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Presentasi (v sing, keppler’s 3rd law + newtons gravitational law):

a) jupiter mass
b) Saturn mass
c) Uranus mass
d) Neptune (Allven, Kenny, Owain):
Gravitational law
g = 11.15 m/s^2
r = 24.622 km = 24622m
G constant = 6.67 * 10^-11
g = G * m1/r^2
m = r^2 * g / G
m = 11.15((24622)^2)/ 6.67 * 10^-11
= 1.06342454915 * 10^20 Kg

keppler’s law

Planet Semi-major axis Orbital period (s) Mass (kg)

Naiad 48 224 +0.2944 * 24 * 60 * 1.03 * 10^26
Thalassa 50 074 +0.3115 * 24 * 60 * 1.03 * 10^26
Despina 52 526 +0.3346 * 24 * 60 * 1.03 * 10^26
Galatea 61 953 + 0.4287 * 24 * 60 * 1.03 * 10^26
Larissa 73 548 +0.5555 * 24 * 60 * 1.02 * 10^26
Hippocamp 105 283 +0.9500 * 24 * 60 * 1.03 * 10^26
Proteus 117 646 +1.1223 * 24 * 60 * 1.02 * 10^26
Neptune 1.02 * 10^26
Average =

1. Uniform motion:
V = S/t
2. Uniform accelerated motion (S = H | a = -g):
 S = (u + v) t / 2
 S = ut + ½ * a * t^2
 V = u + a*t
 V = u^2 + 2 * a * s

Chapter 17: Circular Motion:

1. S (arc) / radius = teta

teta = 2 pi rad = 360 degree
pi rad = 180 degree
2. S = r -> teta = 1 rad
3. Radian to degree: * 180/pi
degree to radian: * pi/180
4. Angular displacement: Teta final - tetal initial
5. Angular speed / w lengkung (omega) (rad / s): delta teta / delta t
omega = 2 pie / T
T = 2 pi / omega
6. Linear speed
(V) = omega * Radius
V = S (distance) /t
V = akar(gravity * r)

7. Centripetal acceleration (Ac)

Ac = V^2 / radius
Ac = r * omega^2
Centripetal (Fc) = m * Ac
Fc = m * v^2 / r
Fc (diatas) = Tension + Weight
Fc (dibwh) = Tension - Weight
Fc = T * sin teta
Fc = Fg (gravity)
Fc = Fe (electron static)
8. Acceleration:
delta V / delta t
9. Newton 2nd law of motion:
F = m *a
10. Sigma / total Fx = M * ac
Lx = m * v^2/ r
L sinteta = m * v^2 / r
Sin teta = m * v^2 / r * L
11. Sigma Fy = 0
Ly = Weight = 0
L costeta = mg
cos teta = m * g/L
12. Tan teta = V^2 / r *


1. Gravitational force
F -proportional(symbol) = G * (m1*m2)/r^2
r = separation distance
G = constant
m = mass
2. Gravitational field (g) (m/s^2) (N/kg)
= G constant (6.67 * 10^-11)* m1/r^2
= gravitational force / mass
3. Gravitational potential energy (GPE) = m * g *h
= - G * (m1*m2)/r  G * M test / r
Negative sign means that energy is needed to escape from the gravitational earth.
4. Gravitational potential
gravitational potential = -G * m / r
5. Orbital speed
V = sqrt (G*M/r)
m = mass of primary
6. Orbital period
T^2 = (4pi^2 / G * M1) * r^3
S = circle circumference (2 * pi * r)
7. Keppler law
M = (4 pir^2 / G ) * r^3/T^2
8. Geostationary Orbit
T^2 = (4pi^2 / G M) r^3
r = 3sqrt{ (GM/4pir^2) * T^2}



1. T = t/n
F = n/t
2. Pendulum
consist of a mass and massless string

PART 3 energy of SHM

1. Definition of SHM:
any motion where
= a proportional to X (displacement) but a direction is opposite to X
= a direction is opposite to X
a is proportional to -X
= a = -omega^2 * X
Omega = angular frequency

2. Displacement
X = A * sin (omega(t) + Teta0)
3. Elastic potential energy
Ep max = ½ k A2
- Kinetic energy
Ek max = ½ k A2
- Total energy
TE = ½ k A2

PE min = 0
KE min = 0

4. Restoring force
A force that always directing to the equilibrium.

5. Frequency
f = 1/2pi * akar(

f = omega / 2pi

6. Velocity
= omega * A * cos (omega (t) + teta0)
Maximum = cos = 1
Minimum = cos = 0

7. Acceleration
= - omega^2 * A * sin(omega(t) + Teta0)
A = - (max)
a = 0 (min)
A = + (max

= (- k/m) * x

= - k/m * X
8. Period
T = 2pi * akar(m/k)
T= 2pi / omega

9. Practice no 1
m = 0.1 kg, k = 10N/m, A = 0.02 m
a. akar(10/0.1) = 10 rad/s
b. f = 10/2pi = 5/pi Hz
c. T = pi/5 H
d. t = 10 s
f = n/t  n = f*t  t = 50/pi (10) =p 50/pi cycles = 16 cycles
e. T depends only on mass and spring constant


1. Spring system (F = - kx)

T = 2pie * sqrt(m/k)
F = 1/2pi * sqrt(k/m)

Omega = sqrt(k/m)
= omega = akar(k/m) (spring-mass system)

V = Omega * sqrt (A^2 – X^2)

2. Pendulum (F = -W sinteta)
Omega = sqrt (g / string length)
T = 2pi * sqrt (string length / g)
F = 1/(2pi) * sqrt (g / string length)

3. Restoring force (always opposite with its acceleration) : Wx

- W sinteta = m x a
- (m x g) sin teta = m x a
a = -g x sinteta
a = (-g/string length) * X (displacement)
a = - k/m * x

4. Damped oscillation  Amplitude is decreasing, total energy is not conserved, period is

decreasing, frequency is increasing.
5. Heavy damping  critically damped (lbh cpt ke 0), over damped
6. Forced oscillation
Spring only  natural frequency (restoring force) and period
vibrator has its own frequency (external force)
if, (Frequency external force / vibrator= frequency natural)  there will be resonance
force = external force + restoring force

Practice PPT no 2

a. Omega = sqrt (g / length)

m = 50 g
length = 36 cm = 0.36 m
omega = sqrt (9.8 / 0.36)
omega = 5.22 rad/s

b. F = omega / 2 pi
F = 5.22 / 2(3.14)
F = 0.83 Hz

c. T = 1/f
T = 1/0.83 = 1.21 s

d. N = 10 cycles
t = ….?
T = t/n
t = 1.21 * (10) = 12.1 s

e. T only depends on length of spring and gravitation acceleration.

Answer: no change, T = 1.21 s

2 pi∗
g√ √

T1 L1 l1
2 pi∗

T2 3
√ 9
 =
1.21 6
T2 1
 =
1.21 3
 T 2= ∗1.21=0.605 s
Practice ppt no 3
m = 100 g

Length = 25 cm = 0.25 m

t = 20s, n = 20 cycles

a. T = t/n = 20/20 = 1s
b. T = 2pi * sqrt (length / gravitation acceleration)
1 = 2pi * sqrt (0.25 / g)
12 = 4pi2 * 0.25 / g
g = 4pi2 * 0.25
g = pi2
g = 9.87 m/s2

Thermal Physics
1. W (electrical energy) = Power * time
2. Power = Q / t
Power = V * I
3. Q = mc * delta t
Q = efficiency * W (electrical energy)
C = joule/kg degree Celcius
4. Q = m * L (energy for change of state of fusion)
L = joule/kg
5. Latent heat
 of fusion  melting and freezing
 of vaporization  boiling and condensing
6. radiation
 emissivity
- depends on the material
- depends on color of material
- black easier to radiate and easier to absorb the energy
- white/silver is more difficult to reduce and more difficult to absorb the energy
Ke + Pe inside system  internal energy (U1)
 Semua energy yang ada di dalam system = internal energy
U2 =100 + Q (heat) + Work
U2 -U1 = Q + Work
delta U = Q + work
9. Delta U = +-Q +- W
 Q+
When the system receiving heat
When the system lose heat

 W+
When the system receiving work
When the system itself doing work
10. Electrical energy
11. Q1 = Q2
M * C * (T1 – T2) = M * C * (T2 – T1)
Yang gede didepan
12. .

Effect: amplitude is maximum

0 Kelvin  absolute 0

No2 .

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