent them to me through six separate emails. His one such mail, concerning his observations regarding the currency pair being discussed here, is shown below: Mi Gmail usp/cAD fofkenns0 eu 7 Octobor 202 2151 “To. “kansalshyaamd@grall com’ Her, {st September 2021 -2nd September 2021 -A bk move UP. Corect 31d Soptember 2021 - Move DOWN. Corract. ‘th September 2021 - 6th September 2021 No clear direction, Comect ‘Tih September 2021 - 8th September 2021 - Mave UPI Correct, ‘th September 2021 10th September 2021 - Move DOWN Incarract ‘ith Ssptomber 2021 - 4th Soptsmbor 2021 - No clear direction Comoct. 15th Seplember 2021 -Mave DOWN. Correct 16th September 2021 - Mave UP. Correct {7m September 2021 - 19th September 2021 - Move UP. Incorrect 23d Saptombor 2021 - Move DOWN. Incottact 2a Seplember 2021 -Mave UP. Correct. 25th September 2021 -27th September 2021 - Move DOWN. Corect 28th September 2021 - 25th September 2021 - Move UP. Conect 300i Saplomber 2021 - Move DOWN. Cortoct Ane bet otk Ennaoul Total observations: 14; Correct: 11; Wrong: 3; Success: 79% View SBC Strengths Master table prepared for the six major currencies for Sept.2021 : rological strenaths of various Work ies durin 2021 * , re * Examples of SBC in Various Aspects of life, Muhurta, Mundane matters and Financial astrology. Currency pair - EUR/AUD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 Notebook: Courses Classes Workshops Conferences 10/11/2021 19:40, Updated: 19/01/2022 19:50 Shyam S Kansal Astro Conference AVG-2021 / Arsha Jyotish, Introductory Online meet to explain Currency pair - EUR/AUD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 ACTUAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE EUR/AUD PAIR DURING Sept. 2021: Feedback by a Currency Trader from Europe: My one month's Forex predictions (for the month of September 2021) were minutely observed for every move of the concerned currency in the real world, on day-by-day basis, by a seasoned European forex trader, Mr. Rafik Ennaoui, for six currency pairs, in which usually trades. He painstakingly noted down his observations for the whole month and thereafter sent them to me through six separate emails. His one such mail, concerning his observations regarding the currency pair being discussed here, is shown below: ™M Gmail EUR/AUD 17 October 2001 21-20, Sth September 2021 ‘th September 2021 - Mave DOWN. 10th September 2021 - Move UP. Correct. ‘hth September 2021 - lth Sepiember 2021 No eleardivection. Cone 15th Soptomber 2024 17th 21th Soptombsr 2021 25th 26th Soptombsr 2024 30th ‘Allthebost, Rall Eroaou Total observations: 9; Correct: 7; Wrong: 2; Success: 78% View SBC Strengths Master table prepared for the six major currencies for Sept.2021 : Astrological strenaths of various World Currencies during August 2021 * Index of points for my presentation in AVG Conference-2021 * lk in Varion of I in astrology Currency pair - GBP/CAD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 Notebook: Courses Classes Workshops Conferences 20/11/2021 19:39, Updated: 19/01/2022 19:51 Shyam S Kansal Astro Conference AVG-2021 / Arsha Jyotish, Introductory Online meet to explain Currency pair - GBP/CAD: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 20 ACTUAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE GBP/CAD PAIR DURING Sept. 2021: Feedback by a Currency Trader from Europe: My one month's Forex predictions (for the month of September 2021) were minutely observed for every move of the concerned currency in the real world, on day-by-day basis, by a seasoned European forex trader, Mr. Rafik Ennaoui, for six currency pairs, in which usually trades. He painstakingly noted down his observations for the whole month and thereafter sent them to me through six separate emails. His one such mail, concerning his observations regarding the currency pair being discussed here, is shown below: M Gmail GBPICAD ‘ath eonaoui@ mamma corsc am > 3 October 2004 a 0817 1a vanel shyeom@gnalonlanse shyssmeigval com> Hey, ‘eis {st September 2121 - th September 2121 No dkecion. Sideways. Pedi ‘Th Septemoes 202) ph apramber 2001 ARUP Pode Stn September 2024 0b Septomoor 2021 UP Prades ‘ty Sepembes 2024 “tat September 2121 Sideways 13h Septmbe 221-17 September 222! DOWN {oth Seplanbar 207-13 Sepembe 2021 -A move UP Cl ig on. Proce 20m Seplanber 2021 30M Septembe! 202 “Hoye moveDOWN Amos 80 pola Presse! Nowords Ate best oryau, esi Total observations: 7; Correct: 7; Wrong: 0; Success: 100% View SBC Strengths Master table prepared for the six major currencies for Sept.2021 : * Index of points for my presentation in AVG Conference-2021 * Examples of SBC in Various Aspects of life, Muhurta, Mundane matters and Financial astrology Currency pair - CAD/JPY: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 Notebook: Courses Classes Workshops Conferences 10/11/2021 19:38 Updated: 19/01/2022 19:51 Shyam S Kansal Astro Conference AVG-2021 / Arsha Jyotish, Introductory Online meet to explain Currency pair - CAD/JPY: Performance of SBC based forecasts in September 2021 ACTUAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE CAD/JPY PAIR DURING Sept. 2021: ot Feedback by a Currency Trader from Europe: My one month's Forex predictions (for the month of September 2021) were minutely observed for every move of the concerned currency in the real world, on day-by-day basis, by a seasoned European forex trader, Mr. Rafik Ennaoui, for six currency pairs, in which usually trades. He painstakingly noted down his observations for the whole month and thereafter sent them to me through six separate emails. His one such mail, concerning his observations regarding the currency pair being discussed here, is shown below: Mi Gmail CADNPY ‘atk oonicommmmnasn th roma 12 Onaber 2021 0200 o'"anaeohyaem@areear sansa sbyastene ca Hy. ‘esd on September 221 tl ths is he tel eu: {st Septanbe 2021 - 2nd September 2021 A small move DOWN. As prod {ha Sepember 2021 “th September 2021 “Amal move UP AS pedctce {ih Septet 2121 “ath Soptemb 2021 Hors mal micas) Sh September 212) -1trSepiomer 2021 Amevs DOWN. Ao as predce "iy Sepome 2021 "1h Septombe’ 2021 Abt DOWN. Prete 18h Seplamber 2021 17h Septembet 2021 - UP Pedtad {itn Septrbe: 2021-20 September 2021 Ag move DOWN Pradced Zand Sepamoer 2021 25h Septem 2021 - Hogs mare UP AS preted by YOU! } 320 points. 25h Sopomber 2021 30th September 2121 ABE DOWN. As proded AMAZING ent enough toa. This vary vary rect Attn bat for you tt Total observations: 9; Correct : 8; Wrong: 1; Success: 89% View SBC Strengths Master table prepared for the six major currencies for Sept.2021 : logical of vari rit * Index of points for my presentation in AVG Conference-2021 * Examples of SBC in Various Aspects of life, Muhurta, Mundane matters and Financial astrology

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