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1. Purpose of the Experiment

To find the relation between load’s weight and spring extension

2. Basic Theory
Hooke’s law is a principle of physics that states the force needed to extent or compress a
spring by some distance is proportional to that distance. It can be expressed as F = -kx,
where F is the force applied to the spring. X is the displacement of the spring, with a
negative value demonstrating that the displacement of the spring once it is stretched, and
k is the spring constant and details just how stiff it is.

3. Procedure
1. open the website
2. Click “Lab”
3. set the spring constant and the mass that you want
4. measure the initial length
5.add the mass into the spring
6. measure the final length
7. change the mass again, then add the mass into the spring
8. repeat it until you have 8 data

4. Data
Length extension of a spring for every load
Spring constant scale = 3
Initial Length of spring = 48 cm
No. Load mass / g Final length of the spring / cm
1 50 58
2 60 60
3 70 62
4 80 64
5 90 66
6 100 68
7 110 70
8 120 72

5. Data Processing and Analysis

Load’s weight data
Convert mass’s unit to kg and calculate the load’s weight.
(Use g = 9.8 m/s2)
No. Load mass/ kg Load’s Weight / N
1 0.05 0.49
2 0.06 0.588
3 0.07 0.686
4 0.08 0.784
5 0.09 0.882
6 0.1 0.98
7 0.11 1.078
8 0.12 1.176

Spring extension data

Calculate the spring’s extension for each load by subtracting final length with initial
No. Initial Final Length Length
Length / cm Length / Extension / cm Extension / m
1 48 58 10 0.1
2 48 60 12 0.12
3 48 62 14 0.14
4 48 64 16 0.16
5 48 66 18 0.18
6 48 68 20 0.2
7 48 70 22 0.22
8 48 72 24 0.24

Load’s Weight and Spring Extension Data

No. Load’s Weight / N Length Extension / m
1 0.49 0.1
2 0.588 0.12
3 0.686 0.14
4 0.784 0.16
5 0.882 0.18
6 0.98 0.2
7 1.078 0.22
8 1.176 0.24

Relation between load’s weight and spring extension.

The more the weight …increases…., the ………longer…………….. the length extension.
It means that load’s weight ………is directly proportional………………… to spring
Is the proportionality linear? (Prove by make a load-extension graph)
Load-Extension graph
Is the proportionality linear?
If they are linear, then find the gradient of the graph.
M = delta y/ delta x
M = 1.176-0.49/0.24-0.1
M = 0.686/0.14
M = 4.9

Compare to equation of straight line in mathematics y = mx+c, state the expression of

your equation for your graph.
Y = mx + c
1.176 = 4.9(0.24) + c
1.176 = 1.176 + c
Y = 4.9x
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, the load’s weight and the length extension is directly proportional. As the
load’s weight increase, the length extension also increases.

7. Reference

8. Group: Keisha, Edbert, Kenny, Owain

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