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Name: Score:

Subject/Subject code: NSTP1

Time and Date Submitted:


1. How does the Bill of Rights help the Filipino citizens? Give at least 3 instances
illustrating it.
- It benefits us Filipinos and gives us assurances of civil liberties and rights including
freedom of the press, speech, and religion. In order to ensure that people in the
Philippines can live in peace and dignity, free from abuse by any people or
institutions, including the state, the Philippine Constitution upholds the country's
bill of rights. Without the Bill of Rights, there would be no individualism, no
freedom from dictatorship, and no justice in the Philippines. 
- Overall, our bill of rights gives us comfort in knowing that this law would support
the protection of our civil, political, and socioeconomic rights as Filipinos.

2. As a student and citizen of the Philippines, how can you show your respect to the
Philippine flag?
- I must respect the Philippine flag as a student by singing the national anthem, stand
at attention in front of the flag, and give a salute by crossing my right hands over my
left chest.

3. How do you put Filipino values (maka-Diyos, maka-Tao, maka-Kalikasan, maka-Bansa)

into practice?
- Because of our Filipino beliefs, we are known for having such amiable personalities
and a friendly demeanor. We will continue practicing and living up to these
principles (maka-Diyos, maka-Tao, maka-Kalikasan, maka-Bansa) so that we may
respect others and treat all people with care, not just our fellow Filipinos. While
appreciating what we have, try to better yourself rather than relying solely on
others. Finally, consider life to be important because your legacy, whatever it may
be, is what you leave behind after you pass from this world.

4. Do you think that volunteerism helps elicit good citizenship? Why?

- Yes, because their personal encounters with social issues give them the self-
assurance and resources to do more, volunteers turn into involved citizens. Such
results offer enormous potential for making a significant change; thus it is crucial to
determine how to best utilize this resource. Active citizenship entails volunteering,
but not all volunteering involves citizenship. There is always a negative aspect to
anything. Although rewarding, it requires time commitment, emotional connection,
and there are many ways things can go wrong even when they are done well.


In a bond paper (any size), draw an image (may directly show the message or abstract) and
write a slogan that represents good citizenship. After that, explain your drawing in not
more than 5 sentences.


The message behind my abstract is a Filipino honoring our nation since that is how I define
good citizenship. I also placed an abstract behind the Filipino to represent our country's
flag, which carries the principles we should uphold in order to be good citizens.

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